
Third Sunday of Easter April 30th, 2017


of the

Blessed Sacrament


Rev. John P. Duffell, Pastor Rev. D’Angelo Jimenez, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Michael Crimmins, In Residence

Friar Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv., In Residence Rev. James O’Shea, CP, Sunday Associate

Deacon Scott Reisinger

Tina Silvestro, Director of Religious Education Caroline Sliney, School Principal

CHURCH: 152 West 71st Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10023 Ph: 212-877-3111 SCHOOL: 147 West 70th Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10023 . Ph: 212-724-7561 MASSES:

Fax: 212-799-6233 Fax: 212-724-0735


SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday evening at 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:30AM, 10:00AM (Family Mass) 11:15AM (Spanish), 12:30PM & 5:30PM (Young Adult Choir) WEEKDAYS: 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM SATURDAYS: 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM SPANISH WKDAY MASS: Every Other Wednesday of the month HOLY DAYS & EVES. OF HOLY DAYS: As Announced.


Arrangements must be made at the Rectory. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics. Parents, and also godparents when possible, must attend the Pre-Baptismal conference which is held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm in the rectory.

CONFESSIONS: Saturday afternoons 4:30 to 5:15 pm, and anytime at the Rectory.

MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance at the rectory to ensure the date and the hour desired. The Nuptial Mass is the ordinary form of celebrating Christian marriage, and should be strongly considered when making Wedding plans. Attendance at the Pre-Cana Conferences, or the equivalent, is required by the Archbishop.

PARISH BOUNDARIES: Central Park West to the Hudson River, from the South side of 77th Street down to the North side of 65th Street. We welcome new parishioners, and invite them to register

at the Rectory. The registration is our only means of certifying anyone as a member of our parish. If you move to another Parish, or change your address within the Parish, please notify us.

FATIMA DEVOTIONS: The Rosary is said daily after the 12:10 pm Mass. Friday from 6-7 pm there is a holy hour.

BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Friday - Exposition: 12:35 pm. Adoration: All day; Benediction: 5:15 PM.

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Mondays, before the 12:10 Mass and before the 5:30 pm Mass.


Classes in Religion for Catholic children/teenagers, Pre- kindergarten - High School take place on Sundays. The Family Mass begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Church followed by class instruction in the school. Ongoing religious education is important for the religious development of your children. First Communion and Confirmation require a two year program. Sunday School Website:

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018

PARISH NEWS Dear Parishioners and Friends, Today is the fifth of the Lenten Sundays – we used to call this Passion Sunday – it marks a turning point in our Lenten journey. For as we begin this fifth week of Lent, the emphasis begins to focus more on the Passion of the Lord. Today we find the images covered, for in these final days of Lent our focus must be on the Lord and all that he has done for us. In less than two weeks, we will begin the Sacred Pascal Triduum – the most important moment of prayer in the liturgical year – that for which our Lenten journey prepares us. Next Sunday, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – opens Holy Week. The 5:30pm mass on Saturday is the 1st of the Palm Sunday Masses. Please be aware that all of the Masses will begin on 71st Street in front of the Church – where palms will be distributed and blessed – and then together we the Church, the People of God.....will process into our church building (Jerusalem) for the Passion – PLEASE NOTE THE 10AM MASS ON PALM SUNDAY WILL BEGIN AT 9:45AM! Tomorrow, Monday, the 19th of March is the Feast of St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patron of the Universal Church. The 12:10pm Mass will be a special celebration in honor of St. Joseph…… A little bit about St. Joseph….. “Joseph was the foster father of Jesus, the man entrusted with his care and upbringing. We know that Joseph was a “righteous man” who protected Mary from disgrace after she was found to be pregnant with Jesus (Matthew 1:19). Like the earlier Joseph in Genesis, he received instruction and reassurance from God through dreams. The Gospel gives little information about him, save that he was an artisan who lived in Nazareth, was a descendant of David, and went to Bethlehem for a census, causing Jesus to be born there in fulfillment of the prophecies. When warned in a dream that Jesus was in danger because of the evil intentions of King Herod, Joseph took Jesus and Mary to live in exile in Egypt until he learned that Herod had died (see Mathew 2:12-15). As a result, Jesus was spared the fate of the Holy Innocents. After the account of Jesus’ being lost and found in the Temple during a pilgrimage, Joseph is not mentioned again. We can infer that he died before Jesus began his ministry; he was certainly not alive at the time of the Crucifixion, because he would have been the one to claim Jesus’ body, not Joseph of Arimathea. Catholic tradition describes him as dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and so he is invoked as the patron of a happy each. Because he was a man who worked with his hands, he is the patron of workers and especially carpenters. Devotion to St. Joseph developed rather late, and was popularized by St. Bernardine of Siena during the fifteenth century.” Thank you for your patience this past Friday as the church was closed all day for an assessment of the stained glass windows in the nave. This assessment was requested by our Architect working on the Facade project to assess the safety conditions of those windows. I will update you as I know more. To those who joined us for Mass

