
SSM-Bayi Opens s Newhall Family LegacyCatch a Rising Star s Hands Across Faribault Phelps Infirmary Re-Imagined




June 5-8, 20141934...1939...1944...1949...1954...1959...1964...1969...1974...1979...1984...1989...1994...1999...2004...2009...1934...1939...1944...1949...1954...1959...1964...1969...1974...1979...1984...1989...1994...1999...2004...2009...

June 5-8, 2014

SSMSSMReunion 2014Reunion 2014

Registration Deadline - May 27, 2014Call 1-888-729-4946 or e-mail [email protected]


CONTENTSFeaturesMessage from the President ..........................................2-3SSM-Faribault ..................................................................4-5SSM-Bayi ..........................................................................6-8Beating the Odds ................................................................9Three Lessons ..............................................................12-14Military Service Project ...................................................15Heart Rock Ranch .......................................................16-19Big Brother Backus ......................................................20-21Soccer Begins ...............................................................32-33

Alumni NewsAlumni Holiday Party ................................................22-23 Alumni Gatherings .....................................................26-27In Memoriam ....................................................................46Class Notes ...................................................................46-49Alumni Association .........................................................52

School NewsNew Trustees ...............................................................10-11Catch a Rising Star ......................................................24-25 Hands Across Faribault ..............................................28-29Fall Family Weekend ..................................................30-31Fall Play .............................................................................34Golf News..........................................................................35Hockey News ...............................................................36-37Figure Skating News .......................................................38Soccer News ......................................................................39School News.................................................................40-42Sports Complex Addition ...............................................43What Are They Reading? ................................................44A Shakespearian Tragedy ...............................................45 Phelps Infirmary ..........................................................50-51

Editor: Amy Wolf • [email protected] • 507.333.1585Design: Kari TobinContributing Writers: Amy Wolf, Kathy Layendecker, Nick Stoneman, Roy Bergeson, Clay Paciorek, Jan Gould Martin ’75, Walter Hinchman, Michelle Kim '16Photography: Johnnie Walker, Amy Wolf, Steve Jones '73, Kari Tobin, Paul Swenson Photography, Clay PaciorekClass Notes: Kim Bakken, Fr. Henry Doyle

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School community, with its strong commitment to protecting human rights and dignity, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin in its admissions and scholarship programs, the administration of its educational, athletic, or other school programs, or its employment practices.

Shattuck-St. Mary’s SchoolP.O. Box 218 • 1000 Shumway AvenueFaribault, MN 55021 •

About the cover...The magical first snow of the season was captured by SSM Communications Specialist Clay Paciorek who likened the experience to “being in the middle of a snow globe.” The Chapel of the Good Shepherd was festooned with garlands and red ribbon in anticipation of the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols, held this year on December 19th.

OFFICERS The Rt. Rev. Brian Prior Honorary Chair

Abby Carlstrom Humphrey ’62 Chair

Nick Stoneman President

Dan Gislason ’62 Vice Chair

Anne Cosgriff ’87 Secretary

Elizabeth Sears Hager ’62 Treasurer

2014 TERM ExPiRATioN Brant Barr ’73 Tim Church ’68 Kristin Dahl Mike Daley ’68 Elizabeth Sears Hager ’62 Perry Mead ’66 Rich Nicoll ’70 Kim Peterson ’67

2015 TERM ExPiRATioN Anne Cosgriff ’87 Jack Dane ’75 Marc Davis ’66 Dan Gislason ’62 Abby Carlstrom Humphrey ’62

2016 TERM ExPiRATioN Steve Barrager ’59 Bill Brewster ’85 Dale Fuller ’51 Bruce Mannes ’49 Craig McKinley ’70 Katherine Porter ’04 John Thomas ’74 Audra Watson ’87 Stephen Wendfeldt ’65 Claire Wittich ’05

EX OFFICIO The Rt. Rev. Brian Prior Honorary Chair

Nick Stoneman President

Maggie osterbauer ’03 Alumni Association President

Co-oPTED Kim Bakken Administrative Assistant

TRUSTEE EMERiTi Sharon Hoffman Avent ’64 Linda Stone Dasher ’56 Jack Fuller ’40 Hugh Wooldridge ’55

ADMiNiSTRATioN Kathy Layendecker Head of School

The Rev. Eva Cavaleri Chaplain

Greg Engel Chief Financial officer

Lonnie Schroeder Director of institutional Advancement

Patty Travers Chief operating officer

Amy Wolf Director of Communications


Summer 2013 Through the Arch correction:On page 19, Broydon Stufko ’13 should have been included in the Cum Laude Society list. Our apologies, Broydon!

June 5-8, 2014June 5-8, 2014

Reunion 2014Reunion 2014

Photo by Steve Jones ’73


Establishing, developing, fostering and furthering relationships lies at the heart of the success of any organization. In our school setting, the student-teacher relationship is paramount. Through this relationship comes mentorship, modeling, expectation setting, support, guidance, and, ultimately, transformation of the student and a sense of purpose and meaning for the teacher.

The importance of the relationships between and amongst students – the influence of peers, the benefit of hearing from diverse perspectives, the broadening of one’s views through cultural exposure, the expansion of empathy and compassion developed through helping others - is equally vital. Oftentimes our alumni have talked about the role their peers played in helping “raise one another”, an observation made years later upon reflection of their time here on campus.

Adults as well benefit from being a part of a rich network of relationships. Colleagues care and support each other. The master teacher mentors the rookie. The new energize the seasoned. The current pedagogy is challenged by that of the mold breakers. Expansive minds question the focused. And from all of this, progress – not always clean and smooth progress – emerges.

Our history is built on relationships. As an Episcopal school, we hold our relationship with God as paramount – one which has guided our past and present leaders and our practices. The last decade has seen the launch of a major commitment to the citizens and organizations of Faribault through our many hours of service, through our “opening up” of the campus, through serving on the boards of local non-profits, and through helping further the economic development of the City.

Our relationship with our alumni has had, and continues to have, a profound impact on our school. Through the Board’s and Alumni Association’s leadership, the guidance given younger alumni entering the fray of the job market, the advice and counsel aiding our exploring the new and exciting, and, of course, through the remarkable philanthropic support provided by donors from across the ages we have been able to grow and shape one of the nation’s most unique and distinguished college preparatory school. And we are not standing still.

The exciting future of our school lies in our ability to continually foster relationships. The dynamics, the opportunities, the doors that open, the potential that is uncovered through doing so is incalculable. In this day and age, the independent school that sits on its hill and accepts the status quo as the way of the future is the independent

school that will offer less than is possible to its students and faculty, and will, ultimately, teeter on the ledge of obsolescence, to say nothing of financial peril.

As I approach my twelfth year here, I find myself continually reminded about how important it is to believe in what we can accomplish and to sustain the desire to harness this institution’s potential. What is fascinating is that as soon as we think we are approaching the point of having “tapped” our potential, we realize that our success has created even more – and, not surprisingly, added

potential that also stems from the strength of the relationships we have developed.

More specifically, word is out about Shattuck-St. Mary's School – across the globe. The School has made a decision to continue to grow and expand, and to take what we are doing well in Minnesota to other locations, doing so based upon the contacts, connections, and relationships we have in these new settings. Ultimately, we know from experience that even with a modicum of success, the School’s network of relationships will grow in size, complexity, meaning, and import – a growth that will produce more graduates, more

opportunities for teachers and students alike, improved financial well-being in the short and long term, and more of an impact on future leadership across the globe.

Within the next five to seven years we will have a robust “family of campuses". Students and faculty will be able to attend or teach at any one of several sites located in the U.S., mainland China, Hong Kong, Europe, and possibly South America. Already, in addition to our main campus in Minnesota, led by Head of School, Kathy Layendecker, we have a school in Beijing, led by our Head of School, Roy Bergeson – two remarkable educators leading the way.

In this issue of The Arch – and in issues going forward – we will hear from each of them as they share their perspectives on life on both of our campuses and jointly paint the picture of our expanding Shattuck-St. Mary's School global community.

Nick Stoneman President

Photo by Steve Jones ’73 - See page 42 for more information about Steve's visit to campus.

"The exciting future of our school lies in our ability to continually

foster relationships."

SSM Future


As our students and staff were returning to campus from Fall Break, I was on my way to Asia to meet with prospective students, educational consultants, and most importantly our current families. It was incredibly rewarding to see over fifty SSM families at the five dinners we hosted during my two-week sojourn to Korea, China, and Vietnam. Upon returning to Minnesota, I was delighted to share

my experiences of their home countries with our students while also commiserating about the challenges of jet lag!

It has been 25 years since my last trip to Asia and what a difference there was between the two trips. While the people of these countries continue to be as welcoming and generous as I remembered, the look and feel of their countries has dramatically changed. Signs of prosperity are everywhere—luxury foreign cars clog the streets, numerous cranes and their budding skyscrapers silhouette the sky, and hotel lobbies are crowded with foreign tourists and business people. In fact, many of the sights and sounds are reminiscent of American cities, including the ever-present Starbucks coffee shops!

International influences and interactions were prevalent and notable; as Thomas Friedman has suggested in his writings, the world is most definitely becoming a smaller, more tightly connected place. I was particularly reminded of this when talking to parents in Seoul or Shenzhen about their business partners in New York City, Geneva, and Dubai, and when visiting our SSM Bayi campus in Beijing and the Global Leadership Program at Bugil Academy near Seoul where students are offered Western-style educations taught in English. Of course, there still remain significant differences in cuisine, communication protocols, and social

norms. The intersection of this new found connectedness and the cultural differences will form the nexus in which our students live and work upon graduation: a much different reality than the one we graduated into, and one that will require greater cross cultural sophistication and understanding.

All of this only reinforced the importance of SSM’s global focus: of our commitment to diversity and to making cultural opportunities available to our students through a combination of on and off campus activities. With students from 32 countries and 41 states and US territories, we are collectively a microcosm of the world our students will enjoy. The opportunities for our community to benefit from this vast cultural range are boundless. It is in this spirit that we enrich each other through activities such as International Day, Hands Across Faribault, Building Bridges, and our annual school-sponsored summer trip to Asia for two faculty members.

We also strive to expose our students to cultures not pres-ent on campus. We have hosted student groups from other countries such as Kazakhstan (see page 42); these visiting students spend several weeks in our community attending classes and engaging in activities with our students. Later this spring, two of our faculty members will accompany an alumnus to Tanzania to explore cultural immersion and service learning opportunities for our students.

Happily back on campus, I look forward to working with our faculty and staff to strengthen our current cross-cultural initiatives and to expand our globally-focused programming to prepare our students for successful and fulfilling lives beyond the Arch.

