Page 1: Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN Journal/1890/01_January/01-29-1890.pdf · One Dollar a Year. Offla* In Train's Opera House look. Three

One Dollar a Year. Offla* In Train's Opera H o u s e l o o k . T h r e e Cents P e r Copy



W o r k of t h e I t f t w - M s k a n In tta* Sona ta A N D H O U M .

I iBtrodacd >•» IU.«-tormlMUtrM

- A Coiapl.1* ••MBsarr ml


rWAunROTOif, J u . 81.—In the S«n*t« yeatorday bi l l ! wtr* reported to yrortde for the admission of the Htate of Wyoming Into tha Union, and to pro-vide a temporary foverament tor the Territory o( Oklahoma. Hetltlona were preeented In favor of the lilalr educa-tional bill; . In favor of a Mr-Tioe (Motion law to all aurvlv-l i g to Idler* of the late war; for U * repeal of the llmltaUon on a r r M n • I yeu lon t ; for the frve colnafro of til-ret", for n law to prohibit ip^oulatlona In f tn ln and other famprodneta. BllUwer* paaaed Increaalny the appropriation for A public bulldlnp at Milwaukee to f i . -000,900, and making MlnnoapolU a anb-yort at entry and delivery.

WAaaiKOTt)!*, Jan. S3,—A bill waa In-trodueed In the Senate yetU-rday to dlt-oeotinua the colnaya of the tbroo-dollar and one-dollar gold plrcea and three-

^ cent nickel plwe*. A number of petl-tlooa were presented pnylnff for the ptaaafeof the Blair educational bill. BUla ware pasted to create the offlcea of •urrayor-aeneral tor the Sutea of fou th Dakota and North Dakota, and f r a n t l n f to Ctl lfornU five per cent' of tha net prooeedt of the oaahaalaa of pub-lic landt In tha 8tat«.

TVAaBMOTun, Jan. 23.—In the Senate Teateiday a bill was reported to Increaae to 93,600 the pentlon of the widow of Oenenl Kllpatrlck. A resolution for ne-fetlatlonH with Spain In regard to the aatabllahment of a republic In Cuba waa advaraely reported. A petition waa pre-

.gaated for the repoal of the Internal |k» revenue tax, and Senator Blair a poke on

Ua educational bill, the measure being Bade a special order for February 8.

W A B H I R O T O X , J an . 2 4 . — I n the Senate veaterday the credentials of W, M. Clark and Martin Maglnnls as Senator*-elect from the StaUi of Montana were

En ted and- referred. Senator In-(Kan.) made a lengthy apeeeb on bill for providing aid tor colored

aeople who desire to eulgrato to Africa, In wkloh he argued for Juatlce for the eolored roan Adjovuned to the 87th.

HOCSK. WAaamnTON, Jan. 81.—In the Houae

ay Speaker Reed appointed the oo a mil tee on World'a Fair

u Candler, at Maasachnaetta Hitt and Springer, of

Beldcn and Flower, of York; Hatch and Frank, of

MUoe.uri; Howdt-n. of Vliylnla; WU-faa . of AVett Virginia Illlla ware Mrodnoed authorlf lng the i u u e of

i Ttaainry notes on dopoalta of ailTer buUlon; to organize the Indian Tar* llteryi the Waahington World'a Pair Milt appropriating 8 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 for the ereo-tlen a t a monument to the negro aol-

Ca and aallors of the late war; levy-It tax on all peraon* dealing la op-

ttena on grain, meata, cotton and other Moduota; to divide the State of Xanaaa Into northern and toulbern Judicial dtotrtota A reaolutlon waa introduced •(•Tiding that on Thuraday, the 83d fate, tha olerka ahall call tha roll of aaambars. and aaoh member ahall Indi-oate bia choice for tha location of the Wetld'a Fair. Referred to the apeoial aeasmlttee.

W A S in N O T O N , Jan. 2 3 . — I n the Route yeeterday a bill was Introduced to in-Teatlgato the cauaea of the preeest do-• re t ted condition ot ihaafTtculUral in-{areata A dlscuaaion took place over

, i h e rnlea, and tha Oklahoma bill waa


further WAtHiantos. Jan. 23.—In the Rooae

vaaMnlay the Oklahoma towa-aUa bill VWtMaed. Abll l wasJntroduoadiDak-i a t Oea Molni-s. l a , a port of delivery, aad the bill for the erection of tierern-aaeat penltentiarica in various parta of the country was dlMuaaed.

WAanitOTO*, Jan. 24.—In the Houae yeeterday the report unteatlng Jackton (Dam.) from Went Virginia and dealar-ing Smith (Rep.) entitled to the eeat, was aubmitud. The bill making ohangaa U t h e l a w a affecting the colleotlen of eoatoma occupied the remainder ef the aaulen,

WAsmaoxox, Jan. «5.—In the House reaterday the ouatoms adminUtrat'. a Wlpraa farther oonaldared Tha com-mittee on invalid peationt made favor-able reporta en a large number of yrl-vate penalon billa

WAtmjfoio*, Jan. 87.—In the Houae ^ Saturday. the cuitomt adminlatratlve

bill w u .paaaed. A reaolutlon waa offered and referred to the oomtnlttee en rulea Inoreaaing the mumberthlp of the World'a Pair committee from nine to thirteen and provldinf that that com-aaittee ahall have Jurisdiction over all queettona relating to the fair eseeyt t ha i aa to the location.

De • th . r Ad.M lor.pu a a h. PlILADKl.rRlA, Jan. 84—Adam Fore-

Mugh. the veteran ciroua manager, died Wedneaday night at hia realdatfoe in thla city. Mr. Forapaugh had been ail-iog (or aome timd paat He waa at-tacked a week or two ago with the pre-vailing influenta epidemic, which throe • r (our days ago developed into pneu-monia Mr. Forepaugh waa 08 yeara of

rand (eaves a w|te and ana ton. He leavea property valued at more than


Kx-Wardun Howard Uoal Pay Dp-JarrRMOiviiXK. Ind., Jan. 25.—The

eaae of the S u t e againat Andrew J. Howard, tha ex-warden of tha Indiana prlMn aouth, U> recover 13.400 belonging te eonvloU In the institution which Howard waa charged with mitappro-

waa decided in the ciroult iy morning. Judgment waa

given againat Howaid and hia bonda Men for | l , Ma

Datleee* KaabaetM. Haw VOBK, Jan. 87.—Tha eichangea

at tha leading clearing-houtea in the United SUtea during the woek ended •n Saturday aggregated ll.l01.M71»4a. •gaiaat 11,14aaw.U the prevloua week. 4a oompared with the eorreapondlng aeok of IMv the Inonaae amounted u


Ulaa Bell U looking. Addle. Yet. U u r a . Why. only a year ago her faoe waa oora-pMely ooveml w t i piBpiw. blotcbee. 'and aores. She told po ther that abe owed her nkse. dea r coaiplexinn to ht-r u t i n t Hulphnr Bitten. Well, Laura, I ahall try them too.

M . P . - A tTEW DISCOVERY. Weaknws and dernnged livem, atom-

oohi and bowels should never he acted on J»jr irrltanU like common pilla. hran, eto. MileV Pills core# liver oomplalntt

y r .

Hrv. by a new method.

F R O M W A S H I N G T O N ,

a DttUf lUrord of Bv.att of Uaoaml UUtMl a* AIL

r WAtHUtOTOH. Jan. 8 3 - T h e commlW lee appointed by the National Afro-American league eonventlou, rvcently bald in Chicago, to present to tha Kx-Kutive and Cong re an a petition for the enactment of Irgiaiatloa to aecure to the colored people their righta under the eonatitution ha t arrived here and will preaent an addreaa to President llarrlaon aad both heuaea of Congreat. The addreaa de-olares that colored voters In the South are denied the right uf audrage and fair trlala In the cuurlt, ard nsks for laglala-tion to tecnie to them thrirclvlland po-litical r lghu. It alto auks for the pae-tage of the Itlalr edueallunai bill, de-claring that Southern States do not aaake adequate provision tor the educa-tion of colored children.

WAtiii.MiTo.s, Jan. 23. — Secretary Noble, through special agvnta of the In-terior Department, ha« been Inveatlgat-Ing the accuunU of a large number ef recelvert of public mohnys In dlffeient parte of the country. The aocounta of a number of these t m found to be thort, and upon the recommendation ef the Secretary the Pretldent has made the following peremptory removala:

& W. Hutdilaa, Humboldl, OaL, aUtged thortacr about lAUUD; »T*d W. Solih. Teeeea, A . T., allrjtrd ihertaf* U the L'nltad S U M *

about M.UUO and la privata ladtvlJaala ab'ot SBOOOmorvi HlarllafB. Hmllb. Uerira Laka N. D.. allrjed -hortue about ll.e-7; franda L. ABdrraoD. Del Norta, Col. ahortace about ll.-Ill I Oharlaa Bpaldlng. Topeka, Kan , alleged shorttga about ttucu

W A H I N O T H N , Jan. 24.—The receipt* from internal revenue the Drat t lx monthtof tii* dioal year ending June Sa 1990. woro lOO,OH,833, being 85,760,-800 greater than during the eorreapond-lng period ot the previous llscal year.

W A S R I X O T O X . Jan 84.—The varlout departmeata aatlmato that It will re-quire 14,000.000 to adjust the arcounta of laborer*, mechanic* and othera under the eight-hour law.

WAtuiaoTos. Jan. 84.—President Harrison has approved the act increat-ing the pay ot tnpervlaors of the eanaua from IM0 to 81.000

W A S B I H O T O N . Jan. 87. -Congreaaman Williams, ot Illlnoia has teeured an order from the Heuae totting apart Sat-urday, February 15, for memorial apeeche* upon tha lit* and character ef hia predeoeaaor, the late R. W. To w tu-be nd. '

I N F A V O R O F A M A L Q A M A T I O N .

fiograaalva I'moa Mlnrra and KelgkU ef Labor Jnlna Forraa.

C O L U M B U S , a . Jan. 24.—Tha Jelntoen-ventlon of the Knight* of Labor and Progreaaiva Union Miner* convened Thursday morning. Mr. Roe, ef the Knlgbta ot Labor, waa elected temporary prealdent; John Mollrlde. of Progreaaive Union, vlce-preaiaenl, and tha remaiader of the temporary officera war* divided. At the afternoon eeaition tha miner* agreed on tour point*, which practically aettlea that they will amal-gamate into one organliation, having one detente fund, with equal taxa-tion and one aet of oOlcers. A oommlt-tee waa appointed to draft a uonstitu-tlon, whlob mutt be ratified by three-fourths ot all the members of both or-ganUationa.

C O L U M B I H . O.. Jan. 83.—A* their meeting yesterday the federated miner* adopted the name "National Trades Aaaembly, No. 135, Knlgbta of Leber, and the National Pmgreaslva Union."


A Man Uvea for Bigliteaa Moetka with m BoUat la Mia Brala.

J O U K T . 111., Jan. 87,—Martin Related died here Friday night and an autepagr m e a l e d a a-J-callber bullet in hit brala. During the latt Presidential campaign Be la tad and Charlea Adamt had a friend-ly toufBe on a train while returning from a Bloomingwn rally, aad Adaua (ell (rom the cars, receiving In-juries which nearly, proved fatal. The next morning Related waa (ound in the lumber-yard region dated and with a bleeding head. .It was aaid at the time that he had been attacked in hit store, but It U new believed that he at that time attemptad te kill bit*-•e l f in hia fright ovef the train affair and then abet the bullet Into hia head. If to, he bad lived a year and n half with a piece ot lead Imbedded la hia brain.

Uaath or a* Old SalUar. WpijnpEu, Man.. Jan. 17.—A leading

B t * in the Mitory of tke Cenadlaa North watt died to-day aged 70. He waa Captain William Kennedy, a Hudton M»r Company offlcor, who waa promi-nently Identified forty year* *go with tha aearvb t«r Sir John Franklin, leading aome throe or tour overland ex-poditiona, aud giving hia name to Ken-nedy ialand In the polar se ta

•aaged. M O X T U O M I R V , Ala, Jan. 25.—Qreea

Braxtoa (colored) waa hanged here Fri-day (or the murder of Lewi* Pugb. a* • « * white farmer, of thia ceuoty, iaat May. The drop fell prematurely, and Deputy Sheriff Charles Parker fell with Braxtoa and was painfully hurt by con-tact with ths Iron flooring. Braxton died ot strangulation.

lUlaoli lUpubllean Clnba. S P R U I O P I K I J ) . IIL, Jan. 25.—The pret-

Ident and aecreury ot the Ullnola League ot Republican Cluba have la-sued a call for a delegate convention to ba held February 12 In thla city, each organited eiub In the State U> be enti-tled to three delegate*.

U.avjr Uamag*. Award.d. CmcAoo.Jan. 33.—In Judge Graaham'a

court yetterday Henry Bush, a fireman for the Northern Paolflc. w u awarded a verdict of $ < 0 , 0 0 0 tor damagea received la an accident—the second largest ver-dict of the tort on record.

Banaaa' aiale Tr»aaurar Bealgna. TorxxA, Kan., Jan. 85. -Jamet W.

Hamilton handed In hia resignation at Humi

i I general llve-stook agent of the

Slate Treasurer te Oovernor Humphrey Friday. Hsmllton haa boon appoiatad

i S a n U F a

Yeltcr & Look's.

Cat la Two by a Train. Nonmsrows. P a , Jan. 34.—Mra. Jacob

George, aged 7a was struck by a train between Lonadaieand Duyleatown and cut In two. The body w u froten stiff when found

Reveries of batohelora used to contain an alloy of painful anticipation, on ao-count of *le«pl(*a nights wllb the pros-pective baby, but Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup baa made all that part a joy forever.

S T . C L A I R , M I C H .

J . M . L O O M R B D C L O V I U C o . — G e n T -

lemeni The t lx bottles of Bed Clover I ordered of you have entirely cured my wife of Cnnoer of the ave. and there hat beon no tlgn of a return of It. Your* respectfully, H . N. H A M M O . V I ) .

And many o i h t n .


fftaay W h i s t l e WUdly in t h a Hooky lea a n d Violnlty.

Ballwar Trrtlna Mtaar* from IK. TtM|| aad raaa.nit.ra lladlj lojurod-llosaa*

and TRM. Blown !>••••—Onal Uaaaata Doaa.

A rrniotit B A I J L

D B K V K I I , C o l . . J a n . 2 7 . — T m v e l e t * l a

th* Ruckle* have had an exporlenoa that will latt them a lifetime. For tour day* * wind-storm of unparklled vio-lence ha* swept the immntain aid** and howled duwa the narrow canyoas with , a fon-n that haa denuded the steep hill-kidot ot stately trees that bad withstood th* ttorms of centuriee. The devaata-ti n U Inca'culabie. aa the ruin laid bare an area of 200 miles long by 1TC wida

The wind struck Manltou Spring* with awful force about noon Saturday aad in an Inatsnt a large number ot building* war* in rnln*. U O U S > K ware lifted from their foundations like HO many straw* *nd dashed to pieces. Scarcely a bulld-Ing ot any considerable site In the town escaped aome damage. Thouaand* ot ahade trees were alao broken eff, aide-walks caught up and thrown agalnrt houaet and stores and chimney* toppled over by t h s hundred.

A Rio Orsnde paatenger train was blown from the track a t Monument Sta-tion Saturday evening, and two coaohea aad a alaeper immediately took Bra, and tor a few minutes It looked aa thoagh twenty of the paaaangera Impritonad would be burned to death. Tha hurricane taaaed the flames to a furaaca, but by heroio effort* the traia-men succeeded in extlngnlsblng tha 8ra before tny pertun w u burned. Among the ptaaengers Injured is As-sistant Oeneral Freight Ageut Zimmer-man, ot th* Rio Urande. Twelve uthera ware alto wuuudvd, but It It believed but one of them will die of hit Injurlea

A freight train on the Colorado COB-tral. When near Berthrand. ran inta a land drlt l which the hurricane had blown Into the c u t The engine and fear cars were wrecked. Engineer John French *nd Fireai*n Richmond fatally Injured, two bnkemen wounded and a lot ot valuable freight destroyed. Fire broke out In th* arreok, but w u ex-tlagulsbed after a hard fight

North ot Denver re porta of the *term thow great damage. Ixmltvllle, the •eater of the Northern Colorado coal fisld*. austalned mush d t a t g e In the upper werkt of the mines tad m*ny dwelling* h*ve been wrecked.

f t o o n t ix cALirenxu. SAN FKAXCKCO. J a n . 2 7 . — T h e w a r m

r a l u that have fallen In Northern Cali-fornia for the l u t two day* have melted a large amount of snow in the Sierra Nevada and Sitkiyou mountalna and eauted streams and riven to e*varflow their bank*. At the city of Saa Joe* the w*t*r 1* higher than ever befara known. Santa Clara's principal theroaghfare It covered with water for half a nrile. The diatrict north and aanth of San Jose la flooded. At Cbloe the Sacramento river i* over Its. baaka and flooding the entire country. Tho water atanda from flva to IIB feat deep over 2,000 acres ot land la Uustian river valley. From Oeyeerviile to Baratdaburg, a diatanoe ot eight mllaa, is a vast sea ot water.

N E L L I E E L Y W I N S .

•fee CmplatM l b . (Iroaltof tho Ulobo la aovontj.Two Dora.

NEW YOBB, Jan. 87.—The train with Nellie Bly aboard reached this city a t 8:&l:8l p. m. Saturday. Cannons ware l i ad la Battery Park aad at Fort Greao Park in honor ot the event. Mis* Bly loft New York November 14 at 8:40:30 a •L She made tho complete circuit ot tbfi globe, therefore. In seventy-two days, six hourv, ten minutes snd fifty-sight seconds.

Mist Bisiand, who attempted to boat Ui t t Bly and made her tour In preoitely tho opposite direction, it on board tha Bothnia, which it not expected to reach

C; until Tuesday morning at the ear-t, ae that Nellie la an e u y winner.

An Bart hi) oak. t'aoM. m PaaU. C A X B O , 1U., Jan. 25.—The offloers of

(he ttsamsr City of Baton Rogue, pass-ing op, report a heavy shook ef -earth-quake at Bellfoot Lake, Teon., a t a o'clock Friday morning. A veritable pania n t u l t e d among the inbabltaataof the loooUty, who have not forgotten tho result ot tha great earthquake o( many year* ago, whan New Madrid and mooh e( the adjacent Urrltery sunk beneath tha MiuistlppL

stoi . u v . r aea.oaa. Naw YOBB, Jan. 27.—foatmuter Vaa

COM spam almost the entire day oan* duetlag hia Invetllgatlon Into the ao-counta of Ueorge B. Louaaberry, lata cashier of the post-office here, v, ho com-mitted tulolde at hi* homo when h o w u about to ba arrettod tor hia detaka-tloa. Tha amouni at bi t the iu , i t i a now ttated, will come between |4a000 and 145,000.

tteagli Weather Abroad. V B U I B A , Jan. 84 .—A terrible snow-

atorm prevails throughout MMdlo Austria end .lohnmia. TrafBo is tut-peaded and much damage been done.

B a a u a , Jan. 25.—A burrlcaae swspt over msay parta of ttarmany Friday, deawoyiag hostee and doing great dam-H* u .

A OahaUtate fea Wool. P B O V I D K H C X , B. L, Jan. 34 .—A mill

operator of thla olty h u ancoeadad la cordisg, aplnning aad weaving tke product of tha Cbineee rama pleat, a feet which h u been thought to ba im-possible by operators whs were looking (or a substitute tor wool

vivo Hon Billed. C A B P H I L L . Ala., Jan. 87.— In a rail-

road colllsloii here o i Saturday on the Savannah 4 Western railway two en-gineers, one fireman and two train bands were killed and others were wounded. Thla w u the twenty-third wreck ot that read In three weoka.

•affrag. la Mpala. MADBID, Jan. 25.—By a vote ot i«l to

81 the Chamber of Dcputlea h u passed s bill granting the right of suffragit to all mala persona of Spanish birth of and abort 25 yeara

Avoid the doctor's bill before It is too late, by keeping convenient Salvation Oil, which it the greatest piln Uesfroyer extant. Price 33 cents.

R O O H W T I B , Ju ly 1 3 .

F . E . C . M K P I C I H K C O . ,

Oentlmen:—! have been sfflMed with kidney complaint for several J ears, and tried many remedies to no purpose, until 1 tried your F. E. O. Kidney Remedy, which has cured me. You can nee my name or refer to me (or Its curative qualities.

89 Marietta St. E. F. C O A P M A N .


A Fr igh t fu l Acc iden t a t a Oh ioaeo R a i l w a y Oroaalng.

Mr. aad Mrs rr»d I t / a * Loss tkolr U T * *

WW la n Ih* War to Barf Vhatr UUia Child-Two OtNw rat-

saa* MM* Mas Oaaaa Vata.

S T B I I C K o r A B B G N I V A

C B I O A V O . Jan. 88.—A moat dittTisslag acoidsnt which resulted la ths daath af-laur persona, soourred s t Uoaa Hill Ceaaotery, on the Chicago A North watt-e ra N*d, Thuraday *fternoon. Mr. and Mri. Fred Payne, whoso home w u at No. 84 Aberdeen atauet were on their wsy with a tew friends to bury their O-montht-old babe. There were only tonr carriage* In the proceseion. Mr. •nd Mrs. Payne were In the carriage immediately following the hearse, and with them were Mrs. William Beprogsl and Oracle Payne, their lltti* S-yrar-old daoghter. It was S;S9 o'clock In th* afternoon, and tbe Milwaukee express, (our minutes behind time, w u neanng the city a t a high rate of speed. Aa the Payne carriage came squarely on tha traok the engine struck It In the center, tearing It lu iosp l ln ten and l u t a n t l y killing Mr. and Mia Payne. Mra Reprogel and Simon Anderson, tha driver, reoelved Injuries from which they died within two hours tfterward.

All who witnessed or know any thing of ths occurrence agree that no warning whatever ot ita approach was given hy tha flying train. Tuo engineer w u E. J, Mahoney, and the llreman William Anderson. Tho train waa In charga ot Conductor Harney Kavanaugb. The train waa stopped within a block ot where the accident ooenrred, backed np and the bodies of the dead and Injured were placed In the baggage-car. Mr*. Reprogal and Andurton, tbe driver, were atlll alive when ths train reacbLd the depot at North Chicago avenue. Tbe North Chi-cago Avenue Police station w u notified and a t S o'clock Officer Finn with tha slgBal«sarvloa wagon removed Ander-son to the Emergency Hospital, corner La Salle and Superior itraeta, where he died a few moments later. Tbe. bodies of Mr. and Mra Payne ware removed to the Chicago A Northwestern depot s t Well* btreet, wheaoa they were taken to Jordsn's nn-dertaUag eaUbllthmunt Mra Bap-regol died abortly after ruauhlng the de-po t

Tha traek in the vicinity where tbe aoddent ooenrred It ttralght and level, and the oatattropbo seems to htve been oatirely without oxouta

Late In tho evening Engineer Ma-honey w u arrested fur causing tho dtath of these tour persona and w u locked up at tbe Eatt Chicago Avennt alation pending an ln>ettlgailon of tho accident by tbe coroner.

