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Imperial Civil War v2.0

Page 2: Thrawn's Revenge: Imperial Civil War v2.0 Manual


Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

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Thrawn’s Revenge: Imperial Civil War is a large-scale overhaul of Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. It is centred on the events of the Galactic Civil War between the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor and the signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty in 19 ABY which ended hostilities between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant. The mod includes over one hundred new units, seven new factions and thirteen new Galactic Conquest scenarios set throughout this period of Stars Wars history, including famous conflicts such as the Black Fleet Crisis and the Thrawn Campaign.


Installation ...................................................... 5

Main Features ................................................. 7

New Factions .................................................................... 7

Era System .......................................................................... 8

Weapon System .............................................................. 9

Other Changes ........................................................... 10

Factions ............................................................. 13

Imperial Remnant ................................................... 13

New Republic................................................................ 31

Empire of the Hand ............................................. 47

Pentastar Alignment ........................................ 57

Minor Factions .......................................... 68

Hapes Consortium .................................................. 68

Duskhan League ........................................................ 71

Imperial Warlords ................................................. 73

Galactic Conquests .............................. 77

Single-Era GCs ............................................................ 78

Multi-Era GCs ............................................................... 83

Historic GCs ................................................................... 85

Infinities GCs ................................................................ 89

Multiplayer GCs ....................................................... 91

Galactic Mode ............................................. 93

Production ..................................................................... 93

Defence .............................................................................. 96

Economy ............................................................................. 98

Intel ........................................................................................ 99

Skirmish Mode ...........................................101

Maps ...................................................................................... 101

Defence ........................................................................... 101

Economy .......................................................................... 101

Units .................................................................................... 102

Heroes ............................................................................... 103

Upgrades ........................................................................ 103

Planets ............................................................105

Galaxy Map................................................................... 105

Native Forces ........................................................... 105

Planet Table ............................................................ 106

Special Abilities .....................................111

Hero Bonuses ........................................................... 111

Unit Abilities ............................................................. 113

Frequently Asked Questions ..119

Credits ..............................................................121

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

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Installation This mod requires a fully patched installation of Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. Remove all previous versions of Thrawn’s Revenge before installing. If you have any problems installing or launching the mod, please visit our Tech Support forums (,27.0.html).

Disk versions


If you have downloaded the Installer version of the mod:

1. Just run the installer and follow the instructions.

If you have downloaded the .RAR archive:

1. Extract the .RAR to your desktop (or similar location). 2. Find your Forces of Corruption folder. E.g.:

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\

3. Create a Mods folder in your Forces of Corruption Folder (unless one already exists). 4. Copy and paste the Imperial_Civil_War folder from your desktop into the Mods


...\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\Mods\Imperial_Civil_War\

5. Move the TR.bat into your Forces of Corruption folder and the shortcut to your desktop.


1. Double click the shortcut (on your desktop or Start menu) or the .bat (in your Forces of Corruption folder) to play.


We recommend Steam users download and install from the .RAR archive.


1. Extract the .RAR archive to your desktop (or similar location). 2. Find Forces of Corruption in your steamapps folder. E.g.:

C:\Program Files \Steam\steamapps\common\star wars empire at war\corruption\

3. Create a Mods folder in your Corruption folder (unless one already exists). 4. Copy and paste the Imperial_Civil_War folder from your desktop into the Mods folder.

...\steamapps\common\star wars empire at war\corruption\Mods\Imperial_Civil_War\


1. Open Steam to the Library page and select Empire at War. 2. Right click on Empire at War and select Properties. 3. Click Launch Options and add MODPATH=Mods\Imperial_Civil_War. 4. Close Properties and click Play on Empire at War, selecting Forces of Corruption. 5. To play the original game, or another mod, reverse the previous four steps.


The latest patch for Forces of Corruption (FOC) is v1.01. This patch can be downloaded from Lucasarts Support here1. This patch also includes the latest patch for Empire at War (EAW), v1.05. If you have the Steam or Gold Pack version of EAW/FOC then you do not need to install this patch.

There is an additional patch to fix an issue with FOC for computers that have more than 2GB of RAM, and an issue with the multiplayer lobbies freezing in both EAW and FOC. This fix can be downloaded from Lucasarts Support here2. If you have the Steam version of EAW/FOC then you do not need to install this update.



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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

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Main Features

New Factions

Thrawn’s Revenge includes seven factions, four playable and three minor. The Empire has collapsed into the Imperial Remnant (IR), Pentastar Alignment (PA) and a scattering of independent Imperial Warlords; the Rebel Alliance has reformed into the New Republic (NR) and sent envoys to the reclusive Hapes Consortium, while the secretive Empire of the Hand (EotH) and Duskhan League have taken their first steps into the wider galaxy.

Playable Factions

Imperial Remnant New Republic Empire of the Hand Pentastar Alignment

(See page 13) (See Page 31) (See Page 47) (See Page 57)

Minor Factions (Non Playable)

Hapes Consortium Duskhan League Imperial Warlords

(See Page 67) (See Page 71) (See Page 73)

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Era System

The original tech-tree system from vanilla Empire at War, whereby the player researches or steals technology to gain access to new and better units, does not exist in Thrawn’s Revenge. Instead the mod is structured around five discrete eras covering the years after Battle of Endor (4 ABY) up until shortly after the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty (19 ABY), with allowance for technology up to the start of the Yuuzhan Vong War (25 ABY). Each era is centred on the predominant Imperial leader of the period and includes a range of appropriate units and heroes for each faction (e.g. the New Republic gains access to some of its New Class starships in later eras).

Progression between eras, where allowed, occurs when the respective Imperial leader is killed (an Imperial player would need to sacrifice their faction’s current leader in order to advance). The driving principle behind this is that although we don’t force events to happen as the result of canonical battles (e.g. kill Thrawn at Bilbringi), the progression of the leaders would happen independent of player actions, Thrawn leaving the Empire of the Hand to take over from Isard, Palpatine making his renewed bid to control the galaxy, etc.

Note: Unlike with tech levels there is no guarantee that advancing era will provide access to better units or heroes, and in some cases it is possible that units or heroes may be lost when the era is advanced.

Era 1: Director Ysanne Isard (6-7 ABY)

It is less than two years after the fateful Battle of Endor. The Empire is fragmented with many of its former leaders dead or fighting amongst themselves. Ysanne Isard, former Director of Imperial Intelligence, has taken control of those planets and forces still loyal to the Empire. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance has consolidated its forces and reformed into a New Republic led by a Provisional Council. Strengthened by new members its attention has now turned towards the Core and set its sights on Coruscant – the seat of galactic authority for millennia.

Era 2: Grand Admiral Thrawn (9 ABY)

Now five years after Endor, the New Republic has liberated Coruscant and grown to encompass thousands of worlds. With the Imperial fleet and warlords driven back and nearly three quarters of the known galaxy on side, many in the New Republic believe the war is over and are turning their attentions to their own needs and ambitions. But thousands of light-years away, Grand Admiral Thrawn has taken command of the shattered Imperial fleet, readied it for war, and pointed it at the fragile heart of the New Republic.

Era 3: Reborn Emperor Palpatine (10-11 ABY)

Mere months after Grand Admiral Thrawn’s death at Bilbringi a mysterious message, using high level command codes, recalled all Imperial forces to the Deep Core. Using an arcane Force technique, Emperor Palpatine was able to transfer his spirit from his dying body at Endor to one of the many clones hidden at his secret fortress on Byss. After six years rebuilding his strength, the newly reborn Emperor is ready to re-conquer the galaxy. The New Republic, still in disarray from Thrawn’s campaign, is totally unprepared for this renewed thread.

Era 4: Admiral Natasi Daala (12 ABY)

One year after Emperor Palpatine’s dramatic and destructive bid to regain power the Empire is once again in a state of collapse, divided between worlds obeying the authority of a revived Ruling Council and a scattering of Warlords secreted in the Deep Core. Returning to galactic affairs after more than a decade spent guarding a secret Imperial research facility, Admiral Daala, former lover of Grand Moff Tarkin, is attempting to unite the disparate elements of the Empire and take the fight back to a war weary and insecure New Republic.

Era 5: Grand Admiral Pellaeon (17-19 ABY)

Having succeeded Admiral Daala as Supreme Commander of Imperial forces after her short lived campaign against the New Republic, Pellaeon endured a long and bloody rearguard action to retain as much of the Empire’s remaining territory as possible in the face of renewed New Republic offensives. Now faced with almost certain defeat, Pellaeon has been charged by the Moff Council to undertake a final push in an attempt to restore some measure of security from this perpetual and now existential threat.

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Weapon System


Thrawn’s Revenge uses a representative system to assign appropriate weapons to different units and balance them according to, where possible, their canonical armament. The basis of this system is that, for any given ship or weapon-type, a single instance of that weapon counts as one pulse from a hardpoint. So, for example, if a ship canonically has sixty turbolasers, we could give it six hardpoints each firing ten pulses, or twelve hardpoints each firing five pulses, etc.

In this manual the armament of a ship is displayed in the form of Total Pulses/No of Hardpoints for each type of weapon it possesses. So, as shown in the sample to the right, the Imperial Star Destroyer’s 60/6 Turbolaser hardpoints translates into six hardpoints firing ten pulses in each round, whereas its 6/2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser becomes two hardpoints firing three pulses in each round. To compare this to another example, take the Venator-class Star Destroyer, with its canonical armament of eight Dual Turbolasers. Since we aren’t representing all sixty individual Turbolasers on the Imperial Star Destroyer, it would be unbalanced to set the Venator up with eight fully charged (10 pulse) hardpoints. Instead, we have given it four hardpoints firing two pulses each round. This system has been used for all space units, although starfighters and some anti-starfighter ships (such as the CR90 Corellian Corvette) are handled slightly differently.

Laser Cannons/Maser Cannons

Laser and Maser Cannons are weapons that fire bursts of particle beam energy. These weapons are of a small enough calibre to be quickly and accurately aimed at fast-moving targets such as starfighters. Laser and Maser Cannons are capable of damaging both hull and shields.

Weapon Type Damage (Normal)

Damage (Heavy)

Rate of Fire*

Recharge Time*

Laser Cannon 2.5 3.5 0.2s 4s

Laser Cannon: Dual 5 0.2s 4s

Laser Cannon: Quad 10 0.2s 4s

Maser Cannon 3 4 0.2s 4s

Maser Cannon: Dual 6 0.2s 4s

Maser Cannon: Quad 12 0.2s 4s


Turbolasers and Megamasers are immensely scaled-up versions of Laser and Maser Cannons. Generally turret-mounted, they are commonly found on capital ships and space stations. Equipped with significantly larger capacitors, they can store and discharge far more powerful bursts of beam energy. They are primarily used for ship-to-ship combat because their size and slow target-tracking is ineffective against the small and fast targets presented by starfighters. Turbolasers and Megamasers are capable of damaging both hull and shields.

Weapon Type Damage (Normal)

Damage (Heavy)

Rate of Fire*

Recharge Time*

Turbolaser 5 6.5 0.2s 4s

Turbolaser: Dual 10 13 0.2s 4s

Turbolaser: Quad 20 26 0.2s 4s

Turbolaser: Octuple 40 0.2s 4s

Megamaser 5 6.5 0.2s 4s

Megamaser: Dual 10 13 0.2s 4s

Megamaser: Quad 20 26 0.2s 4s

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 5900$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 60/6 Turbolaser, 6/2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 2/2 Quad Heavy Turbolaser, 60/6 Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max)

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Ion Cannons

Ion Cannons are ranged weapons which fire ionised particles or plasma that can cause serious interference with the operation of electronics and computer systems. Ion Cannons are only capable of draining energy from shields and systems, they do not do hull damage.

Weapon Type Damage (Normal)

Damage (Heavy)

Rate of Fire*

Recharge Time*

Ion Cannon 10 13 0.2s 4s

Ion Cannon: Dual 20 25 0.2s 4s

Ion Cannon: Triple (Trion) 25 0.2s 4s

Warhead Launchers

Warhead launchers are used to fire a range of self-propelled projectiles that can deliver considerable explosive power to their target. Concussion and Rhazor Missiles are able to target practically any unit, while Proton Torpedoes are restricted to Corvettes and above. All warheads cause damage to both shields and hull.

Weapon Type Flight Range Damage

Rate of Fire*

Recharge Time*

Concussion Missile 2200 18 0.4s 15s

Proton Torpedo 2200 12 0.4s 15s

Rhazor Missile 2200 20 0.4s 15s

*Rate of fire is the short delay between pulses as the weapon reloads. Recharge time is the longer recharge period after each completed round. The length of delay listed above is the standard rate for each weapon type; some vessels may have longer or shorter delays to reflect their power source, unit type, or technology.

Other Changes


Thrawn’s Revenge includes a brief tutorial to explain several of the key new features introduced by the mod (all of which are also outlined in this manual). You can access and play through the tutorial from the Galactic Conquest menu.

Additional Missions

At several points during Galactic Conquest scenarios you, the player, may be informed of specific missions by one of your heroes. These missions can be completed or ignored as you desire, however you will normally receive a bonus for successfully completing them. The available missions are as follows:

In the Thrawn Campaign, Talon Karrde (for the New Republic), or Grand Admiral Thrawn (for the Imperial Remnant) may appear and direct you to take them, along with a suitably sized fleet, to a specific planetary location where you will encounter an opposing force attempting to salvage the Katana Fleet. Note: This mission will only be triggered after you capture Pantolomin (Imperial Remnant) or Myrkr (New Republic).

In Reunification as the Imperial Remnant, you will be tasked with capturing specific enemy planets in order to gain more heroes and hero upgrades. These include: Colonel Cronus (Capture Odik II), Gilad Pellaeon (Capture Hakassi), and Knight Hammer (Capture Odik II to replace Admiral Daala’s flagship).

In Final Imperial Push, The Art of War, and Essence of War, as the New Republic, Talon Karrde will invite you to upgrade the Errant Venture for Booster Terrick at the start of Era 5. This will result in a fully-functional and upgraded Errant Venture, complete with custom red hull plating.

Planet Capture Bonuses

When you capture certain key planets, such as major shipyards or population centres, as the Imperial Remnant, New Republic or Empire of the Hand, you will be rewarded with some form of prize. This will vary depending on the planet and the faction but may include captured units or structures that are added to your forces at that location. You will always be informed of any additional bonus received and this is in addition to the standard credit bonus for capturing the planet.

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Raid Fleets

Sometimes during space battles taking place within a Galactic Conquest scenario you may receive a warning message informing you of additional unidentified forces entering from hyperspace. The third force will be unaffiliated with either faction already on the map and will target both fleets indiscriminately; it is up to you how you choose to deal with them. Note: The raid fleet is not brought from any force on the galactic map and will not be carried back across in the event of it winning the battle.

GC Introductions

When you begin a Galactic Conquest scenario you will now see your chosen faction’s logo (such as the Pentastar logo shown to the right) followed by a Star Wars text crawl with a brief outline of the current state of the galaxy. This can be skipped by clicking or pressing any key. After the text crawl has finished (or been skipped) your faction leader will introduce you to the scenario and outline your principal enemies, targets and objectives.


Thrawn’s Revenge has replaced the vanilla interface with a custom-designed version created by Dr. Nick. While the layout is substantially the same as vanilla, there are several minor differences, including the absence of a visible advisor, a modified Galactic Conquest selection screen and updated tech-trees for the playable factions.

Hero Deaths

Unlike in vanilla Empire at War heroes In Thrawn’s Revenge do not automatically respawn when they are killed. This is to minimise the imbalance created by a large number of heroes, often accompanied by powerful ships or vehicles, regenerating at no cost to the player. The exceptions to this rule are Skirmish mode, where the player buys, and can re-buy, heroes individually, and a few select cases in Galactic mode where a hero returns after a change in era (namely Admiral Ackbar, Admiral Daala and Grand Admiral Pellaeon).

Orbital Support for Ground Battles

In Thrawn’s Revenge the Bombing Run provides a faction with the ability to order precise attacks to devastate individual targets, such as a specific structure in the enemy base or a turbolaser installation, without the danger of causing too much collateral damage in the immediate surroundings. To complement this surgical strike ability is the Planetary Bombardment which provides a larger and more indiscriminate attack option by launching a torrent of turbolaser fire over a large area, although individual targets are less likely to be hit.

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Imperial Remnant

Originally founded by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the then Galactic Republic, the First Galactic Empire was formed during a reorganisation of that corrupt and war weary galactic government after the end of the Clone Wars, a conflict orchestrated by the Sith Lord

through his dual identities as Chancellor and Darth Sidious.

Built upon the principles of a New Order, of a strong and ordered society maintained by a strong political and military establishment, the Empire was enthusiastically embraced by the majority of the populace after years of war and conflict, even as the institutions of the Republic were dismantled, the military expanded and Palpatine launched purges against his opponents.

After the true nature of the Empire became apparent, an authoritarian regime with distinctive humanocentric tendencies, the rising dissent and threat of rebellion allowed Palpatine to declare a state of emergency and endorse Moff Tarkin’s Doctrine of Fear, culminating in the construction and deployment of the Death Stars.

When Palpatine was killed at the Battle of Endor, and his second Death Star destroyed by the Rebel Alliance, it started a chain of events that led to the fragmentation of his Empire as numerous Imperials fought to take his place on the throne, or fled with their forces to carve out their own mini empires.

The largest fragment of the Empire, which came to be known as the Imperial Remnant, was first led by Grand Vizier Sate Pestage and eventually fell under the control of a series of leaders who struggled to fend off the aggressive warlords and defend against the newly founded New Republic.

Playable In

- Skirmish

- The following Galactic Conquest scenarios:

Fractured Empire Thrawn Campaign (M) Shadow Hand Reunification Final imperial Push

The Stars Align The Art of War Essence of War Empires at War From the Ground Up

*Campaigns with (M) are also available in multiplayer.

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Space Units

Eclipse-class Dreadnought

Class: Super Cost: N/A Length: 17500m Pop: 20 Era: N/A* Armament: 540/54 Turbolaser, 340/34 Heavy Turbolaser, 100/10 Ion Cannon, Gravity Well Generator, Axial Superlaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (58 Max) First laid down after the Battle of Yavin, the Eclipse was regarded as the first in a new generation of

Super Star Destroyers. Although only half finished when the New Republic captured Kuat it survived the battle and was taken to Byss by escaping officials and completed under the watchful eye of the Reborn Emperor. Hint: The Reborn Emperor commands this ship.

Executor-class Star Dreadnought

Class: Super Cost: 40000$ Length: 19000m Pop: 15 Era: 1, 4, 5 Armament: 540/54 Turbolaser, 540/54 Heavy Turbolaser, 200/20 Ion Cannon, 100/10 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (30 Max) Designed by Lira Wessex as a successor to her iconic Imperial Star Destroyer, the Executor adhered to

the starship design philosophy of “terror styling” – intimidation of the enemy through sheer size. Sneaked through the Imperial bureaucracy in the years preceding the Battle of Yavin, the events of that day led to accelerated production to compensate for the loss of the Death Star. Used in almost every major conflict since the Battle of Endor, the Executor was often deployed by Warlords looking to cement their claims on the galaxy. Hint: Current build limit of three with a lifetime limit of ten.

Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser

Class: Super Cost: 15000$ Length: 4800m Pop: 9 Era: 3 Armament: 84/14 Turbolaser, 30/6 Quad Turbolaser, 84/14 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (12 Max) Built during the early years of the Empire, the Praetor II succeeded Kuat Drive Yard’s earlier Procurator and Praetor battlecruisers. While larger and more expensive than the iconic Star

Destroyer the Praetor II lacked the versatility of the smaller class and was quickly supplanted by the line of larger, more fear-inspiring Super Star Destroyers. Despite being largely neglected by the Imperial Navy the Praetor II remained popular with some Imperial commanders, particularly those undertaking dangerous assignments at the fringes of the galaxy.

Sovereign-class Dreadnought

Class: Super Cost: 35000$ Length: 15000m Pop: 15 Era: 3 Armament: 340/34 Turbolaser, 340/34 Heavy Turbolaser, 100/10 Ion Cannon, Gravity Well Generator, Axial Superlaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (36 Max) Sister to the Eclipse, the Sovereign was secretly set in production by the Reborn Emperor during his

recovery in the Deep Core. With an initial production run of four ships, this class would have joined the World Devastators and Galaxy Gun in the Emperor's new fleet of terrifying superweapons designed to control the galaxy through fear. Hint: Current build limit of four with a lifetime limit of four.

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 5900$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 60/6 Turbolaser, 6/2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 2/2 Quad Heavy Turbolaser, 60/6 Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) Formerly known as the Imperator, the Imperial Star Destroyer has been the mainstay of the Imperial

fleet since its introduction by the Old Republic towards the end of the Clone Wars. With a production run of over 25,000 ships and capable of laying waste to entire planets, the Star Destroyer became infamous as a symbol of the Empire’s military might and continued to be used by both the Imperial Remnant and its warlords.

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Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 6200$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 64/8 Turbolaser, 8/4 Octuple Turbolaser, 6/2 Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Heavy Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) First seen in operational service shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and derived from the original

Imperial Star Destroyer, the Imperial II was fitted with stronger deflector shields and heavier weaponry than its predecessor. A testament to the engineering prowess of the Empire, the colloquially named ImpStar Deuce remained in service until sometime after the Second Galactic Civil War. While costly to maintain and somewhat inadequate compared to newer starship designs, the Imperial II still possessed an immense amount of firepower as well as unmatched versatility.

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 12000$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 32/4 Turbolaser, 5/1 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 28/2 Ion Cannon, Gravity Well Generator Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) Introduced shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Interdictor Star Destroyer was created by Kuat Drive Yards as an alternative to Sienar Fleet System’s Immobilizer 418 Cruiser. Using the Imperial

Star Destroyer hull as a base they sought to compensate for the combat weaknesses apparent in the smaller Immobilizer. Although only produced in limited numbers, the Interdictor was used to great effect by Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaign against the New Republic. Hint: When active its gravity-well generators prevent any nearby ship from entering hyperspace.

Tector-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 8000$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 4 Armament: 36/6 Heavy Turbolaser, 48/8 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 24/6 Dual Heavy Ion Cannon Complement: None A contemporary of the original Imperial Star Destroyer, the Tector was designed purely for ship-to-ship combat – eliminating the Imperial’s ventral hangar bays in favour of additional armour across

the lower hull and reactor core. Although this eliminated certain defensive weak-spots it also left the Tector without any starfighter support and limited the roles it could perform. Originally only produced in small numbers, the Tector served the Empire well for over two decades and continued in active service after the Battle of Endor.

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Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 600m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/6 Turbolaser, 20/2 Dual Turbolaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Designed by Rendili StarDrive for the Old Republic Judicial Forces, the Dreadnaught first entered service over eighty years before the start of the Clone Wars. As one of the largest starship designs

permitted under fleet restrictions imposed by the Ruusan Reformation, the Dreadnaught quickly emerged as a common fleet element in both galactic and local defence forces. In the decades since, and despite the advent of more advanced and powerful ships, the Dreadnaught continued to be a common sight across the galaxy.

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, Katana-type

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: N/A Length: 600m Pop: 2 Era: 2* Armament: 30/6 Turbolaser, 20/2 Dual Turbolaser, 20/4 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons. Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Developed by the Old Republic to rectify one of the most glaring flaws in the original Dreadnaught design, the Katana fleet comprised some two hundred Dreadnaughts outfitted with full-rig slave

circuitry to reduce the crew requirement from 16,000 to a far more manageable 2,200. Named for the lead vessel, the entire fleet could be slaved to a single command ship. Unfortunately the fleet was infected with a hive virus and the Katana’s captain, in his insanity, ordered the fleet on a random hyperspace jump. When the fleet's location surfaced fifty five years later the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the New Republic raced to secure vessels from the armada. Hint: Can only be obtained at a location specified by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Modular Taskforce Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 1500$ Length: 1150m Pop: 1 Era: 3 Armament: 16/4 Medium Turbolaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (9 Max) Conceived as a way to streamline increasingly costly fleet operations, the Modular Taskforce Cruiser was Tagge Industries’ winning bid for a contract to produce a new multi-role starship. Instead of

maintaining a fleet of ships designed to undertake specific roles, a single ship-class could accommodate an interchangeable equipment module and be outfitted for a new mission in a matter of hours at almost any shipyard. Despite this advantage the Modular Taskforce Cruiser was never fully adopted by the Imperial fleet and remained somewhat rare.

Strike-class Medium Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 1800$ Length: 450m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Turbolaser, 10/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) A departure from the trend towards increasingly large warships, the Strike Cruiser was built by the Loronar Corporation to rectify a perceived weakness in the Imperial Navy’s space superiority against

growing threats from the Rebel Alliance and other forces. Capable of using its surprisingly heavy armament to challenge much larger vessels, the Strike Cruiser remained a popular starship design and was still in frequent use by both the Imperial Remnant and its warlords.

Venator-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3800$ Length: 1137m Pop: 3 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Turbolaser, 2/2 Dual Turbolaser, 8/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 4/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (12 Max) Born from the success of the Acclamator, and designed by Lira Blissex, the Venator was first employed by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars. As a large multi-role warship it was primarily

used in ship-to-ship combat, but its expansive hangar deck also made it an important starfighter carrier and, as one of the largest capital ships capable of atmospheric operations, a troop transport. After the war the Venator was quickly phased out in favour of the larger and more powerful Imperial Star Destroyers and largely confined to planetary defence forces in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

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Victory-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3400$ Length: 900m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Dual Turbolaser, 10/2 Quad Turbolaser, 72/12 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) A product of the Victor Initiative Project, a Kuat Drive Yards/Rendili StarDrive collaboration early in the Clone Wars, the first Victory Star Destroyers were launched in 20 BBY to defend against a CIS

fleet of Techno Union Bulwark battlecruisers. Despite this, much of the production run was only delivered after the establishment of the Empire where they faced competition from the larger Imperial Star Destroyers. Although this led to many vessels being decommissioned and sold off, the Victory was still considered second only to the Imperial Star Destroyer for most operations in the Outer Rim and was still widely used by Imperial forces.

Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3800$ Length: 900m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Turbolaser, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) A subclass of the original Victory Star Destroyer, the Victory II was designed for deep-space combat in place of the original’s atmospheric capabilities. To achieve this, the ship was fitted with powerful

Hoersch-Kessel Drive engines to enable it to pursue and engage enemies in ship-to-ship combat, as well as replacing the original concussion missile launchers with ion cannons and additional turbolasers. Although produced in more limited numbers than the original Victory, the II’s enhanced capabilities ensured it remained a potent part of the Imperial arsenal.

Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Crimson Command-type

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 4200$ Length: 900m Pop: 3 Era: 4* Armament: 60/6 Turbolaser, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 40/4 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Created by the self-styled “High Admiral” Teradoc in the years following the Battle of Endor, Crimson Command was a fleet of Victory Star Destroyers built under the premise that a large number of

smaller, more agile ships is better than a smaller number of larger, slower ships. Identified by the striking red hulls they were named for, the Crimson Command fleet comprised over seventy ships by the time Admiral Daala unified the Deep Core holdings. Hint: Can only be built at Colonel Cronus’s location. Lifetime build limit of fifteen.

Acclamator II-class Assault Ship

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2500$ Length: 752m Pop: 3 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 4/2 Turbolaser, 12/2 Quad Turbolaser, 4/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (8 Max) Built by Rothana Heavy Engineering and used by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars, the Acclamator II was, unlike its predecessor, a fully-fledged warship. Whereas the first class was

designed as a troop transport capable of carrying and landing over 16,000 soldiers, the Acclamator II replaced much of the internal troop accommodation with additional hangar space and armament suited to planetary bombardment and ship-to-ship combat. Although principally used by the Old Republic, ships of this class continued to see service in the Imperial Navy and were also seen in the hands of many other groups, including the Rebel Alliance and various criminal organisations.

Carrack-class Light Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1200$ Length: 350m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 10/2 Heavy Turbolaser, 20/4 Ion Cannon Complement: None Built as cheap alternatives to expensive capital ships, the Carrack was first employed by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars where they served as fast-attack escorts for larger vessels like the

Dreadnaught. Although heavily armed for its size and capable of keeping pace with an X-Wing, the Carrack’s small size left no room for an internal hangar bay. Coupled with the rise of the Star Destroyer under the Empire, this lack of starfighter support led to the Carrack being relegated to system patrol duties or deployed in skirmish lines ahead of primary forces.