Kathy Layendecker, Head of School, SSM-Faribault

Front row, L-r: Glenn Layendecker, Munsook Kim (mother of Hyunjoo Lee ’15), President of the Korean Parents’ Association, Se Yun Chun (mother of Su Hwan Kim ’14), Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Jae Uk Yoo (father of Seung Wan-Yoo ’17). Back row: Kyung Sook Oh (mother of Ji Young Chung ’15), Jong Mi Kim (mother of Seung Jae Oh ’15), Myung-Hee Kim (mother of Dong Seo ’13), Myung Ah Hyun (mother of Jeahun Kim ’15), Youngjin Shim (mother of Sei Yoon Oh ’14), Yoon Jin Lee (mother of Seung Wan Yoo ’17), Sookjin Kim (mother of Sangone Lee ’17), Ji Hoa Fam (mother of Jaesung Ryu ’17), Sune Hee Roh (mother of Ju Young Jeon ’16), Yung Sug Seo (father of Dong Seo ’13), Sookjin Kim (father of Sangone Lee ’17)

While in Korea, Head of School Kathy Layendecker visited Bugil Academy in Cheonan. This visit follows several visits in Korea and Minnesota by members of both schools. Bugil Academy is a highly selective private independent boarding school that was established in 1975. Pictured L-r: Chief of Administration Jung Ho Choi, Vice Principal Sun-Jong Kim, Principal Dr. Ik-Soo Kang, Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Glenn Layendecker, Director Dr. Seungho Pi. Later this spring, a group of educators from Bugil Academy will visit SSM.

Global Focus


Beijing, ChinaSeated, L-r: Ellen Yu (mother of Yu Fei He ’18), SSM-Faribault Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Zhihua Zhou (mother of Yupeng Zhao ’17), Jones Zhao (father of Yupeng Zhao ’17) Standing: Yoyo Zhang (SSM-Bayi), Baohua Lu (mother of Roy He ’14), SSM-Bayi Head of School Roy Bergeson, Friend of SSM, Songde Wu (father of Jiaqi Wu ’15), Xiaoqun Zhu (mother of Jiaqi Wu 15), Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Tong Xiao (mother of Yingche Liu ’19), Rong He (father of Roy He ’14), Glenn Layendecker, Yuan Dingchen (SSM prospective student), Hui Yuan (father of Yuan Dingchen)

Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamL-r, from front: Nguyen Le Huong, Ivry Le (mother and sister of Ricky Le ’14), Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Glenn Layendecker, Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Xuan Nam Thai (father of Ricky Thai ’14), Dung Tran (father of Khoa Tran ’15), My Thien Nguyen (mother of Quoc Pham ’15), friend of the Pham family, Hoang Do (father of Ahn Do ’15), Linda Pham, Tu Trung Pham (sister and father of Quoc Pham ’15)

Shanghai, ChinaFront row, L-r: Changfang Ren (father of Jamson Ren ’16), Ai Xiao Le (family friend of Naomi Liu ’15), Chun Jin (mother of Howard Wang ’15), Li Hua (mother of Jamson Ren ’16), Ying Liu (mother of Naomi Liu ’15), Head of School Kathy Layendecker, new student Summer Xia ‘16, Chen Ping and Simon Xie (parents of Summer Xia ’16) Back row: Zhihua Liu (father of Naomi Liu ’15), Tianhong Wang (father of Howard Wang ’15), Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Glenn Layendecker

Shenzhen, ChinaL-r: Yan Fei Lu, Hengli Qiao (parents of Joe Qiao ’14), Jianmin Lu, Junqing Zhang (parents of Jack Lu ’15), Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Glenn Layendecker, Xianbin Ma, Meijun Chun (parents of Artemis Ma ’14), Diandian Liang, Peng Yu (parents of Link Yu ’15)

Hanoi, VietnamL-r: Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Long Du (father of Kevin Du ’16), Chau Trieu (mother of Long Dao ’15), and Mai Lan Phan (mother of Kevin Du ’16)

Parents from Shenzhen, China were eager to look at the School’s printed Facebook. Front row, L-r: Hengli Qiao (father of Joe Qiao ’14), Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Junqing Zhang (mother of Jack Lu ’15), Peng Yu, Diandian Liang, (parents of Link Yu ’15) Back row: Jianmin Lu (father of Jack Lu ’15), Director of Admissions Jesse Fortney, Meijun Chun (mother of Artemis Ma ’14)


As I write, we are within ten days of the completion of our first semester. Even for those of us here at the school, it’s hard for us to imagine how far we have come since that day in August when we first met with our 64 sophomores. Although all of our faculty were familiar with China and our Chinese students, who came from 29 different junior middle schools, had been interviewed, tested, and

told about our new school, I don’t think any of us really knew what lay in store.

In our two-and-a-half day August workshop, we focused on getting to know each other and on what it meant for us…administrators, teachers, and students…to be founding a school. Although we all knew schools, none of us had ever been involved in founding a new one!

We talked about the heritage, traditions, and high stan-dards of our two parent schools, Shattuck-St. Mary’s and Beijing Bayi High School. We talked about how we could take the greatness of those schools and then stand on their shoulders. We talked about the qualities that we wanted to be at the core of our new school.

At the end of our August workshop, we agreed on the five qualities we wanted to be an integral part of the character of our school, the five qualities that we wanted to express in our actions and attitudes, the five qualities that we want-ed to pass on to the next classes that would follow in the footsteps of the Shattuck-St. Mary’s – Beijing Bayi School Class of 2016. Those five qualities should be honesty, a safe environment, hard work, respect, and diversity.

Since our school officially opened on September 2, those qualities have been at the heart of all that we have done. More-over, the knowledge…sometimes a thrill and sometimes a heavy responsibility…that we, adults and students alike, were every day creating the character of our new school has brought us together. People who have visited us sense that there is something special here in comparison to other Chinese schools, whether international or local. Our stu-dents have a sense of ownership. This is “their” school in a way that one doesn’t have from attending a well-established institution.

Roy Bergeson, Head of School, SSM-Bayi

L-r: SSM-Bayi Chief Liaison Bridget Yu, SSM-Bayi Chief Administrator Yoyo Zhang, Bayi Assistant Principal Zhu Kai, SSM-Faribault Head of School Kathy Layendecker, SSM-Bayi Head of School Roy Bergeson, Glenn Layendecker


One notices that sense of ownership in the behavior of our students. We have had no major disciplinary incidents. Students talk more and more freely and openly with faculty. In competitive events with the regular Bayi students, our students say they feel different in a positive way….more energy, more creativity, more cooperation.

Our faculty have worked exceptionally hard with a deep commitment to the students, their learning, and the building of this new school. The commitment of the faculty is evidenced by the warm respect with which they are regarded by the students. We do feel like a community!

Of course there have been challenges. Much of traditional Chinese education is based on students sitting in classes

listening. We have brought an interactive style with ques-tions and discussions and online Moodle forums. Much of traditional Chinese education is based on test taking. We have introduced the importance of homework and engage-ment in class.

We are building a school that all of you in our “mother” school in Faribault can be proud of.

There are many wonderful stories from our school, and I plan to share them with you in future reports from Shattuck-St. Marys’ – Beijing Bayi School, 29 Suzhou Jie, Haidian District, Beijing, China!

Active student engagement is a key component to the SSM-Bayi experience.

Faculty and staff of Shattuck-St. Mary's-Beijing Bayi School

Students of Shattuck-St. Mary's-Beijing Bayi School


I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades For ever and forever when I move. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Ulysses

The Whitney Arch, that gift from the home of Saints to the home of Shads, has witnessed generations of comings and goings. When we walked beneath it as students, our eyes reflected the world

beyond, be it the trees and greens of Shumway Avenue or the snowstorms and shadows of the Clock Tower.

One of my favorite poems, Tennyson’s Ulysses, rang in my heart when I served as a proud alumna and ESL instruc-tor in Dobbin Hall for 6 ½ years. Since September 2, 2013, the day Shattuck-St. Mary’s School brought its whole self to China and welcomed 64 remarkable Chinese students to our Bayi Beijing High School partnership, I have begun waking up to lines from this old poem: “I am a part of all I have met.” As I shrug on my pea coat and push on my boots in the dark of the morning, I sometimes recite, “For ever and forever when I move” as I head for Beijing’s sub-way Line 10.

Every school day morning, Tennyson’s words usher me into Room 206 at 29 Suzhou Jie. I often muse that our true identities as human beings sprout from others: We become

ourselves by those we’ve loved, trust-ed, distrusted, fought, protected, and questioned. As I greet these beautiful kids, Tennyson’s words also assure me that we are - you and I - becoming a part of these people, a part of their dinner conversations, of their trust, and of their hopes. And in this, dear Saints and Shads, I am you.

Like Tennyson’s old and homebound Ulysses, I yearned for more travel, more adventure, more learning. Ulysses could see the “untravell'd world” - the meadows and the cities and the people he had not yet met. It tempted him. It beckoned him. So, too, has this adventure drawn me.

I am honored to serve as a part of the inaugural team at Shattuck-St. Mary’s-Beijing Bayi School via the leadership of Roy Bergeson, our first Head of School. We are working hard to bring our collective experience, the gift of the Arch, to this Class of 2016. For those of you who’ve been on long journeys and have missed the process, I’ll tell you straight up that Nick Stoneman is a persistent and tenacious man. It is his love for the Arch and it is the faith of our Board of Trustees that have brought us here, to a place where margins and boundaries fade.

Come, weary travelers, to Shattuck-St. Mary’s-Beijing Bayi School. We’ll roll out the Shumway Hall red carpet for you, offer you a cup of the best tea in China, and happily intro-duce you to the people we have met. You’ll see yourselves in their eyes.

Greetings from Janette Gould Martin ’75 Shattuck-St. Mary’s–Beijing Bayi School

Jan Gould Martin ’75, SSM-Bayi Head of School Roy Bergeson, and visiting alumnus from Hong Kong Edmund Cheung ’73

The Whitney Arch

Jan Gould Martin '75 at work in Beijing

Jan embarked on her second teaching adventure in China this past summer when she joined the founding faculty of Shattuck-St. Mary’s-Beijing Bayi School. As she completes her first semester at SSM-Bayi, she offers these reflections.


I graduated from St. Mary’s Hall in 1975. Beyond Jan Gould Martin ’75, my fabulous roommate with whom I am still in close contact, one of the people I met at school was Kevin Merz ’72. He was a senior. I was a freshman.

During my senior year, I began tripping and falling frequently, which was disconcerting especially for someone who had been the captain of the girl’s track team. I lost sensitivity in my left leg. After graduation I went to the doctor and told him that something was wrong. They put me through a battery of tests and decided that it might be multiple sclerosis. It wasn’t until much later, when the MRI was developed that they could do a positive diagnosis in 1986.

Despite this unsettling news, my mother and I packed my bags and I was off to Wellesley College near Boston, something I had worked hard for four years to achieve. My handwriting had degenerated so much that I had to take my first-semester final exams on a typewriter. Then, as this disease is prone to do, it disappeared and went into remission. It stayed that way with slight recurrences for almost 25 years.

Kevin and I married in 1979 in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, seven days after I graduated from Wellesley. He says that he just assumed he would eventually be pushing me in a wheelchair. Until then, we traveled, biked, skied, went scuba diving, and lived in Manhattan, New York. We started a financial technology consulting firm. We also had three wonderful children. Life was good.

In 2000, the M.S. demon reared its ugly head again, and this time it was NOT a momentary relapse. It progressed. I lost my ability to walk and required a cane. By late 2001, I could barely walk a single city block. I could no longer ski, something I had loved and was good at.

