Page 1: Tho Woath - Memorial University of from .:dlpbcberia or other iofect.loai tnbuted or any par~ ~~reof

. .


. ' I •


. .

DAVIS & GOMPANY. WE tender oor be&c-ty ' tbanl[e to those

wbo have ao largely patronized Ul the put Seuon and wiah them all · ·

A Ha~py ChriSttmis -ANDA- . • .


I STRAYED. DA Vl D CLARK of lalaad Con haa a

BU:LL utray ; ib ia three yean old, dark reel, and a little Ybite onder tbe belly ; it hu a blt of wire ln U. ear, Any pereon ghlng hlformat.lon \hat ...Ullead to the recovery of thll•nim~ will be anit&bly r:ewal"decl.

lalud Oove,'Deo. 28, 1a~o . . . -

I RISH· SOX, band·knit ty Donegal'peaun. try, pnro Wool, very w.:rm, da'rable and

oomfort.~~le. 12 paira aent for fi ve Dollan . . Men'alonte..knlck!Srboo~er, Boae, 6 pAlrt aont poe~t _free for ts, ··6 _or 7 Dollara, aoccmilnJ to qnaHty. Pcia~ OOioe ortlera pay• abl.--8. & E. M'HUGB: (Limited), Belfae~, J,.S~nd.-2 in.w,6m,

CAUTION' I 1 he~reb~ warn all r-"ties againet purobaa­

log that piece o f:: Land aituated on the South. Side of Water Street, nearly oppoaite the Methodiet Obuteb. ·

Maa. AllJRED WEBCE'Il .. Dec. 19, l i.

W.A.NTEP! • II, . . ....,_._ ,

-ro~e maklog tlletr Calt"· aod Put11 for--Cbrlatmu.-

\~· ,000 F.EMALES re r.qClind to Ollll at SQUIRE~' Grooery­t.ore, &o purobue Ralaloe, Curraou, Soaar,­

-&Utr aod all t,M I!IOI!Iiary loi"edleot.­Aleo-A larllfl ueort.ment of Hottlect aod

Tiooed i'ruit. i OraagM, Grepea, Applea, &c Prloea loweet In to•a 0= motto-Qulelt

Ialii aD4 Small Proftte WCall aod 8ee for YourMIYII..::i

A 8QUR,1ES, Weter Stree\, Harbor uraoe

The Christmas Tree (J• AID or Ta& N&W CATIICDUL.)

wlU bPtD oo Friday, the f6.tb loea, (Sa Stephen'• Dllf) 1111 tbt ,..oademy Hall ··

Tlaqae •bo have kladly promleed eontribGtiODI •lU pl-.. iend them lo befoN that daJ llrl. Joaw Boo•a. I Mre. P . PABIIL.- ~ • · lln Lauo POl(raur, lliaalhooi ·Jona. DIO 18, 1890 .

W'IMTED MEN, local or treullloa to ,.u n IDJ aaareoteed MounT tnoolt SalarJ or oommt.loa, paid •Hklf Outfl• free lptolal a'*totlOil alveD to be,tooera Worlttra aner fall &o make aood weekly "'I" Write IDt at oooe for oar&l4alan . ·

... 0. GBAUX, •nrMr}'1D&!l, (l"ble bout Ia rellabi•J 'l'otooto, Oo& 81010 11•


Statutorv ·Notice. •~._ .. ,..ULATIONS ~~ .. u for HARBOR

In. tk matUr of clle Estate of CATBERINB "'_.;·"" ... ., .. of. section 7 Tao!'_ BY, l4le oi Hmrbor Grau, d~. 1889, for meaaon• of p_re-

PURSU ANT to the "Trn•teee Act, 1878," out:bn~alr:: or IIJ'~ad-notice ia hereby given, that all pera'na ,

cla!ming'to be creditqra of, or w~o b&,, any - • . clatm or demand upo~ br affecting tbe Eatate 1,-No houeebolder. lo bo.e. d•elliot! thne or Aaet. of Ouannr& TBoxn, late of Bar- OOOIJrl a· cue Qf dipb&ber~ or other iofectioue

11 . ..:.~ ___ .~ b d diaeaee, eball permit any pereoo i offerio.c from bor ~rao.s &foreataid, -uece~UM~U, w 0 ied at \be di~ee, or aoy olothiog or other property, to tbat place. and of wboee Will probate waa be removed' from lila bonae •ithoul the coneeat. gran~ to Jon PAT&UON, the encu\Or of the Uoard of Htaltb. named in the aaid Will, are requited to send 2. -No iomate ot any ' infected hoo.e eball to the ui.t executor or to the euhtcriber on eoier any otbor d•elline boo11e, ebop. ·pllcc of .or before tbe Slat day~ D~mber next, 1890, •o~bip, aohoo!. or pobllo ~r&tberin~ of aor lt1o.d, d 1 ·~ t.l 1 ri r -' 1 • d trithouc perchlailoo ot Board of Heahb ·or atteod a y •~•~ pt.r on a o t ~r c auna; ata aot pby lola noti~ it hereby gi•en that after the ~id S ht 8 -A~l pe~001 aJe~i· •. a ipbtlatrla or oth11 day of Deot!mber nut t9e executor lofeotloue dleeue:· are be .~ requlnd to adopt. wjll proe.ed to dletribate t!)e Uleta of aaid for tb.e dl.liofeo~loo of ol latoa. beddJoc aten. dec:e&lf!d ADIODpt the partiH,fDtbled tbtreto, lilt, land . other elfeou ·'Yh h ba .. "-0 eipoeed bnlng regard only to the "l1dms o( wbloh be to lof~l~oD,· etsob D)Aiorii;J' eball be preacrlbed tben aball bave bad oot.loe • •t.nd the' aalcl u. bJ tbe a&la Board. · • , ' ecator turtber gl•ea noU6e 'tlia• he •ill 00~ be ':.-5o pereoo eolferiea• trom diphtheria or llable for 'be uaeta of •id cl~-.a ao di.. other. tofeotloue ~iwaae, or ,~,l~ll •'.r1 receotlf , . . ... ~-- reoonred from .:dlpbcberia or other iofect.loai

tnbuted or any par~ ~~reof to any peraon or dieoue eball ~~:poet blmMlf or berMlf oor pet'IOUI • of WbOM oJitma h~ 1~&11 not hue, ,aball a~y per:ao!J, e:tpoae &OJ Oil~ uodtr. ble oharjlt had not1oe at the time of ttie datrlb.nti.on of wbo It 10 aa!enor, or who bat reoaotli rcoov· the said auete or patt tbereo( u the 0111 mlly tfed trom .dlpbtberia or other lnfeot!Dui aieeaee, be: . Ia aoJ coo'Yeyapoe: w~tbo\aa hulor pret louely

Dated at St. John'• 'thil lOth day of ootl8ed the o.aer; or pti'IOO lo oberge, of tbe N ovembir A. D 1890 ' r,oa or hie reoeotiJ buioe bad the dl ...... ·

' · D ' BB WNIN 6 -The o•oer, .or pere'b lu oharae, of any •. M. 0 G, · each ooonyeoo• at•W. nol,.#tar the eotrJ Gf aoy

Soll.altor fqr aid Eseontor, 10 IJ!.fec1ed pe.reoo io bla. ~Yeyaoct, allo• ao1 other pereoo to eoler It, .~tt'boot bnloa eufli-

THE cleotly dieiofeoted 1&, aod.t"tbe clireotioP of fDJ

COMING CHRISTN ·as CARD dfticer of tho Board of Uealtb. · 1 . , 6. -No pettbo tball afv4, lepd, treoemlt, rell,

--J-- · or expoee, aoy beddtojl, olocblna. or other arti·

FANCY GOODS AND Toys ole, likely to cJO'Ifoy dlpMbena or otbtr ioftC· · tloua dlaeue, •ltboat bnloa ftret c.ho the pre­

/ caatlons. pr..,ribtd by the uld' rulee of lb# Board What more l"ltablt or plea.elu ,U~ to .. nd tl) of Health for removlo~r all claoaer of OC¥Dmaoi·

abita& fritoda thaD a plouara of JODrtelf, Joar oatloa the dlaeue to ,othett. · • , family. or 4 t'lew of eomt parhf JOU, Home We 7--:-Ia the' cue of tba death of aDJ pereoo have pat op epeclaiiJ to eat& tbe-4tiii&Dd Vlewa eulfcrtoe from aoy iofeotio¥ dleeue, the fri!oda of the priocfpal pa1U of to•o ,aocl ohsellbbor· .aball Immediately o,oJlfy 'tbe lDeslical omcer, or o g plaOM They are ftoltbed lo ~ 'ltflaa Cbalrmao of the Hoard of lieal'tti, ohocb dtatb1 aod eiue, aod O&Jl be bacl fro1Q 1& eeate IJOb •bo aball UUI._,Iilp1 kt..biiteieoJo .preveiat i~ aod opwanll Doa't IOIJ'ft abttlat ($DIM; Mild feotioo. au( f.Jr tw1 ....... , .. lotermeD' or ~ tbem ao lotereec.Uia loeal mw tb&& will reclod 'rht faoeral ebaU "- tnte aod Ill io· 'hem of eoeoee lo Terra !lon reotect apartmeou, clotbfea ' ud o'tbel' elfee&.

lo etoclt--& lara• aaaoncotD' of ruor Carda .ball be &.boronably dlalofeoted. -band·paloted, hory: PIJllb, u41D piOkt&a ' , 8 -Aoy uaober, or pereoo io cbarge of o.

-Atao- .cbool, a poD' reuooable arouade of aaapl • oo or Fancy Oooda aod ToJ•, aaltablt for pr ... ota for belief &bat t papll li daoaeroaa to '" t •hb of

old aod youna \be eobool; bJ reaaoo of aacb .pupil oom:_r from SHOW -ROOM opeo DD Taeaday Dell ao iofectd booee or P~. moe~ es:claCS. •uch . a:r Doo'' forsat oar apeclalt,r-tbe 16 . oeat pdP,(I from littendfo~ eotiool oatil be prodncta a

Looal View Cbriatmu Card . . Tbt7 ool7 need oertUicec. from a medloal atteodaat.. to be aeea 1 9.-Tht Board of R&Ailb ahall ban po•er to

E PARsONS, pJprd J'IIIJ .boaae or bnUdlog lo wblcb ao4 Water Strtd, Harbor Gr~ oate ot jof,aLJoa• diaeue mey ocoar • lthlp that

r.onloo of the ~JA!'jpt of.(JaJbgr Grace "" N QTI C E o' which · t&e Board b.,{. UWrhr,· . • · · 1-0.-»,9 perao'o .•ball aDt, ttu, or ret..oYe

1 from aoy 'hoaae or bul!4loa aoy piiOIU'd of tbe THE

ANNUAL ·MEETING uf tba 8&ootboldera lo tbt


•Ill be held at tbt Oa!oe of tb.t Com-p&nJ1 No 141 Water Street, Uarbor OrtQ .. at 11 • m, oo W~DNESDAY, the Utb or JaaQirJ. w91 ·


Harbor Gtac .. Deo ~GaJlt~ Dl t'ld(l'fl

eald Botrd of Hlfkb, wubout tbe ntboritT of eald Board, · 11.-~o peraoo ahall co lDto, er ~·• oal of ao hlfeoMd houte after b bu btto aoar.dtd b1 the Board of Health •ltbout the a tbodtr of ..Sd Board, lhao a Doctor, or Olernmao; ~r mtmbllr or omoer of tb• Jfoard of Qeahb.

lt.-Aoy ~ou .. or bplldla& placarded bJ. tbe Board aball nmaln 10 ,placarded JSDtll \be iame ~ .. btto tboroof1hlr dielofeoted, and the placard reiDOnd bJ order of the Uoard of Health, 1 18 -Tbt .Hoard of. Bultb r ... " .. . ~ lt11U the riJb•. of aoperinteodloa <the w~rk ' of dJIIJJ· · JtotiDi Ill lofeotod boaaea or baJldlaar. a ... .,, ~91JN.~l~, a~p ~000"'"'' •••r, of- the .uleteooe of •o7 t,pf~oaJ dilf&U io .tile or her boaaa tball fmmectta~IJ' .report &t e 11we &o &he Board of tfealtb .

16 . ...:..No ~reoo eball, •llhln ·the Electoral Dlatriot of Harbor Grace, •elfer. the acoomola­tloa apoa bit premleea, or depoeit, or perml' :'h• de~\ opoo aoy lot belooatua to hlto. of aay,bio~r whleb may eodaoaer tbe Pablij) HuiU!.