or for personal prayer throughout the day in the Rectory thanks again for your accommodation. Holy Week....begins next Sunday……the question is….how will you, how will I, make it holy? Please consult the Holy Week Schedule here in the bulletin….I hope you make every effort to celebrate the Pascal Triduum. Remember too, on Monday of Holy Week, March 26th, from 3 pm until 9 of the priests will be available in the confessional to celebrate the sacrament of penance. I would be remiss if I did not ask you to please prayerfully consider your offering to the parish for Easter. The Easter collection is one of the major means of realizing our parish budget. I hope that you might be able to join me in offering $500.00 to the parish for Easter….. if you are able to give more than that, it would be wonderful….but if everyone gives whatever is possible we will be truly blessed. Thank you for your understanding. May this fifth Lenten week be for you, a time of great grace, Please pray, each day, for peace. Father Duffell


PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 25TH Before each Mass the Palms will be blessed on 71st Street

Saturday – 5:30pm Sunday – 8:30am, 9:45am, 11:15am (Sp.) 12:30pm, 5:30pm


The Day of Penance in Preparation for Easter Priests will be available from 3:00pm until 9:00pm


HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 29TH 9:30am – Morning Prayer

7:30pm – The Liturgy of the Lords Supper Procession to the Repository

Adoration – 9:00pm – 11:00pm

GOOD FRIDAY – MARCH 30TH 9:30am – Tenebrae

12:00pm – Stations of the Cross (Eng.) 2:00pm – Stations of the Cross (Sp.)

3:00pm – Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Sp.) 5:30pm – Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Eng.)


9:30am – Tenebrae 8:00 pm – Easter Vigil and Celebration of Resurrection


8:30am, 9:45am, 11:15am (Sp.) 12:30pm, 5:30pm

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018


Queridos Feligreses y Amigos; Hoy es el quinto domingo de Cuaresma. Solíamos llamar a este, Domingo de la Pasión y marca un punto de reflexión en nuestro viaje Cuaresmal. Porque al comenzar esta quinta semana de Cuaresma, el énfasis comienza a enfocarse más en la Pasión del Señor. Hoy encontramos las imágenes cubiertas, ya que en estos últimos días de Cuaresma nuestro enfoque debe estar en el Señor y todo lo que él ha hecho por nosotros. En menos de dos semanas comenzaremos el Triduum Pascal Sagrado, el momento más importante de oración en el año litúrgico, para el cual nuestro viaje Cuaresmal nos prepara. El próximo domingo, Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor, abre la Semana Santa. La misa de las 5:30 pm del sábado es la primera de las Misas del Domingo de Ramos. Tengan en cuenta que todas las Misas comenzarán en la calle 71 en frente de la Iglesia, donde se distribuirán y bendecirán las palmas, y luego juntos, el Pueblo de Dios ... entraremos a nuestra iglesia (Jerusalén) para la Pasión - RECUERDEN QUE LA MISA DE LAS 10 AM EL DOMINGO DE PALMAS COMENZARÁ A LAS 9:45 AM! Mañana lunes, 19 de marzo, es la fiesta de San José, esposo de la Santísima Virgen María, patrona de la Iglesia Universal. La Misa de las 12:10 pm será una celebración especial en honor a San José ...