By December 2012, our children had left home and we decided to move to Colorado where the dry climate would be better for me. This has proven to be a good decision. The medical care I receive is superior. I have found Challenge Aspen, an organization that helps people with disabilities to ski. I went once last winter and earned a scholarship for three more days this winter. I have also found a horse stable near us that offers Equine Therapy for people with M.S. and I ride with them once a week. I am able to drive our car with hand controls, giving me a feeling of independence. I am currently volunteering with the National M.S. Society to lead a self-help group in the Roaring Fork Valley.

Kevin and I are still together despite all the challenges we have faced. We cheer each other’s successes, support each other when there are failures, and voice enough criticism to keep each other awake. My most recent MRI says that there are no new lesions in my brain and the MS appears to have stabilized, for the moment.

Life is good, just different. I am still running against the wind. I am not going to let M.S. bring me down! It may slow me down a bit and change the way I do things but it is not going to win. I will survive, just doing things differently!

My Challenge. Our Challenge.Clearly we have many strong and resilient alumni. Our “beating the odds” request for stories prompted Anne Silge Merz ’75 to write about her experience with M.S. and how her marriage to a Shad has withstood life’s challenges. We welcome more stories. Please write to [email protected].

Kevin Merz ’72 and Anne Silge Merz ’75

Anne Silge Merz ’75 with her ski instructor in February 2013

Beating the Odds


Meet SSM’s New TrusteesBill Brewster ‘85Entered in 10th grade and attended SSM for three years.Other SSM relatives: Bill Brewster '62, John Brewster '65, Saint from the 1920sEducation: B.A., University of Colorado; M.B.A., University of Wyoming; M.S., University of DenverProfession: VP of Operations/Canoe VenturesInterests: skiing, hiking, playing guitar, traveling with my kidsWhat are you currently reading? The Quest by Daniel YerginA unique SSM memory: “While helping to clean up the vestry room in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, I found the lost (so I was told) cremated remains of Dr. Sidney Goldsmith, former Shattuck Headmaster, in a what looked like a small paint can on top of a free standing closet. It was sitting behind the trim, not visible even if you stood eye-level with the top of the closet."

Dale Fuller ‘51Entered in 9th graded and attended Shattuck School for four years.Other SSM relative: Former brother-in-law Glenn Williams ‘45Education: B.S. Pharmacy, University of Iowa; M.D., University of IowaProfession: Retired radiation oncologist, previously with Texas Oncology in DallasInterests: golf, travel, family, staying in touch with good friends, exercise, some professional activities, service with various non-profits What are you currently reading? The Things That Matter by Charles KrauthammerSSM reflection: “SSM was a life-changing experience for a kid from a small town in South Dakota. Great teachers and good friends.”


Bruce Mannes ’49Entered in 10th grade and graduated in 1949. Education: B.A., University of South Dakota and post-graduate workProfession: Practiced law and transitioned to helping run a successful Shaklee business established by his wifeInterests: travel, travel, and more travelWhat are you currently reading? Fifty Shades of Grey, by E.L. James (“I’m through about 20 shades!”)SSM memory: “I’m an old-school guy. I marched in lock-step into the dining hall three times a day. What reconnected me back to the School was a grandson who played hockey and now I am looking forward to seeing how this School can be even better.”

Craig McKinley ’70Entered in 10th grade and attended Shattuck School for three years.Education: B.B.A., Southern Methodist University; M.A. Economics, Webster College; M.S. National Security Strategy, National War CollegeProfession: Retired General, United States Air ForceInterests: Avid golferWhat are you currently reading? Duty, by Robert GatesSSM memory: “being on undefeated basketball team while at Shattuck."

Maggie Osterbauer ’03Alumni Association PresidentEntered in 10th grade and attended SSM for three years.Education: B.S. Business Management, University of Denver; M.A. Non-Profit Management, Regis UniversityProfession: Marketing Manager/Pinnacle Real Estate AdvisorsInterests: oil painting, yoga, outdoors, bikingWhat are you currently reading? The Night Circus by Erin MorgensternFavorite SSM memory: “Christmas Chapel and Dinner was always such a fun holiday event, especially with the campus looking so magical in the snow.”

Audra Watson ’87Entered in 10th grade and attended SSM for three years. Education: B.A., Carleton; M.A., Columbia Teachers College; currently working on a Ph.D. at the CUNY Graduate CenterProfession: Program Officer and Director of Mentoring & Induction/Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship FoundationWhat are you currently reading? Studying Diversity in Teacher Education by Arnetha Ball and Cynthia Tyson Favorite SSM memory: “Senior Sing was always a wonderful time at St. Mary's. I remember those evenings with great nostalgia.”

Claire Wittich ‘05Entered in 8th grade and attended SSM for five years.Education: B.S. Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon UniversityProfession: Software Engineer/Green Hills SoftwareInterests: Jiu Jitsu and Krav Maga (forms of martial arts), sewing, baking, and hikingWhat are you currently reading? The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner


In 1968, Charles Newhall III ’63 eagerly headed off to fight in the Vietnam War. As he said his good-byes, his grandmother, whom he adored, gave him a copy of the Handbook of Epictetus, a stoic Greek philosopher from the early A.D. period. She urged him to read it on the plane and told him that his great-grandfather, Captain Asa Abbott, had carried the same book during the Civil War. One of the philosophical truths offered in the book was this: “To be physically hardened, to endure separation from loved ones, and to face the horror without retreating is a warrior’s fate.”

Epictetus’ words were prophetic for young First Lieutenant Newhall. As a student at Shattuck School, he had been hardened under the “new boy” system and as a senior he had risen to Battalion Adjutant. “Shattuck was my laboratory,” he observed. It was the place where Newhall prepared himself for his “warrior’s fate.” Three important lessons would prove to serve him well: the value of a “band of brothers,” the development of the “military mind,” and leadership. He would take these three lessons from Shattuck and apply them to his military service as a combat soldier in Vietnam and later to his work as a venture capitalist.

Before Vietnam, Newhall’s earliest experience in being part of a “band of brothers” came from his new boy days at Shattuck. The only way to survive the harsh treatment of the older cadets was through mutual support and working together. His lesson: “If you have a band of brothers, you can take on the world.” In Vietnam, while marching in the A Shau Valley, he routinely took the third position because “the point man would go left, the machine gunner would go right, and I would go straight, facing the enemy.” By taking a front position rather than bringing up the rear, he believed in the power of leading by example. His band of brothers saw that he ate what they ate and that he put himself in hazardous duty more frequently than his men. There was no hierarchy. He served with, not over, his men. Likewise, during his business career, the “leading from within” philosophy would serve Newhall well as he worked with and mentored entrepreneurs.

While he learned and applied the value of a “we” mentality to leading men, Newhall also developed what he calls his “military mind” at Shattuck School. His lesson: “The military mind is always ready.” The harsh reality of new boy inductions forced him to quickly respond to unexpected chaos. There were times when a room readied for inspection was purposely ravaged by older cadets. Newhall learned to respond quickly and efficiently to

Three LessonsCharles Watson Newhall III as a senior at Shattuck School in 1963 and in September 2013


such acts. He applied this type of strategic thinking to planning for disaster in battle: “You must be prepared for the worst that can happen at all times and know how you are going to deal with it. You must have three plans - one for a side attack, one for the back and one for the front.” This type of sharpened mental thinking made Newhall an effective platoon leader especially during a mission in which his greatly out-numbered soldiers faced an entrenched North Vietnamese presence in the treacherous terrain of the A Shau Valley. Later, the toughened military mind was also an asset in the boardroom. Describing venture capitalism as the “closest thing to combat in the business world,” Newhall had to make tough decisions relating to the enterprises he helped to fund and grow.

Shattuck School also taught Newhall about effective leadership. His lesson: “Leadership is the art of getting men or women to do what they believe is impossible.” He also believes that “in any organization the more responsibility you can put lower in the organization is better.” As a senior at Shattuck School, Newhall was the Battalion Adjutant, a key leadership position within the School that gave him a taste of the power and responsibility of leadership. In Vietnam, he believed in the effectiveness of on-the-ground decision-making, or the idea that combat decisions were best made closest to the action. His leadership accomplishments earned him the Silver Star and the Bronze Star V. After leaving military life, Newhall applied his leadership skills to working with “romantic heroes” – people who are compelled to change the world through their ideas and drive. His successful work as a venture capitalist was built on his abilities to help lead highly creative people to business success.

Beyond the “three lessons,” Newhall remembers other benefits from his high school experience. “At Shattuck, I developed a passionate love for art, literature, and

Charles Watson Newhall III ’63, editor-in-chief, is pictured, front row center, with members of The Spectator staff.

1886 - Captain Asa Abbott arrives at Shattuck School to serve as the military Commandant

1893 - Dr. Charles Watson Newhall ’90 returns to his alma mater to teach math. He meets and marries Captain Abbott’s daughter, Evangeline or “Ginny.” He later becomes Headmaster in 1916, serving for 20 years before retiring in 1936. Dr. Newhall dies in 1944 and is buried in Maple Lawn cemetery in Faribault.

1923 - Charles Watson Newhall, Jr., the only son of Dr. Charles and Evangeline Newhall graduates from Shattuck School. He and his wife, Gladys, have one son - Charles Watson Newhall III.

1963 - Charles Watson Newhall iii graduates from Shattuck School. He then graduates from the University of Pennsylvania in 1967 and departs for Vietnam in August, 1968 as a member of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division. He is newly married at the time of his departure.

Abbott/Newhall Shattuck School Family Tree

Dr. Charles Watson Newhall '90 and wife Evangeline


Head of School Kathy Layendecker, Charles Newhall iii ’63, and President Nick Stoneman

Fellow writers, Charles Newhall iii ’63 and Dr. Brian Libby meet at the SSM Founders’ Day event. Dr. Libby offers Charles Newhall a copy of his essay collection titled Miscellanea.

Charles Newhall iii ’63 is greeted by students and trustee Bruce Mannes ’49.

Founders' Day at SSMAs part of this year’s Founders’ Day ceremony and Hands Across Faribault launch on Friday, September 27, Charles Newhall III ’63 addressed the entire school community. He shared photos and memories of his family’s deep con-nections to Shattuck-St. Mary’s dating back to 1886 when his great-grandfather, Captain Asa Abbott, joined the School as its Commandant. He represents the fourth gen-eration of his family’s affiliation to SSM. His remarks also included reflections on the leadership lessons he learned as a student at Shattuck School and how he applied those lessons to his military and business life.

Charles Newhall iii ’63 has given voice to his war experience and his post-war trauma in a memoir titled Fearful Odds, A Memoir of Vietnam. Through a process of review and revision, he is currently finding an

editor and has hopes to see the memoir published. “We were told to forget our war and to forget ourselves,” laments Newhall. His memoir is written to remember and to honor his fallen comrades and to explore war’s enormous emotional and mental toll. in addition, legendary film-maker Ken Burns is working on a 10-12 hour documentary about Vietnam, scheduled to air on PBS in 2016. Newhall, who has become well-acquainted with Burns, will be interviewed for the series.

As an aside, Newhall is also working on an oral history project of the venture capital business. He has conducted a series of interviews with venture capitalists on the East Coast and is collaborating with Harvard University, which is assuming overall leadership for the project.