T~ SUBSCRI<DERS ' 16.-Tbe Board of l:te•hh aad lu OQlttn may 0 - ~ a' all *lmH eater tod . joepeo~ all ho111e1 and

have new opened up &.full Une of XMAS balldlop •be(' tbere ,Ia actual or IIJtpeoted OARDS, inoludin« ·Bond Cards, Ivory, dleeaae, and .r,w;e all neoeeury .ordera apd '\llreo­Ivory and Plual~1land-Pain"AA Celuloid, ' looe for liolaUon aod qnaraotfolaaaod a•o·

H 8 N CL ~ eral maoeaemeo& of eaob bonae aod lte iometee

Dr' In- ~' t romo Cardl, pals, Opallnes, &o.,-all u may be deemed . by the aaid Bofrd or ita · 8 s of newest design. Otftotr•t neceaury for .,be pntte"~ttlop of .tbe

P AOKETs..:;.from 8 centa upwards.- Pabllo Health. . . ·

1 Price. per dozen at wholesale rate.- 17.- Tbe Pol lot ~ball uale~ the ' Board of . , ~ , . -AL40...._ . Healtb ~wbeo ocoutoD abaH' rlqolre) to carry

• • \ A Fine Aaaortment of oa~;.~K:~e~~~~~:~~~tJar aorof tbe f~to· . . ,WE H.AV . .B AN . FANCY·.·· c·ooos latrulu ahall be~ble~apeoallJDOtta ... d·

~A.,.~ ~"E"' I•JtbO. and maJ b4-prooetdecl&~&~oaUa aaam· .,_..lii.O.-V .1. . .&.,, . .a.· in PLU~ y 'Ill "'Tft'DR, .. zoo mary m•aoer before ••Y ~lpeocllerf Kaalttratt

_ _ ~A ~ 44U~ a or Jaadoe of tb' t'oaoe, d lo dtlaalt ot pay. t.r ._. roqb a1Ap ot &.Ia• IalaDcl ancf IAbra· · SIL 8, ciJo., "fffr1 lulta\)18 fol' men• of aoy peoaltJ, Ut penoA tct lA 4efao"

- .· .. a 001$ tA DOt. onr. Slsty oenta lor a Xmas a"·;a~Maw· Year P'r• eeants: mar bt hpprilooed for a Ptrio4 DO& • ., .. dlur IIU .ft VVII • &bree mdatba tritb bard labor. · ...... 40-~ ~ t h o. m N e t, ..:·8 -:tpot· ~ ..,.,..., 114 pannptlJ be~~;~ t: tht.~O!~ ~' . !Jealtb ,tb• ln Qoto·

• abcw• ~ pi'dlaai'J Mla. . ~ ·thBLON ·· ··oo. . . . . T. R. B!N~El'l', C.loi ... an.

"" • ..., ... ,...... &IDOBI·-* malrert 8!:%.~ ... - -~ - .. ' JJW~~ iiA\TiBJ · · = L- liD wGUP loll,., lR Job'• torr!ll• Jl,..,. •• ~ u- ....... -t- oallllml ot aome • QIJIJIINJn. . .. ~ co.. ,....,. -." ol .... pocl•aHI wlaloll '" PHI • -~:'""""f"' • r..&Nw & A TO BU.A..&R; laopt Ill &MifL • • JMiorla I •

&LOD8IIDIWWOmJln. lnfor~a~it;'f~n~8d *"'lnd .... ~· ~ 11, ...... • -""~-

tAt~ =···-

Tho drinkl~r tll~ Gold·· Woath.Or IS

Palatable Cratefu l AND •• AND

Strengthening Satisfying. There is solid Co:rnfcrt in. a

• • • Cup .of iiott · F~uid. Beef.

Q A l21"2i

Selling Off; without Reserve _,


in e'\'ery depar tment.

lllten'a three quBl'ter Boots, hand-m•de from No 1 .oil Grain at ~2 eo per pair.

Women • Split Batte, 78 cente per pair. Lot ot'e Boota &nd Shoea, lts ce11t•

per pair · X.n'• liard Hat.'\ ~ centa each. Boya' Oaye. 9 centa eaoh

Lot or Good Yarn nt 55 cents per lb Lot of C'llieo at 4 centiS per yard Black Cobourg at 12~ cents pex yard Oolored...Wincey at 6 cents per ynrd .,Boot L aces. 22 cents the gross White Flannel 14 cents per yard Moleskin. 23 cents per yard

Lot at Dreea Goode at 8~ cent• per yard Lot ot Towel• at 5() eente p11r dozen

Other things t oo numerous to mention ht .corresponding low prices

T::B:E ~OLE S~_c;>C~ . ---- ... /, must g·o ns soon ns possihle.


U::...Sale commences right O.\Vo.y. Remember, NO BOOKING at abo~:~ p1·icCJl.

DAVI~ ( &, C()~lPA:Y. Nov. Z7. Water Street, Harbor Gmic.

' ••

J "

CO.~ 34 .Commercial Street, BOST.ON, Mq,s~ .





of whlcb we are the exoluei\'e manufacturers.

·Higb'eat awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. l~i6 ; London Fish cries Exhibition, 1883.

17 Snnd for lllu11t Catalogue. - n.•l'. 2 .2m

Valuable Property for Sale ~OHN SKINN.E R, - The Snbeoriber offora for sale, by private ~~O~U~(E~TAt DtSJG ~Efi & 81'ULIYI10ft ~ntraot, ~be following FrPebold P ropertlea, 1 . . u r I , ~Ul.- llANCFAOTORER A~O JliPORT&!l OF

;~liE DWELLING-HOUSE . . CEMETERY DECORATIONS wo teD4meuta) wit.h Out .J!ouaee and Gar, 4P. attqate Jn Waw St. neu llload St · - IK- ·

A. B\JILDlNG LO'P MA.rble.scotchandQuincy «Jftm~tely w .. t of .the laat named Pro· " 'y. G~anites ' .

pen,, IUld troutlq on Water atr .. t . . ~ ." •

,.,wo' . TENEME~rrr:- •I!~~ \\'ORK. os:eouted onder pere.>oaleop~r· ?' -1\~te QA W .. ter ~~~of~~ OOTPOR'l OltDER.Sglveo proruptatt•ntloo. ~-- DESIGNS fornithod bJiotter or otbor•iee. , · -•uo- . <;EMEN 1' 'l'OOL~ aod l'laator Parla for eale

~}~~!'~~~ 'Bor perdcol"na •pply to : . .t D. 1. G&E~B:

fJarbor 0..._; April '1S.-ef. ·

825 & 827 Duckworth St., . St. iJolm's. · ·

P . 0 : JJox •22. , Oot,6, '1890. , · '


40 Upper Water ~t, H A.LII' AX, N. S. ·


Page 2: Tho Woath - Memorial University of from .:dlpbcberia or other iofect.loai tnbuted or any par~ ~~reof


For CRfAi!I?S, r oLIC, ~nd ~1 Bc\ : ::1 1· .. :_:: !~:) t::~

1'::!:~\:' '· \ :r ... '

U;cu both intcr:tuil>· a:~u oslorn!\lly. It net~ qnioc::J ,•.nfi·•r l' "f' nl •L iusto l rcJiof frum luO oo)Hrc• ~ l• •


nq: ( , • ~5o p~r bol~lc. 1

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l\1in:s. :::.:: G.:l:i Publii S~c::~cr:: u:c ::- r~t:'!\"{ I:~·s

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DAVIS & LA'\,:f\: ·, .::; : J . Lim., MOrt1TR=:,. ;

P:c;>ric,o '!: c : \.. . .;:. : ? . . -:·~.11 • : II.. • "':'

Propri9tary , . r.~~ ·mr··. :. : :: : .... o .. ,

Totlot J!, i1c H Gr.d 1-· • • ·-· · ~ ·, .

, T! t : : (.il!EAT J; J·:'!!' ' >Y ;·ol!

co~ whic·h c-:m IJL• cured In· a tinwh· rc:-rort t•> tl!i~ ~t:\nd­anl j;l'Cparntion. as lws been prnn·<l b)~ t he hundreds of te~l iulOni;~] .... n·c·,•in:d IH· the proprietor: . lt i:-> ;wkJ;owl­cdg- •d by many prominent ph · ~i<:ian:; to be the most r c lLhle prepnrat ion eYe r in- • trml ucNlfor the r elie f and cure of all Lung complaints, OJJ<l is oflcrccl to the public, snnct ioned hy the ex purienee of O\'Cr forty years. \Vhcn rcsoncd to in sen on it sel­lom fails to eficct a speedy IHrc jn the most ~yere

.C<l!iC of Coug h , B1·on(•hitis, Ur()up, Whooping Coug h, I un:~.,.nzn, A thma, Colds, ~ore Throat, Pains ot· orc­nc-. r; in the Chc ·t and ide, Lh·er C9mplaint Bleeding at the Lqngs, &c. Wisuu·'s l3ulsam 'docs not at-y up n vough, and lcn~e tlio cause !>chind, as is tho <'a80 ')Vith t jlO t p1·cpnrntions, but · it J<,oscns .and <•leanses th() lnngJ, and allays irrit ation, thu~ re'moving tho cau~:>6 of the <:Onl!llnint.

HEl'AIU:O BY 5:i w. OWI.E • 801'8, .......... . ~-,»nehh~....,t" • •·

. HARB()R GRA<?.E STAN~.ARD, JlECEMBE~ 23, 1890.

I . Misc.ellany._ '''''''''''''~'''''~~~~'~'~~~


~J aste r ! 'we 8:\V. 11ml bowing low \\ e lny our otJ~Iiu..:a IH bill feet ; :\Iu ter! io maoy laoda aod oliruea

Low voicea will repeAt. For at ill tho wurltl dotb own tbe apell Wbich kiu11e and courtier• kon• of old i The thrnll' of jleoiue ~o:rowa more atroog

Aa the gr.eot yeara are toldr

The littlt> great, •ho walked betide Th1a mnu of common birth and oame. llow hn o tbey periehed from the earth,

llow aooo hatb paued their fame I Cour tiers and kiil~tl h\'e for a day, ' ( hpn tbe del p l:l'll98 obliYiOD aivet; The rircliull l eara may paea aod pau,

llut s1ill tbe poellit'ea.

ll omer out la~tll the wallll or 'frey, Dnote will li\'e ;boujlb Florence d1e, A ud royal Shakt~apeare. thonab bia k1na•

In ll f ll\'U foruot may lie. And when from Sootti&h apeech and IOD!i, F.acb name tJf lord nod kior;r ia aooe, Poor Burna will li•e. aod through tbe yeare

Ilia rleathlcn aonge aiog oo.

\' ordaworth will w&tk at Wi~dermere, And :-.belley ai••R by Spuzia'a ahore, \\'ben e11en tbe oame tbr;r muoaroh owDed,

~ o mao remembers 1nure. And pnor hlincl ,\liltoo'e helpleu band• Shall bold a place tbrou!fh .rritteo •ord, ll1a Cromwell Rt rove. but atrove to uta.

To ga1o throuli(h drippiui eword. I •

Then oot to valo we uow to-day. Before the Poet-uot tho l{ io"". f ,,r 111Pn mny m•ke a man to rni.,,

Gou mal>ea a mao to aiDI!': t\ucl hts,:hl•r tllll bijlbt>lt tltio~l Hv p. 1 riou and hy alate4meo wrouaht, A•"' thuQ'e t~l nca wroul(ht and wrou!J:ht alooe

By aome ~: ro . t poct'e thought. .. .. Put YoU! self in His Place. --CHAPTERII

(Chntinned.). . - . . '-" One nfternoon, ns_ he put on his C01t

nnd cro:.: -e:l the ~-nrd. after a day:s work th:~ t hnd pn8sed like a plensnnt hour, be· in~ gilded <Tith such delightful anticipa· ! ion~. the foreman of · thA works made him n mysterious signal. I ' enry saw it • nnd f,"'l!owed him into his office. Bayne

1 lo0kNl cnrefullv out of p}l,the door~, then C'lo-Nl them softly . and his face betrayed nn~it>t , .. nnd eYen fear . .

·· Liitle. ' ' snid he, nlmo!= t in a. whisper, .. ,·ou know me; I'm n man of peace, and , ,)· for lm·e of pf':~ce I 'm going to do some· thin!! tJ1nt mi~ht gPt me into a wrangle. l ~ut ,·ou nre tho r.i ,·il eetchhp e~orke~ und~r me and the best workt , take \' ou :~lto~<'thcr. :1nd I cnn'1 ar 'to see \·~u k<'pt in the d(\rk, whefl you o.t:e the innn whose skin-onl y-if I act \ike' a m:m to ~- ou. will you net like one to me?"

" l wi ll." said. Henryj ' ' theres my h:-ttHl on it. "

T ht>n na~· np stepped to ltis clesk, QPen· c,} it. antl hlok out ~ome tellers.

.. You ,ll u~t never tell 1\ sou 1 I Ph owed t :H'Ul ,·ou. or ,·ou will ~et me into tL row with ('henthnm; and I W)lnt to be nt 1 carr in-door;; ns well ns out."

.. T give ,·ou my word!' ' · T h€ t ~ rr:nd tho t. to begin.1


,\ ,.d be handed him a letter addressed to :Hr. C'heothnm.

.. ~111 . - \\' ,, tw g ru•prcffully tn ·Jrl\w your at. r.mtion 10 " IIIDIIt-r which ie of o nntoro t.o. cauae u nol t>nfu\ ni iH~•• bclwPen you oud the J rarlee. \\' (' allu.Je tn your urinvinll" workman jo from 11 nn hl'r to•n 10 d .• wnrk thl\t we •re loforrn4!d

1 ou• h•• dun~> on the Jllflll•lrt>a by ynur o.-o hpo~•·

· \\' r nppure you it would be mote to your ID•

tero Ill .f(, J.l'llr k in humony wltb the amllbl aod J,11,,.1Jt'-lnllkcr. :,. JOUr rmploy. aod tl•• trade L'"nr rnlly You•• f t>tpfctfully,

HPnr y colored up nt tbi~, P,-nd louked nricHd . but t. e said, II I nm sorry M be rlw cau'·e of R,ny unpleasantness. But what can I do?" .

