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Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 491–516



Nanocomposites in context

Erik T. Thostenson, Chunyu Li, Tsu-Wei Chou *

Center for Composite Materials and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, 120 Spencer Lab., Newark, DE 19716, USA

Received 22 November 2004; accepted 22 November 2004Available online 10 December 2004


This paper provides an overview of recent advances in nanocomposites research. The key research opportunities and challengesin the development of structural and functional nanocomposites are addressed in the context of traditional fiber composites. Thestate of knowledge in processing, characterization, and analysis/modeling of nanocomposites is presented with a particular emphasison identifying fundamental structure/property relationships. Critical issues in nanocomposites research as well as promising tech-niques for processing precursors for macroscopic nanocomposites are discussed.� 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492

2. Nanoparticle-reinforced composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

3. Nanoplatelet-reinforced composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494

4. Nanofiber-reinforced composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497

5. Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498



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5.1. Carbon nanotube morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4995.2. Elastic and strength properties of carbon nanotubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5005.3. Carbon nanotube/polymer composites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5015.4. Interfaces in carbon nanotube/polymer composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5035.5. Modeling of transport and constitutive properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

6. Comparison of properties and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506

7. Critical issues in nanocomposites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508

7.1. Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5087.2. Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5087.3. Volume and rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5097.4. Cost effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509

538/$ - see front matter � 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


orresponding author. Tel.: +1 302 831 2421; fax: +1 302 831 3619.ail address: [email protected] (T.-W. Chou).

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8. Precursors for macroscopic composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509

8.1. Long nanotube fibers and strands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5098.2. Multi-scale hybrid composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510

8.2.1. Controlled growth of carbon nanotubes on fiber surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5108.2.2. Nanoclay-enhanced matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5108.2.3. Nanotube or nanofiber-reinforced matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511

8.3. Fibers and films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511

8.3.1. Nanocomposite fibrils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5118.3.2. Nanocomposite films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512

9. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513

1. Introduction

In 1985 Professor A. Kelly authored an article inComposites Science and Technology titled ‘‘Compositesin Context’’ [1]. It was stated that, ‘‘The large scale so-cial changes which influence the development of newmaterials are reviewed and the new materials and pro-cessing methods being developed in response to theseare described and contrasted with some recent advancesin composite materials science.’’ Emerging technologiesat the time included in situ metal–matrix composites,carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites, SiC-reinforced aluminum as well as toughening of ceramicsthrough the use of fiber-reinforcement. Tremendousdevelopments have been made [2] in many aspects ofcomposites research and technology during the two dec-ades since the publication of Kelly�s paper. Recent ad-vances in producing nanostructured materials withnovel material properties have stimulated research tocreate multi-functional macroscopic engineering materi-als by designing structures at the nanometer scale. Moti-vated by the recent enthusiasm in nanotechnology,development of nanocomposites is one of the rapidlyevolving areas of composites research.

Nanotechnology can be broadly defined as, ‘‘The cre-ation, processing, characterization, and utilization ofmaterials, devices, and systems with dimensions on theorder of 0.1–100 nm, exhibiting novel and significantlyenhanced physical, chemical, and biological properties,functions, phenomena, and processes due to their nano-scale size’’ [3]. Current interests in nanotechnologyencompass nano-biotechnology, nano-systems, nano-electronics, and nano-structured materials, of whichnanocomposites are a significant part.

Through nanotechnology, it is envisioned that nano-structured materials will be developed using a bottom-upapproach. ‘‘More materials and products will be made

from the bottom-up, that is, by building them fromatoms, molecules, and the nanoscale powders, fibersand other small structural components made from them.This differs from all previous manufacturing, in whichraw materials. . . get pressed, cut, molded and otherwisecoerced into parts and products’’ [4].

Scientists and engineers working with fiber-reinforcedcomposites have practiced this bottom-up approach inprocessing and manufacturing for decades. Whendesigning a composite the material properties are tai-lored for the desired performance across various lengthscales. From selection and processing of matrix and fibermaterials, and design and optimization of the fiber/ma-trix interface/interphase at the sub-micron scale to themanipulation of yarn bundles in 2-D and 3-D textilesto the lay-up of laminae in laminated composites and fi-nally the net-shape forming of the macroscopic compos-ite part, the integrated approach used in compositesprocessing is a remarkable example in the successfuluse of the ‘‘bottom-up’’ approach.

The expansion of length scales from meters (finishedwoven composite parts), micrometers (fiber diameter),sub-micrometers (fiber/matrix interphase) to nanome-ters (nanotube diameter) presents tremendous opportu-nities for innovative approaches in the processing,characterization, and analysis/modeling of this new gen-eration of composite materials. As scientists and engi-neers seek to make practical materials and devicesfrom nanostructures, understanding material behavioracross length scales from the atomistic to macroscopiclevels is required. Knowledge of how the nanoscalestructure influences the bulk properties will enable de-sign of the nanostructure to create multi-functionalcomposites.

The challenges in nanocomposites research perhapscan be best illustrated by the electron micrographsshown in Fig. 1 [5–7], where multi-walled carbon nano-

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Fig. 2. TEM micrograph showing the nanotube composite structuredirectly adjacent to the carbon fiber/polymer matrix interface [6].

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tubes (MWCNTs, 10–20 nm in diameter) have beendeposited on the surface of carbon fibers (7 lm in diam-eter) in yarn bundles (measured in millimeters). Whenconsolidated into a composite, the reinforcement scalesspan seven orders of magnitude. Fig. 2 shows a trans-mission electron microscope (TEM) image of the nano-composite structure near the fiber/matrix interface,where the difference in reinforcement scale is readilyapparent.

A morphological characteristic that is of fundamentalimportance in the understanding of the structure–prop-erty relationship of nanocomposites is the surface area/volume ratio of the reinforcement materials. This paperdiscusses nanocomposites based upon the three catego-ries of reinforcement materials: particles (silica, metal,and other organic and inorganic particles), layeredmaterials (graphite, layered silicate, and other layeredminerals), and fibrous materials (nanofibers and nano-tubes). As illustrated in Fig. 3, the change in particlediameter, layer thickness, or fibrous material diameterfrom micrometer to nanometer, changes the ratio bythree orders in magnitude. At this scale, there is oftendistinct size dependence of the material properties. Inaddition, with the drastic increase in interfacial area,the properties of the composite become dominated moreby the properties of the interface or interphase.

In this paper, we address the state of knowledge inprocessing, characterization, and analysis/modeling ofnanocomposites with a particular emphasis on identify-ing fundamental structure/property relationships and

Fig. 1. Variation in reinforcement scales from millimeters to nanometers: (froentangled carbon nanotubes grown on the surface [5,6], to the nanometer d

compare the properties and performance of nanocom-posites with traditional fiber composites.

2. Nanoparticle-reinforced composites

Particulate composites reinforced with micron-sizedparticles of various materials are perhaps the mostwidely utilized composites in everyday materials. Parti-cles are typically added to enhance the matrix elasticmodulus and yield strength. By scaling the particle sizedown to the nanometer scale, it has been shown that no-vel material properties can be obtained. A few systems

m left) from woven fabric of yarn bundles, to a single carbon fiber withiameter and wall structure of the carbon nanotube [7].

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Fig. 3. Surface area/volume relations for varying reinforcement geometries.

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are reviewed below for illustrating the resulting modifi-cation in matrix properties.

Micron-scale particles typically scatter light makingotherwise transparent matrix materials appear opaque.Naganuma and Kagawa [8] showed in their study ofSiO2/epoxy composites that decreasing the particle sizeresulted in significantly improved transmittance of visi-ble light. Singh et al. [9] studied the variation of fracturetoughness of polyester resin due to the addition of alu-minum particles of 20, 3.5 and 100 nm in diameter.Fig. 4 shows that the initial enhancement in fracturetoughness is followed by decreases at higher particle vol-ume fraction. This phenomenon is attributed to theagglomeration of nanoparticles at higher particle vol-ume content.

Lopez and co-workers [10] examined the elastic mod-ulus and strength of vinyl ester composites with theaddition of 1, 2 and 3 wt% of alumina particles in thesizes of 40 nm, 1 lm and 3 lm. For all the particle sizes,

Fig. 4. Normalized fracture toughness with respect to volume fractionfor various sized particles [9]. Reprinted with permission from [9].Copyright (2002) Kluwer Academic Publishers.

the composite modulus increases monotonically withparticle weight fraction. However, the strengths of com-posites are all below the strength of neat resin due tonon-uniform particle size distribution and particleaggregation. The work of Thompson et al. [11] on metaloxide/polyimide nanocomposite films also noted similardifficulties in processing. Their study utilized antimonytin oxide (11–29 nm), indium tin oxide (17–30 nm) andyttrium oxide (11–44 nm) in two space-durable polyi-mides: TOR-NC and LaRC TMCP-2. The nanoscaleadditives resulted in higher stiffness, comparable or low-er strengths and elongation, and lower dynamic stiffness(storage modulus). The dispersion of metal oxides on ananometer scale was not achieved.

