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TheWright SocietyBuilding Charles Alan Wright’s Legacy Through Giving

UT Law alumni Stephen

Tatum, ’79, Marcus Schwartz,

’73, and Edwin DeYoung,

’71, three of the founding

members of the new Charles

Alan Wright Society.

T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E X A S L AW S C H O O L F O U N D AT I O N , 7 2 7 E . D E A N K E E T O N S T R E E T, A U S T I N , T E X A S 7 8 7 0 5

S P E C I A L C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T



to BobDawson


Coming Home



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4 I N C A M E R A

A Texas knighthood and student societies reach out

9 D E A N P O W E R S

A Common Purpose by Bill Powers

1 1 C A L E N D A R

1 2 A R O U N D T H E


Professor Bob Dawson, alumni honors,and Del Williams, ’85, is elected





S P R I N G 2 0 0 5


M A J O R G I F T S 2 1


G I F T S O F N O T E 2 6

G I V I N G B Y F U N D 3 2

G I V I N G B Y C L A S S 6 0


L A W S C H O O L 7 6


F O U N D A T I O N S 7 8

C L O S I N G A R G U M E N T 80

Coming Home to Townes Hall by Sofia Harber Bowden,’95


1 8The new Charles Alan Wright Society.

by Allegra J. Young

S P E C I A L F E A T U R ET H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’


2 0UT Law recognizes those who gave

to help us succeed.

Cover photograph and photograph

this page by Wyatt McSpadden

Professor Jane Stapleton, a

product liability expert, joins

the American Law Institute

Council. See page 12.

UTLAWV O L U M E 4 • I S S U E 1

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D e a n B I L L P O W E R S , J R .

A s s t . D e a n f o r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d A l u m n i R e l a t i o n sN A N C Y B R A Z Z I L

D i r e c t o r, L a w A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o nC H R I S M A R C I N

D i r e c t o r o f D e v e l o p m e n tE L L E N J O C K U S C H F E N T O N

U T L a w S c h o o l A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n P r e s i d e n tT E R R Y O. T O T T E N H A M , ’ 7 0

U T L a w S c h o o l A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n P r e s i d e n t - e l e c tD E L W I L L I A M S , ’ 8 5


C o m m u n i c a t i o n s D i r e c t o rA L L E G R A J . Y O U N G

C o m m u n i c a t i o n s S t r a t e g y M a n a g e rL A U R A C A S T R O T R O G N I T Z , ’9 7

C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C o o r d i n a t o rJ O D I B A R T

C o n t r i b u t o r s ' R e p o r tF R A N C H A P M A N

T O M H E N N I N G E R , ’9 2

C l a s s N o t e s a n d I n M e m o r i a m E d i t o r sJ A N I C E F A U R I E

G E O R G E M . M E R C A D O, J R .

E d i t o r i a l A s s i s t a n c eM I C H A E L W I D E N E R


C o p y E d i t o rJ A N M C I N R O Y

C r e a t i v e D i r e c t i o n , D e s i g n , a n d P r o d u c t i o nN A N C Y M C M I L L E N



Y O U R L E T T E R S A T :

UTLAW LettersUTLAW Alumni Magazine727 E. Dean Keeton Street

Austin, Texas 78705E-mail: [email protected]

T O A D V E R T I S E :


T E X A S M O N T H LY C U S T O M P U B L I S H I N GOffice phone: (512) 320-6934Mobile phone: (512) 964-3308

Fax: (512) 476-9007E-mail: [email protected]


C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N :

Telephone: (512) 232-1118E-mail: [email protected]


UTLAW Magazine is publ ished two t imes a year by TheU n i v e r s i t y o f Tex a s L a w S c h o o l Fo u n d a t i o n , a n o n p ro f i tcorporation, 727 E. Dean Keeton St. , Austin, Texas 78705.


2 U T L AW S p r i n g 2 005

“An intellectually honest, incredibly erudite description of the Constitution as an intensely nationalist instrument. . . .

A fine acheivement and a sophisticated book.”Jefferson Powell , D U K E L AW S C H O O L


To see the first chapters, book reviews, and discussion, and to purchase, go to

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Locke Liddell & Sapp recognizes the rising stars of The University of Texas School of Law.

We proudly support UT’s Alumni AssociationLaw School Spring Reunion.

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Queen Elizabeth II conferred the most ancient honorof Knight Bachelor on Professor Basil Markesinis

QC, DCL, FBA, at Buckingham Palace on March 9 forhis “services to Comparative Law and InternationalLegal Relations.” He is believed to be one of a very

small number of living professors in the UnitedStates and the United Kingdom to be honored with

the Knight Bachelor rank before retirement.


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The new first-year student societies launched an ambitious series of public service projects, ranging from painting rooms at theAustin State Hospital to helping low-income families file tax returns.“We expect one half of the class will participate in public service projects,” said Allyson Childs, ’95, director of student programs.

Above, left to right, Devon Nippes, Jamila Mensah, and Lindsay Garzaof the Gus Hodges Society work with the Austin Area Food Bank.


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*Baker Botts is a proud supporter

of the University of Texas School of Law.

© 2003 Baker Botts L.L.P. Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

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devoted alumni and friends who support ourmission with their financial resources. Our suc-cess depends on the people who stand with us.The UT Law School rests on the strength ofthree pillars—our faculty, our students, and ouralumni. As I have said many times before, weare a community—a diverse group of peoplewith a common interest and a common pur-pose. Our fortunes are tied together. We drinkfrom the same cup.

I have been at the UT Law School for twenty-eight years now, both as a member of its faculty and, forthe last five years, as its dean. Before I moved to Austin, Itaught for a brief time at another law school, and over theyears I have visited at several law schools around the coun-try. I admit to a bias, of course, but I do believe there is nobetter law school in the country than ours.

We have a first-class faculty who are not only highlyregarded legal scholars but also outstanding teachers anddecent men and women. Two of them—Jane Stapletonand Basil Markesinis—are highlighted in this issue.Our faculty articulate and model a standard of excel-lence for our students that gives me, and should give allof us, great confidence in the future of our professionand of our society.

We have amazingly talented and gifted students. Theycome to us from all around the country and the world.They are increasingly diverse and bring to our Law Schoola wide range of experiences and perspectives. They aresmart, intellectually curious, and devoted to improvingour profession and civic life. In this issue of UTLAW youwill learn more about them and their work. You will alsolearn about our new Society system for teaching, training,and mentoring them.

And we have remarkably loyal and generous alumni.It is mostly your story of support that we tell in this issue.We have been fortunate to receive several very large giftsthis year, gifts that are helping us to expand our reach inthe areas of faculty recruitment, Latin American law,human rights, and teaching excellence. Words cannotexpress my gratitude for these gifts. All gifts, large orsmall, are significant. I am thankful for, and humbled by,every one of them.

We have a duty to use these gifts wisely and prudently,and we take that duty seriously. Private support makes itpossible for us to do so much that is necessary for the

Law School’s continuing vitality. In addition to the initia-tives you will read about in this issue of UTLAW, yourcontributions allow us to enhance our job placement andcareer counseling services, to expand our student re-cruiting efforts, to build our beautiful and functionalemployer interviewing suites, to implement technologi-cal innovations, and to renovate our classrooms withstate-of-the-art equipment.

We are truly blessed by the generosity of our alumniand friends. I want you to know that all of us now at theLaw School—faculty, students, and staff—appreciate theopportunities we have because of that generosity. I prom-ise you that we will work each day to deserve the trust youhave placed in us.


Bill Powers, Dean




A Common PurposeOu r s u c c e s s d e p e n d s o n a d i v e r s e c o m m u n i t y t h a t s h a re s a m u t u a l g o a l .


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B A K E R B O T T S L . L . P.

LO C K E L I D D E L L & S A P P L L P

B A RO N & B U D D, P C

B R A C E W E L L & G I U L I A N I L L P

C I T I Z E N S 1 S T B A N K O F TY L E R

F U L B R I G H T & J AW O R S K I L . L . P.

V I N S O N & E L K I N S L . L . P.



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Spring 2005 UT LAW 1 1

FA L L F O R W A R DThis fall the Alumni Association willhost a Tailgate Party, the Keetonand Clark Fellows Dinner, and re-gional receptions. You’ll receivemore information about these eventsas they draw closer. We look forwardto seeing you next fall!

M A Y 2 1

The Sunflower Ceremony will beheld on Saturday, May 21, at 3:30 the Erwin Center. For more infor-mation about this event, please con-tact Student Affairs at (512) 232-1116.


The Center for Pub-lic Policy DisputeResolution will offersummer training ses-sions, including a Forty-Hour Basic MediationTraining session atthe Law School. Formore information,contact Natalie Grayat (512) 471-3507 orgo onl ine to www.u texa s . edu/ law/academics/centers/cppdr/training.


The Texas Interna-tional Law Journalwil l be host ingits annual Fa l lS y m p o s i u m .This year it willbe cosponsoredwith the Bernardand Audre Rapo-port Center for Hu-man Rights and Jus-tice. For more infor-

mation, contact [email protected].

S E P T E M B E R 1 2 – 3 0

On-Campus Interviews (OCI) willbe held September 12–30 at the LawSchool in the Career Services inter-viewing suites. To participate, go on-line to Employers) or contact AndreaSchlafer at [email protected] (512) 232-7110.


Parents’ Day will be held at the LawSchool on October 29. For more infor-mation about this event, please contactStudent Affairs at (512) 232-1116.

The Texas Law Fellowships (TLF)invites alumni, faculty, staff, students,and the general public to the annualFall Auction in October to raisemoney to fund fellowships for LawSchool students who work in sum-mer public interest internships. Bidon items in the live and silent auc-tions and support TLF’s first majorfundraiser of the year. For time,location, and ticket information,or to donate an item, contact TLFat [email protected]. Eventdetails will also be posted online inSeptember.

The Career Services Office will hostits eighth annual Cocktails andConversation mentor recep-

t i o n in Aust in . Fordetails on the men-torship program,go online to www.u texas .edu/law/

depts/career/ or con-tact Deb Freeman atd f r e e m a n @ m a i l .law.utexas .edu or(512) 232-2162.


The Law School’sOffice of Contin-uing Legal Educa-tion (CLE) plansto host numerousconferences thisfa l l . For a com-plete schedule ofevents , v i s i t theCLE Web site or call theCLE office at (512)475-6700.

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HIS MONTH THE COUN-cil of the American LawInstitute (ALI) electedUT Law’s Jane Staple-

ton, one of the world’sleading product liabilityscholars, to a regular term.She becomes the first for-eign national to join thecouncil, a group of some 60prominent judges, practic-ing lawyers, and legal schol-

ars that is the governingbody of the institute.

Since 2000, she has beena member of the ALI andan adviser to its Restate-ment Third, Torts: Liabilityfor Physical Harm.

Professor Stapleton’sscholarship centers on theprivate law of obligations,liability, and compensationsystems, and ranges from

comparative product lia-bility to the philosophicalfoundations of common-law concepts such as cau-sa t ion , duty, and goodfaith. In addition to manyarticles, she is the authorof Disease and the Compen-sation Debate (Oxford: Cla-rendon Press, 1986) andProducts Liability (London:Butterworth, 1994), and co-editor of Essays for PatrickAtiyah (Oxford: Claren-don Press, 1991) and TheLaw of Obligations: Essaysin Celebration of John Flem-ing (Oxford: ClarendonPress, 1998).







Jane Stapleton JoinsAmerican LawInstitute Council

Professor Stapleton also holds appointments at Oxford University and the Australian National University.






UT-Austin president

Larry Faulkner tapped

Dean Bill Powers to

chair the 20-member

task force on curricular

reform. The core cur-

riculum was last

revised in 1981, and

revision is needed to

improve and strengthen

the undergraduate edu-

cational experience.

The task force is

expected to submit a

written report to the

president by the end of

October 2005, and its

recommendations will

then be presented to

the university commu-

nity and the Faculty

Council for considera-

tion and comment.
















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H E A L U M N I A S S O C I A -tion has named Del

Williams, ’85, its president-elect. His term will startSeptember 1, 2005.

Williams has played anintegral role at UT-Austinsince his graduation. In 2002the University honored himwith an Outstanding YoungTexas Ex Award for his ex-emplary service. Inaddition to volun-teering at the LawSchool, he also serveson the Texas ExesScholarship Com-mittee, as a trustee ofthe Business SchoolFoundation, as amember of the Ad-visory Council of theMcCombs School ofBusiness, and as a memberof the University’s Commis-sion of 125. He holds two UTdegrees, a J.D. (with honors)

and his 1983 B.A. in Busi-ness Administration in Ac-counting (with honors).

Williams was recentlynamed Perot Systems Cor-poration’s vice president,general counsel, and secre-tary. He also represented theDallas Mavericks of the Na-tional Basketball Associa-tion during the time the

team was owned byMr. Perot. He previ-ously worked at FirstSouthwest Companyand as an attorneywith Hughes & Luce,L.L.P. Williams hasbeen a member ofthe Texas Bar since1986 and a certifiedpublic accountantsince 1989.

Williams, his wife, Cam-my Wynne, and their twodaughters, Callie and Eliza-beth, live in Dallas.






S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 1 3

L A W S C H O O LPresident-Elect Del Williams, ’85

This spring the Federalist Society honored Professor Ernest

Young with the 2005 Paul M. Bator Award for his contribu-

tions to legal scholarship in federalism and constitutional

law, and for his commitment to students in the classroom.

Created in 1989, the national award was established in

memory of University of Chicago professor Paul M. Bator.

The award is given annually to a young academic (under

40) who has demonstrated excellence in legal scholar-

ship, a com-

mitment to

teaching, a

concern for

students, and

who has made

a significant

public impact.


award win-

ners include Stephen Carter (Yale), Akhil Amar (Yale),

and Adrian Vermeule (Chicago).

Ernest Young WinsPaul M. Bator Award

General counsel

of Perot Systems

will lead associa-

tion in 2005–06.


E X P L O R I N G T H E L A WOn March 5 more than 200 children packed the Eidman Court-

room to hear U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judge Edward

Prado, ’72, preside over the trial of Gold E. Locks. Ms. Locks

was found guilty of trespassing but not of breaking a chair.

In the question-and-answer session that followed, one child

asked Prado if he was a real judge, to which he responded good-

naturedly that many lawyers ask him that question. The mock

trial was part of Explore UT, UT-Austin’s annual open house,

chaired this year by Dean Bill Powers.








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P R A C T I C E A N D P R O C E D U R EProfessor Susan Klein and Anthony Brown, ’86, chief assistant, Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s

Office for the Western District of Texas, established externships for UT Law students to work part-time for

a full year at the USAO in Austin. There students help government attorneys prepare for criminal trials.

Book CaseROFESSOR CALVIN JOHN-son’s Righteous Anger

at the Wicked States (Cam-bridge University Press)argues that the most press-ing need to adopt the U.S.Constitution was to allowthe federal government totax to pay off the debts ofthe common defense. TheConstitution went far be-yond the immediate fiscalneeds, however, to create asupreme, three-part nation-al government. The book

argues that the Founders’anger at the states for theirrecurring breaches of dutyto the united cause explainsboth critical steps and thedriving impetus for theRevolution.

Night Wonders (Charles-bridge), by Jane Ann Peddi-cord, ’83. This children’sbook explores the galaxyand includes s tunningimages from NASA.

Enlightened Democracy:The Case for the ElectoralCollege (World Ahead Pub-lishing, Inc.), by Tara Ross,’01, foreword by GeorgeWill. This book examinesthe institution’s role in se-lecting presidents across thecenturies.

The Reconstruction ofSouthern Debtors: Bank-ruptcy After the Civi lWar (University of GeorgiaPress), by Elizabeth LeeThompson, ’93, provides anempirical study of nearly4,000 cases filed in threeSouthern federal districtsand the impact of the Bank-ruptcy Act of 1867.



On April 8, Professors Jay Westbrook (UT) and Eliza-

beth Warren (Harvard) convened 13 rising stars in

the commercial law and bankruptcy fields to discuss

papers that emphasize empirical and comparative inter-

national topics. The papers presented at the conference

can be found online at


Westbrook and Warren created the conference,

“Commercial Realities,” to help young scholars develop

their skills in these two important areas and to

exchange ideas and approaches with each other. Five

senior scholars served as commentators and mentors.

Westbrook and Warren hope the conference will

become an annual event, alternating between Austin

and Cambridge.









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the passing of Robert O.Dawson, a beloved profes-sor at UT-Austin for 37

years. He died at his home inFentress, Texas, on February26, 2005, at the age of 65.

“Bob’s list of profession-al accomplishments is awe-some, and his impact on ourstudents will last for genera-tions. But no list can mea-sure the greatness that wasin Bob’s heart. He was adear friend. He was smartand friendly. And he caredabout people. This is a lossthat stings. We give Jan,Kate, and Julie Ann our loveand sympathy during thisdifficult time,” said UT Lawdean Bill Powers.

Bob Dawson was singu-larly credited with design-ing a comprehensive, pro-gressive juvenile justicesys tem in Texas that be-came a model in the Uni-ted States. The legislativeauthor of the juvenile jus-tice reform says its successis proved by figures thatshow juvenile crime dra-matically declining eventhough the juvenile popu-lation in Texas has risen.

“He is probably the sin-gle most important factorin the lives of children inTexas,” said state represen-tative Toby Goodman of Ar-lington, who authored thestate’s juvenile justice coderevision in 1995. “The Juve-nile Code in Texas is pat-terned across the nation.This created a comprehen-sive juvenile system, addres-sing causes and prevention,not just punishment.”

He left a commandinglegacy of thousands of law

students who com-pleted his classes andhis Criminal DefenseCl in ic a t UT we l lversed in criminal lawor well prepared towork in a gritty worldwhere justice was hisgoal and constitution-al rights the meansto achieve it.

As a legal scholarhe coauthored fourseparate casebooksand later editionsused in law schoolsacross the nation, andpublished treatises onTexas criminal procedureand juvenile law.

And in an academicworld where practical edu-cation is often a redheadedstepchild, he founded theCriminal Defense Clinicand directed it for 25 years.After resigning from it, hefounded the Actual Inno-cence Clinic at UT whenhe became enthralled witha new idea—that studentscould help prove that peo-ple wrongly convicted werenot guilty.

He was the driving forcebehind creation of the StateBar of Texas Juvenile LawSection in 1987, editing itsquarterly newsletter untilhis death, and he helpedestablish a legal specialtyin the state for juvenilelaw practitioners. Last yearthe Juvenile Law Sectionnamed its annual confer-ence the Robert O. DawsonJuvenile Law Institute inhis honor.

With his wife, Jan, a law-yer and noted equine safetyexpert, he helped run ahorse-training facility on the

farm he loved near Fen-tress—metropolitan Fen-tress, he called it—and theyalso ran the American Asso-ciation for HorsemanshipSafety. He created and man-aged the association’s Website, and they taught the firstcourse on equine law at theUT Law School.

The husband-wife teaminfluenced the horse indus-tr y in an examination ofsafety procedures in bothcommercial and recreation-al settings. The AAHS Website is the largest source inthe world for equine safetyand liability issues and theonly comprehensive legalsource for cases related tohorses.

He died of cancer, buth i s s t r ugg le in h i s l a s tdays was relieved when hetaught.

“The only time I don’thave cancer,” he said, “iswhen I’m in the classroom.I know the adrenaline kicksin, and I feel so happy.”

Adapted from Memorial State-ment by Osler McCarthy


Robert Dawson,1939-2005




ROBERT O. DAWSON, 1939–2005

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School Alumni Associa-tion honored four of itsmembers for their out-

standing work. James B.Sales, ’60, received the Life-time Achievement Award;the Honorable Wallace B.Jefferson, ’88, was namedOutstanding Alumnus;Laura Beckworth, ’83, wasawarded the DistinguishedAlumnus Award for Com-munity Service; and Dar-ren Walker, ’86, was award-ed the Honorary Order ofthe Coif.


the vice president of HobbyCommunications since 1994and a vice president andtrustee of the Hobby FamilyFoundation since 1995.The Hobby Family Founda-tion provides funding foreducation, medicine, humanservices, and arts and cul-tural organizations, primar-ily in Texas.

In 1996 the foundationhelped to provide the initialcharitable funding for theHobby Center for the Per-forming Arts in Houston.Beckworth was the founda-tion’s representative for thecomplex project. The world-class center opened in May2002, when it was presentedas a gift to the city of Houston.She continues to serve on thecenter’s board of directors.(See cover story, Winter 2005.)

She graduated from UTLaw in 1983 and from theUniversity of North Caro-lina–Chapel Hill in 1980,Phi Beta Kappa. Wallace B.

JeffersonTHE HONORABLE WALLACE B.Jefferson was sworn in aschief justice of the TexasSupreme Court by Gover-nor Rick Perry on Septem-ber 20, 2004. He is the firstAfrican American to serveas chief justice of the TexasSupreme Court, and the26th person designatedchief justice in Texas histo-ry. When Governor Perryappointed him to the courtin 2001, Jefferson alreadyhad won two cases beforethe U.S. Supreme Court,within 10 years of graduat-ing from UT Law. He wasappointed to the Texas Su-preme Court before the ageof 40 and will serve as chief

justice at the age of 41. The chief justice is a life-

long resident of San Anto-nio, where he worked at thelaw firm of Groce, Locke &Hebdon before starting hisown civil appellate practice,Crofts, Callaway and Jeffer-son, in 1991. He earned hislaw degree from UT Law in1988 and his undergradu-ate degree from MichiganState University.

DarrenWalkerDARREN WALKER IS THE DIREC-tor of Working Commu-nities at the RockefellerFoundation, a foundationestablished to enrich andsustain the lives and liveli-hoods of poor and exclud-








Beckworth helped launch the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts.

Wallace B. Jefferson is Texas's first African American chief justice.














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ed people throughout theworld. He oversees the de-velopment and implemen-tation of the foundation’sdomestic anti-poverty strat-egy, focusing on public edu-cation, employment, com-munity development, anddemocracy building.

Before joining the Rocke-feller Foundation, Walkerserved as chief operatingofficer of the AbyssinianDevelopment Corporation,a faith-based community-development organizationin Harlem. There he ledefforts that resulted in thedevelopment of more than1,000 units of housing forlow- and moderate-income

residents; Harlem’s firstlarge-scale privately financedcommercial project in morethan 30 years, a PathmarkSupercenter; and construc-tion of the Thurgood Mar-shall Academy—the firstpublic school ever built by acommunity organization inNew York City.

He is a 1982 graduate ofUT-Austin, where he wasnamed one of 10 Dean’s Dis-tinguished Graduates. Hegraduated from UT Law in1986 and received the LawAlumni Association Out-standing Graduate Award.He attended the KennedySchool of Government as aFannie Mae Foundation

Fellow. He holds a jointappointment at the NYUSchool of Law and WagnerSchool of Public Policy, andhe is also a fellow of theInstitute for Urban Design.In 1998, the Ex-Students’Association recognized himwith its Outstanding YoungTexas Ex Award.


the Texas legal communityin numerous capacities dur-ing his 40 years as a triallawyer. The Best Lawyers inAmerica has selected Salesfor inclusion in every issueof its publication and in1994 Texas Lawyer namedhim one of the Legal Leg-ends in Texas. The Amer-ican College of Trial Law-yers has named him a fel-low, as has the InternationalAcademy of Trial Lawyers.

For 20 years, Sales servedas a senior partner and head

of the Litigation Depart-ment at Fulbright & Ja-worski L.L.P. He currentlyis of counsel in the Hous-ton office.

He has also served as thepresident of the HoustonBar Association, chairman ofthe board and then presi-dent of the Texas State Bar,and chair of the Texas BarFoundation. Currently, heserves as chair of the TexasSupreme Court Access toJustice Commission. He isalso a prolific author, hav-ing published more than 40law review and journal arti-cles and books.

Sales holds an under-graduate degree and anLL.B. (with honors) fromUT-Austin. While at the LawSchool he was on the TexasLaw Review and a memberof the Order of the Coif andPhi Delta Phi. He served aspresident of TLRA, and in2004 TLRA presented theLeon Green Award to him.

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Walker's work has transformed the lives of the poor in New York.

James B. Sales, ’60, has improved access to legal services for all Texans.











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THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IS A HIGH CALLING. This special edition of UTLAWrecognizes alumni and friends who have helped invest in The University of TexasSchool of Law, so that our school continues to contribute to the building ofsound legal infrastructure both at home and abroad. ¶ Perhaps the best measureof the success of these investments is the impact our graduates make in their owncommunities. The influence they exert—at law firms, in businesses, in the mili-tary and government, in schools, and in nonprofit institutions around theworld—is our most enduring legacy. ¶ But our success is also measured by theimpact our faculty have in contributing to the understanding of today’s mostcomplex, dynamic, and global issues: rapid technological innovation, terrorism,environmental and safety problems, the energy markets, insolvency, health care,government structure and power sharing, criminal justice, and human rightsboth here and abroad. Their work on these issues, and many others, continues tocapture the imagination of those in Texas, in the halls of Congress, at 10 Down-ing Street, in Brasilia and Mexico City, and in many other cities around the globe.

Today there is an excitement about the Law School. Terrific hires have been madefrom other leading law schools. Electives and cross-registration options have broad-ened learning opportunities for students. Major infrastructure renovations areplanned. Our library stands out as one of the finest legal research resources in theworld. The Career Services Office has substantially expanded recruiting opportu-nities and advising, as well as added a new 4,795-square-foot interviewing suite.Lines are now nonexistent for books, registration, and payment of fees. Studentscan work on wireless computers from the newly furnished Tom Clark Lounge.¶ A direct correlation exists between what UT Law is able to accomplish and itsfinancial resources. The following pages recognize benefactors whose generosityfor the past 16 months has sustained the Law School’s mission. Their societyimproves ours. We honor them for their foresight and thank them for their gifts.

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b y A L L E G R A J. Y O U N G

ANew Society

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Marcus Schwartz, ’73Q: Your family has had a member of each of four generations pass through

the Law School’s doors. What are your hopes for the school’s future?

A: My wife, Amy, and I are commit-ted to expressing our appreciation

of the education from which ourfamily has benefited. We also wantto make sure the same benefits are

available to future generations ofstudents through the recruiting and retention of quality faculty

members. Private schools pressureyou to do this from the very first day.

But I received a great educationfrom the Law School, and we areglad to participate in giving back

at our public law school.

Stephen Tatum,’79Q: As a former president of the Alumni Association, how do you see

the school and the alumni association evolving?

A: As the Law School continues togrow in national reputation, today's

students leave with a more valuabledegree, and those with degrees take

even more pride in our institution. Asalumni, we have an interest in bothoutcomes. The school is just begin-

ning a two-way dialogue with itsalumni members. My dream, and thedream of many others, is that we find

more ways to support each other.We're in the nascent stages of these

developments, and we are excitedabout how they're evolving.

Ed DeYoung, ’71Q: There is a lot of need in the world and in your community. How did you

and your wife decide to give such a substantial gift to the Law School?

A: Paula and I give to a number of organizations, but we believe

that the administration of justice is a high calling. It’s worthwhile

to maintain high standards andrecruit the best faculty and

students we can so that society will benefit from lawyers who

have been taught well. I was taught by many legends, including

Wright, Keeton, Graglia, Johanson, and Weintraub. We want this

next generation of students to have the same opportunity.




community inaugurate the Charles Alan WrightSociety: Edwin DeYoung, Bryan Goolsby, MichelleP. Goolsby (profiled with Bryan for the UTLAWWinter 2005 cover story), Marcus Schwartz, andStephen Tatum. A gift has also been made tohonor the memory of Armond Schwartz, Marcus’father. The new society is named for the famedteacher, scholar, lawyer, and intramural footballcoach who taught at the Law School from 1955to 2000.

“Most people know Professor Wright as a preem-inent legal scholar,” said Ed DeYoung of Dallas. “Butit was his greatness as a teacher for which I remem-ber him. He enjoyed visiting with students in thehalls, in the student lounge, and, of course, on thefootball field. His office door was almost alwaysopen, and although he was busy, he’d always be avail-able to talk with students. He was a great mentor.”

The Wright Society began as a way to honora much-admired professor and to raise funds tofurther the Law School’s mission. Admission re-quires a contribution of $25,000 or $50,000.These funds will help Dean Powers attract andretain outstanding professors, improve studentservices, and enhance a sense of communityamong the Law School’s graduates.

This a substantial gift, and as such it is mean-ingful for both the donor and the Law School.

“My legal education allowed me to pursue acareer I’ve really enjoyed,” said Steve Tatum, aFort Worth native and a former president ofthe Law School’s alumni association. “My wife,Nenetta, and I feel a sense of duty to the school—not an obligation, or something we do becausewe have to. It’s something we wanted to do tomake it the best for law students going through itnow and in the future.”

Marcus Schwartz, of Hallettsville, Texas, agrees.Since 1895, twelve years after the school opened,his family has had the benefits of a UT educa-tion. His father, Armond Schwartz, graduated in1938, and his own son, Marcus Schwartz, Jr., willgraduate this month.

“I had the privilege of learning from phenom-enal teachers. They awoke interests in their sub-jects which have lasted my entire life. My fatherand grandfather had similar transformative expe-riences. My wife, Amy, and I want to make surethat the same benefits of a high-quality legal edu-cation are available to future generations.”



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Letter from Terry TottenhamPresident of the Law Alumni Association

THIS ISSUE OF UTLAW IS DEDICATED TO THE LawSchool’s many alumni and friends who supportthe Law School with their financial resources.We are honored by that support.

I want to share with you a few of the manythings that have happened at the Law Schoolduring the past year. Without your support,these events could not have occurred.

In November, the Law School inauguratedthe Kay Bailey Hutchison Chair in LatinAmerican Law and its new Latin American LawCenter with a panel discussion that includedSenator Hutchison, U.S. Secretary ofCommerce Don Evans, and Mexico’s Secretaryof Foreign Affairs, Luis Ernesto Derbez.

In January, the Law School hosted the sec-ond “Excellence in Diversity: A Weekend Cele-bration.” Approximately 300 alumni returned tothe campus for a day of tours, panel discussions,a report by Dean Powers, and socializing.

On May 15 through 19, the AmericanCollege of Trial Lawyers will undertake anambitious and groundbreaking effort inresponse to the Supreme Court’s Texas Accessto Justice Commission request to the college tolend its unique expertise and superb talent toenhance the trial skills of lawyers engaged inrepresenting poor Texas citizens.

These are just a few examples of the manyexciting programs going on at our Law School.Our alumni and friends make this possible.

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve aspresident of the UT Law Alumni Association. I am thankful for your support. And I am proudto be an alumnus of UT Law School.

Sincerely yours,

Terry O. Tottenham, ’70

Letter from David J. BeckPresident of the Law School Foundation


alumni support did not waver. Let me mentionjust a few of the results of your latest generosity.

Classrooms were renovated and state-of-the-art technology is now available to our lawstudents.

Our law faculty reformed the curriculum andenhanced opportunities for students to do inten-sive work in specific substantive areas and toinvolve themselves in interdisciplinary projects.

Our Career Services Office—now one of thelargest of its kind in the nation—expanded itsreach with small and mid-size firms and intro-duced nontraditional employment opportuni-ties. Students now have access to more re-sources and assistance than ever before in seek-ing career opportunities.

Our Continuing Legal Education programnow provides more conferences and onlineclasses than ever before. This offering hasbecome an important source of funding for theLaw School, supplementing alumni donationswith discretionary funds the dean can use forfaculty recruitment and student services.

Thanks to you, recent studies confirm thatThe University of Texas School of Law is oneof the top law schools in the country. Onbehalf of the Law School Foundation, I thankyou for your generous and unstinting support.We have made great progress in the last fewyears, and with your continued support, we willaccomplish even more.

Sincerely yours,

David J. Beck, ’65

This report publicly honors contributions made from September 1, 2003, to December 31, 2004. Every effort has been madeto achieve absolute accuracy in this publication. If you note any errors, please accept our sincere apologies and notify theCommunications Department at (512) 471-7330 or the director of communications, Allegra Young, at [email protected].

The world has changed significantly since the Law School was found-

ed 122 years ago, but the work of our school remains much the same.

We invest in students and faculty, and by doing so we make a great dif-

ference in the world. Your gifts and tireless efforts have helped us

sustain our position as one of the top law schools in the country,

and we are grateful for your generosity, energy, and enthusiasm.

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MAJOR GIFTSGifts to the endowment and unrestricted current use

gifts play an increasingly important role in supporting

our operations. Such gifts allow us to recruit world-class

faculty, to support important research initiatives, to

maintain one of the world’s best law libraries, and to

expand opportunities for students both in the class-

room and out in ways we would not be able to achieve

without such tremendous generosity. This fundraising

effort has both revitalized our community and posi-

tioned us well for substantial progress in these critical

initiatives. Financial support is a primary agent of our

excellence, and the following pages honor our alum-

ni and friends who make such excellence possible.


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SUSMAN GODFREY LLPThe Houston-based law firm of Susman Godfrey LLPdonated a multimillion-dollar gift to the Law School thisyear. Susman Godfrey LLP, one of the nation's preemi-nent boutique litigation firms, established The SusmanGodfrey LLP Fund for Faculty Excellence. The fund willbe used to recruit and retain outstanding faculty at theLaw School.

In honor of the gift, the atrium in Townes Hall will berenamed the Susman Godfrey Atrium. The atrium servesas a gathering venue for students, faculty, and Law Schoolorganizations, as well as a welcome center for guests. TheSusman Godfrey Atrium was dedicated at a ceremony onApril 16, at the annual alumni reunion.

“This extremely generous gift from Susman Godfreywill enable us to attract and retain the very best faculty.Nothing is more important for the Law School’s future.It is fitting that we honor this great law firm with theSusman Godfrey Atrium, not only to thank them for

their generosity,but also to recog-nize their longconnection to ourLaw School andprominence in thelegal community,”said UT-AustinSchool of Lawdean Bill Powers.

Steve Susmansaid, “We aredelighted to makethis gift to UT LawSchool, which hasbeen so instru-mental to the pro-

fessional careers of Lee Godfrey, me, and many of ourpartners. Without UT Law School we never could haveachieved what we have as a law firm.”

Lee Godfrey added, “The faculty is the heart of ourgreat law school. Through the Susman Godfrey Fund forFaculty Excellence, UT will have the resources to ensurethat the law school faculty is the best anywhere.”

H. Lee Godfrey, B.A. ’66, J.D. ’69 (with honors),Stephen Susman, J.D. ’65 (with highest honors), and 14of the firm’s 36 other partners graduated from UT Law.

Susman Godfrey LLP is a 70-lawyer firm with officesin Houston, Dallas, Seattle, and Los Angeles. The firm’spractice is devoted exclusively to litigation, for bothplaintiffs and defendants. This month, American Lawyernamed Susman Godfrey LLP as one of the two best litigation boutiques in the United States. A link to theAmerican Lawyer article and other information about the firm and its partners can be found at the firm’s Website,

Barry and Nancy BarnettVineet and Laura BhatiaOphelia Camiña and Jim

FlegleBill and Catherine


Johnny and Nataya CarterCharles and Monica

EskridgeMark and Kim EvettsParker and Carol FolseLee and Sandy Godfrey



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Joseph and Amy GrinsteinErica and Charles HarrisGeoffrey and Lauren

HarrisonMichael and Susan LeeNeal Manne and Nancy

McGregorKenneth and Linda McNeil

David and Wendy MarcusKenneth and Elena MarksEric and Isabelle MayerTerry and Joan OxfordThomas and Callie PatersonTrey Peacock and Chris

BryanRobert and Beth Rivera

Jonathan and Jeanie RossKatie Sammons and Terry

LohrenzMarc Seltzer and Christina

SnyderJonathan and Gale ShawJames and Solace


Harry and Karen SusmanSteve and Ellen SusmanKatherine and Carlos

TreistmanMax and Brittney TribbleLarry and Jane VincentMark Wawro and Melanie


Lee Godfrey (left), EricaHarris, Neal Manne,

and Stephen Susman ofSusman Godfrey LLP.

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Joe Jamail, ’52, donated $1 millionto establish the Joe Jamail Fund for Faculty Excellence. Joe and his wife, Lee, have contributednumerous chairs, scholarships, andendowments to The University ofTexas at Austin, enabling the LawSchool to achieve and maintainnational prominence.


The Bernard and Audre RapoportCenter donated $100,000 per yearfor five years to create the Centerfor Human Rights. The center also establishes the TransnationalWorker Rights Clinic to representlow-income immigrant workers inthe Austin area. An inaugural din-ner was held this spring at the cen-ter’s first conference, “WorkingBorders: Linking ContemporaryDebates Over Insourcing andOutsourcing Capital and Labor,”which explored international laborrights. (See related story in Winter2005 UTLAW.)


John and Libba Massey increased their commitment to recognizing qualityteaching with a major gift to fund the Massey Teaching Excellence Award. This year Professor David Rabban, a member of the elite Academy of Distin-guished Teachers, won the biennial award, which was presented at a receptionin Austin this past fall. (See related stories in UTLAW Winter 2004 and 2005.)


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George M. Fleming, B.A. ’68, J.D. ’71, donated $1 million to establish theGeorge M. Fleming Faculty Excellence Fund. Fleming, a highly successfultrial attorney who founded the law firm of Fleming & Associates in 1981, hasearned a reputation in mass tort and consumer litigation cases. In apprecia-tion, the ground-floor cafeteria will be remodeled and named in his honor.


In 2004 David J. Beck, ’65, estab-lished the David J. Beck FacultyExcellence Fund to help UT Lawrecruit and retain faculty members.Not only does Beck serve as the Law School Foundation’s president,but the firm he cofounded, Beck, Redden & Secrest L.L.P., was designated as one of the topfive litigation boutiques in Americaby American Lawyer.


This year the Law School success-fully raised more than $1.4 millionto endow the Kay Bailey HutchisonChair in Latin American Law. The proceeds from the endowmentwill help fund a professorship andscholarly research that focuses onthat region of the world.

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Ongoing GiftsThe faculty, students, and staff areprofoundly thankful to the followingfirms, persons, and corporations fortheir generous ongoing support:









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Law PartnersIn 2001 Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal LLP inaugurated the first Law Partnerwith a pledge of an annual gift to the Law School for each of 10 years. From that ini-tial gift, the Law Partners program grew to become an important resource for ourschool. There are three sponsorship levels within the Law Partners program. PlatinumSponsors pledge a gift of $50,000 per year for 10 years, Gold Sponsors pledge $30,000per year for 10 years, and Silver Sponsors pledge $10,000 per year for 10 years.

PLATINUM LAW PARTNERSLoeffler Tuggey Pauerstein Rosenthal LLP

Susman Godfrey LLP **


Haynes and Boone LLP **

Hobby Family Foundation**

Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP **


Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza, Inc.Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long

Richard T. McMillanSchwartz & Schwartz **

** new Law Partner

Gifts From Trusts and EstatesUT Law announces the following bequests provided to help the Law School meet its goals. For these gifts the dean, the faculty, the students, and the administration are deeply grateful.






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Gifts of Note WILL IAMWAYNE JUSTICEFUND FORPUBLIC SERVICEDonors to the Justice Fundraised more than $1 millionto help educate law studentsabout pro bono work, pub-lic service, and public inter-est law. UT Law faculty com-mitted $109,000 to fundPublic Interest Fellowships.This past fall, at a dinner

celebrating the success of the fund, the Law School announced that theCenter for Public Interest Law will be renamed the William Wayne JusticeCenter for Public Interest Law.


M. D. Anderson FoundationFred Hagan




ScholarshipsFinancial aid is critical to our public law school’s mission. It is with deep thanks that the Law School’s students, faculty, and administration express gratitude for the establishment of the following scholarships:










BequestsThe Law School expresses its appre-ciation for the following bequests:

THE ESTATE OF WHITF IELD COLL INS contributed to the Whitfield J.Collins Endowed PresidentialScholarship in Law

THE ROSETTA FAY HOBDY-FRITZL IVING TRUSTcontributed to the Dean’s FacultyExcellence Fund

THE PERRY AND MARY LOOMERLIVING TRUST established the Loomer FamilyProfessorship in Law

Book FundsThe Law School, and especially theJamail Center for Legal Research, its staff, and its patrons, express gratitude for these new book funds:

HAROLD T. ABRAMSON BOOK FUNDestablished by the Dallas BarAssociation Commercial Law andBankruptcy Section



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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • M A J O R G I F T S

CharlesAlan WrightSocietyIn 2004 the Law School estab-lished the Charles Alan WrightSociety, named for the famedprofessor, lawyer, and intramu-ral football coach who taught at the Law School from 1955 to 2000. The Wright Society provides a way to honor amuch-admired professor and toraise funds to further the LawSchool’s mission. Donors con-tribute $25,000 or $50,000.These funds will help DeanPowers attract and retain out-standing professors, improvestudent services, and assist inefforts to enhance a sense ofcommunity among the LawSchool’s graduates.

Mr. Edwin R. DeYoung, 1971Mr. Bryan L. Goolsby, 1977Ms. Michelle L. Goolsby, 1983Mr. Armond G. Schwartz,* 1938Mr. Marcus F. Schwartz, 1974Mr. Stephen L. Tatum, 1979* in memoriam

Townes HallSocietyMembers of the Townes HallSociety contribute $10,000 inone fiscal year. A student scholarship is awarded in thename of the donor (or thedonor’s designee) during theyear in which the gift is made.Townes Hall Society membersare honored by the Law SchoolFoundation Trustees at theirannual fall dinner. The namesof our Townes Hall Societymembers are permanentlyinscribed on a plaque thathangs at the Law School.

Mr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Devon Energy CorporationExxon Mobil CorporationMr. Duke R. Ligon, 1969Mr. C. Kenneth Roberts, 1951

100% Giving ClubWe thank our alumni at the following organizations,all of whom contributed to the Annual Fund during the past year.

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer &Feld, LLP: Austin, Dallas,Houston, San Antonio,Washington

Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P.: Austin,Dallas, Houston

Armbrust & Brown, L.L.P.: Austin

Atlas & Hall, L.L.P.: McAllen

Baker Botts L.L.P.: Austin, Dallas, Houston, Washington

Baron & Budd, P.C.: Dallas

Beck Redden & Secrest, L.L.P.:Houston

Beirne, Maynard & Parsons,L.L.P.: Houston

Bell, Nunnally & Martin, P.L.L.C.:Dallas

Bickerstaff, Heath, Smiley,Pollan, Kever & McDaniel,L.L.P.: Austin

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP: Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Washington

Brackett & Ellis: Fort Worth

Bradley, Arant, Rose & White:Birmingham

Brown, Dean, Wiseman, Liser,Proctor & Hart, LLP: Fort Worth

Brown McCarroll, L.L.P.: Austin,Dallas, Houston

Cantey & Hanger, L.L.P.: FortWorth

Carrington, Coleman, Sloman &Blumenthal, L.L.P.: Dallas

Chamberlain Hrdlicka WhiteWilliams & Martin: Houston

Clark, Thomas & Winters, P.C.:Austin

ConocoPhillips: Houston

Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe &Dawson: Midland

Cowles & Thompson, P.C.: Dallas

Cox Smith MatthewsIncorporated: San Antonio

Cravath, Swaine & Moore: New York

Davis & Wilkerson, P.C.: Austin

Davis, Cedillo & Mendoz, Inc.:San Antonio

Dell, Inc.: Round Rock

Exxon Mobil Corporation: Houston

Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.:Austin, Dallas, Houston, SanAntonio

Gardere Wynne Sewell L.L.P.:Dallas, Houston

Gibbs & Bruns, L.L.P. : Houston

Graves, Dougherty, Hearon &Moody: Austin

Gray, Cary, Ware & Freiderich:Austin

Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.:Austin, Dallas, Houston, FortWorth, Richardson, SanAntonio

Hogan & Hartston L.L.P.:Washington

Howrey Simon Arnold & White,L.L.P.: Houston

Hughes & Luce, L.L.P.: Austin,Dallas

Jackson Walker, L.L.P.: Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio

Jenkens & Gilchrist: Austin,Dallas, Houston

Jones Day: Dallas, Washington

Kelly, Hart & Hallman: FortWorth

Kemp Smith L.L.P.: El Paso

Kerr Ward McLaughlin & Miller,L.L.P.: Midland

King & Spalding, LLP: Houston

Latham & Watkins: Costa Mesa,Los Angeles, San Diego

Law, Snakard & Gambill: FortWorth

Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP:Austin, Dallas, Houston

Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey, LLP:Austin, San Antonio,Washington

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw,L.L.P.: Houston

McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore,L.L.P.: Austin

Miller & Chevalier: Washington

Mounce, Green, Myers, Safi &Galatzan: El Paso

Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr P.C.:Austin, Dallas

Ogden, Gibson, White Broocks &Longoria, LLP: Houston

O’Melveny & Myers: LosAngeles, Newport Beach

Oppenheimer, Blend, Harrison &Tate, L.L.P.: San Antonio

Orgain, Bell & Tucker, L.L.P.:Beaumont

Patton Boggs, L.L.P.: Dallas

Porter & Hedges, L.L.P.:Houston

Royston, Rayzor, Vickery &Williams, L.L.P.: Houston

Scott, Douglass & McConnico,L.L.P.: Austin

Scott Hulse Marshall FeuilleFinger Thurmond: El Paso

Shell Oil Company: Houston

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom: Houston,Washington

Sneed, Vine & Perry, P.C.:Austin

Strasburger & Price, L.L.P.:Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio

Susman Godfrey, L.L.P.: Houston, Dallas, Seattle,Washington

Thompson & Knight, L.L.P.:Austin, Dallas, Houston

Thompson, Coe, Cousins &Irons, L.L.P.: Dallas

Vinson & Elkins, L.L.P., Austin,Dallas, Houston, London,Washington, New York

Walsh Anderson Brown Schulze & Aldridge, P.C.:Austin

Watt, Beckworth & Thompson,L.L.P.: Houston

Weil Gotshal & Manges, L.L.P.:Dallas, Houston, New York

Whitehurst, Harness, Ozmun &Brees: Austin

Williams & Connolly: Washington

Winstead, Sechrest & Minick,P.C.: Austin, Dallas, FortWorth, Houston

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Clark FellowsClark Fellows, so named in honorof Tom C. Clark, the only UTLaw School graduate thus far toserve on the U.S. Supreme Court,pledge to contribute $5,000 to theAnnual Fund in each fiscal yearfor five consecutive years. A stu-dent scholarship is awarded in thename of the donor (or the donor’sdesignee) during each of the fiveyears of the pledge. Clark Fellowsare honored each fall at theKeeton and Clark Fellows Dinner,hosted in Austin by theUniversity’s chancellor, president,and the dean of the Law School.The names of our Clark Fellowsare permanently displayed on aplaque at the Law School.

Mr. Roger Bonney, 1956ExxonMobil FoundationMr. Donald L. Gaffney, 1977Mr. Robin Gibbs, 1971Mr. Matthew J. Johnson, 1980Mr. Michael J. Kator, 1981Mr. Jeff B. Love, 1976Mr. Nick C. Nichols, 1961Mrs. Lauren Eaton Prescott, 1975Mr. John L. Roach, 1951Snell & Wilmer, L.L.P.Mr. Charles Henry Still, 1968Mr. Stephen L. Tatum, 1979

KeetonFellowsKeeton Fellows, named in honorof the Law School’s longtime deanPage W. Keeton, pledge a gift tothe Annual Fund of $1,000 peryear for five consecutive years. The names of our Keeton Fellowsare inscribed on a plaque thathangs permanently at the LawSchool. Keeton Fellows are alsohonored each fall at the Keetonand Clark Fellows Dinner.

The Honorable Marilyn Aboussie,1974

Mr. Barry Abrams, 1978Mr. Derek A. Adame, 1994The Honorable John Robert

Adamson, 1959Mrs. Ruth Kelleher Agather, 1988The Honorable William V. Aleshire,

2001Mr. Jeffrey C. Alexander, 1986

Professor David A. Anderson, 1971Mr. William J. Anderson, 2000Mr. Bolivar C. Andrews, 1961Mr. J. Gaylord Armstrong, 1968Mr. Timothy K. Armstrong, 1993Ms. W. Jewel Arrington, 1981Mr. Michael L. Atchley, 1990Mr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Mr. Thomas L. Ausley, 1968Ms. Marcia E. Backus, 1983Mr. Lorne D. Bain, 1969Mr. Morton W. Baird II, 1974Professor Lynn A. BakerMr. W. Kirk Baker, 1987Mr. John T. Baldwin, 1981Mr. James C. Barber, 1965Ms. Shelley Barber, 1990Mr. J. Gentry Barden, 1986Mr. Darrel Barger, 1974Mr. Doron M. Bar-Levav, 1979Mr. E. William Barnett, 1958Mr. John W. Bassett, 1964Mr. Raymond J. Batla, Jr., 1973Mr. Frank Ed Bayouth II, 1990Mr. David J. Beck, 1965Mr. Eric G. Begun, 1991Mr. Jerry A. Bell, Jr., 1977Mr. R. Terry Bell, 1970Ms. Leslie Anne Benitez, 1977Mr. Stephen A. Best, 1989Ms. Kelly Cox Bilek, 1992Mr. Michael L. Birnbaum, 1967Mr. R. Doak Bishop, 1976Ms. Beth W. Bivans, 1996Mr. Roger W. Bivans, 1996Mr. John S. Black, 1999The Honorable Jane Nenninger

Bland, 1990Mr. Ernest J. Blansfield, Jr., 1989Ms. Susan L. Blount, 1981Mr. Ed Bluestein, Jr., 1958Mr. Robert L. Blumenthal, 1953Ms. Jennifer Boisture, 1999Mr. Ruben Bonilla, Jr., 1971Mr. David W. Bonser, 1987Mr. James A. Boone, 1977Ms. Susan Hobbs BooneMr. Charles D. Boston, 1956Mr. G. Thomas Boswell, 1971Mr. Stephen A. Bouchard, 1982Ms. Tracy Horton Bowden, 1986Mr. Derrick Boyd, 1994Mr. A. William Brackett, 1965Mr. Richard R. Brann, 1968Mr. James L. Branton, 1962Mr. John W. Bridger, 1985Mrs. Julie Ermis Briggs, 1999Mr. John H. Broocks III, 1953Ms. Linda J. Broocks, 1978Ms. Alexandra A. Brookshire, 1981Mr. John S. Broude, 1975

The Honorable Harvey G. Brown,Jr., 1981

The Honorable Paul N. Brown, 1950Mr. Reagan M. Brown, 1981Mr. John G. Browning, 1989Ms. Dorothy Anderson Budd, 1983Ms. Melissa K. Ferrell Bullion, 1991Mr. Stephen L. Burns, 1990Mr. Dennis E. Butler, 1977Mr. Steven A. Buxbaum, 1973Ms. Molly Cagle, 1981Mr. Mark Alan Calhoun, 1973Mr. Wilson Calhoun, 1982Mr. Anthony Benjamin Cantrell,

1988Mr. Ruben R. Cardenas, 1958Mr. Stephen P. Carrigan, 1980Mr. Arthur T. Catterall, 1989Mr. William H. Caudill, 1978Ms. Grayson Cecil, 1981Ms. Susan Chadick, 1972Mr. John H. Chamberlain, 1973Mr. Joseph A. Cialone, 1972Mr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Mr. Jamie H. Clements, 1955Mr. Howard L. Close, 1981Mrs. Karen M. CloseMr. John P. Cogan, Jr., 1968Mr. Robert M. Cohan, 1973Mrs. Deborah S. Coldwell, 1990Mr. Robert W. Coleman, 1968Ms. Scarlett E. Collings, 1997Mr. John M. Collins, 1975Mr. Carl C. Conley, 1950Mr. William F. Connell, 1969Mr. Michael L. Cook, 1968Ms. Nina Cortell, 1976Mr. Christopher Cotropia, 1999Mr. James E. Cousar, 1978Mr. Roger Cowie, 1992Ms. Berry P. Crowley, 1972Mr. Robert G. Croyle, Jr., 1968Mr. Neal S. Cukerbaum, 1977Mrs. Anne O'Malley Culotta, 1985Mr. Kenneth S. Culotta, 1985Mr. Samuel P. Dalton, 1988Mr. Blair Dancy, 1997Mr. Joseph Davidson III, 1980Mr. Platt W. Davis III, 1970Mr. Alistair B. Dawson, 1989Ms. Barbara Deakins, 1972Mr. Homer L. Deakins, Jr., 1960Mr. Dick DeGuerin, 1965Mr. Oscar De La Fuente, Jr., 1987Mr. Hector De Leon, 1973Mr. Frank W. Denius, 1949Mr. Karl G. Dial, 1983Mr. Jeremy W. Dickens, 1987Mr. Joseph C. Dilg, 1976Mr. Gregory L. Dillion, 1980

Mr. Samuel H. DinkinMr. Casey Dobson, 1986Mr. Ben A. Donnell, 1961Mr. Robert S. Driegert, 1970Mr. Kevin Dubose, 1979Mr. A. Erin Dwyer, 1980Mr. W. Robert Dyer, Jr., 1969Mr. Alfred H. Ebert, Jr., 1959Mr. Byron F. Egan, 1968Mr. John R. Eldridge, 1980Mr. Paul R. Elliott, 1989Mr. Richard L. Ellison, 1980Mr. Robert A. Estrada, 1983Mr. Mark A. Evetts, 1995Mr. Gary L. Ewell, 1978Ms. Laura F. Faibish, 1987Mr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Mr. Larry Fallek, 1965Mr. Paul T. Fanning, 1972Mr. Lowell Feldman, 1996Mr. J. Philip Ferguson, 1970Mr. David T. Field, 1990Mr. Henry Flores, 1992Mr. Parker C. Folse III, 1980Dr. Edward H. Forgotson, 1960Mr. Charles C. Foster, 1967Mr. Michael J. Fourticq, 1967Mr. Michael W. Fox, 1975Ms. Susan Foxworth, 1987Ms. Heidi E. Frahm, 2003Mr. Richard Frankel, 1983Mr. David Franklin, 1965Mr. Kelly Frels, 1970Ms. Kimberly Ann Frost, 1998Dean Byron F. Fullerton, 1956Mr. Joseph W. Gagnon, 1993Mr. Joe Garcia, Jr., 1986The Honorable Anne Lancaster

Gardner, 1966Mr. Terry Gardner, 1966Dr. David A. Garza, 1996Mr. Aaron Robert Gelb, 1995The Honorable Pete Geren, 1978The Honorable Bruce Gibson, 1978Mr. Brian Gilchrist, 1988Mr. Lukin Gilliland, 1951Mr. Douglas B. Glass, 1974Mr. Cullen M. Godfrey, 1970Mr. Daniel O. Goforth, 1970Mr. R. Kinnan Golemon, 1967Colonel Robert F. Gonzales, 1971Ms. Cecily Small Gooch, 1996Mr. Bryan L. Goolsby, 1977Ms. Brenda Hustis Gotanda, 1993Mr. Robert C. Grable, 1971Mr. John A. Graml, 1965Mr. Jesse J. Green, 1986Mr. Roger B. Greenberg, 1970Mr. Brian S. Greig, 1975Mrs. Vanessa M. Griffith, 1994Mr. Marc E. Grossberg, 1965

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Mr. Gary Gurwitz, 1959Mr. Lars G. Gustafsson, 1987Mrs. Kathy B. Guy, 1978Mr. T. Ray Guy, 1976Mr. Matthew T. Hagan, 1991Mr. William Fred Hagans, 1972Mr. Ernst A. Halperin, 1994Mrs. Amy Spear Hampton, 1994Mr. Charles Hampton, 1995Mr. Robert W. Hanks, 1992Mr. Tom Harkness, 1971Mr. Geoffrey S. Harper, 1995Mr. Robert S. Harrell, 1977Mr. James B. Harris, 1978Mr. Grant Harvey, 1990Mr. Jack W. Hawkins, 1959Mr. Brad B. Hawley, 1983Mr. Gerald Hawxhurst, 1994Mr. John Hay, Jr., 1972Mr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Mr. Mark R. Heilbrun, 1990Ms. Rebecca R. Henderson, 1995Mr. Max Hendrick III, 1970Mr. Matthew B. Henneman, 1994Mr. Mack Ray Hernandez, 1970Mr. J. Lanham Higginbotham III,

1975The Honorable John L. Hill, 1947Ms. Karen L. Hirschman, 1983Ms. Miriam Hiser, 1987Mr. George Hittner, 2002Mr. Curtis D. Hodgson, 1978Ms. Annabel Hoffman, 1991Ms. Carrie B. Hoffman, 1993Mr. Joseph A. Hoffman, 1981Mr. Thomas M. Hoffman, 1993Mrs. Jennifer Bruch Hogan, 1985Ms. Diana L. Holt, 1994Ms. Barbara Horan, 1988Mr. Robert Howard, 1940Ms. Nancy Rice Hudson, 1977Mr. Tom Hudson, 1974Mr. John D. Hughes, 1966Mr. Robert Joe Hull, 1969Ms. Betteann Fitt Hultgren, 1983Mr. Monty Humble, 1976Mr. Thomas F. Hunter, Jr., 1982Mr. Daniel A. Hyde, 1971Mrs. Deborah J. JacksonMr. Steven C. James, 1979The Honorable Andrew L.