.. Oh,,' ~nid -,;Y~· 1\\'ith ~ sardomc gri n. ·· th ev nre sure w tell you ~hat, JOOU or 1!\tc. Rend this:'' ~o. 2 was dated a week Inter, and ro.n

thus ~ .1. F

" 'j u P. Co!HIITTP.V. nF TU P. EoOt:· OOL ORO US lJ~}ON."

.. ~l it. (JIEETIIA A : SJR,.:._I ti.Jnlt y•in do very ill to .auuoy mlluy oraflimeo for on• l~.lmll!"ber, yoo havP 11u1Tarott lou and J rteou•&DI~n.ce 1'h.en• PVer ftJU bno ~one llll"lnet Trod~~ \V • bad to vieit you lut ye11 r. and wheo we 11•m• your hand a ...,ant and your bei!O'n ~raped W • ba1p no wleh ro come •11•in tbla Y""• If 7nu will be reiiiiOIIAblc Hut. tlr, ,o~ moe~ f&rt wltb Loa·

1f•,_P~·" Henry looked _grave. 1' yan J a.eo '

copy of Mr. Cheethlm'a reply ?11 •

Jon band,' or tako popaequep,e,.,.

No.3 ran thus. " DEAn SIR, -1 take tlte llherty of addreeeing

you on tbe eubjt-oLof your keepiDir on tbia koob· atick, iD de6aoc. of tbem tba& b11 \he power to make atooea of Uillaboroojlb too bot for JOD aod bim. Are yno duf. or blind. or a fcol. J•ck <.:bntem? You may chrat the worlli, b11 t yon doD't cheat the devil. nor me. Turo cockney np, with no more ilclo, or you'll both eet kicked

'l'HE [NGltE:OIENTS where could a man be safe from these all­penetratin~ and -remorseless agate of a secret and Irresponsible tribunal.


to he'll 10me dark 'oigbt by, llALAA)l's Ass ·•

Henry was silent i quite silent. When he did spenk, it was to nslc why Mr. Cheetham had kept all this from him.

OF WHIOH Henry sat down awhil~and pored over ~e ~nguioary scrawl, and glanced from tt w1th n shudder at the glittering knife. And, while be was in this state of tem­porary collapse, the works filled, the Power moved, the . sonorous grindetones revolved, and every man worked at hie ease, except one, the best of them all ~ yond comparison. ·

"Because you shouldn't'take fright and leave him was the unhesitating reply." .

.. For that mntter t.hey threaten him

• He went to ~is friend Bayne, and said 1n a broken vo1ce, "They have ~t me ill

Ta compounded are reported by tha Dominion heart for work; given me a moxning dram Go\'6rnment. Analyst as Look here." Bayne was shocked bui

more than they do me." · "They warn the master first ; but the

workman's turn is ~ure to come, nnd be gets it fiottest, beca u::se tbey h11ve so many ways of doing him. Cheetham, he lives miles from here, nnd rides i~ acrol!l coun­try, ana out agllin, in daylight. But the days are drawing in. and you have got to pal!s through these dark street", wl'iere the Tmdee have a thousand friends, and you not one. Don't you make any mis· tBke : you are in their power ; so pray don't copy any hot-headed, wrona-head­ed gentleman -like Cheetham, but apeak them fair. Come to terms-if you oan -and let us be at pence J sweet, bnlmy peace."

" Peace is a good thing, no doubt,'' said Henry, "but" (rather bitterly1 "I don't thaok Cheetham for letting me run blindfold into trouble, and me a stran~~:er."

' ' Oh," said l3ayne, ' 1 he ia no worse than the reet, believe me. \\ hat doee any master cnre for a man'slifeP Proft and , loss · go down in figures : but life­that's a cipher in nil their ledger~,"

" Oh. come," said Henry, ' 1 it is unphil­osophical and nnrrow-minded to fasten on a class the faults of a few individ aala, that form n very moderate portion oftbat cines." ,

Bl\yne seemed stn~gered by a blow eo t:oly·.syllablic; and Henry,· to finish him, added . " \\'here there'!! 11 multitude, thore'a a. mixture." Now the flrst sen­tence he had culled from the Edi11burgh Re~:ieu:, nnd the second he bad caught from a fellow·wOTkman1s lipain a. public· house· and probably this was the 6rst time the pair of phra,.es hnd ever walked out of any mnn's mouth arm in arm. He went on to soy. '· And as for Cheetham, he is not e. bad f~llow, take him alto· getber . But you are a better for tellinff me the truth. · Forwarned, fortoarmed.'

He went home thoughtful, nqcl not so t riu mphant and 11iry a.s y~sterc}ny; but still not dejected, for his young4nd man· ly mfnd summoned it$ energy and apirjt to combat this new obstncle. aod pis wits went to work. ~eing unable to uleep for thinking of

what ho should do be was ~be ti~ to reaoh the works in the morning. He lighted his furnace, and then went an\! unlocked the room where he worked as a hondle-mnkrr, and also as a. outl~r. He £>ntered bri~kly nnd opened the wlndow. The ~ray lillht of the ll)Orning c!f.m~ in, and sho"•ecl hirp sQm~thing on the insiP,e of th~ door thllt 'l'llt ro~ thpre when he looked it oyern~ht. It waa n vory long knife·, brand lov.-nr he handle: 1mt keen-1 v pointed. nnd dOc ble-erlJted. It was fast in the door. nnd impnled n letter act­dressed, in n vilo

" To JAK Tnne TRADES." Henry took hold of the hn~le to araw

th~ ~·pife out; but the fqrm ~ble wea­pon had· be~n s:Jriven ple~n L NU~P the door with 1\ alngle blow,

Then Henry drew biW"' and, 41 confusion o! surprise ·oleared' away. the '"hole thit1g he~nn to grow on h lm,·and reveal distinct and ulnrmiog features. · The knife was not one which the town

man\J,f•ct4t:-.cs:l in tbe way of business. It \vas a long. ~Uttering bln!Jp, d~qble·edg· ed, finely pomted, and exquis1l~ly t,em· p"red. It wn!J not a tool, but a weai>dh.

Why i'JJS i~ ~ppre, and1 above a1)1 how did j~ comotberei ·

He di11Unotly re'membered loo'tdog the noor overnight. Indeed, be had found it looked, and the window•snuttera bolt­ed • yet there was thie deadly . weapon, J.'Jld PJJ Jts point a letter, th.e auperscrip­~loi?- ·or 'f»l.o" 1.qq~pij ~g~H~ ~nd 'ip}etef,

Hp ,dre~ th.e not_, g~Q~li &ebFqs! ~b~ edp me le,en knife ana t e pa~ pnrt&!fuce ~ pobweb. H~ took i~ to' tp window and read 'it. 1~ r"P. H~'J'' ,

•· Thlt knife ~no of too m"dt tli•P'"' t Cl~ber Jt for thy hart If thon dMIM hark.., ·r•ade aDd ltJI)J}II#III· l• tbJeklo tb!Gka dore tbiDkl tboa If not '(~rtt (ID ~P# bpQ~ fO ~uorlod or l oome

'"j''!P ~h1 rtp"~J!f~d&'~~~ fl'b !el~p bl-4t ~o ·tor. f!!~u =-=- go t" .. ".~H~'~ r•qtf-"

~ot surprised. '1 It is the regular 'ron~ me," eatd he. " They begin civil • but if you don't obey, they turn it over tothe scum."

" Do you (bin'lt my life is really in dan-ger?" ·

''No: not yet; I never •koew a man mo le~ted lD one warning. This is juat to f!'lghten lou.- If you were t·':l take no no­

Queen'(nSU ance Company. hce, you d hkely get another warning, or two, at most; and then they'd do you u

_ & $afost for manufooturitlg .Baking Powder,

~APIT -- sure as a aun." . ' v . AL.-.£2,000~000 ~terling. "Do me?"




•' .. Oh, that is the Hillsborough word, It meane to diaable a man from work. Sometimes they lie in wait in thue dark streets. and fracture hie akull with life­preservera ; or break hi! arm, or cut the elnew of his wrist; and that they call do· ing him; Or, if it is a grinder, they'll

TWZNTY-NI!'\'~NNUAL REPORT, put ~owder in hie trou$li1 and then the rbe Reports and Aoco~t1 tor the year spar 8 of his own makmg fire it, and

\886, preaented to the Sli del't "t th• scorch him, and perhaps ·blind him for 4nnaal l leet ing, on Thurada 6th May life) that's @ing him. 'rhey have aone 1887, ahowed in the as .tar as thooting men with shot, ancl

FIRE BRANCH, even wi~h a bullet. but never so as to kill ;fbat the Premiuma for 1886, aftot <leduc• the man dead on the spot. The1 do

t ' R · him. Thef. are skilled workmen, you 1na e-1naurances, amounted tu £601,6'9 know; wel , they nre skilled workmen at

and the Louea to £363,4:94 ; or 68.76 per violence and nll' and it is aatonbbin~ oent. . h th ri

IN THE LIFE BRANOR • ow ~ cont ve to atop within an inc That New Poliolea had been inued Cor of mur er. They'll chance it throug;

l2158,9_90, yielding in nremium £9,916. an'd dotnetimes with their fa\·orite gunpowder r~ If you're veTy wrong with the t rade, and

tbaUlie total oet17preptium inoome waa £82,t they can't de you any other way, they'll 3H. That the payment• to poltoy· holden t- .w your bouse up from the cellar, 01 were £•3,741, and that the Life tuttd wu let a can of powder down the ·chimDe'f, ~reued by £!O,OOS. · h }' h d

'l'be B&Jance at OrPdit of Profit and Lou, Wlt a 1g te fuse, or fl1nst a petard 1n at the window, and they take the chance

•fter adding £23,000 to the Fire Fund, wu of killing a household ofinnocent people, abown to wmoont to £1S4,196 lOs -'cs, and to get at the ooe that'e on the black . wu diflpoa.etf of u follows :- boolfll! of the trade, and has to be ~. .en,oo5 a o ·For Divi~dan.nd Bonua "The beasts I I'll buy a six·eboote•, ~~?~~ 1~ ~ ~:~ ~o=r-e I'Wld, and I'll meet craft wit~ craft, and force with

. TllF. FONDS force." Were ahown tboreaftAr t.o atand u tollowa :- '· Whnt can you do against tfn thou. ~aplt,l Pald up .,. ......... ...... £180 089 san~ ? No .i. go you at once to the Secre• l~•ervea ... ... ... ..• ... .. ... ... .•• 440;486 tary of the ~dg~Tool Grinder~, and get Life Aoou~ul•tioo Fund .,, ... . , 661,016 your t rade into his .Union. You will ~n~~lt7 t nod .. ,. .... ,. .. . ... 24.000 . have to pay; but don't mind that. Chu-1 ~HAL FUND:s UJ HAND ......... £1,:!96,(100 tham will go halvea.''

JOl:i.N (JURMACK., • J'll go at. dinner tiroe ' · G•neral Agent for 11/flt• • And wby ooi. oow 1' '

Soa.AauT. · 1 }til • 'd H i d l A T nRYSDAf E . callae, aat enry w th a oan or al ' arhor t;r~o• h18 own, 1 I'm getting over ruy fright a bit,

Atl an (ic H oteJ,~ a'ld my bloou i11 ho "inning to toil at bein1 threKtMnea by a ent:wk, wbo woultfn'' ateod l,t- foro 1uo one mornf'nt 111 thllt' yard knire or 110 knife.', '


St. Jo 'ln's, S:fid. Bayne eruilf'd a · f•l• ucfly but faint amiie a~d t>book bia hPatl WILli gravu ur..approb-.!

'!hi• modero a~d well· built EstabUabQlent tlOI'l, ancl aaitl, witb ..-ontler, u F~tnoy 1'01~ . is UO'J/ opened under entire vooi~ Pe .. ce' l' .