C H I C A H O Jan. 2 7 . - The verdict o( tbe ooronor'a Jury that lavealigatod tha ac» cldont a t Rose H IL on tbe Northwut-ern railroad, divided the reapontlbllity between tbe driver o( the carriage, the cemetery and the railroad company, and exonerated the engineer, E J . Ma-honey, from all blame.

B A N K E R O I T M A N F O U N D .

Bit Dead Bo4r glahoO Oat of t k . Seaajl-hlll Btrar la Vklladolphla.

PBiLADki.rnu, Jan. 27.—The mystery of the disappearance ot Joaeph D. Dlt-man, tbe ex-president ot the Qaaksr City National Hank, who w u l u t aeea driving in the park the evening of De-otmbor II, w u partially cleared up Sun-l a y by tbe discovery ot bit body float-lag in the Schuylkill river. The b*dy w u thoroughly Identified by rela-tlvea of the dead man, and tho only ele-mtnt of obneurity tt i l l remaining in tbe tragedy la the manner in whicn Mr. Pitman came to hit death. There w u Bothlng about tbe bedraggled corpse to throw any light upon this point A diamond pin and watch and chain were found on the body.


BtpatW, raopagUoml * Co. Forcad ta tha WaU-LUbttm« o# aie,eoa leao.

N x w YO B B , J a n . 2 5 . — M e r c h a n t s i n

the Sooth Amtrican trade hav* received lOaUo advices that the Jobbing h o u u of lopetto, Paepagllonl A Ca, probably Ihelargeat hardware and provlalona es-tabllthment In Buenot Ay rest have failed (or 8 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 and that a number Of other firms are Involved in their em-ha r raumen t The total llabllltlea con-•ootad with tbe tutpentlont are placed 0t lio.ooaooa Bepetto. Paepagllonl A Co. had branehea throughout the Argen-UBO Bapnbllc and had large tblpping

'interests in Europe.

Aaaaa, the rapar-Hakar, Dead. BrBrxartxLO, Msaa, Jan. 25.—John

Ames, one ot the original paper-makart of this country, w u found dead in bad at bla home In thla olty yutarday morn-ing. He wn« born September 8, 1800, and w u a Junior partner in the famoua firm of D A J. Ames, paper manufact-nrsre, who flourished here fifty years ago. The father ot t h e u broth-ers, David Ames, w u the flnt superin-tendent ot the United State* armory and w u appointed by Presldont Wuh-ington. He served nine years and thun atarted a paper-mill which bit tona later carried on. .

n»* Man KJll.d. CSABLOTTK, N. C., Jan. 34.—A report

h u reached hero of a terrible explo-alon ot powder in Wilke* County on the lino ot the now railroad. A great quantity of rock wat thrown up and toll upon aevertl men. Five were killed and thirteen Injured mora or l e u aerl onaly.

Aa lav.ator Ikoad. A T H O I , Matt., Jan. 25—Addlaoa M.

Sawyer, the wealihlestcltlien ot Athol, died yesterdsy morning from blood poisoning. Mr. Sawyer, among other inventions. Invented the "Sawyer gun," whlob w u uaed during tho wsr ot tha rebellion. He w u 04 years old.

Jklppod lo CaniMla. BoHDour, N. Y.. Jan. 84.—Snyder

Loekwood, who ronfeavd to a u r l t a of fofgorlet aggregating W O . O O O when tick about a week ago, has mystorlomly dla-appoared. He Is believed to have goaa to Canada.

Tho breath of o chronic catarrh patient is often to offenalve that he becomes an object of disgust. After a time nicera-tion aeta lo, the tpongy bonea are at-tacked and frequently entirely destroyed A constant source of discomfort it tbe dripping of the prulent tecrellont into the throat, sometime* producing in-velerato bronchitis, which In Its torn haa boon the exciting cause of pulmon-ary diaease. Tbe brilliant reaulta which h u attended ita use for y e a n paat properly dcMgnata Kly'a Cream Balm u by far the b * t aud only cure.

T H E N A T I O N A L C R U S A D E R S .

A Boa-Parllt*" Onfualaaltoo rir.etad al t h . CI.(eland ConvoaH ••>.

C L K V K I . A M I I . (>.. Jan. 2a—Th* aoa-par t lun convention of lady temperance workers In sesalon h ' r e yetk-rdty de-cided that the orgmiUktlon should ba known as "Th* National C r u u d t r a " Mr*. Elian J. Phlnuay. of Ciovaiand, w u alaated president and Mr*. T. B. Walker, ot Minnesota, vice-president One section ot tbe nonstltutlon adopt-ed declare* that no ofli'-ar shall pledge the support of the organ-Uatlon to any polltloal party or kny rellglou* sect Mra. Foater. of Iowa, presented th* following pledge, ahloh w u agreed lo: "I hereby solemnly promlae. (iwl helping mo. to a l a u l n from all dlatillnd, termonled and malt liquor. Including wine and cider, and to discourage the ute of and trtfllc In tha t tme." An amendment providing that the words "as a U'verago" be Inserted after the aord "cldor" waa adopted. The heailquartera of- toe organltallon will be In this city.

C L B V K I . A R I I . O.. Jan. 25.—Tho con-vention to organlte a non-partisan tem-perance union mo) «/. 'in In Music Hall Friday morning. Tin- ladles decided that "National Crusiidora- was not a good title ami ehauged the naine to lo "Non - Partlnao Women'a Cbrlt-tian* rn lon ." I'ra«ldent-alect Phinney notided tbe convention of her aoreptaniu- of Hie offlrn. Further ofloert were elected «• follows: Oeneral Secretary. Misa K Jennie Dnty. of Cleveland; Recording Secretary. Mra Florrnce Miller, of town: Mnancial Sec-retary, MissShortleuire. of rennnylvanla; Treuuror , Mia. C. Cornells Ai'turd, ot Brooklyn. It was di-elded 10 pay tha president aud gen--"I aeereiary aal-arie* of 81.200 et-eh. About H.o00 ware raised at Fridty tfternoon't tstlon to help m^lnlain the ex-pensesot tbe new i>rg.inl»J»tloB. The qoestion ot the place fur holding the next annual meeting waa referred to. the executive oommlUee. Mra. M (X Hickman, ot Ohio, Mr*, lieneral Pural. of Wett Virginia, and MM. Anna M. Edwards. of Ohio, were made National organ iters. After adopting the report of tbe committee on retolutiont th* convention adjonrnt.-d nneitr.

M A N Y S A I L O R S D R O W N E D .

l7nproo«d.Bt.d tovrrlty of Uarrlrauo. la Urral Hrilaln.

L O N I K I N , J U U . 27.—Tha gales con-tinued with increasing strength and veloslly In tha aouthern portion of En-gland and in Ualea Sunday. Menal atrait. in Wales, is rendered Impansa-blc by the fury of the gal*. Many aallors have been swept overboard and drowned. . Tha parade at Hand Hate ia pa.tlally de-ttroyod. Tho ship In x. bound from Greenock tor Itlo Janeiro, was wrecked off the Needles. Several of tha crew were drowned. Tbe turvlv-or* clung to tho ringing all day Saturday and part of Sun-day. It was Impossible to sand a Ufa-boat to the rescue, as no boat could live la tho turbulent tea, but a llfa-lln* w u finally shot. acnMis tbe vps«el hy means of a rocket, and In this way th* men were snfely landed.

The bark Junet Crown has returned to Plymouth. She re|K)rls that two ot her crew wen- washed overboard and drowned, and that many were Injured. Tha ateamer Yorkshire at Liver-pool, from Baltimore, was floodod, and her bridges de-troyed and tna-tained o'her damages. Threa teaman were blown from tho rigging and two othore were drowned. Damage to prop-erty hy the storm It general. Number-less honses have been unrooted. The river Shannon in Ireland and a numbor ot river* In ales have overdosed their banka, flooding the adjacent country.

Q C X K N S T O W * . Jan. . ' 7 . — Tbe westarly hurricane now prevailing la ot onpnea-dentad taverity. The wu h u Oanted much damage u> tbe town. A nntnbar of small crafts have la-en twamped. Ontward-lwund lino steamers report tearful weather in the Iriah channol. The bark Sidluw, from Paaay, encoun-tered burricanea tor ten dayt and loat her first mate by drowning.

A Narrow Earapo. P B I L A O X L H U A . Jan. 27.—In St. Jobn'a

Episcopal Church laai evening David A lax and* r, a crsay msn. fired a bullet f r e n a platol a t Biahop Wblttaker. bat tbe ihot did nobarm. Alexander i t t i ardent prohibitionist, and Bishop Whit' taker's Vtewa on the liquor quettlop hat ing displeased him. he ssid that h i retolvad to kill him.

T H E M A R K E T S .


FI^UR to chuico.!."

W^AT^Vo tBert (f o h!/".! May

COBN-Na. I While OATS-No. f While RTB—Weatara POBK-NnrUou LARO-SMam rnEESK WOOL-DOBMUO

CHl(!AaO. J I E E V F . S - Shipping Hteers....

Co«a Stockera Peeders Butrhrra' Sierra Inferior Cattle

nOOB—Live—<}<«nl to Choice. SHEEP BUTTER Cr. . i . i rn

Oood lo Chuli-e Dairy EOUS-Prath UROOM (X)UV--

Hurt Sail worklug Infrrlor.

POTATOKS (imt tm ) ... POHK-Mr»» L A I I.AltD- Sto

UR-W Tluler l>alrul>

Rakara' Btralshta

OKA1N—Wheat, No. a rash. Cora. So. t Data. Nn. « ra>h Rr», No. «i a.h

. I Wrstera...

'V m

njt. no. 111

wateJ*" iun.uiiia UrnMril Hiding.... 17 rloofing si CoBininn Uoanl* is IVllolDf 11 Lath 1 Shingles |


Btoi-kur. aud Krrdet. 1 HOOR-All grade. i

lli'lk f IIIBEP H*-al J

St ckrr. .ad KersWr. *

OAlTLr llr,i , IS IW st 4 40 .. ' NedhiM: SUI 2 3 ID UUUS 8 r4 a S U

Prof. Lolaetto'a W.mory H/alain la Oraat-luc Kiaator lataraat than aver lo all pkrU of tho eaua'rv. and p»f»>na winking to Imprme their

nrr should aend for bla proapectua In* aa •»r-ui •• J —•"•si"! -a-MU ior nw |r| drrrtisnd la aoothar ooluma.

RaehUn'a Aralaa Oalv*. The Baat BALVB ID th* world for outa,

Drultes, So ret, Uloare, Salt Rheum, Pa-ver Sore*, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Ohii-blaint, Doras, and all Skin EniptioiM, and positively cure* Pile*, or no par re-quired. It Is guaranteed to give portoct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price *5 cant* per box. For •ale by Hunt A Huntor


R O Y A L A R C H M A S O N S .

fBey MmI at Orasd Rapid, tad EI.el (MB-aora for tho Tear.

T h * fortieth grand eon vocation ot the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Matont of Miohlgan mot at Orand Rapldt recently with about 400 dslegatea preaent, repre-u n t i n g 800 chaptera. There are about lO.Oo.) members ot tbe ohapter in tho Bute and the treaaury contalnt t8,000 cash. The following ofllcart were elect-ed: M. I. O. M.. Tr tver t Phllllpt, of Hu t lng t ; D. 1. O. M.. Mtrcut D. El-liott, ot Holly; 0 . P. & of W.,Charloo B ^ g . ot Detroit; T reuure r , H. Shaw Noble, ot Monroe; Recorder, Uarra B. Noble, of Dnirolt; Chaplain. Rev. Fran-clo A. Blades, ot Detroit; O. C. ot O., Henry E- Batch, of Lapeer; O. 0. ot C., Frank N. Clark, of Nortbvllle; Stew-ard. P. F. Degraff. of Charlotte; Senti-nel. Alexander McGregor, of Detroit

Ifntlth In Michigan. Reports to the State Board of Health

hy flfty-alx observers In different part* ot the State tor the week ended on tha 18tb Indicated tbat whooping cough, diarrhea tonsllltlt, remittent fever, membranous oroup and pneumonia In-creased, and that scarlet fe/er, puerper-al fever, diphtheria and cerebro-iplnal meningitis decreased In area ot prev-alence. Diphtheria w u reported a t twenty places, scarlet fever at nineteen, typhoid fever at nineteen and moatlcs at twenty-eight plaoea

Looh Out for Them. A genu are now travollng through the

State wil ing what tbey call certlflcatet of membership to tb* National Union Aa*ociation, whereby farmers are en-abled to purchase wagons, carriages and farm maohlaery at manufacturer*' rate a. I t la not neoeuary lo u y , tays the Lan-alng R*pubIIc*n, tbat tboy are rank frauda and that the quicker the gran-gere find it out tbe better off they wlU be.

Tha OfleM rilled. The Woatern Michigan oflleei wore

flll*d the other dky by President Harri-aon. Lewlt G. Palmer w u made dla-trlot attorney and James It. Clark marabal. Mr. Palmer la a lawyer living a t Big Rapids. H* Is mw sorvlng his ie«ond term In the State Sennta Mr. Clark 1* *n active Repi bll jan and a leader In the party. Boto men woro reaommended by Senator Stockbrldga

The Boat In tho World. J . P. Andrews, ot Marquette, Is now

In Europe In the Interests ot upper penintula verde-antique marble. Ho cablet the company tbat be h u com-pared tbe Michigan miaeral with the beat in the old world, and tbat they had nothing to fear, as theirs Is the l in t to th* world, aud tbe largest deposit. Ba elalma they will soon lead the world.

Death of a Noted Lawj.r . Judge S. T. Holmes died at midnight

hi Bay City recently of general collapse, aged 7A years. Hu KSH Coiigtessman from the Twenty-second Now York dl»-trlot In 1805, and afterward the partner of Roacoo Conkllng. He removed to Bay City In 1079. and while there was one ot th* foremoat lawyer* and cllliont.

Short but Now.r It.ait. Port Huron Is organlilng a tollat-soap

factory which la to hav* a stork of 150,-000.

Stlckney A Co.'s drug-store at Oarvan w u robbed tbe other night of five hun-dred cigars, ten gallons ot rum and flv* gallona of communion wine.

Stephen Hoaoh, a workman ot Port Huron, was struck and killed hy a train the other morning netr Pine Grove. Ho leavot a widow tnd child.

The mtntger ot the Waylandchecae FAOlory. Clyde Williams, bos gone on a \V*stern trip. Uklng over $1,000 ot the eompany't o u h with blm.

The body ot Adrlen Monfllt, who bad bean min ing from bis home in Detroit tine* l u t November, w u found reoent-ly In the rivet there.

Copemlak baa been mado a pust-ofBo* and F. W. Clark, a one-legged veteran, tbe postmaster.

The "Soo" boom Is evidently not so dead u srnno people believe, u over It,-000,000 worth of now bulldlngt la tha rocord fur Itst year.

Jere Laughlln, the Uscanaba high-wayman, w u sentenced the other day by Judge Steer* to tan year* hard labor la the Marquette prlaon.

Samuel M&ialey, a pioneer, hangod blmaelf In a corn-crib near Goble* tho other day.

A Oapao doctor walka an average ot flftaeB miles a day, and never complain* ef tha weather.

It will take fifty men about two montha to take down tbe ore dock a t St. Ignaoe and remove i t to Marquette.

Three bear* were ahot near Omer whhln the l u t tew days. Bears are vataabl* u those three aoldtor|3S each.

SammJ Marklllle. of Almlra township, Bdmie County, committed suloldo tho otber morning by hanging himself ia bla barn.

'oor Kid-jyaareontl 'order. U aal LPII l /M

The Greatest Blood Purifier KNOWN. '

This Ureal Oanaan Modldaa la lh*_ chcapealudbert. UHduacauf HUL#•• pntMiunTEns foriiaD.itiiu*iCf a one cent a doae. It will cure " '

of akin dlaeaa*, fn_ plnplo on lbs faoe.

to that awful IUM-AM Scrofula SULPHUR Bim:RS ia the b*aa Biadldno to aao la qaaea of aucta Mahtwrn a deep aealrd dlaesaca. lxi j rM T . not ever take Mnl.'nV

i L U f P t L L I / ' . L ' ' ' a - r,

U-a VinJI ^ me.tldnoov*rm»/lo./Ba |0l | r B i l l , - ! IiyaarTtagatOtalai# ' WUhayellawatlckywDont wall until yoo] •sbwaorcf Ja>oar#ar« unableleatlk.nrl breath foul aed/ara CM on r"ur hack,I ogonalvar Tour#bulg«taoiii4al onor.Ul

yUl^cuw jou. Sulphur I

llflvalid'i Friend, I i young. Iht t|r<t and lot. | -*te aooa made well by I

Rememher what yon I d bora. U aiay u r c your! , It haa aavad buodredal t wait unUl lu-morruw,

' Try a Bottlo To-diy! Are you low-fpliil«i and weak,

for anlTfiing fnni the c\is»«« of ' nlhi- If eo, OL'LPIirR lUTTKBsl


sand t t-cenl MamiK to A. P. Dnlway t Co.. UuaioB,Bau-. tor lie>( medical work puUllal>ed>

Bowing machin**, Needles and Oils at Althen'a.

Don't Look This Over We have just taken our invoice and f ind

some goods that we don't want, that we would rather have the money for than to keep the goods, and think it wil l be to your advantage to call and see if there are not

some of them that you want. Don't delay, but come at once and we will let you have anything, f rom a wire dishrag to the finest china ware, from a snow shovel to a tin dipper. Just think of it, we have any quan-tity of the finest stone china ware, which we will guarantee not to craze, and will sell it to you cheaper than it was ever bought before; and LampsI the days will soon be so long that there will be but little use for them and we wil l close them out at a sacrifice. Also the famous Pearl Top chimneys at


I t T I E W

Lumber Yard.



Yard a t rear of Train's Hotel,

Lowell. Mich.







For the Balance of January.

V/e intend to sell all our Gloves and Mittens and have our stock closed out before Feb. ist , if we have to



Hog Skin Gloves, 75c to $1 Calf 11 " 50 to 75c Mittens from 20 to 75c Gloves " 25c Up


A. Fisher & Co.

Western Michigan

Business College ( E S T A B L I S H E D 7 Y E A R S . )

bhepifd-Hirtman fiuilding, • Fountain Si.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen-manihip and Buiineu Formt.

• T . U . L E A N , Hlf. nUNdl'AL

C K C A S . L A - W S T B R , , raonuaroK ur

NATIONAL HOTEL, Hear D.. O. H. 4 U. ivpot.


Fitat Clin Himnl ami Koouuac llcawiaale Batae

Livery H I I I I K . I H I Ntubl. In Connaetloo-

To Invalid and Wounded

S O L D 1 E R S 1 Tlir undeniKTinl at Uie requeet of many

lu valid Sold it-ra. hua qiulifled aud U i-n admitted to pracUce

in the

Interior Department, all tlm bureaua thereot and it ii>w

Readv la Prosecute Claims, for those that may be entiUed to PEN-


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

I v l i l ton M. P e r r o , Attorney & Counselor at Law

frain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. Special uttei.tion given to CoIIeoUeu

Conveyancing, Loana and Sale of Real Eatate.-

F R A N K C. ALGER^ A t t o r n o j r a t L a w . *

Collections Given Troinpt Attention


Union Hlocfc. — i OWKLu UlOB



Ordata far Piwartigrr. or Ilajticajte la ft at Traln'a Hotel, Darin H O U M or the Diu Ilara will

receive pronipl altanllon.

4 ^

AT J . E . L E E ' S MEAT MARKET On thu limine, will alwara be found lb*

cboicrat cuta of Ileal, Fiah and Poul-try in their WWHOIK, at Prlcoa

Alwajr. Itraaunabia. J . £3. I L . E E , - Lowell, Hicb.






C.H PEARSON & C9/*~ - * B A L T I M Q R E . M a

Subscribe to the JOURNAL for some friend at a distance.

I ' ISO 'S R E M E D Y T O R C A T A R R H . Ik-at. Kaaicat to uao. ChpajH-at. Itellef U ImmodUte.

A cure U certain. For Cold m thu Hi-ad it haa no (sjual.

C A T A R R H It Is an Ointment, of which .i small partielo In applied

to tho noetrlls. Price, 60c. Sold by llruKuliitHor actit hr maiL Addreaa, E. T . L U Z J X U N L , Worreii. Pa. I

Page 2: Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN Journal/1890/01_January/01-29-1890.pdf · One Dollar a Year. Offla* In Train's Opera House look. Three


Business Cards. P H Y S I C I A N S .

i . W. YOUMO, Phy.lclKn nud S a r -(POU. UlVce over Ycller & U M K > «tore.

0C. MeDANNKI.L. M O., I'tijrulcuui and . Sarftoo. Offlf* 4t B f b L

I f O.UBKKNB M. D., Phyrtciin and Sur-i U • (eon. OtTlo- orer Scoil'« llnnlwurr

WP. IIUUOKS, P h j i l c l a n and Sar-geuu. Offlre over U. Kubrn'i «lor»,

Ofllo* n<)iini-8 lo 10 «. m..«lo 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.


ALBKKT JACKHON, Atlornrj and rtollot-lor. OrerLowrll National Bank.


BU, WH-sny, Contrsclor and builder • RMldauoA 07 Hud>on at., Ix>well, Mlrh.

~ " D E A L E R S . '

JC. HOOTT, Hardware. Haab Doom and • Olaaa. Hullden Harawai* a »v>»ol*ltT

OppoalU Foreat HUla

I d N OILKH M C luua, Crockerr. Ac.

J OHM OILKH M CO., UrocnrtM and CroiU

atcCARTT, WbolMale and Ri'tail •) cer / a Hank lllook


O v e r F o u r t h N a l t o n a l B a n k , Canal 8lr**t. Telepbone So. WT.


•i 4aoii • ! w». atiiaT a. O A T U

H U N T & D A V I S ,

Abstracts of Title, Real Estate, Loan t n d General Insurance A g e n l i .


wa. a.TiTiDM. oio. ctappunoH ra imw «ixi

TateoiD, Clapperton S nine, COUNSELORS AT LAW,

U m c n : G R A N D R A P I D S ,

75 Lyon St, Court Block. M I C H . Special Attention lo Probate Budaraa

HUta CoUecllona

Dr. E. D. McQUEEN. RMldent T ' t a r l a a r y Rarfron,

Onuluate of Ontario Vrterinarr tV'llw. Toron to Canada, profraalonally

AlUndi to all D l a o u t i of E m u u i Cattle llrapltal for Ijuse and Dl«aaM Honm. Call*

will recelre prompt atu-nllon nifbl or day. o r r i C K AT P E R R I V S U T B B T BARN.

s . P. HICKS, A t t o r n e y , L o a n n , C o l l f t c t l o i i H a a d

i n x u r a n t - e .