Fearful Odds



history, which really drove the non-business side of my life. They (the teachers) unleashed a string of creativity in me for which I am forever thankful.” He was introduced to great literature and has maintained his passion to write – so much so that he has a memoir in the making about his Vietnam experience (see side bar). Newhall also believes Shattuck School prepared him well as an entrepreneur. He founded the Hunting Club and helped establish the literary magazine Lights and Shadows, as well as serving as editor-in-chief of The Spectator. The inscription next to his senior picture includes the following observation: “When Chuck decided to devote his attention to some activity or project, he would grab it by the tail and wrestle with it until he has mastered it.”

Charles Newhall was sent off to war by his beloved grandmother with Epictetus’ words of wisdom and with the admonition to “come home with your honor.” This he did. Shattuck School helped.


A student-led initiative in December held special meaning for Shattuck-St. Mary’s and its rich military history. Since 2011, members of the Shattuck-St. Mary’s community have helped to establish and support the ongoing work of Faribault Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, a group that recognizes and supports military members and their families, particularly during times of deployment.

As the holidays approached, Kourtney Menches ’14 began to wonder how SSM could offer a special thanks to military members. As a senior from Greer, South Carolina, Kourtney has devoted considerable time to volunteering at the Faribault National Guard Armory. Through her inquiry at the Armory, she learned that the 114th Transportation Company of the Minnesota National Guard would be deploying to Afghanistan on January 1, 2014. She set to work organizing a card project that would thank each member of the company and also their families for their service.

Her inspired leadership and creative card design, which incorporates the home country flags of the SSM student body, rallied the Upper School students and staff to support the project. On December 19, 365 personalized cards were handed off to Sergeant John Watson so that they could be distributed to the National Guard members once they arrived in Afghanistan in January and also to members of their families back at home.

For a School that has sent many of its alumni off to serve their country, the card project held special purpose and captured the hearts of today’s students.

Sending Our Support

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon

Kourtney Menches ’14 hands off the 365 greeting cards to Sgt. Watson from the Minnesota National Guard as Head of School Kathy Layendecker and Sgt. Harmon look on.

We are a group of Faribault veterans, service members, military families, local businesses and residents committed to recognizing and supporting our military and their families.


On a recent visit, a friend of Shirley and Harry Hagey ’59 likened their Idaho ranch to “a living organism.” It was an interesting choice of words, especially the word “living.” Three years ago, the 4700 acres in the central valley area of Idaho were far from alive. The land was ravaged — primarily because it had sustained a dense population of cattle over a 130-year period. Plant life was withered and the natural spring creeks were devastated. It was like the small tree stump in Shel Silverstein’s tale The Giving Tree which simply had no more to offer to the book’s main character — the young boy turned old man. The property, which was actually two adjoining ranches, stood idle, patiently awaiting its future. Through a friend and contact at the Idaho Nature Conservancy, Shirley and Harry learned of the land in need of resuscitation. So, in December 2010, they purchased the acreage with the vision of nurturing it back to health, perhaps meeting the deep-seated caretaking tendencies Shirley observed in her husband. Aptly, the Hageys named their small corner of creation “Heart Rock Ranch” and thus began their rescue mission.

The undertaking was daunting. During the course of 2011, the Hageys oversaw a massive, multi-faceted effort

to develop, organize, and execute a restoration plan. Part of this effort included coordinating the contractors working in tandem with various agencies with oversight responsibilities, such as the Army Corps of Engineers, the local county, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and various other state and federal agencies. In fact, Harry, who had been retired for four years, said he felt like he was back in "CEO mode" as he and Shirley immersed themselves in all details of their project, holding weekly planning meetings and becoming well-acquainted with the people involved in their shared vision. They met experts, conservationists, and craftsmen who all brought their passion for the project to the table. In fact, one of the surprises was just how big a mess was created before they could see their vision materialize. More than two million cubic yards of earth were moved to create clean flowing water for aquatic life and natural prairies to support an ever-increasing variety of birds and animal life.

Now, in 2014, the intense restoration work is complete, though the monitoring of water quality and the analysis of spawning activity continues. They need to validate that what has been created is indeed a healthy and sustainable habitat for a wide range of species. It is also a working ranch that supports 350 head of cattle and produces grain and hay for sale. Part of the model is to prove that making land financially productive can sustain, rather than deplete it. The success of Heart Rock is widely acknowledged and the Hageys have inspired others. “The people down here – the ranchers

Heart RockRevival

Crystal Creek

Harry Hagey ’59 enjoys one of his favorite activities at Heart Rock Ranch.All fishing is catch and release.


– love what we have done,” Harry said. And, in fact their neighbor to the north has hired a conservationist as her ranch manager and is changing her practices. They host visitors eager to learn from them and to observe the miraculous

recovery they believed in and made happen.

Now, there is joy in watching nature do its work. They love spending time quietly observing the vegetation and species that adapt with each season. Harry notes, “There are so few areas remaining that are close to their natural state - this is a little island of that.” As of now, 2500 acres or roughly 53 percent of the ranch has been placed in a conservation easement which protects it in perpetuity. They envision adding to this easement over time and preserving Heart Rock as a place for their family and friends to observe and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.

Beyond the natural proclivity to take care of people and things, what would motivate the Hageys to invest substantial time and resources in such a large scale conservation effort? In their case, it seems inspiration comes from several places. First, as a youngster, Harry (who became an Eagle Scout) took regular canoeing and camping trips to Canada with his father. They shared a love of fishing and bird-watching. Shirley has been a life-long skier and as a couple they have shared a mutual interest in the natural world. And, as Harry notes, “Shirley and I are both good Episcopalians and we definitely think this [Heart Rock Ranch] is part of God’s creation. It’s all of our responsibility to be stewards of this world and we certainly feel we are doing our little part to help that.”

The Blue Herons nest in trees near water and are known to adapt to almost any wetland habitat.

“That old spire of a cottonwood – I don’t know how long that’s going to last out there but it’s a great place for the ospreys and the herons and the hawks to sit on and the woodpeckers to peck on. It’s part of an active heron rookery with about 30 nests. In 10 years, many of the old cottonwoods will be gone, but there will be other trees. Hopefully, we will be here to enjoy it.” - Harry Hagey

s December 15, 2010 – land purchaseds 4700 acres, 2500 placed in a Nature Conservancy conservation easement s 2011 – all major work completeds Water sources: natural spring creeks, Big Wood River, and artesian wellss 38 pondss 90 different species of birds (observed so far) – a monthly bird count tracks the varietiess Brown and rainbow trout (25” brown trout is the biggest catch) – fishing is catch and releases Moose, elk, nesting bald eagles, mule and white-tailed deer, and wolves (heard, not yet seen) s 300-400 acres of natural grass (grown and sold)s Barley grown and sold this year to Budweiser (rotating to alfalfa next year)s 350 head of cattle

Heart Rock Ranch facts & timelines

Heart Rock Ranch at a glancePhotos courtesy of Shirley and Harry Hagey


“We are working hard to maintain this place. Part of that is weed work. It’s a continual battle with 4700 acres. I see weeds all the time.”

Harry explained that the alluring daisies pictured here with Teddy are actually unwanted oxeye daisies, an invasive weed.

“The ability to watch nature work is a continual joy and it’s always different. We have seen pronghorn antelope, elk, mule and white-tailed deer, and even moose. We have yet to see any wolves.” - Harry Hagey

Sunset view at Heart Rock Ranch

Heart Rock is a working ranch.

Harry checks on one of many flowing streams that are now providing ideal habitat for spawning fish and supporting an increasing array of natural vegetation.

It was on the way home to Chicago from a Canadian fishing trip that Harry and his father stopped at Shattuck School to take a look. They were family friends of faculty member Tony Zulfer ’46 and decided Harry would enroll in the fall as a new 10th grader. Harry describes the move to Shattuck as a fortunate turn of events in his life. He was ready for a change of scenery, having followed two high-achieving sisters at his local high school in Morgan Park and was not quite hitting his stride there.

At Shattuck, he enjoyed the orderliness of the military routines which he said suited his disciplined approach to life. He was a “good but not great” athlete and found he could contribute on various sports teams. He loved the faculty members and believes even today he could name all his teachers. And, he can still quote Shakespeare from Dr.

Below’s class, though he will admit that it’s getting a bit fuzzier.

Following Shattuck, Williams College, and Northwestern University business school, Harry began a successful career at Dodge and Cox, an investment management firm. During his career and into retirement, he has served on various charitable boards including the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto. He has also continued to enjoy an active outdoor life, seeking opportunities to spend time in natural settings.

Shattuck side story:

Harry Robert Hagey '59


His classmates must have known him pretty well. He was dubbed “big brother” in his senior yearbook. Who would have guessed that Peter Backus ’59 would in fact become an incredible big brother? Just ask David Roberts. He’ll take you back to 1978 when he first met Peter. They were paired up by Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Tucson after David’s father died in a mining accident and Peter

was a newly divorced dad whose young daughter was living in California with her mother. When they met, it was if the stars aligned to signify the start of something special. First, the “brothers” liked each other and enjoyed time together. They also discovered David was born within days of Peter’s daughter, Jamee.

Peter found his calling as a “big”—the term used in BBBS to describe the adult partner. He organized annual sum-mer camping trips — each to a new state — that included

Big Brother BackusPeter Backus '59 and "little brother" David Roberts


David, Jamee, and a circle of Peter’s friends with young children. As the master planner, he dealt with travel logis-tics and ensured lasting memories for the dads and kids. Peter jokes that when he organized the first “dad” trip the moms wondered why they weren’t invited. “The second year, the moms all wanted to know when we were leaving so that they could plan their fun!”

Peter stayed committed to David — even while becoming a big brother to two other young boys and expanding his leadership role with BBBS. Today, David is married with two children. He is the first person in his family to graduate from college — an achievement that Peter can view with satisfaction. They still vacation together during the summers. What began as a simple big brother relationship has become an integral part of the Backus family.

Peter not only became a Big Brother in 1978, he brought his business and leadership skills to the Big Brother Big Sister organization. He was president of the Tucson region and joined the national board for eight years. During this time, he met and married Debbie Liles. A year after a memorable wedding celebration, their friends asked if they were going to throw another great party. Peter replied, “Yes, and this time it’s going to cost you some money!” Thus began an annual BBBS fundraising tradition dreamed up by Peter and Debbie called “Fiesta.” This spring will mark the 17th annual event which includes a trail ride, pig roast, Mariachi band, raffle, and auction. Each year, along with their colleague Sandy Carson, they organize “Fiesta” and singlehandedly raise 30 to 60 thousand dollars for BBBS. With this funding, they plan to add a partial four-year scholarship to the University of Arizona for a deserving BBBS student who is from a single parent family.