NEW • MANAGEMENT . AND • DIRECTION. Henry wont. to bia fotgtl end worked un~ 111 •ltuauuu oowruauda 1\n~ vie•• ol the tiar· dinner·Hme, Nay, mote, he waa • beat.lti(ul

bor. thr Narrowe, ~g; and It ie In olo~e Yiololty whietler, oud whlatlotf a t'i~tJe at hit G to all l'ubllp nod prominent liotldloll• for bali· wo1 k J i'O to•dvy lle whittled a ~rreat deal , fq oeu purptliOI. • Floe oomfortable, aud •ell·IP• ( 1

8 1

poioteti rootut. alnale or 110 •uite. aot 18 over .. wllilltled. Lad·u· j\011Mt6 Parlor I Ullllard. n sarllug aDd At dinuer-time be' wuhPd hla r .... an4

Smoklog ltuNot; llot alid Cold Uo1ba. Coq- ltanq1 and put on hf1 coat to go out', YfDI8DOPI Oil OIIOt'l floor: Elevator.&o. an el.!jlRilt· But he hud eoon lOme reaaon to regret ~bat ly furolshod. thorooybly •ootllilted anti btated he lia4 not acted on Bayne'• adylce to tbt Jhrou~thout. . ·tetter, There had been a larJe trtd''' "' .. ~ , ~.-err allro•lao aud o••llftr will be paid tJ ins .o'"ernight, and tbe boatihty lp' l.he T _

Goeata. aud I ruolh~re In general, • bo are cor . uon orefteaman h ..J l · ¥-OQ' dielly inv11t·ll 10 fRYOr .,i1b tbelr patro'\al!e . a;~ ~preaJ plQre wJul!ly, IU

TIJe Tarllf ~~o tll be fouod ury modorcue buloa oonat>quenc? of remarjw tha~ b.,:i L"n tbeut beeo re·ar111u11rcl. made .. Tlu~ -~wl:!oldl!nJ?d tbe lower· olen of

JOliN \\' IIITTY. Manl!jt,., . workrpep, wb.o already ditllkeJ him out ~ l.alt /'urltr ,, A lla11 Rov'!l .\l~il ~':'i~· pura envy, and bad 9tten 1cowled a~ him lD

_ • . "ilence s and, cow,.. .aa be paned tbem, ther spoke at. him, in their peouli•r lanau .. fl'( wbicb lhe great friend and enpJIOrter pf Wfl~ cbanice in generalr TM Hill1boro~d J,iwd •ubapquen~ly chrlatened • TB& PAiB Pl.tLIOT.!

' We waot no -=-- cockney• bere, atea' oor work.' ·

'Did e~r a~ Anvil-ma.n han~t11 "'' ,lfft blades in l;lillabOrougb t

'Not till"tbl.- ko~4a~l9k• ,.~,,~ ~4 another. • . '

•nenry tp11J'd ·~~'l' 'round uP'"\ • ...t~'M hau,llUiy, a~d !nob ••• the ~W'f of ~~~ prompt tfe~ant attltade, &Dq ~-· eye, wblo~ ~·shed blaok lightnin11 tba' tbe~e !•• a •lla~~ , moYemaot of repoU -mont-tta• aotpal a~~·t'l : Tbpf re,o,·erld lt lm~ll·•~ly, ••f~l lq · otnnbera 1 but ln tba' •me. ~o~ent, JlUlt a lao recovered bi11 41-o"tipft, i'nd ·~, bad t~i' Addreu ~ ~Wop brit}lf· ~-·~~~ the gat! ~·~ ' Cllll ont t~e porter; be tald-to him io ~'~"

Bayne stared at him, apd then laugb6c:s in hi8 face, but without the gayety that ~hr,~ld accompany a laugh. •· Chee­tham's repl~to Balaam I And wheJit weuld be send-it&? To Mr, Boer's lodg~ CHAPTER IV. ings, No. 1 Prophet Place, Old Tea~•"' ltJl~ . _ .

" Jpoa !oi~ foran \o bear, • H an,~4r.aap lor· Helfry Little, •r lie· b~ fOP.• _to ~ ~ret11ry of the .• ~p,T~l J~rl'ri' J.fniolh lle tbe-. w~t OQ' Of "-• WCM'u; b•'i If 1i ~~"t! be beard !Om• ~pt1'&able ..-~~ • Mf. to Ute ~um, • Pome, ·~!It qp ftq'f• ~·

Square. l\Iy poor chap, nobody wrlte• A.ny one who rj~d· it hy tbe flreaide ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!I!!!!!I!!!II!!!I-~-~ replies to these ltt~ters. When Y~D aet ma •mile at the in~ngrqoqa qllJtQJ'f o! ' • · ... ~ · • ooe, you go tuha

1t m10ote to the eeqre~'? a e~naninar1. meoue with ba4 ·~JUDI· •• , i:JW'~ ~ .. -!ff~.

of whlllever n on you at<e Wl'ODJf w • But deeds of bTood bad olieJS fp}hnre4 'I t'f '· a.nd ytu ~on'j argue •• ~r r: ~~'!:?at:lt:; th~e eor11wls in HtllaborOQiblan4 B~Ql'1 - -OQNCSf.-'rla?, iY4nVBR?ISBR. . m.orn ngJ •hi! you ~e clviltt ~~ kPIIlW u; and, Indeed, )le WQO -. .. R ,. Mfl•cl .Dd Pll'liebH .,~ ~ .. , rri· a:R•:~na t rden1 yo~ "TradeU

1lt!a ani . ~~ ,IM!n hit own name oOrrecrtlyllt th•m•""l cs., • .,Dio•· tJ> tb' lftaDd.;ct qfttee. "t'~ sm-s,

tic~ ..,.,,acco I. ng..s ba "" 1 ed a t man to ~~ btl Qlllbbor• Jfe 'Jl 01J l&rMt. lltrbor, Ureot, bf" . O,.J, don't do ,J .... aau VID • eam w a oom~nattou linea- mtrOY 11 • fN o I~JP~P~• ~ .....,. t e1 lot> a blllllDI f-ao• it. whJ, .,on mike »P. uowltdp, aDd oruelty of lanorpot, •• .,.,~ii icdo fi~ '(lW·,~~ ,~u your mlnd to Al)lt the 'trade ; and U joa . ._. .. _ "-' 1110 , · . ., . ao, JOD flgbUti• ,u; abd JOD .,...,. Ancl then there ... ~-uaul ""'~ . ·~ ...,, 18 ... ~.·D· 101, to gel tbo worn ofll. -OI'Ialo.· OIIMo obllll~ Ia lhl4-~ .,.. --~.. =.r.: lor-~bam ltu takeD aoUoe of $biN I~ thi1 Ulitl\ oa a ~lAtl.. ........ ~ 1..:-. .. :r.:J ~~~tor~inaD4Joutoo•l ·~ :~~ , t • ;::t ~ •-a.....,, "'

{~ ~iter ban~• &baD fOJI~f · · · (J P. • fii.Nt~~tfld ~ .' : · . . . . . '

- Tbt t»e,t ~ID '"•JoiJr tqelltf la lfW" · ·•· Jl•enetl 1 &o an oppoUIItt ~~ ( lq ' trleod, fOUr ~•t\f tct J~ •bJicft ~ .,.r q, .. .... , •• ; to a ta•··n~"ft-,.. " ... ~-·blelf •ttl ....... proq4 oiP.J to JOOMif, ~I ~ 111 IHQ ;t{jr\11 ) 1/,, ...,._, . .

Page 3: Tho Woath - Memorial University of from .:dlpbcberia or other iofect.loai tnbuted or any par~ ~~reof


·. '·

l-· . . . .. .. .., . -- ... .._ .. HAR)J9~ ~Jl4.CJA ~'l,AN:P'~}fQ .D~C,~~~~E;R.~

I A . .., .. -.. . .

\ I " . . . · . .. Highest of a!1 in L~vcn:-::g rowe:-.--u. S.

I •

. ,,. uov't Report, Aug. 17, z88g



Eatq4fiill.ed, 1 M55. Wholesals· and Reta'll.

· :rifiscenaiYeou"s. _, ................ "'~~ .... --\ .. : . ; :!.w....!.----. . lllr· Pal'Dfll'e 1\~mfLtkat.le 111IaDi!eato tu t.he

· '·"hub· People. .. ~ .. ··-( Conclud(d)

' TilE LAND DILL . . l'lt.vin2 rt•j!ard lO tJ!o avowod ahaeoce of 11ny

policy oo tho p11rt of tbe L1hen~l leR110r11 au•l . • J.ll\fl)' wilh r('~llrtl ln. du• m ller t•f ·In' Lanri 1\ill I etrODjlly ad villi! ~Jr. ru.orley llJ.!Illl>ll~ auy dirt!OL challeuge of the principle of lllll l ~·nided l~nd

oioue, and fjnr1iuc thM the feura aut! al11r•na of the ~uKlit~b 111X p11yer8 aa to 11tute aid by tbe hypotheoauon of tcrantK for loo.ll purpose• io I n .taou 11 a counter guan•~tee bad beeo arran~ted. tbtt tbe bopoleee etruggh: aRaioat th& priooiple of tbe menaure ebould oot be maintained. and thRl we lhould direct our solo eftorte oq the aecood readio~t of tbe bill to tbe aeeertioo of the priooi­plts of local cootrol. Io tbir. 1 am bound to uy, Mr. Morley eotirely.agreed with me, ba~ he waa at tbe ume time woch hampered and espreued bl11 aeoae of hla poaitioo ,io tbht direction by jhe attitude of the extreme teotioo of bia party, led by Mr. L.lboaoJere, aod io a aa~equeot" mter­Yiew be impreued upou me the ooceaaity ,of "otioa oo the aeooo:d readiog of the bill whb a Qirect negative. aod uked me to · uodertalr.a tbe mollon.

BADICA&' P ECULIARllJU, 1 egreed to thia, but oo condjtioo that I wu

oot to attack tbe priuoiple bot to coo6ue my­aelf to critioi1m of detaila. ltbiok tbia wu fal116 atrateJly, but u ..-u the atrati'V.)' adopted oul of regard to Enallab p cj!ldion aod Radloal•peou­li"ritiea. 1 did the beat potelble, nnder the cir . ouo.,taocu, aod tl\e anernl dny1 deb;ate oo the· uoond readioi oootraat fa"orabl1 witb Mr. La· bouobere'a receut attempt to ioterpo111 a direct oeaatlve to the firat rt'adlua of a aimil•r bill yeaterd11y. '1 ime "eut on, the Gov~>romeot allowtd tbtir attention to be diatraoted frow land purobaae. by a bill oompeoaatlog En111io!J publlcua, and tbo ll$1r:uiao difficultt io Ireland wu a(!aio relejlated to tbe futore of aootht>r aeuioo. J uat before the oommeocemoot of tbia aeuioo I wu •i!•io favoted wltb nuorbor iotcr­'iew with Mr. Morley. I impre-.ed opoo Li111 tbe' po)lo1 of au 'obliqde method of procedure or laod piuohue nod tbe oeoeuitf ol providing for the que.tlon of lo.oal control and -of limitation. I~ the application of lunda. O'e •greetl with rue and 1 offered to more on the ffrat r_radlng of the bill ao amendment lo fuor of tllia loclll .coutrol. adv(elng that H thia were rejected it mh:bt be ltf\ to the Hadicala oo the .ecood rending to op­poae the principle of the tr euare.

A~AZED AT WR WORLEY, . Tbia appeared to:be a proper coorae "od I left"

11r. Motley ucrder the impreuioo t.bat tbi• ~oald tall to my .duty. bn't be mide" remarkable J.lrO· l!OIKI. • J o reft>rrlnll; to the probable ·approaching victory of the Liberal party at the poll• ht autl 1lflted tome cooalrieratlona •• tO' tbe fntare of tb11 [rlab par~y, aod he aaked me whether J would be williug to uanme the oiBce of tieoreta•y to Ire­Jaad. or wbetber I would allow uy111ember of my perty to take the poattlon~ He alto pat before me the dtalrabillty of allowJog oue uf tb~ Ia•

; · oftioera of lrel11nd to alegal member of P . r lia· ment. I told bill\, amaud .. 1 wu at propo· ul, : that I could oo~ ·ajlre·e to forfeit iodepen· 'Jeooe for tile partr ~r aoy of Ita memuera, that tbe lriah people. bad truated me lo thlt 'Wove· meat becaoae they belined that the deolaratioo 1 bad made to them a~ Cork in 1880 waa a true ooe and repre•ented my ooovlctloo, and tbat J woQld oo oo acoou!lt depart from it. I o.ooeider­

·ed &hat. afte'r tbe declaration ,.-e bad repe .. tedly :made· the propo•al of Mr. •torl•y tbat ,.-e aboul\1 allow our1elua to be ab~rbed lnto·Eoaliab poli· 1ica waa one bued upon au eotire mieoonoep­tloo of oar {1oaitloo with re~rard to our lritb oouatitueoolu, anll the pleJ~rea we bad lliYeo.