Ash et al. [12] studied the mechanical behavior of alu-mina particulate/poly(methyl methacrylate) composites.They concluded that when a weak particle/matrix inter-face exists, the mode of yielding for glassy, amorphouspolymers changes from cavitational to shear, whichleads to a brittle-to-ductile transition. This behavior isattributed to increased polymer chain mobility, due tothe presence of smaller particles, and also the capabilityto relieve tri-axial stress because of poorly bonded largerparticles.

An extensive review of the structure–propertyrelationships in nanoparticle/semi-crystalline thermo-plastic composites has been made by Karger-Kocsisand Zhang [13].

3. Nanoplatelet-reinforced composites

Two types of nanoplatet-reinforced composites arereviewed: clay and graphite. In their bulk state, bothclay and graphite exist as layered materials. In orderto utilize these materials most efficiently, the layers must

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Fig. 6. TEM micrograph of a montmorillonite poly (LL-lactic acid)nanocomposite, showing both intercalated and exfoliated states [15].Reprinted with permission from [15]. Copyright (2003) AmericanChemical Society.

Table 1Properties of clay platelets [19,20]

Physical properties Closite� 30B Nanomer 1.28E

Color Off white WhiteDensity (g/cm3) 1.98 1.90D-spacing (D0 0 1), A 18.5 >20Aspect ratio 200–1000 200–500Surface area (m2/g) 750 750Mean particle size (lm) 6 8–10

E.T. Thostenson et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 491–516 495

be separated and dispersed throughout the matrixphase. The morphology of clay/polymer nanocompos-ites is illustrated in Fig. 5 [14]. In the conventional mis-cible state, the interlayer spacing in a clay particle is atits minimum. When polymer resin is inserted into thegallery between the adjacent layers, the spacing expands,and it is known as the intercalated state. When the layersare fully separated, the clay is considered to be exfoli-ated. Fig. 6 shows the TEM image of a montmorillonitepoly (LL-lactic acid) (PLLA) matrix nanocomposite, dem-onstrating intercalated and exfoliated clay layers [15].

Montmorillonite, saponite, and synthetic mica arecommonly used clay materials, and developments inclay-based nanocomposites have been recently reviewed[16–18]. The advantages of polymer-based clay nano-composites include improved stiffness, strength, tough-ness, and thermal stability as well as reduced gaspermeability and coefficient of thermal expansion. Table1 shows some properties of two commercially availableclay particles with surface modifications [19,20]. Thelack of affinity between hydrophilic silicate and hydro-phobic polymer causes agglomeration of the mineral inthe polymer matrix. Surface modification of clay parti-cles facilitates the compatibility.

Table 2 illustrates the unique performance of Nylon-6/clay hybrid over a wide range of mechanical and ther-mal properties, as summarized by Okada and Usuki[20]. The pioneering work at Toyota Research Lab hasclearly demonstrated that the addition of small amountsof montmorillonite clay material significantly enhancesthe tensile strength, tensile modulus, and heat degrada-tion temperature (HDT), and reduces the rate of waterabsorption and CTE in the flow direction.

Table 3 summarizes the constituent properties ofexfoliated clay [14,21,22]. Luo and Daniel [14] have

Fig. 5. Morphologies of polymer/clay nanocomposites: (a) conven-tional miscible, (b) partially intercalated and exfoliated, (c) fullyintercalated and dispersed and (d) fully exfoliated and dispersed [14].

modeled the Young�s modulus of clay nanocompositesusing a three-phase model: epoxy matrix, exfoliated claynanolayer, and intercalated clay cluster (parallel plateletsystem). Fig. 7 shows that the experimental data liewithin the upper (Voigt) and lower (Reuss) bond predic-tions and coincide fairly well with the Mori–Tanaka andEshelby model predictions. The modeling work of Tsaiand Sun [23] demonstrated that well dispersed plateletsin the polymer matrix could significantly enhance theload transfer efficiency in these composites.

Fig. 8 compares the fracture toughness, KIC, of epoxymatrix (DGEBA) composites reinforced with interca-lated (ODTMA) and exfoliated (MT2EtOH) clay upto 10 vol%. Miyagawa and Drzal [21] attribute the highfracture toughness of intercalated clay composites tocrack bridging by clay particles as well as crack deflec-tion due to excellent adhesion of clay/epoxy interfaceand clay aggregate strength. On the other hand, the frac-ture of individual clay platelets in exfoliated clay

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Table 2Properties of Nylon-6/clay nanocomposites [20]

Sample Wt% clay Montmorillonite Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) Charpy impact strength (kJ/m3) HDT at18.5 kg cm�2 (�C)

NCH-5 4.2 107 2.1 2.1 152NCC-5 5.0 61 1.0 1.0 89Nylon-6 0 69 1.1 1.1 65

Sample Wt% clay Montmorillonite Rate of water absorption 25 �C, 1 day CTE (�C · 10�5)

Flow direction Perpendicular direction

NCH-5 4.2 0.51 6.3 13.1NCC-5 5.0 0.90 10.3 13.4Nylon-6 0 0.87 11.7 11.8

Table 3Properties of exfoliated graphite platelets as compared to exfoliatedclay platelets

Graphene sheeta Clay plateletb,c

Physical structure �1 nm · 100 nm �1 nm · 1000 nmTensile modulus (GPa) 1,000 170Tensile strength (GPa) 10–20 1Resistivity (X cm) �50 · 10�6 1010–1016

Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 3000 0.67CTE �1 · 10�6 8–16 · 10�6

Density (g/cm3) 2.0 2.5–3.0D-spacing (nm) 0.34 1.85

a Fukushima and Drzal [22].b Miyagawa and Drzal [21].c Luo and Daniel [14].

Fig. 7. Comparison of theoretical models with experimental data fornanocomposite elastic modulus [14].

Fig. 8. Influence of clay content and exfoliation on fracture toughness[21].

496 E.T. Thostenson et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 491–516

composites leads to less rough fracture surface andlower fracture toughness.

In addition to mechanical properties, the thermal sta-bility, fire resistance and gas barrier properties of poly-mer/clay nanocomposites can be enhanced through theaddition of nanometer-scale reinforcement. For exam-ple, Ogasawara et al. [24] have investigated the heliumpermeability of nanoclay for potential applications in li-quid hydrogen tanks and fuel cells. The addition ofnanoclay to the epoxy resin substantially decreased the

gas diffusivity as compared with unreinforced epoxy.The results are consistent with the Hatta-Taya theoryand it was revealed that the dispersion of platelets ismore effective than spherical or fiber-like reinforcementin improving the nanocomposite barrier properties.

Regarding the other layered material, the exfoliatedgraphite or graphene sheet has about the same thicknessas exfoliated clay. Table 3 shows their high tensile mod-ulus, tensile strength, thermal conductivity, and lowelectrical resistivity, comparing to clay platelets. Thelow electrical resistivity of exfoliated graphite facilitatesthe conductivity of polymer composites when a thresh-old percolation weight content of the conductive phaseis reached. Fig. 9 shows the results of Fukushima andDrzal [22] on the resistivity of epoxy matrix (EPON828) composites with the addition of vapor grown car-bon fiber (VGCF), carbon black, PAN carbon fiber,exfoliated graphite and milled graphite. The graphitenanoplatelets are treated in O2 plasma for initiating rad-ical polymerization. The percolation threshold for exfo-liated graphite is around 1 wt%. Zheng and co-workers[25,26] have also reported reduced percolation thresh-olds in exfoliated graphite nanoplatelet/thermoplasticcomposites.

Song et al. [27] have modeled the von Mises stress dis-tribution in graphite/PAN nanocomposites with respect

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Fig. 9. Comparison of various carbon reinforcement materials on the composite bulk resistivity [22].

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to the level of exfoliation. They demonstrated the reduc-tion in the magnitude of stress concentration with layerthickness at the tip of graphite layers, aligned with theaxial tensile load. Such conclusion is similar to those ob-tained for short fiber composites where the dispersion ofa fiber bundle has the benefit of reducing the stress con-centration in the matrix material at the bundle ends andthus, the chance of matrix cracking or plasticdeformation.

