



Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214107












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214107









A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





Student Number: 144214107

Approved by

Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M. Hum July 22, 2021


Anindita Dewangga Puri, S.S., M.A July 22, 2021




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





Student Number: 144214107

Defended before the Board of Examiners

On 2021

And Declared Acceptable


Name Signature

Chairperson : Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M. Hum

Secretary : Anindita Dewangga Puri, S.S., M.A

Member 1 : Dr. Francis Borgias Alip, M.Pd., M.A

Member 2 : Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M. Hum

Member 3 : Anindita Dewangga Puri, S.S., M.A

Yogyakarta, July 30, 2021

Faculty of Letters

Sanata Dharma University


Dr. Tatang Iskarna, M.Hum.





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Alexander Dhias Gracianto

Nomor Mahasiswa : 144214107

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan

kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan

dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data,

mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain

untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada sya maupun memberikan

royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal Juli 21, 2021

Yang menyatakan,

Alexander Dhias Gracianto




I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously

submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of

my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by

any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate


Yogyakarta, July 21, 2021

Alexander Dhias Gracianto









Psalm 37:23



This page is dedicated for my parents

Eustachius Budhy W


Bernadeta Aprilia Dewi A




I send my deepest praises to Jesus Christ, the one who given me the bless and

love in my life. I thank Jesus, who gives me the opportunity to live in this world. The

one who give me strength to live the life. I thank to God for giving me such a lovely

family and friend who always support me in my good and bad times.

I would express my gratitude to my thesis advisor Ariana Isti’anah, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., who guide me during the process of writing my thesis. Without her guidance,

I will not be able to find the thesis topic that is suitable with me. Moreover, I would

like to extend my gratitude to my co-advisor, Anindita Dewangga Puri, S.S., M.A, who

give advices and suggestions that make my thesis better. Furthermore, I would like to

thank all the faculty members in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma

University. They share priceless knowledge to me during my study in English Letters


I would also express my gratitude to my family. I would never be in this state

if they were not here to give support and love. Thank you for always accepting me no

matter what situation goes around me. It is a huge source of comfort to know how much

I am genuinely loved. Last but not least, I would like to thank Hadrian, Ega, Adong,

Sharon, Siska, Bella, and Nadia for the support they give since the beginning of the

college life.

Alexander Dhias Gracianto




TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE .............................................................................................. iv


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .......................................................................... v

MOTTO PAGE ......................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE .............................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ x

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... xii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................ xiii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................... 6

D. Definition of Terms ............................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .......................................................... 8

A. Review of Related Studies ................................................................................. 8

B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................................. 12

1. Critical Discourse Analysis .......................................................................... 12

2. Systematic Functional Linguistics ................................................................ 14

3. Textual Metafunction ................................................................................... 15

4. Headline ........................................................................................................ 19

C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 22

A. Object of the Study........................................................................................... 22

B. Approach of the Study ..................................................................................... 23



C. Method of the Study ......................................................................................... 23

1. Data Collection ............................................................................................. 24

2. Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS (RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS) ............................ 27

A. The types of Themes Used in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Time............ 27

1. Themes in The Jakarta Post Headlines ......................................................... 29

2. Themes in The Manila Times Headlines ...................................................... 38

B. Ideological Perspectives Revealed from the Use of the Themes in

Headlines ................................................................................................................ 49

1. Responsibilities Revealed from The Jakarta Post Headlines ....................... 50

2. Responsibilities Revealed from The Manila Times headlines ..................... 53

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 58

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 60

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 63

Appendix 1: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ....................... 63

Appendix 2: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ........................ 65

Appendix 3: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ....................... 66

Appendix 4: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post ................. 66

Appendix 5: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post..................... 68

Appendix 6: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times .................... 68

Appendix 7: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times ..................... 74

Appendix 8: Senser as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times .................. 74

Appendix 9: Receiver as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times .............. 75

Appendix 10: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times ............ 75

Appendix 11: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times ............... 75

Appendix 12: List of selected headlines from The Jakarta Post ............................. 76




GRACIANTO, ALEXANDER DHIAS. (2021). Theme Analysis of Indonesian and

Filipino Newspaper Headlines on COVID-19. Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

At the beginning of 2020, most of the news portal publish the news about

COVID-19 pandemic. The news about COVID-19 pandemic can be found in one of

the news portals which is newspaper. The newspaper summarizes the main idea of the

news through the headlines. The headlines as the starting point of the news inform the

reader what the news is going to be about. The headlines of the newspaper consist of

Theme and Rheme. This study focuses on the analysis of the Theme used in headlines

which function as a signpost to the reader about the main idea of the news.

There are two objectives of the study, the first is to figure out the types of the

Theme that are used in Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headlines related to COVID-

19. Second, the writer figures out the ideological perspectives implied from the use of

Theme in Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headlines related to COVID-19.

This study employed a purposive sampling method to collect the data. Thirty

headlines are collected from The Jakarta Post newspaper and forty-six headlines are

collected from The Manila Times. The total of seventy-six headlines from both

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headlines analyzed through Fairclough’s Critical

Discourse Analysis since it utilizes the textual function of language offered by

Halliday. Moreover, Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics is employed to

analyze the Theme used in the headlines.

According to the analysis, the total of seventy-six headlines from both

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper are categorized as a topical Theme. The participant

used in The Jakarta Post headlines consist of seventeen participants of Actor, three

participants of Goal, one participant of Sayer, six participants of Verbiage, and three

participants of Carrier. In other hand, the participant used in The Manila Times consist

of thirty-six participants of Actor, three participants of Goal, one participant of Senser,

one participant of Receiver, three participants of Verbiage, and two participants of

Carrier. The ideological perspectives revealed from the Theme of the headlines from

both Indonesian and Filipino newspaper are responsibility. Both of the newspapers

focus on showing the government deed which to depress the spread of COVID-19


Keywords: Headlines, COVID-19, Theme, Critical Discourse Analysis




GRACIANTO, ALEXANDER DHIAS. (2021). Theme Analysis of Indonesian and

Filipino Newspaper Headlines on COVID-19. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pada awal tahun 2020, sebagian besar portal berita menerbitkan berita tentang

pandemi COVID-19. Berita tentang pandemic COVID-19 dapat ditemukan pada salah

satu portal berita yaitu surat kabar. Surat kabar merangkum ide pokok sebuah berita

melalui tajuk berita. Tajuk berita sebagai pembuka dari sebuah berita

menginformasikan pembaca berita apa yang akan dimuat. Tajuk berita surat kabar

terdiri dari Tema dan Rema. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada Analisa Tema yang

digunakan pada tajuk utama yang berfungsi sebagai penanda bagi pembaca tentang ide

pokok berita.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, yang pertama untuk mengetahui tipe Tema

yang digunakan pada tajuk berita dari surat kabar Indonesia dan Filipina terkait dengan

COVID-19. Yang kedua, untuk mengetahui ideologis yang tersirat dari penggunaan

Tema dala tajuk berita dari surat kabar Indonesia dan Filipina terkait dengan COVID-


Pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan purposive sampling method, data

dikumpulkan berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Tiga puluh tajuk berita dikumpulkan dari

surat kabar The Jakarta Post dan empat puluh enam tajuk berita dikumpulkan dari surat

kabar The Manila Times. Tujuh puluh enam total tajuk berita di analisa melalui Analisa

Wacana Kritis Fairclough karena menggunakan fungsi tekstual Bahasa yang

dianjurkan Halliday. Selanjutnya, Systemic Functional Linguistics digunakan untuk

menganalisa Tema yang digunakan dalam tajuk utama.

Berdasarkan hasil Analisa, tujuh puluh enam total tajuk berita dari surat kabar

Indonesia dan Filipina dikategorikan sebagai topikal Tema. Partisipan yang digunakan

dalam The Jakarta Post terdiri dari tujuh belas partisipan pelaku, tiga partisipan

tujuan,satu partisipan pengindera, tiga partisipan perkataan, dan dua partisipan

penyandang. Di sisi lain, partisipan yang digunakan dalam The Manila Times terdiri

dari tiga puluh partisipan pelaku, tiga partisipan tujuan, satu partisipan pengindera, satu

partisipan penerima, tiga partisipan perkataan, dan dua partisipan penyandang.

Ideologis tersirat yang terungkap dari surat kabar Indonesia dan Filipina adalah

tanggung jawab. Kedua surat kabar secara focus menunjukan tindakan pemerintah

untuk menekan penyebaran COVID-19.

Keywords: Headlines, COVID-19, Theme, Critical Discourse Analysis





A. Background of the Study

Language is used in human life as a tool in delivering people’s thoughts and

messages. The use of language is very important in the communication. Finegan (2004)

mentions that the function of language is asserted “to be so crucial in communicating

and interpreting utterances” (p.7). Therefore, it is used by people to deliver a message

or a purpose in everyday life. Language takes an important role in every human activity.

Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2013) state that “Whatever else people do when they

come together—whether they play, fight, make love, or make automobiles—they talk.

We live in a world of language” (p.1). People need to understand their language before

delivering or receiving the message accurately. There are many languages that exist in

the world. People who speak different languages need a connection to be able to

understand the message. The message that is delivered by people can only be

understood in the same language. In order to make people around the world understand

in communicating with each other, English Language is used as an international

language. Therefore, it is spoken by most people around the world. Freeman (1991)

defines English language as “A second language for most of the people of the world,

has increasingly become the international language for business and commerce, science

and technology and international relationship and diplomacy” (p.1).



The uses of English in everyday life are found in mass media. “The media are

part of the communication process, that is to say they are part of the special and unique

process by which human communities are formed and in which their life” (Sorlin, 1994,

p.5). Mass media contains a message or a purpose which is to give information to the

audience. Sorlin states that “one of the reasons why all media were at first is included

in the same conceptual entity was that, for some time, because they were used to deliver

message” (1994, p.5). The message that is implied in the sentence can be distributed

widely by using both electronic and printed mass media in order to cover larger target

audiences. The newspaper is an example of electronic and printed mass media which

is distributed daily or weekly. It contains news, articles of opinion, features, and

advertising. It uses a set of sentences to deliver the information. The newspapers

usually report the actual event in some countries or places. For example, in the

beginning of 2020 most of news portals publish the news about COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by a coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. The first

human cases of COVID-19 were first reported from Wuhan City, China, in December

2019 (WHO, 2020). The COVID-19 news that is published in the newspapers has an

important part in giving information and raising awareness to the society during the

COVID-19 outbreak. World Health Organization (WHO) states that “If COVID-19 is

spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as

physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds,

cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue” (WHO, 2021).



Therefore, online mass media can be a solution in getting a news without having a

physical contact with others.

Elly Ifantidou (2009) states that in journalism and desktop publishing textbooks,

headlines are viewed as a riveting short-cut to the contents of newspapers (p.699). The

title simply covers the information that is delivered in the newspaper. Accordingly, the

headline of the newspaper plays an important role in delivering information to the

people. Van Djik also states that “Topics may be expressed and signaled by headlines,

which apparently act as summaries of the news text (1988, p. 35). It means the

headlines is important to direct the reader attention and direct the emotion or feeling

through the messages behind the headlines. The writer has chosen several headlines

from Indonesian newspaper (The Jakarta Post) and Filipino newspaper (The Manila

Times) as the data of this study. Indonesia and Philippines are chosen due to their

struggle dealing with the most COVID-19 cases in South-East Asia. According to

WHO, there are 2.053.995 COVID-19 cases occurrences in Indonesia and 1.372.232

COVID-19 cases occurrences in Philippines (retrieved from on June


Both The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times have their own ways presenting

their ideological perspectives through the headlines in term of language use. Although,

Turner (2009) states that “Headlines can be notoriously misleading, inaccurate or

ambiguous” (cited in Metila, 2013). To analyze the ideological perspectives of the

headlines without being inaccurate or ambiguous, Critical Discourse Analysis will be

employed. Richardson (2007) argue that “CDA approaches discourse as a circular



process in which social practices influence text, via shaping the context and mode in

which they are produced, and in turn texts help influence society via shaping the

viewpoints of those who read or otherwise consume them” (p. 37). Therefore, the use

of Critical Discourse Analysis helps the reader shaping the viewpoints toward the

ideological perspectives of the headlines. The writer will use Systemic Functional

Linguistics to support CDA analyze the ideological perspectives that is implied in The

Jakarta Post and The Manila Times headlines. Almurashi (2016) mentions that “the

SFL approach is used world-wide, especially in language education, and for a number

of purposes like discourse analysis”.

