
Quality Circle Forum of India-Gwalior Chapter

23rd Convention on Quality Concepts


Theme : “Make in India – A Vision Through

Quality Concepts”.


Quality Circle Forum of India-Gwalior Chapter extends its warm invitation

to all interested Institution & Individual to participate in the 23rd Chapter

Convention/ Competition on Quality Concepts (GCCQC-2015) which would

be held on Monday, the 28th September’2015 at Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Indian

Institute of Information Technology & Management (ABV-IIITM) Gwalior

(M.P). We look forward to your whole-hearted support and participation in

making the Chapter Convention a grand success.

Convention Events:

• Inaugural Session

• Visual and Oral case study presentation in parallel streams

• Case Study Presentations on QC, 5S, Kaizen, Lean QC, Six Sigma, TPM

and other allied concepts.

• Skit Competition.

• Knowledge test and Quiz competition for QC Members.

• QCFI Books exhibition-cum-sale

• Valedictory Session and Award Distribution.

Glimpses of GCCQC-2014

• Mr.Thomas Mathew,

Treasurer, Mob.No.9713697501.

• Mr.Dinesh Sharma,

Joint.Secretary, M.No.8959594972

• Mr.Binod Kumar,

Joint.Secretary, M.No.8349990179

• Dr.Gyan Prakash,

ABV-IIITM, M.No.9406581635

Program Coordinators


The main objectives of convention are:

• To provide opportunity to participants to freely express and exchange their ideas and

to express their achievements through case studies presentations.

• To provide a forum for interaction and exchange of knowledge on Quality concepts.

• To encourage the spirit of competition, teamwork and continuous improvement.

• To sharpen the horns of participating teams and optimizing the performance.

• Gain and sustain high team motivation standards and results.

• To enhance the creativity of participants through Poster, Slogan and Poem


• To provide opportunity to freely express and share their kaizen efforts.

• Adjudge the best teams from different sectors as per QCFI norms for nomination to

national convention at Pune.


• Organizations where QCs are functioning.

• Organizations about to launch QCs.

• Organizations desirous to know about QCs.

• Organizations and individuals participating in QCs and desirous to know about other


• Organizations where other quality initiatives like TPM, 5S, Kaizen, Six Sigma, LQC,

DOE (Design Of Experiment) etc. are established.

• Students from Educational Institutions.


• All the teams will be given Trophies (either Gold, Silver or Bronze) along with

certificates, based on evaluation.

• Each organization will get one CD containing photographs, taken during inaugural

function & prize distribution ceremony.

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Guidelines for Competitions

A) Case Study Presentations (QC/LQC/TPM/5S/Kaizen/Six Sigma/DOE) :

• Language will be Hindi or English

• One set of recommended case studies in brief should be sent in standard format alongwith CD ROM

& hard copy to our Chapter Office during registration as mentioned above.

• All Quality Circle Teams have to submit the Record Book for 15th Sept’2015for evaluation of the

same for 10 marks, which will be considered for NCQC-2015 evaluation. Record Books are to be

collected back on 28.09.2015 from registration counter in morning during your registration.

• All Case Study presentations will be conducted in parallel halls.

• Total time of presentations allotted to a team is 15 minutes. The alarm will rung twice, first bell at 12

minutes and final bell at 15 minutes. After that 3 minutes are for question and answer. Questions will

be asked by judges only. 2 minutes are allowed for Changeover.

• Facility for multimedia presentation (LCD) is also extended in the convention.

• Fonts used for preparing the case studies must be loaded in your CD, to avoid the problem during


• If any organization wants to present their case study with the help of their own Laptop, please bring

the same with you.

B) Model Exhibition:

• If any team interested to present model case studies, it should be specified in the registration form to

avoid any inconvenience during presentation during convention.

Glimpses of GCCQC-2014

Note:- Awarded case studies will be recommended for presentation in National

Convention (NCQC-2015) at Chennai, on merit basis. Only case studies from

institutional members will be eligible for consideration.

C) QC Quiz Competition:

• Interested team should inform in advance before 15th Sept’15, while sending your registration to

our office. 3 members per team is allowed. It will be two rounds.

• The first round written Quiz will be conducted in the main auditorium of ABV-IIITM on 28th

September’2015 at 10:00 am. Questions will be asked from QCFI Publications (i) Problem

Solving Techniques, (ii) QC Concept & Implementation, (iii) QC Questions Bank, (iv) Practical

guide book for QC, (v) QC Record Book (Register). All other instructions will be explained in the

questionnaire, which will be issued during morning at the time of registration.

