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  • 1. Three Day Road Joseph Boyden By: Emily Swan

2. Lead Thesis Statement Within every heros quest, there is a call of adventure; however the hero might not accept the call right away. In Pis situation, he tries to deny the call to adventure by disallowing Richard Parker to come aboard the lifeboat. Within every heros quest, there is a call of adventure; however the hero might not accept the call right away. In Pis situation, he tries to deny the call to adventure by disallowing Richard Parker to come aboard the lifeboat. 3. Niska Xavier Elijah 4. Topic Sentence During the first phase of the Monomyth theory, the departure is where the hero, or protagonist, of the story receives an immediate call of adventure. Point 1 "Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed. And I am allowed no explanation? I am to suffer hell without any account from heaven." (Martel 108) Pi is confused why the Gods destroyed the things and people he loves the most. The Gods never gave an explanation for why they would but Pi through a terrible real life nightmare. Proof Within part one of the novel, Pi becomes extremely close with his Gods as he committed to three different religions: Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam . In the hopes of a bright future, Pi puts all his faith in these Gods. Pi starts to reconcile the Gods doing after the Japanese ship, Tisimtsum, sinks and he loses his family. Comment 5. Residential School 6. Point 2 "Let go of the life boat , Richard Parker! Let go, I said! I don't want you here, do you understand? Go somewhere else. Leave me alone. Get lost. Drown! Drown!" (Martel 109). Regardless that Pi did not want to accept the call, he ends up accepting it. In the eyes of the reader, Richard Parker could have resembled God. Therefore, when Pi was denying Richard Parker access to the boat, Pi is really pushing God and the call away. Eventually, Richard Parker gets accepted onto the lifeboat and consequently Pi had no choice but to accept Gods call for adventure. Proof Within every heros quest, there is a call of adventure; however the hero might not accept the call right away. In Pis situation, he tries to deny the call to adventure by disallowing Richard Parker to come aboard the lifeboat. Comment Conclusion To sum up, Pis takes the beginning steps in his quest by accepting the call to adventure regardless of the fact he did not want to accept it in the first place. 7. Topic Sentence After his departure, the hero begins the next step in the heros journey: initiation. Point 1 "Nothing, I thought, could ever push me to return to the lifeboat and to the suffering and deprivation I had endured on it-nothing! What reason could I have to leave." (Martel 310) Pi experiences the temptations created by the island. These temptations not only tempt him to stay on the island, but stop him returning to the lifeboat in order to complete his quest. This stage is known as the Women as Temptress, in which Pi has to battle with his temptations in order to survive the shipwreck. Proof In part two, Pi discovers a mysterious island. Pi enjoyed the little island as there was food and water. However, Pi had to fight his temptations to stay on the island and not fulfill his quest. Comment 8. Point 2 "This beach, so soft, firm and vast, was like the cheek of God, and somewhere two eyes were glittering with pleasure and a mouth was smiling at having me there ... Richard Parker, thank you. Thank you for saving my life ... You will always be with me, in my heart." (Martel 316-317). In order for Pi to return home, he is required to end his quest by achieving his goal to be one with God. At the start of the novel, Pi was searching for God and the reader could see that Pi joins three religions. Once Pi locates the Island, he fully understands what God could do for him and who he is. Pi starts to put more faith in God. When Pi states You will be with me, in my heart (Martel 364), Pi finally achieves his goal to be at one with God. Proof Lastly, Pi experienced the ultimate boon. In other words, Pi achieved his goal to be one with God. Throughout the novel, Richard Parker could be seen as God and Pi's feelings toward him. Therefore, even though Richard Parker leaves Pi, he knows that he will always get a helping hand and for that Pi thanks Richard Parker. Comment Conclusion Overall, Pi went down the road of a trial where he had to go through a series of tests and tasks, one of them being to confront temptation, in order to achieve his goal. 9. Topic Sentence Lastly, with the support of God, Pi successfully completes the first two stages of his quest and made it home to civilization where he starts to share the wisdom with everyone that he gained throughout the quest. Point 1 "Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe?" (Martel 330). PI is just finishing his story to the Japanese detectives; however they found it hard to believe. Pi successfully shared his wisdom gained throughout the quest; it was just a matter of the people believing it. In addition, the quote proves that Pi achieves that goal to be one with God as he now believes in God. Now, Pi can easily believe in the quest and he just cannot understand why other Proof In the final step to the heros journey, crossing the threshold is required of the hero before going home. The trick in this step is to retain the wisdom gained throughout this quest. Comment 10. Point 2 "Because the three have never come together in your narrow, limited experiences, you refuse to believe that they might." (Martel 332) Pi mentions, the three because in the novel this could represent something in both worlds. Within the world on the lifeboat, the three represents a tiger, a lifeboat and the ocean. In the world on dry land, the three represents the three religions that Pi practices; Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Pi fully masters both worlds by seeing the connections they both have and bringing them into one world to share with everyone who wants to believe. Proof During Pis discussion with the detectives, Pi shows the reader that he can master both worlds; the world on the lifeboat and the world with religion. Comment Conclusion To conclude, through completing the required tests and tasks that Pi was faced with, for example temptation, he returned home safely where he is able to share the wisdom he learns during the quest. 11. Restate Thesis In Yann Martel novel, Life of Pi, Pi goes on a quest where he experiences a departure, an initiation, and a return where he achieves his goal of becoming one with God. The Departure: Pi leaves his home where he receives the call to adventure, though his call to adventure resulted in the loss of his family and challenged his faith towards God. The Initiation: God put Pi through many physical and spiritual tests while being stranded in the lifeboat that allowed his faith for God to grow. The Return: Pi returns to civilization where he must share the wisdom gained from the quest by telling his story. The only trick is getting people to believe him. Supporting Arguments 12. Concluding Statement Pi embarked on a quest that took him from Pondicherry to the ocean, and then back to civilization, which was an inspiring journey where the reader even questions their own religious beliefs. At the end of the novel, the reader is able to decide if they believe Pi's quest at sea with Richard Parker, or if they believe the second version with real people. 13. Chlipala, Thomas. "Life of Pi- Seminar." Elearning Ontario. N.p., 13 July 2014. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Rhythm of the Heart - Native American - Buffalo - Plains - Sioux. YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. . "Three Day Road - Official Fake Trailer with interview and bloopers. "Witness to murder at Indian Residential School." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 23 July 2014. .