I 1\108-r· ~ ~ {. ~N 'I bird lra{t!Yoarly CIUIO.dinu Agricult.uri,l t I (1. .,. ..., u' 7' \'\ " ') i 0 • if'l ll.Y

Away. " • . Word OomPelilt.ioo-,e«S,ou~ t.o ba Gi,e.l l '••w. • ~. li.• .. nJ '~ •u_ .E.M •

. --- ~

The .:hircl jlrrnt \\:;;-CI'tnp,lit.ion (M ··h~.. k~T \ BLT. rn:n 1 ~(i. 1 • j.;;,utuh.,ao ,\~riColl 111111ot ,11111 l I I IIII>~ 1\l •::·•!:'"" j I -- -(Cnuuoltt"!4 . J.! rcl\~ :\ud pop~lar ·ll oro~ ""'I 1;'nr'1'1 L().T T)OS: 1, ~l ~)· J I!H .\'l' i~ •:rrn J.:F.T, EO: J ,m rut'_') 16 uo <61 Optn. 1 'tt' (,ltlo '' '"' '" '- "~~~ -~ Ul•'t) OEc:.: . f (;. lll~ l l~[~t<ACE. Ct• lll j•r•Z··· "'llf "" Cll""" rro•O to P"r"tllll'l lit' II hill! A , .~ . ' 1u tl..- ,.:r.laitd~ 1111111lJ.'r v i wunb ou:t,tu Ill' Uotl • >1 --Lhe Jell.:•& contuio.ed in tho two wor Is, " l h~;~ t 'COM ~~""'' l ••• ,.,,., (1887} : . Ac•icultur\.,t": Fire 'Premiums... .. . • .... . .......... ~607,000 bt l 'm.\1 ... ......... . ......... ... ...... 3 1tl(O iu (;nl •l L ife Premiume.. •. ... . ... . .. ... ... . .. 1~.000 ·•uti -•0 • ·~uu iu (iniJ [ut.erest. ....... .. ... ...... •.•. .. ... ... . . . .. lft,OOO ~ u ..... ... . ............ .... . ··· ~ £!) 421 000 ~~ do ... : . ..... :.. . . . .•..• Sllh/0 (irnutl l'itwu ~ccumula.t.ed Fun lis. ...... ... ... ... , ,' do ... ... ............ . ...... .... .. .. .. . . ~nou l'int•o ---htk""'fto .................... ........ ... ... 8:300 Oruan l'he ttnder<>iAnc•l ill <;u.puwen•t.l to c£fect in ... 6 tb do . .• ....•.. ."ltckl' t to ~ro,.: tn~oll nud Hot urn llttrancN~ on all kintl!l of .l:'rcpesty in New• 7th do ·-··· . : ............. Lady's GohiWntch :ouchlhmu ~t ourr.·nt. L•.1t •~> of l'rotuinro. 8th do ............... ..... . .. G uut11 Go l<i \\'ntoh T he ubove Oowp.\n)' i11 \n•ll knowro for ita 9th do ._..................... ...<;bin3 T en :) t~ t 'i oer;\ lity and p routpLnil fl rn bCtllin~ lo88e8. lOt~ d

1o ... , .. · .......... lluotio~ <;~o ~rl\'tlr ',',;ate~ Pro3pootuaes

4 ~'11rtn B of A ppl icntioo toe

llt" 1 o .~ ... ............. , . ... t:Soy 11 t't lver Ric 1 . I II 1 25prizo~ufS10e•ch bO pritee ofS51:!1cu 100 ~'ireanJ . Life {nsnrun-:1:' , .IIH u otber n•

prizes of S2 O'IOn 200 prizl!s or lS eaoh · forwat.ioo Cl\n he JIIL•tnt·d ••t the otlice ot lthklog a total of 38G prius the valuo of which A . 0 . i! /~ !.' \Y .\ RD, will n~gre.:Rie S5.UUU. This Graud Word. :j-r, J onli's, 'U! O.lll'lpetltit1u iR open to ~verybodv. ~v.·ry- 1{ 11ent lor \'l'tclmmd!and. 1)1here, aubjeot to the follotriog ooo11Jition11 : L'u!l \\~ F' T II o ~l p ' O N •orde mutt be oou111rncted from rho two •vo rd- . · '· ' ,., ~ ' 11 The Agricnlturllt," Rnd mnat be only 11uoh aa .'Ju.b 1-umt ((,,. /!arbor UraciJ may be! found }o Webller'e U nabrid!(t>d Diorion· ary, and io tbd body of ti:e book none of lbe STEW fl T ~·,Fi ·:J• .~. f1 & Cn., a nnplemeot 1<1 bQ used Tbo wor<i• mnet ho H t ;J 1 -1 written in lulc on one aldo of the pRper only. ""d Shippin~_,. n umbered in rnt 11tino. 1, 2. 8 and eo on to rhe end of the liat , for t.oilhatin~ In tieoidin~t the win­acre The liu o>n~ainine the lar11t<et uutl)her of "'orda will be 1\WIIroled fl rat priz.": :\lid 11·• on in , ,,,.

~ Corn mission

:?!! s~. J ollD . ·. ro~Ht , Moo trea.l. nrdl'r of mtrit. F.~ch li •t u it Ia rl'ct~ivt>ci nt tbo • ofH"t> or •be CAS.\OI.\111 Aonrc • TCII IST wi ll ht• I 'ifw•'l .d • tt•·Utt.; t • ..: •""1

' tu ti.•· '•·•· " ' FU!b numbered. and It t w,., or more 11 ho I r11 "11t tliiU 1:-'u;h IJ il s. lilt, t he tiut reoei voci ., ill be I\ Ward thu first ,\ l11o, to th•• lJtn·ut~ ·• Ill ill l(•tll Ug of Flour prizl! ""d tbo ne:n e~contl and eo on T hl•r<! · a n•l PLJdt~lons " '• i :, . ; Pr •• !u <.'t•, fore t he bentf!t nf 8('ntlinl! io C!\t ly will rMdt ly "-lif" (;, .._J, • .\ .J,Ioc 11 -'1 11•1 . \ j , •\t rPI\1.

be ae'!u . ·Each li~t moat b" pocomp'\nied !.>:-' IS --·-- -----------....... --for 11ix mon• loa' snhecriptlon to ft ll: C AS .\I tl o\ :; AO IIIOULTUIU:H O ne perAon c tn ~cn.l in nut! o t more 1\COumpnnyiog 8:\0h list wit !J il l. (u t which lhe pap~r will bo eeoe :o nny arldr t>&i fllf IIi} monthe. T he beat family paper io (;.1 •. nJ" It is uy D O meaoa ll ne• pnp .. r, ' bot h:\1\ heen I"R­

tAIIIIR~d for upwu.ta of ~~~-•en y~11u Pori !.\,o!l ,ear jlrO"'I in tbe eltltuBtioQ-of the I!Ullloriber It oontaioa no lrnthy hi~ly oolorNI ll ; lion, but bne lnlcreetlolC erorlo' of n· hiuher oiMe hy lh~;~ most popnlar aulbora of tbe day It is l'miuent· ly TO£ paper for the home circle sot: nt $41 " y~ar ia tbt~ obc~pest and beat paper i n the '""rket. 1 1111 competition will commt'noe nnw " "d re. malo opee for tbree months H!!mem'•er you a•e pnyina $1 ror ailt moo the' eubacription ro one of the bPet btlmo pllpera in (;aoad, .nnd at tbo SlfllO

tlme ron ·a tlOOd cbaoce of.. winoiug a valuttble pr~zc~. 9" l!:"eryooe eent1ing a litt ol not leu than twl!nty w~rde will • eceive n preaeot

Aourn 1\' AST£0 . -The objec t of tho !)Ublisher of tbe ·• UwaJian Agrioo l turitt" in P.ivin!l 1\ttlly

tla11e amouula lo o1ub, h to ex:eod th~ oir· ou lalloo of the paper, aod 1\ nomba of ngcnte a re r l'quired lo every loollity. to " hom li ber11l pay will be otfered Seori three ocnt !ltl\1119 for cou-rplete copy of rule• &c. Address 1 he C.\SA. DIAN Aon. ouLTURIST, Pet~rborough. Ontnrio.


The Queen va Kennedy.


1Vatcr Street. 11Nl1' n ctol ·irt St;oeet HARBOR (T11ACE. NFLD.

W ork In the oilier II ( b r .• I.Ch c¥ of tbe t.rade OXI'CUtetl with ,j,.~pMC11:

J::~limalt'B fu rnisht:>J ou n:lj>l:.:at iun. Yuuu:il\n ll ' u1 •lll r.•lht~•t "'' \ r•·IHH"ltetl

~r ~ 1\. ''r i l r r .\ l :\. N , Custo m rrailo.:ing .

Will g~a1·autcc F'it, Wot•kmn.H~hlp and St.ylc . Givo us a call.

Outport Uracr o recc:vo prompt attention. Conu.-r l"i~to1·itt ct lld W t~ ·" ·· .')'trtdll.

ll.\ HB0i{ C::-tA VK

L1C j*

~ormon's i!;L t:CrR0 · 1.:tn.\ T I\"t-: Udtt nod l nsol~11

I u~H~ \lll.t.~ 11 1 F .:>r t he Heifer aud <;o g£ ~ :-.ul\·u~.;-,);jj"i"L,n-, l siltO~.::rws, Rtu:ult.\TtSU .;L£1-:I'LESSSf:SS, ::)f.Xl: AL \\'t:AKt::,S aud all ~ervbmt Ut~~~~e, E~ul>l iaheJ 18i4. CoN­· ut.TATWS ASD C.\TALOGt.:E Fnv.E A. NonuAN .\1 c; , 4 (,!Uf.£S • r . 1:. .• f ottr!\To, D~-r.

:\. 13 -Tbe~e A(ll)lillooea nrc lnrg~ly imitat~d hut 00\'er l'C}UIIIII!J ,

St•ti:l31 y:!l w

Newfound land.

. . Tbe Sub~<•, wbill! ihttnkiog their numerous pttLrons for past fa,·oura, ·~iah to oa · at"nUon to · tbe,(ollowiog list to which hu been added a few of the neweat lea~hng pat. e Ulloiou-, aa ~lowa :-&Mabee'• ~man 81rup, ' · l .llnrray;t Magnt•iA, i'ol]er'e .Earth •

Io conolaaloo, b~ted my attention io the plan of oompalao eatatee\ He aald h would be impouib)e ,for the · J_.ibelil party wbeil I~ attain· ed power to do apytbioa for theae.e,ioted'teoaota. by direo~ aotlon. aod that. It woold alto be im· pouible· for tbe lrlab . rarllameot, qoder the po1ren oooferrad, to do aoytbioa for them, and flloatoa up hi a bacds with a aeetu¥ of. dnpalr be exclaimed 1-" llavlog beeo io ''ipperary. 1 do not know "bat to propoee to reprd to tbe mattu.'' I told bhn thla qoeatloo wu a limited 00111 ~ba~ 1 did not aee he DHli allow blmtell to be b~mp-rj!d btJta future ponlitleptloo 1 tbat fJJD4• •oold be ayailt~blp from ~merJo~ for tbe

Br fore tho (;h ie f Juattoe ant.ln pnllr jnry . TbiiJ O!UIIl ocoupiud t hi """'>lion of the Co·11t

two daya . Tbe acouee•l T homas Kennudy. is ch•r~ed "hh ha\•inll r aat 11wny aull deftt r .. yed tbe aouoout: r Vcuu• with rbe iotent to defraud the St.~Jobu'a' l->ankinll Mutual loaur11nce Comn•ny. Tbe aoouatd was lDa&ttr of the achoouer V ttlu.f

wbiob left Sydn11y oo tbe 113th A a Quat fo r ::it. Joho"e. Sh" wu leakJDI( at 14e titoe. bnt it ie alletced by the crew that tbe veaul could be kept free o£ water Oo behalf or tbe defence It ia nlleged that the waa lulk iu!( Ill l>ndly thnt the cllptail>'t'fitd to pu' b11olt por~ but owiog to the ••1 p1i! wind w~a coultl cot d •o. He tbeo. aa be aaya. j determined to run for St. P 1erre on tbe - pf ,\ UjiUit juet befdro )foqr o'oioolr. Aild IL.Ia alle.:eti by the P rowo tb!lt the ospt11io o&me opoo cjilok, we•'t forw:.rd aod lo wer11tl a dory. 'fboo be 'Petjt aft agalo, detoi!udod ioto JQG ~a?lo aod ruap~eared• brinalu11 hla b'g aud boa with billl l'beu be put into tho J ory lle tb._,o took oo au wbiob wu lyiol? on the~ deck, weut 4nwo aft aod oomroeooed outtiog just UQ• der wbere tbe mao u tbo wbeel Wftl . I Jo nftor­.-arda. took the lroo luer wbitJIJ i• ueed iu hoin .. loR tile aoobor, knocked the 1(VOOdoo baodle out of it, went do wo forw-.. rc~ ~od ootUmeooatlto dnve holea lo tQe bott~m ol tbe vo11ul. 11 11 thon took the wheal and It ia allelled oommoocecl •tueriug awar (rota a ve11el whioh wu oorul ug off the Newlouo<ilaod oout aayio,~t, wbeo aelted why be did t o, th.,t If aoyoue c.1me oo board he lfOUid be fouod ou1, A ~allor boiated o •h1oll of diatrtlll and tbe crew (lO t lo tbe ~ory aud pullo!d tolli'ard• the veuel. Juu · G.f ' hey I{OC oo b.lard the veu 11 l tho f'tlfUf fell over no be r aide aod weut down Tbe dtfeooe deoy t~et the loll of the vu.el wa• opo .. looed 4Y the aot of thp oaptGi n. Sbo w111

' the prop41rty of Tho~PU Clr~oot and the oapwio coqld baye no iotereu In loaioa her. Furthllr­more, tbe OIJJialo batt been promlaed oontloual employment lo th• ve11el to tb•New fc~tr b7 G"'ot.

TO. MARINERS. ~ ~o.3,090. D

Offer Wadha m I sland.

GJ811!'1 ~uauat. Flower, l Putman'• 06rn Extractor, Ba1 Rum P1.o'• Oont~metlon Cure, , R' edinll'• IneAot Powder, Puttnor'e lo;mulalon

II Oatanb, Bemed,. . . ' Keatlng'a Oongb ¥>zolnaee, do. Wor~ 'J;ableta lallford'• Jacpaloa Ginae" j·6'ellow'\! Uompound Syrup· . 1flniar'1 Stft dure, Warner'• l' lliQ, I Steedman'• Teething Powdeu · • \'a Bal1am of Wild O!Jerry 1 \Vaterproof Nursing Aprons . Wyetb'a..L~~ald Malt Extract, I · do Biht ~for cbildt·An tefttbln~t.)

