

Ivar Helgason MD MSc

Expectations Speed Safety Simplicity Reduce cost Up to date information Advanced decision support Control

Not a drug ordering system Mimicking the paper behavior is easy

New types of errors

Pick-list errors thiamine -> thalidomide 

Double medication Drug names

[drug name] 50mg/ml 200ml 2ml three times a day

“clever” usage Hints for unknown dose

Important that the foundation is sound

Prescription model Tablets 80% Creams Drops Mixtures Injections / infusions Diabetic treatment schemes Anticoagulation Fluid treatments ...

Drug model

Sign / symptom

Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3

Tablet Mixture InfusonSup. Capsule

10mg 20mg 50mg

Brand1 Brand4Brand3Brand2

Drug model

10 tablets 20 tablets 50 tablets 100 tablets

Drug model

Maintenance Decision support

Tetracycline Age < 9 years

System design principles

Uptime Redundancy

HIS / PAS systems Laboratory systems Emergency module

Design principlesSafety features

Passive safety Consistency Color scheme User fatigue prevention

Active safety Pharmacy review

Decision support Prescription assistance DAX

Passive safety

User fatigue prevention Guide the user Eliminate the need to catch errors No popups! Consistency is everything Neutral colors if no warnings

Yellow/green for warnings Red for serious warnings Blinking for extreme danger

The “no magic” rule

Active safety

Pharmacy review Various rules prompting a clinical pharmacist to review certain


Overdosing Subset of drug-drug interactions Specific medicines Specific patients …

Decision support

Prescription assistance Overdose warnings Drug predictions Dose predictions PRN predictions Default prescription pattern algorithms



Drug warnings Drugs and driving Sport Photosensitivity QT interval Addiction Pregnancy Lactation

Drug – drug interactions Double medication warnings Allergy engine

The laws of simplicity / John Maeda

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.

Interface - Spring cleaning


The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.


Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.


Savings in time feel like simplicity.