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Self-esteem and Classroom Performance

of BSN II Students of John Paul II College of Davao

A thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the College of Nursing

John Paul II College of Davao

Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cherry May Exclamador

September 2012

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The researchers would like to extend their profound thanks, sincere appreciation and

gratitude to those in one way or other have related and contributed, immensely to make this

work reality.

To God for giving us the strength, wisdom and who made all things possible. To our parents

and family members, for their never ending emotional, spiritual and financial support.

To the Dean of Nursing, Ms. Emalyn Santiesteban, R.N, MAN for letting us conduct this

study and for the richness of ideas she imparted to us.

To the Clinical Instructors for nurturing and teaching us, for unselfishly sharing the

knowledge as well as the encouragement and guidance to us to finish this study.

To our RN friends, for assisting in the collection of the topics for the chapters.

The Researchers

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This research work is warmly and lovingly dedicated to their

parents for their unending support and care, their

classmates and friends for their support, encouragement

and insights, above all, to Almighty God for giving us

strength, courage and wisdom.

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Title Page i

Acknowledgement ii

Dedication iii

Table of contents iv

List of Tables v

List of Figure vi


Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Review of Related Literature

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


Research Design

Research Subjects

Research Instruments

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment



Letter of Permission to Conduct the Study

Survey Questionnaire

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Table Page

1. Scale for Self-Esteem of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao

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Table Page

1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Chapter 1

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Background of the Study

As the first emphasis of this study, self-esteem has shown to be a significant personality

variable in determining human behavior. To understand a man psychologically, one must

understand the nature and degree of one’s self-esteem, and the standards that one judges

oneself. One experiences one’s desire for self-esteem as an urgent, imperative anda basic

need. One feels so intensely the need of a positive view of oneself (Branden, 2006). That

explains the reason that self-esteem level of university students was analyzed firstly in the

present study.

Self-esteem is confidence in one’s capacity to achieve values(Branden, 2008). It is

subjective and enduring sense of realistic self approval. It reflects how the individual views and

values the self at the most fundamental levels of psychological experiencing (Bednar &

Peterson, 2005)

Coopersmith (2006) defined self-esteem as “the evaluation, which the individual makes and

customarily maintains with regards to him/herself.”Campbell and Lavallee (2006) define self-

esteem as “a self-reflexive attitude that is the product of viewing the self as an object of

evaluation”. In addition, Hales (2007) defines self-esteem as the evaluative function of the self-

3concept. Self-esteem, thus, is the affective or emotional experience of the evaluations one

makes in the frame of one’s personal worth. On the other hand, a social psychology text defines

self-esteem as an affective component of the self, that is person’s positive and negative self-

evaluations about him/herself (Brehm & Kassin, 2009). Nozick (2007) defined self-esteem as an

essentially comparative notion that is one evaluates him/herself how well he/she does

something with respect to how others can do or by comparing his/her performance to others.

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The California State Task Force on Self-Esteem (2006) defines self-esteem as

“appreciating my own worth and importance and having the character to be accountable for

myself and to act responsibly towards others” (p.1)

Globally, self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as being competent to cope

with the basic challenge as being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in the efficiency of the

mind, to the ability of a person to think. Self esteem appears to influence people’s reaction to

valued outcomes. Through self esteem people make more self swing attributes for performance

outcomes and softer less emotional distress why they fall than to low self esteem people (Simon

& Schuiter 2007)

Philippine society is characterized by many positive traits. Self esteem or “Amor propio” is

one of those characters that the Filipino possesses. The Filipino are sensitive to their own self

esteem and cultivate sensitivity to the self esteem of others as well. Filipinos avoid hurting

others self esteem or else one is risk to termination of the relationship. Self esteem is concern to

help to maintain the harmony in society but it can also give willingness to sacrifices personal

integrity to remain in the group. Filipino care too much on impression & images that they might

created for others (Castro 2006)

For Dabawenyos, self esteem is considered to be one of the most important pillars of

healthy personality developments. It distinguishes between self evaluation that represents

global characteristics of the individual and those that reflect the individual sense of adequacy

across particular domains such as the entire competence and particular (tacio 2007)

Along this course, the researcher conducted the study to determine the level of self esteem

and classroom performance of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao.

State of the Problem

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The main purpose of the study was to determine the self esteem and classroom

performance of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of self esteem of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao?

2. What is the level of classroom performance of BSN II students of John Paul II of College

of Davao?

3. Is there a significant relationship between self esteem and classroom performance of

BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao?


There is no significant relationship between self esteem and classroom performance of

BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao.


This section summarized the views, ideas and point of views from different authors in which

their works have bearing on the study of self esteem and classroom performance of BSN II

students of John Paul II College of Davao.