· WblM •Bn,mel (for fllliag Owbridge'a Lung Tonic, Body Belle . BMP... (ftr oleaueing pnrpoaee,J I Beelham's GJ;cerin~ ao"d OuoumbfiJ:

· T&aaaf.IDdleD (for ooa~i 9Bnetts', Aclult'a Tru11e11, Ohil '• Tru .. ee -~ • .Me.iloated Sugar {for worms), Dried &vory, Dri . Sa e, Uriod C~l~ry

'!' J'ni" $alt, . 'reaber.-y Tooth PoV!.4er, I Juda9n'11 Gold P ~t · J.;'1 .Sanapadlla. A.yer'a Oberry Pecwral Allen'11 Hak .Reltorer, do.~Lon(l ~m

4o· ilalr Vi1or, O•mpbell'a Tonia Elixir, CouLt.)a Acetio Aciid, Beecham'11 PillA, · J)r. lViP'• Re&·biDe Bittera, Obeet Prot.eot.ora, Oaivert'a Oarbolio Soap, ~'i ·&air dye, Trioo?heroua Calvert's Diatofeot.iDa Powder Wyelb'l Beef Iron antl Wine ·:: I Wrlaht't Unfermented Wine lfbnhfo.p II Lyman'• Ve(le table Discovery I Ke~ler'a Ood Liver on and Malt. . . llot~l'Op .t Lycpao'• Eto,nlaior . I &a.l!!nee of Spruce, Deailoat.d Oocoanpl. ·

. JU~A.IthmaRem~y,do,Catarrb Souff. 1 • · , . OGUoara, O~;~tloura' R~olvent, Cutiourt. Soap, I Oak,, Walou~, and other St.aina, Vamlabea.

. .. ~ .... Kalt.llie .,,b c....-.. Sag.-ada Jd,xed PI&Dt.i, Gold Leaf, nd • ohlooe u .. J'ral• JoJoe: Holloway:• Corn Onre I 1411eotion of BRIAR PIPES, AMBBBl,

.~.e.p. P,_,.,• Sbr.•lna Sticka. Hueltae, Perfumery, ·DreMlng Oomlle, Hair · &Dt .,_.Grar.''-Wprm EdermloatQr1 Olctbet Bratbet, ·• • ~i .... of Meat, . . ~ 4geote for Laurance'• S~taolM,

-~ 'l,np, . .. berq t'iyrup, • I' Pei'IOhal at\ID~lon .,,,.n to Preeon,..tlo.-• '1~'1 411 ' ·•u Ua~lit, . . and a4ourat.17 pr.Pfred whh J.IUre Prop.

, . • • ~ • f. ••

' W , J:t ll'BOiti?SON & Oo . . . ...


aoppor& . of t~oae teout.a u lonlf 11 IJiillb& be otoell&l'J r tbat,· of courae , 1 undentol)d that it wu a limited ooe and aboold oot be to lJI&erfere wltb.tbe Q'ener~} fotereate Of the OOUD • Uy. H.

AN UNCRO\VN!f\ c.-o 'f~e latt few daya a acroog araumeot io m"lny

mloCI~ f•r ' JP3' e'pulriop .bu beeo that aoleea tbe Libotata· came luto po1rer et tb~ oe,t IJeoeral eleotloo the plafl of oampalan teuaota will aalfer. Aa I have ehowc tha Libarale prt)poae to cio· ~otblng for}be. plan of o &_mp~l.iD &,eoaota. wbeo they CaD'le lDi4 power 1 bat I am ~uthled to uJt that ,tl.e exiJteooe Of tbue Ceoanll, whom l'bua 1appori11rl lo nery WI.)' .JD the put. aad whom 1 •llall cootlaue to eopport In ~b• fotur•, •.hall aot cor athote a re .. oo rcr my withdrawal. J ba,e repeatedlJ pleda•d mYt.~tlf to aWld b7 the111 nlored ceoaptt. apd tbeJ eh• ll ooc )i allotied to •ulf'er, aod 1 believe the JrJeb piopt, t.bropahont the wufl4 'Ill lbppor& we Ia tbla poll"-'· ~IJteeo 1"'' •ao I ooootl"ed the ldti of ao Irltb .oarlleqsto& todepeodto& of all Eoalleb pard~.: . T eo ' JIIFI IJO I WIII


ltidar of tbe 'Iod~·pl'lldeo& lriJb farllaiaeotart partJ. J>tnloa· theM c~u ,.,,. tht.e partJ bu tlllioe" lod,p~od.eoJ, .

lfJ' rt!114.L J!L! .... 1 belieri that {~e .-1't1 · wlJl . obJafp Bollllt.

RnJe·oolJ prortde~ tba' U fi'OJelo lndepeocteot. 1 do uo& ,belln• •.PJ ~\loo of the ~ruJl people to tappttrtloa me· Wfll eolfeaaer llom11 Rult Hat lfiD if lbt dll glr whb Wb~ Wt .,., Uirealep~ bf the Liberal .-rtr of to•day were to be r"hJ· .a. 1 beH"e cbjt Jrt.b people tbr.ooaboot &be world would aare, •I~ mt IbiS potlpGr~Jmao' wo11td b• pteftrabfe tit~ • -tompi'Cifall.. of oar A&tloDal rlabre by tlse •D~~~PtaPI of". ._. .. ,. •tt•b trdotd aoa ,,.,._. tbt · UDiftattOG tif -oh' ~ J we ,,,. ti_,.or to re.-lir- 7Dar raltbYal

'rbe Juy broosrbt to a "'~'~'' of Not G.tllty Hoo E r Morrill ADd aJr q E•naraoo. Q.IJ .. fqr tbe Orowo : &fr (trieoe, Q u., and l.Jr ·.uurpby fo'r de,en4•1l._ ·

~ ' -A• a reanh of the fnoreated ~!Jl•nd for

Oape Hreton ooallor the St. l6•r•POII trade the tfJdoer aod L.Oulabur~r aoal and railway oompauy are ... ,. tb,e ~ortb Sydor.y u~rald, OOIIIIderloll lbe a4wlMbllltJ of opealoq ap the LorwAy "I~ •blob b" be•o Idle aod full of water for aorue -Jtlrt put, l'lale UID' obmp~•Y durlo'l tbe put ,_ .. oo rtoptotd lbe l!:merJ pit wbloh w~ alao ttlltd lrtrb •••er for a loo~r period • • ~•lu~peQt•

DeJ& MIIOJ &be "bOfe will ba<rl :td!dtltloa I.Jll'H H I• rt •

L'llltntlo ... .. .49° 3.J' ~lb· :\oub. Lon(.!i tude ... O:.I 4.')' ! :?• w •.. t , •

In plaoo of th>' ·l l h Qrol.:r l·' ix.>cl \\"hi~ Light hereto(ore oxl11bit&d nt <ltl11 :-ltnti>Ju , t'heoo baa been lnst:< lh>tl 11 ~th O tdc: r u ,op;ric ltRVOi v:ojf Lllcht of Ill X •Ide- slvlog wt.ltu 0~ h I ovory so . aeooods

·~o. 4, 1 ~wo. Port-au-Basque.

A 13<'11 1111 -,y llota bue n m:>on•d in 7 fl\ tbom1 · · WAter I O denoHQ the pOJ!tiOU Of tbll \\' OSterO . · Balriwio ltoolt . .

Vcuels t~nt .. rin!l the lh\fhor lo tho conrae of che shi[l"a ruo abould ll ot!p tho Uuoy on tbo Port baud,

N'o. 5, 1890, Grand Baulr, Fo-rt.une Bay. Ltth ude . .... .47o 0 ~orth l \ pptoxlmate Loo,ltude ... ll~0 -!l! 30• \\' tat ) ' •

The Ll~:rbt In thli He11oo)n ou the HrPak w.tter at tble ph101! wil l. ou an•t C\''"' tho ht Ueo~mller ne"t, ua uhlbiled 11s. n Fl.etd Rt ti lnatead of I filed Whi111 lit}ht al'ori~tloslly luatatlud,

By order, mw: W. M £WS, 'n:'!l /Jt,arrl n/ Work~,

Bo rd of W ork• ')flio, . Ht . • Juhu'a, l 2-!lh Oot . 1"!10. ( Nll.lm

GENERAL lasura .• ce o.ampa-,. --FiR~ A~O Lfli'~ e

ESTABLisH'~ AjJ: 188'7? REA.D Oh'b"TOE: •

1()3 0~ NON ltTtUI~T. 14UNOON, "&.~, ~ . ~. ~

U!.l~"i-•1Hf1 ~lol Qaplto.l :-a,ooo. ooo Its r. .

IDtaralloe• .Wecs~ on almot\ atllddt ol oropettf ha N e.Wounuhnut .. ~ lo;vea~ polilblt ...



Page 4: Tho Woath - Memorial University of from .:dlpbcberia or other iofect.loai tnbuted or any par~ ~~reof

~~e \ -arbor ~rau ~arb -AXo.l-·



BEFORE the STASDAKD shall ..l~t"in ap11ear before ita numerous readort~, CWriatmu D•y will have cowe and ~one. St.anding here on the cloain~~tys of the old year, we ext.end onr ban1l ' n c_sm.lial greeting, end ,.iah them one and all beat compliments of tho sea· 1100-


A STEt' IS £ RtonT DIRECTION.-We arc pleased to ear~that an effort . will ere Jon~ la~tQ._.aJ:fply the prl)vision• of Sheep Preservation Act to a st'ction of t.hia :listrict, that, viz., utending from Riverhead to Feather Point, South Side. As we have told our people Lefore, in order to tb~, all t ;tl\l is necessary is • pt'tition to, the District J ud~e s igned by one third of the electon .• Then, shortly after, will a P"CJ.Ohtmation i11sue froru His RxcPIIency the Go\·ernor placing the above eection of t.he d:atrict under the Act aforesaid. How simple the prellminary et.ep I Wbn~ a pity that it h(' not availed of by all the other tJarta nf the district I I11 thia t oo much to hope for 1 h is not it the peo ple adequately realized tbe benefits to Bow from tbe rearing of a beep instead of the keep · iog ot uaeleu, destructive dogs.


Proposed New Ko!e of Curt·

. . I . . . I ~!If·. [.• . ·"- ~. l . • \ :/·

GR:A~E ~~ANDA~.,;..~E(j ... !JE~}lS,-~1$~0e .' . I •


io. Tb'e preparation ia an en~irely barmle~~ t.biog, u bu ~ tee"&ed to by many .Ieid­ing 'medical aut.horhiee. Oommt.ioner Black: ford s~tea t.bat ' the apeclmena brouab~ him are f•t boyond any reeulta that be had expected from t.ropioal waten.'' t ·

'fbere is . one thing to be noted in lbla oon·. o~t.ion which bu a epeoial intereat for UL

That is ~bat Mr. Earle baa been voted a aub• aidy of £2,6 :>0 a year for be ye).-., to used in eatabliehing bia plant. What a Itt· son this ia to tbOAe in our midst. "Ybo . carp at the small amount granted by the Newfound­land Goveromen' for the · enoonrageme~t ~ artiticial 6ab-pro~ptio~·in ~at.era l~t~ni( tbia colony~ wbiob, per hap~~ uot.lbly tboee · of Conception .Bay, it cannot be. denied, have a very lar1e extent been depleted-deprived, bitter experience loudly proolaims, ot tlieir viacat.orial treuurea. And yet· objection ia taken even to a tentative m'M:Inre such aa the one in wbicb the. NewfC~undland Fia.~ery Commi~;tion ia at preeent eng"ged I Stra!lge, very I ·


Ode To Obrlatmu Welcome Cbrtatmu Kloa or Wlokr,

Holl1 deoorata. the b'all ur the maoaloo ID thy hooour;

Aod apoo eaoh oottoae wall Of tbe bumbleat, loYiott tolreaa

Of thy ble1Md retao do ollog. - Voloe_1 barabeet, •oloee aweetnt,

Far aod wide thy prala11 tiDIJ. P'rleodt from all parta oome toaetber

To rejoloe apoo thy day. 8trlfu I• dead, klod greeUo,i foet.r

Uoinraal HarlllOny~ Aod altbouah tboa'r~ awlftl7 8ittlor.

R41oolleotiooa athl remaio, Io tbJ abaoooe, of thJaojoaro

That wlll wel4oiDI thH aaalo. j UiTJlf LA)IPIECK. ------11 .A. OHB.IS'l"KAS G&BBTIN'G.''


• • J

~-.. . . . '

'Local and :other items. I "' t •

l~ •

~ ·~. l, :l.o • . ~ .. • •1 t "' • • f ~

(TO Tal IDITOl 01 !Ill IUJPAD.J.J • • DJ•a t:illl.- '.,.. ,.