MONEY lo LOAN o " REAL ESTATE SECURITY In aunia of fHOO and upward* at ininvut

ratra. O m C B O V E R CLARK A WINF.OAlt'S.


HENRY N. STONE, Insurance Agent,

O f f i c e with B o w n c , C o m b s & S t r i k e r ,

L O W E L L , M I C H .

Pol lnae W n t l e n al, the; Lowrat Pilcea.

B e H B K B B R T ,


Fine Suits, Overcoats and TrouseFs P i n t Door Weal of Kapreu OMr«.


to canrana for tbe aalo of Nurarry Bt.x-kt Sti-ady nuploymriitRuaraulre-l. SAI.AItV AND KX-PKNftEH paid to ancoroful men. Apply at oner •titln* aicn Mrndon tbU |.a|MT CHASE BROTHERS CO., Rochester. N. Y.

LOWELL JOURNAL r r*uia iD m a t W A T M A I D I T , A T

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . — n —

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .


Local bualnea Itenu 5 cents per tine each In-•ertloo.

U([al adrertlaemeata at statute pricce. Cards of Tbanka M cents eacb, ref ardlrea of

tbe number of Unra. All Itema Intended to beneflt any one'r bual-

npM will be cbarged for al adwiUln* rales Itraolutium of condolenoe. II.U. Marriage, deatb.and birth nsticea free Cards In Dtrrcto^ Column, | I per line per

year. Carda of 1 ID. In Director. f5 per year. Itatea for larger adrertlaementa made known

at the offlce.

U N C L E A A R O N ; -oiv-


A P a t h e t i c S t o r y o f a W o m a n * * F o l l y a n d a M a o ' s H e r o i s m .

Oil m a n of nervp! (?)

THB kicker is ol incalculable benefit, if not for good, for Itaii, It is tbe easiest thing in the world to kick. Anyone can

do qui te a Rood job at i t , ail it require* it a good atrong j a w nnd the niu<ciilar abili ty to wag it, but did you ever know of a kicker's mak ing any auggestiona f o r improving the object of his harangues? Never, TUey do not have the aiigbtest idea of any other plan and they And this a cheap way of gaming notoriety.

K o t b e r s A l w a y t U t e P e c k h a m ' t Oroup B e m e d y for Children's Throa t and Lung Tronbles, Cougha, Colds, Whoopiug Cough, Croup, yield at onco to Its timely uso. Contains no •p ia toa , thereby obviating the dangerous effecU, of ten resulting, when coiiKh mixtures prepared for adnl ts are given to chil-dren. Pleasant , safe, cer ta in . Indorsed by physiciant. Keep It a t hand,

P e c k h a m ' t Oroup B e m e d y for Obil* d r e a . Prepared only by Di . H. C. Peckham, Preeport, Mich. All Urugglst t .

60 Doses 26 Cents.

' i i f i a / f c i - V ' 4

fiMm fevCiW


fV. S. W I N E G A R ,

C L A R K & W I N E G A R


Y E I T E R & L O O K .


E L Y ' S

Cream Balm Cleanaaa ilia

Nasal PaaaaK«». Altaya Palu and



Kcalnrwa th* Meuaa of Taala

• a d Niuall.


T r y t h e C u r e , - t i f c i y — F 6 V G r A particle U applied lu lc . - . r l i nni l r l l

aud la a f r r aab l e . p r l r r .Ml. . t a l l t lru(-Mlnlai or by luall, rrglatereil, HU nenu.

KLY BUOTHEIW. M Waraer St., KewYork.


POINT -PIMIII I ywir PF.ilj, li i i l r . latuiuriaT.'.riU fjiTirai-1

Birch.nlc. a» »• lV mrr llurl ;."1 rTiifrtoiwnl ii^n F.wr) I " "«» , : 1 ' .'liii fM.i.krt 1-1 in Iwl.^d.

,. i d • k Ic necc ilw' lln" i-ii gfl i»wc.klji

•n iuw r tf% nl r lime for hk lie jiror iniv Iitrmrrt no CUT

kfc IniflJ'.

|h«. I he both pri^n. J *•»>• T T " , to™ hr »w'.l rrm .i fT.ii- • ttnee 1« wiihin ll-.- r-m h • f : TITK CIIICA'-" U1 I v N r w loilcpcndn t. n<r pitil tn .v l o a l l - B C T T J L « L R ' « H I "

trmtmhr-U' rInflation U j ic/m a day-, i a millloe a w«k—jnd il (o»u lr)' null , • • a inoDtk, fcur mpoih, . r H u J j / .

S E N A T O R Ingaiis, last Thuraday, m a d e a moat eloquent speech against t h e Butler bill for the deportation of A m e n c a n Negroes to Africa. He said

the Negroes had increased 60 per cent t inco the war, t h a t in all probability they would number 15,000,000 by t h e close of the c e n t u r r . There waa no poe sibility of amnlgaroat ion, it was undo-sirable, bu t he thought tha t there was a chance fo r civilization. They are t h e victims of all k inds of barbari ty nnd f raud, bu t there ia one remedy that h a s never been tried, and tha t ia jus t ice .

I * t t h e whites in t h e aouth open u p their booka for registration and al low one fa i r vote and ono honest count, n n d see if mat ters will no tad jue t themse lv tw.

If t hey (the Negroes), a re found to be incompetent to exerciae tho rights of suffrage, then no more will bo said a n d the aouth could depend on him t o fu r the r any feasible plan to benefit

matters , but as long as the major i ty were practically disfranchised he would tight fo r them th rough all. Sena tor Ingalla str ikes the key note and his m a n -ly stand c o m m a n d s the admirat ion of f nends and foes alike. Wi th a few m o r e such as he in tbe Senate , there would he nomething done to put mat ters on a solid basis down there .

THE democrata of Ohio, in elect ing rainbow chaser Brice, of New York, as t h t i r Senator , to aucceeo standard oil Paine, have done themselves proud in more ways than one. In the drat place, the only qualification he possesses is a n unl imi ted puree, the str ings of wh ich are a lways < ut . H e ia not a resident of the «Ute f rom which ho is elected. Of

course he is a fair represeniative of t h e party tha t elected him, but they should not pu t the man who beat repreaents them Into iiuch an office, if they hope to gain conver ts to their par ty . Even t h e g r e a t m u g w u m p p a p e r , Harper tWeekly

reiids them a great lecture on these grounds, and it lncidi>ntally compares their senatora « i t h those of the Repub iican par ty . The editor of Harper-* Wtek-y says:

"The intent ion of t h e Conatitution In creat ing the Senate u n s t o provide n select body of men . I t was assumed thn t as but two Senatora were to be chosen f rom each State, they would lie men of signal dist inction fo r public ability, ex-perience and intelligence. Such a m a n , for instance, is Senator Sherman, of

Ohio. H e is essentially a public m a n . He has proved his admirable capacity in high executive, m well as legislative

olllce. H e is unquest ionably one of t h e most eminent of public men now in active life and an honor to tho stale of which he is a Senator . His State, h o w -ever, has jus t given h im a singular c o l -league. I t waa fa i r to suppose t b a t , desirous of e levat ing the prestige of a par ty long discredited, they would select a colleague for^Senator Sherman, who , by public character a n d abili ty, would have helped the effor t of patriotic demo-crats to regain fo r their party the confi dence of tbe coun t ry . If Mr. Brict baa any qualification f u r the Senate u h a s not been made publ ic . "

DT MBS. ISOIIICL U. FLOYD. ICopyrigbt, 1889.)

•nbllmc in bla rurgod iiiiiplli-iiy, BCCUICJ to sugRest the poialbllitleo of a Ood I

Ttie two sat I J> inn into Uiu coala, nnd at Inat Jacob said, wi tba sigh: "Well, so you leave us to-raoirow, father. Couldn't yon Stay longcrl"

" I t ' s best not, lad. It's beat not. We'vs bad a good visit, and your molhcr h u been Uku a d ffereol creature slnco woe Alios took to her so. Hum I" with a littlo chuckle of keen amusument, "blood Is thleknr'B water, aiu ' t ill Wbeu I ao« littlo Alice a settln' on ber grandma's Up, a-doin' what sho will with liar, andher a se t t .n ' as ren-tie and quiet na a neatln' lien, I feci aa If I'd like to go out und tlap my vrlnRn and say: •Cock-ee doodlc-dool'"

"Hut you duu't," said Jacob, with an an-sweruig laugh

"No, lad, I don't," replied Undo Aaron, with a qultiical look, "nor neither would you If you was me."

A moment's pouso, then Uncle Aaron, ttnopinir down, took hold ot a uiugnlHoont black bear skin that, mounted as a rug, was In front of tho grate.

"How queer il aoems, lad, to uao ths b'ar'scoat thlawayl Why,mony's thnb 'ar Pvo killed lo the pait twenty years la tbe mountains, and yet I never tboiiKlit of put-ting bis coal under my foeL Why, It's just

100 L A D I E S WANTED, And 100 Men to call on any d rugg i s t

for a f r ee trial package of Lane's Family Medicine, the g rea t Boot and Herb r e m -edy discovered by Dr. Silas Lane whi le in t h e Kocky Mountains . For diseases of the blood, liver s n d kidneys it i t a pos-i t i r e cure . Por const ipat ion and clear-ing up the complexion i t does wonders. Children like it. Everyone praises i t . Lsrge size package, 50 cents. A t all druggis ts .

J O L I E T , I I I . J . M. L O O S E R F . D C L O V E U Co.—I pur -

chased a box of your Bad Clover P i l e Ointmeti t of P. P . U o l i d a y ' a t this place, a f ter using various o ther ointment* wi thout effect. I used several applica-tions of tha Ited Clover Ointment a n d have not had any trouble since. I n o w believe I am pe rmanomly cured. My case was not one of t h e worst, b u t I have sufTeriKl wi th them over a year , snd bled so much 1 became greatly re duced in flosii. Your ointment ac ted miraculously, and l a m only too glsd to epeak to the many sufferers of this pain-ful disesae. If i t cures all who use i t aa quickly as it did me, vou will sell a great deal of It. Hut I am convinced your Pile Oin tment waa made to cure , and nut like t h e many olhera 1 Imve tested, to de f r aud . It ia a nleasuro to m e to aay, the Red Clover Pile Oin tment has been a pricelnss blessing to me, a n d I know it will prove such to othera w h o will t ry it. Res, eut fu l iy ,

I . V . P A R K .

CARD O F THANKS. I hereby desire to extend lo all my

friends my t h a n k s for the many k ind-nonse* extended to m e dur ing my | iast llluess, of over throe montha, from rhen-mat i tm, and 1 (specially dotiro to toll them tha t hut for Sulphur Bittent I should have been a u f f e n n g atill. May you never auffer w h a t 1 Imve. is t h e wish of your f r i end , 11 H . T A V L I C R .


Over 60 people were forced to l eave their home yesterday to call for a f r ee trial package of Lane's Family Mrdlcim-. If your blood is bad, you r liver snd kid-neya ou t of order , if you are constipnted mid have headache a n d a n unsightly complexion, dont fail to call on anv •iruKgist to-day fo r a f ree sample of thU grand remedy. The ladies praise i t . Kveryons lik«a it. Large size paokace .'IO cents.

Eve ry th ing In the latest and nobbiest styles of pant ings a n d "uitings a t Smith 's . The m u t t faatldiout c anno t I ail to be tui ted.


what a child miKht do to put hia feel on hi* furry coal to keep 'em warm. Do you know, Jacob, oue thing that t t r lkes me righi carl, ou* in all your line new things and new wayso ' I M a ' l "

••No, fa ther ," said Jacob. "What 1" "Why, t ha i tho things ths l Mem to cost

the most money, and tha i you i-ity folks soemto kocr for tho most, air tho thing* that air tbo itra^h-c f in got and da "

"Hlraigheiil" queaiioncd Jacob. "Ye*, strnl«htcat, easiest; al Icsil thsy

seem ao lo me." said Undo Aaron. "Why, that talk you gave the other day In court, Ihst they all clapped aol Why, I jd, ll wo* f ioonly thing you could have said. It would have beon strango for you to have said any different, wouldn't 111"

Jacob nodded and *miled, and Uncle Aaron went nn: "Tiial's what I mean; that lbs things wo sees lo do tho easietl—what 1* In u i to do i* the rii;hl thing f o r u t Aad then nr ter it (• done, every ooe tee* il Is good, yo know. Now, about this ere room, Jacob. Romethings air right snd somethioRs air wrons 1 mean in thellzia'*, lad; and 1 bev uuticcd tbat tho rlKbt things are what was easy to do, and tbe oibsr things that ne re a heap moro trouble they don't suit no ouo now tboy aro dona"

"Oh, father I father!' ' said Jacob, rising unexpectedly and pacing lbs floor; "you should have been in my placo; you should have hod a chance:"

"Chance for what, lad I Money I I do DOlwanlll . I noverhnvu—that i* not what Ib svokee red fo r , "

"What do you care for i " told Jacob. "Mel W b s t d o l keer fori I don't know

how to tell ye, lud. I know I don'i keer for money—for that only means so many loads of hemlock bark taken to the 'tannin'. ' But It seenis to me, lad, as if t h ; r e muii bo aomoothor uso for what'* in u*-sofflS other nse. I 'm noscullard; 1 can't *ay what I feel*, my boy, but when 1 hoered you tbe otber day lu court, a pieadin' for that poor woman, and aaw tbe tear* a runnln' down tbe peoples' cheeks, I foil aa If I waa a 11 via" then," and Unoie Aaron rose nnd pat hia band on Jacob'a shoulder.

"You givo me new courage, father," tsld Jacob; "bu t It's bard to live on without ber —my wife ."

" I know, lad. Don't ever think 1 forget IL I doesn ' t " There are some thsl help us; oven nltbougb they can not take our burden I rom us, tbey seem to share th* wemhtof ll.

Jacob, at rone man that he was, felt atesl-ingover him the same icnse of comfort thai be had fell at s child In Uncle Aaron'* arm*. Ho felt strengthened snd uplifted, better ablo to face tbe long, dreary oatlook oflonely dsy t to come,

"Fa ther , " ho taid, al last, "you mak* me feel like a man asain—like a *oldier thai bos hesrd the ringing cheer of his Csptala to charge tho foe. And I would indeed b* a 00 ward if 1 fell back now,"

"My lad," aald Uncle Aaron, with hit leader, loving smile, "you never hsve been • oo ward -and you never will bcl"

CHAPTER VL There nre few to tteoped in wrong-doing

as to be comfortably stupe fled. Rote has never quite forgotten for one abort half hour her deserted child andhuaband. Uncle Aaron'* beseeching word* bava come book to ber ears »/ain and again, and she feels a sir .nice, rogrettui pity whenever sbs Ihlnkt of him

Fifteen years have passed sway *lnoe *hs has seen him, and on bus psnlcolsr dsy as she Is walking through the town of Ron-doul ba Is in her miud. She Is with her theatrical company, and whether It is owing to the fact that tbo is so uear to the mannt-aln* or nol, tho hat been thinking of Uncle Aaron all tho mdrniug. Suddenly a hand 1* laid upon her shoulder, and a voice says huskily: "Beam this Rose I"

"Yet - w h y , it 's you I" sho exclaims, gas-log al Uncle Aaron in surprlae. l i e stands there In the sunlight, his beard and hair very white, his gray oyet ilsthlug with ex-dtement, bit t rea ih coming fa tL " A h -how do you do!" the s s y s ; "are yoo w e l l f

"Yet , tbsnkea," Hammers U n d e Asrea. "1 was j u t l thinking of yoa," goes oa

Rote, coolly, looking verv beautiful, will) thegUntof the tun upon her yellow hair; "do you of ten come into town I 1 thought you ntldom l i f t the mountains."

" I comed down on Matthew's butinets. He ' t my other ton, ysr know—hss • farts. 1 livs with him aence mother diod. H o w -do yo know-how is Jacob?" sstd tbe old n a n , esgorly. '

"Jacob? I do not know, Ihavenolseon him," slowly, "since I last saw yoo."

Tho calmnett of this (Utemoat rather thaket the good old man for a moment; theo, his eyot floihing more than ever, hs sn twer t : "Bo long as ths l I Why, wes Alice It nigh on to eighteen years old.'*

"Yes," oasented Roao, calmly, "tho mutt be. I t she liko met Is sho pretty, do you knowl"

'•Woman I womsn I" broke In Uncle Asron, "havn yo no h<iari s t all? And you have not seen her in all these year* I Toll me, b t t e y o never wanted to teo h o r s n d y e r buabaiid—my boyi Vav« r wauled lo tot them all thit l imet"

"Nol vory much," the antwers, tmlllng slowly; "but I bars wanted to tee you, though. Yoa dun't beliovo thsl l I t ' t t ru* a l l lha i sn ie . You have alwsy* been In my thought*. I have fell so torry that wbst I did hur l you, boo ute you wore to good," throwing out her bsnds with a pretty gest. are.

"Oood I" ejaculated U n d o Asroo, la tmajement ; ••whstdoye mean?"

"I moan," ssid Rote, turning around 1m-pultlvoly and f sdng him, " tha i vou are mure of a saint tbso sny ous I know, and my memory of your talk tn mo 1* lUo tbat of • church, and thsl If 1 had hod you for my fa ther 1 might hsvs been s good woman. There, that's whst I mesn."

More smsted than ever U n d e Aaron flood looking s tber , bis b e a n twolilng with smotiou,

'Yes," went on Rote, "snd If 1 wsre with

yo# every day now, I would b e t good wo-msa. I t ' s t rue," t h s nodded; "yoa are bet-te r thsn all tbo priests lo mo."

"1 don't seo why," he said. "Yoa don'tl No, I suppose not," she ex-

olaimcd, laughing sway K tear ; "but it's a fact all tho imtno. 1 know tbat If I had to die this very minute, I shouldn't bo half to alrald to ro if you would stand by me aad hold my hand I"

Buddenly over Uncle Aaron's face csaie • tlrauKo llRht, and the blood rutbed hotly up s^aintt bit white hair. "Ross, il hsve thought of tometbmg, Will ys r do It for me, child! Will yo do i l l "

"Not to go back to Jacob—" "But if I iro with ye," said U n d s Aaron,

rapidly "Yo tuid, if yo was not msklng •port of me, thai if I were by ys every dsy yo could be a good woman. Hotel Roset oome back to Jicnb, and I'll come with yo I Come back lo my boy. Como, I'll oome with yo. Think ot the years thsl ho has loved ye snd been loft alone. Think of ys r child—will yercome, RotsI"

For s moment the seemed lo wnver, then thsklng ber bead the t tk l , rather wesrilyt "No, It would be of no ute. I couldn't now. It i t too late. He can not want—1 should not l u i t h i m - b e could not forgive, and betide* - O b , 1 couldn'tl l l it Imposaiblo."

There nro times when the yearning of an intonto love bus tbo force of a wbirlwind. Such wat Undo Aaron's great toui now. Ho taw tbo future Joy both of hit boy and of thlt fair woman before bim hanging in the balance, aad ho fel l that ho mut t sa re her. Hit eyes burned, bis fsos wss flushed, ho walked erect like a king, aad lino a kini; he commanded:

"Como, 1 want to lallc with yo." Looking up at him in wonder, for acrott

his face tbood a quivenng llxbt of t irango tweetness, Roao ttoppod, hoiitated a mo-ment and then turned and walked by hit t l d a 'Ho strode along down ono of tho tide streets and out totbeedgoof tbetownuntil they came to a dumpof trees nesr a t t resm.

"Let ' s s i t down here," ho taid. Both wore siieat for s moment. Rote norvoutly punching boks in the soft green mow with the end of ber lace paraaoi, while Un-d o Aaron, laying hi* hat upon the ground, ran hi* flogtr* exdwdly through hi* long white hair

" l l 'a a queer world, child, and I don't pretend to undersUnd I t ; but there i* one thing that I do know, nnd 1 want j s to know i t The only happiness for ourseivss is whst we givo to others. When 1 was younger I didn't know this, snd many • time I cried out at t h i n n sad hsted folks. 1 was always hungry for what I never got, all my life, Ull late years, aad I used to feel as if noooe'a heart wot quite to empty as mlns, snd no one's ilfo quite to—tpoilsd. Bat, chi ld,"-hero his voice grow deeper— "I hsve fouad oat ths l all hearts are hun-gry, all Uvea lacks som "what, and no one'a daysarequi teos they would like them. And to I ssy, what am I m o o than other folks Ibsl 1 should hsvo things right to my mind I And so 1 isy to ye, what a re ye that ye should spoil two other lives ths l yer fsncy be suited I"

Rote glanced up a t him, ahlvered a little, aad he went oo aervoualy punching holea in the soft green mois. "See tha t coif down there trying lo poke its nose through into that otber flddl He don't *ee why that fenco it there—he can ' t tee why. But bn wants to got on the 'totber tide ofil— the foolith critter I Tho field he's In nbw hss better fodder In to'l, ba t hs see* other oritter* a feedinR over there snd think* they ' re bavin' a better lims than h* I*. Human critters a re very like him." weal on U n d e Aaron, half smiling; "nevsr aalls-Qed-novcr tati ifledl Now, child—tell ms Hie t ruth; aro you tallsfled with your life nowl"

Rote fluthid a illlla but an twsred: "No, I have often been very lonely."

"My poor child," said Uncle Asron, sym-palbetlcully, hit big hand teeking hers, and pslting ll gently. "Oo on, tell mo of IL"

" 1 - 1 don't know whst to tell," stammered Rose. " I am praised snd flattered snd ad-mired, and at flrtl it waa delightful, b u l l suppose I've either got used to it or tome-t h i n g - b u t now it don't seem to please me as it used to do "

"Yes," assented Unde Aaron, "ys sre toe good s woman to be happy away from yer hu tbmd ."

" I don't think lha t ' i i t ," said Rots, rals. ing her eyet s t isst snd looking s t him; "1 think the reason thsl I am not happy is be-cause 1 want tometbing new."

"No," said Uncis Asron, sbsking bis head, "you doa'l. I t 's a dull thing to tay, child, but you nan t tomotbingold. Old a* those bill* yonder, and a* *trongi Obi that I wat a tcoilard, aud had the word* In my bead foryo. 'Ye want to give more of yerseif away and than ye'il f e d rich. Home things grow by being used. Ys want to u te the heart lhat ' i la ye—"

"Stool" cried Rose, t trangeiy *tlrred. "There'* no heart in m a I 'm not like you. I've lived in tbe dtie*. I'm old and hard. You Judge inebyyourtelf. Youarewrong," rising quickly to berfoet snd walking a few t u pa away,

"Child," said U n d e Aaron, following he* and placing iwo band* upon ber shaulden "give, and ye will be bietted i"

Her beaullful eyes flatbed beckanddea oomiirebension of his thought, and sbs fel t for the moment uplifted—intplred—willing to do what he wished, but in another moment the reaction came, and she whis-pered faintly: "I wou ld -bu l lhave nothing to g i v e "

Then Uncle Aaron smiiod such a tweet amilo of atrong faith In her that she fell *s If an arm of i t reagth had tuddeoiy been put about ber. That tmile aald mors than words oould of sure hope and loving confl. denoe, "Ye will t ry l" he aald.