The greatly enhanced electrical conductivity of poly-meric material with the addition of small amount ofgraphite platelets has found many practical applications.These include EMI shielding and heat management ofelectronic and computer devices or equipment, electro-static paint for automobiles and polymer sheath of elec-tric cables [23].

Nanoclay/polypropylene composites are being usedas functional parts in automobiles. For instance, Gen-eral Motors (GM) is using about 660,000 lbs of nano-composite material per year.

4. Nanofiber-reinforced composites

Vapor grown carbon nanofibers (CNF) have beenused to reinforce a variety of polymers, including poly-propylene, polycarbonate, nylon, poly(ether sulfone),poly(ethylene terephthalate), poly(phenylene sulfide),acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), and epoxy.Carbon nanofibers are known to have wide-rangingmorphologies, from structures with a disorderedbamboo-like structure [28] (Fig. 10(a)) to highly graph-itized ‘‘cup stacked’’ structures [29,30] (Figs. 10(b) and(c)), where the conical shells of the nanofiber are nestedwithin each other. Carbon nanofibers typically havediameters on the order of 50–200 nm. Wei and Srivast-ava [31] have modeled the mechanical properties ofcarbon nanofibers with varying morphology using con-

tinuum elastic theory and molecular dynamics simula-tions. The axial Young�s modulus of the nanofiber isparticularly sensitive to the shell tilt angle, where fibersthat have small tilt angles from the axial direction showmuch higher Young�s modulus than fibers with large tiltangles. The wide-ranging morphology of the carbonnanofibers and their associated properties results in abroad range of scatter for experimental results on pro-cessing and characterization of nanofiber composites.

Finegan and co-workers [32,33] have investigated theprocessing and properties of carbon nanofiber/polypro-pylene nanocomposites. In their work, they used a vari-ety of as-grown nanofibers. Carbon nanofibers that wereproduced with longer gas phase feedstock residencetimes were less graphitic but adhered better to the poly-propylene matrix, with composites showing improvedtensile strength and Young�s modulus. Oxidation ofthe carbon nanofiber was found to increase adhesionto the matrix and increase composite tensile strength,but extended oxidation reduced the properties of thefibers and their composites. In their investigation onthe nanofiber composite damping properties, Fineganet al. [33] concluded that the trend of stiffness varia-tion with fiber volume content is opposite to the trendof loss factor and damping in the composite ismatrix-dominated.

Ma and co-workers [34] and Sandler et al. [35] havespun polymer fibers with carbon nanofibers as reinforce-ment. Ma et al. utilized a variety of techniques toachieve dispersion of carbon nanofibers in a poly(ethyl-ene terephthalate) (PET) matrix and subsequently melt-spun fibers. The compressive strength and torsionalmoduli of the nanocomposite fibers were considerablyhigher than that for the unreinforced PET fiber. Sandleret al. [35] produced fibers from semicrystalline high-performance poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) contain-ing up to 10 wt% vapor-grown carbon nanofibers. Theirexperimental results highlight the need to characterize

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Fig. 10. TEM micrographs of the nanoscale structure of carbonnanofibers showing: (a) disordered bamboo-like structures [28],(b) highly graphitized sidewall of a cup-stacked (molecular modelsinset) nanofibers showing the shell tilt angle [29] and (c) a nesting of thestacked layers [30]. Reprinted with permission from [30]. Copyright(2003) American Chemical Society.

Fig. 11. Atomic structures of (a) armchair and (b) zig-zag carbonnanotubes [36].

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both the crystalline matrix morphology and nanocom-posite structure when evaluating performance. This iscrucial to understanding the intrinsic properties of thenanoscale reinforcement.

Many of the key challenges associated with the pro-cessing, characterization, and modeling of carbon nano-

fiber composites, such as dispersion and adhesion, aresimilar to those for nanotube-reinforced compositesand are discussed in the following section.

5. Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites

As reviewed by Thostenson et al. [36], the morphol-ogy of a carbon nanotube is defined by the orientationand magnitude of the chiral vector in a grephene sheet,which is ‘‘wrapped up’’ to form the single-walled carbonnanotube (SWCNT). The two limiting configurationsare armchair and zigzag nanotubes (Fig. 11).

Since their observation over a decade ago [37],numerous investigators have reported remarkable phys-ical and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube. Be-low is a summary of these exceptional propertiesexcerpted from Collins and Avouris [38]. The densityof a SWCNT is about 1.33–1.40 g/cm3, which is justone-half of the density of aluminum. The elasticmodulus of SWCNT is comparable to that of diamond(1.2 TPa). The reported tensile strength of SWCNT ismuch higher than that of high-strength steel (2 GPa).The tremendous resilience of SWCNT in sustainingbending to large angles and restraightening withoutdamage is distinctively different from the plastic defor-mation of metals and brittle fracture of carbon fibersat much lower strain when subjected to the same typeof deformation. The electric current carrying capabilityis estimated to be 1 · 109 amp/cm2, whereas copperwires burn out at about 1 · 106 amp/cm2. The thermalconductivity of SWCNT is predicted to be 6000 W/m K at room temperature; this is nearly double the ther-mal conductivity of diamond of 3320 W/m K. SWCNTsare stable up to 2800 �C in vacuum and 750 �C in air,whereas metal wires in microchips melt at 600–1000�C. SWCNTs have great potential in field emissionapplications because they can activate phosphors at 1–3 V if electrodes are spaced 1 lm apart. TraditionalMo tips require fields of 10–100 V/lm and have verylimited lifetimes.

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The outstanding thermal and electric properties com-bined with their high specific stiffness and strength, andvery large aspect ratios have stimulated the developmentof nanotube-reinforced composites for both structural

and functional applications [36,39,40].

5.1. Carbon nanotube morphology

Carbon nanotubes have been fabricated by a varietyof techniques [36]. The morphology of nanotubes exhib-its a great degree of variability. Furthermore, in spite ofour knowledge in general regarding the exceptionalproperties measured and predicted to date, our abilityin applying carbon nanotubes to structural and func-tional composites is handicapped by the lack of a com-prehensive grasp of the basic and precise knowledge oftheir properties. The brief review of the morphologyand properties given in this sub-section serves to exem-plify such variability.

First, regarding the morphology of SWCNTs, thevariability could include the nanotube length, diameterand chirality as well as the tube-end configuration(end-caps). The variability in morphology is much morepronounced in a MWCNT, which can be considered ascomposed of nested SWCNTs. The major additionalstructural parameters include nanotube outer and innerdiameter, number of nested SWCNTs (wall thickness),and growth-induced configuration, such as bamboostructures.

To demonstrate the structural variability ofMWCNTs, Thostenson and Chou [7] have utilizedhigh-resolution TEM micrographs taken of the CVD-grown tubes and image analysis software to measurethe structural dimensions for quantifying both the distri-bution of nanotube diameter and the nanotube wall

Fig. 12. (a) Diameter distribution of CVD-grown multi-walled carbon n

structure. To obtain statistically meaningful data nearly700 nanotubes of the same batch were examined. Fig. 12shows a TEM micrograph of a MWCNT, indicating theouter (d) and inner (di) diameter as well as a histogramfor the nanotube outside diameter distribution, whichis a bimodal distribution with peaks near 18 and 30 lm.

In order to obtain a probability density function forthe nanotube diameter distribution, Thostenson andChou [7] fitted the data of Fig. 12 to double Lorentziandistribution and double Gaussian distributions. Forsmall-diameter nanotubes, the Gaussian curve mostaccurately fit the data, but for large-diameter nanotubes,the Gaussian curve underestimates the amount of nano-tubes. The volume distribution of the nanotubes is ob-tained from the diameter distribution functions.

Although the large-diameter nanotubes are of a rela-tively small percentage of the total number of nano-tubes, they occupy a significant percentage of volumewithin the composite. The more accurate modeling ofthe volume distribution by the Lorentzian curve at largenanotube diameter is crucial because the volume occu-pied by a given nanotube in the composite varies withd2.

The wall thickness of the same MWCNTs as in Fig.12 are presented in Fig. 13(a) as a function of nanotubediameter. A strong linear relationship between the nano-tube diameter and wall thickness is observed. The nano-scale tubular structure of the MWCNTs also results in adistribution of nanotube density. From the measure-ment of inside and outside diameter, the nanotube den-sity per unit length can be calculated by assuming thatthe graphite layers of the tube shell have the density offully dense graphite (qg = 2.25 g/cm3). The nanotubedensity as a function of diameter is shown in Fig.13(b), where the curved line is obtained directly fromthe straight line in Fig. 13(a).

anotubes taken from measurements of (b) TEM micrographs [7].