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Escort Carrier

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2300$ Length: 500m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 10/2 Laser Cannon, 1/1 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) Designed and built by Kuat Drive Yards, the Escort Carrier was developed after the hyperdrive deficiency of the Empire’s primary starfighters was highlighted by the Alliance victory in the Battle of

Ton-Falk where Renegade Flight, an X-Wing unit under the command of Arhul Narra, managed to single-handedly destroy two Nebulon B Frigates and a Dreadnaught. The purpose-built Escort Carriers were far more economical to deploy than Star Destroyers and could often be found employed as support ships in battle.

Immobilizer 418 Cruiser

Class: Light Cost: 9000$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Quad Laser Cannon, Gravity Well Generator Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) First introduced two years before the Battle of Yavin, this Sienar Fleet Systems starship was designed to counter the hit-and-run tactics employed by the Rebel Alliance’s hyperdrive-equipped starfighters.

Based on the Vindicator Cruiser hull, and with the appearance of a small Star Destroyer, the Interdictor Cruiser used its large gravity wells to mimic the energy signature of a large gravity mass and restrict hyperspace travel in the surrounding area. Despite the unique opportunities presented by the Interdictor its prohibitive cost meant only a few hundred ships were in service by the Battle of Endor, and the only Imperial officers to make frequent use of the class were Grand Admirals Thrawn and Zaarin. Hint: When active its huge gravity-well generators prevent any nearby ship from entering hyperspace.

Lancer-class Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1000$ Length: 250m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Quad Laser Cannon Complement: None Authorised after the first Death Star was destroyed at Yavin, the Lancer was intended to defend against the major weakness exhibited by larger Imperial starships often referred to as “Trench Run

Disease”. Amid growing concern over the effectiveness of the Alliance’s heavily armed and shielded starfighters, Admiral Drez proposed using the Lancer to screen enemy starfighters and allow the larger capital ships to concentrate on ship-to-ship combat. Armed exclusively with anti-starfighter laser cannons, the ship suffered from underpowered sublight engines which allowed many starfighters to simply outrun it. This coupled with the Lancer’s high build cost severely limited its deployment in the fleet and many admirals preferred to sacrifice their cheaper and more numerous starfighters against Rebel attacks.

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Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2500$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 24/2 Medium Turbolaser, 10/1 Quad Turbolaser, 10/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) A standard heavy cruiser design reminiscent of a small Star Destroyer, the Sienar Fleet Systems Vindicator was used by the Imperial Navy for situations in which standard Imperial Star Destroyers

were unavailable and smaller ships would not be powerful enough for the mission. Less well known than its sister class, the Interdictor Cruiser based on the same hull, the Vindicator became more important to the Imperial Remnant as the number of available Star Destroyers decreases.

A-9 Vigilance Interceptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: 400$ Length: 7.4m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 2 Heavy Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Kuat Drive Yards’ first foray into the highly profitable, Sienar-dominated Imperial starfighter market since the Clone Wars, the A-9 Vigilance was intended to be a starfighter able to contend with the

agile New Republic A-Wing. Released shortly after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn in 9 ABY, the Vigilance continued the Imperial tradition of lightly armoured starfighters without shields or hyperdrives. Despite being faster than the TIE Interceptor and fielding a highly powerful weapons system the A-9 suffered from several serious design flaws and was never widely adopted by the Imperial Remnant.

I-7 Howlrunner

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 11.4m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Designed to emulate the hunting strategies of, and named for, the Kamarian Howlrunner, this starfighter was the first product to be mass produced by Incom Corp after the entire X-Wing

engineering team defected. Designed around an aerodynamic fixed wing and sporting an onboard deflector shield the Howlrunner demonstrated better performance than the TIE Fighter and was faster than an X-Wing. Unfortunately the X-Wing fiasco made Incom highly unpopular amongst Imperial officers and the Howlrunner was relegated to older vessels and remote bases. The ship made something of a comeback in later years as the Imperial Remnant found itself desperately in need of replacement starfighters after losing access to a significant portion of its TIE production facilities.

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Preybird-class Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 400$ Length: 21m Pop: 1 Era: 5 Armament: 2 Heavy Laser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Originally designed by SoroSuub Corporation a few years before the Battle of Endor and intended primary for export as an escort fighter, the Preybird was discontinued after only a few production

models due to an expensive dispute over its weapon systems. Then one of the rarest starfighters in the galaxy, most of the production run ended up in the hands of pirates and, perhaps better known, smugglers like Mazzic. Late in the Galactic Civil War the Preybird found a bizarre, belated fame as a front-line starfighter employed by the Imperial Remnant; supplementing the drastically reduced supply of TIE-series craft.

Scimitar Assault Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: 210$ Length: 13.8m Pop: 1 Era: 2 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 4 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron An advanced starfighter/bomber based on TIE series technology, the Scimitar was both larger and faster than a standard TIE Bomber. Designed during Thrawn’s campaign against the New Republic

as a new generation of bomber, the Scimitar featured a shield generator, detachable command pod, larger missile bay and a single ion engine – hence the lack of TIE prefix. Despite this apparently winning design combination the Scimitar never managed to replace the standard TIE Bomber in Imperial service, although those that did were highly valued.

TIE/D Defender

Class: Starfighter Cost: 650$ Length: 9.2m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Medium Ion Cannon, 4 Laser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Developed by Sienar Fleet Systems under strict instruction from the Imperial Navy and introduced shortly before the Battle of Endor, the TIE Defender represented a massive shift in Imperial

starfighter design. Concerned with the mounting cost of replacing destroyed TIE Fighters, and recognising the flexibility offered by more capable designs, a single TIE Defender would match the combined operational capability of four TIE Fighters. This exceptional quality and capability was matched only by its cost, somewhat more than five times that of a standard TIE Fighter, and led to its limited deployment only in the hands of the Empire’s most experienced pilots.

TIE/D Droid

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 6.1m Pop: 1 Era: 3 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Originally inspired by the experiment in automation seen aboard the Katana fleet, and later by the droid starfighters used during the Clone Wars, the TIE Automated Fighter was the brainchild of

General Arndall Lott. Commonly referred to as the TIE Droid, the new starfighter used many of the same components as the standard TIE Fighter – taking the standard command pod with engines and weapons and augmenting it with additional armour and a pair of rectangular wing panels. Although its small size and ease of production gave the TIE Droid an advantage in numbers, its droid brain was never capable of out-flying real pilots and the design was abandoned shortly after Palpatine’s failed bid to retake the galaxy.

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TIE/IN Interceptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 9.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Identified by its distinctive arrow-shaped wing panels, the TIE Interceptor was, at its prime, one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy. Fitted with a more powerful engine than its predecessor, and

although still lacking shields and hyperdrive, the Interceptor was far more capable while also fielding heavier armament. Although only introduced after the Battle of Yavin the Interceptor, with its enhanced performance and relatively low cost, was quickly slated to completely replace the standard TIE Fighter in service and by the Battle of Endor filled twenty percent of the total Imperial fighter complement.

TIE/LN Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 6.4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Inspired by the earlier Alpha-3 Nimbus produced by Kuat Drive Yards, the TIE Fighter was fitted with Raith Sienar’s revolutionary twin ion engine, widely considered the most precisely engineered

propulsion system in the galaxy. Although incompatible with established life support, shield and hyperdrive technologies, the TIE Fighter was incredibly cheap to mass produce and could be stored in racks to make the best use of limited available space aboard warships. Reflecting an Imperial military philosophy that favoured quantity over quality, and used as the standard design behind the entire TIE series, the TIE Fighter became universally recognised as a symbol of the Empire and remained its primary space superiority starfighter for over forty years.

TIE/SA Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 7.8m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Introduced in the early years of the Empire, the TIE Bomber was the Imperial Navy’s primary anti-starship and ground assault starfighter. Larger and less manoeuvrable than the standard TIE

Fighter, the bombers distinctive double-hulled design and vulnerability towards starfighters led to enemy pilots referring to them as “dupes”. Although more heavily armoured than other TIE series starfighters the TIE Bomber still lacked a shield generator and hyperdrive. Due to its low cost and ease of mass manufacture the bomber remained a firm favourite with the Imperial war machine over other several more capable designs.

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Ground Units

A5 Juggernaut

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 650$ Length: 22m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 1 per company Sometimes referred to as a “Turbo Tank” or “rolling slab”, the Juggernaut was a powerful assault vehicle first used by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars. Sharing the heavy armour seen on the

AT-TE, the Juggernaut was constructed with a ten-wheeled chassis that, although slow at turning, was capable of exceptional straight-line speed even across rocky and uneven terrain. Although popular with many Imperial commanders the outmoded Juggernaut was largely relegated to outer rim campaigns after the formation of the Empire led to the introduction of more powerful, if less versatile, replacements. Hint: Able to transport troops across the battlefield.

All Terrain Anti-Aircraft

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 18m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company A quick-moving four-legged walker build by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the AT-AA was originally designed during the Clone Wars and first entered service shortly after the declaration of a New

Order. Although useless against ground vehicles, the AT-AA saw heavy action during the Galactic Civil War, as a defence against Rebel aircraft, particularly the T-47 Airspeeder. Hint: Can emit electronic interference as a countermeasure to scramble missile guidance systems.

All Terrain Armoured Transport

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 1000$ Length: 20m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 1 per company Designed by Kuat Drive Yards during the Clone Wars, the first generation of the AT-AT evolved from the AT-TE and AT-PT walkers already in use with the Republic’s Grand Army. Developed further

under the Empire, the AT-AT concept was fully resurrected by Maximilian Veers who brought the heavy vehicle into full service where it became known as the Imperial Walker. Serving the dual purpose of crushing and demoralising the enemy while serving as a transport, the AT-AT was one of the most awesome and intimidating vehicles used by the Imperial Army. Hint: Can deploy Stormtroopers.

2-M Saber-class Repulsor Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 10m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Beam Cannon, Laser Cannon Complement: 4 per company Built for the Empire by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the 2-M was based on Rothana’s earlier TX-130 and TX-130T Fighter Tanks which were primarily used by the Republic Grand Army and its Jedi

Generals during the Clone Wars. Larger than its predecessors, the 2-M featured heavier armour and enhanced shields with field tests against Rebel forces proving its superior performance over previous models.

Century Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 180$ Length: 6.7m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Turbolaser Complement: 2 per company Also known as the TIE Crawler, the Century Tank was an unlikely fusion of two vastly different vehicle types. Comprising a standard TIE ball cockpit suspended between two massive treads, the Century

Tank was an attempt by Sienar Fleet Systems to branch out into new markets with an inexpensive compact assault vehicle.

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Imperial Dropship Transport

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 600$ Length: 16.8m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 2 per company Similar in design to the Low Altitude Aerial Transport used during the Clone Wars by the Republic’s Grand Army, the Imperial Dropship Transport, or IDT for short, was a similar craft built by Rothana

Heavy Engineering for the Empire. Slightly smaller than its predecessor, the IDT also lacked the anti-air weapon capability and rear-access ramp found on the previous generation of transport. Hint: Can quickly transport infantry across the battlefield.

Self-Propelled Medium Artillery

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 1000$ Length: 20m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Heavy Turbolaser Cannon, 4 Blaster Cannon Complement: 3 per company Successor to Rothana Heavy Engineering’s Self Propelled Heavy Artillery, as used by the Republic’s Grand Army during the Clone Wars, the Medium Artillery was considerably smaller and lighter than

its predecessor. Built using lighter alloys and more advanced components, the Empire’s Medium Artillery was also faster and more nimble than the older model, allowing it to deploy more rapidly Hint: Must deploy to fire.

XR-85 Tank Droid

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 700$ Length: 32m Pop: 1 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: Beam Cannon, Turbolaser Complement: 2 per company Manufactured by Arakyd Industries, the XR-85 was a treaded, automated tank used by the Imperial Remnant after Grand Admiral Thrawn’s failed bid to rebuild the Empire. Although original

prototypes were for a tank about the size of the older AT-PT walkers, the final model was considerably larger, and cheaper to build. Making use of a pirated Industrial Automaton R7 droid brain matrix, originally developed for the New Republic’s E-Wing starfighter, the XR-85 was considerably more independent and intuitive than previous generations of combat droids. This automation made the tank droid highly useful for the crumbling Empire as it became more difficult to find and recruit sufficient numbers of trained operators for its vehicles.

All Terrain Personal Transport

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 200$ Length: 4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, Concussion Grenade Launcher Complement: 4 per company A light ant-infantry walker designed decades before the Clone Wars, the AT-PT was used by the Old Republic to send single troopers into intense combat situations on their own. Forerunner to the later

AT-AT and AT-ST walkers employed by the Empire, most of the limited run of AT-PT walkers was lost aboard the fabled Katana Fleet; however those that remained were pressed into service for sentry and patrol duties.

All Terrain Scout Transport

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 150$ Length: 4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 4 per company Colloquially known as a “chicken walker” for its shape and walking motion, the AT-ST was a heavily armed ground combat vehicle most commonly associated with the Galactic Empire. Based on the All

Terrain Personal Transport developed for the Old Republic, the AT-ST was designed as a recon hit and run vehicle suited to a wide range of different situations and terrain. Imperial commanders considered the AT-ST to be a highly versatile weapon with excellent performance against infantry and lightly armoured vehicles. Hint: Capable of releasing a barrage of fire on an area for a limited time.

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QH-7 Chariot Light Assault Vehicle

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 180$ Length: 11.8m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 3 per company A command speeder issued to most Imperial ground forces, the Chariot was designed to allow a commander to enter a battlefield with moderate protection before ferrying them back to the mobile

command base. Although able to keep up with advancing walkers and other repulsor-craft and navigate difficult terrain the Chariot’s light armament frequently limited its use to rear-echelon duties.

TIE Mauler

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 180$ Length: 6.7m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 5 per company The TIE AP-1, more commonly known as the TIE Mauler was a light Imperial ground assault vehicle created by Sienar during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Like the airborne TIEs, the Mauler

emphasised speed and manoeuvrability at the expense of armour, resulting in a flimsy but effective anti-infantry vehicle, especially when deployed in significant numbers. Although armed with rapid-fire blaster cannons many pilots discovered an equally effective weapon, using the treads to crush Rebel soldiers, which led to its more common designation. Hint: Engines are prone to overloading with devastating results.

E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster

Class: Infantry Cost: 200$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Cannon Complement: 4 per company Formally known as the Emplacement Weapon Heavy Blaster, and frequently shortened to E-Web, the BlasTech Industries weapon was one of the most powerful repeating blasters in the Imperial arsenal.

Although able to be broken down into several parts and carried by a small gunnery crew, the E-Web’s incredible firepower required it to be securely mounted before operation by its two-member crew. Hint: The gun must be dismantled before moving.

Imperial Specialist

Class: Infantry Cost: 125$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 3 per company Often termed Field Engineers, Imperial Specialists were ordinary troopers specially trained in battlefield repairs and first aid. Primarily a support unit deployed behind the front line, they were

equipped with Bacta and other medical supplies required to tend the wounds of other units in the midst of battle. Hint: Trained in basic first and vehicle repair.

Noghri Death Commando

Class: Infantry Cost: 400$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 2 Armament: Blaster Complement: 3 per company Born on a world ravaged by an ecological disaster caused by a Clone Wars bio weapon, the stealthy Noghri assassins were fiercely loyal to the Empire that claimed to be working to clean up and restore

their planet. Hint: Can only be built on Honoghr.

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Class: Infantry Cost: 125$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 4 squads of nine per company Known as Stormtrooper honour guards, and identified by their distinctive black and gold armour, Novatroopers were usually better trained than regular Stormtroopers. Normally assigned to guard

historically significant locations, Novatroopers were also used as commandos for special missions. Hint: Current build limit of 15.

Shock Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 125$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: PLEX Missile Launcher Complement: 2 squads of three per company Elite members of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps specialized in the use of non-standard weapons and equipment, Shock Troopers were trained to fulfil various battlefield support roles and, with their

PLX-2M portable missile launchers, frequently act as anti-vehicle units on the battlefield.

Scout Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 150$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Cannon Complement: 2 per company Specially trained soldiers of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, Scout Troopers were lightly armoured Stormtroopers specially trained as reconnaissance troops and survivalists. Often deployed far from

supply lines or other Imperial troops, Scout Troopers were well known for their self-reliance and ability to operate alone or in small groups, frequently making use of their 74-Z Speeder Bikes to cover ground quickly. Hint: Can drop explosive mines to great effect against enemy infantry.


Class: Infantry Cost: 60$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 4 squads of nine per company Elite soldiers of the Empire, Stormtroopers served as an ever-present reminder of the New Order and, before Endor, were considered an extension of the Emperor’s will. Distinguished from other military

units by their signature white armour, the Stormtrooper Corps originated in the Clone Army created for the Old Republic.

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Director Ysanne Isard

Class: Hero Available: Space

Highly ambitious, Isard followed her father into Imperial Intelligence where she quickly became an expert and ruthless agent. After failing in a mission to recover datacards containing the location of the Death Star’s construction site, Isard turned on her father and blamed him, accusing him of treason. Succeeding him as Director of Imperial Intelligence, Isard put all of her efforts into pleasing Palpatine, to whom she was personally devoted. After his death at the Battle of Endor she sought to take control of the Empire herself, manipulating Sate Pestage and the Ruling Council before killing them and taking their place on Coruscant. Hint: Commands the Lusankya, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Admiral in the Imperial Navy, Krennel was assigned to Thrawn’s Unknown Regions armada. Resenting serving under a nonhuman officer, he disobeyed an order to subjugate a planet, instead opting to use planetary bombardment. Recalled to Coruscant for a personal punishment from Emperor Palpatine, Krennel arrived to learn of the Emperor’s death at Endor. Using the chaos to make good his escape, Krennel declared himself a Warlord with the title Prince-Admiral. Although initially aligned with General Carvin, he quickly allied with Director Isard when it became clear she would inherit the Empire. Hint: Commands the Reckoning, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

Lord High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk

Class: Hero Available: Space

Harrsk was an Imperial Admiral at the Battle of Endor. When Captain Pellaeon, temporarily in command of the fleet, gave the order to retreat following the Emperor's death, Harrsk took his forces into the Deep Core where he established Zero Command, the first breakaway kingdom of the Empire. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Harrsk maintained good relations with many other factions including the remnants of the Empire under the command of Ysanne Isard. Hint: Commands the Shockwave, a Tector-class Star Destroyer.

Commander Erisi Dlarit

Class: Hero Available: Space

Born to a wealthy family that part-owned one of the two Thyferran conglomerates behind the Bacta Cartel, Dlarit feared New Republic intervention and she agreed to spy for Director Isard from within the famed Rogue Squadron. When her deception was discovered she joined Isard openly and was placed in command of a fighter wing. Hint: Commands Elite Squadron, a TIE Interceptor unit.

Admiral Apwar Trigit

Class: Hero Available: Space

Formerly an Imperial officer, the self-styled Admiral Trigit left the Empire’s service after the apparent death of Ysanne Isard. Now independent, but lacking the resources to carve his own empire, he hired his ship out to Zsinj and placed himself under the Warlord’s command. Hint: Commands the Implacable, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Captain Ait Convarion

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial officer, Convarion was well known as a highly aggressive commander with an excellent grasp of Star Destroyer tactics. A strong believer in the Empire, he was fiercely loyal to Director Isard as the apparent successor to the Imperial leadership. Hint: Commands the Corrupter, a Victory II-class Star Destroyer.

Admiral Teren Rogriss

Class: Hero Available: Space

A strong believer in the Empire as an institute of order and civilisation, Rogriss made his career as an honourable man fighting the chaos brought by the Rebel Alliance while avoiding operations directed against civilians. Loyal even after the death of the Emperor, and despite the growing number of deserters and warlords, he continued to serve what was left of the mainstream Empire under Isard and her successors, including leading the task force assigned to hunt down and destroy the threat posed by Warlord Zsinj. Hint: Commands the Agonizer, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Mitth’raw’nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was widely regarded as one of the best military strategists in the galaxy. Formerly an officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defence Force, Thrawn first came to the attention of then-Chancellor Palpatine in 27 BBY. After being exiled by his people Thrawn joined the newly anointed Emperor in his New Order where he slowly climbed the ranks of the Imperial Navy, despite the widespread anti-alien bias. Returning from an extended mission in the Unknown Regions, the secretly anointed Grand Admiral took command of the remnants of the Imperial Fleet and set forth to restore Order to the galaxy. Hint: Commands the Chimaera, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

Joruus C’baoth

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Cloned from tissue samples of the powerful Jedi Master C’baoth shortly before his foray into the Unknown Region aboard Outbound Flight, Joruus was created by Palpatine to guard his secret storehouse on Wayland. Driven insane by the rapid cloning technique, the Force-wielding sentinel was nonetheless a powerful Dark Jedi. When Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered the location of Wayland he enlisted the mad clone by offering Luke Skywalker and his sister Leia along with her unborn twins. Hint: Commands a Carrack-class Light Cruiser.

Niles Ferrier

Class: Hero Available: Space

A competent ship-thief, Ferrier answered Grand Admiral Thrawn’s call among fringe groups that said the Empire would pay well for warships or information leading to their acquisition. His first offering of three Sienar patrol ships stolen from the Cavrilhu Pirates based on Amorris led to further work as an agent of the Empire, including locating Captain Hoffner whose knowledge of the Katana Fleet would be invaluable to Thrawn. Hint: Commands a DP20 Corellian Gunship.

Captain Brandei

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial officer, Brandei hailed from Mantooine in the Outer Rim and spent much of his early career fighting discrimination, eventually achieving a posting aboard the flagship of the fleet, the Executor. Transferred back to a posting aboard a regular Star Destroyer shortly after the Battle of Hoth Brandei was nonetheless present at the Battle of Endor, and received a promotion to captain shortly afterwards. Armed with experience of the Empire’s hibridium cloaking device projects, Brandei was an important asset to Thrawn and operated as part of the Grand Admiral’s personal armada. Hint: Commands the Judicator, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

General Freja Covell

Class: Hero Available: Land

A brilliant ground tactician like his mentor General Veers, Covell commanded one of the AT-ATs assigned to Blizzard Force in the assault on Echo Base at Hoth. Although wounded when his walker was brought down he took charge of a Stormtrooper group and routed a number of Rebel troops. Later promoted and assigned to serve aboard the Chimaera during the post-Endor campaigns, Covell’s innovative ground battle tactics were adopted throughout the Imperial Army and helped to secure his senior leadership position under Grand Admiral Thrawn. Hint: Commands an All Terrain Armoured Transport.

Captain Dorja

Class: Hero Available: Space

Seventh in a long line of starship commanders, Dorja was a highly conservative and cautious officer. While many of his contemporaries viewed his caution as showing a lack of initiative, his style of command allowed his ship and crew to escape the Battle of Endor unharmed and intact The re-emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn gave Dorja an opportunity to prove his worth as part of his leader’s campaign to destroy the Rebellion. Hint: Commands the Relentless, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

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Reborn Emperor Palpatine

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Born to a noble house of Naboo, Palpatine was discovered by Darth Plagueis as a boy. The Sith Lord manipulated Palpatine into murdering his entire family after which the seventeen year old pledged himself to his new master’s teachings and the ways of the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Darth Sidious maintained his public identity of Palpatine, eventually rising to the position of Senator of Naboo and then Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, all the while manipulating people and events in accordance with the Sith Grand Plan. He used the Clone Wars to destroy the Jedi and as a catalyst to reform the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor. After twenty five years of totalitarian rule he was undone by a dangerous gamble which led to his death at Endor and the collapse of the Empire. Surviving through the use of a rare and ancient Force technique, he transferred his soul to a clone body before returning to retake the galaxy six years later. Hint: Commands the Eclipse-class Dreadnought.

Sedriss QL

Class: Hero Available: Land

Descended from the Jedi Knight and Sith Lord Qel-Droma, Sedriss was first identified by the Empire as a Force-wielding mercenary. Captured by the Inquisitorius and brought before Emperor Palpatine, Sedriss was forced to swear unwavering fealty or suffer a painful death. Sworn to the Emperor, he retreated to Byss with the other Dark Side Adepts where they secured the planet and waited for their master to return and enter his clone body.

General Maximilian Veers

Class: Hero Available: Land

An officer in the Imperial Army, General Veers’ career was widely associated with the AT-AT walker he championed over the still widely used Juggernaut. Brought to the attention of Darth Vader after defeating a Rebel invasion force with a new prototype, Veers was soon reassigned to command Death Squadron’s ground troops where he led the successful Hoth assault. Groundside again when the Executor was destroyed at Endor, and frequently shunned for his relationship with Vader, Veers later served as a clone template for Grand Admiral Thrawn before receiving a message recalling Imperial forces to the Core. Hint: Commands an All Terrain Armoured Transport.

Superior General Sander Delvardus

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Admiral serving under Moff Kaine in the Galactic Empire, Delvardus refused to join his superior’s Pentastar Alignment after the disastrous Battle of Endor preferring to strike out alone. Styling himself a Superior General he formed the Eriadu Authority and succeeded in claiming part of the Rimma Trade Route before being forced back to the Core by New Republic forces under the command of the Sullustan Sien Sovv. Hint: Commands the Thalassa, a Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser.

High Admiral Treuten Teradoc

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial Admiral at the time of the Battle of Endor, Teradoc followed the lead of Admiral Harrsk and established himself as an independent warlord when the Empire fractured. Claiming dominion over the Greater Maldrood, he found himself in conflict with both Warlord Zsinj and the burgeoning New Republic. Although Teradoc remained nominally loyal to the Empire under Director Isard, he dropped that pretence once she lost Coruscant. Once isolated from any allies Teradoc was forced to abandon the Maldrood and flee to the Deep Core where he re-established himself on Hakassi. Hint: Commands the Crimson Sunrise, a Crimson Command-type Victory II-class Star Destroyer.

Grand Moff Ardus Kaine

Class: Hero Available: Space

An ardent supporter of Emperor Palpatine since before he became Chancellor of the Old Republic, Kaine’s first key role was during the administrative reorganisation into the Galactic Empire. Initially rewarded with an appointment to Moff he later succeeded Wilhuff Tarkin as Grand Moff of Oversector Outer and was given command of Scourge Squadron. When word of Palpatine’s death at Endor reached him, Kaine set about consolidating territory and founded a new Empire based on the same New Order ideals, the Pentastar Alignment. After largely sitting out Thrawn’s Campaign, news of the Reborn Emperor forced Kaine to commit his forces in a display of loyalty to his former master. Hint: Commands the Reaper, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

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Admiral Natasi Daala

Class: Hero Available: Space

An innovative tactician, the young Daala was frequently denied recognition and promotion by the Imperial Navy’s bias against women. Only by creating a false computer identity was she able to prove her ability, and catch the eye of someone willing to promote her, one Moff Tarkin. Taken under his wing as a protégé and lover she was finally on the fast track, rising in rank alongside him. Promoted to Admiral after Tarkin became Grand Moff, Daala was given command of a quartet of Star Destroyers and entrusted with safeguarding the secret Maw Installation, birthplace of the Empire’s superweapons. Left isolated for over a decade, Daala emerged to discover the Empire collapsed and her mentor and lover long dead. Her orders obsolete, she set out to avenge Tarkin and destroy the New Republic. Hint: Commands the Gorgon (Era 4), an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Knight Hammer (Era 4), an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, or the Scylla (Era 5), a Venator-class Star Destroyer.


Class: Hero Available: Land

Taken by Imperial agents as a child, the Force-sensitive Brakiss was brainwashed into serving the Inquisitorius. Tasked with entering Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, he aided in the defeat of Exar Kun. After meditating on the darkness in his soul he fled, scarred by the experience. After a brief stint with Dark Jedi Kueller during the Almanian Uprising Brakiss joined the Deep Core Warlords under Admiral Daala.

Colonel Cronus

Class: Hero Available: Space

An officer of the Empire, Cronus served as second in command to the self-styled Superior General Delvardus after Endor. When Admiral Daala assassinated the Deep Core warlords and reunified the Empire, Cronus quickly aligned himself with the restored Imperial Fleet and presented Daala with Delvardus’ secret weapon, a Super Star Destroyer. In return for his loyalty Cronus was placed in command of former High Admiral Teradoc’s armada of crimson Victory Star Destroyers. Hint: Commands the 13X, a Crimson Command-type Victory-class Star Destroyer.

General Turr Phennir

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial pilot handpicked for the 181st by Soontir Fel, Phennir was promoted to Executive Officer shortly before the Battle of Endor. Although he remained loyal to the Imperial throne Phennir came to believe that the Empire he had served was dead, a belief reinforced by the defeat at Brentaal IV and Fel’s defection to the New Republic. Given command of the 181st Phennir continued to serve a succession of leaders through to the reunification of the Empire under Admiral Daala by which time he was considered the Empire’s greatest starfighter ace. Hint: Commands the 181st, a TIE Interceptor unit.