There are three functions of language in the SFL theory that is called

metafunctions. Halliday states that the basic functions of language are ideational

function, interpersonal function, and textual function (Halliday & Matthiesen, 2004, p.

29-30). The hidden messages in the headlines will be analyzed using the textual

function of language. Textual function is also needed to analyze the clause in the

headlines since the clause is a message in language use. In English, as in many other

languages, the clause is organized as messages by having distinct status assigned to one

part of it (Halliday & Matthiesen, 2004, p. 64). Halliday and Matthiesen, adds that

“One part of the clause is enunciated as the Theme; this then combines with the

remainder so that the two parts together constitute a message” (p. 64). Thus, the textual

function of the clause is that of constructing clause as message and the Theme-Rheme

structure is the basic form of the organization of the clause as message (Halliday as

cited in McCabe & Heilman, 2007). Therefore, the Theme-Rheme structure is seen as



the appropriate way to analyses the clause to find the ideological perspectives of


This study focuses on figuring out the Themes that is developed by The Jakarta

Post and The Manila Times as well as how Theme reveal their ideological perspectives

regarding COVID-19 outbreak using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). CDA

approach is applied toward this study to facilitates the news discourse analysis. In

addition, SFL is an appliable linguistics theory which designed to solved problems that

emerge in communities around the world, including both reflection and activity

(Matthiessen, 2012), is applied to support CDA analyzing the ideological perspectives.

As the case of COVID-19 in both Indonesia and Philippines are the highest among

other Southeast-Asia countries, the writer is looking forward that there will be some

similarities among the media.

B. Problem Formulation

In this study there are two problem that will be analyzed. The problems are

formulated as follows:

1. What types of Themes are used in an Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headline

of COVID-19?

2. What are the ideological perspectives can be revealed from the Theme in the




C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation above, this study has two objectives. The first

is to reveal the types of Themes that are used in Indonesian and Filipino newspaper

headlines of COVID-19. The second objective is to figure out the ideological

perspectives from the use of Theme in Indonesian and Filipino newspaper Headlines.

D. Definition of Terms

Defining some terms which are related to this study is necessary to avoid

misunderstanding on certain terms. The followings are several terms which are used in

this study.

The first term that is used in this study is headlines. According to Harcup,

“Headlines is the text placed above a story in print or online journalism and the brief

top line of an item about to be featured in a TV and radio news bulletin. Headlines are

typically a combination of the big, the brief, the bold, and the dramatic, all aimed at

attracting the attention of an audience” (Harcup, 2014, p. 124). In the newspaper, the

headlines become the most crucial in summarizing the contain of the news. It reviews

the content of a story, and attracts an audience into reading the article. According to

Ungerer (2000), "A headline describes the essence of a complicated news story in a

few words. It informs quickly and accurately and arouses the reader's curiosity" (p. 48).

News headlines are particularly important for the way readers understand a news text,

they are markers that direct attention, perception and the reading process (Van Dijk,




The second term is Theme. According to Halliday and Matthiesen, “A clause has

meaning as a message, a quantum of information; the Theme is the point of departure

for the message” (2004, p. 58). In other words, Theme is the element that is selected

by the speaker for grounding what the speaker is going to convey. Theme in the textual

function of a language is identified as a linguistic feature that is used to signpost the

speaker’s meaning. A clause consists of a Theme that is accompanied by Rheme.

Theme is placed in the first position of the clause contain textual meanings because it

signposts the development of a text and give signal to their audience what the message

is about (Butt et al, 2003, p. 135). Butt et al also add that Theme is the first element of

the clause and the rest of the clause is a Rheme (p. 135). In other words, Theme is the

starting point of a clause while Rheme is the remainder of the clause. Furthermore,

Rheme is supporting the first element of the clause by providing additional information

to define the message of the Theme.

The last term is ideological perspectives. According to Verdonk, ideological

perspectives is “The writer’s point of view with respect to his or her sociopolitical

beliefs and values (2002, p. 38, 75). In this study, the writer analyzes the point of view

of the media toward COVID-19 pandemic. Simpson defines that “ideology has a wide

scope of reference. It refers to the matrix of beliefs we use to comprehend the world

and to the value systems through and by which we interact in society. It follows then

that the concept of point of view on the ideological plane refers to the way in which a

text mediates a set of particular ideological beliefs (2004, p.78). It means that the

ideological perspectives are a set of beliefs to understand the interaction in society.





This chapter consists of three parts which are review of related studies, review of

related theories, and theoretical framework. The review of related studies discuss the

use of Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Language. This part also

identifies the similarities and differences of the related studies done previously. The

review of related theories discusses the theories that help the writer elaborate the

discussion. The last part is theoretical framework that is applied to explains the

contribution of the theories and the reviews in solving the problem in this study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The writer observes, reads, and analyzes the reports in some related studies which

more or less have the same topic, approach and method with this study. The writer

collects three undergraduate thesis and one journal which are used in this study.

The first study is “Theme Analysis to Reveal Messages in Indonesian and

Singaporean Newspaper Headline of Forest Fires in Indonesia” which is conducted by

Tuan (2020). Tuan focuses on how Themes are used in Indonesian and Singaporean

newspaper headlines that specifically discussing forest fire. Moreover, she identifies

the message from the use of Theme in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper

headlines of forest fire in Indonesia. Based on her analysis, Tuan (2020) figures out the

type of Theme used in all the 64 headlines is topical Theme. There are 6 types of



participants of the theme use in both newspapers, which are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer,

Senser, and Verbiage.

The similarity with this study is both of the study are analyzing the Theme that

is used in headlines. Moreover, both of the study is using textual function in Systematic

Functional Linguistics to analyze the clause in headlines. On the other hand, this study

differs from Tuan’s study. Tuan’s study uses Stylistics approach while this study uses

Critical Discourse Analysis in analyzing the news discourse. Besides, the difference

lies on the issue of the object of the study. Tuan’s study focusses on forest fires issue

while this study focusses on COVID-19 outbreak. According to Tuan, her research is

able to reveals the message implied in Indonesian and Singaporean newspaper

headlines related to forest fire in Indonesia through the analysis of the use of the

Themes in the headline.

The second study is “Theme-Rheme Analysis of The Jakarta Post Headlines on

Covid-19 Issue” which is conducted by Kalotong (2021). Kalotong focuses on the

identification of the Theme and Rheme usage in The Jakarta Post newspaper headlines.

Moreover, she figures out how the use of Theme-Rheme reveals the representation of

COVID-19 issue in Indonesia. Based on her analysis, she figures out that there is only

one type of Theme which is a topical theme. She also finds out that The Jakarta Post

uses 6 types of participants which are Actor, Verbiage, Sayer, Senser, Carrier and Goal.

Katalong concludes that The Jakarta Post is giving awareness to the public about

COVID-19, showing government’s responsibility to deal with the pandemic, showing



the number of COVID-19 cases, showing the victim of COVID-19. Lastly, the media

shows the impact and views of society on COVID-19.

The similarities between Katalong’s study and this study are both of them focus

on the Theme analysis in revealing message which is implied in the newspaper

headlines. In addition, both of Katalong’s study and this study use Critical Discourse

Analysis in analyzing the news discourse. However, this study differs from Katalong’s

study. In her study, she focuses on how the use of Theme-Rheme reveals the

representation of COVID-19 issue in Indonesia while this study focusses on how the

use of Theme reveals the ideological perspectives that is implied in The Jakarta Post

and The Manila Times toward COVID-19.

The third study is “Rohingya in Media: Critical Discourse Analysis of Myanmar

and Bangladesh Newspaper Headlines” which is conducted by Isti’anah (2018). In her

study, she focuses to figure out Themes that is used in the newspaper headlines from

Myanmar and Bangladesh portraying Rohingya issues, and find out the differences and

similarities of the ideological perspectives implied in the headlines. Based on her

analysis, Isti’anah (2018) found that Topical Theme is used in both Myanmar and

Bangladesh newspaper headlines. Although, the participants that is used in both

newspaper headlines are different. Myanmar newspaper headlines use Actor, Goal,

Sayer, and Verbiage as the participants of the Theme. In other hand, Bangladesh

newspaper headlines use Actor, Goal, Carrier, Token and Sayer as the participants of

the Theme. She also figures out that the ideological perspectives shared by Myanmar

newspaper headlines is showing the good deeds of the Myanmar government while



Bangladesh newspaper headline is showing the action done by Rohingyans to save


The similarities between Isti’anah study and this study are the Theme analysis on

newspaper headlines to figure out the ideological perspectives. Moreover, both of the

study uses Critical Discourse Analysis in analyzing the news discourse. This study

differs in the choice of the topic of the headlines. Isti’anah focuses on the issue of

Rohingya while this study focusses on the issue of COVID-19. Her study helps the

analysis of this study by giving information on the suitable approach to analyze

ideological perspectives.

The last study is “Themes in South-East Asian Newspaper Headlines on

Rohingya Issue: Critical Discourse Analysis” which is conducted by Isti’anah (2019).

In her study, she focuses on Critical Discourse Analysis that determine the choice of

Theme in newspaper headlines from different countries. Her study aims to show the

similarities and differences of South-East Asian newspaper in portraying their

headlines toward Rohingya issues. Isti’anah figures out that the similarities are seen

from the reflected ideologies and the types of employed Themes. Moreover, she finds

out that all of the media agree to show their responsibility to end and solve Rohingya

crisis to achieve peace and harmony amongst South-East Asian countries.

The similarities between Isti’anah and this study are the approach of the study

which is Critical Discourse Analysis to determine the choice of the Theme in

newspaper headlines. Moreover, both of the study utilizes textual function which is

Theme and Rheme as the theory. Although, this study differs in the choice of the topic



of the headlines. Isti’anah focuses on the issue of Rohingya while this study focusses

on the issue of COVID-19.

B. Review of Related Theories

The writer will explain some theories to support the study. The theory chosen

will help the study to elaborate the problem of the study. The theories are Critical

Discourse Analysis (CDA), Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), Textual

Metafunction, headline.

1. Critical Discourse Analysis

In order to know the meaning of a context, discourse analysis will be conducted.

According to Verdonk (2002), “CDA is a branch of linguistics which aims to reveal

the implicit ideological forces at work in spoken or written text (p. 75). In other words,

Critical Discourse Analysis focus on revealing the implied ideological perspectives in

spoken or written text. Wodak (1995) states that the purpose of CDA is to analyze

opaque as well as transparent structural of dominance, power and control as manifested

in the language. CDA plays a role as methods and tools to analyze the relation between

discourse, society, and culture (Fowler, Hodge, and Kress, 1979). In addition,

Fairclough and Wodak (1997) state that the critical approach is distinctive in its view

of a relationship between language and society. Fairclough (2003) also explain that

“CDA is the study of causality and determination between discursive practice, events

and texts, and wider social and cultural structures, relations and processes, to



investigate how such practices, events and texts arise out of and are ideologically

shaped by relations of power and struggles over power, and to explore how opacity of

these relationships between discourse and society is itself a factor securing power and

hegemony”. It means CDA works as the analysis that share a view of language as a

social construct, it also marks the role of language in society and the ways society

influence language.

Based on Fairclough explanation above, CDA aims to raise awareness toward

social events, cultural events and discursive practice. CDA explains how these social

power relations are exercised and negotiated through discourse (Fairclough and

Wodak, 1997). It indicates that the discourse is the means used to exercise the hidden

power relations from which the social practices are constructed. Text analysis can help

to comprehend how ideologies are produced by relating the texts with the discursive

practices; how the texts are interpreted and perceived, and the effects that the texts

cause in society (Fairclough and Wodak, 1997).