• The results will be declared at notice board near registration counter before 12:00 noon & the best

3 teams will be selected for final level. Best 7 teams will also be recognized during valedictory

session in evening.

• If there is any tie up in marks, the team submitted earlier will be considered as per first come first

service basis.

• The final round quiz will be conducted on convention day (28.09.2015) at 1:30 p.m in main

auditorium of ABV-IIITM.

• Best, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up awards will be awarded to the winners.

D) Poem, Poster, Slogan & Essay Competition:

• The entries of ‘Poem & Slogan’ can be on a topic related to any Quality Concepts. The ‘Poster’

must be in A2 Size (420 mm x 594 mm) art paper and should be related to 5‘S’ (Work Place

Management). The ‘Essays’ are invited on the Theme of the Convention “Make in India-A Vision

Through Quality Concepts” not exceeding 500 words in legible handwriting in A4 Size paper.

They can be either in English or in Hindi.

• All entries should be reached at our Chapter office on or before 20th August’2015.

• The names of winners will be declared and intimated to all the concerned organization by 5th

September’2015 through e-mail. If the winner name is already registered, additional fee will not

be charged.

• First & Second prizes will be awarded to the winners during inaugural ceremony of convention.

• The award winning entries will also sent to QCFI, Hyderabad for NCQC-2015 Awards.

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The fee to be sent in the form of a DD/ Cheque drawn in favour of ‘Quality Circle Forum of India’ payable at

Gwalior/Malanpur and send at following address:-

Mr.Avinash Mishra,Hony.Secretary, QCFI-Gwalior Chapter, C/o.Godrej Consumer Products Ltd., 447

Ravi Nagar, Gwalior (M.P)-474 002. Mob.No.09425110133

Annual Permanent Annual Permanent

Quality Circle Case Study

Presenters (Maximum 5 Circle

Members + 1 Facilitator or a


11000/- +


9500/- +


13000/- +

S.Tax.11500/- + S.Tax. Per Team

Additional Member from same circle1750/- +


1500/- +


2000/- +

S.Tax.1750/- + S.Tax.



Other Allied Quality Team Concepts

Case Study Presentation (Max. 3


5500/- +


4750/- +


6500/- +

S.Tax.5750/- + S.Tax. Per Team

Additional Member from same circle1750/- +


1500/- +


2000/- +

S.Tax.1750/- + S.Tax.




Additional Allied Quality Concept

project Presentation by GCCQC-15

registered Q.C.

3000/- +


2250/- +


4000/- +

S.Tax.3250/- + S.Tax. Per Team

4 Delegate (not in presentation team)1750/- +


1500/- +


2000/- +

S.Tax.1750/- + S.Tax.






Upto 31st Aug'15 From 1st Sep'15 to 20th Sep'15 RemarksSl.No.

Institutional Membership Institutional Membership

* Note :- Service Tax @ 14% to be added to participation fee.

:- If there is any other tax deductions (TDS etc), it will be extra.

:- 25% discount will be given to the team/ delegates from Educational Institutions & SSI units.

:- To get special privileges (10+5% discount on books, Rs.250/- discount per participant and Coordinator

@ 50% of delegate fee) for permanent members, copy of the Institutional membership should be

provided along with case studies & regn.fee.

Glimpses of GCCQC-2014

Mode of Presentation : Oral / Model (Visual)

Fax :

Sl.No. Name of Participants Position in Team

1 Poem

2 Poster

3 Slogan

4 Essay

5 Quiz

6 Skit





Registration Form

Quality Circle / Team Name :

Organization Name:

Full Address :

Title of Case Study :

23rd GCCQC-2015 at Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Indian Institute of Information Technology and

Management (ABV-IIITM), Gwalior (M.P).

Quality Circle Forum of India-Gwalior Chapter

C/o.Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.,

447, Ravi Nagar, Gwalior (M.P)-474002

9425110133 / 9713697501

E-mail : [email protected]

E-Mail :

Authorised Signatory Name / Designation

Contact No.: Email:

We are enclosing herewith a Demand Draft/ Cheqhe No. Dated: for Rs.

In favour of "Quality Circle Forum of India" payable at Malanpur.