“I do think in life you need some help once in a while,” Peter says of the care he received along the way. His father was a busy doctor in Wisconsin Rapids. While father and son enjoyed many activities together, Peter also jumped at the chance to spend time outdoors with the many “uncles” in his life - family friends who took Peter under their wing. And, Peter’s Shattuck School experi-ence left an indelible impression of the importance of older student mentors, a program he initiated at the School in an effort to make the “new boy” rites of passage a bit smoother. The 1959 Shad yearbook was prescient in offering the label “big brother” to Peter: “The big brother is known to everyone…and the willing way is typified by the way in which he set up and established the Big Brother system this year. We can all be sure that he will make many friends and go to the top in whatever he does as he has at Shattuck.” This prediction, written by a fellow classmate back in 1959, seems prophetic today as Peter Backus exemplifies the quintessential big brother.

When I look back on the important milestones of my life, first and foremost is the death of my father. He died exactly one week before I turned two-years-old. It devastated my family. The next, most important event was the opportunity to have a “Big Brother”…I grew up on stories and old photographs about my own father, so when the staff of the BBBS agency interviewed me to learn what my hobbies and interests were I listed things that my father enjoyed (I wanted to be the chip off the old block after all). So I put down hiking, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, and camping. These were things I did not actually do, but Peter did. So, when we got together, my enthusiasm to have someone teach me was boundless.

So began our great friendship, with Peter teaching me how to hunt, fish, camp, and horseback ride. He even taught me how to scuba dive. He gave me the opportunity to do things I may have done with my own father. But more than this, Peter gave me a sense of purpose and intention. He taught me that we could do anything, so, why not have fun and be excellent at whatever we did. Peter was all about “Work Hard - Play Hard”. While I had always planned to go to college, Peter made sure my goal was to graduate, not just go. And while I was at it, there was no reason not to do it in four years!

When I turned 18, it was the end of our time with the BBBS agency. I was an adult, and no longer part of the program. As we met to “close our file,” a sort of exit interview, we made a point to tell each other, that whatever significance BBBS thought this “ending” was, it had no bearing on our friendship. We knew we were friends for life. We knew we were family.

Peter always spoke about his time at Shattuck with great pride and fondness. I envied him that he had had such an experience in his formative years. Looking back on my own, I now realize that Peter was guiding me in a similar way, passing on lessons about honor and excellence during my formative years. If I may say so, with humility, Peter taught me well and I have carried those les-sons with me all the days of my life.

Pete Backus '59 and wife Debbie

From David Roberts . . . about his Big Brother


Alumni Holiday PartyMinneapolis Club, December 4, 2013

Ayrlahn Johnson '74 and Chief Operating Officer Patty Travers

Alyssa Breu '07 and Jessica Edward '06

L-r: Mariya Zabara '16, Magdiell Antequera '15, and Mark Prihodko '16

L-r: Marilyn Wooldridge, Ellen Raaen '08, and Joan Maynard

Elsa Raaen Bullard '95 and Ines Guanchez Mercado '14

L-r: Keith Flakne '80, Director of Institutional Advancement Lonnie Schroeder, and Slade Schuster ’81

Sally Lightner '82 and Andy Hall '87

L-r: Maren Welles, George Welles '58, and President Nick Stoneman

L-r: Ester Fesler, John Fesler '43, Shirley Garner, and Frank Garner '48

L-r: Vicky Stoneman, Dan Cashin '04, Middle School Director Beth Trout, and Megan Trout '04

Phil Trout '73 and Middle School Director Beth Trout


IDS Concert

L-r: Mike Sadjadi '05, Paul Barral '09, Billy Bruggeman '09, Ellen Raaen '08, and Mac Williams '08

Mark Prihodko '16 and Lauren Stepka '13

Elsa Raaen Bullard '95 and Ines Guanchez Mercado '14

L-r: Media Services Director Dick Kettering, Anna Kettering, Hugh Wooldridge '55, Marilyn Wooldridge, Joan Maynard, and Rhoda Glad Pavek '50

Front row l-r: Mary Lou Wood Lamain ’63, Betty Blodgett Myers ’38, Perry Mead ’66, Margaret Mead ’68, Kat Porter ’04, Jim Ramsland ’62. Back Row: Dick Lyman ’51, Dave Williams ’59, Ben Jaffray ’47, Scott Berry ’59, Dan Gislason ’62, Hugh Wooldridge ’55.

L-r: Maren Welles, George Welles '58, and President Nick Stoneman

Phil Trout '73 and Middle School Director Beth Trout

Students from the Shattuck-St. Mary's Pre-Conservatory Strings Program and Vocal Performance Program performed at the iDS Center in Minneapolis on Friday, December 13, 2013


Catch a Rising Star

Hosted by the Shattuck-St. Mary's Board of Trustees, Catch a Rising Star showcased the awe-inspiring talents of the young, gifted musicians who comprise our Vocal Performance and the PreConservatory Music Centers of a Excellence. Included in the evening's performances were young alumni of the programs. Over 250 people from the metropolitan alumni and music communities attended the event at a The Saint Paul Hotel. One word truly describes the evening...bravo!

Catch a Rising Star


Alumni Gatheringsit's time to catch up. We love to get together and so, recently, we attended some alumni gatherings in New York City, Chicago, Boston, and Minneapolis. See some familiar faces? Join us at the next Alumni gathering in your area. A special note to our Boston area alumni and friends…we had a lovely evening, so much so we forgot to take pictures! Our sincere apologies to our Boston gathering attendees. You are just too much fun!

L-r: Ted Hartley ’42, President Nick Stoneman, and Robert Kashan, father of Matt Kashan ’14

John Legeros ’48 and Dawes “Potts” Potter ’39

L-r: Magdiell Antequera ’15, Katelyn Gross ’13, Ines Guanchez Mercado ’14, Petter Aasa ’13, and Alex Birk ’12

John Thomas ’74 and Irina Kashan, mother of Matt Kashan ’14

Emilyn Tuomala and Bruce Tuomala ’78

New York City


Alumni Gatherings

L-r: Diana Kriz, mother of faculty member Rich Bailey, past parent Christine Lompado, Peter Lompado ’07, and John Kriz, step-father of Rich Bailey

L-r: John Guastella ’96, Chris Sutton ’08, and Brian Guastella ’94

Kevin Beyer ’13 and Jerome Turbyville, father of Emma Turbyville ’14

L-r: Jarrod Houp ’98, Emily Petraglia ’04, Steve Remelius ’97, and Director of Institutional Advancement Lonnie Schroeder

L-r: Larry Framburg ’49, President Nick Stoneman, Chris Silge ’81, and David Cross ’86

L-r: Julia Komanecky ’97, Sam Carroll ’94, and Leif Jensen ’91



4th Annual

Hands AcrossHands Across

4th Annual



on Friday, September 27, 2013, Shattuck-St Mary's students, staff, and faculty took part in the 4th Annual Hands Across Faribault event. The day began with a Founders' Day keynote address from Charles Newhall iii ’63, who reminded the assembled school community that the heritage of SSM is deep and strong. The work of the Hands Across Faribault event is a product of this rich heritage. Volunteers were sent out to local elementary schools, Ruth's House, the Red Cross, Paradise Center for the Arts, Faribault Senior Center, several nursing homes as well as a myriad of other organizations. Students, faculty and trustees helped clean, paint, wash windows, rake leaves, tutor elementary students with reading, package meals, among other projects throughout the Faribault Community. As always, it was a great opportunity to "lend a hand" right here at home.


Fall Family WeekendFall Family Weekend, which is one of two annual SSM parent weekends, took place October 11-13, 2013. The All-School Gathering, a performing arts extravaganza featuring our students as singers, dancers, actors, and musicians, kicked off the weekend on Friday. Parents were able to meet with teachers, attend college counseling sessions, meet with the School’s leadership team in a Town Hall forum, socialize in a Saturday afternoon reception, attend games, and most of all spend time with their children.

@ SSM!



Editor’s Note: Walter Hinchman taught science at Shattuck School from 1961-1964. During his short tenure, he introduced soccer to the School and helped to establish it as a varsity letter-earning sport. Today, soccer at Shattuck-St. Mary’s is the Center of Excellence for more than 100 students. Our student-athletes are competing at the national level and are infiltrating Division I collegiate programs. The UCLA

women’s NCAA national championship team this year included former Sabre Chelsea Stewart ’08 and we have several alumni playing professional soccer both in the U.S. and in Europe. How did soccer begin at SSM? We thought it would be interesting to touch base with Coach Hinchman. He was kind enough to take a trip down memory lane and share a few thoughts with us.

A Soccer History LessonShattuck School in the fall of 1961 was a very different place than it is today. Shattuck alone had over 300 boys and both St. Mary’s and St. James were going strong. The Rev. Sidney W. “Bud” Goldsmith was the Headmaster and the athletic department was housed in a “large closet” across from the business office. Hudson G. “Hockey” Mealy was the Athletic Director and his principal cohort was Dale Quist, both University of Minnesota football players.

I was asked to coach soccer as I had played in school and college and there were a few international students who had played in their home countries before arriving in Faribault and they wanted to play what they knew as their national sport. The first year was a bit rag-tag and mostly intramural although we did have a few outside opponents. Our field was northwest of the football field and track, and in the winter, after boards were erected, it was flooded and served as the hockey rink. We had a few balls which I kept in a bag on my porch at Breck dorm and I took a good deal of friendly kidding from Hockey and Dale about not having the correct shape balls. The few of us who had played the game somewhere else were patient and tried to teach the neophytes the rules and the strategy of soccer.

The next year (1962-63) was much better as I had convinced Hockey and Dale that soccer should be a letter sport and, as such, might draw a few students who were the tail enders on the football squad. Uniforms were golf shirts coupled with white gym shorts and footgear consisted of a mixture of sneakers and cleats. For many, shin guards were non-existent or consisted of a magazine tucked inside the socks. Bill Meierhoff ’63 was our goalie and the field players were led by Enrique Steiglitz ’63 and Bob Neiderhauser ’63, both from Mexico, and Steinar Gustafson ’64 from Sweden by way of Chile. We played teams from St. Olaf and Carleton colleges as well as from three other members of the old MISL (Minnesota Independent School League), Blake, Minnehaha, and Breck. We played well as a team and finished with a 2-2-1 record, losing to the college teams and earning two wins and a tie against the school teams.

Walter Hinchman, 1964

1962-63 Soccer TeamFirst row: Coulter, Daily, Lee, Meierhoff, McAvoy, Gustafson, Rhaesa. Second row: James, Yitalo, Neiderhauser, Anderson, Steiglitz, Welles, Wilkinson, Daniels. Third row: Marr, Borrett, Krueger, Hanson, Salsbury, Laughlin, Braut. Fourth row: Cushman, Howe, Coach Hinchman

by Walter Hinchman


During the following winter several of the coaches decided that we would try to form a league of high school level teams – the first such league in the state of Minnesota. My job was to try to find officials for the league games and my first thought was to call the athletic department at the University of Minnesota, then the largest university on a single campus in the country – surely they must have a soccer program. The reply was “soccer, never heard of it.”

The Minnesota Soccer League was formed for the fall of 1963 consisting of Shattuck, Blake, Breck, Minnehaha, St. Thomas, Edina, and Richfield. We played one game against each of the other teams and at Shattuck we picked up games against the Carleton JV and St. Olaf varsity teams.