Self esteem

Understanding self-esteem is basic to understand adolescent’s behavior. It is essential to

know how adolescents perceive, value and regard the self to interpret their behavior. A classic

work by Coopersmith (2006) proposed that the level of self-esteem affects all aspects of a

person’s life. Roy (2009) says that self-esteem profoundly affects the ability to adapt changes in

one’s life.

Class performance

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The perception of academic success is a significant predictor of self-esteem in adolescent

students (Kearney-Cooke, 2007). Gilligan (2009) and hypothesize that adolescent females’ low

assessment of their own competence may lie within the social environment, which applauds

achievement and success in males but may react with ambivalence or negativity to female


Hattie (2006) obtained an average correlation of 0.34 in the relationship between self-esteem

and academic results (operationalised as a person’s overall average marks). That is, the

relationship between self esteem and academic results is weak. The results showed that the

lower the participants’ self-esteem, the more feelings of loneliness they reported 1 year later.

Theoretical Framework

Horney (2008), as a psychodynamic theorist, conceptualized “self-realization” as an innate

drives that stems from the child’s position of helplessness in a potentially hostile world. This

innate drive results in what Horney called “basic anxiety” and “need for security” (Wells and

Marwell, 2006). The quality of relationship between the parent and the child determine the

existence of this extent. For child, there can be so many disturbing influences such as, parental

egocentricity, indifference, lack of respect, disparagement, lack of admiration, lack of warmth,

isolation, discrimination etc. (Coopersmith, 2007).

According to Horney (2008), an individual wish to value to oneself and to be valued by others

that led to either self-esteem or self-alienation. She differentiated between idealized, potential

and actual states of self. The person’s inherent potentialities were named the “real self”, while

actual qualities were termed the “actual self”. The “self ideal” guides to person’s actions. On the

other hand, the “idealized self” is defined based on neurotically idealized image of one’s

capacities and goals that is considered 23

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as a method of dealing with anxiety. This relationship is discussed by Horney between this form

of false self-esteem and neurosis

Maslow is probably best known with his hierarchy of needs. These needs began with

physiological needs of hunger and thirst, proceed to safety needs, then to the need for love, to

the need for esteem and finally to the need for self-actualization (Maslow, 2006). According to

Maslow (2006), all people have a need for desiring for a stable high evaluation of him/herself for

self-respect or self-esteem and the esteem of others. He categorized these human needs into

two parts. First one is to desire for strength, for success, for adequacy, for confidence in the

society that one live in, independence and freedom. Second one is desire for recognition,

attention, significance and appreciation. For him, the significance of these esteem were central

for one’s psychological well-being. Their lack can lead to discouragement and psychopathology

(Maslow, 2006).

Rosenberg (2006) considered self-concept in two ways-as a motivational system and

structurally and self-esteem is core to each conceptualization. Rosenberg viewed the self as

being “maintained and enhanced” by the two very similar motives - self-esteem and self

consistency. According to him, self-concept is the individual’s fundamental frame of reference

that includes almost all actions that are predicated. The self-esteem, which is one of the most

powerful motives in the human 24 development, was defined as “a positive or negative attitude

toward a particular object, namely the self”. Positive self-esteem is characterized by feelings of

self-respect and worthiness. Moreover, the individual recognizes his/her strengths and

weaknesses. On the other hand, the person with low self-esteem feels lack of respect for him /

her and seeks him/herself as unworthy and inadequate or deficient person.

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Self-concept was defined as “the totality of an individual’s thoughts and feelings has reference

to him/herself as an object” with respect to structural dimension (Rosenberg, 2006). Within self-


Rosenberg (2006) identified three broad regions: (1) the extant self-concept (what are we like)

(2) the desired self-concept (what we wish to be like), and (3) the presenting self (how we show

ourselves to others) His motivational system was described in terms of three objectives.

First one is means and ends, which include desiring to achieve a particular goal or attempting to

win social approval. As a second objective, self consistency and self-esteem was considered.

Confirmations of the self picture, testing self-hypotheses are the goals of the presenting self.

Thirdly, conformity to norms that means presenting oneself in certain culturally proscribed ways

can provide approval of society.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variable is the self

esteem of BSN II of John Paul II College of Davao while the dependent variable is the

Classroom performance of BSN II. The relationship between the two is also determined.

Self Esteem Classroom Performance

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Significance of the Study

The significance of the study will benefit the following:

School Administrators - The findings of the study would provide the school administrators

relevant data about the level of self esteem and class performance of BSN II students of John

Paul II College of Davao, which would be their basis in providing seminars and symptoms

among administrators.

2nd year Students – The findings of the study would provide new learning to the students and

be to assess the level of their self esteem as well as classroom performance and adopt changes

if necessary to be competent in the profession that they have chosen.