Furthermore, Richardson argues that CDA approaches discourse as a circular

process in which social practices influence texts, via shaping the context and mode in

which they are produced, and in turn texts help influence society via shaping the

viewpoints of those who read or otherwise consume them. This process is relatively

straight forward to grasp theoretically; the idea that newspaper is the product of specific

people working in specific social circumstances and that, in turn, the news can have

social effects are common-sense assumptions (2007, p. 37). The use of CDA helps this

study to emphasizes the cultural and historical aspects of meaning.



2. Systematic Functional Linguistics

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is applied in this study to ease CDA by

considering language as vehicle to express people’s thought in various ways and

purpose by means of wording (Mathiesen and Halliday as cited in Isti’anah, 2019).

Systemic Functional Linguistics is a theory of language that is strongly oriented in

description of how language makes meaning in context. SFL interprets language as

meaning potential where all strata of linguistic system contribute to the making of

meaning. It also shows how particular grammatical units are functioning (i.e., making

meaning) within particular clause, within particular text, and within particular socio-

cultural situation (Heine et al, 2015)

Young and Harrison add that SFL is a functionally based theory which examines

the functions that language has evolved to serve society. Such a view involves the

examination of ‘real’ language events to understand the purposes language serves in a

variety of contexts, and to understand the way language itself function. Systemic

Functional Linguistics, then, study how meanings are made in different contexts (2004,

p. 1). Moreover, Matthiessen and Halliday describe that SFL with regards to data, does

not tackle the manner of language representation or process in the human brain, but

would rather try to see discourses produced in the form of written or oral language and

what is contained in the test that are produced (Matthiessen and Halliday as cited in

Almurashi, 2016).

According to Eggins (2005), there are three different functional roles in SFL

which are “the interpersonal, the ideational, and textual function - are known as



metafunctions”. Each metafunction is realized through choices from major systems at

the lexico-grammatical stratum, with experiential metafunction realized through

Transitivity choices, the interpersonal metafunction is realized through Mood choices,

and the textual metafunction through Theme choices. Furthermore, this study will focus

on the textual metafunction.

3. Textual Metafunction

The textual metafunction is a strand of meaning made in the clause, is described

as the ‘relevance’ of the ‘enabling’ metafunction. This is the level of organization of

the clause which enables the clause to be packaged in ways which make it effective

given its purpose and its context. The textual strand of meaning is not adding new

reality nor alerting interpersonal dimensions of the clause but concerning with the

potential the clause offers for its constituents to be organized differently, to achieve

different purpose. In English, the textual meaning is expressed largely through the

ordering of constituents that is what gets put first (and last) in English clause that

realizes textual choice. Moreover, all languages will somehow encode textual meaning,

since language users depend on signals which indicate the cohesive relations between

the clause, its context and its purpose (Halliday as cited in Eggins, 2005, p. 298).

Eggins states that there are two key systems enter into the expression of textual

meaning in the clause, the system of Theme, and the system of Information Structure.

Information Structure is realized through intonation choices (Eggins, 2005, p. 298).



However, this study will only focus in the system of Theme to examine the meaning in

the clause.

a. Theme and Rheme

The system of Theme is a structure of clause which is divided into two

constituents. The constituents are Theme and Rheme. According to Butt et al, the first

position in clause contains textual meaning because it signposts the development of a

text. to analyze and discuss textual meanings we need a simple and distinct

metalanguage: we call the first element Theme and the rest of the clause Rheme (2003,

p.135). Lynne and Harrison define Theme as the element which serves as the point of

departure of message and Rheme as the part of clause which develops the Theme

(Halliday as cited in Lynne and Harrison, p. 269). In order to analyze the message that

is implied in the clause, the system of Theme is needed. Eggins mentions that Theme

is the element served as the starting point in the clause containing a message which

reveals what the clause is going to be about. Theme contains information which has

already been mentioned somewhere in the text or is familiar from the context (2005, p.

299). It means an important kind of meaning is expressed by what comes first in a

clause. Theme as the first elements in the clause facilitates speakers and writers to

signal their audience what the message is about.

There are three different types of Themes in textual metafunction. Eggins (2005)

argues that reflecting the three-dimensional metafunction structure of clause, we can

identify three different types of elements of clause structure that can get to be Theme:

topical elements, interpersonal elements, and textual elements.



i. Topical Theme

According to Butt et al, topical Theme contains experiential meanings which

means that the division between Theme and Rheme in a Finite clause always comes at

the end of the first group or phrase relevant to the experiential function and meaning,

whether this first element is Participant, Process, or Circumstances because it is the

place where experiences in the beginning of the clause (2003, p. 136). In other words,

topical Themes is the starting point of a clause which consist of three functional

constituents: Participant, Process, or Circumstances. Participants is realized by nominal

groups or preposition phrases, Process interacts through a variety of participant roles,

the Circumstances is realized by adverbial groups, prepositional phrases and nominal

groups functioning as if they were adverbs (Butt et al, 2003).

Furthermore, Eggins states that there are two most frequent participants roles in

material process clause are the Actor and the Goal. Actor is the constituent of the clause

who does the deed or performs the action. When the clause only has one participant

and is active, the participant will be Actor. Goal is the participant whom the process is

directed or whom the action is extended. Goal is usually what becomes subject in the

passive. In mental process clause must be a conscious human participant. This

participant is called Senser who feels, think or perceives, must either human or an

anthropomorphized non-human. Behavioral process expresses a form of doing that

does not usually extend to another participant. This one obligatory participant is

Behaver. Verbal process typically contains three participants: Sayer, Receiver, and

Verbiage. The Sayer is responsible for the verbal process and capable of putting a



signal. The Receiver is the one whom the verbal process is directed. The Verbiage is a

nominalized statement of the verbal process or a noun expressing some kind of verbal

behavior (Eggins, 2005). Relational process is relating a participant to it identify or

description. This process has two main types: relational attributive which relate

participant to its general characteristics or description and relational identifying which

relate a participant to its identity, role or meaning. The relational attributive clause the

participant carrying the characteristics or attributes is known as Carrier and the

characteristics is known as Attribute (Butt et al, 2003, p.58).

ii. Interpersonal Theme

Butt, Fahey, Spinks, and Yallop explains that the times when we begin clause

with interpersonal meaning indicating the kind of interaction between speaker or the

position which they are taking, the Interpersonal Theme is used. The most common

Interpersonal Theme is the Finite in interrogative clause that precedes the subject and

immediately signal the speaker is demanding information. Other interpersonal Theme

include initial Vocatives, and Mood and Comment Adjunct. The WH element at the

beginning of a non-polar interrogative can also be considered an interpersonal Theme


iii. Textual Theme

Textual Themes connects its experiential meaning to the meanings of

neighboring clauses. Prefacing experiential meaning with a group or phrase whose

function is to connect our message to the previous text can be done in order to create a

cohesive text with well-signposted connections between messages. Conjunctions are



most likely to occur at the beginning of clause and when they do, they must be

considered thematic. Even so, they do not fulfil the primary requirement of Theme

which is to signal the point of departure for the experiences in the clause. We refer to

these text-creating meanings as textual Themes in order to distinguish them from the

experiential meaning in the topical Theme. The textual Themes are likely to come from

a different set of connecting words. In discussion text, for example, conjunctions such

as if, although, unless, because, and in order to are likely to introduce dependent clause

which enhance the argument. Other conjunction adjuncts such as therefore,

nevertheless, in addition, finally and in conclusion may also be thematic if they are

used at the beginning of a clause to signpost the development of the discussion (Butt et

al, 2003, p. 137)

4. Headline

The newspaper headlines are an important feature of the newspaper itself.

Aitchison and M. Lewis mentions that “Headlines summarize a whole event in a few

words, and dense noun phrases pack a variety of descriptive facts into a small portion

of a sentence” (2003, p.1). Miller states that “Correctness of news writing style implies

not only accuracy in grammar, spelling, and diction but also conformity to canons of

good tastes as well” (Miller as cited in Mott, 1958, p. 50). Therefore, it means headlines

in the newspaper can be a first major in order to understand the whole news. Headlines

must be written in a good grammar for readers to catch the interpretation of the news,

As Djik states that “Interpretation of the headline may lead to a decision to continue or



to stop reading the rest of a news report”. In other words, headlines help the reader to

perceives the interpretation and the representation of the whole news.

Djik also gives some insights about media news in everyday usage. Djik (1988)

mentions that “News information can be about events, things, or persons, a TV or radio

program type in which news are presented, and a news item or news report in the

newspaper” (p.4). Furthermore, this study will focus on headline news taken from

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part defines the function of the theories in solving the problems formulated

in this study. This study has two problems. The first is to figures out the types of the

Theme used in the in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times headlines of COVID-19.

The second is to figure out the ideologies revealed through the use of the Theme in the

headlines. The writer applies two theories in order to analyze Theme in The Jakarta

Post and The Manila Times headlines on COVID-19 issues. The theories are Critical

Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL). Both of them

become the basic theory in analyzing Theme in Headlines.

The Theme system proposed by Halliday (2004) facilitate the writer in

identifying Theme in headlines. Moreover, the textual metafunction in SFL theory is

used to analyze the Theme and the participants of the Theme in the headlines. The

textual metafunction help the writer categorizing the types of the Theme as well as



identifying the type of the Theme participants in The Jakarta Post and The Manila

Times headlines.

Furthermore, Critical Discourse Analysis is used to analyze the news discourse

in the headlines to discover the hidden message implied by the media. CDA is used to

analyze the relation of events, texts, social, and cultural structure which helps in

determining the ideological perspectives from the relation itself. The ideological

perspectives can be revealed from the use of the Theme and the Theme participants in

The Jakarta Post and The Mania Times associate to COVID-19 issue in Indonesia by

analyzing the content of each headline.





This chapter consists of three parts. The first is the object of the study that

analyze the data of this study. The second is the approach of the study shows the

approach applied to analyze the data that has been collected by the writer. The last is

the method of the study that presents the way the writer collects and analyzes the


A. Object of the Study

The object of the study focused on the newspaper headlines related to COVID-

19 in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times. Both of the newspapers represent

Indonesian and Philippines mass media, it can be seen from the word “Jakarta” as the

capital city of Indonesia and the word “Manila” as the capital city of Philippines. The

COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. This virus

caused massive chaos throughout many countries and become a global pandemic. It

becomes the most frequent topic that is reported by the news media. The newspaper is

one of the media that report the COVID-19 pandemic. This study focused to find out

the ideological perspective which implied in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times

newspaper headlines. The writer chooses The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times

newspaper as the data because of Indonesia and Philippines have the highest case of



COVID-19 among South-East Asian countries based on the World Health Organization


The writer chose 30 headlines from each newspaper. The data taken from official

website of both newspaper which are ( and

( The chosen headlines were published on June 2021. The

writer selects the headline that related to COVID-19 outbreak.

B. Approach of the Study

This study applied Critical Discourse Analysis as the approach in analyzing the

object of this study which was the headlines from The Jakarta Post and The Manila

Times. This study used the Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze the news discourse

and revealed the ideological perspectives. Fairclough and Wodak state that it indicates

that the discourse is the means used to exercise the hidden power relations from which

the social practices are constructed. Text analysis can help to comprehend how

ideologies are produced by relating the texts with the discursive practices; how the texts

are interpreted and perceived, and the effects that the texts cause in society (Fairclough

and Wodak, 1997). It means that CDA helps to reveal the ideologies through the

analysis the relation of events, texts, social, and cultural structure.

C. Method of the Study

This part explains the data which are used in this study. There are two subtopics

in this part. The first part is data collection and the second part is data analysis.



