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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500


B Capitalism

C Exploration

D Technology

E Mercantilism/Capitalism



A business person who risks money in hopes of gaining a


A 100

Who is an entrepreneur?

A 100

Businessmen and Merchants formed this new class of


A 200

What is the middle class?

A 200

When a county maintains a favorable balance of trade

their exports are greater than these.

A 300

What is imports?

A 300

For mercantilism to be successful colonies provided these to their mother lands.

A 400

What are raw materials?

A 400

This oversees a mercantilism based economy.

A 500

What is the government?

A 500

B 100

A larger profit can be made when these people are in charge of the economy.

What are businessmen or What are merchants?

B 100

This makes a market based economy function.

B 200

What is supply and demand?

B 200

The basic desire of capitalism is for inventors, and investors

to make this.

B 300

What is a profit?

B 300

The 4 factors that led to the creation of a capitalism economy were

1.Available Capitol

2. Growth of the middle class

3. Raw materials from colonies

And this.

B 400

What is a market?

B 400

Free Enterprise (the ability to compete and make a profit) happens when this entity or thing stays out of business.

B 500

What is the government?

B 500

European nation built mostly settler colonies?

C 100

What is England?

C 100

C 200

This was the name given to the picture depicted below

What is the Columbian Exchange?

C 200

This allowed Europeans to dominate exploration and

international trade.

C 300

What is new technology?

i.e. Gun Powder, Fast Ships, Advanced Navigational


C 300


C 400


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This was the name given to the system of Spanish

Plantation owners in the Americas who used forced

Native American Labor.

C 400

What is the Encomienda System

C 400

Spain built this type of large colony in Central America for

raising a cash crop.

C 500

What is a plantation colony?

C 500

The Portuguese developed this new type of ship for faster ocean


D 100

What is the Caravel

D 100

This instrument allowed a navigator to establish magnetic


D 200

What is the compass

D 200

This Chinese technology helped Europeans develop the cannon and defeat much larger armies

with less men

D 300

What is Gunpowder

D 300

European ship captains were able to determine their latitude using

this technology

D 400

What is an astrolabe

D 400

How did European sailors best lean to navigate ocean

currents ?

D 500

What is riding with them

D 500

This English Philosopher promoted the idea of a free

market economy no government involvement

E 100

Who is Adam Smith

E 100

What are the 4 M’s that allow capitalism to grow and succeed?

E 200

What is: Money $$

Middle Class



E 200

Ferdinand Magellan was the First Sea Captain to lead a voyage that

did this

E 300

What is circumnavigate the world

( Travel around the world/globe

E 300

What term or name was given to a European Nation that was

setting up colonies in the Americas

E 400

What is mother country?

E 400

This is the name given to skilled workers during the commercial

revolution of the 1600’s

E 500

What is Artisans

E 500

Another name for Gold, Silver, and other valuable metals

F 100

What is Bullion?

F 100

Economic System which is controlled by the government through trade and colonies

F 200

What is Mercantilism?

F 200

F 300

A Large tax placed on foreign goods coming into your country

What is a tariff?

F 300

This the buying and selling of raw materials and finished

products over a long distance of travel

F 400

What is commerce?

F 400

Economic System in which Entrepreneurs, Merchants, and Skilled workers, own property

and trade freely

F 500

F 500

What is Capitalism?

The Final Jeopardy Category is:


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The purpose of this organization was to make founding colonies

faster and less expensive by selling shares to investors to

acquire more money for investing in the “New World”

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What is a Joint-Stock Company

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Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

Written By: Mr. Ackerman