"Yes ," very tlowiy and very hambly, "bu t I sm sfraid. And besides, I am so Ured, so very tired 11 want aome one—aomo o n e - " bursting out suddenly into great sobs, "some one like you to oonfort m a "

The light of love upon U n d e Asron's fsoe deeponed. "There, there, ohiidl I'll nevsr leave ye again; yo shall bavs me lo comfort y a Ah me I" sighing with deep joy , -bow baupy I b e i "

Rote raised ber bead up from the grow, whereon *be had thrown herself in her abandonment, and looked a t him. "Buppyl" sbecrtod.

"Yes," he sntwered, smiling down at ber, " for I know that ye aad my boy will be bsppy once mors."

"Bulperhsps—" began Rose, with U w bUng llpa

• Come," tuid Unde Agrpa, picking a s his bat and holding oat bla hand. "Comer* They wslked along band In hand for aome dittanco, and through Rote's mind thfl word*, "Our Father which a r t In Heaves. Our Father which art In Heaven," kept re-pealing thomteive* ovor continually. For a fewdaxed momenta t h e foil **1/11 was He who had her by tbe hand. Then glano-log up and seeing Undo Aaron'* great, bul very humao form, a trembling realiiation of n h a l sho had agreed to do came over her. "I 'm afraid," she whispered.

U o d e Aaron gratped her band still tighter und answeredt "Yuseod not be, cnild. Jacob ha* loved ye all ibis time."

Very humbly the beautiful bead dropped again and a penitence tha t was complete filled her toul.

They flnaliy camo into the lowo, snd Rose ssid. gently: "Will you onme to the Mansion House snd wslt for mo l"

' No," said Undo Aaron; "I have to do something for Mattbew, yo koow. I'll 'tend to that flrtt, and aend bim word that I sm going to New York to se* Jacob. Ha'd bo • wonJerin,' ys see, If I didn't oome back."

This small but practical detail again made Rote reallxe what a change wat com-ing to hur life, and ths trembled again, " I forvot every thing but my owa miserable self," the said, humbly, "1 will see my msa* ager snd reugn my position, get my thing* together, sad whenever you sre ready come to tho hotel snd you will flnd m a "

"Very well," aald Uncle Asroa " I will oome by noon for ye, child."

He wont bit way and the went hers. About twelve r.'dock he called for ber, snd tbey took the small boat acrott the nve r to Rhinebeck, woere the steamer awaited them. Here Unde Aaron sent a telsgram to Jacob: "Rose and 1 areooming to yoa; meet ut In the city."

CHAPTER VTT. The clerk In the tmall effloe looked la

wonder al tbe old man who atked blm to

Rn t h e met t sgofor bim, ssylng, limply • can nol write, will ye send i t to blm I"

The) bad about two hours to wall before t h s beat would s tar t , snd this SMM o!«rlt In about an hour * time came out of hit effloo brltkiv bunting around with oon-*ld*rable excitement for Und* Asron. "Ah I here you are. Here 's s a answer," be said, handing It to hhn.

"Bead H, Rose," said U n d e Asroo. I m a u k s ooiprwt , but not Utter w j t U t | . "

Boss took U, looking very while, but one (Uaoe, a f t e r she h s J unfolded It, was enough. 8ho gave s low cry snd burst into tears. This astonished tho britk olerk rsr j r much, who, knowiag what was in the teiegrais, didn't see a n y t b i a g i n l t to cry about Be stood wondering s t her, aati l Uocie Aaron, taking the crumpled paper from ber flngora, said to bim: "Read It to m a "

" I t tays," said the clork. In a bn sines s-Hks wsy: 'Thank Ood; will Bes t yon without fsU,' 8boll I get lbs Udy a gls t t of water, s l r l"

"No, thank ye," answered U n d e Aston, pall ing bis arm Into that of Rose, and


Uadlng ber down tbe slope towsrds t h s boat; "niuch obliged to ye."

• Queer old ftlok," mused ths brUk dork, looking af ter them. " I tappose she'a hU daughter. She'd bo good looklag If shu didn' t cry so." Then, being a practical young msn, he dismitted them s t once f rom bit mind and went back to hU work

Tbo tall down the Hudtoa river was so-eompiithed in the uaasl time, and flnaliy tbe New York wharf was resohed- Rose snd Uncle Asron made part of the crowd t h a t Usned over the railing nearest tbe dock. Eagerly U n d e Aaron glanoed Into the faces below bim and finally caugbti igbt ef Jacob. "There be It, Roto—see him I" ho exclslmed, pointing excitedly. No, Rose couldn't tee him. A mi l l of tears hid the dock snd all from her s ight But thU passed, snd esgorly U n d e Asron pointed blm out sgain. "Ths t ' t him with the black beard. Rose—see?"

"Yes ," answered Rose, faintly; "I should have known bim."

I t aeemed a iong time before the beet waa made fast and the broad gang-plank put down, and then how the crowd anrged ashore I "Careful there I" called out one of the offiolaU, "not so msny s t a time."

Uicle Aaron let Rote go flnt, snd Jacob sprang up a fool or two along tbe plank to meet ber. "My wife I" he exclaimed, as hs look hsr In hit arms, blind to every thing i s r e tbe one tlupendoas fact t b s t she bad come back to him. Unde Aaron, a few feet cp tbe board, atepped tllli, gazing s t them, hit great b e a n boating with joy.

"Come, come, get along you, can't you I" said tome one behind blm, and then—per-hap* It waa because he waa blinded by hU happy tears or became tbe cardei* crowd jottied too roughly—but U n d e Aaron'a foot alipped from tho gsng-pUnk, be tirnggUd, lost hit hsisnce, and foil into the water. In-stantly a shout went up "man overboard." with a ring of fear la It tbat fliled every h e a r t Rose, uncUtped a tecond before by Jacob, had seen him fsli. "Save bim I Ob, for the Uve of Ood, save bim I" t b e shrieked, springing to tbs edga "Will no one save him I"

Jacob had thrown off bla coat and was about to jumpln, whenstromrsrmsheldbin back, ssy ing: "That U f d l y ; tboy are throwing him a ropo—seel" "Let-mo— go—" struggling and biting in bU agony. He wss s g ian t He burst from bis captors and leaped overboard. Rote, I ike a picce ef marble. In strained torture, bent over look Ing a t them. Jsoob caught hi* fs tber and tried to hold blm u p Whether It w u bU great sixe and weight, or whether ll wa* Uocie Aaron's untslfl ib impulte to bolp himself was not k n o w n - b u t he slipped snd sgaln s ank Jsoob Immedisleiy dived. By this time a smsil boat hod been let down. Jacob c a n e up again, bis father lo his bold. He struggled, fought out towarda the boat, reached it, held on to it with one band snd took a moment's breath. Two men in tbo boat eagerly hautod him In. And then auch a about a* wont up fft>m human throats! Men roared, bimaed, shook bsnds with each other, s t r angen kisaod eacn o tbcr - tuoh U that blind, IntUnctive brotheriiood of man ovor the tavlng of a life. Bat was he ssvedf The cheering oeated, the crowd grewst iU; first with doubt and then with awe-struck

(Continued next week.)


ThS Fernm for February,

T h o c o n t e o t s o f Th*. Forum f u r F e b

m a r / are; Tbe S tb ics of Proper ty , by W . S. Lilly,

t h e eminen t EnglUn eosaytat, who ex piaina in w h a t t h e ownorahip of prnpor ty consiits, and the necetssry moral ob-ligations t h a t i t c a r n e s with i t . He condemns the law of merciless compe-tion as i n h u m a n , because it leaves out personali ty find is essentially un jus t .

America ' s Fou r th Centenary , by Gen. Francis A. Walker , who was Chief of t h e Bureau of A w a r d s a t t b e Philadel-phia Exposition in 1870. Oen. Walker points ou t w h a t a great World 's Fa i r should be, and bow t h e opportuni ty to m a k e one in 1603 it grea ter than any preceding oppor tumtv enjoyed by any people, a n d lU poaxible effects, ne t only on tbe t rade, b u t on tbe politics and so-cial ins tua t iona of the world.

Kev Notes f rom Rome, by Henry Charles Lea, w h o wri tes an a r g u m e n t to show t h e fal lacy of the declarationa made al the recent Catholic Congress in Baltimore. U r . Leu main ta ins that s i tus t ions m y essily arise where a Catholic 's obllgal ioni to his c h i n c h may oouflict seriously wi th his obligaUons as a citizen of the Uni ted States.

Problems of American Archieoiogy, liy Major J. W , Powell , H e thowa t h s l there U a Urge s n d prof l f th le field of in-vest igat ion t h a t is neglected fo r tmal le r and mora near ly exhaus ted fields in the old world.

Tbo Power of tbe Supreme Court , by Eaton 8 . Drone, who, apropcx of i b e centenary of t h e Supremo Court , write* an explanat ion of lis powers and of iu relat iuiu to t h e oilier branches of the Uovernment ; w h y it it the most power-fu l t r ibunal in the world.

Moral At j iecU of College Life, by President C. K. Adams, of Cornell Um-ver t i ty , who expla in t the moral t u r -r.iundinga of college life, a n d unmpares t h e forces tha t make for good mo uis at ins t i tut ions of learning and In the com-umni ty a t large: a good word for the moral effect of n lh l t l lo sports.

A Political Pa radox , by Leonard W Bacon,

Th.- Immigran t ' s Answer , by Judge J o h n P. Aitgeid, himself an ini inigranl , w h o recalls in detail the servii-ee that immig ran t t have renitered to the United States in politics, in war and in industry a n d conatruct t an a r g u m e n t to show t h a t the Nat i rn would become very d i f -lerent f rom what il now is, and would become worse, if immigra t ion were dia ooursgad.

Mra, Clrundy't Kingdom, hy Eliza L\ nn Linton, who writes in a pleasing way of the inflncnces of oonvenliunKl opinicn on many side* of social activity.

Wri t ing for the Stage, by Prof . Alfred Heonequin , a professional s tudent of t h e subject , w h o explain* the principles of d ramat io construct ion, and l lndi rea-s>n for a br ight career for the American playwright ,

Man waa mado to mourn but need he t iff^r unnecessarily? For everv poison there ia an ant idote and happily Blud-bilder it the antidote to many evili tba t poison man ' s exii tence. Thta great vegetable i p e c i f i c U t b a most valuable thnt medical reanarch haa succeeded in wresting f rom the aecret depths of tcieoce. It it a mrprUingly controlling power in cases of cancer and tumora. it ruduces g landular swellings, alleviates •jiiiepsy, i*guiate* the bowola, promote* d i g e s U i , tones the *tomacb, induces sleep, *jBiaiiit agamt t fat igue and ex-pelt acrofuloua and ail o tber blood de-r a n g e m e n u . Pr ice | 1 0 0 . Sold Uy all d rugglau .

Dark Is the sessno of rvapln* Tte flhtbl of the rnMuiutAil yesra,

Denied the aweet aolne* of wn-plng O'er aorroira t.m deep for our tearil

Rraplr j ibal chaff wben wo dare not Eren drvam of the full npraed grala;

Urierinx o'or fair b'>pea that are not. And Juj UIU that ring not ogaia;

Sad la the aeaaon of reaping When ahudden the aoo! In tbe blast.

And abadnwa come tl-nlthiV creeping From utonn ahmuded 'oV, of the psall

Before ua lbs future lies yawning Wltb anguiab, heart hunger aud pain;

And raluly we long for thu dswulng Of dsya that will corns not again!

Drear ia tbe Maaoa of reaping When huabnl are the laugh and the aong;

When barrral hymn ecbors are sleeping Tbe huun are ao Innely anil luogl

The dream Arid of life all deserted. Then why abould tbe reaper remain

A gleaner atlU arrklng, aad hearted, A lore that wUl live not agalnl

-Uontgoaiery M. Folaon


Milly wna the poor l i t t lo toul ' t name; no onn had over culled h e r anything cite - o n l y Milly.

She mado her scanty living by em-broidery, residing in a forlorn looking, da rk and narrow room that was yot fo r tuna t e enough to boast ono amaii win-dow on tho atrect. Ay , t h a t window waa Milly's glory; the joy a n d delight of her exUtencc, The s t reet was a dingy Lon-don one; hardly a thoroughfare , and therefore not noisy, bu t gay, and oven delectably worldly, in t h e child's oyea For t h e was not much more than a child aa ye t ; though worn in face and serious looking, sho was young lu years, scarce 17 tu re ly a t moit , while in character she was very childiiih still, London bred, t h e was shrewd a n d quick in many tilings, keenly alive to tbe noceaaity of dally work, thoroughly expec tan t of the money loving w a y s of her oinployrrs and as tu te with regard to life generally; nevertheless, a f u n d of f reshness and in-nocence in Milly's ao^il waa wont often t o burs t for th liko a sweet , pure spring of water coming f rom depths unknown, ready lo gladden a n d aoloce t h e arid hear t s of he r neighbors.

She waa friendly t o thoso neighbors, who, t ome of them, befr iended her . But t h e hod always been much alone. Sho waa almost like a prisoner, th is little lorno and feeble bodied seamstress, or r a the r embrolderess, w h o spent he r nn-cared fo r youth bending over a f r a m e of needlework, car ry ing ou t the ideas and designt of others—only occasionally, as a ra re luxury , allowed t o work her own wiB nnd her own fancies into Ihethreada of silk and pieces of l inen or t a t in " l e f t over , "

If a boy's will bo tho wind 's will, what shall bo said of a girl 's? Is it light, ephemeral , like the sea foam? Or strong-er , like bindweed in gardens? Or firm, and brave, and shining, like tho marblo t h a t makes tlio coping stone of palaces? I know not.

Milly cared little f o r t h e vehicles that sometimes wont rumbl ing down her s treet , no r for tho sad looking, poorly dressed pedeslrinns w h o were tho only frequenteraof that neighborhood, nor for the loud voiced vender* of cheap goods iu b a r r o w a It was t h e corner of gray sky—occasionally a pallid blue—which t h e liked, and wiiich (by squeezing well in be twix t a heavy table and the window ti l l a n d craning her neck painfully) si u could aee ami great ly en joy , in contrast to t h e dingy a tmosphere of her lodging But w h a t she loved best of all to gaze on f r o m her window was the shop -ppo-t i te—a shop ao glorious, ao lovely, ao comfor t ing and ye t h e a r t st irr ing tha t the child could never be mtia ted with looking and wondering a t ii,

A flower ahop il was. Wha t a ro flow-era m a d e of and how do they come? aak the Londoners. How a r e they gathered and brought together in their infinite beauty of tone and color, in their brill-iancy and freshness, in the i r tenderneaa and sweetness? Flowers in pots, flowers in bunches, flowers in sprays, mraggling groups of flowers, n n d stray aingle blooms—ail these filled and docked the window panes of t h e shop opposite; all these gladdened the eager beat ing hear t of tho little U m e embroiderens. I t mat-tered not, when her eyes were delighted wi th t h U dream of f a i r y color, thnt ahe was lame; nor did tho remember her many sorrows when , with hot t rem-bling hands , iho threaded her needle and plied her loveliest silks, glancing np now and then to gain f rom beyond the nar row street a new draught f r o m her source of intpirat iun. Fast flow be r flngera, fast g rew tho flowers beneath her touch; like, ye t not liko, | h e originaU; pret ty, perchance, yet dUappointingly different to expectation, t hough t t h e little art ist , w h o realized (wi thout knowledge of tbo w h y or wherefore) t h U fai lure of a great intention.

Fo r she wanted to copy nature . Nay, w h o tha t ha t once teen na tu re can be readi ly content wi th a counterfei t?

Every now and then , a t tparae inter-vals of l ime when t h e wot thoroui.lily disheartened and disgusted with IK r o w s hand iwork . Hilly would fetch her old ha t and cape out of t h e cupboard—her cupboard where she kep t everything, f r o m a piece of dry bread to a n empty blacking bottle o n d a n old Bible—and drees herself Uboriously and c rawl over to the opposite side of the street and s t and there , her face pressed against the panes of t h e flower shop window till t h e could t t a n d upr igh t no more. If t h e wea ther wot cold her t lender fo rm thiv-ered under the th readbare black cape, her faoe grow moro p ind ied and blue t han before, but she held her ulace brave-ly, a tudy ing the f o r m , t h e " m a k e " of tbe flowers till alio knew t h e m so well tha t t h e could shut her eyea and reproduce them on tha t wonder fu l canvas which we all poatetH aa a f r e e g i f t to paint our beaut i ful visions upon—ths clear whi te page of our own minds.

There was ono th ing t h a t troubled her, tho flowora died ao quickly. Milly had ne i ther time nor t t r e n g t h topoy frequent visits to the flower stoni, and conie-quent ly nover migh t she hope to see her favorites quite d o s e a second tirno. She studied them, she loved them, t h e strained her eyes to see them, Oood. But a few daya later they were gon» f rom their aocui tomed plaora, and others , new comer*—new, graoeful, fairy things—were displayed where the old f r iends had slowly drooped or had bei-n hastily removed. Tltsl was the way of the world, doubtle**, bu t there are some people who never get uaed to the ways of the world. Milly was haply ons of theM.

Sho had ons f r iend—though I should ra the r aay one acquaintance, for ho waa scarcely more—and tha t was t h s little crossing sweeper, the poor boy J i m ,

Continued on Thicd Pag«

Miss Bos worth has a f resh new stock of Millinery goods which she will be pleased to have you call and examine .

It lay Be i little Enrly to M Green Peas, But It ia

Just the Right Time to Plant a 5Gt Piece a n d get a pair of

I P H J - A - T E S f l a n t e i d on t h e heels of you r

ARCTICS, ALASKAS OR RUBBERS. You get, in many casoa, a third moro wear out of you r rubbera by having our


OUR PLATES DO NOT COME OFF. Plates tha t do come off do more h a r m than good. W i t h ou r m a r h l n e they are

pu t ou t o stay. Those dr iven hv hand nre likely to bdme Off. Call mid have y o u r Rubber heels plated a t

R O B E R T S O N & S O N ' S . Where do^a a Rubber or Overshoe generally wear ou t flral?

A . R. H E N D R 1 X ,


Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m F i t t i n g a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g ,


U T A H work a t Lowest Living Hales, a n d Sa t -is factum guarauU-ed. d a


Loaded for Bear I Not much t i m e to ta lk , bul iota to tell goods.

- A N D O O C X D S ! T h e " p r o p c r ' t h i n g , " t h i s y e a r , is O L D S I L V E R , w h i c h w e h a v e in a

g r e a t v a r i e t y of s ty les , a l s o N o v e l t i e s in O x y d i z e d G o o d s , F l a t W a r e in Old Si lver , E t c h e d , Pea r l H a n d l e d T a b l e a n d T e a K n i v e s , F r u i t K n i v e s , N u t P i cks , S t e r l ing Si lver P i e c e s , P la t e s , S p o o n s a n d F o r k s . G o l d F i l l ed H u n t i n g C a s e , S tem W i n d W a t c h e s , I 2 0 a n d U p ; C o l d F i l l e d O p e n F a c e S t e m Wind W a t c h e s , $15 a n d U p ,

And Anything Else In Ihe Line of Fine Jewelry.

S H E R M A N , T h e J e w e l e r .

D o Y o u W a n t B o o t s o r S h o e s ? You can get them at

"The Old Reliable" B O O T A N D S H O E S T O R E .

Where you will always find the

L a r g e s t a n d B e s t S t o c k i n T o w n Comprising everything in the line of footwear.

A . J . H O W K & S O N ,

Successors to Howk & Bostwlck, Bank Block, Lowell, Mich.



- W E W I L L S E L L Y O U

Bed Room Suits Cheap / a s the Cheapest, and we will give

Astonishing Low Prices in Pailor Goods

and Couches. i



Cheaper t han they were ever told before.

A Foil Line of Center Tables and StiDds, Picloresand FraiDcs. ALSO i, COMPLETE L I N E OP U N D E R T A K I N G GOODS,

A t C o o n s & M c N a u g h t o n s .

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorb.

When Babr was ilek, w> ra io her Castorla. Wh. n she was a C B I Y , S I M cried for Cw-..Va. When aba beoaoi* Hiss, she clunf lo CasVr II, When ahe bad CUWreo. •be ^aretczn Caaxrla.

Nothing will please an old Lnwellito ao much a* a year 'a aulwcripiion to this pauer. Wo will endeavor to CUT you all the local new* and a fine i ^ o r t i n e M of general news and misoelUneous read-ing mat ter ,


, PbyaloloKUtsesi imate tha t the hear t does 5,000,000 pounda of work each dav . No wonder people drop dti>d wi th worn " J " T h ' t could be prevented hy TU' „ l , , • n e w m d great discovery, The New Cure, Always c o m m e n i e a l i en you Aral begin to g " t e h m t of breath, have weak, fa int or amoih r r ing apells, pain o r lendtrnesa in aide, eto. ffcild at Y e i u r & Look's.

1 I J III) BATH OHDim. Btstetf MleU-J of K.1,1. m. Al a wevl-a of Uw Ooun for said r » a « r nl EVnt. Nite Omee In the Cltrof Grand ItapU 1 , ( , 1 ' , h • one tfshl hundmd and nlnrtr. rrveent, Oyrus t Perttas, Judfn of Prntel*. la the matter of the relata of " " • a * .

MINOI.D T. MUI.KNEB, Deeeaaed. KroK t fauikrer hatlna Ard In Ih 1 court •

1 petition prajlug that ihe admlnUtraiioa of Mid | U 1 0 l-e*«aer,J. r«rt .of

! ^ f t f t L t f

I A.Ao?11 ** DiTi^r "T^red, lhalaeopr of thla or-der be puhlUhsd Hire, ewveeelre wevks pre vloua to ssid day n| heerlnr ta ibe I/JWSU. Joca

E S L y s i c s r ' o d e < r w i u u - « >-

N 0 ^ " 0 ' C O J N N F B I O N E W I O N C L A I M S . —

Irohsle Court for said oountr.

DECEASED'' H A 0 0 A , W * S B H O O K .

slonerson Clalme la the msiter of said k^tstc sod

.'or eramlnatloiaodil],anient. NoUy Is hereby dlrrn, That we will meet oo

Thuntdax. lhetflhdsyef Fehruarj, A l l !-90. TSt, T . ' " " M 1 1•, a*T Jul v. A. D I8t0, al nine o'clock A. M. of eaeh day al ih*

jSfc* f A i r r . la U ^ C ofUw claims 7 10 , w l r * examine tuch

Dated, Vrrgrnnes. Jamisry «!(, A. D. IHO J A C O B V , W A L K E R .

A H A U U P A 1 B C H I U ) ,

( » « ) Oamm'-^.-ders.

" a S O T I .

