Page 1: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In

this is god’s house. all are welcome.

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church

Third Sunday of EasterApril 15, 2018 • 11:00 am

Adam Bradley, Clay in the Potter’s Hands, ©2011

Page 2: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Welcome to Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church

Whether you are visiting for the first time, or are a longtime member, we are blessed to have you with us.

The cover of this bulletin reads, “This Is God’s House. All Are Welcome.” We take these words seriously.

We strive to be a community as diverse and hospitable as God’s kingdom. We don’t all look or act alike;

God knows we don’t all think alike. We don’t all read the Bible the same way. We bring different questions,

and we carry different burdens. But every Sunday, we worship together as one.

In this grand old church, we do Sunday morning in some pretty traditional (very Presbyterian) ways. We

study the teachings and the actions of Jesus. We sing many of the same hymns our grandparents sang.

Yet, in our preaching and our prayers, we wrestle with the challenges of the modern world. I hope your

heart will hear something personal and relevant this morning—a word of comfort, a spur to action, a call

to a deeper relationship with God.

After the service, please stick around. Take a tour of the church. Have a cup of coffee with us. Introduce

yourself to one of our clergy. There are tons of opportunities here to feed your soul and expand your spirit.

Try one out. You never know—you just might be home!Scott Black Johnston

Senior Pastor

If You Are New HerePlease fill out the Welcome card you will find in your welcome packet or in your pew. Place the card in the offering plate, hand it to an usher, or drop it off at the Visitors Table (inside the Fifth Avenue entrance). You may also complete the Welcome card online at The folks at the Visitors Table can provide you with information about our ministries and programs, volunteer opportunities, and the history of this congregation, which has served New York City since 1808. We also invite you on a guided tour of the church, starting from the rear of the Sanctuary shortly after the service.

These May Help During the ServiceIf you would like a large-print bulletin or a hearing-enhancement device, please ask an usher. You may return the hearing-enhancement device to the rear of the Chapel or Sanctuary after the service.

Welcoming ChildrenChildren are always welcome! The ushers can provide a worship bag or children’s Bible to keep your child engaged. If you need to step out to attend to your child, we invite you to use our Family Room, located at the north end of the Gallery, just outside the Sanctuary (check the map on the back of the bulletin for the location). We also provide childcare for infants and toddlers from 9 am until 12:30 pm, downstairs in the LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center. Learn more about our Family Ministries at

If You Are in Need of PrayerDeacons (wearing white stoles) are available to pray with you after the service. Your prayers are confidential unless you request they be shared with our Congregational Care staff. You may also complete a prayer request card (available in the pews and at the entrances) and place it in the offering plate or hand to an usher. You may submit prayer requests online at

Help With ParkingWe have a parking arrangement with the garage at 51 W. 56th St. For $16, you may park Monday–Friday from 5 pm –12 am, or anytime until 1 am on Saturday, Sunday and holidays (12 hours maximum). Ask for discount coupons at the 55th Street entrance.

Worship Resources OnlineYou will find information about future worship services (including the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday) at Recorded sermons are available at and via podcast on iTunes. This morning’s Prayers of the People can be found at

Page 3: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


As the Prelude begins, we invite you into a period of quiet reflection as we prepare for worship. Please silence all electronic devices and do not take flash photos during the service.

Prelude Méditation • Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986)

* Call to WorshipElder Conrad Steinmann One: O God, you summon the day to dawn;

All: you teach the morning to waken the earth.

One: For you the valleys shall sing for joy;

All: the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

One: For you the monarchs of the earth shall bow;

All: the poor and persecuted shall shout for joy.

One: Your love and mercy shall last forever,

All: fresh as the morning, sure as the sunrise.

One: Great is your name, O God.

All: Great is your love.

One: Let us worship Almighty God, tender and just.

* Hymn 239 Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing!

* Call to Confession The Rev. Werner Ramirez

* Prayer of Confession Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. In your mercy, forgive what we have been, help us amend what we are, and direct what we shall be, so that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name.

Silent Reflection and Confession

* Sung Response

* Assurance of Pardon*Please stand as you are able

Order of Worship

Page 4: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


* Response of Praise

* Passing of the Peace One: The peace of Christ be with you.All: And also with you.

Children (pre-K through third grade) are invited to the front of the Sanctuary to depart for Children’s Church. If this is your child’s first time in Children’s Church, please fill out the purple label in the pew rack and affix to your child’s back.