1. Data Collection

The data were collected by using the purposive sampling technique. Wimmer and

Dominick define that purposive sampling is a method that justifies and uses the

researcher’s subjective judgement in the process choosing the data needed for the study

(Wimmer and Dominick, 2011, p. 94). Anaekwe mentions that purposive sampling is

done with a purpose in mind. Purposive sampling can be very useful for situations

where one needs to reach a targeted sample quickly and where sampling for

proportionality is not the primary concern. With purposive sample, it is likely to get

opinions of ones’ target population (Anaekwe, 2002). The criteria of the data are can

be searched from the search column in both The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times

online newspapers website using COVID-19, corona virus, vaccine, lockdown and

pandemic as the keywords. The data were collected by identifying the Theme that

contained the reference about COVID-19 in the headlines of online newspaper in

Indonesia and Philippines. The data selected for this study were the newspaper

headlines from The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times related to COVID-19

pandemic. Headlines with irrelevant topic was not included in this study.

The study was arranged by several steps as follow. First, the newspaper headlines

were searched in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times official website. Second, the

writer focused only on headlines related to COVID-19 pandemic published in June

2021. Third, the writer figured out the headlines related to COVID-19 pandemic by

using COVID-19, corona virus, vaccine, lockdown and pandemic as the keywords. The

data of this study were the Theme used in the headlines.



To ease the analysis of the data, the writer used codes for each headline. The

headlines taken from The Jakarta Post coded as “JP.H.1” and the headlines taken from

The Manila Times coded as “MT.H.1”. The first code “JP” refers to The Jakarta Post,

it means data which coded as “JP.H.1” is the headline taken from The Jakarta Post.

The second code “MT” refers to The Manila Times, it means the data chich coded as

“MT.H.1” is the headline taken from The Manila Times. The presence of “H.1” in the

code is presenting the order or the data. As an example, “JP.H.1” is first data taken

from The Jakarta Post, “JP.H.2” is the second data, and so on.

2. Data Analysis

In order to analyze the first problem of this study, the writer examined the starting

point of the headlines to figure out the Theme. Moreover, the theory of SFL facilitated

this study to categorize the Theme of the headlines to figure out what type of Theme

they were belong, whether the headlines is textual, interpersonal or topical Theme.

After the type of the Theme were categorized, the writer determined the Theme into

their participant roles which were Actor, Goal, Sayer, Senser, Verbiage, and Carrier

based on the SFL theory.

The next step was analyzing the second problem of the study. the writer revealed

the ideological perspectives of the headlines based on the Theme and Participant of the

headlines. Critical Discourse Analysis was conducted to analyze the Theme and

Participant of the headlines. For example, JP.H.1 Indonesia sticks with ‘micro-

lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami. The word “Indonesia” functions as the Theme of



the headlines. This Theme is categorized as Topical Theme as the first element appears

in the headline is Participant. The Participant Roles of “Indonesia” as the Theme is an

Actor. The word “Indonesia” refers to the government. Indonesian government

represents Actor as the doer signifies the government’s responsibility to cope with the

COVID-19 outbreak. It means that the media is trying to convey that Indonesian

government is taking their responsibility to overcome the COVID-19 waves on June.

The ideologies that the media is trying to convey is the answer of the second problem

of this study.





This chapter is divided into two parts. The writer will discuss the first problem

formulation of the study which is determining the types of Themes in Indonesian and

Filipino newspaper headlines related to COVID-19. Moreover, the Themes used in

headlines will be analyzed to answer the second problem formulation of the study

which is the ideological perspectives revealed from the use of Theme in the headlines.

A. The types of Themes Used in The Jakarta Post and The Manila Time

The writer will analyse the types of Themes used in The Jakarta Post and The

Manila Times headlines news. Based on Halliday’s theory of textual metafunction, the

system of Theme is a structure of clause which is divided into two constituents. The

constituents are Theme and Rheme. In this study, the writer will focus on analyzing the

Theme used in the headlines. Eggins (2005) argues that reflecting the three-

dimensional metafunction structure of clause, there are three different types of

elements of clause structure that can get to be Theme: topical, interpersonal, and

textual. This study analyzes 76 headlines from both The Jakarta Post and The Manila

Times. The writer does not find any other type of Theme in both newspaper headlines

except topical Themes. Eggins (2005) describes topical Theme as an element of the

clause to which a transitivity function can be assigned occurs in first position in a

clause. Theme are categorized into types of participants. The writer found that the



participants occurred in the headlines are Actor, Goal, Carrier, Sayer, Senser, Receiver

and Verbiage.

The occurrences of the participants of the Theme found in The Jakarta Post and

The Manila Times headlines can be shown in the table below.

Table 1. The Summary of Participants of the Theme in The Jakarta Post and

The Manila Times

Participants The Jakarta Post The Manila Times

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Actor 17 57% 36 78%

Goal 3 10% 3 7%

Senser - - 1 2%

Sayer 1 3% - -

Receiver - - 1 2%

Verbiage 6 20% 3 7%

Carrier 3 10% 2 4%

Total 30 100% 46 100%

The table above shows there are seven types of participants of Themes found in

76 headlines taken from The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times newspaper. The 76

data are the headlines published in June 2021 related to COVID-19 pandemic. The

occurrences of the participants in both The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times



newspaper are dominated by Actor since it has the most number. The participant of

Goal, Carrier, and Verbiage are present in both of the newspaper. The participant of

Senser and Receiver are only present in The Manila Times. Meanwhile, the participant

of Sayer is only present in The Jakarta Post. Types of participants of the Theme will

be analyzed in the following discussion.

1. Themes in The Jakarta Post Headlines

There are thirty headlines of The Jakarta Post related to COVID-19. The

transitivity function of participants present in the headlines are Actor, Goal, Sayer,

Carrier, and Verbiage. The participant Actor is the dominating participant of The

Jakarta Post with sixteen number of occurrences.

a. Actor as the Participant of Theme

The writer finds out that there are seventeen headlines in The Jakarta Post that

used Actor as the participant of the Themes. The type of the process is used to

categorize the participant of Actor. Eggins states that Actor is the constituent of the

clause who does the deed of performs the action (Eggins, 2005, p. 216). The participant

Actor as the Theme presents differently in The Jakarta Post headlines. The words

choice in the first constituent of the headlines are related to how the participant Actor

presents in each headline. The data below employ Actor as the Theme in The Jakarta

Post headlines.

JP.H.2 Indonesia sticks with ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami

Theme as the first constituent in the headlines is represented in the form of noun

phrase which an element of a clause. Eggins (2005) mentions that when an element of



a clause to which a transitivity function can be assigned occurs in first position in a

clause it can be described as a topical Theme (p. 301). The Theme in the headline above

is represented by the word “Indonesia”. The participant role of the word “Indonesia” is

Actor. The participant role is determined by the process which is “sticks”. In other

word, the first constituent of the clause is the one who doing something. The rest of the

constituent of the headline “with ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami”

categorized as Rheme.

JP.H.3 Indonesia passes 2 million cases amid record daily raise

The Theme in the headline above is represented by the word “Indonesia”. The

participant role of this headline is similar to JP.H.2 which present as an Actor or doer.

The word “passes” is the process that show the action of the doer. The remaining

constituent of the headline “2 million cases amid record daily raise” categorized as


JP.H.9 Health minister leads push for stricter COVID-19 curbs

The Theme in the headline is represented by the noun phrase “Health minister”.

The noun phrase is categorized as an Actor. The verb “leads” show the action of the

participant actor. Moreover, the rest of the clause “push for stricter COVID-19 curbs”

is categorized as Rheme.

JP.H.10 Static positivity rate highlights gaps in testing capacity

The writer identifies the words “Static positivity rate” as the Theme of the

headline. The verb “highlights” is determining the participant role of the first

constituent of the clause. It shows the action that the doer does. By that, the words



“Static positivity rate” can be described as an Actor. The rest of the constituent of the

headline “gaps in testing capacity” is the Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.12 Indonesia receives 10 million Sinovac vaccines

The first constituent of the headline refers to the same constituent found in JP.H.2

and JP.H.3. Both of the headlines mentioned before use the word “Indonesia” as the

Theme of the headline. In this headline, the process “receives” show the action of the

doer. It means the participant role of the Theme is an Actor. The remaining clause

“receives 10 million Sinovac vaccines” is the Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.13 Hospitals ‘collapse’ as second wave engulfs Indonesia

The word “Hospitals” in the headline occurs as the Theme. The participant role

of the Theme is Actor. It can be seen from the use of the verb “collapse”. The remaining

clause “as second wave engulfs Indonesia” is the Rheme.

JP.H.14 Bali vaccine tourism plan meets scepticism amid COVID-19 surge

The first constituent in the headline above which is a noun phrase “Bali vaccine

tourism plan” identified as the Theme of the headline. The participant of the Theme is

classified as an Actor from the action expressed in the verb “meets”. The rest of the

headline “meets scepticism amid COVID-19 surge” is categorized as Rheme.

JP.H.17 Jokowi sticks to his gun as daily COVID-19 cases soar past 15,000

The Theme in the headline above is represented by the word “Jokowi”. The

participant of the Theme in the headline is categorized as an Actor. The participant of

Actor is doing an action expressed in the verb “sticks”. The rest of the clause in the



headline “to his gun as daily COVID-19 cases soar past 15,000” is the Rheme of the


JP.H.18 Jokowi snubs call for large-scale curbs

The first constituent of the headline “Jokowi” is identified as the Theme of the

headline. Participant role attached in the word “Jokowi” is Actor. The process in the

headline which is “snubs” is showing the deed of the Actor. The constituent other than

the word “Jokowi” is categorized as the Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.19 COVID-19 surge dampens Jakarta’s anniversary celebrations

In the headline above, the Theme is identified in the noun phrase “COVID-19

surge”. The process of the headline which is “dampens” is showing an action that the

Theme does. By that, the participant of the Theme in this headline is categorized as an

Actor. The rest of the clause “dampens Jakarta’s anniversary celebrations” in the

headline is categorized as a Rheme.

JP.H.20 Govt receives additional 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine

In the headline above, the writer identifies the word “Govt” as the Theme of the

headline. The participant role of the Theme in this headline is categorized as an Actor.

The writer determines the participant role of the Theme based on the process “receives”

that is showing the action of the doer. The rest of the clause in this headline which is

“receives additional 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine” is categorized as the


JP.H.23 Aceh to focus vaccination drive on elderly



The writer identifies the word “Aceh” as the Theme of the headline. The process

in the headline which is “to focus” shows that the participant role of the Theme is an

Actor. The rest of the constituent “to focus vaccination drive on elderly” is categorized

as the Rheme in the headline.

JP.H.25 Indonesia reports highest rise in COVID-19 cases in over three months

This headline is similar with JP.H.2, JP.H.3 and JP.H.12. The word “Indonesia”

in this headline is the first constituent of the clause which can be categorized as a

Theme. However, the process of the clause is different with JP.H.2 and JP.H.3. The

verb “reports” is the process that show the action of the doer. By that, the participant

role of the Theme is categorized as an Actor. The remaining clause “reports highest

rise in COVID-19 cases in over three months” is the Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.26 Indonesia faces post-Idul Fitri COVID-19 surge from Central Java, East


The word “Indonesia” in the headline above is another example of Theme similar

with the Theme used in JP.H.2, JP.H.3, JP.H.12 and JP.H.25. The process in the

headline “faces” is showing action that determines the participant role of the Theme.

The writer conclude that the participant of the Theme is an Actor. The rest of the clause

in the headline which is “faces post-Idul Fitri COVID-19 surge from Central Java, East

Java” is categorized as the Rheme.

JP.H.28 Gojek, Grab bank on driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand

The writer identifies the word “Gojek, Grab” in the headline as the Theme. The

use of the process “bank” in the headline shows the action of the doer. By that, the



participant role of the Theme is an Actor. The remaining constituent in the clause “bank

on driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand” is categorized as Rheme.

JP.H.29 Hippindo launches Indonesia’s second-largest vaccine drive

The Theme in the headline is represented by the word “Hippindo”. The

participant role of the Theme is an Actor. The process “launches” in the headline show

what is performed by the doer. The remaining clause “launches Indonesia’s second-

largest vaccine drive” is categorized as Rheme.

