Page 1: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

“Do not be afraid; just have faith.” -Mark 5:36

Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018

Page 2: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 2

Monday, July 2nd, 2018 Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22 8:30am—Maria Antonia Gandia (Birthday) ♥ Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018 Eph 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29 8:30am—Juan Boada ♥ Wednesday, July 4th, 2018 Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Mt 8:28-34 8:30am—Eddie Culberhouse and Laura Grant † Thursday, July 5th, 2018 Am 7:10-17/Mt 9:1-8 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday, July 7th, 2018 Am 9:11-15/Mt 9:14-17 8:30am—Ernesto Lopez Santiago † 5:00pm—Rachell Collard † Sunday, July 8th, 2018 Ex 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6 8:00am—Holtz Family ♥ 10:00am—Jerry Sempier † 12:00pm—Alma Vogel † 5:00pm—People of the Church ♥

For the peaceful repose: † For the prayer intention: ♥

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English)

Sunday: 8:00am (English), 10:00am (English), 12:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English)

Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the Welcome Center Rosary (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am

RECONCILIATION Monday through Saturday: after 8:30am Mass

Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm in Main Church Sunday: 11:15am-11:45am (Spanish)

Sunday July 1st

Monday July 2nd

Tuesday July 3rd 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)

Wednesday July 4th Parish Office Closed

Thursday July 5th

Friday July 6th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)

Saturday July 7th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)

Sunday July 8th


Reverend Roland Nadeau, M.S. Pastor

Reverend William J. Slight, M.S. Associate Pastor

Reverend Robert Susann, M.S. Airport Chaplain (In Residence)

Reverend Ronald Beauchemin, M.S. In Residence


Rev. Mr. José González Deacon Rev. Mr. Miguel Pagán Deacon Rev. Mr. Manny Garcia Deacon Bro. Ron Lafleche, M.S. Sacristan Araceli Cruz Secretary/Pastoral Assistant Alma Sanchez Bookkeeper/Office Coordinator Louis Murgia Director of Faith Formation Yliana Soto Faith Formation Assistant Brandie Akos Youth Ministry Coordinator Cheryl Haney Director of Liturgy & Music Nelson Rodriguez Maintenance Coordinator Susan Abouchacra Parish Projects Coordinator Turner Flynn Media Specialist


4545 Anderson Road Orlando, Florida 32812

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm Phone: 407-277-1702 | Fax: 407-277-1973

Parish Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Fr. Roland: [email protected] Fr. Bill: [email protected]

Our parish is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, Province of Mary Mother of

Americas, along with our sister church, Good Shepherd Parish in Orlando.

M C — M a in C h u r ch ; P C — P a r i s h C e n t er ; H O — H i d e O u t (Y o u t h R o o m ) ; W C — W e l c o m e C e n t e r ( P a r i sh O f f i c e ) ; C H — C a u l f i e l d H o u s e



Page 3: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 3

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Readings: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 — 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 — Mark 5:21-43) Death, Faith, Life — The Book of Wisdom acknowledges death as an unhappy fact of life. Our Lady of La

Salette tearfully acknowledges the death of children in the arms of those who hold them. We, too, understand instinctively that this is not how things were supposed to be. In today’s Gospel two persons in dire need approach Jesus. Jairus desperately wants his daughter to live. The woman in the crowd has been sick for

twelve years and wants to live a normal life. They come to Jesus because they believe in his power to heal. But their immediate reaction after each of the two miracles is not what we would expect. The sick woman tries to disappear into the crowd, but then feels obliged to come to Jesus “in fear and trembling” to tell him

“the whole truth,” as if she feels guilty. Later, when Jesus raises the 12-year-old girl, her parents and the few disciples present are “utterly astounded,” as though they had not really believed it possible. Does this mean their faith was insincere? By no means. It was real, but perhaps they were also “hoping against hope” (cf.