Litany of Parting Congregation:May God be with you there.Children: May God be with you here.

Announcements The Rev. Dr. Charlene Han Powell

Anthem If Ye Love Me • Thomas Tallis (1505–1585), Text: John 14:15-17

If ye love me, keep my commandments,And I will pray the Father,And he shall give you another Comforter,That he may abide with you forever,Ev’n the Spirit of truth.

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Lessons

1 John 3:1-3See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

Jeremiah 18:1-8The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.” So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me:

Page 5: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. At one moment I may declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, but if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will change my mind about the disaster that I intended to bring on it.

One: This is the Word of God; for the People of God. All: Thanks be to God.

SermonThe Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston

“What Do We Know… About Progress?”

* Affirmation of Faith from Belonging to God: A First Catechism Presbyterian Church (USA), 1998

One: Who are you?

All: I am a child of God.

One: What does it mean to be a child of God?

All: That I belong to God, who loves me. Amen.

* Hymn 703 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me

Prayers of the People The Rev. Kate Dunn

The Lord’s Prayer (“…and forgive us our debts…”)

The Offering You may text your offering to 646.491.8331

Offertory Anthem O, Clap Your Hands Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958), Text: Psalm 47

O, clap your hands, all ye people;Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.For the Lord most high is terrible:He is a great King over all the earth.God is gone up with a shout,The Lord with the sound of a trumpet.Sing praises to God, sing praises;Sing praises unto our King, sing praises;For God is King of all the earth;Sing ye praises everyone that hath understanding.God reigneth over the heathen:God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.Sing praises unto our King, sing praises.

* Doxology Hymn 606

* Offertory Prayer

Page 6: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


* Hymn 251 Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia

* BenedictionPlease remain in your pew until the conclusion of the Choral Response.

* Choral Response Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies • Keith Bissell (1912–1992) Text by Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Christ, whose glory fills the skies,Christ, the true, the only Light,Sun of righteousness, arise,Triumph o’er the shades of night;Dayspring from on high, be near;Daystar, in my heart appear.

Postlude Choral-Improvisation on Victimae paschali Charles Tournemire (1870–1939), trans. Maurice Duruflé

Page 7: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In



The ministry of music this morning is offered by: The Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Choir

Dr. Ryan Jackson, William S. Perper Director of Music and Fine Arts Ministries Patrick Kreeger, Associate Organist

Page 8: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Worship Notes

The composer of the Anthem this morning, Thomas Tallis (1505–1585), figures prominently in the history of English church music and is widely considered to be one of England’s great-est early composers. Throughout his service to successive English monarchs, as organist and composer, Tallis managed to avoid the religious controversies raging around him between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism (though, like William Byrd, Tallis remained an “unre-formed Roman Catholic” throughout his life). Tallis was capable of switching the style of his compositions to suit the different monarchs’ vastly different demands. During the reign of King Edward VI (1547–1553), it was mandated that all services be sung in English (as opposed to the traditional Latin), and that the choral music be brief and succinct, “to each syllable a plain and distinct note,” so as to be easily understood. “If Ye Love Me” is an elegant example of this new style of English anthem: featuring a clear setting of the text and restrained emotion, the piece remains incredibly expressive and distinctly the voice of Tallis.

The Postlude first came into existence as a fantastical improvisation based on the theme of one of the oldest Easter hymns, Victimae paschali laudes (“Christians, to the Paschal Victim, offer your praises”), which dates from the 11th century. This piece was improvised spontaneously by the great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In 1958, Tournemire’s student Maurice Duruflé undertook the painstaking task of writing out these recorded improvisations in musical notation. This job must have taken countless hours (especially considering there were no iPods!), but Duruflé’s devotion and effort ultimately resulted in several exciting and innovative additions to the organ repertoire.

