Page 1: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now

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at www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now


Page 2: The World House Party Pack for Universities

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Welcome to your gateway to World House Party Day!World House Party Day, is a day through which we hope to raise a minimum of £100 000 to fund a nati onal Islamic Awareness campaign in Ramadan in the UK, and give one fortunate iSOC $3000 to support their acti vity for 2010.

Through this campaign, with the permission of Allah Subhana we will:

Want to put your hand to this eff ort, then register a party today!

Distribute 10 000 Packs of Dates Across The UK To The General Public Through City Centre Events

Cater For Up To 5000 People (Muslim & Non Muslim) To Break Fast Together In 3Major UK Citi es

Distribute Toys at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital for EidUlFitr With Celebrity Support

Poster 3 Famous High Streets With The Ahadith of The Messenger of Allah, Upon Whom Be Peace

Decorate 150 Buses With The Ahadith of The Messenger of Allah, Upon Whom Be Peace

Page 3: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

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Why Get Involved?Increasingly there is much misunderstanding of Islam and the Muslims, and therefore it is essenti al the Muslims step up to the mark and actually seek to enlighten people and challenge those misconcepti ons. These are further extenuated within the iSOC infrastructure, as can be seen by a quick media trawl:

htt p://

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Nevertheless, one of the most beauti ful month’s of the calendar is without questi on Ramadan, and through its blessings is also the fact it also captures the imaginati on of those that do not fast, notably the Non Muslims. Therefore Mercy Mission and its partners thought, why not use this blessed ti me to reach out with faith to our Non Muslim neighbors, and therefore drew up an ambiti ous campaign founded on the verse of the Quran, in chapter fi ve, verse eight;

“ and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justi ce”

However the campaign needs £100000 to meet its objecti ves, and we hope to raise this money with your help. That’s right we want you to party for Islam! Therefore your involvement is essenti al in ensuring the world’s fi rst nati onal Islamic awareness campaign actually happens, and your party is at the heart of that. If the most successful party is your iSOC we have a very special prize, we will be giving you an allowance of $3000 for your iSOC !

Page 4: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

How Can You Get Involved?If you like the idea of making this Ramadan a truly blessed experience for all, then why not host a party and help us raise the money?

Our model is very simple. To host a party you must ensure you have at least 10 guests confi rmed to att end, and each of those must be willing to contribute £10 toward our grand plan. If your happy to do that, register your party, and then prepare for the 15th May, and party ti me!

Now, if your someone with lots and lots of friends, why not crank up the house party a notch, and take it to the house of Allah? To help you along the journey of delivering the parti es, we have some specifi c guidance on the two main partying opti ons:

Party at your house

Party at the house of Allah

Mercy Mission and our key educati on partner FOSIS are confi dent that you can make this event the event of the year. Furthermore we look forward to using this to take Islamic awareness initi ati ves to new heights and showcasing the enormous value add of Islamic societi es and Muslim student associati ons on campus.

Together we are stronger.....

Page 5: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

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Why Get Involved?How Can You Get Involved?You need to decide where you will host your party:

Your House1. Make a list of all your friends

2. Make a list of all your friends who would be willing to support your quest to make this Ramadan excepti onal

3. Invite all friends from list ‘1’, explaining to them the £10 donati on required.

4. If you wish, invite all those from list ‘2’

5. Plan your party, and decide what of the offi cial party acti vity you will be undertaking:

- Offi cial Party DVD - Offi cial Party Game

6. Plan your menu

7. Consider a ‘Goodie Bag’, and Use The Offi cial Party Book Collecti on

8. Clean Up and Get cooking!

House of Allah1. Approach the Masjid Committ ee about the campaign

2. Engage them to put on an event in regards to the importance of Dawah

3. Once approved, approach someone to sponsor the food for the number of people you believe would att end from the masjid/ centre an event on the identi fi ed £10 terms

4. Establish if you would like to present the project at the party yourself, or would like the support of an Islamic speaker to give a lecture on the importance of Dawah. Final the propositi on and start the process of promoti ng the event.

5. Download the offi cial party poster to invite people from the host masjid/ centre, and print and display in the masjid.

6. Promote the event through all possible networks, and build awareness amongst the congregati on.

7. Ensure all food and all materials that you wish to use are arranged

Page 6: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

What Next?Now, if you want to help make the world’s fi rst nati onal Islamic awareness campaign a reality, and ensure that we:

Then you simply need to register and then host the best party!

Distribute 10 000 Packs of Dates Across The UK To The General Public Through City Centre Events

Cater For Up To 5000 People (Muslim & Non Muslim) To Break Fast Together In 3 Major UK Citi es

Distribute Toys at The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital for EidUlFitr

Billboard 3 Famous High Streets With The Ahadith of The Messenger of Allah, Upon Whom Be Peace

Decorate 150 Buses With The Ahadith of The Messenger of Allah, Upon Whom Be Peace

And get your iSOC / MSA $3000.

Page 7: The World House Party Pack for Universities

“Now you know what to do, please register your party. If you already have, start preparing and you never know I may pay you a surprise visit, or my mrs might!

Please read the following pages and keep for your own reference.”

SpiderDanWHPD Team Coordinator

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

Page 8: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

Terms of Registrati on:Before registering it is essenti al you accept three key points:

1. As we will close registrati ons at 1000, then only register if you are defi nitely seeking to host a party, as you will be holding back a fellow Muslim from parti cipati ng in the good deed, by registering and not hosti ng.

2. All party hosts must ensure the due terms and eti quett es of the party, as per the party packs, are upheld, and all decisions relati ng to party planning and delivery are done with the principle in mind, ‘there is no obedience to the creati on, in the disobedience of Allah’.

3. There is a £25 registrati on fee, and for all those people who register a party, it will be required that as a bare minimum on party day, they upload a further £75. This should come from the amount raised from your 10 guests, as all the proceeds from the party should be sent within 24hrs of hosti ng your party, if for some reason you are unable to raise the suffi cient funds from your party or are even unable to hold it, due to personal circumstance, we expect you to honour your commitment to the program and its vision to take Islam to the masses.

Tick this box to say you recognise and agree to the aforementi oned terms: [ ]

Page 9: The World House Party Pack for Universities

Go register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

www.justgoparty.comGo register your party now at

Registrati on Form:Name:





Contact Number:

Expected Number of Guests: 10 [ ] 30 – 50 [ ] 10 – 20 [ ] 50 – 100 [ ] 20 – 30 [ ] 100 – 150 [ ] 50 – 100 [ ] 150 + [ ]

Who Is With Us?This idea, is one which has won the support of many, and we hope has now won yours. So if you wish to join Baba Ali, Eddie at The Deen Show, The Team At VisionWorks, IFCharity and Emel, The Sister at Sisters Magazine, and all our teams at, producti and Mercy Mission, register your party now!
