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Tips on How to Stop Period Cramps

It is natural for women having a monthly menstrual cycle to experience period cramps. Period

cramps or also known as menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea are oftentimes irritating and

burdensome in women’s activities whenever they have a monthly period. A woman can detect

that she’s experiencing severe menstrual cramps during her period if she’s experiencing dull

and throbbing pain in her abdominal area. This could happen during or even before her menstrual

cycle begins.

Know the causes of your pain to learn how to stop period cramps

Period cramps may vary according to the severity of pain, which may be the reason for the

disruption of a woman’s regular activities such as school work, participation in sports, exercising

and so on. Factors that may increase the chance of having menstrual cramps among ladies may

include irregular menstrual bleeding also called as Metrorrhagia, family history of

dysmenorrheal and unhealthy habit like often drinking of alcohol, smoking and taking illegal

drugs. Sedentary lifestyle could also contribute to the factors of having menstrual cramps.

Since menstrual cramps cannot likely be avoided every time you have a menstrual period,

here are some tips on how to stop period cramps:

Use of pill. Pill could end the misery of your period pains. Dysmenorrhea could be a leading

reason why most women in their teens and 20s skip their schools and work. It doesn’t only

diminish the quality time women spend for their regular activities, but also brings society-wide

economic cost through enormous days lost from work and school. Aside from abdominal pain,

dysmenorrhea can also be associated to nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sweating. Pills

administered by doctors could be of help in stopping period cramps. There are available over-

the-counter pills in the market, but it is more advisable to seek the advices of doctors before

taking pills to avoid health complications.

Natural remedies. Menstrual cramps can also be cured by several natural remedies available in

your home. Here are some remedies you can prepare to alleviate your period cramps.

1. Hot compress. Hot compress applied on the stomach or on your back will help in thinning the

blood and relaxing your abdominal muscles. The effect of hot compress could also soothe

your nerve. Having a warm bath could also relax your nerves, eventually reducing your

menstrual cramps.

2. Chamomile honey tea. Chamomile and honey offer a natural soothing effect that calms your

nerve. It doesn’t just help ease your period cramps, but also help treat other health problems.

3. Consume foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids and/or Magnesium. Salmon fish could be the

source of omega 3 fatty acids. Foods rich in magnesium help relax your nerves as well as help

you sleep and improve your digestion.

4. Get a massage. Massage could help improve your body’s water retention and relaxes your

muscles from tension brought by the pain.

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5. Consume foods rich in Vitamins and Calcium. There are foods and drinks that are rich in

vitamins and Calcium. Take some of it. Calcium tends to help reduce your mood swings and

eases cramping while Vitamins help regulate your blood.

6. Drink wine. Alcohol tends to thin blood. 2 glasses of wine would be suitable in helping your

blood circulate.

7. Exercise. Having daily exercise is believed to have positive effects in the body. Activities such

as yoga and meditation are stress reduction activities that would help ease your menstrual


You want to know how to stop your period cramps forever?

In that case we recommend you Menstrual Cramps Cure

There are a lot of ways on how to stop period cramps. Women

suffering from this frustrating feeling could seek various ways

of dealing with the pain. Pills, natural remedies, doctor advices

and home medicine can help you deal with the tormenting

feeling of having period cramps. You just have to pick what is

best for you and suffer no more!

Learn more on how to stop period

cramps in our other articles “How to Stop

Your Period” and “The Best Ways to Shorten

Your Menstrual Periods“

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