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  • 7/28/2019 Time to Clean House


    Time to Clean House

    Scripture Thought for the Week: Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro; he

    bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it.

    Psalm 39:6

    Recently I watched as my Mom and Dads possessions were being dispersed as they began

    moving into a senior facility. All the items they kept for their new home were only a drop

    in the bucket to all that remained. It was truly an all consuming project that needed a

    quick completion so emotions and physical tiredness was put on the back burner. We

    emptied closets, drawers, storage bins, buildings and often came across bits and pieces my

    folks had kept for years. What should be kept? What should be given to family members?

    What should be offered to others outside the family? And those questions continued to

    circle our hearts and minds for days.

    As the final objects were being removed from the last home they will probably ever own,

    we began to sigh with relief. Amid the busyness of this task we were saddened by the

    fact we no longer have a central place known as home. However, we count our blessings

    that Mom and Dad have a beautiful new abode. Their lives have forever taken a new

    course and so much of what they had worked for in the way of material possessions has

    gone in numerous directions.

    I clearly remember the last time I came to the realization that our belongings are just

    stuff. It was as I stood by the casket of my paternal grandma, whom I addressed asTata. Our family lived next door to Tata during my childhood years and she dearly loved

    her family and especially her photo albums. As I gazed into the casket I suddenly

    understood that we came into this world with nothing and we will leave it the same way. All

    the things we feel we need and/or love of a material nature will perish. They will be

    passed to another that probably does not share your particular sentiments or they will be

    taken to the local dump or flea market. In fact, we saw truck loads of objects from Mom

    and Dads house headed to the graveyard collection of unwanted or no longer needed.

    When God does call Mom and Dad to their eternal home, none of what made the trip totheir new earthly dwelling will accompany them. What a lesson to be learned regarding

    material possessions and exactly what is it we need in life? As we returned home I looked

    at my husband and commented, Its time to clean house. There must be countless

    articles within our current home that another person might truly need or enjoy. We, on

    the other hand, have packed away too many things for a day we mightagain need them.

  • 7/28/2019 Time to Clean House


    The day is now and the need is real for others. Let us give out of the abundance of what

    we have been blessed with in this life.

    All that really counts is what we have accomplished for the Master. What have we done to

    share the gospel with the lost? Have we clothed, fed or provided for the homeless, the

    widow, or the orphan? Have we shown Gods love by simply giving of what we have stored

    that probably we have forgotten about? This fact was visually shown to me over the past

    few weeks and I pray that with compassion and the Holy Spirit as my guide, I will put

    actions to this insight. It truly is time to clean house!

    Father, although it was sad to watch so many items my Mom and Dad loved and held

    dear be swept into the bed of a truck headed for a wasteland, it brought home a

    valuable lesson. Those items of importance this side of heaven is our salvation and

    the deeds we do for Jesus Christ. May we be worthy of the calling you have on our

    lives. Please teach us to share what we have with others in need and enable us to

    willingly and with compassion clean our homes and our hearts of anything that

    distracts us from working for the Kingdom of God. In Jesus name, Amen!
