
Time Travelling… Is it possible?

We all loved movies like Groundhog Day, Terminator Series, Back To The Future Series, The Time Machine, Interstellar, The Visitors, etc. and stories by H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. What they all had in common was the one most asked and thought of question about the possibility of Time Travelling. Is it possible to dismantle or rupture the Time to travel to the different time? Is it possible to make a Time-Machine that allows the men to cross the dimensions of time and space? Is it possible to travel to Future or to Past? These questions always fascinate readers like us and open up the doors towards wide imaginations to take place.

Understanding Continuity:

Thinking about the time and space as the function of our daily life, we come across endless entities of different time of different events. These events are cause and/or effect due to the events happened in the previous time. These events are termed as 'Moments'. And all the moments happening right next to each other are in 'Continuity'. In simple terms, if I happen to make a sandwich, my first step will be grilling the bread and the next step will be putting gravy in between two bread, the next step will be eating it. These three steps are in continuity to each other, unless ruptured by a different activity in between.

This continuity is the most crucial factor for the time and space. Due to this continuity, we happen to have every moment happening around us. So, logically, without this continuity the mere possibility of our existence is... well, DOOMED. The survival of humans is possible due to this continuity. It is also termed as 'Space and Time Continuum'. This space and time continuum affects our daily life, because every moment depends upon the previous one. We rely on these moments for our survival, because this moment are linked to each other and happens in perfect synchronization. This sync is necessary to determine our next course of action.

Let's think of an example, I happen to watch a movie at home in my shorts at 12 December 2016 in America, Arkansas in the city Little Rock

at 12 midnight, And after three days as in 15 December 2016, I am in Canada, Nova Scotia, in the city Halifax, at 2 pm afternoon attending a tour to promote my new book. Between these two events there are many events in continuity, just like me waking up, booking tickets, having a talk with my manager, having to dance at the weird scream of Hadubabaloonga people. These all moments are in link, happening perfectly right next to each other being 100% efficiently put together. If the continuity didn't exist, at a moment I'd be watching a movie; at another, promoting my book.

Thus, putting my mind in confusion, and in urgent need of wearing pants! Here the 12 midnight and 2 pm are time factors, and Halifax and Little Rock are factors of space. Thus, we depend upon continuity, and this continuity depends upon the chain of events. These chains of events are again factor of Time and Space, and again the time and space are factors of our actions and continuity. Thus, the survival of ourselves depends upon every fabric of space and time and hence we can conclude that all these entities are in loop, depending upon each of them making us conclude further that in absence of one, our existence wouldn't be possible. Thus, including us, the whole universe is relative to the Space and Time, which is our Theory of Relativity'.

Time Travel through wormhole:Now, understanding the necessity of the factors mentioned above, another question arises, which is; can we possibly travel to the different time and space? Many physicists in the world and many philosophers (meta-physicists) have been making a remark about the wormhole, their views on wormhole being the gateway to travel to the different space and time. Famous physicist like Stephen Hawking has also given their theory on wormhole being the gateway which connects the different space and different time together. There are many mysteries about the wormhole, and many stories developed through years about a USS Eldridge ending up to Virginia from Pennsylvania.

Theory given by Stephen Hawking tells us that there are infinite wormholes in the entire universe. These however are really very very small that is impossible for human eyes to see. These wormholes can be found everywhere, near or far from us. This exists at a second and vanishes at another. If somehow, we could possibly catch one wormhole contain it and magnify it for us to fit, there seems to be a possibility to travel through time and space. This wormhole is gateway to another exist of another space and time. It can be our universe or other universe upon his thinking. Imagine if we succeed, where would the wormhole lead us to? What if the wormhole's exit ends in outer space? What if it ends in another universe, having 5 or more dimensions? And what could bring us back. Hope a shoe doesn’t fall on my head if I create one.

By Time Machine:

The very famous movie in which the protagonist's efforts to save his love life makes him create time machine, bestow us in awe, which is called 'The Time Machine'. On travelling to an end he comes across the time where survivals of human existence have started to end. What if we found a mechanical and mathematical calculation of 100% proximity to create a 'Time Machine'? Suppose we did. We traveled through past. And we ended up in our own universe where we reach in year 1573 where we landed in a jungle, now upon our exploring the jungle of that year and unknown space of 1573, we accidentally crushed a butterfly, what would that do, eh? The answer is, "A LOT".

Let me help determine why, this butterfly before our disturbance in the past was going to suck pollen out of many flowers, and hence was going to get eaten by a lizard, which would travel after the butterfly in order to catch it by its tongue. This lizard afterwards would be eaten by another animal and that animal would have certain interactions with other animals when it would attempt to eat the lizard. And the life cycle would go on with peace. But when we disturbed the circle of life by killing this butterfly, we actually put different chain of events then that were supposed to be in the future which is our present, from which we come

from. As we killed the butterfly, the pollen remained untouched, the lizard didn't travel to catch it, as it was supposed to and thus it killed many more butterflies and it died by other means, and thus, we created different set of chain of events.

Possibility of Time-Travelling according to my logic:Thus, if we succeed to return back to our own timeline, the things would be completely different. Hence, we can understand that in order for us to successfully time travel, we need to maintain circle of life. As every chain of reaction causes our existence to develop further in many aspects, the change in life circle or our interaction with another living or dead thing, even a simple and smallest germ would create thousands of chain of events assigned to that thing to change, hence setting our own time from which we traveled to the present past where we interact with these things, to another path. Simply, the words, vocabulary or human beings that we know might happen to stop existing.

So, in order for us to successfully time travel we have to never interact with a living or dead thing, which in fact has 0.00000005% possibility to happen in our atmosphere unless we somehow create a bubble type thing around our bodies which keeps us above the ground and puts living or dead thing from interacting with us. That is the theory of relativity. Therefore for successfully manipulating the timeline we have to land in outer space maintaining no interaction with any organic substance under zero gravity, floating. Only, then we may be able to cause successfully travel in time and return back to see none changes made in our own timeline. Thus, the logically determined answer to the question of the possibility of Time Travel is yes. YES, we can Time Travel. Should we? My answer is no, only if we haven't cured the possibility of disturbing the continuity.

-By Dhaval Shukla ®