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Fig. 14. Diameter sensitivity of elastic modulus: (a) predicted by molecular structural mechanics and Li and Chou [43] and (b) other methods(Hernandez et al. [44]; Lu [45]; Krishnan [46]).

Fig. 13. Variation in: (a) nanotube wall thickness with nanotube diameter and (b) density with nanotube diameter [7].

500 E.T. Thostenson et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 491–516

5.2. Elastic and strength properties of carbon nanotubes

The elastic and strength properties of SWCNT andMWCNTs have been extensively studied both analyti-cally and experimentally. Review articles on these sub-jects can be found, for example, in Thostenson et al.[36], Qian et al. [41] and Srivastava et al. [42]. The follow-ing brief summary not only presents some recent resultsbut also illustrates the variability of results obtainedfrom analytical predictions as well as experimental mea-surements. Such variability poses considerable uncer-tainty in utilizing the elastic modulus and strength datain micromechanical models for composites.

Fig. 14(a) gives the axial tensile Young�s modulus andshear modulus as functions of SWCNT diameter, whichwere obtained by Li and Chou [43] using the molecularstructural mechanics approach. The results are sensitiveto nanotube diameter and nanotube structure at smalldiameter. The axial Young�s modulus approaches to1.03 TPa for diameters P1.0 nm, while the shear mod-

ulus is about 0.5 TPa for diameters >1.25 nm. Boththe Young�s modulus and shear modulus values ap-proach to the corresponding values of graphite at largetube diameter. Fig. 14(b) shows the nanotube diameterdependence of axial modulus predicted by Hernandezet al. [44] using tight-binding molecular dynamics, andthe shear modulus predictions of Lu [45] based on latticedynamics. Besides the axial Young�s modulus and shearmodulus, the transverse Young�s moduli of SWCNTsand double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) havebeen studied using the molecular structural mechanicsmethod [47]. The variations of Poisson�s ratio ofSWCNTs with the tube diameter predicted by themolecular structural mechanics approach of Li andChou are shown to depend strongly on both nanotubediameter and chirality (Fig. 15). The results of Hernan-dez et al. [44], Lu [45], and Sanchez-Portal et al. [48] onthe other hand, are nearly insensitive to tube diameter.The recent results of the axial Young�s modulus of car-bon nanotubes are summarized in Table 4 [43,45,49–55].

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Table 4Experimental and theoretical results for nanotube axial Young�smodulus

Elastic modulus (TPa) Method of measurement

Experimental measurements

1.26 (±20%) TEM – thermal vibration of a beam [49]1.28 (±40%) AFM – 1 end clamped [50]0.81 (±50%) AFM – 2 ends clamped [51]0.1–1.0 (±30%) TEM – electrostatic deflection [52]0.27–0.95 Dual AFM cantilevers [53]0.91 (±20%) TEM – direct tension [54]

Method of calculation

Theoretical calculations

0.97 Empirical lattice dynamics [45]1.0 (±15%) Ab initio [47]1.05 (±5%) Molecular structural mechanics [43]0.68 Pin-jointed Truss model [55]

Table 5Experimental and theoretical results for nanotube axial strength

Axial strength (GPa) Method of measurement

Experimental measurements

13–52 Dual AFM cantilivers, SWCNT bundles [53]11–63 Dual AFM cantilivers, MWCNTs [57]45 (±7) AFM – lateral force mode, MWCNTs [58]150 (±30%) TEM – direct tension, MWCNTs [54]

Method of calculation

Theoretical calculations (SWCNT)

150 Molecular dynamics simulation [59]93–112 Molecular mechanics simulation [60]

Fig. 15. Poisson�s ratio predicted by molecular structural mechanics ofLi and Chou and other methods (Hernandez et al. [44]; Lu [45];Sanchez-Portal et al. [48]).

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Large variability exists in both experimental and analyt-ical findings.

To illustrate the load-sharing characteristics ofMWCNTs, the modeling works of Li and Chou [56]for a DWCNT is recapitulated below. To delineate theeffect of van der Waals forces in the deformation ofMWCNT, a two-layer MWCNT under two differenttensile loading conditions is examined in their work.One loading condition assumes that uniform forces areapplied only on atoms at the end of the outer layer,while in the other loading condition, uniform forcesare applied on atoms at the end of both inner and outerlayers. In both loading conditions, the atoms at the endof the outer layer reach nearly the same displacement.But the displacements of the atoms at the end of the in-ner layer show a large difference in the two loading con-ditions. When the forces are applied only on the outerlayer, the inner layer exhibits small axial displacements.This means that the force acting on the outer layer isbarely transferred to the inner layer through van derWaals interactions. This finding is consistent with theexperimental observation that deformation of

MWCNTs often leads to the separation and pullout ofthe individual layers [53].

The tensile strength data of carbon nanotubes aresummarized in Table 5 [53,57–60]. A variety of tech-niques have been adopted for measuring the strengthof SWCNT bundles and MWCNTs. Again, there existslarge variability in the measured and predicted strengthvalues.

By employing the molecular structural mechanics, Liand Chou [61,62] studied the free vibrations of carbonnanotubes and predicted that the fundamental frequen-cies of cantilevered or bridged SWCNTs as nanomechan-ical resonators could reach the level of 10 GHz–1.5 THz.The effects of tube diameter, length, and end constraintson the fundamental frequency have been discerned. Fur-thermore, the fundamental frequencies of DWCNTs areabout 10% lower than those of SWCNTs of the sameouter diameter. The non-coaxial vibration of double-walled nanotubes begins at the third resonant frequency.The potential of carbon nanotubes for mass sensing,strain sensing and pressure sensing has been exploredby Li and Chou [63,64].

5.3. Carbon nanotube/polymer composites

Both SWCNTs and MWCNTs have been utilized forreinforcing thermoset polymers (epoxy, polyimide, andphenolic), as well as thermoplastic polymers (polypro-pylene, polystyrene, poly methyl methacrylate(PMMA), nylon 12, and poly ether ether ketone(PEEK)). Several composite systems are reviewedbelow.

Tai et al. [65] have processed a phenolic-based nano-composite using MWCNTs, which were synthesizedthrough the floating catalyst chemical vapor depositionprocess with tube diameter < 50 nm and length > 10lm. SEM images of brittle tensile fracture surfaces showfairly uniform nanotube distribution and nanotube pull-out. Enhancement in Young�s modulus and strength dueto the addition of nanotubes was reported.

Gojny and co-workers [66] fabricated nanocompositesconsisting of DWCNTs with a high degree of dispersion.

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The resulting composites showed increase of strength,Young�s modulus and strain to failure at a nanotube con-tent of only 0.1 wt%. In addition, the nanocompositesshowed significantly enhanced fracture toughness ascompared to the unreinforced epoxy.

Ogasawara et al. [67] reinforced a phenylethyl termi-nated polyimide with MWCNTs, which are a few hun-dred lm in length and 20–100 nm in diameter. Thecomposites were made by mechanical blending of thenanotubes in the matrix, melting at 320 �C, and curingat 370 �C under 0.2 MPa pressure. The resulting elasticand mechanical properties are shown in Table 6. Theaddition of MWCNTs enhances the tensile Young�smodulus, and reduces the tensile strength and ultimatestrain.

Thostenson and Chou [7,68] have characterized thenanotube structure and elastic properties of a modelcomposite system of aligned MWCNTs embedded in apolystyrene matrix. In this work, a micro-scale twin-screw extruder was utilized to obtain high shear mixingnecessary for disentangling the CVD-grown MWCNTs,and disperse them uniformly in a polystyrene thermo-plastic matrix. The polymer melt was then extrudedthrough a rectangular die and drawn under tension be-fore solidification. The process of extruding the nano-composite through the die and subsequent drawingresults in a continuous ribbon of aligned nanocompos-ites. Fig. 16(a) shows a TEM micrograph of the

Table 6Properties of CNT/polyimide nanocomposites [67]

CNT (wt%) CNT (vol%) Tga (�C) Eb (GP

0 0 335 2.843.3 2.3 339 3.077.7 5.4 350 3.2814.3 10.3 357 3.90

a Onset temperature of decrease in storage modulus (DMA).b Strain range of 0.5–1.0% (tensile testing).

Fig. 16. (a) TEM micrograph of process-induced orientation in nanocompo

as-processed 5-wt% nanocomposite film showing large-scale dispersion and alignment of carbon nanotubes inthe polymer matrix. The arrow in Fig. 16(a) indicatesthe direction of alignment taken as the principal mate-rial direction with a nanotube orientation of 0�. Thegrey lines perpendicular to the arrow in the TEM micro-graph are artifacts from microtome cutting process. Fig.16(b) shows the distribution of nanotube alignmentfrom the image analysis. Based on the data, the standarddeviation of nanotube alignment from the principalmaterial direction is less than ±15�.