José fue el padre adoptivo de Jesús, el hombre encargado de su cuidado y educación. Sabemos que José fue un "hombre justo" que protegió a María de la desgracia después que se descubriera que estaba embarazada de Jesús (Mateo 1:19). Al igual que el anterior José en Génesis, recibió instrucción y consuelo de Dios a través de los sueños. El Evangelio da poca información sobre él, salvo que era un artesano que vivía en Nazaret, era descendiente de David, y que se fue a Belén a un censo donde, cumpliéndose las profecías, nació Jesus. Cuando se le advirtió en un sueño que Jesús estaba en peligro debido a las malas intenciones del rey Herodes, José llevó a Jesús y María a vivir en exilio en Egipto hasta que supo que Herodes había muerto (véase Mateo 2: 12-15). Como resultado, Jesús se salvó del destino de los Santos Inocentes. Después del relato de que Jesús se perdió y que luego fue encontrado en el Templo durante una peregrinación, José no se menciona mas. Podemos inferir que murió antes de que Jesús comenzara su ministerio; ciertamente no estuvo en el momento de la Crucifixión, porque él hubiera sido quien reclamara el cuerpo de Jesús, no José de Arimatea. La tradición católica lo describe muriendo en los brazos de Jesús y María, y así es invocado como el patrón de una muerte feliz. Como era un hombre que trabajaba con sus manos, es el patrón de los trabajadores y especialmente de los carpinteros. La devoción a San José se desarrolló bastante tarde y fue popularizada por San Bernardino de Siena durante el siglo XV. Gracias por su paciencia el viernes pasado ya que la iglesia estuvo cerrada todo el día para una evaluación de las vidrieras en la nave. Esta fue solicitada por nuestro Arquitecto para evaluar las

condiciones de seguridad de esas ventanas. Les actualizaré cuando sepa mas. A los que se unieron a nosotros para la Misa o para la oración personal durante todo el día en la Rectoría, gracias de nuevo por acompañarnos. La Semana Santa comienza el próximo domingo ... la pregunta es ... ¿cómo lo harás, cómo lo haré, lo haré santo/a? Les pido consultar el Calendario de Semana Santa aquí en nuestro boletín .... Espero que hagan todos un esfuerzo para celebrar el Triduum Pascual. Recuerden también que el Lunes Santo, día 26 de marzo, de las 3 pm a 9 pm ..... uno de los sacerdotes estará disponible en el confesionario para celebrar el sacramento de la penitencia. Sería negligente si no les pidiera considerar su ofrenda a la parroquia para esta Pascua. La colecta de Pascua es uno de los principales medios para realizar nuestro presupuesto parroquial. Espero que puedan unirse a mí para ofrecer $500.00... si pueden contribuir con mas, sería maravilloso ... pero si todos dan lo que les sea posible, seremos verdaderamente bendecidos. Gracias por su comprensión, Que esta quinta semana de Cuaresma sea para ustedes un tiempo de gran gracia. Recemos por la paz. Padre Duffell. 50 ANIVERSARIO Las parejas que celebran su 50 aniversario de bodas en cualquier momento durante el 2018 están invitadas a asistir a la Misa de Jubileo de las Bodas de Oro con el Cardenal Dolan en La Catedral de San Patricio el domingo, 3 de junio a las 2:15pm. Pre-registraciones serán requeridas. Por favor, pónganse en contacto con su parroquia para registrarse. La fecha límite para registrase para la misa es el lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018.

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018

CRS RICE BOWL COLLECTION OF CRS RICE BOWLS: Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl comes to an end on March 25. Next weekend, at all Palm Sunday Masses, members and friends of the Social Action Committee will collect your Rice Bowls at the church entrance. 75% of your donation will go to the poor overseas, 25% will go toward NY archdiocesan projects that minister to the poor and vulnerable in our own community. If you made an on-line donation, please let us know so we can include it in our parish totals. Also, let us know how Rice Bowl enhanced your Lenten journey. Write down your thoughts and include it in your Rice Bowl. REMEMBER: WHAT YOU GIVE UP FOR LENT CHANGES LIVES! CONFIRMATION CLASS FOR ADULTS Confirmation Class for adults who are Baptized Catholic will begin on Thursday, April 12 at 6:30pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, May 19 at 5:30pm. Please call Tina Silvestro at 212-877-3111 to register or for more information. LENTEN VESPERS - Sunday at 4:00pm “Let Justice roll n like a River”

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thomas Merton in their anniversary year.

