
Time For KidsThe Creation of Israel ( For Kids

by Kids )

Author: Makay Walsh,

Jacob Archer

The creation of Israel was on May,1948.They made Israel for

the Jews. Because in the past, the Jews left Israel

and were scattered around the world. This was called

Diaspora, but there’s also Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust,

Zionism, and it was the United Nations that created

the country of Israel.

The Arabs, who called Israel Palestine, didn’t like the creation of Israel. The Palestinian Arabs fled to close Arab countries and became refugees. Refugees are people who flee to other countries for economical or political reasons.

Bad things happen after the creation of Israel. There have been Wars, acts of Terrorism, and the conflicts still continue.

Israel did gain some land. Israel gained the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights. The Jews have some of Jerusalem back .

Palestinian Arabs and Jews live in the Occupied Territories. Not many people live in Golan Heights because of the many mountains.

Israel’s Government

Israel has an Unitary Government. Their Central Government make all of the decisions. The government controls most functions.

Israel’s Citizen’s Role

Israel is a Parliament Democracy . The people vote for the Knesset. The Knesset is Israel’s Parliament. The members of the Knesset vote for the Prime Minister.

Israel’s Economy

Israel is a mixed market. The people make most economic decisions. On a continuum line, Israel would show on the market side.

Factors that increase the economy of Israel

The big industries of Israel that help the success of the economy include diamond cutting, high-tech equipment, tourism, eggs, and citrus fruit.

Israel’s Human Capital and Capital Investments

Israel invests in Human capital by healthcare and education. Israel makes Capital

Investments by the machines that cut the diamonds and make them money.
