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l. This publ ~ation is a canpilation in con­ densed torm ot information on Japanese Land Mines en­ countered to date. The enenu may have other mines not yet encountered, and he is clever at imprOYising. Troops should be constantly on the alert tor new developments by the enelcy' in mine warfare•
2. As new information becaDBS available, addi­ tional. pages to this publication will be distributed.
3. It mistakes are noted, corrections should be sent to the otfice of the Engineer, Headquarters Sixth A:rrrq, where they will be checked and revisions to the publication llllde if necessary.
~~(;_, S • D. STORGfS, J:,
EJ:pl.anatim l3 LUD8I Ill•
Diagrams and Photograph 4 EXplanatian 5
M:Jdel 99 lrtlgDetic A1!l1JOr Piercine; lllne Di881"8JDS and Photograph 6 EXplanatiOD 7
Diagrams and Photograph 8 :s:xpJ.anatiOD 9
.A.nti-Boa.t #593 (Beaoh) JAne DiagNml and Photograph 10 EXpl&D&tiOD 11
Di~ 12
Diagrema 14 EZplaDatim 15
Woo!en Ba:E TJ':peS 1 aDd 2t cliagraim 16 Wooden BOX ·-· TJpe 1, EXpluatim 17 Wood• BCllC Jllne, T1P8 2. BXplaaatim 18 CCDioal .Anti-Boat l&lne, Sketch aD4 EXplanatim 19 :tDForisecl lllne•
ld.netield BrMOhiDg Prooe4ure, Sketch 24.
Diagrams 20 EXplanatian 21
COLOR a Earthen.
CASE a Pottery•
WEIGlfl's Small type: 11 lbs. Large types Unknown.
EXPLOOIVEs Small types 4! lbs. Large type: 6i lbs. Various explosives used.
GENER.AI. DESCRIPl'IONs Small typea 8!• in diaml~•i"• 3i" high. Large typea lOt• in diameter, 3!• high. Circular in shape w1th bakelite fuze inserted in threaded hard rubber located in top center of mine. The fuze is spring driTen, push or pull type, and contains the only metal parts ot the mine - springs, striker, pina. A satety pin protects against tiring by both push am pull. The striker is held 1,D poej.tioD by a tork:ed clip, to which is attached a pull cord ot fish gut or linen.
tu.NCTIONINGa Pull ot about 22 lbs. on cord extracts forked clip, releasing striker, tiring percussion cap, detonator and main charge. Pressure ot about 5 lbs. on head ot tuze releases striker trcm 81l81"e ot torked clip and similarly initiates detonation.
DTECTa Both types deatr07 tracks ot tanks. EttectiTe ag&inst personnel at 26-tt. radius (small type), 33-tt. radius (large type).
EMPLOYMEM's small type used along roads in Leyte. This wu the tirst diaoOYeey ot the mi.Ile itselt, but document captured C>Jl ,Marianaa gtTes detailed e:xplanation ot both types. Large t7P8 mine aot yet discOYered. Electro­ magnetic detector will not detect the mine.
DISARMING1 Exerting extreme care to exert ao clcmmard pressure on tuze head or pull on oord1 iuert satety piD it aTailable. unscrew tuze. If eatet7 pin or aubatitute aot &Tailable, great caut1011 should be used in uaacrewing ruu.
COLORs Olive Drab,
WEIGHT: 3 lbs.
EXPLOSIVE• 2 lb. picric acid or 2 lb. ot 50/50 mix­ ture TNr and cycloni te.
GEW.cllAL DESCRIPTIONa Circular. Two brass handles on opposite ends. Brass pressure plate on top center. Fuze has spring driven striker. Detonator and booster charge employed. Brass safety cap screws on top ot tuze.
FONCTIONINGa As A•T mine, 250 lb. pressure cuts shear wire. As A-P mine, 30-70 lb. pressure cuts shear wire. Released striker tires percussion cap, detonator, booster and main charge.
EFB'ECT1 One disables vehicles. Two or three disable tanks •
.EMPLOYMENT 1 l. Permanently emplaced. Right side up or upside down. Addi­
tional explosiTe or other mines have been placed under­ neath. A bakelite pressure cap has been used with anti­ personnel shear wire. The pressure cap has been re­ moTed and the tuze raised above top ot mine by means ot brass extension sleeve.
2. Mobile. Drag ropes attached to handles and
pulled in the path of vehicle. Two mi nos tied back to back on end of pole aud thrust trom foxhole bordering road.