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Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon

Class: Hero Available: Space

Known as the “Old Man of the Empire”, Pellaeon served for over six decades in the navies of the Old Republic, Galactic Empire and Imperial Remnant. Starting in the Republic’s Judicial Forces he captained an Acclamator during the Clone Wars where he developed a strong attachment to the navy as an institution. After the Republic was reorganised into the Empire Pellaeon was assigned to the newly launched Imperial Star Destroyer, Chimaera, a ship he would continue to serve on for over thirty years. After serving under Grand Admiral Thrawn, and seen by many as his protégé, and later Admiral Daala, Pellaeon became the de-facto leader of the Imperial Remnant, a role he had never sought or considered himself suited for. Hint: Commands the Chimaera, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

Major Grodin Tierce

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Cloned from a Royal Guardsman serving under Grand Admiral Thrawn, Tierce was a new type of clone. Thrawn used technology found in Mount Tantiss to add his own strategic genius to the template in an attempt to create a group of powerful warlords. The result was a failure, dismissed as merely a “tactical brilliant Stormtrooper”. When the original Grodin Tierce died the clone assumed his identity, capturing and killing the Noghri assassin responsible for Thrawn’s death. Years later the clone used Moff Disra in a plot to impersonate the long-dead Grand Admiral and prevent peace with the New Republic Hint: Commands the Relentless, an Imperial –class Star Destroyer.

Colonel Meizh Vermel

Class: Hero Available: Space

An officer in the Imperial Army and a trusted subordinate of Grand Admiral Pellaeon, Vermel was often ordered to act as an envoy on highly important or secret missions, such as to open peace negotiations between the New Republic and Imperial Remnant Hint: Commands the Ascian, a CR90 Corellian Corvette.

Commander Maarek Stele

Class: Hero Available: Space

Originally a starfighter mechanic, Stele was offered the chance to become a pilot after he saved the life of an Admiral during a Rebel attack. Quickly tagged as an ace pilot he played major roles in campaigns against the Rebel Alliance and the rogue Admiral Zaarin, and was one of the first pilots to fly the TIE Defender, TIE Avenger and Missile Boat in combat. Despite his position Stele still came to question his life in the Empire, a question only answered when Soontir Fel invited him to join the legendary 181st, a squadron he continued to serve with throughout the rest of the Galactic and Imperial Civil Wars. Hint: Commands the 181st, a TIE Defender unit.

Agent Drend Navett

Class: Hero Available: Land

A highly trained Imperial Intelligence agent, Navett and his team were specialists in sabotage and inciting riots, a skill frequently exploited by Moff Disra in his various schemes.

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New Republic

The New Republic was the direct successor to the Rebel Alliance, officially the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a loosely aligned group of rebel factions united by a common desire to remove Emperor Palpatine and his Empire from power and restore liberty to the galaxy.

Originally founded by three former Senators of the Old Republic, Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia, Mon Mothma of Chandrila, and Bail Organa of Alderaan, the Rebel Alliance quickly grew to encompass thousands of highly motivated resistance cells across the galaxy willing and able to take the fight to the Empire.

Led by Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar, the Alliance used its limited military resources to undertake a strategy of space denial against the Empire, performing hit and run raids against Imperial shipping to disrupt the enemy and gather resources for more substantial engagements.

Faced with the dire threat posed by Moff Tarkin’s Doctrine of Fear, embodied by the massive Death Star and its role in the destruction of Alderaan, the Alliance stepped up its activity against the Empire, culminating in a desperate and daring attack on the still unfinished second Death Star.

With the Emperor dead at Endor and the Imperial Fleet in disarray the Rebel Alliance, in accordance with its founding treaty, convened a Constitutional Convention to determine the form of a restored Galactic Republic.

The convention eventually established a New Republic Provisional Council charged with writing a new constitution and founding a new Senate based on the same premise as the Old Republic, to have a representative parliamentary body govern the galaxy in a fair and equal manner.

Playable In

- Skirmish

- The following Galactic Conquest scenarios:

Fractured Empire Thrawn Campaign (M) Shadow Hand Reunification Final imperial Push The Hunt for Zsinj (conglomerate faction)

The Stars Align The Art of War Essence of War Black Fleet Crisis From the Ground Up Into the Cluster (conglomerate faction)

*Campaigns with (M) are also available in multiplayer.

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Space Units

Viscount-class Star Defender

Class: Super Cost: 40000$ Length: 17000m Pop: 20 Era: 5 Armament: 540/54 Turbolaser, 540/54 Heavy Turbolaser, 200/20 Ion Cannon, 100/10 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (18 Max) Envisioned as a counter to the many Super Star Destroyers still in Imperial hands, seen by Admiral

Ackbar as the greatest threat to New Republic forces, the Viscount was the largest starship class ever constructed by the New Republic. Shorter and more massive than an Executor, superior Mon Calamari engineering enabled them to fit heavier armour and operate it with a substantially smaller crew than its progenitor. Although delayed by New Republic bureaucracy, the project was revived after the Dark Empire and Black Fleet Crisis demonstrated anew the need for vessels able to defend against such large threats. The class was designated a “Star Defender” in an attempt to avoid the negative connotations still associated with the Empire-favoured “Star Destroyer”. Hint: Current build limit of one and a lifetime limit of three.

Endurance-class Fleet Carrier

Class: Capital Cost: 7500$ Length: 1040m Pop: 7 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 12/6 Turbolaser, 8/2 Ion Cannon, 20/2 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (11 Max) Introduced circa 12 ABY and sharing a space frame with the Nebula Star Destroyer, the Endurance Fleet Carrier was a key component of the New Republic’s New Class Modernisation Program.

Sacrificing much of the Nebula’s heavy weaponry in exchange for additional hangar space, and featuring an enlarged bridge superstructure, the Endurance could field almost four complete starfighter wings into battle while also functioning as primary command ship for New Republic forces.

Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Capital Cost: 6000$ Length: 700m Pop: 4 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/3 Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon, 20/2 Laser Cannon, 8/1 Concussion Missile Complement: None Part of the New Republic’s New Class Modernisation Program, the Majestic was built as a pocket battleship with armour and shields equal to those found on previous generation Imperial Star

Destroyers. Although far smaller than any Star Destroyer, and with a correspondingly smaller amount of guns, the Majestic was nonetheless designed to take them on one-to-one – making up for its size and lack of fighter complement with a combination of advanced gunnery systems and improved speed and manoeuvrability.

MC80 Home One-type Star Cruiser

Class: Capital Cost: N/A Length: +1300m Pop: 4 Era: N/A* Armament: 36/4 Turbolaser, 36/4 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (10 Max) Built for deep space exploration missions by the Mon Calamari, this class shared the same characteristics common to all of their pre-Galactic Civil War vessels; they were designed to be

converted into fully equipped warships if the need arose. As the largest capital ships available to the Rebel Alliance they were quickly pressed into service as command ships and continued to serve in this role under the New Republic until replaced with purpose-built warships. Although much rarer than the Liberty-type, the Home One-type gained more recognition when the first in class became famous for its role as Admiral Ackbar’s flagship. Hint: Admiral Ackbar commands this ship.

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MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser

Class: Capital Cost: 4000$ Length: 1200m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2 Armament: 48/4 Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) Originally built as civilian liners by the Mon Calamari, MC80 Cruisers were designed from the start with conversion to warships in mind. While Imperial restrictions prevented the Mon Calamari from

fitting military-grade equipment and weaponry, they found inventive ways to prepare – reserving space for additional equipment and fitting advanced targeting computers to simple sporting lasers. When the Mon Calamari came out in open support of the Rebellion their newly refitted forces became the backbone of the fleet, a role that successive generations of star cruisers would continue for many decades.

MC80B Star Cruiser

Class: Capital Cost: 4500$ Length: 1200m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 48/6 Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) An interim design built by the Mon Calamari to bolster the fledgling New Republic fleet, the first MC80B entered service approximately one and a half years after the Battle of Endor. Similar in size

to the previous MC80 Liberty-type, the MC80B featured a far more heavily reinforced hull which, although only accommodating the same number of guns, provided a platform optimised for combat. The class served the New Republic for many years, with the Mon Remonda facing down Super Star Destroyers and World Devastators alike.

MC90 Star Cruiser

Class: Capital Cost: 6800$ Length: 1255m Pop: 4 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 80/8 Heavy Turbolaser, 30/3 Ion Cannon, 6/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) Introduced too late to help the New Republic defend against Grand Admiral Thrawn, the MC90 was the first purpose-built warship produced by the Mon Calamari since the Clone Wars. Designed with a

focus on heavy weapons and large hangars the MC90 was well suited to challenge the Star Destroyers still favoured by the Imperial leadership and served as one of the most powerful ships in the New Republic fleet until eclipsed by larger battlecruisers shortly before the Vong War. Although not formally part of the New Class Modernisation Program, the MC90 nonetheless adhered to the same strategic capabilities and, for the first time on a Mon Calamari starship, included control surfaces and displays compatible with most major species, although many New Republic commanders disliked the exposed observation bubble designated for bridge operations.

Nebula-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 7000$ Length: 1040m Pop: 5 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Turbolaser, 40/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon, 8/2 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (5 Max) Originally conceived as part of the Defender program during the early years of the New Republic, the plan for a “pocket Star Destroyer” was later folded into the larger New Class program. While only

two-thirds the length of an Imperial Star Destroyer, the Nebula had enough weapons to be a match for an Imperial II and enough armour to resist the firepower of some smaller Super Star Destroyers. Although first seen in service following the events of Operation Shadow Hand, and despite playing a major role in the Black Fleet Crisis, the number of completed Nebula’s remained low compared to the other New Class designs and the rest of the fleet.

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Assault Frigate

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2000$ Length: 700m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 16/2 Turbolaser, 16/2 Laser Cannon, 20/2 Quad Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) After the Rebel Alliance began to acquire pre-Empire Dreadnaughts from various sources, they soon found it necessary to assign engineers to modify them, first installing automated systems and droids

to reduce the crew requirements to around 5,000 beings. Additional modifications were quickly devised; removing much of the external superstructure to accommodate additional weapons, docking fixtures to attach and resupply the Alliance’s hyperspace-capable starfighters, and dorsal fins to enhance manoeuvrability. Recognisable as a descendent of the Dreadnaught only by its nose, the skill of the Rebel technicians was clear when the Empire attempted to acquire the design in a surprising reversal of roles. Although further attempts at refinements were considered a failure, the Mark I continued in New Republic service for many years.

Bothan Assault Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3300$ Length: 850m Pop: 3 Era: 5 Armament: 20/2 Turbolaser, 24/2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 10/2 Ion Cannon, 20/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) Designed by the Bothan military to fill the role occupied by the aging Victory Star Destroyer, the Bothan Assault Cruiser was officially introduced after peace was declared between the Imperial

Remnant and New Republic. While the motives and timing behind this move were questioned by many, others saw it as a response to the Caamas Crisis which very nearly triggered another civil war in the skies above Bothawui, one which the Bothan defences would have been unable to withstand. Although slightly shorter than the Victory the BAC fielded an impressive array of weaponry, as well as armour and shields 150% heavier than those found on its predecessor.

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 600m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/6 Turbolaser, 20/2 Dual Turbolaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Designed by Rendili StarDrive for the Old Republic Judicial Forces, the Dreadnaught first entered service over eighty years before the start of the Clone Wars. As one of the largest starship designs

permitted under fleet restrictions imposed by the Ruusan Reformation, the Dreadnaught quickly emerged as a common fleet element in both galactic and local defence forces. In the decades since, and despite the advent of more advanced and powerful ships, the Dreadnaught continued to be a common sight across the galaxy.

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, Katana-type

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: N/A Length: 600m Pop: 2 Era: 2* Armament: 30/6 Turbolaser, 20/2 Dual Turbolaser, 20/4 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Developed by the Old Republic to rectify one of the most glaring flaws in the original Dreadnaught design, the Katana fleet comprised some two hundred Dreadnaughts outfitted with full-rig slave

circuitry to reduce the crew requirement from 16,000 to a far more manageable 2,200. Named for the lead vessel, the entire fleet could be slaved to a single command ship. Unfortunately the fleet was infected with a hive virus and the Katana’s captain, in his insanity, ordered the fleet on a random hyperspace jump. When the fleet's location surfaced fifty five years later the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the New Republic raced to secure vessels from the armada. Hint: Can only be obtained at a location specified by Talon Karrde.

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MC40a Light Cruiser

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 14/2 Turbolaser, 18/2 Ion Cannon, 2/2 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Heavily used by the Rebel Alliance in the year before the Battle of Endor, the MC40a was the smallest class of starship donated to the cause by the Mon Calamari. Larger than the Imperial Strike Cruiser,

the MC40a was equipped with exceptionally strong shields for a vessel of that size, and its bank of powerful engines allowed it to function well as a fast, manoeuvrable escort for the more ponderous MC80’s.

Corona-class Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 275m Pop: 2 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 10/2 Turbolaser, 4/1 Ion Cannon, 10/2 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) Built by Kuat Drive Yards as a successor to their successful Nebulon-B design, the Corona was designed as part of the New Republic’s drive for modernisation and standardisation. Although

demonstrating a similar basic configuration and armament to its predecessor the Corona was slightly shorter and featured a strengthened main spar between the forward and drive sections along with the ability to carry a greater number of starfighters. Originally intended to enter service before 9 ABY, the events surrounding the return of Thrawn and Emperor Palpatine delayed production and the first Coronas were delivered alongside the separate New Class program.

CR90 Corellian Corvette

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1250$ Length: 150m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/6 Dual Laser Cannon Complement: None Manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation for decades before the Clone Wars, the CR90 was a small multipurpose vessel widely used across the galaxy, in part due to the legendary

adaptability it shared in common with almost all CEC products. Featuring a modular internal design which enabled the operator to easily reconfigure for different functions, the CR90 had been used in roles as varied as a troop transport, fighter carrier, or personal yacht. As such an easily available vessel, and with the modular system extending to its weaponry, the CR90 was an obvious choice for the Rebel Alliance, in whose service it earned the “blockade runner” nickname.

DP20 Corellian Gunboat

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1350$ Length: 120m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 8/1 Dual Turbolaser, 6/1 Quad Laser Cannon, 4/1 Concussion Missile Complement: None One of the few dedicated warships manufactured by Corellian Engineering, the DP20 was both fast and heavily armed for its size. With engines filling half of the internal space, along with shield

generators and weapon systems, the gunship was equally well equipped to fight against capital ships and starfighters, albeit with no room for passengers or cargo. Originally designed for the Old Republic, the DP20 was mostly seen in the hands of independent operators and later the Rebel Alliance who, after seeing a pirate group successfully hijack an Imperial shipment, decided to acquire some as fast attack ships for its growing navy.

EF76 Nebulon B Escort Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 300m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2 Armament: 12/2 Turbolaser, 12/2 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Introduced as a counter-insurgency ship after the Clone Wars, the Nebulon-B was originally designed to defend Imperial convoys against raids by pirates and Rebel starfighters. Well known for its

effectiveness against fighters and bombers, the Nebulon-B had an immediate impact on Rebel tactics and was often used to support larger capital ships. Although extensively used by both sides during the Galactic Civil War, the Nebulon-B became famous for its service with the Rebellion, especially Admiral Nantz’ noteworthy victory above Moorja where he successfully destroyed Admiral Delvardus’ flagship, the Praetor Battlecruiser Thalassa, with a fleet of Nebulon-B’s supported by Y-Wing starfighters.

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Marauder-class Corvette

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1800$ Length: 195m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 24/1 Turbolaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Designed by a division of Republic Sienar Systems before the Clone Wars, the Marauder was intended to serve as a patrol and escort ship for the Old Republic. When the inefficient and corrupt Republic

bureaucracy declined to purchase any; Sienar disposed of its inventory and sold the production rights to the Corporate Sector Authority who made extensive use of the ship as patrol ships on law enforcement and anti-piracy duties. Sometimes called a “pocket cruiser”, the Marauder also found its way into the hands of pirate groups and the Rebel Alliance, where they continued to serve both in the New Republic fleet and its member’s sector forces.

Nebulon-B2 Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2500$ Length: 253m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2 Armament: 12/2 Turbolaser, 3/1 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 12/2 Laser Cannon, 1/1 Concussion Missile Complement: None Built as a modification of the original Nebulon-B design, the B2 profile differed from its predecessor in three ways: the forward section split into two fins to allow for more weapons to be installed, the

connecting spar was thicker, and the ship was about 50m shorter stem to stern. This coupled with improved sublight speed and enhanced shields made the B2 a priority target for Rebel Alliance procurement, with several examples of the class continuing to serve the New Republic in its early years.

Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2100$ Length: 340m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4/2 Quad Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) Originally built as cargo vessels by the SoroSuub Corporation, the Quasar’s cargo bay could be modified by the owner to accommodate different types of freight modules. Although unarmed in its

stock configuration, many operators installed an assortment of defensive weaponry to deter pirates. Several ships were converted into fighter carriers by the Virgillian insurgency, a modification they later shared with the Rebel Alliance who were in desperate need of ships. The class continued to be used by the New Republic for another two decades.

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Sacheen-class Light Escort

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1250$ Length: 375m Pop: 2 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 10/1 Heavy Turbolaser, 8/1 Ion Cannon, 8/1 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) The first ship class built under the New Republic’s New Class Modernisation Program, the Sacheen was also the smallest class capable of performing extended independent missions Equipped with a

fast hyperdrive and capable of carrying a single squadron of starfighters, the Sacheen was well suited for the patrol duties it was often assigned to. Sometimes referred to as a gun frigate, the Sacheen operated as a screen for capital ships when with a battle group; although it’s heavy turbolaser were also capable of engaging other capital ships. The New Class practise of using the same basic design for multiple ship configurations stemmed from the successful adaptation of the Sacheen design for the Hajen fleet tender.

BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 210$ Length: 16m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2 Armament: 2 Medium Ion Cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Originally built by Koensayr Manufacturing for the Old Republic, the Y-Wing prototype briefly saw combat under Anakin Skywalker; although the main production model was launched too late to

serve in the Clone Wars. Rejected by the newly reformed Empire, Koensayr elected to sell the design to other interested parties, particularly local defence forces and pirate groups, leading eventually to the Y-Wing’s position as the most common starfighter in the Rebel Alliance fleet. Originally designed with a fully covered fuselage, engineering crews quickly discovered that removing the superficial hull plating aided maintenance and improved performance. Although the Y-Wing was slow and ungainly compared to the other Rebel starfighters it continued to play a role in the New Republic fleet for many years, even after its proposed replacements, the B- and K-Wing, entered service.

BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 16m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 1 Dual Laser Cannon, 1 Quad Laser Cannon, 6 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Designed by Koensayr Manufacturing for the New Republic, the K-Wing was intended as a heavy precision bomber with an array of 18 adaptable hardpoints able to accommodate an unusually

heavy armament. Although much larger than Koensayr’s previous Y-Wing its main ion engines were capable of achieving a similar sublight speed to its predecessor with an additional engine providing additional short bursts of acceleration, albeit at the expense of a hyperdrive. First deployed during the Black Fleet Crisis, the K-Wing became a key part of the New Republic’s ship-carried starfighter complement.

B-Wing Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 320$ Length: 16.9m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Medium Ion Cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, 1 Heavy Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Developed for the Rebel Alliance by the Verpine colonies of Slayn & Korpil, in collaboration with Admiral Ackbar, the B-Wing was the main product of the Shantipole Project to create more effective

starfighters. Nicknamed the “blade-wing” due to its sword-like shape in attack mode, the B-Wing incorporated an innovative gyro-stabilised cockpit designed to allow the pilot to perform advanced flight and attack manoeuvres. Although intended to replace the venerable Y-Wing the difficulty of qualifying pilots on the B-Wing’s unique rotating cockpit meant only a limited number were in service in time for the Battle of Endor; and its larger size and lack of agility meant it never fully replaced the older starfighter..

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Defender-class In-System Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 5.3m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 3 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Based on the Air to Land Interceptor used by the Fromm Gang in 15 BBY, the Defender entered New Republic service shortly after the Battle of Endor as a system defence starfighter. In a departure

from Rebel Alliance and New Republic convention for fast, versatile starfighters the Defender was not equipped with a hyperdrive and, although faster than the outdated starfighters normally relegated to system defence, was no match for other modern starfighters. Originally intended to be deployed aboard the Nebula Star Destroyer as part of the Defender design program the decade of delays to the capital ship section left the starfighter without a home, and thus was never adopted to the same extent as the renowned X- and E-Wing designs.

E-Wing Escort Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 500$ Length: 11.2m Pop: 1 Era: 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 3 Laser Cannon, 1 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron The first starfighter designed entirely under the support of the New Republic, the E-Wing was also the first major project completed by FreiTek Incorporated, the company founded by a group ex-

Incom engineers after they defected with the X-Wing plans. Designed to match or exceed the X-Wing in almost every respect the E-Wing was originally intended to replace the older design in New Republic service, a plan that was derailed by a series of technical problems and the high cost of the craft’s integrated R7 astromech droid. After several revisions the E-Wing did enter service during Thrawn’s campaign to restore the Empire and continued to serve the New Republic for many years alongside the more popular upgraded X-Wings.

RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 9.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Designed by General Dodonna and engineer Walex Blissex, the A-Wing was conceived during the post-battle analysis of the Battle of Yavin and the trench run on the first Death Star. Dodonna

quickly realised the value of starfighters to Rebel operations and set about creating a dedicated Alliance interceptor; the result was one of the fastest mass-produced starfighters in the known galaxy. Essentially a cockpit strapped to powerful twin engines, the first A-Wings were cobbled together from available parts and gained a reputation for their high maintenance to flight time ratio; later superseded by a more standardised design manufactured by Incom. Heavily used for hit-and-fade missions, and giving its name to a strike tactic developed by General Bel Iblis, the A-Wing’s exceptional design ensured its continued service under the New Republic despite the advent of newer designs.

T-65 X-Wing Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 250$ Length: 12.5m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4 Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Originally designed for the Empire by Incom Corporation, and descended from the older Z-95 Headhunter, the X-Wing entered Rebel hands when the development team discovered that the

Empire was coming to shut them down. They deleted all records of the starfighter from the Incom database and defected to the Alliance with both the design schematics and entire production run. Quickly established as a firm favourite of both Rebel and New Republic pilots due to its versatility and exceptional combat performance, the X-Wing, along with the famous Rogue Squadron, became symbolic of the Alliance and its successor governments and upgraded models continued in service for well over 40 years.

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Lady Luck | Jade’s Fire

Class: Transport Cost: N/A Length: 50m Pop: 1 Era: N/A* Armament: 4 Laser Cannon Complement: None Built by the SoroSuub Corporation, the Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was designed as a pleasure and transport craft for the very wealthy. Although only fitted with light-duty defensive armament as

standard, many owners were known to install and modify a range of additional equipment, including advanced offensive and defensive hardware. While Lando fitted his Lady Luck with a sophisticated sensor system and concealed smuggler compartments, Mara’s Jade’s Fire possessed a unique shoot back system able to detect the angle if incoming shots and return fire along the projected route. Both of their ships were heavily, if discretely, armed and also featured remote beckon-call systems. Hint: Lando Calrissian (Lady Luck) and Mara Jade (Jade’s Fire) command these.

Millennium Falcon

Class: Transport Cost: N/A Length: 35m Pop: 1 Era: N/A* Armament: 4 Quad Laser Cannon Complement: None Built as a stock Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Light Freighter, the Millennium Falcon quickly earned a reputation as being both remarkably swift and stubbornly unreliable. Flown by

many owners under even more names, the Falcon had a long and chequered history stretching back to before the Clone Wars. Acquired by Lando Calrissian in 5 BBY, the famous ship passed into Han Solo’s possession during a high stakes sabacc tournament when the former threw in a marker for “any ship on his lot”. Heavily modified from its original configuration the Falcon featured armour plating, advanced warship-grade shield generators, high grade sensors, a customised hyperdrive, dorsal and ventrally mounted quad laser cannons, and an oversized sublight drive system. Hint: Han Solo commands this ship.

Moldy Crow

Class: Transport Cost: N/A Length: 29m Pop: 1 Era: N/A* Armament: 1 Laser Cannon Complement: None First built in the decades before the Clone Wars, the HWK-290 was an effort by the Corellian Engineering Corporation to break into the market for fast, small cargo ships. Aimed at a more up-

market clientele than the well known YT-series often used by tramp captains, the HWK was designed for wealthy merchants and noble politicians. Although produced without armament a wide range of after-market add-ons were available in common with most CEC lines. The Moldy Crow was fitted with weapons after it was acquired by the Rebel Alliance and became widely recognised as the transport vessel favoured by the commando and Jedi Kyle Katarn. Hint: Kyle Katarn commands this ship.

Wild Karrde

Class: Transport Cost: N/A Length: 125m Pop: 1 Era: N/A* Armament: 3 Heavy Turbolaser Complement: None Heavily modified from the popular Action VI Transport design manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, Talon Karrde’s Wild Karrde was primarily used for smuggling operations

and as a mobile base of operations. Although visually identical to any other stock Action VI, the Wild Karrde features doubly reinforced durasteel hull plating, warship-grade shields, heavy retractable turbolasers and an upgraded sublight and hyperdrive system. Hint: Talon Karrde commands this ship.

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Ground Units

Heavy Tracker

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 600$ Length: 30m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Laser Cannon Complement: 1 per company Built by the Mekuun Corporation, the Heavy Tracker was the most heavily armed combat assault vehicle available to the Rebel Alliance, and later New Republic. Designed as a combat assault vehicle

for use as a mobile surveillance and communications centre, the Tracker was fitted with an advanced sensor able to detect movement beyond line-of-sight. Hint: Its high-power sensors, able to briefly “ping” targeted areas, make it an excellent command vehicle.

HTT-26 Heavy Troop Transport

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 700$ Length: 22.2m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Cannon Complement: 1 per company An atmospheric transport designed by Gallofree Yards, the HTT was one of the few products they created specifically for military applications. Capable of carrying a small complement of troops

within its hold, the HTT used heavy repulsor engines to traverse from one location to another on the battlefield. Hint: Able to transport infantry across the battlefield.

Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher 2A

Class: Infantry Cost: 700$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Proton Torpedo Launcher Complement: 2 per company Designed as a replacement for Loratus Manufacturing’s original Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher, the 2A was both lighter and faster than its predecessor. A self-propelled artillery unit intended to

take out enemy units at long range, the 2A suffered from poor stability during field tests which required the addition of deployable stabilizers to improve performance. Hint: Must deploy in order to fire.

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T3-B Heavy Attack Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 10m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company First used by the Rebel Alliance during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, the T3-B was a heavily armed, tracked tank designed to stand up to the very best of Imperial Armour.

T4-B Heavy Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 600$ Length: 10m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company An all-purpose battle tank, the T4-B was designed by Yutrane-Trackata as an updated replacement for the T3-B. The long-range proton missile launchers from its predecessor were replaced with a

larger number of concussion missile launchers, although this was at the expense of having to make do with less powerful laser cannons.

V-Wing Airspeeder

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 250$ Length: 9.6m Pop: 1 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 3 per company A combat Airspeeder designed by Slayn & Korpil, the V-Wing was developed to allow the New Republic’s more expensive starfighters to focus on space combat while still retaining the necessary

planetary defence forces. First introduced after the Thrawn Campaign, the V-Wing’s fantastic speed and high flight ceiling allowed for rapid deployment, although its low cost and low maintenance requirements came at the expense of defensive shielding.

AAC-1 Hover Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 200$ Length: 5.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 4 per company Designed by the SoroSuub Corporation, the Rebel Alliance acquired the AAC designs from a SoroSuub employee attempting to pay off his sabacc debts. A fast, manoeuvrable medium tank, the AAC was

equipped with reinforced hull plating and a pair of rapid-fire missile launchers efficient at demolishing both ground and airborne targets.

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Armoured Freerunner

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 350$ Length: 14.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, 1 Laser Cannon Complement: 3 per company Advertised by Kelliak Arms as the ultimate in fast, flexible firepower, the Freerunner was developed shortly after the end of the Clone Wars. Snubbed by an Imperial Army focused on walkers and

tracked vehicles, the Freerunner, named for its freely rotating gun platforms, was a financial disaster for its manufacturer. Bankrupted by the failure to secure an Imperial contract, all existing stock was sold off to anyone with the credits to pay. Readily acquired by the Rebel Alliance, the Freerunner was considered one of the most powerful and versatile assets in its arsenal.