CYRUS E. FCRKinL Judse ur Probsts


U ^ C o u n f o r saUCWniT


conntj. CoramMooerr oa CUISM In Ibe matter

said Judge of Probate, to all peraoas harlnr

their .laims to ne for e tamfnallon and adjusUnml N'/O-e 1» Herebr Olvea, That we will DWS<J«

nvdnevtar. tb» isth ds r -f ffcfcnair. " ' • snd oa H 'n ln i MISJ t he 18th d a * or J IH80, SI Iwo e'eloek P. IL of Mth di Banslnw House of Charto-J. Cbnreh . th* Vluajte of Lowell In said couotj tnd examtue suoh elMtn". „

Dated. January Rod, A. D. I SCO. JOHN Q LOOK, CSBUTOPHI


. S B S W "


DUI'L m i u a .

Bowne, Combs & Striker, B A N K E R S ,

Lowell. - Michigan.

Transac t a General Banking Business and issue Dral ts available in all

par t s of the World.


e n

. L O W E L L

Business Men's Association.

Rtgulif Meeting*! First Thunday In every month, at B, C. Smllh'i rtore.

A . W , W E E K E S , P r e s ,

F n r Q a l f t JSoverul choice f a r m s lo-r o t O u i C i C a W d i a Keene, Vergen-naa, Bowne and Boston, A IK several houses and lots in t h e village of Lowell , Cko f u l t all CIMMM of c u s l o m e n . For f u r t h e r i iart lcuUui Innmr* a t t h e ofllc#1

of B. re HICKS, M o r e r Wer t ft Co ' i d m / ntore


Lyon Block, Lowell, Mich.

A General Banking Butinea Conducted.

ZjOJLxrm S A & o o x u a o r z o x r a .

Urafte Bold ms all Wanlgm Cerot r les .


This is a harves t for the doctors.

Zadoc Howe has got i t—tbe grip.

Ed . F o r m a n Is en joy ing the fest ive •gnp.

Hiss Byrd Brewer , of Muskegon, i t a t F . Misner's.

J amsa Nickiin and fami ly are on the list of gripttes.

The Maekensis m u r d e r ca te la t t i l l on t h e gr ind in t h e Circui t court .

H . Mitchell re turned f rom a weeks visit a t Ludingion and Manistee.

Born, t o Mr. and Mrs Warren Hoag, •of Vergennes, last Sa tu rday , t h e 25th, a boy.

F r a n k Fle tcher and his bride, f rom o a a r Greenville, a re visilinff uncle Asa, o v e r a t the Lake.

Worden ' s Orchestra will go to (Jre»n-• i l l e , Feb, Sls t , to play for the K . of P . g rand masquerade.

Born, to Mr, and Mra Rudolph Van-dyke , i h t t (Wednesday) morn ing , a boy. Rudolph « eigha a Ion to-day.

There have been 200 new books added t o the District l i b r a r y recently a n d they will soon be lieled fo r circuiatiiHi.

W . M. J o h n W . Beery i« t h e de legate f rom t h e Lowell Lodge F. ft A. M. to t h e Grand Lodge a l Lunaing th is week.

J e r r m e Daniels, of Detroit , arrived in town Monday, to v b u bis brother , J . 8pence Daniels, and other f r iends of his boyhood,

Mr. a n d Mrs. Wil l iam F. Damson , of Hol land, bave been wi th Hr. Damson 's sister, Mrs. V . K r a f t , d u r i n g he r g rea t .bereavement .

Mrs. Mary A. Langs had a severe fall l a s t week, a n d baa been unable to ttet o u t since. Latest r e p o r t a re t h a t she is iaaprovlng a n d will be a round again soon,

Tbe m a n y f n e n d s of Mits Ber tha F le tcher m a d e her a very pleasant par ty Uaturday n ight , c a r d t . Progrets ive pe-d r o and lunch. They qu i t before Sun-d a y , barely.

Miss Mabel Rsnney was obliged to dis-miss her school Fr iday a f te rnoon , on account of the grippe. Out of t b i r t v -s ix t cho la rs enrolled in her room, the a t t endance was only twelve.

Eddie Creer died a t tbe home of his brother , f ee Creer, in Segwun, Thurs-day , the 28rd Inst,, of consumpt ion, aged 19 yeara, S m o n t h a The funera l , wiiich was largely at tended, was held f rom t h e boose Sunday , Bev. H . W . Powell officiating.

There have been three locks broken . off the cover of t h e reaerroir a n d Sunt .

H r n d r i x threa tens the perpet ra tors with sudden annihi lat ion, if oiscovered. It has been very a n n o y i n g , l o s s y t b e least, (o have their effor ts to beant i fy the grounds , wantonl v destroyed. Some of the i r most beaul l ful and thr iv ing shruba h a v i n g been torn out or cu t d o w n .

The va lue of adver t is ing h a t aga in been demonst ra ted , l a s t Sundav . Allen B M c r o f t misted a roll of bills a m o u n t -i n g to 1215, and Monday m o r n i n g be c a m e t o t h e J o c u r a L Offloe a n d l e f t a "Loat" notice, to be inserted in thia week's JODBAAL. Tuesday he c a m e iu a i d in fo rmed u t t h a t the monev had b en fo rmed . How ia tha t for qu ick re-t u r n s fo r hia adv.

Died—Mra. Lena Sherman , aged 63 years , a t ihe residence of her daugh te r , Mrs. B. G. Wilson, Sunday, J a n . Mth. Tbe f o a e r s l waa held f r u s i t h e boufe Tuesday and Ihe remains were interred in the c tmete ry in Keene, lieside the body of her hurbsnd . The Bev. J . 8. E d m u n d s preached tha burial i« rmon. Mra Hbermsn Bus resided In MicniKsn over 60 years s n d settled on their Inrm in Keene in 1840.

O n Hi l l has completed t h e i n t e r W deo i ra i ioas of his buildlr.g and 11 U n s d y f u r occupancy, in fact , Ihe ocou pant E Y. Bogie, is ge . t ing bis ne-v goods in now. The building baa been al l fu rn ished over, the aide walls and oeilliig newly pnperud and a complete new set uf shelving of aniiutiH a i b p i i t in; the flniah being equal lo a fine / u r n i t u r e finish and it makes t h e mceet inter ior In town .

The month ly repor t of booka d rawn f rom t h e Library, thia mon th , la f o ' i owt : HUt'iry M Science, 16 P'*tf.i ' jo Mlwyllaneoiu M Fiction, fl'6 Biography 87 TraTaST., " Litera ture , U Juven i l e Fiotion 86!

T o o l 1,M6

Fred K r a f t , who was teriouMy tick wi th p m a m u n i a when h i t f a the r di>d Iaat Tueadav, paaaed a w a y Tbura.lay n ight , a t ihe age of 19 years. This fsmlly la sorely ufflicted. hll tbe oilier members , with tbo exoepUon of Mra K r a f t , the mother , a r e more or lees a'ck. The dea th of Mr. K r a f t is the first t h s l bsa occurred m the f sml ly , a n d Fred's following so cl<wely has had a tendency lo f r ighten the remain ing sick. I t ta njnat pecnl 'ar t h a t l b s only falaiit iea en f i r , f r om thia epidemic, are thia family. Tbe jprvivora have the t y m p n t h y of all in t twir great t rouble , and the friends and neighbors have proved thsmaelvea i r i end t indeed.

' Wo had our uaual Sunday rain.

Big Rapida baa e ight mchea of ice.

Ben Souies has hud Iho grippe a t last.

J u b Pr in t ing a t this offlce. Lcweat pricra.

Geo. Angell was down f rom Fenton Sunday .

Mrs. W . R. W ' n e g a r ia eerioualy ill with the tnf luenM.

G. J . Johnson iiai moved Into S. Lit-tlefieid'a houee on Monroe St.

F n r i n e r n ! D o n ' t f o r n r t t h « I n -s t i t u t e , F e b 3 r d u n d 4 i b .

Mrs. Preston, of Od. Rspide. is visiting J her dutighter, Mrs. B. P. Slade.

Coopertville haa got tho ar ippe and the chicken |>o*. a good combinat ion.

Ml water rates must be paid a l nnce. L O W E L L W A T S R r o .

Mies HtiRhaon had an a l t sck of La g ' i ppe last Thursday which laid her up,

Cunrsd K r a f t , of Chester, has been a l Mr*. V. K r a f t s , dur ing the paat 1*0 weeks,

H . W . Avery returned Monday f rom a buaimss t r ip to Saginaw, Buy Lily and tbe thumb,

John E Moore, of ihe Lowell Water Co , waa in town Tuesday, looking a f t e r delinquents,

Sa turday seven loodaof wood came into town in a line, one fol lowing clu»e upon the other .

A marr iage licenae was i>euedTuesday to Chr is t ian Bien, or Vergennes. and Ber tha Roth, of Lowell.

C. G. Stone haa gone to Lansing to a ' -tend the Orand Lodge P. A A. M , in seseion there this week.

Jan. Murphy goes to G r a n d Rapida Una week, to open a mea t m a r k e t , to till a lung fel t want , us it were.

Miss Maud Mitchcil re turned Sa tu rday f rom a three weeks visit with he r f r iend. Winnie Sunder i tn , a t Lunaing.

The gnppe still retama ita g n p a n d the many sufferers a re wonder ing what will cume next . H a v e any vecaped?

Mrs. Fred Misner's mother a n d brother , Mrs, and Louie Ninnemann, of Muskeg-on, a r e making a abort visit he re .

W m , Young received a te legram Mou-dsv , f rom Owosso, s ta t ing t h a t bis son, John Youngs, ia dangerouely sick.

F. K i n g went nn a business t r ip to Chicago and Milwaukee last week iti^lhe interesl of ibe Michigan Cu l l e r C a

The Toung ladies of t h e Congregat ion-al c h u r c h will give an en t e r t a inmen t Feb. Mth. P n c e of admiasion, 10 cents .

Wu had a l ight fall of snow Iaat week a n d a few venturenooie ones tried it wi th a cu l le r . Il did not alip easy enough.

The exper iment of no recesa in the achool was not a eucceas, ao tbey h a v e decided to have a five minu te receas in each session.

Miss J e a n Sterling, of Detroit , a niece of Mra Jos. McKee, w h o spent a portion of lout •uiiiiii>-r here, died a l he r home last Wtdneaday .

A. W. Weekea m a d e his daugh te r Ora, a b i r thday prvsent of an e legant Kra nach & B i c h piano last week. I t is a line ins t rument .

There waa no school for t h e scholars » ho n-cite to ihe preceptrvss, Fr iday. »» Miss S tua r t hud sltcuumbed lo th-' ouly diieaae whose grip we ore unablo tu shake off.

A. M Barnes, of Gral tan , bos bought the beautUui residence of the iato N. D Strong, f rom the executors of the estate, and will occupy tl witli his fami ly in a abort Ume.

Sen. Pi lch Phelps, of Big Rapi is, died a t hia reaidence Iaat Wednesday. Mr. Phelpa was a n earueel, energet ic man , a Republican and one of the leadura in tha t par t of tbe atate.

I t may look t o you like a s tanding nowepauer j u k s fur us to keep ta lking about tha t wood, b u l wn w a n t it while we can use i t to the beat advan tage 80 dou ' l pu t off, bul bring m t h a t wood.

Messrs. Jus. Htokaon. of Montreal, Q., J . W. Loud, B. Fletcher, J . H. Muir and A B. Alwaler , of Delro' t , of Ihe i i rai .d T r u n k and D. G. U . A M. Raiiwaye, were in town a short l ime th is morning.

Grand Sen. W a r d e n J o h n Q. Look left for Lansing Monday, lo a t t end Ibe an-nual meet ing of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. which convenes there Tueadav, Wednesday and Thu . sday of Ihia week.

Died—Al W a y n e . Kansas , J a n . 21st, Dr. Manley G. Whi te , He was former-ly a resident of Lowell, and was well a n d favorably known. H i s mother , Mra Whi t e a n d aialer E m m a atill live here.

Will Hine cam.- home f rom Gd. Rap-ids last week with a g n p and thu grippe. H e i t better now and is improving t h s l ime making his f r iends bsppy by gener-ously apresaing Ibe effulgent rays of h i t sweet, aunny amilo upon them,

Aa Uncle Horat io Hill waa on his w a y home Munday, ha was seiced wi ib a audden d i m n e s s and fell f r om the aide-walk, f r ac tu r ing hia collar bono. On account of t h e advanced ago of Mr. Hill tbe resolta may ba serious, a l lhongh he is do ing finely now.

The following la tha p r o g r a m m e for C. L. 8 . U i

Response a t roll call w i t h an impor-t a n t event f rom Roman Hiatory.

Questions upon " T h a Railroads a n d t h e S t o l e " - M r a . Brooks.

The Story of Zenobia—Mits Smi th . Ci tas Leseon—"The Politics Which

Made and Unmade Rome," in February Chan tauquan , conducted by 8 . P, Hicks.

Pronunc ia t ion Teat conducted by M. E. H e a d w o r t h .

Claaa lo meet with Mrs. Barber Mon-day evening Februa ry 8d, 1800,

Tbe following ia the program which haa been a r r a o i f d for the Farmers lo-a t i tu le , to ba bel I under t h e auapk-et of t h e S la te Board o( Agricul ture , a t Train'a Opera House, Feb. Hand 4, *00.

MONDAY, I B B . 3D, IJOO P. * .

Muato, Prayer . Opsmng Addreaa—By Cha i rman of

Local CoNimillee. A p p i e r - P r o f . i . R, T a f t , Agr.College. Potatoes—L. J . Post , Lowell. An Addreas—lion. C. W, Gsrfleid,

Grand Kaptus, EVEN I NO BMION, 7:00 P. M.

Addreas—W. M. Chapman , Lowell. Addreaii—Prof.C S. fa rxe le re , Lowell. Address—Prof. O, Olute, Pres ' t S ta te

Agr , College, TU1BDAY, FEB. 4TII, 10:00 A. M.

The Pest H a t e for t h e F a r m e r lo Unite—Prof. E. A A Grsng" , Agr. Col-lep*: E-l, Usncorne , Keene; Rev, Chat Oldfleld, Cedar Sprtnxs,

A r r n u i o o a saasiox, L KM O'CLOCK. Peach Growing—A. Jackson, Lowell. Address—Uon. Willsrd Hawley , of

Keene Dj i ry ing—Prof. E. Davenport , Agr ,

College, Address—Wm. Slayton, f l r a t t an ,


Addren—Rober t Hardy, Keene. Recitation—Mra. D. H, English, Bos-

ton . Address—A«a Slayton, Od Rtpid*. KU rsoscopic Views of t h e Ag'l College

—Prof . R . C. Kedt ie , Ag'l College. The public are cordially invited to be

present and lake part in t b e discuMloi.t tha t will folluw sauh paper.

Baptist BalttUa.

Dear readers, wi th real sorrow I waa unable to present t o you what I fe l t to be God's metwage. Many of you were unable to meet in the house of prayer, and I waa unable to ap-ak proper ly 10 th")a- who came. Please read 1 Peter , 5, 0 7. Thla is your pastor 's wish,

P r s y e r meet ing o n Thursday evening omi t ted .

The resu la r ooven in t and buaineas meet ing on Sa tu rday , 2 p m .

The League invite you all lo be the t ravel ing companions uf Dr. Tupper , a l Music Hall, Knday evenlnK, 7 o clock, ntaudard.

Time—Friday evening. Hour—7, s tandard . Place—Mueic Hall, Who—Kerr B, Tupper . Why—To tell you ol "Threa Montha

in Three Continents ." Come.

Mrs. Manlus r d d y .

At a regu 'a r n v e - i n g of J H»ph Wil son Woman* Relief ro rp* . No. 40. held J s n . 22d, If90. the following resolutiuna were adopted:

W I I E R E A H : O n e o f o u r m e m b e r s h a a been called to the e lemul real: the re fore

Re$olve<l. Tha t , in the death or Miner Eddy, this Corps loses a m e m b e r who waa ever an energetic and xeHloua work-er, a lways doing ber part. We sincere-ly and deeply synipatfiiza with he r fam-ily in Uteir liereavemenl, and aa a token of respect for our deserving sisU r , we dni|io our char t r and ber cha i r in mourn ing for th i r ty daya.

Retohed, That a copy of these resolu-tions be spread on the records of t h e Corpe, alao a copy sent to her family and thai they be publiahed in t h e Low-e l l JOORNAL,

EMMA E , H C X L E T , I


Reeolatlone ol Condolence

Adopted by Lowell Lodge. No, 88, An-cient Order Uni ted Workmen , l a n u a r y 28. 1800.

WHEBEAB: Death has aga in entered our Lodge and taken f rom u« a n d our Order, our esteemed brother, Valent ine Kraf t , who died J a n u a r y 21st, 1800.

Retolved. T h a t by this providence of the Almighty we are forcibly reminded of Ute uncer ta in ly and a l beat t h e brev-ity of life, and t h a t in bla dea th our Or-der has h a t a wor thy brother , hia fam-ily a loving husband and fa the r a n d the communi ty a good c iu ten ; be il f u r the r

Ruolved, T h a t we tender to t h e fain-ilv of our deceaaed brother ou r aincere sympathy in this their hour of g rea t be-reavement , and commend t h e m un to Him who doelh all things well a n d who is too wise to err , loo good to be nnkind .

Reioltrd. That o u r char ter and a l ' a r he draped in mourn ing for a period of 30 daya; t h a t these resolutions be spread upon t h s records of the Lodge, and thai a copy be mini to the family of our do-ceased brother and published in tho Michigan A, O, U, W. Herald a n d local p a p e r s . F . D . E D D Y ,

H . N A S H , }• C o m . A , J A C K S O N ,

Bsnry Prens , aged 40 yoars, a fa rmer residing near Holland, was fa ta l ly in-jured recently by fai l ing oil a load ot straw,

F l i n t Patrons of Industry in t end to havs a fine s tore tbsra if every thing goes r i g h t

Manlatee harbor baa been aupplisd wltb a fog-bora

Two Michigan pioneers d lsd a t Rooh-aster the o tbe r day, Wi l l iam Fiabar, aged 88 yeara, and Roswell Bromlay, agad 70 yea ra

Morend achool-teachers have t o make the Area and awsep the aehool-roam floora

Janaen A Co.'a fu rn i tu re s tore a t Bes-semer was burned the o ther morning. Lost , 18,000; parUally ooverod by intur-anca.

T h e Central tobool bui ld ing a t Cold* wa te r wat burned tbe o t b e r n igh t . L o o . 840,000.

Oovernor Luce has appointed F r e a k Shepherd, of Cheboygan, a member ot t ha board of control of tbo S t a t e houta of correction and brsnoh of t h e Sta ta prison in the upper peninsula a t Mar-quet te , lo flil the vacancy caused by tha resignation of Rdwla Z. Pernios .

Card of Thank*.

To the k ind f r i r n d t a n d neighbort , who to kindly aat i t ted ua d u n n g the aicknesa a n d dea th of Eddie, wa wish to extend ou r deepeat grat i tude,

M R S . J . C R E E R , L E E C R E E R .

Card ..f Thanks.

To the many kind frlenda a n d neigh bora and to the m e m b -rs of t h e A O. U. W., who ao Kindly asaisted ua dur ing ou r recent bereavement, we ex tend out hear t fe l t thanks .

M R S . V . K R A F T AND F A M I L Y ,



MeUee. The a n n u a l meet ing of t h e Lowell

Fu rn i t u r e Company, held J a n . 21tt. WM adjourned, to meet a t t h e Bsi .king House of Cha t . J . Church ft Son, T u n -day , Feb. 18th, 1800, a t 7 p . m .

M N HiN*, Sec. Lowell, Mioh., J a n . 87,1800. (80*8

Ulssolatloa Notice,

Notice ia hereby given, t b a t the co-partnership heretofore ex is t ing under the n a m e of Mitner ft Btirdtck it this day dtasolved by mutual conaent . All accounta due t h e firm aro l o be paid to Fred Mianer, who will cont inue the bus-iness.

Dated Lowell, J a n 10,1800.

Noll eel

The Booka a n d Accounta of the late firm of Howk and Bostwlck a r e In our hamla for se t t lement . All indebted will p leate call and aettla a t once.

A . T. H O W E ft SON.

The Old Mailable.

We have b o u i h t tbe i n t e rml of the late R G. Boatwick, In t h e business of Howk ft B«stwiuk, and will be pleaa-ed to meet all ou r old f r iends a t the old bland. We don ' t fer l t h e need of an especial iiitrodtictlon, aa we have dealt wi th you all . o r nearly all . In the paat, and we hope by cont inued fa i r dealing and giving full value fo r you r money, to merli and receive your pat ronage in the fu tu re .

A N D R E W J . H O W K , W I L L F . H O W K .

Tax P a j e r s Notice.

Notice la hereby given to the tax pay era of Lowell Toansh lp , tha t I will reeeive taxes a t W. 8 . Winegar 'a Drug Htoie, each week day, d u r i n g hualneae hours.

All laxea mual be paid before Feb, IU next ,

W I L L A B D S W I N E O A R , Town Treasurer ,

Lowell Markets,

Barley fO 75-85 40 71 74 22 87 40-43 16 14 85 40


Corn, Wheat , whi te , Wheal , red Oata, Rye, Buckwheat Butter gKKa Potatoes Applaa Poul t ry dressed

J L. S tarkweather , Pension Attorney of I. imeo, Michigan, will be a l T r a i n s Hot*-. Lowell, on Friday, J a n . 81at, 1800 Rejected claima a specialty. Draf ted man who efrv»d enll t led lo pension. Widowa, dependent mothers and fa thers enti t led to pension. Call a n d g t l your pension increased. H e never gives j p • wor thy claim. Call and aea bun . Ad-vice free.


Occurs mostly in young people about the age of puber ty , and is an Inf iamma tion nnd nl i ing up uf t h e sehaceout glands of the tk in . In a lmos t all a the blood i t impure. Looaa'a Ex t rac t Red Clover Bloatomt will c u r e them wi thout fail.

Continued from Second Page

Their misfortunes were a bond Iwtween them, perl iapt; they were both crippled, though slightly, f rom infancy. Hu was humpbacked : she was lamo. H e was awif l of foot and of eye and oould pilot her dexteroualy over the muddy way, mJm f r o m horses' fee l or splash of wheels; she, Uie girl , was stronger of band, br ighter of face and of ~ courage. She had more than once token t h e besom f rom J im ' s hand and swept a n ay the mud fo r pedestrians blithely and cheerily, ao tha t ahe earned more coppers f o r him In ten minutes than he knew bow to gain In a n eary morning's work . Ills hands were so weak and delicate; hers, used to acUvily, wsre poaltlrely muscu-lar by eontrast .

There was one drawback—ha never aeemed to comprehrnd about tha flow-ers. H e would stand on one leg hy the bril l iant sliop window storing plteously, t ak ing off bis ragged cap ai d puttu.,* it on again with a gesture of perplexity, acraiching hia head aometimea fo r greater duubl .