Additional Members/ Delegates

Tick the Event for participation

Phone :

Note:- There will be a knowledge test for 30 marks. Timing will be displayed at the registration counter

of Chapter Convention venue on 28.09.2015.

Glimpses of GCCQC-2014

Name of the Team :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Organization:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(A) Evaluation for QC Case Studies:





1 Definition of problem 8

2 Analysis of problem 8

3 Finding out the Causes 8

4 Root Cause Analysis 5

5 Data Analysis 8

6 Development of Solution 8

7 Foreseeing Probable Resistance 5

8 Trial Implementation & Check Performance 8

9 Regular Implementation 8

10 Follow-up review 4

Sub-Total 70

(B) Evaluation during QC Presentations:

Sl.No. Description Marks

1Sequence, Clarity, Team Participation, Smooth

change over from one speaker to another5

2 Time Management 5

3 Communication skills, confidence level 5

4 Special features 5

5Answering satisfactorily & correctly the

questions from judges10

Sub-Total 30

Grand-Total [A+B] 100


Bronze Medal - 50% to 59%

Silver Medal - 60% to 69%

Gold Medal - 70% and above.



Glimpses of GCCQC-2014

Name of the Team :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Organization:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sl.No. CriteriaMarks

(Out of 70)

1 Explanation of the concept 15

2 Defining the project taken 15

3 Methodology used in the concept for project 15

4 Result obtained 15

5 Follow-up / Review 10


Sl.No. CriteriaMarks

(Out of 30)


Sequence, Clarity, Team participation,

Smooth changeover from one speaker to



2 Time Management 5

3 Communication Skills, Confidence level 5

4 Special features 5

5Answering satisfactority & correctly to the

questions from judges10

Total 30



Bronze Medal - 50% to 59%

Silver Medal - 60% to 69%

Gold Medal - 70% and above.

(B) Evaluation during Presentation:

Grand Total


(A) Evaluation of Hard Copies :




1. Name of the Organisation : ______________________________________________________

2. Address : ______________________________________________________

3. Phone : _________________ Fax No.:______________________ E-Mail :_______________________________

4. Contact Person & Designation : ______________________________________________________

5. QCFI Institutional Membership No. : __________________________ Validy upto __________________

6. Priviate Sector/ Public Sector/ Central Govt./ State Govt./ Others _____________________________________

7. Manufacturing / Service Organisation / Others ____________________________________________________

8. Large scale/ Medium Scalce/ Small Scale Industry _________________________________________________

9. Nature of Service/ Type of products ____________________________________________________________


10. Single Unit/ Multi Unit Organisation ____________________________________________________________

11. If multi unit Organization, how many units are there and their products / nature of service :________________


12. How old the Organization / Unit : ______________________________________________________

13. Total Number of employees in Unit : (a) Executives:_________ (b) Non-Executives:____________

14. Percentage of employees participating in QC in the unit: (a) Executives:__________ (b) Non.Executives:______

15. When was the Quality Circle movement started in the Organisation Unit:______________________________

16. Total No.of Quality Circles in the Organisation / Unit:______________________________________________

17. Average number of QC projects completed by a QC:________________

18. Other Quality system initiatives taken up by the Organisation/ Unit such as ISO-9001, ISO-14000, 5S, Kaizen


Glimpses of GCCQC-2014


Best Poems

Best Slogans

Best Posters on 5‘S’

R.S.Yadav (SRF)

Ramkesh Kushwah (Godrej)Mihika Singh Kushwah (GGHS)Kaushal Gupta (SRF)

Avinash Kant Mishra (JK Tyre)

Rajeev Sharma (Godrej)

Shikha Sharma (GGHS)

Kamal Kant (SRF) Kanika Kukreja (GGHS)

Programs Time

Registration 08:00 am to 08:30 am.

Breakfast 08:31 am to 09:15 am.

Inauguration[Prize distribution of Poem, Poster, Slogan & Essay competitions will be there]

09:16 am to 10:00 am.

Presentations [Hall No.1 to 8] 10:05 am to 01:15 pm.

Lunch 01:16 pm to 02:00 pm.

QC Quiz Final [Main Auditorium] 02:01 pm to 02:30 pm.

Presentations [Hall No.1 to 8] 02:30 pm to 04:00 pm.

High Tea 04:01 pm to 04:30 pm.

Valedictory Session 04:31pm to 06:00 pm.

Tentative Program at a Glance

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Glimpses of GCCQC-2014
