
Timeline of Scythian kurgans in Asia and Europe

Timeline of Scythian kurgans in Asia and Europe

(Per Fig.6 of Alekseev, A. Yu. et al., "Chronology of Eurasian Scythian Antiquities"


ScythianC14AsiaEuropeFig6SketchEn.gif (18KB, MIME type: image/gif)


Sketch of Fig.6 from Alekseev, A. Yu. et al., "Chronology of Eurasian Scythian Antiquities Born by New Archaeological and 14C Data". Radiocarbon, Vol .43, No 2B, 2001, p 1085-1107. Article is copyrighted, but factual content itself is not subject to copyright. Sketch of Fig.6 presents information, and has separate presentation artwork