" Y o u aee, J i m , " Milly whl tpered to h im one d a y , " I love them ao—the flow-e n , They are ao beaut i ful , ao very, very beaut i fu l . I t qu i te g i v n ma a pain, an odd feeling here iu my throat , only (o look a t t h e m . "

" T h e n I wouldn' t have no th ln ' to do wi th ' em," returned the boy decialvely. " I f Uiey hur t you what'a the good/*

" I t ' s t h e hurt i i g t h a t brings m o b tck to t h e m , somehow,'* s tammered Milly, who couldn' t expl dn,

J i m gaxed a t he r with his w ide open-ed, long lashed eyea v

" Y o u are a queer ' t in , and n o mis-take ," he aaid a t last. " H i , look outl you were almost right under t b e van thia t ime. Mill. I wish, I wish 1 waa a dock, t h a i I do—Pdglve you flowers and g r a n d th ings every day; wouldn ' t I j u s t l "

" T h a n k you, J i m , dear; oh , thank you. T h a t makea it jus t the s a m e aa if you d id . "

" W h y , how can t h a t b e r a tked the boy, leaning on bla broom and s ta r ing a t ber ha rde r than ever,

"Of course ll does. Don't you s t a r a tked Milly, to whom deflnitiona aeemed almost t h e grealeat difficulties of Ufa.

The re a r e soma people who h a v e so lit-t le to say t h a t they spend Uieir daya in t ry ing to make the scanty subatanoe more; meanwhi le the thoughts of o t h e n surge tempeatuout ly against the i r f e t t e r ing speech, and these people m u s t al-ways appear ignorant and dulL

One day—il waa a bright May morn-ing—Milly had come to an end of all her commissioned work. Nor had she any Ideaa f o r the • u ture ; ahe waa t i red, over-done perchance—ah# had been working both early and late this last week . The colors of t h e many potoled flowerain tha thop opposite teemed to flash more br ight ly than usual; the t un was strong and hot ; the three cornered piece of tky overhead was poalUvely blue. From ita cage on a nail outside a neighbor 's win-dow camo the sweet song of a captive th rush . Some effervescence of apring-Unie roae and bubbled in tho girl 'a young ve lua She could nut stay wi th in her dark a n d tqualid room; tho roao lo her feet In impatience.

A moment later ahe had reached tho street. Sho stood outside the door of the houae, gazing inquiringly f rom aide to aide. No, J im waa not there; he w u nowhere In aight. Well , ho wou ld aoon return, doubtleaa. There were few ve-hicles t o be aeen; ahe migh t croaa safely. Now the deed was done; J i m abould preaenUy hear of her prowess.

A n d surely the reward was wor th the effort . The flower ahop had never aeem-ed ao beauUful. Bunches of Iliac, labur-n u m and l iawthom were blooming on ono t ide : on the other aldo wero posi-tively atacked pink, red and whi te peo-nics, pan si ci and tho anemones a n d blue bells of the woods, while marsh mallows and cowslips shone more golden than the sunshine.

Milly knew no names or propert ies cf flowers; in her eyes there wero no com-mon ones, and thn hothouso geruniums and cinerarias were only by color more glorious t han the penny bunchea of wall flowera and field dalsl<-a and s t raggl ing forgst-mo-nota tha t wero specially pro-vided for weary Londoners.

To her ll was all a beaut i ful d ream; there was Just a hard , impassable wall between her and auch luxuries , like the glaas against which ahe flattened her pale, l i t t le pinched f e a t u m . S h e could aeo through the glaaa, cer tainly, but ahe oould not go nearer; no, nor y e t touch or smell. Sho oould only t lgl i , and the t lgh (complaint like) made mailers worse, for it dimmed the clearneaa of the d a a a fo r a moment.

T w o ladles came out of t h e ahop; one paaaed on; the other , seeing tha girl , pa uaed. The hands of both ladiea were filled wi th bunchea of flowers; poadbiy Milly'a eyea were more hungr i ly watch-ing t han aha knew.

You poor little g i r lP t a i d t h e lady w h o stood In the doorway. She held o a t a bunch of aomethlog b r i g h t

Would yoa Ilka lhaaa flowers? Yea, y o a may lake t h a a . "

She mil ledi aha, went on he r way , Milly bad aaid nothing! no t a w o n of t hanks , even. She only graaped Ibe t iny noaegay aa though it were m a d e of gold. She stared vacanUy a t the ladiea till they were ou t of t ight . Then t h a laughed to fUy to herself. W h a t would J i m tay? W h e r e waa J im? W h y waa b e ttill ab-tent? Site mus t certainly come out aga in in the af ternoon, if on ly to teU h im t h e del ightful news. I t was tha flnt t ime that a n y real live flowers had been given t o her, had actually beloogtJ to herself. Why, they were qui te t o f t , l ike velvet, not g r imy and gr i t ty l ike mea t things, and wi th a perfume—yea, t h a t mual bo the meaning of t ha word perfume—someUiing quite, qu i te bewil-dering.

The road WM f ree of car ta and caba now, aarely. This WM the m o m e n t i -one rush forward—ob, the c r a m p in her stiff lagl Forwsrd l No, b sck , in haslet A noise of horses' hoofs, with 1,000 volcea ringing in her ears, and, in t h e midst of al l , a vision of J im 's face, whi t e and set M It had never been before—then the ea r th rising up to meet her vioA-nlly, aa something lsrge and dark loomed before he r eyes, and seemed lo s t r ike her down.

" S h e Is coming to, poor l i t t le Ibing,' These were the flnt words tha t Milly

beajrd. " W h e r e am I T aheMked fa in t ly . B e r own voice tuunded fa r the r off

t han the oUier voice. She w u iu |iain all over , a pain tliat would have been fierce had i l not boon so atunniugly dull , a n d , above all. so universal. Even her lil l la finger ached, ahe Uioughl, and tha t thought made her lialf Inclined to laugh. She could nut tee, ahe knew not whys ahe could not move, bul t h a t w u no wonder , for ahe w u t o UgbUy strapped a n d bound up. On a bed, too. "Where? where?" thu repeated, g u p i n g .

" I n the hoapltol. doar chi ld," answered the nur te . "No, do not ta lk . We a r e going to take great care of yoq ."

Milly t ighed and shut he r eyea f o r w h a t seemed to her bul a few mlnutea. W h e n tbe wat oonaclous aga in ahe u w (hat aomething lay between he r fingera— it w u her own precious bunch of flowera. H o w quickly l l had willed, though. 8 h a tried to l i f t ber hand, bul could uvt. 81in WM a/ra id abe had done wrong even t o t ry . But no one w u heediug her. T w o shadowy figures ware t a lk ing near b a r

"She was ao lame, poor dear , she could not run . And tbe gres t d rey horse knoekeil her down and t h e wheel ii.n aver her."

" H o w terrible!" "The little humpback boy did bis best

to savu her, but ho ran up tuo lata—it w u a plucky th ine , suybow,"

"Hu seems very fond of hsr—it will break his hear t if she dies,"

" H u s h l lef t he should hear yoa . " Milly had heard il all, l l scarcely af-

fected her, nevertheless; scarcely seemed to concern her , in fac t .

W u Uiis maimed , motionless th ing on | the hospital bed h e n e l f , Milly, t ha clever j little needlewoman? W u ll she who had dwelt opposite the florist's window? She opened her eyes yet wider; i t seemed a Utile l ighter now, W u thta t b e baa. pllal? She had of ten wondered what a hospital might be like. There wen , peo-ple here who aighed and icronard around her; alio had not noticed tlieui before. It tln-d her to watch them now; had they all lieeu run over in the street? abe marveled. Wha t u d , aad fooaal What a room full of paiul

Clean it w u everywhere, wi th Udy white bedclolbes and whitewashed walla, and the aunahlnu coming in an that her brad ach id ; ahe bad ntver been ueed to much light o r s i r . Nor tu s t r a n g e n , s t range fooea, s t range voices. Ah, whara was littlo J im? And had ho really coma to her In ber danger?

Tim tears began to trickle slowly down the child 's pale cheeks.

" W h a t Is It, dear?" asked Ihe nurse. " J i m , " said Milly, with quivering llpa

"Oh, my little J i m - m y o * ti •Utile J l m F " H o ahull como to you—preaenUy—

yes, very aoon, I will give the order now."

The nurso murmured aomething to an-other nurse.

"Of course; there la no t ime to loae," w u t h e answer .

But Milly heard not th la The nurse returned. "Shal l 1 read to y o u r a h e u k e d . " A r e

you In too much pain to listen?" "No, read," aald MHIy, gently. "Only

lei It be about flowers." "About flowen, dear?" "Yes—about flowen," retained the

child, dreamingly . " A r e there flowen in heaven?"

"Surely . And we know tha t it is God's garden. Ho g a m e n them there—even tho poorest child flowen of this ea r th . "

Then there w u a cry. " O h , Hil ly, Millyl Obi you will not

die! Oh, promise m e that y o u l l not die!" It w u J i m — J i m wlio had pressed close

to the bed, who w u sobbing u if his hear t must b u n t . He stretched oa t his littlo wan hands. The doctor held him back and sought to quiet h im. Tho weary occupanta of other beds raised themselves u p and tried to aea t h e two children.

Milly moved u much u abe w u able. A gray shadow had passed over he r face, making it almost un recogn lnb le , and sha rp anguish diirtorted ber f e a t u n a . Was thia death? Sho knew not—she had no Ume to th ink . Only fo r him—only for J i m , Uie poor, homeless, f r i end lews little crossing sweeper, ha wbo b a d risked bla own life fo r her—Milly's very temples throbbed with tumultuous thoughts .

" O h , Milly, speak!" cried the boy in agony, " W h y couldn' t I die f o r y o o T

" I am glad ," murmured Milly'a Upa tremulously,

" B u l I 'm not . Oh, It's cruel of yoo to be glad • h f t i I 'm so sorry! Oh, I bate, bate, bats myself , that I couldn ' t save you. If I had only been s t ronger ."

" H u a h , hush ," n i d tbe doctor and the n u n e ,

" H a s h P seemed to aay a n Invisible preaence.

The young girl 's head had fallen back upon the pillow; the pain w u paaaing out of her faoe. She turned ye t more toward he r liitle friend.

" O h , J i m ! " ahe gasped, " d e a r J im, and then more faintly atill: " T h e flowen —Iho flowen—think, J i m , In heaven tbe flowers—never—die!"

They let the litlle, ragged boy fling himself upon her now. Nothing oould hur t her now, any mora than il o uW cure her, or bring her back to thought , and speech, and love. Nor could any-thing alter or m a r the tender radianoa of Uie dead girl 's face.—LAdy Lindsay

O . T R I B l l f o r j



Tribune will hr irestly ' more lively, freeb

Durinf 1180, Ibe N, Y Tribui Imprturd In ouallly and made and readable than before In Ita , tbe special contrtbulora during I NO wil

Asoaiw Csassois. 'Trtnciplee of

OslL H S S I I T O S , "European Monareba'' T C I U K O S V, POWDXSLV, "Reelrictlon of Imml-

grattaa." Caicscsv M. Dsraw. B S V A T O S Joan J. I S S I L L S ,

Msa. J o s * A. L o o m , KST. Da JOBS R. PIXTOS aad otbeia, tnploe sot sneounoed.

A La KST Os ims , "Teiaperance amnng Ujr-ian»;"S0'w view. Joooa A. W.Toeaosa, "Tha Colored Race In

Am-nca." a. C. T. TODD. ' Tbe Advantarrs of rrneu." "Josus AU.I-'S Wirt." "Tbe small salarlse

of Counirr I'lersvmeu." Bssiv-a Wa. M.RISWUT, of Nevada. "Ua -.It^4 kll>.w f "

"Men of Ibe Revolu limited Kilter Coinage.

Feso 8. T A L U U D O B , on tion."

K a n FIII-D, "Mormon guceUon." Eaaerra Wmas, "Sucoeesaad Failure Amoeg Mm " Rsv. E D W I S D Evsarrr HALS. "Tbs New

Enelaod of to-day." Btsao* Hssav C. Porrta, "Rural Reinforce

Slrnt of CUy Population." Uso. W. CsauTus, Tlvi



We take pleasure in an-

nouncing to the citizens of

Lowell and vicinity, that we

have removed our stock of

B o o t s


•Shoes from the city of Jackson, to

this village and have placed

them in the


. Tkme straoge Legislation In ibe South "

U A S S R A I L P. WILDIB, "Humor of England snd Amei|.-a."

• • • • • Evils of Trusts. H*>sv W. Oa,DT, of the Atlanta Coiuultuttoa,

"Clus" ce« for t>p*ial lu the *rw South." 1. C. HesesLU I'nlted hi ales (Inilogtcal Survey.

"Highest Peaks of tbe I idled hlalrs " \V M.llnuevSM>a. ••Ooldaud-nlv-raeMoney." I- E-IJoiuo. • H'bal le left of our PuhUe LaeiU." E il.v lltm-iaoTos, "HouarboU Science " I as KST 11 ITS IT, •-Prvuilanties of Amencan

Prvaaacutioa." Ps rassoa WILUSH Psrrss. PresMenl of

I'nlverslly uf Pei n.yl» aula, "A college,ducal Ion go el h r all: e bat le Lest fur those wbo oasnot get P. "

M Y . BSACS. "r'tajer ol 4 » Dears " V U T M B S ossraiaoross W I L L S I asvncscso

s t a u n s a . 1be anKlee will coat maay thou asndsutdullar* snd appear In'I s sTs i scss only.

8 u l i l l e r a ' S t o r i v s .

Tus Tsisrss will also pri..|. In addition to Ita nviiiar O. A K. and i». of V. paye. a number of etlertatmng s iur iee of Aetual Kxprrlenee In Ibe War. nol leas in in ai In number, each a I age of T«l Taisusa in leugih, bjr privates and offlceraor tbe union, of s rank not higher thas Uiat captains. Veterans are Invtisd to con- i trloole lo ild- rerlee of storlea. Every tale I aocvpierf will he paid for at regular neespaper , ratra. P.tia-of WSO,8lWaudKSwdlbe paid for the best u.rre. Macu-crlpis muat be Incloeed to 'Tits Tnis tna few \ o i k . ' u d lasnlu*] ' BoUiler. Department."

1 ' n p o r N o n F a r m i n g .

In aA'l Inn to our regular sad extremely able ae lciiliura|.leoarimei.l(twopA*-»swrek). T«s I S I S I ' K S * 1 1 1 prluia auin-ierol Inng and carefully in.psrrd nitH'lea on Particular l l rmebes of of r a r m l n a . wrltiea by pracilcat espens. Farmers who waiit tonase moi.ey sol of their

Ueat Tribune Ever Seen will be supplied lo readers during tbs coming year.

A large number of desirable and novel premi-ums are a-lded lo oar lu*. and tbey are offered al term- which wlU enable our readers to obtain them prscllcallv al wholesale rales. Bend t cent stamp for our to page catalogue.

Y-J lUl ib le I ' r l j t e s One Hundred Bpaetal Prises will be dls

trlbuted on May I, IIM among ibe club agonte who have, up lo that date, sent In tbe largest 100 cluba uf I.sal Weekly anil Beml-Weeklv subacrl-bers. These pilscs will Include a |Too Piano, a f .uo Cabinet Orgs a, a flM Bolltarie Diamond, a fire trip to Sew Y»rk wilb eXDCnsea there paid etc.. etc , etc.. being worth a total of 14,440.

Prite* are fullr aescrlbed In oor new lopags catalogue, seud t .-ent stamp for a copy.

Sample coplea of TBI Tr " Rubarrlptlon KaUs:

Semi-Weekly. | f " " T a a n a Extras,


W e have leased this build-

ing for a term of years, and

intend to make this store a

permanent fixture in your

town. W e have faith in

Lowell and its future prosper-

ity, and that a





will be appreciated by its

citizens. W e would be pleas-

ed to have you call and see

us. W e are anxious to culti-

vate your acquaintance and it

will be a pleasure to show you

our goods and quote prices.

W e make a specialty of


and handle manufacturer's

j ines exclusively. We shall

endeavor by honest fair deal-

ing and warranting all goods

sold, to b« just as represented,

to merit a large share of your


Yours Very Respectfully,



LATEST AND BEST CYCLOPEDIA POBLISHED, Prepaped a t an Expense of F i f t e e n Thousand D o l l a r s .

f P H E wise merchant consults thn intorest of his customers, « well knowing that his own interest will by this means be

best advanced. This is-thc principle on which we have ever sought to conduct our business, seeking first of all to conform strictly to the maximum of

Fair Dealing - Best Goods • Lowest Prices.

W e now take pleasure in announcing a further step in the same direction. We belie , t in large sales and are satis-fied with small profits. W e want ihe confidence and good will of our patrons. It is to establish these facts in your mind more strongly, and at the sain- time to express to you our hearty appreciation of past f;i\ o r . and patronage that we have adopted a plan by which we arc enabled to place in the home of every one of our customers, absolutely F R E E O F COST, the great

National Cyclopedia. Latest and Best Cyclopeiia of Practical Information, in 3 Large Vols,

Our plan of distri'.iution u simply this: Until further notice we will issue to every person who desires it, a card, bearing figures to covcr al! purchases from 5 cents up. As cash purchases are ma.le at our store the card will be punch-ed, and when purchases to the amount slated on the card, FIFTKEN DOLLA.RS. have been made, the person to whom the card was issued will be entitled to receive from us one volume of this grand ' yclopedia. The second and third volumes will be given on succeeding purchases of a sim-ilar amount, so that when three cards have been used onr pa-tron will possess this grand work compleie, which constitutes the best Household Library in existence.

We have the reputation of selling goods as cheap and in many cases cheaper than any ont. else, but our prices will not be raised on account of this grand gift distribution. W e ex-pect to be amply repaid (or our gi eat expense and trouble by seeing the pleasant faces of our regular customers and having the pleasure of meeting and enjoying the trade of scores of new ones.

Visit us at once, examine our stock and prices as well a s the books, and you will appreciate the advantage of trading with us, as well as the splendid set of books which we offer you without cost. Yours Respectfully,

B r . C O L L A R ,

Lyon Block, Lowell

- ^ H U D S O N ' S

Great Clearing O F *

CLOTHING! A Backward Season has Lef t u s W i t h an Im-

mense Stock of

SUITS AND OVERCOATS, And Now is the Time to


Inn Hates: Weekly, t l a year. . | t Dally, | !0 a year, library of ras, U numbers a yearJg.

T H E t b i b u n C s s w York.

WE DO NOTHING BY HALVES. If you want a Suit o r Overcoat fo r less

money t h a n they were ever sold for before; now is your opportunity. If y o u havn ' t the cash, borrow it, you can save dollars by pur-chasing now for next winter.

Remember this will bo the cheapest sale of Clothingever offered TO the t rading pub-lic of Lowell and Vicinity. Don't forget tha t while our Boot and Shoe ytock lasts we can save you f rom 2 5 to 4 0 p e r cent.


SALE of all short lengths and o d d pieces in our Dry Goods dept., regardless of cost. In fact, many of them for less t h a n half price. This will be tho greatest oppor tuni ty ever offered you and Four Times out of Five you can f ind just what you want if you come early.


Page 3: Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXV. LOWELL, MICHIGAN Journal/1890/01_January/01-29-1890.pdf · One Dollar a Year. Offla* In Train's Opera House look. Three

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W I S D N B S D A Y , J A N U A R Y S 9 , / I f t K ) .

^AKlH^ POWDER Absolutoly Pure.

Thin powdw MTV »«np« A Murtrl of pur-ty, •• 'Miiph m i l whl lwBmwmw. Mors iwon-

omlntl than lh« ordinary klmta. ami cannot be •old iDeonprlltinnwIUi lh» mnlllludr of low

a*hnrt *rlglil alum or plinaphate pnvdera. nnlr In oann. Koyal imklnir Powdrr Co.

1M Wall Bl., N. 1. ID-S)

P # A L L A N S #


Th««fi Qooda r o n l u l n I h e Lenvea o r Mt-edles of t h e P l u e 'tree.

Uiie tham for a p l e u i n t nmokn and Hpowly rnll-'f (or I N F L U E N Z A . ACUTE


ALL BRONCHIAL D I S E A S E S ; they are f ree f TIN adulUsmtlan, O H nothing l« UBHII

in ilielrniiinuf:;RturH but. tho B E S T OF TOBACCO ami F R E S H P I N E N E E D L E S


9 m N E E D L E C i G A R C O . F R E E H O L D , N . J .


Da. Hntruiucn' Sraamn nrr •IrBllllcallyand •ued for raaor

" onr «P»

• araeeial Spec IB ca euro wlilioui rtnunHnji. pnnr

lOK or ndnclDR the iratem, ami arrln fait and deed the aaver F I E D r emr diea oft he n 'o r ld .

cor ov r aoor u . aoa.

S P E C I F i C S

ir,nl ifKiiiuiKdi inu of ChlldniD or AdulU , Unptog. BUUioa Collo ... orboa. Vorattln* . ' Unmchltla.

mtluirho.Faceiu'lie . .1 , Slrl: IVwiaChe, \rni«o.l Ollloiu siomach

Pa lnfa l Frrloda PROTUAA L . N . ^ U . . .

a .k iiae# tnuu, . fl lea. Mind or MUedUMi npaihoImTt or Nire, or v,>ak Ejia,.

ilarTh.InnQcn^LCnld lnlkeHea<l.. ' (•oplas Ceaah. Vlolrni Counha. .. kata. Oppwrd Iwaihln* ..... a r Dlachnrg *a. Impalml Hrarlair. r refela . Kalnnnl (•land'. Hwrlltac, eaeral D*Mlli».l'ny«lcal Wraknn*.

VroM7> and Scantr N«rvtlona ... . lea Mlekaeaa, iikkanafrom KMb« . l i a a e r Dlaea^e

I l lrhllliT seminal U^ak-r IntolumiT) Plaehari'i. I.!

e'aUnraa,Wi.itlnf Bed '.

, M. Vlnu raiuv | . . Ih r r l a . I Iceraled H.̂ r rbn«( . a le roageal iaaa «|HloB« .

OOIO uj i/ranvrH, c at ark*. Da/Tican


!>.r»u (144 M i IHhaadi tnld . milled fn-edlelnef 'o.ia fulioo.V. N1

A \ V X 7 . t \ , 0 \ \

t . \ \ Y. S V W a l a S - '

UUVmtTVtKr t t lNAKT B P k d l ^ T ® n feed b r a i l awaeraef l l e raaaad f a t * lla. A OoiopMiBeiitanr copy of Dr. HnmiJin-ra* reamaarr aaaaal tan aavai •« ireaimrai and MjoCPilwII-AalaiaM—Honaa, CatUa. Sheep,

• aad Poultrr — Bent free. Ucai-niivr " " Co.. w rwtno fit. x. r .

" K d l e a l l P a i n . a l v o t i o n O i l T r r n ' o u r ,

E M O R Y ... fn* rw r̂tinf. T^limonulii fr«»ai i part* of th«ff!nb«. Pr«i»HrlutfoiiT riULK. wrni on jpplwaiw^ to Pr f.

i A*». York.