T1-B Hovertank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 350$ Length: 8.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, Flak Pod Complement: 5 per company The T1-B hovertank, manufactured by Yutrane-Tackata, was designed to serve as a "swift-moving anti-infantry and anti-aircraft weapons platform". Although equipped with shields the tank was only

fitted with relatively weak armour and was ill suited to sustain heavy fire.

T2-B Repulsor Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 9m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 5 per company A light attack tank built by Yutrane-Trackata, the T2-B reached Rebel hands when the Alliance bribed high-ranking corporate executives to leave shipments, purportedly destined for the Empire, in

facilities vulnerable to raids. The repulsor-based T2-B’s light weapons largely limited its effectiveness against Imperial armour; however its energy shields were strong enough to deflect the small blaster fire common to most infantry units.

T-47 Airspeeder

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 250$ Length: 4.5m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 3 per company The T-47 began life as an atmospheric vehicle designed by Incom Corporation for industrial cargo handling, using the airspeeder’s magnetic harpoon and tow cable to control repulsorlift cargo

modules. Modified by the Rebel Alliance into a patrol and combat craft the T-47 became commonly known as the snowspeeder after its extensive use at Echo Base on Hoth. The Rebel engineers fitted armour plating, an advanced power plant and dual laser cannons while also converting the rear cargo manager position into a gunner’s seat. Hint: Harpoons and tow cables can be used to topple AT-AT walkers.


Class: Infantry Cost: 700$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: Lightsaber Complement: 3 per company With the opening of Luke Skywalker’s new Praxeum on Yavin IV the number of Jedi in the galaxy has slowly increased. Although they have no official rank within the New Republic hierarchy, Luke has

decided that the New Jedi Order should replicate the role of the Old Jedi Order as guardians of democracy and the Republic. Hint: Can only be built on Yavin IV.

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New Republic Infiltrator

Class: Infantry Cost: 100$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Sniper Rifle Complement: 2 per company Elite commandos of the Rebel Alliance and New Republic Special Forces, the Infiltrators were highly skilled and motivated agents frequently assigned to the most dangerous missions. Capable of

entering the most heavily guarded installations and planets, Infiltrators often specialised in anti-infantry operations and were known to participate in land invasions armed with sniper rifles and grenades. Hint: Can only be built from the Infiltrator Academy.

New Republic Specialist

Class: Infantry Cost: 125$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 3 per company Often termed Field Engineers, New Republic Specialists were ordinary troopers specially trained in battlefield repairs and first aid. Primarily a support unit deployed behind the front line, they were

equipped with Bacta and other medical supplies required to tend the wounds of other units in the midst of battle. Hint: Trained in basic first aid and vehicle repair.

New Republic Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 52$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 5 squads of six per company Constituting the main element of the Alliance Army, and later New Republic, the standard foot soldiers came from all walks of life and joined for many reasons. Originally formed from countless

cells of loosely structured rebel groups, the New Republic military transformed its army into a well trained and equipped military force.

New Republic Vanguard

Class: Infantry Cost: 75$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: PLEX Missile Launcher Complement: 4 squads of four per company Formerly known as the Vanguard division, the Rebel Alliance, and later New Republic, SpecForce Heavy Weapons Specialists provided protection against enemy air and ground units. Equipped with

the shoulder-carried PLX-2M portable missile launcher, they often specialised in an anti-mechanised unit role.

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Mon Mothma

Class: Hero Available: Galactic

Only nineteen when elected to the Galactic Senate, Mothma was one of the youngest Senators ever to serve. Daring, charismatic and politically savvy she strongly opposed the Military Creation Act and became a signatory to the Delegation of 2000 when Chancellor Palpatine continued using his emergency powers even as the Clone Wars ended. By then one of Palpatine’s most outspoken critics, Mothma continued to openly defy the newly titled Emperor in the Senate until she was forced underground to evade arrest. As a fugitive of the Empire she became the Rebellion’s public face and Chief of State, a role she maintained through the transition into the New Republic.

Princess Leia Organa Solo

Class: Hero Available: Land

Daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Leia was the younger twin of Luke Skywalker. Adopted by Bail Organa she grew up as a Princess of Alderaan before joining the Imperial Senate where she succeeded her mentor, Mon Mothma, as the youngest Senator ever. One of the founders of the Rebel Alliance along with Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and her father; Leia used her diplomatic immunity to further the Rebel cause. After being unmasked as a Rebel while on a mission to deliver Death Star plans to the Alliance, and forced to watch as her adopted home planet was destroyed by the station’s superlaser, Leia turned her full attention to serving the Rebellion and leading its diplomatic efforts. Famous as a strong and inspirational leader, Leia continued to serve the Alliance and New Republic throughout its existence.

Kyle Katarn

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Formerly an Imperial Stormtrooper, Katarn defected to the Rebel Alliance after learning that his father had been killed during a fake Rebel attack staged by the Empire. Acting as a spy and commando for the Rebellion, Katarn played an instrumental role in the destruction of the Empire’s Dark Trooper project. After the Alliance reformed into the New Republic Katarn learned of his Force potential and Jedi heritage, started on the road to becoming a Jedi himself. Hint: Commands the Moldy Crow.

Luke Skywalker

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Raised on Tatooine by his aunt and uncle, and watched over by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke was secretly the son of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. His life was changed forever after a chance purchase of two droids landed him right in the middle of the Galactic Civil War and brought him together with the smuggler Han Solo and, unknown to any of them, his sister, Leia. Taught the ways of the Force by “Old Ben”, Luke’s place in galactic history was secured by his role in the destruction of the two Death Stars and the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader. Named as the last of the Jedi by Master Yoda, Luke set forth to learn about his heritage and rebuild the Order; at the same time working with his sister and their friends to rebuild the galaxy with the New Republic. Hint: Flies an X-Wing.

Han Solo | Chewbacca

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Orphaned at an early age, Han had dreams of entering the Imperial Academy. He graduated at the top of his class although his career was to be short-lived; ending in disgrace after he assaulted a superior officer over the treatment of a Wookiee slave. In gratitude the Wookiee, Chewbacca, swore a life-debt to Han and joined the Corellian as he returned to the smuggling world, where they became known as an inseparable smuggling duo. Considered one of the best instinctive pilots in the galaxy, Han, along with Chewie, first became involved with the Rebel Alliance when they were hired to transport Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Alderaan in search of Princess Leia. Later hailed as heroes for their role in the Battle of Yavin, they continued to serve the Alliance and its successor, the New Republic, for many years. Hint: Commands the Millennium Falcon; or (in some GCs) the Mon Remonda, an MC80B Star Cruiser.

Ponc Gavrisom

Class: Hero Available: Galactic

Elected to the New Republic Senate in 11 ABY, Gavrisom was, like many of his species, widely regarded as better with words than actions. Known as a calm mediator in the Senate and a staunch supporter of Chief of State Leia Organa Solo, Gavrisom was elected to act in her stead when she stepped down after the Corellian Insurrection.

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Admiral Gial Ackbar

Class: Hero Available: Space

As the leader of the Calamarian Council when the nascent Empire sent forces to subjugate the Mon Calamari, Ackbar tried in vain to negotiate, but his people were still forced into slavery. A failed resistance effort led to his capture and enslavement by an Imperial officer who presented him to Grand Moff Tarkin as a gift. After using his enslavement as an opportunity to learn about Imperial doctrine, and gain knowledge of secret projects like the Death Star, Ackbar was freed by Rebel forces attempting to capture Tarkin. Promoted to Admiral, Ackbar was named Supreme Commander of the Rebel fleet when the Calamarian Council agreed to formally join the Alliance. After reorganising the Alliance military into a force able to take on the Empire, Ackbar personally commanded the fleet at Endor and continued his role in the Rebel Alliance as it transformed into the New Republic. Hint: Commands the Home One (Era 1, 2), an MC80 Star Cruiser; or the Galactic Voyager (Era 3, 4, 5), an MC90 Star Cruiser.

General Airen Cracken

Class: Hero Available: Galactic

A resistance fighter from Contruum, Cracken was sought by the Rebel Alliance after his guerrilla group managed to cause enough damage to force the sector’s Moff into ceding control of the planet to its people. Made a General before the Battle of Yavin, he quickly became Supreme Allied Commander for Intelligence, in charge of the Rebel networks of agents working to undermine the Empire’s New Order. After the Battle of Endor and the formation of the New Republic Cracken’s priority switched to the many Imperial Warlords striving to forge their own territories.

General Tycho Celchu

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial fighter pilot from Alderaan, Celchu was in a HoloNet call with his family and fiancé when the Death Star destroyed the planet. With his faith in the Empire broken, Celchu defected to the Rebel Alliance and joined Rogue Squadron under the command of Skywalker and Antilles. Promoted as the Rogues’ executive officer after surviving the Death Star run in an A-Wing, Celchu later took command of the unit while Antilles was occupied with other duties. Hint: Commands Rogue Squadron, an X-Wing unit.

General Wedge Antilles

Class: Hero Available: Space

Orphaned at seventeen Antilles joined the Rebel Alliance when the Empire killed his girlfriend. After flying with Luke Skywalker during the Death Star trench run Antilles cofounded a new elite X-Wing squadron with the young Jedi, Rogue Squadron. Promoted to Commander after the Battle of Hoth he led the unit at Endor and became the only pilot to survive both Death Star runs. Antilles finally accepted promotion to General after the death of Thrawn and reluctantly moved out of the cockpit. Hint: Commands the Lusankya, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

Lando Calrissian

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Entrepreneur, smuggler and professional gambler, one of Calrissian’s biggest coups was winning a high-stakes sabacc game that crowned him Baron Administrator of Bespin’s Cloud City. He was dragged into the Galactic Civil War when Lord Vader arrived on Cloud City demanding co-operation in capturing Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. Guilty over this betrayal Calrissian joined the Rebel Alliance and completed many missions during his search for the captured Solo. He was promoted to General shortly before the Battle of Endor, based largely on his near single-handed victory at the Battle of Taanab, and, from the Millennium Falcon, fired the shots that destroyed the Second Death Star. Although he later resigned his military commission, Calrissian continued to support his friends and the New Republic. Hint: Commands the Lady Luck.

General Garm Bel Iblis

Class: Hero Available: Space

Corellian Senator in the final years of the Old Republic, Bel Iblis strongly opposed the increasing power wielded by Chancellor Palpatine. Going into hiding when his family was murdered by agents of the newly founded Empire, he founded a resistance movement with which to fight the Imperial war machine. A skilled leader, Bel Iblis realised the need for co-ordination with other groups and, along with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, founded the Rebel Alliance. Leaving the Rebellion after Organa was killed; he continued his own private war against the Empire, only rejoining the New Republic during the Thrawn Campaign. Hint: Commands the Peregrine, a Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, Katana-type.

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Booster Terrik

Class: Hero Available: Space

A Corellian smuggler, Terrick was captured by CorSec inspector Hal Horn and sentenced to five years labour in the spice mines of Kessel. Released several months after the Battle of Hoth he turned the remains of his smuggling organisation over to his daughter, who had maintained it in his absence, and became an intermediary in his friends’ business deals. An old friend of Wedge Antilles Terrick later found himself involved with the ex-New Republic Rogue Squadron during their private war against Director Ysanne Isard. Personally capturing one of her Imperial Star Destroyers, Terrick managed to arrange, with help from Talon Karrde, to keep the ship and convert it into a mobile base of operations and entertainment bazaar. Hint: Commands the Errant Venture, a modified Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Talon Karrde

Class: Hero Available: Space

A smuggler with a penchant for information, Karrde began his career in Jorj Car’das’ operation, eventually becoming a top lieutenant. When Car’das mysteriously vanished, Karrde quietly took over the organisation and, in the aftermath of Jabba’s death and the collapse of the Empire, guided it to the top spot in the smuggling world. Drawn into the Galactic Civil War during the Thrawn Campaign, Karrde threw his lot in with the New Republic by selling them information on the Empire and, once Thrawn’s objective became clear, providing them with the location of the fabled Katana fleet. Hint: Commands the Wild Karrde.

Captain Uwlla Iillor

Class: Hero Available: Space

One of the few female officers in the Imperial Navy, Iillor was exceptionally resourceful in the use of unorthodox tactics, a trait she picked up on a tour of duty under Thrawn. Although the need for competent officers in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor gave Iillor a promotion and command of an Interdictor Cruiser, something that would have been unlikely before the fragmentation of the Empire, the continued lack of respect afforded her by Imperial command prompted her to defect to the New Republic. Hint: Commands the Corusca Rainbow, an Immobilizer 418 Cruiser.

General Etahn A’baht

Class: Hero Available: Space

A highly placed fleet officer during the time of the Empire, A’baht led the Dornean Navy in resisting domination by the galactic power. Although Dornea lent the Rebel Alliance two gunships to aid the strike against the Second Death Star, the planet declined to join the New Republic until 14 ABY. When it did join, A’baht was recruited into the Defence Fleet and placed in command of the freshly commissioned Fifth Battle Group, comprised entirely of New Class warships. Hint: Commands the Intrepid, an Endurance-class Fleet Carrier.

Mara Jade

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Raised by Emperor Palpatine and trained in the ways of the Force, Jade became an agent of his will, able to telepathically communicate with him from across the galaxy. Linked with Palpatine when he died at Vader’s hand, Jade received his final Force command, to kill Luke Skywalker. Abandoned, she drifted for several years before finding herself a place in Talon Karrde’s smuggling operation, quickly rising to become his lieutenant before Grand Admiral Thrawn’s return brought her face to face with Skywalker and led to her joining the New Republic. Hint: Commands the Jade’s Fire.

Corran Horn

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Formerly a CorSec officer, Horn fled Corellia after an Imperial liaison officer ordered his arrest on trumped up murder charges. Joining the New Republic, Horn’s skill as a pilot allowed him to join the reformed Rogue Squadron, with whom he participated in the capture of Coruscant. Later learning about his Jedi heritage, Horn joined Luke at his Jedi Praxeum to train in the ways of the Force. Hint: Flies an X-Wing.


Class: Hero Available: Land

Niece of the famed Admiral Ackbar, Cilghal’s Force ability was discovered during Admiral Daala’s attack on Mon Calamari. She became one of the first students at Luke’s Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV and became a skilled Jedi healer.

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Empire of the Hand

Secretly founded by Thrawn after he was exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy, the Empire of the Hand was established in order to explore and pacify the Unknown Regions and protect the galaxy from the many and varied threats residing there.

With the support of Emperor Palpatine, who provided ships and resources to the Chiss commander, the Empire of the Hand mapped great swathes of territory and established a new military and political force to provide order and security to the region.

Formed by combining Chiss and Imperial ideologies and technologies, Thrawn intended that the Empire of the Hand would mirror the best parts of the Empire, but without the doctrine of fear, institutional xenophobia and grandeur favoured by the Emperor.

Named after Thrawn’s base of operations in a fortress on Nirauan, known as the Hand of Thrawn, his shadow empire functioned more like a confederation than a true empire, forming alliances with native governments instead of conquering them through brute force and encouraging all species within its borders to participate in government service or with the military.

Playable In

- Skirmish

- The following Galactic Conquest scenarios:

Final imperial Push Empires at War From the Ground Up

The Art of War Essence of War

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Space Units

Ascendancy-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 6000$ Length: 1100m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Dual Heavy Megamaser, 20/4 Quad Heavy Megamaser, 10/2 Heavy Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) Developed in cooperation with the Chiss Ascendancy and based on Imperial designs, the Ascendancy served with the Sycan Fleet Systems' Syndic Destroyer as the main capital ship of the Empire of the

Hand. Designed to be slightly more versatile than the Syndic, the Ascendancy traded some of the direct ship-to-ship combat ability of the larger destroyer for greater versatility.

Phalanx-class Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 8700$ Length: 2000m Pop: 5 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 36/6 Dual Megamaser, 36/6 Dual Heavy Megamaser, 28/4 Quad Heavy Megamaser, 12/2 Rhazor Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (4 Max) The heaviest ship in the Empire of the Hand's arsenal, the Phalanx Destroyer was designed by Sycan

Fleet Systems as a successor to their already impressive Syndic Destroyer. Although capable of going head to head with almost any capital ship fielded by the New Republic or Imperial Remnant the exposed nature of several hull sections, necessary to radiate excess heat, left the Phalanx potentially vulnerable to starfighter and bomber attack.

Syndic-class Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 6000$ Length: 1500m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/6 Megamaser, 20/4 Dual Megamaser, 15/3 Quad Megamaser, 24/4 Heavy Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) Designed by Sycan Fleet Systems when the planet first joined the Empire of the Hand, the Syndic was

the first vessel built to specifically address the needs of Thrawn’s shadow Empire. While slightly shorter and less powerful than the Empire's Star Destroyers its stronger hull gave it greater sustainability in battle, a key consideration in the dangerous outer reaches of the galaxy patrolled by the Hand. The most famous vessel of this class was the Frontier, otherwise known as the flagship of Admiral Ar'alani.

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Chaf-class Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 4000$ Length: 1000m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 32/4 Dual Megamaser, 28/4 Dual Ion Cannon, 4/2 Proton Torpedo, 6/2 Rhazor Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Donated to the Empire of the Hand by the Fifth Ruling Family of the Chiss Ascendancy, and named for that House, the design for the Chaf Destroyer was delivered by Aristocra Chaf’orm’bintrano in

return for services rendered to the family and Ascendancy. Heavily armed and armoured for its size, the Chaf represented a deadly package and quickly became one of the most common ships in the Empire of the Hand fleet.

Nuruodo-class Broadside Frigate

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2000$ Length: 600m Pop: 2 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 21/3 Megamaser, 12/2 Quad Megamaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Highly controversial when first proposed, the Nuruodo, named for one of the Chiss Ruling Families, was fitted with weapons only on one side. While conventional tactical thinking indicated that this

was a highly irregular and dangerous proposal, its proponents argued that concentrating all of the ship’s weapons on one side would allow the Nuruodo to bring all of its firepower to bear against a single target. Hint: The advantage in firepower distribution is tempered by the need to keep the enemy away from the unarmed side.

Warlord-class Gunboat

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3000$ Length: 400m Pop: 2 Era: 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 16/2 Dual Megamaser, 16/4 Proton Torpedo Complement: None Designed principally to patrol and guard low priority targets across the vast reaches of the Empire of the Hand, the Warlord’s most important characteristics were a strong hull and powerful missile

complement which allowed it to engage and despatch ships from many unfriendly species with little threat to itself.

Asdroni-class Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1300$ Length: 200m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/2 Maser Cannon, 20/2 Dual Maser Cannon Complement: None Named after the largest moon orbiting Rhigar, home to one of the Ascendancy’s military academies, the Asdroni was originally designed as a replacement for an earlier class of combat cruiser favoured

by Thrawn. Larger than its predecessor, the Asdroni was one of the first Chiss starships to take design influences from outside the Ascendancy, drawing from data gathered during Thrawn’s confrontation with the dreadnaughts from the ill-fated Outbound Flight project.

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Au’riette-class Fleet Carrier

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 4000$ Length: 650m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 12/2 Megamaser, 6/1 Quad Maser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (7 Max) Donated by the government of Riette, the Au’riette served as the Empire of the Hand's principal dedicated carrier. Although typically sent to pacify the advanced indigenous species of the Unknown

Regions, the Au’riette’s considerable fighter and bomber complement was also capable of holding its own against entire fleets belonging to less advanced species in the region.

Decimator-class Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1300$ Length: 400m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 10/2 Dual Megamaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon Complement: None Drawing inspiration from a fierce warrior race found in the history of one of the Empire of the Hand's premier worlds, the Decimator was designed to be both hardy and versatile. Created under the keen

eye of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Decimator only entered service after his reported death at the Battle of Bilbringi.

Kariek-class Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1200$ Length: 350m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 12/3 Megamaser, 12/2 Dual Megamaser, 12/2 Dual Maser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (1 Max) Heavily armed and shielded, this small frigate was designed to patrol quiet sectors of Hand territory, freeing up larger and more powerful ships like the Chaf for more dangerous assignments. Most

often deployed in conjunction with other classes of ship, the Kariek’s main weakness was found to be its uncharacteristically weak hull which led some commanders to calling it the “glass cannon” of the fleet.

Massias Interdictor

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 9000$ Length: 500m Pop: 2 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 28/4 Dual Megamaser, 6/1 Dual Heavy Megamaser, Gravity Well Generator Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) Based on interdiction technology acquired from the Vagaari by a young Force Commander Thrawn, and later refined by Old Republic and Imperial engineers, the Massias is a curious blend of Chiss,

Vagaari and Imperial technologies. Lacking an obvious command superstructure in common with many Chiss designs, yet featuring the distinctive ball of an Imperial-style gravity well generator, the Massias was built according to Thrawn’s design for a small yet versatile frigate able to trap vessels from the many dangerous threats found in the Unknown Regions. Hint: When active its huge gravity-well generator can prevent any nearby ship from entering hyperspace.

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Vigilance Gunship

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1300$ Length: 250m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 12/2 Maser Cannon, 12/4 Concussion Missile Complement: None Fast and deadly, the Vigilance was equipped with a powerful array of missiles able to home in on and destroy enemy starfighters. Originally intended to be fitted with a cloaking device, a miscalculation

in the design phase meant it was physically impossible to install the generator acquired for the purpose. Instead the spare internal space was used to install a more powerful sublight engine which provided the Vigilance with incredible speed and, like the planned cloak, made it almost impossible to trap.

Furion-class Assault Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: 600$ Length: 6.25m Pop: 1 Era: 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Maser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Uncharacteristically slow and difficult to fly for an Empire of the Hand starfighter, the Furion was introduced to complement the abilities of the older Syca Bomber. Although armed with an

unremarkable armament of maser cannons, the additional heavy load of high-yield concussion missiles ensured it quickly gained a menacing reputation when used against other fighters and bombers.

Krsiss-class Interceptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: 350$ Length: 7m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Maser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Originally designed alongside the Nssis Clawcraft, the Krsiss Interceptor featured an elongated engine housing and single curved wing to reduce mass and allow for it to attain a straight-line speed

unmatched in the Empire of the Hand fleet, albeit at the expense of some manoeuvrability found in its more versatile cousin.

Nssis-class Clawcraft

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 7.65m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Maser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron First in a new line of Chiss Clawcraft, the Nssis was a product of the technology sharing between Palpatine’s Empire and Thrawn’s new Empire of the Hand. Built around the ubiquitous TIE-series

cockpit, the Nssis replaced the Empire’s generic solar panels with a pair of curved wings which extended out to form a distinctive claw-like shape. The addition of thicker armour, shield generator and hyperdrive made the Nssis slower than its TIE counterpart, although this was mostly compensated for by vastly enhanced manoeuvrability.

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Scarsiss-class Clawcraft

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 7.9m Pop: 1 Era: 4, 5 Armament: 3 Heavy Maser Cannon, 2 Medium Ion Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron The pinnacle of Empire of the Hand starfighter technology, the Scarsiss was developed as a potential replacement for the Krsiss Interceptor, itself a highly advanced fast attack starfighter. Although

incapable of reaching the immense straight-line speed of the Krsiss, the Scarsiss featured greatly enhanced manoeuvrability which, when coupled with an exceptionally heavy armament for a ship classed as an interceptor, made for a deadly combination when pitted against enemy starfighters.

Syca-class Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: 550$ Length: 5.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Maser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron The planet Syca's earliest contribution to the Empire of the Hand fleet, and named for the planet, the Syca Bomber was manufactured under contract by Sycan Engineering Systems even before the

planetary government voted to ally with Thrawn’s Empire. Designed with a focus on the ability to deliver the maximum payload on target the Syca possessed unparalleled speed, largely due to its lightly armoured frame, which enabled it to outrun enemy fighters during the run.

Fel Ascent

Class: Transport Cost: N/A$ Length: 23.4m Pop: 1 Era: N/A* Armament: 8 Laser Cannon Complement: None Developed by the Empire of the Hand at the special request of Baron Soontir Fel, the Fel Ascent was then assigned to Ashik, a special operatives commando directly under the command of the Fel family

and Soontir himself. This sleek vessel was equipped with powerful sensors ideal for gathering intelligence to add to the extensive libraries of Nirauan, as well as sufficient weaponry to hold off enemy fighter attacks. Hint: Ashik commands this ship.

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Ground Units

Gilzean Rail Gun Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 700$ Length: 10m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Rail Gun Complement: 2 per company The Gilzean rail gun tank was designed to replace the aging All Terrain Commando Walkers, first used by the Empire of the Hand during its formative years, when it was determined that the bipedal

walker's height hindered its ability to function in conjunction with the powerful new Megamaser Tank. The Gilzean, as a medium tank, was found to be ideal for escorting MMT companies, which were known to be vulnerable during their long weapon recharge cycle.

Megamaser Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 1100$ Length: 18m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Maser Beam Cannon Complement: 1 per company After shipments of Imperial equipment became more and more infrequent after the Emperor's defeat at Endor, the Empire of the Hand opted to design the Megamaser Tank in order to supplement, and

eventually replace, their dwindling stock of AT-AT walkers. Although a slowly charging main gun reduced the MMT’s ability to take on multiple targets, it was highly effective for long range siege and eliminating individual threats to Hand forces.

Mortar Tracked Armoured Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 1200$ Length: 15m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Mortar Cannon Complement: 1 per company Despite the SPMA-T's use as a symbol of the Empire’s power, the Imperial artillery was deemed to be ineffective for the Empire of the Hand's purposes because of its poor ability to cope with treacherous

terrain. This prompted the creation of a more stable tracked artillery platform, the Mortar Tracked Armoured Tank, which would be capable of fulfilling the Hand’s precise mission requirements. Hint: Must deploy in order to fire.


Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 900$ Length: 8m Pop: 1 Era: 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Heavy Maser Cannon Complement: 3 per company A prototype airspeeder designed and tested by the Empire of the Hand for the Chiss Ascendancy, the AirStraeker was created in response to the growing threat posed by indigenous forces in and around

Chiss territory. Manned by a single pilot, the AirStraeker was intended to be used as a heavy assault aircraft in support of ground force operations

Flame Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 650$ Length: 6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Flamethrower Complement: 3 per company Originally developed by the Chiss Ascendancy, the Flame Tank was designed to quickly traverse frozen worlds such as Csilla, the capital of the Ascendancy, by using its flames not only offensively,

but also to melt away its surroundings. Because of the danger associated with the extremely high temperatures of the flames being emitted, as well as the high volume of explosive gases in the tanks mounted on the tank, only the most qualified and highly skilled Chiss warriors were permitted to command them.

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Kirov Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 12m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, Flak Pod Complement: 3 per company The Kirov was designed by Sycan Engineering Systems as an anti-air platform shortly after the system’s Empire of the Hand's acquisition of the system and company. They are very often used in

patrol duties in conjunction with the more versatile Rapid Fire Tanks.

Rapid Fire Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 550$ Length: 6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 4 per company The Rapid Fire Tank was developed by the Empire of the Hand shortly after its establishment in order to deal with the hostile forces in the Unknown Regions. After a trial-by-fire design process and

multiple iterations, the end result was a fast and compact yet powerful tank capable of dealing with a wide range of threats to the Hand's control and influence in the Unknown Regions.

Phalanx Commando

Class: Infantry Cost: 100$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Charric Rifle Complement: 2 per company Part of a special operations division within Thrawn’s Household Phalanx, a paramilitary organisation loyal to him and his cause, the Phalanx Commandos included many of the most skilled and dedicated

Chiss warriors in the Empire of the Hand.

Phalanx Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 100$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Charric Rifle Complement: 5 squads of six per company Founded by Thrawn on his return to the Unknown Regions after rising through the ranks of the Empire, his Household Phalanx became home to many Chiss sympathisers who felt constrained by

the official Chiss military doctrine. Despite being officially ignored by the Chiss Ascendancy, to acknowledge it would lead to charges of treason and secession, Thrawn’s “rogue phalanx” was well known within the Ascendancy borders and Chiss recruits constituted the majority of Empire of the Hand forces.

