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RE Week 


This week is RE week!In the afternoons, we will be looking at our RE unit for this half term which is about 'fact' versus 'belief'!

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What is a fact?

What is a belief?

Norwich City's football kit is yellow and green.

Norwich City are the best football team in the world!


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Facts: They can be proven to be true!

Beliefs: Something you think is true but you cannot prove.

Religion: A specific set of beliefs about a God or higher being.

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Task: Complete the table, with your own facts and beliefs!

RE: To understand the difference between fact and belief.

Facts Beliefs

Support: Sort the statements.

Challenge: Is there ever a time when something is both fact and belief? Define the difference.

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Different religions have different beliefs!

In Christianity, where do you think Christians get their beliefs from?

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The Bible!The Bible is a source of authority for Christians!

What does a source of authority mean?

This means they listen to the stories within the bible and this is how they lives their lives by!

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What other sources of authority might you know?

Teachers and adults at home may be sources of authority for us!

The Bible, Jesus and God are sources of authority for Christians!

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In the bible, there are different stories that teach Christians to believe in different things!

For example, the creation story in Genesis!This story, in the New Testament of the Bible, helps Christians to know what to believe about how the earth was created!

For them, this is a belief.

Other religious and non‐religious groups have different beliefs about creation of the earth.

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In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals. And then God spoke in the darkness: "Let there be light!" And right away there was light, scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space. "That's good!" said God. "From now on, when it's dark it will be 'night' and when it's light, it will be 'day'."

The evening came and the night passed and then the light returned. That was the first day.

On the second day, God made the earth and over it He carefully hung a vast blue sky. He stood back and admired His creation. "That's good too!" said God and the second day was over.

The next morning God looked around and thought, "The earth needs to be a bit more organized." So, He put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another. When He had finished that, God made plants to cover the land. Dandelions and daffodils appeared. All sorts of trees and grasses began to grow. "It's looking great," said God and that was the end of the third day.

On the fourth day, God looked around and thought, "The daylight still needs a bit more work and the night is just too dark." So, He made the sun to light the sky during the day and the moon and stars to add a bit of sparkle to the night. He hung them in the sky and stepped back to look at his work. "This is coming along very well," said God.

The next day, God turned his attention to the water he had collected in the oceans. "I want these waters teeming with life!" As soon as He said it, it was so. In no time, there were millions of small fish darting through the shallow water and huge fish swimming in the ocean. God made birds, too. He sent them soaring through the air. "Ahh, that IS good!" said God. The dusk fell over the water and the sky grew dark and that was the end of the fifth day.

On the sixth day, God added creatures to the land. He made lions and tigers and bears. He made rabbits and sheep and cows. He added everything from ants to zebras to the land. But He still felt something was missing. So God added Mankind to enjoy and take care of all that He had created. God looked around and was happy with all He had made.

After six days, the whole universe was completed. On the seventh day God had a nice long rest and enjoyed looking at all He had made.

Let's read the Genesis story:

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Task: Can you explain what beliefs Christian's might take from the Genesis story? Why do Christian's take beliefs from the Bible?

RE: To understand the difference between fact and belief.

The Genesis story is about...

This means that Christians believe that...

Christian's listen to the stories in the bible because...

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RE: To understand where Christians gain their beliefs from.

Yesterday, we looked at the difference between fact and belief. Where do Christians get their beliefs from?

The Bible!

The Bible is a source of authority. Stories from the Bible, such as the Old Testament story of Genesis, share beliefs that Christians should follow.

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The New Testament

The Bible consists of:

The Old Testament

The New Testament is full of parables (stories) that Jesus

shared with his followers!

The Old Testament is full of books that were written before the birth of Christ.

Christian's gain their beliefs from both testaments!

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Jesus was an important figure who began to spread Christian beliefs for others to follow.

He did this through sharing parables (stories) that have messages hidden within!

Let's read one... The Good Samaritan!

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RE: To understand where Christians gain their beliefs from.

Let's watch the story now!

What beliefs should Christian's take from the story of the Good Samaritan?

Did the Jewish man expect the Samaritan to help him? What about the Priest or Levite?

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Task: Complete a story strip for our parable of the Good Samaritan! Include pictures and captions for each part of the story.

RE: To understand where Christians gain their beliefs from.

Underneath, answer this question:

What morals and beliefs should Christian's take from this story?

This parable helps Christians to believe that...

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RE: To explore how Christianity differs around the world.

Where do Christian's get their beliefs from?

Can you remember the example from yesterday?

What beliefs do Christian's gain from the parable we looked at?

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Christianity is a world religion ­ it has followers across the world in lots of different countries!

Christians mostly follow the same beliefs because they all read the Bible which is their source of authority! However, the way Christian's interpret Jesus' teachings may differ from around the world!

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RE: To explore how Christianity differs around the world.Today we are going to be looking at how Christian's places of worship differ around the world!

What is the Christian place of worship called? Do you know anything about what it is like?

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RE: To explore how Christianity differs around the world.The Church!

England Brazil South Africa

All of these Churches look different, but what do they have in common?

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Church buildings throughout the world and the UK vary hugely!

Here are two churches in the UK!

Church buildings reflect the people who built them, when they were built and the needs of the Christians who worship in them.

How might each church reflect who built them?How might location have affected how big each church needed to be?

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Wells Cathedral was planned by a Bishop in 1175. It was built to be the seat of the Bishop (an important Christian leader).The church is so grand because it was meant to be the central building for Christianity in its area of the country.

This chapel was built by the Methodist church.It was built to serve a very small, rural village, so small that it doesn’t have a shop. Therefore the church could be simple and small.

Wells Cathedral Sutton on the Hill Methodist Chapel

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Here are two more churches from around the world!

Church buildings reflect the people who built them, when they were built and the needs of the Christians who worship in them.

How might each church reflect who built them?How might location have affected how big each church needed to be?

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RE: To explore how Christianity differs around the world.

Task: Cut out each picture of the Churches from around the world.

Label where it is in the world.

Annotate each picture with comments about how it is different / the same to other Churches. What do you notice?
