Page 1: Things to know before sitting on the driving seat



Page 2: Things to know before sitting on the driving seat

As we all know that there is a certain age for a person to take the driving seat of the car.

Person above the age of 16 years are allowed to drive a car (Learners Permit) in Australia.

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You should get comfortable with the vehicle in order to learn that vehicle which you are going to ride.

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In case, if you are interested you can approach a Driving School Sydney.

They help you to get the knowledge of all controls, such as the functioning of seat belts, pedals etc.

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After taking your seat in the driving seat, adjust and check the seat, that it is comfortable for your legs to reach the controls if it is not so; adjust the seat in order to reach the controls with the right way.

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You must check the seatbelt in order to check the comfortability, sometimes it can create rashes on neck line.

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Mirrors of the vehicle must be maintained every time when entering the vehicle, tilting the mirror helps to clearly see the back windshield.

The side mirrors should also be checked in order to check the area surrounding the vehicle.

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Take a thorough knowledge of how to stop, turn and transmission of the vehicle.

You should perform these functions in order to get familiar with controls of the vehicle.

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Distractions are a major problem which avoids proper concentration on the activity.

If you are going for a long distance travel, and if you are still new to driving then, definitely plan to take someone who is well convergent with car driving.

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One should avoid every distraction in order to enjoy the ride or say safe drive.

Before starting the car, check for all vehicle lights and windows, that they are properly clean, in order to get full and maximum visibility of the surrounding of the vehicle.

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Knowledge about the traffic rules is an essential part to be known by you while driving the vehicle because it helps to increase the factor of road safety and driving skills.

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Traffic rules are a great medium of getting information about the do’s and Don’ts of the vehicle on the road.

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Select a proper footwear, in which you are comfortable yourself.

There are cases when, people find it difficult to take foot back as the heels of shoes or sandals get stuck in an area between the clutch and floor of the car.

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The seat height must also be adjusted according to your physical conditions, You should be able to see a clear and perfect view of the dashboard and the front section of the car and have a proper height ratio with the pedals.

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There should be no object around the driver’s seat, because of the possibility of slipping down of the object below the controls.

It can make it impossible to apply the brake if something slips between the space of brake and floor of the car.

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You should try to follow these in order to ride safe. Though we have given, you so many do’s and Don’ts for safe driving, but it is the judgments of a person, which makes you the best driver.

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