Page 1: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

Plate Tectonics World Map

This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

Page 2: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

PENCIL only! Be as accurate as possible. Write names in center of

plates. ES textbook p. 712

1. Plate Boundaries

Page 3: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!


border between two plates

3 types: divergent convergent transform


Page 4: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

1. Draw arrows indicating motion

direction per the descriptions given.

2. Using the notes you just took about boundary types, color code each plate boundary based on the motion you just drew with your arrows.

3. Put color codes in LEGEND on your map!

2. Plate Motion

Page 5: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

In the computer lab, use Google Maps

to determine what landforms happen at the plate boundaries. mountain ranges trenches (underwater valleys)

Use symbols for each different landform. Add those to your LEGEND as you add to your map.

3. Landforms

Page 6: This map will be your most prized possession for this unit. Keep track of it!

Use the geohazard maps and your PLATE TECTONIC WORLD MAP to determine the tectonic conditions for these geohazards:

Use a highlighter to outline areas of high earthquake activity. Add this to your LEGEND.

Draw volcanoes on your map. Add to your LEGEND.

4. Geohazards