The axial elastic properties of the MWCNT/polysty-rene system have been modeled by Thostenson andChou [7] using a ‘‘micromechanics’’ approach throughdefining an equivalent effective fiber property for thediameter-sensitive carbon nanotube elastic modulus.To accurately model the elastic properties of the com-posite, the contribution to the overall elastic modulusof each nanotube diameter, and the volume fractionthat tubes of a specific diameter occupy within thecomposite have been taken into account. Using theknowledge of the tube diameter distribution functionsas well as the nanotube density and volume distribu-tion as functions of tube diameter, the micromechanicsapproach identifies the correlation between axialYoung�s modulus, and the diameter, volume fractionand length of nanotubes of the aligned nanocompositemodel system.

a) ruts (MPa) emax (%) r0.2 (MPa)

115.6 7.6 69.899.5 4.0 80.597.6 3.6 84.695.2 2.6 92.6

site ribbons [68] and (b) image analysis of orientation distribution [7].

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Experiments by Frogley et al. [69] on silicone-basedelastomers reinforced with SWCNTs have shown signif-icant increases in the initial modulus of the composites,accompanied by a reduction in the ultimate properties.Raman spectroscopy experiments show a loss of stresstransfer to the nanotubes at around 10–20% strain, sug-gesting the break-down of the effective interface betweenthe phases. On the other hand, the reorientation of thenanotubes under strain in the samples may be responsi-ble for the initial increase in modulus enhancement un-der strain.

More recently, experiments on silicone elastomer-reinforced with SWCNTs have shown significant in-crease in stiffness and strength. However, the relativemagnitudes of the improvement decreased with highernanotube volume loading because the composite becamemore brittle [70].

5.4. Interfaces in carbon nanotube/polymer composites

In the processing of nanocomposites, carbon nano-tubes need to be separated from bundles and disperseduniformly in a polymer matrix for maximizing theircontact surface area with the matrix. Modification ofnanotube surfaces, for example, the creation of cova-lent chemical bonds between nanotubes and the poly-mer matrix, enhances their interactions and gives riseto higher interfacial shear strength than van der Waalsbonds [36,71]. Sinnott [72] has provided an in-depthreview of the chemical functionalization of carbonnanotubes, where the chemical bonds are used to tai-lor the interaction of the nanotube with the other enti-ties, such as a solvent, a polymer matrix or othernanotubes. The two major approaches to functional-ization are chemical methods and irradiation withelectrons or ions. Brief excerpts from Sinnott [72]are given below, and a few examples concerning mod-ification of nanotube/polymer interface in compositesare also given.

The chemical methods involve the attachment ofchemical bonds to either the nanotube ends or sidewalls.First, nanotube caps, which are more reactive because oftheir high degree of curvature can react with a strongacid. The open ends can be stabilized by carboxylic acidand hydroxide groups. In the work of Liu et al. [73],sonication of purified SWCNTs in a mixture of concen-trated sulfuric and nitric acid cuts the tube into shortsegments with open ends, about 300 nm in length, withcarboxylic acid (–COOH) groups covalently attached tothe openings. The mechanism involves the oxidation ofthe nanotube walls at defect sites. As reviewed by Sin-nott [72], functionalized short SWCNTs could be madesoluble in water or organic solvents. Longer, microme-ter-length SWCNTs can be made soluble in organic sol-vents through ionic functionalization of the carboxylicacid groups.

A recent example of functionalization at nanotubeends for the preparation of SWCNT-reinforced poly-mer composites can be found in the work of Senet al. [74] and Hamon et al. [75]. In their study ofthe effect of interfacial reaction between SWCNTsand the polyurethane matrix, ester-functionalizedSWCNTs, SWCNT-COO(CH2)11CH3, were synthe-sized and electrospun with polyurethane. Accordingto Sen et al. [74], the chemical functionalization isan effective approach to exfoliate the SWCNT bundlesand improve the processability of SWCNTs. The esterform of SWCNTs has been shown to be easily dis-persed in organic solvent as both individual nanotubesand small bundles of 2–5 nanotubes. The improvedchemical compatibility and dispersion of the function-alized nanotubes within the polyurethane matrix en-ables a significant enhancement in the tensilestrength and tangent modulus of the composite mem-brane fabricated by electrospinning when compared tothe pure polymer membrane.

Covalent chemical functionalization of the nanotubesidewalls has also been achieved. Nanotube walls canbe modified by reactive elements, such as fluorine.Fluorine chemically binds to, or functionalizes, thenanotube walls at room temperature and produces se-vere modification of the nanotube�s tubular structureat temperatures of 500–600 �C [72]. Nanotube sidewallscan also be functionalized through non-covalent inter-action through the irreversible adsorption of a bifunc-tional molecule onto the surface of a SWCNT in anorganic solvent [72,76]. Frankland et al. [77] usedmolecular dynamics simulations to show that thenanotube/polymer interfacial shear strength can be en-hanced by over an order of magnitude with the forma-tion of cross-links involving less than 1% of thenanotube carbon atoms with negligible changes in theelastic modulus.

In their tailoring the interface of MWCNT/polymercomposites, nanotube chemical modification, Eitanand co-workers [78] first attached carboxylic acid tothe tube surface. This was followed by further reactionsto attach di-glycidyl ether of bisphenol-A-based epoxideresin. It is then possible to further react the epoxidefunctional group to enable better interaction betweenthe polymer matrix chains of the composite and the sur-face of the nanotube. Fig. 17 depicts the interface tailor-ing process and the resulting improvement in elasticmodulus of unreinforced polycarbonate [79].

Gojny and co-workers [80,81] functionalized thenanotubes with amino acids by heating oxidized nano-tubes with an excess triethylenetetramine. Their experi-mental results indicate that the introduced functionalgroups lead to covalent bonding of the nanotube surfacewith the epoxy resin. Upon expansion of matrix cracksthrough heating by the electron beam in the TEM, itis seen (Fig. 18) that the functionalized outer layer of

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Fig. 18. Telescoping fracture of an amino acid functionalized multi-walled nanotube where the outer layer of the nanotube is stillembedded in the matrix after fracture [81].

Fig. 17. Interface tailoring in polycarbonate/MWCNT composites and the resulting improvement in elastic modulus of unreinforced polycarbonate[79].

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the multi-walled nanotube fractures and remains embed-ded in the epoxy matrix while the inner shells of thenanotube, which are bound together by the relatively

weak van der Waals bonds, pull out in a sword-in-sheath mechanism.

Chemical functionalization of nanotubes can also beaccomplished through irradiation with electrons or ions.Electron irradiation of carbon nanotubes causes theircollapse in an anisotropic manner due to the knockoutof atoms in the nanotube walls [72,82]. Ion depositioncan induce cross-links between nanotubes in the bundleand between shells in MWNTs, which could lead to effi-cient load transfer among the tube layers.

Hu et al. [83] and Ni et al. [84] approached the mod-ification of carbon nanotube/polystyrene compositesthrough polyatomic ion beam deposition. Molecular dy-namic simulations have demonstrated the modificationof a composite of (10,10) SWCNT/polystyrene throughthe deposition of a beam of C3F

þ5 polyatomic ions.

Covalent cross-links were induced between otherwiseun-functionalized SWCNT and a polystyrene matrix.

5.5. Modeling of transport and constitutive properties

The modeling of transport properties is illustrated bythe work of Qunaies et al. [85] for the electrical behav-iors of SWCNT/polyimide composites. The insulatingnature of polyimides may cause significant accumulationof electrostatic charge on their surface, resulting in localheating and premature degradation to electronic compo-nents or space structures. Polyimide reinforced withSWCNT provides a level of electrical conductivity suffi-cient to permit electrostatic discharge as well asenhancement in thermal and mechanical properties.The percolation transition in CP2 polyimide/SWCNTcomposites was noticed between 0.02 and 0.1 vol% of

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Fig. 19. Self-similar approach to constitutive properties of SWCNT/polymer [91].

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SWCNT; DC conductivity changed from 3 · 10�17 to1.6 · 10�8 s/cm. The modeling predicts percolation con-centrations of SWCNT in the vicinity of measured per-colation threshold (0–0.2 vol%) for different SWCNTbundle size. Both analytical and characterization resultslie between the single tube and seven tube arrangements,indicating that SWCNTs are dispersed in CP2 polyimidematrix as very thin bundles.