Rocket Scout

Class: Infantry Cost: 300$ Length: 4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Cannon, PLEX Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company Riding a modified version of the standard Imperial 74-Z Speeder Bike the two-man Rocket Scout unit comprised a pilot and a gunner carrying a shoulder-mounted PLEX missile launcher. Able to traverse

ground quickly, they were often used for reconnaissance and hit-and-fade operations in support of regular units of the Household Phalanx.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Mitth’raw’nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was widely regarded as one of the best military strategists in the galaxy. Formerly an officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defence Force, Thrawn first came to the attention of then-Chancellor Palpatine in 27 BBY. After being exiled by his people Thrawn joined the newly anointed Emperor in his New Order where he slowly climbed the ranks of the Imperial Navy, despite the widespread anti-alien bias. Finally promoted as the only alien Grand Admiral, Thrawn was sent on an important mission into the Unknown Regions, founding the Empire of the Hand to explore and colonise the region. Hint: Commands the Grey Wolf, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Captain Dagon Niriz

Class: Hero Available: Space

A fourth-generation navy officer, Niriz resented being assigned to Thrawn’s mission to the Unknown Regions, believed it to be a political punishment. However after proving his loyalty in a test devised by the alien Grand Admiral, and once appraised of their actual mission, to conquer the region for the Empire, Niriz took great pride in the cause and continued to serve the newly formed Empire of the Hand even after Thrawn returned to known space to lead the remnants of the Empire. Hint: Commands the Admonitor, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Admiral Ar’alani

Class: Hero Available: Space

A senior Chiss Admiral when Thrawn was only a mere commander in the Chiss Expansionary Defence Force, Ar’alani led the force that defeated a Yuuzhan Vong scouting party shortly before 27 BBY. Although she publically clashed with Thrawn over the morality of his tactics, she covertly supported his actions surrounding Outbound Flight and the Vagaari, even taking the lead in the liberation of the enslaved Geroons. Ar'alani later volunteered to serve as Chiss liaison to the Empire of the Hand in the hope that she would be able to curtail what she saw as Thrawn’s excesses. Hint: Commands the Frontier, a Syndic-class Destroyer.

Baron Soontir Fel

Class: Hero Available: Space

Considered one of the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy, Fel twice built fighter squadrons reputed to be among the Empire’s best. Punitively transferred to the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, nicknamed the “One-eighty-worst”, for events out of his control, he was determined to bring his squadron up to sufficient levels of discipline and training. Successful, his squadron was reformed into an elite unit and he became a propaganda hero for the Empire. After losing faith in the Empire after the Battle of Endor, Fel eventually found something else to believe in when Grand Admiral Thrawn showed him the myriad deadly threats to civilization lurking in the Unknown Regions. Hint: Commands an Nsiss-class Clawcraft squadron.

Admiral Voss Parck

Class: Hero Available: Space

A Captain in the Republic Navy when the Republic was reorganised into the Galactic Empire, Parck was a great admirer of Palpatine and believed he would bring a positive change to the galaxy. His career was irreversibly changed when, on patrol near the Unknown Regions, he discovered Thrawn and brought him before the Emperor. Closely associated with the Chiss as he rose through the Imperial Navy, Parck suffered a demotion in order to accompany his mentor on his mission back to the Unknown Regions. Soon restored to a higher rank, Parck became Thrawn’s second in command in the Grand Admiral’s newly formed Empire of the Hand. Hint: Commands the Strikefast, a Victory-class Star Destroyer.

Admiral Siath

Class: Hero Available: Space

Formerly a commissioned officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defence Force, Siath once taught at the Rhigar Academy, which quietly included Thrawn’s controversial ideas in its syllabus. Frustrated by the limitations of Chiss doctrine, Siath was involved in a major confrontation with Aristocra Formbi before openly defecting to the Empire of the Hand. Well known for “writing the book” on new Hand starships, Siath was offered command of Syca’s newest prototype. Hint: Commands the Battlehammer, a Phalanx-class Destroyer.

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Thrawn Clone

Class: Hero Available: Space

During his campaign against the New Republic the original Grand Admiral Thrawn sent a single Spaarti cloning cylinder to his Nirauan fortress, prepared even for his own death. Grown at a natural rate, the clone would reach physical maturity ten years after initial conception with its personality and knowledge, taken from Thrawn himself, imprinted onto the brain by a “flash memory” process. Hint: Commands the Eviscerator, a Chaf-class Destroyer.

Commander Stent

Class: Hero Available: Space

Kres’ten’tarthi, known by his core name Stent, was one of the Chiss followers of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Loyal to the Empire of the Hand, Commander Stent led Thrawn’s Household Phalanx, a rogue phalanx not part of the Chiss military and did not serve the Ascendancy government. Hint: Commands the Thrawn’s Hand, an Ascendancy-class Star Destroyer.

Commander Chak Fel

Class: Hero Available: Space

Second son of Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles, Chak was briefly raised on Corellia before his father agreed to join Thrawn’s Empire of the Hand. Brought up as a warrior to the Chiss’ exacting standards Chak gained his military education exclusively through Imperial institution, unlike his brothers who attended the Mitth’raw’nuruodo Academy on Rhigar. Occasionally working alongside elements of the reformed 501st, Chak’s primary role was as a starfighter pilot in the Hand’s fleet arm. Hint: Commands a Krsiss-class Interceptor squadron.

Hand of Judgement

Class: Hero Available: Land

Formed by a group of five Stormtroopers who deserted their posts after their leader killed an Imperial Security Bureau agent in self defence, the self-styled Hand of Judgement took it upon themselves to deal with problems ignored by the Empire, including mercenary groups and corrupt local politicians. One of their missions brought them to the attention of then Senior Captain Thrawn who offered them a role training a new Stormtrooper core in his shadow Empire. Hint: Includes LaRone, Brightwater, Grave, Marcross and Quiller.

Aurek Seven

Class: Hero Available: Land

A four-man squad in Aurek Company, Aurek Seven was part of the Empire of the Hand’s recreation of the legendary 501st Stormtrooper Legion. They were well trained and capable of undertaking extended missions on their own, including commando and bodyguard duties. Hint: Includes Shadow, Cloud, Watchman and Grappler.

Commander Ashik

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Kthira’shi’ktarloo, commonly referred to as Ashik, was a Chiss soldier serving in Thrawn’s rogue Household Phalanx. Demonstrating an aptitude for commando operations, Ashik was selected by Baron Soontir Fel to join the Empire of the Hand’s special forces division which also provided bodyguards for senior staff. Hint: Commands the Fel Ascent.

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Pentastar Alignment

Formerly identified as part of Oversector Outer, an Imperial designated area of space that encompassed most of the Outer Rim, the New Territories was a recently developed and largely human-populated area in the northern reaches of the galaxy.

Originally under the direct control of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the Oversector, and all its military forces, passed to Grand Moff Ardus Kaine after Tarkin was killed aboard the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

When the Emperor’s death at the Battle of Endor caused the fragmentation of the Empire, Kaine, a native of Sartinaynian in the Braxant sector, transferred the Oversector capital and base of operations to the New Territories along with most of his forces.

Moving quickly to consolidate his power, Kaine called together the political and economic leaders of the New Territories and Velcar Free Commerce Zone to propose a treaty which would unite the Imperial and corporate interests and create a new political conglomerate, the Pentastar Alignment, that would practice the ideals of the New Order and protect business interests from the interference of the newly founded New Republic.

Playable In

- Skirmish

- The following Galactic Conquest scenarios:

Fractured Empire The Art of War Essence of War

The Stars Align Empires at War

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Space Units

Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser

Class: Super Cost: 15000$ Length: 4800m Pop: 9 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 84/14 Turbolaser, 30/6 Quad Turbolaser, 84/14 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (12 Max) Built during the early years of the Empire, the Praetor II succeeded Kuat Drive Yard’s earlier Procurator and Praetor battlecruisers. While larger and more expensive than the iconic Star

Destroyer the Praetor II lacked the versatility of the smaller class and was quickly supplanted by the line of larger, more fear-inspiring Super Star Destroyers. Despite being largely neglected by the Imperial Navy the Praetor II remained popular with some Imperial commanders, particularly those undertaking dangerous assignments at the fringes of the galaxy.

Vengeance-class Dreadnought

Class: Super Cost: N/A Length: 19000m Pop: 15 Era: N/A* Armament: 540/54 Turbolaser, 540/54 Heavy Turbolaser, 200/20 Ion Cannon, 100/10 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (30 Max) Based on the original Executor Super Star Destroyer design and customised to meet the specific

requirements of Inquisitor Jerec, construction of the Vengeance, named after the Dark Jedi’s former command, began shortly before the Battle of Hoth. Although the same length as the more common Executor the Vengeance was easily recognised by its strikingly slender frame and almost sword-like appearance which contrasted strongly with the dagger-shape standard on most Star Destroyers. Originally believed to be unique to the Inquisitor several other examples of this class were later identified as part of the Reborn Emperor’s Byss fleet. Hint: Inquisitor Jerec commands this ship.

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 5900$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 60/6 Turbolaser, 6/2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 2/2 Quad Heavy Turbolaser, 60/6 Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) Formerly known as the Imperator, the Imperial Star Destroyer has been the mainstay of the Imperial

fleet since its introduction by the Old Republic towards the end of the Clone Wars. With a production run of over 25,000 ships and capable of laying waste to entire planets, the Star Destroyer became infamous as a symbol of the Empire’s military might and continued to be used by both the Imperial Remnant and its warlords.

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

Class: Capital Cost: 6900$ Length: 1600m Pop: 4 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 64/8 Turbolaser, 8/4 Octuple Turbolaser, 6/2 Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Heavy Ion Cannon, Tractor Beam Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (6 Max) First seen in operational service shortly before the Battle of Yavin, and derived from the original

Imperial Star Destroyer, the Imperial II was fitted with stronger deflector shields and heavier weaponry than its predecessor. A testament to the engineering prowess of the Empire, the colloquially named ImpStar Deuce remained in service until sometime after the Second Galactic Civil War. While costly to maintain and somewhat inadequate compared to newer starship designs, the Imperial II still possessed an immense amount of firepower as well as unmatched versatility.

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Venator-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3800$ Length: 1137m Pop: 3 Era: 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Turbolaser, 2/2 Dual Turbolaser, 8/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 4/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (12 Max) Born from the success of the Acclamator, and designed by Lira Blissex, the Venator was first employed by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars. As a large multi-role warship it was primarily

used in ship-to-ship combat, but its expansive hangar deck also made it an important starfighter carrier and, as one of the largest capital ships capable of atmospheric operations, a troop transport. After the war the Venator was quickly phased out in favour of the larger and more powerful Imperial Star Destroyers and now largely confined to planetary defence forces in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

Victory-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3400$ Length: 900m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Dual Turbolaser, 10/2 Quad Turbolaser, 72/12 Concussion Missile Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) A product of the Victor Initiative Project, a Kuat Drive Yards/Rendili StarDrive collaboration early in the Clone Wars, the first Victory Star Destroyers were launched in 20 BBY to defend against a CIS

fleet of Techno Union Bulwark battlecruisers. Despite this, much of the production run was only delivered after the establishment of the Empire where they faced competition from the larger Imperial Star Destroyers. Although this led to many vessels being decommissioned and sold off, the Victory was still considered second only to the Imperial Star Destroyer for most operations in the Outer Rim and was still widely used by Imperial forces.

Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 3800$ Length: 900m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 40/4 Turbolaser, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolaser, 20/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) A subclass of the original Victory Star Destroyer, the Victory II was designed for deep-space combat in place of the original’s atmospheric capabilities. To achieve this, the ship was fitted with powerful

Hoersch-Kessel Drive engines to enable it to pursue and engage enemies in ship-to-ship combat, as well as replacing the original concussion missile launchers with ion cannons and additional turbolasers. Although produced in more limited numbers than the original Victory, the II’s enhanced capabilities ensure it remained a potent part of the Imperial arsenal.

Acclamator II-class Assault Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2500$ Length: 752m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4/2 Turbolaser, 12/2 Quad Turbolaser, 4/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (8 Max) Built by Rothana Heavy Engineering and used by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars, the Acclamator II was, unlike its predecessor, a fully-fledged warship. Whereas the first class was

designed as a troop transport capable of carrying and landing over 16,000 soldiers, the Acclamator II replaced much of the internal troop accommodation with additional hangar space and armament suited to planetary bombardment and ship-to-ship combat. Although principally used by the Old Republic, ships of this class continued to see service in the Imperial Navy and were also seen in the hands of many other groups, including the Rebel Alliance and various criminal organisations

Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2300$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 30/3 Turbolaser, 6/2 Ion Cannon, 2/2 Quad Laser Cannon Complement: None Designed by Sienar Fleet Systems and Kuat Drive Yards engineers at subsidiary operations in the Pentastar Alignment, the Enforcer was designed to be the mainstay of Kaine’s newly formed

Pentastar Patrol. Built on the same hull as the Vindicator and Immobilizer Cruisers, the Enforcer was conceived when the engineers discovered that reconfiguring the power grids could significantly enhance the ship’s energy weapons, shields and, unexpectedly, engines resulting in a powerful, fast and manoeuvrable ship.

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Immobilizer 418 Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 9000$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Quad Laser Cannon, Gravity Well Generator Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) First introduced two years before the Battle of Yavin, this Sienar Fleet Systems starship was designed to counter the hit-and-run tactics employed by the Rebel Alliance’s hyperdrive-equipped starfighters.

Based on the Vindicator Cruiser hull, and with the appearance of a small Star Destroyer, the Interdictor Cruiser used its large gravity wells to mimic the energy signature of a large gravity mass and restrict hyperspace travel in the surrounding area. Despite the unique opportunities presented by the Interdictor its prohibitive cost meant only a few hundred ships were in service by the Battle of Endor, and the only Imperial officers to make frequent use of the class were Grand Admirals Thrawn and Zaarin. Hint: When active its huge gravity-well generators prevent any nearby ship from entering hyperspace.

Imperial Escort Carrier

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1000$ Length: 340m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2/2 Turbolaser, 2/2 Dual Turbolaser, 10/2 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Built on a different design to the standard Escort Carrier, this version was identified by its more angular appearance, including a distinctive flared arrowhead shaped bow. Believed to have been

introduced shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the IEC was exclusively used by the Empire’s Storm Commando special forces; a Stormtrooper command originally formed by Crix Madine before he defected to the Rebel Alliance. Moff Kaine retained several Storm Commando units and placed them under the Enforcement division of his Pentastar Alignment.

IPV-1 System Patrol Craft

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 900$ Length: 150m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 60/6 Dual Laser Cannon Complement: None Originally built for the Old Republic as the Independent Patrol Vehicle, and renamed “Imperial” under the Empire, the IPV-1 was created by Republic Sienar Systems as a customs and system security

vessel. Although lacking a hyperdrive in its stock configuration the IPV-1 was a fast and highly manoeuvrable vessel used to maintain peace and order in controlled space. Often assigned to patrol known smuggling routes, the IPV-1 was able to pursue and capture or destroy smuggler and pirate ships operating against a system. The IPV-1 was one of the most common vessels in the galaxy, including widespread use in the Imperial Fleet and its splinter factions. Hint: Moff Kaine adapted the IPV-1 for his newly formed Pentastar Patrol force by retrofitting the class with a hyperdrive.

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Munificent-class Star Frigate

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 825m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Medium Turbolaser, 24/4 Dual Turbolaser, 2/1 Heavy Turbolaser, 2/1 Heavy Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Built by Hoersch-Kessel Drive for the Muunilinst-based InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Munificent

was originally designed to operate as a mobile communication transmitter to provide a private and secure network for the clan’s financial transactions, as well as enforce their will on indebted worlds. When the Banking Clan joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems its vast resources ensured the Munificent became the backbone of the Confederate Navy. Although the CIS was defeated at the end of the Clone Wars and its war material confiscated and disposed of, the Banking Clan remained largely intact, albeit under strict Imperial control. When Muunilinst became part of Moff Kaine’s Pentastar Alignment the Munificent was the Banking Clan’s contribution to sector security.

Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 2500$ Length: 600m Pop: 3 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 24/2 Medium Turbolaser, 10/1 Quad Turbolaser, 10/2 Ion Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) A standard heavy cruiser design reminiscent of a small Star Destroyer, the Sienar Fleet Systems Vindicator was used by the Imperial Navy for situations in which standard Imperial Star Destroyers

were unavailable and smaller ships would not be powerful enough for the mission. Less well known than its sister class, the Interdictor Cruiser based on the same hull, the Vindicator became more important to the Imperial Remnant as the number of available Star Destroyers decreases.

GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat

Class: Starfighter Cost: 400$ Length: 25m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 3 Medium Ion Cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Originally designed by Republic Sienar Systems before the Clone Wars, the first generation of Skipray drew heavily on the designs from their earlier Turbostorm gunship. After further research and

development, and in the aftermath of the war, Sienar targeted sales of its end product at the Empire in an attempt to capitalise on the Imperial Navy’s rapidly expanding procurement budget. Unfortunately despite positive evaluation reviews, the prevalent Imperial military philosophy wasn’t open to the idea of a “hyperspace-capable capital-starfighter hybrid” – small enough to be carried aboard starships yet powerful enough for some registries to classify it as a capital ship. Once released onto the open market the Skipray gained a strong reputation for its reliability and superior atmospheric performance during its lengthy and widespread use in corporate, planetary defence and pirate fleets.

TIE/H Hunter

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 7m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Medium Ion Cannon, 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Designed by the Empire as a counter to the Rebel Alliance’s X-Wing, the TIE Hunter carried the same armament as the Y-Wing as well as possessing shields, hyperdrive and, unique amongst TIE variants,

S-foils. While these features made it one of the most versatile starfighters available to the Empire, the cost prevented it from becoming widely adopted. The TIE Hunter did, however, enter limited service exclusive to the elite Storm Commandos. When Moff Kaine incorporated units from the Special Forces branch into his Pentastar Patrol they continued to use the same equipment, including the TIE Hunter. Hint: Kaine’s engineers removed the Proton Torpedo launchers to reduce costs and improve power distribution.

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TIE/IN Interceptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 9.6m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Identified by its distinctive arrow-shaped wing panels, the TIE Interceptor was, at its prime, one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy. Fitted with a more powerful engine than its predecessor, and

although still lacking shields and hyperdrive, the Interceptor was far more capable while also fielding heavier armament. Although only introduced after the Battle of Yavin the Interceptor, with its enhanced performance and relatively low cost, was quickly slated to completely replace the standard TIE Fighter in service and by the Battle of Endor filled twenty percent of the total Imperial fighter complement.

TIE/LN Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 6.4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Inspired by the earlier Alpha-3 Nimbus produced by Kuat Drive Yards, the TIE Fighter was fitted with Raith Sienar’s revolutionary twin ion engine, widely considered the most precisely engineered

propulsion system in the galaxy. Although incompatible with established life support, shield and hyperdrive technologies, the TIE Fighter was incredibly cheap to mass produce and could be stored in racks to make the best use of limited available space aboard warships. Reflecting an Imperial military philosophy that favoured quantity over quality, and used as the standard design behind the entire TIE series, the TIE Fighter became universally recognised as a symbol of the Empire and remained its primary space superiority starfighter for over forty years.

TIE/SA Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: N/A Length: 7.8m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Proton Torpedo Complement: 12 per squadron Introduced in the early years of the Empire, the TIE Bomber was the Imperial Navy’s primary anti-starship and ground assault starfighter. Larger and less manoeuvrable than the standard TIE

Fighter, the bombers distinctive double-hulled design and vulnerability towards starfighters led to enemy pilots referring to them as “dupes”. Although more heavily armoured than other TIE series starfighters the TIE Bomber still lacked a shield generator and hyperdrive. Due to its low cost and ease of mass manufacture the bomber remained a firm favourite with the Imperial war machine over other more capable designs.

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Ground Units

A9 Floating Fortress

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 1000$ Length: 17.4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Laser Cannon Complement: 1 per company Designed by Ubrikkian Industries, the Floating Fortress was intended to aid ground assault and occupational forces. As a heavily armed repulsor-craft, armed with top-mounted turreted blaster

cannons, the Floating Fortress was well adapted for use in urban warfare, more so than the lumbering AT-AT walker supported by the Imperial Army. Many Imperial occupation force commanders believed the narrow width of the Floating Fortress gave it a distinct advantage in suppressing urban uprisings, particularly in crowded city centres Hint: Its high-power sensors, able to briefly “ping” targeted areas, make it an excellent command vehicle.

All Terrain Anti-Aircraft

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 18m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company A quick-moving four-legged walker build by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the AT-AA was originally designed during the Clone Wars and first entered service shortly after the declaration of a New

Order. Although useless against ground vehicles, the AT-AA saw heavy action during the Galactic Civil War, as a defence against Rebel aircraft, particularly the T-47 Airspeeder. Hint: Can emit electronic interference as a countermeasure to scramble missile guidance systems.

All Terrain Armoured Transport

Class: Advanced Vehicle Cost: 1000$ Length: 20m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 1 per company Designed by Kuat Drive Yards during the Clone Wars, the first generation of the AT-AT evolved from the AT-TE and AT-PT walkers already in use with the Republic’s Grand Army. Developed further

under the Empire, the AT-AT concept was fully resurrected by Maximilian Veers who brought the heavy vehicle into full service where it became known as the Imperial Walker. Serving the dual purpose of crushing and demoralising the enemy while serving as a transport, the AT-AT was one of the most awesome and intimidating vehicles used by the Imperial Army. Hint: Can deploy Stormtroopers.

All Terrain Attack Pod

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 200$ Length: 11m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Laser Cannon Complement: 4 per company Designed during the Clone Wars, the AT-AP was an evolution of the AT-TE and AT-PT walkers already used by the Old Republic. Nominally a two-legged walker, an additional leg was fitted beneath the

fuselage to provide additional stability when travelling across rough terrain and when firing its main gun. Primarily an artillery platform the AT-AP’s main function was to serve in battery as a mobile gun platform against static enemy emplacements.

Century Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 180$ Length: 6.7m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Turbolaser Complement: 2 per company Also known as the TIE Crawler, the Century Tank was an unlikely fusion of two vastly different vehicle types. Comprising a standard TIE ball cockpit suspended between two massive treads, the Century

Tank was an attempt by Sienar Fleet Systems to branch out into new markets with an inexpensive compact assault vehicle.

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Low Altitude Assault Transport

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 1000$ Length: 17.4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 4 Beam Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 2 per company Manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the LAAT gunship was used by the Old Republic’s Grand Army during the Clone Wars. Designed principally for aerial-based support and infantry

transportation, the LAAT was capable of transporting up to thirty troopers and undertake both air-to-air and air-to-ground strike missions. Although replacement gunship designs were introduced by the Empire, many LAAT’s continued to see active service throughout the Imperial Army. Hint: Can quickly transport infantry across the battlefield.

TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank

Class: Heavy Vehicle Cost: 500$ Length: 8.2m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Beam Cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 4 per company Built for the Old Republic’s Jedi Generals and Grand Army, the Rothana Heavy Engineering TX-130 was a highly versatile and manoeuvrable fast attack tank. Often used in anti-vehicle and anti-

infantry roles, the TX-130, also known as the IFT-X, was phased out of service shortly after the formation of the Empire, although the vast size of the Imperial war machine meant that a significant number would remain in use despite the introduction of newer and stronger variants.

All Terrain Personal Transport

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 200$ Length: 4m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, Concussion Grenade Launcher Complement: 4 per company A light ant-infantry walker designed decades before the Clone Wars, the AT-PT was used by the Old Republic to send single troopers into intense combat situations on their own. Forerunner to the later

AT-AT and AT-ST walkers employed by the Empire, most of the limited run of AT-PT walkers was lost aboard the fabled Katana Fleet, however those that remained in service for sentry and patrol duties.

Bantha-II Cargo Skiff

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 250$ Length: 9.5m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon Complement: 4 per company A repulsorlift utility vehicle manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries, the Bantha-II, also widely known as the desert or sand skiff, was designed to transport cargo in the many spaceports and warehouse

complexes across the galaxy. Unarmed and unarmoured in its stock configuration, the skiff could be easily modified to serve as a military transport by fitting more advanced repulsorlift engines, reinforced hull plating and rail-mounted blaster cannons.

IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tank

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 1200$ Length: 8.5m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Blaster Cannon, Missile Launcher Complement: 3 per company Built for the Muunilinst-based InterGalactic Banking Clan by Haor Chall Engineering, the Hailfire droid was a self-aware mobile missile platform capable of destroying enemy vehicles and entire

platoons of infantry. Used by the Banking Clan to punish customers who failed to pay their debts, the Hailfire became part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems’ combined army during the Clone Wars. Although most units were deactivated after the war ended, the Banking Clan retained the designs and continued to use the Hailfire for security purposes under the Empire.

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Infantry Support Platform

Class: Light Vehicle Cost: 200$ Length: 5m Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 2 Laser Cannon Complement: 4 per company Developed towards the end of the Clone Wars by Uulshos Manufacturing and the Aratech Repulsor Company, the ISP was one of many specialised speeders built for the Grand Army of the Republic. As

a heavy variant of the popular BARC speeder bike the ISP was fitted with a rear-mounted turbofan to propel the craft through swamps, leading to its common designation as the “swamp speeder”.

Dark Jedi

Class: Infantry Cost: 700$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Lightsaber Complement: 3 per company Recruited by Jerec for his mission to discover the fabled Valley of the Jedi, many of these so-called Dark Jedi were previously members of the Secret Order of the Empire, or other Force-sensitive agents

of Emperor Palpatine’s will. Hint: Can only be built on Bastion.

Pentastar Enforcers

Class: Infantry Cost: 60$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 6 squads of nine per company Consisting almost entirely of former Imperial military units located within the territory that became the Pentastar Alignment, the newly formed Pentastar Enforcers were the Pentastar Patrol’s infantry

and served the Enforcement branch of Grand Moff Kaine’s government. Hint: The Enforcers comprise a mix of both Stormtroopers and Navy Troopers.

Shock Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 125$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: PLEX Missile Launcher Complement: 2 squads of three per company Elite members of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps specialized in the use of non-standard weapons and equipment, Shock Troopers were trained to fulfil various battlefield support roles and, with their

PLX-2M portable missile launchers, frequently act as anti-vehicle units on the battlefield.

Storm Commando

Class: Infantry Cost: 100$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: Sniper Rifle Complement: 2 per company The Storm Commandos, also known as Imperial Commandos or shadow scouts, were the Special Forces of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps. Formed by Grand Moff Tanniel in response to the

guerrilla tactics employed by the Rebel Alliance during the early days of the Galactic Civil War, the first unit of Storm Commandos was placed under the command of Crix Madine. Formed to perform missions that regular Stormtroopers were incapable of accomplishing, the Storm Commandos were highly trained in the art of stealth, covert assaults and sabotage.

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Grand Moff Ardus Kaine

Class: Hero Available: Space

An ardent supporter of Emperor Palpatine since before he became Chancellor of the Old Republic, Kaine’s first key role was during the formation of the Galactic Empire. Initially rewarded with an appointment to Moff he later succeeded Wilhuff Tarkin as Grand Moff of Oversector Outer and given command of Scourge Squadron. When word of Palpatine’s death reached him, Kaine set about consolidating territory and founding a new Empire, the Pentastar Alignment, based on the same New Order ideals. Hint: Commands the Reaper, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

Grand Admiral Octavian Grant

Class: Hero Available: Space

One of the original twelve Grand Admirals appointed by Emperor Palpatine, Grant proved himself to be an expert military strategist. One of only four Grand Admirals to continue regular navy duties, Grant did not participate in politics or socialise with Moffs, believing them, along with aliens and droids, to be beneath contempt. This lack of social standing led to Grant seeking sanctuary in Grand Moff Kaine’s Pentastar Alignment after the Battle of Endor instead of pursuing territory of his own. Hint: Commands the Oriflamme, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Inquisitor Jerec

Class: Hero Available: Space | Land

Formerly a powerful Jedi Master and archaeologist, Jerec was on a long-term mission in the Unknown Regions when Order 66 was issued. When he returned he was found by the Empire’s Inquisitorius and turned to the dark side by its Force-sensitive agents. He served the Empire as Inquisitor for many years although he was only truly loyal to himself. After the Battle of Endor Jerec, backed by Ardus Kaine, set out with a band of fellow Dark Jedi to find the fabled Valley of the Jedi and unleash its power. Hint: Commands the Vengeance-class Dreadnought.

Master Commissioner Gregor Raquoran

Class: Hero Available: Galactic

A shrewd businessman, Raquoran became Commerce Master Commissioner of the Velcar Free Commerce Zone by paying careful attention to the people that mattered, and without overtly supporting Emperor Palpatine or the Empire’s COMPNOR organisation. Although Raquoran felt that the Velcar Zone was in good order despite the collapse of the Empire, he agreed to sign former Grand Moff Kaine’s Pentastar Alignment Treaty, which established a new government and prevented the growing New Republic from dismantling the corporate state.

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Minor Factions Note: This section showcases the unique units and heroes available to the Minor Factions in Thrawn’s Revenge. In some cases they may also have access to some of the same units used by the main playable factions. This is especially true of the Imperial Warlords and the Duskhan League (who both have access to Imperial technology).