About the Cover

Photograph ©Adam Bradley. This image is taken from Clay in the Potter’s Hands by Diana Pavlac Glyer ( Book and study guide available at

Page 9: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Congregational Care

Flowers are given to the glory of God in memory of Jean L. Prosser by Carol L. Bauer


Please pray for:

Candy Asman, Phyllis Barr, Neta Beberino, Barbara Berner, Helen Betzaia, John Blakely Britta Cabanos, Ella Calderon, Sookjoong Choi, Alan Chorun, Miriam Coleman Dr. Johanna Cook, Edna Craddock, Margaret G. Cruikshank, William Cuffee, Nancy Dawkins Lisa Donofrio, Athanassia Doucas, Narmella Elissa, Sterling Gillis IV, Wanda Roush Hannan Nancy Hatch, Mary Holden, Bill Jones, Juliet Kaldanie, Susan Kempler, Louis Sterling King Richard J. Lawson, Stephanie Le Cornec, Jorge Martinez, Keiko Matsuzaki, The McCall Family Jean Meek Barker, Bernadette Micchelli, Barbara Millar, Valérie Nga Ndzana, Cecile Ngantcha Phyllis Oblander, Marjorie Quaife, Jeff Rowbottom, Pauline Sample, Taylor Shultz Eric Smith, Spencer Robert Smith, Frieda Sompotan, Rocco Tannehill, Steve Teelucksingh Susan Tobiason, Stevanus & Henny Waisapy, Johnnie Walker, Jennifer Wallis-Eifert Warren White, Dolores Wheeler, Suzanne Wilks, Sylvia Winrich, Deborah Wurgler

Faithful Departed:

April 8, 2018: William S. Beinecke —Beloved father of Frederick, John, Sarah and Frances Beinecke.

If you would like to be named on the church prayer list, please contact Lance Hurst (212.247.0490 ext 3007, [email protected]).


Caregiving Ministries

Fifth Avenue provides space for several community-based ministries and programs. All are open to members and friends of the church. Check the lobby monitor for specific room locations.

Alcoholics Anonymous + AA Beginners Monday – Thursday, 12:30 pm •

Al-Anon Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 12:30 pm •

The Compassionate Friends: A support group for grieving families Second & fourth Tuesdays, 7 pm •

Fifth Avenue Ecumenical Outreach: Social services for persons experiencing homelessness Monday – Thursday, 2–6 pm • Contact: John Sheehan, LMSW ([email protected])

Health Advocates for Older People Strength & weight exercise class • Wednesdays, 11 am •

Page 10: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Next Sunday • Fourth Sunday of Easter“Two Pockets” • Genesis 18:20-33

Rabbi Joshua Davidson, guest preacher.

Calendar of Events

This Week

Mon April 16 Women’s Association Needlework Group. 11 am – Romeyn Room.

Tue April 17 Women’s Association Luncheon. 12 pm – Bonnell Hall. Program: Ryan Jackson, pianist and Sarah Gilbert, soprano. Followed by Bridge at 1:30 pm.

Women’s Association Speaking English. 1:30 pm – Corning Logan Room.

Thu April 19 Cooking with Shelter Guests. 5:30 pm – Bonnell Hall.

FAPC Community Choir Rehearsal. 6 pm – Jones Auditorium. All are welcome.

Theatre Fellowship: Ken Ludwig’s ‘The Game’s Afoot.’ 7 pm – Jones Auditorium. Upcoming performances on Friday, April 20, and Saturday, April 21, at 7 pm, and on Sunday, April 22, at 2 pm. Performances continue through Sunday, April 29. Tickets at

Sat April 21 Meals on Heels. 9:30 am – Bonnell Hall. Weekly meal preparation and delivery to homebound seniors. Contact: Bob Brennan ([email protected]).

Coming Up

Sun April 22 Believing & Belonging: Becoming a Member of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian. 12:30 pm – LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center.

Today 9 am Coffee Cart. Bonnell Hall. Continues until 1 pm.

9:30 am Worship. Kirkland Chapel.

A Circle of Caregiving: Pastoral Care Issues of Older LGBTQ Adults. Corning Logan Room. Instructor: The Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen, Parity.

Little Lambs, Sunday School and Youth Group. All in the LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center.

Presbyterianism 101. Jones Auditorium.

10:15 am Children’s Choir. LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center.

11 am Worship. Sanctuary.

11:15 am Children’s Church. Kirkland Chapel & Christian Education Center.

12:15 pm Meet & Greet. The Gallery. All are invited (visitors especially!) to join the pastors, staff and fellow members for conversation and coffee after worship.

Tour the Church. Meet at the rear of the Sanctuary following worship.

12:30 pm CREDO: The Hebrew Prophets: Isaiah. 12:30 pm – Corning Logan Room. Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Charlene Han Powell.

1 pm Organ Recital by Patrick Kreeger. Kirkland Chapel.