In the constitutive modeling of SWCNT/polymercomposites [86–88], constitutive relationships for nano-composites were developed as a function of the molecu-lar structure of the polymer and nanotubes, andpolymer/nanotube interface. In this approach, themolecular dynamics simulation was first used to obtainthe equilibrium molecular structure, which consisted ofa (6,6) SWCNT and five PmPV [poly(m-phenylenevinyl-ene) substituted with octyloxy chains] oligomer, each 10repeating units in length. Then a suitable representativevolume element (RVE) of the nano-structure material ischosen. An equivalent-truss model of the RVE is devel-oped as an intermediate step. The total strain energies inthe molecular and equivalent-truss models, under identi-cal loading conditions, are set equal. The nanotube, thelocal polymer near the nanotube, and the nanotube/polymer interface are then modeled as an effective con-tinuum fiber by using an equivalent-continuum model-ing. The effective fibers then serve as a means forincorporating micromechanical analyses for the predic-tion of bulk mechanical properties of SWCNT/polymercomposites as functions of nanotube lengths, concentra-tions and orientations [86].

Pipes and Hubert [89,90] and Odegard et al. [91]adopted a self-similar approach to constitutive proper-ties of SWCNT/polymer composites. There are threemajor steps in the modeling. First, a helical array of

Fig. 20. (a) The photoelastic stress pattern of a short fiber/polymer compocomposite under axial tension using a multi-scale simulation [94].

SWCNTs is assembled; and twisting the nanoarray(helical angle, 10�) provides an additional load transfermechanism. Next, the nanoarrays are surrounded by apolymeric matrix and assembled into a second twistedarray, nanowire with nanotube volume fraction of54.6%. Lastly, the nanowires are impregnated with apolymer matrix and assembled into the final helical ar-ray, micro-fiber with nanotube volume fraction of33.2%. The self-similar scheme, ranging from individualSWCNTs, nanoarray, nanowire to nanofiber is shown inFig. 19. The self-similar approach and the equivalent-continuum modeling can predict elastic properties ofthe SWCNT/polymer composites in a combined rangespanning from dilute to hyper-concentrated SWCNTvolume fraction.

site [93] and (b) the shear stress distribution of a nanotube/polymer

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6. Comparison of properties and performance

Although the length scales of reinforcements in nano-composites, i.e., diameter of nanoparticles, diameter andlength of nanofibers and nanotubes, as well as thickness

Fig. 21. (a) Slip band formation in a composite with Al2O3 fiber in an alumialigned nanocomposite [96].

Fig. 22. Key mechanisms of energy dissipation have been identified in the fr

Fig. 23. Fracture mechanisms in carbon n

of nanoplatelets are smaller than those of traditionalcomposites by about three orders in magnitude, thereare considerable differences and similarities in the prop-erties and performance of nanocomposites and tradi-tional fiber composites. It is highly desirable to present

num matrix [95] and (b) nanoscale buckling of carbon nanotubes in an

acture of short as well as continuous fiber-reinforced composites [93].

anotube-reinforced composites [68].

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Fig. 24. Tensile modulus and strength of several major commercialfibers (data from Shindo [98]).

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some key properties of nanocomposites in contrast tothe same properties in traditional composites, only afew examples are selected below.

It is well known in short-fiber composites that thepresence of fiber-ends induces stress concentrations inthe matrix materials when the composite is subjectedto loading. The nature of stress concentration and theassociated singularities have been studied in terms ofthe fiber bundle-end shape and bundle aspect ratio[92]. Fig. 20 compares (a) the photoelastic stress patternof a short fiber/polymer composite [93] with the shearstress distribution of a nanotube/polymer composite un-der tension using a multi-scale simulation [94]. Twotypes of nanotube/matrix interfacial bonding conditionsare considered. The length of nanotube is less than 1 nmwhereas the short fibers are of millimeters in length. Thegeneral similarity in local stress concentration isunmistakable.

In the case of uniaxial compression of continuous fi-ber composite, it is well known that fiber defects or fibermisalignment may activate fiber bending and subsequentfiber buckling. Fig. 21(a) shows slip band formation in acomposite with Al2O3 fiber in an aluminum matrix [95].The activation and subsequent observation of nanotubebuckling in a composite under compressive loading aremuch more difficult because of the small size and align-ment of nanotubes. Thostenson and Chou [96] have suc-ceeded in such experiments. The multiple buckling ofindividual MWCNTS in a polymer composite can beseen in Fig. 21(b). An atomistic modeling of elasticbuckling of carbon nanotubes has been performed byLi and Chou [97].

Several key mechanisms of energy dissipation havebeen identified in the fracture of short as well as contin-uous fiber-reinforced composites. These are fiber frac-

Fig. 25. Comparison of SWCNT properties with the properties of commerciet al. [57]; Yakobson et al. [59]).

ture, fiber pullout, fiber/matrix debonding/crackbridging and matrix cracking. Fig. 22 shows schemati-cally these mechanisms operating at a crack tip [93] aswell as the micrographs demonstrating the individualfailure modes. It is interesting to note that all these fail-ure modes have also been observed in nanotube rein-forced polymer composites as demonstrated byThostenson and Chou [68] in Fig. 23.

One of the reasons of the recent enthusiasm towardcarbon nanotubes as reinforcements for composite mate-rials is their reported high elastic modulus and strengthcomparing to those of existing continuous fibers. Thecomparison is further demonstrated below. Fig. 24

al fibers (Hernandez et al. [44]; Li and Chou [43]; Zhang et al. [99]; Yu

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Fig. 26. Comparison of electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity [100]. Shaded region indicates the predicted carbon nanotube properties from[101–104].

508 E.T. Thostenson et al. / Composites Science and Technology 65 (2005) 491–516

summarizes the tensile modulus and strength of severalmajor commercial fibers: PAN-based and pitched-basedcarbon fibers, Kevlar fiber and glass fiber [98]. A compar-ison of the fiber properties with those of SWCNTs ismade in Fig. 25. Here, the experimental results of Yuet al. [57] are presented along with the modulus predic-tions of Hernandez et al. [44] using the tight-bindingmolecular dynamics, Li and Chou [43] using the molecu-lar structural mechanics, and Zhang et al. [99] using acontinuum approach. Because of the lack of correspond-ing strength data, these results of modulus predictionsare indicated by horizontal lines. The range of measuredstrength data of Yu et al., denoted by the open circles, isindicated by two vertical lines. In addition, the strengthpredictions of Yakobson et al. [59] using moleculardynamics are indicated by a vertical line at 150 GPa.

Lastly, Fig. 26 shows the electrical resistivity and ther-mal conductivity of several bulk metallic materials (Cu,Al, Mg, brass, bronze, and Ti) as well as pitch carbon fi-bers (ranging from P-25 to P-140), PAN carbon fibers(T-300), and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)are given. The ranges of predicted electrical resistivityand thermal conductivity for SWCNTs are shown as therectangular area in the top of Fig. 26 [100–104]. Becauseof the scattering indataof predicted electrical and thermalproperties of SWCNTs, the results shown in Fig. 26 areunderstood not to be inclusive.

The addition of carbon nanotubes has been shown tosignificantly reduce the resistivity and percolationthreshold in both polymer matrix materials, such asepoxy [105,106] and poly(butylene terephthalate) [107]as well as ceramic matrix materials, such as silicon car-bide [108] and aluminum oxide [109].

7. Critical issues in nanocomposites

Just as in traditional fiber composites, the major chal-lenges in the research of nanocomposites can be catego-rized in terms of the structures from nano to micro tomacro levels. There is still considerable uncertainty intheoretical modeling and experimental characterizationof the nano-scale reinforcement materials, particularlynanotubes. Then, there is a lack of understanding ofthe interfacial bonding between the reinforcements andthe matrix material from both analytical and experimen-tal viewpoints. Lastly, the challenges at the level ofnanocomposites have mainly to do with the following is-sues related to composites processing:

7.1. Dispersion

Uniform dispersion of nanoparticles, and nanotubesagainst their agglomeration due to van der Waals bond-ing is the first step in the processing of nanocomposites.Beside the problems of agglomeration of nanoparticles,exfoliation of clays and graphitic layers are essential.SWCNTs tend to cluster into ropes and MWCNTs pro-duced by chemical vapor deposition are often tangledtogether like spaghettis. The separation of nanotubesin a solvent or a matrix material is a prerequisite foraligning them.

7.2. Alignment

Because of their small sizes, it is exceedingly difficultto align the nanotubes in a polymeric matrix material ina manner accomplished in traditional short fiber com-

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posites. The lack of control of their orientation dimin-ishes the effectiveness of nanotube reinforcement incomposites, whether for structural or functionalperformance.