Hapes Consortium

The Hapes Cluster was first settled over four thousand years ago by a group of pirates who discovered safe transit routes through the Transitory Mists. The pirates, known as the Lorell Raiders, established a base on Hapes and brought back all kinds of treasure, along

with beautiful women abducted from across the galaxy.

The women remained on Hapes to raise children while the men continued their pirate raids on shipping outside the cluster; until a fateful battle between the Lorell Raiders and the combined forces of the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic destroyed the pirate fleet and left the women and children cut off from the rest of the galaxy.

The women left behind vowed that no man would rule them again and formed a new society with a government led by a single woman given the title of Queen Mother.

For over three thousand years the Hapes Consortium maintained its isolation from outside influences as it expanded throughout the cluster and colonized more of the rich worlds. Finally, in 8 ABY, the Consortium opened its borders as it treated with the New Republic with an eye towards a potential alliance.

Note: Due to their extended isolation Hapan turbolaser weaponry is significantly outdated and takes at least twice as long to recharge as the more modern models employed by the rest of the galaxy.

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Space Units

Star Home

Class: Capital Cost: N/A Length: 2500m Pop: 2 Era: N/A Armament: 20/5 Turbolaser, 24/6 Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (5 Max) One of the most luxurious and unique ships in the galaxy, the Star Home was built almost four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin; and believed to be only legend for the past two thousand.

Designed to function as the flagship and personal transport of Hapan rulers it consisted of an exact duplicate of the Fountain Palace, the royal seat on Hapes, set beneath a transparent dome and surrounded by five massive pylons to give it the distinctive star-shaped appearance.

Battle Dragon

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: 2200$ Length: 500m Pop: 2 Era: N/A Armament: 40/4 Turbolaser, 40/4 Ion Cannon, 2/1 Trion, 10/1 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) Designed by Olanji/Charubah, the Battle Dragon was the primary capital ship used by the Hapes Consortium. Featuring a unique dual saucer shaped hull with a central core, the ships main

armament was attached to revolving disks to compensate for outdated, and slowly recharging, turbolaser technology; bringing charged guns to bear while discharged weapons recharged as they revolved around for the next pass. Although this system allowed the ship to maintain a high rate of fire against a single target, a shortage of targeting computers and the lengthy turbolaser recharge time left the Battle Dragon vulnerable when facing multiple targets alone.

Song of War

Class: Heavy Frigate Cost: N/A Length: 600m Pop: 4 Era: N/A* Armament: 80/8 Turbolaser, 80/8 Ion Cannon, 2/1 Trion, 20/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (7 Max) Specially commissioned for Prince Isolder, the Song of War was an oversized Battle Dragon fitted with additional armour, weapons and shields. As the personal command ship and flagship for the

Chume’da of the Hapes Consortium, the Song of War was painted a deep “battle red” to symbolise the courage and bravery of Isolder and the ruling family. Hint: Prince Isolder commands this ship.

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Nova-class Battle Cruiser

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1300$ Length: 400m Pop: 2 Era: N/A Armament: 24/3 Turbolaser, 10/2 Ion Cannon, 10/1 Heavy Laser Cannon Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Designed primarily as an escort and support ship, the Nova Cruiser was often used to patrol the Hapan border to intercept pirates and smugglers, or to supplement Battle Dragons in larger

engagements. Well armed for its size but limited by outdated Hapan turbolaser technology, the Nova Cruiser also featured powerful engines and shields, suspected to have been illegal obtained from Imperial and New Republic shipyards.

Miy’til Starfighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 500$ Length: 7.5m Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 1 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Designed as a primary superiority fighter, the Miy’til was developed by the Hapes Consortium with the support of a group of CIS engineers seeking refuge after the end of the Clone Wars. The craft’s

diminutive size, shorter even than the Rebel A-Wing, required the Hapan engineers to miniaturise many of its components, although they still found room to accommodate an astromech droid to assist with flight operations and navigation. Carried by all Hapan starships, the Miy’til fighter was most often employed to combat pirates and other unwelcome visitors to Hapan space.

Miy’til Assault Bomber

Class: Starfighter Cost: 500$ Length: 20m Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: 2 Laser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Based on the smaller Miy’til fighter, and designed by the same ex-CIS engineers, the Miy’til Assault Bomber was believed to be comparable to the Empire’s Scimitar Assault Bomber. With the same

aerodynamic profile as the starfighter it was found to be highly effective in both atmosphere and space, and, with surprising agility for a bomber that size, able to close and engage its targets with deadly effect. Unlike the larger Hapan ships it was impossible for other factions to comprehensively assess the Miy’til Bomber’s abilities because it was so rarely used in the Consortium’s infrequent forays outside their own star cluster.

Ground Units

The Hapes Consortium does not have any unique ground units.


Prince Isolder

Class: Hero Available: Space

Born the second son of Hapan Queen Mother Ta’a Chume, Prince Isolder never expected to rule. However after the kidnap and murder of his older brother by pirates, and a two year mission to track and arrest the killer, he was named as the new Chume’da by his mother. Offered to Princess Leia as a suitor during negotiations on a political alliance with the New Republic, he instead found his future wife and Queen, Teneniel Djo, on Dathomir during an attempt to rescue Leia from Han Solo. Hint: Commands the Song of War.

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Duskhan League

The Duskhan League, originally established as the Yevethan Protectorate, was a political federation comprised of N’zoth and the other eleven Yevethan colonies, collectively known as “The Twelve”, settled by their sublight starships.

A highly xenophobic and isolationist species, the first major confrontation between the Yevetha and other species came when the Galactic Empire seized control of the Koornacht Cluster and established a series of shipyards on N’zoth and nearby planets.

Taking note of the speed at which the Yevethans mastered new technologies, the Empire proceeded to enslave the populace and put them to work as skilled labour in its shipyards, building, repairing and modifying vessels of the Imperial Starfleet.

After the Battle of Endor caused the fragmentation of the Empire, Ysanne Isard recalled much of the Imperial fleet to defend the Core Worlds, including those of Black Sword Command in the Koornacht Cluster. Before the Imperials were able to complete their withdrawal and destroy the shipyards, the Yevethans staged an uprising and succeeded in capturing intact the entire task force, including a Super Star Destroyer.

Making use of the technical skills developed during their decades of slavery, the newly reformed Duskhan League set about developing new starships of its own before seeking to expand beyond the cluster and cleanse the galaxy of other species.

Playable In

- The following single-player Galactic Conquest scenarios: Black Fleet Crisis

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Space Units

Aramadia-class Thrustship

Class: Light Frigate Cost: 1250$ Length: 240m Pop: 2 Era: N/A Armament: 8/1 Turbolaser, 6/1 Medium Ion Cannon, 6/1 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (3 Max) Originating from a line of sub-light vessels built by the technologically minded Yevetha, the Aramadia Thrustship design incorporated the knowledge and technology acquired when they revolted against

their Imperial overlords and captured Black Sword Command. Fitted with hyperdrives and the Yevetha’s custom designed pulse-lifters, giving the class its “Thrustship” designation, the Aramadia was the perfect tool to carry out a purifying campaign against the galaxy. Armed with turbolasers and an impressive array of projectile launchers, the ship’s spherical shape provided excellent firing arcs as well as optimising the shield generators ability to project a strong defence.

D-type Trifoil Fighter

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 12m Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: 3 Laser Cannon Complement: 12 per squadron Built and used exclusively by the Yevetha in the years after their successful revolt against the Empire, the Trifoil was a highly effective atmospheric starfighter. Designed to take advantage of the

Yevethan tolerance for high g-forces, the Trifoil had better acceleration and manoeuvrability than most starfighters designed for human pilots. While demonstrating Yevethan engineering proficiency, the Trifoil’s laser cannon armament left it ill-suited to engage capital ships, a weakness exploited by their opponents.

Ground Units

Yevethan Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 52$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 5 squads of eight per company Descending from a brutal society where blood and death were central pillars of culture and religious beliefs, the Yevetha were a highly violent species. Without any fear of death, and possessing foot-

long retractable dew claws in their wrists perfect for close combat, the Yevetha were known to be ruthless fighters who never surrendered even in the face of certain defeat.


Viceroy Nil Spaar

Class: Hero Available: Space

Darama and Viceroy of his people and the Duskhan League, Nil Spaar led the rebellion that overthrew the Imperial forces enslaving his planet. That act won him popular acclaim and led to his widely supported coup to seize power from the previous regime. Setting his sight on the rest of the galaxy, Spaar led an intense military build-up of Yevethan forces, using the technology and knowledge acquired from their former Imperial overlords. Hint: Commands the Aramadia, an Aramadia-class Thrustship.

Primate Dar Bille

Class: Hero Available: Space

Second in command to Viceroy Spaar, Dar Bille led one of the assault teams sent to secure the Super Star Destroyer Intimidator during the Yevethan uprising. When Spaar ordered the Great Purge to exterminate non-Yevethan life from the Koornacht Cluster, Bille became Primate of the now-renamed Intimidator and led a number of key strikes. Hint: Commands the Pride of Yevetha, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

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Imperial Warlords

The death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, and the loss of the Executor and second Death Star at the hands of the Rebel fleet, sent shockwaves rippling through the Imperial establishment.

With no-one in a position to take the Imperial throne many formerly loyal officers, including Grand Admirals and Moffs, decided that their best option to was to strike out on their own, using the ships under their command to secure territory and resources and forge their own personal fiefdoms.

The first to defect was Admiral Harrsk. Present at the Battle of Endor, he refused to obey the commands of a junior officer who had inherited command of the fleet after the destruction of the Executor. As news of the Emperor’s death trickled out others followed, including Admirals Krennel, Delvardus and Teradoc along with Warlord Zsinj.

Although the title of Warlord was originally a ceremonial rank awarded to high-ranking officers by the Emperor, including Grand Admiral Thrawn and Grand Moff Zsinj, it became generally associated with surviving Imperial military and political leaders after Endor, many of whom unilaterally styled themselves as Warlords or used other similarly grand titles.

Playable In

- The following single-player Galactic Conquest scenarios: The Hunt for Zsinj (Zsinj as Imperial Remnant) Into the Cluster (Zsinj as Imperial Remnant)

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Space Units

TIE/RPT Raptor

Class: Starfighter Cost: 300$ Length: 6.8m Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: 4 Laser Cannon, 2 Concussion Missile Complement: 12 per squadron Although sharing the same spherical cockpit and engine as other TIE-series starfighters, the TIE Raptor was an unofficial variant developed without any input from Sienar Fleet Systems. First seen

in the years after the Battle of Endor, and created by Warlord Zsinj’s engineers for the exclusive use of his forces, the TIE Raptor replaced the standard solar panel wings on either side of the cockpit with four short fins protruding directly from the cockpit. The Raptor, which shared its name with Zsinj’s elite troops, saw little or no use in other Imperial forces.

Ground Units

Raptor Trooper

Class: Infantry Cost: 90$ Length: N/A Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: Blaster Rifle Complement: 2 squads of twelve per company An elite military force created by Warlord Zsinj after he broke away from the Empire, the Raptors were intended to replace Stormtroopers as the primary enforcers within his territory. Without access

to facilities producing genuine Stormtroopers, many Warlords chose to equip regular Imperial Army or Navy troops with Stormtrooper armour. Instead, Zsinj created the Raptors. More intelligent than Stormtroopers and with broader training, Zsinj’s loyal force of elite troops with distinctive black, gold and red armour quickly became as feared and respected as the soldiers they replaced.

Raptor Scout

Class: Infantry Cost: 200$ Length: 4m Pop: 1 Era: N/A Armament: Blaster Cannon Complement: 2 per company Often deployed on standard-issue Imperial speeder bikes, Zsinj’s elite Raptor force was unshakeably loyal to their master, rivalling even the loyalty of Stormtroopers to the Emperor and his successors.

Tasked with enforcing Zsinj’s will across his territory their mission was as much to keep his planetary governors in line as to engage hostile forces, roles they performed both efficiently and effectively.

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Warlord Zsinj

Class: Hero Available: Space

A Grand Moff under the Empire, and one of few officers to achieve the ceremonial rank of Warlord, Zsinj was hyper intelligent and eccentric, and, owing to ancient tradition from his home world, without a first name. After the Battle of Endor he refused to obey the commands of the Ruling Council and forged an elite military to secure his own territory, a successor state to the fallen Empire. Hint: Commands the Iron Fist, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

General Melvar

Class: Hero Available: Land

Fanatically loyal to Emperor Palpatine, and with an obsessive love for the Empire, General Melvar became Warlord Zsinj’s top General after the Battle of Endor, spearheading many intelligence operations for his new commander. Reputed to be extremely sadistic, Melvar had his fingernails replaced with cuticle implants to provide him with an immediate torture device. Hint: Commands an A5 Juggernaut.

Nightsister Gethzerion

Class: Hero Available: Land

Founder and leader of the Dathomiri Nightsisters, a clan of exiled criminals, Gethzerion was the first Force-wielder from her world to discover that their powers could be controlled without performing complex rituals or “spells”. Recognised as a threat by Emperor Palpatine, Warlord Zsinj was tasked with keeping her confined to Dathomir.

Admiral Apwar Trigit

Class: Hero Available: Space

Formerly an Imperial officer, the self-styled Admiral Trigit left the Empire’s service after the apparent death of Ysanne Isard. Now independent, but lacking the resources to carve his own empire, he hired his ship out to Zsinj and placed himself under the Warlord’s command. Hint: Commands the Implacable, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Superior General Sander Delvardus

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Admiral serving under Moff Kaine in the Galactic Empire, Delvardus refused to join his superior’s Pentastar Alignment after the disastrous Battle of Endor preferring to strike out alone. Styling himself a Superior General he formed the Eriadu Authority and succeeded in claiming part of the Rimma Trade Route before being forced back to the Core by New Republic forces under the command of the Sullustan Sien Sovv. Hint: Commands the Thalassa, a Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser

Lord High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk

Class: Hero Available: Space

Harrsk was an Imperial Admiral at the Battle of Endor. When Captain Pellaeon, temporarily in command of the fleet, gave the order to retreat following the Emperor's death, Harrsk took his forces into the Deep Core where he established Zero Command, the first breakaway kingdom of the Empire. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Harrsk maintained good relations with many other factions including the remnants of the Empire under the command of Ysanne Isard. Hint: Commands the Shockwave, a Tector-class Star Destroyer.

High Admiral Treuten Teradoc

Class: Hero Available: Space

An Imperial Admiral at the time of the Battle of Endor, Teradoc followed the lead of Admiral Harrsk and established himself as an independent warlord when the Empire fractured. Claiming dominion over the Greater Maldrood, he found himself in conflict with both Warlord Zsinj and the burgeoning New Republic. Although Teradoc remained nominally loyal to the Empire under Director Isard, he dropped that pretence once she lost Coruscant. Once isolated from any allies Teradoc was forced to abandon the Maldrood and flee to the Deep Core where he re-established himself on Hakassi. Hint: Commands the Crimson Sunrise, a Crimson Command-type Victory-II Star Destroyer.

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

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Galactic Conquests Thrawn’s Revenge includes thirteen original Galactic Conquest campaigns spanning the fifteen years between the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY and the Pellaeon-Gavrisom treaty in 19 ABY. With a mixture of single-era, multi-era, historical and “Infinities” campaigns, you can explore many of the conflicts that were recorded during those years.

Single-Era GCs (Page 78)

These five scenarios represent the main campaigns associated with each of the five Imperial leaders that Thrawn’s Revenge focuses on. The Fractured Empire under Director Isard; the Thrawn Campaign named after its architect, Grand Admiral Thrawn; Operation Shadow Hand plotted by the Reborn Emperor; the Reunification of the Imperial Warlords by Admiral Daala; and the Final Imperial Push led by Grand Admiral Pellaeon.

Note: You will not advance era by killing the respective Imperial Leader.

Multi-Era GCs (Page 83)

These two scenarios, The Art of War and Essence of War, stretch across the entire period covered by Thrawn’s Revenge by following the five main Imperial leaders through their successive campaigns.

Note: You may advance era by killing the respective Imperial Leader.

Historic GCs (Page 85)

These four scenarios represent specific campaigns that occurred during the Thrawn’s Revenge timeframe, yet are not directly associated with any of the Imperial leader based eras. The Stars Align follows Grand Moff Ardus Kaine’s attempt to forge the Pentastar Alignment from part of the former Empire. The Hunt for Zsinj and Into the Cluster focus on the New Republic campaign against Warlord Zsinj and his skirmishes with the Hapes Consortium. The Black Fleet Crisis covers the New Republic’s conflict with the xenophobic Yevethan Duskhan League.

Note: You will not advance era by killing the respective Imperial Leader.

Infinities GCs (Page 89)

These two scenarios represent scenarios not based on any canon events. They are of varying scale and involve different combinations of factions and units. Empires at War is an all-out conflict between the Imperial Remnant and its many splinter factions, including the Empire of the Hand, and the Duskhan League. From the Ground Up is a unique scenario where each faction starts with only one planet, limited resources and no heroes; and is faced with a galaxy of hostile independent forces arrayed against them.

Note: You will not advance era by killing the respective Imperial Leader.

Multiplayer GCs (Page 91)

These scenarios allow players to play against one another in a different way to the usual Skirmish matches. The multiplayer

Thrawn Campaign contains fewer planets than the single player version while retaining the character of the conflict.

Note: You will not advance era by killing the respective Imperial Leader.


Imperial Remnant

New Republic

Empire of the Hand

Pentastar Alignment

Hapes Consortium

Duskhan League

Imperial Warlords

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Single-Era GCs

Fractured Empire


Date: 6-7 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Pentastar Alignment

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords

Planets: 50

Era: 1

Imperial Leader: Director Ysanne Isard

Two years after the destruction of the Second Death Star and death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor the former Galactic Empire has fractured into disparate factions led by squabbling Warlords. As former Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard attempts to re-establish Imperial control, the New Republic is gaining ground and

moving towards the core in preparation for a strike to liberate Coruscant.

Starting Planets

Corellia, Carida, Bilbringi, Kuat, Thyferra, Coruscant, Borleias, Chorax, Kalist VI, Ciutric IV, Ord Mantell, Corulag, Denon, Pakrik Minor, Garos IV

Talasea, Levian Two, Commenor, Brentaal IV, Champala, Fondor, Mon Calamari, Phindar, Noquivzor, Generis, Ithor, Qat Chrystac, Yavin IV, Dolomar, The Graveyard

Bastion, Muunilinst, Yaga Minor, Jaemus, Morishim, Dubrillion, Gravlex Med, Orinda, Sernpidal, Borosk

Dathomir, Bonadan, Yag’Dhul, Telos IV, Gravan Seven, Belsmuth II, Selaggis, Comkin V, Etti IV

Available Heroes

Ysanne Isard, Erisi Dlarit, Blitzer Harrsk, Delak Krennel, Ait Convarion, Malcor Brashin

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Uwlla Iillor, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Tycho Celchu, Airen Cracken, Kyle Katarn

Ardus Kaine, Jerec, Octavian Grant, Gregor Raquoran

Zsinj, Gethzerion, Apwar Trigit

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Thrawn Campaign


Date: 9 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic

Non-Playable Factions: None

Planets: 56

Era: 2

Imperial Leader: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn has returned to the known galaxy to take command of the Imperial Remnant from aboard the Star Destroyer Chimera. Although he is leading a greatly diminished Empire against a well-established New Republic, his tactical genius may be enough to restore order to the galaxy.

Starting Planets

Bastion, Eriadu, Corellia, Carida, Muunilinst, Bilbringi, Yaga Minor, Honoghr, Anx Minor, Duro, Morishim, Wistril, Dubrillion, Garqi, Poderis, Jomark, Corulag, Ciutric IV, Wayland, Pakrik Minor, Ord Trasi, Gravlex Med, Borosk

Kothlis, Bothawui, Ukio, Dolomar, Abregado-Rae, Chrondre, Ord Pardron, Sluis Van, Fondor, Kuat, Mon Calamari, Denon, Coruscant, Kashyyyk, Endor, Ord Mantell, Filve, Nkllon, Commenor, Qat Chrystac, Pantolomin, Mrisst, Bimmisaari, Woostri, Farrfin, Cejansij, Ketaris, New Cov

Available Heroes

Thrawn, Freja Covell, Brandei, Dorja, Joruus C’baoth, Niles Ferrier, Turr Phennir

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Tycho Celchu, Garm Bel Iblis, Mara Jade, Leia Organa Solo, Booster Terrick, Talon Karrde

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Shadow Hand


Date: 10-11 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic

Non-Playable Factions: None

Planets: 41

Era: 3

Imperial Leader: Emperor Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine has rebirthed himself on the hidden fortress world of Byss deep in the Galactic Core. He has reunited many of the squabbling Warlords in order to strike hard and fast at the New Republic, equipped with a secret weapon, the super star destroyer Eclipse.

Starting Planets

Corellia, Borosk, Muunilinst, Bastion, Byss, Hakassi, Kalist VI, Dubrillion, Ord Trasi, Orinda, Yaga Minor, Garqi, Morishim, Ketaris, Anx Minor, Gravlex Med

Commenor, Denon, Onderon, Cejansij, Mon Calamari, Coruscant, Garos IV, Ossus, Brentaal IV, Talasea, Ithor, Champala, Balmorra, New Alderaan, Kashyyyk, Metellos, Ord Mantell, Duro, Nespis VIII, Levian Two, Da Soocha V, Ciutric IV, Kuat, Bimmisaari, Chandrila

Available Heroes

Palpatine, Sedriss QL, Maximilian Veers, Blitzer Harrsk, Sander Delvardus, Treuten Teradoc, Ardus Kaine, Gilad Pellaeon

Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Tycho Celchu, Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Uwlla Iillor, Wedge Antilles

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Date: 12 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords

Planets: 17

Era: 4

Imperial Leader: Admiral Natasi Daala

Natasi Daala has emerged from the Maw Installation to reunite the warring Imperial factions, while the New Republic attempts to land the final blow on an Empire in its death throes.

Starting Planets

The Maw, Kessel

Abregado-Rae, Kuat, Mon Calamari, Coruscant, Khomm, Yavin IV

Hakassi, Balmorra, Bimmisaari, Kalist VI, Odik II, Tsoss Beacon

Available Heroes

Natasi Daala, Cronus, Gilad Pellaeon

Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Tycho Celchu, Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Cilghal, Uwlla Iillor, Airen Cracken, Kyle Katarn

Blitzer Harrsk, Treuten Teradoc, Sander Delvardus

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Final Imperial Push


Date: 17-19 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Empire of the Hand

Non-Playable Factions: None

Planets: 59

Era: 5

Imperial Leader: Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon

Gilad Pellaeon has taken command of a dying yet unified Empire, and with the help of Natasi Daala and the urging of the Moff Council, he intends to make one final strike at the New Republic. Meanwhile, the Empire of the Hand prepares to reveal itself to an unsuspecting galaxy.

Starting Planets

Bastion, Morishim, Pakrik Minor, Pesitiin, Orinda, Tangrene, Ord Trasi, Kalist VI, Gravlex Med, Hakassi, Muunilinst, Borosk, Yaga Minor, Anx Minor, Tsoss Beacon, Ketaris, Dubrillion

Bothawui, Kothlis, Druckenwell, Dolomar, Chardaan, Sluis Van, Denon, Thyferra, Mon Calamari, Coruscant, Bilbringi, Gyndine, Commenor, Belsavis, Corellia, Duro, Pantolomin, Wayland, Chandrila, Yavin IV, Champala, Levian Two, Corellia, Phindar, Adumar, Garos IV, Exocron, Balmorra, Abregado-Rae, Kashyyyk, New Cov

Nirauan, Syca, Kariek, Sarvchi, Rhigar, Amrac, Oristrom, Crustai, Quethold, Riette

Available Heroes

Gilad Pellaeon, Grodin Tierce, Drend Navett, Brakiss, Meizh Vermel, Natasi Daala, Maarek Stele

Ponc Gavrisom, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Tycho Celchu, Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Cilghal, Uwlla Iillor, Wedge Antilles, Kyle Katarn, Garm Bel Iblis, Talon Karrde

Aurek Seven, Hand of Judgement, Soontir Fel, Ashik, Siath, Dagon Niriz, Voss Parck, Stent, Chak Fel, Thrawn Clone

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Multi-Era GCs

The Art of War


Date: 6-25 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Empire of the Hand, Pentastar Alignment

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords

Planets: 91

Era: 1-5

Imperial Leader: Isard, Thrawn, Palpatine, Daala, Pellaeon

Play through Star Wars history from the battle of Endor until the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty.

Starting Planets

Corellia, Carida, Bilbringi, Kuat, Metellos, Thyferra, Coruscant, Myrkr, Rodia, Honoghr, Obroa-Skai, Poderis, The Maw, Jomark, Cejansij, Gyndine, Pantolomin, Garos IV, Druckenwell, Talfaglio, Chandrila, Wayland, Corulag, Pakrik Minor, Bimmisaari, Kessel, Pesitiin, Balmorra

Bothawui, Yavin IV, Nespis VIII, Noquivzor, Yag’Dhul, Ithor, Abregado-Rae, Chrondre, Ord Pardron, Levian Two, Talasea, Phindar, Woostri, Kothlis, Duro, Nkllon, Commenor, Chardaan, Sluis Van, Fondor, Mon Calamari, Kashyyyk, Filve, Qat Chrystac, Rishi, New Cov, Farrfin, Ukio, Khomm, Denon

Nirauan, Syca, Oristrom, Quethold, Rhigar, Amrac, Crustai, Riette

Bastion, Muunilinst, Jaemus, Morishim, Dubrillion, Gravlex Med, Orinda, Sernpidal, Borosk, Ord Trasi, Morishim, Sernpidal

Dathomir, Selaggis, Tangrene, Kauron, Telos, Bonadan, Ession, Etti IV

Available heroes

Ysanne Isard, Erisi Dlarit, Blitzer Harrsk, Delak Krennel, Ait Convarion, Malcor Brashin, Thrawn, Turr Phennir, Freja Covell, Brandei, Dorja, Joruus C’baoth, Niles Ferrier, Palpatine, Sedriss QL, Maximilian Veers, Gilad Pellaeon, Ardus Kaine, Sander Delvardus, Treuten Teradoc, Natasi Daala, Cronus, Brakiss, Vilim Disra, Grodin Tierce, Meizh Vermel, Drend Navett, Maarek Stele

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Uwlla Iillor, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Airen Cracken, Kyle Katarn, Tycho Celchu, Garm Bel Iblis, Mara Jade, Booster Terrick, Talon Karrde, Wedge Antilles, Cilghal, Ponc Gavrisom

Thrawn, Soontir Fel, Ar’alani, Dagon Niriz, Voss Parck, Stent, Hand of Judgement, Siath, Chak Fel, Ashik, Aurek Seven, Thrawn Clone

Ardus Kaine, Octavian Grant, Jerec, Gregor Raquoran

Zsinj, Apwar Trigit, Gethzerion

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Essence of War


Date: 6-25 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Empire of the Hand, Pentastar Alignment

Non-Playable Factions: Hapes Consortium, Imperial Warlords

Planets: 50

Era: 1-5

Imperial Leader: Isard, Thrawn, Palpatine, Daala, Pellaeon

Play through a smaller version of Star Wars history from the battle of Endor until the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty.

Starting Planets

Corellia, Corulag, Bilbringi, Carida, Kuat, Thyferra, Coruscant, Honoghr, Obroa-Skai, Byss, Ord Mantell, The Maw

Kashyyyk, Mon Calamari, Fondor, Kothlis, Duro, Commenor, Ithor, Noquivzor, Nespis VIII, Yavin IV, Bothawui

Nirauan, Syca, Kariek, Sarvchi, Rhigar, Amrac, Oristrom, Crustai, Quethold, Riette

Bastion, Muunilinst, Yaga Minor, Jaemus, Morishim, Dubrillion, Gravlex Med, Anx Minor, Borosk

Hapes, Charubah, Terephon, Transitory Mists x3

Dathomir, Selaggis, Tangrene

Available heroes

Ysanne Isard, Erisi Dlarit, Blitzer Harrsk, Delak Krennel, Ait Convarion, Malcor Brashin, Thrawn, Turr Phennir, Freja Covell, Brandei, Dorja, Joruus C’baoth, Niles Ferrier, Palpatine, Sedriss QL, Maximilian Veers, Gilad Pellaeon, Ardus Kaine, Sander Delvardus, Treuten Teradoc, Natasi Daala, Cronus, Brakiss, Vilim Disra, Grodin Tierce, Meizh Vermel, Drend Navett, Maarek Stele

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Uwlla Iillor, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Airen Cracken, Kyle Katarn, Tycho Celchu, Garm Bel Iblis, Mara Jade, Booster Terrick, Talon Karrde, Wedge Antilles, Cilghal, Ponc Gavrisom

Thrawn, Soontir Fel, Ar’alani, Dagon Niriz, Voss Parck, Stent, Hand of Judgement, Siath, Chak Fel, Ashik, Aurek Seven, Thrawn Clone

Ardus Kaine, Octavian Grant, Jerec, Gregor Raquoran


Zsinj, Apwar Trigit, Gethzerion

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Historic GCs

The Stars Align


Date: 6 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Pentastar Alignment

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords

Planets: 39

Era: 1

Imperial Leader: Director Ysanne Isard

Ardus Kaine, Grand Moff of the Empire’s Oversector Outer, has begun work to assemble several Outer Rim worlds of the former Empire into the Pentastar Alignment under his control. Meanwhile, the Empire is fracturing and the New Republic is struggling to maintain its foothold at the opposite end of the galaxy.