DISARMING: Examine for booby traps. If pressure cap is in place, unscrew it without exerting downward pressure. lf,safety cap is available, screw it firmly on top of fuze and unscrew t"uze. If cap n·~t available, unscrew fuze, being extremely careful not to depress striker shaft.
Fl.IZE WE/OHT 4 OZ. ('--wooDEN PLUG 33/.l"LONG
11/z. IIx I ¥4")( 3/4 If /~ SOl/D EXPLOSIVE IN 8 SEPARATE
EXPLOSIVE1 li lbs. of 8D.Y of following,
1. Equal parts trini troanisole and hexani tro diphenylamine.
2. Equal parts cyclonite and 'I'NT. 3. Equal parts cycloDite and triDi troanisole. 4. cast TNT. 5. Picric acid.
GENERAL JJESCRIPTIONa Circular, 4 3/8• in diameter, lt• thick, tour magnets equ.all)r spaced on outer edge. FUze contains a percussion cap, a 5-6 second delay pellet and detonator. The mine is sanetimes carried in a spec­ ially designed canvas pouch. Fitted to inside ot pouch is a metal cy'lindrical fuze container. When carried in the pouch, a wooden plug is inserted in the tuze opening.
FUNCTIONINGi Mine placed in contact with object under attack and clings to object by means ot magnets. Pres­ sure on eild at fuze depresses plunger, releasing steel balls into grooYe in sliding cap. Striker tires per­ cUAion cap, igniting delay pellet which tires detonat­ or a.00 main charge.
El.l'FECTs Single mine perforates 3/41 armor; double mine, lt' armor.
EMPLOYMEN'l'a used against tanks or other armored ob­ je~ts. Usually two mines are placed together. As anti-personnel, planted in ground on board with tu.ze upright. Removal at delay pellet permits instantaneous firiJ:lg.
DISARMING& Insert safety pin. Loosen ring holdiJ:18 tuze in place and remove tuze trom min body. Un­ screw detonator. If cap has been depressed so that pin holes are coTered, it should be treated as a dm.
COLOR: Olive Drab.
EXPLOSIVEa 6 lbs. picric acid.
GENER.Al. DESCRIPTION: Elliptical in cross section, 3 3/8• wide by 1 13/16• high, and 36" long. Caps fit on both ends of' container, and one cap has hole through which comnon safety wire is inserted. Individual shear pins in fuzes. Main charge divided into 8 blocks ot explosive, rounded to shape of case on bottom aod flat on top. Blocks also moulded on one end to receive tuze. Four pressure type fuzea inserted between the blocks. (Japs may use only 3 fuzes.)
FUNCTIONING: Pressure on top of mine depresses case, which transmits pressure to one of fuzes. 3hear wire generally encountered breaks at 300 - 350 lbs. Plunger forced downward, aligning enlarged opening in plunger with firing pin. Spring driven pin travels horizontally th.rough enlarged opening, tiring percussion cap, deto­ nator, and main charge.
EFFECT: Disables vehicles and tanks.
•EMPLOYMENTa strength ot metal case preTents use against personnel. Can be used in minef'i&ld against 8JJY type vehicle.
DISARl'i.'INGa :Examine for booby traps. aemove both eDd. caps. Gently pushing on explosive blocks at one end, force charge and f'uze through opposite end. but do not allow tuze to drop. Place piece ot #16 wire through satety pin hole ot each tuze. If' mine has been de­ formed so as to indicate that shear wires have been partially cut, detonate in place.
COLOR s Black•
WEIGHT: 106.5 lbs. (less exploder horns, detonator, booster and wiring).
EXPLCSIVE1 46.5 lbs., 60% TN!', 40% TNA.
GENERAL DESCRIPI'ION: Dome-shaped and electrically detonated. Two horns screwed into top contain acid Vials. A safety fork snares plunger on top surface of mine, preventing plunger from dropping and clos­ ing circuit. Firing mechanism consists ot wires contacted b7 plunger, and battery cup and plates beneath each Vial.
F'ONCTIONINGa 150 lb. pressure applied at right angles to center of either horn crushes acid vial. Acid drops into battery cup. contacting plates and generating electricity to tire detonator, booster, main charge.
EFFIOOTa Destrays laDding cratt, tanks, Yehicles.
EMPLontiEN'l'a Has been installed in shallow water, on beaohes, and as ordinary land mines.