That fall things improved for the Shattuck soccer program. Fifty-four Shads turned up at the first practice and we had to cut the team to a manageable size as there was only one field available. Twenty-seven players were on the final roster. Among the team members were Steinar Gustafson, a holdover from the first season, Peter Wiggins ’65 who had lived in Germany, and Bob Wilkinson ‘64, the son of the famous Oklahoma football coach Bud Wilkinson, was a solid member of our defense. Meierhoff, our previous goalie had graduated so I asked if anyone was a basketball player, knowing that going to the ball and holding on to it were important in that other sport. Bill Higbee ’64 put up his hand and he became our keeper and did a great

job allowing fewer than two goals per game. We wore real soccer style red jerseys, white shorts, red socks and all players wore proper shin guards (bamboo sticks inside canvas covers) and cleats.

The season was a success, consisting of ten games, six against our league opponents and four against college teams. Against the league teams we were 5-1, scoring five or more goals in all our games except for the 2-3 loss to Minnehaha when an “own goal” bounced off a defender and past Higbee for the game winner. I still have in my possession a silver box given to me by the team, inscribed with the scores and opponents from each game.

About Walter HinchmanAfter three years at Shattuck, Coach Hinchman took a job at Pomfret School in Pomfret, CT where he taught chemistry and physics until his retirement in 2002. In addition, he served a time as Athletic Director, Science Chairman, and Dean of Students. He coached soccer each year at one level or another and was lucky enough to have five undefeated teams. His 1980 varsity team won the New England Prep School Championship. After retiring from active coaching he became a referee and this year was honored to receive an award “for distinguished service to the game of soccer” from the Eastern Connecticut Soccer Officials Association.

1963-64 Soccer TeamFirst row: Antonides, Stringer, Gustafson, Wiggins, Ashton. Second row: Coach Hinchman, Whiting, Gardiner, Daniels, Higbee, Wilkinson, Borrett, Marr. Third row: Smith, Meythaler, Wood, Salsbury, Archibald, Jones, Mack, Fraser, Rhaesa. Fourth row: Tiseth, Daily, Spear, Cornell, Lillge, King, Bateman, Cameron, Schiffmacher


Director’s NotesDirector of the fall comedy, T McKinley noted that “if a play this goofy can be said to have a theme, it would be that we must face our future with courage.” Taylor Johnson ’17 offered a convincing nerd-like character that kept the audience chuckling while silently rooting for her as well. Mr. McKinley said that when it came to the cast, words such as “dash, pluck, and pertinacity” (doggedness, persistent determination) came to mind. “This play presents a variety of challenges to its actors, and once again the students of SSM have risen to the occasion.”


by LarryhS ue

SSM's Fall Comedy • November 7-9, 2013

She saved your life. Now she’s moving in.

SSM Golf News

On December 9, the new Shattuck-St. Mary’s Golf Center of Excellence Training Center opened at Legacy Golf. The new facility includes a 2,800-square-foot turf room with a putting and chipping green, a video and putting analysis room, a study area, locker rooms, and offices. Director of the Golf Center of Excellence, Mike Higdon noted that SSM’s new facility rivals a collegiate environment and diffuses the northern climate weather challenge. “Our whole goal was to mimic some of the top facilities in the Midwest, look at their facilities and try to emulate as best as we could those things they have and what would give our kids the best opportunity to practice and call a home,” Higdon said.

In addition, the 13 SSM golfers travel throughout the U.S. to compete in American Junior Golf Association (AJGA), Future Collegians World Tour (FCWT), and Mid-American Junior Golf Tour (MAJGT) events. Noteworthy accomplishments

include Nathan Zhao ’15 competing in the Jones Cup Junior Invitational in Sea Island, Georgia in December. Zhao also tied for seventh place in a field of nearly 200 players at the San Diego Junior Amateur in early January. Parker Reddig ’17 played in The First Tee Open at Pebble Beach in September. He was paired with Champions Tour player Jeff Sluman and the duo finished tied for second place in the competitive field. Reddig also captured his first MAJGT victory in September by five strokes with scores of 68-76. Sophia Hill ’15 finished tied for third place in an FCWT event at

Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona in December.

As the Minnesota winter settles in, the team is poised to not miss a beat in its training and is looking forward to challenging the best players, even those from warm climates.

Golf Training Center

Training Facility L-r: MAJGT Runner Up Raé Spears, MAJGT Champion Parker Reddig, and MAJGT Runner Up Nathan Zhao

Locker Room


SSM Hockey News

The U16 and Boys Prep hockey teams conquered in Calgary – at World Sports School Challenge, held December 27 – January 1. Both teams won their respective tournaments without losing a game. The Boys Prep team has won the new tournament every year it has existed – namely three. The U16 team, on its first trip to Calgary, also came home with gold. They beat the Rockyview Raiders 6-2 in the championship game.

Zach Stepan ’12 (Minnesota State University-Mankato) and former Sabre ian McCoshen (Boston College) were selected for the USA Hockey National Team that competed at the World Junior Championships in Sweden December 26-January 2. After winning their first three games against the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany, Team USA lost to Canada 3-2.

Six Sabres were invited to theU18 Women’s Winter Festivalin Blaine, Minnesota December27-31. The SSM contingentrepresented 23% of the totalgroup and included PattiMarshall ’16, Maddie Rolfes ’14,Melissa Samoskevich ’15, BrookAhbe ’14, Baylee Wellhausen ’14,and Alex Woken ’16. From thiscamp, the U.S. Women's National Under-18 team will be selected and will compete for the USA at the International Ice Hockey Federation Women's Under-18 World Championship, March 23-30, 2014, in Budapest, Hungary.

World Sports School Challenge

USA Hockey National Team

US U18 Women's Winter Festival

Patti Marshall ’16

Zach Stepan ’12

Ian McCoshen

Melissa Samoskevich ’15

Baylee Wellhausen ’14

Maddie Rolfes ’14

Brook Ahbe ’14

Alex Woken ’16








SSM Hockey News SSM Hockey News

During Fall Break, the Boys Prep hockey team travelled to Sweden to experience a new way to play the game they love. The players described the Swedish play as slower but with some trickier moves around the net. They played four different teams, all with players who were age 20 and older, and returned with a 3-1 record for their efforts.

Eight SSM seniors signed their National Letters of intent to play hockey in college. Schools that the Sabres will be off to next fall include Wisconsin, Providence, Northeastern, Vermont, St. Norbert College, and St. Cloud State. it was a great moment for Sabre hockey and another outstanding senior class for Coach Gordie Stafford.

Boys Prep Travels to Sweden

Senior Girls Sign National Letters of Intent

Anthony Petrella ’14, Colt Conrad ’15, and Luke Kania ’14 share the team flags they received from three of the teams.

Front row, l-r: Brooke Morgan, Kourtney Menches, Back row, l-r: Maddie Rolfes, Jess Sherman, Brooke Boquist, Taylor Crosby, Baylee Wellhausen, Emma Turbyville,


Philippine NationalChampionships

Mexican NationalChampion

Upper Great Lakes

Nutcracker on Ice

Richard Kahn ’14 was successful in advancing to U.S. Figure Skating's Midwest Sectionals. He competed in Lansing, Michigan along with skaters from 22 states. Richard placed seventh in the Novice Men Short Program and ninth in FreeSkate to end up ninth overall in Novice Men.

Louwee Shibata ’17 competed in the Advanced Novice Ladies division in Manila, Philippines in November. She placed fifth in her short program and second in her Freeskate with a final placement of third overall at the Philippine National Championships.

During Winter Family Weekend, the Figure Skating Team performed the Nutcracker on Ice along with the young skaters from the SSM Learn to Skate program. No holiday season would be complete without a performance of this classic tale. The skaters spent countless hours preparing for the show. Our community should be proud of the commitment of these talented skaters.

Three new Gold Medals (highest level senior tests) were achieved. Michelle Lee ’14 and Lauren McCabe ’14 passed Senior Free Skate and Suzi Quigg ’17 passed Senior Field Moves.

ines Munoz de Cote ’16 won Intermedios 2 in the Mexican Nationals in November.

Janelle Skaden ’15, Sophia Cavazos ’17, and Antonia Bessey ’17 medaled in their Upper Great Lakes non-qualifying Regional events.

Richard Kahn ’14

Michelle Lee ’14 Lauren McCabe ’14 Suzi Quigg ’17

Louwee Shibata ’17

SSM Figure Skating NewsF









Janelle Skaden placed 3rd Antonia Bessey placed 3rd

Kahn ’14 Competes in Midwestern Sectionals

Gold Medal Tests Passed


SSM Soccer NewsTeal Bunbury ’08 is the first SSM

graduate to win a Major League Soccer Cup Championship. His team, Sporting Kansas City, defeated Real Salt Lake in a shoot-out on December 7. Teal was drafted by the Kansas City Wizards in 2010 following a successful tenure

at the University of Akron where he earned the Hermann Trophy for the top collegiate player in 2009. To date, he has spent his career in Kansas City where his father also played professional soccer.

What a day it was! About 50 SSM soccer alumni returned for three alumni games on Saturday, January 11th. As Coach Carter remarked, “There is no way I can lose today.” Former Sabres teamed up to challenge current Sabres. Once the friendly games were wrapped up, the alumni adjourned to The Legacy Grill to catch up with each other.

Major League Soccer Cup Stewart ’08 Wins with UCLA

All-New England TeamRecord Breaking Season

Alumni Games

Chelsea Stewart ’08 and her UCLA Bruins soccer teammates are the 2013 NCAA Women’s Soccer champions. They beat Florida State 1-0 in overtime on December 8. Chelsea, a senior, played defense. Previously, she played on Canada’s bronze medal team at the 2012 London Olympics and is a new addition to the Boston Breakers NWSL (National Women’s Soccer League) professional team.

Chelsea Cline ’09 also played for the UCLA Bruins and graduated in 2012.

Becky Stoneman ’10 was named first team All-New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) and in addition, selected for the All-New England Team. As a co-captain for the Bowdoin Polar Bears this

season, Becky led her team’s defense, allowing just 12 goals in 15 games of the regular season. After a successful season, Bowdoin made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament for the second year in a row, setting a new mark for women’s soccer at Bowdoin. Becky was awarded the Polar Bear Trophy which is an award selected by the players and given to the person who demonstrates academic and athletic excellence, congeniality, and a positive impact on the campus and local community.

Photo courtesy of insidesoccer.comTeal Bunbury ’08 Chelsea Stewart ’08

Becky Stoneman ’10

Alex Pantze ’11

Alex Pantze ’11 helped her team, Southwest Minnesota State Uni-versity, achieve a record-breaking season winning their first 11 games and concluding with a loss in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Division II tournament. It was the first winning season for the team since 1999. Alex played mid-field and started in 22 games, logging one goal and two assists.

SSM Figure Skating NewsGold Medal Tests Passed








The Girls Soccer team has raised more than $4,000 for breast cancer research during the two years they have worked to support Mayo Clinic’s initiatives in this area. They did so by auctioning off pink jerseys with their num-bers on the back at a Fall Family Weekend silent auction. The money was donated to support research by Sandhya Pruthi, MD, Associate Professor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Dr. Pruthi has been the principal investi-gator at Mayo Clinic for several nationwide breast cancer

chemoprevention trials. She is also actively involved in cancer education for both patients and health care providers and is the newly named physician lead of the Center for Innova-tion Connected Care Platform. The SSM Upper School was able to Skype with Dr. Pruthi regarding her research.

