

Graduating Residents

Larry Pellegrini

I'mVice President &

atSearch Consultant

Larry Pellegrini

I have over

18 yearsof experience working

with physicians, helping them find the right

opportunity to help others

Many of you will probably be entering the

workforce with student loan


These financial burdens can sometimes cloud your judgment, making it difficult to decide where to start off your career

Keep in mind that mentors aren’t as readily available once

you leave academia

We recommend partnering early on with a

career counselor to guide you through the

various stages in your

professional development

This is a key concept when it comes to your success

is vital

and often neglected by

new physicians

is vital**

My approach when first

connecting with residents is to help

them develop a !!!

based on their priorities and

work with various clients on their


career road map

Align yourself with professionals who understand the changing

landscape of healthcare

Be Proactive

Be Proactive

Folks who can advise and guide you, as well as establish long-standing


Don’t wait until after your


It’s never too early to start your

Game Plan

Every journey begins with the

First Stepso I encourage you to contact

me and see how I can help you help others

Credits Presentation Designed

by Hillary Lavin

Images used with permission, according to the following Creative Commons licenses: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 & Attribution 2.0 !!!!!

Teddy Bear Hospital by Cristiaan Triebert via Flickr Hello Sticker by Haeck Design Doctors Fees by 401(K) 2012 via Flickr Money by Tax via Flickr Graduation by Shilad Sen via Flickr The Deanna Troi Is In by JD Hancock via Flickr The World by Shelby H via Flickr Lower Manhattan by Eric Mueller via Flickr The Physician by Adrian Clark via Flickr Footprints in the Sand by Jiaren Lau via Flickr !Fonts: Social Icons - Pro Set by Phelan Riessen J.D. Handcrafted by Emerald City Fontwerks Tondu by The Northern Block via Font Spring !!!!
