

Moses on Mount Sinai by Jean-Léon Gérôme 1895-1900

You will be able to find the live stream on FCC's Facebook and YouTube pages or on the FCC website:

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Childcare will be provided.

To join Rev. Teddy Kissell for Communion immediately after on-line worship service, click link below for the separate bulletin which includes Zoom link:

Coffee, Tea, and Conversation will follow on-line Communion via Zoom.

Rev. Jonathan Page will also lead Communion during the in-person service at 10am in the Park, weather permitting. Individual communion sets will be provided.



PRELUDE Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV 639) J. S. Bach


WELCOME Rev. Jonathan Page

HYMN Praise to the Lord, the Almighty LOBE DEN HERREN



SCRIPTURE Exodus 20:1-17 Kyle Powell

Then God spoke all these words:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it.

Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.†

SUNG RESPONSE Send Out Your Light


SERMON “The All Encompassing Mind of God: An Idealist View of God” Rev. Jonathan Page HYMN God of the Sparrow ROEDER



Our Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.†

BRING FORTH OUR GIFTS AND OFFERINGS Maria Hearn The preferred method of giving electronically is through Zelle. Zelle is available through most major bank apps under transfers and incurs no additional fees to either the donor or FCC for the gift. To use Zelle enter the following charity address: [email protected] and include your name and fund you are contributing to. [Please make multiple transfers if you are contributing to multiple funds.] If you are visiting FCC, reach out to Rev. Jonathan Page ([email protected]) to learn more about the church and its ministries. He would be happy to meet with you via Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. OUR MISSION

Welcome all into an inclusive community; Seek to follow Jesus’ teachings; Search for more truth and light; Support one another on our faith journeys; Strive for peace and justice.†


HYMN Lord of All Hopefulness



† As an inclusive and open faith community, we attempt to convey gender neutral images, terms, and language of God. However, some hymns, anthems, and scriptures from the past will not be changed.


Coffee, Tea, and Conversation Coffee, Tea, Conversation will follow Communion Zoom—stay on Communion link.


MUSIC COPYRIGHT INFO: All music is reprinted under permission of our account #A-727634.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Carolyn Torralba (Cathy Elmore’s mother); Brenda Floyd; Amy Stabile; Rev. Douglas Anders (former SCC Conference Minister); KC Neufeld; John and Sue Anne Pieroni (Mary Harper’s brother and sister-in-law); Betty Boothe and the family of Bill Boothe (Amy Stabile’s grandfather); Charlie Smith (Chuck Smith’s father); Anna Serrano; Tonya Scott (Robin Stilwell’s friend); Jennifer Chapin (Robin Stilwell’s friend); Amber, Alfred, Abram, Addriel, and newborn Axel Galvan (Amy Stabile’s friends); John Stroehlein (MaryBeth Baun Pappas’ friend); Melvin Roy (Denise Zoch’s father); Mark Scallan; Clara Joy Collier (Cassie and Jeff Collier’s newborn); Cynthia Blackwell (Janice Van Derbur’s friend); Mary Thomas (Mona Rhines’ friend); Phyllis Hengst (Jane Bradbery’s dear friend); Jennifer Schafer (Michael Schafer’s daughter-in-law); Dana Muñoz and her family (Janice Van Derbur and Linda Noyes’ good friends); Voelkel family (Naomi Black’s friends); Dr. James Hollis (Michael Schafer and Ellen Benninghoven’s good friend); Chris (Paola’s friend); Joe King (Michael Schafer and Ellen Benninghoven’s friend); Melissa Murry; Jary Earl (Jim Earl’s sister-in-law); Claire Cardwell; Leon Wehunt (friend of John and Linda Fosseen); Dianne Bub; Nancy and Bob Been (Naomi Black’s friends); Dr. William Riley (dear friend of Michael Schafer); Fran Smith; Frances Davis (Mary Harper’s friend); and all of those who are unable to be with us today.

FORMING OUR CHRISTIAN FAITH FCC SUNDAY SCHOOL Godly Play Story are shared via YouTube Today, we heard the first two installments of the Faces of Easter. Unlike when we are in the classrooms, all ages are welcome. The video can be found on FCC’s YouTube page:

ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASS This week, the focus text will be Ephesians 2:1-10. We will affirm God’s remarkable gift of grace and witness to our role in God’s transformational plan. The resource sheet can be found at: Next week, the focus text will be Jeremiah 31:31–34. Adults will explore the new covenant written on the heart and practice ways to embody grace-filled living. The resource sheet can be found at:

Time: This is a recurring meeting Sundays at 7pm: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 856 3389 2742 Password: 803121 Dial in: 346 248 7799


IN-PERSON OUTDOOR SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES RETURN TODAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, IN THE PARK We will have in-person outdoor services each Sunday, weather permitting. Grab your mask, bring your own lawn chair, and practice social distancing. Childcare will be provided.