Jefferson, Jr., 1959Mrs. Laura Pence Johansen, 1990Mr. S. G. Johndroe III, 1970Mr. Matthew J. Johnson, 1980Mr. Sam J. Johnson, 1987Mrs. Anne Whittenburg Johnston,

1966Mr. Murray L. Johnston, Jr., 1965Mr. Frank G. Jones, 1966Mr. Gregory Kahn, 1995

Mr. Shaukat Karjeker, 1987Mr. Michael Keane, 1996Mr. John Page KeetonMr. Dee J. Kelly, Jr., 1985Mr. Peter M. Kelly, 1990Mr. Thomas R. Kelsey, 1971Mr. Hugh F. King, 1950The Honorable Ronald Kirk, 1979Ms. Karolyn A. Knaack, 1999Mrs. Amy S. KnightMr. Edward S. Knight, 1976Mr. Larry D. Knippa, 1966Dr. Ryan Krebs, 1994Mr. Mitch Kreindler, 1987Mr. Richard S. Krumholz, 1992Mr. James F. Kull, 1998Mrs. Katherine Rabe Kull, 1998Mr. Peter G. Kumpe, 1972The Honorable Donald H. Lane,

1964Mr. John H. Langmore, 1989Mr. Robert E. Lapin, 1985Professor Douglas LaycockMr. John A. Lee, 1985Mr. Alfred Lehtonen, 1959Mr. Gary Lerner, 1970Ms. Angelyn Edwards Levinthal,

1997Mr. Jared I. Levinthal, 1997Mr. Duke R. Ligon, 1969Mr. J. Eric Lockridge, 1999Mr. Cullen R. Looney, 1973Mr. Jeff B. Love, 1976Mr. J. Matthew Lyons, 1993Mr. Luke Madole, 1980Mr. Neal S. Manne, 1980Mr. Thomas P. Marinis, Jr., 1968Mr. Peter Dermot Marketos, 1999Mr. Kenneth S. Marks, 1981Mrs. Wendy Marsh, 1967Mr. John H. Martin, 1974Mr. Lloyd C. Martin, 1962Ms. Maralene Martin, 1985Mr. Benigno Martinez, 1996Mr. Daniel N. Matheson III, 1974Mrs. Jane A. Matheson, 1974Ms. Jennifer Lea Mathis, 1998Ms. Victoria Newnham Matthews,

2002Mr. Mark C. Matula, 1981Mr. Philip K. Maxwell, 1969Mr. Henry S. May, Jr., 1971Mrs. Florence P. Mayne, 1986Mr. David R. McAtee, 1967Mr. David R. McAtee II, 1994Mr. Patrick McCaffrey, Jr., 1985Mr. James W. McCartney, 1952Mr. John L. McConn, Jr., 1949Mr. Mike McConnell, 1975Mr. Demetrius G. McDaniel, 1990Mr. Hugh E. McGee III, 1984

Ms. Susan Bailey McGee, 1984Mr. D. Davin McGinnis, 2000Mr. Gary V. McGowan, 1973Ms. Mary J. McKerall, 1969Mr. John J. McKetta III, 1977Mr. Brian T. McLaughlin, 1986Ms. Claire Webber McLaurin, 1983Mr. Stan L. McLelland, 1970Mr. J. Dan McMahan III, 1991Mr. Thomas V. McMahan, 1961Mr. Barry F. McNeil, 1969Ms. Janet McQuaid, 1992Mr. Charles E. Meacham, 1988Mr. Michael E. Meece, 1996Mr. David M. Mellina, 1986Mrs. Macy A. Melton, 1988Ms. Rebecca Edgar Melton, 1994Ms. Robin A. Melvin, 1981Mr. William R. Merrill, 1998Mr. Bruce W. Merwin, 1976Ms. Kimberley Mickelson, 1986Mr. Peter E. Mims, 1985Ms. Shigeaki Momo-O, 1970Mr. Carloss Morris, 1939Mr. Steve Morris, 1968Ms. Nancy Weynand Morton, 1985Ms. Jennifer T. Mosle, 1988Mr. Jon L. Mosle III, 1988Motorola FoundationMr. Mike A. Myers, 1963Ms. Beth Myler, 1989Mr. Howard F. Naughton, Jr., 1958Mr. Wilson S. Neely, 1981Mr. J. Nick Netherton, 1976Mr. Kerry L. Neves, 1978Mr. Roger Nevola, 1974Mr. Milam F. Newby, 2003Mr. Charles T. Newton, Jr., 1967Mr. Eric J. Nichols, 1989Mrs. Marsha M. Nichols, 1989Mr. Gary W. Noe, 1972Mr. John M. Nolan, 1973Mr. Knox D. Nunnally, 1968Mr. David Wesley O'Brien, 1995Mr. Dudley Oldham, 1966Mr. Michael K. Oldham, 1996Mrs. Kathleen Durckel Oliver, 1972Mr. Rufus Walker Oliver III, 1972Mrs. Jennifer Elice OrtegaMr. Mike Rivera Ortega, 1994Mr. Eric Michael Ostermayer, 1996Ms. Elizabeth Collum Ozmun, 1987Mr. Scott A. Ozmun, 1985Mr. John M. Padilla, 1994Ms. Christine L. Palmer, 1996The Honorable James A. Parker, 1962Mr. Michael M. Parker, 1993Mrs. Barbara A. Pate, 1978Mr. Michael L. Pate, 1975Mr. J. Hoke Peacock III, 1990Ms. Lisa H. Pennington, 1983

Mr. John Peper, 1978Mr. James I. Perkins, 1963Mr. Brian Peterman, 1993Mrs. Norma Montalvo Petrosewicz,

1985Mr. Joseph Pevsner, 1982Mr. R. Edward Pfiester, 1970Mr. Michael Phillips, 1969Mr. Michael J. Piuze, 1971Mr. Don C. Plattsmier, 1968Mr. David L. Plaut, 1989Mr. E. Scott Polikov, 1989Ms. Susan Ponce, 1988Mr. Reagan D. Pratt, 1993Mrs. Lauren Eaton Prescott, 1975Mr. C. Lane Prickett, 1991Mr. James Stephen Quinn, 1973Mr. Eric Rabbanian, 1993Mr. Shannon H. Ratliff, 1964Mr. James L. Read, 1954Mr. Barrett H. Reasoner, 1990Mr. John R. Rebman, 1957Mr. Joe W. Redden, Jr., 1975Professor Harry L. Reed, 1948Mr. Spencer C. Relyea, 1959Mrs. R. Jo Reser, 1975Mr. Daniel J. Riley, 1971Ms. Jacqueline Rizik, 1953Mr. Robert M. Roach, Jr., 1981The Honorable Sam Robertson,

1957Mrs. Vianei Lopez Robinson, 1991Ms. Carolyn Roch, 1994Mr. David M. Rodi, 1996Mr. Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez,

1968Mr. Brent M. Rosenthal, 1980Mr. Robert Lawrence Rouder, 2002Mr. Daniel Routman, 1985Ms. Amber H. Rovner, 1990Professor Keith A. Rowley, 1992Mr. Scott E. Rozzell, 1975Mr. Abraham Rubinsky, 1988Mr. James W. Rudnicki, 1999Mr. George Ruhlen, 1975Mr. David G. Runnels, 1986Mr. M. Frank Russell, 1973Mr. Richard C. Rutledge III, 1989Mr. Jason M. Ryan, 2001Mr. Jaime A. Saenz, 1986Mr. James B. Sales, 1960Ms. Susan V. Sample, 1991Mrs. Betti Friedel SaundersMr. Charles A. Saunders, 1945Mr. Randy Schaffer, 1973The Honorable Michael D.

Schattman, 1971Mr. P. M. Schenkkan, 1975Mr. Brett A. Schrader, 1998Mr. Charles W. Schwartz, 1977Mr. Marcus F. Schwartz, 1974

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Mr. Robert Scott, 1973Mr. Richard C. Shanks, 1978Mr. Sander W. Shapiro, 1954Mr. Daniel W. Sharp, 2001Mr. A. Haag Sherman, 1992Mrs. Eden P. Sholeen, 1993Mr. Charles S. Siegel, 1985Mr. Reagan W. Simpson, 1977Mr. Michael K. Sims, 1992Mr. Marcus K. Singletary, 1956Mr. Jonathan B. Skidmore, 1983Mrs. Charlotte Tonroy Slack, 1953Ms. Martha E. Smiley, 1972Mr. David P. Smith, 1968Professor James C. Smith, 1977Mr. Paul H. Smith, 1951Mr. Scott F. Smith, 1980Mr. Barry T. Smitherman, 1984Mr. Julien R. Smythe, 1991Mr. Martin A. Sosland, 1983Mr. Luther H. Soules III, 1967Mr. Frederic T. Spindel, 1968Mr. Rex J. Spivey, 1965Mr. Stephen D. Stephens, 1971Ms. Ana Marie Stern, 1969Ms. Ann Barnett Stern, 1982Mr. Karl S. Stern, 1982Mr. David R. Stevenson, 1975Mr. W. Paul Stewart, 1981Mr. Charles Henry Still, 1968Mr. Mark A. Stinnett, 1980Mrs. Macey Reasoner Stokes, 1993Mr. Robert J. Stokes, Jr., 1994Mr. Samuel V. Stone, Jr., 1961Mr. John B. Strasburger, 1989Mr. James A. Stroud, 1976Mr. David Stubbeman, 1963Mr. Gary B. Sullivan, 1983Dr. Teresa A. SullivanMs. Donean Surratt, 1991Mr. Harry Susman, 1996Mr. Stephen D. Susman, 1965Mr. Thomas M. Susman, 1967Mr. Michael W. Tankersley, 1980Mr. John H. Tate II, 1972Mr. Milton Y. Tate, Jr., 1963Mr. Donald R. Taylor, 1975Ms. Laurie D. Tice, 1997Mr. K. Chris Todd, 1972Mr. Michael J. Tomsu, 1986Ms. Karin B. Torgerson, 1995Mr. J. Ronald Trost, 1957Mr. Ellis L. Tudzin, 1972Mr. James P. Tuite, 1973Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer, 1975Mr. George W. Vie III, 1988Mr. Carlos A. Villarreal, 1986Mr. E. Lawrence Vincent, 1987Mr. William R. Volk, 1975Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner, 1988Mr. William L. Wallander, 1984Ms. Janetta Walls, 1983

Mr. Larry A. Walraven, 1989Ms. Sharon K. Walraven, 1989Mr. Robert C. Walters, 1983Mr. John C. Wander, 1994Mr. James L. Ware, 1975Ms. Laura Parchman Washburn, 1994Mr. Joe Bill Watkins, 1968Mr. Mark Wawro, 1979Ms. Jane M. N. Webre, 1989Mr. Daniel G. Webster III, 1964Professor Louise WeinbergMr. Chris Weinstock, 1992Ms. Laurie Weiss, 1988Mr. H. Ronald Welsh, 1975Mr. Milton H. West, Jr., 1939Mrs. Suzanne R. Westerheim, 1991Mr. Stephen Westermann, 1992Mr. Andrew C. Whitaker, 1991Mr. John D. White, 1972Mr. Harry G. Wiederspahn, 1956Mr. Del Williams, 1985The Honorable Mary Pearl

Williams, 1949Mr. John L. Williford, 1960Mr. Lewis Hugh Wilson, Jr., 1968Ms. Mary Pat Wilson, 1977Mr. Newton W. Wilson III, 1976Mr. Stanley P. Wilson, 1948Professor Charles W. Wolfram, 1962Mr. Arthur Wright, 1971Mr. Thomas C. Wright, 1980Mr. Kenneth R. Wynne, 1967Ms. Hilary H. Young, 1992Ms. Hilary Zarrow, 1983Mr. Scott F. Zarrow, 1983Mr. Peter Michael Zavaletta, 1985Mr. Jeffrey A. Zlotky, 1985

TheSunflowerSocietyThe Sunflower Society recognizesnewly graduated law studentswho pledge to support the LawSchool’s Annual Fund for thethree years immediately followingtheir graduation with a first-yeargift of $100, a second-year gift of$200, and a third-year gift of$300. Sunflower Society membersare presented with a certificate ofmembership, a commemorativebrick is displayed at the LawSchool, and they are honored eachyear at a dinner in Austin hostedby the dean of the Law School.

2002Ms. Stephanie Townsend-Allala

2003Mr. Omar J. AlanizMs. Jessica Lottie AverittMr. Perry Oscar Barber IIIMr. Tobin R. BoenigMr. Stephen Robert Butter, Jr.Mr. Snapper Lee CarrMr. Brian S. CarterMs. Elizabeth Ann CashMr. Conor Monroe CivinsMs. Jessica Chalfant CoeMr. Russell S. CookMs. Heather Aline DavisMs. Stephanie R. FischMr. David FortneyMs. Virginia K. HoelscherMr. Matthew R. HoffmanMs. Shana Lynn HortonMs. Rebecca K. JacksonMs. Eronda Nicole JohnsonMs. Sharmila C. KassamMs. Ashley KeverMr. F. Daniel KnightMs. Dina Osborn KochMr. David A. LangMr. Richard Jake LocklearMr. Christopher Manuel LopezMr. Justin Geary MapesMs. Ashley M. MastersMr. Milam F. NewbyMs. Mary Emma M. PartainMr. John A. PlaucheMs. Christina Elise PonigMs. Naomi N. PorterfieldMr. Shawn RabinMr. Donato David Ramos, Jr.Mr. Matthew Kasey RatliffMs. Tonya L. RayMr. Carlos RodriguezMr. Chip RoyMr. Jonathan G. RudeMs. Amy Leila SaberianMs. Katherine J. SaundersMs. Robin A. SchoberMs. Kristen E. SitchlerMs. Gabrielle A. SitomerMrs. Shelby L. SlawsonMr. Albert Yzaguirre SolisMs. Angela N. StaplesMr. Judson SutherlandMr. Rajkumar VinnakotaMr. Ephraim WernickMr. Robert Emmett WhiteMs. Julia WylieMr. John Richard Zepeda

2004Mr. Matt Wade AllenMs. Amanda A. ArriagaMr. John K. Broussard

Ms. Regina M. BuonoMs. Susana CarbajalMs. Leena V. ChaphekarMr. Scot ClintonMr. James A. CoganMr. Scott C. CraigMr. Joshua P. DehnkeMr. Benjamin Stoune De LeonMs. Kindel L. ElamMr. Chad P. EnnisMr. Michael Paul ErfeMr. Darrick W. EugeneMs. Hilary-Erin A. FrisbieMs. Melissa Ann GlazeMs. Lisa Y. GodwinMr. Gilbert A. GreeneMr. Jeremy W. HawpeMs. Stacy E. HaysMs. Amy P. HefleyMs. Lauren N. HeldMs. Ana E. HernandezMs. Anna L. HolandMr. Abe KuczajMr. Steven R. LawrenceMs. Lisa N. LeimanMr. Michael P. LewisMr. Ronald S. LiuMr. D. Ryan LockerMs. Mandy Elizabeth LockerMs. Ursula F. MannMr. Edward F. MeierMs. Dion D. MesserMs. Amy E. MitchellMr. Aaron A. MooreMs. Martha G. NewtonMs. Laura Ann OffenbacherMs. Callie Ann ParkerMs. Meridith Leigh PattersonMr. William R. PeelerMr. Stephen M. PerezMs. Kennon L. PetersonMs. Constance L. PfeifferMr. Adam D. PollockMs. Amber L. PursleyMr. Garrick B. PursleyMr. Reagan A. ReaudMs. Aimee M. RobertMs. Tonya L. ShotwellMs. Anna M. SinclairMs. Jodie Annette SlaterMs. Erin Geiger SmithMr. Derek Y. SugimuraMr. Zachary R. ThomasMr. John Bradford ThompsonMs. Susan G. TurnerMs. Amanda R. TylerMs. Eleanor Kathryn VernonMs. Lauren VirgilMr. James WilliamsonMs. Yasmin Yavar

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ANNUAL FUNDMr. Joe Abbate, Jr., 1940Mr. Nelson D. Abell III, 1973The Honorable Marilyn Aboussie,

1974Mr. Barry Abrams, 1978Accenture Foundation, Inc.Ms. Denise A. Acebo-Hansen, 1992Mr. Leslie C. Acker, 1970Mrs. Kimberly Tollett Acuna, 1989Mr. William K. Adam, 1966Mr. Derek A. Adame, 1994Mr. Conrad Adams, 2002The Honorable Gordon G. Adams,

1976Mr. H. Stanford Adams, Jr., 2003Ms. Janet E. AdamsMr. L. Money Adams, Jr., 1962Mrs. Laura Adams, 1984Mr. Michael G. Adams, 1989The Honorable John Robert

Adamson, 1959Mr. John S. Adcock, 1994The Honorable R. J. Adcock, 1959Mr. Frederick W. Addison III, 1977Mrs. Linda L. Addison, 1976Mr. J. Cullen Aderhold, 1979The Honorable David J. Adkins, 1974Mr. John August Adkins, 1977Mr. R. Wade Adkins, 1959Mr. Thomas W. Adkins, 1982Mr. Winston L. Adkins, 1955Mr. Jim S. Adler, 1967Jim S. Adler & AssociatesMr. Stephen I. Adler, 1982Mr. Thomas G. Adler, 1973Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.Mrs. Ruth Kelleher Agather, 1988Mr. Richard J. Agnich, 1969Colonel Thomas J. Agnor, 1978Mr. Amit K. Agrawal, 2000Ms. Maria E. Aguilar, 1990Mr. Christopher Wayne Ahart, 2002The Honorable John C. Akard, 1957Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,

L.L.P.Mr. R. Harry Akin, 1963Mr. Omar J. Alaniz, 2003Mr. William E. Albaugh, 1974Ms. Brooke Nichole Albrandt, 2003Mr. Raymond P. Albrecht, 1983Mr. Victor Alcorta III, 1995Mr. Jay Ronald Aldis, 1992Mr. Raymundo Aleman, 1981Assistant Dean Susana I. Aleman,

1984Mrs. Raetta AleshireThe Honorable William V. Aleshire,

2001Mr. Fields Alexander, 1992Mr. James R. Alexander, 1946Ms. Susan G. Alexander, 2000The Honorable Timothy P.

Alexander, 1971Mr. Gary E. Alfred, 1998Mr. Matthew W. Allan, 2001

Mr. Phillip L. Allbritten, 1987Mr. Martin L. Allday, 1951Mr. Christopher B. Allen, 1972Mr. Matt Wade Allen, 2004Ms. Shirley Stover Allen, 1977Mr. Arthur R. Almquist, 1977Ms. Samina Al Quddos, 2001Mr. James M. Alsup, 1964Mr. Jim Alsup, 1974Altria Group, Inc.Mr. Arturo A. Alvarez III, 1986Ms. Monica Alvarez, 2002Ms. Virginia Coil Alverson, 2003Mr. Henry J. Amen III, 1976Amerada Hess CorporationAmerican Electric Power Service

CorporationMr. Robert W. Amis, 1962Mr. Leland I. Ammons, 1983Mr. Ernesto G. Amparo, 1983Mrs. Monica Amparo, 1988Ms. Theodora M. Anastaplo, 2001Ms. Amber Anderson, 1997Mr. Arthur J. Anderson, 1983Mrs. Betsy Anderson, 1978Professor David A. Anderson, 1971Mr. Edmund T. Anderson IV, 1971Ms. Lise E. Anderson, 1981Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Anderson,

1990Mr. Paul E. Anderson, 1984Mr. Raymond Anderson, 1956Mr. Robert A. Anderson, 1961The Honorable Sunya Anderson,

1973Ms. Velma G. Anderson, 1986Mr. William J. Anderson, 2000Mr. Alexander S. Andrade, 1998Mr. Kurt Andreason, 1982Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P.Mr. Bolivar C. Andrews, 1961Ms. Brannon F. Andrews, 2003Mr. Jarrett Andrews, 2001Ms. Kay Andrews, 1984The Honorable Ken Andrews, 1964Ms. Sally S. Andrews, 1984Mr. Stafford E. Andrews, 1953Ms. Susan Stoler Andrews, 1985Ms. Beverly J. Angel, 2002Mr. Stephen Angle, 1974Mr. Michael W. Anglin, 1976Mr. Sheldon Anisman, 1957AnonymousMr. Everett L. Anschutz, Jr., 1967Mr. Thomas K. Anson, 1980Mr. Arthur Elex Anthony, 1997Ms. Elaine Anthony, 1982Antina ResourcesMr. Michael G. Appleman, 1993AquatekArgonaut Insurance CompanyMrs. Pamela Roe Armour, 1994Mr. J. Gaylord Armstrong, 1968Mr. Timothy K. Armstrong, 1993Mr. Frank Arnold, 1979Professor David J. Aronofsky, 1982

Ms. Casceil M. Aronson, 1978Mr. Joseph Arrambide, 1993Ms. Amanda A. Arriaga, 2004Ms. W. Jewel Arrington, 1981Arthur Murray Dance StudioMs. Andi L. Artze, 1998Mr. G. Luke Ashley, 1974Mr. Curtis R. Ashmos, 1979Mr. Kenneth Ashton, 2001Mr. Scott B. Aston, 1983Mr. Michael L. Atchley, 1990The Honorable Henry Atkinson, Jr.,

1951Atlas & Hall, L.L.P.Mr. Morris Atlas, 1950Mr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Mr. J. Evans Attwell, 1956Ms. Mandie K. Aubrey, 2004Austin Community FoundationAustin Duck AdventuresAustin Tri-CyclistAustin Trust CompanyThe Honorable Andrew Austin, 1985Ms. Jessica Lottie Averitt, 2003Mr. Albert R. Axe, Jr., 1979The Ayco Charitable FoundationMs. Leslie Ellen Ayres, 2002Ms. Marcia E. Backus, 1983Ms. Toni L. Baggett, 1983Mr. Michael H. Bagot, Jr., 1980Mr. James Robert Bailey, 1982Mrs. Mary Love BaileyMs. Cary T. BainMr. Lorne D. Bain, 1969Mr. Morton W. Baird II, 1974Ms. Susan E. Baird, 1990Mr. Richard Owen Baish, 1972Baker & McKenzieBaker & Zbranek P.C.Baker Botts L.L.P.Baker Hughes FoundationMrs. Allison Dickson Baker, 1984Mr. Gregory L. Baker, 1978Professor Lynn A. BakerMr. Malcolm G. Baker, Jr., 1963Mr. Rex G. Baker III, 1977Mr. Richard G. Baker, 1987Mr. Steven R. Baker, 1984Mr. W. Kirk Baker, 1987Mr. Walter A. Baker, 1986Mr. S. Jack Balagia, Jr., 1976Balcones Country ClubFrancis Scott Baldwin Family

Partnership Ltd.Mr. John T. Baldwin, 1981Mr. Scott Baldwin, 1953Mr. Stanley F. Baldwin, 1973Mr. Craig D. Ball, 1982Mr. Thomas K. Bamford, 1951Bank of America FoundationMr. Timothy H. Bannwolf, 1988Mr. L. E. Barbee, 1966Mr. James C. Barber, 1965Mr. Perry Oscar Barber III, 2003Ms. Shelley Barber, 1990Mr. William G. Barber, 1987

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Mr. David Barbour, 1974Mr. Larry Barbour, 1977The BAR/BRI GroupMr. J. Gentry Barden, 1986Mr. Darrel Barger, 1974Bar-Levav Family FoundationMr. Doron M. Bar-Levav, 1979Mr. Ben BarnesMs. P. Louisa Barnes, 1981Mr. Thomas G. Barnes, 1970Mr. E. William Barnett, 1958Mr. John N. Barnhart, 1949Baron & Budd, P.C.Mr. Frederick M. Baron, 1971Mr. Andrew Barr, 1966Mr. Mario A. Barrera, 1984Mr. Ruben R. Barrera, 1982Mr. John A. Barrett, 1963Mrs. Linda Barrett, 1980Mr. Michael Coyle Barrett, 1998Mr. Charles K. Barrow, 1970Mr. Carl R. Barry, 2002Mr. Marc W. Barta, 1977Ms. Carolyn Gutierrez Bartelli, 2002Ms. Gail Anne Bartlett, 1975Mr. Spencer F. Bartlett, 2003The Honorable Robert R. Barton,

1960Ms. Shelley Kaye Barton, 2002Ms. Carol Rosenberg Baskin, 1985Mr. Larry Baskind, 1973Mr. Matthew Harris Baskind, 2000Mr. Robert C. Bass, Jr., 1977Mr. John W. Bassett, 1964Mr. James D. Bateman, 1992Mr. Thomas G. Bateman, Jr., 1981Mr. Kevin Scott Batik, 2002Mr. Raymond J. Batla, Jr., 1973Ms. Kelly M. Battle, 1996Mr. S. Meade Bauer, 1982Ms. Adrienne Baugh, 1999The Honorable G. Todd Baugh, 1967Mrs. Kathleen Ford Bay, 1979Mr. Frank Ed Bayouth II, 1990Mr. Richard Bays, 1984Mr. Ron Baze, 1998Ms. Zheila S. Bazleh, 2004Mr. Richard Anthony Beacom, Jr.,

1969Mr. John P. Beall, 1972Mr. T. Alex Beall, 1950Mr. Louis H. Beard, 1943Ms. Mary M. Bearden, 1980Mr. Chester S. Beattie, Jr., 1983Mr. J. Robert Beatty, 1979Ms. Allison Y. Bech, 2001Mr. Alan Beck, 1997Mr. Barry N. Beck, 1971Mr. David J. Beck, 1965Mr. Kelley K. Beck, 1979Mrs. Melanie Granberry Beck,

1997Ms. Susan M. Beckage, 2004Mr. Brian Robert Becker, 1992Mr. Douglas M. Becker, 1975Mr. Jeffrey M. Becker, 1990

Mr. John B. Beckworth, 1983Mrs. Laura H. Beckworth, 1983Ms. Melissa L. Beckworth, 1997Mr. Roger L. Beebe, 1966Mr. Eric G. Begun, 1991Mr. Allen P. Beinke, Jr., 1976Mr. Jonathan A. Beldon, 1995Mr. John T. Beliveau, 1997Mr. A. Eli Bell, 1972Mr. Hubert Bell, 1983Ms. Jaime N. Bell, 2001Mr. Jerry A. Bell, Jr., 1977Ms. M'Lou Bell, 1986Mr. R. Terry Bell, 1970Bell, Turney, Coogan & RichardsMs. Rebecca H. Benavides, 2001Mrs. Caroline B. Benediktson, 1977Mr. W. Stephen Benesh, 1987Ms. Leslie Anne Benitez, 1977Mr. Ben E. Benjamin, 1970Mr. David M. Bennett, 1986Mr. Henry G. Bennett, Jr., 1957Ms. Margaret McGloin Bennett,

1978Mr. Bradley J. Benoit, 1999Mr. Brent Benoit, 1996Mr. Craig T. Benson, 1972Mr. Mark E. Bentley, 1974Mrs. Mary Terry Benton, 1996The Honorable Lloyd M. Bentsen,

1942Mr. Walter M. Berger, 1996Mr. Rafael H. Berk, 1977Ms. Elisa K. Berman, 1998Mr. Gilbert J. Bernal, Jr., 1975The Reverend David K. Bernard,

1981Mr. Julian Bernat, 1941Mr. Marc P. Bernat, 1971Mr. David A. Berry, 2001Ms. Elizabeth Black Berry, 1985Mr. Michael R. Berry, 1986Mr. Thomas E. Berry,* 1951Ms. Susan Ruppert Bertoni, 1993Mr. Stephen A. Best, 1989Mr. S. I. Betzer, Jr., 1970Mr. David J. Beveridge, 1986Mr. Stan Beyer, 1967Ms. Leena B. Bhakta, 2001Mr. Steve Bickerstaff, 1976Ms. Maria E. Bickerton, 2001Mr. David Bickham, 1990Mr. Neil A. Bickley, 1976Mrs. Marilyn A. BiehlMr. Thomas S. Biemer, 1991Ms. Kelly Cox Bilek, 1992Mr. Clayte Binion III, 1963Mr. David R. Bires, 1971Mr. Bryan C. Birkeland, 1975Mr. John S. Birkelbach, 1974Mr. Michael L. Birnbaum, 1967Mr. R. Doak Bishop, 1976Mr. Wm. Patrick Bishop, 1975Ms. Beth W. Bivans, 1996Mr. Roger W. Bivans, 1996Ms. Susan Walters Bize, 1984

Ms. Meredith W. Bjorck, 2001Mr. Frederick E. Black, 1986Mr. John S. Black, 1999Ms. Betty Blackwell, 1980Ms. Danya W. Blair, 1994Ms. Misty C. Blair, 2000Ms. Simi Blair, 2002Mr. W. P. Blair, 1940Professor Lynn E. BlaisMr. Graham Blake, 2000Mrs. Judith Reed Blakeway, 1977Mr. R. Dwain Blakley, 1973The Honorable Jane Nenninger

Bland, 1990Mr. John L. Bland, 1969Mr. Ernest J. Blansfield, Jr., 1989Mr. Jack S. Blanton, Sr., 1950Mr. Joseph C. Blanton, Jr., 1985Mr. James S. Blaszak, 1973Mrs. Lisa Schiavo Blatt, 1989Mr. Robert C. Bledsoe, 1955Mr. Bruce Blefeld, 1992Mrs. Dorothy Fong Blefeld, 1992Mr. Chesley N. Blevins, 1972Mr. Gary E. Block, 1984Mr. Nelson R. Block, 1976Ms. Laura Blood, 1997Mr. Brian R. Bloom, 1982Ms. Amy Peterson Bloomquist,

1986Ms. Susan L. Blount, 1981Mr. Ed Bluestein, Jr., 1958Mr. Jonathan S. Blum, 2000Mr. Norman A. Blumenthal, 1950Mr. Robert L. Blumenthal, 1953Mr. Duncan E. Boeckman, 1951Ms. Joelle S. Boehle, 1999Mrs. Christine S. Boehm, 1995Mr. John C. Boehm, Jr., 1984Mr. David Ernest Boelzner, 1986Mr. Tobin R. Boenig, 2003Ms. Gabriela Boersner, 2001Ms. Susan K. Bohn, 2002Ms. Jennifer Boisture, 1999Mr. Neill Boldrick, Jr., 1956Ms. Joan Boman, 1988Bonilla & Chapa, P.C.Mr. Ruben Bonilla, Jr., 1971Ms. Lola L. Bonner, 1958Mr. Stayton M. Bonner, 1951Colonel Charles E. Bonney, 1964Mr. Roger Bonney, 1956Mr. David W. Bonser, 1987Book PeopleMr. James A. Boone, 1977Mrs. Sandra Neisser Boone, 1985Ms. Susan Hobbs BooneMr. Robert Booth, 2003Mrs. Barbara Bordelon, 1973Ms. Hilary C. Borow, 1993Mr. Lloyd M. Borrett, 1947Mr. Winston L. Borum, 1972Mr. Brian K. Bosien, 1982Mr. Charles D. Boston, 1956Ms. A. Lynn Boswell, 1993Mr. G. Thomas Boswell, 1971

Mr. Stephen A. Bouchard, 1982Mr. Jason S. Boulette, 1997Mr. James A. Bouligny, 1960Mr. Herman Bouma, 1979Mr. Scott Bounds, 1975Ms. Cindy Olson Bourland, 1994Mr. Nathan Ezekiel Bowden, 1998Mrs. Sofia Harber Bowden, 1998Ms. Tracy Horton Bowden, 1986Ms. Kimberly S. Bowers, 1991Mr. Steven M. Bowers, 1982Mr. Mark Bowie, 1992Ms. Lisa E. Bowlin, 2000Ms. Whitney A. Osters Bowling,

1999Mrs. Laura L. Bowne, 1995Mr. Timothy Bowne, 1995Mr. Glenn E. Box, 1984Mr. Dan S. Boyd, 1975Mr. Derrick Boyd, 1994Mr. Cue D. Boykin, 1968Mr. Marshall Boykin III, 1950Mr. John F. Boyle, Jr., 1961Mr. Jim H. Bozarth, 1970Bracewell & Giuliani LLPMr. Gerald L. Bracht, 1976Mr. A. William Brackett, 1965Mr. James D. Braddock, 1977Mr. John R. Braddock, 1978Mr. James W. Bradford, Jr., 1962Mr. Paul D. Bradford, 1989Mr. Ronald F. Bradshaw, 1995Mr. Robert N. Brailas, 1982Mr. Richard W. Brainerd, 1960Ms. Gillian G. Bramlett, 1993Mr. Robert W. Bramlette, 1972Mr. Chris Brancart, 1985Ms. Monica BrandesMr. Richard R. Brann, 1968Ms. Jennifer R. Brannen, 1998Mr. James H. Brannon, 1964Mr. Brian C. Brantley, 2003Mr. James L. Branton, 1962Mr. Michael K. Braswell, 1969Mr. Robert P. Braubach, 1977Mr. Wm. Terry Bray, 1965Mr. J. Mark Brazzil, 1989Mrs. Elizabeth C. Breazeale, 1990Breckenridge Law OfficeMr. James R. Breckenridge, 1979Mr. Joseph R. Breed, 1969Ms. Julie F. Breedlove, 1995Mr. Scott W. Breedlove, 1994Mr. Patrick Breeland, 1984Mr. Art Brender, 1973Brenham National BankMs. Patricia T. BrennanMr. John W. Bridger, 1985Mrs. Kamela Bridges, 1991Mrs. Julie Ermis Briggs, 1999Mr. Walter L. “Rusty” Brignon,

1978Mr. Jefferson K. Brim III, 1974Mrs. Carol Naomi BrinMr. Philip Brin, 1935Mr. Royal H. Brin, Jr., 1941

* deceased

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Ms. Rhonda Brink, 1973Mr. D. Craig Brinker, 1980Mr. Allen H. Brisch, 2001The Honorable Valarie S. Bristol,

1989Mrs. Pauline BrockMs. Dianne S. Brode, 1985Mr. Travis C. Broesche, 1966Mr. Michael A. Bromberg, 1978Mr. John H. Broocks III, 1953Ms. Linda J. Broocks, 1978Mr. Kenneth Chaim Broodo, 1988Mr. C. Carrick Brooke-Davidson,

1985Ms. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson,

1985Ms. Kay Upchurch Brooks, 1982Ms. Kristin D. Brooks, 2001Ms. Nora Toohy Brooks, 1985Brookshire Green FoundationMs. Alexandra A. Brookshire, 1981The Honorable Jack A. Brookshire,

1945Mr. William W. Brookshire III, 1997Mr. Thomas J. Brorby, 1961Mr. John S. Broude, 1975Mr. Buddy Broussard, 1995Mr. John K. Broussard, 2004Mr. Andrew Brown, 2002Mr. Barry S. Brown, 1976Mr. Brian E. Brown, 1980Mr. David H. Brown, 1975Mr. David P. Brown, 1968The Honorable Gerald M. Brown,

1966The Honorable Harvey G. Brown,

Jr., 1981Mr. Hubert R. Brown, 1993The Honorable J. E. Brown, 1967Mr. Jay P. Brown, 1996Mr. Jay W. Brown, 1984Mr. Jeb Brown II, 1995Ms. Jennifer E. Brown, 2000Mr. Jos. C. Brown, 1948Ms. Lisa A. Brown, 1989Mr. Michael G. Brown, 1989The Honorable Paul N. Brown,

1950Mr. Reagan M. Brown, 1981Mr. William A. Brown, 1981Mr. David S. Browning, 1962Mr. John G. Browning, 1989Mr. James D. Brownlie, 1983Mr. Lou Brucculeri, 1992Mr. Nicholas Jay Brunick, 2000Ms. Teresa BrunickMr. Phillip T. Bruns, 1981Mrs. Deborah S. Bryant, 1976Mr. Steven Bryant, 2000The Honorable William C. Bryson,

1973Ms. Monica Buchanan, 2003Mr. Jonathan M. Buck, 2001Mr. William Buck, 1979Mr. John A. Buckley, Jr., 1976Mr. Donald A. Buckner, 1949

Ms. Dorothy Anderson Budd, 1983The Honorable Carl O. Bue, Jr.,

1954Ms. Mischa D. Buford, 1994Ms. Melissa K. Ferrell Bullion, 1991Mr. Roddy M. Bullock, 1996Mr. T. Paul Bulmahn, 1970Mr. Stuart M. Bumpas, 1969Horatio B. and Willie J. Buntin

FoundationMs. Regina M. Buono, 2004Mr. Gregory F. Burch, 1987Mr. V. Reagan Burch, 1957Mr. Thomas L. Burdett, 1967Mr. Scott G. Burdine, 1985Mr. Barry D. Burgdorf, 1990Mr. William B. Burge, 1952Burk Law Firm, P.C.Mr. James E. Burk, 1969Mr. Bryant W. Burke, 1985Mrs. Miriam M. Burke, 1968Mr. Ward R. Burke, 1939Mr. William T. J. Burke, 1959Ms. Margaret Diane Burkhart, 1983Mr. Michael Leonard Ray Burnett,

1994Mr. Stephen W. Burnett, 1998Mrs. Ann K. Burns, 1999Mr. Michael B. Burns, 1991Ms. Misty Petry Burns, 1999Mr. Stephen L. Burns, 1990Ms. Robin L. Burrell, 1978Burroughs & RhodesMr. F. Randolph Burroughs, 1968Mr. James D. Burroughs, 1976The Honorable Jon H. Burrows,

1976Mr. Thomas Warnock Burton, 1997Mr. Daniel Lee Butcher, 1984Ms. Alicia D. Butler, 1996Mr. Dennis E. Butler, 1977Mr. Eric T. Butler, 1998Mr. John S. Butler, 1992Ms. Laura Peterson Butler, 1981Mr. Lynn H. Butler, 1991Mrs. Melissa M. Butler, 1991Mr. Stephen Robert Butter, Jr.,

2003Mr. George B. Butts, 1972Mr. Steven A. Buxbaum, 1973Mrs. Leslie Selig Byrd, 1979Mr. Charles D. Cabaniss, 1955Mr. John T. Cabaniss, 1966Professor Thomas C. Cady, 1965Mr. George Caflisch, 1987Ms. Molly Cagle, 1981Mr. Timothy J. Cahill, 1993Mrs. Christie Landreaux Cahoon,

2000The Cain FoundationMr. C. Joseph Cain, 1975Mr. Raul Calderon, 1983Mr. Lee Caldwell, 1961Mr. Mark Alan Calhoun, 1973Mr. Wilson Calhoun, 1982Ms. Patricia M. Caliguire, 1985

Mr. Drew S. Calvert, 2001Mr. James T. Cameron, 1980Mr. Jeffrey M. Cameron, 1996Ms. Mila K. Cameron, 1972Mr. Charles H. Campbell, Jr., 1997Mr. Fraser Duncan Campbell, 1999Ms. Gwyneth A. Campbell, 1989Mr. Mark Forrest Campbell, 2000Mr. Robert D. Campbell, 1976Mr. Anthony Joseph Campiti, 1996Mr. Joe B. Cannon, 1960Mr. Jose Cano, 1993Mr. Patrick H. Cantilo, 1980Mr. Anthony Benjamin Cantrell,

1988Professor Charles L. Cantrell, 1976Cantu & Hickson, P.C.Mr. Eddie Cantu, 1985Mr. Ramon M. Cantu, 1991Ms. Heather L. Capell, 1998The Honorable Kent Caperton,

1975Capital CruisesMs. Susana Carbajal, 2004Mr. Carlos Eduardo Cardenas, 1980Mr. Joe I. Cardenas, 1962Mr. Ruben R. Cardenas, 1958Ms. Janet R. Carl, 1992Mr. G. David Carlock, 1967Mr. John W. Carlson III, 1999Mr. Donald F. Carnes, 1981Mrs. Susan H. Carp, 1992Mr. Robert C. Carr, 1970Mr. Snapper Lee Carr, 2003Mr. Stephen P. Carrigan, 1980Mr. Danford F. Carroll, 1976Mr. Ken Carroll, 1979Mr. Philip J. Carroll III, 1987Ms. Rita Ravel Carroll, 1976Mr. Stephen K. Carroll, 1979Mr. Gerald C. Carruth, 1971Mr. Vincent D. Carson, 1985Mr. Brian S. Carter, 2003Dr. Daniel H. CarterThe Honorable Jack E. Carter, 1967Dr. Keith C. Carter, 1950Ms. Kimberly Jean Carter, 2004Mrs. Melinda A. Carter, 1986Ms. Misti Hill Carter, 2003Colonel Craig Lanson Carver, 1972Mr. Carl B. Case, Jr., 1983Ms. Elizabeth Ann Cash, 2003Mr. Mark Cason, 1980The Honorable Solomon Casseb,

Jr., 1938Ms. Janet Reynolds Cassels, 1995Mr. C. Brian Cassidy, 1986Mr. Eric John Cassidy, 2001Mr. John R. Castle, Jr., 1967Mr. David M. Castro, 1978Mr. Manuel CastroMr. Arthur T. Catterall, 1989Mr. William H. Caudill, 1978Mr. Lance E. Caughfield, 1996Mr. Drew Cauthorn, 1967Mr. Frank J. Cavaliere, 1979

Mr. Edward A. Cavazos, 1993Mr. Juan A. Cavazos, 1968Mr. Oscar Cavazos, 1951Mr. Walter Caven, 1947Mr. Anthony B. Cavender, 1964Mr. John G. Caverlee, 1998Mr. A. Kirby Cavin, 1976Mr. S. H. Cavin, 1953Ms. Grayson Cecil, 1981Mr. Peter Cesaro, 2002Ms. Susan Chadick, 1972Mr. Chris Chaffin, 1995Mr. John Allen Chalk, Sr., 1973Mr. John H. Chamberlain, 1973Ms. Patricia Chamblin, 1978Ms. Trina Chandler, 1992Mr. David Teng-Kai Chang, 1997Ms. Rina Wong Chang, 1997Ms. Leena V. Chaphekar, 2004Mr. John D. Chapman, 1982Mr. Douglas B. Chappell, 1986Ms. Cattleya Chatawanich, 2000Chaves, Gonzales and Hoblit L.L.P.Ms. Carrie R. Chavez, 1993The Honorable Melchor Chavez,

1963Mr. James W. Checkley, Jr., 1982Mr. Charles E. Cheever, Jr., 1957Ms. Tonia Chen, 2002Ms. Heather ChenowethMrs. Gisela Blohm Cherches, 1988ChevronTexacoMr. William Craig Childers, 1973Mr. Charles G. Childress, 1973Mr. David W. Childress, 1972Ms. Jennifer M. Chilton, 2004Mr. John M. ChiltonMs. Lisa E. Chismire, 1985Mr. Thomas W. Choate, 1972Mr. Nicholas E. Chremos, 2000Mr. John D. Christian, 1988Mr. C. Vance Christopher, 1981The Honorable Tracy K.

Christopher, 1981Ms. Donna M. Christopherson,

1984Mr. Andrew W. Chu, 1998Mr. Joseph A. Cialone, 1972Mr. Brian Edward Cieniawski, 1990Cinemark Discount CinemaCitizens 1st BankMr. Conor Monroe Civins, 2003Mr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Mr. Matthew W. Claman, 1987Mr. Bernard F. Clark, Jr., 1982Mr. David Andrew Clark, 1986Mr. James E. ClarkMs. Julia Penny Clark, 1973Ms. Mary M. Clark, 1987Mr. William H. Clark III, 1955Ms. Jennifer Beth Claymon, 1998Mr. Jack M. Cleaveland, Jr., 1978Ms. Kathleen S. Cleaveland, 1978Mr. Jamie H. Clements, 1955Ms. Karen Kelley Clements, 1988

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AWARDThis award honors an

alumnus who has had adistinguished legalcareer and who has

brought honor to TheUniversity of Texas

School of Law throughhis or her service to thelegal profession and to

society. With thisaward, the Law AlumniAssociation recognizes

that alumnus who epito-mizes the highest goals

and traditions of theprofession: diligence,

discernment, integrity,and a commitment to the betterment of

our civic life.



SERVICEEstablished by the

Alumni Association in1988, this award

honors a graduate whobrings conspicuous

credit to the legal pro-fession by exemplary

service. The award rec-ognizes superior educa-

tors, outstandinglawyers in governmentservice, or those whohave had a significantrole as a community



This award honors agraduate who has madeoutstanding contribu-tions not only to the

legal profession but tosociety as a whole.

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Mr. Merritt M. Clements, 1987The Honorable David G. Cleveland,

1963Mrs. Frances ClevelandMr. George G. Clifton, 1957Ms. Rachel Giesber Clingman, 1992Mr. Scot Clinton, 2004Mr. Lawrence Hubert Clore, 1969Mr. Howard L. Close, 1981Mrs. Karen M. CloseMr. Paul D. Clote, 1977Mr. David S. Coale, 1993Ms. Margarita T. B. Coale, 1999Mr. Stephen S. Coats, 1997Ms. Stacy Brainin Cobb, 1984Mr. William D. Cobb, Jr., 1984Mr. James W. Coburn, 1957The Coca-Cola CompanyThe Honorable Ann T. Cochran,

1976Mr. Fielding B. Cochran III, 1975Mr. John R. Cochran, Jr., 1967Ms. Beth Cockerham, 2002Ms. Jessica Chalfant Coe, 2003Mr. William Coe, 1994The Honorable Hume Cofer, 1949Mr. James R. Coffee, 1959Mr. Jon N. Coffee, 1960Mr. Thomas R. Coffield, Jr., 1967Mr. James A. Cogan, 2004Mr. John P. Cogan, Jr., 1968Mr. Robert M. Cohan, 1973Mr. David B. Cohen, 1983Mrs. Dorene B. Cohen, 1990Mr. Harvey F. Cohen, 1977Mr. Jerome B. Cohen, 1991The Honorable Murry B. Cohen,

1972Mrs. Deborah S. Coldwell, 1990Mr. David C. Cole, 2002Mr. F. J. Coleman, Jr., 1972Mr. Lynn R. Coleman, 1964Mr. Robert W. Coleman, 1968Ms. Jennifer C. Coler, 2001Mr. E. David Coligado, 1995Mr. Robert M. Collie, Jr., 1972Mr. Travis R. Collier, 1976Ms. Scarlett E. Collings, 1997Mr. Bruce W. Collins, 1978Mr. Bryan P. Collins, 1982Mr. Douglas L. Collins, 1981Mr. John M. Collins, 1975Mr. Robert John Collins, 1970Mr. Richard Paul Colquitt, 1981Communities Foundation of TexasCommunity Foundation of AbileneMs. Betty A. ComptonMr. Carl C. Conley, 1950Mr. John B. Connally IV, 1997The Honorable Joseph Connally,

1964Mr. William F. Connell, 1969The Honorable William C. Conner,

1942Mr. Joseph A. Connors III, 1973ConocoPhillips

Mr. William V. Conover II, 1962Constellation Energy GroupMr. Luis A. Consuegra, 1980Ms. Karen A. Conticello, 1999Mr. Robert G. Converse, 1970Cook & RoachMr. B. Thomas Cook, 1974Ms. Karen Joyce Cook, 1979Mr. Michael L. Cook, 1968Mr. R. B. Cook, Jr., 1973Mr. Ronald E. Cook, 1976Mr. Russell S. Cook, 2003Mr. Aaron Vincent Cooley, 1997Ms. Karen Coomer, 2002Cooper Industries FoundationMr. Alan H. Cooper, 1974Mr. C. Wade Cooper, 1981Mr. John R. Cope, 1966Mr. Barry Copeland, 1985Ms. Elizabeth Copeland, 1992Mr. J. Gregory Copeland, 1972Mr. Morgan L. Copeland, Jr., 1981Ms. Brandy Leigh Copley, 1998Mr. Thomas D. Cordell, 1979Mr. Glenn F. Cormier, 1999Ms. Connie Lee Cornell, 1985Mr. Bill Corsbie, 1972Ms. Nina Cortell, 1976Mr. John S. Cossum, 1981Mr. Gregg Costa, 1999Ms. Jennifer Paine Costa, 1996Mr. David P. Cotellesse, 1971Mr. Christopher Cotropia, 1999Mr. David W. Cotton, 1977Mr. J. O. Terrell Couch, 1942Mr. J. Sewell Couch, 1960Countrywide Financial CorporationMr. Maston C. Courtney, 1954Mr. James E. Cousar, 1978Covington & BurlingThe Honorable Wilson Cowen,

1928Mr. Roger Cowie, 1992Mr. James L. Cowles, 1998Mr. David E. Cowling, 1976Ms. Ariana CoxMs. Carla J. Cox, 1976Ms. Deborah Cox, 1981Mr. James A. Cox, 1987Mr. Allen B. Craig III, 1970Mr. Scott C. Craig, 2004Crain Caton & James, P.C.The Crain FoundationThe Honorable Frank H. Crain,

1948Mr. Rogers L. Crain, 1978Mrs. Stephanie K. Crain, 1990Mr. Stephen B. Crain, 1990Ms. Duffy Doyle Crane, 1996Ms. Lisa M. Crane, 1982Mr. Edmund P. Cranz, 1965Cravath, Swaine & MooreMr. Philip L. Cravens, 1969Mr. Robin T. Cravey, 1995Mrs. Jamie Byrne Creech, 1969Creel, Sussman & Moore, L.L.P.

Mr. Ronald R. Cresswell, 1967Mrs. Sandra J. Creta, 1997Mr. Brendan J. Crimmins, 2003Mr. David P. Crist, 1983Mr. John H. Crooker, Jr., 1937Mr. R. Caven Crosnoe, 1966Mr. Clinton F. Cross, 1968Ms. Susan L. Cross, 1982Mr. John H. Crouch, 1992Mr. Robin C. Crow, 1968Mr. Ross William Crow, 1987Mr. Dan F. Crowder, 1996Ms. Heather Beck Crowder, 1996Mr. Rodney K. Crowl, 1973Ms. Berry P. Crowley, 1972Mr. Robert G. Croyle, Jr., 1968Mr. Samuel W. Cruse III, 2002Mr. Pedro S. Cruz, 1983Mr. James L. Cuclis, 1981Mr. Neal S. Cukerbaum, 1977Mr. Casey W. Cullings, 2000Mrs. Anne O'Malley Culotta, 1985Mr. Kenneth S. Culotta, 1985Mr. Ben A. Culpepper, 1977Mr. Tom Alan Cunningham, 1974Mr. John F. Curry, 1987Mr. Robert A. Curry, 1975Mr. Harold F. Curtis, Jr., 1957Ms. Jenice L. Cutler, 1986Mr. Trey Cutler, 1987Mr. William K. Dabaghi, 1972Mr. Christopher E. H. Dack, 1970Ms. Anne D'Agostino, 2002Mr. Roland E. Dahlin II, 1967Mr. William S. Dahlstrom, 1986Ms. Lesley E. Daigle, 1997Mr. Alan S. Dale, 1950Mr. Richard Dale, 1950Ms. Stephanie Bourland Daley,

1997The Dallas FoundationDallas Jewish Community

FoundationMs. Jo Ann Dalrymple, 1994Mr. Stephen T. Dalrymple, 1976Mr. Donald Michael Dalton, 1967Mr. Samuel P. Dalton, 1988Mr. Chris Dance, 1990Mr. Blair Dancy, 1997Mr. Josiah M. Daniel III, 1978Mr. Robert D. Daniel, 1976Mr. Walter E. Daniel IV, 1997Mr. Douglas A. Daniels, 1995Mr. Richard G. Danner, Jr., 1967Mr. Peter C. D'Apice, 1987Major James H. Dapper, 1995Ms. Kendyl Hanks Darby, 2001Mr. John L. Darrouzet, 1971Ms. Amy Lee Dashiell, 1997The Honorable Ralph W. Dau, 1966Mr. Craig M. Daugherty, 1977Mr. Ralph H. Daugherty, 1966Mr. Donald R. Daum, 1976Mr. Kurt G. Daum, 1999Mr. Larry R. Daves, 1972Mr. Robert J. David, 1985

Mr. Benjamin H. Davidson II, 1986Mr. James A. Davidson, 1953*Mr. John W. Davidson, 1954Mr. Joseph Davidson III, 1980Davis & Saybe, LLPMr. Bennie G. Davis, 1981Mr. Craig Louis Davis, 2002Ms. D'Lesli M. Davis, 1990Mr. Don L. Davis, 1965Ms. Heather Aline Davis, 2003Mr. Jefferson J. Davis, 1973Mr. Jeffrey A. Davis, 1975Mr. Jimmy F. Davis, 1972Mr. Leonard E. Davis, 1958Mrs. Patricia K. DavisMr. Platt W. Davis III, 1970Ms. Rebecca Lauren Davis, 2003Ms. Renee Domingue Davis, 1995Mr. Robert L. Davis, 1967Mr. Sidney H. Davis, Jr., 1979Mr. Stephen D. Davis, 1981Mr. Alistair B. Dawson, 1989Mr. David L. Dawson, 1992Mr. Edward C. Dawson, 2001Ms. Gwendolyn Dawson, 2001Mr. Jonathan Day, 1965Ms. Barbara Deakins, 1972Mr. Homer L. Deakins, Jr., 1960Mr. Beale Dean, 1947The Honorable Joe Ned Dean, 1969Mr. David DeAnda, 2000The Honorable James DeAnda, 1950Dearborn & CreggsThe Honorable Eduardo E. de

Ases, 1959Mr. Henry D. DeBerry III, 1968Mr. Donald A. De Candia, 1989Mr. Christopher J. Deeves, 1994Mr. Dick DeGuerin, 1965Mr. Joshua P. Dehnke, 2004Mr. David A. Deitch, 1985Mr. Timothy J. Deithloff, 2001Ms. Rosa L. De La Cerda, 1987Mr. Oscar De La Fuente, Jr., 1987The Honorable John Delaney, 1973Dr. Monica A. De La Paz, 2002Mr. Benjamin Stoune De Leon, 2004Mr. Hector De Leon, 1973Ms. Sylvia A. de Leon, 1976Ms. Deborah H. Delgado, 1984Deloitte FoundationDelta Air Lines FoundationMs. Tanya Dianne Patterson

Dement, 2002Mr. Walter E. Demond, 1976The Honorable Harold R. DeMoss,

Jr., 1955Mr. John Denier, Jr., 1989Mr. Frank W. Denius, 1949Ms. Elizabeth L. Denton, 2002Mr. James Vinson Derrick, Jr., 1970Ms. Paula M. Desel, 1984Deutsche Bank Americas

FoundationMr. Clayton E. Devin, 1974Ms. Kathleen Ann Devine, 1992

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Ms. Melanie T. Devoe, 1998Devon Energy CorporationMr. Robert A. De Witt, 1966Ms. Catherine A. Devore, 2003Mr. Edwin R. DeYoung, 1971Mr. Vincent Deyoung, 1968Mr. Karl G. Dial, 1983The Honorable Joe Dibrell, Jr., 1952Mr. William W. Dibrell, 1990Mr. Jeremy W. Dickens, 1987Mr. Kenneth R. Dickerson, 1960Ms. Martha S. Dickie, 1980Mr. W. Gordon Dickinson, 1965Mr. Don L. Dickson, 1962Mr. Fred Dietrich, 1991Mrs. Sarah Sharlot Dietrich, 1991Mr. Joseph C. Dilg, 1976Mr. Gregory C. Dillard, 2002Mr. C. Brien Dillon, 1947Mr. Samuel H. DinkinMr. Tieman H. Dippel, Jr., 1971Ms. Alyssa DiRusso, 1999Mr. Rick Disney, 1977Mr. E. Scot Dixon, 1993Mr. Casey Dobson, 1986Ms. Harva R. Dockery, 1980Mr. Stanley Foster Dodd, 1956Mr. Douglas D. Dodds, 1986Mr. William Joseph Dodge, 1999Ms. Barbara W. Dody, 1986Mr. Stephen Doggett, 1975Ms. Goldie C. Domingue, 1986Dominion FoundationMrs. Stephanie E. Donaho, 1981Mr. Mark M. Donheiser, 1983Mr. Ray N. Donley, 1982Mr. Ben A. Donnell, 1961Mr. James F. Donnell, 1986Mr. Charles P. Donnelly, 1967Dr. Gislar Rupert Donnenberg, 1993Mr. Calman Lind Donsky, 1966Mr. Jon D. Dooley, 2002Ms. Marie O. DooleyMr. Wes Dorman, 1994Mr. Gary David Douglas, 1979Mr. Frank Douglass, 1958Mr. Christopher B. Dove, 2001Mr. Bernard O. Dow,* 1956Mr. Trey Dowdy III, 1975Mr. William C. Dowdy, Jr., 1951Mr. Dale Dowell, 1957Ms. Stephanie E. Doyal, 1997Mr. Frank A. Doyle, 1986Ms. Kristen Pauling Doyle, 1996Mr. Michael P. Doyle, 1990Mr. Stephen P. Doyle, 1976Mr. Trek Carlsand Doyle, 1994Mr. Edward J. Drake, 1949Mr. Scott Paul Drake, 2000Ms. Beth Ann Dranguet, 1999Ms. Deanna L. Draper, 2000Mr. Thomas B. Draper, 1979Ms. Diane Lynn Drays, 1990Mrs. Elizabeth H. Drews, 1981Mr. Jack Drews, 1981Ms. Helene P. Dreyer, 1992

Mr. Howard P. Dreyer, 1966Mr. Robert S. Driegert, 1970The Honorable R. Temple Driver, 1953Mr. Walter W. Driver, Jr., 1970John C. D. Drolla Law OfficesMr. John C. D. Drolla, 1972Mr. Keith Drummond, 1961The Honorable James W. Dryden,

1972Mr. Allan K. DuBois, 1970Mr. Kevin Dubose, 1979The Honorable Lee Duggan, Jr.,

1955Duke Energy FoundationMr. Robert C. Duke, 1953Mr. Benny T. Dumas, 1960Mr. Edward W. Dunbar, 1970Mr. David T. Duncan, 1956Mr. David G. Dunlap, 1974Mr. Phil Dunlap, 1971Mr. David J. Dunn, 1977Mr. Lowell Olsen Dunn, 2000Mrs. Diana C. Durbin, 1980Mr. Richard L. Durbin, Jr., 1980Ms. Deanne R. Durfee, 1987Ms. Jane Arogeti Durham, 1984Mr. William L. Durham, 1960Ms. Diana C. Dutton, 1971Ms. Madeline Dvorocsik, 1997Mr. A. Erin Dwyer, 1980Mr. Wm. G. Dwyer, 1949Mr. Adair Dyer, Jr., 1961Mr. Billy Coe Dyer, 1985Mr. Stephen T. Dyer, 1994Mr. W. Robert Dyer, Jr., 1969Mrs. Ann Dennis Dykes, 1972Mr. Osborne J. Dykes III, 1972Ms. Linda Eads, 1975Mr. David Earhart, 1991Mr. E. Chipman Earle, 2001Mr. J. William Earle, 1972Ms. Linda H. Earle, 1978Mr. Kenneth E. East, 1994Mr. S. Stacy Eastland, 1974Mr. Alfred H. Ebert, Jr., 1959Mr. Jack P. Eckels, 1972Mr. Joseph Edward Eckert, 1997Mr. William R. Eckhardt III, 1940The Honorable Richard H.

