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AlloyMVC Framework for Titanium mobile

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About Me

• Karthi Ponnusamy

• Mobile Developer @anubavam

• Titanium Certified Mobile Developer(TCMD)

• Twitter @karthi_nkl

• Blog

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Appcelerator Titanium Mobile - Intro

CodeStrong 2012


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Appcelerator Titanium Mobile

Framework for build native mobile, desktop and web apps

Support multiple platform in single code base

Develop native mobile apps using your web skills

Open source

Extend Titanium

Tons of Features

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Mobile developer conference

Meet other mobile developers and companies

Meet Appcelerator executives and engineers

Boot camp for mobile developers

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Moments of CodeStrong 2012

Windows 8 Platform support

Appc Partnership with DENSO Corporation and AT&T

One-year anniversary of Open Marketplace

Titanium SDK 3.0

Alloy MVC framework

Lanica Platino - Game engine for Titanium

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What is Alloy?

Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern Model - Database interface View - User interface - Presentation Layer Controller - Interacts with data and updates the view

- Respond to user interaction

Component-oriented application framework Create reusable components Open source

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Why Alloy?

Structure your Titanium applications

Separates presentation layer

Speed up development

Code organization - Easy to maintain

Code re-use

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Requirements & Supported Platform

Titanium SDK 2.1 or greater Node.js 0.6.3 or greater

Development support - OSX and Windows (Linux support in progress)

Android - 2.2 (API8) or greater iPad - 4.2 or greater iPhone - 4.2 or greater

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Getting Start

Alloy Quick start Guide -

Alloy Google Group -

Alloy on Github -

Wiki Docs -

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Install Alloy

Download or update Titanium Studio to V3.0

Install from terminal$sudo npm install alloy -g

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New Alloy Project

In Ti Studio File > New > Titanium Project > Alloy

In TerminalCreate new Titanium Project > open the project in Terminal

$alloy new

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Directory Structure


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Output Screen

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Create Controller

In Ti Studio(Right-click on a your project > New > Alloy Controller )

In Terminal$alloy generate controller [controller name]

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Create Model

In Ti Studio(Right-click on a your project > New > Alloy Model)

In Terminal$alloy generate model todo name:string active:boolean

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Platform Specific UI

Use platform property , which can be ios, android, or mobileweb

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require components

Break up your application into smaller components

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Shared TSS and Global function

Declare your styles at [project root]/app/styles/app.tss

Declare your global functions/variables at[project root]/app/alloy.js

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