Roman 4:18), like Abraham, the model of faith. This is why Jesus encouraged Jairus: “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” When the Beautiful Lady enumerated the ills afflicting her people, she wept also over their

response to their sufferings. Far from turning to God in faith, they abandoned hope, speaking blasphemies when they should have been saying prayers. Mary’s tears reflect the words from Wisdom, “God did not make

death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” We find the same in Ezekiel 33:11, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” She wanted her people

to understand that “God’s anger lasts but a moment; a lifetime, his good will,” as we read in today’s Psalm. When we are open to experiencing God’s good will, especially in hard times, we can live again, and join the Psalmist (and the sick woman, and Jairus) in singing, “You changed my mourning into dancing; O Lord, my

God, forever will I give you thanks.”

Le t Yo u r

L i g h t S h i n e

S a c r i f i c i a l G i v i n g

Fostering stewardship as a way of life for Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

Weekend of June 23rd & 24th Offertory: $12,972.50 EFT: $3,077

Debt Reduction: $387 EFT: $0

Catholic Life Everyday with

the Blessed Trinity App

Download our app today at or search your phone's

app store for myparish.

M i n i s t r y O p p o r t u n i t i e s


Brice Gyurisko [email protected]

David Tillman d [email protected]

Pat Ma eson [email protected]

Ray Heur n [email protected]

Rosemary Mieszczak ram3731@a .net

Oscar Ahumada [email protected]

Sandra Theodoredis santheo0@a .net

Carolyn Tresnan [email protected]

Sandy Atwood [email protected]

Paul Romero [email protected]

Gladys Orlando [email protected]

Page 4: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 4

T r a v e l e r s M a s s

Every Sunday at 8:15am and 12pm at

the Orlando International Airport with

Fr. Robert Susann. Mass takes place in the Chapel

located behind Security for Gates 1-59

A l l a r e w e l c o m e ! ! !

The Biblical Series

We will return in August 2018

All are welcome to join this adult

Bible study to journey through sacred scripture

learning about the roots of our Catholic faith, while

witnessing God’s plan for our salva on through


Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament

Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament will

not take place during the summer months

and will con nue back in the Fall.

Adora on will be held every first Friday of

the month from 9am to 3pm in the chapel.


P a t r i o t i c R o s a r yP a t r i o t i c R o s a r y –– P l e a s e j o i n t h e C o u n c i l o f C a t h o l i c W o m e n o n M o n d a y s , 6 : 3 0 p m i n t h e P l e a s e j o i n t h e C o u n c i l o f C a t h o l i c W o m e n o n M o n d a y s , 6 : 3 0 p m i n t h e

W e l c o m e C e n t e r C h a p e l t o p r a y a p a t r i o t i c r o s a r y f o r o u r n a t i o n . E v e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e !W e l c o m e C e n t e r C h a p e l t o p r a y a p a t r i o t i c r o s a r y f o r o u r n a t i o n . E v e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e !

Baptism Class (Spanish): 10th at 6:30pm

Baptism Class (English): 19th at 6:30pm

“Let the children come to me, and do not

prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14

F a i t h F o r m a t i o n C a l e n d a r

J u l y 2 0 1 8

Please pray for/Oremos por: Freida Stra on — Adela Maisonave — Esther Velezquez — Don Wigton — Debi Smith —

Peter Losh — Shirley Smith — Casimiro Velazco — Rosa Columna — Martha Padrom — Michael McDougal — Gabriel

Lamberty — Eulita & James Williams — Belia Jimenez — Adorita Colon Rodriguez & Family — Tyson Rodriguez & Fam-

ily — Asuncion Lopez — Sr. Cecilia Franco — Sr. Joanne Bierl — Sr. Kathie Shea — Paul McDonough — Laura & Russell

Foss — Linda Foss — Roger Foss —Mar n Aquire — Trudy Wood — Bar & Ed Heirholzer — Bob Roseman — Lynne

Marshall — Deanna King — Leslee Freed — Jean Smith — Maggi Ventura — Sandy Wi enberg — Dee Dailey — Rosa

Maria Santos — Ma hew Lohse — Jeanne Tatly — Mary Rose — Maria Pagara — Dionisio Barrazo —Jeannie Prefon-

taine — Rudy Cus s — William Mills — Cris na Londoño — Chris na Gonsalves — Louise Cranford — Noreen Buckley

— Jason Siefert — Diane Matyjakowski — Steve Stachowski — Lucille Sitra — Utz Family ♥ — Linda De Pascale —

Grace Ruckstuhl — Special Inten ons — Amanda Reel —

Elsa Von Boecklin — Yolanda Betancourt-Andres — Ron

Hudson, Sr. — Curt Hudson — Rita Gazil — Amy Molina &

family — Kathleen Barker — Martha Catul — Perry Lawson


Carolyn Tresnan — June 21st, 2018 Richi Molina — June 25th, 2018 Please pray for those who have

entered eternal life. Por favor oren por aquellos que han

pasado a la vida eterna.