7.3. Volume and rate

High volume and high rate fabrication is fundamen-tal to manufacturing of nanocomposites as a commer-cially viable product. The lessons learned in thefabrication of traditional fiber composites have clearlydemonstrated that the development of a science basefor manufacturing is indispensable. Efficiency in manu-facturing is pivotal to the future development ofnanocomposites.

7.4. Cost effectiveness

Besides high volume and high rate production, the costof nanocomposites also hinges on that of the nano-reinforcement material, particularly, nanotubes. It isanticipated that as applications for nanotubes and theircomposites increase the cost will be dramatically reduced.

8. Precursors for macroscopic composites

For substantially realizing their exciting potentials, ro-bust processing and manufacturing methods are requiredto incorporate nano-reinforcements into macroscopicfunctional and structural composites. To utilize thesenanostructured materials in engineering applications, itis crucial to develop processing techniques that are bothscalable for producing macroscopic structures and capa-ble of efficiently utilizing nanoscale reinforcement in theas-manufactured composite. Some promising techniquesfor processing precursors for macroscopic composites arebriefly outlined in the following.

8.1. Long nanotube fibers and strands

Just as in traditional fiber composites, there has beenstrong impetus in producing ‘‘continuous’’ carbon nano-tubes that will undoubtedly facilitate their structural andfunctional applications. Recent advances in processinglong carbon nanotubes in the form of individual nano-tubes and nanotube strands are briefly reviewed below.

First, Zheng et al. [110] have reported the synthesis of4-cm-long individual SWCNTs by Fe-catalyzed decom-position of ethanol. In this process, a FeCl3 solution wasapplied with a dip-pen to one end of the Si substrate,which was then placed in a horizontal quartz tube fur-nace with the catalyst end directed toward the gas flow,and ethanol vapor was then introduced into the furnace.The growth rate is 11 lm/s.

Zhu et al. [111] reported the direct synthesis of longstrands of ordered SWCNTs by an optimized catalyticchemical vapor depositionwith a floating catalystmethodin a vertical furnace. A salient feature of this synthesismethod is in the use of n-hexane in combination withthiophene and hydrogen, so large portions of longSWCNTs are formed and assembeled into macroscopicstrands. SWCNT strands with a length of 20 cm and adiameter on the order of 0.3–0.5 mm have been accom-plished. The tensile modulus of the strands is in therange of 49–77 GPa. The approximate volume fractionof nanotube in the strands, determined by analyzingthe spacing between the nanotube ropes in the strands,is less than 48%. Hence, the tensile modulus based uponthe net cross-section of the strand would be in the rangeof 100–150 GPa, consistent with the modulus of largeSWCNT bundles.

Ericson et al. [112] recently reported the synthesis ofmacroscopic, neat SWCNT fibers. Because of the high-temperature stability of SWCNTs, wet spinning is theonly viable approach, as is the case for conventionalrod-like polymers such a PBO, PPTA and PBZT. Themain challenge to the production of neat SWCNT fi-bers, according to Ericson et al. is dispersing theSWCNTs at high enough concentrations suitable forefficient alignment and coagulation. Davis et al. [113]have shown that SWCNTs can be dispersed at high con-centrations in superacids. The functionalization ofSWCNT sidewalls eliminated wall–wall van der Waalsinteractions and promotes their ordering into an alignedphase of individual mobile SWCNTs surrounded byacid anions. Then, using conventional fiber-spinningtechniques, this ordered SWCNT dispersion could beextruded and coagulated in a controlled fashion to pro-duce continuous lengths of macroscopic neat SWCNTfibers. Davis et al. [113] reported that the neat SWCNTfibers possess good mechanical properties, with aYoung�s modulus of 120 ± 10 GPa and a tensile strengthof 116 ± 10 MPa. The electrical resistivity of the fibers isaround 0.2 mX cm. The thermal conductivity of theeither-coagulated fiber is 21 W/m K.

The process reviewed above for assembling carbonnanotubes into continuous fibers [111–113] have beenachieved through post-processing methods. Li et al.[114] have reported the spinning of fibers and ribbons ofcarbon nanotubes directly from the chemical vapor depo-sition synthesis zone of a furnace using a liquid source ofcarbon and an iron nanocatalyst. The liquid feedstock ismixedwith hydrogen and injected into the hot zonewherean aerogel of nanotubes forms. This aerogel is capturedand wound out of the hot zone continuously as a fiberor film (Fig. 27(a)). The wind-up assembly could operateat lower temperature outside the furnace hot zone (Fig.27(b)). Fig. 27(c) shows that a permanent twist is intro-duced into a fiber that consists of well-alignedMWCNTsafter its removal from the furnace.

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Fig. 27. Schematic of the direct spinning process where: (a) the wind-up is by an offset rotating spindle, (b) the wind-up assembly thatoperates at a lower temperature, outside the furnace hot zone and(c) SEM micrograph showing permanent twist introduced into ananotube fiber from direct CVD spinning [114]. Reprinted withpermission from [114]. Copyright (2004) AAAS.

Fig. 28. Influence of nanoclay on the static compressive strength of S2glass/vinyl ester composites [119].

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The approach of coagulation-based carbon nanotubespinning was first developed by Vigolo et al. [115]. Inthis process, SWCNTs dispersed by a surfactant were in-jected through a needle or capillary tube using a syringepump into co-flowing stream of polymer solution thatcontained 5 wt% of polyvinyl alcohol. Flow-inducedalignment of the nanotubes took place at the tip of thecapillary. The nanotube ribbons so formed could bedrawn in the third dimension when the polymer solutionwas slowly pumped out from the bottom of the con-tainer. The needle or the capillary tube was orientedso that the SWCNT injection was tangential to the cir-cular trajectory of the polymer solution in the container.Vigolo et al. [115] reported that the elastic modulus ofthe nanotube fibers is 10 times higher than the modulusof high-quality buckypaper.

By modifying the process of Vigolo et al. [115,116]and Poulin et al. [117], Dalton et al. [118] reported theconversion of gel fibers into long solid nanotube com-posite fiber in a continuous process at a rate of morethan 70 cm/min. The resulting composite fibers are50 lm in diameter, containing 60% SWCNTs. The fiberYoung�s modulus and tensile strength are 80 and

1.8 GPa, respectively. Large strain to failure was alsorecorded.

The concept of assembling SWCNTs into nano arrays,nanowires and finally, microfibers for modeling the con-stitutive properties of SWCNT/polymer composites[89–91] may have significant technological implications.If SWCNTs can be produced and controlled in a contin-uous manner, the resulting microfiber would representthe most efficient translation of the properties of nano-reinforcements to the microscopic andmacroscopic level.

8.2. Multi-scale hybrid composites

8.2.1. Controlled growth of carbon nanotubes on fibersurfaces

The controlled surface growth of carbon nanotube isbest illustrated by the work of Thostenson et al. [6] usingcarbon fibers. Fig. 1 demonstrates the reinforcementhierarchy in the multi-scale nanotube/fiber compositesin which the woven fabric is deposited with nanotubes.Here, the length scales of structures encompass the mac-roscopic woven fabric (in meters), the microscopic car-bon fibers (in microns) with nanotube growth, andindividual nanotubes (in nanometers). It was concludedthat carbon nanotubes at the fiber/matrix interface im-proved the interfacial shear strength because of localstiffening of the polymer matrix.

8.2.2. Nanoclay-enhanced matrix

Multi-scale hybrid composites have also been pro-duced using nanoclay as reinforcement for the matrixmaterial. The motivation of adding nanoclay to a resinmatrix is for enhancing the resin stiffness. The benefitsof such improvement have been demonstrated in thecompressive strength of fiber composites, which is influ-enced by the matrix shear modulus. Subramaniyan andSun [119] measured the off-axis compressive strength ofS2 glass fiber (Vf = 35%) reinforced vinyl ester resin withthe addition of nanoclay particles. The improvement in

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compressive strength as shown in Fig. 28 is rathersignificant.

Liu et al. [120] synthesized a hybrid rubber-modifiednanocomposite with organoclay. It has been demon-strated that organoclay enhances the degree of cure ofthe rubber-modified system as well as improves the frac-ture toughness, compression modulus, yield strengthand ultimate strength of the epoxy resin.

8.2.3. Nanotube or nanofiber-reinforced matrix

Iwahori et al. [121] also pursued the concept of ma-trix modification by dispersing carbon nanofibers intothe matrix of carbon fiber/polymer composites. Theyenvisioned improvements in elastic modulus and resis-tance to crack propagation of the matrix phase and,consequently, its compressive strength and interlaminarstrength.