Aooordlo1, to a Bea&er'a ~~..- from 8,, Jobo'a &be i:foa. A .. W .'Ha"'i "~a· u · iotJnlew ate ted thaa theN ., .. ' .., ... . probablll~ of ao .. arraoeeaaea'" .btLD,r ~~ al betweeo &b• F.r,aocb.aod Eqlmb Go~ot.' 9D the Fre~

-----"~· ... .., ! ~ ......... . :._ ... ,,.,...., bu l~lr w • 1n O• &be

alp& ol doe 17th iliA. llle,...._ ol Mr. A..,_. tat Slmma wu barn& to &bapoucl ; ootlalDi'bat tbf ChlmDeJI Wfre lef& lt&adiaf. 1'1af orfpa of &h~ 8re Ia aokDowo. , ...;..--·- .

-Tbe A,.a..t Eattrtala-.. •d pHu trfYip. of ~e -c ••• ..,~ .......... Solaool ... btld lut :11at 'fbit 8oWsOI Ia edll loarialalaaudu &be

~,clireodoD olri.A BoblaaN, Blq \

-~••u.-'ua::&;;.:;;:-..., of Mta~ra Ha. .Q.~e~t It eo .• Gtuao•. 1t11 ow &Ueb for la&e Bootcti s-pora. Tb-. M .. u iDCieect M all &be Old eooalrJ papera·U. DOW io~roea-

.Sbore qatdioa. 'fbe Qoee1a .. ,. Speech •• th• opeolog of ParllamM&.aa .. tlou tbe faa\ that Dl• goliatloDI are la .p~ Jor the cettltmeo• of tbe Newfoo&adl&lul ftebttJ.'dilnnte. •· wl\lob Ia •~afaotor)' ,to all paf#eJ:' . -~ Reoter'a .deaPakb from Park I&JS &1M idaa·of.L•ooey lodemohy &o F!-0~ .. bu bteD;d~olr,etj 'pa~ fM14'e u derop· torr · '10 the 'dlioltT o~ - ,.at t'ower like Frao~ (Ill) b ia f\lrtflar belle.Yed &bat if arbt· tntiou aboold be propoted., h 'will only bt opoa

.cbe aodentaodioe that t~ ~ doaodlaod Opf.; e~omea' aboald abide ~J tbe &war.~.. A Parle paper .. ,. ,~., the oeerioo. of tbe·•<Jarubia •!)a.ld .Do' ba ao eqal~lent to Fra• o' for ber priYlltSLII io Newfoaodlaod, u alnl would. lOte oue · of &he beat reoruhio~r aroaoda for ber nary. • All tbeee hema. ·ma.\• TerJ.' iotareatlbe r!'aft •oe : bo\ Do

- .. A Obrla&mu Tree in ald ot &he BuildiD1 Fund in coiln,cdon·witb;SL Patriok'e Oburet, CarboneAr, wtll opeo oai Monday next, .ft&aa inat. Moch preparation hu beeq rrtaclec and a ~rood reutro, tberefo(e, iaoooSdeDilyVi*': ed. . • . . .

•• , • • •r' ... r . .

· .. ·· ~ .. .... -·--.~ S.Je of W orlt io aid of tlte Sobool­

Ch•P.l. a.t M~aitc». wu opeoed a~a& plaoi .... ..:z,... ' Tfie .,toeipte for tbe alp& were fait·~ ~~- ~ t-. etor.y .tate of &be w40tber Tbe

" aeureilleot" will bt ~&tlalaOtory to Newfoaod­laod that penDita the Freooh ·to rema~o oa tb1 . W eet Cout, oo any ternu ulaatt"«r I ~od If' tbe' 1Dll811lioo Ia made iD any otbltr form, u to •o ar,.aaemtDt. It ou ooly be lo .the iotareata of 'be old pme· of FoMp Ollloe aod

d be •lcorooal!' cfp_poNd ·by ~me reopla are of op(~foi'tbat· erti111ebt woatd:aor ba'Yi' doUID arraoee • rtolp~tf'\tect7 w.lth. tbe Statal .... aa . ._ 'red'; bthJae''tnllad aor011 eoe1U lo Frauao· li••foucJlaod"af.alra. h Ia tO be bopad ·~· tieat' •JII ~ bt irrail(!d wltb tba Uolled l:ltalee : bqt, tteii tb10, · tbt J.reot~h mut go aad W.!'trfouQdlaod1ldt .Ootrol o( her Wet\ Sbora · 1\ a. Wid tbe '(toYtncitot iofaode _.. la1 for powera froli" P'arlt:eWio£ to euforoe the ulatfoa tree till -.;etwHD ·Fra-ooe and Eoitand­a Coeroioa \at : bq& ~qoli • ID.atisre •o:atd be looked QpGD wltb iii,ID' tif other OOIODiU, aod be a dei rerou atep for Uf (Jo,.,o,.aot

" A l.ltthar·Jtetater'a ,tela,_m 141• &llat Bon 11 BoDdbu.bo4D ltleeta~b~tor to JO to Wub· torroo. ID o~oae;cnJoo wh). «ae.Pl~poeecl Tnaty. ~' aa hope lbt, Old' Co}RDf.~~ ~~•ak• to her rlatita aod rqpot~llbllrtjfl~.Jii~• bar ,place '' tbe l'ramlinoloQf. 'fitj\ ~)\e_·* P.lftr do tbat witb 000 half Of~,, f,tflfAfJJO ,tJI• haode of a. forelao l'owar. 4•. tbf ··-~loa t>f &ht mOt/111 oiHntlf 11em1 oq& ~ be ooateiAJ)Iatd It .l.x»ka .. if aome arnoeelieDC 113lab& pOI&lblJ be arrl•ed at before tbt Opfqfoa' Of 1b_~-~ablrJ ... U !»D : bell oo arraoaremto& ~lll Jw aatiiJMIOrJ t ha& doea ao~ Ill& rid of rreoob olahu Oia tbe W •& CouL

• • f •

Before thla reaohM tu &r••ouo 700 will hate lear•td of &he.ttnible eoeachllo wbloh Air Paraell la the oblef· .. tor. . Seldom baa 1bere beeo tach ao oatbonl-Of ~paln~oc!iaoalloD . . I' la oo& tbA& Mr. P&raea~··~~ dilen from IDDJ otbar ~of &b•)lacla~e;Jo~ aJid wlokeclo ... bo' tb•t a ~I1411JicM~ at .. llpt a11oald be maie to lrHp bi~ '* tbe b-.cJ ef·•'*-· ~ome ~ale f*r&y, aod tb" be abotl4 ·~oal ... ~o aooept#GIP'*b• poahioa. Jilo do~b~ .aJi.,risWI.pM'tJ ow• pothlq to &artaa~r_ tor aU JIJIIJr t.IJP.O ....... ,. beea woo bJ bard 8ptioa, ao4.eo Ett.- &Jaa& JON lrelao.d 'h .. • ticbt &o ••oaa- ller. owa aleln Ia hw owD ••J, wltboa' PViDC attu.tloo &o &be wt.eba or either poll,loal parrt.: ill. li,JCI•acl. Bat Hr. Glada&ooe bu.. btOGJb.& ~ •ll.e ualataoGe of lrlab people t~ ~oD~o'nDia& Yotavof tbllJb­

·eral partylo Eoadabll. SootlMcl aod Walee, .wl&b IYifJ proepeot of fiomt ~It Jo &be DeAr f1UO.N -Jl ueittaDoe 1'blob .~• ltt,.b par&J woold otrer bate obta1Qe4 . •Sfttb~i~).a~.aict • . Mr. Glad· atooe'• le~&Jr tg, 4fr· A4~~ J • ·at~ .. ao ·uooertaio ao110d, 'aalf la 1 ~~~ . ljqo of ~CJbUo morale io pobllo ~-D. . r. ~toae tbr11teoa 16 retire fro• pot~~91qlfe 'ltloaatlier ratber IUD •liYide &bele&dfrt~t.b .Mr, Parqell. aad leen BoDle BGIIlO· take· 04" of haelf· · At preeeot· wrlllaa Hr. Paro•U clioHni. to afYe war. Ooe' tblJIIf la Mrta~.: betwM1a Mr. GladatoDe aod Mr.·lJarotlJ tba Llberaf"Par'ty·wUl oo• take Jool' ~ oboo.e; ltq~~ Solo ·for lrelaod doa oaa depHd •toe oaa -~-i.bca' ~·o,&:!~!'• ID!-itl deaial)oluolia: whom &tie· adloa . ltl!f• ~~ ~1 be poet'~oed few muJ J'Mij'kt qo : . 'the aa· J,Joo ie wa~lor up tcf t~ '~' t~••.lf a maa· la·aD adqlterir ao4 rt~r Jli•' prl,atf Ute, be la no · fh Jeaae, llf . PRbiiJ · I)'• · ~· .' l!~t~•ll ~ .oratllJ "'•d M• ~~ ta•~ift .. · • b~ oo oo• to b~•me ba• bli:Q.wt'l Jor ~JI ~I} oi. 'lt '•Ill 'l?e dl.qolt boirner 'for.W·to'''liW' Jh l~ putr; Jq ita. nb¥ of tbl OUII!)Okto'.odtldt"IAa~QA of AO& oalj tbe priM Ia a ad pnli1 it Uae Oath olio· Obarob, bll~ il10 ot '~ all' ibt Wooooarol'lllbt ohurobta to Eo•l•lrd ·and Amerlea: 'fbt CbGrob of &o~rlauci aa • bod1 dO..·oot ooaot, beo'aoie h fl'd · ai ~f1J bteo ao oppOlleo' of ParoeU &bd

llo~A• Bqre, t:)4bg l"il'1 ~mrOHd ot the Ooa. aonaiiYt pertr. " · ·

O ne of tbe moat remarlr.ble 1110nnseota of tbe d.aJl• tbt 10ppori (tfiD to Mr. Uooth'aeobe-., ' toT #11 reseoeratloo of "'' IO..Mt LoDdOD ~or, "tb• au'b4erp4J!.q~h" •• b • o&•Ja lt . tna··;.. oeotl1 publlilled '60011' ·• r/er~RI~" t;uataod ~lad the ••1 oa'; .. Ia bnlorao lct-.•DN 1111. Til• " Geo_\.~1" ub for a mllllou etirlliia . llq\ •••'• iJ~ opo to ~la ·~~ fJf, &bla lauu aaua ba fi~ ~\re•,4J .ob~o'' ' OJ)OO, ,aod -doabtJ ... In few ·~. Jill · ; -~tf. Hh aa.wtr &o all ob,~\loaatf.~ ~. '' . q l~4~o'• t~RfOfi.~f 'I~P~P.·~o~ me., Mf r, o J o1dr o ~'Tf'· ~ .'; ' •l' t · • ~~ ··a; f ~1) \'he lo• ~r. ''*;'" r ~~~~t((/:j;l!~ where tror~ wJI ,a~, '1~·. "'a tl'!J' Aatyill bt MD a &o I ' •f ' 0 0 J"'J~ ,cio9!!l• tq J ' farrD -work 1 from t.bmfti prv .. tlf& &b•f bo ••t to a ~ """ Arr~r Oolo111 ·• ot~r ...... . reJ • .... ., ,.,. oolopf r. lA J1f, Ia DOfm~ d'ecl D,.D I btl' t bl (JII!Ifll ~ea 'l a mlllloa ..-. lo ooe of &be .. 1o1iell 'Qea"'j. til ~ He &ella lba~abllllMrt " aw •• tlt\tu •L t oo oommiMII M &roablt ~ • . ..a bfiOIQ fll&o bla .. p btl• be wiU pteblllli a JtUIJ wa.-•

aoblal• laW ateOalia. jo &u belt ... _. .,... of

..:..r.oSS or ~.. · CRAn.-Mr. P'. T. • WUtablre'a aohoooer Z<pllvr wu loat on 'fbanday Dfabt a& Caclrolll• Cove ntar Triaity. Sbe wu l.fally loaded wltb proYillooa aod abop-sOoda. Tbe, oareo ·~ bot..alhch&IJioaared ; •b• Yt .. loo\ .. all ; aba will be a &otal Ia. to ber owo,N. ·rbe oraw were all aand. ' . ,.

·, -·--- •ll -OBIT -St .roho'a baa la&.ly Joe• \wo of IM reepeottd olti&tDt-Mr. ~~oll,a DaleJ, •• tbe: earlyaae of •6 yeare: aod Mra. KeD~'Wifa Qt -B'.J, Keot. ~tq. Q 0 Mr. Oilo)' for liearl7 to ye&rl aeted u maoaaer at Booarilt& of tbe exte~,. balio• of Jam11 R1ao, l!Ml· da wu MtM'D• ed by all ol .... a. Mra. Keot w.u a l...S.r ta ""' ebod mo•e:DtDt. Her 111. wUJ be lDQob

~~a .... &o-·a~bt · ( • • : t • • .._ • : .. \ ' • • '-

II·•· .~MJ C01T40&. -or il• eqaitaleat. io oaeh, • "" ri~ &o.- tbo penon delactloc great-' aum~t. ohrron. (worda WIODJ1Jepelled or mi._ attaoed~ l.n ~· Dace"' bar "-• of .. Ooa. Howu" Ia addatloa .•Ht'b, afno two·cw~ ))rlut of s!IOO oaoh, fOWr of •e *100. el~rbt ol t6(). $fD' PI 126. tweot,T-bi of, 110. ~ty of 16. ooe boodrecf ol

ao~ o.oe bGodrod aod ftfty,of 11. dlatribated ordec m,otlooed io ral• ud reaulatloDI •Ill be aeat •ltb a oopt of Deoembet

e . oD. reoelpt of 16 oeaC. lo ,ei.mpe Speolal -l.JoiA PNJU .-ffeo ••111 almod · •••'1 day dar- . iDa oompetltioo wblob olneee JfebniarJ lit 1891

.Adsf,... Oua . HO¥a·· Pabl..._lD, Co Brook. • lll•. CaaaU.:. &16j . ' felt. . .. . . -......_ .

