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Carlo Emil Nieva Boado August 19, 2014Theodicy

The Kalam Cosmological Argument: a Proof of the Existence of God through Reason and Science

For so many centuries, various arguments about the Existence of God were heard and discussed by philosophers. They led people with different reactions: a change of belief, a strengthening of the faith, or in the worse scenario, a falling away from the faith. A variety of topics were already opened in order to prove or disprove, defend or unarm, to accept or deny a certain position. One of the main issues argued by both theists and atheists concerning the Existence of a Deity is the Cosmological Argument which took generations after generations of debate regarding this classic proof. It shook both sides because it seems that the affirmative and negative sides have their own shots of points and counterpoints which can also be understood in different perspective. In this term paper, I would like to expose the revived and developing proof of Gods Existence through the Cosmological Argument. This paper aims to discuss how the Cosmological Argument can prove the Existence of God through philosophical thinking and on how Science can give evidences which can corroborate the certainty of the Argument. With the aid of two Contemporary Philosophers namely Dr. J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig, I would like to focus more on the Kalam Cosmological Argument which they expertly defended. This revival of the nearly millennium-old argument will certainly raise some problems which will also be tackled in this paper though not thoroughly. The questions are as follows: a.) Is the argument reliable or not? b.) Will this proof stand philosophical refutations even without the support of scientific evidences? c.) Will there be a better Cosmological Argument aside from Kalam Cosmological argument?