5/A ^ORS^

B L A N K E T S A R E T H E S 7 3 0 J I 6 E 3 T . NONC GENUINE W I T H O U T TH t S'A LABtL M A N U M BY W M ' T U : / ; - > N I'LILTORTA . W I M


The GRACE HOSPITAL Cwmtr JcliD U Mr»#l MillU AvtiM.

iMroll. Kirk. A n<wpM»| lerihr itcvi tlr i «nii •rf«ftTi'>nt

• f tircMr-. n>Mliral ur Miil< « i*p»«-iBtt»u lum. h

^rlfftt* rrxMD. i^nultiuil) tBipl̂ >H *n4 ••••rf •>Mrra c.iM'.i - « rr. i. i-m.vou !*•«> 1

ffU M4 •hTWJ 6t ihPil hua, • W«id r«i>« I. >.• I rr VMk: pn»»l» room* irc.ui il f i •.» | '.m« p»» •**« fhrtteiiM and ffutgvoiv* uf n iifi IIM» and traat. |«il#au in PTL>AI» I X H I M TW- rwi.L.* • ^K/TICLA&A K u i FMILM? I ^ N K - U M I A ««I<IIRW

BOBKhT H. H||.LJI 4.>, SjperlaUadra!.

s o l e ' s C o t K o r x T l o o C O M P O U N D

k"oinn<M<-d nf ( ' i l t i i i i llih i . T a n . y I V i invmya l u r e r o n i i i w o .-r, b\ in

' • I I | i h l» l r l an . /» • i / f o ^ . i n l r , . i — 'a i i . KffoluaL P R I C E f l , bv M A I L ,

w a l e d . Ui;.e«. aak T"Ur d r u c g U t for C O N K «

Cot ton I t ' - n I umpouiHl and Ink.- no • n b . t l l u l e , o r I N C W S A I . I N I M f o r w i l e d pi i r tk . -ulani AIL-drew FOX If l . l l v C O M P A N Y . No. < t labor l i lock , UI WixHlward »»« . . D e u u l u Mich.

t V Hold IN l^iweil by W. 8 . W l n e / a r . l l n n t e i " .


Farmerst Don ' t forget the ! • -stitnte, Feb. 3rd nnd 4tb.

Vergennoa Tlallnr.

Alber t Blanding and J i m m y Collins have been wres t l ing with La grippe.

Mrs. W m . Collino, Miw Ruby Blund-ing and Misa Gert ie Collins h a v e b«en Imving tbe Rnaaian influenza.

O . W . Cro4by w e n t to Qrmnd Bapids, a week ago last T h u n d a y , and brought La g n p p e h o m e w i t h him.

The sick ones are all ge t t ing around all r ight .

Or lando Otlell ia a t t end ing achool a t Lowell.

Miss Fern Batchelor spent Si -urday and Snnday with her teachur, near Falla««burgh.

Nothing will please an old Lowollito so much as a year1* mihscriplton to thla paper. W e will endeavor to give yon all t h e local news and a fine assor tment of general n e w t a a d misotUaaeoua read-ing mat te r .

Ada I t ana .

Wil l Watson, f rom Corunna, is here visiting his parents .

Mrs. Hunt , her t w o daughte rs and Miss Sarah Vamlum, from Holland, are visiting at J o h n Ileadley's.

Wm. Pa lmer and family have moved t o l l r a n d Rapids.

Mr. Myres and Misa Moore closed their scliool last week, on account of so many of their pupils being sick with La grippe.

Mr. Albee, f rom Orand Rapids, waa visiting at Henry Smith ' s last week.

Mr. De Wit t , f r om Holland, waa her* on business last week.

If there is a busy m a n in town, it is B. U. Smi th , the tailor, and he ia will-ing to keep r igh t o n busying himself making you r clothea.

Alton' Atom..

W e are hav ing nice spring wea ther ow.

The new cases of L a grippe, a r e Mrs. J . D Frost, Mra. Z. H. Covert, George Bradish and Wm. Rennels. The othera are all reported be t te r .

Mrs. Joseph Richmond, f rom Lowell , is visiting he r sister, M n . J a y Front.

George B. Froet has r e t u r n e d to his home in New York .

D. A. Church , Wil l He r r ing toa and Chaucy Miller killed 20 rahbita las t Sat-urday

J ames McGee is t h e delegate f r o m t h e Alton Lodge, P . of L, to a t t e n d the County Convention a t Bockford this week.

Every th ing in the latest and nobbiest styles of pant ings and sui t ings a t Smith's. The moet fastidioua cannot tan to be suited.

H o n e La t a Blpplaa.

The re was a surprise p a r t y a t Ur . T. S tewar t s a week ago last Fr iday eve. I t waa a genuine surprise and tbe par-t i c i p a n u had a much enjoyed evening of it.

Mr. Chas. Blakeslee ia qu i t e sick.

Mrs. L Klein haa j u s t re tu rned f rom St. Louis, w b r i e the went to visit her brother , who ia very sick.

The re ia good skat ing on M o n e Lake, a t h ing so rare this win ter aa to be wor thy of ment ion.

Morse Lake P . of L met a t the Orange Hall , last Sa tu rday evening. There waa a large a t tendance a n d several new m t m b e n wero ini t ia ted.

Peach buds b a r e started some , ba t a re a s ye t unhur t . Severe cold weather is not prayed for by peach growers.

Rchreiner haa an immense stock of e legant robes which be will sell at cost .

The two days of m o w has been the means of a rush ing business a t Foster's mill.

The feed mill addition la nearly com pleted, and the first g n s t has been ground.

A P. of I. has been organized a t the Star schoolhouse, and a l the Sweet school house, w i t h 24 members a t the fo rmer and 22 members a t t h e latter place.

D. L. & G. R. R. R. officials were here Sa turday and desired to put in a side t rack and stock yards. Slowly bu t snrely E lmda le i s creeping out of t h e woods. And now, gen t lemen of t h e business f r a t e rn i ty , where can you do bet ter than to erect a n e levator and warehouse combined a t th is place.

Grippe: I ts here, but not in ou r family ye t .

W e have had to exc la im: Blessed are the poor, for they f requent ly escape tha t wh ich is only fashlonuble.

J . Kepner is moving p a r t f f ^ tools to hia D>IW nor thern home.

To see Smith ' s goods a n d prices ia to buy , fo r he will no t be nndersold.

Mrs. Jaa. Johnson , of Bowne Center , visited her d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Ozi Pardee , Monday.

Uncle Rusftel Smi th , of Lowell, is vis-i t ing relatives h re a n d a t Bowne Center and Irving.

Almost everybody is Laving or has had the grippe t h e post week.

•V. H. Pardee c a m e home f r o m Free-port one day last week to ape a d a few days wrest l ing w i t h La grippe. Will came otT victor and is again on h is taps.

Miss Mattie Glasgow spent several days last week visi t ing relatives in Free-port and Car le ton.

There was no school last week. La grippe challenged the teacher, Chas. Livingston, to a duel . Lag . came off vic-torious. so the la t ter was compelled to lay up a week for repairs.

Among the many who have been af -flicted wi th La gnppe . the pas t week, we ment ion the followiiw: L . Ueiatzel-msn s n d wife, L Lite, Mrs. K a u f m a n , Mrs. Fosburg, Tina and Mrs. Custer, Noah Thomas, Chas. Combs, H . Seese, U Seese, D. Weaver and Mamie Tyler, all of whom have been seriously ill with the epidemic, bu t a r e better a t present writ ing. BUPUET.

The Four Coraara.

La grippe is holding its own in this vicinity ye t .

Morgan Boyce is not qui te so well as he was last week. Dr. Youngs is now a t tending him, instead of Danfor tb .

I t is reported t h a t D. M. Skidmora, of Alto, haa sold hia stock of gOods to D. G. Look, of Lowell, but we guess t b e report IP a false one, aa there seems to be no change there ye t . [A mis take. ] ED.

Some fou r or five years ago one of onr neighbors had a drove of very unruly pigs. They used to root out f rom under the nen and get into mischief: he would catch them and giv» them a good old horse-whipping a n d put them back in and stop up the hole where they go t out . Any one would j u d g e f rom t o e racket over there, t h a t h e has adopted the same atvle of pun ishment on h is drove that he has now, in order to m a k e them stay where tbey belong.

W e saw in the last week's J O U R H A L ,

where Har t ley and Menzies s tar ted on

got enough of i t in a short t ime , be if a man bos a n y respect for bl; • i f

WANTFD lien to take onlrr. fur Suraery or Oommbulon I can make a ei

i Sa l a ry

SALESMAN of any one r b o will work and folio* niy ln«lnic-dooa. WlU fnrnWi h»nd« ontfll fr-». and pay your salary or ooinmiaaloii every write for ttnn* al oncc.

E . O . G R A H A M . Nurserjnntn. Rochtuer. X. V

C H I C A G O P R O D U C E ! TWr I>rlrU Fri«lco.

W l M l P traioea. nStlU»r. f-c**. Powllrr . Umw, Ora l* . * nnrtklnff fom

ma' nave to u*. Qalck aale. at th. buhMt maraei nricM. So waiting lor mcner alter Boodi are .old

ranylnfornnllon wauMd.

& co., nta. IT4 S.Water BuChlcagit

-Hat/apvUtan National Bank CUica^a l U M f

the wood job, near Dutton, bu t Hs t t l ey :h of i t ' • '

7 -would not work there . I t would have been nice work if t h e t imber was stand-ing. but It is Blashcd in every w a y , shape and manner , some of the logs a r e driven in t h e ground, near ly out of aight , and some of them lying f rom four to six feet above the ground. The bible says those that hunger and thirs t shall be filled. He says he was no t there long before he was full enough to last him fo r some tiniH.

l l o w n e Centre.

The Bowne Cent re people would like to know why w e can ' t have a little sleighing.

Dr. and Mrs. Haskin are dangerously sick with the c o m m o n complain t . La grippe.

Mr. Charlie Uv lngs ton was oompelled to rloee his school last week, on account of s icknew, but is able tu be o a t again .

• B o r n — T o L. Godf rey and wife, the 2 0 T H , a 1 0 l b b o y .

There were no services held a t the Centre a week ogo Sunday evening, on account uf tho ra in .

The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thu r Godfrey met a t their residence last Sa turday evening, ami gave them a pleasant surprise.

Those tha t a re numbered a m o n g the sick this woek a r e as follows: Robert Johnson and f ami ly , George Uarkley and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Haskin, Will Walts, Alice Hun t ing ton , Estella Mc Oianuid, Mary McGmnis, Wm. Por r r i t t and Wm. Staulfer .

•Six new members joined the P . ' s I. a t the Centre, last Saturday evening, they

j now have a memliership of about 45 or 30.

Miss E s t d l a McDiarmid will be com-. t i l l ed to close he r school this week. La J G R I P P E .

I Miss Nellie McNaughton accompanied 1 Hatt ie Salisbury home f rom Lowell , last I i-'riday evening.

i Miss Jessie Burns, of Harr is Creek, is vialting her f r iend Miss Mary M r Q i n n u ,

i of th is place.

3Ir. E<l. S tau l fe r will s ta r t fo r l l l inoii : t h m W E E K . T N I X V ,

I ii reality t h a t § m i t h , ihe tailor, has the TIIN-st line of sui t ings, pant ings and o v -

; • rcoatings ever i l iown in Lowell , and I • 11« mak ing ibem up for very low pnees.

Mra. Lon. S m i t h i s w i t h h e r ai l ahe can be—Mr. T . Wat son , of Green-ville, who is d a n g e n oaly s ick.

O. 1. Watkina , boa been a t Belding the pant three weein , assis t ing his son-in-law, Alvin Dimick , in b m l d i a g a bouse. Mr, D. has la te ly been a resi-dent of Luther , althnugfa a G r a t t a n boy.

J . Mooney's b o n e s , h i tched t o a baggy , ran away Saturday e r e . , l eav ing the buggy , a l te r a a u l a a w a y , b reak ing the dashboard a n d one spoke, t hen g o n g a round about s ix mi les wi thout f u r t h e r damage . MA CD.

T H E S H E W O L F M A G G I E .

E. A. Richards is on the sick list this week .

A child of Loren Austin 's , o t South Boston, died Wednesday af ternoon.

F r a n k Cook, who was arrested for s teal ing a pair ot pants f rom Armsi store, haa been held for trial in circuit court.

There is more s i c k a e u in Saronac a t the present t ime than there has been a t a n y time previous for t h e past teven yeara. Largely LA g n p p e .

A t a meet ing held In the schoolhouse, in t h i s village, last Fr iday evening, a lyceum was formed, lo be k n o w n sa the Saranac Li terary Society, and officera were elected as follows: president. Miss Mary O. Arnold; vice president . Miss Lena Boice; secretary, Elon Richards; t reasurer , Ned Sargent. The society will hold its nex t meet ing one week f rom to-night a t t h e schoolhouse, a t which t ime there will be exercises, a n d a cor-dial invitation is extended to all . rbo wish t o become members o r who are in-terested in such a society, t o be present. -Local

Highest m a r k e t price paid tor Pel ts and F u n a t t h e Lowell Woolen Mills.

(19m 3) H. F . C L A R K . Prop

ra l laaabarsb Facta.

Pr in . Westbrook is atill receiving congratula t ions over the a m v a l of a nice little baby . The parents a re very happy .

Isaac Day is singing " rock a bye baby, in t h e tree top . " Isaac is tickled lo dea th over tbe arrival of a baby girl.

Morgan Titos ' fr iends c a m e down upon h im like a shower of shot, the 27th of th is month , reminding l i m that it was his bir thday.

The Womens Foreign Missionary So-ciety will m e e t wi th M n . J a m e s Tre -den lck , February 5th, a t 11 o'cloek. All a r e i n v l u d .

Mr. J a k e Mastenbrook a n d wife, son and mother , h a r e beun h a v i n g L * grippe in ita w o n t fo rm, but a t this w n t i n g they are ge t t ing better.

La grippe is t ak ing ita rounds in Mr. Goulds family.

J a m e s Tredeoick, Wil l Bovee and W m . Rexferd a r e having their share of t h e s a m e disease. La gr ippe .

The report f rom the Burgh is t h a t eveiybody has the g n p p e . b a t Elder M y e n and F r a n k Sayles. Never mind Elder you and Frank may ge t yoor invi-tat ion, if it is late.

Three of George Ra rmond ' s children are sick, and George him.-elf is invited to have it. La grippe.

Zagonyi Fox was in Lowell Tuesday.

A . 0 . Shepard ia sa id to h a r e tha La g n p p e quite severely a t thia wr i t ing .

Smi th Will a n d wi fe en joyed a rait a t t b e let ter 's home Saturday a r m i n g .

I t has rained every Sunday so f a r thla r e a r . Hope i t will t o r n in to suow a o o a

Thir ty-seven couples a t t ended the ch ib dance in Union Hall. Sa tu rday eyening.

Per ry Weed expects to m o t e to Wash-ing ton soon, or t h a t is b is in tent ion now a t l e a s t .

Reported t b a t T . L . Rogers ia go ing to Iowa to sell f ru i t t rees a n d his w i f e wiO accompany him.

Lu te Sweet a n d wife, of Lowell , were the gues t ] of J n o . Fish a n d wi fe Sa tu r -day and Sunday.

Tbe Free por t merchan t s h a v s unti l Sa tu rday to decide whether they will sell raids to t h e P . of I . on t h e 10 per cen t Daais.

The " W h i t e Cap" e lement in the vicinity of Naahville are now being hauled over t h e coals fo r some of their depredat ions commit ted on aome of the residents in t h a t vicinity. I t Is t o be hoped tha t they will give them their j u s t deserts.

Chas. Coppens, of Bowne, waa seen Meighriding on our s t reets Tuesday. Mr. Coppens bought a new pa i r of bub sleighs of Uoore ft Shepard and was a l ra id there was no t going t o be anv snow to haul t h e m home on so b a took bare g round fo r i t .

Several young men and a f e w older ones had an a la Sul l ivan contest in Waigbtmau 's shop last T h u n d a y even-ing . And i t is aaid t h a t s o m e were a -dorned wi th sunset h u s on the i r nfcix the nex t morning. I t m u s t have neen qui te a n exci t ing t i m e as several came several miles t o witnees it. I t waa not decided w b o waa champion.—HitraW.

The P.Mloeate Poet. How very conservative U r . Swinburne

la in his daily habits. H e generally takes an afternoon walk f r o m Pu tney over to Winbledon, where he "pu t s u p " fo r a quarter of an hour a t a house h e is fond of visiting. He never carries a walking •tick or a n umbrella, though I have i t on very good author i ty t h a t he is not above lining his pockets a t a confectioner 's shop with sweets and biscuita, and d J ^ e u s i n g these freely to y o u n g s t e n whom he meets on t h e road.

The other day Wimbledon waa deluged a a d the common especially waa a place to be avoided, but when the downpour waa heaviest—about 4 o'clock—I aaw Ur . Swinburne march ing a long toward his usual rest ing place, a n d h e waa pro-tected against the ungentle ra in f rom heaven by neither umbrel la no r mackia-toah. H e was wet th rough. F rom his large brimmed fel t ha t rills of ra in ran down upon his ganneota . hia face waa shining sa if anointed with oil, his long whi te culls were in a miserable state. Tbe number of stories, by t h e way , w h k h a r e told a t WunUedou about t h e poet, whom every child in the vil lage knows a a d admira l ( the a d i f f l t i m being, no doubt , a kind of cupboard love) is qui te

T O P S I K ,

You can ge t tbe finest w o n t e d pants fo r | 0 at B. C. Smith's.

Sou l b Lowell I tema.

The re are several cases of La grippe in th is v l d u i t y .

The U. B. S . S . is in a proeperoas con-dit ion. The average a t tendance is about fifty.

Rev. A. T. Luther in tends holding a series of meet ings at t h e Sweet acbool-house. In tbe near fu ture .

Mr. Charles Stoughton haa returned f rom Otiaco, where he has been to visit a very sick brother .

There was a very pleasant surprise p a r t y a t Henry Yelter's Fr iday eve.

Mr. J , Livingston bas r e tu rned f rom a business t r ip to Canada.

A r t h u r Wood is the happy possessor of a new top buggy. Now girls, watch oa t .

Ur . J ames R a s h has re turned f rom Lake Odessa, whe re he has been spend-ing t b e winter .

Mra. Chas. O 'Harrow is able to be out again . She has been confined to her home about two mouths w i t h rheuma-t lsm.

a g o n The! his aged parents . Their ages are respec-

tively OB and 9 2 years. B O - P E E P .

To any sobecriber who will come and-pay al l arrearages and a yea r in ad-vance we will send a copy of tbe Cream-cry—& paper poblished ia the mteresta of t h e butter m a k e n — f o r a year , post paid, for 15 cents .

Orat tan aa tber laga .

J a n u a r y t h a w , with ra in three tuo-cessivK Sundays. Thursday 's "Beaut i-fu l " has melted away.

Our oldest sett ler . Grandma Howard, ia verv sick, al the house of ber daugh-ter, Mrs. J o h o Rodgen.

Bert Lesslter haa cloaed hia achool un-til Feb. 8rd, on aooonnt of increased aickness f rom measlta.

W e are informed t h a t Miss Belle Nugen t baa also cloaed he r school, near the Catholic church, f rom aickness of pupils. Will rvsume aa soon as aivknesa will permit .

Dr. Speneer was hasti ly summoned , - , •. J a n . Mth, to a t t end A. Spicer 'a infant " . . • ? ? . h e U J a t a r m ' s length, son, who was in spasms f rom I I Q L O C O S



as mercury will surel- destroy the sense of smell and completely derange li • | whole system when d n t e n n g it Ihrougii t h e mucous surfaces. Such article* snould never be uaed except on prescrip tioua f rom reputable phyaicpina, as t h e d a m a g e they will do is tea fold to t b e good you can possibly der ive f rom t h e m . ; Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufac tu red by 1

F. J . Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O., contains r o mer ra ry , a n d Is t aken Internally. | a a d acts direct ly anon t h e blood and mucons sur faces of the aystem. In , buy ing Hall'a Ca ta r rh Core be anre yon get the genuine. I t ia taken internal ly . | a n d made In Toledo, Ohio, hy F . J Cheney JC Co.

» - S o l d b

lOK SALS—BMonfol, t a o a . b a w a i y auatfta aid. Apply at Ca/e Hudclpb. Oiaata g o a a < r i

Such waa one of the host of advertise-' m s n t a which appeared recent ly in The Tr ibune ' s "Persona l" columns. Jus t to l e a n bow die she wolf m a r k e t stood now, whether i t was buoyas t or do-pressed, or mere ly dull, w h e t h e r a n y a m was "bu l l ing" i t or "bea r ing" it, a reporter waa detailed to look u p t h e thing. He star ted out to find t h e Cale Sodolph .

Tha CUe Rudolph is a my th . There to no n c h place In Chicago, and t h e Choate house is not a t t h e number indicated The re to a Cboate boose, though , an evideut ly thr iv ing hostelry, a f e w d o o n no r th o< the n u m b e r given, a n d there

w a n t H e f o u n d in the a . lady w h o seemed t o be in a

dec ree of author i ty , and w h o aaid she waa merely keeping guard whi le the day d a k dined. She . paid alao t h a t there waa no cafe a t tached to . t h e hotel, and t h a t ahe knew of no Cafe Rudolph in t b e neigli but hood. Pe rhaps the c ierk could telL I n tfane the clerk c a m e down. He, too, was puzzled. Finally a l igh t dawned upon him. " I t m u s t be t h e C a p t Ru-dolph w h o to here j* aaid he ; " t h a t ' s wha t it means." C a p t ' , Rudolph was o u t The lady a t die desk; said a o ahe wolves h a d bpen or would be kept a t t h e hoteL The d e r k raggeeted leaving a note for t h e captain, which suggestion waa acted upon , and ao the first effort to ge t figures o a this wolf marke t ended.