Second Blessings Thrift Shoppe & Boutique

Open Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm

We accept Knick-Knacks, Ladies/Men’s/Children’s Clothing &

Shoes, Purses, Books, Religious Ar cles, & Jewelry Gi Items.

Sorry, No Electronics, Furniture, Appliances or Bedding

Dona ons only accepted during opera ng hours.

Please do not leave dona ons outside of building.

Terrific Tuesday occurs on the first Tuesday of each month with new sales and savings!

Page 5: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 5

The Pope’s Monthly Inten on for the month of July 2018

Evangeliza on: Priests and their Pastoral Ministry

That priests, who experience fa gue and loneliness in their pastoral

work, may find help and comfort in their in macy with the Lord and

in their friendship with their brother priests. You can find more

informa on about the Apostleship of Prayer on their website

Please keep the youth of Blessed Trinity in

prayer as they return home from their

mission in Mobile Alabama.

This year at Vaca on Bible School, we learned that

Jesus Rescues! It was a wonderful week, filled with

growing our faith, praising God through song,

fun-filled ac vi es, and lots of laughter! All of this

was made possible because of a lot of different

people. We would first like to thank the CCW and

the Men’s Club for their con nued support. Your

contribu ons to this ministry are very appreciated!

Thank you to Nelson, Brandie, Araceli, and DJ for

stepping in throughout the week to help us. These awesome staff members gave of their

me when we had some important needs. Thank you to Father Roland for star ng our

mornings off in prayer. Your presence is more important than you realize! Thank you to

Louie for suppor ng us and allowing us to prepare and present this program in our usual

way. Thank you to all of the parishioners who donated items. We cannot make this

program work so successfully without ALL of you! Thank you to all the helpers that were

there every day with us, leading the children and sharing themselves and their faith with

the par cipants. And most of all, thank you to the parents that shared their beau ful

children with us! They all brought such joy to the week.

~The VBS Team


Page 6: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 6




THURSDAY July 19th — 7AM – 6PM FRIDAY July 20th — 8AM – 6PM

SATURDAY July 21st — 8AM – 3PM

We will be accepting donations in the Parish Center using the following schedule. Please do not leave items outside the doors if the hall is closed and locked.

DONATIONS DAYS AND TIMES JUNE 25 – JULY 2 AND JULY 7 – JULY 16 / No Collections July 3- July 6

On MON, WED, & SAT. 9:30 AM - 2 PM On TUES. & THURS. 5 PM – 7 PM

WORKERS NEEDED: We need help preparing for the RUMMAGE SALE. You can

either receive, sort, and move donations coming into the Parish Center or work in a department. Other jobs available. You decide when & where you work.


Teens you can get service hours working with us!

Want info? Have Questions? Call Susan at 410-336-3226 (cell).

B l e s s e d Tr i n i t y C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

4 5 4 5 A n d e r s o n R d O r l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 1 2

Page 7: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

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Page 9: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 9

Lecturas de la Semana Lunes, Julio 2, 2018

Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22

Martes, Julio 3, 2018 Ef 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29

Miércoles, Julio 4, 2018 Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Mt 8:28-34

Jueves, Julio 5, 2018 Am 7:10-17/Mt 9:1-8

Viernes, Julio 6, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13

Sábado, Julio 7, 2018 Am 9:11-15/Mt 9:14-17

Domingo, Julio 8, 2018 Ex 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10/

Mc 6:1-6

Domingo, 1 de julio

Lunes, 2 de julio

Martes, 3 de julio Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS),

Miércoles, 4 de julio Oficina Parroquial Cerrada

Jueves, 5 de julio Clase Bíblica 7pm (PC),

Viernes, 6 de julio Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS), Circulo de Oración 7pm (WC)

Sábado, 7 de julio Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS),

Domingo, 8 de julio

CH — Iglesia; PC — Centro Parroquial; DR — Salón de Despedida; WC — Centro de Bienvenida (Oficina Parroquial); PC — Salón de Reuniones; YR — Salón Juvenil; TS — Tienda de Segunda Mano

Rosario Divina Misericordia El grupo de la Divina Misericordia se reúne cada domingo después de misa en el salón al lado del altar para rezar el Rosario. Estan todos invitados a acompañarnos y participar de este lindo regalo que nos regala el Señor. Para mas información Rubén Marcano (407) 446-4224.

