
TIMSS Assessment

2015Hamoodah Bin Ali

Grade 4

Parent Information Presentation

What does TIMSS stand for?


Trends in


Mathematics and



What is TIMSS?

• The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a series of international assessments of the mathematics and science knowledge of students around the world.

• It is a written exam and is very similar to EMSA. Practising for EMSA will support TIMSS, just as practicing for TIMSS will support EMSA.

• It is aimed at assessing the levels of students of grade 4 and grade 8, in around 50 countries around the world. Two of our grade 4 classes will be chosen at random, so it is important that all classes in grade 4 practice for the assessment.

• The assessment began in 1995 and takes place every 4 years. The last one taking place in 2011.

• Once assessments have been corrected and scored, countries will be ranked and the UAE will find out where the students’ understanding of mathematics and science is, compared to other countries.

• It is very important that we all do our best to ensure that the UAE receives a good ranking to show the world our students’ learning and understanding of mathematics and science in the UAE.

Where did the UAE place in the TIMSS 2011 Assessment?

Mathematics Results• Highest score was 606 –

Singapore (1)

• Lowest score was 248 – Yemen (50)

• TIMSS Centrepoint score - 500

• UAE’s score was – 434 (42)

• 50 countries were assessed.

Science Results• Highest score was 587 – Korea


• Lowest score was 209 – Yemen (50)

• TIMSS Centrepoint score - 500

• UAE’s score was – 428 (43)

• 50 countries were assessed.

What are the question formats?


• Multiple choice questions

• Open ended questions

• Closed ended questions.


• Multiple choice questions

• Open ended questions

• Closed ended questions.

What does the test look like?

Well let’s give it a try!

Get Ready

• You will now be given a sample assessment sheet.

• At your tables I want you to work individually to answer all the questions provided to you.

• I will set a timer for 5minutes. You must get all the answers right.

• This is very serious and we expect you to take it seriously.

• Do not talk to anyone. No laughing or joking is allowed.

• Do not look at anyone else’s answers.

• Your time starts now.


• How did you feel when doing this task?

• Did you enjoy doing the task?

• Do you think you would have done better if we did it a different way?

• What could we have done differently to help you do better in the assessment?

• Remember how you felt today when working and supporting your son at home.

• Too much pressure and expectation can have a negative impact. Be supportive, make it fun and enjoy the process.

Let’s try a different Way

• Ok, I want you to sit in groups of 4 or 5

• I want you to look at the assessment questions and I want you talk with your groups and share your thoughts and ideas

• I’m going to give you 15minutes this time

• It’s ok to make a mistake, but try to learn from that mistake

• Try your best, start now.

How did it feel this time?

• How did you feel when doing the task this time?

• Was it more enjoyable? Why?

• Did you learn more in your group?

• Remember this when working on ANY task with your son. They often need our support. They need to be reminded that it’s ok to make mistakes.

• Albert Einstein: Most of us know him as a genius, but he didn't always do well in school. Einstein did not speak until he was four and did not read until he was seven. His teachers and parents thought he was mentally handicapped, slow and anti-social. Eventually, he was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. We all know what happened after that?

• Too much pressure and expectation can have a negative impact. Be supportive, make it fun and enjoy the process.

How can you help?

• Don’t pressure your son

• Support your son’s learning

• Make practicing the assessment fun. Be creative.

• Don’t make it a boring task that ‘must’ be done.

• Make it a game between you, your son and your family.

Where can you get information?

• Hamoodah Bin Ali is here to support you and your son

• You can find all the necessary information on our school website –

• Your teacher will email you the same material (if you have updated your email or you haven’t given it to your son’s teacher, please do so today.)

• The administration will do their best to answer any of your questions.

Contact Information:

Grade 4 A & B Teacher – [email protected] 4 C & D Teacher – [email protected] 4 E & F Teacher – [email protected] Vice Principal – [email protected] of Faculty (English) – [email protected]

Useful links

Have You Any Questions?
