Page 1: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or

Thought of the Day

Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or something to help you meet your basic needs? Why or why not? Do you believe people around the world rely on one another to meet their basic needs? Why or why not?

Page 2: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or

The Neolithic Age

• End of Ice Age 8000BC and now called the Neolithic Revolution

• 8000BC to 4000BC• Means “new stone”• Beginning of Cultural diffusion- the spread of cultural

items like ideas, styles, religion, technology, and language• This age shifts from hunting and gathering to keeping

animals and planting and growing their own food– Agriculture (farming)– Using animals for food (eggs, milk, wool,etc)

Page 3: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or

Effects of Agriculture

• End of nomadic lifestyle; settle in villages• Building walls for protection and to store

goods– Storing allowed for surplus (extra goods) and

encouraged trade– Trading led to more people learning new crafts

and skills

Page 4: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or


• A complex culture where large amounts of people share common things such as:1. Cities2. Government – to help rule and protect the

people of the cities; establish regulation and economy

• Traditional economy- jobs based on inheritance

Page 5: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or


• Command economy- where the state or the government controls what is being made, what is being bought, and the price at which they are sold

• Market economy- where prices are being determined by how much people are willing to pay for an item

• interdependence- dependence on others for some needs

Page 6: Thought of the Day Identify the basic items you need each day. Explain why you need them and how you get them each day. Are you dependent on someone or


3. Religion- developed to help explain forces of nature and their role in the world

4. Social Structure- based on economic power (priests, government officials, farmers, etc)

5. Writing- used to keep accurate records and to express themselves

6. Art- for religious purposes and depicted the rulers