Clinical Instructors – The findings of the study would provide new learning to the instructors

and emphasizes in their classroom instruction the importance of positive self esteem and

positive classroom performance for the students. Particularly those who are planning to work in

the hospitals in highly urbanized area as well as abroad.

Definition of Terms

The terms used in the study are defined operationally as follows:

Self esteem – This refers to the extent to which BSN II students of John Paul II College of

Davao view themselves as good, competent, and decent individuals.

Classroom Performance – This refers to the performance of BSN II in their NCM 102

academically based on their preliminary and midterm grades 1st semester school year 2012-


BSN II Students – This refers to the 2nd year nursing students Batch 2012-2013 of John Paul II

College of Davao.

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Chapter 2


Presented in this chapter are the research design, research subjects, research instruments,

data gathering procedure and statistics treatment of the data.

Research Design

Descriptive correlation design was used in the study according to Borg & Gall (2006),

descriptive correlation studies are aimed at finding out the level, degree or extent of both the

independent variables; observational and survey methods are frequently used to collect

descriptive data and determine the relationship of a bivariate study.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire. This was constructed based from reliable

websites. The researchers also used the preliminary and midterm grades of BSN II in their

NCM102 major subject to measure the classroom performance of BSN II 1st semester school

year 2012-2013.

These was used to acquire appropriate data and come up with the baseline data tackling the

self esteem and classroom performance of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao.

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Table 1: Scaling for Self esteem and Classroom Performance of BSN II students of John Paul II

College of Davao

Scale Verbal Description Range of Mean Interpretation

5 Always 4.50-5.00 Very high

4 Often 3.50-4.49 High

3 Sometimes 2.50-3.49 Moderate

2 Seldom 1.50-2.49 Low

1 Never 1.00-1.49 Very low

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps were followed in conducting the study:

1. The researchers prepared a letter asking permission from the Dean of the Nursing,

Emalyn Santiesteban, R.N., MAN, to conduct a survey among the BSN II students of

John Paul II College of Davao.

2. Upon approval, the researcher proceeded to distribute the questionnaires among the

respondents and explained to them the purpose of the study.

3. The questionnaires were then retrieved, tallied, computed interpreted and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The following statistical tools were used for the data treatment:

Mean – This was used to determine the level of self esteem and classroom performance of BSN

II students of John Paul II College of Davao

Pearson ® - This was used to determine the significant relationship between self esteem and

classroom performance of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao.

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Letter of Transmittal

August 20, 2012

Emalyn D. Santiesteban, RN, MAN

Dean College of Nursing

John Paul II College of Davao

Ecoland Drive, Matina Davao City



We the Group 4 of Nursing Research subject would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct a study in regards to Self esteem and Classroom Performance of BSN II students in John Paul II College of Davao. This study will help to determine their class performance as early as 2nd year.

We are hoping for your positive responses

Thank you so much!

Respectfully yours,


Cherry May Exclamador

Group leader

Noted by:

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Dear Respondents:


This survey questionnaire is designed to determine the self esteem and classroom performance of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao. Please answer the following questions by means of putting to the column using Likert’s Scale: 5- Always; 4- Often; 3- Sometimes; 2- Seldom; 1- Never

Self-esteem of BSN II students of John Paul II College of Davao

Questions 5 4 3 2 11. How often do you feel inferior to your classmates/friends?2. How often do you have the feeling that there is nothing you can do well?3. When in a group of people, do you have trouble thinking of the right things to talk about?4. How often do you feel worried or bothered about what other people think of you?5. Do you ever that you are worthless individual?6. Have you ever thought of yourself as physically uncoordinated?7. Do you ever feel uncomfortable meeting new people?8. Compared with classmates, how often do you feel you must study more than they do to get the same grades?9. How often do you feel shyness?10. How often do you have trouble understanding things you read for class assignments?11. How often do you imagine that you have less scholastic ability than your classmates?12. In general, how confident do you feel about your abilities?13. How often do you worry whether other people like to be with you?14. In turning in a major assignment such as term paper, how often do you feel you did an excellent job on it?15. When you have read an essay and understand it for class assignment, how worried or concerned do you feel about it?16. How often do you feel self-conscious?17. Do you ever fell afraid or anxious when you are going into the room?

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18. How often do you have problems expressing your ideas?19. Have you ever thought that you lack ability?20. How much do you worry about whether other people regard you as a success or failure at school?

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Name: Cherry May Exclamador

Address: Blk 22 Lot 60 Samantha Homes Bago Gallera Davao City

Email add: [email protected]

Personal information

Age: 22 years old

Civil Status: Single

Date of birth: May 14, 1990

Educational Attainment

College John Paul II College of Davao

Secondary Rizal Memorial Colleges

Elementary Aras- asan Elementary Central School