Edelman, 1981Mr. Rod T. Edens, 1963Mrs. Nicole G. Ederle, 1999Mr. Finley L. Edmonds, 1970Mr. John J. Edmonds, 1994Mr. Richard L. Edmonson, 1977Mr. Stephen Bender Edmundson,

1996Ms. Katherine B. Edwards, 1980Mr. Richard A. Edwards, 1966Mr. Stephen B. Edwards, 1974Mr. Byron F. Egan, 1968Mr. James F. Ehrenberg, Jr., 2001Mr. Herbert Ehrlich, 1962Mr. Gary W. Eiland, 1976Ms. Kindel L. Elam, 2004Ms. Allison Wiggins Elder, 1990

Mr. David S. Elder, 1975Mr. Steve A. Elder, 1990Mr. Charles Eldred, 1995Mr. Jeffrey E. Eldredge, 1984Mr. John R. Eldridge, 1980Ms. Leila El-Hakam, 1998Mr. Vernon Le Roi Elledge,* 1927Mr. Robert Harlan Ellett, Jr., 1970Ms. Millicent Clark Elliott, 1999Mr. Paul R. Elliott, 1989Mr. R. Sean Elliott, 1999Mr. Bill Ellis, Jr., 1966Mr. James A. Ellis, Jr., 1968Mr. Luke J. Ellis, 2002The Honorable Rodney Ellis, 1979Rodney Ellis CampaignMr. W. Burrell Ellis, Jr., 1985Mr. Richard L. Ellison, 1980Mr. Theodore P. Ellsworth, Jr., 1969Ms. Erin Friel Elmore, 2000Mr. O. E. Elmore, 1977Ms. Elizabeth B. Emerson, 1995Mr. John R. Emerson, 1997Mr. Barry E. Engel, 1991Mr. Jeffrey C. Engerman, 1999Mr. Anthony England, 1993Mr. Earl J. Engle, 1957Mrs. Corliss H. Englert, 1989Ms. Shruti D. Engstrom, 1998Mr. Chad P. Ennis, 2004Entergy Services, Inc.EntrecorpEOG Resources, Inc.Mr. Kevin Epstein, 1994Mr. Randall H. Erben, 1981Mr. Michael Paul Erfe, 2004Mr. Ron I. Erlichman, 1998Mrs. Sheridan C. Ernstmeyer, 1994Mr. Thomas P. Erwin, 1975Mr. Raul F. EscandonMr. Dirk E. Eshleman, 1985Mr. Ed H. Esquivel, 1967Ms. Debra Moritz Esterak, 1995Mr. Heath Douglas Esterak, 1995Mr. John L. Estes, 1956Mr. Robert A. Estrada, 1983Mr. Stephen W. Eubank, 1994Mr. Darrick W. Eugene, 2004Mr. Robert W. Eutsler, 1974Mr. David Lewis Evans, 1966Mr. David M. Evans, 2001Mr. Mark C. Evans, 1977Mr. Walter Elton Evans, 1989Mr. Mark A. Evetts, 1995Mr. Gary L. Ewell, 1978Mrs. Allison O. Exall, 1990Mr. Henry Exall IV, 1989Exxon Mobil CorporationExxonMobil FoundationMr. David Ezarik, 1977Mr. Jason K. Fagelman, 1996Ms. Megan B. Fahey, 2001Ms. Laura F. Faibish, 1987Mr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Mr. Larry Fallek, 1965Mr. Michael A. Fallek, 1996

Ms. Lisa C. Fancher, 1983Mr. Ronald L. Fann, 1968Ms. Alissa K. Fanning, 2001Mr. Paul T. Fanning, 1972Mr. Ray Farabee, 1961Mr. Jan E. Farley, 1974Mr. Eric D. Farrell, 1995Mr. Terence Farrell, 1973Mr. Thomas G. Farrier, 1987Mr. Warner F. Fassnidge, 1962Mr. Milton E. Feder, 1971Mr. Michael L. Feighny, 1968Mr. Edward K. Fein, 1965Mr. Alan David Feinsilver, 1973Mr. Brian F. Feld, 2000Mr. Lowell Feldman, 1996Mr. Robert C. Feldman, 1973Mr. Harrell Feldt, 1963Ms. Mary Ellen Felps, 1972Mrs. Marion Fenster, 1939Professor Howard N. Fenton, 1975Ms. Amy M. Ferber, 2003Mr. Brian J. FergusonMr. J. Philip Ferguson, 1970Mr. Joe FergusonMs. Laura G. Ferguson, 1991Ms. Mary B. Ferguson, 1984Ms. Alice Lydia Fernelius, 1991Mr. Stephen M. Fernelius, 1991Fidelity Charitable Gift FundMr. David T. Field, 1990Mr. Alan C. Fielder, 1970Mr. C. David Fielder, 1971Mr. Jack Edward Fields, 1978Dr. Antonio FigueroaMr. Rodrigo J. Figueroa, 2004Financial Security AssuranceMs. Kari E. Findley, 1988Ms. Teresa Brickman Finer, 1983Mr. Yale S. Finkle, 1973Mr. W. Thomas Finley, 1981Mr. William L. Finley, 1997Mr. Frank Finn, 1956Ms. Stephanie R. Fisch, 2003Ms. Rebecca Anderson Fischer,

1982Mr. Daniel Fish, 1976Mr. Howard V. Fisher, 1984Mr. John E. Fisher, 1976Mr. Warren H. Fisher, 1986Mr. William M. Fisher, 2000Mr. Thomas C. Fitzhugh III, 1976Mr. Evan Fitzmaurice, 1999Mr. Don E. Fizer, 1968Mr. Henry W. Flagg, Jr., 1960Mr. Francis C. Flaherty, 1994Mr. Daniel V. Flatten, 1966Mr. Dan A. Fleckman, 1966Fleming EndowmentMr. George M. Fleming, 1971Ms. Heather K. Fleniken, 1998Ms. Stacy E. Flippin, 1992Mr. Francisco J. Flores, Jr., 1967Mr. Henry Flores, 1992Mrs. Jean M. Flores, 1987Mr. Paulo Flores, 1989

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3 8 U T L AW S p r i n g 2 005

The Honorable Wilford Flowers,1976

Flynn, Gaskins & Bennett, L.L.P.Mr. Timothy F. Foarde, 1986Ms. Janet Follstaedt, 1994Mr. Parker C. Folse III, 1980Ford Motor Company FundMr. David A. Ford, 2001Mr. Jeffrey A. Ford, 1977Ms. Teresa I. Ford, 1992Mr. Richard A. Fordyce, 1998Ms. Elizabeth J. Brown Fore, 1997Mrs. Susan R. Forestier, 1987Mr. Thomas J. Forestier, 1987Dr. Edward H. Forgotson, 1960Mrs. Tobey Blanton Forney, 1997Mr. Robert D. Forrester, 1966Mr. David Fortney, 2003Mr. Walter S. Fortney, 1964Foster & AssociatesDr. Cecil G. Foster, Jr., 1972Mr. Charles C. Foster, 1967Ms. Cornelia A. Foster, 1982Mr. Edward I. Foster, 1973Mr. J. Douglas Foster, 1976Mr. J. Holt Foster III, 1995Mr. John R. Foster, 1955Mrs. Kathleen Weidinger Foster, 1985Mr. Mark Foster, 1982Mr. Rowland B. Foster, 1969Ms. Sarah Burrell Foster, 1985Mr. Tom J. Fotheringham, 1956Four Seasons Hotel––AustinMr. Michael J. Fourticq, 1967Mr. Bradley A. Fowler, 1958Ms. Carol McMurtry FowlerMr. M. Dudley Fowler, 1952Mr. Robert P. Fowler, 1957Mrs. Sally P. FowlerMr. Brian Jeffrey Fox, 2002Mr. J. Nixon Fox III, 1984Mr. Kyle K. Fox, 1995Mr. Michael W. Fox, 1975Mr. Paul W. Fox, 1972Mrs. Sharon S. Fox, 1984Ms. Susan Foxworth, 1987Mr. Joe Foy, Jr., 1979Ms. Heidi E. Frahm, 2003Mrs. Margaret V. Fraissinet, 1996Mr. Philip Fraissinet, 1995Mr. Richard J. Franchek, 1994Mr. Blair Grant Francis, 1979Ms. Caryn A. Francis, 1989Mr. Edwin H. Frank, Jr., 1948Mr. Theodore D. Frank, 1966Mr. Richard Frankel, 1983Mr. David Franklin, 1965Mr. James Frederick, 1978Freedman Fish & GrimaldiMr. Seth Freedman, 1976Mr. Jorge L. Freeland, 1986Mr. Claude C. Freeman, 1959Ms. Linnie A. Freeman, 1986Mr. Richard A. Freling, 1956Mr. Jonathan K. Frels, 2001Mr. Kelly Frels, 1970

Mr. Richard G. Frey, 1966Mr. Philip C. Friday, Jr., 1969Ms. Barbara T. Friedman, 1983Mr. Clifford L. Friedman, 1983Ms. Theresa Moore Frierson, 1980Ms. Hilary-Erin A. Frisbie, 2004Ms. Kimberly Ann Frost, 1998Mr. Bert Fry, 1993Mr. Kenneth Fuchs, 1977Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Mr. John W. Fulbright, 1950Ms. Kathryn S. Fuller, 1976Dean Byron F. Fullerton, 1956Mr. James Barton Fuqua, 1998Mr. Charles Fuquay, 1973The Honorable W. Royal Furgeson,

Jr., 1967Mr. Kenneth D. Furlow, 1959Ms. Jennifer Gabel-Daberko, 1990Mrs. Debby D. GaffneyMr. Donald L. Gaffney, 1977The Honorable Joseph C. Gagen,

1982Mr. Joseph W. Gagnon, 1993Galindo Family PartnershipMr. Mayo J. Galindo, 1952Mr. James L. Gallagher, 1963Mr. Raymond Edward Gallaway,

Jr., 1988Ms. Laurie L. Gallun, 2001Ms. Hilda C. Galvan, 1993Mr. David S. Gamble, 1975Mrs. Elizabeth Reding Gambrell, 1994Mr. J. Eric Gambrell, 1994Professor James B. GambrellMr. William B. Gammon, 1987Mr. Taylor Gandy, 1962Mr. Edward J. Ganem, 1967Mr. Geoffrey Gannaway, 2002Mr. Abbey B. Garber, 1985Mrs. Katherine T. Garber, 1988Mr. Amador C. Garcia, 1968Mr. David Garcia, 1982Ms. Elma E. Garcia, 2004Mr. H. S. Garcia, 1977Mr. Israel GarciaMr. Joe Garcia, Jr., 1986Mr. Jose A. Garcia, 1978Mrs. Rani C. Garcia, 1995Ms. Victoria M. Garcia, 1989Gardere Wynne Sewell, L.L.P.The Honorable Anne Lancaster

Gardner, 1966Mr. Sampson Gardner III, 2002Mr. Terry Gardner, 1966Mr. Bryan Daniel Garner, 2003Mr. Charles C. Garner, 1950Colonel James Gayle Garner, 1955Garner, Roberts & RobertsGarrett and Garrett Attoneys at LawMr. Ben Cox Garrett, 1980Mr. Jenkins Garrett, 1937Ms. Karen L. Garrett, 1977Mr. Lary D. Garrett, 1976Mr. Mark T. Garrett, 1998Mrs. Susan L. Garrison, 1976

Mr. Ross Spencer Garsson, 1992The Honorable William L.

Garwood, 1955The Honorable Carlos Garza, 1960Dr. David A. Garza, 1996Mr. David C. Garza, 1973Mr. Joe A. Garza, Jr., 1978Mr. Martin E. Garza, 1996Ms. Quen K. Garza, 1983Mr. Steve W. Gaskins, 1973Ms. Colene Gaston, 1980Ms. Hollis Hudson Gaston, 1985Mr. Jack P. Gatewood, 1967Mark J. Gatschet, 1998Mr. David R. Gavia, 1986The Honorable J. Ray Gayle III, 1966GE FoundationMs. Carolyn Marie Gebhard, 2003Ms. Pamela F. Geiger, 2000Mr. Stephen E. Geis, 1978Mr. Aaron Robert Gelb, 1995Ms. Ashley Brooke Geller, 1999Dr. Jeffrey S. GenecovMrs. Lisa Atlas Genecov, 1984Genie Car Care Center Inc. of AustinMs. Susan C. Gentz, 1982Mr. R. James George, Jr., 1969Mrs. Simone GerardThe Honorable Pete Geren, 1978Mr. Jared Lewis Gergen, 2002Professor Mark P. GergenMr. Robert K. German, 1952Mrs. Kay A. Germiat, 1988Mrs. Julie A. Gerron, 1992Mr. Asim Ghafoor, 1997The Honorable Lawrence B. Gibbs,

1963Mr. Randel B. Gibbs, 1973Mr. Robin Gibbs, 1971Mrs. Sharon G. GibbsThe Honorable Bruce Gibson, 1978Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPMr. Frank Gibson, 1957Ms. Machree Garrett Gibson, 1991Frank W. Giesber, 1962Mr. Brian Gilchrist, 1988Mr. Henry Gilchrist, 1950Mr. Neil E. Giles, 1992Mr. G. Ernest Gilkerson, 1973Mr. Lee S. Gill, 1977Mr. John F. Gillard, 1994Mr. John A. Gilliam, 1961Mr. Paul H. Gilliam, 1979Mr. Lukin Gilliland, 1951Mr. Jon L. Gillum, 2002Mr. Edward A. Gilman, 1997Mr. Paul L. Gimenez, 1986Mr. Kenneth Gindy, 1974Mr. Ray A. Gipson, 1962Mr. Charles W. Giraud III, 1965Mr. David E. Girault, 1993Mr. Mark A. Giugliano, 1999Mr. Keith Gizzi, 1991Mr. Jason C. Glahn, 2002Mr. Roger Glandon, 1962Mrs. Anne Glanz, 1969

Mr. Douglas B. Glass, 1974Mr. John D. Glass, Jr., 1955Mr. Robert S. Glass, 1984Mr. Stuart Evan Glass, 1969Mrs. Valorie C. Glass, 1992Mr. Jason Glast, 1996Ms. Melissa Ann Glaze, 2004Glencoe Group Services, Inc.Mr. Allen Glenn, 1953Mr. Gary S. Glesby, 1975Mr. Craig Glick, 1985GlobalSantaFe CorporationMs. Patricia S. Goddard, 1995Mr. Cullen M. Godfrey, 1970Mr. Lee Godfrey, 1969Ms. Lindsey N. Godfrey, 2001Mr. Robert S. Godlewski, 1984Mrs. Patricia Fry Godley, 1979Ms. Lisa Y. Godwin, 2004Mrs. Carol GoforthMr. Daniel O. Goforth, 1970Gold Quest Realty Ltd. Co.Mr. David M. Goldberg, 1993Mr. Moses Goldberg, 1958Dr. Linda L. Golden, 2002Mr. Michael J. Golden, 2001Mr. Louis Goldfaden, 1948Goldman Sachs & Co.Ms. Jennifer Monday Goldman,

2000Mr. R. Kinnan Golemon, 1967Mr. Mark E. Golman, 1986Mr. Dewey J. Gonsoulin, 1954Mr. Dewey J. Gonsoulin, Jr., 1991Mr. Alexander J. Gonzales, 1983Mr. Norbert Gonzales, Jr., 1993Mr. Richard R. Gonzales, 1965Colonel Robert F. Gonzales, 1971Mr. Rudy Gonzales, Jr., 1981Ms. Cecily Small Gooch, 1996Ms. Robin Dee Gooch, 1999Professor and Mrs. Steven J. GoodeMr. Steven P. Goodell, 1984Mr. Kenneth D. Goodman, 1982Mr. Bryan L. Goolsby, 1977Mr. George F. Goolsby, 1974Ms. Michelle L. Goolsby, 1983Dr. Lekha Gopalakrishnan, 2000Mr. Steven J. Gordon, 1992Ms. Jennifer M. Gore, 1996Mr. Patrick J. Gormley, 1990Mr. Theodore P. Gorski, Jr., 1971Mrs. Gwynn Hanmer Gorsuch, 1988Ms. Brenda Hustis Gotanda, 1993Mr. Allan L. Graber, 1963Mr. Robert C. Grable, 1971Ms. Janessa Lynne Grady, 1985Colonel David E. Graham, 1971Mr. H. E. Bert Graham, 1969Mr. Harold S. GrahamMr. James J. Graham, 1971Mr. Jonathan P. Graham, 1987Mr. John A. Graml, 1965The Honorable Ginny Smith

Granade, 1975Ms. Anne C. Gravelle, 2000

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Graves, Dougherty, Hearon &Moody

Mr. James A. Graves II, 1997Mr. Jeffery L. Graves, 1991The Honorable Gordon Gray, 1956Mr. James A. Gray, 1949Mr. John F. Gray, 1967Mrs. Karen Fry Gray, 1985Greater Houston Community

FoundationMr. Carl H. Green, 1976The Honorable Herbert Green, 1966Mr. Hubert W. Green, 1950Mr. J. Robert Green, Jr., 1975Mr. Jesse J. Green, 1986Ms. Kori Kellison Green, 2002The Honorable Lee S. Green, 1966Mr. Mitchell J. Green, 1982Mr. Ray E. Green, 1978Mr. Roger B. Greenberg, 1970Mr. S. Louis Greenberg, 1959Mr. William S. GreenbergMr. Gilbert A. Greene, 2004Mr. Glenn S. Greene, 1994Mr. Ryan Greene, 1999Professor Michael M. Greenfield,

1969The Honorable Joe R. Greenhill,

1939Mr. William D. Greenhill, 1972Mr. David C. Greenstone, 1998

Mr. James Greenwood III, 1961Mr. Tolbert L. Greenwood, 1966Greer, Herz & Adams, L.L.P.Ms. Jennifer Horan Greer, 1992Ms. Aron L. Gregg, 2000Mr. Brian S. Greig, 1975Mr. Mark J. Grenader, 1975Mr. Mark C. Griege, 1985Mr. Campbell A. Griffin, Jr., 1957Ms. Julie Ann Griffin, 1993Mr. Keith Griffin, 1966Mr. Robert Matthew Griffin, 2000Mr. Don W. Griffis, 1967Mr. David Griffith, 1989Mr. Richard L. Griffith, 1963Mrs. Vanessa M. Griffith, 1994Ms. Anne B. Grigg, 2001Mr. W. Garney Griggs, 1968Mr. Anthony C. Grigsby, 1985Mr. Michael E. Grimes, 1971Mr. Layne D. Grindal, 1998The Honorable Robert A. Gritta,

1960Mr. Richard J. Groos, 1984Mr. Delno J. Grosenheider, 1964Mr. Marc E. Grossberg, 1965Mr. Eric A. Groten, 1985Mr. Robert L. Grove, Jr., 1971Mr. Rene Guerra, 1975Mr. Brad Guest, 1993Mr. Floyd E. Guest, Jr., 1962

Ms. Lynn GuggolzMr. Jack W. Gullahorn, 1973The Honorable David Wesley

Gulley, 1965Mr. Richard A. Gump, Jr., 1972Mr. Christopher M. Gunter, 1980Mr. Daniel G. Gurwitz, 1993Mr. Gary Gurwitz, 1959Ms. Susan D. Gusky, 1993Mr. Lars G. Gustafsson, 1987Mr. Alfredo R. Gutierrez, 2003Professor Dahlia M. Gutierrez, 1985Mr. James Elliott Guy, 2000Mrs. Kathy B. Guy, 1978Mr. T. Ray Guy, 1976The Dewuse Guyton FoundationMr. Dewuse Guyton, Jr., 1960H2O Partners, Inc.Mrs. Elizabeth H. Haas, 1979Mr. Stanley B. Haas II, 1979Mr. Matthew T. Hagan, 1991Mr. William Fred Hagans, 1972Ms. Laura J. Hagen, 1976Mr. George H. Hagle, Jr., 1962Major Jeffrey C. Hagler, 1998Ms. Nancy Magner Hagquist, 1995Mr. Christopher H. Hahn, 1993Mrs. Nancy Laura Hahn, 1989Ms. Katherine Witt Haight, 1990Mr. William H. Haight, 1949Mr. Lawrence B. Haile, 1961

Mr. Royce Jay Hailey, Jr., 1968Ms. Gabriele Haist-Fuqua, 2000Ms. Lara Dianne D. Hajjar, 2003The Honorable Joseph J. Halbach,

Jr., 1982Mrs. Susan T. Halbach, 1982Mr. Brendan Hall, 1975Mr. Bryan H. Hall, 1980Dr. Eric B. Hall, 1999Mr. John Baxter Hall, 1982Ms. Margaret Donahue Hall, 1988Mr. Leroy Hallman, 1939Hallmark Corporate FoundationMr. Ernst A. Halperin, 1994Mr. David G. Halpern, 1994Mrs. Leigh Kirkwood Hamann, 1979Hamel Bowers & Clark L.L.P.Mr. Lee Hamel, 1967Mr. Brett L. Hamilton, 1980Mr. Brian Conway Hamilton, 2002Mr. James A. Hamilton, 1969Ms. Marilyn HamiltonMs. Melissa R. Hamilton, 2004Mr. Barry F. Hammond, 1969The Honorable Donald V.

Hammond, 1949Mrs. Amy Spear Hampton, 1994Mr. Charles Hampton, 1995The Honorable Jack Hampton, 1955Mr. Wallis M. Hampton, 1992Mr. Kurt Hamrock, 1992

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A T H E O R Y O F A M E R I C A N C O N S T I T U T I O N A L P R A C T I C EJustice inPlainclothes

by Lawrence G.Sager


2004, 256 PP., $40.00













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4 0 U T L AW S p r i n g 2 005

The Honorable Kent R. Hance,1968

Mr. Lloyd N. Hand, 1957Mr. George L. Hangs, Jr., 1975Mr. Robert W. Hanks, 1992Ms. Laura Eline Hannusch, 1987Mr. Robert E. Hanson, Jr., 2001Ms. Mary Anne Harden, 2003Ms. Julie A. Hardin, 1999Mr. Robert L. Hargett, 1987Ms. Ronda Butler Harkey, 2002Ms. Cynthia L. Harkness, 1986Mr. Tom Harkness, 1971Mr. Frank G. Harmon III, 1972The Honorable Melinda Furche

Harmon, 1972Mr. Geoffrey S. Harper, 1995Mr. Robert S. Harrell, 1977Mr. Alan W. Harris, 1980Mr. James B. Harris, 1978Mr. Jeffrey C. Harris, 1998Ms. Renee E. Harris, 1984Mr. Richard E. Harris, 1993Mr. Weston L. Harris, 1972Reverend Christian Harrison, 1976Mr. Jonathan M. Harrison, 1987Mr. J. Gary Hart, 1984The Honorable Joseph H. Hart,

1966Mr. Mark L. Hart, Jr., 1968Mr. Jack Hartel, 1960Ms. Kathleen J. Hartman, 2001Mr. Dan Dennis Hartnett, 1975Mr. Jim Hartnett, Jr., 1982The Honorable Will Ford Hartnett,

1981Mr. Dean W. Harvey, 1997Mr. Grant Harvey, 1990Ms. Leigh Kathryn Harvey, 1974Mr. David T. Harvin, 1970Mr. Ralph H. Hasson, 1977Mr. Bob Hasty, 1985Mr. Michael A. Hatchell, 1964Ms. Anna Hathaway-McKee, 1986Mr. Howard I. Hatoff, 1958Mr. Adam I. Hauser, 1985Mr. Chris V. Hawkins, 1993Mr. Jack W. Hawkins, 1959Mr. Brad B. Hawley, 1983Mr. Jeremy W. Hawpe, 2004Mr. Zachary J. Hawthorn, 2001Mr. Gerald Hawxhurst, 1994Mr. John Hay, Jr., 1972Mr. Scott Hayes, 1989Mr. Claude A. Hays, Jr., 1960Ms. Stacy E. Hays, 2004Ms. Morgan W. Hazelton, 2001Mr. Peter M. Hazelton, 1992The Honorable Hayden W. Head,

Jr., 1968Mr. John D. Head, Jr., 1980Mr. Keith L. Head, 1983Mr. W. Jason Healy, 2000Ann Lents and J. David Heaney

FoundationMr. J. David Heaney, 1974Mr. Robert J. Hearon, Jr., 1954

Mr. Gregory S. Heath, 1994Mr. Paul E. Heath, 1987Mr. Philip O. Heatley, 1981Mr. Jack C. Hebdon, 1944Mr. Ronald Hecht, 1988Mr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Mr. David T. Hedges, Jr., 1970Mr. Harold F. Hees, 1974Ms. Amy P. Hefley, 2004Mr. Mark R. Heilbrun, 1990Mr. Timothy J. Heinrich, 1987Ms. Marie Hejl, 2003Ms. Lauren N. Held, 2004Ms. Carol Helliker, 1986Mr. Mark S. Helmke, 1980Mr. Fred A. Helms, 1995Mr. Michael L. Helwick, 1973Mr. Aaron David Hendelman,

1998Mr. Daniel E. Henderson, Jr., 1950Ms. Dorlee E. Henderson, 1976Mr. Gary D. Henderson, 1978Ms. Rebecca R. Henderson, 1995Mr. Thomas S. Henderson, 1976Mr. Max Hendrick III, 1970Mr. Matthew B. Henneman, 1994Mr. Bill E. Henry, 1964Mr. Tom Henson, 1963The Honorable Guy S. Herman,

1977Ms. Ana E. Hernandez, 2004Ms. Lisa Soto Hernandez, 1997Mr. Mack Ray Hernandez, 1970The Honorable Maria Teresa Herr,

1985Mr. Louis E. Herrera, Jr., 1987Mr. Walter Andrew Herring, 1984Mr. Barry S. Hersh, 1998Professor Gerard Hertig, 1980Mr. Bruce C. Herzog, 1988Mr. Gregory G. Hesse, 1988Hewlett-Packard CompanyMr. Jack B. Hicks, 1987Mr. M. Lawrence Hicks, Jr., 1970Ms. Elizabeth J. Hickson, 1982Mr. Rolf Erwin Hiebler, 1969Mr. Donald Higginbotham, 1966Mr. Ernest R. Higginbotham, 1973Mr. J. Lanham Higginbotham III,

1975Mr. John Joseph Hightower, 1978Mr. Sam K. Hildebrand, 1985Mr. Frank D. Hill, 1966Mr. James P. Hill, 1978Mr. Jerel J. Hill, 1977The Honorable John L. Hill, 1947Mr. Michael Alan Hill, 1997Ms. Nzinga Hill, 1999Mr. Thomas E. Hill, 1976The Honorable Vonciel Jones Hill,

1979Mr. Yerger Hill III, 1970Mr. Ira L. Hillyer, 1968Mr. Daniel E. Hinde, 1997Mr. Ken Hines, 1975Ms. Karen L. Hirschman, 1983Mr. Robert S. Hirsh, 1972

Ms. Miriam Hiser, 1987Mr. George Hittner, 2002Mr. Jeffrey Leighton Hobart, 1977The Hobby Family FoundationMr. Paul W. Hobby, 1985Mr. Justin Hodge, 2002Mr. Anthony L. Hodges, 1968Mr. Curtis D. Hodgson, 1978Mr. Kenneth A. Hodson, 1984Mr. Boyd S. Hoekel, 1997Ms. Tari Lessard Hoekel, 1998Ms. Virginia K. Hoelscher, 2003Ms. Annabel Hoffman, 1991Ms. Carrie B. Hoffman, 1993Mr. Joseph A. Hoffman, 1981The Honorable Leonard E.

Hoffman, Jr., 1947Mr. Lonny Hoffman, 1992Mr. Matthew R. Hoffman, 2003Mr. Paul A. Hoffman, 1980Mr. Thomas M. Hoffman, 1993Mr. Kent C. Hofmann, 2001Mr. James E. Hogan, 1984Mrs. Jennifer Bruch Hogan, 1985Mr. Timothy J. Hogan, 1982Mr. Wyatt L. Hogan, 1997Mr. Joe P. Hogsett, 1986Mrs. Eileen Hohlt, 1981Mr. John Hohlt, 1978Ms. Anna L. Holand, 2004Mr. D. Alter HolandMs. Gaye Holden, 1986Ms. Susan J. Hollon, 1973Mr. Mike S. Holloway, 1977Mr. John S. Hollyfield, 1968Mr. Alan Holman, 1975Mr. David W. Holmes, 2000Mr. James A. Holmes, 1995Mr. Jeffrey K. Holmes, 1978Mr. Michael C. Holmes, 1997Mr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr., 1975Mr. Christopher David Holst, 2000Holt Atherton Educational

Foundation, Inc.Ms. Diana L. Holt, 1994Mr. F. Franklin Honea II, 1976Mr. Jerry R. Hoodenpyle, 1966Mrs. Aileen M. Hooks, 1982Mr. Ray Hooper, 1966Mr. Justin A. Hoover, 1999Ms. Jennifer Ann Hopens, 2002Mr. George M. Hopkins, Jr., 1948Ms. Joanne P. Hopkins, 1982Mr. Mark D. Hopkins, 1995Ms. Natalie E. Hopkins, 1991Mr. Robert L. Hopkins, 1973Mr. Jerry Hopson, 1953Mr. John L. Hopwood, 1967Ms. Barbara Horan, 1988Ms. Elizabeth Horan-Vaughn, 1987Mr. Jimmy P. Horany, 1949Mr. Mark E. Hord, 1990Ms. Leah T. Horn, 1995Mr. Charles M. Hornberger, 1980Mr. H. Hollis Horton III, 1980Mr. Michael Horton, 1976Ms. Shana Lynn Horton, 2003

Ms. Theresa A. Horton, 1984Mr. Julian V. Horwitz, 1961Mr. Phillip C. Horwitz, 1991Mr. Kenneth E. Houp, Jr., 1970Ms. Ellen M. House, 1989Mr. Michael P. House, 1981Mr. Gregory L. Housewirth, 1986Houston Endowment Inc.Houston Jewish Community

FoundationMr. Bradley Wayne Howard, 1991Ms. Elizabeth A. Howard, 1985Mrs. Jo Ann Howard, 1987Mr. Kenneth C. Howard, Jr., 1975Mr. Randall K. Howard, 1971Mr. Donald L. Howell, 1963Mr. John E. Howell, 1974Mr. William A. Hoy, 1971Mr. L. Jeffrey Hubenak, 1985Ms. Ellen B. Huchital, 1999Mr. Brandon Lee Hudgeons, 1998Mrs. Megan J. Hudgeons, 1997Ms. Danika Hudik, 2003Ms. Gerry Martin Hudman, 1982Mr. J. Arthur Hudman, 1981Ms. Diana M. Hudson, 1976Mr. Gregory S. Hudson, 1994Ms. Nancy Rice Hudson, 1977Mr. Tom Hudson, 1974Mr. C. M. Hudspeth, 1946Mr. Joseph Huerta, 1993Mr. Stephen Huffaker, 2000Mr. Aaron B. Huffman, 2001Mr. Bart W. Huffman, 1994Mr. William M. Huffman, 1959Mr. John D. Hughes, 1966Ms. Karen Elizabeth Hughes, 2003Mr. Phillip M. Hughes, 1972Mr. Roger W. Hughes, 1977Mr. Steven L. Hughes, 1985The Honorable W. L. Hughes, Jr.,

1956Mr. David Michael Hugin, 1993Ms. Robbi Hull, 1991Mr. Robert Joe Hull, 1969Ms. Betteann Fitt Hultgren, 1983Mr. Monty Humble, 1976Mr. Richard L. Hunn, 1987Mr. Barry Hunsaker, Jr., 1979Mr. Scott Hunsaker, 1977Mr. Russell D. Hunt, Jr., 1994Mr. Thomas F. Hunter, Jr., 1982Mr. Dan M. Hurley, 1956Mr. William Rollins Hurt, 1971Ms. Kristine Anne Huskey, 1997Ms. Elizabeth A. Husseini, 1997Mr. Cedric Hustace, 1963Ms. Nancy Lucille Huston, 1976Mr. J. Palmer Hutcheson, 1973Mr. Thomas T. Hutcheson, 1973Mr. R. Clayton Hutchins, 1968The Honorable John A. Hutchison

III, 1968Mr. Lewis L. Hutchison, Jr., 2002Mr. Daniel A. Hyde, 1971Mr. Cary K. Hyden, 1983Mrs. Regina K. Ibarra, 2001

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IBM International FoundationMr. Robert Icenhauer-Ramirez,

1979Mr. Anthony Icenogle, 1983Mr. Frank N. Ikard, 1968Mrs. Kathleen H. Incerto, 1982Mr. M. Scott Incerto, 1981Ms. Monica Kim Ingram, 1998Mr. Darren S. Inoff, 1993Ms. Laura Piazza Irani, 2000Ms. Kathleen E. Irvin, 1967Ms. Hong Liu Irwin, 1996Ms. Nada L. Ismail, 2000Mr. Jason A. Itkin, 2001Colonel Alan R. Jackson, 1976Mr. Clyde J. Jackson III, 1980Mrs. Deborah J. JacksonMr. Donald D. Jackson, 1993The Honorable Irene F. Jackson,

1974Mr. Jack A. Jackson, 1951Ms. Rebecca K. Jackson, 2003Mrs. Shawn Kirksey Jackson, 1993Ms. Jennifer Jackson-Spencer,

1987Mr. Mark A. Jacob, 1994Ms. Ann C. Jacobs, 1975Ms. Monica M. Jacobs, 1998Mr. Stewart A. Jacobson, 1984Mr. Timothy J. Jacquet, 1980Mrs. Anne W. Jakiemiec, 1993Mr. Joseph D. Jamail, 1952Mr. Bruce L. James, 1971Mr. Chris James, 1994Mr. Scott A. James, 2001Mr. Steven C. James, 1979Mr. Brian K. Jammer, 1992Mr. Brandon C. Janes, 1976Dr. John J. Janssen, 1993Ms. Ylise Y. Janssen, 1985Mr. Glenn Jarvis, 1963Jason's DeliJCG Insurance ServicesThe Honorable Andrew L.

Jefferson, Jr., 1959Mr. Lamont A. Jefferson, 1984Ms. Nancy L. Jenkins, 1981Mr. Stephen L. Jenks, 1968Dr. Gray Jennings, 1976Mr. Stan R. Jensen, 1995Ms. Stacey G. Jernigan, 1989Ms. Karen C. Jessey, 1983Mr. E. Stephen Jett, 1973Mr. Michael D. Jewesson, 1999Mrs. Carol H. Jewett, 1975Jewish Community Endowment

FundMr. Robert Allen Jircik, 1949Mrs. Laura Pence Johansen, 1990Mr. Douglas F. John, 1974Mrs. Wendy M. John, 1974Mr. S. G. Johndroe III, 1970Johnson Law FirmMs. Anne McGowan Johnson,

1995Ms. Eronda Nicole Johnson,


Mr. Gary C. Johnson, 1976Mr. Gary L. Johnson, 1980Mr. H. Michael Johnson, 1973Mr. J. W. (Don) Johnson, 1967Mr. John W. Johnson, 1988Mr. Matthew J. Johnson, 1980Mr. Michael R. Johnson, 1969Mr. Nathan M. Johnson, 1993Mr. Nicholas Johnson, 1958Mr. Orrin W. Johnson, 1947Mr. Robert L. Johnson III, 1969Mr. Sam J. Johnson, 1987Ms. Suewan Johnson, 1995Mrs. Anne Whittenburg Johnston,

1966Mr. Jeffrey S. Johnston, 1997Mr. Murray L. Johnston, Jr., 1965Mr. Roy E. Johnston, 1955Mr. Stuart B. Johnston, Jr., 1982Mr. Timothy M. Johnston, 2003Mr. W. James Jonas III, 1987The Law Offices of Jones &

Jones, Inc.Jones DayMr. Carl Jones, 1968Mr. David B. Jones, 1998Mr. Donald G. Jones, 1989The Honorable Donald R. Jones,

1969The Honorable Edith H. Jones, 1974Mr. Frank G. Jones, 1966Mr. Franklin Jones, Jr., 1954Mr. George Cleveland Jones, 1995Mr. George F. Jones III, 1986Mr. Gregory M. Jones, 1975Mr. Richard M. Jones, 1976Mr. Richard O. Jones, 1958Mr. Sherwood O. Jones, 1973Mr. T. Lawrence Jones,* 1948Mrs. Tracy JonesMr. Travis Dale Jones, 1968The Honorable Woodie Jones,

1975Mr. Mike Joplin, 1963Ms. Arcie Jordan, 1979Mr. Gregory D. Jordan, 1989Jordan, Hyden, Womble & CulbrethMr. Paul Anthony Jorge, 1998Mr. Jeffrey L. Joyce, 1981Mr. Jacinto P. Juarez, Jr., 1993Ms. Janice JuckerMr. Bruce E. Julian, 1970Mr. Frederick D. Junkin, 1989Mr. Duane O. Juvrud, 1956Ms. Jeannie A. Kaess, 1988Mrs. Jo Lyn Kallison, 1984Mr. Raymond L. Kalmans, 1966Mr. C. Ronald Kalteyer, 1979Dr. Pat Kammerer, 1980Ms. Cindy Kang, 1995Mr. Spikes Kangerga, 1984Mr. Daniel S. Kaplan, 1969Mr. David J. Kaplan, 1987Mr. J. Jason Kaplan, 1967Mr. Jeffrey Alan Kaplan, 1992Ms. Laura Kauachi Kaplan, 1992Mr. Lee L. Kaplan, 1976

Mr. Richard Kardys, 1970Mr. Shaukat Karjeker, 1987Ms. Sharmila C. Kassam, 2003Mr. Michael J. Kator, 1981Mr. Eric M. Katz, 1982Mr. Michael L. Kaufman, 1980Mr. Stanley B. Kay, 1967Mr. Kenneth C. Kaye, 1968Mr. Gregory S. Kazen, 1998Mr. Michael Keane, 1996Mr. Patrick Dennis Keating, 1995Mr. John L. Kee III, 1981Mr. Terry Michael Kee, 1979Mr. Charles C. Keeble, Jr., 1986Mrs. Ingelisa Keeling, 1996Mr. J. Michael Keeling, 1971Ms. Mary Ann Keeney, 1977Ms. Janette C. Keeton, 2000Mr. John Page KeetonThe Honorable Robert E. Keeton,

1941The Honorable William R. Keffer,

1984Mr. David Edward Keglovits, 1990Ms. Jennifer Jo Keglovits, 1990Ms. Elizabeth J. Keig, 1989Mr. Lowell Adams Keig, 1988Joan & Herb Kelleher Charitable

FoundationMr. James Arthur Keller, 1982Mr. Michael E. Keller, 1983Mr. Sam L. Kelley, 1958Ms. Susan M. Kelley, 1976Ms. Andrea Ines Kelly, 1993Mr. Dee J. Kelly, Jr., 1985Ms. Diane O'Brien Kelly, 1990Mr. Henry A. Kelly, 1968Ms. Jean A. Kelly, 2004Dr. John KellyThe Honorable Joseph P. Kelly,

1963Mr. Peter M. Kelly, 1990Mr. Thomas P. Kelly, Jr., 1960Mr. W. Franklin Kelly, Jr., 1963Mr. John R. Kelsey III, 1973Mr. Thomas R. Kelsey, 1971Mr. Thomas Kelton, 2003Mrs. Heather Kemble, 1990Mr. Clarence Everett Kendall, Jr.,

1948Ms. Alison Kennamer, 1988Ms. Tracey A. Kennedy, 1990Mr. William M. Kennedy, 1950Mr. John C. Kennel, 2001Mr. Ray Kerlick, Jr., 1994Mr. Andrew L. Kerr, 1974Mr. Baine P. Kerr, 1942Mr. John C. Kerr, 1972Mr. Ted M. Kerr, 1960Mr. Jody Wayne Kerwin, 2003Mr. Peter H. Kesser, 1983Mr. Daniel C. Kessler, 2002Ms. Allison J. Ketchum, 2003Ms. Ashley Kever, 2003Mr. David R. Keyes, 1968Mr. Jerry M. Keys, 1974

Mr. Samy Kamal Khalil, 2002Mr. Ketan Upen Kharod, 2000Kick PleatMr. Byron L. Kidd, 1959Dr. Susan A. Kidwell, 2001Mr. David B. Kiker, 1972The Honorable William W.

Kilgarlin, 1962Mr. Dean M. Kilgore, 1975Ms. Kelly Kilgore, 2003Ms. Desiree K. Killen, 2002Ms. Jong Soo Kim, 1997Mr. Albert B. Kimball, Jr., 1968Mr. Larry W. Kimes, 1979Mr. Robert B. Kimmel, Jr., 2003Mr. M. Shane Kimzey, 1997King & Spalding, LLPMr. Alfred A. King, 1941Reverend Daniel L. King, 1975Ms. Deanna Emmert King, 1998Mr. Gregory J. King, 1991Mr. Hugh F. King, 1950Ms. Janet L. King, 1978Professor John King, 1975Mr. John Robert King, 1969Mr. Michael Kris King, 1976The Honorable William D. King, 1979Mr. David E. Kinnan, 1970Mr. Jay C. Kinney, 1983Mr. J. Frank Kinsel, 1953Ms. Leslie L. W. Kinsel, 1989The Honorable Ronald Kirk, 1979Ms. Valerie P. Kirk, 1991Mr. Keith Kirschbraun, 1980Mr. Ken KisselMs. Laura J. Kissel, 2004Ms. Ashley I. Kissinger, 1995Mr. John Charles Kitchens, 2002Mr. David N. Kitner, 1973Mr. Jeffrey P. Kitner, 2001Mr. Jason T. Klein, 2000Ms. Jennifer G. Klein, 1999Mr. Joel H. Klein, 1967Mr. Mark H. Kleinman, 1986Mr. William S. Kleinman, 1983Mr. David A. Klingler, 1989Mr. Scott Klippel, 1976Mrs. Barbara Klitch, 1986Ms. Karolyn A. Knaack, 1999Mr. V. Scott Kneese, 1964The Amy and Ed Knight

FoundationMrs. Amy S. KnightMs. Andrea M. Knight, 2001Mr. Barney L. Knight, 1969Mr. Edward S. Knight, 1976Mr. F. Daniel Knight, 2003Mr. Joseph R. Knight, 1990Mr. Larry D. Knippa, 1966Mr. Paul E. Knisely, 1977Mr. John C. Knobelsdorf II, 1979Mr. Stephen R. Knox, 1974Ms. Christi Ann Fumie Kobatake,

1998Ms. Dina Osborn Koch, 2003Mr. Jeffery R. Koch, 1983

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4 2 U T L AW S p r i n g 2 005

Mr. Thomas M. Kocurek, 1971Louis J. & Millie M. Kocurek

Charitable FoundationDr. Susan Koegel, 1988Mr. James M. Koelemay, Jr., 1976Ms. Demetra Koelling, 1989Mr. Rodney C. Koenig, 1969Ms. Karen Lebowitz Kohn, 1996Ms. Helena Kolenda, 1989Mr. Keenan Lee Kolendo, 2003Mrs. Carole Kolstad, 1970Mr. Edward Daniel Korompai, 2002Mr. Fritz A. Korth, 1964Mr. Bruce Edward Kosub, 1988Mr. Adam M. Kramer, 1998Mr. Howard B. Krass, 1989Mr. Christopher D. Kratovil, 2000Ms. Siobhan Fitzpatrick Kratovil,

2000Ms. Martine Kraus, 1999Mr. Arno W. Krebs, Jr., 1967Dr. Ryan Krebs, 1994Mr. James H. Kreimeyer, 1963Mr. Mitch Kreindler, 1987Ms. Sue A. Krenek, 1994Ms. Erica L. Krennerich, 1987Mr. Sandy Kress, 1975Mr. Scott C. Krist, 1990Mrs. Elizabeth Mata Kroger, 1990Mr. William Karl Kroger, 1989Dr. Jonathan S. Krueger, 2001Mr. Richard S. Krumholz, 1992Mr. Abe Kuczaj, 2004Mr. W. Jeffrey Kuhn, 1985Mr. James F. Kull, 1998Mrs. Katherine Rabe Kull, 1998Mr. David Kultgen, 1949Mr. Peter G. Kumpe, 1972Ms. Jean M. KuntzMr. Stephen A. Kuntz, 1984Mr. Walter N. Kuntz III, 1966Mr. David I. Kuperman, 1966Ms. Catherine T. Kurtz, 1997Mr. George F. Kutzschbach, 1972Mr. Jerry V. Kyle, 1961The Honorable John H. Kyles, 1984Mrs. Jane Woods La Franchi, 1982Mr. Tim La Frey, 1986Mr. Rick Lacher, 1981Mr. Herbert N. Lackshin, 1959Mr. Eric Lacktman, 1970The Honorable Elizabeth Lacy,

1969Ms. Ann T. Ladd, 1979Mr. William L. LaFuze, 1973Mrs. Kathleen C. Lake, 1980The Honorable Sim Lake, 1969Ms. Margaret U. Lalk, 1980Mr. Christopher J. Lallo, 1999Mr. Joel C. Lambert, 1998Ms. Rebecca K. Lambeth, 1992Mr. John L. Lancaster III, 1960Ms. Daniella D. Landers, 1996Mr. John S. Landrum, 1975The Honorable Donald H. Lane, 1964Mr. James F. Lane, 1974

Mr. James J. Laney, 1936Mrs. Annelle S. Lanford, 1957Mr. David A. Lang, 2003Mrs. Teal Carroll Lang, 1983Mr. William A. Lang, 1973Mr. B. John Lange III, 1976Mr. Larry W. Langley, 1968Mr. John H. Langmore, 1989Mr. Robert E. Lapin, 1985Mr. James W. Larimore, 2001Mr. James C. Larkin, 1964Dr. Peter A. Larkin, Jr., 1983Colonel James R. Larkins, 1980Ms. Bryn K. Larsen, 1995Mr. Trey Lary, 1998Mr. Steve Lauff, 1999Ms. Jill M. Lavalette, 2001Mr. Alan L. Laves, 1985Mr. James F. Lawler, Jr., 1974Mr. David C. Lawrence, 2003Mr. Dylan Barnes Lawrence, 2002Ms. Laird E. Lawrence, 1978Mr. Steven R. Lawrence, 2004Professor Douglas LaycockL-Bar Cattle & Equipment

Company, L.L.C.Mr. James Lewis Leader, 1969Mrs. Simone Simpson

Leavenworth, 1978Mrs. K. Bradleigh LeBlanc, 1989Professor Leon LebowitzMr. Vladimir Lechtman, 1987Mr. Paul A. Ledbetter, 1985Ms. Dana M. LeDoux, 1999Mr. George Lee, 1987Mr. John A. Lee, 1985Mr. Patrick W. Lee, 2003Mrs. Robyn Sutton Lee, 1986Mr. William S. Lee, 1975Mr. Byron L. LeFlore, Jr., 1989Ms. Lee T. Legault, 2000Mr. John W. Leggett, 1986Dr. Leslie P. LeGrand, Sr.,* 1937Mr. Leslie Paris LeGrand, Jr., 1969Mr. Alfred Lehtonen, 1959Mr. William R. Leighton, 1986Ms. Lisa N. Leiman, 2004Dr. Brian R. LeiterMr. William L. Lemen, 1950Ms. Brenda K. Lenahan, 2000Mr. Martin LeNoir, 1977Ms. Ann Lents, 1974Mr. Billy G. Leonard, Jr., 1983Mr. Gary Lerner, 1970The Honorable I. A. Lerner, 1951Mr. Julian A. Lerner, 1950Mr. L. Steven Leshin, 1979Mr. Eddie M. Lesok, 1971Ms. Katherine P. Lett, 1998Mr. Don K. Leufven, 1978Mr. Mark Levbarg, 1967Mr. Gary L. Levering, 1965Mrs. Jo Ann Levering, 1965Mr. Henry B. Levi, 1978Ms. Angelyn Edwards Levinthal,


Mr. Jared I. Levinthal, 1997Mr. Stuart L. Leviton, 1993Mr. Michael R. Levy, 1972Mr. Robert L. Levy, 1986Mr. Edward C. Lewis, 1992Ms. Jane Shaw Lewis, 1992Mr. John Furman Lewis, 1962Mr. Michael P. LewisMr. Randall S. Lewis, 1991Mr. Matthew H. Leys, 2000Ms. Loretta F. Lieber, 1982Ms. Diana McQuillin Liebmann, 1996Mr. Wilhelm E. Liebmann, 1995Mr. William C. Liedtke III, 1977Mr. Duke R. Ligon, 1969Ms. Jennifer H. Lin, 2000Ms. Patricia E. Lin, 1998Mr. Robert M. Lindquist, 1977Mrs. Kathleen Joerger Lindsey, 1939Mr. H. Hays Lindsley, 1984Linebarger Goggan Blair &

Sampson LLPMr. Bryce D. Linsenmayer, 1991Mr. R. J. Linton, 1961Mr. John Gabriel Lione, Jr., 1974Mr. Guy S. Lipe, 1983Mr. Jesse N. Lipschuetz, 1971Mr. Marc Lewis Lipshy, 1992Ms. Sandra Smith Lister, 1985Mr. Craig J. Litherland, 1983Mr. Michael W. Little, 2002Mr. Robert B. Little, 1998Ms. Sue Brooks Littlefield, 1980Mr. Mark M. Liu, 2001Mr. Ronald S. Liu, 2004Ms. Amy H. Ljungdahl, 2003Mr. Walter Daniel Lloyd, 1997Mr. Kevin M. Loader, 2003Mr. Brandon Scott Lobb, 1997Mr. Patton G. Lochridge, 1976Locke Liddell & Sapp LLPMr. John R. Locke, Jr., 1949Mr. D. Ryan Locker, 2004Ms. Mandy Elizabeth Locker, 2004Mr. Richard Jake Locklear, 2003Mr. J. Eric Lockridge, 1999Ms. Ann Vevier Lockwood, 1984Mrs. Nancy B. LoefflerThe Honorable Tom G. Loeffler, 1971Mrs. Janis H. Loegering, 1981Mr. Bruce Loeser, 1977Ms. Carole A. Loftin, 1992Mr. James L. Loftis, 1990Ms. Leslie A. Loftis, 2000Mr. Richard H. London, 2001Mr. Brady Long, 1999Mr. Joe R. Long, 1958Mr. Justin M. Long, 2000Mr. K. O. Long, Jr., 1973Mr. Meredith J. LongMr. Joe K. Longley, 1969Ms. Janiece M. Longoria, 1979Mr. Bryan Edward Loocke, 2002Mr. Cullen R. Looney, 1973Mr. R. Michael Looney, 1969Looney-Montgomery Foundation

Mr. Thomas F. Loose, 1988Mr. Robert Loper, 1988Mr. Christopher Manuel Lopez, 2003Ms. Jennifer Lopez, 2000Mrs. Beverly B. Lord, 1969Mr. Terry R. Lord, 1966Mr. Robert W. Loree, 1978Mr. Andrew Louis, 1987Mr. Jeff B. Love, 1976Dr. Jim Love, 1969Mr. James R. Lovelace, 1990Mr. Gregory M. Lowry, 2001Mrs. Mary M. Lowry, 1972Ms. Melissa E. Loyd, 1994Luce & Williams, Ltd.Mr. Michael J. Lucksinger, 1977Mr. Kelly D. Ludwick, 1992Colonel Tommy W. Lueders, 1961Mr. David G. Luettgen, 1995Mr. Charles D. Lummus, 1968Mr. Jason Luong, 2000Mr. John E. Lynch, 1986Ms. Susan Ritchie Lyon, 1998Ms. Buena Vista Lyons, 1996Mr. Gary G. Lyons, 1975Mr. J. Matthew Lyons, 1993Mr. James O. Lyons, 1992Mr. James T. Lyons, 2000Mr. Patrick Mabry, 2000Mr. Alfred Morse Macdaniel, Jr.,

2002Mr. Bob Mace, 1981Ms. Marie Odette Mace, 1983Mr. B. John Mackin,* 1941Ms. Jane H. Macon, 1970Mr. R. Laurence Macon, 1970Mr. John A. Macoretta, 1990Mr. Andrew F. MacRae, 1992Mr. Patrick F. Madden, 1993The Honorable Gary B. Maddox, 1966Ms. Judy Fulmer Madewell, 1994Mr. Luke Madole, 1980Mr. Andrew K. Maebius, 2001Mr. Stevens F. Mafrige, 1960Mr. Robert J. Magner, 1976Ms. Kathleen E. Magruder, 1978Mr. Patrick J. Maher, 1981Ms. Mary Mahony, 1997Mr. Guy E. Mailly, 1983Mr. Stephen Maislin, 1983Ms. Ellen Maland, 1976Mr. Karl A. Maley, 1962Mr. Robert C. Maley, Jr., 1953Mr. David S. Mallard, 1978Mr. Michael L. Malone, 1973Mr. Michael G. Maloney, 1976Mrs. Michelle P. Maloney, 1976Mrs. Neilyn Griggs Maloney, 1967Ms. Ellen Beth Malow, 1990Mr. Roger L. Mandel, 1986Mr. L. Price Manford, 1976Mr. Thomas D. Manford III, 1970Mr. Daniel E. Mangis, 2003Mr. Robert E. Mangum, Jr., 1971Ms. Laurie Maniotis, 1988Mr. Bobby J. Mann, 1968

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Bobby J. Mann & Associates P.C.Mr. Douglas E. Mann, 1980Mr. James Edward Mann, 1974Mr. Phillip L. Mann, 1962Ms. Ursula F. Mann, 2004Mr. Neal S. Manne, 1980Mr. Edward F. Manning, 1972Mr. Jack B. Manning, 1961Mr. Kirk R. Manning, 1971Ms. Leigh H. Manning, 2003Mr. Victor E. Manning, 1959Dr. Barbara Manroe, 1988Mrs. Allison Donnell Mantor, 1989Mr. Robert A. Manware, 1999Mr. Justin Geary Mapes, 2003Marathon Oil Company FoundationMr. James H. Marburger, 1984Mr. Matthew H. Marchant, 2000Mr. Michael Paul Marcin, 1994Ms. Nancy Adamson Marcus, 1987Marigot Capital AdvisorsMr. Thomas P. Marinis, Jr., 1968Mr. Daniel L. Mark, 1982Ms. Christina S. Markell, 2003Mr. Peter Dermot Marketos, 1999Ms. Nadine Markham-Itteilag, 1990Mr. Dale Gene Markland, 1973Ms. Monica Fekete Markovich, 1993Mr. John H. Marks, Jr., 1964Mr. Kenneth S. Marks, 1981Mr. Myron B. Marks, 1947

Mr. Everett A. Marley, Jr., 1959Mr. William R. Marlow, 1992Mr. Jack D. Maroney, 1959Mr. James F. Maroney III, 1976Ms. Corey L. Marrs, 2002Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.Mrs. Lila C. Marsh, 1990Mrs. Wendy Marsh, 1967Mr. Charles Troy Marshall, 1979Mr. Dave B. Marshall, 1979Mr. Edward J. Marshall, 2003Ms. Lila C. Marshall, 1975Mr. Schuyler B. Marshall IV, 1970Mr. Edgar J. Marston III, 1964Ms. Elizabeth Morris Martens, 1988Mr. Steven R. Martens, 1984Mrs. Bonnie Maria Martin, 1977Mr. C. D. Martin, 1967Ms. Carroll G. Martin, 1980Mr. Daniel W. Martin, 1989Mr. Denny R. Martin, 1978Mr. Greg N. Martin, 1963Mr. James N. Martin, 1963Mr. John H. Martin, 1974Mr. John W. Martin, 1984Mr. Lloyd C. Martin, 1962Mr. Louis E. Martin III, 1993Ms. Maralene Martin, 1985Mr. Paul A. Martin, 1991Ms. Robin Slater Martin, 1991Mr. Benigno Martinez, 1996

Mr. Bernie Martinez, 1977Mr. Carlos E. Martinez, 1998Ms. Denise Martinez, 1981Mr. Fernando Martinez, 1985Mr. Mario J. Martinez, 1963Ms. Tonya K. Cook Martinez, 1992Mr. James E. Masek, 1987Mr. Charles C. Mason, Jr., 1960Mr. Matthew J. Mason, 2000Mr. Thomas G. Mason, 1980Mr. Thomas P. Mason, 1981Mr. Neal Massand, 2002Mr. Jadd F Masso, 2003Ms. Kendra Massumi, 2002The Honorable James W. Mast, 1953Ms. Ashley M. Masters, 2003Ms. Erin E. Matherne, 1999Mr. Daniel N. Matheson III, 1974Mrs. Jane A. Matheson, 1974Mr. Scott H. Matheson, 1990Mr. Gregory C. Mathis, 1994Ms. Jennifer Lea Mathis, 1998Mr. Gene Matthews, Jr., 1962Ms. Pamela G. Matthews, 1990Ms. Victoria Newnham Matthews,

2002Mr. William E. Matthews, 1963Mr. David G. Matthiesen, 1979Mr. Mark C. Matula, 1981The Honorable Garry P. Mauro, 1973Mr. Albert Maverick III, 1940

Maximus International LLCMr. Philip K. Maxwell, 1969Mr. Richard T. Maxwell, 1949Mr. Henry S. May, Jr., 1971Mr. Michael B. Mayer, 1996Ms. Kimberly P. Mayfield, 1989Mrs. Florence P. Mayne, 1986Mr. James H. Mayor, 1998The Honorable Joe L. Mays,* 1929Mr. Joel T. Mays*Ms. Alice Griffing McAfee, 2004Ms. Laura K. McAfee, 1991Mr. W. James McAnelly III, 1993Mr. David R. McAtee II, 1994Mr. James W. McBride, 1962Ms. Rebekah A. McBride, 1978Ms. Rosa Maria Palacios McBride,

1989Ms. Laura Gray McBurnett, 1997Mr. Patrick McCaffrey, Jr., 1985Mr. Thomas J. McCaffrey, 1985The Honorable C. H. McCall, 1961The Honorable Morris D. McCall,

1954Mr. Dudley D. McCalla, 1959Mr. Louis E. McCarter, 1965Mr. James W. McCartney, 1952Mr. Joel B. McCarty, Jr., 1962Mr. John B. McClane, 1958Mr. Stephen L. McCleery, 1976Mr. Doug Wayne McClellan, 2000


announces new editions of

Professor Philip C. Bobbitt’sConstitutional Fate: Theory of the Consitution, 1982Constitutional Interpretation, 1991AVA I L A B L E F A L L 2 0 0 5

“When asked by the legal affairs columnist StuartTaylor to recommend the best book on judicial review in the last twenty years, Laurence Tribe wrote, ‘There are two, and they’re both by the same author,’recommending Philip Bobbitt’s Constitutional Fateand Constitutional Interpretation.”101 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW AT 1731, N. 65 (MAY 2003)

“Constitutional Fate is one of a handful of truly towering works of constitutional theory in the last half-century.” AKHIL AMAR, 72 TEXAS LAW REVIEW AT 1703 (JUNE 1994)

“Constitutional Interpretation is the best book on constitutional law in years. It is also the most philosophically sophisticated and stylistically subtle.”DENNIS PATTERSON, 93 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 270 (1993)

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Ms. Janet S. McClendon, 1974Mr. John L. McConn, Jr., 1949Mr. Mike McConnell, 1975Mr. Philip McConnell, 1962Ms. Sarah Hlavinka McConnell,

1989Mr. Walt McCool, 1983Mrs. Dana D. McCormickMr. Jon A. McCormick, 1995Mr. Robert G. McCormick, 1991The Honorable Scott McCown,

1979Mr. C. France McCoy, 1958Mr. Michael L. McCoy, 1981Mr. Robert D. McCoy, 1974Mr. Frank E. McCreary III, 1968Mrs. Jacqueline M. McCreary,

1971Ms. Tracy L. McCreight, 2002Mr. Mark P. McCrimmon, 1983Mr. Graham McCullough, 1958Mr. James E. McCutcheon III, 1994Ms. Allison Sell McDade, 1999Mr. Demetrius G. McDaniel, 1990Mr. Jarrel D. McDaniel, 1957Mr. Marion E. McDaniel, Jr., 1964McDonald & McDonaldMs. Carol McDonald, 1991Mr. Charles McDonald, 1953McDonnold Cos.Mr. M. McDonnold, Jr., 1956Mr. Edward B. McDonough, Jr.,

1964Mr. David T. McDowell, 1994Mr. John G. McEldowney, 1997Mr. B. Thomas McElroy, 1949Mr. Eugene McElroy, 1952Mr. Northcott McFaddin, 1960Mr. Jeffrey S. McFall, 1992Mr. Charles Black McFarland,

1995Mr. D. Mitchell McFarland, 1979Mr. Edward T. McFarland, 1950Mrs. Marcie Allred McFarland,

2000Dr. Joe R. McFarlane, 1993Mr. Duston K. McFaul, 1997Mrs. Janie Strauss McGarr, 1978The Honorable Charles W.