On Monday, October 21, Dr. Charles Rosen - a liver transplant specialist at the Mayo Clinic - and Cathy Dudley, R.N. of LifeSource offered a compelling presentation about the importance of organ donation during an assembly of the Upper School. Their presentation was part of a BioScience and Honors Capstone research project led by Robbie Rosen ’14 to evaluate the impact an educational presentation has

on preconceived ideas regarding organ transplants. Students and faculty took a survey before and after the presentation. Robbie plans to analyze the results, which he hopes might reveal useful ideas about the best ways to dispel fears or misinformation about organ donation. Robbie is a student in SSM's BioScience program and has a special interest in organ donation through his father's work at the Mayo Clinic.

Faculty member and author, Dr. Brian Libby, has released his fourth book in “The Mercenaries Series” titled The Free Lands. Dr. Libby’s fantasy novels “follow the origins and exploits of an infantry regiment in a pre-gunpowder medieval world.” The book is available from,, B&N, or from the author who can be reached at

“ Ceremony is 2morrow, but 2day I took quick oath of office using this amazing Bible, given by Dakota to Rev Whipple” - Tweet by St. Paul, Minnesota

Mayor Chris Coleman as he enters his third term.

Mayo Clinic Connections

Author Among UsBishop Whipple’s Enduring Presence

Skype interview with Dr. Sandhya Pruthi from the Mayo Clinic for the SSM Upper School. Students and Faculty were able to ask Dr. Pruthi questions about her cancer research.

Cathy Dudley, R.N. of LifeSource, Maren LaLiberty, Director of the BioScience Program, Robbie Rosen '14, and Dr. Charles Rosen, Liver Transplant Specialist at the Mayo Clinic

Dr. Charles Rosen giving a presentation about the importance of organ donation


SSM School News

2013 Pilgrims’ Breakfast

The annual November tradition continues in earnest at SSM. The senior girls are the guests of honor at the all-female event held in recent years in the St. Mary's Hall gymnasium.

Tom Bissett ’14 was awarded first place in Shattuck-St. Mary’s Ninth Annual Art Invitational this fall. Ming Chang ’14 was awarded fourth place. Five Minnesota independent schools participated in the invitational with 10 works from each school. The 50 submissions were narrowed down to 35 and were judged by a panel for the final show which opened on October 24.

Art Invitational


SSM School News SSM School News

During their Winter Break, Miles ’15 and Mason ’14 Lengyel, along with their father David Lengyel climbed Pico de Orizaba, the highest mountain in Mexico and the third tallest peak in North America. They reached the summit at 18,491 feet above sea level where they proudly unfurled the SSM flag for this photo.

SSM Summit

Visit from Kazakhstan

Shattuck-St. Mary’s alumnus and professional photographer Steve Jones ’73 was on campus in mid-October for several days. He is a highly regarded commercial photographer currently living in Fort Smith, Arkansas and previously from New York City. While at SSM, he roamed campus

with camera in hand, capturing moments, spaces, and people. He talked about his work during weEat sessions in weCreate. And, most importantly, he spent dedicated time with a number of students who are serious photographers, including Art Ma ’14 (pictured here with him). Mr. Walker (also pictured with Steve)

helped organize the visit. Several of Steve’s images have already found their way into SSM projects, including the 2014 desk calendar.

Through the Lens

Art Ma ’14 with Steve Jones ’73

Steve Jones ’73 with visual arts teacher Johnnie Walker

On December 4th, The SSM community welcomed 25 high school students and their adult chaperones from Kazakhstan for a two-week immersion into Minnesota and boarding school life. It was a first-time trip to the United States for many of them. The schedule consisted of special SSM classes (Engineering, BioScience, Public Speaking, etc.), local sites of interest, cooking American foods, getting to know SSM students, and cheering on the Sabres in basketball and hockey. At the end of their stay, they shared a performance of music and dance from Kazakhstan with the Upper School.

Group photo of students from Kazakhstan


SSM School News

Through the Lens

Sports Complex Update

SSM School News

As amazing as the SSM Sports Complex is, updated athletic training facilities will make it even better soon. The addition is currently under construction with completion expected this school year. Once opened, the athletic training center will offer students the most up-to-date facilities for their training and recovery. There will be a HydroWorx under-water treadmill, a cold plunge pool, six treatment tables, an elliptical trainer and recumbent bike.

The new addition to the east side of the Sports Complex also will provide a convenient connector between the old and new full-sized rinks and the Dane Family Field House.


SSM School News

Brad Benoit The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins John Blackmer Brilliant Blunders by Mario LivioMike Boone The Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken SilversteinDeb Carpentier The Funeral Dress by Susan Gregg Gilmore Matt Cavallier The Hardboiled Wonderland at the End of the World by Haruki MurakamiDr. Catherine Chang The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette WallsFr. Henry Doyle Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family by Susan Katz MillerJesse Fortney How Children Succeed by Paul ToughAndrew Garlinski ‘98 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman AlexieJohn Groess A Dance with Dragons by George RR MartinCatherine Hayward S by JJ Abrams Jen Hillsheim Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia MarquezLeah Inman All Creatures Great and Small by James HerriotLori Jimenez The Shack by WM Paul YoungDick Kettering A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill BrysonDr. Maren LaLiberty Boy in the Ivy by T. McKinleyKathy Layendecker A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

Dr. Brian Libby Haig’s Command by Denis WinterDon MacMillan Truman by David McCulloughGigi MacMillan House Girl by Tara ConklinMerry Mendoza The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Mark olson Mirage by Clive CusslerCraig Peck Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthyAnne Redmond We Need New Names by NoViolet BulawayoD. Lynn Redmond The Tree by John FowlesDon Scheel Metamorphoses by Ovid (translated by Stanley Lombardo) with Ms. Hayward’s Latin IV book clubKaren Scheel Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Hannah Sobol Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David KelleyChristine Sullivan Shadowfell by Juliet MarillierKari Tobin Sharp Objects by Gillian FlynnBeth Trout The Fifth Assassin by Brad Meltzer.

Grace Watkins I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christine LambAmy Wolf And the Mountains Echoed by

Khalid Hosseini

What Are They Reading Now?We asked our faculty and staff to share the titles of the books they are reading.


What Are They Reading Now?We asked our faculty and staff to share the titles of the books they are reading.

Shakespeare. He’d be the one writer who, any English teacher would agree, has impacted the world the most with his literature. And not only is he important in the history of literature, he seems to have struck an important chord with the English department at Shattuck-St. Mary’s.

It was the first day of Dr. Vlahovic’s British Literature class this fall when the incident happened. He wanted to ensure the statue of Shakespeare would boldly greet his students as they came into his classroom, Dobbin 2. Therefore, he gently placed the statue at the end of the Harkness table, closest to the doorway. In his classroom, the students who want to sit on one side of the room always have to go through a very narrow passage between the open door and the table. Unfortunately, one of his students had a very large backpack that day and as he squeezed through the narrow path, he was thrown off balance by his heavy load. The backpack then fell onto the table, tumbling slowly toward Will. The result was Shakespearean statue split in two pieces!

As Dr. Vlahovic puts it, “Of course, Will has neither arms nor legs, so he was unable to avoid being knocked over. It was a pathetic sight: the great Shakespeare, split in two, his top half staring helplessly at his bottom half.”

However, this incident did not end as a tragedy. Mr. Scheel and Dr. Vlahovic brought the statue to Mr. Walker (one of our visual

arts teacher) in order to put the two pieces back together. They found something very interesting. Inside the statue, were pieces of writings which seemed to be from 1920. Mr. Walker removed every piece and put them all together, coming to the realization that it was an old newspaper that someone in the past crumbled into the empty space inside the statue before sealing it up. Most of the articles were blurry and torn; however, they found an article titled “Courses at Harvard.”

It was a remarkable finding, a connection of the past and the present, the difference of a hundred years or so. Thanks to an idea from Mr. Walker and Mr. Scheel, this particular article that you’re now reading will be folded up and put inside the statue before it is sealed up, just as the other articles were placed inside the statue. Mr. Scheel and Mr. Walker also included hand-written notes. Maybe when another Shakespearean tragedy happens in the future, when we all are a part of Shattuck’s history, somebody will find a bridge between them and us. For those who neglect the importance of writing, this might make you rethink about its significance in our lives. Sometimes one can make a bridge between two time periods with a difference of even a hundred years.

by Michelle Kim ’16 Michelle Kim is from Seoul, Korea and is the Student Manager for The Spectator this year.

A Shakespearean Tragedy!



in MemoriamFrederick A. Reimers ’35

February 28, 2013

William Bird Mounsey ’36 November 11, 2012

Barbara Lovdahl Braendle ’39 January 18, 2012

Richard S. Cave ’42 August 23, 2013

Trevor Hill ’44 September 30, 2013

Harrison H. Hobart ’45 June 15, 2013

Stuart F. Gottstein ’46 August 9, 2013

Richard H. Meyer ’46 November 22, 2013

Janice Requartte Loerch ’47 August 27, 2013

Elinor Ringer Anderson ’48 August 17, 2013

Russell A. Baker ’48 June 14, 2011

Lester M. Dyke ’48 September 10, 2013

Danforth Field ’48 July 13, 2013

Janet Howe Jordheim ’48 August 27, 2013

Robert H. Tennant ’48 December 6, 2012

John A. Weaver iii ’54 June 28, 2010

Virginia “Sharon” Welch Buendorf ’55 November 6, 2013

Theodore David M. Carlson ’56 June 12, 2012

Timothy T. Palmer ’56 July 29, 2013

David B. McGibbon ’60 April 11, 2013

J. Lawrence Stoune ’63 July 9, 2011

Candice C. Jeckel ’89 July 4, 2009

Janet Flakne Cruys May 27, 2013

She was mother to Brian, Ross, Keith, and Mark Flakne – all SSM graduates and was formerly married to Gary Flakne ’52. She was considered a second “mom” to many Shattuck young men and will be missed.

Woodard Wiley Heath ’45 thinks of her two happy years at St. Mary’s. When her husband died in 2006, she moved to Feemington Village outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Mary Alzina Stone Dale ’48 does not make it back to Faribault very often. Most of her relatives and fellow St. Mary’s Hall alumnae have died including her mother and aunt.

Elinor Arnott Agustsson ’50 is healthy, happy, and enjoying life.

Bill Eccles ’50 is entering retirement and is trying to “squash 1500 square feet of Terre Haute house, plus garage, into a 920 square-foot apartment in Columbia, SC.”

Jackie Senneff Fleming ’51 writes that “It is hard to believe it is 62 years since we proudly graduated from SMH! It has been wonderful through those years to remain in contact with so many Saints. The opportunity afforded me is something I’ll always be grateful to my parents for providing.”

“Buzz” Hope Martin Anderson ’59 is still very involved in real estate, apartment rentals, and land development, along with farming and stock investments. He was recently inducted into the Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame and produces an Elvis show and contest in Waterloo, Iowa.