March 18th Preacher: Rev. Dr. Amy Butler Senior Minister, The Riverside Church Henry Lee, organist Manhattan School of Music

Corpus Christi Church - 529 West 121st Street - 212-666-9350 LENTEN SIMPLE SUPPERS Please join us during any or all of the Wednesday of Lent: 3/21 & 3/28 for our Lenten Simple Suppers. Prayers and meditation begin at 7PM in the rectory, followed by a meal of soup and salad…and fellowship. The suppers are a wonderful way to not only deepen one’s Lenten experience, but also to be able to reflect in a very comfortable and quiet setting with fellow parishioners. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350. We look forward to seeing you then.

HOSPITALITY SUNDAYS Thank you to all who help organize and participate in our Hospitality Sundays, with Coffee Hour after the morning Masses and Spirit Sunday after the evening Mass. Please note the following Hospitality Sundays: This Sunday March 18 and April 29.

GAY FELLOWSHIP MEETING Please join us after the 5:30PM Mass on Sunday evening March 18th for the Gay Fellowship. The meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the rectory from 6:45PM-8:15PM. Refreshments served. The group is a safe and comfortable place to share and meet other LGBT Catholics. All are welcome. For more information, please call John Gasdaska at 646-345-7350.

Finance Committee Corner

Last Sunday $9,841 was received in the offertory baskets at Mass and $3,576 was received through WeShare, for a total of $13,417. Thank you for so generously giving to

our regular collection. Our second collection in support of our Catholic Relief Services totaled $3,046. Thank You

Esquina Financiera

La suma de la colecta durante las Misas del domingo pasado fue $9,841. Recibimos $3,576 a través de WeShare para un

total de $13,417. Gracias por dar tan generosamente a nuestra colección regular. La segunda colecta para “Catholic Relief

Services” totalizo $3,046. Gracias

Saturday Evening, March 17th

5:30 Intentions of David & Kathleen Smith

Sunday, March 18th 8:30 Intentions of Amanda Edge 10:00 Diane Ferruzzi + 11:15 Dora Vega & John Monzon + 12:30 Carol Ann Rinald + 5:30 Steven Galioto +

Monday, March 19th 7:30 Fernando Pando + 12:10 Suzanne Bombar +

5:30 Myrna Montalvo Aiello & Samuel Montalvo +

Tuesday, March 20th 7:30 People of the Parish 12:10 Intentions of Augustine Waters 5:30 Intentions of Josette Joseph on her Birthday

Wednesday, March 21st 7:30 Hannah, Anne & Ita McDermott + 12:10 Alice Brin Gum + 5:30 7:00

Alvaro Atencio +

Thursday, March 22nd 7:30 12:10


Fernando Pando + Clara Wong +

Gabriel Liam Parseghian + Friday, March 23rd

7:30 12:10 5:30

Luis Alberto Gonzalez + Vincent Gulfo + Kitty Schmidt +

Saturday, March 24th 7:30 12:10

Kate Conroy + Intentions of Nicole Briand

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018


Date Your Name Your Spouses Name (Only if BOTH are Registering) Children Address Apt. # City State Zip Telephone Email Your Occupation Your Spouses Occupation How should we address you? (Check One) Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Would you like to receive weekly offering envelopes? Yes No If not, would you like us to sign you up for ParishPay? Yes No

Weekly EM and Lector Schedule

Saturday, Mar 17th 5:30 pm 1st Anita Pearl 2nd Mia Yabut Wiese POF Vincent Gardino


Edward Wiese, Steve Whelan, Joe Tessitore, Mia Yabut Wiese, Ginetta LaBlanca

Sunday, Mar 18th

8:30 am 1st Eileen Simpson 2nd Mary Steffany POF Tom Caffrey


Anthony Jalandoni, Hugh Regan, Eileen Simpson, Mary Steffany, Tom Caffrey

10:00 am 1st Danny Gonzalez 2nd Sandy Chippas POF Andrew Fitzsimmons

EM Patricia Caffrey, Andrew Fitzsimmons, Eddie Litton, Joan Tedeschi, Sandy Chippas, Mary Bradley