McGarry, 1982Mrs. Judith R. McGeary, 1997Mr. Hugh E. McGee III, 1984Ms. Susan Bailey McGee, 1984Mr. Trey McGee, 2002Mr. Kevin McGillicuddy, 1980Mr. D. Davin McGinnis, 2000Mr. Daryle D. McGinnis, 1979Ms. Alicia Cummings McGlinchey,

1990Mr. Preston J. McGlory, 1999Mr. Gary V. McGowan, 1973Mr. Kerry P. McGrath, 1985Mr. Charles E. McHale, Jr., 1950Mr. Gregg S. McHugh, 2001Mr. James P. McInerny, 1987Mr. Ed McIntosh, 1960

Mr. Darwin L. McKee, 1976Mr. Edwin P. McKee, 1976The Honorable Evelyn P. McKee,

1981Ms. K. Roxanne McKee, 1981Ms. Mary J. McKerall, 1969Mr. John J. McKetta III, 1977Mr. John B. McKnight, 1985Mr. Brian T. McLaughlin, 1986Mr. J. Mark McLaughlin, 1954Ms. Kassandra G. McLaughlin,

2001Ms. Claire Webber McLaurin, 1983Mr. Stan L. McLelland, 1970Mr. Thomas R. McLeroy, Jr., 1974Mr. Christopher Glenn McLoughlin,

1977Mr. J. Dan McMahan III, 1991Mr. Thomas V. McMahan, 1961Ms. Kimberly Diane McMath, 1992Mr. Joshua McMorrow, 1999Ms. Cheryl L. McMullan, 1983Mr. L. Lee McMurtry III, 1978Mr. Dennis P. McNamara, 1987Mr. Barry F. McNeil, 1969Mr. Larry P. McNeill, 1975Mr. Ernest Paul McNutt, Jr., 1966Ms. Gillian McPhee, 1997Ms. Janet McQuaid, 1992Mr. John D. McQuigg, 1962Ms. Suzanne M. McQuillen, 1994Mr. Michael C. McRae, 1982Mr. Michael L. McReynolds, 1972Mr. P. Andrew McStay, 2003Mr. Gerard Kent McVay, 1996Mr. Charles E. Meacham, 1988Ms. Amy Clark Meachum, 2000Ms. Jessica Christine Mederson,

2002Mr. Michael E. Meece, 1996Mr. Kevin J. Meek, 1988Mr. Edward F. Meier, 2004Mr. Randyl S. Meigs, 1985Ms. Zoe Meigs, 1985Mr. Steve P. Meleen, 1995Mellina & Larson, P.C.Mr. David M. Mellina, 1986Ms. Julie K. Melton, 2001Mrs. Macy A. Melton, 1988Ms. Rebecca Edgar Melton, 1994Mr. Michael Melvin, 1972Ms. Robin A. Melvin, 1981Mr. Joe R. Mencher, 2003Mr. Andrew D. Mendez, 1996Ms. Mary Frances Mendoza, 1994Dean Thomas M. Mengler, 1981Ms. Margaret M. Menicucci, 1990Mr. John Weston Menke, 1985Mr. William L. Mennucci, 1993Mr. Todd W. Mensing, 1999The Arthur & Sarah Merrill

Foundation, Inc.Mr. Roy Merrill, 1965Mr. William R. Merrill, 1998Ms. Julianne Merten, 2000Mr. Bruce W. Merwin, 1976

Mr. Benjamin L. Mesches, 2001Ms. Dion D. Messer, 2004Ms. Lynne Anne Messina, 1985Mestal Foundation, Inc.Mr. Gaynell C. Methvin, 1964Metropolitan Life FoundationMr. Michael Scott Metteauer, 1989Mr. Harold L. Metts, 1958Mr. Larry E. Meyer, 1972Ms. Linda E. Buck Meyer, 1971Mr. Richard W. Meyer, 1974Mr. David K. Meyercord, 1974Mr. Alan H. Meyers, 1977Ms. Naomi A. Meyers, 1994The Honorable Patrick T. Meyers,

1973Ms. Michelle D. Michaels, 2003Ms. Shara Alyse Michalka, 1989Mr. Thomas M. Michel, 1989Ms. Kimberley Mickelson, 1986Mr. John G. Middleton, 1966Mr. Kenneth J. Mighell, 1957Mr. Robert Milbank, Jr., 1970Mr. Kenneth G. Miles, 1981Mr. Daniel Milewich, 1986Mr. Anthony P. Miller, 2003Mr. Bill F. Miller, 1969Mr. Brian C. Miller, 1997Mrs. Catherine M. Miller, 1981Ms. Dawn Miller, 1981Mr. Ernest Lee Miller, Jr., 1956Mr. Gary C. Miller, 1980Mr. Gary William Miller, 1979Ms. Lolly Friedman Miller, 1982Mr. Mark W. Miller, 1991Mr. Peter B. Miller, 1990Mr. Robert D. Miller, 1985Mr. Thomas E. Miller, 1966Mr. William T. Miller, 1969Mr. James Mills, 1998Mr. John A. Mills, 2002Mr. Mike Mills, 1976Ms. Susannah R. Mills, 1972Mr. Travis L. Mills, 1941Ms. Christy Milner, 1978Mr. Peter E. Mims, 1985Mr. Merle E. Minks, 1948Mr. Kenneth C. Minter, 1949Minton, Burton, Foster & Collins, P.C.Mr. Roy Q. Minton, 1961The Honorable Margaret Garner

Mirabal, 1975Ms. Angela Miranda-Clark, 1998Ms. Anne B. MisnerMs. Amy E. Mitchell, 2004Mrs. Amy M. Mitchell, 1980Mr. Monte J. Mitchell, 1985Mr. Stephen A. Mitchell, 1976Mr. Thomas J. Mitchell, 1951Mr. Walter H. Mizell, 1972Moak & Sheridan, L.L.P. Attorneys

at LawMr. Eldridge Moak, 1975Mr. Ebb B. Mobley, 1967Ms. Jennifer Brown Modgling,


Mr. Michael S. Moehlman, 1963Mrs. Nicole D. Mohel, 2001Ms. Jenny Reynolds Mohr, 2002Ms. Shigeaki Momo-O, 1970Mr. Harvey N. Monroe, 1955Ms. Karen A. Monsen, 2000Mr. Christopher D. Montez, 2001Mr. Elton M. Montgomery, 1957Mr. Kendall C. Montgomery, 1984Mr. Roger Andrew Montoya, 1998Mr. Charles D. Moody, 1991Mr. M. Bradford Moody, 1983Mr. Jason C. Moon, 1997Moonshine Patio Bar GrillMr. Aaron A. Moore, 2004Mr. C. Michael Moore, 1978Mr. Chris Moore, 1999Mr. Dennis W. Moore, Jr., 1998Mr. Franklin Moore, 1959Judge Fred J. Moore, 1954Mr. Harvin C. Moore III, 1963Dr. J. Tatum Moore III, 1988Mr. Lawrence Jack Moore, 1949Ms. Lynnelle Loke Moore, 1988Mr. R. Wayne Moore, 1975Mr. Scott Moore, 1976Mr. Thomas O. Moore III, 1973Mr. Thomas P. Moore, 1988Mr. Erich A. Morales, 1984Mr. Francisco Morales, 1998Mr. David T. Moran, 1984Mr. Matthew W. Moran, 1997Ms. Maria S. Moreno, 2000Ms. Lisa E. Morfey, 1999Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

FoundationMr. Christopher P. Morgan, 1985Ms. Rachel B. Morgan, 1999Mr. Richard G. Morgan, 1969Mr. Paul T. Morin, 1985Mr. Carloss Morris, 1939Mr. Gregory J. Morris, 1988Mr. James A. Morris, 1950Ms. Linda Noecker Morris, 1991Mr. Martin E. Morris, 1970Ms. Paula Denise Morris, 1983Paula D. Morris & Associates, P.C.Mr. Robert S. Morris, 1977Mr. S. Tom Morris, 1946Mr. Steve Morris, 1968Mr. Walter J. Morrison, 1937Mr. James L. Morrone, 1999Mr. Clinton F. Morse, 1948Mr. Robert E. Morse III, 1974Mr. Stuart A. Morse, 1968Mr. Fred J. Morton, 1958Mr. Harvey L. Morton, 1967Ms. Nancy Weynand Morton, 1985John Bruce Moskow, 1983Ms. Jennifer T. Mosle, 1988Mr. Jon L. Mosle III, 1988Mr. Brian M. Moss, 1998Ms. Jennifer Gray Moss, 1997Mr. David L. Mossman, 1977Mrs. Terri H. Motl, 1981Motorola Foundation

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Mr. John A. Mouer, 1995Mrs. Meredith S. Mouer, 1995Mr. Roy W. Mouer, 1961Mr. William Joe Mounce, 1957Professor Olga L. Moya, 1984Mozart's CoffeeMr. David J. Muckerheide, 2002Mr. Adam T Muery, 2004Ms. Judy L. MueryMr. John Muir, 1987Mr. Ken Muldrow, 1964Ms. M. Michelle Muller, 2002Mr. David J. Mullican, Jr., 1983Mr. Terrance J. Mullin, 1973Mr. John David Munn, 1991Mr. Ned Munoz, 1996Mr. John L. Murchison, Jr., 1965Dr. Ewell E. Murphy, Jr., 1948Mr. Harlan E. Murphy, 1989The Honorable Harriet M. Murphy,

1969Mr. William J. Murphy, 1998Mr. George B. Murr, 1995Mr. Charles C. Murray, 1972Mr. Michael J. Muskat, 1997Mr. Bobby D. Myers, 1958Mr. H. Keith Myers, 1976Mr. James Edward Myers, 1976Mr. Mike A. Myers, 1963Mike A. Myers FoundationMs. Beth Myler, 1989Mr. Gregory Lane Naarden, 1994Ms. Mary Katherine H. Nacci, 1985Mr. Jeff F. Nadalo, 2003The Honorable Elliott Naishtat,

1982Mr. James K. Nance, 1941Mr. Arthur Maurice Nathan, 1975Mr. William J. Natho, 1978Mr. Howard F. Naughton, Jr., 1958Mr. Ricardo J. Navarro, 1984Ms. Aisha K. Nawaz, 1999Mr. Clyde W. Neal, 1948Mr. Stephen W. Nealon, 1973Mr. Bill Neary, 1955Mr. Nelson H. Nease, 1998Mr. Jonathan W. Needle, 1987Mr. Bruce Neel, 1992Mr. Wilson S. Neely, 1981Mr. Dennis R. Neill, 1977Mr. Clark McAdams Neily III, 1994Mr. Ronald J. Neiman, 1970Ms. Carla S. Nelson, 1983Professor Charles I. Nelson, 1965Mr. Edward R. Nelson III, 1996Mr. Hunter Nelson, 1979Mr. Jack O. Nelson, Jr., 1972Ms. Julie Mathis Nelson, 1992Mr. M. Forest Nelson, 1984Mr. William Brian Nelson, 1997Ms. Nancy Marie Nemer, 1998Mr. Thomas A. Nesbitt, 1998Ms. Margaret Netemeyer, 1979Mr. J. Nick Netherton, 1976Mr. Larry W. Nettles, 1981Mr. N. Reid Neureiter, 1993

Mr. Kerry L. Neves, 1978Ms. Angela Neville, 1980Mr. John Mitchell Nevins, 1978Mr. Roger Nevola, 1974Mr. Milam F. Newby, 2003Mr. Link Newcomb, 1988Newfield Exploration CompanyMr. Jeffrey K. Newman, 1976Ms. Dixie Newnam, 2002Mrs. Jan R. Newsom, 1971Mr. Neil Edward Newsom, 1970Mr. W. Bruce Newsome, 1995Mr. Charles T. Newton, Jr., 1967Mr. Jon P. Newton, 1965Ms. Martha G. Newton, 2004Ms. Ann Uyen Nguyen, 1996Mr. Ba Mau Nguyen, 1999Ms. Minh-Hien Nguyen, 1995Dean Gene Ray Nichol, Jr., 1976Mr. Eric J. Nichols, 1989Mrs. Marsha M. Nichols, 1989Mr. Nick C. Nichols, 1961Mrs. Penelope E. Nicholson, 1980Ms. Sandra R. Nicolas, 1982Mr. Toufic Nicolas, 1950Mr. Paul F. Nielsen, 1972Mr. Lyman M. Niemeier, 1967Mr. John P. Niland, 1971Mr. John G. Niles, 1968Ms. Christy B. Nisbett, 1979Mr. Rob Nissen, 1994Mr. Dale B. Nixon, 1976Mr. Donald P. Noble, 1982The Honorable Edward B. Nobles,

1953Mr. Gary W. Noe, 1972Mrs. Charolette Noel, 1991Mr. George Nokes, 1949Mr. John M. Nolan, 1973Mr. Peter Andrew Nolan, 1975Ms. Jessica A. Nolley, 2001Nopa HomeMr. Michael Turner Norman, 2000Ms. Nancy A. Norman, 1969Mr. J. David Northcutt, 1990Mr. Andy Norval, 1978Mr. William C. Norvell, Jr., 1969Mr. David R. Noteware, 1966Mr. Heath Aaron Novosad, 2002The Honorable James R. Nowlin,

1963Mr. Terrance A. Noyes, 1983Mr. Knox D. Nunnally, 1968Mr. Thomas C. O'Bannon, 1987Mr. Stacy R. Obenhaus, 1985Ms. Melanie Marie Oberlin, 2002Ms. Ellen E. Oberwetter, 2000Mr. David Wesley O'Brien, 1995Ms. Shelby Leigh O'Brien, 2002Ms. Sinead M. O'Carroll, 1999Ocean BankMr. David H. Oden, 1976Mr. G. Brian Odom, 1999Mr. Michael William O'Donnell,

1997Mr. David P. Oelman, 1990

Ms. Laura Ann Offenbacher, 2004Mr. William W. Ogden, 1977Ms. Scarlet G. Oh, 2003Mr. Dudley Oldham, 1966Mr. Michael K. Oldham, 1996Mr. Alexander C. Oliver, 2002Mr. John G. Oliver, 1940Mrs. Kathleen Durckel Oliver,

1972Ms. Melissa Marquez Oliver, 1993Mr. Rufus Walker Oliver III, 1972Mr. Thomas W. Oliver, 1964Mr. Eric G. Olsen, 1980Mr. James Edwin Olson, 2002Mrs. Marcella Lee Olson, 1979Mr. Wayne K. Olson, 1979Mr. Amin Mohamad Omar, 2003Ms. Nancy E. O'NeillMr. W. Glenn Opel, 1989Mr. J. David Oppenheimer, 1973Mr. Theodore P. Orenstein, 1967Mr. Neil J. Orleans, 1971Mr. Jarrell B. Ormand, 1965Mr. James J. Ormiston, 1987Mr. Kevin Patrick O'Rourke, 1978Mr. Charles George Orr, 1993Ms. Evelina Ortega, 1978Mrs. Jennifer Elice OrtegaMr. Mike Rivera Ortega, 1994Mr. Sidney Orton, 1967Mr. Joe A. Osborn, 1958Mr. Duncan Elliot Osborne, 1971Ms. Regan O'Steen-Tragon, 1990Mr. William C. Ostendorff, 1984Mr. Eric Michael Ostermayer,

1996Ms. Carolyn C. Ostrom, 1989Mr. Eric E. Ostrom, 1989Ms. Jennifer D. O'Sullivan, 2003Ms. Theresa Oviedo, 1982Ms. Betty R. Owens, 1988Mr. Donald Patrick Owens, 1983Mr. Patrick C. Oxford, 1967Colonel Joel M. Oxley, 1974Ms. Elizabeth Collum Ozmun, 1987Mr. Scott A. Ozmun, 1985Pacific LifeMr. John M. Padilla, 1994Mr. Robert L. Page, 1975Ms. Shoshana Paige, 1999Ms. Linda S. Paine, 1966Mr. Russell E. Painton, 1972Mr. William R. Pakalka, 1972Ms. Christine L. Palmer, 1996Mr. Jeff Palmer, 2000Mr. Enrique Palomares, 1999Mr. William C. Pannell, 1950Mr. Yianni Pantis, 1992Mr. Bryce Panzer, 1980Mr. William C. Papadopoulos, 2000Ms. Gail E. Papermaster, 1986Mr. F. Richard Pappas, 1980Ms. Victoria Parish, 1998Mr. David Jung-Ho Park, 1999Ms. Callie Ann Parker, 2004Mr. Charles A. Parker, 2004

Mr. Charles B. Parker, 1952Mr. Dallas R. Parker, 1972Ms. Dana Emmert Parker, 1987Dr. David L. Parker, 1986Ms. Deri Smith Parker, 1988Mr. George P. Parker, Jr., 1968The Honorable James A. Parker,

1962Mr. Jerome H. Parker, Jr., 1952Mr. Michael M. Parker, 1993Mr. Quanah Parker, 1971Law Office of Quanah ParkerThe Honorable Robert M. Parker,

1964Mr. Andrew L. Parks, 1999Mr. Kevin J. Parks, 1998Mr. Brainerd S. Parrish, 1967Ms. Mary Emma M. Partain, 2003The Honorable Juan R. Partida,

1977Mr. Larry B. Pascal, 1991Mrs. Barbara A. Pate, 1978Dr. John W. PateMr. Michael L. Pate, 1975Mr. Pravinchandra J. Patel, 1971Mr. Allan G. Paterson, Jr., 1967Ms. Emilie K. Paterson, 2000Ms. Carrin F. Patman, 1982Mr. Connor W. Patman, 1947Mr. William N. Patman, 1953Ms. Andrea Krisan Patterson, 2000Mrs. Eileen W. PattersonMs. Elizabeth B. Patterson, 1984Ms. Martha Priddy Patterson,

1974Ms. Meridith Leigh Patterson,

2004Mr. Michael G. Pattillo, Jr., 1999Mr. John J. Patton, 1965Ms. Angela Marie Paul, 1997Ms. Dana Davis Paul, 2001Mr. Richard J. Pautsch, 1981Mr. Kurt Geyer Paxson, 1984Mr. Peyton Paxson, 1983Mr. Jesus H. Payan, 2001Mr. Crillon C. Payne II, 1968Mrs. Dee Ann Payne, 1983Mr. Robert B. Payne, 1949Mr. J. Hoke Peacock III, 1990Mr. P. Dexter Peacock, 1966Mr. Ray Pearce, 1958Mr. Patrick William Pearlman, 1988Mr. Kent Pearson, 2002Mr. Michael P. Pearson, 1978Mr. Ralph J. Pearson, Jr., 1974Mrs. Shirley McGregor Pearson,

1978Mr. David Peavler, 1992Mrs. Donna Cox Peavler, 1992Mr. Robert A. Peavy, 1966Mr. David S. Peck, 1998Mr. Leonard W. Peck, Jr., 1973Mr. Martin J. Peck, 1993Mr. Michael L. Peck, 1995Mr. James D. W. Peden, 1993Mr. Christopher L. Peele, 1999

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Mr. William R. Peeler, 2004Mr. Richard H. Peeples, 1974Peet's Coffee & TeaMr. Roland Pelletier, 1982Mr. Fernando Xavier Pena, 2001Mrs. Holly Sherman Pena, 1990Mr. Oscar O. Pena, 1997Mr. David Pendarvis, 1984Ms. Ruth B. Pennebaker, 1976Ms. Lisa H. Pennington, 1983Mr. John Peper, 1978Ms. Diana Perez, 2003Mr. Joseph Paul Perez, 1992Ms. Raquel G. Perez, 1992Mr. Stephen M. Perez, 2004Mr. Thomas J. Perich, 1975Mr. Joseph A. Perillo, 1997Mr. Vincent Walker Perini, 1966Ms. Belinda R. Perkins, 1989Mr. James I. Perkins, 1963The Honorable Lloyd Wesley

Perkins, 1953Mr. Michael R. Perkins, 1987The Honorable Robert A. Perkins,

1973Mr. Brett A. Perlman, 1984Mrs. Cynthia Perlman, 1983Mr. Mark W. Perrin, 1967Mr. Michael W. Perrin, 1971Perry & Haas, L.L.P.Mr. Charles L. Perry, 1976Mr. David L. Perry, 1967Mr. Sam R. Perry, 1957Mr. George J. Person, 1968Ms. Heather L. Perttula, 1999Ms. Ann Horat Petalas, 1999Mr. Daniel Anthony Petalas, 1998Mr. Brian Peterman, 1993Mr. David S. Peterman, 1985Mr. Michael T. Peters, 1991Ms. Debra Peterson, 1987Ms. Kennon L. Peterson, 2004Mr. L. John Peterson, 1968Mr. Russell D. Peterson, 1977Mr. Steve Peterson, 1999Mrs. Norma Montalvo

Petrosewicz, 1985Mrs. Karen Pettigrew, 1978Mr. Joseph Pevsner, 1982Mr. Jack Pew, Jr., 1955Ms. Debra A. Pfeifer, 1992Mr. Gregory Joseph Pfeifer, 1992Ms. Constance L. Pfeiffer, 2004Mr. Fred N. Pfeiffer, 1962Mr. Jon C. Pfennig, 1967Mr. R. Edward Pfiester, 1970Mr. Steven Pfister, 1971Ms. Van Khanh Thi Pham, 2002The Honorable Dwight L. Phifer,

1976Mr. Paul A. Philbin, 1966Paul A. Philbin & AssociatesColonel Verne D. J. Philips, 1948Ms. Frances E. Phillips, 1972Mr. James M. Phillips, 1974Mr. Michael Phillips, 1969

Mr. Randy M. Phillips, 1974Dean Ronald F. Phillips, 1965Mr. Charles Edward Phipps, 1995Mr. D. J. Pichinson, 1964Mr. Michael R. Pickering, 1961Mr. Carl Pickett, 1971Mr. Edward B. Pickett, 1964Mrs. Tanya J. Pierce, 1996Mr. Clyde A. Pine, Jr., 1988Ms. Susan K. Pine, 1988Mr. Charles R. Pirtle, 1954Mr. Marcus Allen Pitre, 1970Mr. William B. C. Pittenger, 1965Mr. Michael J. Piuze, 1971Mr. Don C. Plattsmier, 1968Mr. John A. Plauche, 2003Mr. David L. Plaut, 1989Ms. Lori Renee Ellis Ploeger,

1994Ms. Noel Plummer, 1991Ms. Holly Barnett Podkowa, 1987Mr. Joe S. Poff, 1979Mr. Leroy Morgan Poinsett, 1969Ms. Jenifer King Points, 1999Mr. E. Scott Polikov, 1989Mr. James E. Polk, 1981Mr. John N. Pollard, 1966Mr. Adam D. Pollock, 2004Mr. Geoffrey R. Polma, 1989Mr. Lee Riddell Polson, 1974Ms. Susan Ponce, 1988Mr. Robert P. Pongetti, 1993Ms. Christina Elise Ponig, 2003Mr. Joe Pool, 1960Mr. Jerry D. PooleMs. Bonnie Poole-Tadych, 2002The Honorable Jack Pope, 1937Mr. Christopher V. Popov, 2001Ms. Jennifer B. Poppe, 1998Mr. Charles David Popper, 1996Mr. Allan Port, 1967Ms. Patty S. Porter, 1979Mr. Richard C. Porter, 1972Ms. Naomi N. Porterfield, 2003Ms. Tara Porterfield, 1996Mr. Harry G. Potter III, 1987Mrs. Sheila PotterMrs. Kari Arneil Potts, 1999Mr. Lee Eric Potts, 1999Ms. Rada Lynn Potts, 1984Mr. Albert G. Powell, 1989Mr. Ben H. Powell V, 1973Mr. Charles David Powell, 1979Mr. Dennis Kenton Powell, 1979Mr. Edwin E. Powell, Jr., 1971Mr. Ken Powell, 1970Ms. Lisa Diane Powell, 1982Ms. Marjorie L. Powell, 1991Mr. Michael V. Powell, 1974Mr. Jason Michael Powers, 1998Ms. Maureen Powers, 1986Mr. Pike Powers, 1965Mr. Werner A. Powers, 1976Mr. Reagan D. Pratt, 1993Ms. Melissa A. Prentice, 2001Mrs. Lauren Eaton Prescott, 1975Ms. Hilary L. Preston, 2003

Professor Robert W. Prevost III,1991

Mr. Andrew Paul Price, 1997Mr. R. Eben Price, 1980Mr. C. Lane Prickett, 1991Ms. Melissa L. Priest, 1986Mr. James M. Prince, 1980Ms. Amy E. Pritchard, 2000Mr. Evan Pritchard, 2001Mr. Stephen Douglas Pritchett, Jr.,

1998Mr. Sean K. Proctor, 1982Mr. Paul Michael Pruett, 2000Mr. G. Dwayne Pruitt, 1967Mr. Joseph R. Pulaski, 1964Mr. Clay Burnett Pulliam, 2002Mr. Charles H. Purdy, 1960Ms. Amber L. Pursley, 2004Mr. Garrick B. Pursley, 2004Mr. Douglas R. Pyne, 1991Mr. Jonathan D. Quander, 1996Mr. James Stephen Quinn, 1973Mr. Peter C. Quoyeser, 1952Mr. Eric Rabbanian, 1993Mr. Shawn Rabin, 2003Mr. James N. Rader, 1978Mr. Kent Radford, 2000RadioShack CorporationMr. Richard W. Radke, 1981Ms. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, 1979Mr. Perry J. Radoff, 1966Mr. Steve A. Radom, 2004Mr. Eliot D. Raffkind, 1986Mr. Alphonso Ragland III, 1955Mr. Michael L. Raiff, 1992Ms. Anna Elizabeth Raimer, 2004Ms. Sharon RaimerMr. James T. Rain, 1984Mr. John W. Rain, 1978Mr. Robert E. Rain, 1942Mr. Carlos R. Rainer, Jr., 2000Ms. Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, 2002Mr. Kenneth Ramirez, 1980Ms. Sofia A. Ramon, 1992Mr. Donato David Ramos, Jr., 2003The Honorable Charles R. Ramsay,

1961Ms. Jana M. Ramsay, 1985Mr. Ben Ramsey, 1968Mr. Robert M. Randolph, 1961Ms. Julia S. Raney, 2004Mr. M. C. Raney, Jr.Mr. Clifton Scott Rankin, 1993Mr. Stephen C. Rasch, 1986Ms. Charlotte M. Rasche, 1997Mr. Douglas B. Rathbun, 2000Ratliff Law Firm, PLLCMr. Matthew Kasey Ratliff, 2003Mr. Shannon H. Ratliff, 1964Mr. Randall M. Ratner, 1979Mr. George H. Rau, Jr., 1972Ms. Monique M. Raub, 2003Mrs. Jama C. Raubach, 1977Mr. Bradley E. Rauch, 1985Rauhut & AssociatesMr. Stanley E. Rauhut, 1968

Mr. Scott M. Rawdin, 1976Mr. Jack J. Rawitscher, 1957Mr. John C. Rawls, 1982Ms. Karen Burdett Ray, 1995Mrs. Patricia A. Ray, 1979Ms. Tonya L. Ray, 2003Mr. Virgil Smith Ray, 1966Mr. Shawn L. Raymond, 1999Mr. Mark S. Raynes, 1973Mr. Alan H. Raynor, 1973Mr. Michael A. Rea, 1971Mr. James L. Read, 1954Mr. Sydney C. Reagan, 1941Mr. Barrett H. Reasoner, 1990Mr. Harry M. Reasoner, 1962Reaud Charitable Foundation, Inc.Mr. Reagan A. Reaud, 2004Mr. Wayne ReaudMr. John R. Rebman, 1957Mr. Joe W. Redden, Jr., 1975Mr. Thomas E. Redding, 1981Mr. David C. Redford, 1964Mr. Dan M. Reed, Jr., 1960Mr. Greg Reed, 1991Professor Harry L. Reed, 1948Mr. Kevin A. ReedMr. Presley R. Reed, Jr., 1987Mr. Richard C. Reed, 1982Mr. Charles C. Reeder, 1978Mr. Chris Reeder, 1989Mr. James A. Reeder, Jr., 1989The Honorable Joe R. Reeder, 1975Mr. Ragan G. Reeves, 1997Mr. Spencer L. Reid, 1979Mr. Bill Reiff, 1955Mr. Steven S. Reilley, 1994Mrs. Drew Matlock Reining, 1971Captain Robert Reining, 1970Ms. Dianne Reeder Reis, 1996Mr. Eric Gordon Reis, 1996Mr. Spencer C. Relyea, 1959Renaissance Austin HotelMr. Thad Renaud, 1993Ms. Grace Fisher Renbarger, 1983Ms. Aimee G. Reneau, 2003Mr. Nathan L. Reneau, 1980Mr. Phillip M. Renfro, 1971Mr. Raymond E. Renner, 1948Mr. William L. Rentfro, 1983Mr. Daniel Resendez, 2003Mrs. R. Jo Reser, 1975Resources Law SectionMs. Sharon Reuler, 1987Mrs. Lauren Kiser Reynolds, 2001Rhea & Rodman, L.L.P.Dr. Charlotte W. RhodesMr. James M. Rhodes, 1965The Honorable Philip Alec

Rhodes, Jr.Mr. Tom B. Rhodes, 1942The Honorable Ann W. RichardsMs. Rosa Lee Richards, 1973Mr. Don Richardson, 1993Ms. Jody Richardson, 1980Mr. Joseph Neal Richardson, 1968Ms. Leslie Richardson, 2002

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Mr. J. David Richeson, 1969Ms. Kimberly M. Rickard, 1991Mr. Philip F. Ricketts, 1973Mr. Brian C. Rider, 1972Mr. John T. Ridout, 1981Mr. Daniel Riess, 2002Mr. Daniel J. Riley, 1971Mr. Daniel Stuart Ringold, 2000Mr. Javier Riojas, 1983Mrs. Elizabeth P. Rippy, 1989Mr. Edward S. Riquelmy, 1986Mr. John L. Ritts, 1972Ms. Roberta A. Ritvo, 2001Mr. Bruce A. Ritzen, 1990The Honorable Guadalupe Rivera,

1981Ms. Veronica Rivera, 1998Ms. Carmen Rivera-Worley, 1982Mrs. Adrienne Rivers, 1981Mrs. Renee W. Rivers, 1988Mr. William L. Rivers, 1988Ms. Jacqueline Rizik, 1953Mr. John L. Roach, 1951Mr. Robert M. Roach, Jr., 1981Mr. John D. Roady, 1960Mr. Forrest C. Roan, Jr., 1976Mr. Donald Roark, 1998Ms. Catherine Robb, 1998Ms. Tiffany Janelle Robbins, 1991Mr. Mark R. Robeck, 1989Ms. Aimee M. Robert, 2004Mr. Aubrey L. Roberts, 1959Mr. C. Kenneth Roberts, 1951Mr. David Roberts, 1969Mr. Gary D. Roberts, 1984The Honorable Leonard F. Roberts,

1951Mr. Whitfield Roberts, 1992Robertson & Anschutz, P.C.Mr. C. Brannon Robertson, 1997Mr. G. L. Robertson, 1948Mr. James L. Robertson, 1968Mr. James W. Robertson, 1953Mr. Jamie Robertson, 1967Ms. Laura M. Robertson, 1998The Honorable Sam Robertson,

1957Mr. Alan J. Robin, 1975Mr. Dave Robinett, 1998Ms. Jennifer E. Robins, 2001Robinson & Fotheringham P.C.Robinson Law FirmMr. Floyd I. Robinson, 1973Mrs. Vianei Lopez Robinson, 1991Mr. Brian Edward Robison, 1995Ms. Carolyn Roch, 1994Ms. Susan C. Rocha, 1982Ms. Anne E. Rodgers, 1999Mr. John H. Rodgers, 1969Ms. Marcia L. Rodgers, 1984Mr. David M. Rodi, 1996Mr. James A. Rodman, 1986Mr. Carlos Rodriguez, 2003Rodriguez, Colvin, Chaney &

Saenz, L.L.P.Mr. E. Michael Rodriguez, 1994

Mr. Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez,1968

Mr. Fred G. Rodriguez, 1967Mr. George G. Rodriguez, 1989Mrs. Sandra Garza Rodriguez, 1994The Honorable Xavier Rodriguez,

1987Ms. Nancy Roffman, 1976Mr. Aaron P. Roffwarg, 1995Dean C. Paul Rogers III, 1973Mr. Cullen A. Rogers III, 1960Ms. Elizabeth N. Rogers, 1990Mr. Norman R. Rogers, 1962Ms. Audrey A. Rohan, 1981Mr. Stephen L. Rohde, 1971Mr. James A. Rolfe, 1968Mr. Stan G. Roman, 1979Mr. Paul Romano, 2002Mr. Craig Patrick Romero, 1994Mr. Michael R. Rooke, 1966Mr. Michael E. Roper, 1972Mr. William M. Rork, 1984Mr. Howard V. Rose, 1953Mr. Mitchell S. Rosen, 1980Mr. Glen A. Rosenbaum, 1972Rosenberg Law FirmMs. Cheryl K. Rosenberg, 1987Mr. Stanley D. Rosenberg, 1955Mr. Arnold Rosenthal, 1977Mr. Brent M. Rosenthal, 1980Mr. Robert Alan Rosenthal, 1984Mr. Mike Rosenwasser, 1970The Rosewood FoundationMr. Albert C. Ross, 1960Mr. Brett T. Ross, 2000Mr. James U. Ross, 1965Mr. Jimmy L. Ross, 1961Mr. Jon Stuart Ross, 1989Mr. Monty L. Ross, 1976Mr. Peter Ross, 1969Mr. Steven D. Ross, 1975Mr. David Roth, 1995Mr. Randall S. Rothschild, 1981Mr. Robert Lawrence Rouder, 2002Ms. Natalie C. Rougeux, 2003Mr. Daniel Routman, 1985Ms. Amber H. Rovner, 1990Mr. James David Rowe, 1995Mr. Michael Daly Rowe, 1981Professor Keith A. Rowley, 1992Mr. Chip Roy, 2003Mr. Scott E. Rozzell, 1975Mr. Lawrence H. Rubenstein,* 1974Mr. Abraham Rubinsky, 1988Mr. Joe Arthur Rudberg, 1971Mr. Morton A. Rudberg, 1957Mr. Jonathan G. Rude, 2003Mr. James W. Rudnicki, 1999Ms. Kristine Peterson Rudolph, 1998The Honorable Bryan C. Rudy, 1972Ms. Christine Marie Ruffner, 2000Mr. George Ruhlen, 1975Mr. James Ruiz, 1989Mr. Paul D. Rula, 1982Mr. David G. Runnels, 1986Mr. Steven S. Runner, 1999

Rush Kelly Morgan Dennis Corzine& Hansen

Ms. Carolyn Ann Russell, 1998Mr. Joseph W. Russell, 1971Mr. M. Frank Russell, 1973Mr. George A. Rustay, 1970Mr. Jay K. Rutherford, 1988Mr. Shan S. Rutherford, 1997Ms. Fairy Davenport Rutland, 1968Mr. Roy Rutland III, 1971Mr. Richard C. Rutledge III, 1989Mr. Robert M. Rutledge, 1979Mrs. Barbara D. RuudMr. Christopher Vincent Ryan, 2002Mr. Jason M. Ryan, 2001Ms. Maidie Ryan, 2001Ms. Amy Leila Saberian, 2003Mary Sachs TrustMs. Ann M. Saegert, 1978Mr. Gilbert Nieves Saenz, 2002Mr. Jaime A. Saenz, 1986Mr. S. Anthony Safi, 1976Ms. Susan E. Salch, 1994Ms. Diana Saldana, 1997Mr. James B. Sales, 1960Mr. Travis J. Sales, 1987Mr. Irwin R. Salmanson, 1961Mr. Larry D. Salmon, 1980Mr. Henry Salzhandler, 1972Mr. Jesus E. Samaniego, 1972Ms. Susan V. Sample, 1991Ms. DeMetris A. Sampson, 1980Ms. Margaret J. Sampson, 2000Jack & Joyce Sampson Family

FoundationSan Antonio Area FoundationMr. Daniel W. Sanborn, 2001Mr. Jerry G. Sanchez, 1984Ms. Michele A. Sanchez, 1977Mr. Douglas S. Sandage, 1976Mr. J. Ronald Sandberg, 1974The Honorable Barefoot Sanders,

1950Mr. Hal L. Sanders, Jr., 1976Mr. Lynn E. Sanders, 1975Mr. Michael K. Sanderson, 1977The San Diego FoundationMr. John H. Sandlin, 1973Mr. Lee R. Sandoloski, 1980Mrs. Theresa Anne Sandoval, 2000Mr. Ken Sansom, 1999Mr. Paul C. Sarahan, 1990Ms. Sarah Sarahan, 1993Mr. Jack D. Sargent, 1955Mr. Randall L. Sarosdy, 1977Mr. Camille F. Sarrouf, 1960Mr. John B. Sartain, Jr., 1998Mr. Thomas Preston Sartwelle,

1967Mr. Stephen W. Sather, 1986Mr. Rodney Satterwhite, 1969Mr. Larry Sauer, Jr., 1971Mrs. Betti Friedel SaundersMr. C. Stephen Saunders, 1980Mr. Charles A. Saunders, 1945Ms. Katherine J. Saunders

Saunders, Norval, Nichols &Atkins, L.L.P.

Mr. Juan E. Sauseda, Jr., 1982Mr. Mitchell D. Savrick, 1990Mr. Ellis G. Saybe, 1975SBC FoundationMr. John I. Schaberg, 1980Mr. Chris Schaeper, 1984Mr. Josh B. Schaffer, 2002Mr. Randy Schaffer, 1973Ms. Suzanne Lynn Schairer, 1997The Honorable Michael D.

Schattman, 1971Ms. Julie Schechter, 1984Mrs. Jill D. Schein, 1993Mr. P. M. Schenkkan, 1975Mr. Martin S. Schexnayder, 1991Mrs. Myra Chickering Schexnayder,

1990Mr. Eric Schiele, 2000Mr. Gregory A. Schlak, 1992Mr. Karl B. Schmalz, 1975Mrs. Amanda Foote Schmidt, 1990Mr. C. Thomas Schmidt, 1996Mr. Richard W. Schmidt, 1989Mr. Robert J. Schnack, 1985Ms. Cynthia A. Schnedar, 1988Mrs. Kathleen M. Schneider, 1983Mr. Reed G. Schneider, 1977Mr. Robert D. Schneider, 1976Mr. Michael D. Schnitzer, 1986Ms. Robin A. Schober, 2003Mr. Larry Schoenbrun, 1965Ms. Tracey H. Schoettelkotte, 2002Mr. Lionel M. Schooler, 1974Mr. Laurence Schor, 1966Mr. Brett A. Schrader, 1998Mr. Christopher W. Schrauff, 1996Schreier & HousewirthMs. Stephanie M. Schroepfer, 1986Mr. Frederick J. Schuck, 1981The Honorable Charles R. Schulte,

1950Ms. Kristen Garvey Schulz, 1996Mr. Miles Schulze, 1961Mr. C. W. Schumacher, Jr., 1960Mr. J. Clint Schumacher, 1997Mr. Rod M. Schumacher, 1979Mr. Neil C. Schur, 1996Mr. Paul F. Schuster, 1992Mrs. Shannon B. Schuster, 1992Mrs. Elizabeth Dodge Schwab, 1997Mrs. Susan M. Schwager, 1991The Honorable A. R. “Babe”

Schwartz, 1951Mr. Armond G. Schwartz,* 1938Mr. Charles W. Schwartz, 1977Mrs. Jeanne M. SchwartzMr. John Nicholas Schwartz, 1996Mr. John R. Schwartz, 1984Mr. Lewis D. Schwartz, 1985Mr. Marcus F. Schwartz, 1974Mr. Michael J. SchwartzMr. Newton B. Schwartz, Sr., 1954Ms. Claire Collins Schwarz, 1992Mr. Kurt Schwarz, 1990

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Mr. Stefan C. Sciaraffa, 1997Mrs. Lynn Rossi Scott, 1985Mr. Robert Scott, 1973Mr. Ronald Scott, 1975Mr. Tom Scott, 1958Mr. Wallace H. Scott, Jr., 1948Ms. Sara Scribner, 1996Mr. Thomas L. Secrest, 1978Mr. Robert F. See, Jr., 1966Mr. Scott H. Segal, 1989Ms. Joy Segars, 1984Mr. Christopher J. Seiber, 1994Seidel and Gianturco, LLPMr. Barry S. Seidel, 1981Mr. Thomas H. Selby, 1999Ms. Aryn S. Self, 2001Mr. Todd Sellars, 1995Mr. Neal Serotte, 1974Mr. Dan Settle, Jr., 1972Mr. Vernon A. Sevier, Jr., 1990Ms. June Ailin Sewell, 1983Mr. Robert A. Sewell, 1969Ms. Karen Patton Seymour, 1986Ms. Gayle N. Shackelford, 1977Mr. Deon Kirk Shaffer, 1979Mr. Peter J. Shakow, 1998Mr. Scott A. Shanes, 1992Mr. Richard C. Shanks, 1978Mr. Sander W. Shapiro, 1954Mr. Todd D. Shapiro, 2000Professor M. Michael SharlotMrs. Susan Sharlot, 1984Mr. Daniel W. Sharp, 2001Mr. Phillip Sharp, 1990Mr. James M. Shatto, 1957Mr. Russell Shaw, 1980Mr. James Loyd Shawn III, 1974Mr. Otis C. Shearer, 1967Mr. Frank H. Sheffield, Jr., 1974Shell Oil Company FoundationMr. Matthew Shelton, 1999Mr. Ricky D. Shelton, 1984Ms. Robyn Kasling SheltonMr. Ryan T. Shelton, 2002Mr. Scott C. Shelton, 1972Mr. Ben H. Sheppard, Jr., 1968Mr. David A. Sheppard, 1974The Honorable Susan Sheppard,

1974Mr. A. Haag Sherman, 1992Mr. Daniel J. Sherman, 1976Professor Max R. Sherman, 1960Mr. Andrew G. Sherwood, 2001Mr. J. Todd Shields, 1972Ms. Casey Shilts, 1992Mr. David Matthew Shinnick, 1998Ms. Nellie K. Shipley, 1994Mr. Charles W. Shipman, 1995Mr. Warren W. Shipman III, 1954Ms. Jamie Nordhaus Shipp, 1999Mr. Marc T. Shivers, 1987Ms. Shari Oualline Shivers, 1987Mr. Larry Shoaf, 1972Mrs. Eden P. Sholeen, 1993Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P.Mr. Jimmy Shook, 1984

Mr. Aric K. Short, 1996Mr. Larry L. Shosid, 1987Ms. Tonya L. Shotwell, 2004Mr. August E. Shouse, 1974Mr. Hugh P. Shovlin, 1950Mr. Z. Taylor Shultz, 2001Mr. Joe Shumate, 1976Mr. Gerald Shur, 1957Mr. Charles S. Siegel, 1985Mr. Ronald J. Sievert, 1977Mr. Eugene J. Silva II, 2000Ms. Kathrine M. Silver, 1999Mr. Louis E. Silver, 1978Mr. Marshall Simmons, 1957Mr. Richard S. Simms, 1974Mr. Kenneth J. Simon, 1984Mr. Robert A. Simon, 1990Mr. Robert S. Simon, 1970Ms. Michelle L. Simpkins, 1999Simpson Thacher & BartlettMr. Reagan W. Simpson, 1977Mr. Michael K. Sims, 1992Ms. Anna M. Sinclair, 2004Mr. Marcus K. Singletary, 1956Mr. Louis J. Sirico, Jr., 1972Ms. Kristen E. Sitchler, 2003Ms. Gabrielle A. Sitomer, 2003Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &

FlomMs. Sheila Ellwood Skaggs, 1994Mr. Jonathan B. Skidmore, 1983Mr. Christopher T. Skinner, 1999Mrs. Charlotte Tonroy Slack, 1953Mrs. Amy Sladczyk, 1997Ms. Jodie Annette Slater, 2004Mrs. Shelby L. Slawson, 2003Ms. Andrea Louise Sloan, 1997Mr. Cary Alan Slobin, 1996Ms. Stephanie Perin Slobin, 1999Mr. Marvin S. Sloman, 1950Mr. J. Elwood Slover, 1947Mrs. Aimee C. Slusher, 1994Mrs. Cynthia C. Smiley, 1981Ms. Martha E. Smiley, 1972Ms. Annalyn G. Smith, 1984Mr. Barton S. Smith, 1968Mr. Bruce Dixie Smith, 1964Ms. Courtney McQuien Smith, 1999Mr. D. Alexander Smith, 1999Mr. David P. Smith, 1968Captain Edward M. Smith, 1994Ms. Erin Geiger Smith, 2004Mr. Frank F. Smith, Jr., 1968Mr. G. Frederick Smith, 1984Major Glenn P. Smith, 1996Mr. Israel Smith, 1933Mr. J. Burleson Smith, 1940Professor James C. Smith, 1977Mr. James E. Smith, 1982Maj. Jennifer L. Smith, 1994Ms. Jessica C. Smith, 2002Ms. Katherine L. Smith, 1983Mr. L. Boyd Smith, Jr., 1986Mr. Mark E. Smith, 1979Mr. Michael C. Smith, 1974Mr. Paul H. Smith, 1951

Ms. Rebecca S. Smith, 1999Mr. Scott F. Smith, 1980Mr. Spencer Smith, 1998Mr. Steven R. Smith, 1985Mr. Stuart Smith, 1985Mr. William Creighton Smith, 1997Mr. John H. Smither,* 1964Mr. Barry T. Smitherman, 1984Mr. Donald A. Smyth, 1973Mr. Julien R. Smythe, 1991Mr. Shannon L. Snead, 2003Mr. Robert Carter Sneed, 1947Snell & Wilmer, L.L.P.Mr. Taylor F. Snelling III, 1990Mr. Michael R. Snipes, 1984Mr. Roy C. Snodgrass III, 1972Mr. Kirk Snouffer, 1973Mrs. Donna Snyder, 1976Ms. Sinead C. Soesbe, 2000Ms. Sheila M. Sokolowski, 2000Solar & Associates, L.L.P.Mr. Albert Yzaguirre Solis, 2003The Honorable Jorge A. Solis, 1976Mr. Bob Solomon, 1971Mr. Jay I. Solomon, 1973Mr. Russell M. Soloway, 1998Ms. Eileen S. Sommer, 1980Ms. Stephanie Koo Song, 1999Ms. Lisa Schafroth Sooter, 1987Mr. Mark D. Sophir, 1985Mrs. Linda E. Sorber, 1971Mr. Dan T. Sorrells, 1951Mr. Anthony Sorrentino, 1981Mr. Martin A. Sosland, 1983Mr. John G. Soule, 1974Mr. Luther H. Soules III, 1967Mr. Sonny Sowell, 1955Mrs. Kathleen Spangler, 1994Mr. Ken Sparks, 1972Mr. Mark C. Sparks, 1997Mr. Berry D. Spears, 1982Mr. Clifton E. Speir, 1949Mr. Robert D. Spellings, 1968Mr. Christopher W. Spence, 2003Colonel Bryan S. Spencer, 1958Mr. Charles W. Spencer, 1964Mr. William A. Spencer, 1967Mr. Jeffrey E. Spiers, 1986Mrs. Lynn H. Spiers, 1990Mr. John Spiller, 1991Mr. Frederic T. Spindel, 1968Mr. James K. Spivey, 1995Mr. Rex J. Spivey, 1965Mr. Ronald T. Sponberg, 1975Mr. Robert M. Sprague, 1967Mr. Ron A. Sprague, 1979Mr. Chris SpriggsMr. James J. Spring III, 1972Mr. Truman Spring, 1987Mr. Darryl M. Springs, 1966Mr. John H. Spurgin II, 1984Mr. Christopher S. Stacy, 2000Mr. Harry W. Stafford, 1963Ms. Kathi Jean Stafford, 1979Mr. Scott M. Stahr, 1981Mrs. Mary Williford Staine, 1984

Mr. Ross Staine, Jr., 1984Mr. Paul E. Stallings, 1966Mr. Terry A. Stallings, 1978John Stallworth, 1973Mr. Matthew R. Stammel, 1997Mr. Clark Stanton, 1974Ms. Angela N. Staples, 2003Ms. Sarah E. Starnes, 1999Mr. C. David Stasny, 1977State Farm Companies FoundationMr. C. Michael Stebbins, 2000Mr. Scott Lee Stebler, 1989Mr. Kenneth R. Stein, 1976Mr. John C. Steinberger, 1958Mr. Irwin H. Steinhorn, 1964Stephen F. Austin HotelMr. David R. Stephens, 1990Mr. Robert Stephens, 1990Mr. Stephen D. Stephens, 1971Mr. W. Michael Stephens, 1970Mr. David D. Sterling, 1984Ms. Ana Marie Stern, 1969Ms. Ann Barnett Stern, 1982Dr. Jon K. SternMr. Karl S. Stern, 1982Stevens and Rau, P.C.Mr. David R. Stevenson, 1975Ms. Cynthia K. Stewart, 1986Mr. Douglas E. Stewart, 2001Ms. Ida Gwendora Stewart, 1984Mr. John B. Stewart, 1979Mr. Richard A. Stewart, 2000Mr. W. Paul Stewart, 1981Mr. Charles Henry Still, 1968Ms. Kathryn E. Still, 2001Mr. Mark A. Stinnett, 1980Ms. Cassie B. Stinson, 1978The Honorable David T. Stitt, 1969Mr. Ross W. Stoddard III, 1975Mr. Don R. Stodghill, 1959Mrs. Macey Reasoner Stokes, 1993Mr. Robert J. Stokes, Jr., 1994Ms. Leah Stolar, 1985Stone & Stone, P.C.Mr. David H. Stone, 1992Mr. Kerwin B. Stone, 1977Mr. Ralph M. Stone, 1990Mr. Richard L. Stone, 1952Mr. Samuel V. Stone, Jr., 1961The Honorable Charles H. Storey,

1948Mr. Charles P. Storey, 1948Mr. Gene Storie, 1983Mr. Stephen E. Story, 1981Mr. John T. Stough, Jr., 1973Ms. Dawn A. Stout, 1997Mr. Mark W. Stout, 1998Mr. William A. Stout, 1955Mr. Frank Stovall, 1959Ms. Meredith D. Strachan, 2002Mr. J. Lindsay Stradley, Jr., 1974Mr. Mark Strain, 1992Mr. Karl M. Strait, 1995Mr. John B. Strasburger, 1989Mr. John H. Strasburger, 1961Ms. Cynthia Day Stratton, 1981

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Mr. Bob Strauser, 1968Mr. Gary J. Strauss, 1974The Honorable Robert S. Strauss,

1941The Strauss FoundationMr. Joseph G. Street, 1947Mr. Tom Streeter, 1975Ms. Priscilla M. Streightoff, 1998Mr. W. Matthew Strock, 1999Mr. Christopher B. Strong, 1995Mr. Geoffrey StronginMs. Marsha R. Strongin, 1987Mr. Justin B. Strother, 1998Mr. James A. Stroud, 1976Mr. James F. Struthers, 1993Mr. Michael D. Stuart, 1971Stubbeman Family FoundationMr. David Stubbeman, 1963Mr. Thomas E. Sturgeon III, 1978Mr. William Floyd Stutts, Jr.Ms. Angela Styles, 1994Mr. Steven M. Sucsy, 1977Mr. Gregory M. Sudbury, 2001The Honorable Bonnie Sudderth,

1985Mr. Derek Y. Sugimura, 2004Dr. Knut Suhr, 1967Mr. Gary B. Sullivan, 1983Mr. Kevin A. Sullivan, 1982Dr. Teresa A. SullivanMr. James M. Summers, 1976Sunbelt Reporting & Litigation

ServicesMr. William Neal Sunshine, 1962Major Manuel Supervielle, 1981Mr. Maurice C. Superville, Jr., 1989Ms. Therese Lenore Surprenant,

1996Ms. Donean Surratt, 1991Susman Family FoundationSusman Godfrey LLPMr. Harry Susman, 1996Mr. Stephen D. Susman, 1965Mr. Thomas M. Susman, 1967Mr. Ronald L. Sussman, 1988Mr. Judson Sutherland, 2003Mr. Stephen H. Suttle, 1965Professor John F. Sutton, Jr., 1941Mr. Johnny Sutton, 1987Mr. Michael K. Swan, 1967Mr. Michael R. Swan, 1982Ms. Lori A. Swann, 1988Mr. Bill Swanstrom, 1988Mr. Michael A. Swartzendruber,

1990Ms. Jennifer I. Swate, 2002Mr. Patrick H. Swearingen, Jr., 1950Ms. Gretchen Sween, 2003Ms. Erin Elizabeth Sweeney, 1988Ms. Sabra Sweeney, 1987Mr. Arnold N. Sweet, 1956Mr. Whitney Louis Swift, 1996Mr. James V. Sylvester, 1977Ms. Barbara J. Szalay, 1991Ms. Kimberly Szarzynski, 2002Mr. Alex Szeto, 2003

Mr. Marc Samuel Tabolsky, 2002Ms. Jeanmarie B. Tade, 1981Ms. Jennifer Webster Taffe, 1998Mr. David A. Taggart, 1972Mr. Gary J. Takacs, 1969Tampa-Orlando-Pinellas Jewish

Foundation, Inc.Mr. Michael W. Tankersley, 1980Mrs. Beverly Potthoff Tarpley, 1951Mr. Charles A. Tarpley, 1973Mr. George H. Tarpley, 1978Ms. Karon E. Tarpy, 2002Mr. Stephen C. Tarry, 1978Mr. Richard A. Tarun, 2001Mr. Thomas R. Tasker, 1969Ms. Margaret M. Tasler, 1996Ms. Joanna Davis Tate, 1988Mr. John H. Tate II, 1972Mr. Martin Scott Tate, 1988Mr. Milton Y. Tate, Jr., 1963Mr. Mark D. Tattoli, 2002Mr. Stephen L. Tatum, 1979Mr. Andrew M. Taylor, 1985Mr. Christopher H. Taylor, 1999Ms. Colleen Sullivan Taylor, 1983Mr. David F. Taylor, 1988Mr. Donald R. Taylor, 1975Ms. Elaine E. Taylor, 1987Mrs. Elneita Hutchins Taylor, 1982Mr. Harold J. Taylor, 1992Mr. J. Gregory Taylor, 1986Mr. Jeffrey L. Taylor, 2000Mrs. Kay L. Taylor, 1982Mrs. Leah C. Taylor, 1983Mr. Mark Taylor, 1994Mr. Robert P. Taylor III, 1983Mr. Thomas W. Taylor, 1982Mr. Timothy E. Taylor, 1991Mr. W. Roberts Taylor, Jr., 1989Mr. Walker C. Taylor, 1981Mr. Walter Jennings Taylor, 1963Mr. William J. Taylor III, 1981Mr. Ron Tefteller, 1975Temple & TempleMr. J. Lawrence Temple, 1991Mr. Larry Temple, 1959T.L.L. Temple FoundationMr. Eric Terry, 1995Mr. Dean A. Tetirick, 1984Ms. Susanne L. Tetzlaff, 1993Mr. John S. Teutsch, 1974Texas Association of School

BoardsTexas Bar FoundationMrs. Cynthia Teal Thawley, 1981Ms. Melissa L. Theriot, 1993Mr. Robert P. Thibault, 1978Mr. Christopher C. Thiele, 1999Ms. Linda M. Thill, 1983Mr. James O. Thoma, 1980Mr. Donald S. Thomas, Jr., 1968Ms. Julie L. Thomas, 1995Mr. Robert C. Thomas, 1978Mr. Terry M. Thomas, 1980Mr. Warlick Thomas, 1957Mr. Zachary R. Thomas, 2004

Mr. Thomas E. Thomason, 1970Mr. Clark G. Thompson, Jr., 1980Mr. David Thompson III, 1976Mr. James T. Thompson, 2001Ms. Jan Steinhour Thompson, 1991Mr. John Bradford Thompson, 2004Mr. John R. Thompson III, 2000Mr. John Randolph Thompson, Jr.,

1965Mr. Joseph G. Thompson III, 1993Mr. Layne A. Thompson, 1982Ms. Marty E. Thompson, 2002Mr. Mathew A. Thompson, 2003Mr. Peter Thompson, 1989Mr. Robert R. Thompson, 1957Mr. William M. Thompson, 1976Thomson*WestMs. Nicole L. Thorpe, 2002Ms. Kristie M. Tice, 1996Ms. Laurie D. Tice, 1997Mr. Mac Tichenor, Sr., 1958Ms. Kristine A. Tidgren, 1998Mr. Don A. TidwellMr. Jack Q. Tidwell, 1954Mr. Charles L. Tighe, 1955Mr. Barth D. Timmermann, 1994Mr. Daniel L. Timmons, 2001Ms. Shalyn J. Timmons, 2001Mr. L. Lamar Tims, 1967Mr. Larry Tinney, 1970Dr. Van C. Tipton, Jr., 1966Ms. Maryam Tirandaz, 2001Mr. Robert L. Tobey, 1980Mrs. Michelle Gray Tobias, 1993Mr. Paul R. Tobias, 1990Mr. Derol Todd, 1940Mr. Jimmie B. Todd, 1963Mr. K. Chris Todd, 1972Mr. D. C. Toedt III, 1981Mr. J. B. Tollett, 1976Mr. Joe W. Tomaselli, Jr., 1997Ms. Lisa Helgoe Tomaselli, 1997Mr. Thomas M. Tomlinson, 1995Mr. Michael J. Tomsu, 1986Mr. D. Aaron Topek, 1936Mr. E. Stanley Topek, 1970Ms. Karin B. Torgerson, 1995Mr. Terry O. Tottenham, 1970Mr. Jon Totz, 1960Ms. Nicola Fuentes Toubia, 1994Ms. Frances Townsend, 1997Ms. Stephanie Townsend-Allala,

2002Mr. Dick Trabulsi, 1969Mr. Daniel S. Trachtenberg, 1970Mr. J. David Tracy, 1970Mr. Paul Trahan, 1997Lieutenant Colonel Howard A.

Trammell, 1951Mr. Edmunds Travis, Jr., 1951Ms. Katherine Ginzburg Treistman,

1996Trenchard & Hoskins L.L.P.Mr. Robert C. Trenchard, Jr., 1972Mr. John Valdemar Trevino, Jr.,


Mr. J. Ronald Trost, 1957Mr. Forrest N. Troutman, 1960Mr. James L. Truitt, 1959Mrs. Helen Stewart Truscott, 1980Ms. Theresa Trzaskoma, 1997Mr. J. Maxwell Tucker, 1980Ms. Paula Kay Tucker, 1994Mr. Ellis L. Tudzin, 1972Mr. Timothy N. Tuggey, 1987Mr. James P. Tuite, 1973Mr. Charles Tupper, Jr., 1969Mr. Charles S. Turet, Jr., 1971Mr. Jack J. Turk, 1954Mr. Edward W. Turley, Jr., 1964Mr. Gregory Edward TurleyThe Reverend James M. Turley,

1968Ms. Laura Crowe Turley, 1991Mr. Joseph A. Turner, 1977Ms. Susan G. Turner, 2004Mr. Martin A. Tyckoski, 1971Ms. Amanda R. Tyler, 2004Mr. James J. Tyler, 1978Mr. Robert N. Udashen, 1977The Honorable Bette E.

