  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014


  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014


    For better or worse, the Old Continent has arguably been the world's most prolific drug-consumin

    landmass for at least a century or so. In the 1930s, while Reefer Madnesswas convincing

    Americans that smoking weed would turn their children into rapists, Turkey was supplying Greek

    proto-hippies with the continents crumbliest hash in the 80s, Zurich turned Platzspitz Park into a

    legal, open-air drug market and, in the early 90s, half of Manchester spent their weekends

    existing almost exclusively on pills and poppers.

    The situation is no different today. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

    (EMCDDA) report estimates that around a quarter of Europes adult population have taken an

    illegal drug in their lifetime, and states that the consumption of cannabis alone throughout the

    continent adds up to around 2,000 tons every year.

    Theres also Europes recent insatiable taste for legal highs to take into account. Over the past fe

    years, drugs that sound like Diamond Head support bandsExodus Damnation", Dragon Pellet

    King Cobra, etc.have made their way from the quiet head-shop stalls of Reading Festival to th

    shouty headlines of the European press. And for good reason81 new legal alternatives to pills,

    coke, and weed were discovered in 2013 alone, and each of those untested substances comes

    with its own unique set of risks.

    Worryingly, users in many countries have progressed from snorting, smoking, or ingesting these

    chemicals to injecting them. That, of course, opens them up to all the regular, blood-borne dange

    that intravenous users have been flirting with ever since people started poking needles full of gea

    into their veins.

    To give you a proper rundown of the current European drug climate, weve taken a bunch of

    statistics from the Global Drug Survey 2014 ( turned

    them into the maps you see dotted throughout this post. We also dug through the 2014 European

    Drug reportas well as a load of other recently released studiespulled out the most significant

    points from a few of the countries surveyed, and turned them into easily digestible sentences so

    you can remember them at a bar this evening.
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    All graphs by Alex Vissaridis (Click to enlarge (



    According to one international survey aimed at drug users, cannabis was actually more popular in

    Denmark than tobacco, with 66 percent of respondents saying they had smoked it in the last year

    ESTONIAEstonia has a pretty serious problem with fetanyl, a very strong synthetic opioid. Because of this,

    the country has the largest number of drug overdoses in Europe, and the rate of HIV outbreaks is

  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    (Click to enlarge (


    A drug sold as legal cocaineMDPV, a mephedrone-like substancehas caused a number of

    deaths in Finland.


    As VICE reported last year (, Greece is suffering a catastrophic problem with the drug called sisa, a type of

    methamphetamine that can be as cheap as a dollar per hit.
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    (Click to enlarge (


    On average, a gram of weed in Ireland costs $27, making it the most expensive place to get

    stoned in Europe.


    Dutch people fucking love taking stimulants. More than 50 percent of respondents to one surveyaimed at drug users in the Netherlands said they had taken MDMA in the past year, making it

    more popular there than cannabis. The country is also big on producing pingers2.4 million

    ecstasy tablets were seized in the Netherlands in 2012, the largest haul of pills ever intercepted in

    the European Union.
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    (Click to enlarge (


    Norway has the second-highest rate of drug overdoses in Europe, behind Estonia. According to

    government figures, 76 per million people will die of a drug overdose in the country, due in part to

    the capital Oslo's heroin-addiction problem.

    ROMANIARomanians are getting into legal highs. In fact, they're now so widespread that more than a third o

    those entering drug-treatment programs for the first time were doing so because of new

    psychoactive substances. In comparison, only 21 percent of first-time patients were using heroin.

    This is partly due to a shortage of heroin in the country in 2010 and 2011, with users switching to

    the legal highs that you can just buy online. Injection of these drugs is now on the rise, with 33

    percent of specialized drug-treatment participants injecting some form of legal high as their prima
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014


    drug, and with one needle and syringe program in Bucharest reporting that 51 percent of their

    users were injecting new psychoactive substances.


    (Click to enlarge (https://reader010.{domain}/reader010/html5/0606/5b17761b60570/5b17762264aa9.jpg))


    Acting as the gateway to Europe from Morocco, more than two thirds of cannabis resin seized in

    the EU is in Spain. The country is also fond of synthetic cannabinoidsherbs sprayed with

    chemicals that emulate the effects of cannabis. Although only 20 kilos were seized throughout the

    first half of 2013, it's still the largest reported interception of this type of drug in Europe.


    Turkey, as it has been for decades, remains a trafficking hotspot, with drugs destined for both the

    European heroin market and the Middle East being seized. Since 2007, the country has also held

    the enviable title of being the leading European country for herbal cannabis seizures.
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    (Click to enlarge (


    Since being banned in 2010, mephedrone has made a substantial dent on the black market. The

    were approximately 1,900 users of the drug entering treatment programs in 2011 and 2012, and

    more than half of those users were under 18 years old. Some injecting users of the drug have

    been mixing it with heroina cheaper version of a speedball, which is traditionally a mixture of

    heroin and cocaine.

    You may have already worked this out from the fact that trace amounts were recently found in the

    national water supply, but the UK is Europe's leading consumer of cocaine, with nearly 10 percen

    of the population stating that they have consumed the drug at least once in their lifetime.

    Follow Joseph Cox on Twitter (http://josephfcox).
  • 8/10/2019 This is How Europe Takes Drugs in 2014



    D r ugs 1 0 1 (/r e a d/dr ugs -1 0 1 ) D r ugs A r e n' t A lwa y s Tha t Muc h Fun (/r e a d/dr ugs -a r e nt-


    S ynthetic D rugs A re N ow the Most C ommon D rug of

    Choice Worldwide (


    Sisa: Cocaine of the Poor (/video/sisa-cocaine-of-the-poo



    TOPICS:drugs (/tag/drugs), European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

    (/tag/European+Monitoring+Centre+for+Drugs+and+Drug+Addiction) , European Drug Report 2014(/tag/European+Drug+Report+2014) ,popular drugs in (/tag/popular+drugs+in), Europe (/tag/Europe), UK (/tag/UK), Germany

    (/tag/Germany), Ireland (/tag/Ireland), Belgium (/tag/Belgium), france (/tag/france), spain (/tag/spain), Portugal (/tag/Portugal),

    Switzerland (/tag/Switzerland), Hungary (/tag/Hungary), cocaine (/tag/cocaine), MDMA (/tag/MDMA), Ketamine (/tag/Ketamine

    cannabis (/tag/cannabis), weed (/tag/weed), which country takes the most drugs (/tag/which+country+takes+the+most+drugs),

    Joseph Cox (/tag/Joseph+Cox), drug maps (/tag/drug+maps), heat maps (/tag/heat+maps)


    ( (

    ( (

    ( (/rss) (


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