. --· . . .-'t'b,e Chna\mu Tree fA .afd otithe nt.,.· 1

.- V&~r. So11soc.- Oata .,. Do., ntremetr ~t~~ral .wltl 'op;.o· ·~ t~": A*tiDf~allbere llaaroa-lDdeed; •• .&lie •JJoa II. -oaouU)e Mel. on J'raclay aaxt. A .. ~,..t.ft pr~iparatloa tor lo~a or moaey. Tba dateDUoa " al· lA•· bu been made by 00111mJttee of ladlea • NDCe of Mr. Bo1l•'• oral& bu dlaappolotad ... DJ brlsbt, ..... fnolfq) at--'a·y . .of a•?ool .~~ penooa bere, wbo were depeadio1 oa ~~ op· ., ·~ l -portaoltr for a wlater'uappiJ. We lnro &u'. anlolee. la atara ~. be tbt rtltlh, cbe aame eoarolty obt&loa l=. JobD'a,· wbere wltb h&Ddaomt peounlary. re&linaa. oat.a oaaoot bow be aot for· D tO oea&l a -'baabel-tbe hiab"' prloe for &eo · SllrPPs•o NO'la.-•r-;;;-/Mttd Jlald, (,

--, la l'tflldy t.o l.aft. for Lo!MloD, wta ·K · -H•4T~ Pro.-Lut week, Hr. Laurenct load ot oU, &.b, .to, The Illmad Nald wu

Keefe, Hoaquito Valier, IIUled ano&bt~r ••1 bedly wnoked in the ple ot &be lind hm. t.arp phr, the boaYlNt koo•n to be raJNcl aad bu alooe ·reoeive~· e1teb1fre repeirt. •

,a~ut hero tor many yeart. The •aimal when The ArtiU, a• Barbadoea. w11 ready &e dretMd trt.hth~ 62'* lbe. It waa a tbret·y .. r leue for .la~me Y•~rday fa ballut. 1

• t··, olclao;,. Ia aot t~i• aolftolent to. abo• w~ It la reported tbat the aobooow&r.~a~ ! . can lie done in Newronndland lo atook-rafa. (lately •reobd at St. Latarea_oe) ·put fn..; iaa' ~- · · Placflnt.ia, aad in the b~ 0 ( J'ridat nlsbt

-UtlfDP.AJ,-A qalet •eclcli•r took plaoe •• Jut, went ubore .aod.f3eoa. !pe 1 total wreolc. the retideuae of AS .... Horrit, IM& neaior-~·· priDalpel• belna Nl• i:lfrlda Norrie, ( daa(lb· -OD.U'rXu Bn\' • ......: T _ -ge quanti' tt'..


ter•l•ta Q.ober' Morrla)ucl Rlahard Beall e. M f ...,.,. ... ' (rautiii!'Of tbe l!:oaallab eolaoo!Mf JllGrul A/old), of 8 are now In tbt ruarlet for lbe' Chriatm-. P'o••J, Enalao~ ~~. M~. PaJDI, Uetbodla& eeuoo. · Our b9tobert' ·bn~ Jatge y.opk• aocl . Atlolater, perloriDecl the oereCDOoJ. Hrt. n .. u be.fd,.. that qcunUt,.- .brouab\ in Croaa will 10 ~~ lbe l•lalfd MaJ.d. wlaLib •Ill eell to• outaldt plaoea la greater tbaa formerly. .&1· mono• to; LoocfoD, 'Her frlaadt here •lab btr ~~er tbe '~rket ia more Jarcell aOJ'plie4 nery bapplDtaa It~ bfl' Dew bomt aoion the .... w1tb thie Obnatmu ~tfal tbaa (en . maai

- THI B•:r:ua JatiiJ held Ia 'b• Brltl.eb Half, MUOn a pbt. Tbe pr~ are 'na&J!ll from f St. Jobo'e, wu a rro-t eoOOMI. A nr1 tara• oeota to JO oenta per poand aeoordiaa ·to numbtr of uaefGI and fenoy anlol• were JOI4- qaaallt,, Poal~rr 11 _.,_, alld oonaequenUr Tbe refreebmeot aDd l•" &fbi.,, ~ed pfn 1rbat ia ot'ered la at bf1b ~. ~ •bole bf ~dy W ~, .... , ao4 • Plf•~r of.......... a&ook o( beec la of local JrOWtb-ao lmporW ••r• well J141roolfed, •D4 Ul• IIIJtta were ,.,., beta( to ~wa. · . . mqob rl•uell ~tb 1.,. ,,.. and 80DrtHf wltla Hlllra. Ollr~ wooa • Co.,· of .. ~. Jobn'i, w!Jiob ~~- fl.tode·ware aerr'~d. lrlra. l'llo' •• aold • .I&Nre quantity oe .... ---~, .A--,1 00

~~-tar ... -r. tfie relaJJioa aplrl• ol. ~· Balur. boioa ablr •· 1 · a, ._,, - oa u. o'•oded bf lb• ladlee of tbl IOIIJIAlUee lo bH •I· u&. The ·f'--!J~wiDr •re the qaot&Lloaa 1 f6ha ~ •ake tbe · Du&ar • . , .... , ~~oreq!l&fl~, 5 to 6t ote. pr. lb. 'per q ....

· • ... une't' 1i·to 8J ota per lb., per IJtl'• J · --S&WJMO C1ilot.~-Tbe reault of tbe Sal• mutt.on, 7l to ~ ota. per lb,, per CJtr· ' por~ of W.ork beJd laec ,eek bJ 'be ladiea of... 8 ota.. pel' lb.,. ~r oero. ; ta.-,.~tl ~ to • Me~bodiat . Sewing· O,i role eOJoQn~ to 237 2.1SO each; aeae. 2.0Q pe' J)jNr 'cla.ob 1.00 &e • dollara and SS oonta. lnoludinJ 231 dollara, ,1 20 ptrpaJ~ 1 ~hlp~Qa •5 to fJitt... per~,, . prooeeda ol nle held lut aprinJ. it aruollote 1

to baod•ome to,•l or f§8 4oiJJn aJJd : By Telegran.b · ~~ oenh fQr t~lt 7tlt~· J~ Jt pJf!uiPa jJldeed• I -o.-. .,- • : . t.bat '""h aQ '~ount of 'work ooqld be do~• RALtr A&. to.-~oallr &be ~lait bf u.· : in IUOh & abor' time ~y a few. Jadi•1' 10 .. to ra1Jwe111001dnt wu Alula D ...... i IDIIIJ~f ~ -RiYD 111ob a favorable'·abowlaJ. · Parll•~aa.• lot Kamooruka. . ~

___ · Oona'rd • •barf, Ballfaz. oollapttd l•et •In• \\ -CifRUT)(U S&flVJCQ -A• •u ltatecllo ..... aoder suo tou of ooal i .. , . MIA .. D- ., ... au u

laaae. DIYto• Sinton •ill bt betel for the 'ftrit eoal •ocl were 4~P"· · time lo tbe De• Cathedral 011 l 'handay (Obna&• Twel!l.f.•ttlr,. llh••t ...... paoli'.!!~ 1~ia mu}daorolor at 6.80 'aod JO.JO p m, . ~4rll'l fiiAOADI oa l'arull A a •tl· ~

'l'bt S.rfloM •• St. &cal'f fhJJiflb •Ill ~ ., ~~ll1 paper wtll be ieaued lo DGbll•.. Wlll*t • foiJq'J ! •Mr' P~!RIA!foloif •~ l q•trod, ud a O'Brleo, Oblef Editor. • 1000114 oe!e~reCfo~t. ~· f6e :- 1\ o'olook •er.• loe. The boato ... part of Lookport, """ S,o*" ne eYeoloaaer.loe wlll be It 8 o'oloolr toetaad ·1111 beeo baro&. . • . . of, wbeD tbe Ohriataaao Oaroia •Ill lie IQ!III· .. IOD1.'be EmpJ re• ot . o,nR.P1 "' ii··· hlrtla t~ •• CopJe• of oarole ma7 be obtalaed " t.lli ReOto~ · · JllQ. tf.-Prtaldea• Ha,_;a Mada Coqr ... · 4•- •' Obtt!'ff~ "'''••• .,m ·~, b•J4 •' ·U rtber ~part oo &briar ._ .u»tra. 'nt a.~. aQ • 8Q. p m, . ... .. ltrltl•b offer ot aabttratloD bM; *" rejee&td,

Jo tb• •tetbo.dll& Obarola ••Ylea will &aka Complete aupeo•loo of qacotl4elo111 ~ aapeetttd. plaoa a& ll a m. •ad 6 80 p ra. aod au naoeellatio Tbe l'reeidept •Ill propoe, e.-eraedi ID .. DNif Mlflot ., lbt aobool-roo!D Ia tba nelllna to prutea& Amarloaa polloy. . · ·

-- 11'• eootJoaaooe of tbe fltiH!IU ,;FI~qi . • ~ 1

-CATtlOLJO hrarmrr1, 04RIOifUI-Tbetblrd !'lew'oondlaod hu bela cldaf"IJ' ~!£oi'd -~~ . aooaal caeetlo• of tbeuaeruhera ofthe8t. Patrtok'a tweeD EoalaDd aad ,.,.RIP w.ocfer t , 41adbli Oatbollo loultota. Oarbo~ear, •• beld to tbelr aUpolatJoq b7 ,~~ tbat dae &oJI Go•ere. roo[ OA l'uea4aj er111lnf tb;lb 11-'· 4 ffl&~ m~~~ •b~JI ~tlle clae dtdloohy cltarioi tbe iot.r. ~·D ol tbe IAIIJJtJt" nrw· ~·· Ttl• ·~(. , •• • llb or wltbo~&l t"e ... D. ol abe Ne•· r. . A).CerW~ tiqO"*p~cJ~ .._aad icld"111· foaodlaad ParUa&DtDt. . ed OM pr ... ot Ia '"' oooeratGlatory laa- Kil!ttooy priMll are ...tetlq HtDDtUI.f .t.--10'11 OD tbe • IJ!oleot •PP"rloot of &be na41al aod 01tth& ~ roo01, ltocl abo oa •h• ftoaootalat.alemeo&.. wblob The Eottlhb mall am .. 4 14ft fltlr~r · Jll•oet. t~t rooCR lo · all tna•oeodnt ~ltioo. Pbalao, tba E•·•!f!tr!~ · Po114q · .t Hani.-'J'It-re, . •• olle,.,.o ~q~ht4~ hfe F-'P·r~· ~, 4r9p~d ~4 . .... ,., o!";T'T ... : •

·~.~~~ ~fr~~·~cl II! •~p~&ef! .e1~( ~· ... q1~. aa ·:_hlta•~ -u ltttlll ft.ot;4 for Kll· 0,11. • aODGJ ; the majorft1tl q....., .

J)e eleo&loo of o~Jtoere thea look ptaoe, ao4 l!aro~!l ~ r..Rf4 • floln' ..... _. tO JtWa ~ter tJae aet&Umeot o, 90'0 !)tf!• bN'I!• •Ut ~R~ J: IAflfDder. '8aaoo wol..,. ate,MtrllQa IOf

i*tf~~foft'j~~:-·~. ~,os~en for J•r 18,8~: · liA !:~":'a:.'t.alreo plaoe oe·laa, --~~b ~ lli. Tt.Omaa PloD, n -eiHt.ed Prealdella 1 Mr. "'1' ; fortJ·In thooeucl ll(t1i..:..lqfC ·~ i ~

~tniui 'Phao, N•eleoted Vloe·PNIIdeot: Mr. Ia atwolata ~ctft Rf f"'-'• ....,-~~ · ol~ ' 'ttrotrDif, ala.Mfd Saore~ 1 Mr. P~ ~at~Df~' ~At en t;w. . · •· · JJ4~, rt,-lta\e4 ....... ..,, llr. ·J~I ... IJM, 11at wanlllp ~GPII lau ..Ued for~~ w ... rt tlH'-4 lJbrwk~Jo CoM/IIIf-11...,., Pel; _., of INlaid wfUa foOd aod •ppUea for tlte

Jq. 'l'bo•" Bro•Dt. ,..._ ftao, .,..,. t!;!ltbloi,JIMplt. ~n•••-•· Tlaoeau Woocla, Pa~ ltopa ... •-~!1!1-ll!l-=:~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

. ·" . . X&Bal&8- 41 Lut ·~.let die .......... ~

Blell•l'll ....... cit ro"~-~-~~'Ctltiilislrl

--~H-~.~ ~"Mrl~~~ ~~