Uhrmacher, 1969Ms. Elsa Cabello Ulloa, 1998Ms. Elizabeth B. Ulmer, 1987Mr. Basil A. Umari, 2000Mr. T. Walter UmphreyMs. Anne Shirley Underwood, 2000Mrs. Adrienne P. Unger, 1974Mr. Timothy J. Unger, 1974United Space AllianceUnited Way of Central New

MexicoUnocal FoundationMr. Gerald P. Urbach, 1968Mr. Jack E. Urquhart, 1973Mr. Alan M. Utay, 1990Mr. Stephen G. Utz, 1979Ms. Alexandra Maria Vaikhman,

2002Mr. Ernest G. Valdez, 1976The Honorable Jerald A. Valentine,

1972Mr. Marlon Valladares, 2004Mr. Gene C. Vallow, 1994Mr. Carol Vance, 1958Mr. Estil A. Vance, Jr., 1963Mrs. Melinda Terry Vance, 1964Mr. Mark Jason Vane, 1998Mr. Derek R. Van Gilder, 1981Mrs. Kerry E. Pearlman Van Dusen,

1998Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer, 1975Ms. Jillian van Rensburg, 1999Mr. Danny L. Van Winkle, 1972Mr. Alberto Varillas, 1989Mr. Jason Varnado, 2000Ms. Lana Kay Varney, 1988Mr. Ben F. Vaughan III, 1967Mr. Shelton M. Vaughan, 1994Mr. Timothy R. Vaughan, 1980Ms. Norma V. Vermeulen, 1980Ms. Eleanor Kathryn Vernon, 2004

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Mr. Ralph W. Vertrees, 1967Mr. Waverly Vest, 1973Mr. Edward D. Vickery, 1948Mr. George W. Vie III, 1988Mr. Eric Viehman, 1981Mr. Jason Villalba, 1996Mr. Carlos A. Villarreal, 1986Mr. E. Lawrence Vincent, 1987Ms. Susan Vincent, 1983Mr. Rajkumar Vinnakota, 2003Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Mrs. Debra VinsonMs. Lauren VirgilMr. Marc E. Vockell, 1997Mr. Robert Allen Voigt, Jr., 1999Mr. William R. Volk, 1975Ms. Elizabeth P. Volmert, 1992Mr. Ramon A. Von Drehle, 1957Mr. Stephan Voudris, 1991Colonel Denise K. Vowell, 1981Mr. Davor Vukadin, 1999Ms. Katherine T. Vukadin, 1999Wachovia FoundationMr. Robert W. Wachsmuth, 1966Mr. Jeffrey L. Wade, 1988Ms. Mary Fall WadeMr. Todd N. Wade, 1978Mr. William James Wade, 1966Mr. Michael R. Wadler, 1990Mr. Jeremy Scott Wagers, 2002Mr. Ryan Scott Wagley, 2000Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner, 1988Mr. Thomas G. Wagner, 1980Mr. Wm. Hulse Wagner, 1986Mr. Carl Waldman, 1948Waldman-Smallwood, PCMr. Howard Waldrop, 1956Mr. Charles Walker, 1995Ms. Cindy Walker, 1996Mr. David R. Walker, 1980Mr. Mark C. Walker, 1985Mr. Robert C. Walker, 1973Ms. Tiffany Elizabeth Walker, 2002Mr. John B. Wallace, 1979Mr. William L. Wallander, 1984Ms. Janetta Walls, 1983Mr. Walter H. Walne III, 1973Mr. Larry A. Walraven, 1989Ms. Sharon K. Walraven, 1989Mr. Edward Walsh, 1974Mr. Clifford Hugh Walston, 2002Mr. Robert C. Walters, 1983Ms. Ann Simons Walton, 2001Mr. D. Gibson Walton, 1975Mr. W. Edward Walts II, 1974Mr. John C. Wander, 1994Mr. Wesley R. Ward, 1998Ms. Holly B. Wardell, 1996Mr. James L. Ware, 1975Mr. Philip T. Warman, 1998Mr. A. Michael Warnecke, 1994Ms. Diana Roth Warnecke, 1994Mr. Eben D. Warner III, 1968Ms. Kim WarnicaMr. Charles L. Warren, 1973Ms. Jill Warren, 1995

Mr. William L. Warren, 1995Ms. Laura Parchman Washburn,

1994Mr. Gerald T. Waters, 1957Mr. Steven A. Waters, 1975Mr. Joe Bill Watkins, 1968Mrs. Marcella D. Watkins, 1991Mr. Paul C. Watler, 1981Mr. John A. Watson, 1971Mr. John B. Watson, 1982Mr. Kenneth S. Watson II, 1969Mr. Mark E. Watson III, 1989Mr. Wayne Watson, 1989Mr. Christopher B. Watt, 2001Mr. Dick Watt, 1972Mr. Mark Wawro, 1979Mr. William M. Waxman, 1974Mr. Phillip T. Way, 2003Mr. Robert S. Weatherall, 1957Mr. Walter T. Weathers, Jr., 1974Mr. Charles C. Webb, Jr., 1976Law Offices of Charles Webb, P.C.Mr. James D. Webb III, 1955Mr. James E. Webb, 1974Mrs. Lucie Frost Webb, 1991Ms. Melissa M. Webb, 1999Ms. Jane M. N. Webre, 1989Mr. Dan G. Webster III, 1964Mr. Ray A. Weed, 1964Dean Donald J. Weidner, 1969Ms. Ursula H. Weigold, 1983Mr. John Weikart, 1998Mr. Alan Jay Weil, 1973Mr. Stephen I. Weil, 1978Ms. Laura A. WeinbergProfessor Louise WeinbergMr. Sigmund T. Weiner, 1968Mr. Chris Weinstock, 1992Mr. W. Thomas Weir, 1973Mr. J. Steven Weisinger, 1976Mr. David Weisman, 1989Ms. Laurie Weiss, 1988Mr. Mark Weiss, 1975Mr. Theodore F. Weiss, Jr., 1970Mrs. Jodi Wellborn, 1983Mr. J. Tullos Wells, 1974Mr. H. Ronald Welsh, 1975Ms. Valerie L. Wenger, 1984Mr. Conrad P. Werkenthin, 1956Mr. Fred B. Werkenthin, 1950Mr. Joseph G. Werner, 1967Mr. Robert J. Werner, 1975Mr. Ephraim Wernick, 2003Mr. S. Thomas Wertz, 1973Mr. Ben B. West, 1961Mr. David B. West, 1981Mr. Milton H. West, Jr., 1939Mr. Robert G. West, 1972Professor Jay L. Westbrook, 1968Mrs. Suzanne R. Westerheim, 1991Mr. Stephen Westermann, 1992Mr. Joe F. Wheat, 1963Mr. Scott A. Wheatley, 1999The Honorable R. F. Wheless, Jr.,

1955Mr. Michael J. Whellan, 1990

Mr. Andrew C. Whitaker, 1991Ms. Amy E. White, 2001Mr. Ben White, 1941Mr. Harry E. White, 1999Mrs. Jane Owen White, 1982Mr. Joel R. White, 1987Mr. John D. White, 1972Mrs. Karen L. Tucker White, 1988Mr. Kevin White, 1999Ms. L. Nicole White, 1992Mr. Mark Wells White III, 1998Ms. Meredith A White, 2003Mr. Raymond E. White, 1980Mr. Robert Emmett White, 2003Mr. Roger L. White, 1994Ms. Sandra L. White, 1994Mr. Scott White, 1992Ms. V. Gaye White, 2000Mr. William D. White, Jr., 1960Mr. Bill Whitehurst, 1971Whitehurst, Harkness, Ozmun &

BreesMr. Pinckney N. Whitfield, 1981Mr. W. F. Whitfield, 1957Mr. Ryan C. Whitfill, 2000Mr. Noel B. Whitley, 1996Ms. Susan R. WhitmanMr. Emmett L. Whitsett, Jr., 1938Mr. James S. B. Whittenburg, 1997The Honorable John H.

Whittington, 1942Mr. H. Philip Whitworth, Jr., 1972Mr. Paul O. Wickes, 1993Mr. David Frederick Wickwire, 1998Mr. Harry G. Wiederspahn, 1956Mr. Thomas E. Wiener, 1968Mr. Carlton Wilde, 1959Ms. Leigh Els Wilde, 1998Mr. William Key Wilde, 1958Mr. Gregory Lawrence Wilemon II,

1994Ms. Margaret Scott Wilensky, 2003Mr. Richard S. Wilensky, 1979Mr. R. R. Wiley, Jr., 1949Dr. Rob Wiley, 1985Mr. Adam S. Wilk, 2002Mr. Michael S. Wilk, 1966Mr. Marshall R. Wilkerson, 1986Mr. Lawrence Paul Wilkins, 1974Mr. Robert A. Wilkins, 2001Mr. George O. Wilkinson, Jr., 1991Mr. Stephen D. Willey, 1978Williams Companies Foundation, Inc.Lieutenant Christopher M.

Williams, 2000Mr. Del Williams, 1985Ms. Katherine Ann Williams, 2002Ms. Marlene Ivory Williams, 1997Ms. Marsha L. WilliamsThe Honorable Mary Pearl

Williams, 1949Mrs. Rosemary R. Williams, 1988Mr. Scott E. Williams, 1996Mr. Thomas J. Williams, 1975Mr. Troy D. Williams, 1970Mrs. Carol D. Williamson, 1993

Mr. James Williamson, 2004Mr. Paul T. Williamson, 1993Mr. Peter D. Williamson, 1969Mr. John L. Williford, 1960Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale &

Door, LLPMr. Abraham S. Wilson, 1964Mr. David B. Wilson, 1986Mr. James W. Wilson, 1951Mr. John F. Wilson, 1947Mr. Lewis Hugh Wilson, Jr., 1968Mr. Mark Bradley Wilson, 1992Ms. Mary Pat Wilson, 1977Mr. Newton W. Wilson III, 1976Mr. Robert Wilson, 1968Mr. Stanley P. Wilson, 1948Mr. W. Roger Wilson, 1973Mr. Erec R. Winandy, 2000Mr. Darrell R. Windham, 1978Mr. Graham C. Winegeart, 1998Dr. Irma June Wink, 1970Dr. Sue Karen WinkMr. Herschel C. Winn, 1960Mr. Peter Winstead, 1965Winstead, Sechrest & Minick P.C.Mr. J. Sam Winters, 1948The Honorable D. Scott Wisch,

1980Mr. Mark E. Wise, 1974Mr. Richard W. Wiseman, 1976Ms. Jennifer T. Wisinski, 1991Mr. R. Daniel Witschey, Jr., 1975Ms. Ellen Witt, 1999Ms. Debra L. Witter, 1982Ms. Cindy Lynn Wofford, 1978Dr. Travis Mathew Wohlers, 2003Ms. Dianna D. Wojcik, 1999Mr. Barry H. Wolf, 1976Mr. Howard Wolf, 1959Mr. Christian E. Wolfe, 1984Mr. Walter C. Wolff, Jr., 1949Professor Charles W. Wolfram,

1962Mr. Michael L. Wolfram, 1971Mr. Walter P. Wolfram, 1956Mr. Kenneth A. Wolfson, 1982Mr. Bill R. Womble, 1963Mr. Harlin C. Womble, 1987The Honorable Diane P. Wood, 1975Mr. J. Ralph Wood, Jr., 1951Mr. Judson Wood, Jr., 1958Ms. Nancy T. Wood, 1991Mr. David R. Woodcock, 2000Mr. Bryan A. Woods, 1982Mr. Ronald G. Woods, 1964Mr. Stanley C. Woods, 1948World Reach, Inc.Mr. Christopher K. Wrampelmeier,

1993Mr. John Christian Wray, 1996Mr. Jason Lance Wren, 2000Mr. Arthur Wright, 1971The Honorable James E. Wright,

1949Mr. T. B. Wright, 1954Dr. Thomas C. Wright, 2000

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Mr. Scott Wulfe, 1983Mr. Bart Wulff, 1973Ms. Julia Wylie, 2003Mr. Forrest Jacob Wynn, 2002Mr. Kenneth R. Wynne, 1967Ms. Sarah C. Wynne, 2001Mr. Kevin W. Yankowsky, 1994Mr. Michael J. Yanochik, 1992Mrs. Nancy A. Yanochik, 1991Mr. David L. Yarbrough, 1970Lieutenant Colonel Norris W.

Yates, Jr., 1957Mr. Terry A. Yates, 1972Ms. Yasmin Yavar, 2004Mr. Bryan T. Yeates, 2004Mr. Yale H. Yee, 1995Mr. Jerry H. YellenMr. David Lee Ylitalo, 1975Mr. Barney Young, 1958Ms. Hilary H. Young, 1992The Honorable Jack Dale Young,

1956Ms. Lisa Marie Young, 2002Mr. Mark Bennet Young, 1998Professor William F. Young, 1949Mr. A. Lamar Youngblood, 1991Mr. Paul J. Youngdale, 1965Ms. Jennifer A. Youpa, 1985Mr. Alan Victor Ytterberg, 1985Mrs. Frances A. Yturri, 2001Mr. Samer M. Zabaneh, 1999Mr. John T. Zach, 2001Ms. Olivia J. Zach, 2001Zachary Scott Theatre CenterMrs. Kira K. Zahn, 1995Mr. Lawrence H. Zahn, 1995Mr. John Anthony Zaloom, 1994Ms. Hilary Zarrow, 1983The Maxine and Jack Zarrow

Family FoundationMr. Scott F. Zarrow, 1983Mr. Peter Michael Zavaletta, 1985Mr. William A. Zeis, 1984Mr. John Richard Zepeda, 2003Mr. Andrew W. Zeve, 2003Mrs. Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki, 1979Mr. Richard F. Zier, 1977Mr. David Zimmerman, 1984Mr. Louis S. Zimmerman, 1974Mrs. Marian Zimmerman, 1984Colonel Jack B. Zimmermann,

1975Mr. Jeffrey A. Zlotky, 1985Mr. Rick Zucker, 1985Ms. Stephanie L. Zucker, 1999Mr. Jay A. Zweig, 1986


Abramson, 1949Dallas Bar Association Bankruptcy

& Commercial Law

ADVOCACY PROGRAM FUNDMs. Amber Anderson, 1997

Lieutenant Colonel James M.Baker

Mr. Brent Benoit, 1996Mr. Brian L. Burgess, 1994Mr. Paul D. Clote, 1977Ms. Kendyl Hanks Darby, 2001Mr. Rob Dollars, 1986Ms. Mynde S. Eisen, 1985Mr. Frank Finn, 1956Ms. Teresa I. Ford, 1992Mr. D. C. OliverMr. Mike Rivera Ortega, 1994Ms. Elizabeth Collum Ozmun, 1987Mr. Scott A. Ozmun, 1985Ms. Kelly Jeanne Rock, 2000Mr. Gerald J. Sanders, 1980Mr. Stephen I. Weil, 1978Mr. Forrest Jacob Wynn, 2002


AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONSOCIETY FUNDBaron & Budd, P.C.Guy Herman Campaign CommitteeThe Honorable Guy S. Herman,

1977Longley & Maxwell

AMERICAN JOURNAL OFCRIMINAL LAWMr. Art Brender, 1973Mr. D. Craig Brinker, 1980Mr. Isaac M. Castro, 1980Mr. Robert M. Chiappetta, 2001Mrs. Sarah Sharlot Dietrich, 1991Mr. Steve W. Gaskins, 1973Mr. Francisco F. Macias, 1982Mr. Matthew Brian Probus, 1988Dr. L. Harvick Pulford, 1982Mr. Jason M. Ryan, 2001

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LEGALHISTORYBrown McCarroll, L.L.P.Mr. Josiah M. Daniel III, 1978Graves, Dougherty, Hearon &

MoodySkadden Arps Slate Meagher &

Flom LLPVinson & Elkins L.L.P.

ASSAULT & FLATTERYMs. Laurie T. Hines Ackermann,

1999Mr. Timothy G. Ackermann, 1997Mr. Omar J. Alaniz, 2003Ms. Virginia Coil Alverson, 2003Assault & FlatteryBaker Botts L.L.P.Mr. Edmund Milton Davis, 1999Ms. Heather K. Fleniken, 1998Ms. Felicity A. Fowler

Ms. Susan Foxworth, 1987Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Mr. John F. Gillard, 1994Ms. Kristi Hamlin, 2002Ms. Shana Lynn Horton, 2003Mr. Joseph D. Jamail, 1952Ms. Anne McGowan Johnson, 1995Mr. Nathan M. Johnson, 1993Ms. Diane O'Brien Kelly, 1990King & Spalding LLPMr. Jeffrey P. Kitner, 2001Mr. F. Daniel Knight, 2003Locke Liddell & Sapp, L.L.P.Mr. Jason Luong, 2000Mr. Jadd F. Masso, 2003Ms. Marta R. McLaughlin, 2001Mr. Scott A. McMichael, 1993Mr. Brian M. Moss, 1998Ms. Jennifer Gray Moss, 1997Patterson, Wells and Cruz P. C.Mr. John P. Pierce, 1984Ms. Roberta A. Ritvo, 2001Robinson Law FirmMrs. Vianei Lopez Robinson, 1991Mr. David M. Rodi, 1996Professor Keith A. Rowley, 1992Ms. Amy Leila Saberian, 2003Ms. Susan E. Salch, 1994Mr. Adam T. Schramek, 2001Mr. Neil C. Schur, 1996Mr. David S. Shukan, 1989Mr. Scott D. Simmons, 1999Stanley, Mandel & Iola, L.L.P.Ms. Meredith D. Strachan, 2002Student Bar Association, The

University of Texas School ofLaw

Ms. Marty E. Thompson, 2002Ms. Karin B. Torgerson, 1995Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Ms. Catherine Lee Wall, 2003

MORRIS ATLAS EXCELLENCE FUNDMs. Debra L. AtlasMr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Dr. Jeffrey S. GenecovMrs. Lisa Atlas Genecov, 1984Houston Jewish Community







LLOYD M. BENTSEN ENDOWEDCHAIR IN LAWAkin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,

L.L.P.Atlas & Hall, L.L.P.Mr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Mr. Perry R. BassMr. David Chappell, 1968Mr. Edwin L. CoxDallas Jewish Community

FoundationEd Cox FoundationMr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Mr. Alan FeldThe Honorable John L. Hill, 1947Houston Jewish Community

FoundationMr. Edward S. Knight, 1976Mr. Wales H. Madden, Jr., 1952McCombs Foundation, Inc.Mr. Red McCombsMr. Michael W. Perrin, 1971Mr. Glen E. RoneyThe Honorable Barefoot Sanders,

1950Mr. Marc R. Stanley, 1982


Kever & McDaniel, L.L.P.Mr. Steve Bickerstaff, 1976Mr. Bruce Turbow

NORMAN W. BLACK '55PROFESSORSHIP IN ETHICALCOMMUNICATION IN LAWMs. Elizabeth Black Berry, 1985Mrs. Mrs. Norman W. BlackMs. Diane Black SmithMr. Larry R. Soward, 1974

BOARD OF ADVOCATESBaron & Budd, P.C.Dewey Ballantine, LLPMr. Bradley R. Fellman, 2004Galow Smith & Morrison, P.C.Mr. Robert L. Grove, Jr., 1971Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.McKool Smith, P.C.Scott, Douglass & McConnico, L.L.P.Winstead, Sechrest & Minick P.C.


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the United StatesMayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP

JUDGE PAUL BROWNSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMr. John Allen, 2002Ms. Brenda Jennings


Ltd.Ms. Deborah May BullockMr. Maurice R. Bullock,* 1936Bullock, Scott & NeisigMrs. Melba W. CoxMr. James S. FrostThe Honorable Joe R. Greenhill, 1939Mrs. Martha Shuford GreenhillMr. Walter M. Hall, 1970Ms. Anna L. Holand, 2004Mr. Jim M. Hooks, Jr., 1964Mr. Orrin W. Johnson, 1947Mrs. Patsy Coons JohnsonMr. Franklin Jones, Jr., 1954The Law Offices of Jones &

Jones, Inc.Mr. Lloyd LochridgeMr. Andrew McConnicoMr. Kit McConnicoMrs. Sara Bullock McIntosh, 1971Mr. David M. McNeelyMs. Margaret B. MillikinMr. R. Edward Pfiester, 1970The Honorable Jack Pope, 1937Mr. Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez,

1968State Bar of TexasMrs. Virginia Sansom WalkerMrs. Jane Brite White


CAREER SERVICES STUDENTPROGRAMSAdams and Reese, L.L.P.Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,

L.L.P.Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P.Mr. Lorne D. Bain, 1969Baker Botts L.L.P.Baron & Budd, P.C.

Ms. A. Lynn Boswell, 1993Mr. Nathan Ezekiel Bowden, 1998Mrs. Sofia Harber Bowden, 1998Ms. Claudia D. CantuCox Smith Matthews

IncorporatedDevon Energy CorporationDewey Ballantine, LLPDLA Piper Rudnick Gray CaryMr. Larry Fallek, 1965Mr. J. Philip Ferguson, 1970Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Gardere Wynne Sewell, L.L.P.Gray, Cary, Ware & FreidenrichHaynes and Boone, L.L.P.Mr. Ira L. Hillyer, 1968Hunton & Williams LLPMr. Michael Keane, 1996King & Spalding LLPLocke Liddell & Sapp LLPMayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLPMrs. Janie Strauss McGarr, 1978McKool Smith, P.C.Strasburger & Price L.L.P.Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Zelle Hofmann Voelbel Mason &

Gette, LLP



CHICANO LAW STUDENTSASSOCIATION CHLSABaker Botts L.L.P.Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, LLPBracewell & Giuliani LLPCabrera Capital Markets Inc.Chicano/Hispanic Law Students

AssociationClark, Thomas & Winters, P.C.Professor Sarah H. ClevelandLaw Offices of Diaz & Ramos PCFulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Mr. Amador C. Garcia, 1968Graves, Dougherty, Hearon &

MoodyMr. Anthony Haley, 1993Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.The HBAA Charitable FoundationMr. Frank Herrera, Jr.Hunton & Williams LLPInternational Bank of CommerceJenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Mr. Bryan A. Lopez, 2001Senator Eddie Lucio CampaignThe Honorable Robert R. Puente,

1981Mr. Rudy Vasquez, 1986

Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and

RosatiYoung & Rubicam, Inc.Dr. Judith Lee ZaffiriniJudith Zaffirini for Senator





TOM CLENDENIN, JR.MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP INLAWMs. Barbara Haworth ClendeninMr. Craig Clendenin

WHITFIELD J. COLLINSENDOWED PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMrs. Julianne J. AtteburyEstate of Whitfield CollinsMs. Josephine FranzheimMrs. Bonilee Key GarrettMs. Estella JohnsonMr. Dan M. KrausseMr. Sterling W. Steves, 1954Thompson & Knight





A. DALTON CROSSPROFESSORSHIP IN LAWMr. Paul M. Green, 1957Mr. S. Stephen Lang, 1961Royalgate Center

DEAN'S FACULTY EXCELLENCE FUNDRosetta Fay Hobdy-Fritz Living Trust

DEAN'S ROUNDTABLEMr. Arthur R. Almquist, 1977Mr. J. Gaylord Armstrong, 1968Mr. G. Luke Ashley, 1974Mr. Michael L. Atchley, 1990Mr. Morris Atlas, 1950Mr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Mr. J. Douglas Bacon, 1983Mr. Lorne D. Bain, 1969Mr. S. Jack Balagia, Jr., 1976Mr. Scott Baldwin, 1953Mr. Stanley F. Baldwin, 1973Mr. Darrel Barger, 1974Mr. Ben BarnesMr. E. William Barnett, 1958Mr. Frederick M. Baron, 1971Mr. David J. Beck, 1965Mr. Jerry A. Bell, Jr., 1977Mr. W. Stephen Benesh, 1987The Honorable Lloyd M. Bentsen,

1942Mr. Steve Bickerstaff, 1976Mr. Ernest J. Blansfield, Jr., 1989Mr. Jack S. Blanton, Sr., 1950Mr. Robert L. Blumenthal, 1953Mr. G. Thomas Boswell, 1971Mr. Stephen A. Bouchard, 1982Mr. Dan S. Boyd, 1975Mr. John F. Boyle, Jr., 1961The Honorable J. E. Brown, 1967Mr. Jay P. Brown, 1996Mr. Jeb Brown II, 1995Ms. Jennifer E. Brown, 2000Mr. Jonathan M. Buck, 2001Mr. Scott G. Burdine, 1985Mr. Charles ButtMr. Mark Alan Calhoun, 1973Mr. Patrick H. Cantilo, 1980The Honorable Kent Caperton,

1975Mr. William H. Caudill, 1978Mr. John Allen Chalk, Sr., 1973Ms. Patricia Chamblin, 1978Mr. Thomas W. Choate, 1972Mr. Joseph A. Cialone, 1972Mr. Conor Monroe Civins, 2003Mr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Mr. Paul D. Clote, 1977Mr. Robert W. Coleman, 1968Mr. Carl C. Conley, 1950Mr. James E. Cousar, 1978Ms. Carla J. Cox, 1976Ms. Deborah Cox, 1981Ms. Berry P. Crowley, 1972Mr. Tom Alan Cunningham, 1974Mr. Alistair B. Dawson, 1989Mr. Dick DeGuerin, 1965Mr. Frank W. Denius, 1949Mr. James V. Derrick, Jr., 1970Mr. Robert S. Driegert, 1970Mr. Walter W. Driver, Jr., 1970

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Ms. Diana C. Dutton, 1971Mr. Richard L. Edmonson, 1977Mr. Byron F. Egan, 1968Mr. John R. Eldridge, 1980Mr. Paul R. Elliott, 1989Mr. Randall H. Erben, 1981Mr. Raul F. EscandonMr. John L. Estes, 1956Mr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Mr. C. David Fielder, 1971Mr. George M. Fleming, 1971Dr. Edward H. Forgotson, 1960Dr. Cecil G. Foster, Jr., 1972Mr. Michael J. Fourticq, 1967Mr. Kelly Frels, 1970Mrs. Debby D. GaffneyMr. Donald L. Gaffney, 1977Mr. Michael T. Gallagher, 1965Professor James B. GambrellMr. David Garcia, 1982Mr. Jenkins Garrett, 1937Dr. David A. Garza, 1996Mr. R. James George, Jr., 1969Ms. Machree Garrett Gibson, 1991Mr. Lee Godfrey, 1969Mrs. Carol GoforthMr. Daniel O. Goforth, 1970Dr. Linda L. Golden, 2002Dr. Lekha Gopalakrishnan, 2000Mr. Robert C. Grable, 1971Mr. Richard A. Gump, Jr., 1972Mr. Gary Gurwitz, 1959Mr. William Fred Hagans, 1972Mrs. Nancy Laura Hahn, 1989Mr. Lloyd N. Hand, 1957Ms. Cynthia L. Harkness, 1986Mr. Mark L. Hart, Jr., 1968Ms. Leigh Kathryn Harvey, 1974Mr. J. David Heaney, 1974Mr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Mr. Frank Herrera, Jr.The Honorable John L. Hill, 1947Ms. Karen L. Hirschman, 1983Mr. Curtis D. Hodgson, 1978Mrs. Jennifer Bruch Hogan, 1985Mr. D. Alter HolandMr. F. Franklin Honea II, 1976Ms. Barbara Horan, 1988Mrs. Jo Ann Howard, 1987Ms. Robbi Hull, 1991Mr. Monty Humble, 1976Mr. Barry Hunsaker, Jr., 1979Mr. Daniel A. Hyde, 1971Mr. Frank N. Ikard, 1968Mr. Joseph D. Jamail, 1952Mr. Glenn Jarvis, 1963Mr. S. G. Johndroe III, 1970Mr. Gary C. Johnson, 1976Mr. Franklin Jones, Jr., 1954Mr. Michael Keane, 1996Mr. Dee J. Kelly, Jr., 1985Mr. Michael B. Kentor, 1972Mr. Andrew L. Kerr, 1974Mr. Baine P. Kerr, 1942Mr. Harris E. Kerr, 1975Mr. John C. Kerr, 1972

Mr. Scott C. Krist, 1990Mr. William L. LaFuze, 1973Professor Douglas LaycockMr. Byron L. LeFlore, Jr., 1989Mr. Alfred Lehtonen, 1959Ms. Ann Lents, 1974Mr. L. Steven Leshin, 1979Mr. Joe R. Long, 1958Mr. Meredith J. LongMr. Luke Madole, 1980Mrs. Wendy Marsh, 1967Ms. Lila C. Marshall, 1975Mr. Schuyler B. Marshall IV, 1970Mr. James N. Martin, 1963Mr. Lloyd C. Martin, 1962Mr. Philip K. Maxwell, 1969Mr. David R. McAtee, 1967Mr. John B. McClane, 1958Ms. Melinda M. McCracken, 1995The Honorable W. Brewster

McCracken, 1995The Honorable Stan L. McLelland,

1970Mr. Harold L. Metts, 1958Ms. Linda E. Meyer, 1971Mr. Roy Q. Minton, 1961The Honorable Margaret Garner

Mirabal, 1975The Honorable John T. Montford,

1968Mr. Kendall C. Montgomery, 1984Mr. Richard G. Morgan, 1969Mr. Walter J. Morrison, 1937Dr. Ewell E. Murphy, Jr., 1948Mr. Mike A. Myers, 1963Mr. Wilson S. Neely, 1981Mr. Charles T. Newton, Jr., 1967Mr. Nick C. Nichols, 1961Ms. Betty R. Owens, 1988Mr. Patrick C. Oxford, 1967Mr. F. Richard Pappas, 1980The Honorable Robert M. Parker,

1964Dr. John W. PateMs. Carrin F. Patman, 1982Mrs. Carrin Mauritz PatmanMr. William N. Patman, 1953Mr. Crillon C. Payne II, 1968Mr. Robert B. Payne, 1949Ms. Lisa H. Pennington, 1983Mr. Michael W. Perrin, 1971Mr. David L. Perry, 1967Mr. Sam R. Perry, 1957Mr. Richard C. Porter, 1972Mr. Jonathan D. Quander, 1996Ms. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, 1979Mr. Shannon H. Ratliff, 1964Mr. Alan H. Raynor, 1973Mr. Harry M. Reasoner, 1962Mr. Wayne ReaudThe Honorable Joe R. Reeder, 1975Ms. Grace Fisher Renbarger, 1983The Honorable Ann W. RichardsMs. Jody Richardson, 1980Mr. Philip F. Ricketts, 1973Mrs. Adrienne Rivers, 1981

Mr. Robert M. Roach, Jr., 1981Mr. E. Michael Rodriguez, 1994Mr. Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez, 1968Mr. Glen A. Rosenbaum, 1972Mr. Stanley D. Rosenberg, 1955Mr. Brent M. Rosenthal, 1980Mr. Scott E. Rozzell, 1975Mr. Jaime A. Saenz, 1986Mr. Randall L. Sarosdy, 1977The Honorable A. R. Schwartz, 1951Mr. Marcus F. Schwartz, 1974Mr. Michael J. SchwartzMr. A. Haag Sherman, 1992Mr. Reagan W. Simpson, 1977Mr. Jonathan B. Skidmore, 1983Ms. Martha E. Smiley, 1972Mr. David P. Smith, 1968Mr. Barry T. Smitherman, 1984Mr. Mark D. Sophir, 1985Mr. Martin A. Sosland, 1983Ms. Ann Barnett Stern, 1982Mr. Karl S. Stern, 1982Mr. Charles Henry Still, 1968Mr. Bob Strauser, 1968Mr. William Floyd Stutts, Jr.Mr. Stephen D. Susman, 1965Professor John F. Sutton, Jr., 1941Mr. Milton Y. Tate, Jr., 1963Mr. Stephen L. Tatum, 1979Mr. David F. Taylor, 1988Mr. James L. Truitt, 1959Mr. T. Walter UmphreyMr. Ben F. Vaughan III, 1967Mr. Edward D. Vickery, 1948Mr. Todd N. Wade, 1978Mr. Joe Bill Watkins, 1968Mr. Mark E. Watson III, 1989Mr. Mark Wawro, 1979Mr. John D. White, 1972Mr. Bill Whitehurst, 1971Mr. W. F. Whitfield, 1957Mr. Richard S. Wilensky, 1979Mr. Del Williams, 1985Mr. Ronald G. Woods, 1964Dr. Thomas C. Wright, 2000



DUBERSTEIN BANKRUPTCYMOOT COURTMr. Jeff Bohm, 1984Bracewell & Giuliani LLPCox Smith Matthews IncorporatedFulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Ms. Dorlee E. Henderson, 1976Mr. Thomas S. Henderson, 1976Hughes & Luce, L.L.P.Ms. Debbie B. Langehennig, 1988Mr. Steven Langehennig

Martinec Winn Vickers & McElroyP.C.

McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore,L.L.P.

Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr P.C.Mr. Gregory R. Phillips, 1991Mr. Marlow R. Preston, 1969Royston, Rayzor, Vickery &

Williams, L.L.P.Mr. Lindsay Sharpe, 1969Mr. William Floyd Stutts, Jr.Winstead, Sechrest & Minick P.C.

GEORGE M. FLEMING FACULTYEXCELLENCE FUNDFleming EndowmentMr. George M. Fleming, 1971



Garza,* 1939

GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDMs. Cynthia L. Bast, 1991El Paso Bar AuxiliaryClaire V. Smith Charitable

FoundationMrs. Marian W. Voight

THOMAS H. GODFREYENDOWED PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMr. Kurt Arnold, 2002Ms. Victoria C. Capitaine, 2001Mr. Johnny Carter, 1996Mr. Lee Godfrey, 1969




DAVIS GRANT SCHOLARSHIPDelta Theta Phi Foundation, Inc.


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GUANAJUATO EXCHANGEPROGRAMMs. Susan J. Berlin, 1992Mr. Stuart B. Brown, Jr., 1998Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., 1972Ms. Sharon Steele Doyle, 1967Mr. Edwin F. Einstein, 1984Ms. Deborah D. English-Jones, 1997Frownfelter & LealMr. Darcy A. Frownfelter, 1989Mrs. Liana Gonzales, 1995Ms. Alicia L. Goodrow, 1991Mr. Mack Ray Hernandez, 1970Ms. Carmen A. Leal, 1984Mr. Hugh S. Lowe, 1971Mr. Scott A. McMichael, 1993Ms. Catherine Denegre Moss, 1994Mr. Brainerd S. Parrish, 1967Ms. Sherry Lynn SaucermanMr. Tom D. Stephens, 1971Mr. Marc W. Taubenfeld, 1987Ms. Margaret Reeves Williams, 1991

T. RICHARD (RIC) HANDLERENDOWED PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMr. L. Steven Leshin, 1979Mr. J. Scott RoseMr. Edward F. Walker, 1976

MARK L. HART, JR. ENDOWEDCHAIR IN CORPORATE ANDSECURITIES LAWMr. Clive D. BodeMr. Billie J. Ellis, Jr.Fidelity Charitable Gift FundMr. William P. Hallman, Jr., 1967Mr. Dee J. KellyDee J. Kelly FoundationKelly, Hart & HallmanMs. Joan Powell McNamaraDonald J. and Joan P. McNamara

FoundationMcNarosa FoundationMr. Robert A. MoorMr. Ardon E. Moore IIIQurumbli FoundationMr. Richard E. RainwaterThe Richard E. Rainwater and

Darla Moore 1995 CharitableRemainder Unitrust





HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVEMs. Audre Jean RapoportMr. Bernard RapoportThe Bernard & Audre Rapoport


EVERETT HUTCHINSONENDOWED PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMr. John A. Barclay IIIThe Honorable Dolph BriscoeMrs. Ellen S. CarterMs. Lelia L. ClarkMr. John H. Crooker, Jr., 1937Mrs. Mary Louise B. DayEntrecorpMrs. Marialice S. FergusonMrs. Hertzel FinesilverMrs. Arline FitzpatrickFulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Ms. Luci JohnsonMrs. Dorothy B. PopeMrs. Joy Manning ScottMrs. Blake Stroud Sparenberg

KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON CHAIRIN LATIN AMERICAN LAWMr. James R. AdamsMrs. Linda L. Addison, 1976Mr. Max Murray Addison, 1976Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld,

L.L.P.The Honorable Alan Albright, 1984AnonymousAtlas & Hall, L.L.P.Mr. Morris Atlas, 1950Francis Scott Baldwin Family

Partnership, Ltd.Mr. Scott Baldwin, 1953Mr. Ben BarnesMrs. Melanie H. Barnes, 1981Mr. David J. Beck, 1965Miss Michelle K. BrockBurlington ResourcesBurlington Resources FoundationMr. Joseph A. Cialone, 1972Citizens 1st BankClear Channel Communications

FoundationCommunities Foundation of TexasConocoPhillipsMr. Michael L. Cook, 1968Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc.Devon Energy CorporationMargaret and James A. Elkins Jr.

FoundationEntrecorpMr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Fidelity Charitable Gift FundFrost National BankFulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Mr. R. Kinnan Golemon, 1967

Mr. Robert C. Grable, 1971The Honorable Kent R. Hance, 1968Mrs. Adele P. HartMr. Mark L. Hart, Jr., 1968Mr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Mr. Thomas O. HicksMr. Ned S. Holmes, 1969The Honorable Lynn N. Hughes,

1968The Honorable Kay Bailey

Hutchison, 1967Mr. Ray HutchisonMr. Joseph D. Jamail, 1952Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Mr. Duke R. Ligon, 1969Mrs. Nancy B. LoefflerThe Honorable Tom G. Loeffler, 1971Thomas G. & Nancy B. Loeffler

Irrevocable Charitable TrustM. D. Anderson FoundationMr. Wales H. Madden, Jr., 1952Mr. Frank W. MareshMr. Kade L. MatthewsMr. L. Lowry MaysMr. Michael W. McKinneyMrs. Amy Johnson McLaughlinMr. J. Mark McLaughlin, 1954Mr. Fred MeyerMs. Deborah Beggs MoncriefMr. W. A. “Tex” MoncriefWilliam A. and Elizabeth B.

Moncrief FoundationMr. Mike A. Myers, 1963Mr. Howard Daniel Nirken, 1997Mr. Erle A. NyeMr. Patrick L. O'Daniel, 1992Mr. James I. Perkins, 1963Mr. Bernard RapoportRatliff Law Firm, PLLCMr. Shannon H. Ratliff, 1964Sid W. Richardson FoundationMr. Billy RosenthalMrs. Rozanne K. RosenthalSan Angelo Area FoundationSBCMr. Marc J. ShapiroMr. Thomas M. Susman, 1967Texas Automobile Dealers

AssociationTXU CorporationUSAA FoundationValero Energy CorporationVanguard Charitable Endowment

ProgramMr. W. Daniel Vaughn, 1975Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Wholesale Beer Dist. of TexasMr. Charles J. WylyMs. Anne R. YeakelThe Honorable Lee Yeakel, 1969Mr. James ZachryThe Zachry Foundation


Education Fund, Inc.

EWARD IDAR ENDOWEDSCHOLARSHIP IN LAWAmerican G.I. ForumMr. Curtis V. AnastasioBrockway Family Partnership, Ltd.Dr. Bruce A. BrockwayMs. Erin BrockwayDr. George BrockwayMrs. June BrockwayMs. Katherine BrockwayMs. Laura BrockwayDr. Rebecca Idar BrockwayDr. William BrockwayChina Burma India Veterans

AssociationMs. Dolores I. ColeDr. Michael DugganMrs. Barbara GarciaMs. Deanne J. IdarMr. Edward Stanley Idar IIIMs. Jovita F. LopezMr. Cary C. ReynoldsMrs. Cynthia K. RobinsonMrs. Carole Stehling



CORWIN W. JOHNSON––CLASS OF ’64 ENDOWEDPRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIPIN LAWMr. R. Harry Akin, 1963Mr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975The Honorable James A. Baker,

1957Mr. John A. Barclay IIIMs. Leighton C. BarclayMr. Charles R. Burton, 1961Mrs. Katherine CarssowMr. William B. CarssowMr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Mr. John E. CribbetMr. William D. Darling, 1966William Duane Darling Exempt

Lifetime TrustMr. John W. Fainter, Jr., 1963Mrs. Bonnie Cummins FielderMr. John C. Foshee, 1956Frisco Shop, Inc.Mrs. Beth Smyth GibsonMr. William W. Gibson, Jr., 1956Mrs. Mary Brown GreenwoodMrs. Margaret B. GregoryMr. William N. HaglerHouston Jewish Community

FoundationMrs. Mary MorseMr. Orrin RossMrs. Barbara D. Ruud

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Jack & Joyce Sampson FamilyFoundation

Professor John J. SampsonMs. Margaret J. Sampson, 2000Mr. Eugene F. ScolesProfessor M. Michael SharlotMrs. Susan Sharlot, 1984Professor Ernest E. SmithProfessor Jay L. Westbrook, 1968Mr. James W. Wilson, 1951Mrs. Eleanor C. WrightThe Honorable Lee Yeakel, 1969


Mirabal, 1975


Adamson, 1959Mr. Eric AlbrittonMr. John AlbrittonAlexander Dubose Jones &

Townsend LLPMs. Joyce AlmarazMs. Theodora M. Anastaplo, 2001Arnold & Caruso, Ltd.Baldwin & Baldwin, L.L.P.Mr. Scott Baldwin, 1953Mr. James C. Barber, 1965Mr. Frederick M. Baron, 1971Ms. Karen J. Bartoletti, 1977Mr. David J. Beck, 1965Ms. Corinne A., LLCBerg & AndrophyMs. Rebecca L. BernhardtMr. Steve Bickerstaff, 1976Professor Lynn E. BlaisDr. Philip C. Bobbitt, 1975Mr. Frank L. BransonBranton & Hall P.C.Mr. James L. Branton, 1962Mr. Wm. Terry Bray, 1965Ms. Linda J. Broocks, 1978Ms. Angelyque P. Campbell, 1997Ms. Norma V. CantuMr. Carlton CarlMr. Colin J. Carl, 1968Mr. G. David Carlock, 1967Mr. Donald F. Carnes, 1981Mr. Otis Carroll, 1974Mr. Johnny Carter, 1996Professor Michael J. ChurginMr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mrs. Katy M. Civins, 1975Ms. Carol CliffordMr. Ed CloutmanMr. Fred CohenMs. Kathey G. ComerMs. Jeralynn Lee Cox, 1981Mr. Joe K. Crews, 1976

Ms. Martha S. DavisMr. Alistair B. Dawson, 1989Deats & Levy, PCMr. B. Craig Deats, 1978The Honorable Joe Dibrell, Jr.,

1952Mr. William W. Dibrell, 1990Ms. Martha S. Dickie, 1980Mr. Brett DignamMr. David Howard Donaldson, Jr.,

1976Mr. J. Chrys Dougherty IIIMr. David E. Dunham, 1988Ms. M. Diane Dwight, 1979Mr. Ronald Earle, 1967Mr. J. Mark EnglehartExxonMobil FoundationExxonMobil Foundation Mobil

Retiree Matching Gift ProgramMs. Frances T. Farenthold, 1949Mr. J. Steven FarrMr. Lawrence D. FinderMs. Carey Fitzmaurice, 1994Mr. Parker C. Folse III, 1980Mrs. Helen Currie FosterMr. Kelly Frels, 1970Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.Mr. Gibson GayleGeorge & Brothers, L.L.P.Mr. R. James George, Jr., 1969Gibbs & Bruns, L.L.P.Mr. Hal K. Gillespie, 1972Ms. Holly J. GilmanMr. Mark K. Glasser, 1976Mr. Lee Godfrey, 1969Mrs. Liana Gonzales, 1995Mr. Richard Grainger, 1959Graves, Dougherty, Hearon &

MoodyMr. Malcolm GreensteinMr. Peter GriffinMr. Joseph S. GrinsteinMr. Lucas GuttentagMs. Kara A. HaileyProfessor Dagmar HamiltonProfessor Robert W. HamiltonMr. Tom Harkness, 1971Mr. Bobby HawthorneMr. John R. Heard, 1975Mr. Robert J. Hearon, Jr., 1954Mr. Joseph R. Heffington, 1968Mr. Damon J. HemmerdingerMr. Paul HendersonMs. Juanita C. HernandezMr. David H. Herrington, 1990Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon Herrington,

1990Mr. Max Renea Hicks, 1976Ms. Laurie M. Higginbotham,

1999Mr. Kenneth A. Hodson, 1984Holmes Law OfficeMr. Clifton L. HolmesMs. Susan HuberMr. Daniel A. Hyde, 1971

Mr. Tommy Jacks, 1971Jackson Walker L.L.P.Janette Johnson & AssociatesMs. Luci JohnsonMs. Elizabeth K. Julian, 1973Mr. Mushtaq KapasiMs. Susan L. Karamanian, 1985Ms. Mary Ann Keeney, 1977Ms. Mary KellerMr. Peter D. KennedyThe Honorable Mack Kidd,* 1964Mr. Mark L. Kincaid, 1983King & Spalding, LLPMs. Ashley I. Kissinger, 1995Krist FoundationMr. Ronald Krist, 1962Dr. Cherry L. KugleWilliam H. Kugle IIIMs. Tammy G. LandyMr. S. Stephen Lang, 1961Mr. Rick LevyMr. Gregory A. Litt, 2001The Honorable Lora J. LivingstonMr. Joe K. Longley, 1969Mr. Laird LucasThe Honorable Mike Lynch, 1974Ms. Ann E. MaclaineMr. Pat Maloney, 1950Law Offices of Pat Maloney P.C.Mandell & WrightMr. Neal S. Manne, 1980Mr. Steve MartinMr. Philip K. Maxwell, 1969The Honorable Scott McCown,

1979Mr. Robert B. McDuffMr. John S. McEldowneyMr. Harold McElhinnyMr. John B. McFarland, 1975Mr. John J. McKetta III, 1977McKool Smith, P.C.Mr. Mike McKool, Jr., 1974Ms. Robin A. Melvin, 1981Ms. Margaret M. Menicucci, 1990Mr. Marshall L. MillerMr. Mike C. Miller, 1984Mr. Thomas W. Mills, Jr., 1972Mr. Carnegie H. Mims, 1971Sherbert L. Mims & AssociatesMrs. Sherbert Louise Mims, 1976Minton, Burton, Foster & Collins,

P.C.Mr. Fred M. Misko, Jr., 1968Mr. Nelson Mock, 1998Mr. John A. Mouer, 1995Mrs. Meredith S. Mouer, 1995Mr. Vincent M. Nathan 1999 David Morris Newberger TrustMr. David NewbergerMr. Frank NewtonMr. Nick C. Nichols, 1961The Honorable James R. Nowlin,

1963Mr. Terrell Wallace Oxford, 1977Ms. Elizabeth Collum Ozmun, 1987

Mr. Scott A. Ozmun, 1985Mrs. Lauren L. ParishMr. Crawford D. Parker IIIThe Honorable Robert M. Parker,

1964Mr. Roger ParloffMr. John Randolph Parten, 1974Paul Colley Jr. & AssociatesMr. J. Hoke Peacock II, 1965Perry & Haas, L.L.P.Mr. David L. Perry, 1967Mr. Glenn A. Perry, 1974Mr. Lewin Plunkett, 1965The Honorable Jack Pope, 1937Mr. Michael V. Powell, 1974Ms. Maureen Powers, 1986Mr. James N. Rader, 1978Ms. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, 1979Reaud Charitable Foundation, Inc.Mr. Wayne ReaudMs. Beverly G. Reeves, 1988Mr. John Paul ReichmuthThe Honorable Ann W. RichardsMr. Woodrow M. RoarkMr. Randell C. Roberts, 1979Ms. Elyse Rosenblum, 1993Mr. Carl R. Roth, 1964The Roth Law FirmJack & Joyce Sampson Family

FoundationMr. P. M. Schenkkan, 1975Mr. Lionel M. Schooler, 1974The Honorable A. R. “Babe”

Schwartz, 1951Ms. Audrey SeldenMr. John S. Sharp, Jr.Ms. Giovanna ShayMr. Charles S. Siegel, 1985Ms. Lisa Traylor Silvestri, 1996Ms. Marcelle SimmonsMr. James P. Simpson, 1950Slusser Wilson & Partridge LLPMr. William C. Slusser, 1972The Honorable Bea Ann Smith,

1975Mr. Michael R. SmithMr. Wayne V. R. Smith, 1968Mrs. Rosemary T. SniderMs. Sylvia SolomonMrs. Solace K. Southwick, 1988The Honorable Rose SpectorMs. Susan StefanMr. Robert F. Stein, 1969Ms. Brita StrandbergStrasburger & Price, L.L.P.Mr. Curtis B. StuckeyMr. Charlie SullivanMr. James L. SultanSusman Family FoundationSusman Godfrey LLPMr. Stephen D. Susman, 1965Taylor & DunhamMr. Donald R. Taylor, 1975Texas Employment Lawyers


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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y F U N D

Thompson & Knight FoundationMr. James TourtelottMr. Mark TrachtenbergThe Honorable Gisela D. Triana,

1988Mr. William B. TurnerMr. Allan Van FleetMr. Ben F. Vaughan III, 1967Mr. Thomas C. VilesVinson & Elkins L.L.P.Mr. Carl Waldman, 1948Waldman-Smallwood, PCMr. Mark F. WalterJudge T. John WardMr. Mark Wawro, 1979Mr. David WeiserMs. Marianne Wesson, 1973Ms. Lesley WexlerMr. Michael J. Whellan, 1990Mr. R. Laughton Whitehead, Jr.,

1963Mr. Bill Whitehurst, 1971Whitehurst, Harkness, Ozmun &

BreesMrs. Stephanie Evans WhitehurstWiseman, Durst, Tuddenham &

OwenProfessor Zipporah B. WisemanWisenbaker Production CompanyMr. W. Reid Wittliff, 1994Ms. Lucy WoodMr. R. Stephen WoodfinMr. James WootenMr. Jeremy Wright, 2002Ms. Shari Anne WrightMs. Sandi B. ZellmerMs. Susan F. Zinn, 1983


KINCAID & HORTONEXCELLENCE FUND FOREMPIRICAL ADVOCACYRESEARCHMr. B. Russell Horton, 1986Kincaid, Horton & SmithMr. Mark L. Kincaid, 1983


LAW PARTNERS—PLATINUMMr. Barry C. BarnettMrs. Nancy BarnettMrs. Laura BhatiaMr. Vineet BhatiaMs. Ophelia S. CaminaMrs. Catherine CarmodyMr. William C. CarmodyMr. Johnny Carter, 1996Mrs. Nataya CarterMr. Charles R. Eskridge III

Mrs. Monica EskridgeMrs. Kim EvettsMr. Mark A. Evetts, 1995Mr. Jim FlegleMrs. Carol FolseMr. Parker C. Folse III, 1980Mr. H. Lee Godfrey, 1969Mrs. Sandra S. GodfreyMs. Melanie GrayMrs. Amy GrinsteinMr. Joseph S. GrinsteinMr. Charles HarrisMs. Erica W. Harris, 1996Mr. Geoffrey L. HarrisonMrs. Lauren HarrisMr. Michael A. LeeMrs. Susan LeeLoeffler Tuggey Pauerstein

Rosenthal LLPMr. Terry LohrenzMr. Neal S. Manne, 1980Mr. David C. MarcusMrs. Wendy MarcusMrs. Elena R. MarksMr. Kenneth S. Marks, 1981Mr. Eric J. MayerMrs. Isabelle MayerMs. Nancy McGregorMr. Kenneth E. McNeilMrs. Linda McNeilMrs. Joan OxfordMr. Terrell W. Oxford, 1977Ms. Caroline H. PatersonMr. Thomas PatersonMs. Christina B. PeacockMr. J. Hoke (Trey) Peacock III,

1990Mrs. Beth RiveraMr. Robert RiveraMrs. Jeanie RossMr. Jonathan J. RossMs. M. Kathryn SammonsMr. Marc M. SeltzerMrs. Gale ShawMr. Jonathan M. ShawMs. Christina SnyderMr. James T. SouthwickMrs. Solace K. SouthwickMrs. Ellen SusmanMr. Harry Susman, 1996Mrs. Karen SusmanMr. Stephen D. Susman, 1965Susman Godfrey LLPMr. Carlos TreistmanMs. Katherine Ginzburg Treistman,

1996Mrs. Brittney TribbleMr. Max L. Tribble, Jr.Mr. E. Lawrence Vincent, 1987Mrs. Jane VincentMr. Mark Wawro, 1979

LAW PARTNERS—GOLDBaker Botts L.L.P.Mr. Jeffrey M. Becker, 1990

Mr. John B. Beckworth, 1983Mrs. Laura H. Beckworth, 1983Mr. Steven A. Buxbaum, 1973Mr. Jeff Civins, 1975Mr. Bernard F. Clark, Jr., 1982Ms. Stacy Brainin Cobb, 1984Mrs. Deborah S. Coldwell, 1990Mr. John M. Collins, 1975Mr. Terry W. Conner, 1975Mr. Thomas D. Cordell, 1979Ms. Nina Cortell, 1976Mr. John R. Eldridge, 1980Mr. Henry Flores, 1992Mr. Thomas J. Forestier, 1987Ms. Sarah Burrell Foster, 1985Ms. Elizabeth FulghumMr. Roger Fulghum, 1994Mr. William D. Greenhill, 1972Haynes & Boone LLPThe Hobby Family FoundationMrs. Janet M. HobbyMr. Paul W. HobbyMr. Donald D. Jackson, 1993Mr. Lamont A. Jefferson, 1984Ms. Stacey G. Jernigan, 1989Ms. Cindy Kang, 1995Mr. Patrick Dennis Keating, 1995Mr. William S. Kleinman, 1983Mr. Robert L. Levy, 1986Ms. Diana McQuillin Liebmann,

1996Mr. Bryce D. Linsenmayer, 1991Locke Liddell & Sapp LLPMr. David R. McAtee II, 1994Mr. Thomas J. McCaffrey, 1985Mr. Barry F. McNeil, 1969Ms. Mary Frances Mendoza,

1994Mr. Bruce W. Merwin, 1976Mr. Arthur Maurice Nathan, 1975Mr. David H. Oden, 1976Mr. Larry B. Pascal, 1991Mr. Charles David Powell, 1979Mr. Werner A. Powers, 1976Ms. Ann M. Saegert, 1978Mr. A. Michael Warnecke, 1994Mr. Steven A. Waters, 1975Mr. Thomas J. Williams, 1975Mr. Christian E. Wolfe, 1984Mr. Alan Wright, 1982

LAW PARTNERS—SILVERAnonymousDavis, Cedillo & Mendoza Inc. Law

Partners Fund Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza Inc. Richard T. McMillan Law Partners

FundMr. Richard T. McMillan, 1971 Schwartz & Schwartz Law

Partners Fund Mr. Marcus F. Schwartz, 1974


TEX LEZAR MEMORIAL LECTURE SERIESMr. John August Adkins, 1977Mrs. Elaine B. AgatherAlcan Inc.The Honorable Lamar AlexanderMr. David M. AlpernMr. Antonio Alvarado, 1971Ms. Beth AndersonMr. Kenneth W. AndersonMs. Marcia K. ArmstrongArnold Property ManagementMr. Scott J. Atlas, 1975Mr. Burt Ballanfant, 1972Mr. Peter V. BaugherMr. Louis A. BeecherlMs. Patricia A. BinningerMr. David K. BissingerFriends of Donna BlumerBooker IndustriesMr. Talmage Boston, 1978Mr. Bruce W. Bowman, Jr., 1968Mr. Glenn E. Box, 1984The Honorable Jane J. BoyleMrs. Diane W. BrickerMr. John A. Bricker, Jr.Ms. Kirsten F. CallowayDr. W. J. Carl IIIMr. Frank C. CarlucciMs. Shirlee M. ClarkClements, O'Neill, Pierce, Wilson

& FulkersonCommunities Foundation of TexasCommunity Foundation of North

TexasThe Honorable John CornynMs. Anne C. CrewsCrown Cork & Seal, Inc.Mrs. Elisabeth S. DeLargyJeffrey T. DeLeone and

Associates, LLCThe Honorable Harold R. DeMoss,

Jr., 1955DGBB FoundationMs. Carol E. DinkinsMs. Barbara S. DouglasMr. Richard S. DunhamMs. Janet EissenstatMr. Y. J. ElizondoFar View FarmMr. Frank Finn, 1956The Honorable Sidney A.

FitzwaterMs. Harriette FlachmeierDr. Daniel W. FosterMs. Dana Bourgeois FrenchMr. Donald L. Gaffney, 1977Mr. William GallagherMr. Bryan A. Garner, 1984Mr. Rudolph W. GiulianiMs. Beverly B. GodbeyMr. Louis J. GrabowskySenator Phil GrammMs. Wendy L. GrammMr. C. Boyden Gray

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 5 7

Ms. Becky GregoryDan Haley PACMs. Lucy Davis HarperMr. John L. HarrisonDr. Selby S. HarrisonMs. Karen J. HartnettThe Honorable Will Ford Hartnett,

1981Ms. Martha HeadThe Honorable Nathan HechtMr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Ms. Dealey Decherd HerndonMr. H. David Herndon, 1970The Honorable Patrick E.