Sagrada Familia Si desea que la imagen de la Sa-grada Familia los visite en su casa favor de comunicarse con Carmen Alcántara (203) 982-6273

Clases Bíblicas Las clases bíblicas con el Sr. Rogelio Manrique to-dos los jueves a las 7pm en el Centro Parroquial.

El Círculo de Oración Paz y Gozo Los invita a compartir todos los viernes desde las 7:00 pm empanzando con el rosario en el Centro de Bienvenida. Acompáñenos cantar, orar, alabar y recibir bendiciones. ¡Los esperamos! Julia Báez (787) 930-4761

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: Santo Tomás Miércoles: Día de la Independencia Jueves: San Antonio Zacarías; Santa Isabel de Portugal Viernes: Santa María Goretti; Primer viernes Sábado: Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado


Cherryl Sanabia: 321-460-2683 Ministros de la Eucaristía

José Martinez: 407-484-9448 Vicente Martin 407-556-7725

Ministerio de Ujieres María Martin: 407-715-7457

Proclamadores de la Palabra Luis Melo: 407-732-3763

Ministros de Música Joann Sanabia: 407-293-4169

Ministro de los Enfermos Nereida Matos: 407-600-1742

Page 10: Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 1st, 2018 · 7/1/2018  · 8:30am—Maria Aurora Ortiz † Friday, July 6th, 2018 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 8:30am—Dyer Family ♥ Saturday,

July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 10

Reflexión…. La Muerte, le Fe, la Vida 13er Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Sabiduría 1:13-15 & 2:23-24; 2 Corintios 8:7-15; Marcos 5:21-43

El libro de Sabiduría da cuenta de la muerte como un hecho triste de la vida. Nuestra Señora de La Salette entre lágrimas nos trae a la mente la muerte de los niños en las manos de las personas que los sostienen. Nosotros también, entendemos de manera instintiva que esa no es la manera en que se supone que sean las cosas.

En el Evangelio de hoy dos personas con necesidades apremiantes que se acercan a Jesús. Jairo desesperadamente quiere que su hija viva. La mujer en medio de la multitud había es-tado enferma durante doce años y quiere vivir una vida normal. Ambos se acercan a Jesús porque creen es su poder para sanar.

Pero la reacción inmediata después de cada uno de los milagros no es la que uno podría esperar. La mujer enferma intenta pasar desapercibida entre la multitud, pero se siente obligada a acercarse a Jesús “temblando de miedo” para decirle “toda la verdad” y sintiéndose culpable. Luego cuando Jesús hace que la niña de doce años se levante, sus padres y unos cuantos discípulos presentes estaban “llenos de asombro” como si no creyesen que aquello fuera posible.

¿Quiere decir esto que la fe que tenían no era sincera? De ningún modo. Era real, pero quizá estaban “esperando contra toda esperanza” (ver Romanos 4:18), como Abraham, modelo de fe. Es por eso que Jesús anima a Jairo: “No tengas miedo, ten fe”. Cuando la Bella Señora enu-meró los males que afligían a su pueblo, lloró también como respuesta a sus sufrimientos. En lugar de acudir a Dios por medio de la fe, su pueblo dejó de lado esperanza, pronunciando blasfemias cuando debían estar expresándose en oración.