COMMUNION – IN PERSON SUNDAY, MARCH 7, DURING IN-PERSON OUTDOORS WORSHIP SERVICE This Sunday, during worship service, Jon will host a brief communion service. All are welcome to attend. Individual communion sets will be provided.

COMMUNION – VIA ZOOM SUNDAY, MARCH 7, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CHURCH VIA ZOOM This Sunday immediately following church, Rev. Teddy Kissell will host a brief communion service via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. Please have your own bread and grape juice or wine. Other elements may be substituted as well! Stay on Zoom for Coffee, Tea, and Conversation. FCC Houston is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FCC Communion Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 893 0521 3502

NEXT WEEK: FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT Sermon: "God and Science: An Emergent View of God"– Rev. Jonathan C. Page preaching Scripture: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22


Passcode: 607687 One tap mobile +13462487799,,89305213502#,,,,,,0#,,607687# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

FCC CHOIR IS BACK! COME SING WITH US We will hold a weekly, 45-minute, virtual rehearsal on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00p.m. to get familiar with the music. On Sunday mornings, we will gather at 8:30am, weather permitting, on the "Heritage Walkway" in front of the Office Building to rehearse together in-person and to prepare for singing at the 10:00am outdoor service. The music will be accessible and fun, and we will stay safe by continuing to wear masks, keeping a safe distance between each other, and strongly encouraging everyone to receive their vaccine as soon as it is available. To be added to the choir mailing list, to receive the Zoom rehearsal link, or for questions, e-mail M.J. Gallop at [email protected]

IT’S TIME TO ORDER YOUR EASTER LILIES! Each Easter season, we garnish the Meeting House with beautiful Easter Lilies. This year’s process will be a little different due to COVID-19. Each plant is $11.50 this year, and we would like to shower the Meeting House with Easter Lilies. To place your order, click on the following link:, submit your form, and payment instructions will be emailed to you. You will be able to use Zelle (preferred), Online Giving Option, or mail a check. The plants will be delivered to each donor during the Easter holidays. Deadline to order is Sunday, March 28. Contact Jane Bradbery at [email protected] or call 832-367-0717 with any questions.

NOON MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10 AT NOON VIA FACEBOOK Join Rev. Jonathan Page each Wednesday at noon when he will lead a brief prayer service using Facebook Live. To attend the service, go to the FCC Facebook Page: ( We look forward to seeing you there!


CONCERNED ABOUT THE TEXAS POWER GRID? THURSDAY, MARCH 11, AT 7PM VIA ZOOM Do you know anyone who was harmed by power and water outages during the recent winter storms? Do you want to understand how the Texas Power Grid works – and how you can make a difference? Local community leaders are organizing educational sessions (Civic Academies) to provide information on:

• how the Texas Power Grid works, • how it impacts individuals and families throughout the state, and • how we each can make a difference

Join us for the first Civic Academy on Thursday, March 11th at 7pm via Zoom. Via Zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 934 8601 9705 One tap mobile: +13462487799,,93486019705# US (Houston) To help us plan, please RSVP at Contact Robin Stilwell at [email protected]. FIESTA FRIDAYS! – New Time FRIDAY, MARCH 12, AT 6PM IN THE PARK The FCC Hospitality Board invites you to join your friends or make new friends at Fiesta Fridays! Join us for happy hour IN THE PARK so we can all raise our glasses and toast to staying connected during this time of crisis in the world. So, bring a bite to eat, a beverage, your lawn chair and mask, and head over to FCC to see your friends and meet new people! Please practice social distancing. Contact Diane Foote at [email protected] or Phyllis Roberts at [email protected].

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME - DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD! NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 14 It’s that time again to “spring forward” on Sunday, March 14. So, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.


ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING (OGHS) OFFICIAL OFFERING IS NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 14 We participate in One Great Hour of Sharing as part of Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM). This is the special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that carries God’s message of love and hope to people in more than eighty countries. The UCC works with international partners to provide sources of clean water and food, education and health care, emergency relief and advocacy and help for refugees and displaced persons. This year the official collection date will be Sunday, March 14, 2021. To make a donation, you will be able to use Zelle (preferred method of giving electronically) by entering the following address: [email protected] and under ‘Comment/Add Message,’ include ‘your name’ and ‘OGHS.’ You can also pay electronically at or mail a check to the church office, Attention: OGHS. Write on check memo line ‘OGHS.’ Contact Jane Bradbery at [email protected] or call 832-367-0717 with any questions.

FCC ON-LINE DIRECTORIES A current FCC On-Line Directory (w/o photos) is now available and will be emailed to you upon request to Jane Bradbery at [email protected]. If you are on FCC Council, an FCC On-Line Directory (with photos) also has been shared with you via since the document is too large to email.

FCC BENEVOLENCE During the COVID-19 crisis, gifts from the Benevolence Fund have assisted individuals and families, both inside and outside the church, for items such as rent assistance and essential living expenses. The Benevolence Fund is solely sourced from the very generous giving of FCC members. If you wish to contribute or have a request, please contact German Amador at [email protected] or any member of the Benevolence Committee. The application process is confidential and brief.

SLUMBER FALLS (SFC) NEWS Slumber Falls is reviving the Adopt-A-Cabin (or space) program. Spaces can be adopted by families, churches, or jointly. Plaques will be posted on each building or space to speak to the love that lives here and transforms lives. Please contact the camp office to learn how to be a part of this program. One possibility is that an interested group at FCC adopt Muehl. This cabin has two sides, Emma and Erwin. Jim Earl has just painted the insides and redone the floors. Sue Earl is making curtains and the cost of the material and rods is $1000. Please contact Betty Jo Hall at [email protected] if you are interested in being part of this. Maintenance would then be taken care of by the group who adopted the cabin. Maintenance would probably be needed every five or more years. The Slumber Falls Winter Work Weekend has been moved to March 12-14, 2021. Hopefully, this will allow us to avoid any cold wet weather. There is no charge for this weekend, although ‘love’ donations area always greatly appreciated. Click here to register. Contact Betty Jo Hall at [email protected] with any questions.

SLUMBER FALLS SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION NOW OPEN The schedule for Summer camps is shown below. Camp descriptions are available: To register, go to:


Camp Dates Completed Grade CIT Training Camp June 20-23 Ages 14-17 Springs Alive June 23-26 1-2 Roaring Rapids (HS) June 27-July 3 9-12 Sports Camps June 27 – July 3 3-6 Streams of Faith 1 (Elementary) July 4-10 3-5 Geek Week July 4-10 8-10 Jr. High: Living Waters July 11-17 6-8 Eco Camps July 11-17 3-6

Weeks shown highlighted above will substitute as our habitual Youth trips since the vaccine for children and youth is not expected to be available. The Youth fund is available to lower the camp fee to $250 for all campers. (You might consider making a donation to Slumber Falls if you take advantage of that option.) In case of financial need, contact Krysia at [email protected] and assistance can be arranged. The camp has excellent Covid-19 protocols in place (mostly outdoor activities, meals with cabin group, pre-camp health screening, intensive cleaning between camps) and a very small number of campers as compared to most camps.

MARCH UPDATES FOR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES DURING COVID-19 Here are the current volunteer opportunities, for working to assist in the Houston community during COVID. Contact Carlton at [email protected] and Chuck at [email protected] if you know of any volunteer activities during this time, and/or if you are interested in being on a “FCC volunteer” email distribution list. Current Opportunities: There are opportunities which relate to an increase in food distribution to those in need, as well as other non-food opportunities. All opportunities described below have been vetted by someone with FCC, and those requiring their volunteers to interact with others must carefully follow social distancing protocols, with masks and gloves required when working with others. There are several NON-CONTACT Opportunities (e.g., mask-making), as well. Here are some options for volunteers. Kids’ Meals, Inc. - Kids’ Meals, Inc. serves poverty-stricken children across the city. Normally, they deliver about 3,000 meals each weekday. Now, there is so much demand that they recently dropped off nearly 7,000 meals in one day. Volunteers are needed to work in the warehouse, in the “kitchen” preparing meals, or as delivery drivers. Also, you and your family can make kids’ lunches in the comfort and safety of your own home! Instructions for this opportunity are here: and For more information or to sign up as a Kids’ Meals volunteer, go to or contact Carlton Cook at [email protected] or 713-705- 1947. Conveniently, you can sign up for a volunteer time slot on their online calendar. ECHOS (Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services) – ECHOS is a Houston based non-profit in Southwest Houston that provides a wide range of health and social services as well as a food pantry for immigrant and low-income communities. FCC supports ECHOS with funding. ECHOS needs 10 volunteers for each food distribution that they do every Tuesday and also for packaging and preparing that food for distribution on other days. To volunteer at ECHOS go to, or call Jennifer at 713-705-9718. This news video provides a good picture of ECHOS food pantry service:


Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM) – MAM needs your help! The Resale Store and warehouse have reopened for clients and are very short on volunteers. Volunteers are urgently needed to sort and tag merchandise, stock shelves and racks, and assist with sales. The Resale Store was closed for many months, resulting in a serious loss of revenue to fund client programs. The store’s continued viability is vital to MAM’s ability to keep helping families in need. You can help! MAM is following all safety protocols – masks and sanitizer are provided, social distancing is practiced, and the number of shoppers allowed in the store is controlled to avoid crowding. Stephanie Tippitt, the MAM Resale Store & Warehouse Volunteer Coordinator, has created a sign-up genius for volunteers who want to spend some time helping in the store or warehouse. Here is the sign up link for 2021: Additional information can also be found at this link. Volunteers at high risk will work in the warehouse, away from the public. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Tippitt at [email protected]. MAM also needs furniture and houseware donations for the Resale Store! Your donations will magically turn into store proceeds that fund 37% of MAM’s programs and services to help families in need. You can bring donations to the MAM donation door at 1625 Blalock Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays between 10am and 2pm; or, especially for furniture, you can call and MAM will send a delivery truck to pick it up and haul it away! Baker Ripley – Baker Ripley is hosting food distribution fairs at five (5) locations in Houston. There are four food distributions scheduled for March. Each event requires 50 volunteers. They “need as many volunteers as we can get to prepare food bags and distribute to neighbors directly into the trunks with no contact.” Please consider signing up below to assist Houston families when they need it the most. For more details and to sign up use this link: Heights Interfaith Food Pantry ( Volunteer opportunities are available at different times every week. Once you sign up as a volunteer, they have a convenient Sign Up Genius online to schedule your service times. Guillermo Garza has been volunteering there. Houston Food Bank is crowd sourcing delivery drivers to get food to hungry people: Contact Krysia Lynes at [email protected] with questions. Masks Needed - Face masks are needed by several organizations, particularly for children. If you are willing and able to make, find, or buy masks, please contact Chuck Stilwell at ([email protected], 406-491-1129) or Robin Stilwell ([email protected] or 713-702-9448). We can provide several mask patterns for those who have the will and skill to sew some.


Carlton Cook and Beth O’Sullivan along with other volunteers in the kitchen at Kid’s Meals, making lunches for hungry children.



10840 Beinhorn Road - Houston, Texas 77024 Phone: 713.468.9543 |

The Reverend Jonathan C. Page, Senior Minister | [email protected] Krysia Lynes, Director of Christian Education | [email protected]

M. J. Gallop, Minister of Music | [email protected] Stevie Berryman, Director of Handbells

Jane Bradbery, Office Administrator | [email protected] Gary Wurl, Financial Secretary | [email protected]

Terry Smith, Wedding Coordinator | [email protected] Maggi Tucker, Minister of Music Emerita | [email protected]

Church Officers:

Moderator: Pat Rickey | [email protected] Vice Moderator: Robin Stilwell | [email protected]

Treasurer: Shawn Gleason | [email protected] Clerk: Jen Powis | [email protected]

Board of Christian Education: Kelly Stevens | [email protected] Board of Communications: Robbie Stevens | [email protected] Board of Church in Society: Roxanne Taylor | [email protected]

Board of Deacons: Peter Overland | [email protected] Board of Hospitality Co-Chair: Diane Foote | [email protected]

Board of Hospitality Co-Chair: Phyllis Roberts | [email protected] Board of Missions: Chuck Stilwell | [email protected]

Board of Missions Vice-Chair: Carlton Cook | [email protected] Board of Trustees: Tom O’Neill | [email protected]

At-Large Members: Eric Toskey | [email protected]

John Fosseen | [email protected] UCC Delegates:

Jane Holland | [email protected] Krysia Lynes | [email protected]

Sue Earl | [email protected]

In case of emergencies, contact Rev. Jon Page at 203-815-3816.

FCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We joyfully welcome everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
