Page 1: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Theory of Multiple IntelligencesFrom Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind”

Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Page 2: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Activity 1:

Please take 5 minutes to complete the multiple intelligences test.

Feel free to jot down any thoughts you have about it.

Page 3: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Type of Intelligence What is it?

Linguistic/Verbal Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

Logical/Mathematical Children with logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

Bodily/Kinesthetic These kids process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking.

Spatial/Visual These children think in images and pictures. They may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing, building with Leggos or daydreaming.

Musical/Rhythmic Musical children are always singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.

Interpersonal Children who are leaders among their peers, who are good at communicating and who seem to understand others' feelings and motives possess interpersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal These children may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

Page 4: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Type of Intelligence Relevant Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning

Linguistic/Verbal How can I use the spoken or written word, gestures, facial expressions?

Logical/Mathematical How can I bring in equations, calculations, logic, classifications?

Bodily/Kinesthetic How can I involve the whole body, or create a real hands-on experience? Can I have them act out a relevant scene?

Spatial/Visual How can I use visual aids (tables, diagrams, charts, etc.), visualization, color, art, metaphor?

Musical/Rhythmic How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythm or melody?

Interpersonal How can I engage students in peer or cross-age sharing, cooperative learning, or large-group simulations?

Intrapersonal How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices?

Page 5: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland


Visual/Spatial Logical/Mathematical




How to play


•Reading through a rule book•How do you set up a game?•Who wins the game?•“The horse moves in an L-shape from a given spot.”

•Estimate where you want to move 8 turns ahead.•Playing in your mind beforehand.

•All about strategy.•What are your options with each turn?

•Create a rhyme, song, or anagram about the rules.

•Playing yourself•Talking to yourself

•Teaching someone else how to play the game.

•Acting out the pieces as though you were the queen, knight, etc.

Page 6: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Group Practice: How would you Teach the Following Topics Using the 7 Intelligences?

Group # Subject Topic

1 Science Parts of a Cell and their Function (Highlight a few)

2 Science How to Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

3 Social Studies Geography of the U.S.

4 Social Studies Distinguish between the following 7 wars: (Revolutionary War-1775, Civil War-1861, World War I-1917, World War II-1941, Vietnam War-1961)

5 English Explain the concept of conflict using a Shakespearean work

6 English How to get dressed

7 Math Measurement conversion using the U.S. or metric system

8 Math Explain the concept of slope

Page 7: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland

Questions?Some final thoughts…

• The 7 intelligences do not all need to be used to teach one lesson. They are simply different strategies we can and should use as we construct lesson plans to ensure that we are catering to all students.

• Students who have stronger kinesthetic intelligence may not understand concepts well if you lecture, or if you simply provide visuals, and vice versa.

• Students who are strong in one intelligence may not be in others, so helping them to use and build on all seven intelligences throughout the summer is important.

Page 8: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland
Page 9: Theory of Multiple Intelligences From Howard Gardner’s "Frames of Mind” Presented by: Eric Adjamah, Emerson Fales, Jodut Hashmi, and Paul Natland