Starting Planets

Corellia, Carida, Bilbringi, Kuat, Thyferra, Coruscant, Ciutric IV, Ord Mantell, Corulag, Denon, Duro, Garos IV

Mon Calamari, Kothlis, Kashyyyk, Chardaan, Bothawui, Qat Chrystac, Endor, Sullust

Bastion, Muunilinst, Jaemus, Dantooine, Morishim, Dubrillion, Anx Minor

Dathomir, Hakassi, Kalist VI, Odik II, Yag’Dhul, Thanos, Gravan Seven, Belsmuth II, Selaggis, Comkin V, Tsoss Beacon, Bimmisaari

Available Heroes

Ysanne Isard, Erisi Dlarit, Blitzer Harrsk, Delak Krennel, Ait Convarion, Apwar Trigit, Malcor Brashin

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Uwlla Iillor, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Airen Cracken, Kyle Katarn

Ardus Kaine, Octavian Grant, Jerec, Gregor Raquoran

Zsinj, Gethzerion, Sander Delvardus, Blitzer Harrsk, Treuten Teradoc

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

The Hunt for Zsinj


Date: 6-7 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant (Warlord Zsinj), New Republic (including elements of the Imperial Remnant and Hapes Consortium)

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords

Planets: 42

Era: N/A

Imperial Leader: Warlord Zsinj

Han Solo has been put in charge of a taskforce to hunt down the elusive Warlord Zsinj on the Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist. The New Republic has made an uneasy alliance with the Imperial forces under Teren Rogriss and the Hapans

under Prince Isolder.

Starting Planets

Dathomir, Telos IV, Garos IV, Bonadan, Etti IV, Phindar, Gravan Seven, Bonadan, Ession, Tangrene, Mrisst, Selaggis, Yavin IV, Comkin V, Belsmuth II

Hapes, Charubah, Terephon, Transitory Mists x3, Coruscant, Carida, Talasea, Kashyyyk, New Alderaan, The Graveyard, Noquivzor, Levian Two, Commenor, Fondor, Mon Calamari, Borleias

Bimmisaari, Porus Vida, Jomark, Kessel, Thanos, Cejansij, Kuat, Hakassi, Onderon

Available heroes

Zsinj, Apwar Trigit, Gethzerion, Melvar

Luke Skywalker, Isolder, Teren Rogriss, Han Solo

Sander Delvardus

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Into the Cluster


Date: 8 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant (Warlord Zsinj), New Republic (including elements of the Imperial Remnant)

Non-Playable Factions: Hapes Consortium

Planets: 18

Era: N/A

Imperial Leader: Warlord Zsinj

A smaller version of The Hunt for Zsinj with the Hapes Consortium included as an independent third side instead of the Imperial Warlords.

Starting Planets

Dathomir, Selaggis, Comkin V, Phindar, Gravan Seven, Belsmuth II

Kuat, Levian Two, Kashyyyk, Brentaal IV, Commenor, New Alderaan

Hapes, Charubah, Terephon, Transitory Mists x3

Available Heroes

Zsinj, Apwar Trigit, Gethzerion, Melvar

Luke Skywalker, Teren Rogriss, Han Solo


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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Black Fleet Crisis


Date: 16-17 ABY

Playable Factions: New Republic, Duskhan League

Non-Playable Factions: None

Planets: 12

Era: N/A

Imperial Leader: N/A

The warlike Yevethans have invaded the New Republic’s territory, using Imperial technology from the long-lost Black Sword Command.

Starting Planets

Bilbringi, Coruscant, Mrisst, Noquivzor, Galantos, Borleias, Pantolomin

N’zoth, Polneye, J’t’p’tan, Doornik-319, ILC-905

Available Heroes

Leia Organa Solo, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker, Etahn A’baht, Uwlla Iillor, Kyle Katarn, Garm Bel Iblis

Nil Spaar, Dar Bille

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Infinities GCs

Empires at War


Date: 7 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Empire of the Hand, Pentastar Alignment

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords, Duskhan League

Planets: 57

Era: N/A

Imperial Leader: Director Ysanne Isard

An all-out brawl between the splinters factions of the Empire, the Empire of the Hand, and the Yevetha.

Starting Planets

Garos IV, Pesitiin, Chandrila, Myrkr, Carida, Garqi, Borleias, Pakrik Minor, Wayland, Corulag, Metellos, Obroa-Skai, Ciutric IV, Kuat, Coruscant, Ord Mantell, Poderis, Bilbringi

Nirauan, Syca, Kariek, Sarvchi, Rhigar, Amrac, Quethold, Crustai, Oristrom, Riette

Bastion, Muunilinst, Yaga Minor, Morishim, Gravlex Med, Ord Trasi, Borosk, Orinda, Anx Minor, Dubrillion

N’zoth, J’t’p’tan, Doornik-319, Z’fell, Polneye, ILC-905

Gravan Seven, Mrisst, Selaggis, Dathomir, Telos IV, Tangrene, Yavin IV, Ilum, Bonadan, Ession, Etti IV

Available Heroes

Ysanne Isard, Erisi Dlarit, Blitzer Harrsk, Delak Krennel, Ait Convarion, Apwar Trigit, Malcor Brashin,

Thrawn, Soontir Fel, Ar’alani, Dagon Niriz, Voss Parck, Stent, Hand of Judgement

Ardus Kaine, Octavian Grant, Jerec, Gregor Raquoran

Nil Spaar, Dar Bille

Zsinj, Gethzerion, Melvar

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

From the Ground Up


Date: N/A

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic, Empire of the Hand

Non-Playable Factions: Imperial Warlords, Hapes Consortium, Duskhan League

Planets: 50

Era: 5 (New Republic, Empire of the Hand), 3 (Imperial Remnant)

Imperial Leader: N/A

Grow your faction from one planet to control the entire galaxy.

Starting Planets




Available Heroes

No heroes are available in this GC.

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Multiplayer GCs

Thrawn Campaign


Date: 9 ABY

Playable Factions: Imperial Remnant, New Republic

Non-Playable Factions: None

Planets: 37

Era: 2

Imperial Leader: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn has returned to the known galaxy to take command of the Imperial Remnant from aboard the Star Destroyer Chimera. Although he is leading a greatly diminished Empire against a well-established New Republic, his tactical genius may be enough to restore order to the galaxy.

Starting Planets

Bastion, Eriadu, Carida, Muunilinst, Bilbringi, Yaga Minor, Honoghr, Wistril, Garqi, Jomark, Corulag, Gravlex Med, Borosk

Bothawui, Ukio, Abregado Rae, Sluis Van, Kuat, Mon Calamari, Coruscant, Kashyyyk, Endor, Filve, Nkllon, Commenor, Pantolomin, Mrisst, Woostri, Farrfin

Available Heroes

Thrawn, Freja Covell, Joruus C’baoth, Turr Phennir

Mon Mothma, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Gial Ackbar, Luke Skywalker

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Galactic Mode



Light Frigate Shipyard

Class: Structure Cost: 600$ Length: 1000m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: None Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons This small shipyard is readily available on planets anywhere in the galaxy, but is limited to producing only the smallest classes of ships.

Hint: This shipyard can build Light Frigates and Starfighters.

Heavy Frigate Shipyard

Class: Structure Cost: 1200$ Length: 1300m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: None Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons, Light Frigates This larger shipyard can be built on a small number of planets across the galaxy. Its production facilities have been expanded to accommodate larger ships. While one should leave a fair fleet to

protect this shipyard, if met with overwhelming force it can be advantageous to sacrifice it and retreat. Hint: This shipyard can build Heavy Frigates in addition to Light Frigates and Starfighters.

Capital Shipyard

Class: Structure Cost: 2400$ Length: 2600m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: None Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons, Light Frigates, Heavy Frigates This enormous shipyard can only be built on a handful of planets across the entire galaxy. Capable of building anything up to and including the massive Executor-class Star Dreadnaught, this shipyard is

an incredibly valuable resource that should be defended at all cost. Hint: This shipyard can build Super Capital and Capital ships in addition to Heavy Frigates, Light Frigates and Starfighters.

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Several planets across the galaxy are home to renowned starship manufacturers. If you control the home planet of one of these corporations you may be able to build a relationship with their headquarters (10000$) and gain significant production bonuses on their products.

Kuat Drive Yards (IR)

History: Now regarded as the largest military starship manufacturer in the galaxy, Kuat Drive Yards first gained prominence during the

Clone Wars as the Old Republic’s primary starship contractor, a role it has retained under the Empire. Hint: Provides a 30% reduction to the production time and cost of the following products built on Kuat: Acclamator II-class Assault Ship, Escort Carrier, Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, Interdictor-class Star Destroyer, Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser, Sovereign-class Dreadnought, Tector-class Star Destroyer, All Terrain Armoured Transport, All Terrain Personal Transport, All Terrain Scout Transport, Self-Propelled Medium Artillery

Mon Calamari Shipyards (NR)

History: One of the oldest and best starship manufacturers in the galaxy, Mon Calamari Shipyards utilise both orbital and underwater

production facilities to build their uniquely beautiful cruiser liners and highly advanced and powerful warships. Hint: Provides a 30% reduction to the production time and cost of the following products built on Mon Calamari: MC40a Light Cruiser, MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser, MC80B Star Cruiser, MC90 Star Cruiser, Viscount-class Star Defender

Sienar Fleet Systems (PA)

History: Founded on Corulag by the wealthy Sienar family during the early days of the Old Republic, Sienar Fleet Systems is now one of

the Empire’s primary military suppliers, including the entire TIE series, manufactured from various subsidiaries located throughout the galaxy. Hint: Provides a 30% reduction to the production time and cost of the following products built on Jaemus: Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser, Gat-12 Skipray Blastboat, Immobilizer 418 Cruiser, IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser, Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser, TIE Crawler

Sycan Fleet Systems (EotH)

History: With Emperor Palpatine dead at the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn turned to his industrious allies on Syca to produce

warships designed specifically for the dangerous unknown regions patrolled by his secretive shadow Empire. Hint: Provides a 30% reduction to the production time and cost of the following products built on Syca: Decimator-class Cruiser, Kariek-class Cruiser, Phalanx-class Destroyer, Syca-class Bomber, Syndic-class Destroyer, Warlord-class Gunboat.

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Infantry Barracks

Class: Structure Cost: 500$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Complement: Infantry A prefabricated training facility and barracks for infantry units that can be quickly and easily set up on almost any planet. One of the most common manufacturers of this type of facility was Delvin Constructs.

Hint: Visual appearance depends on faction.

Light Vehicle Factory

Class: Structure Cost: 500$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Complement: Light Vehicles Prefabricated factories designed to be installed on military bases for the manufacture and maintenance of a wide range of vehicles. One of the most common manufacturers of this type of facility was Delvin Constructs.

Hint: Visual appearance depends on faction.

Heavy Vehicle Factory

Class: Structure Cost: 1000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Complement: Heavy Vehicles Prefabricated factories designed to be installed on military bases for the manufacture and maintenance of large vehicles that would otherwise have to be shipped in from other planets. One of the most common manufacturers of this type of facility was Delvin Constructs.

Hint: Visual appearance depends on faction. Requires a Light Vehicle Factory (except EotH).

Advanced Vehicle Factory (IR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 1500$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Complement: Advanced Vehicles One of the largest prefabricated facilities provided by Delvin Constructs, the A-Fac-333 was designed to accommodate the especially large and maintenance-heavy vehicles frequently employed by the Empire.

Hint: Requires a Heavy Vehicle Factory.

Infiltrator Academy (NR)

Class: Structure Cost: 1000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Complement: Infantry A prefabricated facility designed by Delvin Constructs for the training of military units in remote locations. Used by the Rebel Alliance and New Republic to train Special Forces units. Hint: Requires an Infantry Barracks.

Prison (IR)

Class: Structure Cost: 400$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 A highly authoritarian state, the Empire imprisoned and enslaved its citizens as a matter of course, both as a punishment and a means of deterrent to others. These prisons included such notable examples as the Spice Mines of Kessel and Director Ysanne Isard’s legendary Lusankya facility. Hint: The imprisoned natives are used as a source of slave labour by the Empire and reduce unit

production times by 10% while also removing civilian forces from potential battle zones. Hint: Limit of one per planet.

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Beyond a small garrison of assigned units your Shipyards are completely unarmed; this means it is necessary to protect them with additional forces. While this can be done exclusively with fleet units you may find it advantageous to construct fixed defence assets on or above your planets. This will give you enhanced defensive capability and free up your fleet for other duties. (Note: Not all fixed defence assets are available to each faction)

Golan I Space Defence SpaceGun (IR, NR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 2000$ Length: 1231m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 80/8 Turbolaser, 10/2 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) First built during the waning years of the Old Republic, the first in the Golan Arms series of space defence platforms was primarily designed to defend small planetary outposts and space facilities

such as shipyards. Although succeeded by newer models, the Golan I remained in use by many governments and independent factions across the galaxy. Hint: Limit of two per planet.

Golan II Space Defence SpaceGun (IR, NR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 3500$ Length: 2158m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 120/12 Turbolaser, 20/4 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Designed when Golan Arms’ first defence platform was judged to be insufficiently powerful to counter the larger ships entering widespread use, the Golan II was considerably larger than its

predecessor. Although based on the same general principles, the Golan II’s hull incorporated a unique crossbeam structure to improve structural integrity along with enhanced power and shield generators. Used to defend more valuable targets, the Golan II was often deployed by the Empire to defend its network of shipyards. Hint: Limit of two per planet.

Golan III Space Defence NovaGun (IR, NR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 5000$ Length: 2600m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 160/16 Turbolaser, 40/8 Proton Torpedo Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (2 Max) Built to supersede the already impressive Golan II, the Golan III was larger, and arguably more powerful than, an Imperial Star Destroyer. The level of defence provided by such a large and well

armoured platform, along with the cost, meant the Golan III was most often only assigned to the most valuable, or richest, locations in the galaxy, including the galactic capital Coruscant and the banking world of Muunilinst. Hint: Limit of two per planet.

Brask-class Tactical Defence Station (EotH)

Class: Structure Cost: 3000$ Length: 800m Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: 20/4 Megamaser Complement: Fighter Squadrons, Bomber Squadrons (24 Max) Since its formation the Empire of the Hand has gained much of its territory through liberating worlds from the control of petty Warlords in the Unknown Regions. As a result many of its outlying planets

became prey to pirate groups and species hoping to warn the Hand away from their own territory. Called “Hives” by Hand pilots, the lightly armed Brask station was designed to combat these raiding forces with the large garrison of starfighters housed in its extensive hangars. Hint: Limit of two per planet.

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Visvia-class Station (EotH)

Class: Structure Cost: TBA$ Length: TBA Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Armament: TBA Complement: TBA With a striking resemblance to the Golan Arms’ Golan II Space Defence SpaceGun, the Visvia was yet another example of the breadth of technology and information sharing between the Empire and the

Empire of the Hand. Adopting the unique crossbeam structure developed by Golan Arms coupled with the heavy armour common to all Hand designs, the Visvia was built to withstand the significant firepower available to the many unfriendly forces scattered throughout the Unknown Regions. Hint: Limit of two per planet. Note: This structure is scheduled to be added in a future patch.


Planetary Ion Cannon (NR)

Class: Structure Cost: 2000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Originally conceived by an employee of CoMar Combat Systems prior to the Clone Wars, the design was rejected as “militarily useless and an engineering impossibility”. That assessment was proved wrong after Kuat Drive Yards acquired the designs and proceeded to sell the installation as an effective defence against orbital targets. As a stationary emplacement the v-150 Planet Defender,

firing massive bursts of ionised plasma, had a limited firing vector which was only slightly alleviated by a rotating base. Hint: Limit of one per planet.

Hypervelocity Gun (IR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 3000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Manufactured by Taim & Bak in collaboration with the Imperial Department of Military Research, the HVs-2 Hypervelocity Gun was a fixed planetary defence weapon used against orbiting targets. Firing bursts of super-accelerated solid slugs at a rate of up to 120 slugs per minute, the gun’s projectiles were able to quickly overload a ship’s shield before rupturing the main hull.

Hint: Limit of two per planet. Multiple installations provide a faster rate of recharge as each weapon cycles.

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Shield Generator

Class: Structure Cost: 2000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Manufactured by CoMar Combat Systems, a Corporate Sector weapons contractor with no compunction about selling their products to anyone with credits, the SLD-14 Shield Generator was one of the most widely deployed base shields in the galaxy. Projecting an energy shield capable of absorbing energy blasts, the shield did not obstruct the passage of solid objects such as infantry,

vehicles, or indeed, missiles; although later modifications did allow for protection against the latter. Hint: This is powered from a separately sited power generator. If the generator is destroyed the Shield Generator will cease to function. Limit of one per planet.

Turbolaser Tower Network

Class: Structure Cost: 4000$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Built by Taim & Bak, the XX-10 Turbolaser Tower was a planetary surface variant of the XX-9 Heavy Turbolaser designed for the first Death Star. Like the station-mounted model, the powerful XX-10 had a slow recharge rate and was highly inaccurate against small, quickly moving targets such as infantry.

Hint: This is powered from a separately sited power generator. If the generator is destroyed the Turbolaser Towers will cease to function. Network will comprise between 2 and 5 towers. Limit of one network per planet.


Each planet controlled by a faction provides a source of weekly income levied from the population, reflecting the wealth and resources available on the planet. To increase the level of income generated by a planet it is possible to build one of the economic structures displayed below.

Mining Facility (NR, EotH)

Class: Structure Cost: 500$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 One of the largest sources of income available to any government is from the exploitation of natural resources. There are innumerable minerals, metals and gases that, once mined or otherwise extracted, become valuable for both commercial and military purposes. Hint: Generates additional income proportional to the standard planetary income. If located on a

planet identified as a mining colony the additional income is increased by 50%.

Tax Agency (IR, PA)

Class: Structure Cost: 500$ Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Taxation of individuals and corporations, and levies against planetary governments, provided the Empire with the financial resources necessary to maintain the vast military force it held as essential to maintain order and stability in the galaxy. Hint: Generates additional income proportional to the standard planetary income. Limit of five per


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Bothan Spy Network

One of the most comprehensive and thorough intelligence outfits in the galaxy, the Bothan Spynet was developed as a means to collect information on potential political enemies to Bothan power and influence, including governments, individuals, and species. As an extension of the Bothan Way, the guiding philosophy of the Bothan species which stated that anything short of violence was a perfectly acceptable method of gaining power, the Spynet used trade, bribery, espionage and observation to obtain information from every corner of the galaxy.

In Galactic Conquest, whichever faction controls the planet Bothawui or Kothlis gains access to the Bothan Spynet. This provides the controlling faction with intelligence on enemy hyperspace movements in the vicinity of Bothawui as well as details of the structures, ground forces, space forces, and heroes located on planets within that zone. The map to the right indicates the extent of the Spynet’s sphere of influence (as centred on Bothawui and Kothlis).

Nirauan Archives

Whichever faction controls the planet Nirauan gains access to the extensive library archive collated by Thrawn during his time in the Unknown Regions. The archives include secret data taps into many different sources, including the central Imperial database and the major galactic institutions on Coruscant. The archives provide galaxy-wide information on political control, base development and number of fleets.

Hand of Thrawn Fortress (EotH)

Class: Structure Cost: N/A Length: N/A Pop: N/A Era: N/A Constructed from an incredibly dense black stone with a sponge-like ability to absorb laser energy, the Nirauan Fortress was discovered by Thrawn early in his mission to map the Unknown Regions for the Empire. Possibly related to a similar fortress on Hijarna, the Nirauan Fortress was believed to have been a final stronghold for an ancient alien civilization. Thrawn chose the fortress to serve as

headquarters for his new Empire of the Hand and installed a fully equipped command centre and library.

Probe Droids (IR)

A series of droids specifically designed and programmed to perform reconnaissance duties to gather information, particularly military information. These are often used by the Empire to spy on nearby systems and observe their enemies’ actions. The Viper probe droid collects information on planetary base development along with space and ground force compositions.

Stealth Heroes (NR, IR, EotH)

Some heroes are able to travel to enemy planets without triggering a battle. While there they are able to observe the enemy and provide you with varying levels of information. Stealth heroes include Airen Cracken, Han Solo/Chewbacca, Mara Jade, Drend Navett, and Ashik.

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Skirmish Mode Note: This game mode retains the Tech Level system from vanilla Empire at War. This means that a selection of units and heroes from all eras will be available for each faction.


Thrawn’s Revenge includes a range of custom Space and Ground skirmish maps. In order to experience all of the content you must play maps with names that start with the ThrRev_ prefix. These maps can be accessed by selecting the Custom Maps option on the skirmish setup screen.



Shipyards in Thrawn’s Revenge do not have any defensive armament of their own. To compensate for this you are provided with two Defence Platforms to protect your starting location and Shipyard. Once they have been destroyed they cannot be replaced.


In ground Skirmish you will have access to Turbolaser Turrets and Build Pads situated at strategic locations across the map. These may be both faction-specific and capturable.



You will receive a small but consistent level of income throughout the match. This income stream will increase as you upgrade your tech level. In addition, you are able to capture and activate Asteroid Mining Facilities (see right) which will provide you with additional sources of income.


You will receive a small but consistent level of income throughout the match. This income stream will increase as you upgrade your tech level. In addition you are able to capture and activate Resource Pads (see right) which will provide you with additional sources of income.

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A-9 Vigilance Interceptor (400$), I-7 Howlrunner (600$), Preybird-class Starfighter (800$), TIE/D Defender (850$), TIE/IN Interceptor (300$), TIE/LN Starfighter (300$), TIE/SA Bomber (550$), Acclamator II-class Cruiser (2350$), Carrack-class Light Cruiser (1000$), Escort Carrier (1500$), Lancer-class Frigate (800$), Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (2350$), Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser (2500$), Modular Taskforce Cruiser (4500$), Strike-class Medium Cruiser (4200$), Venator-class Star Destroyer (4000$), Victory-class Star Destroyer (4500$), Victory II-class Star Destroyer (4800$), Imperial-class Star Destroyer (5000$), Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (6900$), Tector-class Star Destroyer (6000$)

B-Wing Starfighter (800$), BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter (550$), BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter (850$), E-Wing Escort Starfighter (500$), RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor (675$), T-65 X-Wing Starfighter (500$), CR90 Corellian Corvette (1850$), Corona-class Frigate (1200$), DP20 Corellian Gunship (2150$), Marauder-class Corvette (3200$), Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser (1200$), Sacheen-class Light Escort (1850$), Assault Frigate (2800$), Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser (2500$), MC40a Light Cruiser (1300$), Endurance-class Fleet Carrier (7500$), Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser (5500$), MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser (4500$), MC80B Star Cruiser (4500$), MC90 Star Cruiser (5500$), Nebula-class Star Destroyer (6000$)

Furion-class Assault Bomber (500$), Krsiss-class Interceptor (500$), Nssis-class Clawcraft (300$), Scarsiss-class Clawcraft (600$), Syca-class Bomber (500$), Asdroni-class Frigate (2000$), Au’riette-class Fleet Carrier (2500$), Decimator-class Cruiser (2000$), Massias Interdictor (2350$), Vigilance Gunship (2150$), Warlord-class Gunboat (2000$), Chaf-class Destroyer (4000$), Kariek-class Cruiser (1200$), Nuruodo-class Broadside Frigate (2000$), Ascendancy-class Star Destroyer (6000$), Phalanx-class Destroyer (6000$), Syndic-class Destroyer (5000$)

GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat (400$), TIE/H Hunter (500$), Acclamator II-class Assault Frigate (2350$), Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser (2550$), Imperial Escort Carrier (1000$), IPV-1 System Patrol Craft (750$), Munificent-class Star Frigate (2000$), Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser (2350$), Venator-class Star Destroyer (4000$), Victory-class Star Destroyer (4800$), Victory II-class Star Destroyer (4800$), Imperial-class Star Destroyer (5000$), Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (6900$), Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser (8000$)

You can also purchase unique Minor Faction units from the capturable Merchant Space Dock.

Aramadia-class Thrustship (1850$), Hapan Battle Dragon (2000$), Nova-class Battle Cruiser (1500$), Star Home (3000$)


E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster (800$), Scout Trooper (650$), Shock Trooper (450$), Specialist (500$), Stormtrooper (300$), All Terrain Personal Transport (1200$), All Terrain Scout Transport (900$), QH-7 Chariot Light Assault Vehicle (800$), TIE Mauler (1000$), 2-M Saber-class Repulsor Tank (1200$), Century Tank (1000$), Imperial Dropship Transport (2000$), Self Propelled Medium Artillery (1100$), XR-85 Tank Droid (1000$), A5 Juggernaut (1350$), All Terrain Anti-Aircraft (675$), All Terrain Armoured Transport (1600$)

Infiltrator (500$), Jedi (520$), Specialist (500$), Trooper (320$), Vanguard (450$), AAC-1 Hover Tank (1100$), Armoured Freerunner (1300$), T1-B Hovertank (1100$), T2-B Repulsor Tank (1100$), T47 Airspeeder (1000$), Heavy Tracker (1500$), HTT-26 Heavy Troop Transport (1200$), Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher 2A (1100$), T3-B Heavy Attack Tank (1200$), T4-B Heavy Tank (1400$)

Phalanx Commando (350$), Phalanx Trooper (350$), Flame Tank (900$), Kirov Tank (1100$), Rapid Fire Tank (1000$), Rocket Scout (400$), Mortar Tracked Armoured Tank (1200$), AirStraeker (1000$), Gilzean Rail Gun Tank (2000$), Megamaser Tank (2500$)

Dark Jedi (520$), Pentastar Enforcers (300$), Storm Commando (500$), All Terrain Personal Transport (600$), Bantha-II Cargo Skiff (700$), IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tank (1000$), Infantry Support Platform (600$), All Terrain Attack Pod (1000$), Century Tank (1000$), Low Altitude Aerial Transport (1800$), TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank (1800$), A9 Floating Fortress (1500$), All Terrain Anti Aircraft (675$), All Terrain Armoured Transport (1600$)

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All available heroes can be purchased from your highest level Defence Platform.

Gilad Pellaeon (8000$), Niles Ferrier (2150$), Cronus (4500$), Thrawn (6500$), Turr Phennir (3000$), Soontir Fel (3200$)

Talon Karrde (800$), Luke Skywalker (2300$), Tycho Celchu (1500$), Garm Bel Iblis (2500$), Gial Ackbar (5400$), Han Solo/Chewbacca (1800$)

Thrawn (6500$), Dagon Niriz (5500$), Voss Parck (5500$), Stent (5500$), Siath (8000$), Soontir Fel (3000$), Ashik (900$)

The Pentastar Alignment has no heroes available for space skirmish.


All available heroes can be purchased from your Command Centre.

Freja Covell (10000$), Palpatine (6000$), Joruus C’baoth (4000$), Sedriss QL (4000$)

Han Solo/Chewbacca (1800$), Cilghal (2000$), Luke Skywalker (2300$), Lando Calrissian (1200$)

Thrawn (1700$), Ashik (1200$), Hand of Judgement (6000$), Aurek Seven (2000$)

Jerec (3500$)



Space tech upgrades and planetary support such as turbolaser and ion cannon bolts can be purchased from your highest level Defence Platform.


Ground tech upgrades can be purchased in the same way and from the same sources as vanilla Empire at War.

