Download pdf - THK Dog Games

Page 1: THK Dog Games

Office dog games!At our pet friendly office, we find the magic

combination of treats & games = love & fun for everyone!

Read on, and we’ll share our favorite games!

Page 2: THK Dog Games

Find a clear area to gather the pups, then grab a handful of Pecks™ and toss them as high as you can into the air, preferably into a more open area of the room. Dogs will be delighted at the treats miraculously falling from the sky, and will race around to gather them up off the floor!

We suggest using the smaller treat, Pecks™ for this game, rather than our bigger heart-shaped cookies, just in case any of your four-legged pals are sitting directly under the treat storm. Equally (or perhaps just slightly less) important is to take care to avoid hitting yourself or any spectators in the eyes or back of head, with the Pecks.™ “Woof, feels more like hail than rain!”

Make it rain!


Page 3: THK Dog Games

Find a clear area to gather the pups, then grab a handful of Pecks™ and toss them as high as you can into the air, preferably into a more open area of the room. Dogs will be delighted at the treats miraculously falling from the sky, and will race around to gather them up off the floor!

We suggest using the smaller treat, Pecks™ for this game, rather than our bigger heart-shaped cookies, just in case any of your four-legged pals are sitting directly under the treat storm. Equally (or perhaps just slightly less) important is to take care to avoid hitting yourself or any spectators in the eyes or back of head, with the Pecks.™ “Woof, feels more like hail than rain!”

Make it rain!


Page 4: THK Dog Games

Smoochie poochie race! *2 people required

Find an unoccupied hallway and have one person hold back the hounds with a whiteboard, or another piece of lightweight office furniture. Have the person at the other end of the hall yell ‘treats!’ and shake a box of Smooches.™ Simultaneously, unleash the hounds! The first one to the other side wins extra treats but make sure everyone gets at least one!

Be sure to give lots of love to the pups who get confused by the commotion, freeze under pressure, or can’t keep the pace. For added entertainment, see if you can get the owner of the slowest or most confused dog to buy the office lunch.


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Smoochie poochie race! *2 people required

Find an unoccupied hallway and have one person hold back the hounds with a whiteboard, or another piece of lightweight office furniture. Have the person at the other end of the hall yell ‘treats!’ and shake a box of Smooches.™ Simultaneously, unleash the hounds! The first one to the other side wins extra treats but make sure everyone gets at least one!

Be sure to give lots of love to the pups who get confused by the commotion, freeze under pressure, or can’t keep the pace. For added entertainment, see if you can get the owner of the slowest or most confused dog to buy the office lunch.


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Goin’ fishin’!

Use a sturdy piece of string to tie a Beams™ to an empty paper towel roll and skip around the office grounds or another quiet, secure area, while holding it firmly in one hand. Let your dog try to catch you and grab the Beam. You may need to upgrade to a sprint if your dog is a fast runner, otherwise the game will be over before it’s even begun. This is best to do in the mornings before others arrive (so you won’t embarrass yourself ), and with just one dog.

Unless you have a very small and / or slow moving dog, we recommend this game for outdoor use only, because the thrill of the chase can be quite exciting for everyone and there’s a risk of bumping into things and eventually something may get broken. Take care to completely untie the string before your dog devours it.

atlantic catfish skins

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Goin’ fishin’!

Use a sturdy piece of string to tie a Beams™ to an empty paper towel roll and skip around the office grounds or another quiet, secure area, while holding it firmly in one hand. Let your dog try to catch you and grab the Beam. You may need to upgrade to a sprint if your dog is a fast runner, otherwise the game will be over before it’s even begun. This is best to do in the mornings before others arrive (so you won’t embarrass yourself ), and with just one dog.

Unless you have a very small and / or slow moving dog, we recommend this game for outdoor use only, because the thrill of the chase can be quite exciting for everyone and there’s a risk of bumping into things and eventually something may get broken. Take care to completely untie the string before your dog devours it.

atlantic catfish skins

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Ask a co-worker to distract the office dogs so they don’t see what you’re up to. Break off little chunks of Wishes™ treats and hide them around the office, under your neighbor’s chair or desk, behind the copy machine or trash can in concealed but easily-accessible places. Stand aside, and unleash your pups on a fishy hunt! Keep a few pieces aside to pass out at the end, to any dogs who can’t figure out what’s going on, or simply take too long to find the goodies and end up losing out to the faster, brighter (and probably better looking) pups in the group.

Be sure to have an intern take notes on where all the treats are hidden – you don’t want to forget a piece under your desk... “Why doesn’t anyone come and visit me anymore?”


Hide a wish!

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Ask a co-worker to distract the office dogs so they don’t see what you’re up to. Break off little chunks of Wishes™ treats and hide them around the office, under your neighbor’s chair or desk, behind the copy machine or trash can in concealed but easily-accessible places. Stand aside, and unleash your pups on a fishy hunt! Keep a few pieces aside to pass out at the end, to any dogs who can’t figure out what’s going on, or simply take too long to find the goodies and end up losing out to the faster, brighter (and probably better looking) pups in the group.

Be sure to have an intern take notes on where all the treats are hidden – you don’t want to forget a piece under your desk... “Why doesn’t anyone come and visit me anymore?”


Hide a wish!

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Duck hunting!

This game is great to play when you’re about to attend a long (and maybe slightly boring) meeting. Before everyone else comes into the room, lay out the enclosed Honest Kitchen t-shirt on the floor. Sprinkle some Nuzzles™ cookies on one lower corner, fold it over, sprinkle a few more treats, fold again and so on until the whole thing is wrapped into a ball with lots of treats interspersed in the folds. You can loosely tie the sleeves together around it, to make this even more challenging.

It’s great fun to watch your dog unravel, paw and nose the thing until all the treats are gone. While some animals really are as thick as two short planks and will take forever to retrieve all the cookies, many aren’t nearly as daft as they look.


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Duck hunting!

This game is great to play when you’re about to attend a long (and maybe slightly boring) meeting. Before everyone else comes into the room, lay out the enclosed Honest Kitchen t-shirt on the floor. Sprinkle some Nuzzles™ cookies on one lower corner, fold it over, sprinkle a few more treats, fold again and so on until the whole thing is wrapped into a ball with lots of treats interspersed in the folds. You can loosely tie the sleeves together around it, to make this even more challenging.

It’s great fun to watch your dog unravel, paw and nose the thing until all the treats are gone. While some animals really are as thick as two short planks and will take forever to retrieve all the cookies, many aren’t nearly as daft as they look.


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866.437.9729 / Illustrated by Lili Chin ©2013 The Honest Kitchen, Inc.

Don’t be a stranger!


A note of caution: Many dogs are delighted by flying or dangling

treats, but if you have a food aggressive pup, we suggest letting them sit out these games (take them

for a walk so they aren’t consumed with jealousy and resentment) to make sure they don’t embarrass

themselves and end up getting talked about in hushed, sarcastic tones at the water cooler.

We hope you enjoyed this little book of tricks! Please let us know if your office pack needs any treat

refills by emailing [email protected].