Page 11: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In



Today: CREDO Returns, with Four Prophets in Tow

Our popular Adult Education series, CREDO: Essentials of Christian Theology, is back for its sixth year. Beginning today, and for the next three Sundays, our pastors will discuss four of the major Hebrew prophets. The series will consider the wisdom the prophets contributed in their own time, and what they have to say to us today. Executive Pastor Charlene Han Powell starts the series at 12:30 pm in the Corning Logan Room, with Isaiah. See the upcoming schedule at

Today: Organ Recital by Patrick Kreeger

At 1 pm Associate Organist Patrick Kreeger will present a free recital on the Sanctuary’s mighty Austin pipe organ. This performance is presented in partial fulfillment of Patrick’s doctoral degree at The Juilliard School and will feature works by Hakim, J.S. Bach, Duruflé and others.

Next Sunday: Interfaith Fellowship with Temple Emanu-El

Join us next Sunday (April 22) as we welcome our friends from Temple Emanu-El for a morning of interfaith fellowship. We will gather in Bonnell Hall at 9:30 am for breakfast and conversations about faith. Over coffee, eggs and bagels, we will share with one another the specific traditions and practices that are most meaningful to us as Christians and Jews. We’ll look for the common themes of our faith, and explore the intriguing distinctions. Afterward, Rabbi Joshua Davidson will be our guest preacher for worship at 11 am in the Sanctuary. (There will be no early service next Sunday.) If you plan to attend the breakfast, please RSVP to Jaime Staehle ([email protected]) by end of day Wednesday so that we are sure to have enough food!

Next Sunday: Believing & Belonging Membership Class

Ready to make a commitment? If you are considering membership in Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, we encourage you to enroll in next Sunday’s class, “Believing & Belonging.” This is the only class that is required for incoming members. The class is set for next Sunday (April 22) at 12:30 pm in the Christian Education Center. To enroll, contact Morgan King ([email protected], 212.247.0490 ext 3005). This is your last chance until the Fall!

Thursday: ‘The Game’s Afoot’ Opens

Don’t miss Theatre Fellowship’s production of Ken Ludwig’s The Game’s Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays, which opens on Thursday (April 19) at 7 pm in Jones Auditorium. The Edgar Award-winning comedy thriller is a double whodunit for all ages. The show runs through April 29 with evening and matinee performances. Tickets are $15 for Thursday’s preview, and $25 for general admission/$35 reserved for all remaining performances. You may purchase tickets in the Gallery today or at

Friday: City Club Invites You to Tea

City Club, a fellowship group for members ages 40+, invites you to afternoon tea at the Petrie Court Café inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Fifth Avenue at 84th Street). Meet us at the cafe entrance at 2 pm this Friday (April 20). Cost of the tea is $30, tip included. Museum entry ($17 for seniors, $25 for adults) not included. Reservations necessary to Beverly Johnson (718.778.8362, [email protected]).

Save the Date: Installation of Werner Ramirez

The installation of the Rev. Werner Ramirez as our associate pastor is now set for Sunday, May 20, at 3 pm in the Sanctuary. Watch for more details, and please join us as we celebrate this important milestone in our congregation’s history!

Page 12: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Adult Education

Each spring and fall, we offer courses in theology and Scripture, spirituality, social issues and other disciplines. The curriculum includes visiting authors, interfaith dialogue and other events. The Employment Advisory program offers monthly seminars on career-related issues. All classes are free and open to all, with no registration required. Information on upcoming classes is available at

Community Groups

Community groups provide opportunities for intimate fellowship within this large congregation. Many of our groups gather neighbors from a particular part of the city; others focus on spiritual questions particular to women, 20s/30s, 30s/40s, older adults, couples, new members, parents and the LGBT community. Many groups meet on Sunday mornings, and others during the week. Learn more (and find the group that’s right for you) at Contact: [email protected].

Congregational Care

If you (or others you know in our community) are going through a difficult time, contact us. Our Deacons, members of A Circle of Caregiving and Congregational Care staff are available for counseling, home and hospital visits, and prayer. You may also submit prayer requests at Contact: [email protected].

Congregational Life

Hospitality and service are core values of the Christian tradition. If you want to be among the welcoming faces of the church, we welcome your participation! We offer numerous opportunities to serve the congregation, including the Archives, Coffee Hour, Sunday School, Ushers and Greeters, Visitors Table and more. To learn more about ways you can get involved, contact: [email protected].