JP.H.30 New vaccine arrival boosts govt readiness for 1 million vaccinations

per day

The noun phrase “New vaccine arrival” is represent the Theme of the headline.

The writer categorizes the participant role of the Theme as an Actor. The noun phrase

“New vaccine arrival” is also function as a participant. The participant role of the noun

phrase is an Actor. The process “boosts” indicates the action of the doer. The clause

“boosts govt readiness for 1 million vaccinations per day” in the headline is the Rheme.

b. Goal as the Participant of Theme

The writer finds out there are four headlines from The Jakarta Post that

categorized as the participant Goal. The participant Goal point out to whom the process

is directed or extended.

JP.H.5 Public policies for tourism during COVID-19 pandemic

The Theme in the headline is represented by “Public policies for tourism”. The

Theme is considered as a Goal even though the process is missing in the headline.

“Public policies for tourism” are a result of an action that has been done by the



government. By that, the clause mentioned before is categorized as a Goal of the

headline. Moreover, the remaining clause “during COVID-19 pandemic” is the Rheme

of the headline.

JP.H.15 Emergency tents erected outside Jakarta hospitals as virus cases surge

The writer identifies the words “Emergency tents” as the Theme of the headline.

The verb “erected” in the headline shows to whom the process is directed. The writer

categorizes the participant role of the Theme as Goal. The emergency tents are erected

by public facility maintenance worker to treat more COVID-19 patients. The remaining

clause “erected outside Jakarta hospitals as virus cases surge” is the Rheme of the


JP.H.16 Indonesia official caught with COVID-19 in Italy as cases spike at home

The Theme of the headline is represented by the words “Indonesia official”. The

participant role of the Theme is Goal. The Theme is categorized Goal as the result of

the action “caught” in the headline. The Rheme is the remaining clause in the headline

which is “caught with COVID-19 in Italy as cases spike at home”.

c. Sayer as the Participant of Theme

The writer only finds one headline in The Jakarta Post that used Sayer as the

participant of the Theme. According to Halliday, the participant Sayer is associated

with verbal process. Eggins (2005, p. 235) states that Sayer is the participant

responsible for the verbal process, does not have to be a conscious participant, but

anything capable of putting out a signal.

JP.H.8 COVID-19 survivors ask people to obey health protocols, get vaccinated



The first constituent in the headline “COVID-19 survivor” is identified as the

Theme of the headline. Sayer is the participant of the Theme in the headline. The theme

is categorized Sayer as the result of the signal given by COVID-19 survivor. The word

“ask” in the headline is considered as verbal process. The remaining clause “ask people

to obey health protocols, get vaccinated” is the Rheme in the headline.

d. Verbiage as the Participant of Theme

The writer figures out six headlines in The Jakarta Post that used Verbiage as the

Participant of the Theme. The participant Verbiage is associated with verbal process.

Eggins (2005, p. 235) mentions that Verbiage is a nominalized statement of verbal

process: a noun expressing some kind of verbal behaviour. In other words, Verbiage is

the signal that is expressed by the Sayer. The example of the use of Verbiage as the

participant of the Theme will be explained below.

JP.H.4 Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed as COVID surges: Sandiaga

The Theme in the headline above is represented by “Bali reopening to foreign

tourists delayed as COVID surges”. The Theme is considered as a Verbiage because it

is the signal or message expressed by Sandiaga. The word “Sandiaga” is categorized

as the Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.6 Indonesia’s COVID-19 situation nears ‘catastrophe’: Red Cross

In the headline above, the Theme is represented by “Indonesia’s COVID-19

situation nears ‘catastrophe’”. The Theme in the headline is the topic which is conveyed

by Red Cross. The word “Red Cross” is the Rheme of the headline.



JP.H.7 Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is vaccination, avoiding

crowds: Experts

The clause “Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is vaccination, avoiding

crowds” is represented as the Theme of the headline. The Theme in the headline contain

the message said by Experts. The remaining constituent “Experts” is the Rheme of the


JP.H.11 ‘We will emerge more resilient’: Local communities find strength amid

second virus wave

The first constituent of the headline “We will emerge more resilient” is

considered as the Theme. The Theme in this headline is the message that is conveyed

by local communities. The rest of the clause in the headline “Local communities find

strength amid second virus wave” is categorized as the Rheme.

JP.H.21 Delta variant behind Indonesia’s recent COVID-19 surge, officials


JP.H.24 Delta variant behind Kudus COVID-19 spike, officials say

The clause “Delta variant behind Indonesia’s recent COVID-19 surge” and

“Delta variant behind Kudus COVID-19 spike” is categorized as the Theme of the

headline. Both of the clause is considered as a Verbiage since it contains the message

said by officials. The words “officials say” in both headlines is categorized as the




e. Carrier as the Participant of Theme

The writer figures out three headlines in The Jakarta Post that used Carrier as the

participant of the theme. Carrier is associated with relational process. Relational

process involves the process of being. According to Eggins (2005) Carrier is realized

by a noun or nominal group which a quality, classification or attribute can be assigned

(p. 239).

JP.H.1 School reopening plan in doubt amid COVID-19 surge

JP.H.22 Jakarta in ‘critical phase’ as COVID-19 cases surge

The words “School reopening plan” and “Jakarta” in the headline above is

categorized as the Theme. The verb in both headline is omitted or missing. The verb

“is” is considered as the suitable verb for the headlines above. The remaining

constituent in both of the headline function as the Attribute to the Carrier and also the

Rheme of the headline.

JP.H.27 RI has sufficient vaccines but it will take discipline to beat COVID-19

The theme in the headline above is represented by the word “RI”. The relational

process “has” in the headline is showing the Attribute of the Theme which is “sufficient

vaccines but it will take discipline to beat COVID-19”. The Attribute of the Carrier is

considered as the Rheme in the headline.

2. Theme in The Manila Times Headlines

The writer figures out that the Theme used in The Manila Times is dominated by

the participant Actor. The participant actor is used in thirty seven out of forty-six

headlines related to COVID-19. The other types of participants found in The Manila



Times headlines are Goal, Senser, Receiver, Carrier, and Verbiage. The discussion of

the Theme found in The Manila Times headlines will be explained below.

a. Actor as the Participant of Theme

The participant Actor is dominating in term of the participant role of the Theme

found in The Manila Times headlines.

MT.H.2 PH extends travel ban on 7 countries

MT.H.7 PH extends travel ban on India, 6 other countries until July 15

MT.H.12 PH posts 1.4M infections

MT.H.28 PH to get 1M vaccine doses from US

MT.H.30 PH detects 4 more Delta variant cases

MT.H.31 PH buys 40M doses of Pfizer vaccine

The writer finds out six headlines in The Manila Times that use the same word as

the first constituent of the clause. The first constituent “PH” is identified as the Theme

of the headline. The Theme is categorized as an Actor since the material process in

each headline is showing the action of the doer. In spite of the fact that the Themes of

those headlines above are the same, each headline is followed by different Rheme.

MT.H.4 DoH welcomes probe into Covid-19 fund use

MT.H.37 DoH vouches for vaccines’ safety

In the datum above the Theme is represented by the word “DoH”. The participant

role of the Theme in the headline is identified as an Actor. The verb “welcomes” and

“vouches” in the headline is the process that showing the action of the doer. The

remaining clause in the headline is categorized as the Rheme.



MT.H.5 Senate prodded to pass vital measures

The Theme of the headline above is represented by the word “Senate”. The

process used in the headline which is the verb “prodded” is showing which types of

participants role the Theme belong. The verb “prodded” shows the action of the doer,

then the participant role is categorized as an Actor. The theme is followed by the Rheme

in the clause “prodded to pass vital measures”.

MT.H.8 PhilHealth launches vaccine compensation plan

The writer identifies the word “PhilHealth” as the Theme of the headline. The

type of the participant role of the Theme is determined by the verb “launches” in the

headline. It shows the action of the doer, thereby the participant role of the Theme is a

Actor. The rest of the clause “launches vaccine compensation plan” is categorized as

the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.9 Bong Go sends aid to workers in Aurora

MT.H.20 Bong Go assures elderly of support

MT.H.34 Bong Go sends aid to tour guides, drivers

MT.H.42 Bong Go sends support to vendors in Himamaylan

The writer finds another example of similar constituent appear in the beginning

of the clause. Four of the headlines above similarly used the words “Bong Go” as the

Theme of the headline. The Theme is followed by different kind of process in each

headline. Each process used in the headline shows the action of the doer. It means the

participant of the Theme can be categorized as an Actor. Moreover, the remaining

clause which follows the Theme is categorized as the Rheme of the headline.



MT.H.10 BPI-Philam encourages protection for OFWs

The first constituent of the headline “BPI-Philam” is identified as the Theme in

the headline above. The use of the verb “encourages” shows that the participant role of

the Theme is an Actor. The remaining clause “encourages protection for OFWs” in the

headline is considered as the Rheme.

MT.H.11 Vaccine deliveries hit 17 million doses

The Theme in the headline is represented by the words “Vaccine deliveries”. The

participant role of the Theme is an Actor. The process “hit” in the headline is showing

the action of the doer. The remaining clause “hit 17 million doses” which follows the

Theme is considered as the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.13 Moderna, Sinovac vaccines arrive

In the headline above, the Theme of the headline is represented by the words

“Moderna, Sinovac vaccines”. The Theme is followed by the process “arrive” that

shows the action of the doer. Thereby, the participant role of the Theme is categorized

as an Actor. The process “arrive” is following the Theme of the headline which can

also be considered as the Rheme.

MT.H.15 ‘Govt to balance health, economic recovery’

MT.H.21 Govt strengthens measures to top spread of delta variant

MT.H.36 Govt mulls uniform quarantine protocols for Filipinos vaccinated in

PH, abroad

The writer figures out another example of headlines that use the same word as

the Theme in the headline. The use of verb “to balance”, “strengthens”, and “mulls” in



those headlines show the action that is directed by the Theme. Thereby, the participant

role of the Theme in the headlines above is categorized as an Actor. The remaining

clause that follows the Theme in the headlines above is considered as the Rheme.

MT.H.17 Las Pinas vaccination program accelerates with more jabs a day

The clause “Las Pinas vaccination program” is identified as the Theme of the

headline. The clause “Las Pinas vaccination program” is selected as the Theme since

it appears as the starting point in the clause. The process “accelerates” marks the

participant role of the Theme as an Actor. Therefore, the remaining clause “accelerates

with more jabs a day” is considered as the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.19 Poe warns against unpaid Phillhealt claims of hospitals

The word “Poe” appears in the beginning of the clause. Thereby, the word “poe”

is identified as the Theme of the headline above. The participant role of the Theme is

categorized as an Actor. The verb “warns” marks the Theme as the doer. The remaining

clause “warns against unpaid Phillhealt claims of hospitals” is the Rheme of the

headline above.

MT.H.22 10 cities get priority vaccine allocation

The Theme in the headline above is represented by the words “10 cities” since it

appears as the starting point of the headline. The participant role of the Theme is

categorized as an Actor. The action of the doer is marked by verb “get” in the headline.

The rest of the clause “get priority vaccine allocation” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.23 SMC officially starts nationwide vaccination program for employees



The word “SMC” in the beginning of the headline is identified as the Theme. The

participant role of the Theme is an Actor. The action of the doer is marked by verb

“starts” in the headline. The remaining clause “officially starts nationwide vaccination

program for employees” that follows the Theme is considered as the Rheme.

MT.H.24 City of Manila receives additional 400,000 doses of Sinovac

The datum above uses noun phrase “City of Manila” as the starting point in the

headline. Therefore, it is identified as the Theme of the headline. The verb “receive”

marks the action of the doer. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as an

Actor. The remaining clause “receives additional 400,000 doses of Sinovac” in the

headline is the Rheme.