DISARMINGa Insert steel wire into threaded hole in plunger, and with prying motion withdraw plunger up­ ward until improvised satety fork can be placed aroum safety grOOTe ot plunger. unscrew exploder horns with 2 .3/16• wrench (lef':t hand thread). Note that withdrawal ot plunger cannot be relied on to break circuit.
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EXPLOSIVE a 5t lbs. cast TNT.
GENERAL DESCRIPI'IONa .MUshroom shaped, 8p in dia­ meter. COTer suspended .over body by helical spring aild held in poeition by 4 screws in wall of body. Pressure type tuze having copper shear wire. Brass pressure cap screws into top center of cover.
FONCTIONIJ."IJGa Pressure on any part ot cover is trans­ mitted by brass pressure cap to striker head. Spring driven striker explodes percussion cap, initiating detonation. As anti-tank, 180-240 lb. pressure re­ quired• As anti-personnel, 50 lb. pressure required..
EFFECTa Breaks tank tracks.
EMPLonm1l'a To date encountered only on Guadalcanal, aDd stocks captured tran Dutch may now be exhausted.
DISARMDIGa unscrew brass pressure cap w1 thout exert­ ing downward pressure. Insert substitute safety pin in safety pin hole, unscrew fuze and remoTe. Replace pressure cap.
[J D
SC'ole f•..J•
WEI GHT: 14.3 lbs .
EX.PLCSIVE: 6.6 lbs. brownish, powdered charge.
GmERAL DESCRIPTION: The case (fougasse) is conical-shaped. A metal funnel forms a small conical cavity within the case. Three legs, attached to the bottom surface of the mine keeps a distance of approximately 5" between the object under attack and the explosive charge at the moment of detonation. The detonator is inserted in the top part of the mine. A wooden handle, almost 5' long, screws into the top part of the case and contains a striker, safety pin and hold­ ing pin.
FUNCTIONING: Handle is attached to case. Safety pin is pulled. Soldier lunges forward at object with mim in a manner similar to a bayonet thrust. If object is struck with sufficient force, holding pin 18 cut, allowing striker to hit assembly. It is designed for suicide attack.
EFFECT: According to Jap document, capable of piercing 4" armor.
EllPLOIMENT: Has been used on Leyte, but so far unsuccessfully.
' j 15
COLORa Varied.
CASE& Wood ..
WEIGRTa UDknown.
EXPLOSIVE& Approximately .3t lbs. picric acid.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION& Wooden box, 13• x j• x 2t" • Trip wire attached to firing rod, which protrudes through hole in side of box. Red hooks arouDd thread which is attached to friction 1gniter at one em sad anti-liftioe; deTice at other end.
FONCTIONINGa PUll on trip wire or lifting of mine initiates detonation.
EFFECTa Anti-personnel and light anti-tank mine.
EMPLOYMENT a Only reported used aga!.nst the Chinese.
DISARMING& Search thoroughly for anti-lifting device. and all possible wires or threads leading tran box. Carefully detach such wires. Wedge red firauy in place where it emerges from box. Open box in place and remove friction igniter and detonator.
COLOR! Varied.
CASEa Wecc1•
EXPLOSIVEa Approx:imately 2 lbs. picric acid.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONa 12i• x 9' x 7• • Ud kept in place by means ot springs at each corner, pressing it against flanged top. Wooden block on under-sur­ taoe ot lid. Firing rod suspended in air at one end by attachment to side of box, at other end by thread attached to tricUon ignj. ter and strung through pulley system. Trip wire attached to rod emerges from top ot box. Other end ot trip wire emerges tram bottom ot box and ia attached to peg in groun4.
FONC'l'IONINGa Pressure on lid applied to rod by wooden .,lock exerts pull on friction iga.1ter by means ot thread. Pull on trip wire similarly ini­ tiates detonation. Anti-lifting deTice detonates it box i a JllOV'ed.
El"l'ECT a unknown.
EMPLOYMEN'l' a Oll1Y reported use against Chinese.
DISARMINGa Similar to '1'1Pe I except care mwst be exerted not to apply pressure on lid.
l"ull dete.113 oomermng tu mine are not yet aftilable. It is conical in shape, lot• hip, 14i• in diamter at base. A siNJ.e horn contatmng aa aei4 Tial aorews into tb.e tep, aDd the electric tiring 1• similar to the two-horned, heDd· spherical anti-boat mine (see PP• 10-11). lt was diaoonred in the G1iberts, Marshall• and Saipan. At Saipu.. 1 t was used widel.y aa a land mine, parti­ cularly at street intersectiOBS in the toim ot aarapan.