Las lagrimas de María reflejan las palabras de la Sabiduría, “Dios no es el autor de la muer-te ni se goza en la destrucción de los vivientes” Encontramos lo mismo en Ezequiel 33:11, “No me regocijo en la muerte del malvado, sino en que se convierta y que viva” Ella quiso que su pueblo entendiera que “La ira de Dios dura solo un instante, y su bondad toda la vida” como leemos en el Salmo de hoy. Cuando estamos abiertos a experimentar la gran bondad de Dios, especialmente en los momentos difíciles, podemos revivir y unirnos al salmista (y a la mujer enferma, y a Jairo) cantando con ellos: “Cambiaste mi duelo en danza; Oh Señor, mi Dios, te daré gracias por siem-pre”

El Festival Multicultural es un éxito gracias a todos ustedes. Estamos un poquito tarde pero ya llego la hora de empezar a planear nuestro gran festival internacional que tendrá lugar el 13 de Octubre, 2018. Tendremos la primera reunión el miér-coles 11 de julio a la 6:30 de la noche en el Centro de Bienvenida. Necesitamos la colaboración de todos los países y feligreses para que este sea todo un éxito. También estamos solicitando que si alguien tiene algún toldo que pueda prestar se lo agradeceremos. Cualquier información de ver a cualquiera de los organizadores o de hablar con la señora Carmen Alcántara.

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July 1st, 2018 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 11


Consejo de Mujeres Católicas Orgullosamente Presenta Venta 2018

Días De Venta: Jueves Julio 19 de 7:00 AM a 6:00 PM Viernes Julio 20 y Sábado Julio 21 de 8:00 AM a 3:00 PM

Necesitamos artículos limpios y de uso que se puedan vender

Necesitamos…Artículos para el hogar, cosas para la cocina, artículos para el baño, piezas de arte, cosas para navi-

dad, decoraciones, ropa, zapatos, carteras, bolsas, cosas para niños y bebes, juguetes, artículos electrónicos

pequeños, CDs & DVDs, libros de cocina y novelas, artículos religiosos, juegos de cama, muebles, artículos de

deportes, etc. Books especially cookbooks, coffee table books, recent novels, and children’s books NO TEXT


Perdón pero no recogeremos: Centro de entretenimientos grandes, Televisores viejos, colchones usados o cosas

que estén rotas.

Horas de Donaciones: Lunes, miércoles y sábados – 9:30am to 2pm Martes y jueves - 5pm to 7pm NO colecta viernes y domingos – Por favor de no dejar artículos estos días… Gracias! Dias de Donaciones: Lunes, Junio 25 al Jueves, Julio 2. Cerrado Julio 3 al 5 de julio. Donaciones resumen el Viernes 7 de julio al lunes 16 de julio. POR FAVOR DE HACER las DONACIONES en la puerta de atrás del CENTRO PARROQUIAL. SI necesita ayuda pase adelante y pregunto por alguien que le de ayuda. Necesita que le recojan los artículos grandes o mas infor-mación de comunicarse con SUSAN 410-336-3226

Blessed Trinity Catholic Church | 4545 Anderson Rd | Orlando FL 32812

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Esta semana conmemoramos al apóstol santo Tomás, el cual es normalmente recordado por haber dudado de la resurrección de Jesucristo. La incredulidad de este santo es explicada en el Evangelio según san Juan (20:19�31) con la famosa frase: “Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos y no meto mi dedo en el agu-jero de los clavos y no meto mi mano en su costado, no creeré.” Los latinos somos de culturas religiosas que consideran la incredulidad como algo pecaminoso y camino al ateísmo. Hay que aceptar que la duda es algo normal en el ser humano. Dudo que exista alguien que nunca haya dudado de su fe. Sólo al aceptar esta duda estaremos abiertos a la invitación de Jesús: “Acerca aquí tu dedo y mira mis manos; trae tu mano y métela en mi costado, y no seas incrédulo sino creyente.” Santo To-más aceptó esta invitación y llegó a su gran proclamación de fe: “Señor mío, y Dios mío”. La duda no es ma-la, para muchos es el camino a una fe más profunda y a un compromiso mayor. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

INTENCIONES DE ORACIONES DEL SANTO PADRE CONFIADAS A SU RED MUNDIAL DE ORACION JULIO Por la evangelización: Los sacerdotes en su misión pastoral Para que los sacerdotes que viven con fatiga y en la soledad el trabajo pastoral se sientan confortados con la ayuda de la amistad con el Señor y con los hermanos.

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