Family Ministries

Family Ministries brings together people of diverse backgrounds and families of all definitions to nurture healthy children and strong, faithful families. We offer Sunday School, Youth Group, Children’s Choir, Little Lambs (programming for infants to toddlers), community groups for parents, FAPC-U (our college ministry), Vacation Bible School and special events all year long. Learn more (and register your child) at Contact: [email protected].


Our new members classes provide an introduction to Christianity, the Presbyterian tradition and Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. We welcome new members into the congregation during worship on the following Sunday. We also recognize long-term members with an annual reception, while the Legacy Circle honors those who have remembered the church in their wills and planned giving. Find out more about membership at Contact: [email protected].

Getting Connected

Page 13: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Getting Connected


Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church is home to a versatile program of arts in worship that endeavors to uplift, inspire, challenge and comfort all who encounter it, and to provide opportunities to share our wealth of artistic gifts. In addition to the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church Choir and the Chamber Choir, we offer the FAPC Community Choir, an entry-level ensemble for those who would like to learn more about singing and music in general. The Community Choir meets on Thursday evenings for rehearsal and fellowship. Find out how you can get involved at Contact: [email protected].

Outreach & Mission Partners

Our Outreach programs rely on volunteers to serve the homeless and the homebound, the elderly and the underserved. The David B. Skinner Shelter operates 365 nights a year and is entirely volunteer-run. Meals on Heels meets every Saturday to prepare and deliver home-cooked meals to homebound neighbors. Other volunteer programs happen monthly or during special seasons of the year. FAPC Serves—our citywide, all-congregation day of service—takes place on a Saturday in the spring. Information on our volunteer programs and upcoming opportunities to serve are available online. Visit to sign up and serve.

We offer many volunteer opportunities through our mission partners:

The Bowery Mission The Bridge Church of Gethsemane Hands Along the Nile Development Services Holmes Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center

Jan Hus Presbyterian Church & Neighborhood House

Ministry of Hope – Lesotho Mission co-workers Cobbie & Dessa Palm – Philippines Mission co-workers Dan & Elizabeth Turk – Madagascar

Operation Exodus Parity Presbyterian Senior Services Search and Care West Side Federation for Senior & Supportive Housing Womankind

Learn more about our mission partners at Contact: [email protected].

Ushers & Greeters

Ushers and greeters are needed every Sunday and for special services (such as weddings and memorial services). Volunteers typically serve one Sunday every five weeks. Training is provided. Contact: [email protected].

Women’s Association

The Women’s Association invites the women (and men!) of the congregation to our program of education, service, prayer and benevolence. Our Tuesday luncheons ($15, Bonnell Hall), featuring guest speakers and entertainment, are open to all. Our programs are listed every Sunday in the bulletin’s Calendar of Events. Contact: [email protected].

Young Adults

NEXT Ministries is a diverse group of curious, adventurous people who are centered in our faith. We offer a number of programs to make you feel at home—our Sunday afternoon discussion group, service projects, social events, retreats and more. Join us! We’re online at and on Instagram @nextatfapc. Contact: [email protected].

Page 14: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Officers by Class

The Session

The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, Moderator • Beth Rumore, Clerk of Session Matt Roush, Assistant Clerk of Session • The Rev. Dr. Charlene Han Powell, Executive Pastor The Rev. Kate Dunn, Associate Pastor • The Rev. Werner Ramirez, Associate Pastor

Class of 2018Dottie Cannon Laura Dutilloy Jane Henn Jane Hong Mary Lovci Shane Markstrum Susan Neunaber Thierry Rakotobe Beth Rumore Conrad Steinmann Jr. Jeff Yao

Class of 2019Kirsten AielloErin CollierConstance HubbardChaz JacksonJeanne Lehman FrenchReg McQuayMatt RoushSusan SteeleAmelia Vogler

Class of 2020Brenda BerkmanRusty BreedloveBob BrennanMarilyn DawsonDavid DePughGreg DowClaire EckstromMatt MartinezMelanie MusgroveChris Robertson

The Board of Deacons

John Wyatt, Moderator • Lindsay Fitz, Vice Moderator • Meg Sheehan, Secretary Gary McKoy, Treasurer

Class of 2018 Florence Badoy Sophia Canfield Jessica Epstein Christy Ezelle Ed FaganLindsay Fitz Lizzie Holland Jan Smith John Wyatt

Class of 2019Evelyn AcostaFred CannonMaureen DalyHelen HarrisLori LaumanGary McKoyAuguste NipabiMeghan SheaMeg SheehanJulia Ward