The Japanese are adept at the art ot imprOTisa­ tion. Following are listed the more important ex­ pedients used.
l. Wooden box With h8.Dd grenade. Box :filled With explosive detonated by pressure type grenade that mq or mq not haTe delay train. Used previously and recently tow:ri on Leyte. Also detonated by electric cap.
2. Coconut mine, Shell ot coconut tilled witb black powder 8.Dd detonated by grenade.
3. Aerial Bombs. Various sizes used, ranging upward trom 30 KG. Usually buried in gt"ound nose up. Various "types of pressure tuzes used. Air strips fre­ quently mined with them. If no eTidence ot blast or pressure is present, the tuze may be UDSCrewed tram the bomb.
fill!'.la Be suspicious. Explosives ms:! be contained in aD;Y" type of wrapping or encasement and various t;ypes ot fuses mq be easily attached.
Unlike the Germana, the Japanese haTe not yet re•orted to a prolitic use ot mines. AB a result, tew mine tielcts haTe been discOTered and tewer still haTe had Q1' detini te pattern. But they haTe the mines and captured documents show they have a doc­ trine that teaches the extensive emplayment ot mines. The tut111"9 _.,. reTeal the Japs making a practical applioatioa ot this doo~ine.
To date, ban been more a harassment than an obstacle. J'&Torite sitea b.aT• been roads, parti­ oularfy al.ODg the shoulders; air strips; beaches. A minefield, oonaiating ot aerial bamba buried in the growd, JlOH pointing upward, was discOTered on Tacloban airsttip, Leyte, aD4 it had a detinite pattern. They were laid in rows ot three directly down the center ot the strip.
(For details. cf. FM 5-31)
ObjectiTea To clear a lane 16 yards wide.
l. A.dftDCe Party. 1 o, 1 NCO, 3 EM equipped w1 th lensatic com­
pass, stakes, marking lights. Selects breach loca­ tion, with detector proceeds throush field, locates outer limit, locates guide stakes or lights along cen­ ter line ot lane, locates cross tapes.
2. No, l Party.
l .NCO, 9 EM w1th 3 electric detectorft tape, mine markers, ccmpass, nails, pliers, Three men at eight-yard apacinss, center mn on line marked by ad.­ Ta.Dee Part;r, proceed forward, u.sins detectors to check grOUJ'ld cm illlnediate reapectiTe tronts. Each of three men follOlred by man l&71ng tape, investigatins, mark­ i:a.g aDi disarmins located mines, cutting trip wires. NCO tollows in rear. runner behind him. Two men in reserYe at bue line, OD ccmpletion, Party returns and ~ becc:ae Detector Party.
3• No. 2 Party;.
l NCO, 9 EM, w1th three deteuora, mine markers, wire• GiTes No, l Party a 15-yard lead and adTances in right-hand, eight-yard lane. Three men w1th detectors sweep lane, workins in 15-yard, echeloned interYal.s. One man follows each at three, markins mines toUDd and ni~hing places at 20-minute interT&ls. Two men fol­ low and disarm and remoTe, or pull by 50-yard wire, the marked mines. Ninth mn is runner accompanying mo.
4• No, 3 Partf• l N::O, 9 EM, with three detectors, mine markers,
and wire. When ordered, proceeds up center line to first cross tape and works forward on right-ham lane, usins same procedure aa No. 2 Party, When finished, witbdrawa down center line to first cross tape and clears lett ­ haDd lmw forward. Lett-hand lane trom base line to first cross tape may be cleared by No. 2 Party, or by No.
Party when 1 ts initial task is completed. l
5• NOe 5 parlz• , 1 WO, 9 EM. Replaces c.asual ties• erects
lane markers, checks approaches to lane tor mines, maintains cam111n1cat1ons.
6. S'9Jlll!ll7• The 16-yard lane is diTi.ded into segments,
eight yards wide, boumed by longitminal. lines (cen­ ter line and two boundary lines) and croas tape lines. Detector teams work sillultaneously in ditterent ••s­ mants. (See sketch.)
NO~e a If non-metallic mines are encountered, mines JIU8t be detected by probing with bayonet. :More men must be used because a man can probe only a three-toot width whereas a detec­ tor operator can cover a three-yard width.
"Corefulf 4 examine for Boob4 Traps, Insert Safet4 Pin •..•. " • I