HigginbothamMs. Paula K. HillHILLCO Partners, LLCMr. David HillerMr. James C. HoHouston Jewish Community

FoundationMs. Anne HowardMs. Barbara Hunter-SandorKay Bailey Hutchison for Senate

CommitteeThe Honorable Kay Bailey

Hutchison, 1967Mr. Ray HutchisonInternet University, Inc.Ms. Ruth IwanoThe Honorable D. Lowell JensenMr. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr.Ms. Marci B. JohnsonMs. Karen Lang JohnstonThe Honorable Edith H. Jones, 1974Mr. Sherwood O. Jones, 1973Emma C. JordanMs. Dora JudkinsMs. Carol Lynne KalishMs. Camille T. KeithMs. Margaret KeliherMrs. Roycee M. KerrMr. Charles H. KettemanDr. Evelyn V. KeyesMr. William J. KilbergWilliam J. Kilberg Living TrustMr. Richard K. KneipperMr. Kevin L. KnoxKrzyzanowski FoundationMr. Richard KrzyzanowskiMs. Terry M. KuflikThe Honorable Elizabeth Lang-

MiersMr. Garland M. Lasater, 1963LawProse, Inc.Mr. Stephen LererMr. Daniel E. LynnMs. Patricia R. LysohMr. Wales H. Madden, Jr., 1952Mr. Peter R. Maier, 1977Ms. Suzanne MarinellMr. Michael T. McClammyMr. Robert A. McConellMr. Ronald D. McCrayThe McGraw-Hill Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Ann McKeeMr. William P. McKenzieThe Honorable M. Margaret

McKeownMr. John McLaughlinMr. Lee W. McNutt IIIThe Honorable Terry R. MeansMr. Edward Mendoza, Jr.Mr. Fred MeyerMs. Debra D. MillerMr. James C. Miller IIIThe MJS GroupMrs. Lisette MondelloThe Honorable Marian B. Moseley,

1976Ms. Beth MyersDean Albert W. Niemi, Jr.The Honorable James R. Nowlin,

1963Liz Oliphant and Associates Inc.Mr. Jack O'Neill, Jr., 1972Ms. Patricia M. PattersonMr. Donnie PerkinsPiper Public Relations CompanyMs. Ann PiperPlayer Group LLCMr. Logan PortmannMs. Karen J. PruenteMs. Judith A. PryorRevell Group International, Inc.Mr. Oliver B. RevellMr. Brett A. Ringle, 1976Mrs. Sue RingleMr. Brian D. RobertsMr. Craig RockensteinMr. Daniel RoseDaniel and Joanna S. Rose Fund,

Inc.Mr. Elihu RoseMr. James S. RosebushMr. Jeffrey RosenMr. Adam B. Ross, 1998Ms. Tara Branum Ross, 2001Mr. Randall L. Sarosdy, 1977Ms. Fran SaulsDr. John H. Saxon IIIMs. Jan Blaustein ScholesMr. Charles W. Schwartz, 1977SCM AdvisorsMs. Makenzie L. SeversonMs. Rebecca D. ShawMr. J. Michael ShepherdMr. Karl SpaethDr. Philip G. SpaethThe Honorable Kenneth W. StarrState Farm Companies FoundationStrake FoundationThe Honorable George W. Strake, Jr.The Honorable Carole Keeton

StrayhornMrs. Jennifer Coleman StriblingMs. Kimberly R. StuartMr. Greg M. Thompson, 1982Mr. M. Cullum ThompsonMr. Stephen S. Trott

Turner Construction CompanyMs. Emily R. TurnerTwin CK CorporationMr. Don VandewalleMr. James D. WebsterThe Webster GroupThe Honorable Ewing Werlein, Jr.,

1961Lilyan Wilder Inc.Mr. Richard K. WillardDr. F. David Winter, Jr.Mr. Charles J. WylyMs. Martha R. Zavaleta




JOHN E. LYLE ENDOWEDPRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN LAWA-1 Striping & Paving CompanyAmerican Prudential Capital, Inc.Mr. Travis E. BaughMr. Curt E. BeckMr. Jaime BermudezMr. William H. Caudill, 1978Clive Runnells EnterprisesThe Honorable David DewhurstMr. Eugene H. DewhurstMr. Alan David Feinsilver, 1973First Capital BankMs. Cynthia H. GreenMr. Ned S. Holmes, 1969Mr. Frank P. HorlockMr. H. R. Houck, Jr.Mr. Jack H. Mayfield, Jr.Mr. Charles E. McMahenMrs. Ann Roosth MelamedMerichem Chemicals & Refinery

Services, LLCMr. Charles MillerMr. Walter J. PowellMr. W. Mike RichardsShannon, Martin, Finkelstein &

SayreSilver Moon Aviation, Inc.Mr. Ronald B. StaffordState Bar of TexasMr. Walter R. Taber, Jr.Mr. Howard Wolf, 1959Mr. Martin Young


The University of Texas Schoolof Law


Inc.Mr. John H. Massey, 1966













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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y F U N D


PUBLIC INTEREST LAWFELLOWSHIPSMr. William P. Allison, 1971Professor David A. Anderson, 1971Professor Hans W. BaadeProfessor Lynn A. BakerProfessor Mitchell BermanProfessor Lynn E. BlaisMs. Bree Buchanan, 1989Ms. Sarah BuelMs. Norma V. CantuProfessor Loftus C. Carson IIMr. Charles G. Childress, 1973Mr. William Christian, 1995Professor Sarah H. ClevelandProfessor Jane M. CohenDr. John DeighProfessor John S. Dzienkowski, 1983Professor Karen L. EngleProfessor Lee Anne FennellProfessor Mark P. GergenProfessor Julius G. GetmanProfessor Patricia Isela HansenMs. Eden E. HarringtonThe Honorable Guy S. Herman, 1977Professor Stanley M. JohansonProfessor Douglas LaycockDr. Terri LeClercqDr. Brian R. LeiterDr. Sanford V. LevinsonMs. Jeana L. LungwitzDr. Inga MarkovitsDr. Richard S. MarkovitsProfessor Thomas O. McGarity, 1974Professor Roy M. MerskyMs. Christy B. Nisbett, 1979Professor Robert J. PeroniDr. H. W. Perry, Jr.Dean Bill PowersProfessor R. Anthony ReeseProfessor John A. RobertsonProfessor M. Michael SharlotMrs. Susan Sharlot, 1984Professor Ernest E. SmithMs. Sheila M. Sokolowski, 2000Professor Jordan SteikerProfessor Michael F. SturleyDr. Teresa A. SullivanProfessor John F. Sutton, Jr., 1941Professor Gerald TorresProfessor Wendy E. WagnerMs. Heather K. Way, 1996Ms. Susan R. WhitmanProfessor Patrick WoolleyMs. Allegra YoungProfessor Ernest A. Young

PUBLIC INTEREST LAW SOCIETYBaron & Budd, P.C.Ms. Kathryn J. Tullos, 1983University Co-operative Society



REVIEW OF LITIGATIONBaron & Budd, P.C.Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P.Cooper & Scully, P.C.Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Mr. R. Eben Price, 1980Mr. Hal R. Ray, Jr., 1984Mr. Paul E. Ridley, 1984State Farm Companies FoundationUniversity Co-operative Society

ANN (TOWNES) AND BROWNERICE, JR. SCHOLARSHIPPROGRAM IN LAWMrs. Ann T. RiceMr. Browne Rice*Mr. Jeffrey D. Sullivan, 1996




1973Ms. Velva L. Price, 1986State Farm Companies Foundation


JUDGE HAROLD BAREFOOTSANDERS, JR. ENDOWEDPRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMs. Jean S. FraserMs. Karen L. Hirschman, 1983Ms. Margaret M. LawtonMs. Susan M. Maxwell, 2000Mr. F. Richard Pappas, 1980Mrs. Adrienne Rivers, 1981Mr. David M. Rodi, 1996Ms. Claire Collins Schwarz, 1992Mr. Kurt Schwarz, 1990Mr. Richard Weiner

JEAN N. AND ARMOND G.SCHWARTZ ENDOWEDPRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN LAWMr. Wilbur H. Baber, Jr.Ms. Barbara BiddleMs. Marietta Laing BiddleMrs. Leona BiehunkoMr. James BozkaDr. Juanita P. BrayMr. Christian W. Bruns IIIMrs. George W. BucekMrs. Marcelle ChaloupkaMr. Richard D. CullenDigestive Health Associates of

Texas, P.A.Ms. Laney B. DobbsMrs. Mary Jane DusekMrs. David S. EngelMrs. Anita EtzlerMr. Leon EtzlerFayette County Bar AssociationMs. Deborah FojtikFour - E Dairy, Inc.Ms. Frances R. GillisMr. Don A. GoetzMrs. Donald F. GoldmanHallettsville Abstract and Title

CompanyMr. Daniel Hedges, 1974Mr. Kenneth HennekeMr. Bradley Paul HermesMs. Margaret HermesMs. Rosemary HermesMr. Gregory F. HollmannMrs. Nancy HunterMr. Leon L. Kahanek, Jr.Mr. William Charles Kirkendall,

1974Mr. Jerome KocianMr. Jimmy KoubaMrs. Barbara LackMrs. Gladiola LampleyMr. Robert H. Loeb, Jr.Ms. Janet MachacMr. Dennis E. MatulaMelvins Childrens and LadiesMr. Charles MichalecMs. Kathleen MuldoonMr. Robert NajvarMr. William J. Natho, 1978Mr. Charles W. PatekMr. Thomas L. PesekMr. Howard E. Rachofsky, 1970The Howard E. Rachofsky

FoundationDr. Everett RengerMr. Gene RengerMs. Judith RengerMrs. Deedie RoseMr. C. C. Rouse, Jr.Mr. Richard RouseHoward A. RubinMs. Barbara M. SangerMr. Gilbert Schindler

Mr. Paul B. SiegelMr. Richard H. SteinMrs. Joyce StraussTinsman, Scott & ScianoMs. Frances F. TockerMs. Glenda TrlicekMr. John W. WiedMr. Mark E. Wise, 1974Mr. Judson R. Wood, 1951


ERNEST E. SMITHPROFESSORSHIP IN LAWFrownfelter & LealMr. Darcy A. Frownfelter, 1989Ms. Carmen A. Leal, 1984

STUDENT LIFE PROGRAM FUNDFleming EndowmentMr. George M. Fleming, 1971



TARLTON LAW LIBRARY FUNDMr. Harold I. BoucherMr. Robert L. CottinghamHighland Park Presbyterian

ChurchMr. Chauncey D. Leake, Jr., 1955Professor Mary J. Parrish, 1978Senior Activity Center



AssociationMr. Michael GisserMr. Fred HavenickMr. William HutchinsonProfessor Stanley M. JohansonMr. Dudley Oldham, 1966Mrs. Judy White OldhamMrs. Carrin Mauritz PatmanMr. William N. Patman, 1953Mr. Leon Reitnauer

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 5 9

Mr. William M. Rork, 1984Mr. Marguerite ScanlanWisener Nunnally L.L.P.

TEACHING QUIZMASTERSMs. Jeri Anne Amundsen, 1991Ms. Jessica Lottie Averitt, 2003Baker Botts L.L.P.Mr. John N. Barnhart, 1949Mr. Thomas E. Berry,* 1951Mr. Roger Bonney, 1956Ms. Cattleya Chatawanich, 2000Mr. Paul T. Curl, 1982Ms. Sarah A. Donch, 1997Mr. Arthur Feldman, 1991Mr. Richard G. Frey, 1966Mr. George F. Goolsby, 1974Mr. John F. Gray, 1967H2O Partners, Inc.Ms. Annabel Hoffman, 1991Mr. Joseph A. Hoffman, 1981Ms. Nicole L. Hoffpauir, 1999Mrs. Jo Ann Howard, 1987Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Mr. Clayton R. Kauffold, 2003Mr. William A. Kramer, 1966Ms. Amy D. Martin, 2003Ms. Lynne Anne Messina, 1985Mr. Dan B. Miller, 1965Ms. Jennifer Lynn Miscovich, 2003Mr. David Christopher Newell, 1997Ms. Shayne Hurst Newell, 1997Mr. John M. Nolan, 1973Phelps Dunbar, L.L.P.Mr. E. David PhilleyMr. John P. Pierce, 1984Mr. Marlow R. Preston, 1969Scott Hulse Marshall Feuille Finger

ThurmondSidley Austin Brown & WoodMr. Reagan W. Simpson, 1977Mr. Michael L. Spain, 1979Mr. Russell W. Sullivan, 1988Mr. Boyd D. Taylor, 1955Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.Woodley Exploration CompanyProfessor William F. Young, 1949

GERALDINE B. TENNANTENDOWED PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARSHIP IN LAW1307 LTD.Ms. Patrice M. BarronPhyllis J. Cohen, 2004Ms. Barbara Finney, 1942Mr. Russell M. FrankelMrs. Diana HawkinsMr. George A. HellandMary S. ManessMs. Mary J. McKerall, 1969Mr. William Casey McManeminMs. Donna M. MeadowsMs. Brenda Guilloud MedlynThe House at Pooh CornerMs. Lynna Kay Shuffield

Ms. Helen T. VietorMr. Charles A. Williams



Rights & ResponsibilitiesSection


TEXAS INTELLECTUALPROPERTY LAW JOURNALBaker Botts L.L.P.Bracewell & Giuliani LLPDillon & Yudell LLPFulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Locke Liddell & Sapp, L.L.P.McKool Smith, P.C.Mr. James M. Sellers, 2004Sidley Austin Brown & WoodVinson & Elkins, L.L.P.


L.L.P.Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P.Baker & McKenzie LLPBaker Botts L.L.P.Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P.Bracewell & Giuliani LLPMrs. Janice CheungClifford Chance LLPConner & WintersCox Smith Matthews IncorporatedCozen and O’ConnorDawson /Duncan Communications,

Inc.DLA Piper Rudnick Gray CaryFulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Hall Estill Hardwick Gable Golden

& NelsonHaynes and Boone, L.L.P.Hughes & Luce, L.L.P.Jackson Walker L.L.P.Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Jones DayJones Kurth, Andrews & Ortiz PCKing & Spalding LLPLatham & WatkinsLocke Liddell & Sapp LLPMcKee Nelson LLPMeadows, Owens, Collier, Reed,

Cousins & BlauOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLPPorter & Hedges, L.L.P.Ms. Ashley R. Profaizer, 1994Mr. Joe Profaizer, 1993

Ms. Melissa ShultzStokes Bartholomew Evans &

Petree, P.A.Strasburger & Price L.L.P.Texas Instruments IncorporatedVinson & Elkins L.L.P.Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLPWilliams Birnberg & Andersen

L.L.P.Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale &

Door, LLPWinstead, Sechrest & Minick P.C.Yetter & Warden, L.L.P.Mr. David B. Young

TEXAS JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LAWBaker Botts L.L.P.Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P.

TEXAS JOURNAL OF WOMENAND THE LAWMs. Virginia Lynn Adams, 1998Dr. Katherine M. ArensMs. Kelesha Fowler Armand, 1997Ms. Patricia R. BissonnetMrs. Tara Cunningham, 1998Ms. Jennifer H. Davidow, 2000Diamond McCarthy Taylor Finley

Bryant & LeeMs. Kathryn M. Fulton, 1998Professor Christine Hurt, 1993Professor Jean C. LoveMs. Jeana L. LungwitzMs. Christina S. Markell, 2003Ms. Laura Gray McBurnett, 1997Ms. Roberta Ann RitcheskeProfessor M. Michael SharlotMrs. Susan Sharlot, 1984Ms. Barbara StarkProfessor Zipporah B. Wiseman

TEXAS LAW FELLOWSHIPSTexas Law Fellowships, Inc.

TEXAS LEADS PROJECTThe Rockefeller Foundation

TEXAS REVIEW OF LAW & POLITICSAdams Insurance Service Inc.Mr. E. C. BirgClements, O'Neill, Pierce, Wilson

& FulkersonJenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Mr. Daryl L. JosefferMr. J. Eric Lockridge, 1999McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore,

L.L.P.Naman, Howell, Smith & LeeDr. John W. PatePoly-America, L.P.Ms. Merrie SpaethMr. Craig W. ThomasWeil Gotshal & Manges, LLP

Winstead, Sechrest & Minick P.C.




TOWNES HALL RENOVATION FUNDFleming EndowmentMr. George M. Fleming, 1971

CENTER FOR TRANSNATIONALSTUDIESExxon Mobil CorporationMr. Joseph D. Jamail, 1952M. D. Anderson Foundation





WOMEN'S LAW CAUCUSBaker Botts L.L.P.Bracewell & Giuliani LLPFulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.King & Spalding LLPLocke Liddell & Sapp L.L.P.Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.


HAROLD H. YOUNG JR.EXCELLENCE FUNDThe Estate of Harold H. Young, Jr.

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y C L A S S

1927Mr. Vernon Le Roi Elledge*

1928The Honorable Wilson


1929The Honorable Joe L.


1933Mr. Israel Smith

1935Mr. Philip Brin

1936Mr. Maurice R. Bullock*Mr. James J. LaneyMr. D. Aaron Topek

1937Mr. John H. Crooker, Jr.Mr. Jenkins GarrettDr. Leslie P. LeGrand,* Sr.Mr. Walter J. MorrisonThe Honorable Jack Pope

1938The Honorable Solomon

Casseb, Jr.Mr. Armond G. Schwartz*Mr. Emmett L. Whitsett, Jr.

1939Mr. Ward R. BurkeMrs. Marion FensterThe Honorable Reynaldo G.

Garza*The Honorable Joe R.

GreenhillMr. Leroy HallmanMrs. Kathleen Joerger

LindseyMr. Carloss MorrisMr. Milton H. West, Jr.

1940Mr. Joe Abbate, Jr.Mr. W. P. BlairMr. William R. Eckhardt IIIMr. Robert HowardMr. Albert Maverick IIIMr. John G. OliverMr. J. Burleson SmithMr. Derol Todd

1941Mr. Julian BernatMr. Royal H. Brin, Jr.The Honorable Robert E.


Mr. Alfred A. KingMr. B. John Mackin*Mr. Travis L. MillsMr. James K. NanceMr. Sydney C. ReaganThe Honorable Robert S.

StraussProfessor John F. Sutton, Jr.Mr. Ben White

1942The Honorable Lloyd M.

BentsenThe Honorable William C.

ConnerMr. J. O. Terrell CouchMs. Barbara FinneyMr. Ross H. HemphillMr. Baine P. KerrMr. Robert E. RainMr. Tom B. RhodesThe Honorable John H.


1943Mr. Louis H. Beard

1944Mr. Jack C. Hebdon

1945The Honorable Jack A.

BrookshireMr. Charles A. Saunders

1946Mr. James R. AlexanderMr. C. M. HudspethMr. S. Tom Morris

1947Mr. Lloyd M. BorrettMr. Walter CavenMr. Beale DeanMr. C. Brien DillonThe Honorable John L. HillThe Honorable Leonard E.

Hoffman, Jr.Mr. Orrin W. JohnsonMr. Myron B. MarksMr. Connor W. PatmanMr. J. Elwood SloverMr. Robert Carter SneedMr. Joseph G. StreetMr. John F. Wilson

1948Mr. Jos. C. BrownThe Honorable Frank H.

CrainMr. Edwin H. Frank, Jr.Mr. Louis GoldfadenMr. George M. Hopkins, Jr.

Mr. T. Lawrence Jones*Mr. Clarence Everett

Kendall, Jr.Mr. Jesse P. Luton, Jr.Mr. Merle E. MinksMr. Clinton F. MorseDr. Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.Mr. Clyde W. NealColonel Verne D. J. PhilipsProfessor Harry L. ReedMr. Raymond E. RennerMr. G. L. RobertsonMr. Wallace H. Scott, Jr.The Honorable Charles H.

StoreyMr. Charles P. StoreyMr. Edward D. VickeryMr. Carl WaldmanMr. Stanley P. WilsonMr. J. Sam WintersMr. Stanley C. Woods

1949The Honorable Harold C.

AbramsonMr. John N. BarnhartMr. Donald A. BucknerThe Honorable Hume CoferMr. Frank W. DeniusMr. Edward J. DrakeMr. Wm. G. DwyerMs. Frances T. FarentholdMr. James A. GrayMr. William H. HaightThe Honorable Donald V.

HammondMr. Jimmy P. HoranyMr. Robert Allen JircikMr. David KultgenMr. John R. Locke, Jr.Mr. Richard T. MaxwellMr. John L. McConn, Jr.Mr. B. Thomas McElroyMr. Kenneth C. MinterMr. Lawrence Jack MooreMr. George NokesMr. Robert B. PayneMr. Clifton E. SpeirMr. R. R. Wiley, Jr.The Honorable Mary Pearl

WilliamsMr. Walter C. Wolff, Jr.The Honorable James E.

WrightProfessor William F. Young

1950Mr. Morris AtlasMr. T. Alex BeallMr. Jack S. Blanton, Sr.Mr. Norman A. BlumenthalMr. Marshall Boykin IIIThe Honorable Paul N.


Dr. Keith C. CarterMr. Carl C. ConleyMr. Alan S. DaleMr. Richard DaleThe Honorable James

DeAndaMr. John W. FulbrightMr. Charles C. GarnerMr. Henry GilchristMr. Hubert W. GreenMr. Daniel E.

Henderson, Jr.Mr. William M. KennedyMr. Hugh F. KingMr. William L. LemenMr. Julian A. LernerMr. Pat MaloneyMr. Edward T. McFarlandMr. Charles E. McHale, Jr.Mr. James A. MorrisMr. Toufic NicolasMr. William C. PannellThe Honorable Barefoot

SandersThe Honorable Charles R.

SchulteMr. Hugh P. ShovlinMr. James P. SimpsonMr. Marvin S. SlomanMr. Patrick H.

Swearingen, Jr.Mr. Fred B. Werkenthin

1951Mr. Martin L. AlldayThe Honorable Henry

Atkinson, Jr.Mr. Thomas K. BamfordMr. Thomas E. Berry*Mr. Duncan E. BoeckmanMr. Stayton M. BonnerMr. Oscar CavazosMr. William C. Dowdy, Jr.Mr. Lukin GillilandMr. Jack A. JacksonThe Honorable I. A. LernerMr. Thomas J. MitchellMr. John L. RoachMr. C. Kenneth RobertsThe Honorable Leonard F.

RobertsThe Honorable A. R.

“Babe” SchwartzMr. Paul H. SmithMr. Dan T. SorrellsMrs. Beverly Potthoff

TarpleyLieutenant Colonel Howard

A. TrammellMr. Edmunds Travis, Jr.Mr. James W. WilsonMr. J. Ralph Wood, Jr.Mr. Judson R. Wood

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* deceased

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1952Mr. William B. BurgeThe Honorable Joe

Dibrell, Jr.Mr. M. Dudley FowlerMr. Mayo J. GalindoMr. Robert K. GermanMr. Joseph D. JamailMr. Wales H. Madden, Jr.Mr. James W. McCartneyMr. Eugene McElroyMr. Charles B. ParkerMr. Jerome H. Parker, Jr.Mr. Peter C. QuoyeserMr. Richard L. Stone

1953Mr. Stafford E. AndrewsMr. Scott BaldwinMr. Robert L. BlumenthalMr. John H. Broocks IIIMr. S. H. CavinMr. James A. Davidson*The Honorable R. Temple

DriverMr. Robert C. DukeMr. Allen GlennMr. Jerry HopsonMr. J. Frank KinselMr. Robert C. Maley, Jr.The Honorable James W.

MastMr. Charles McDonaldThe Honorable Edward B.

NoblesMr. William N. PatmanThe Honorable Lloyd

Wesley PerkinsMs. Jacqueline RizikMr. James W. RobertsonMr. Howard V. RoseMrs. Charlotte Tonroy


1954The Honorable Carl O.

Bue, Jr.Mr. Maston C. CourtneyMr. John W. DavidsonMr. Dewey J. GonsoulinMr. Robert J. Hearon, Jr.Mr. Franklin Jones, Jr.The Honorable Morris D.

McCallMr. J. Mark McLaughlinJudge Fred J. MooreMr. Charles R. PirtleMr. James L. ReadMr. Newton B.

Schwartz, Sr.Mr. Sander W. ShapiroMr. Warren W. Shipman III

Mr. Sterling W. StevesMr. Jack Q. TidwellMr. Jack J. TurkMr. T. B. Wright

1955Mr. Winston L. AdkinsMr. Robert C. BledsoeMr. Charles D. CabanissMr. William H. Clark IIIMr. Jamie H. ClementsThe Honorable Harold R.

DeMoss, Jr.The Honorable Lee

Duggan, Jr.Mr. John R. FosterColonel James Gayle

GarnerThe Honorable William L.

GarwoodMr. John D. Glass, Jr.The Honorable Jack

HamptonMr. Roy E. JohnstonMr. Chauncey D. Leake, Jr.Mr. Harvey N. MonroeMr. Bill NearyMr. Jack Pew, Jr.Mr. Alphonso Ragland IIIMr. Bill ReiffMr. Stanley D. RosenbergMr. Jack D. SargentMr. Sonny SowellMr. William A. StoutMr. Boyd D. TaylorMr. Charles L. TigheMr. James D. Webb IIIThe Honorable R. F.

Wheless, Jr.

1956Mr. Raymond AndersonMr. J. Evans AttwellMr. Neill Boldrick, Jr.Mr. Roger BonneyMr. Charles D. BostonMr. Stanley Foster DoddMr. Bernard O. Dow*Mr. David T. DuncanMr. John L. EstesMr. Frank FinnMr. John C. FosheeMr. Tom J. FotheringhamMr. Richard A. FrelingDean Byron F. FullertonMr. William W. Gibson, Jr.The Honorable Gordon

GrayThe Honorable W. L.

Hughes, Jr.Mr. Dan M. HurleyMr. Duane O. JuvrudMr. M. McDonnold, Jr.

Mr. Ernest Lee Miller, Jr.Mr. Marcus K. SingletaryMr. Arnold N. SweetMr. Howard WaldropMr. Conrad P. WerkenthinMr. Harry G. WiederspahnMr. Walter P. WolframThe Honorable Jack Dale


1957The Honorable John C.

AkardMr. Sheldon AnismanThe Honorable James A.

BakerMr. Henry G. Bennett, Jr.Mr. V. Reagan BurchMr. Charles E. Cheever, Jr.Mr. George G. CliftonMr. James W. CoburnMr. Harold F. Curtis, Jr.Mr. Dale DowellMr. Earl J. EngleMr. Robert P. FowlerMr. Frank GibsonMr. Paul M. GreenMr. Campbell A. Griffin, Jr.Mr. Lloyd N. HandMrs. Annelle S. LanfordMr. Jarrel D. McDanielMr. Kenneth J. MighellMr. Elton M. MontgomeryMr. William Joe MounceMr. Sam R. PerryMr. Jack J. RawitscherMr. John R. RebmanThe Honorable Sam

RobertsonMr. Morton A. RudbergMr. James M. ShattoMr. Gerald ShurMr. Marshall SimmonsMr. Warlick ThomasMr. Robert R. ThompsonMr. J. Ronald TrostMr. Ramon A. Von DrehleMr. Gerald T. WatersMr. Robert S. WeatherallMr. W. F. WhitfieldLieutenant Colonel Norris

W. Yates, Jr.

1958Mr. E. William BarnettMr. Ed Bluestein, Jr.Ms. Lola L. BonnerMr. Ruben R. CardenasMr. Leonard E. DavisMr. Frank DouglassMr. Bradley A. FowlerMr. Moses GoldbergMr. Howard I. Hatoff

Mr. Nicholas JohnsonMr. Richard O. JonesMr. Sam L. KelleyMr. Joe R. LongMr. John B. McClaneMr. C. France McCoyMr. Graham McCulloughMr. Harold L. MettsMr. Fred J. MortonMr. Bobby D. MyersMr. Howard F.

Naughton, Jr.Mr. Joe A. OsbornMr. Ray PearceMr. Tom ScottColonel Bryan S. SpencerMr. John C. SteinbergerMr. Mac Tichenor, Sr.Mr. Carol VanceMr. William Key WildeMr. Judson Wood, Jr.Mr. Barney Young

1959The Honorable John

Robert AdamsonThe Honorable R. J.

AdcockMr. R. Wade AdkinsMr. William T. J. BurkeMr. James R. CoffeeThe Honorable Eduardo E.

de AsesMr. Alfred H. Ebert, Jr.Mr. Claude C. FreemanMr. Kenneth D. FurlowMr. Richard GraingerMr. S. Louis GreenbergMr. Gary GurwitzMr. Jack W. HawkinsMr. William M. HuffmanThe Honorable Andrew L.

Jefferson, Jr.Mr. Byron L. KiddMr. Herbert N. LackshinMr. Alfred LehtonenMr. Victor E. ManningMr. Everett A. Marley, Jr.Mr. Jack D. MaroneyMr. Dudley D. McCallaMr. Franklin MooreMr. Spencer C. RelyeaMr. Aubrey L. RobertsMr. Don R. StodghillMr. Frank StovallMr. Larry TempleMr. James L. TruittMr. Carlton WildeMr. Howard Wolf

1960The Honorable Robert R.


Mr. James A. BoulignyMr. Richard W. BrainerdMr. Joe B. CannonMr. Jon N. CoffeeMr. J. Sewell CouchMr. Homer L. Deakins, Jr.Mr. Kenneth R. DickersonMr. Benny T. DumasMr. William L. DurhamMr. Henry W. Flagg, Jr.Dr. Edward H. ForgotsonThe Honorable Carlos

GarzaThe Honorable Robert A.

GrittaMr. Dewuse Guyton, Jr.Mr. Jack HartelMr. Claude A. Hays, Jr.Mr. Thomas P. Kelly, Jr.Mr. Ted M. KerrMr. John L. Lancaster IIIMr. Stevens F. MafrigeMr. Charles C. Mason, Jr.Mr. Northcott McFaddinMr. Ed McIntoshMr. Joe PoolMr. Charles H. PurdyMr. Dan M. Reed, Jr.Mr. John D. RoadyMr. Cullen A. Rogers IIIMr. Albert C. RossMr. James B. SalesMr. Camille F. SarroufMr. C. W. Schumacher, Jr.Professor Max R. ShermanMr. Jon TotzMr. Forrest N. TroutmanMr. William D. White, Jr.Mr. John L. WillifordMr. Herschel C. Winn

1961Mr. Robert A. AndersonMr. Bolivar C. AndrewsMr. John F. Boyle, Jr.Mr. Thomas J. BrorbyMr. Charles R. BurtonMr. Lee CaldwellMr. Ben A. DonnellMr. Keith DrummondMr. Adair Dyer, Jr.Mr. Ray FarabeeMr. John A. GilliamMr. James Greenwood IIIMr. Lawrence B. HaileMr. Julian V. HorwitzMr. Jerry V. KyleMr. S. Stephen LangMr. R. J. LintonColonel Tommy W. LuedersMr. Jack B. ManningThe Honorable C. H.


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Mr. Thomas V. McMahanMr. Roy Q. MintonMr. Roy W. MouerMr. Nick C. NicholsMr. Michael R. PickeringThe Honorable Charles R.

RamsayMr. Robert M. RandolphMr. Jimmy L. RossMr. Irwin R. SalmansonMr. Miles SchulzeMr. Samuel V. Stone, Jr.Mr. John H. StrasburgerThe Honorable Ewing

Werlein, Jr.Mr. Ben B. West

1962Mr. L. Money Adams, Jr.Mr. Robert W. AmisMr. James W. Bradford, Jr.Mr. James L. BrantonMr. David S. BrowningMr. Joe I. CardenasMr. George C. ChapmanMr. William V. Conover IIMr. Don L. DicksonMr. Herbert EhrlichMr. Warner F. FassnidgeMr. Taylor GandyFrank W. GiesberMr. Ray A. GipsonMr. Roger GlandonMr. Floyd E. Guest, Jr.Mr. George H. Hagle, Jr.The Honorable William W.

KilgarlinMr. Ronald KristMr. John Furman LewisMr. Karl A. MaleyMr. Phillip L. MannMr. Lloyd C. MartinMr. Gene Matthews, Jr.Mr. James W. McBrideMr. Joel B. McCarty, Jr.Mr. Philip McConnellMr. John D. McQuiggThe Honorable James A.

ParkerMr. Fred N. PfeifferMr. Harry M. ReasonerMr. Norman R. RogersMr. William Neal SunshineProfessor Charles W.


1963Mr. R. Harry AkinMr. Malcolm G. Baker, Jr.Mr. John A. BarrettMr. Clayte Binion IIIThe Honorable Melchor


The Honorable David G.Cleveland

Mr. Rod T. EdensMr. John W. Fainter, Jr.Mr. Harrell FeldtMr. James L. GallagherThe Honorable Lawrence

B. GibbsMr. Allan L. GraberMr. Richard L. GriffithMr. Tom HensonMr. Donald L. HowellMr. Cedric HustaceMr. Glenn JarvisMr. Mike JoplinThe Honorable Joseph P.

KellyMr. W. Franklin Kelly, Jr.Mr. James H. KreimeyerMr. Garland M. LasaterMr. Greg N. MartinMr. James N. MartinMr. Mario J. MartinezMr. William E. MatthewsMr. Michael S. MoehlmanMr. Harvin C. Moore IIIMr. Mike A. MyersThe Honorable James R.

NowlinMr. James I. PerkinsMr. Harry W. StaffordMr. David StubbemanMr. Milton Y. Tate, Jr.Mr. Walter Jennings TaylorMr. Jimmie B. ToddMr. Estil A. Vance, Jr.Mr. Joe F. WheatMr. R. Laughton

Whitehead, Jr.Mr. Bill R. Womble

1964Mr. James M. AlsupThe Honorable Ken

AndrewsMr. John W. BassettColonel Charles E. BonneyMr. James H. BrannonMr. Anthony B. CavenderMr. Lynn R. ColemanThe Honorable Joseph

ConnallyMr. Walter S. FortneyMr. Delno J. GrosenheiderMr. Michael A. HatchellMr. Bill E. HenryMr. Jim M. Hooks, Jr.The Honorable Mack Kidd*Mr. V. Scott KneeseMr. Fritz A. KorthThe Honorable Donald H.

LaneMr. James C. Larkin

Mr. John H. Marks, Jr.Mr. Edgar J. Marston IIIMr. Marion E. McDaniel, Jr.Mr. Edward B.

McDonough, Jr.Mr. Gaynell C. MethvinMr. Ken MuldrowMr. Thomas W. OliverThe Honorable Robert M.

ParkerMr. D. J. PichinsonMr. Edward B. PickettMr. Joseph R. PulaskiMr. Shannon H. RatliffMr. David C. RedfordMr. Carl R. RothMr. Bruce Dixie SmithMr. John H. Smither*Mr. Charles W. SpencerMr. Irwin H. SteinhornMr. Edward W. Turley, Jr.Mrs. Melinda Terry VanceMr. Dan G. Webster IIIMr. Ray A. WeedMr. Abraham S. WilsonMr. Ronald G. Woods

1965Mr. James C. BarberMr. David J. BeckMr. A. William BrackettMr. Wm. Terry BrayProfessor Thomas C. CadyMr. Edmund P. CranzMr. Don L. DavisMr. Jonathan DayMr. Dick DeGuerinMr. W. Gordon DickinsonMr. Larry FallekMr. Edward K. FeinMr. David FranklinMr. Charles W. Giraud IIIMr. Richard R. GonzalesMr. John A. GramlMr. Marc E. GrossbergThe Honorable David

Wesley GulleyMr. Murray L. Johnston, Jr.Mr. Gary L. LeveringMrs. Jo Ann LeveringMr. Louis E. McCarterMr. Roy MerrillMr. Dan B. MillerMr. John L. Murchison, Jr.Professor Charles I. NelsonMr. Jon P. NewtonMr. Jarrell B. OrmandMr. John J. PattonMr. J. Hoke Peacock IIDean Ronald F. PhillipsMr. William B. C. PittengerMr. Lewin PlunkettMr. Pike Powers

Mr. James M. RhodesMr. James U. RossMr. Larry SchoenbrunMr. Rex J. SpiveyMr. Stephen D. SusmanMr. Stephen H. SuttleMr. John Randolph

Thompson, Jr.Mr. Peter WinsteadMr. Paul J. Youngdale

1966Mr. William K. AdamMr. L. E. BarbeeMr. Andrew BarrMr. Roger L. BeebeMr. Travis C. BroescheThe Honorable Gerald M.

BrownMr. John T. CabanissMr. John R. CopeMr. R. Caven CrosnoeMr. William D. DarlingThe Honorable Ralph W. DauMr. Ralph H. DaughertyMr. Robert A. De WittMr. Calman Lind DonskyMr. Howard P. DreyerMr. Richard A. EdwardsMr. Bill Ellis, Jr.Mr. David Lewis EvansMr. Daniel V. FlattenMr. Dan A. FleckmanMr. Robert D. ForresterMr. Theodore D. FrankMr. Richard G. FreyThe Honorable Anne

Lancaster GardnerMr. Terry GardnerThe Honorable J. Ray

Gayle IIIThe Honorable Herbert

GreenThe Honorable Lee S.

GreenMr. Tolbert L. GreenwoodMr. Keith GriffinThe Honorable Joseph H.

HartMr. Donald HigginbothamMr. Frank D. HillMr. Jerry R. HoodenpyleMr. Ray HooperMr. John D. HughesMrs. Anne Whittenburg

JohnstonMr. Frank G. JonesMr. Raymond L. KalmansMr. Larry D. KnippaMr. William A. KramerMr. Walter N. Kuntz IIIMr. David I. KupermanMr. Terry R. Lord

The Honorable Gary B.Maddox

Mr. John H. MasseyMr. Ernest Paul McNutt, Jr.Mr. John G. MiddletonMr. Thomas E. MillerMr. David R. NotewareMr. Dudley OldhamMs. Linda S. PaineMr. P. Dexter PeacockMr. Robert A. PeavyMr. Vincent Walker PeriniMr. Paul A. PhilbinMr. John N. PollardMr. Perry J. RadoffMr. Virgil Smith RayMr. Michael R. RookeMr. Laurence SchorMr. Robert F. See, Jr.Mr. Darryl M. SpringsMr. Paul E. StallingsDr. Van C. Tipton, Jr.Mr. Robert W. WachsmuthMr. William James WadeMr. Michael S. Wilk

1967Mr. Jim S. AdlerMr. Everett L. Anschutz, Jr.The Honorable G. Todd

BaughMr. Stan BeyerMr. Michael L. BirnbaumThe Honorable J. E. BrownMr. Thomas L. BurdettMr. G. David CarlockThe Honorable Jack E.

CarterMr. John R. Castle, Jr.Mr. Drew CauthornMr. John R. Cochran, Jr.Mr. Thomas R. Coffield, Jr.Mr. Ronald R. CresswellMr. Roland E. Dahlin IIMr. Donald Michael DaltonMr. Richard G. Danner, Jr.Mr. Robert L. DavisMr. Charles P. DonnellyMs. Sharon Steele DoyleMr. Ronald EarleMr. Ed H. EsquivelMr. Francisco J. Flores, Jr.Mr. Charles C. FosterMr. Michael J. FourticqThe Honorable W. Royal

Furgeson, Jr.Mr. Edward J. GanemMr. Jack P. GatewoodMr. R. Kinnan GolemonMr. John F. GrayMr. Don W. GriffisMr. William P. Hallman, Jr.Mr. Lee Hamel

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 6 3

Mr. John L. HopwoodThe Honorable Kay Bailey

HutchisonMs. Kathleen E. IrvinMr. J. W. (Don) JohnsonMr. J. Jason KaplanMr. Stanley B. KayMr. Joel H. KleinMr. Arno W. Krebs, Jr.Mr. Mark LevbargMrs. Neilyn Griggs

MaloneyMrs. Wendy MarshMr. C. D. MartinMr. David R. McAteeMr. Ebb B. MobleyMr. Harvey L. MortonMr. James B. Nance IIMr. Charles T. Newton, Jr.Mr. Lyman M. NiemeierMr. Theodore P. OrensteinMr. Sidney OrtonMr. Patrick C. OxfordMr. Brainerd S. ParrishMr. Allan G. Paterson, Jr.Mr. Mark W. PerrinMr. David L. PerryMr. Jon C. PfennigMr. Allan PortMr. G. Dwayne PruittMr. Jamie RobertsonMr. Fred G. RodriguezMr. Thomas Preston

SartwelleMr. Otis C. ShearerMr. Luther H. Soules IIIMr. William A. SpencerMr. Robert M. SpragueDr. Knut SuhrMr. Thomas M. SusmanMr. Michael K. SwanMr. L. Lamar TimsMr. Ben F. Vaughan IIIMr. Ralph W. VertreesMr. Joseph G. WernerMr. Kenneth R. Wynne

1968Mr. J. Gaylord ArmstrongMr. Thomas L. AusleyMr. Bruce W. Bowman, Jr.Mr. Cue D. BoykinMr. Richard R. BrannMr. David P. BrownMrs. Miriam M. BurkeMr. F. Randolph BurroughsMr. Colin J. CarlMr. Juan A. CavazosMr. David ChappellMr. John P. Cogan, Jr.Mr. Robert W. ColemanMr. Michael L. CookMr. Clinton F. Cross

Mr. Robin C. CrowMr. Robert G. Croyle, Jr.Mr. Henry D. DeBerry IIIMr. Vincent DeyoungMr. Byron F. EganMr. James A. Ellis, Jr.Mr. Ronald L. FannMr. Michael L. FeighnyMr. Don E. FizerMr. Amador C. GarciaMr. W. Garney GriggsMr. Royce Jay Hailey, Jr.The Honorable Kent R.

HanceMr. Mark L. Hart, Jr.The Honorable Hayden W.

Head, Jr.Mr. Joseph R. HeffingtonMr. Ira L. HillyerMr. Anthony L. HodgesMr. John S. HollyfieldThe Honorable Lynn N.

HughesMr. R. Clayton HutchinsThe Honorable John A.

Hutchison IIIMr. Frank N. IkardMr. Stephen L. JenksMr. Carl JonesMr. Travis Dale JonesMr. Kenneth C. KayeMr. Henry A. KellyMr. David R. KeyesMr. Albert B. Kimball, Jr.Mr. Larry W. LangleyMr. Charles D. LummusMr. Bobby J. MannMr. Frank E. McCreary IIIMr. Fred M. Misko, Jr.Mr. Steve MorrisMr. Stuart A. MorseMr. John G. NilesMr. Knox D. NunnallyMr. George P. Parker, Jr.Mr. Crillon C. Payne IIMr. George J. PersonMr. L. John PetersonMr. Don C. PlattsmierMr. Ben RamseyMr. Stanley E. RauhutMr. Joseph Neal

RichardsonMr. James L. RobertsonMr. Eduardo Roberto

RodriguezMr. James A. RolfeMs. Fairy Davenport

RutlandMr. Ben H. Sheppard, Jr.Mr. Barton S. SmithMr. David P. SmithMr. Frank F. Smith, Jr.Mr. Wayne V. R. Smith

Mr. Robert D. SpellingsMr. Frederic T. SpindelMr. Charles Henry StillMr. Bob StrauserMr. Donald S. Thomas, Jr.The Reverend James M.

TurleyMr. Gerald P. UrbachMr. Eben D. Warner IIIMr. Joe Bill WatkinsMr. Sigmund T. WeinerProfessor Jay L.

WestbrookMr. Thomas E. WienerMr. Lewis Hugh Wilson, Jr.Mr. Robert Wilson

1969Mr. Richard J. AgnichMr. Lorne D. BainMr. Richard Anthony

Beacom, Jr.Mr. John L. BlandMr. Michael K. BraswellMr. Joseph R. BreedMr. Stuart M. BumpasMr. James E. BurkMr. Lawrence Hubert CloreMr. William F. ConnellMr. Philip L. CravensMrs. Jamie Byrne CreechThe Honorable Joe Ned

DeanMr. W. Robert Dyer, Jr.Mr. Theodore P.

Ellsworth, Jr.Mr. Rowland B. FosterMr. Philip C. Friday, Jr.Mr. R. James George, Jr.Mrs. Anne GlanzMr. Stuart Evan GlassMr. Lee GodfreyMr. H. E. Bert GrahamProfessor Michael M.

GreenfieldMr. James A. HamiltonMr. Barry F. HammondMr. Rolf Erwin HieblerMr. Ned S. HolmesMr. Robert Joe HullMr. Michael R. JohnsonMr. Robert L. Johnson IIIThe Honorable Donald R.

JonesMr. Daniel S. KaplanMr. John Robert KingMr. Barney L. KnightMr. Rodney C. KoenigThe Honorable Elizabeth

LacyThe Honorable Sim LakeMr. James Lewis LeaderMr. Leslie Paris LeGrand, Jr.

Mr. Duke R. LigonMr. Joe K. LongleyMr. R. Michael LooneyMrs. Beverly B. LordDr. Jim LoveMr. Philip K. MaxwellMs. Mary J. McKerallMr. Barry F. McNeilMr. Bill F. MillerMr. William T. MillerMr. Richard G. MorganThe Honorable Harriet M.

MurphyMs. Nancy A. NormanMr. William C. Norvell, Jr.Mr. Michael PhillipsMr. Leroy Morgan PoinsettMr. Marlow R. PrestonMr. J. David RichesonMr. David RobertsMr. John H. RodgersMr. Peter RossMr. Rodney SatterwhiteMr. Robert A. SewellMr. Lindsay SharpeMr. Robert F. SteinMs. Ana Marie SternThe Honorable David T.

StittMr. Gary J. TakacsMr. Thomas R. TaskerMr. Dick TrabulsiMr. Charles Tupper, Jr.The Honorable Bette E.

UhrmacherMr. Kenneth S. Watson IIDean Donald J. WeidnerMr. Peter D. WilliamsonThe Honorable Lee Yeakel

1970Mr. Leslie C. AckerMr. Thomas G. BarnesMr. Charles K. BarrowMr. R. Terry BellMr. Ben E. BenjaminMr. S. I. Betzer, Jr.Mr. Jim H. BozarthMr. T. Paul BulmahnMr. Robert C. CarrMr. Robert John CollinsMr. Robert G. ConverseMr. Allen B. Craig IIIMr. Christopher E. H. DackMr. Platt W. Davis IIIMr. James Vinson

Derrick, Jr.Mr. Robert S. DriegertMr. Walter W. Driver, Jr.Mr. Allan K. DuBoisMr. Edward W. DunbarMr. Finley L. EdmondsMr. Robert Harlan Ellett, Jr.

Mr. J. Philip FergusonMr. Alan C. FielderMr. Kelly FrelsMr. Cullen M. GodfreyMr. Daniel O. GoforthMr. Roger B. GreenbergMr. Walter M. HallMr. David T. HarvinMr. David T. Hedges, Jr.Mr. Max Hendrick IIIMr. Mack Ray HernandezMr. H. David HerndonMr. M. Lawrence Hicks, Jr.Mr. Yerger Hill IIIMr. Kenneth E. Houp, Jr.Mr. S. G. Johndroe IIIMr. Bruce E. JulianMr. Richard KardysMr. David E. KinnanMrs. Carole KolstadMr. Eric LacktmanMr. Gary LernerMs. Jane H. MaconMr. R. Laurence MaconMr. Thomas D. Manford IIIMr. Schuyler B. Marshall IVMr. Stan L. McLellandMr. Robert Milbank, Jr.Ms. Shigeaki Momo-OMr. Martin E. MorrisMr. Ronald J. NeimanMr. Neil Edward NewsomMr. R. Edward PfiesterMr. Marcus Allen PitreMr. Ken PowellMr. Howard E. RachofskyCaptain Robert ReiningMr. Mike RosenwasserMr. George A. RustayMr. Robert S. SimonMr. W. Michael StephensMr. Thomas E. ThomasonMr. Larry TinneyMr. E. Stanley TopekMr. Terry O. TottenhamMr. Daniel S. TrachtenbergMr. J. David TracyMr. Theodore F. Weiss, Jr.Mr. Troy D. WilliamsDr. Irma June WinkMr. David L. Yarbrough

1971The Honorable Timothy P.

AlexanderMr. William P. AllisonMr. Antonio AlvaradoProfessor David A.

AndersonMr. Edmund T. Anderson IVMr. Frederick M. BaronMr. Barry N. BeckMr. Marc P. Bernat

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Mr. David R. BiresMr. Ruben Bonilla, Jr.Mr. G. Thomas BoswellMr. Gerald C. CarruthMr. David P. CotellesseMr. John L. DarrouzetMr. Edwin R. DeYoungMr. Tieman H. Dippel, Jr.Mr. Phil DunlapMs. Diana C. DuttonMr. Milton E. FederMr. C. David FielderMr. George M. FlemingMr. Robin GibbsColonel Robert F. GonzalesMr. Theodore P. Gorski, Jr.Mr. Robert C. GrableColonel David E. GrahamMr. James J. GrahamMr. Michael E. GrimesMr. Robert L. Grove, Jr.Mr. Tom HarknessMr. Randall K. HowardMr. William A. HoyMr. William Rollins HurtMr. Daniel A. HydeMr. Tommy JacksMr. Bruce L. JamesMr. J. Michael KeelingMr. Thomas R. KelseyMr. Thomas M. KocurekMr. Eddie M. LesokMr. Jesse N. LipschuetzThe Honorable Tom G.

LoefflerMr. Hugh S. LoweMr. Robert E. Mangum, Jr.Mr. Kirk R. ManningMr. Henry S. May, Jr.Mrs. Jacqueline M.

McCrearyMrs. Sara Bullock

McIntoshMr. Richard T. McMillanMs. Linda E. Buck MeyerMr. Carnegie H. MimsMrs. Jan R. NewsomMr. John P. NilandMr. Neil J. OrleansMr. Duncan Elliot OsborneMr. Quanah ParkerMr. Pravinchandra J. PatelMr. Michael W. PerrinMr. Steven PfisterMr. Carl PickettMr. Michael J. PiuzeMr. Edwin E. Powell, Jr.Mr. Michael A. ReaMrs. Drew Matlock ReiningMr. Phillip M. RenfroMr. Daniel J. RileyMr. Stephen L. RohdeMr. Joe Arthur Rudberg

Mr. Joseph W. RussellMr. Roy Rutland IIIMr. Larry Sauer, Jr.The Honorable Michael D.

SchattmanMr. Bob SolomonMrs. Linda E. SorberMr. Stephen D. StephensMr. Tom D. StephensMr. Michael D. StuartMr. Charles S. Turet, Jr.Mr. Martin A. TyckoskiMr. John A. WatsonMr. Bill WhitehurstMr. Michael L. WolframMr. Arthur Wright

1972Mr. Christopher B. AllenMr. Richard Owen BaishMr. Burt BallanfantMr. John P. BeallMr. A. Eli BellMr. Craig T. BensonMr. Chesley N. BlevinsMr. Winston L. BorumMr. Robert W. BramletteMr. George B. ButtsMs. Mila K. CameronColonel Craig Lanson

CarverMs. Susan ChadickMr. David W. ChildressMr. Thomas W. ChoateMr. Joseph A. CialoneThe Honorable Murry B.

CohenMr. F. J. Coleman, Jr.Mr. Robert M. Collie, Jr.Mr. J. Gregory CopelandMr. Bill CorsbieMs. Berry P. CrowleyMr. William K. DabaghiMr. Larry R. DavesMr. Jimmy F. DavisMs. Barbara DeakinsMr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr.Mr. John C. D. DrollaThe Honorable James W.

DrydenMrs. Ann Dennis DykesMr. Osborne J. Dykes IIIMr. J. William EarleMr. Jack P. EckelsMr. Paul T. FanningMs. Mary Ellen FelpsDr. Cecil G. Foster, Jr.Mr. Paul W. FoxMr. Hal K. GillespieMr. William D. GreenhillMr. Richard A. Gump, Jr.Mr. William Fred HagansMr. Frank G. Harmon III

The Honorable MelindaFurche Harmon

Mr. Weston L. HarrisMr. John Hay, Jr.Mr. Robert S. HirshMr. Phillip M. HughesMr. John C. KerrMr. David B. KikerMr. Peter G. KumpeMr. George F. KutzschbachMr. Michael R. LevyMrs. Mary M. LowryMr. Edward F. ManningMr. Michael L. McReynoldsMr. Michael MelvinMr. Larry E. MeyerMs. Susannah R. MillsMr. Thomas W. Mills, Jr.Mr. Walter H. MizellMr. Charles C. MurrayMr. Jack O. Nelson, Jr.Mr. Paul F. NielsenMr. Gary W. NoeMrs. Kathleen Durckel OliverMr. Rufus Walker Oliver IIIMr. Jack O'Neill, Jr.Mr. Russell E. PaintonMr. William R. PakalkaMr. Dallas R. ParkerMs. Frances E. PhillipsMr. Richard C. PorterMr. George H. Rau, Jr.Mr. Brian C. RiderMr. John L. RittsMr. Michael E. RoperMr. Glen A. RosenbaumThe Honorable Bryan C.

RudyMr. Henry SalzhandlerMr. Jesus E. SamaniegoMr. Dan Settle, Jr.Mr. Scott C. SheltonMr. J. Todd ShieldsMr. Larry ShoafMr. Louis J. Sirico, Jr.Mr. William C. SlusserMs. Martha E. SmileyMr. Roy C. Snodgrass IIIMr. Ken SparksMr. James J. Spring IIIMr. David A. TaggartMr. John H. Tate IIMr. K. Chris ToddMr. Robert C. Trenchard, Jr.Mr. Ellis L. TudzinThe Honorable Jerald A.

ValentineMr. Danny L. Van WinkleMr. Dick WattMr. Robert G. WestMr. John D. WhiteMr. H. Philip Whitworth, Jr.Mr. Terry A. Yates

1973Mr. Nelson D. Abell IIIMr. Thomas G. AdlerThe Honorable Sunya

AndersonMr. Stanley F. BaldwinMr. Larry BaskindMr. Raymond J. Batla, Jr.Mr. R. Dwain BlakleyMr. James S. BlaszakMrs. Barbara BordelonMr. Art BrenderMs. Rhonda BrinkThe Honorable William C.

BrysonMr. Steven A. BuxbaumMr. Mark Alan CalhounMr. John Allen Chalk, Sr.Mr. John H. ChamberlainMr. William Craig ChildersMr. Charles G. ChildressMs. Julia Penny ClarkMr. Robert M. CohanMr. Joseph A. Connors IIIMr. R. B. Cook, Jr.Mr. Rodney K. CrowlMr. Jefferson J. DavisThe Honorable John

DelaneyMr. Hector De LeonMr. Terence FarrellMr. Alan David FeinsilverMr. Robert C. FeldmanMr. Yale S. FinkleMr. Edward I. FosterMr. Charles FuquayMr. David C. GarzaMr. Steve W. GaskinsMr. Randel B. GibbsMr. G. Ernest GilkersonMr. Jack W. GullahornMr. Michael L. HelwickMr. Ernest R. HigginbothamMs. Susan J. HollonMr. Robert L. HopkinsMr. J. Palmer HutchesonMr. Thomas T. HutchesonMr. E. Stephen JettMr. H. Michael JohnsonMr. Michael R. JohnsonMr. Raymond M. JonesMr. Sherwood O. JonesMs. Elizabeth K. JulianMr. John R. Kelsey IIIMr. David N. KitnerMr. William L. LaFuzeMr. William A. LangMr. K. O. Long, Jr.Mr. Cullen R. LooneyMr. Michael L. MaloneMr. Dale Gene MarklandThe Honorable Garry P.


Mr. Gary V. McGowanThe Honorable Patrick T.

MeyersMr. Thomas O. Moore IIIMr. Terrance J. MullinMr. Stephen W. NealonMr. John M. NolanMr. J. David OppenheimerMr. Leonard W. Peck, Jr.The Honorable Robert A.

PerkinsMr. Ben H. Powell VMr. James Stephen QuinnMr. Mark S. RaynesMr. Alan H. RaynorMs. Rosa Lee RichardsMr. Philip F. RickettsMr. Floyd I. RobinsonDean C. Paul Rogers IIIMr. M. Frank RussellMr. John H. SandlinMr. Randy SchafferMr. Robert ScottMr. Donald A. SmythMr. Kirk SnoufferMr. Jay I. SolomonJohn StallworthMr. John T. Stough, Jr.Mr. Charles A. TarpleyMr. James P. TuiteMr. Jack E. UrquhartMr. Waverly VestMr. Robert C. WalkerMr. Walter H. Walne IIIMr. Charles L. WarrenMr. Alan Jay WeilMr. W. Thomas WeirMr. S. Thomas WertzMs. Marianne WessonMr. W. Roger WilsonMr. Bart Wulff

1974The Honorable Marilyn

AboussieThe Honorable David J.

AdkinsMr. William E. AlbaughMr. Jim AlsupMr. Stephen AngleAnonymousMr. G. Luke AshleyMr. Morton W. Baird IIMr. David BarbourMr. Darrel BargerMr. Mark E. BentleyMr. John S. BirkelbachMr. Jefferson K. Brim IIIMr. Bruce A. BroilletMr. Otis CarrollMr. B. Thomas CookMr. Alan H. CooperMr. Tom Alan Cunningham

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Mr. Clayton E. DevinMr. David G. DunlapMr. S. Stacy EastlandMr. Stephen B. EdwardsMr. Robert W. EutslerMr. Jan E. FarleyMr. Kenneth GindyMr. Douglas B. GlassMr. George F. GoolsbyMs. Leigh Kathryn HarveyMr. J. David HeaneyMr. Daniel HedgesMr. Harold F. HeesMr. John E. HowellMr. Tom HudsonThe Honorable Irene F.

JacksonMr. Douglas F. JohnMrs. Wendy M. JohnThe Honorable Edith H.

JonesMr. Andrew L. KerrMr. Jerry M. KeysMr. William Charles

KirkendallMr. Stephen R. KnoxMr. James F. LaneMr. James F. Lawler, Jr.Ms. Ann LentsMr. John Gabriel Lione, Jr.The Honorable Mike LynchMr. James Edward MannMr. John H. MartinMr. Daniel N. Matheson IIIMrs. Jane A. MathesonMs. Janet S. McClendonMr. Robert D. McCoyProfessor Thomas O.

McGarityMr. Mike McKool, Jr.Mr. Thomas R. McLeroy, Jr.Mr. Richard W. MeyerMr. David K. MeyercordMr. Robert E. Morse IIIMr. Roger NevolaColonel Joel M. OxleyMr. John Randolph PartenMs. Martha Priddy

PattersonMr. Ralph J. Pearson, Jr.Mr. Richard H. PeeplesMr. Glenn A. PerryMr. James M. PhillipsMr. Randy M. PhillipsMr. Lee Riddell PolsonMr. Michael V. PowellMr. Lawrence H.

Rubenstein*Mr. J. Ronald SandbergMr. Lionel M. SchoolerMr. Marcus F. SchwartzMr. Neal SerotteMr. James Loyd Shawn III

Mr. Frank H. Sheffield, Jr.Mr. David A. SheppardThe Honorable Susan

SheppardMr. August E. ShouseMr. Richard S. SimmsMr. Michael C. SmithMr. John G. SouleMr. Larry R. SowardMr. Clark StantonMr. J. Lindsay Stradley, Jr.Mr. Gary J. StraussMr. John S. TeutschMrs. Adrienne P. UngerMr. Timothy J. UngerMr. Edward WalshMr. W. Edward Walts IIMr. William M. WaxmanMr. Walter T. Weathers, Jr.Mr. James E. WebbMr. J. Tullos WellsMr. Lawrence Paul WilkinsMr. Mark E. WiseMr. Louis S. Zimmerman

1975Mr. Scott J. AtlasMs. Gail Anne BartlettMr. Douglas M. BeckerMr. Gilbert J. Bernal, Jr.Mr. Bryan C. BirkelandMr. Wm. Patrick BishopDr. Philip C. BobbittMr. Scott BoundsMr. Dan S. BoydMr. John S. BroudeMr. David H. BrownMr. C. Joseph CainThe Honorable Kent

CapertonMr. Jeff CivinsMrs. Katy M. CivinsMr. Fielding B. Cochran IIIMr. John M. CollinsMr. Robert A. CurryMr. Jeffrey A. DavisMr. Stephen DoggettMr. Trey Dowdy IIIMs. Linda EadsMr. David S. ElderMr. Thomas P. ErwinProfessor Howard N.

FentonMr. Michael W. FoxMr. David S. GambleMr. Gary S. GlesbyThe Honorable Ginny Smith

GranadeMr. J. Robert Green, Jr.Mr. Brian S. GreigMr. Mark J. GrenaderMr. Rene GuerraMr. Brendan Hall

Mr. George L. Hangs, Jr.Mr. Dan Dennis HartnettMr. John R. HeardMr. J. Lanham

Higginbotham IIIMr. Ken HinesMr. Alan HolmanMr. Thomas J. Holmes, Jr.Mr. Kenneth C. Howard, Jr.Ms. Ann C. JacobsMrs. Carol H. JewettMr. Gregory M. JonesThe Honorable Woodie

JonesMr. Dean M. KilgoreReverend Daniel L. KingProfessor John KingMr. Sandy KressMr. John S. LandrumMr. William S. LeeMr. Gary G. LyonsMs. Lila C. MarshallMr. Mike McConnellMr. John B. McFarlandMr. Larry P. McNeillThe Honorable Margaret

Garner MirabalMr. Eldridge MoakMr. R. Wayne MooreMr. Arthur Maurice NathanMr. Peter Andrew NolanMr. Robert L. PageMr. Michael L. PateMr. Thomas J. PerichMrs. Lauren Eaton PrescottMr. Joe W. Redden, Jr.The Honorable Joe R.

ReederMrs. R. Jo ReserMr. Alan J. RobinMr. Steven D. RossMr. Scott E. RozzellMr. George RuhlenMr. Lynn E. SandersMr. Ellis G. SaybeMr. P. M. SchenkkanMr. Karl B. SchmalzMr. Ronald ScottThe Honorable Bea Ann

SmithMr. Ronald T. SponbergMr. David R. StevensonMr. Ross W. Stoddard IIIMr. Tom StreeterMr. Donald R. TaylorMr. Ron TeftellerMr. Paul J. Van OsselaerMr. W. Daniel VaughnMr. William R. VolkMr. D. Gibson WaltonMr. James L. WareMr. Steven A. WatersMr. Mark Weiss

Mr. H. Ronald WelshMr. Robert J. WernerMr. Thomas J. WilliamsMr. Newton W. Wilson IIIMr. R. Daniel Witschey, Jr.The Honorable Diane P.