Class of 2020Westie ChangMae Cheng-PaVonJeff DetweilerJuliana Kleist-MéndezTaylor LawsonRoseanne LindSteve LoftsAshley RamsdenJaneen SarlinMargie WagersVijay Wijesundera

The Board of Trustees

Thomas Pak, President • Kenneth Henderson, Vice President • Joyce Hansen, Secretary Glenn Hubbard, Treasurer • Robert Henn, Assistant Treasurer

Class of 2018Christian Bailey Jose Guardado Joyce HansenThomas Pak Stephen Welker

Class of 2019Alyce AndrewsDiane ChesnutKen HendersonBob HennAl PicalloAlex Yanos

Class of 2020Dennis BusheLucy CabreraGlenn HubbardMichael Peters

Page 15: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In


Contact Us

Clergy & Staff

From time to time we may be taking video or photography in the Sanctuary, Kirkland Chapel and other parts of the church house (interior and exterior). By your presence, you grant Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church unrestricted rights to use and publish,

transmit or telecast images or likeness that may be taken of you for use in communication related to the church. Please contact Tim Palmer Curl, director of communications and development ([email protected]), if you have questions or concerns.

Make a donation Jannett Harris

[email protected]

Schedule an event Jackie Smith

[email protected]

Plan your wedding Jackie Smith

[email protected]

Remember FAPC in your planned giving

Bob DeLuke [email protected]

Announce a birth or adoption Lance Hurst

[email protected]

Join the church Morgan King

[email protected]

Fund the altar flowers Lance Hurst

[email protected]

Prepare for baptism Lance Hurst

[email protected]

Add a name to the prayer list • Lance Hurst, [email protected] a private tour • Judy Moseley, [email protected]

Hire our caterer • Rodrigo Rosas, [email protected] us of a death or illness • Lance Hurst, [email protected] a bulletin announcement • Tim Palmer Curl, [email protected] a pulpit announcement • Tim Palmer Curl, [email protected]

Update contact information in our database • Diego Cardona, [email protected]

The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston Senior PastorThe Rev. Dr. Charlene Han Powell Executive Pastor The Rev. Kate Dunn Associate Pastor for Congregational Care & OutreachThe Rev. Werner Ramirez Associate Pastor for Youth, Young Adults & Community Groups

***The Rev. Helen Jackson, Parish VisitorThe Rev. Dr. J. Oscar McCloud, Associate Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Randy Weber, Associate Pastor Emeritus Séamus Campbell, Director of Outreach MinistriesRobert S. DeLuke, Director of Finance and BusinessDr. Ryan Jackson, William S. Perper Director of Music & Fine Arts MinistriesStephanie Kelley, Executive Assistant to the Senior PastorPatrick Kreeger, Associate OrganistDerek Maddalena, Director of Facilities Timothy Palmer Curl, Director of Communications & Development Jaime Staehle, Director of Christian EducationDr. Eugenia Oi Yan Yau, Director of Music for Family Ministries

Page 16: Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018 • 11:00 amthe great French organist Charles Tournemire for a recording session in 1930, and is based on the traditional Gregorian melody. In

7 West 55th Street • New York, NY 10019 • 212.247.0490 • • [email protected]

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church

Building Hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8 am to 6 pm • Tuesday: 8 am to 9 pm

Saturday: 8 am to 1 pm • Sunday: 8 am to 2:30 pm

FAPCinNYCFAPCNYC FAPC_NYC fifthavenue presbyterianchurch

Visit Us During the WeekThe Sanctuary, Kirkland Chapel and Columbarium are open

seven days a week for prayer and reflection.

Reception Desk

Fifth Avenue Entrance

55th Street Entrance

Elevators to: Bonnell Hall (2nd Floor)

Jones Auditorium (3rd Floor)Boardroom (5th Floor)

Corning Logan Room (5th Floor)Romeyn Room (5th Floor)

Conference Room (6th Floor)

Elevator and Stairs to:The LaDane Williamson Christian Education Center


Stairs to Bonnell Halland Jones Auditorium

The Family Room




Registration Is Open for FAPC Serves

Our sixth annual, all-congregation day of service is coming up on Saturday, May 5. We have seven work sites lined up—four with local mission partners, and three right here at the church. Many sites are suitable for families with children. This is also an

excellent opportunity for community groups to serve together. Learn more and register by April 28 at