
This is the main ingredient of organic molecules

These have a carbon backbone

Water loving

The process where water is removed to join molecules together

These are long starch molecules found in pasta and potatoes

The process where water is added to separate molecules

Carbon has an atomic number of 6. How many bonds can it make?

Glucose + frustose = ?

Other than water, most of the molecules that make up our body are made of this

These have a ring structure

Give 2 examples of non-organic molecules

All Biomolecules have “this” with other molecules branching off of it

All names of sugars end with these 3 letters

Molecules composed of only carbons and hydrogen’s are called ________________

Water hating

most common elements found in Hydrocarbons are:

________________ and__________________

4 monomers are joined by removing this number of water molecules

If 6 joined molecules were broken apart, you would have to add this many water molecules

main fuel supply for cellular work

The most abundant natural gas

What is the chemical formula for glucose

Animals store excess sugar in the form of _____________ in the liver

Another name for complex carbohydrates

Dehydration synthesis is this kind of a bond

A group of atoms within a molecule that acts in a predictable way

This is used for energy and can be stored for later use

Draw a glucose molecule

Draw a fructose molecule

Draw a sucrose molecule

Found in plant sap, maple syrup and makes up table sugar

-one simple sugar unit-2 simple sugar units

-many simple sugar units

What are these called? Examples?

This is found in plant cells and cannot be digested by people. It helps make plants stiff, prevents them from falling over

and absorbs water

These types of sugars dissolve in water