Fig. 29 shows the experimental results of strength andmodulus of carbon fiber woven fabric reinforced epoxyresin (EP 827�). The resin matrix is dispersed with a‘‘cup-stacked’’ type carbon nano-fiber CARBERE�

(CSNF), which is consisted of layers of truncated coni-cal graphene sheets of diameter 80–100 nm andlength < 1 lm (AR10) or <10 lm (AR50). Again, theaddition of CSNF improves the matrix properties.

Fig. 29. Normalized mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber/carbon fiber hybrid composites [121].

8.3. Fibers and films

8.3.1. Nanocomposite fibrils

The potential for development of advanced continu-ous fibers with nanoscale diameter is attractive. Conven-tional mechanical spinning techniques are limited toproducing fibers of micrometer diameters. As reviewedrecently by Dzenis [122], electrospinning enables theproduction of polymer nanofibers from polymer solu-tions or melts in high electric fields. When the electricforce on induced charges on the polymer liquid over-comes surface tension a thin polymer jet is ejected.The charged jet is elongated and accelerated by the elec-tric field and can be deposited on a substrate. The poten-tial of electrospun nanocomposite fibrils is exemplifiedbelow.

First, the work of Ko et al. [123] has demonstratedthat continuous, PAN-based nanocomposite fibrils withSWCNT can be produced using electrospinning process.The alignment of SWCNTs in the fibril was achievedthrough flow and charge-induced orientation as well asconfinement effect. Fig. 30 is a micrograph showingthe alignment of nanotubes near the nozzle area. Thecomposite fibril was carbonized at 750 �C and graphi-tized at 1100 �C in nitrogen environment.

Viculis et al. [124] have also utilized eletrospinningfor studying the elastic properties of nanoplatelet/PANnanocomposite fibrils. Here, graphite was intercalatedwith potassium to form the first stage intercalation com-pound, KC8, and then exfoliated in aqueous solvents toproduce graphite nanoplatelets. The nanoplatelets werethen dispersed in a 7 wt% polyacrylonitrile (PAN) solu-tion in N,N-dimethylformamide to form nanoscale fi-brils by electrospinning. The elastic moduli of thenanocomposite fibrils have been measured by atomicforce microscopy. The average moduli are 77.21,112.69, 121.33, and 133.43 GPa, respectively, for nano-platelet contents of 1, 2, 3, and 4 wt%. Three measure-ments were made at each nanoplatelet content. The

Fig. 30. PAN-based nanocomposite fibrils with SWCNT producedusing the electrospinning process, showing alignment of the carbonnanotubes [123].

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Table 7PBO/SWCNT fiber properties [127]

Sample Fiber diameter (lm) Tensile modulus (GPa) Strain to failure (%) Tensile strength (GPa) Compressive strength (GPa)

PBO 22 ± 2 138 ± 20 2.0 ± 0.2 2.6 ± 0.3 0.35 ± 0.6PBO/SWNT (95/5) 25 ± 2 156 ± 20 2.3 ± 0.3 3.2 ± 0.3 0.40 ± 0.6PBO/SWNT (95/5) 25 ± 2 167 ± 15 2.8 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.5 0.50 ± 0.6

Fig. 31. Aligned nanotube bucky-papers [130].

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goal of the work of Viculis et al. was to develop linear,planar and 3-D assemblies of the nanocomposite fibrilsfor macroscopic composites.

The electrospinning process has recently been utilizedby Ko et al. [125] for the processing of carbon nanotube-reinforced spider silk. With strengths approaching 4GPa and strain-to-failure exceeding 35%, spider silkhas been recognized as a model of strong, tough fibers.Recent progress in biotechnology, notably by NexiaBiotechnologies through transgenic synthesis of spidersilk polymer has enabled large-scale manufacturing ofspider silk. In the process, recombinant spider silk, BIO-STEEL� in BELE� (Breed Early Lactate Early) goatsystem was produced in combination with pronuclearmicroinjection and nuclear transfer technologies result-ing in a scalable manufacturing process for spider silk.In the work of Ko et al. [125], SWCNTs were success-fully dispersed in transgenic spider silk with variouscombinations of silk proteins to form spinning dopefor electrospinning. Nanofibers as small as 10 nm wereco-electrospun to form aligned and random nanofiberassemblies. Initial tensile testing of the aligned silk com-posites showed a 10-fold increase in modulus, 5-fold in-crease in strength, and 3-fold increase in toughness withonly 1 wt% of SWCNT in MaSpl silk matrix. These ini-tial findings may have implications in a broad range ofapplications including tissue engineering scaffolds andballistic armor.

Another example of the nanoparticle composite fila-ment can be found in the work of Mahfuz et al. [126].The reinforcement phase of the composite is a mixtureof carbon particles (50–200 nm) and semi-crystallinewhiskers (2–8 lm in diameter, 100–200 lm in length,1.8 g/cm3 density) produced by catalytic chemical vapordeposition. The matrix is a linear low density polyethyl-ene (LLDPE). The processing of the nanocomposites in-volves the dry mixing of 2 wt% whisker and fine powderLLDPE followed by hot extrusion. The tensile modulusof nanocomposites in the filament direction is 270 MPa,a 16.37% gain comparing to the neat polyethylene mod-ulus of 232 MPa. The nanocomposite tensile strength is11.29 MPa as compared to 9.66 MPa for neatpolyethylene.

Kumar et al. [127] have succeeded in demonstratingthe enhancement in modulus, strength, and energyabsorption of PBO/SWCNT composite fibers. In theprocess, Poly (p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO)was synthesized in the presence of SWCNT in poly

(phosporic acid) (PPA) using typical PBO polymeriza-tion conditions. The SWCNTs were produced by theHiPco [128] process with an average diameter ofabout 0.95 nm. The PBO/SWCNT composite fiberswere spun from the liquid crystalline solutions usingdry-jet wet spinning. Table 7 summarizes the elasticand strength properties of the PBO/SWCNT compos-ite fibers.

8.3.2. Nanocomposite films

In addition to the creation of fibrils that can be usedas potential fiber reinforcement in composites, the crea-tion of large-scale nanocomposite films offers potentialfor the creation of macroscopic parts through the useof traditional composites manufacturing processes. Forexample, the method of Thostenson and Chou describedin Section 5.3 results in a continuous ribbon of alignednanocomposite that may then be laminated using tradi-tional composites processing methods, such as autoclavemolding or automated tape placement, to create macro-scale aligned nanocomposites.

The approach of magnetically aligning SWCNTs wasfirst given by Walters et al. [129]. Wang et al. [130] hasdemonstrated the high volume loading of SWCNTalignment in bucky paper using a stable SWCNT sus-pension prepared by sonicating a SWCNT/water/sur-factant mixture. The filtration system was then placedinside the magnet bore and a bucky paper of 387 cm2

(60 in.2) · 17.8 lm was produced in 10 h under magnetic

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fields of 17.3–25 Tesla (Fig. 31). Laminated compositeswere made by epoxy resin infiltration of stacked buckypapers with 59.8 wt% of SWCNT.

9. Concluding remarks

Recent advances in producing nanostructured mate-rials with novel material properties have stimulated re-search to create macroscopic engineering materials bydesigning the structure at the nanoscale. Before thesenovel properties can be fully realized in a macroscopiccomposite, considerable basic research is necessary.The change in reinforcement scale poses new challengesin the development of processing as well as characteriza-tion techniques for these composites. The nano-meterscale of the reinforcement also presents additional chal-lenges in mechanics research since we now must accountfor interactions at the atomic-scale.

Like all nanostructured materials, the properties ofnanostructured composites are highly structure/size-dependent. To take the exceptional properties observedat the nanoscale and utilize these properties at the mac-roscale require a fundamental understanding of theproperties and their interactions across various lengthscales. Ultimately a basic understanding of the struc-ture-property relations will enable the nanoscale designof multi-functional materials for engineering applica-tions ranging from structural and functional materialsto biomaterials and beyond. Large-scale application ofnanocomposites also requires the scale-up of manufac-turing processes. Finally, there is a need to address thebroad societal implications of nanotechnology of whichnanocomposites is an important part.


This paper is dedicated to Professor A. Kelly.The authors thank the support of the Air Force Office

of Scientific Research (Grant No. F49620-02-1-0328 –Dr. Byung-Lip Lee, Program Director), the ArmyResearch Office (Grant No. DAAD 19-02-1-0264 –Dr. Bruce LaMattina, Program Director), the NationalScience Foundation (NIRT Program, Grant No.0304506, Dr. Ken P. Chong, Program Director), andthe Office of Naval Research (Grant No. N0014-02-1-0960 – Dr. Ralph Wachter, Program Director).


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