MT.H.25 2M doses of Sinovac vaccines arrive in PH

The datum above begins with the clause “2M doses of Sinovac vaccines”. The

writer concludes that the clause appears in the beginning of the headline as the Theme.

The use of verb “arrive” shows the action of the doer in the datum above. Therefore,

the participant role of the Theme is categorized as an Actor. The rest of the clause

“arrive in PH” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.26 DoTr orders 7th day swabbing for arriving seafarers, OFWs

The word “DoTr” is the starting point of the headline above. It shows that the

word “DoTr” is the Theme of the headline. The use of verb “orders” marks the

participant role of the Theme as an Actor. The clause “orders 7th day swabbing for

arriving seafarers, OFWs” that follows the Theme is considered as the Rheme of the

headline above.



MT.H.27 Duterte threatens to jail people who refuse jabs

MT.H.29 Duterte rejects holding of limited face-to-face classes

MT.H.41 Duterte seeks speedy invermectin trials

MT.H.44 Duterte urges Filipinos to be ‘heroes in our own right’

The word “Duterte” appears in four of The Manila Times headlines. The word

“Duterte” as the starting point of the headline can be identified as the Theme. The use

of verb “threatens”, “rejects”, “seeks”, and “urges” mark the action in each headline

which is an Actor. The remaining clause which follows the Theme in each headline is

considered as the Rheme.

MT.H.32 Rule requiring wearing of face shields stays

The headline above begins with the clause “Rule requiring wearing of face

shields”. The clause as the starting point of the headline is identified as the Theme. The

participant role of the Theme is categorized as an Actor. The participant Actor is doing

an action expressed in the verb “stays”. The verb “stays” is the constituent which

follows the Theme of the headline. Therefore, the verb “stays” is Rheme of the


MT.H.33 Robredo seeks more jabs, Covid testing

The word “Robredo” appears as the starting point of the headline. Thereby, the

writer identifies the word “Robredo” as the Theme of the headline. The participant role

of the Theme is categorized as an Actor. The verb “seeks” in the headline is expressing

the action of the Actor. The remaining clause “seeks more jabs, Covid testing” in the

headline is considered as the Rheme.



MT.H.43 Metro Manila mayors shorten curfew hours

The datum above begins with the clause “Metro Manila mayors” as the starting

point of the headline. It shows that the Theme of the clause is represented in the clause

“Metro Manila mayors”. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as an Actor.

The participant Actor is doing an action expressed by verb “shorten”. The rest of the

clause “shorten curfew hours” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.45 Manila resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination

The word “Manila” appears as the beginning of the headline above. The writer

identifies the word “Manila” as the Theme of the headline. The participant role of the

headline is categorized as an Actor. The verb “resumes” is expressing the action of the

Actor. The clause “resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination” which follows the Theme in

the headline above is the Rheme.

MT.H.46 Most Filipinos still follow Covid-19 health protocols

The headline above starts with the noun phrase “Most Filipinos”. The noun

phrase “Most Filipinos” as the beginning of the headline is identified as the Theme.

The participant role of the Theme is categorized as an Actor. The participant Actor is

doing an action expressed in verb “follow”. The remaining clause “still follow Covid-

19 health protocols” in the headline is the Rheme.

b. Goal as the Participant of Theme

The writer figures out three headlines in The Manila Times related to COVID-

19 which used participant Goal as the theme.

MT.H.1 100% of health workers vaccinated



The Theme of the headline above is represented by the clause “100% of health

workers”. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Goal. The clause “100%

of health workers” appears as the constituent which the process “vaccinated” is

directed. The remaining clause “vaccinated” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.16 A1 vaccination for airline crew pushed as govt reopens tourism

The headline above begins with the clause “A1 vaccination for airline crew”. The

clause “A1 vaccination for airline crew” as the starting point of the headline is

identified as the Theme. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Goal.

The clause “A1 vaccination for airline crew” is the constituent which the process

“pushed” is directed. The rest of the clause “pushed as govt reopens tourism” is the

Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.35 Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City lifted

The headline above starts with the clause “Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City”.

The clause “Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City” as the beginning of the headline is

identified as the Theme. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Goal.

The clause “Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City” is the constituent which the process

“lifted” is directed. The remaining clause “lifted” is the Rheme of the headline.

c. Senser as the Participant of Theme

The writer finds one headline in The Manila Times related to COVID-19 that

used Senser as the participant of the Theme. According to Eggins (2005) The Senser is

the participant who feels, thinks, or perceives.

MT.H.14 Baguio City mayor wants ramped-up vaccination



The headline above begins with the noun phrase “Baguio City Mayor”. The noun

phrase “Baguio City Mayor” is identified as the Theme of the headline. The participant

role of the Theme is categorized as a Senser. The clause “ramped-up vaccination” is

something felt, thought, or perceived by the Theme. The process “wants” expressed

what is being feel, think, and perceived by the Theme. The clause “ramped-up

vaccination” is following the Theme which can be considered as the Rheme of the


d. Receiver as the Participant of Theme

There is only one headline in The Manila Times that used Receiver as the

participant of the Theme. Eggins (2005) states that Receiver is the one whom verbal

process is directed (p. 235).

MT.H.38 Gov’t asked to prioritize ‘commuter towns’ near NCR in Covid-19


The headline above begins with the word “Gov’t”. The word “Gov’t” is identified

as the Theme since it appears in the beginning of the headline. The participant role of

the Theme is categorized as a Receiver. The word “Gov’t” is the one whom verbal

process “asked” is directed. The rest of the clause “asked to prioritize ‘commuter

towns’ near NCR in Covid-19 vaccination” in the headline is the Rheme of the


e. Verbiage as the Participant of the Theme

The Manila Times used Verbiage as the participant of the Theme in three of the

headlines related to COVID-19.



MT.H.3 Monitor pandemic situation as Olympic near – Go

The headline above begins with the clause “Monitor pandemic situation as

Olympic near”. The clause “Monitor pandemic situation as Olympic near” as the

starting point of the headline is identified as the Theme. The participant role of the

Theme is a Verbiage since it contains the message which is conveyed by the Sayer

“Go”. The word “Go” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.18 Duterte fully vaccinated vs Covid-19 – PSG chief

The clause “Duterte fully vaccinated vs Covid-19” is the starting point of the

headline above. It is identified as the Theme of the headline. The participant role of the

Theme is categorized as a Verbiage since it contains the message which is expressed

by the Sayer “PSG chief”. The words “PSG chief” is the Rheme of the headline.

MT.H.40 Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas – Go

The datum above begins with “Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas”. The clause

“Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas” is identified as the Theme of the headline. The

participant role of the Theme is Verbiage. The clause “Vaccines deployed to high-risk

areas” contains what is being said by the Sayer “Go”. The rest word which is following

the Theme “Go” is the Rheme of the headline.

f. Carrier as the Participant of Theme

The last participant that used in The Manila Times headline is Carrier. There are

only two headlines that used Carrier as the participant of the Theme.

MT.H.6 Metro Manila Covid situation ‘very fragile’



The Theme of the headline is represented by the clause “Metro Manila Covid

situation” since it is the starting point of the headline above. The participant role of the

Theme is categorized as a Carrier. The Theme as a Carrier is followed by the Attribute

“very fragile” in the form of adjective phrase. The process in the headline is omitted or

missing. The suitable process of the headline is the verb “is”. The adjective phrase

“very fragile” is considered as the Rheme of the headline as it appears after the Theme.

MT.H.39 NCR hospital utilization rate ‘manageable’

The headline above begins with the clause “NCR hospital utilization rate”. The

clause “NCR hospital utilization rate” is identified as the Theme of the headline. The

participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Carrier since the clause “NCR hospital

utilization rate” is followed by an adjective phrase “manageable”. The adjective phrase

“manageable” is considered as the Rheme of the headline.

B. Ideological Perspectives Revealed from the Use of the Themes in Headlines

This part contains the writer explanation toward the ideological perspectives of

the headlines based on the use of the Theme. The Theme appears in the beginning of

the headline used as the signpost to help the writer defines the ideological perspectives.

The Theme and its types of participants is analysed in order to determine the ideological

perspectives of The Jakarta Post and The Manila Times newspaper. The word choices

used as the Theme in the headline is showing the point that the media wants to convey.



1. Responsibilities Revealed from The Jakarta Post Headlines

In this part, the writer explains the Theme which reveal the ideological

perspective of The Jakarta Post newspaper. The writer figures out that The Jakarta

Post newspaper focused on showing the responsibility of Indonesian government and

other communities such as experts, COVID-19 survivor, and transportation company

to depress the spread of COVID-19. The Theme which shows the responsibility of the

communities mentioned before appears in different types of participants such as Actor,

Goal, Sayer, and Verbiage.

The writer collects 30 headlines from The Jakarta Post related to COVID-19.

The analysis of this study reveals that total of 67% of the Theme in the headline is

showing the Indonesian community responsibilities to depress the spread of the

COVID-19 disease. The example of the responsibilities revealed through the Theme

can be seen from the discussion below.

The participant Actor revealed the government and other communities’


JP.H.2 Indonesia sticks with ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami

JP.H.23 Aceh to focus vaccination drive on elderly

JP.H.28 Gojek, Grab bank on driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand

JP.H.29 Hippindo launches Indonesia’s second-largest vaccine drive

The Theme in each headline above is analysed as the Actor or the doer. The

words “Indonesia”, “Aceh”, “Gojek, Grab” and “Hippindo” are the representation of

the participant Actor. In JP.H.2, the media shows how the Indonesian government



reacts toward the COVID-19 case surge. It shows the Indonesian government

responsibility to depress the spread of the COVID-19 disease. The media intends to

show public the action taken by the government towards the COVID-19 case.

Moreover, the media wants the community to obey the micro-lockdown regulation

made by the government.

The second data JP.H.23 used the word “Aceh” which is one of the provinces in

Indonesia as the Theme. In JP.H.23, the media shows how Indonesian government

which is represented in the word “Aceh” is taking a preventive action to depress the

spread of the COVID-19 disease. It shows that the government focuses on elderly

vaccination which more vulnerable to corona virus. The media intends to persuade the

public to be cooperative with the elderly vaccination program as it is mandatory healing

effort to decrease the number of contraction and death toll in the province.

The third data JP.H.28 used the words “Gojek, Grab” as the Theme of the

headline. Based on the news context, Gojek and Grab are a transportation services

company. In JP.H.28, the media shows how the transportation services company rely

on vaccine not only to protect both drivers and customers but also to revive the service

demand. The media intends to show the public that the drivers and the customers are

safe during their travel.

The last data that used participant of actor to reveals the communities’

responsibility is JP.H.29. In the data, the word “Hippindo” represents the Theme of the

headline. Based on the news context, Hippindo is The Indonesia Retail and Tenant

Association. In JP.H.29, the media shows the Hippindo effort to revive the industry



which has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The media intends to show the

public that the community is doing its job to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease.

The participant Goal revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

JP.H.15 Emergency tents erected outside Jakarta hospitals as virus cases surge

The headline above uses the words “Emergency tents” as the Theme of the

headline. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as Goal. In JP.H.15, the

media uses the clause “Emergency tents” as the target whom the action is directed by

Indonesian government to boost hospital capacity amid the COVID-19 surge.

Moreover, the media intends to show public that the government is doing its

responsibility amid a spike in COVID-19 cases.

The participant Sayer revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

JP.H.8 COVID-19 survivors ask people to obey health protocols, get vaccinated

In the datum above the Theme is represented in the clause “COVID-19 survivor”.

The participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Sayer. In J.P.H.8, the media is

showing the responsibility of COVID-19 survivors as a community to depress the

spread of COVID-19 disease. The COVID-19 survivor is showing its responsibility by

persuades people not only to maintain discipline toward health protocols but also to get


The participant Verbiage revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

JP.H.4 Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed as COVID surges: Sandiaga

JP.H.7 Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is vaccination, avoiding

crowds: Experts



The headline in JP.H.4 used the clause “Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed

as COVID surges” as the theme in the headline. The participant role of the Theme is

categorized as a Verbiage. It is categorized as a Verbiage as the result of a verbal

process expressed by “Sandiaga”. Based on the news context, Sandiaga is the Tourism

and Creative Economy Minister of Indonesia. The media shows the government

responsibility through the message stated by Sandiaga. Bali reopening to foreign

tourists is postponed to decrease the risk of COVID-19 contraction from foreign


The headline in JP.H.7 used the clause “Best ways to prevent COVID-19

infection is vaccination, avoiding crowds” as the Theme. The participant role of the

Theme is categorized as a Verbiage. The Theme is categorized as a Verbiage as the

result of a verbal process expressed by “Experts”. The media shows the community

responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease through the message stated

by Experts. The Experts persuade people to get vaccinated and to avoid crowds to

prevent COVID-19 infection.

2. Responsibilities Revealed from The Manila Times headlines

In this part, the writer explains the Theme which reveal the ideological

perspective of The Manila Times newspaper. The writer figures out that The Manila

Times is similar with The Jakarta Post newspaper. The Manila Times also focused on

showing the responsibility of the government. The Theme which shows the



responsibility of the government appears in different types of participants such as

Actor, Goal, Senser, Receiver, and Verbiage.

The writer collects 46 headlines from The Manila Times related to COVID-19.

The analysis of this study reveals that total of 76% of the Theme in the headline is

showing the government responsibilities to depress the spread of the corona virus

disease. The example of the responsibilities revealed through the Theme can be seen

from the discussion below.

The participant Actor revealed the government responsibility.

MT.H.2 PH extends travel ban on 7 countries

MT.H.20 Bong Go assures elderly of support

MT.H.27 Duterte threatens to jail people who refuse jabs

MT.H.45 Manila resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination

The Theme in each headline above is analysed as the Actor or the doer. The

words “PH”, “Bong Go”, “Duterte”, and “Manila” are the representation of the

participant Actor. In MT.H.2, the word “PH” is the abbreviation of the word

“Philippines”. It shows that the Philippines government responsibility to prevent the

spread of the COVID-19 disease. The media intends to show public the action taken

by the government which is making a travel restriction on 7 countries to prevent the

entry of the COVID-19 Delta variant. In other words, the media is giving information

about the government that is doing its duty to protects the country from the COVID-19




The second headline MT.H.20 used the word “Bong Go” as the representation of

the Actor. The word “Bong Go” is the name of the senate Christopher Lawrence

“Bong” Go. It means that the senate is doing its responsibility toward senior citizens.

The senate assure that the elderly get protection against COVID-19. In the news context

the supports given by the government are in the form of vaccine, masks, face shields,

and vitamins. The media intends to show the public that the elderly health is one of the

concerns during COVID-19 pandemic.

The third headline MT.H.27 used the word “Duterte” as the representation of

participant Actor. The word “Duterte” represents the name of the president Rodrigo

Duterte. The president is doing its responsibility to prevent the spread of the COVID-

19 disease by threatens to jail people who refuse to be vaccinated. The media intends

to aware the public to get vaccinated to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.

The last headline MT.H.45 used the word “manila” as the representation of the

participant Actor. The world “Manila” represent the Philippines government. In this

headline, the government responsibility can be seen from the action of mass

vaccination done by the government to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease.

The participant Goal revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

MT.H.1 100% of health workers vaccinated

The headline above uses the clause “100% of health workers” as the Theme of

the headline. The participant role of the Theme is categorized as a Goal. In MT.H.1,

the media uses the clause “100% of health workers” as the target whom the action is

directed by Philippines government. The media intends to show the responsibility of



the government which ensure the integrity of the health care system amid COVID-19

pandemic by giving vaccination to all of the health worker.

The participant Senser revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

MT.H.14 Baguio City mayor wants ramped-up vaccination

The headline above is an example of the use of participant Senser as the Theme

of the headline. Eddgins (2005) states that Senser is a conscious human participant who

feels, thinks or perceives. The theme above which is the clause “Baguio City Mayor”

represents the Philippines government. The verb “wants” marks the Theme as Senser.

The use of the clause “Baguio City Mayor” drive the reader interest to know the

government thoughts due to the reopening of tourism sector.

The participant Receiver revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

MT.H.38 Gov’t asked to prioritize ‘commuter towns’ near NCR in Covid-19


In the headline above the participant role of the Theme is Receiver which is

marked by the word “Gov’t”. it is considered as a Receiver since the word “Gov’t” is

the participant whom the verbal process is directed. The media shows that the

government is asked for the responsibility to prioritize vaccination in commuter town

near NCR such as Rizal, Bulacan, Laguna, and Cavite to prevent the spread of the

COVID-19 disease.

The participant Verbiage revealed the responsibility will be discussed below.

MT.H.40 Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas – Go



The headline MT.H.40 used the clause “Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas” as

the Theme that represents the participant role Verbiage. It is considered as a Verbiage

since the clause “Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas” is the point of verbal process

expressed by senator Christoper Lawrence “Bong” Go. The media show the

government responsibility through the message stated by Go. Vaccines are deployed in

high-risk area to depress the infection of COVID-19 disease.





In the last chapter of the study, the writer provides the conclusion of the two

discussions in chapter three as the answer of the problem in this study. The first

problem of the study is to figure out the Theme used in Indonesian and Filipino

newspaper headlines related to COVID-19. The writer chooses the headlines taken

from Indonesian newspaper The Jakarta Post and Filipino newspaper The Manila

Times as the data of the study. The second problem of the study is to reveal the

ideological perspectives from the use of the Theme in Indonesian and Filipino

newspaper headlines.

In the first problem, the writer figures out that The Jakarta Post and The Manila

Times only use topical Theme in the headlines. After analysing the Theme, the writer

analyses the participant role of the Theme. There are seven types pf participant of the

Theme found in the headlines which are Actor, Goal, Senser, Sayer, Receiver,

Verbiage, and Carrier. The writer finds out that The Jakarta Post newspaper used 17

participants of Actor, 3 participants of Goal, 1 participants of Sayer, 6 participants of

Verbiage, and 3 participants of Carrier in the headlines. In other hand, The Manila Time

used 36 participants of Actor, 3 participants of Goal, 1 participant of Senser, 1

participants of Receiver, 3 participants of Verbiage, and 2 participants of Carrier in the

headlines. The participant of Actor appears as the dominating participant of Theme in

both Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headlines.



In the second problem, the writer reveals the ideological perspective of

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper as responsibility. The writer concludes that

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper share the same ideology since both of the country

are facing the most COVID-19 cases among other South-East Asian countries.

Indonesian and Filipino newspaper show the deed done by the government which to

depress the spread of COVID-19 disease. The Indonesian government is marked by the

words Indonesia, Jokowi, Govt, Aceh, Hippindo, etc. Meanwhile, the Filipino

government is marked by the words PH, Bong Go, Govt, Duterte, Manila, etc.

The writer concludes that the types of the Theme, the types of the participant

of the theme, and the ideological perspective of the headline can be drawn from the

analysis of the use of the Theme in Indonesian and Filipino newspaper headlines. The

Theme as the starting point of the headlines appears as the signpost to the readers what

the news is going to be about. Moreover, this study shows that the critical discourse

analysis eases the analysis of ideological perspectives. Furthermore, the writer suggests

other researchers to discuss different analysis such as transitivity, mood and modality

analysis within the same object of this study to enrich the present findings on the use

of the Theme in newspaper headlines related to COVID-19.




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Appendix 1: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

JP.H.2 Indonesia sticks with ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami

Indonesia sticks With ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19


Participant Process Participants Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.3 Indonesia passes 2 million cases amid record daily raise

Indonesia passes 2 million cases amid record daily


Participant Process Participants Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.9 Health minister leads push for stricter COVID-19 curbs

Health minister leads push for stricter COVID-19 curbs

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.10 Static positivity rate highlights gaps in testing capacity

Static positivity rate highlights gaps in testing capacity

Participants Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.13 Hospitals ‘collapse’ as second wave engulfs Indonesia

Hospitals ‘collapse’ as second wave engulfs Indonesia

Participant Process Circumstances

Actor Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme



JP.H.14 Bali vaccine tourism plan meets scepticism amid COVID-19 surge

Bali vaccine tourism


meets scepticism amid COVID-19


Participants Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.17 Jokowi sticks to his gun as daily COVID-19 cases soar past 15,000

Jokowi sticks to his gun as daily COVID-19 cases soar

past 15,000

Participant Process Participants Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.18 Jokowi snubs call for large-scale curbs

Jokowi snubs call for large-scale curbs

Participant Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.19 COVID-19 surge dampens Jakarta’s anniversary celebrations

COVID-19 surge dampens Jakarta’s anniversary celebrations

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.20 Govt receives additional 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine

Govt receives additional 1 million doses of Sinopharm


Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.23 Aceh to focus vaccination drive on elderly

Aceh to focus vaccination drive on elderly

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



JP.H.25 Indonesia reports highest rise in COVID-19 cases in over three months

Indonesia reports highest rise in COVID-19 cases in over three months

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

JP.H.26 Indonesia faces post-Idul Fitri COVID-19 surge from Central Java, East Java

Indonesia faces post-Idul Fitri COVID-19


from Central Java,

East Java

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

JP.H.28 Gojek, Grab bank on driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand

Gojek, Grab bank driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.29 Hippindo launches Indonesia’s second-largest vaccine drive

Hippindo launches Indonesia’s second-largest vaccine drive

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.30 New vaccine arrival boosts govt readiness for 1 million vaccinations per day

New vaccine arrival boosts govt readiness for 1 million vaccinations

per day

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Appendix 2: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

JP.H.12 Indonesia receives 10 million Sinovac vaccines

Indonesia receives 10 million Sinovac vaccines

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



JP.H.5 Public policies for tourism during COVID-19 pandemic

Public policies for tourism during COVID-19 pandemic

Participants Circumstances

Goal Circumstance of location

Theme Rheme

JP.H.15 Emergency tents erected outside Jakarta hospitals as virus cases surge

Emergency tents (are) erected outside Jakarta


as virus cases


Participant Process Circumstances Circumstances

Goal Material Circum. of place Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.16 Indonesia official caught with COVID-19 in Italy as cases spike at home

Indonesia official (are) caught with COVID-19 in Italy as cases spike at


Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Goal Material Actor Circum. of place

Theme Rheme

Appendix 3: Sayer as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

JP.H.8 COVID-19 survivors ask people to obey health protocols, get vaccinated

COVID-19 survivors ask people to obey health protocols, get


Participants Process Participant

Sayer Projecting Verbiage

Theme Rheme

Appendix 4: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

JP.H.4 Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed as COVID surges: Sandiaga

Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed as

COVID surges

(said by) Sandiaga

Participants Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme



JP.H.6 Indonesia’s COVID-19 situation nears ‘catastrophe’: Red Cross

Indonesia’s COVID-19 situation nears


(said by) Red Cross

Participants Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

JP.H.7 Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is vaccination, avoiding crowds:


Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is

vaccination, avoiding crowds

(said by) Experts

Participants Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

JP.H.11 ‘We will emerge more resilient’: Local communities find strength amid

second virus wave

‘We will emerge

more resilient’

(said by) Local communities find strength amid

second virus wave

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Verbiage Verbal Sayer Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.21 Delta variant behind Indonesia’s recent COVID-19 surge, officials say

Delta variant behind Indonesia’s recent

COVID-19 surge

officials say

Participant Participant Process

Verbiage Sayer Verbal

Theme Rheme

JP.H.24 Delta variant behind Kudus COVID-19 spike, officials say

Delta variant behind Kudus COVID-19 spike officials say

Participant Participant Process

Verbiage Sayer Verbal

Theme Rheme



Appendix 5: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Jakarta Post

JP.H.1 School reopening plan in doubt amid COVID-19 surge

School reopening


(is) in doubt amid COVID-19 surge

Participants Process Participants Circumstances

Carrier Relational Attribute Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