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Can accommodate a Light Frigate Shipyard

Can accommodate a Heavy Frigate Shipyard

Can accommodate a Capital Shipyard

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Galaxy Map

You can download a larger version of the map on the previous page from our website (

Native Forces

Many of the planets in the galaxy are inhabited by species that are willing and able to fight for the faction they believe in. In the following planet table native force affiliation is highlighted by faction initials.


Hailing from Bothawui and several colony worlds, Bothans were furry mammalian anthropoids best known as master politicians and spies. A member of the Galactic Republic for

over four millennia, the Bothans maintained a position of official neutrality throughout numerous conflicts while their famed intelligence network sold their services to all sides.


A humanoid species native to the planet Duro, the reptilian Duros were amongst the galaxy’s oldest space-faring civilizations and one of the founding members of the

Galactic Republic. Known for their astrogation skills, most of Duro’s population lived in orbital space cities to escape the by-product of centuries of industry and manufacturing – an atmosphere full of dangerously hazardous pollution.


A species of diminutive furry bipeds native to the forest moon of Endor, Ewoks were still at a stone-age level of technological development when the Empire started construction of

its Second Death Star above the planet. Highly curious and quick learners when exposed to advanced technology, the Ewok tribes played a crucial role in supporting the Rebel Alliance attack on the Death Star.


The most numerous and politically dominant species in the galaxy, Humans could be found anywhere and engaged in any pursuit, and were often used as the standard to

which other species were compared. Although believed to have originated on Coruscant the species had long since spread to millions of colonies across the galaxy.


Although classified as a gastropod species, Hutt physiology was known to include traits from a wide range of vastly different species. Widely regarded as a species of crime lords,

and able to live for up to a thousand years, their original home planet, Varl, was said to have been destroyed in a devastating cataclysm, after which they adopted and renamed Nal Hutta as their new home.

Mon Calamari

A species of amphibious humanoids, fish-like in appearance, the Mon Calamari had developed a highly advanced and creative culture, especially in the areas of art, music,

literature and science. Known for their love of space and exploration, the Mon Calamari were also regarded amongst the most skilled starship designers in the galaxy with their unique and highly efficient technologies.


Steel grey skinned with exceptionally fast reflexes, the humanoid Noghri were primitive yet highly effective predators skilled in all types of combat and with an unparalleled

instinct for stealth. Their home world was severely poisoned during the Clone Wars when a Separatist bio weapon was accidentally discharged in battle above the planet.


Native to Kashyyyk, the self-titled People of the Trees, were a long-lived and highly intelligent species that had long since mastered the use of advanced technologies and

developed exceptional skill in mechanical repair. Often short tempered, and possessing great strength, Wookiees were known to be fierce but highly honourable warriors.

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Planet Table

B: Light Frigate Shipyard. BB: Heavy Frigate Shipyard. BBB: Capital Shipyard. $: Ground Structure Slot

F: Production Bonus. S: Intelligence Bonus. É: Income Bonus.

Planet Pop Cap

Capture Bonus $

Income $

Shipyard Level

Ground Slots

Native Forces Abilities/ Notes

Abregado-Rae 36 1500 70 B $$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Adumar 30 1600 85 B $$ Human (IR) -

Amrac 27 2300 85 BB $$$$$ - -

Anx Minor 30 1800 55 B $$$$ - -

Bakura 30 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

Balmorra 30 1100 35 B $$$$$ Human (NR) -

Bastion 45 2400 130 BB $$$$$ - -

Belsavis 6 800 35 B $$$$ - -

Belsmuth II 24 1200 40 B $$$$ - -

Bespin 15 1500 130 B $$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Bilbringi 39 500 160 BBB $$ - É: Mining Colony

Bimmisaari 24 1600 30 B $$$$ Human (NR) -

Black Bantha Nebula

- 1300 - B - - -

Bonadan 45 1900 135 B $$$$$$$ Human (IR) É: Mining Colony

Borleias 21 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Borosk 15 500 30 BB $$$$$ Human (NR) -

Bothawui 36 1900 50 BB $$$$$ Bothan (NR) S: Bothan Spynet

Bpfassh 15 500 30 B $$ - -

Brentaal IV 45 2400 160 B $$$$$$$$ - -

Byss 39 2300 30 BBB $$$$$$$$ Human (IR) -

Carida 39 1900 40 BB $$$$$$$ Human (IR) -

Cejansij 27 2300 85 B $$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Champala 21 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Chandrila 21 1600 90 B $$$$ Human (IR) -

Chardaan 27 1800 75 BB $$$ Human (IR) -

Charubah 27 2300 85 B $$$$$$$ - -

Chorax 21 2300 85 B $$$$$$$ - -

Chrondre 12 1000 115 B $$$$ - -

Ciutric IV 24 1900 50 B $$$$$ - -

Comkin V 30 1000 50 B $$$ - -

Commenor 24 2300 85 B $$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Corellia 42 2000 105 BB $$$$$$$ - -

Corulag 33 2300 35 BB $$$$$$ Human (IR) -

Coruscant 60 2400 160 BB $$$$$$$$ Human (IR) -

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Planet Pop Cap

Capture Bonus $

Income $

Shipyard Level

Ground Slots

Native Forces Abilities/ Notes

Crustai 24 2300 85 B $$$$$ - -

Da Soocha V 9 2400 125 B $$$$$$$$ - -

Dagobah 3 500 30 B $$ - -

Dantooine 10 1100 35 B $$$ Human (NR) -

Dathomir 21 2300 85 BBB $$$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Denon 51 2400 160 BB $$$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Dolomar 15 2300 85 B $$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Doornik-319 30 1000 80 B $$$ - -

Druckenwell 30 1500 70 B $$$ Human (NR) -

Dubrillion 24 1000 45 B $$ - É: Mining Colony

Duro 24 2000 105 BB $$$$$$$ Duros (NR) -

Endor 9 1800 35 B $$$$ Ewok (NR) -

Eriadu 15 500 30 B $$ Human (NR) -

Ession 33 1600 85 B $$ - -

Etti IV 39 1500 130 BB $$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Exocron 15 500 30 B $$ Human (NR) -

Farrfin 21 1600 75 B $$$ - -

Filve 24 900 35 B $$$$$$ - -

Fondor 45 1800 90 BBB $$$$$$$ Human (NR) -

Galantos 6 500 15 B $$ - -

Garos IV 36 1100 75 B $$$$ Human (IR) -

Garqi 25 1100 75 B $$$$ - -

Generis 15 2300 120 B $$$$$$ - -

Gravan Seven 6 500 15 B $$ - -

The Graveyard - 600 75 B - - -

Gravlex Med 15 2300 85 B $$$$$ - -

Gyndine 45 2400 90 BB $$$$$ Human (NR) -

Hakassi 33 2300 55 BB $$$$$$ - -

Hapes 30 2300 85 BB $$$$$$$ - -

Helska IV 6 100 20 B $$ - -

Honoghr 12 2300 85 B $$$$$ Noghri (IR) -

ILC905 - 1500 20 BB - - -

Ilum 6 800 35 B $$$$ - -

Ithor 21 1600 50 B $$$$ - -

Jaemus 35 1800 75 BBB $$$ Human (IR) F: Sienar Fleet Systems

Jomark 21 1500 70 B $$$$$$$ - -

J’t’p’tan 24 800 30 B $$$ - -

Kalist VI 8 2000 105 BB $$$$$$$ - -

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Planet Pop Cap

Capture Bonus $

Income $

Shipyard Level

Ground Slots

Native Forces Abilities/ Notes

Kariek 24 1700 60 B $$$$ - -

Kashyyyk 24 1600 30 B $$$$ Wookiee (NR) -

Kauron 6 500 160 B $$ - -

Kessel 12 500 160 B $$ - É: Mining Colony

Ketaris 21 1600 75 B $$$ - -

Khomm 18 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

Kothlis 21 1900 50 B $$$$$ Bothan (NR) S: Bothan Spynet

Kuat 45 1800 75 BBB $$$ Human (IR) F: Kuat Drive Yards

Levian Two 3 900 35 BB $$$$$$ - -

Metellos 42 1000 45 B $$ Human (IR) -

Mon Calamari 42 1600 75 BBB $$$ Mon Calamari

(NR) F: Mon Cal Shipyards

Morishim 21 1100 30 B $$$$$ Human (IR) -

Mrisst 30 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

Muunilinst 33 2300 120 B $$$$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Myrkr 15 2300 85 B $$$$$ - -

Nal Hutta 27 2400 125 B $$$$$$$$ Hutt -

Nespis VIII 18 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

New Alderaan 21 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

New Cov 24 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Nirauan 39 2300 85 BB $$$$$ - S: Nirauan Archives

Nkllon 3 500 160 B $$ - É: Mining Colony

Noquivzor 15 1900 50 B $$$$$ Bothan (NR) -

N’zoth 45 900 35 BBB $$$$$$ - -

Obroa Skai 33 1900 40 BB $$$$$ - -

Odik II 33 1900 40 BB $$$$$ - -

Onderon 27 1600 30 B $$$$ Human (IR) -

Ord Mantell 18 2300 120 B $$$$$$ - -

Ord Pardron 24 1900 50 B $$$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Ord Trasi 39 1900 50 BBB $$$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Orinda 18 2300 85 B $$$$$ - -

Oristrom 21 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Ossus 15 1100 35 B $$$$$ - -

Pakrik Minor 30 2300 85 B $$$$ - -

Pantolomin 15 1000 45 B $$ - -

Pesitiin - 1500 130 B - - -

Phindar 24 800 30 B $$$ - -

Poderis 6 1900 40 B $$$$$$$ - -

Polneye 3 900 35 BB $$$$$$ - -

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Planet Pop Cap

Capture Bonus $

Income $

Shipyard Level

Ground Slots

Native Forces Abilities/ Notes

Porus Vida 15 1100 35 B $$$$$ Human (NR) -

Qat Chrystac 3 500 160 B $$ - -

Quethold 30 1300 85 BB $$$$$$$ - -

Rhigar 12 2300 85 BB $$$$ - -

Riette 24 1600 75 B $$$$$ - -

Rishi 24 1000 45 B $$ - É: Mining Colony

Rodia 20 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Sarvchi 21 2300 85 B $$$$$ - -

Selaggis - 1500 130 B - - -

Sernpidal 5 900 10 B $$$ - -

Sluis Van 39 500 30 BBB $$ - -

Sullust 15 2100 90 BBB $$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Svivren 33 900 35 B $$$$$$ - -

Syca 42 2300 85 BBB $$$$$ - F: Sycan Fleet Systems

Talasea 9 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Talfaglio 33 1300 15 B $$ Human (IR) -

Tangrene 15 1600 30 B $$$$ - -

Telos IV 15 2400 160 B $$$$$$$$ - -

Terephon 27 500 30 B $$ - -

Thanos 39 1300 160 BBB $$$$$$ - -

The Maw 30 2300 85 BB - - -

Thyferra 39 1300 160 B $$$$ - -

Transitory Mists - 2300 85 BB - - -

Tsoss Beacon - 600 35 B - - -

Ukio 39 1000 45 B $$ - -

Wayland 21 2300 85 B $$$$$ - F: Cloning Facility

Wistril 24 1900 50 B $$$$$ Human (NR) -

Woostri 18 1600 75 B $$$ - -

Yaga Minor 39 1100 30 BBB $$$$$ Human (IR) -

Yag’Dhul 15 1100 90 B $$$ - É: Mining Colony

Yavin IV 15 1700 40 B $$$$$$ - -

Ylesia 24 1100 35 B $$$$$ - É: Mining Colony

Z’fell 21 2300 85 B $$$$$$$ - -

Note: All planets have the potential to site two space structures in addition to a main shipyard. Several more strategically important planets are able to support an increased number of space structures. These planets are: Bastion (4), Bilbringi (5), Byss (5), Coruscant (5), Dathomir (4), Fondor (5), Jaemus (5), Kuat (5), Mon Calamari (5), Nirauan (3), Sluis Van (4), Syca (5), The Maw (3), Yaga Minor (4). On your planets that can accommodate more than two space structures you will have to access the Mission Holocron to see the complete list of existing structures.

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Special Abilities

Hero Bonuses

Health, Damage, Shield, Defence and Speed apply to friendly units only.

Galactic Stealth: See Page 99. Galactic Spy: See Page 99. Fog of War: Increases line of sight for all friendly units.

Name Space Ground Galactic

Airen Cracken +15% Damage, +30% Fog of War +30% Fog of War 10% Production Price Discount,

Galactic Stealth, Galactic Spy

Apwar Trigit +10 Health, +10% Damage - -

Ar’alani +20% Health, +10% Damage, +10%

Shield, +10% Speed - -

Ardus Kaine +10% Health, +15% Damage - -

Ashik - - Galactic Stealth, Galactic Spy

Blitzer Harrsk +15% Health, +10% Damage - -

Cronus +25% Health, +25% Damage, +25%

Shield, +25% Defence - -

Dagon Niriz +5% Health, +10% Damage

Delak Krennel +10% Health, +10% Damage, +5%

Shield - -

Drend Navett - +30% Fog of War Galactic Stealth, Galactic Spy

Etahn A’baht +15 Health, +15% Damage, +10%

Shield, +10% Speed - -

Freja Covell - +25% Health, +25% Damage, +5%

Speed -

Garm Bel Iblis +25% Health, +20% Damage, +20% Shield, +15% Defence, +10% Speed

- -

Gethzerion - - Galactic Stealth

Gial Ackbar +25% Health, +10% Shield - 25% Production Price Discount

(Capital & Shipyards Only)

Gilad Pellaeon +15% Health, +15% Damage, +15% Shield, +15% Defence, +15% Speed

- -

Gregor Raquoran - - 25% Production Price Discount

Grodin Tierce +25% Health, +20% Damage, +20% Shield, +20% Defence, +10% Speed

25% Health, 25% Damage, +5% Defence, +5% Speed


Han Solo/Chewbacca +15% Health, +10% Speed (In Mon Remonda Only)

- Galactic Stealth, Galactic Spy

Joruus C’baoth +25% Health, +10% Damage, +25% Shield, +10% Defence, +10% Speed

+25% Health, +10% Damage, +25% Shield, +10% Defence, +10% Speed


Lando Calrissian - - +2% Planetary Income (+3% on Mining


Leia Organa Solo - - 20% Production Price Discount

Luke Skywalker +25% Damage - -

Mara Jade - - Galactic Stealth, Galactic Spy

Maximilian Veers - +25% Health 25% Production Price Discount (AT-AT,


Melvar - +15% Health, +15% Damage, +25%

Speed -

Mon Mothma +25% Health +25% Health 25% Production Price Discount

Natasi Daala +15% Damage - 10% Production Price Discount

((n Knight Hammer Only)

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Name Space Ground Galactic

Nil Spaar +15% Health, +10% Shield, +10% Defence

- -

Octavian Grant +15% Health, +10% Damage, +10%

Shield, +15% Speed - -

Palpatine +25% Health, +25% Shield +25% Health 25% Production Price Discount

Ponc Gavrisom +20% Health +20% Health 20% Production Price Discount

Sander Delvardus +15% Damage - -

Sedriss QL +25% Health, +10% Damage, +15%

Shield, +10% Defence +25% Health -

Siath +20% Health, +15% Damage, +10%

Shield - -

Soontir Fel +25% Health, +15% Damage, +6%

Shield, +10% Defence, +15% Speed (Fighter/Bomber Only)

- -

Stent +10% Health, +20% Damage, +10% Shield, +10% Defence, +10% Speed

- -

Talon Karrde - - +2% Planetary Income (+3% on Mining


Teren Rogriss +25% Health, +5% Damage, +20%

Shield, +20% Defence, +10% Speed - -

Thrawn +25% Health, +10% Damage, +10%

Shield, +15% Speed - -

Thrawn Clone +25% Health, +10% Damage, +10%

Shield, +15% Speed - -

Tycho Celchu +20% Health (Fighters Only) - -

Voss Parck +15% Health, +10% Damage, +10% Shield, +10% Defence, +10% Speed

- -

Ysanne Isard +15% Damage - 10% Production Price Discount,

Galactic Spy

Zsinj +15% Health, +10% Damage, +10%

Shield, +15% Speed - -

Note: Unless stated otherwise hero bonuses do not stack with one another. If a faction has more than one hero with the same bonus present in battle the higher value bonus will be applied. For example, if the Empire of the Hand had both Voss Parck and Stent in battle, then the applied bonuses would be: +15% Health (Parck), +20% Damage (Stent), +10% Shield (Both), +10% Defence (Both), +10% Speed (Both).

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Many Bothans died to bring us this information

Unit Abilities

Space Units

Name Ability 1 Ability 2

A-9 Vigilance Interceptor


Aramadia-class Thrustship

Power to Engines

Au’riette-class Fleet Carrier

Power to Shields

Battle Dragon

Power to Weapons

Bothan Assault Cruiser

Power to Weapons

BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter


BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter


B-Wing Starfighter

Lock S-Foils


Chaf-class Destroyer

Power to Weapons

Corona-class Frigate

Power to Shields

CR90 Corellian Corvette

Power to Engines

Decimator-class Cruiser

Laser Defence

Defender-class In-System Starfighter

Lock S-Foils


DP20 Corellian Gunboat

Power to Engines

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser

Power to Weapons

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, Katana-type

Power to Weapons

D-type Trifoil Fighter


Eclipse-class Dreadnought



EF76 Nebulon B Escort Frigate

Power to Shields

E-Wing Escort Starfighter


Furion-class Assault Bomber


GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat


I-7 Howlrunner


Immobilizer 418 Cruiser


Missile Jamming

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Tractor Beam

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

Tractor Beam

Imperial Escort Carrier

Power to Weapons

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer


Power to Weapons

IPV-1 System Patrol Craft

Power to Weapons

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Name Ability 1 Ability 2

Kariek-class Cruiser

Power to Shields

Krsiss-class Interceptor


Lady Luck


Massias- Interdictor


Miy’til Assault Bomber


Miy’til Starfighter


MC80 Home One-type Star Cruiser

Power to Shields

MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser

Power to Shields

MC80B Star Cruiser

Power to Shields


Power to Shields

Millennium Falcon


Nebula-class Star Destroyer

Power to Weapons

Nebulon-B2 Frigate

Power to Shields

Nova-class Battle Cruiser

Power to Weapons

Nssis-class Clawcraft


Nuruodo-class Broadside Frigate

Power to Weapons

Preybird-class Starfighter


Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser

Power to Engines

RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor


Sacheen-class Light Escort

Power to Engines

Scarsiss-class Clawcraft

Power to Engines


Scimitar Assault Bomber


Song of War

Power to Weapons

Sovereign-class Dreadnought



Strike-class Medium Cruiser

Power to Weapons

Syca-class Bomber


T-65 X-Wing Starfighter

Lock S-Foils


TIE/D Defender

Power to Weapons

TIE/D Droid


TIE/H Hunter

Lock S-Foils


TIE/IN Interceptor


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Name Ability 1 Ability 2

TIE/LN Starfighter


TIE/RPT Raptor


TIE/SA Bomber


Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Power to Weapons

Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Crimson Command-type

Power to Weapons

Vigilance Gunship

Power to Engines

Warlord-class Gunboat

Power to Weapons

Ground units

Name Ability 1 Ability 2

2-M Saber-class Repulsor Tank

Power to Weapons

A5 Juggernaut

Laser Defence

A9 Floating Fortress

Sensor Ping

AAC-1 Hover Tank



Power to Weapons


All Terrain Ant-Aircraft

Missile Shield

All Terrain Armoured Transport

Deploy Stormtroopers

All Terrain Attack Pod


All Terrain Scout Transport

Barrage Area

Armoured Freerunner


Century Tank


Dark Jedi


Heal Infantry (Automatic)

E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster


Flame Tank


Heavy Tracker

Sensor Ping

Imperial Specialist

Spread Out

Heal Infantry (Automatic) Repair Vehicles (Automatic)

Infantry Support Platform




Heal Infantry (Automatic)

Mortar Tracked Armoured Tank


New Republic Infiltrator

Vape Charge

New Republic Specialist

Spread Out

Heal Infantry (Automatic) Repair Vehicles (Automatic)

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Name Ability 1 Ability 2

New Republic Vanguard

Spread Out

Noghri Death Commando




Spread Out

Phalanx Commando

Vape Charge

QH-7 Chariot Light Assault Vehicle


Raptor Scout

Thermal Detonator

Raptor Trooper

Spread Out

Scout Trooper

Thermal Detonator

Self-Propelled Medium Artillery


Shock Trooper

Spread Out

Storm Commando


T2-B Repulsor Tank


T3-B Heavy Attack Tank

Rocket Attack

T-47 Airspeeder

Tow Cable Attack


T4-B Heavy Tank

Rocket Attack

TIE Mauler

Self Destruct

V-Wing Airspeeder

Power to Weapons


Yevethan Trooper

Spread Out

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Name Ability 1 Ability 2




Aurek Seven

Spread Out



Force Crush

Force Push




Force Heal

Force Protect

Corran Horn

Force Sight

Drend Navett


Etahn A’baht (Intrepid)

Power to Shields

Freja Covell (AT-AT)

Power to Weapons


Force Confuse

Drain Life

Gial Ackbar (Home One, Galactic Voyager)

Concentrate Fire

Gilad Pellaeon (Chimaera)

Concentrate Fire

Grodin Tierce

Spread Out


Hand of Judgement

Spread Out


Han Solo




Force Lightning

Force Convert

Joruus C’baoth

Force Lightning

Force Convert

Kyle Katarn


Luke Skywalker

Force Cloak

Mara Jade

Force Push

Maximilian Veers (AT-AT)

Maximum Firepower

Deploy Stormtroopers


Force Lightning

Force Convert

Sedriss QL

Force Lightning


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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you going to include X?

If you have a suggestion for additional content for the mod please feel free to post and discuss the details on our forums ( Before posting please make sure that your suggestion is relevant to the premise and timeframe of the mod and remember that there is no guarantee that suggestions will be acted upon.

Can I play Thrawn’s Revenge in Multiplayer?

Yes. Thrawn’s Revenge includes several Multiplayer GC and Skirmish maps. Remember to make sure both parties have Forces of Corruption updated the same, have exactly the same version of the mod, and don’t have any old files or other mods in the Data folder. Please be aware that Forces of Corruption may not be cross-compatible between Disk and Steam versions of the game.

Can I use your content in my mod?

You many not use any content from this mod without the permission of Corey or the original content creator. You can contact Corey at [email protected].

Does Thrawn’s Revenge conflict with Republic at War?

Republic at War installs its scripts and AI files into the base game folder. This means that it overrides the vanilla game files and, in some cases, mod files. We cannot guarantee that these files will not impact upon Thrawn’s Revenge and recommend that players rename or move the \XML\AI and \Scripts folders in Forces of Corruption’s Data folder before playing Thrawn’s Revenge. Remember to rename or move back the folders before you next play Republic at War.

How do I install Thrawn’s Revenge?

Please see the installation instructions on Page 5.

How do I advance tech level?

The tech level system from vanilla EAW does not exist in Thrawn’s Revenge, apart from in Skirmish. For more details on the system used in Thrawn’s Revenge please see Page 8.

I get an exception error when I try to start Thrawn’s Revenge.

Make sure that you have installed Thrawn’s Revenge in the right place and have the necessary patches. For more information on this see Page 5. If this still does not solve your problem please post in the Tech Support area on our forums (

Why can’t I build X?

Not all units are available in all eras, GCs or in skirmish. For more information about which units are available please see the relevant Faction, GC and Skirmish pages.

Why don’t my heroes respawn?

Unlike in vanilla EAW heroes do not generally respawn in Thrawn’s Revenge – when they die, they’re dead. For more details on why we have taken this approach, and on some limited exceptions, please see Page 11.

Will you make a Clone Wars mod?

Although we have previously released two version of our Fall of the Republic Minimod, the project to develop a complete version was discontinued several years ago. We have no plans to revive or start production on a Clone Wars era mod.

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Many Bothans died to bring us this information


Thrawn’s Revenge 2.0 Team

Corey – Team Leader, Maps, 3D Modeling, Texture Art, Rigger, Coding, Ship Design, GC Design

Codeuser/Dr. Knickers – 3D Modeling, Texture Art, GUI Art, GFX Art

Kalo Shin – 3D Modeling, Texture Art

Enceladus – Maps, Environment Art

Zer – Icons, Text, Coding, Map Previews, Forum Guru

Slornie – Back-End Technician, Coding, Text, GC Design, Manual

Davis – 3D Modeling, Texture Art

Smallpox – LUA Scripts (Galactic Raids, Prisons, Galactic structure tables, Era change Minor Factions, Katana fleet mission)

Slevered – Concept Art, 3D Modeling

Med8r – Maps

Beesden – Web Design

Jinzor – Video Art

Scarecrow – Moral Support, Human Resource Rounding Head

Former Team Members

Nezill– Texture Art

Qui0Jinn – Mapping

Wesker – Mapping

Guardsman – 3D Modeling

Daft Vader – Model Rigging

Fuzzy.Wazzy – Concept Art

Cody –3D Modeling

Kreaken – 3D Modeling

Farseer – 3D Modeling, Texture Art

Dede Frost – 3D Modeling

Chaosredsock – Mapping

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War


Lord Xizer – Voiceovers, Portrait Commissions

Kaytalin Platt – Blitzer Harrsk, Sander Delvardus, Apwar Trigit, Ait Convarion, Drend Navett, Admiral Ar'alani, Treuten Teradoc, Meizh Vermel and General Melvar portraits

Sgt Rho – Gilzean and MMT Designs and Models

Voiceover Artists

Chelsea, Amberli, Paige, Kenneth

Walter, Brian, Kayt, Trey

2.0 Testing Team

Admiral Gabriel, Dougie678, fFoxfire, Lord Xizer

Lucinator, Meyer, Sebastian74, Senza

SettraTheImperishable, SLB1, Tlmiller, Traon

Yutpaeksi, Zsinj

Special Thanks

Evaders99 and the Star Wars Rebellion Network, Site Hosts

Mike.NL, for providing many of the tools used to make this mod

Petroglyph, for making Empire at War and Forces of Corruption in the first place (including the many vanilla assets still used in Thrawn’s Revenge)

The fans, without whose suggestions and feedback the mod could not be what it is


George Lucas, who created this entire universe for us to play in

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Many Bothans died to bring us this information

Thanks To

Galaxy at War/Codeuser for AT-PT

Nem for particle textures and help

Jeff/Farseer for various replacement textures

Dr_McCoy1701A, Capt. Ford, Captain Elegy for space skydomes

Sidious Invader for friendly fire scripts

Corran Horn model\skin\rigging\animations by Sidious Invader/The Farseer

Brakiss Model\Skin\Animations by The_Farseer

Century Tank: Model, Skin, Rigging, Animation by The_Farseer

Camille for EotH tank designs (RFT)

Gas giant textures by Priteeboy:

High-res skymaps by Optikz:

Dragonshadow for the Empire of the Hand symbol design

CG Textures for texture resources

NASA for cloud map and base nebulae

Warb Null for EotH Landing Zones

FX Mod for various planet skins

Filterforge filters for texture assistance from filter creators: sjeiti, jensp, skybase, Muhznit, Anna Klishina, Betis, ronjonnie, shul east, Moss and tpitts:

Awesomeface emoticon by whoever made it... We don't know who you are (although we're fairly sure you go by the name

of Schild) but thank you.

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Thrawn’s Revenge - Imperial Civil War

Freeworlds for E-Wing model

Kris Vanderwater for Scarsiss design

Quebec Dug for some Nebulae (;80368 )

Synax for base Apophysis renders (

The_Farseer for ROTM starfields

Bailknight for the V-Wing and E-Web

Planetary maps created by Björn Jónsson using Nasa images:

Free Planet Bitmaps by © DUAEL DESIGNS LLC & ROBERT STEIN III '10:

Planetary Texture Maps by James Hastings-Trew:

Frank Gregorio - Sun textures

Lord_x- Sun Model, animations, etc.

Bertrand Dejardin (BOBABERT) - Mon Cal Texture

UnrealPL Fractal Pack

Nebulae by Casperium

Legacy of War for Farm props

Z3r0x for various props on Borleias and Ession

Filo (FX Mod) for the Imperial and New Republic Specialist model

Page 125: Thrawn's Revenge: Imperial Civil War v2.0 Manual


Many Bothans died to bring us this information

Stormtrooper model used in render for splash screen and manual front cover:

Original Modeller - JJ Palomo <[email protected]>

Additional Modelling & Optimization - Ian Foster <[email protected]>

Additional Modelling & Animation Prep - Mista <[email protected]>

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