WoodMr. David Lee YlitaloColonel Jack B.


1976The Honorable Gordon G.

AdamsMrs. Linda L. AddisonMr. Max Murray AddisonMr. Henry J. Amen IIIMr. Michael W. AnglinMr. S. Jack Balagia, Jr.Mr. Allen P. Beinke, Jr.Mr. Steve BickerstaffMr. Neil A. BickleyMr. R. Doak BishopMr. Nelson R. BlockMr. Gerald L. BrachtMr. Barry S. BrownMrs. Deborah S. BryantMr. John A. Buckley, Jr.Mr. James D. BurroughsThe Honorable Jon H.

BurrowsMr. Robert D. CampbellProfessor Charles L.

CantrellMr. Danford F. CarrollMs. Rita Ravel CarrollMr. A. Kirby CavinThe Honorable Ann T.

CochranMr. Travis R. CollierMr. Ronald E. CookMs. Nina CortellMr. David E. CowlingMs. Carla J. CoxMr. Joe K. CrewsMr. Stephen T. DalrympleMr. Robert D. DanielMr. Donald R. DaumMs. Sylvia A. de LeonMr. Walter E. DemondMr. Joseph C. DilgMr. David Howard

Donaldson, Jr.Mr. Stephen P. DoyleMr. Gary W. EilandMr. Daniel FishMr. John E. FisherMr. Thomas C. Fitzhugh IIIThe Honorable Wilford

FlowersMr. J. Douglas FosterMr. Seth FreedmanMs. Kathryn S. Fuller

Mr. Lary D. GarrettMrs. Susan L. GarrisonMr. Mark K. GlasserMr. Carl H. GreenMr. T. Ray GuyMs. Laura J. HagenReverend Christian

HarrisonMs. Dorlee E. HendersonMr. Thomas S. HendersonMr. Max Renea HicksMr. Thomas E. HillMr. F. Franklin Honea IIMr. Michael HortonMs. Diana M. HudsonMr. Monty HumbleMs. Nancy Lucille HustonColonel Alan R. JacksonMr. Brandon C. JanesDr. Gray JenningsMr. Gary C. JohnsonMr. Richard M. JonesMr. Lee L. KaplanMs. Susan M. KelleyMr. Michael Kris KingMr. Scott KlippelMr. Edward S. KnightMr. James M.

Koelemay, Jr.Mr. B. John Lange IIIMr. Patton G. LochridgeMr. Jeff B. LoveMr. Robert J. MagnerMs. Ellen MalandMr. Michael G. MaloneyMrs. Michelle P. MaloneyMr. L. Price ManfordMr. James F. Maroney IIIMr. Stephen L. McCleeryMr. Darwin L. McKeeMr. Edwin P. McKeeMr. Bruce W. MerwinMr. Mike MillsMrs. Sherbert Louise MimsMr. Stephen A. MitchellMr. Scott MooreThe Honorable Marian B.

MoseleyMr. H. Keith MyersMr. James Edward MyersMr. J. Nick NethertonMr. Jeffrey K. NewmanDean Gene Ray Nichol, Jr.Mr. Dale B. NixonMr. David H. OdenMs. Ruth B. PennebakerMr. Charles L. PerryThe Honorable Dwight L.

PhiferMr. Werner A. PowersMr. Scott M. RawdinMr. Brett A. RingleMr. Forrest C. Roan, Jr.

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Ms. Nancy RoffmanMr. Monty L. RossMr. S. Anthony SafiMr. Douglas S. SandageMr. Hal L. Sanders, Jr.Mr. Robert D. SchneiderMr. Daniel J. ShermanMr. Joe ShumateMrs. Donna SnyderThe Honorable Jorge A.

SolisMr. Kenneth R. SteinMr. James A. StroudMr. James M. SummersMr. David Thompson IIIMr. William M. ThompsonMr. J. B. TollettMr. Ernest G. ValdezMr. Edward F. WalkerMr. Charles C. Webb, Jr.Mr. J. Steven WeisingerMr. Newton W. Wilson IIIMr. Richard W. WisemanMr. Barry H. Wolf

1977Mr. Frederick W.

Addison IIIMr. John August AdkinsMs. Shirley Stover AllenMr. Arthur R. AlmquistMr. Rex G. Baker IIIMr. Larry BarbourMr. Marc W. BartaMs. Karen J. BartolettiMr. Robert C. Bass, Jr.Mr. Jerry A. Bell, Jr.Mrs. Caroline B.

BenediktsonMs. Leslie Anne BenitezMr. Rafael H. BerkMrs. Judith Reed BlakewayMr. James A. BooneMr. James D. BraddockMr. Robert P. BraubachMr. Dennis E. ButlerMr. Paul D. CloteMr. Harvey F. CohenMr. David W. CottonMr. Neal S. CukerbaumMr. Ben A. CulpepperMr. Craig M. DaughertyMr. Rick DisneyMr. David J. DunnMr. Richard L. EdmonsonMr. O. E. ElmoreMr. Mark C. EvansMr. David EzarikMr. Jeffrey A. FordMr. Kenneth FuchsMr. Donald L. GaffneyMr. H. S. GarciaMs. Karen L. Garrett

Mr. Lee S. GillMr. Bryan L. GoolsbyMr. Robert S. HarrellMr. Ralph H. HassonThe Honorable Guy S.

HermanMr. Jerel J. HillMr. Jeffrey Leighton

HobartMr. Mike S. HollowayMs. Nancy Rice HudsonMr. Roger W. HughesMr. Scott HunsakerMs. Mary Ann KeeneyMr. Paul E. KniselyMr. Martin LeNoirMr. William C. Liedtke IIIMr. Robert M. LindquistMr. Bruce LoeserMr. Michael J. LucksingerMr. Peter R. MaierMrs. Bonnie Maria MartinMr. Bernie MartinezMr. John J. McKetta IIIMr. Christopher Glenn

McLoughlinMr. Alan H. MeyersMr. Robert S. MorrisMr. David L. MossmanMr. Dennis R. NeillMr. William W. OgdenMr. Terrell Wallace OxfordThe Honorable Juan R.

PartidaMr. Russell D. PetersonMrs. Jama C. RaubachMr. Arnold RosenthalMs. Michele A. SanchezMr. Michael K. SandersonMr. Randall L. SarosdyMr. Reed G. SchneiderMr. Charles W. SchwartzMs. Gayle N. ShackelfordMr. Ronald J. SievertMr. Reagan W. SimpsonProfessor James C. SmithMr. C. David StasnyMr. Kerwin B. StoneMr. Steven M. SucsyMr. James V. SylvesterMr. Joseph A. TurnerMr. Robert N. UdashenMs. Mary Pat WilsonMr. Richard F. Zier

1978Mr. Barry AbramsColonel Thomas J. AgnorMrs. Betsy AndersonMs. Casceil M. AronsonMr. Gregory L. BakerMs. Margaret McGloin


Mr. Talmage BostonMr. John R. BraddockMr. Walter L. “Rusty”

BrignonMr. Michael A. BrombergMs. Linda J. BroocksMs. Robin L. BurrellMr. David M. CastroMr. William H. CaudillMs. Patricia ChamblinMr. Jack M. Cleaveland, Jr.Ms. Kathleen S.

CleavelandMr. Bruce W. CollinsMr. James E. CousarMr. Rogers L. CrainMr. Josiah M. Daniel IIIMr. B. Craig DeatsMs. Linda H. EarleMr. Gary L. EwellMr. Jack Edward FieldsMr. James FrederickMr. Jose A. GarciaMr. Joe A. Garza, Jr.Mr. Stephen E. GeisThe Honorable Pete GerenThe Honorable Bruce

GibsonMr. Ray E. GreenMrs. Kathy B. GuyMr. James B. HarrisMr. Gary D. HendersonMr. John Joseph

HightowerMr. James P. HillMr. Curtis D. HodgsonMr. John HohltMr. Jeffrey K. HolmesMs. Janet L. KingMs. Laird E. LawrenceMrs. Simone Simpson

LeavenworthMr. Don K. LeufvenMr. Henry B. LeviMr. Robert W. LoreeMs. Kathleen E. MagruderMr. David S. MallardMr. Denny R. MartinMs. Rebekah A. McBrideMrs. Janie Strauss McGarrMr. L. Lee McMurtry IIIMs. Christy MilnerMr. C. Michael MooreMr. William J. NathoMr. Kerry L. NevesMr. John Mitchell NevinsMr. Andy NorvalMr. Kevin Patrick O'RourkeMs. Evelina OrtegaProfessor Mary J. ParrishMrs. Barbara A. PateMr. Robert B. Payne, Jr.Mr. Michael P. Pearson

Mrs. Shirley McGregorPearson

Mr. John PeperMrs. Karen PettigrewMr. James N. RaderMr. John W. RainMr. Charles C. ReederMs. Ann M. SaegertMr. Thomas L. SecrestMr. Richard C. ShanksMr. Louis E. SilverMr. Terry A. StallingsMs. Cassie B. StinsonMr. Thomas E. Sturgeon IIIMr. George H. TarpleyMr. Stephen C. TarryMr. Robert P. ThibaultMr. Robert C. ThomasMr. James J. TylerMr. Todd N. WadeMr. Stephen I. WeilMr. Stephen D. WilleyMr. Darrell R. WindhamMs. Cindy Lynn Wofford

1979Mr. J. Cullen AderholdMr. Frank ArnoldMr. Curtis R. AshmosMr. Albert R. Axe, Jr.Mr. Doron M. Bar-LevavMrs. Kathleen Ford BayMr. J. Robert BeattyMr. Kelley K. BeckMr. Herman BoumaMr. James R. BreckenridgeMr. William BuckMrs. Leslie Selig ByrdMr. Ken CarrollMr. Stephen K. CarrollMr. Frank J. CavaliereMs. Karen Joyce CookMr. Thomas D. CordellMr. Sidney H. Davis, Jr.Mr. Gary David DouglasMr. Thomas B. DraperMr. Kevin DuboseMs. M. Diane DwightThe Honorable Rodney EllisMr. Joe Foy, Jr.Mr. Blair Grant FrancisMr. Paul H. GilliamMrs. Patricia Fry GodleyMrs. Elizabeth H. HaasMr. Stanley B. Haas IIMrs. Leigh Kirkwood

HamannThe Honorable Vonciel

Jones HillMr. Barry Hunsaker, Jr.Mr. Robert Icenhauer-

RamirezMr. Steven C. James

Ms. Arcie JordanMr. C. Ronald KalteyerMr. Terry Michael KeeMr. Larry W. KimesThe Honorable William D.

KingThe Honorable Ronald KirkMr. John C. Knobelsdorf IIMs. Ann T. LaddMr. L. Steven LeshinMs. Janiece M. LongoriaMr. Charles Troy MarshallMr. Dave B. MarshallMr. David G. MatthiesenThe Honorable Scott

McCownMr. D. Mitchell McFarlandMr. Daryle D. McGinnisMr. Gary William MillerMr. Hunter NelsonMs. Margaret NetemeyerMs. Christy B. NisbettMrs. Marcella Lee OlsonMr. Wayne K. OlsonMr. Joe S. PoffMs. Patty S. PorterMr. Charles David PowellMr. Dennis Kenton PowellMs. Barbara Ann

RadnofskyMr. Randall M. RatnerMrs. Patricia A. RayMr. Spencer L. ReidMr. Randell C. RobertsMr. Stan G. RomanMr. Robert M. RutledgeMr. Rod M. SchumacherMr. Deon Kirk ShafferMr. Mark E. SmithMr. Michael L. SpainMr. Ron A. SpragueMs. Kathi Jean StaffordMr. John B. StewartMr. Stephen L. TatumMr. Stephen G. UtzMr. John B. WallaceMr. Mark WawroMr. Richard S. WilenskyMrs. Aida Kennedy


1980Mr. Thomas K. AnsonMr. Michael H. Bagot, Jr.Mrs. Linda BarrettMs. Mary M. BeardenMs. Betty BlackwellMr. D. Craig BrinkerMr. Brian E. BrownMr. James T. CameronMr. Patrick H. CantiloMr. Carlos Eduardo


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Mr. Stephen P. CarriganMr. Mark CasonMr. Isaac M. CastroMr. Luis A. ConsuegraMr. Joseph Davidson IIIMs. Martha S. DickieMr. Gregory L. DillionMs. Harva R. DockeryMrs. Diana C. DurbinMr. A. Erin DwyerMs. Katherine B. EdwardsMr. John R. EldridgeMr. Richard L. EllisonMr. Parker C. Folse IIIMs. Theresa Moore

FriersonMr. Ben Cox GarrettMs. Colene GastonMr. Christopher M. GunterMr. Bryan H. HallMr. Brett L. HamiltonMr. Alan W. HarrisMr. John D. Head, Jr.Mr. Mark S. HelmkeProfessor Gerard HertigMr. Paul A. HoffmanMr. Charles M.

HornbergerMr. H. Hollis Horton IIIMr. Clyde J. Jackson IIIMr. Timothy J. JacquetMr. Gary L. JohnsonMr. Matthew J. JohnsonDr. Pat KammererMr. Michael L. KaufmanMr. Keith KirschbraunMrs. Kathleen C. LakeMs. Margaret U. LalkColonel James R. LarkinsMs. Sue Brooks LittlefieldMr. Luke MadoleMr. Douglas E. MannMr. Neal S. ManneMs. Carroll G. MartinMr. Thomas G. MasonMr. Kevin McGillicuddyMr. Gary C. MillerMrs. Amy M. MitchellMs. Angela NevilleMrs. Penelope E.

NicholsonMr. Eric G. OlsenMr. Bryce PanzerMr. F. Richard PappasMr. R. Eben PriceMr. James M. PrinceMr. Kenneth RamirezMr. Nathan L. ReneauMs. Jody RichardsonMr. Mitchell S. RosenMr. Brent M. RosenthalMr. Larry D. SalmonMs. DeMetris A. Sampson

Mr. Gerald J. SandersMr. Lee R. SandoloskiMr. C. Stephen SaundersMr. John I. SchabergMr. Russell ShawMr. Scott F. SmithMs. Eileen S. SommerMr. Mark A. StinnettMr. Michael W. TankersleyMr. James O. ThomaMr. Terry M. ThomasMr. Clark G. Thompson, Jr.Mr. Robert L. TobeyMrs. Helen Stewart

TruscottMr. J. Maxwell TuckerMr. Timothy R. VaughanMs. Norma V. VermeulenMr. Thomas G. WagnerMr. David R. WalkerMr. Raymond E. WhiteThe Honorable D. Scott

WischMr. Thomas C. Wright

1981Mr. Raymundo AlemanMs. Lise E. AndersonMs. W. Jewel ArringtonMr. John T. BaldwinMrs. Melanie H. BarnesMs. P. Louisa BarnesMr. Thomas G.

Bateman, Jr.The Reverend David K.

BernardMs. Susan L. BlountMs. Alexandra A.

BrookshireThe Honorable Harvey G.

Brown, Jr.Mr. Reagan M. BrownMr. Phillip T. BrunsMs. Laura Peterson ButlerMs. Molly CagleMr. Donald F. CarnesMs. Grayson CecilMr. C. Vance ChristopherThe Honorable Tracy K.

ChristopherMr. Howard L. CloseMr. Douglas L. CollinsMr. Richard Paul ColquittMr. C. Wade CooperMr. Morgan L.

Copeland, Jr.Mr. John S. CossumMs. Deborah CoxMs. Jeralynn Lee CoxMr. James L. CuclisMr. Bennie G. DavisMr. Stephen D. DavisMrs. Stephanie E. Donaho

Mrs. Elizabeth H. DrewsMr. Jack DrewsThe Honorable Richard H.

EdelmanMr. Randall H. ErbenMr. W. Thomas FinleyMr. Rudy Gonzales, Jr.The Honorable Will Ford

HartnettMr. Philip O. HeatleyMr. Joseph A. HoffmanMrs. Eileen HohltMr. Michael P. HouseMr. J. Arthur HudmanMr. M. Scott IncertoMs. Nancy L. JenkinsMr. Jeffrey L. JoyceMr. Michael J. KatorMr. John L. Kee IIIMr. Rick LacherMrs. Janis H. LoegeringMr. Bob MaceMr. Patrick J. MaherMr. Kenneth S. MarksMs. Denise MartinezMr. Thomas P. MasonMr. Mark C. MatulaMr. Michael L. McCoyThe Honorable Evelyn P.

McKeeMs. K. Roxanne McKeeMs. Robin A. MelvinDean Thomas M. MenglerMr. Kenneth G. MilesMrs. Catherine M. MillerMs. Dawn MillerMrs. Terri H. MotlMr. Wilson S. NeelyMr. Larry W. NettlesMr. Richard J. PautschMr. James E. PolkThe Honorable Robert R.

PuenteMr. Richard W. RadkeMr. Thomas E. ReddingMr. John T. RidoutThe Honorable Guadalupe

RiveraMrs. Adrienne RiversMr. Robert M. Roach, Jr.Ms. Audrey A. RohanMr. Randall S. RothschildMr. Michael Daly RoweMr. Frederick J. SchuckMr. Barry S. SeidelMrs. Cynthia C. SmileyMr. Anthony SorrentinoMr. Scott M. StahrMr. W. Paul StewartMr. Stephen E. StoryMs. Cynthia Day StrattonMajor Manuel SupervielleMs. Jeanmarie B. Tade

Mr. Walker C. TaylorMr. William J. Taylor IIIMrs. Cynthia Teal ThawleyMr. D. C. Toedt IIIMr. Derek R. Van GilderMr. Eric ViehmanColonel Denise K. VowellMr. Paul C. WatlerMr. David B. WestMr. Pinckney N. Whitfield

1982Mr. Thomas W. AdkinsMr. Stephen I. AdlerMr. Kurt AndreasonMs. Elaine AnthonyProfessor David J.

AronofskyMr. James Robert BaileyMr. Craig D. BallMr. Ruben R. BarreraMr. S. Meade BauerMr. Brian R. BloomMr. Brian K. BosienMr. Stephen A. BouchardMr. Steven M. BowersMr. Robert N. BrailasMs. Kay Upchurch BrooksMr. Wilson CalhounMr. John D. ChapmanMr. James W. Checkley, Jr.Mr. Bernard F. Clark, Jr.Mr. Bryan P. CollinsMs. Lisa M. CraneMs. Susan L. CrossMr. Paul T. CurlMr. Ray N. DonleyMs. Rebecca Anderson

FischerMs. Cornelia A. FosterMr. Mark FosterThe Honorable Joseph C.

GagenMr. David GarciaMs. Susan C. GentzMr. Kenneth D. GoodmanMr. Mitchell J. GreenThe Honorable Joseph J.

Halbach, Jr.Mr. John Baxter HallMr. Jim Hartnett, Jr.Ms. Elizabeth J. HicksonMr. Timothy J. HoganMrs. Aileen M. HooksMs. Joanne P. HopkinsMs. Gerry Martin HudmanMr. Thomas F. Hunter, Jr.Mrs. Kathleen H. IncertoMr. Stuart B. Johnston, Jr.Mr. Eric M. KatzMr. James Arthur KellerMrs. Jane Woods La


Ms. Loretta F. LieberMr. Francisco F. MaciasMr. Daniel L. MarkThe Honorable Charles W.

McGarryMr. Michael C. McRaeMs. Lolly Friedman MillerThe Honorable Elliott

NaishtatMs. Sandra R. NicolasMr. Donald P. NobleMs. Theresa OviedoMs. Carrin F. PatmanMr. Roland PelletierMr. Joseph PevsnerMs. Lisa Diane PowellMr. Sean K. ProctorDr. L. Harvick PulfordMr. John C. RawlsMr. Richard C. ReedMs. Carmen Rivera-WorleyMs. Susan C. RochaMr. Paul D. RulaMr. Juan E. Sauseda, Jr.Mr. James E. SmithMr. Berry D. SpearsMr. Marc R. StanleyMs. Ann Barnett SternMr. Karl S. SternMr. Kevin A. SullivanMr. Michael R. SwanMrs. Elneita Hutchins

TaylorMrs. Kay L. TaylorMr. Thomas W. TaylorMr. Greg M. ThompsonMr. Layne A. ThompsonMr. John B. WatsonMrs. Jane Owen WhiteMs. Debra L. WitterMr. Kenneth A. WolfsonMr. Bryan A. WoodsMr. Alan Wright

1983Mr. Raymond P. AlbrechtMr. Leland I. AmmonsMr. Ernesto G. AmparoMr. Arthur J. AndersonMr. Scott B. AstonMs. Marcia E. BackusMs. Toni L. BaggettMr. Chester S. Beattie, Jr.Mr. John B. BeckworthMrs. Laura H. BeckworthMr. Hubert BellMr. James D. BrownlieMs. Dorothy Anderson

BuddMs. Margaret Diane

BurkhartMr. Raul CalderonMr. Carl B. Case, Jr.

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Mr. David B. CohenMr. David P. CristMr. Pedro S. CruzMr. Karl G. DialMr. Mark M. DonheiserProfessor John S.

DzienkowskiMr. Robert A. EstradaMs. Lisa C. FancherMs. Teresa Brickman FinerMr. Richard FrankelMs. Barbara T. FriedmanMr. Clifford L. FriedmanMs. Quen K. GarzaMr. Alexander J. GonzalesMs. Michelle L. GoolsbyMr. Brad B. HawleyMr. Keith L. HeadMs. Karen L. HirschmanMs. Betteann Fitt HultgrenMr. Cary K. HydenMr. Anthony IcenogleMs. Karen C. JesseyMr. Michael E. KellerMr. Peter H. KesserMr. Mark L. KincaidMr. Jay C. KinneyMr. William S. KleinmanMr. Jeffery R. KochMrs. Teal Carroll LangDr. Peter A. Larkin, Jr.Mr. Billy G. Leonard, Jr.Mr. Guy S. LipeMr. Craig J. LitherlandMs. Marie Odette MaceMr. Guy E. MaillyMr. Stephen MaislinMr. Walt McCoolMr. Mark P. McCrimmonMs. Claire Webber

McLaurinMs. Cheryl L. McMullanMr. M. Bradford MoodyMs. Paula Denise MorrisJohn Bruce MoskowMr. David J. Mullican, Jr.Ms. Carla S. NelsonMr. Terrance A. NoyesMr. Donald Patrick OwensMr. Peyton PaxsonMrs. Dee Ann PayneMs. Lisa H. PenningtonMrs. Cynthia PerlmanMs. Grace Fisher

RenbargerMr. William L. RentfroMr. Javier RiojasMrs. Kathleen M.

SchneiderMs. June Ailin SewellMr. Jonathan B. SkidmoreMs. Katherine L. SmithMr. Martin A. Sosland

Mr. Gene StorieMr. Gary B. SullivanMs. Colleen Sullivan TaylorMrs. Leah C. TaylorMr. Robert P. Taylor IIIMs. Linda M. ThillMs. Kathryn J. TullosMs. Susan VincentMs. Janetta WallsMr. Robert C. WaltersMs. Ursula H. WeigoldMrs. Jodi WellbornMr. Scott WulfeMs. Hilary ZarrowMr. Scott F. ZarrowMs. Susan F. Zinn

1984Mrs. Laura AdamsThe Honorable Alan

AlbrightAssistant Dean Susana I.

AlemanMr. Paul E. AndersonMs. Kay AndrewsMs. Sally S. AndrewsMrs. Allison Dickson

BakerMr. Steven R. BakerMr. Mario A. BarreraMr. Richard BaysMs. Susan Walters BizeMr. Gary E. BlockMr. John C. Boehm, Jr.Mr. Jeff BohmMr. Glenn E. BoxMr. Patrick BreelandMr. Jay W. BrownMr. Daniel Lee ButcherMs. Donna M.

ChristophersonMs. Stacy Brainin CobbMr. William D. Cobb, Jr.Ms. Deborah H. DelgadoMs. Paula M. DeselMs. Jane Arogeti DurhamMr. Edwin F. EinsteinMr. Jeffrey E. EldredgeMs. Mary B. FergusonMr. Howard V. FisherMr. J. Nixon Fox IIIMrs. Sharon S. FoxMr. Bryan A. GarnerMrs. Lisa Atlas GenecovMr. Robert S. GlassMr. Robert S. GodlewskiMr. Steven P. GoodellMr. Richard J. GroosMs. Renee E. HarrisMr. J. Gary HartMr. Walter Andrew HerringMr. Kenneth A. HodsonMr. James E. Hogan

Ms. Theresa A. HortonMr. Stewart A. JacobsonMr. Lamont A. JeffersonMrs. Jo Lyn KallisonMr. Spikes KangergaThe Honorable William R.

KefferMr. Stephen A. KuntzThe Honorable John H.

KylesMs. Carmen A. LealMr. H. Hays LindsleyMs. Ann Vevier LockwoodMr. James H. MarburgerMr. Steven R. MartensMr. John W. MartinMr. Hugh E. McGee IIIMs. Susan Bailey McGeeMr. Mike C. MillerMr. Kendall C. MontgomeryMr. Erich A. MoralesMr. David T. MoranProfessor Olga L. MoyaMr. Ricardo J. NavarroMr. M. Forest NelsonMr. William C. OstendorffMs. Elizabeth B. PattersonMr. Kurt Geyer PaxsonMr. David PendarvisMr. Brett A. PerlmanMr. John P. PierceMs. Rada Lynn PottsMr. James T. RainMr. Hal R. Ray, Jr.Mr. Paul E. RidleyMr. Gary D. RobertsMs. Marcia L. RodgersMr. William M. RorkMr. Robert Alan RosenthalMr. Jerry G. SanchezMr. Chris SchaeperMs. Julie SchechterMr. John R. SchwartzMs. Joy SegarsMrs. Susan SharlotMr. Ricky D. SheltonMr. Jimmy ShookMr. Kenneth J. SimonMs. Annalyn G. SmithMr. G. Frederick SmithMr. Barry T. SmithermanMr. Michael R. SnipesMr. John H. Spurgin IIMrs. Mary Williford StaineMr. Ross Staine, Jr.Mr. David D. SterlingMs. Ida Gwendora StewartMr. Dean A. TetirickMr. William L. WallanderMs. Valerie L. WengerMr. Christian E. WolfeMr. William A. ZeisMr. David Zimmerman

1985Ms. Susan Stoler AndrewsThe Honorable Andrew

AustinMs. Carol Rosenberg

BaskinMs. Elizabeth Black BerryMr. Joseph C. Blanton, Jr.Mrs. Sandra Neisser

BooneMr. Chris BrancartMr. John W. BridgerMs. Dianne S. BrodeMr. C. Carrick Brooke-

DavidsonMs. Jennifer Brooke-

DavidsonMs. Nora Toohy BrooksMr. Scott G. BurdineMr. Bryant W. BurkeMs. Patricia M. CaliguireMr. Eddie CantuMr. Vincent D. CarsonMs. Lisa E. ChismireMr. Barry CopelandMs. Connie Lee CornellMrs. Anne O'Malley

CulottaMr. Kenneth S. CulottaMr. Robert J. DavidMr. David A. DeitchMr. Billy Coe DyerMs. Mynde S. EisenMr. W. Burrell Ellis, Jr.Mr. Dirk E. EshlemanMrs. Kathleen Weidinger

FosterMs. Sarah Burrell FosterMr. Abbey B. GarberMs. Hollis Hudson GastonMr. Craig GlickMrs. Kathryn J. GoodeMs. Janessa Lynne GradyMrs. Karen Fry GrayMr. Mark C. GriegeMr. Anthony C. GrigsbyMr. Eric A. GrotenProfessor Dahlia M.

GutierrezMr. Bob HastyMr. Adam I. HauserThe Honorable Maria

Teresa HerrMr. Sam K. HildebrandMr. Paul W. HobbyMrs. Jennifer Bruch HoganMs. Elizabeth A. HowardMr. L. Jeffrey HubenakMr. Steven L. HughesMs. Ylise Y. JanssenMs. Susan L. KaramanianMr. Dee J. Kelly, Jr.

Mr. W. Jeffrey KuhnMr. Robert E. LapinMr. Alan L. LavesMr. Paul A. LedbetterMr. John A. LeeMs. Sandra Smith ListerMs. Maralene MartinMr. Fernando MartinezMr. Patrick McCaffrey, Jr.Mr. Thomas J. McCaffreyMr. Kerry P. McGrathMr. John B. McKnightMr. Randyl S. MeigsMs. Zoe MeigsMr. John Weston MenkeMs. Lynne Anne MessinaMr. Robert D. MillerMr. Peter E. MimsMr. Monte J. MitchellMr. Christopher P. MorganMr. Paul T. MorinMs. Nancy Weynand

MortonMs. Mary Katherine H.

NacciMr. Stacy R. ObenhausMr. Scott A. OzmunMr. David S. PetermanMrs. Norma Montalvo

PetrosewiczMs. Jana M. RamsayMr. Bradley E. RauchMr. Daniel RoutmanMr. Robert J. SchnackMr. Lewis D. SchwartzMrs. Lynn Rossi ScottMr. Charles S. SiegelMr. Steven R. SmithMr. Stuart SmithMr. Mark D. SophirMs. Leah StolarThe Honorable Bonnie

SudderthMr. Andrew M. TaylorMr. Mark C. WalkerDr. Rob WileyMr. Del WilliamsMs. Jennifer A. YoupaMr. Alan Victor YtterbergMr. Peter Michael

ZavalettaMr. Jeffrey A. ZlotkyMr. Rick Zucker

1986Mr. Jeffrey C. AlexanderMr. Arturo A. Alvarez IIIMs. Velma G. AndersonMr. Walter A. BakerMr. J. Gentry BardenMs. M'Lou BellMr. David M. BennettMr. Michael R. Berry

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 6 9

Mr. David J. BeveridgeMr. Frederick E. BlackMs. Amy Peterson

BloomquistMr. David Ernest BoelznerMs. Tracy Horton BowdenMrs. Melinda A. CarterMr. C. Brian CassidyMr. Douglas B. ChappellMr. David Andrew ClarkMs. Jenice L. CutlerMr. William S. DahlstromMr. Benjamin H.

Davidson IIMr. Casey DobsonMr. Douglas D. DoddsMs. Barbara W. DodyMr. Rob DollarsMs. Goldie C. DomingueMr. James F. DonnellMr. Frank A. DoyleMr. Warren H. FisherMr. Timothy F. FoardeMr. Jorge L. FreelandMs. Linnie A. FreemanMr. Joe Garcia, Jr.Mr. David R. GaviaMr. Paul L. GimenezMr. Mark E. GolmanMr. Jesse J. GreenMs. Cynthia L. HarknessMs. Anna Hathaway-

McKeeMs. Carol HellikerMr. Joe P. HogsettMs. Gaye HoldenMr. B. Russell HortonMr. Gregory L. HousewirthMr. George F. Jones IIIMr. Charles C. Keeble, Jr.Mr. Mark H. KleinmanMrs. Barbara KlitchMr. Tim La FreyMrs. Robyn Sutton LeeMr. John W. LeggettMr. William R. LeightonMr. Robert L. LevyMr. John E. LynchMr. Roger L. MandelMrs. Florence P. MayneMr. Brian T. McLaughlinMr. David M. MellinaMs. Kimberley MickelsonMr. Daniel MilewichMs. Gail E. PapermasterDr. David L. ParkerMs. Maureen PowersMs. Velva L. PriceMs. Melissa L. PriestMr. Eliot D. RaffkindMr. Stephen C. RaschMr. Edward S. RiquelmyMr. James A. Rodman

Mr. David G. RunnelsMr. Jaime A. SaenzMr. Stephen W. SatherMr. Michael D. SchnitzerMs. Stephanie M.

SchroepferMs. Karen Patton SeymourMr. L. Boyd Smith, Jr.Mr. Jeffrey E. SpiersMs. Cynthia K. StewartMr. J. Gregory TaylorMr. Michael J. TomsuMr. Rudy VasquezMr. Carlos A. VillarrealMr. Wm. Hulse WagnerMr. Marshall R. WilkersonMr. David B. WilsonMr. Jay A. Zweig

1987Mr. Phillip L. AllbrittenMr. Richard G. BakerMr. W. Kirk BakerMr. William G. BarberMr. W. Stephen BeneshMr. David W. BonserMr. Gregory F. BurchMr. George CaflischMr. Philip J. Carroll IIIMr. Matthew W. ClamanMs. Mary M. ClarkMr. Merritt M. ClementsMr. James A. CoxMr. Ross William CrowMr. John F. CurryMr. Trey CutlerMr. Peter C. D'ApiceMr. Oscar De La Fuente, Jr.Mr. Jeremy W. DickensMs. Deanne R. DurfeeMs. Laura F. FaibishMr. Thomas G. FarrierMrs. Jean M. FloresMrs. Susan R. ForestierMs. Susan FoxworthMr. William B. GammonMr. Jonathan P. GrahamMr. Lars G. GustafssonMs. Laura Eline HannuschMr. Robert L. HargettMr. Jonathan M. HarrisonMr. Paul E. HeathMr. Timothy J. HeinrichMr. Louis E. Herrera, Jr.Mr. Jack B. HicksMs. Miriam HiserMs. Elizabeth Horan-

VaughnMrs. Jo Ann HowardMr. Richard L. HunnMs. Jennifer Jackson-

SpencerMr. Sam J. Johnson

Mr. W. James Jonas IIIMr. David J. KaplanMr. Shaukat KarjekerMr. Mitch KreindlerMs. Erica L. KrennerichMr. Vladimir LechtmanMr. George LeeMr. Andrew LouisMs. Nancy Adamson

MarcusMr. James E. MasekMr. James P. McInernyMr. Dennis P. McNamaraMr. John MuirMr. Jonathan W. NeedleMr. Thomas C. O'BannonMr. James J. OrmistonMs. Elizabeth Collum

OzmunMs. Dana Emmert ParkerMr. Michael R. PerkinsMs. Debra PetersonMs. Holly Barnett PodkowaMr. Harry G. Potter IIIMr. Presley R. Reed, Jr.Ms. Sharon ReulerThe Honorable Xavier

RodriguezMs. Cheryl K. RosenbergMr. Travis J. SalesMr. Marc T. ShiversMs. Shari Oualline ShiversMr. Larry L. ShosidMs. Lisa Schafroth SooterMr. Truman SpringMs. Marsha R. StronginMr. Johnny SuttonMs. Sabra SweeneyMr. Marc W. TaubenfeldMs. Elaine E. TaylorMr. Timothy N. TuggeyMs. Elizabeth B. UlmerMr. E. Lawrence VincentMr. Joel R. WhiteMr. Harlin C. Womble

1988Mrs. Ruth Kelleher AgatherMrs. Monica AmparoMr. Timothy H. BannwolfMs. Joan BomanMr. Kenneth Chaim BroodoMr. Anthony Benjamin

CantrellMrs. Gisela Blohm CherchesMr. John D. ChristianMs. Karen Kelley ClementsMr. Samuel P. DaltonMr. David E. DunhamMs. Kari E. FindleyMr. Raymond Edward

Gallaway, Jr.Mrs. Katherine T. Garber

Mrs. Kay A. GermiatMr. Brian GilchristMrs. Gwynn Hanmer

GorsuchMs. Margaret Donahue

HallMr. Ronald HechtMr. Bruce C. HerzogMr. Gregory G. HesseMs. Barbara HoranMr. John W. JohnsonMs. Jeannie A. KaessMr. Lowell Adams KeigMs. Alison KennamerDr. Susan KoegelMr. Bruce Edward KosubMs. Debbie B.

LangehennigMr. Thomas F. LooseMr. Robert LoperMs. Laurie ManiotisDr. Barbara ManroeMs. Elizabeth Morris

MartensMr. Charles E. MeachamMr. Kevin J. MeekMrs. Macy A. MeltonDr. J. Tatum Moore IIIMs. Lynnelle Loke MooreMr. Thomas P. MooreMr. Gregory J. MorrisMs. Jennifer T. MosleMr. Jon L. Mosle IIIMr. Link NewcombMs. Betty R. OwensMs. Deri Smith ParkerMr. Patrick William

PearlmanMr. Clyde A. Pine, Jr.Ms. Susan PonceMr. Matthew Brian ProbusMs. Beverly G. ReevesMrs. Renee W. RiversMr. William L. RiversMr. Abraham RubinskyMr. Jay K. RutherfordMs. Cynthia A. SchnedarMrs. Solace K. SouthwickMr. Russell W. SullivanMr. Ronald L. SussmanMs. Lori A. SwannMr. Bill SwanstromMs. Erin Elizabeth

SweeneyMs. Joanna Davis TateMr. Martin Scott TateMr. David F. TaylorThe Honorable Gisela D.

TrianaMs. Lana Kay VarneyMr. George W. Vie IIIMr. Jeffrey L. WadeMs. C. Elizabeth Wagner

Ms. Laurie WeissMrs. Karen L. Tucker WhiteMrs. Rosemary R.


1989Mrs. Kimberly Tollett

AcunaMr. Michael G. AdamsMr. Stephen A. BestMr. Ernest J. Blansfield, Jr.Mrs. Lisa Schiavo BlattMr. Paul D. BradfordMr. J. Mark BrazzilThe Honorable Valarie S.

BristolMs. Lisa A. BrownMr. Michael G. BrownMr. John G. BrowningMs. Bree BuchananMs. Gwyneth A. CampbellMr. Arthur T. CatterallMr. Alistair B. DawsonMr. Donald A. De CandiaMr. John Denier, Jr.Mr. Paul R. ElliottMrs. Corliss H. EnglertMr. Walter Elton EvansMr. Henry Exall IVMr. Paulo FloresMs. Caryn A. FrancisMr. Darcy A. FrownfelterMs. Victoria M. GarciaMr. David GriffithMrs. Nancy Laura HahnMr. Scott HayesMs. Ellen M. HouseMs. Stacey G. JerniganMr. Donald G. JonesMr. Gregory D. JordanMr. Frederick D. JunkinMs. Elizabeth J. KeigMs. Leslie L. W. KinselMr. David A. KlinglerMs. Demetra KoellingMs. Helena KolendaMr. Howard B. KrassMr. William Karl KrogerMr. John H. LangmoreMrs. K. Bradleigh LeBlancMr. Byron L. LeFlore, Jr.Mrs. Allison Donnell

MantorMr. Daniel W. MartinMs. Kimberly P. MayfieldMs. Rosa Maria Palacios

McBrideMs. Sarah Hlavinka

McConnellMr. Michael Scott

MetteauerMs. Shara Alyse MichalkaMr. Thomas M. Michel

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Mr. Harlan E. MurphyMs. Beth MylerMr. Eric J. NicholsMrs. Marsha M. NicholsMr. W. Glenn OpelMs. Carolyn C. OstromMr. Eric E. OstromMs. Belinda R. PerkinsMr. David L. PlautMr. E. Scott PolikovMr. Geoffrey R. PolmaMr. Albert G. PowellMr. Chris ReederMr. James A. Reeder, Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth P. RippyMr. Mark R. RobeckMr. George G. RodriguezMr. Jon Stuart RossMr. James RuizMr. Richard C. Rutledge IIIMr. Richard W. SchmidtMr. Scott H. SegalMr. David S. ShukanMr. Scott Lee SteblerMr. John B. StrasburgerMr. Maurice C.

Superville, Jr.Mr. W. Roberts Taylor, Jr.Mr. Peter ThompsonMr. Alberto VarillasMr. Larry A. WalravenMs. Sharon K. WalravenMr. Mark E. Watson IIIMr. Wayne WatsonMs. Jane M. N. WebreMr. David Weisman

1990Ms. Maria E. AguilarMrs. Mary Elizabeth

AndersonMr. Michael L. AtchleyMs. Susan E. BairdMs. Shelley BarberMr. Frank Ed Bayouth IIMr. Jeffrey M. BeckerMr. David BickhamThe Honorable Jane

Nenninger BlandMrs. Elizabeth C. BreazealeMr. Barry D. BurgdorfMr. Stephen L. BurnsMr. Brian Edward

CieniawskiMrs. Dorene B. CohenMrs. Deborah S. ColdwellMrs. Stephanie K. CrainMr. Stephen B. CrainMr. Chris DanceMs. D'Lesli M. DavisMr. William W. DibrellMr. Michael P. DoyleMs. Diane Lynn Drays

Ms. Allison Wiggins ElderMr. Steve A. ElderMrs. Allison O. ExallMr. David T. FieldMs. Jennifer Gabel-

DaberkoMr. Patrick J. GormleyMs. Katherine Witt HaightMr. Grant HarveyMr. Mark R. HeilbrunMr. David H. HerringtonMrs. Elizabeth Dixon

HerringtonMr. Mark E. HordMrs. Laura Pence

JohansenMr. David Edward KeglovitsMs. Jennifer Jo KeglovitsMs. Diane O'Brien KellyMr. Peter M. KellyMrs. Heather KembleMs. Tracey A. KennedyMr. Joseph R. KnightMr. Scott C. KristMrs. Elizabeth Mata KrogerMr. James L. LoftisMr. James R. LovelaceMr. John A. MacorettaMs. Ellen Beth MalowMs. Nadine Markham-

ItteilagMrs. Lila C. MarshMr. Scott H. MathesonMs. Pamela G. MatthewsMr. Demetrius G. McDanielMs. Alicia Cummings

McGlincheyMs. Margaret M. MenicucciMr. Peter B. MillerMr. J. David NorthcuttMr. David P. OelmanMs. Regan O'Steen-TragonMr. J. Hoke Peacock IIIMrs. Holly Sherman PenaMr. Barrett H. ReasonerMr. Bruce A. RitzenMs. Elizabeth N. RogersMs. Amber H. RovnerMr. Paul C. SarahanMr. Mitchell D. SavrickMrs. Myra Chickering

SchexnayderMrs. Amanda Foote

SchmidtMr. Kurt SchwarzMr. Vernon A. Sevier, Jr.Mr. Phillip SharpMr. Robert A. SimonMr. Taylor F. Snelling IIIMrs. Lynn H. SpiersMr. David R. StephensMr. Robert StephensMr. Ralph M. Stone

Mr. Michael A.Swartzendruber

Mr. Paul R. TobiasMr. Alan M. UtayMr. Michael R. WadlerMr. Michael J. Whellan

1991Ms. Jeri Anne AmundsenMs. Cynthia L. BastMr. Eric G. BegunMr. Thomas S. BiemerMs. Kimberly S. BowersMrs. Kamela BridgesMs. Melissa K. Ferrell

BullionMr. Michael B. BurnsMr. Lynn H. ButlerMrs. Melissa M. ButlerMr. Ramon M. CantuMr. Jerome B. CohenMr. Fred DietrichMrs. Sarah Sharlot DietrichMr. David EarhartMr. Barry E. EngelMr. Arthur FeldmanMs. Laura G. FergusonMs. Alice Lydia FerneliusMr. Stephen M. FerneliusMs. Machree Garrett

GibsonMr. Keith GizziMr. Dewey J. Gonsoulin, Jr.Ms. Alicia L. GoodrowMr. Jeffery L. GravesMr. Matthew T. HaganMs. Annabel HoffmanMs. Natalie E. HopkinsMr. Phillip C. HorwitzMr. Bradley Wayne HowardMs. Robbi HullMr. Gregory J. KingMs. Valerie P. KirkMr. Randall S. LewisMr. Bryce D. LinsenmayerMr. Paul A. MartinMs. Robin Slater MartinMs. Laura K. McAfeeMr. Robert G. McCormickMs. Carol McDonaldMr. J. Dan McMahan IIIMr. Mark W. MillerMr. Charles D. MoodyMs. Linda Noecker MorrisMr. John David MunnMrs. Charolette NoelMr. Larry B. PascalMr. Michael T. PetersMr. Gregory R. PhillipsMs. Noel PlummerMs. Marjorie L. PowellProfessor Robert W.

Prevost III

Mr. C. Lane PrickettMr. Douglas R. PyneMr. Greg ReedMs. Kimberly M. RickardMs. Tiffany Janelle RobbinsMrs. Vianei Lopez RobinsonMs. Susan V. SampleMr. Martin S. SchexnayderMrs. Susan M. SchwagerMr. Julien R. SmytheMr. John SpillerMs. Donean SurrattMs. Barbara J. SzalayMr. Timothy E. TaylorMr. J. Lawrence TempleMs. Jan Steinhour

ThompsonMs. Laura Crowe TurleyMr. Stephan VoudrisMrs. Marcella D. WatkinsMrs. Lucie Frost WebbMrs. Suzanne R.

WesterheimMr. Andrew C. WhitakerMr. George O. Wilkinson, Jr.Ms. Margaret Reeves

WilliamsMs. Jennifer T. WisinskiMs. Nancy T. WoodMrs. Nancy A. YanochikMr. A. Lamar Youngblood

1992Ms. Denise A. Acebo-

HansenMr. Jay Ronald AldisMr. Fields AlexanderMr. James D. BatemanMr. Brian Robert BeckerMs. Susan J. BerlinMs. Kelly Cox BilekMr. Bruce BlefeldMrs. Dorothy Fong BlefeldMr. Mark BowieMr. Lou BrucculeriMr. John S. ButlerMs. Janet R. CarlMrs. Susan H. CarpMs. Trina ChandlerMs. Rachel Giesber

ClingmanMs. Elizabeth CopelandMr. Roger CowieMr. John H. CrouchMr. David L. DawsonMs. Kathleen Ann DevineMs. Helene P. DreyerMs. Stacy E. FlippinMr. Henry FloresMs. Teresa I. FordMr. Ross Spencer GarssonMrs. Julie A. GerronMr. Neil E. Giles

Mrs. Valorie C. GlassMr. Steven J. GordonMs. Jennifer Horan GreerMr. Wallis M. HamptonMr. Kurt HamrockMr. Robert W. HanksMr. Peter M. HazeltonMr. Lonny HoffmanMr. Brian K. JammerMr. Jeffrey Alan KaplanMs. Laura Kauachi KaplanMr. Richard S. KrumholzMs. Rebecca K. LambethMr. Edward C. LewisMs. Jane Shaw LewisMr. Marc Lewis LipshyMs. Carole A. LoftinMr. Kelly D. LudwickMr. James O. LyonsMr. Andrew F. MacRaeMr. William R. MarlowMs. Tonya K. Cook MartinezMr. Jeffrey S. McFallMs. Kimberly Diane

McMathMs. Janet McQuaidMr. Bruce NeelMs. Julie Mathis NelsonMr. Patrick L. O'DanielMr. Yianni PantisMr. David PeavlerMrs. Donna Cox PeavlerMr. Joseph Paul PerezMs. Raquel G. PerezMs. Debra A. PfeiferMr. Gregory Joseph PfeiferMr. Michael L. RaiffMs. Sofia A. RamonMr. Whitfield RobertsProfessor Keith A. RowleyMr. Gregory A. SchlakMr. Paul F. SchusterMrs. Shannon B. SchusterMs. Claire Collins SchwarzMr. Scott A. ShanesMr. A. Haag ShermanMs. Casey ShiltsMr. Michael K. SimsMr. David H. StoneMr. Mark StrainMr. Harold J. TaylorMs. Elizabeth P. VolmertMr. Chris WeinstockMr. Stephen WestermannMs. L. Nicole WhiteMr. Scott WhiteMr. Mark Bradley WilsonMr. Michael J. YanochikMs. Hilary H. Young

1993Mr. Michael G. ApplemanMr. Timothy K. Armstrong

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 7 1

Mr. Joseph ArrambideMs. Susan Ruppert BertoniMs. Hilary C. BorowMs. A. Lynn BoswellMs. Gillian G. BramlettMr. Hubert R. BrownMr. Timothy J. CahillMr. Jose CanoMr. Edward A. CavazosMs. Carrie R. ChavezMr. David S. CoaleMr. E. Scot DixonDr. Gislar Rupert

DonnenbergMr. Anthony EnglandMr. Bert FryMr. Joseph W. GagnonMs. Hilda C. GalvanMr. David E. GiraultMr. David M. GoldbergMr. Norbert Gonzales, Jr.Ms. Brenda Hustis

GotandaMs. Julie Ann GriffinMr. Brad GuestMr. Daniel G. GurwitzMs. Susan D. GuskyMr. Christopher H. HahnMr. Anthony HaleyMr. Richard E. HarrisMr. Chris V. HawkinsMs. Carrie B. HoffmanMr. Thomas M. HoffmanMr. Joseph HuertaMr. David Michael HuginProfessor Christine HurtMr. Darren S. InoffMr. Donald D. JacksonMrs. Shawn Kirksey

JacksonMrs. Anne W. JakiemiecDr. John J. JanssenMr. Nathan M. JohnsonMr. Jacinto P. Juarez, Jr.Ms. Andrea Ines KellyMr. Stuart L. LevitonMr. J. Matthew LyonsMr. Patrick F. MaddenMs. Monica Fekete

MarkovichMr. Louis E. Martin IIIMr. W. James McAnelly IIIDr. Joe R. McFarlaneMr. Scott A. McMichaelMr. William L. MennucciMr. N. Reid NeureiterMs. Melissa Marquez

OliverMr. Charles George OrrMr. Michael M. ParkerMr. Martin J. PeckMr. James D. W. PedenMr. Brian Peterman

Mr. Robert P. PongettiMr. Reagan D. PrattMr. Joe ProfaizerMr. Eric RabbanianMr. Clifton Scott RankinMr. Thad RenaudMr. Don RichardsonMs. Elyse RosenblumMs. Sarah SarahanMrs. Jill D. ScheinMrs. Eden P. SholeenMrs. Macey Reasoner

StokesMr. James F. StruthersMs. Susanne L. TetzlaffMs. Melissa L. TheriotMr. Joseph G. Thompson IIIMrs. Michelle Gray TobiasMr. Paul O. WickesMrs. Carol D. WilliamsonMr. Paul T. WilliamsonMr. Christopher K.


1994Mr. Derek A. AdameMr. John S. AdcockMrs. Pamela Roe ArmourMs. Danya W. BlairMs. Cindy Olson BourlandMr. Derrick BoydMr. Scott W. BreedloveMs. Mischa D. BufordMr. Brian L. BurgessMr. Michael Leonard Ray

BurnettMr. William CoeMs. Jo Ann DalrympleMr. Christopher J. DeevesMr. Wes DormanMr. Trek Carlsand DoyleMr. Stephen T. DyerMr. Kenneth E. EastMr. John J. EdmondsMr. Kevin EpsteinMrs. Sheridan C.

ErnstmeyerMr. Stephen W. EubankMs. Carey FitzmauriceMr. Francis C. FlahertyMs. Janet FollstaedtMr. Richard J. FranchekMr. Roger FulghumMrs. Elizabeth Reding

GambrellMr. J. Eric GambrellMr. John F. GillardMr. Glenn S. GreeneMrs. Vanessa M. GriffithMr. Ernst A. HalperinMr. David G. HalpernMrs. Amy Spear HamptonMr. Gerald Hawxhurst

Mr. Gregory S. HeathMr. Matthew B. HennemanMs. Diana L. HoltMr. Gregory S. HudsonMr. Bart W. HuffmanMr. Russell D. Hunt, Jr.Mr. Mark A. JacobMr. Chris JamesMr. Ray Kerlick, Jr.Dr. Ryan KrebsMs. Sue A. KrenekMs. Melissa E. LoydMs. Judy Fulmer MadewellMr. Michael Paul MarcinMr. Gregory C. MathisMr. David R. McAtee IIMr. James E.

McCutcheon IIIMr. David T. McDowellMs. Suzanne M. McQuillenMs. Rebecca Edgar MeltonMs. Mary Frances

MendozaMs. Naomi A. MeyersMs. Catherine Denegre

MossMr. Gregory Lane NaardenMr. Clark McAdams

Neily IIIMr. Rob NissenMr. Mike Rivera OrtegaMr. John M. PadillaMs. Lori Renee Ellis

PloegerMs. Ashley R. ProfaizerMr. Steven S. ReilleyMs. Carolyn RochMr. E. Michael RodriguezMrs. Sandra Garza

RodriguezMr. Craig Patrick RomeroMs. Susan E. SalchMr. Christopher J. SeiberMs. Nellie K. ShipleyMs. Sheila Ellwood SkaggsMrs. Aimee C. SlusherCaptain Edward M. SmithMajor Jennifer L. SmithMrs. Kathleen SpanglerMr. Robert J. Stokes, Jr.Ms. Angela StylesMr. Mark TaylorMr. Barth D. TimmermannMs. Nicola Fuentes ToubiaMs. Paula Kay TuckerMr. Gene C. VallowMr. Shelton M. VaughanMr. John C. WanderMr. A. Michael WarneckeMs. Diana Roth WarneckeMs. Laura Parchman

WashburnMr. Roger L. White

Ms. Sandra L. WhiteMr. Gregory Lawrence

Wilemon IIMr. W. Reid WittliffMr. Kevin W. YankowskyMr. John Anthony Zaloom

1995Mr. Victor Alcorta IIIMr. Jonathan A. BeldonMrs. Christine S. BoehmMrs. Laura L. BowneMr. Timothy BowneMr. Ronald F. BradshawMs. Julie F. BreedloveMr. Buddy BroussardMr. Jeb Brown IIMs. Janet Reynolds

CasselsMr. Chris ChaffinMr. William ChristianMr. E. David ColigadoMr. Robin T. CraveyMr. Douglas A. DanielsMajor James H. DapperMs. Renee Domingue DavisMr. Charles EldredMs. Elizabeth B. EmersonMs. Debra Moritz EsterakMr. Heath Douglas EsterakMr. Mark A. EvettsMr. Eric D. FarrellMr. J. Holt Foster IIIMr. Kyle K. FoxMr. Philip FraissinetMrs. Rani C. GarciaMr. Aaron Robert GelbMs. Patricia S. GoddardMrs. Liana GonzalesMs. Nancy Magner

HagquistMr. Charles HamptonMr. Geoffrey S. HarperMr. Fred A. HelmsMs. Rebecca R. HendersonMr. James A. HolmesMr. Mark D. HopkinsMs. Leah T. HornMr. Stan R. JensenMs. Anne McGowan

JohnsonMs. Suewan JohnsonMr. George Cleveland

JonesMs. Cindy KangMr. Patrick Dennis KeatingMs. Ashley I. KissingerMs. Bryn K. LarsenMr. Wilhelm E. LiebmannMr. David G. LuettgenMr. Jon A. McCormickMr. Charles Black


Mr. Steve P. MeleenMr. John A. MouerMrs. Meredith S. MouerMr. George B. MurrMr. W. Bruce NewsomeMs. Minh-Hien NguyenMr. David Wesley O'BrienMr. Michael L. PeckMr. Charles Edward PhippsMs. Karen Burdett RayMr. Brian Edward RobisonMr. Aaron P. RoffwargMr. David RothMr. James David RoweMr. Todd SellarsMr. Charles W. ShipmanMr. James K. SpiveyMr. Karl M. StraitMr. Christopher B. StrongMr. Eric TerryMs. Julie L. ThomasMr. Thomas M. TomlinsonMs. Karin B. TorgersonMr. Charles WalkerMs. Jill WarrenMr. William L. WarrenMr. Yale H. YeeMrs. Kira K. ZahnMr. Lawrence H. Zahn

1996Ms. Kelly M. BattleMr. Brent BenoitMrs. Mary Terry BentonMr. Walter M. BergerMs. Beth W. BivansMr. Roger W. BivansMr. Jay P. BrownMr. Roddy M. BullockMs. Alicia D. ButlerMr. Jeffrey M. CameronMr. Anthony Joseph

CampitiMr. Johnny CarterMr. Lance E. CaughfieldMs. Jennifer Paine CostaMs. Duffy Doyle CraneMr. Dan F. CrowderMs. Heather Beck CrowderMs. Kristen Pauling DoyleMr. Stephen Bender

EdmundsonMr. Jason K. FagelmanMr. Michael A. FallekMr. Lowell FeldmanMrs. Margaret V. FraissinetDr. David A. GarzaMr. Martin E. GarzaMr. Jason GlastMs. Cecily Small GoochMs. Jennifer M. GoreMs. Erica W. HarrisMs. Hong Liu Irwin

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y C L A S S

Mr. Michael KeaneMrs. Ingelisa KeelingMs. Karen Lebowitz KohnMs. Daniella D. LandersMs. Diana McQuillin

LiebmannMs. Buena Vista LyonsMr. Benigno MartinezMr. Michael B. MayerMr. Gerard Kent McVayMr. Michael E. MeeceMr. Andrew D. MendezMr. Ned MunozMr. Edward R. Nelson IIIMs. Ann Uyen NguyenMr. Michael K. OldhamMr. Eric Michael

OstermayerMs. Christine L. PalmerMrs. Tanya J. PierceMr. Charles David PopperMs. Tara PorterfieldMr. Jonathan D. QuanderMs. Dianne Reeder ReisMr. Eric Gordon ReisMr. David M. RodiMr. C. Thomas SchmidtMr. Christopher W. SchrauffMs. Kristen Garvey SchulzMr. Neil C. SchurMr. John Nicholas

SchwartzMs. Sara ScribnerMr. Aric K. ShortMs. Lisa Traylor SilvestriMr. Cary Alan SlobinMajor Glenn P. SmithMr. Jeffrey D. SullivanMs. Therese Lenore

SurprenantMr. Harry SusmanMr. Whitney Louis SwiftMs. Margaret M. TaslerMs. Kristie M. TiceMs. Katherine Ginzburg

TreistmanMr. Jason VillalbaMs. Cindy WalkerMs. Holly B. WardellMs. Heather K. WayMr. Noel B. WhitleyMr. Scott E. WilliamsMr. John Christian Wray

1997Mr. Timothy G. AckermannMs. Amber AndersonMr. Arthur Elex AnthonyMs. Kelesha Fowler

ArmandMr. Alan BeckMrs. Melanie Granberry


Ms. Melissa L. BeckworthMr. John T. BeliveauMs. Laura BloodMr. Jason S. BouletteMr. William W.

Brookshire IIIMr. Thomas Warnock

BurtonMs. Angelyque P. CampbellMr. Charles H. Campbell, Jr.Mr. David Teng-Kai ChangMs. Rina Wong ChangMr. Stephen S. CoatsMs. Scarlett E. CollingsMr. John B. Connally IVMr. Aaron Vincent CooleyMrs. Sandra J. CretaMs. Lesley E. DaigleMs. Stephanie Bourland

DaleyMr. Blair DancyMr. Walter E. Daniel IVMs. Amy Lee DashiellMs. Sarah A. DonchMs. Stephanie E. DoyalMs. Madeline DvorocsikMr. Joseph Edward EckertMr. John R. EmersonMs. Deborah D. English-

JonesMr. William L. FinleyMs. Elizabeth J. Brown

ForeMrs. Tobey Blanton ForneyMr. Asim GhafoorMr. Edward A. GilmanMr. James A. Graves IIMr. Dean W. HarveyMs. Lisa Soto HernandezMr. Michael Alan HillMr. Daniel E. HindeMr. Boyd S. HoekelMr. Wyatt L. HoganMr. Michael C. HolmesMrs. Megan J. HudgeonsMs. Kristine Anne HuskeyMs. Elizabeth A. HusseiniMr. Jeffrey S. JohnstonMs. Jong Soo KimMr. M. Shane KimzeyMs. Catherine T. KurtzMs. Angelyn Edwards

LevinthalMr. Jared I. LevinthalMr. Walter Daniel LloydMr. Brandon Scott LobbMs. Mary MahonyMs. Laura Gray McBurnettMr. John G. McEldowneyMr. Duston K. McFaulMrs. Judith R. McGearyMs. Gillian McPheeMr. Brian C. MillerMr. Jason C. Moon

Mr. Matthew W. MoranMs. Jennifer Gray MossMr. Michael J. MuskatMr. William Brian NelsonMr. David Christopher

NewellMs. Shayne Hurst NewellMr. Howard Daniel NirkenMr. Michael William

O'DonnellMs. Angela Marie PaulMr. Oscar O. PenaMr. Joseph A. PerilloMr. Andrew Paul PriceMs. Charlotte M. RascheMr. Ragan G. ReevesMr. C. Brannon RobertsonMr. Shan S. RutherfordMs. Diana SaldanaMs. Suzanne Lynn SchairerMr. J. Clint SchumacherMrs. Elizabeth Dodge

SchwabMr. Stefan C. SciaraffaMrs. Amy SladczykMs. Andrea Louise SloanMr. William Creighton

SmithMr. Mark C. SparksMr. Matthew R. StammelMs. Dawn A. StoutMs. Laurie D. TiceMr. Joe W. Tomaselli, Jr.Ms. Lisa Helgoe TomaselliMs. Frances TownsendMr. Paul TrahanMr. John Valdemar

Trevino, Jr.Ms. Theresa TrzaskomaMr. Marc E. VockellMr. James S. B.