JP.H.22 Jakarta in ‘critical phase’ as COVID-19 cases surge

Jakarta (is) in ‘critical phase’ as COVID-19 cases


Participant Process Participants

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme

JP.H.27 RI has sufficient vaccines but it will take discipline to beat COVID-19

RI has sufficient vaccines but it will take

discipline to beat COVID-19

Participant Process Participant

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme

Appendix 6: Actor as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.2 PH extends travel ban on 7 countries

PH extends travel ban on 7 countries

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of locatiom

Theme Rheme

MT.H.4 DoH welcomes probe into Covid-19 fund use

DoH welcomes probe into Covid-19 fund use

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.5 Senate prodded to pass vital measures

Senate prodded to pass vital measures

Participant Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.7 PH extends travel ban on India, 6 other countries until July 15

PH extends travel ban on India, 6 other countries until

July 15

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

MT.H.8 PhilHealth launches vaccine compensation plan

PhilHealth launches vaccine compensation plan

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.9 Bong Go sends aid to workers in Aurora

Bong Go sends aid to workers in Aurora

Participant Process Participants Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of


Theme Rheme

MT.H.10 BPI-Philam encourages protection for OFWs

BPI-Philam encourages protection for OFWs

Participant Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.11 Vaccine deliveries hit 17 million doses

Vaccine deliveries hit 17 million doses

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.12 PH posts 1.4M infections

PH posts 1.4M infections

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.13 Moderna, Sinovac vaccines arrive

Moderna, Sinovac vaccines arrive

Participant Process

Actor Material

Theme Rheme

MT.H.15 ‘Govt to balance health, economic recovery’

‘Govt to balance health, economic recovery’

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.17 Las Pinas vaccination program accelerates with more jabs a day

Las Pinas vaccination program accelerates with more jabs a day

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.19 Poe warns against unpaid Phillhealt claims of hospitals

Poe warns against unpaid Phillhealt claims of hospitals

Participant Process Circumstance

Actor Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

MT.H.20 Bong Go assures elderly of support

Bong Go assures elderly of support

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.21 Govt strengthens measures to stop spread of delta variant

Govt strengthens measures to top spread of delta variant

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.22 10 cities get priority vaccine allocation

10 cities get priority vaccine allocation

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.23 SMC officially starts nationwide vaccination program for employees

SMC officially starts nationwide vaccination program for


Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.24 City of Manila receives additional 400,000 doses of Sinovac

City of Manila receives additional 400,000 doses of Sinovac

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.25 2M doses of Sinovac vaccines arrive in PH

2M doses of Sinovac vaccines arrive in PH

Participant Process Circumstance

Actor Material Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

MT.H.26 DoTr orders 7th day swabbing for arriving seafarers, OFWs

DoTr orders 7th day swabbing for arriving seafarers,


Participant Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.27 Duterte threatens to jail people who refuse jabs

Duterte threatens to jail people who refuse jabs

Participant Process Participants

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.28 PH to get 1M vaccine doses from US

PH to get 1M vaccine doses from US

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

MT.H.29 Duterte rejects holding of limited face-to-face classes

Duterte rejects holding of limited face-to-face classes

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.30 PH detects 4 more Delta variant cases

PH detects 4 more Delta variant cases

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.31 PH buys 40M doses of Pfizer vaccine

PH buys 40M doses of Pfizer vaccine

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.32 Rule requiring wearing of face shields stays

Rule requiring wearing of face shields stays

Participant Process

Actor Material

Theme Rheme

MT.H.33 Robredo seeks more jabs, Covid testing

Robredo seeks more jabs, Covid testing

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.34 Bong Go sends aid to tour guides, drivers

Bong Go sends aid to tour guides, drivers

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.36 Govt mulls uniform quarantine protocols for Filipinos vaccinated in PH,


Govt mulls uniform quarantine protocols for

Filipinos vaccinated

in PH, abroad

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of


Theme Rheme

MT.H.37 DoH vouches for vaccines’ safety

DoH vouches for vaccines’ safety

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.41 Duterte seeks speedy invermectin trials

Duterte seeks speedy invermectin trials

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.42 Bong Go sends support to vendors in Himamaylan

Bong Go sends support to vendors in Himamaylan

Participant Process Participant Circumstances

Actor Material Goal Circum. of location

Theme Rheme

MT.H.43 Metro Manila mayors shorten curfew hours

Metro Manila mayors shorten curfew hours

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.44 Duterte urges Filipinos to be ‘heroes in our own right’

Duterte urges Filipinos to be ‘heroes in our own right’

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme



MT.H.45 Manila resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination

Manila resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

MT.H.46 Most Filipinos still follow Covid-19 health protocols

Most Filipinos still follow Covid-19 health protocols

Participant Process Participant

Actor Material Goal

Theme Rheme

Appendix 7: Goal as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.1 100% of health workers vaccinated

100% of health workers (are) vaccinated

Participants Process

Goal Material

Theme Rheme

MT.H.16 A1 vaccination for airline crew pushed as govt reopens tourism

A1 vaccination for airline


(is) pushed as govt reopens tourism

Participant Process Circumstance

Goal Material Circum. of cause

Theme Rheme

MT.H.35 Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City lifted

Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City (is) lifted

Participants Process

Goal Material

Theme Rheme

Appendix 8: Senser as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.14 Baguio City mayor wants ramped-up vaccination

Baguio City mayor wants ramped-up vaccination

Participant Process Participant

Senser Mental Phenomenon

Theme Rheme



Appendix 9: Receiver as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.38 Gov’t asked to prioritize ‘commuter towns’ near NCR in Covid-19


Gov’t asked to prioritize ‘commuter towns’ near NCR in

Covid-19 vaccination

Participant Process Participants

Receiver Verbal Verbiage

Theme Rheme

Appendix 10: Verbiage as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.3 Monitor pandemic situation as Olympic near – Go

Monitor pandemic situation as Olympic


(said by) Go

Participants Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

MT.H.18 Duterte fully vaccinated vs Covid-19 – PSG chief

Duterte fully vaccinated vs Covid-19 (said by) PSG chief

Participant Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

MT.H.40 Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas – Go

Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas (said by) Go

Participant Process Participant

Verbiage Verbal Sayer

Theme Rheme

Appendix 11: Carrier as the participant of Theme in The Manila Times

MT.H.6 Metro Manila Covid situation ‘very fragile’

Metro Manila Covid situation is ‘very fragile’

Participant Process Participant

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme



MT.H.39 NCR hospital utilization rate ‘manageable’

NCR hospital utilization rate (is) ‘manageable’

Participant Process Participant

Carrier Relational Attribute

Theme Rheme

Appendix 12: List of selected headlines from The Jakarta Post

JP.H.1 School reopening plan in doubt amid COVID-19 surge


JP.H.2 Indonesia sticks with ‘micro-lockdown’ amid COVID-19 tsunami


JP.H.3 Indonesia passes 2 million cases amid record daily raise


JP.H.4 Bali reopening to foreign tourists delayed as COVID surges: Sandiaga


JP.H.5 Public policies for tourism during COVID-19 pandemic


JP.H.6 Indonesia’s COVID-19 situation nears ‘catastrophe’: Red Cross


JP.H.7 Best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection is vaccination, avoiding crowds:



JP.H.8 COVID-19 survivors ask people to obey health protocols, get vaccinated




JP.H.9 Health minister leads push for stricter COVID-19 curbs


JP.H.10 Static positivity rate highlights gaps in testing capacity


JP.H.11 ‘We will emerge more resilient’: Local communities find strength amid

second virus wave


JP.H.12 Indonesia receives 10 million Sinovac vaccines


JP.H.13 Hospitals ‘collapse’ as second wave engulfs Indonesia


JP.H.14 Bali vaccine tourism plan meets scepticism amid COVID-19 surge


JP.H.15 Emergency tents erected outside Jakarta hospitals as virus cases surge


JP.H.16 Indonesia official caught with COVID-19 in Italy as cases spike at home


JP.H.17 Jokowi sticks to his gun as daily COVID-19 cases soar past 15,000


JP.H.18 Jokowi snubs call for large-scale curbs




JP.H.19 COVID-19 surge dampens Jakarta’s anniversary celebrations


JP.H.20 Govt receives additional 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine


JP.H.21 Delta variant behind Indonesia’s recent COVID-19 surge, officials say


JP.H.23 Aceh to focus vaccination drive on elderly


JP.H.22 Jakarta in ‘critical phase’ as COVID-19 cases surge


JP.H.24 Delta variant behind Kudus COVID-19 spike, officials say


JP.H.25 Indonesia reports highest rise in COVID-19 cases in over three months


JP.H.26 Indonesia faces post-Idul Fitri COVID-19 surge from Central Java, East Java


JP.H.28 Gojek, Grab bank on driver vaccine rollouts to revive demand


JP.H.29 Hippindo launches Indonesia’s second-largest vaccine drive


JP.H.30 New vaccine arrival boosts govt readiness for 1 million vaccinations per day




Appendix 13: List of selected Headlines from The Manila Times

MT.H.1 100% of health workers vaccinated


MT.H.2 PH extends travel ban on 7 countries


MT.H.3 Monitor pandemic situation as Olympic near – Go


MT.H.4 DoH welcomes probe into Covid-19 fund use


MT.H.5 Senate prodded to pass vital measures


MT.H.6 Metro Manila Covid situation ‘very fragile’


MT.H.7 PH extends travel ban on India, 6 other countries until July 15


MT.H.8 PhilHealth launches vaccine compensation plan


MT.H.9 Bong Go sends aid to workers in Aurora


MT.H.10 BPI-Philam encourages protection for OFWs




MT.H.11 Vaccine deliveries hit 17 million doses


MT.H.12 PH posts 1.4M infections

MT.H.13 Moderna, Sinovac vaccines arrive


MT.H.14 Baguio City mayor wants ramped-up vaccination


MT.H.15 ‘Govt to balance health, economic recovery’


MT.H.16 A1 vaccination for airline crew pushed as govt reopens tourism


MT.H.17 Las Pinas vaccination program accelerates with more jabs a day


MT.H.18 Duterte fully vaccinated vs Covid-19 – PSG chief


MT.H.19 Poe warns against unpaid Phillhealt claims of hospitals


MT.H.20 Bong Go assures elderly of support


MT.H.21 Govt strengthens measures to stop spread of delta variant




MT.H.22 10 cities get priority vaccine allocation


MT.H.23 SMC officially starts nationwide vaccination program for employees


MT.H.24 City of Manila receives additional 400,000 doses of Sinovac


MT.H.25 2M doses of Sinovac vaccines arrive in PH


MT.H.26 DoTr orders 7th day swabbing for arriving seafarers, OFWs


MT.H.27 Duterte threatens to jail people who refuse jabs


MT.H.28 PH to get 1M vaccine doses from US


MT.H.29 Duterte rejects holding of limited face-to-face classes


MT.H.30 PH detects 4 more Delta variant cases


MT.H.31 PH buys 40M doses of Pfizer vaccine


MT.H.32 Rule requiring wearing of face shields stays




MT.H.33 Robredo seeks more jabs, Covid testing


MT.H.34 Bong Go sends aid to tour guides, drivers


MT.H.35 Lockdown of BPOs in Davao City lifted


MT.H.36 Govt mulls uniform quarantine protocols for Filipinos vaccinated in PH,



MT.H.37 DoH vouches for vaccines’ safety


MT.H.38 Gov’t asked to prioritize ‘commuter towns’ near NCR in Covid-19



MT.H.39 NCR hospital utilization rate ‘manageable’


MT.H.41 Duterte seeks speedy invermectin trials


MT.H.40 Vaccines deployed to high-risk areas – Go


MT.H.42 Bong Go sends support to vendors in Himamaylan




MT.H.43 Metro Manila mayors shorten curfew hours


MT.H.44 Duterte urges Filipinos to be ‘heroes in our own right’


MT.H.45 Manila resumes Covid-19 mass vaccination


MT.H.46 Most Filipinos still follow Covid-19 health protocols