11:15 am 1st Fernando Bueno 2nd Cindy Ochoa POF Chely Depablos EM

Junior Santiago, Celia Navarro, Oscar Henk

12:30 pm 1st Barbara Hanning 2nd Karolina Keach POF


Wendy Pineda Thomas Alexander, Raul Garcia-Moncada, Barbara Hanning, Anne Jason, Christina Elefante, Wendy Pineda, Lola Gordon

5:30 pm 1st Anita Faherty 2nd John Fox POF Adriana Gonzalez EM Rob Porell, Rebecca Painter, Regina

Ohashi, Matthew Sitman, Kathleen LaMagna, John Fox, Adriana Gonzalez

SPECIAL NEEDS MASSES This Sunday, March 18th at 4:00pm we will celebrate our Special Needs Mass. Your children are especially welcome at this warm, family celebration.

The following are dates for future 4:00pm Special Needs Masses. March 25th (Palm Sunday) 2018, April 15th, 2018, May 6th & 20th, 2018, June 3rd & 17th, 2018. Please join us.

If you have not registered in the parish and attend our mass regularly, please fill the following form out and return it to the Rectory office. All information will be kept confidential. What is WeShare? WeShare, LPi’s Online Giving Management System, allows Blessed Sacrament’s parishioners to donate to our parish efficiently, effectively, and securely. It is an automated means for parishioners to support our church financially through one-time or recurring contributions. Simply visit and click on Make a Donation or call 1800-950-9952 and -- just like your monthly mortgage or other bills -- the money will simply be debited from your account and go directly to Blessed Sacrament

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018

MOVING WITH THE SPIRIT FUNDRAISER Please mark your calendars for May 5, 2018 at 7PM. The Gay Fellowship in association with the Parish Council presents Moving With The Spirit, a fundraiser to benefit the theatre at Blessed Sacrament and Catholic Relief Services. We welcome all for an evening of cocktails, cabaret, silent auction, dinner, and dancing, featuring special guest emcee, NBC’s Anne Thompson, Senior Communications Director of CRS, Caroline Brennan, and our very own, Father Duffell. Early Bird tickets $125 go on sale this weekend, $150 after April 15 and can be purchased in the Rectory using check/credit/debit. GOLDEN WEDDING JUBILEE MASS Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2018 are invited to attend the Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, June 3rd at 2:15pm. Pre-registration is required. Please contact your parish to register. The closing date to register for the Mass is Monday, May 14th, 2018. Join us for a unique opportunity to meet and welcome one of the newest cardinal appointments of Pope Francis! John Cardinal Ribat of Papua New Guinea Sunday, March 18, at 1:00 pm St. Francis Xavier Church, 46 W. 16th St. (btwn. 5th and 6th Ave.) His talk will focus on environmental climate change issues affecting Papua New Guinea and the island nations in the area of Oceana. Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement Bringing Laudato Si' to life in the Metro New York area.

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18th, 2018



PSALM RESPONSE: Psalm 51: 3 - 4, 12 - 13,14-15 R/. Create in me a clean heart, O God. And put a new and steadfast spirit in my soul. Give back to me the joy of your salvation, and hold me always with your willing spirit.

(12:30PM Mass) Psalm 130:1 – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6, 7 - 8

R/. With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST OFFERTORY HYMN: Forty days and Forty Nights #464 COMMUNION HYMN: Again we keep this solemn feast #458 RECESSIONAL HYMN Light High the Cross #673

SUNDAY, MARCH 18TH, 2018 - MASS AT 5:30 PM ENTRANCE HYMN: Arise, Come to your God RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 51: 3-4, 12-13,14-15

R/. Create a clean heart, a clean heart in me O God. OFFERTORY HYMN: Deep Within

R/: Deep within, I will plant my law, not on stone, but in your heart. Follow me; I will bring you back, you will be my own, and I will be your God.

1. I will give you a new heart, a new spirit within you, for I will be your strength.

2. I seek my face, and see your God, for I will be your hope. 3. Return to me, with all your heart, and I will bring you back.

COMMUNION HYMN: Unless A Grain of Wheat

R./ Unless a grain of wheat shall fall up on the ground and die, it remains but a single grain with no life. RECESSIONAL HYMN: You Are Mine #717