Class of ’65 Shads, John Huntington, John Clikeman, Bruce King, and Skip DeHaro, traveled to Sheridan, WY in September to play golf. Fun was had by all!

Lyndie Lucas Fabian ’67 and her husband Angus bought a houseboat and enjoyed cruising the Mississippi River last summer. They named her “L’Attitude” and declare that “she’s a beautiful Gibson with lots of attitude!”

Kemp Skokos ’69 retired from his OB-GYN practice in 2009. They have two sons in college at the University of Arkansas.

Steve Kaldahl ’74 will check out his class reunion on Facebook. Reunion 2014 may be challenging but he will try to make it. He sends his regards to “the Okie” – David McClendon ’74.

Sara Huntley ‘94 became engaged to Dan Koehler in France last May! Their wedding is planned for September of 2014.

Rebecca Russo ’12 is a sophomore at Boston University where she plays ice hockey. She is planning to major in Communications.

Former Faculty Past faculty member Walter Eichenberger writes, “It’s hard to imagine that I am celebrating my 98th Christmas this year. I’ll not review the entire year here except to say that it has been a year filled with many blessings, and many happy times with family and friends. I am grateful to still be able to use my computer every day for email, Skype, Facebook, doing crossword puzzles and playing other word games. I have a very comfortable life in assisted living and I am well cared for by a kind and generous staff. I am thankful for my loving family and friends! But most of all I am thankful for a faith that has grown over seven decades.



Dr. Colin Thomas ’36 was honored by the University of North Carolina’s Department of Surgery on the occasion of his 95th birthday. Dr. Thomas was one of the founding faculty members when North Carolina Memorial Hospital opened in 1952 and maintains an active presence in the surgery department.

In July, Tom Tincher ’50 was honored to serve as minister in marrying their neighbor's daughter, Bethie, to her husband, Jason. She was happy. Her family was pleased.

Carol and Bill Alexander ’55 were able to wear their original wedding outfits on their 31st anniversary! As Brenda Parkinson Hauschild ’55 noted, “Not many of us could pull that off after all those years!”

Carol Silge Boucha ’80 and her husband, Rory, went to Hawaii with her brother, Chris Silge ’81 and his wife, Janet. It was a trip to celebrate Chris’ birthday (Hawaii 5-0!). While there, they met up with Terry Deutsch Stewart ’79. Bill ortmayer ’63 and

Pete Bodman ’63 at Bill’s home outside of Park Falls, WI

Check out Michael Stewartt ’67 in the all-blue jump suit and blue helmet (lower right) during a group jump last June. He has been selected to join an annual world

record attempt for the S.O.S. (Skydivers Over Sixty) which will take place in April, 2014. To gain an invitation, one has to be considered by the organizers to be among the best 70 skydivers over age 60. When he’s not skydiving, Michael lives in Santa Fe. He has spent much of his career as a professional business jet pilot.

Photo of Michael Stewartt ’67 taken in the mountains outside of Tucson

Seung Hee Shon ’10 graduated from Cornell University with honors in December and is planning to apply to medical school. She is pictured with her parents, Jin Yong Shon and Yun Sil Jang.



A group of Old Shads met in Minneapolis in November for the Minnesota/Nebraska football game. They are, l-r: Frank Lyons ’80, Matt Marta ’82, Keith Flakne ’80, Pat Riordan ’80, Slade Schuster ’81, and Darrel Farr ’83.

Donna Burch ’86 was married to Kevin Brown in September at beautiful Como Lake in St. Paul, MN. In attendance were fellow alumni The Rev. Stephen Wendfeldt ’65 who performed the ceremony, Sally Vail Carpenter ’86, Linda Ardell Wendfeldt ’65, and Chris Freeman ’86.

Phil Snyder ’95 is a drummer for the rock ‘n roll band American Hitmen. They performed at Spike’s in Faribault on November 16. Currently on tour, American Hitmen was one of the featured bands on “America’s Got Talent” season eight.

On the right, Phil Snyder ’95 is pictured with SSM Sports Complex Operations Manager Steve "Rooster" Erickson.

On any given day if Richard Skinner ’63 grows tired of practicing law he head downstairs and sees a movie at The Flicks – a theatre he and his wife established in 1984. He can also grab a bite to eat with a glass of wine at Rick’s Café Americain or linger by the fountain in the garden patio. The Flicks has four screens and shows independent, foreign, and high quality Hollywood films. There is also a video rental business for those who prefer to watch films at home. The Flicks has been selected as the best movie theatre in Boise numerous times.

Director of Institutional Advancement Lonnie Schroeder visited Richard Skinner ’63 at his office/movie theatre in August, 2013.


Jana Horstman and Jeff Horstman ’96, a girl, Ari Elizabeth Horstman, November 4, 2013

Annie Goitein Prince ’99 and James Prince, a girl, Esther Maria Prince, April 24, 2013

Christina Trieweiler Schmidt ’99 and Jason Schmidt, a girl, Maria Margaret Trieweiler Schmidt, July 24, 2013

Jenny Asbury Foot and Chris Foot ’99, a girl, Evelyn Asbury Foot, September 15, 2013

Laura Gieselman Evanson ’99 and Tim Evanson, a girl, Ruby Katherine Evanson, September 19, 2013

Crystal Andresen Harris ’01 and Randall Harris, ’99 PG, a girl, Daisy Cailin, August 1, 2013

Michelle Horrigan Roberts ’02 and Adam Roberts, a girl, Marianna Rose Roberts, November 13, 2013

Mallory Peper Lindgren ’02 and Eric Lindgren, a boy, Rutledge William Peper Lindgren, December 22, 2013

Ashley Cornetet Neslund ’04 and Sean Neslund, a girl, Chloe Grace, November 8, 2013

Brooke Collins Gelo ’05 and Rhegy Gelo, a boy, Gaige Gordon Gelo, June 15, 2013

Allison Johanson Walsh ’05 and Kevin Walsh, twin boys, Deacon Kristopher Walsh and Bentley Russell Walsh, August 15, 2013


Births & Adoptions

Marie Hill ’96 and Adam Gebler

September 14, 2013

Elizabeth Flack ’98 and Craig Baller September 29, 2013

Carrie Gill ’99 and Grant Throckmorton September 1, 2013

Krystyn McAllister and Brian Donaldson ’00 September 1, 2013

Rebecca Wodnik ’01 and Michael Gould September 28, 2013

Katherine Pastusek and Bret Waltz ’06 September 21, 2013


Phelps Infirmary…Phelps Infirmary…


Making a Comeback

An early January Facebook posting on the SSM and alumni group pages asked if people recognized this place: it asked for “Phelps Stories” from our alums who remember it “way back when.”

Well, the conversation began and before long we were hearing about Dr. Rumpf, stainless steel ether masks, a sweet old nurse, flu shots, “sick in room” passes, haunted houses, as well as recollections of illness and

injury. Memories of Phelps live on and so will this beloved building.

Phelps is being re-imagined and re-built. imagine “The inn at Shattuck-St. Mary’s” – a campus Bed & Breakfast for alumni, parents, and friends, a Retreat Center for the Episcopal Church of Minnesota, a beautiful setting for a wedding reception. The possibilities are endless.

Do you want inn? We hope so. You can join the effort to re-imagine Phelps by visiting to shop Phelps’ very own re-building registry.

Making a Comeback

Did you know? Phelps Infirmary was originally built in 1871 as a library for the Seabury Divinity School and was made possible by a bequest from Lucy Phelps of Winsted, Connecticut.

You're Invited to Join the Alumni Association BoardFounded in 1879 by Harry Whitney, Class of 1871, the Alumni Association Board:

• Serves as a channel for communication between the alumni and the School• oversees the direction of alumni organizations and programs• Provides the means for examination of School policies and maintains the importance of

financial support to the Annual Fund• Plans events, such as Reunion Weekend, the annual All School Day of Service, and local

alumni gatherings in your city or state• Works closely with the Advancement office to insure accurate and timely communication with alumni

if you are interested in giving back to the Shattuck-St. Mary’s alumni community in a meaningful, hands-on way, or know of someone who might be, we encourage you to send an e-mail to the attention of Maggie osterbauer ’03, Shattuck-St. Mary’s Alumni Association President, ([email protected]) or David McClendon ’74, Nominating and Recognition Committee Chair ([email protected]) today!

The Officers of the Shattuck-St. Mary's Alumni Association Board:President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maggie osterbauer ’03Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David M. McClendon ’74Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anne Silge Merz ’75

Committee Chairs and members of the Executive Committee:Alumni Nominating & Recognition . . . . . . David M. McClendon ’74Class Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stephen olson ’79Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nicole Willis-Grimes ’93Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracey Kloeckl-Jimenez ’83Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Collins ’72Regional Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julia Komanecky ’97

Alumni Board Members:Elinor Arnott Agustsson ’50; Mark Alpert ’60; John Baird ’62; Ruth Bankers ’97; Sara Whelan Benedict ’97; Claire Benton ’95; Kevin Blake ’79; Jeff Collins ’72; John DeHoff ’95; Heather Hawkins Fazio ’99; Lisa Boyle Girouard ’88; Bill Humleker ’69; Cynthia Leslie Johnson ’72; Tracey Kloeckl-Jimenez ’83; Julia Komanecky ’97; Tazio Lombardo ’99; Ken Malvey ’58; David M. McClendon ’74; Anne Silge Merz ’75; Christian Miller ’95; Michael Noel ’99; Stephen olson ’79; Maggie osterbauer ’83; William Pitte ’76; Emily Snell-Jordan ’97; Jessica Tychsen-Townsend ’00; John Van Dyke ’63; Ann Albertson Wenger ’73; Donovan Wiedmann ’97; Zach Wiegand ’00; Nicole Willis-Grimes ’93.

s We hope you enjoy the magazine and all of the news it offers. A contribution to the Annual Fund can support our programs and our School. We hope you will use the enclosed Annual Fund envelope to make a gift. We are also interested in updating our records and building our email database. We would really like to be in touch with you. Thank you.


Nominations Welcomed

• Honorary Alumni Membership• Class Agent of the Year award, and • The Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award

Honorary Membership is the Association’s way of recognizing outstanding service to the School by individuals who were not students at Shattuck-St. Mary’s. The Class Agent of the Year award, established in June 2010, is presented to those current Class Agents who have done an exemplary job in keeping their classmates aware of class news and updating the School with any changes to classmates’ contact information. The Distinguished Alumnus Award, the second highest award given by Shattuck-St. Mary’s, is reserved for those members of the alumni who have demonstrated the highest level of service and accomplishment in their careers, to their community or to the School.

Due to the nature of these awards, detailed supporting information should accompany the nomination(s). If you would like to recommend someone for either Honorary Alumni status, Class Agent of the Year or the Distinguished Alumnus Award, please send an e-mail to Maggie osterbauer ’03 ([email protected]) or to David McClendon ’74 ([email protected]) and include the reasons why your nominee should be so recognized. Nominations are welcome at any time during the year but must be received no later than March 15, 2014 to be considered for this school year.

Nominations Welcomed

The Alumni Association is currently seeking nominees for


P.O. Box 218, 1000 Shumway AvenueFaribault, MN 55021-9908