H e proved to be a clean cut, bronze faced does not exist a n d it is guaranteed to m a n . half cowboy, half Chlcagoan Inap- j d o t h a t j , . la jn .cd. Electr ic Bi t ters pearaace, who lives a t Evans ton, and will cure all diseases of t h e liver a n d ea ts af the Choate house when in town. I l iver and kidneys, will r e m o v e Pimples. On his muscular neck was a b r igh t red ; Colh , Salt R h e u m and o the r affect ion* scar . He waa asked how wolves were ' caused by impure b lood—Wil l d r ive going now, and how aha wolves were Malaria f n n u t h e avatem a n d prevent quoted In part icular . He laughed ; "You " »eU aa c u r e al l MalarU f - v e n . -w a n t to learn about Maggie?" be aald, P 3 . T * Conrt ipai ion

. t - a n d ladigehliun try Electr ic Bitiera— t h C T ' . , h f J r C f ? U ' ^ " 1 seiUfactiuo gauranleed . o r

IIV. wirk w e r e funded - P r i c e 50c and t l . 0 0

The other day I asked the confection-e d wife whom U r . Swinburne ho n o n w i t h his custooa whe the r ahe knew who the gentleman waa w h o bad j u s t l e f t her shop. "Oh, yea," she replied a t once, " tha t ' s U r . Swinburne, a pr ivate gentle-m a n , but he isn't qui te r igh t in his bead; he is wha t they call a poet, F m told." When he b w a l k i n g a l o n g in h is soldierly | fashion, Ur . Swinburne never t akes his ! eyes off the ground, a n d evidently does n o t see t h a t he is the observed of al l ob-ae rven . The other day a cha rming young lady aaid to me , in a n ecs tasy ot admirat ioo: " I f I only dared, wouldn ' t I l i k e to have t h e honor of shaking hands w i t h him? But he looks too s t e m . " The sternness, however, vanishes al together when, on their playground on t b e com-mon, he aees the chi ldren a t play or being

•heeled about in their perambulators.—

Rlrmlry In Rich Men*. Tomb.._ A contract was signed yesterday for

tbe construction of a magnif iceut mau-soleum in Laurel Hill cemetery f o r the Floods, and work upon i t will commence in a few daya and b e p n e e o u t e d steadily by a large force of men fo r a year , when i t is hoped tha t it will be finished. The mausoleum is t o be finer than tbe beau-t i fu l one lately completed by J a m e s G. Fa i r and equal to t h a t of t h e Crocker famUy. I t will coat a t least 9100,000.

I t will be modeled a f t e r t h* JTay Oould mausoleum, bu t in beauty of s t ruc ture will, i t to stated, even surpass It. I ts fo rm to to be tha t of a per ipteral lonio temple, and i t will ba oonatructed en-tirely of California mater ia l , a n d a lmost entirely of granite. The only o the r ma-terial aaed will poaribty be » l i t t l e mar-ble along the margina fo r t h e recepta-cles for tbe dead. Even thia will be dis-pensed with, if possible, a n d art ist ically worked grani te subst i tu ted.

The g r s i t tomb will be abou t thir ty-two feet l i n g and t w e n t y feet wide, a a d will reach to a height of twen ty feet. There are to be twenty-eight columns, each being a polished piece wi thout joint a n d unmarred in a a y way. The cella will be ten feet e ight inches in height , wi th an anijle or volute caps on all sides.

When completed t h e mausoleum will in t h e interior have the effect of a g rea t mirror , aa its g ran i te aidcei a n d e v i o t h e floor, which will be of grani te , will be aa smooth as glass. Tbe dome in ita in-terior will be of paneled and curiously carved granite.

The mausoleum, as a t flnt constructed, will have reoeptaoles fo r six persons, or a s many as constitute tbe Flood family. W h e n tbe monument is completed tbe pemains of Mr. Flood will be t ransfe r red f r o m the O'Brien vault to t he i r per-qiancnt resting place.-

B u U a g la Kalaa. Even the women and chi ldren a n

participating in tbe p n e e n t good ban t -i n g up la western Maine. Tbe otber day, Mrs. George Brown, of Guil /ord, i n Piscataquis county , while looking out ot her kitchen window, saw a large and haodsoue lo* come ou t iu the field near by. Her husband being a w a y , she took down kis rifls and pointed it out of the window a t the fox . The window being low, she found she oould not rest the gun on the sill and t a k e good a im, so ahe

wi th uieosles. The rest of the family are having them lighter.

Mr. C. Close, never very strong, but unusually well f late, was taken sud-denly Jan . 24tb, with neuralgia and c a u r t h a l affect ion, which he is»ubjec-t t >, lieing prostrated in a few hours, wi th in tense sufferiBg. H e is now gaining a n d friends a r e hopeful.

The next oocial ol oue Ladies Society will be held with Mrs. Will Hall, nasi of Aeliley church, tbe evening ol J a n Slat. ^Refreshments: f r e d cakes and cuflee. All cordially invited.

fired and killed the fox instant ly. She then went out s n d brought be r t rophy into the house. The Por t land P n a s , f r om which th is pa ragraph J s taken, s a j s that the distance, being measured, proved to be th i r ty rods.

COMMENDABLE. All claims not consistent w i t h the

h igh cha r scKr a t S y r u p of r i g s a r c puf-posely svoldcd by t u c Cal. F ig Sy rup Company. I t acta gently oo t h e kidneys, l iver and bowels, cleansing t b e system effectually, but it is no t a cure aU and makes no pretensions tha t every bottle will not substant ia te .

by Druggisw, pr ice 75c. per bott le.


Read the fol lowing: Mr. C. H . Morris, Newark , Ark . , says : " W a s down w i t h Ahecesa of Lungs, a n d f r iends a n d phys idana pronounced m e ar. Incurable Couaiimptlva. Began taking Dr . King 's New Discovery fo r Cousump-tion. am now on my th i rd bottle, a n d ab le ta o v s n o e the work on my f a r m . I t to tha finest medicine ever made . '

Jesse Uidd. 'ewart, Decatur , Ohio, says : " H a d it no t been fo r Dr . K i n g ' s New Discovery for Consumption X would have died of Lung Troubles. W a s given a p by doctors. A m now in t h e best of hea l th . " Try i t . Sample bott les f ree a t H u n t & Hunte r ' s D r u g Store.


Thia remedy is becoming a n d ao pop-u l a r as to uecd no special notice, Al! w h o h a v e u s e d Electr ic B i t h - n sing t h e

medic ine

nance . " I d o n t like to p a r t w i t h her,1

h« added. , The story of Maggie waa, of course,

asked promptly, a n d the ou tcome of all lb® t a l k w t l c h followed was something cur ious about wolves in general , and one wolf . especially. Capt. Rudolph is in-tcrested lo a ranch on the Beaver river, i n Boone county , Nebraska. He baa l ivad and worked on the r a n c h , and to go ing back there because h is Interests demand i t and because t h e "wotden folks" ont there th ink he should be look-

moi: pe r Store.

ley m i bottle a t H u n t & H u n t e r s


Grea t mis takes have been m a d e In t h e world, by supposing m a n y nervous troubles were due to bad blood. Thus headache, fits, dizziness, sleepless-ness, etc. Are a lways due t o weakness o r Irritation of t h e nerves of t h e b ra in ; dyspepsia, pa in , wind, e tc . , to weak-ncsss of the nerves of t h e s tomachpveak lungs is caused by weakness of t h e

l a g a f t e r hia o w n . That la w h y he wants [ p a n s ; billiousnefM, constipation, etc., t o t o sell Maggie, t h e she wolf. H e cannot i weak nerves of the liver or bowels: c a n y her about t h e country wi th him. j P®"18- i r regular i ty , aterlity to derange-H e baa tried t h a t once, and haa found It m * n l F o r J to n ^ only expenrive but , occ^ iona l ly . moe t embarrassing. — - -

" W h o and w h a t is Maggie? Tell her s to ry , " waa the request made.

" W e l l , Maggie to u o v e r wolf , bu t t h e to no t like otber wolves. I h a v e tried to tame them of ten , but cou ldn ' t Maggie to d i f fe ren t She became t a m e a t once. She knows things. She ia l ike a gentle

" H o w did you g e t her?" " S h e was one of six cubs. There to a

l i t t le story to i t The wolves go t bad in Beaver county a n d wo tu rned out to

Trial bottle f ree a t YelterdE Look's Drug Store.

D I U S K E N N E S S — I . I Q I O B H A B I T — I n al l t h e World t h a n , la but o n e Cure.

Dr. Halne*' Golden Speci f ic . I I raa ba (ITSB ID a cup of tea o r coffee wlth-

out lbs knowledge of the pernio taking ll.etfert-Ina a speedy aad permanent cure. nhetUir tba peraon la a moderate dnnker or an alcobollr wrack. Tbouaaoua of drunkanta have been enrtd who have taken the Ooidea I-peel tie In their lea or coffee without their knowledge, and to-day belieto they null drinking of their own free will. S o harmful effect, renulilng from thslr administnUloo. Cures guarantoad. Send for circulars and full particulan. Addreaa In

h u n t t b e m . I found a lot of cubs in a S S t S a " " 8 ~ i n c 0 o -c a r e . I ,was coming oat wi th t h e m when t h e old mother met me. You should have seen her. She got a t m y throat be-fore I could stop her. She go t he r teeth in, t o o See th is scar?"

Tbe scar already alluded t o was.dist inct ' never enough, red and jagged tuhe ran t f rom

P I L E S ! P I L E S I P I L E S ! Dr. Wil l iam's Indian Pile Oin tment

to t h e only sure cure lo r Bl ind ,Bleed ing I tch ing P i les ever discovered, ver fails to < c u r e old chronic cases of

< £ £ 0 ^ 1 D I K . , ^ | K . . . . J .

" W e l l "«wt in . . eHfh«£e ,»n in " i ' "DrTwUl iam 'a Ind ian Pi le O i n t m e n t "Wel l , continued the cap ta in . I man- cured me a f t e r y e a n o ' s u f f e n n g . "

aged t o flniah he r with a revolver , and I j u d g e Coffinbury, Cleveland, U., aays . took the cubs to a ranch and tried to " I have found by experience that Dr . ra i se them. Tbey did not thr ive. Only Wil l iam's Ind i an Pile Oin tment give* o n e of them—that 's Maggie—lived. But immedia te and pe rmanen t rel ief ." s h e was worth al l the trouble. She docs W a b a y e hundreds of such lest imo-no t a r t like a wolf. She played with tha a i ^ : Do no t suffer i n s l - n l toiiger. chi ldren and never got ugly. She even by all druggwta a t 50c a n d | l pe r

p layed with a t ame badger w e bad . You J ' c a n pa t her head and treat he r aa y o a E I L E R T S D A Y L I G H T L I V E R would a setter dog. When I came to P I L L S are a boon to s u f f e r e n f rom Sick-Chicago I brought her with me. I t headaches. Hour Stomach, Torpid U v e r m e laugh to aee people on t h e railroad a ^ ind lpml loa . Sugar-coated , pleas t r a i n s ao a f ra id of her. She wouldn't « * to u k s a n d w ^ t e d l o g o th rough h u r t a kitten. I 've grown f o n d of hsr . I ^ 7 g t-I don ' t want to le t her go, b a t I < E I L E B T ' B E X T R A C T o r T A B ft W I L D

c a r r y her • V-nt w i t h me. I on ly w a n t to C H E A B T U a » f e . r e l i a b i e a n d pleasant see t h a t s h e gets i n to good hands. That remedy for Cough . Colda, Bronchius , ia w».* I ii/lJorti.^,1" I As thma , a n d all throat t roubles ; will te-

i L ^ . , w . I l ieve and benefit cousumption. Try It ai .d be convinced. Every bottle w a r

a kennel like a dog back of tbe houae In r an ted ; p n c e 50c. and one dollar pe r Evanstou. She is fair to look upon—a bottle. Mold by all di uggists. Prepared wolf , bu t not l ike o ther wolves. She Is by the E m m e r t Proprietary Co., Chica-sleek a n d t r im, a trifle smaller than the R". UI. b l g g r a y wolf and somewhat darker . S h e ' Mo then will find Dr . Winchell 's ac ted as a good dog might have done. She Teething S y r u p jus t t b e medicine t o was glad to see her callers. H e r head , , a T e 1 0 h " U 8 « f o r t h e ch i ldren ; i t could be patted, and she had a confiding1 ®ur® S o ' « Throa t , way . She was as affable to the a t r a n i S t h . Buwto. Try i t a a t o her own. " T h a t a where a wolf is . D R . J A Q U E S ' G E R M A N W O R M

di f ferent f rom a dog ," aaid Capt . Rudolph. C A K E S destroy worms a n d remove " A Wolf does no t care for o n e j e r soo in ^ , 3 r * e l n - 8 * f e ^ " " t p a r t t a i l a r . A good wolf to equaljy good , ff ti e . t o everybody, . A n d M M D O to the oply H A P P Y H O M E BLOOD P U R I F I E R good wolf." ! la Ihe Peoples Popu la r Medicine lor p u r -

Such to t h e story of Maggie, the she i f y i n g t h e blood; pcevent lng or cu r ing

wolf w b o was advertised.—Chicago Tri-bune.

1. aha Has • Fair AFFStlaa as m .

• Providence permit t ing, Mra. Oatharine K o a h n , of Manchester borough, will cdo-h r a t a the ifeM anniversary of be r birth o a Tuesday n e x t Mrs. K u e h n w a s the M M c r t a f t h e l a ta J o h n K u e h a , f a the r p« M m L Koehu , deceased, a a d to the grandaaother of Jacob L. K n e h n , super-infendent of t h e York Gas a n d Water works ; of this c i ty . Af te r t h e death of he r husband ahe resided fo r m a n y yeara in t h e vicinity ot ^n ickel ' s church , la Manchester township , but has ^ o s n t l y resided with he r youngest brother , Ur . H e n r y Quickel. w h o to abou t 75 o r 7fl y e a r s of age, i a Manchester borough, a b o u t asvenmi lsa f rom this d t y . She to a m o s t remarkable woman, retaining all k e r faculties, excepting t h a t of bearing, Which to slightly defective. Notwith-s taad ing hs r g rea t age, t h e i s able to saove about her home wi th t h e aid of a cane , has a. la i r appet i te a n d sleeps fair ly welL She says aha waa abou t 19 y e a n of a g e when George Washington died.— New York Age.

A very bad impression w a t made by t h e caarowita a t tbe German au tumn a i a n c a v e n . - H e to a delicate, stupid iDOking Ud with exeerable m a o n e n . As a proof of his g la r ing want of t w t It may h e mentioned t h a t be persisted ia ad-drsaeing the. German officers in French, a l though he speaks thslr own language very welL Tha Emperor Wil l iam w u palpably disgusted by the manifold gancheriea of h is boorish guest , and Irsatwri him w i t h t h a most f r ig id cour-tesy. A f t e r the atate banquet , when the qwperor and the caarowita passed slowly th rough Ihe eakwa, the Russian prince did no t la any way acknowledge tbe salutat ions he received, and b i s ostenta-t i o i a indiilerence excited a variety of naastin oriticisms.—London Punch .

Among tbe reeolotions passed by the Liberal Foderat ian a t IU recent Man-ohcater meeting waa one demanding a popular vote on t h e question of disestab. I jshing the Church of England.

: j B u n ' > i i t t ( 4 I p U ( j B i i > h a , 4 U c u 3 i « i by Ihe Brooklyn Wotflen's c lub is, "How M u c h j i f l i o Can We, in. Jus t i ce to .Our t s d v w . a n d Our l i^nes, . . G i ro to Out-r W f t J t y t a r a r i f Ihe .hiubauds F e t e al-lowed to taks par t in this discuasioo it Would soon be tat t led.

. . . . Billiousnesa. Headache ' Doils snd all F e v e n a n d Malarial Disea-ses

Pr ice 50c. a n d one dollar pe r bottle.

UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION f O W -D E R will c u r e Distemper, Coughs, Colds, F e v e n a n d moet of t h e diseases t o whlob Horses, Catt le, Sheep, Hogs a n d Poul t ry a r e s u b j e c t S o l d ' drufgtota .

UNCLE SAM'S N E R V E ft B O N E U N I M E N T will relieveSpra<ns,Bruisee, Neuralgia a n d Rheumat i sm. Sold by al l druggists .

O X I C E I V J O Y H Both the tnetlind and m u l l s when S y r u p of F i g s it l i iken; i t is pleasant and refreshing to the lasle, and ncti n&tljr yet promptly on iho Kidi'eys, Liver and Bowels, cleansea the sys-tera efTectually, dispels coldt, hend-aches and fevers mid cures hahilunl oouftipation. 8 v n i p of F igs is the only remedy o f ils kind ever pro-duced, pleat ing to the ta i t e and ac-ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial i n ita dfects, p r e n a m l only from the mosl healthy and agreealile substr.nceB, i ts many excel lent qualities conimcnd i t to all ' ' " " 1 and have made i t the most popular remedy known.

S y m p of F i g s it for Bple in 50c and t l bottles hy all leading drtig-d s l s . A n y rel ishle dnigpist who ••my not Imve it on hand will pro-•tire i t promptly for a n y one * h o

1IP« lo try it. D o not acccpt any . iiiwi . inie.

CAUF0RNH FIG SYRUP CO. n A n a t c o . C*l

l o u w n i e . n . m w m t , n . r .

TIE i l E I W h e n people tell you that they will sell you goods a t

Jobbing or Factory Prices, look the goods over well before

you buy them for they may be goods that the Jobbing o r

Factory prices would be a high price for. We don't claim to be selling goods at cost but are selling at

R E A S O N A B L E PRICES call and be convienced of this. Call and examine our line

of JEWETTS. HEATERS and COOKING STOVES and any thing in the line of General Hard-ware that you may need.

& It Is To Your Advantage!

To boy your goods where you can get the best fo r tha least m o n e y .

Fimitiire Retailed A T

Wholesale Priees. We Manufacture n " r Own Goods and Give Customers t h e Benefit of I t

Our Furniture b made of thoroughly kOn-drled lumbar al prices that Will Astonish You!

N. B—A full Hne of Coffins, Caakata, tilirouda. etc alwuys on hand. LOWELL. MICH.

Pure Drugs,



Toilet Articles,

Artists Supplies,

Patent Medicines,

Miscellaneous Books, School Books,


Autograph and Scrap Albums.

Prescription? Carefully CompoL'nded.


VV. Ss Winegars.


I t to t tH 1103 1.18

M t O IH 8.00


Detroit, G'dHaTeo&HilTaikee R A I L . W A V

I B K O L D U U A B U R O C T B T O A u r c o n a • A S T A R D W N T

la effect October t , I M .


Laara. K».X 5oJ. Ko t . KoA,

Lowell, SM

O . R a p U i . t : « It M tOO 10:«0 i - J B P A S 8 E X O E K T R A C I 8 K A 3 T

Laara. S a t , NoA. So.8. S o . IS I toJt .

O.Rapida. 8:JO WJJ t rf i

LowaU. r « w a s 1.-M 11 JS " l *

ba te . T : T J I I S 4 3 0 I T E R

X umber* I aad 10 raa dally an othar Irafaa daily SaodftT •xceoteda

Numbers t and S do not run wait of Qraad

Through tlekeU to all Principal points Cast and Waat are oa wis at Lowell Btatloe. A. O. HKYDLAUFr, JOEH W. LOCO.

AJMOI LowaU. TraSa l l aM«ar^

The Mails.


' t f S i S S L . Tachleaa aad riaxl

I C R I A I I I I N T K I i m i l IF n o r IMC.

o o o r a WBT. 5 2 0 a . m.—cloaed p o u c h f o r O r a n d

Rapids . 13:17 . a m . — W a y mail . 8:36 p . m . — W a y mall .

o o n t o B A S T .

7 5 0 a . m . - C l o a e d pouch f o r D e t r s f t 1 0 - J 5 S p. m . — W a y mail . 4 2 0 p. m . — W a y mall .

001.10 BOCTM. 7.00 a . m.—Mail by car r ie r . 7 2 5 a. iu.—Mail by L . ft H . R. R 4 3 5 p. m.— " *' ••

raou tbm Botrrn. 4 ^ 0 p. m.—Mail by e a r n e r , exoept Al to

1020 a. m.—Mail by L ft H . K. a T 6.-05 p . m.— " '• " ••

G O I N G N O R T H .

1-JJ0 p. m.—Mail fo r Fallaaaburg^Altoa, u r a n t Grot tan .

F R O M T U N O R T H .

11:80 a . m.—Mail received f r o m above p l a a n .

All mails d o a e 80 minutes before time abova s ta ted.

Pos t Offlce open f r o m 7 a . m . to 7 J O p. m . . s t a n d a r d t ime .

Loteil 4 Hastings R. R, TIME TABLE:

T R A I N S S O U T H .

Laara LowaU, '* Elmdale.

Arrive at rraaport.

I M A * 7 M A U «:I0 A a

TRAINS KOarit. Leave rraaport. «:« a M Antra at Elnutals. iOM A A

- Lowell, K M a m

r m 4:t0 r a 8 : 1 0 r a

»«»• s J B t a


SUM ran, iMn* • iw>>,nte •• tha

lun of i s n ^ w a a

I'uu.od iprttiftiluni fi>. rai,nu ia • 1 aitM S l i m himan m e .

»»• ••!».« at tba NriaellSa ewiiitnt,e in .01 MMlieuaca IM i>ti»nu .ruU nirkt eom.

, . } • . I I , . CSLLAA Suiaa.aa4 OT

»"a y aa*tula4 aad their Uaillliaa ut aanr. J * " . ' . " " aad •SMUMtwaa pnpaitd aad tlat

Il tiareea ahort BMKe Ttran .MT Ka cb.rgafur eitaiiaaUaaafBadaja

A.l.i.• br mill Iim

laiba I'aiaa IH '̂Oaula at dr.wirca

l y t . s t l l cwTi r i l AMKItlt'AN.vhish haa Ibt larnat timltnsa aad .a lb* meat lataaaim TltTl1*' .* ' I U t 'aOablwbai la the warlt aadaniaad/*** *

iipaoiuKd 'xvsTE^LV admtiiad u. ba thabnt paper datolad ta aalaaaa, ••cbtoioa. iD.aQiicot, ancioaanas warGTaaJ aibar daputmaau ol iBdutnal pmcrM. sab* liuad in aar c.xinirj It eootaloa tha aaaea of ail palaateaa aad lille ol avarir laraeiiua paiaatad »<h . . . » Tr, It friar maatlu lor eaa dollar. loM bt all amadaalara -1*2 -

. Be- Twfc

tw— t

IL New Milks C o w s ^ ^ r o R t h e highest price in cash. Drop a IKMI&J t-i mo a n d I will call a t onco.

J . 8 . D A N I X L S , Lowell, Mich., P . 0 . Box 870,

What Is _F. 1. C."r

IT 1 3 a harmless , vef re tablo prepar-a t ion , of d o m o n s t r a t e d p o w e r In a l l t o n u s of K idney diseoso, a n d

t h e m a n y d isorders w h i e h a t t e n d K i d n e y t r o u b l e . T h e u a r e n a m e d l e g i o n . If t h e K i d n e y d e r a n g e m e n t bo cured , t h e n those S e c o n d a r y ail-m e n t s d i s a p p e a r because t h e y a r o m e r e e f f e c t * o f / tatse X t d n e y a c t i o n , and not original C a u t o i of •uffef iag . T h o u s a n d s of people s u f f e r f o r y e a n f r o m these S e c o n d a r y e f fec t s o t K i d . n e y disoase, w h i c h Is nususpee ted b e c a u s e t h e K i d n e y Itself m a y be f a r ( o n * with d l t s t t e a n d y o t give t h e pat ient no pain. B e w a r e 1 T h e a o v

e r e i g n cor rec tor of all t h o s e Ills la


l A L I V E R I _ _ „ t l .00 A B0TTIE. SIX f0» 15. T n V l T T O - m

Or. 0woi*8 Electric I d t .

I m a t l s u s t t i M