WhittenburgMs. Marlene Ivory


1998Ms. Virginia Lynn AdamsMr. Gary E. AlfredMr. Alexander S. AndradeMs. Andi L. ArtzeMr. Michael Coyle BarrettMr. Ron BazeMs. Elisa K. BermanMr. Nathan Ezekiel

BowdenMrs. Sofia Harber BowdenMs. Jennifer R. BrannenMr. Stuart B. Brown, Jr.Mr. Stephen W. BurnettMr. Eric T. ButlerMs. Heather L. CapellMr. John G. CaverleeMr. Andrew W. ChuMs. Jennifer Beth Claymon

Ms. Brandy Leigh CopleyMr. James L. CowlesMrs. Tara CunninghamMs. Melanie T. DevoeMs. Leila El-HakamMs. Shruti D. EngstromMr. Ron I. ErlichmanMs. Heather K. FlenikenMr. Richard A. FordyceMs. Kimberly Ann FrostMs. Kathryn M. FultonMr. James Barton FuquaMr. Mark T. GarrettMark J. GatschetMr. David C. GreenstoneMr. Layne D. GrindalMajor Jeffrey C. HaglerMr. Aaron David

HendelmanMr. Barry S. HershMs. Tari Lessard HoekelMr. Brandon Lee HudgeonsMs. Monica Kim IngramMs. Monica M. JacobsMr. David B. JonesMr. Paul Anthony JorgeMr. Gregory S. KazenMs. Deanna Emmert KingMs. Christi Ann Fumie

KobatakeMr. Adam M. KramerMr. James F. KullMrs. Katherine Rabe KullMr. Joel C. LambertMr. Trey LaryMs. Katherine P. LettMs. Patricia E. LinMr. Robert B. LittleMs. Susan Ritchie LyonMr. Carlos E. MartinezMs. Jennifer Lea MathisMr. James H. MayorMr. William R. MerrillMr. James MillsMs. Angela Miranda-ClarkMr. Nelson MockMr. Roger Andrew

MontoyaMr. Dennis W. Moore, Jr.Mr. Francisco MoralesMr. Brian M. MossMr. William J. MurphyMr. Nelson H. NeaseMs. Nancy Marie NemerMr. Thomas A. NesbittMs. Victoria ParishMr. Kevin J. ParksMr. David S. PeckMr. Daniel Anthony PetalasMs. Jennifer B. PoppeMr. Jason Michael PowersMr. Stephen Douglas

Pritchett, Jr.Ms. Veronica Rivera

Mr. Donald RoarkMs. Catherine RobbMs. Laura M. RobertsonMr. Dave RobinettMr. Adam B. RossMs. Kristine Peterson

RudolphMs. Carolyn Ann RussellMr. John B. Sartain, Jr.Mr. Brett A. SchraderMr. Peter J. ShakowMr. David Matthew

ShinnickMr. Spencer SmithMr. Russell M. SolowayMr. Mark W. StoutMs. Priscilla M. StreightoffMr. Justin B. StrotherMs. Jennifer Webster TaffeMs. Kristine A. TidgrenMs. Elsa Cabello UlloaMrs. Kerry E. Pearlman

Van DusenMr. Mark Jason VaneMr. Wesley R. WardMr. Philip T. WarmanMr. John WeikartMr. Mark Wells White IIIMr. David Frederick

WickwireMs. Leigh Els WildeMr. Graham C. WinegeartMr. Mark Bennet Young

1999Ms. Laurie T. Hines

AckermannMs. Adrienne BaughMr. Bradley J. BenoitMr. John S. BlackMs. Joelle S. BoehleMs. Jennifer BoistureMs. Whitney A. Osters

BowlingMrs. Julie Ermis BriggsMrs. Ann K. BurnsMs. Misty Petry BurnsMr. Fraser Duncan

CampbellMr. John W. Carlson IIIMs. Margarita T. B. CoaleMs. Karen A. ConticelloMr. Glenn F. CormierMr. Gregg CostaMr. Christopher CotropiaMr. Kurt G. DaumMr. Edmund Milton DavisMs. Alyssa DiRussoMr. William Joseph DodgeMs. Beth Ann DranguetMrs. Nicole G. EderleMs. Millicent Clark ElliottMr. R. Sean ElliottMr. Jeffrey C. Engerman

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y C L A S S

S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 7 3

Mr. Stephen P. FaheyMr. Evan FitzmauriceMs. Ashley Brooke GellerMr. Mark A. GiuglianoMs. Robin Dee GoochMr. Ryan GreeneDr. Eric B. HallMs. Julie A. HardinMs. Laurie M.

HigginbothamMs. Nzinga HillMs. Nicole L. HoffpauirMr. Justin A. HooverMs. Ellen B. HuchitalMr. Michael D. JewessonMs. Jennifer G. KleinMs. Karolyn A. KnaackMs. Martine KrausMr. Christopher J. LalloMr. Steve LauffMs. Dana M. LeDouxMr. J. Eric LockridgeMr. Brady LongMr. Robert A. ManwareMr. Peter Dermot MarketosMs. Erin E. MatherneMs. Allison Sell McDadeMr. Preston J. McGloryMr. Joshua McMorrowMr. Todd W. MensingMr. Chris MooreMs. Lisa E. MorfeyMs. Rachel B. MorganMr. James L. MorroneMs. Aisha K. NawazMr. Ba Mau NguyenMs. Sinead M. O'CarrollMr. G. Brian OdomMs. Shoshana PaigeMr. Enrique PalomaresMr. David Jung-Ho ParkMr. Andrew L. ParksMr. Michael G. Pattillo, Jr.Mr. Christopher L. PeeleMs. Heather L. PerttulaMs. Ann Horat PetalasMr. Steve PetersonMs. Jenifer King PointsMrs. Kari Arneil PottsMr. Lee Eric PottsMr. Shawn L. RaymondMs. Anne E. RodgersMr. James W. RudnickiMr. Steven S. RunnerMr. Ken SansomMr. Thomas H. SelbyMr. Matthew SheltonMs. Jamie Nordhaus

ShippMs. Kathrine M. SilverMr. Scott D. SimmonsMs. Michelle L. SimpkinsMr. Christopher T. SkinnerMs. Stephanie Perin Slobin

Ms. Courtney McQuienSmith

Mr. D. Alexander SmithMs. Rebecca S. SmithMs. Stephanie Koo SongMs. Sarah E. StarnesMr. W. Matthew StrockMr. Christopher H. TaylorMr. Christopher C. ThieleMs. Jillian van RensburgMr. Robert Allen Voigt, Jr.Mr. Davor VukadinMs. Katherine T. VukadinMs. Melissa M. WebbMr. Scott A. WheatleyMr. Harry E. WhiteMr. Kevin WhiteMs. Ellen WittMs. Dianna D. WojcikMr. Samer M. ZabanehMs. Stephanie L. Zucker

2000Mr. Amit K. AgrawalMs. Susan G. AlexanderMr. William J. AndersonMr. Matthew Harris

BaskindMs. Misty C. BlairMr. Graham BlakeMr. Jonathan S. BlumMs. Lisa E. BowlinMs. Jennifer E. BrownMr. Nicholas Jay BrunickMr. Steven BryantMrs. Christie Landreaux

CahoonMr. Mark Forrest CampbellMs. Cattleya ChatawanichMr. Nicholas E. ChremosMr. Casey W. CullingsMs. Jennifer H. DavidowMr. David DeAndaMr. Scott Paul DrakeMs. Deanna L. DraperMr. Lowell Olsen DunnMs. Erin Friel ElmoreMr. Brian F. FeldMr. William M. FisherMs. Pamela F. GeigerMs. Jennifer Monday

GoldmanDr. Lekha GopalakrishnanMs. Anne C. GravelleMs. Aron L. GreggMr. Robert Matthew GriffinMr. James Elliott GuyMs. Gabriele Haist-FuquaMr. W. Jason HealyMr. David W. HolmesMr. Christopher David HolstMr. Stephen HuffakerMs. Laura Piazza IraniMs. Nada L. Ismail

Ms. Janette C. KeetonMr. Ketan Upen KharodMr. Jason T. KleinMr. Christopher D. KratovilMs. Lee T. LegaultMs. Brenda K. LenahanMr. Matthew H. LeysMs. Jennifer H. LinMs. Leslie A. LoftisMr. Justin M. LongMs. Jennifer LopezMr. Jason LuongMr. James T. LyonsMr. Patrick MabryMr. Matthew H. MarchantMr. Matthew J. MasonMs. Susan M. MaxwellMr. Doug Wayne McClellanMrs. Marcie Allred

McFarlandMr. D. Davin McGinnisMs. Amy Clark MeachumMs. Julianne MertenMs. Karen A. MonsenMs. Maria S. MorenoMr. Michael Turner

NormanMs. Ellen E. OberwetterMr. Jeff PalmerMr. William C.

PapadopoulosMs. Emilie K. PatersonMs. Andrea Krisan

PattersonMs. Amy E. PritchardMr. Paul Michael PruettMr. Kent RadfordMr. Carlos R. Rainer, Jr.Mr. Douglas B. RathbunMr. Daniel Stuart RingoldMs. Kelly Jeanne RockMr. Brett T. RossMs. Christine Marie

RuffnerMs. Margaret J. SampsonMrs. Theresa Anne

SandovalMr. Eric SchieleMr. Todd D. ShapiroMr. Eugene J. Silva IIMs. Sinead C. SoesbeMs. Sheila M. SokolowskiMr. Christopher S. StacyMr. C. Michael StebbinsMr. Richard A. StewartMr. Jeffrey L. TaylorMr. John R. Thompson IIIMr. Basil A. UmariMs. Anne Shirley

UnderwoodMr. Jason VarnadoMr. Ryan Scott WagleyMs. V. Gaye WhiteMr. Ryan C. Whitfill

Lieutenant Christopher M.Williams

Mr. Erec R. WinandyMr. David R. WoodcockMr. Jason Lance WrenDr. Thomas C. Wright

2001The Honorable William V.

AleshireMr. Matthew W. AllanMs. Samina Al QuddosMs. Theodora M.

AnastaploMr. Jarrett AndrewsMr. Kenneth AshtonMs. Allison Y. BechMs. Jaime N. BellMs. Rebecca H. BenavidesMr. David A. BerryMs. Leena B. BhaktaMs. Maria E. BickertonMs. Meredith W. BjorckMs. Gabriela BoersnerMr. Allen H. BrischMs. Kristin D. BrooksMr. Jonathan M. BuckMr. Drew S. CalvertMs. Victoria C. CapitaineMr. Eric John CassidyMr. Robert M. ChiappettaMs. Jennifer C. ColerMs. Kendyl Hanks DarbyMr. Edward C. DawsonMs. Gwendolyn DawsonMr. Timothy J. DeithloffMr. Christopher B. DoveMr. E. Chipman EarleMr. James F. Ehrenberg, Jr.Mr. David M. EvansMs. Megan B. FaheyMs. Alissa K. FanningMr. David A. FordMr. Jonathan K. FrelsMs. Laurie L. GallunMs. Lindsey N. GodfreyMr. Michael J. GoldenMs. Anne B. GriggMr. Robert E. Hanson, Jr.Ms. Kathleen J. HartmanMr. Zachary J. HawthornMs. Morgan W. HazeltonMr. Kent C. HofmannMr. Aaron B. HuffmanMrs. Regina K. IbarraMr. Jason A. ItkinMr. Scott A. JamesMr. John C. KennelDr. Susan A. KidwellMr. Jeffrey P. KitnerMs. Andrea M. KnightDr. Jonathan S. KruegerMr. James W. LarimoreMs. Jill M. Lavalette

Mr. Gregory A. LittMr. Mark M. LiuMr. Richard H. LondonMr. Bryan A. LopezMr. Gregory M. LowryMr. Andrew K. MaebiusMr. Gregg S. McHughMs. Kassandra G.

McLaughlinMs. Marta R. McLaughlinMs. Julie K. MeltonMr. Benjamin L. MeschesMrs. Nicole D. MohelMr. Christopher D. MontezMs. Jessica A. NolleyMs. Dana Davis PaulMr. Jesus H. PayanMr. Fernando Xavier PenaMr. Christopher V. PopovMs. Melissa A. PrenticeMr. Evan PritchardMrs. Lauren Kiser

ReynoldsMs. Roberta A. RitvoMs. Jennifer E. RobinsMs. Tara Branum RossMr. Jason M. RyanMs. Maidie RyanMr. Daniel W. SanbornMr. Adam T. SchramekMs. Aryn S. SelfMr. Daniel W. SharpMr. Andrew G. SherwoodMr. Z. Taylor ShultzMr. Douglas E. StewartMs. Kathryn E. StillMr. Gregory M. SudburyMr. Richard A. TarunMr. James T. ThompsonMr. Daniel L. TimmonsMs. Shalyn J. TimmonsMs. Maryam TirandazMs. Ann Simons WaltonMr. Christopher B. WattMs. Amy E. WhiteMr. Robert A. WilkinsMs. Sarah C. WynneMrs. Frances A. YturriMr. John T. ZachMs. Olivia J. Zach

2002Mr. Conrad AdamsMr. Christopher Wayne

AhartMr. John AllenMs. Monica AlvarezMs. Beverly J. AngelMr. Kurt ArnoldMs. Leslie Ellen AyresMr. Carl R. BarryMs. Carolyn Gutierrez

BartelliMs. Shelley Kaye Barton

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • G I V I N G B Y C L A S S

Mr. Kevin Scott BatikMs. Simi BlairMs. Susan K. BohnMr. Andrew BrownMr. Peter CesaroMs. Tonia ChenMs. Beth CockerhamMr. David C. ColeMs. Karen CoomerMr. Samuel W. Cruse IIIMs. Anne D'AgostinoMr. Craig Louis DavisDr. Monica A. De La PazMs. Elizabeth L. DentonMr. Gregory C. DillardMr. Jon D. DooleyMr. Luke J. EllisMr. Brian Jeffrey FoxMr. Geoffrey GannawayMr. Sampson Gardner IIIMr. Jared Lewis GergenMr. Jon L. GillumMr. Jason C. GlahnDr. Linda L. GoldenMs. Kori Kellison GreenMr. Brian Conway HamiltonMs. Kristi HamlinMs. Ronda Butler HarkeyMr. George HittnerMr. Justin HodgeMs. Jennifer Ann HopensMr. Lewis L. Hutchison, Jr.Mr. Daniel C. KesslerMr. Samy Kamal KhalilMs. Desiree K. KillenMr. John Charles KitchensMr. Edward Daniel

KorompaiMr. Dylan Barnes LawrenceMr. Michael W. LittleMr. Bryan Edward LoockeMr. Alfred Morse

Macdaniel, Jr.Ms. Corey L. MarrsMr. Neal MassandMs. Kendra MassumiMs. Victoria Newnham

MatthewsMs. Tracy L. McCreightMr. Trey McGeeMs. Jessica Christine

MedersonMr. John A. MillsMs. Jenny Reynolds MohrMr. David J. MuckerheideMs. M. Michelle MullerMs. Dixie NewnamMr. Heath Aaron NovosadMs. Melanie Marie OberlinMs. Shelby Leigh O'BrienMr. Alexander C. OliverMr. James Edwin OlsonMs. Tanya Dianne

Patterson DementMr. Kent Pearson

Ms. Van Khanh Thi PhamMs. Bonnie Poole-TadychMr. Clay Burnett PulliamMs. Lakshmi RamakrishnanMs. Leslie RichardsonMr. Daniel RiessMr. Paul RomanoMr. Robert Lawrence

RouderMr. Christopher Vincent

RyanMr. Gilbert Nieves SaenzMr. Josh B. SchafferMs. Tracey H.

SchoettelkotteMr. Ryan T. SheltonMs. Jessica C. SmithMs. Meredith D. StrachanMs. Jennifer I. SwateMs. Kimberly SzarzynskiMr. Marc Samuel TabolskyMs. Karon E. TarpyMr. Mark D. TattoliMs. Marty E. ThompsonMs. Nicole L. ThorpeMs. Stephanie Townsend-

AllalaMs. Alexandra Maria

VaikhmanMr. Jeremy Scott WagersMs. Tiffany Elizabeth

WalkerMr. Clifford Hugh WalstonMr. Adam S. WilkMs. Katherine Ann

WilliamsMr. Jeremy WrightMr. Forrest Jacob WynnMs. Lisa Marie Young

2003Mr. H. Stanford Adams, Jr.Mr. Omar J. AlanizMs. Brooke Nichole

AlbrandtMs. Virginia Coil AlversonMs. Brannon F. AndrewsMs. Jessica Lottie AverittMr. Perry Oscar Barber IIIMr. Spencer F. BartlettMr. Tobin R. BoenigMr. Robert BoothMr. Brian C. BrantleyMs. Monica BuchananMr. Stephen Robert

Butter, Jr.Mr. Snapper Lee CarrMr. Brian S. CarterMs. Misti Hill CarterMs. Elizabeth Ann CashMr. Conor Monroe CivinsMs. Jessica Chalfant CoeMr. Russell S. CookMr. Brendan J. CrimminsMs. Heather Aline Davis

Ms. Rebecca Lauren DavisMs. Catherine A DevoreMs. Amy M. FerberMs. Stephanie R. FischMr. David FortneyMs. Heidi E. FrahmMr. Bryan Daniel GarnerMs. Carolyn Marie

GebhardMr. Alfredo R. GutierrezMs. Lara Dianne D. HajjarMs. Mary Anne HardenMs. Marie HejlMs. Virginia K. HoelscherMr. Matthew R. HoffmanMs. Shana Lynn HortonMs. Danika HudikMs. Karen Elizabeth

HughesMs. Rebecca K. JacksonMs. Eronda Nicole

JohnsonMr. Timothy M JohnstonMs. Sharmila C. KassamMr. Clayton R. KauffoldMr. Thomas KeltonMr. Jody Wayne KerwinMs. Allison J. KetchumMs. Ashley KeverMs. Kelly KilgoreMr. Robert B. Kimmel, Jr.Mr. F. Daniel KnightMs. Dina Osborn KochMr. Keenan Lee KolendoMr. David A. LangMr. David C. LawrenceMr. Patrick W LeeMs. Amy H. LjungdahlMr. Kevin M. LoaderMr. Richard Jake LocklearMr. Christopher Manuel

LopezMr. Daniel E. MangisMs. Leigh H. ManningMr. Justin Geary MapesMs. Christina S. MarkellMr. Edward J. MarshallMs. Amy D. MartinMr. Jadd F MassoMs. Ashley M. MastersMr. P. Andrew McStayMr. Joe R. MencherMs. Michelle D. MichaelsMr. Anthony P. MillerMs. Jennifer Lynn

MiscovichMr. Jeff F. NadaloMr. Milam F. NewbyMs. Scarlet G. OhMr. Amin Mohamad OmarMs. Jennifer D. O'SullivanMs. Mary Emma M. PartainMs. Diana PerezMr. John A. PlaucheMs. Christina Elise Ponig

Ms. Naomi N. PorterfieldMs. Hilary L. PrestonMr. Shawn RabinMr. Donato David

Ramos, Jr.Mr. Matthew Kasey RatliffMs. Monique M. RaubMs. Tonya L. RayMs. Aimee G. ReneauMr. Daniel ResendezMr. Carlos RodriguezMs. Natalie C. RougeuxMr. Chip RoyMr. Jonathan G. RudeMs. Amy Leila SaberianMs. Robin A. SchoberMs. Kristen E. SitchlerMs. Gabrielle A. SitomerMrs. Shelby L. SlawsonMr. Shannon L. SneadMr. Albert Yzaguirre SolisMr. Christopher W. SpenceMs. Angela N. StaplesMr. Judson SutherlandMs. Gretchen SweenMr. Alex SzetoMr. Mathew A. ThompsonMr. Rajkumar VinnakotaMs. Catherine Lee WallMr. Phillip T. WayMr. Ephraim WernickMs. Meredith A WhiteMr. Robert Emmett WhiteMs. Margaret Scott

WilenskyDr. Travis Mathew WohlersMs. Julia WylieMr. John Richard ZepedaMr. Andrew W. Zeve

2004Mr. Matt Wade AllenMs. Amanda A. ArriagaMs. Mandie K. AubreyMs. Zheila S. BazlehMs. Susan M. BeckageMr. John K. BroussardMs. Regina M. BuonoMs. Susana CarbajalMs. Kimberly Jean CarterMs. Leena V. ChaphekarMs. Jennifer M. ChiltonMr. Scot ClintonMr. James A. CoganPhyllis J. CohenMr. Scott C. CraigMr. Benjamin Stoune De

LeonMr. Joshua P. DehnkeMs. Kindel L. ElamMr. Chad P. EnnisMr. Michael Paul ErfeMr. Darrick W. EugeneMr. Bradley R. FellmanMr. Rodrigo J. Figueroa

Ms. Hilary-Erin A. FrisbieMs. Elma E. GarciaMs. Melissa Ann GlazeMs. Lisa Y. GodwinMr. Gilbert A. GreeneMs. Melissa R. HamiltonMr. Jeremy W. HawpeMs. Stacy E. HaysMs. Amy P. HefleyMs. Lauren N. HeldMs. Ana E. HernandezMs. Anna L. HolandMs. Jean A. KellyMs. Laura J. KisselMr. Abe KuczajMr. Steven R. LawrenceMs. Lisa N. LeimanMr. Ronald S. LiuMr. D. Ryan LockerMs. Mandy Elizabeth

LockerMs. Ursula F. MannMs. Alice Griffing McAfeeMr. Edward F. MeierMs. Dion D. MesserMs. Amy E. MitchellMs. Jennifer Brown

ModglingMr. Aaron A. MooreMr. Adam T MueryMs. Martha G. NewtonMs. Laura Ann OffenbacherMs. Callie Ann ParkerMr. Charles A. ParkerMs. Meridith Leigh

PattersonMr. William R. PeelerMr. Stephen M. PerezMs. Kennon L. PetersonMs. Constance L. PfeifferMr. Adam D. PollockMs. Amber L. PursleyMr. Garrick B. PursleyMr. Steve A. RadomMs. Anna Elizabeth RaimerMs. Julia S. RaneyMr. Reagan A. ReaudMs. Aimee M. RobertMr. James M. SellersMs. Tonya L. ShotwellMs. Anna M. SinclairMs. Jodie Annette SlaterMs. Erin Geiger SmithMr. Derek Y. SugimuraMr. Zachary R. ThomasMr. John Bradford

ThompsonMs. Susan G. TurnerMs. Amanda R. TylerMr. Marlon ValladaresMs. Eleanor Kathryn

VernonMr. James WilliamsonMs. Yasmin YavarMr. Bryan T. Yeates

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Page 77: TheWrigh tSociety - Texas Law€¦ · LAW TheWrigh tSociety Building Charles Alan Wright’s Legacy Through Giving UT Law alumni Stephen Tatum, ... MICHAEL HORN Copy Editor JAN MCINROY

Becoming a MENTOR is an

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • F R I E N D S O F T H E L A W S C H O O L

Mr. James R. AdamsMs. Janet E. AdamsMrs. Elaine B. AgatherMr. Eric AlbrittonMr. John AlbrittonMrs. Raetta AleshireThe Honorable Lamar

AlexanderMr. R. C. AllenMs. Joyce AlmarazMr. David M. AlpernMr. Curtis V. AnastasioMs. Beth AndersonMr. Kenneth W. AndersonAnonymousDr. Katherine M. ArensMs. Marcia K. ArmstrongMs. Debra L. AtlasMr. Julianne J. AtteburyProfessor Hans W. BaadeMr. Wilbur H. Baber, Jr.Mrs. Mary Love BaileyMs. Cary T. BainLieutenant Colonel James

M. BakerProfessor Lynn A. BakerMr. Terry BalagiaMr. John A. Barclay IIIMs. Leighton C. BarclayMr. Ben BarnesMs. Patrice M. BarronMr. Perry R. BassMr. Travis E. BaughMr. Peter V. BaugherMr. Curt E. BeckMs. Corinne A. BeckwithMr. Louis A. BeecherlProfessor Mitchell BermanMr. Jaime BermudezMs. Rebecca L. BernhardtMs. Barbara BiddleMs. Marietta Laing BiddleMrs. Marilyn A. BiehlMrs. Leona BiehunkoMs. Patricia A. BinningerMr. E. C. BirgMr. David K. BissingerMs. Patricia R. BissonnetMrs. Norman W. BlackProfessor Lynn E. BlaisMr. Clive D. BodeMs. Susan Hobbs BooneMr. Harold I. BoucherThe Honorable Jane J. BoyleMr. James BozkaMs. Monica BrandesMr. Frank L. BransonDr. Juanita P. BrayMs. Patricia T. BrennanMrs. Diane W. BrickerMr. John A. Bricker, Jr.Mrs. Carol Naomi BrinThe Honorable Dolph

BriscoeMiss Michelle K. BrockMrs. Pauline BrockDr. Bruce A. BrockwayMs. Erin BrockwayDr. George BrockwayMrs. June BrockwayMs. Katherine Brockway

Ms. Laura BrockwayDr. Rebecca Idar BrockwayDr. William BrockwayMs. Teresa BrunickMr. Christian W. Bruns IIIMrs. George W. BucekMs. Sarah BuelMs. Deborah May BullockMs. Kirsten F. CallowayMs. Claudia D. CantuMs. Norma V. CantuMr. Carlton CarlMrs. Margaret E. CarlDr. W. J. Carl IIIMr. Frank C. CarlucciProfessor Loftus C. Carson IIMrs. Katherine CarssowMr. William B. CarssowDr. Daniel H. CarterMrs. Ellen S. CarterMr. Manuel CastroMrs. Marcelle ChaloupkaMs. Heather ChenowethMrs. Janice CheungMr. John M. ChiltonProfessor Michael J. ChurginMr. James E. ClarkMs. Lelia L. ClarkMs. Shirlee M. ClarkMr. Craig ClendeninMrs. Frances ClevelandProfessor Sarah H.

ClevelandMs. Carol CliffordMrs. Karen M. CloseMr. Ed CloutmanMr. Fred CohenProfessor Jane M. CohenMs. Dolores I. ColeMs. Kathey G. ComerMs. Betty A. ComptonMs. Madeleine ConnorMrs. Cecil N. CookThe Honorable John CornynMr. Robert L. CottinghamMs. Ariana CoxMr. Edwin L. CoxMrs. Melba W. CoxMs. Anne C. CrewsMr. John E. CribbetMr. Richard D. CullenMs. Martha S. DavisMrs. Patricia K. DavisMrs. Mary Louise B. DayDr. John DeighMrs. Elisabeth S. DeLargyThe Honorable David

DewhurstMr. Eugene H. DewhurstMr. Brett DignamMr. Samuel H. DinkinMs. Carol E. DinkinsMs. Laney B. DobbsMrs. Elinor DonnellMs. Marie O. DooleyMr. J. Chrys Dougherty IIIMs. Barbara S. DouglasDr. Michael DugganMr. Richard S. DunhamMrs. Mary Jane DusekMs. Janet Eissenstat

Mr. Y. J. ElizondoMr. Billie J. Ellis, Jr.Mrs. David S. EngelProfessor Karen L. EngleMr. J. Mark EnglehartMr. Raul F. EscandonMrs. Anita EtzlerMr. Leon EtzlerMr. J. Steven FarrMr. Alan FeldProfessor Lee Anne FennellMr. Brian J. FergusonMr. Joe FergusonMrs. Marialice S. FergusonMrs. Bonnie Cummins

FielderDr. Antonio FigueroaMr. Lawrence D. FinderMrs. Hertzel FinesilverMrs. Arline FitzpatrickThe Honorable Sidney A.

FitzwaterMs. Harriette FlachmeierMs. Deborah FojtikDr. Daniel W. FosterMrs. Helen Currie FosterMs. Carol McMurtry

FowlerMs. Felicity A. FowlerMrs. Sally P. FowlerMr. Russell M. FrankelMs. Josephine FranzheimMs. Jean S. FraserMr. William A. FrazellMs. Dana Bourgeois

FrenchMr. James S. FrostMs. Beth A. FrothinghamMs. Elizabeth FulghumMrs. Debby D. GaffneyMr. William GallagherProfessor James B.

GambrellMrs. Barbara GarciaMr. Israel GarciaMrs. Bonilee Key GarrettMs. Myra Ravel GasserMr. Gibson GayleDr. Jeffrey S. GenecovMrs. Simone GerardProfessor Mark P. GergenProfessor Julius G. GetmanMrs. Sharon G. GibbsMrs. Beth Smyth GibsonMs. Frances R. GillisMs. Holly J. GilmanMr. Michael GisserMr. Rudolph W. GiulianiMs. Beverly B. GodbeyMr. Don A. GoetzMrs. Carol GoforthMrs. Donald F. GoldmanMrs. Adrienne G. GoochProfessor Steven J. GoodeMr. Louis J. GrabowskyMr. Harold S. GrahamSenator Phil GrammMs. Wendy L. GrammMr. C. Boyden GrayMs. Cynthia H. GreenMrs. Natalie Greenberg

Mr. William S. GreenbergMrs. Martha Shuford

GreenhillMr. Malcolm GreensteinMrs. Mary Brown

GreenwoodMs. Becky GregoryMrs. Margaret B. GregoryMr. Peter GriffinMr. Joseph S. GrinsteinMs. Lynn GuggolzMr. Lucas GuttentagMr. William N. HaglerMs. Kara A. HaileyProfessor Dagmar

HamiltonMs. Marilyn HamiltonProfessor Robert W.

HamiltonProfessor Patricia Isela

HansenMs. Lucy Davis HarperMs. Eden E. HarringtonMr. John L. HarrisonDr. Selby S. HarrisonMrs. Adele P. HartMs. Karen J. HartnettMr. Fred HavenickMrs. Diana HawkinsMr. Bobby HawthorneMs. Martha HeadThe Honorable Nathan

HechtMr. George A. HellandMr. Damon J. HemmerdingerMr. Paul HendersonMr. Kenneth HennekeMr. Bradley Paul HermesMs. Margaret HermesMs. Rosemary HermesMs. Juanita C. HernandezMs. Dealey Decherd

HerndonMr. Frank Herrera, Jr.Mr. Thomas O. HicksThe Honorable Patrick E.

HigginbothamMs. Paula K. HillMr. David HillerMr. James C. HoMr. D. Alter HolandMr. Gregory F. HollmannMr. Clifton L. HolmesMr. Frank P. HorlockMr. H. R. Houck, Jr.Mrs. Dorothy HoughtonMs. Anne HowardMs. Susan HuberMrs. Nancy HunterMs. Barbara Hunter-

SandorMr. William HutchinsonMr. Ray HutchisonMs. Deanne J. IdarMr. Edward Stanley Idar IIIMs. Ruth IwanoMrs. Deborah J. JacksonMrs. Lee JamailMs. Brenda JenningsThe Honorable D. Lowell


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* deceased

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 7 7

Mr. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr.Professor Stanley M.

JohansonMs. Estella JohnsonMs. Luci JohnsonMs. Marci B. JohnsonMrs. Patsy Coons JohnsonMs. Karen Lang JohnstonMrs. Tracy JonesEmma C. JordanMr. Daryl L. JosefferMs. Janice JuckerMs. Dora JudkinsMr. Leon L. Kahanek, Jr.Ms. Carol Lynne KalishMr. Mushtaq KapasiMr. John Page KeetonMs. Camille T. KeithMs. Margaret KeliherMs. Mary KellerMr. Dee J. KellyDr. John KellyMr. Peter D. KennedyMrs. Roycee M. KerrMr. Thomas E. KerrMr. Charles H. KettemanDr. Evelyn V. KeyesMr. William J. KilbergMr. Ken KisselMr. Richard K. KneipperMrs. Amy S. KnightMr. Kevin L. KnoxMr. Jerome KocianMr. Jimmy KoubaMr. Dan M. KrausseMr. Richard KrzyzanowskiMs. Terry M. KuflikDr. Cherry L. KugleWilliam H. Kugle IIIMs. Jean M. KuntzMrs. Barbara LackMrs. Gladiola LampleyMs. Tammy G. LandyMr. Steven LangehennigThe Honorable Elizabeth

Lang-MiersMs. Margaret M. LawtonProfessor Douglas LaycockMr. Randy LeavittProfessor Leon LebowitzDr. Terri LeClercqDr. Brian R. LeiterMr. Stephen LererDr. Sanford V. LevinsonMr. Rick LevyMr. Michael P. LewisThe Honorable Lora J.

LivingstonMr. Lloyd LochridgeMr. Robert H. Loeb, Jr.Mrs. Nancy B. LoefflerMr. Meredith J. LongMs. Jovita F. LopezProfessor Jean C. LoveMr. Laird LucasMs. Jeana L. LungwitzMr. Daniel E. LynnMs. Patricia R. LysohMs. Janet MachacMs. Ann E. MaclaineMr. Pat Maloney, Jr.

Mary S. ManessMr. Frank W. MareshMs. Suzanne MarinellDr. Inga MarkovitsDr. Richard S. MarkovitsMr. Steve MartinMr. Kade L. MatthewsMr. Dennis E. MatulaMr. Jack H. Mayfield, Jr.Mr. Joel T. Mays*Mr. L. Lowry MaysMr. Michael T. McClammyMr. Red McCombsMr. Robert A. McConellMr. Andrew McConnicoMr. Kit McConnicoMrs. Dana D. McCormickMr. Ronald D. McCrayMr. Robert B. McDuffMr. John S. McEldowneyMr. Harold McElhinnyMs. Ann McKeeMr. William P. McKenzieThe Honorable M.

Margaret McKeownMr. Michael W. McKinneyMrs. Amy Johnson

McLaughlinMr. John McLaughlinMr. Charles E. McMahenMr. William Casey

McManeminMs. Joan Powell

McNamaraMr. David M. McNeelyMr. Lee W. McNutt IIIMs. Donna M. MeadowsThe Honorable Terry R.

MeansMs. Brenda Guilloud

MedlynMrs. Ann Roosth MelamedMr. Edward Mendoza, Jr.Professor Roy M. MerskyMr. Fred MeyerMr. Charles MichalecMr. Charles MillerMs. Debra D. MillerMr. James C. Miller IIIMr. Marshall L. MillerMs. Margaret B. MillikinMs. Anne B. MisnerMs. Deborah Beggs

MoncriefMr. W. A. “Tex” MoncriefMrs. Lisette MondelloMr. Robert A. MoorMr. Ardon E. Moore IIIMrs. Ellen Barton MorrisonMr. Mark MorrisonMrs. Mary MorseMs. Lisa MosesMs. Judy L. MueryMs. Kathleen MuldoonMs. Beth MyersMr. Robert NajvarMr. Vincent M. NathanMr. David NewbergerMr. Frank NewtonDean Albert W. Niemi, Jr.Mr. Erle A. Nye

Mrs. Judy White OldhamMr. D. C. OliverMs. Nancy E. O'NeillMrs. Jennifer Elice OrtegaMrs. Frank (Marianne)

Owen IIIMrs. Lauren L. ParishMr. Crawford D. Parker IIIMr. Roger ParloffDr. John W. PateMr. Charles W. PatekMrs. Carrin Mauritz PatmanMrs. Eileen W. PattersonMs. Patricia M. PattersonMr. Donnie PerkinsProfessor Robert J. PeroniDr. H. W. Perry, Jr.Mr. Thomas L. PesekMr. E. David PhilleyMs. Ann PiperMr. Louis T. PirkeyMr. Jerry D. PooleMrs. Dorothy B. PopeMr. Logan PortmannMrs. Sheila PotterMr. Walter J. PowellDean Bill PowersMs. Karen J. PruenteMs. Judith A. PryorMs. Sharon RaimerMr. Richard E. RainwaterMr. M. C. Raney, Jr.Ms. Audre Jean RapoportMr. Bernard RapoportMs. Nancy RatchfordMr. Wayne ReaudMr. Kevin A. ReedProfessor R. Anthony ReeseMr. John Paul ReichmuthMr. Leon ReitnauerDr. Everett RengerMr. Gene RengerMs. Judith RengerMr. Oliver B. RevellMr. Cary C. ReynoldsDr. Charlotte W. RhodesThe Honorable Philip Alec

Rhodes, Jr.Mrs. Ann T. RiceMr. Browne Rice*The Honorable Ann W.

RichardsMr. W. Mike RichardsMrs. Sue RingleMs. Roberta Ann RitcheskeMr. Woodrow M. RoarkMr. Brian D. RobertsProfessor John A.

RobertsonMrs. Cynthia K. RobinsonMr. Craig RockensteinMr. Glen E. RoneyMr. Daniel RoseMrs. Deedie RoseMr. Elihu RoseMr. J. Scott RoseMr. James S. RosebushMr. Jeffrey RosenMr. Billy RosenthalMrs. Rozanne K. RosenthalMr. Orrin Ross

Mr. C. C. Rouse, Jr.Mr. Richard RouseHoward A. RubinMrs. Barbara D. RuudProfessor John J. SampsonMs. Barbara M. SangerMs. Sherry Lynn SaucermanMs. Fran SaulsMrs. Betti Friedel SaundersMs. Katherine J. SaundersDr. John H. Saxon IIIMr. Marguerite ScanlanMr. Gilbert SchindlerMs. Jan Blaustein ScholesMrs. Jeanne M. SchwartzMr. Michael J. SchwartzMs. Linda Schwartz-WrightMr. Eugene F. ScolesMrs. Joy Manning ScottMs. Audrey SeldenMs. Makenzie L. SeversonMr. Marc J. ShapiroProfessor M. Michael

SharlotMr. John S. Sharp, Jr.Ms. Rebecca D. ShawMs. Giovanna ShayMs. Robyn Kasling SheltonMr. J. Michael ShepherdLynna Kay ShuffieldMs. Melissa ShultzMr. Paul B. SiegelMs. Marcelle SimmonsMs. Diane Black SmithProfessor Ernest E. SmithMr. Michael R. SmithMrs. Rosemary T. SniderMs. Sylvia SolomonMr. Karl SpaethMs. Merrie SpaethDr. Philip G. SpaethMrs. Blake Stroud

SparenbergThe Honorable Rose

SpectorMr. Chris SpriggsMr. Ronald B. StaffordMs. Barbara StarkThe Honorable Kenneth W.

StarrMs. Susan StefanMrs. Carole StehlingProfessor Jordan SteikerMr. Richard H. SteinDr. Jon K. SternThe Honorable George W.

Strake, Jr.Ms. Brita StrandbergMrs. Joyce StraussThe Honorable Carole

Keeton StrayhornMrs. Jennifer Coleman

StriblingMr. Geoffrey StronginMs. Kimberly R. StuartMr. Curtis B. StuckeyProfessor Michael F.

SturleyMr. William Floyd Stutts, Jr.Dr. Yvonne A. Sudarshan

Mr. Charlie SullivanDr. Teresa A. SullivanMr. James L. SultanMr. Walter R. Taber, Jr.Ms. Betty J. ThodeMr. Craig W. ThomasMr. M. Cullum ThompsonMr. Don A. TidwellMrs. Frances F. TockerProfessor Gerald TorresMr. James TourtelottMr. Mark TrachtenbergMs. Glenda TrlicekMr. Stephen S. TrottMr. Bruce TurbowMr. Gregory Edward TurleyMs. Emily R. TurnerMr. William B. TurnerMs. Ruth TynesMr. T. Walter UmphreyMr. Don VandewalleMr. Allan Van FleetMs. Helen T. VietorMr. Thomas C. VilesMrs. Debra VinsonMs. Lauren VirgilMrs. Marian W. VoightMs. Mary Fall WadeProfessor Wendy E. WagnerMrs. Virginia Sansom

WalkerMr. Mark F. WalterJudge T. John WardMs. Kim WarnicaMr. James D. WebsterMs. Laura A. WeinbergProfessor Louise WeinbergMr. Richard WeinerMr. David WeiserMs. Lesley WexlerMrs. Jane Brite WhiteMrs. Stephanie Evans

WhitehurstMs. Susan R. WhitmanMr. John W. WiedMr. Richard K. WillardMr. Charles A. WilliamsMrs. Diana J. WilliamsMs. Marsha L. WilliamsDr. Sue Karen WinkDr. F. David Winter, Jr.Professor Zipporah B.

WisemanMs. Lucy WoodMr. R. Stephen WoodfinProfessor Patrick WoolleyMr. James WootenMrs. Eleanor C. WrightMs. Shari Anne WrightMr. Charles J. WylyMs. Anne R. YeakelMr. Jerry H. YellenMs. Allegra YoungMr. David B. YoungProfessor Ernest A. YoungMr. Martin YoungMr. James ZachryDr. Judith Lee ZaffiriniMs. Martha R. ZavaletaMs. Sandi B. Zellmer

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T H E C O N T R I B U T O R S ’ R E P O R T • C O R P O R A T I O N S & F O U N D A T I O N S





ONS 1307 LTD.

A-1 Striping & PavingCompany

Accenture Foundation, Inc.Adams and Reese, L.L.P.Adams Insurance Service

Inc.Jim S. Adler & AssociatesAdvanced Micro Devices,

Inc.Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer

& Feld, L.L.P.Alcan Inc.Alexander Dubose Jones &

Townsend LLPAltria Group, Inc.Amerada Hess CorporationAmerican Electric Power

Service CorporationAmerican G.I. ForumAmerican Prudential

Capital, Inc.Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P.Antina ResourcesAquatekArgonaut Insurance

CompanyArnold & Caruso, Ltd.Arnold Property

ManagementArthur Murray Dance

StudioAssault & FlatteryAtlas & Hall, L.L.P.Austin Community

FoundationAustin Duck AdventuresAustin Lawyers AuxiliaryAustin Tri-CyclistAustin Trust CompanyThe Ayco Charitable

FoundationBaker & McKenzieBaker & McKenzie LLPBaker & Zbranek P.C.Baker Botts L.L.P.Baker Hughes FoundationBalcones Country ClubBaldwin & Baldwin, L.L.P.Francis Scott Baldwin

Family Partnership Ltd.Bank of America

FoundationThe BAR/BRI GroupBar-Levav Family

FoundationBaron & Budd, P.C.Beirne, Maynard &

Parsons, L.L.P.Bell, Turney, Coogan &, LLCBerg & AndrophyBickerstaff, Heath, Smiley,

Pollan, Kever &McDaniel, L.L.P.

Friends of Donna BlumerBonilla & Chapa, P.C.Booker IndustriesBook People

Bracewell & Giuliani LLPBranton & Hall P.C.Breckenridge Law OfficeBrenham National BankBrockway Family

Partnership LTDBrookshire Green

FoundationBrown McCarroll, L.L.P.Bullock Management

Partnership, Ltd.Bullock, Scott & NeisigHoratio B. and Willie J.

Buntin FoundationBureau of National AffairsBurk Law Firm, P.C.Burlington ResourcesBurlington Resources

FoundationBurroughs & RhodesCabrera Capital Markets

Inc.The Cain FoundationCantu & Hickson, P.C.Capital CruisesCentral Texas Bankshare

Holdings, Inc.Clifford Chance LLPChaves, Gonzales and

Hoblit L.L.P.ChevronTexacoChina Burma India

Veterans AssociationChicano/Hispanic Law

Students AssociationCinemark Discount CinemaCitizens 1st BankClark, Thomas & Winters,

P.C.Clear Channel


Clements, O'Neill, Pierce,Wilson & Fulkerson

The Coca-Cola CompanyPaul Colley Jr. &

AssociatesEstate of Whitfield CollinsCommunities Foundation of

TexasCommunity Foundation of

AbileneCommunity Foundation of

North TexasConner & WintersConocoPhillipsConstellation Energy GroupCook & RoachCooper & Scully, P.C.Cooper Industries

FoundationCorpus Christi Greyhound

Racing AssociationCountrywide Financial

CorporationCovington & BurlingEd Cox FoundationCox Smith Matthews

IncorporatedCozen and O'Connor

Crain Caton & James, P.C.The Crain FoundationCravath, Swaine & MooreCreel, Sussman & Moore,

L.L.P.Ms. Anne C. CrewsMr. John E. CribbetCrown Cork & Seal, Inc.Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc.Dallas Bar Association

Bankruptcy &Commercial Law

The Dallas FoundationDallas Jewish Community

FoundationWilliam Duane Darling

Exempt Lifetime TrustDavis & Saybe, LLPDavis, Cedillo & Mendoza


Communications, Inc.Dearborn & CreggsDeats & Levy, PCJeffrey T. DeLeone and

Associates, LLCDeloitte FoundationDelta Air Lines FoundationDelta Theta Phi Foundation

Inc.Deutsche Bank Americas

FoundationDevon Energy CorporationDewey Ballantine, LLPDGBB FoundationDiamond McCarthy Taylor

Finley Bryant & LeeLaw Offices of Diaz &

Ramos PCDigestive Health

Associates of Texas,P.A.

Dillon & Yudell LLPDLA Piper Rudnick Gray

CaryDominion FoundationJohn C. D. Drolla Law

OfficesDuke Energy FoundationMargaret and James A.

Elkins Jr. FoundationRodney Ellis CampaignEl Paso Bar AuxiliaryEntergy Services Inc.EntrecorpEOG Resources, Inc.Exxon Mobil CorporationExxonMobil FoundationExxonMobil Foundation

Mobil Retiree MatchingGift Program

Far View FarmFayette County Bar

AssociationFidelity Charitable Gift

FundFinancial Security

AssuranceFirst Capital BankFleming Endowment

Flynn, Gaskins & Bennett,L.L.P.

Ford Motor Company FundFoster & AssociatesFour-E Dairy, Inc.Four Seasons Hotel—

AustinFreedman Fish & GrimaldiFrisco Shop, Inc.Frost National BankFrownfelter & LealFulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.Galindo Family PartnershipGalow Smith & Morrison,

P.C.Gardere Wynne Sewell,

L.L.P.Garner, Roberts & RobertsGarrett and Garrett

Attorneys at LawGE FoundationGenie Car Care Center Inc.

of AustinGeorge & Brothers, L.L.P.Gibbs & Bruns, L.L.P.Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

LLPGlencoe Group Services

Inc.GlobalSantaFe CorporationGold Quest Realty Ltd. Co.Goldman Sachs & Co.Graves, Dougherty, Hearon

& MoodyGray, Cary, Ware &

FreidenrichGreater Houston

Community FoundationGreer, Herz & Adams, L.L.P.The Dewuse Guyton

FoundationH2O Partners, Inc.Dan Haley PACHall Estill Hardwick Gable

Golden & NelsonHallettsville Abstract and

Title CompanyHallmark Corporate

FoundationHamel Bowers & Clark L.L.P.Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.The HBAA Charitable

FoundationThomas Filmore Head

EstateAnn Lents and J. David

Heaney FoundationGuy Herman Campaign

CommitteeHewlett-Packard CompanyHighland Park Presbyterian

ChurchHILLCO Partners, LLCThe Hobby Family

FoundationRosetta Fay Hobdy-Fritz

Living TrustHolmes Law OfficeHolt Atherton Educational

Foundation, Inc.

7 8 U T L AW S p r i n g 2 005

* deceased

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S p r i n g 2 005 U T L AW 7 9

Houston Endowment Inc.Houston Jewish

Community FoundationHughes & Luce, L.L.P.Hunton & Williams LLPKay Bailey Hutchison for

Senate CommitteeIBM International

FoundationInternational Bank of

CommerceInternet University, Inc.Jackson Walker L.L.P.Jason's DeliJCG Insurance ServicesJenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.Jewish Community

Endowment FundJanette Johnson &

AssociatesJohnson Law FirmThe Law Offices of Jones

& Jones, Inc.Jones DayJones Kurth, Andrews &

Ortiz PCJordan, Hyden, Womble &

CulbrethJoan & Herb Kelleher

Charitable FoundationDee J. Kelly FoundationKelly, Hart & HallmanKick PleatWilliam J. Kilberg Living

TrustKincaid, Horton & SmithKing & Spalding LLPThe Amy and Ed Knight

FoundationLouis J. & Millie M.

Kocurek CharitableKrist FoundationKrzyzanowski FoundationLatham & WatkinsLawProse, Inc.L-Bar Cattle & Equipment

Company, L.L.C.Lilyan Wilder Inc.Linebarger Goggan Blair &

Sampson LLPLocke Liddell & Sapp,

L.L.P.Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein

Rosenthal LLPThomas G. & Nancy B.

Loeffler IrrevocableCharitable Trust

Longley & MaxwellPerry and Mary Loomer

Living TrustLooney-Montgomery

FoundationLuce & Williams, Ltd.Senator Eddie Lucio

CampaignLaw Offices of Pat

Maloney P. C.Mandell & WrightBobby J. Mann &

Associates P.C.

Marathon Oil CompanyFoundation

Marigot Capital AdvisorsMarine Insurance

Seminars, Inc.The Maritime Law

Association of theUnited States

Marsh & McLennanCompanies Inc.

Martinec Winn Vickers &McElroy P.C.

Maximus International LLCMayer, Brown, Rowe &

Maw LLPMcCombs Foundation, Inc.McDonald & McDonaldMcDonnold Cos.McGinnis, Lochridge &

Kilgore, L.L.P.The McGraw-Hill

Foundation Inc.McKee Nelson LLPMcKool Smith, P.C.Donald J. and Joan P.

McNamara FoundationMcNarosa FoundationM. D. Anderson FoundationMeadows, Owens, Collier,

Reed, Cousins & BlauMellina & Larson, P.C.Melvins Childrens and

LadiesMerichem Chemicals &

Refinery Services, LLCThe Arthur & Sarah Merrill

Foundation, Inc.Mestal Foundation, Inc.Metropolitan Life

FoundationSherbert L. Mims &

AssociatesMinton, Burton, Foster &

Collins, P.C.The MJS GroupMoak & Sheridan, L.L.P.

Attorneys at LawWilliam A. and Elizabeth B.

Moncrief FoundationMoonshine Patio Bar GrillMorgan Stanley Dean

Witter FoundationPaula D. Morris &

Associates, P.C.Motorola FoundationMozart's CoffeeMunsch Hardt Kopf & Harr

P.C.Mike A. Myers FoundationNaman, Howell, Smith & Lee1999 David Morris

Newberger TrustNewfield Exploration

CompanyNopa HomeOcean BankLiz Oliphant and

Associates, Inc.Orrick, Herrington &

Sutcliffe LLP

Pacific LifeLaw Office of Quanah

ParkerPatterson, Wells and Cruz

P.C.Peet's Coffee & TeaPerry & Haas, L.L.P.Phelps Dunbar, L.L.P.Paul A. Philbin &

AssociatesPiper Public Relations

CompanyPlayer Group LLCPoly-America, L.P.The House at Pooh CornerPorter & Hedges, L.L.P.Qurumbli FoundationThe Howard E. Rachofsky

FoundationRadioShack CorporationThe Richard E. Rainwater

and Darla Moore 1995Charitable RemainderUnitrust

The Bernard & AudreRapoport Foundation

Ratliff Law Firm, PLLCRauhut & AssociatesReaud Charitable

Foundation, Inc.Redman Foundation, Inc.Roberta Wright Reeves

TrustRenaissance Austin HotelResources Law SectionRevell Group International

Inc.Rhea & Rodman, L.L.P.Sid W. Richardson

FoundationRobertson & Anschutz, P.C.Robinson & Fotheringham

P.C.Robinson Law FirmThe Rockefeller FoundationRodriguez, Colvin, Chaney

& Saenz, L.L.P.Daniel and Joanna S. Rose

Fund, Inc.Rosenberg Law FirmThe Rosewood FoundationThe Roth Law FirmC. L. Rowan Charitable &

Education Fund, Inc.Rowan Companies, Inc.Royalgate CenterRoyston, Rayzor, Vickery &

Williams, L.L.P.Howard A. RubinClive Runnells EnterprisesRush Kelly Morgan Dennis

Corzine & HansenMary Sachs TrustJack & Joyce Sampson

Family FoundationSan Antonio Area

FoundationThe San Diego FoundationSaunders, Norval, Nichols

& Atkins, L.L.P.

SBCSBC FoundationSchreier & HousewirthSCM AdvisorsScott Hulse Marshall

Feuille Finger ThurmondScott, Douglass &

McConnico, L.L.P.Seidel and Gianturco, LLPSenior Activity CenterShannon, Martin,

Finkelstein & SayreShell Oil Company

FoundationShook, Hardy & Bacon,

L.L.P.Sidley Austin Brown &

WoodSilver Moon Aviation, Inc.Simpson Thacher &

BartlettSkadden Arps Slate

Meagher & Flom LLPSlusser Wilson & Partridge

LLPClaire V. Smith Charitable

FoundationSnell & Wilmer, L.L.P.Solar & Associates, L.L.P.Stanley, Mandel & Iola,

L.L.P.State Bar of TexasState Bar of Texas

Individual Rights &Responsibilities Section

State Farm CompaniesFoundation

Stephen F. Austin HotelStevens and Rau, P.C.Stokes Bartholomew Evans

& Petree, P.A.Stone & Stone, P.C.Strake FoundationStrasburger & Price, L.L.P.The Strauss FoundationStubbeman Family

FoundationStudent Bar Association,

The University of TexasSchool of Law

Sunbelt Reporting &Litigation Services

Susman Family FoundationSusman Godfrey LLPTampa-Orlando-Pinellas

Jewish Foundation, Inc.Taylor & DunhamTemple & TempleT.L.L. Temple FoundationTexas Association of

School BoardsTexas Automobile Dealers

AssociationTexas Bar FoundationTexas Employment

Lawyers AssociationTexas Instruments

IncorporatedTexas Law Fellowships,


Betty J. Thode RevocableTrust

Thompson & KnightThompson & Knight

FoundationThomson*WestTinsman, Scott & ScianoTrenchard & Hoskins L.L.P.Turner Construction

CompanyTwin CK CorporationTXU CorporationUnited Space AllianceUnited Way of Central

New MexicoUniversity Co-operative

SocietyUnocal FoundationUSAA FoundationValero Energy

CorporationVanguard Charitable

Endowment ProgramVinson & Elkins, L.L.P.Wachovia FoundationWaldman-Smallwood, PCEstate of Eugenia

McDonald WeaverLaw Offices of Charles

Webb, P.C.The Webster GroupWeil, Gotshal & Manges

LLPG. Rollie White TrustWhitehurst, Harkness,

Ozmun & BreesWholesale Beer Dist. of

TexasWilliams Birnberg &

Andersen L.L.P.Williams Companies

Foundation, Inc.Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering,

Hale & Door, LLPWilson Sonsini Goodrich

and RosatiWinstead, Sechrest &

Minick P.C.Wiseman, Durst, Tuddenham

& OwenWisenbaker Production

CompanyWisener Nunnally L.L.P.Woodley Exploration

CompanyWorld Reach, Inc.Yetter & Warden, L.L.P.Young & Rubicam, Inc.The Estate of Harold H.

Young, Jr.Zachary Scott Theatre

CenterThe Zachry FoundationJudith Zaffirini for Senator

CampaignThe Maxine and Jack

Zarrow FamilyFoundation

Zelle Hofmann VoelbelMason & Gette, LLP

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busybody. At the endof first year, I designed, ordered, collected money, anddistributed a T-shirt to my section commemorating ourfun, fabulous year (seriously). In the following two yearsI was a dancer in Assault and Flattery, on the board ofTexas Law Fellowships, a member of CHLSA, and editorin chief of the Review of Litigation. Among my bestfriends are Law School classmates. I even married a guyfrom my section.

So it pained me that as I entered practice I lost thedrive to be involved in the legal community. On the out-side, I was on the path to legal stardom: a successful lawschool career, followed by a judicial clerkship and an asso-ciate position at a prestigious law firm. But there was onenagging problem. I didn’t like the day-to-day work of anattorney. The structure of legal practice justdid not fit my personality, and it affected myperception of everything law-related.

I began looking in the other directionwhen I drove past the Law School. I knew itwas illogical to blame an inanimate object formy unhappiness, but it was hard to look atthe place where I had once dreamed of beinga superstar lawyer and know that dream wouldnot come true. When I finally acceptedthe fact that a legal career was not agood fit for me regardless of whereI practiced, I took a deep breath andleft the law.

I found real estate because I openedmy mind to the possibility of a life out-side of law. My husband and I were look-ing for our first home together. Being vol-untarily unemployed, I had lots of time tomaster the area where we were lookingfor houses, and I loved it. Our realtor(now my broker) encouraged me to getmy license and join his company.After some soul-searchingand self-evaluation, andwith the support of my saint-ly husband, I became a res-idential real estate agent.

And real estate is a greatfit. My law degree bestowson me the same valuable in-

tangibles lawyers enjoy: credibility, trustworthiness, intelli-gence. My experience working for a judge reinforced theimportance of behaving with the utmost integrity at alltimes. The law firm experience taught me how to be a pro-fessional and provide truly top-quality service to clients.

And now I love my subject matter. I just love housesand everything they mean—shelter, family, warmth. I lovebeing outside and meeting new people all over town.One of my favorite things is to drive by a client’s houseand see some labor of love they’ve accomplished—abright flower bed, a freshly mowed lawn—and imaginethem comfortably safe and warm inside. A home allowspeople to express their love of life and family in a tangi-ble vessel, and to be the one who helps bring that vesselinto someone’s life is a wonderful feeling.

And it is with these new, positive feel-ings about my career that I reengaged

with the Law School. I read about the Non-Practicing Alumni Advisory Council (NPAAC)in this magazine, and it was like a lifeline tobring me home.

At the first NPAAC meeting I attended Ivolunteered to be a co-chair for the Careers

and Mentoring Committee. I have since metstudents and other nonpracticing lawyers

who appreciate having the moral supportthat NPAAC offers. For me, it is a wayto feel connected and supportive ofthe place that brought me the mostformative experiences of my adultlife: best friends, laughter, hopes,

dreams, Hopwood, disillusionment,enlightenment, excitement, disappoint-ment, falling in love, success.

I know my life would not be as goodas it is now without the three years Ispent in that crazy place with the bellsand the green couches and the World

War II posters. I feel like I’vemade up with an old friend.And I’m actively trying tobecome a Law School busy-body again.

Sofia Harber Bowden,’95, is areal estate agent in Austin, Texas,

and a member of the NPAAC.


Coming Home to Townes Hall

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