Page 1: Things to not forget when implementing a Portfolio Office

Meandering thoughts: Things to not forget when you’re implementing or re-energising a Portfolio Office

By Craig Kilford

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You are a cost, absolutely everything a Portfolio Office does must add value(never ever, ever forget this!)

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X-ray before you operate

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Identify the great things you do already (and the not so great)

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Find out what people think of you

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What people perceive about your Portfolio Office is reality

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It’s not about “communication” anymore…its about “conversation”

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Understand your own capability

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Would you let a non-dentist give you root canal surgery?

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Energise people, get them excited about this stuff

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Create a shared “as-is” and “to-be” state for your Portfolio Office (Craig’s portfolio painting workshops will help you with this)

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Every PMO product must look Great, be Usable, Clear, Concise and Informative….(and sexy)

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“Would like to meet VGL P3O for LTR, must have VGSOH, NS & ND with OHAC for LOFAPS maybe even BDSM”… (acronyms really suck)

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Life is just too short

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This stuff is new for some people, smile and help them.

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Measure PMO happiness regularly (I’m not joking, do it, it’s important!)

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Always wear amazing shoes and fabulous socks (yes these are mine)

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