
Things to consider while going for Custom Picture Framing

There is rarely anything which can add as much beauty and personality to your artwork as a

customized picture frame. If you want your special moments to be protected and preserved

in the most stylish and elegant way, go for custom framing. Besides making your artwork

more attractive, it also make it different from the rest in every way.

Why to go for Custom Framing?

The first question that arise in your mind is the reason to spend money on custom framing.

Custom framing brings aesthetic enhancement to your artwork. Besides elevating your

artwork with its one-of-a-kind frame, it also reflects your unique style and personality. The

innumerable options of customized picture framing has given you reason to imagine and

implement. It also plays an important role in protecting your artwork from dust, dirt and

handling, ensuring it remains in good condition for years to come.

Where to start?

The first and foremost thing which is most important is the picture frame itself. The

selection of the picture frame should involve choosing the type of moulding material (either

wood or metal), style, and size of the frame. You can go for an ornate or simple picture

frame depending on your style and personality. Always select a custom picture frame which

compliments the artwork. Large artwork will require wider and substantial mouldings while

the smaller one will be best suited for delicate frames. Decide the place where the artwork

will be hanged as per the decor of the room.

After selecting the frame, the next thing that should be taken into consideration is the mat.

The basic purpose of matting is to provide rigid support to your artwork by preventing any

sort of bending or folding. It creates a space between the picture and the glass so that the

artwork does not get damaged by any outside force. It also enhances the hues while

emphasizing on the composition. You can try different texture, size, width, and color to

accentuate your artwork and bring out the maximum from it.

Custom Picture Framing Services

Things to consider while going for Custom Picture Framing

The last step is to select a glazing product which will complete your artwork in every way.

You can decide whether you want to frame your artwork by putting it behind a glass or

acrylic surface. The market is flooded with various alternatives which can be selected to

portray your artwork in the best possible way. The various glazing product comes with

different function, weight and cost. These days glazing products are coming in non-glare

and UV filtering varieties. You can select one according to the need of the artwork and your


Since the importance of a picture frame is manifold as far as your art is concerned, you have

to be very careful while choosing your frame. The next task in your hand is to search for an

ideal framer who can give you right alternatives at an affordable price. There are quite a few

professional framer present in the market like Tuckerframe, Michaels, PaintBoxSoho,

FrameBridge etc. Just remember one thing that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy in

picture frame picking. You have to keep in mind that framing is a form of visual

communication. The better your communication would be, the better it would be for your


Custom Picture Framing Services
