Page 1: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

Scripture Memorisation


Proverbs 13:4The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing:

but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

The Word on Worship



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* Congregation Standing

Call to Worship Elder Ng Poh Kok

Hymn 11: May Jesus Christ Be Praised*

Invocation & Gloria Patri*

Responsive Scripture Reading* Psalm 107:20-21

Hymn 26: Come, Thou Fount

Collection of Offerings

Doxology & Prayer*

Hymn 276: Have You Any Room for Jesus?

Scripture MemorisationPastoral PrayerSermon Pastor Prabhudas Koshy

“Centurion’s Faith and Christ’s Power” Matthew 8:5-13

Holy Communion

Hymn 196: Blessed Redeemer

Hymn 335: Keep on Believing*

Benediction & Threefold Amen*

Worship Etiquette• Comeearlyandbeseated10minutes

beforeworship.• Prepareyourselvesinsilentmeditation,

prayerandself-examination.• Switchoffyourmobilephoneandother


• Refrainfromunnecessaryconversationandmovementduringtheservice.

• Donotleavetheworshiptilltheend(onlyafterthebenediction).

Order of Worship

Page 2: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

Today, 1 November 2015 Next Lord’s Day, 8 November 20159.00 – 10.00am CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR







Worship Leader:Preacher:Musician:Flowers:Ushers:

Elder Alan ChoyPr Daniel LimEunice ChoyWinnie YapJohn PehLawrence Ng

Worship Leader:Preacher:Musician:Flowers:Refreshments:Ushers:

Pr Daniel LimPr Daniel LimSarah YapTay Soo ThianJenn LeeChan Tuck WhyeRobert Ooi






Worship Leader:Preacher:Musicians:Ushers:

Greeter:AV Ministry:Flowers:Refreshments:

Junior Worship:

Eld Ng Poh KokPastor KoshyChloe Pawa, Jollyn LowSamuel Yong, Andrew TeongBenny Skariah, Cayson ChokMarcus Lim, Julius Del RosarioSally LumCrew No. 1Choy Luan KhengCecilia Siah, Chong Shu MunDavina LimPr Kelvin Lim, (Jenice Choy)Stefanie Wong, (Sarah Yap)Pr Ho Kee How

Worship Leader:Preacher:Musicians:Ushers:

Greeter:AV Ministry:Flowers:Refreshments:

Junior Worship:

Eld Alan ChoyPastor KoshyDorcas Koshy, Sarah LeeCornelius Koshy, Edwin QuekJason Low, Low Chip HungDavid Lau, John PehLow Siew LianCrew No. 2Stephanie LeeRoscelle Lim, Ayn TindaanEdeliza BallegaAndrew Koh, (Stella Tan)Gina Sim, (Jasmine Low)Pr Kelvin Lim






E Worship Leader:Preacher:Musician:Usher:Refreshments:

Eric DelinaPr Dennis KabingueDorcas KoshyJomart TindaanJuvy Lynn Anaviso

Worship Leader:Preacher:Musician:Usher:Refreshments:

Norefel ResumaPr Daniel LimAyn TindaanJordan BallegaVicky Amor





ME Venue:

English Speaker:Dialect Speaker:

487 Bedok South Ave 2Elder Mah Chin KwangPr Jeremiah Sim

Venue:English Speaker:Dialect Speaker:

487 Bedok South Ave 2Pr Jeremiah SimPr Kelvin Lim



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Page 3: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked Why Believers Should Not Date Unbelievers

Prabhudas Koshy

01 November 2015

Twoweeks ago, I have written towarn all Christian youths aboutthedangersofthedatingpracticesthatareprevalentinoursociety.Itisgenerallyarelationshipwherebytwounmarriedindividualspursuea relationship purely based ontheir carnal senses. The outcomeis flirting and fornication; andmost of such relationships do notculminate in marriage either.Christians should not follow thisworldlyandsensualkindofdatingthat is so widely accepted as thenorminoursociety.

Such dating habits in schoolsand colleges lure many Christianyouths into intimate relationshipswith unbelievers. This is creatinga serious spiritual situation inChristian homes and churches.

Increasingly, Christian youthsbecome“trapped”inthestickywebof carnal relationships, eventuallybetrayingspiritualtruths,holinessand even the Lord Jesus ChristHimselfwhomtheyonceprofessed.Tragedy, O utter tragedy! Souls“drugged” and dragged into thedarknessofwild,sinfulpassions!

Dear youths, if I would nottell you about the evil of thisunguarded pursuit of the world’sdirty game called “dating”, I amguilty of not doing anything towarnyouofitsdangers.I,forone,certainly do notwant to bear theawfulguiltofnottellingyouofthedivine warning against buildingintimacy with the unbelievers.After readingwhat I havewrittentoyou,ifyouwouldstillflirtwith

theworldlyones,thenIcannotbeheldresponsibleforyourchoiceoftheworst foryourself.Please readcarefully and take heed to whatGod’sWordteachesyou.

1. Christians are commanded not to be in any kind of close relationship with unbelievers:Thisprohibitionismostsuccinctlyexpressed in 2 Corinthians 6:14 -“Beyenotunequallyyokedtogetherwith unbelievers”. The imageryused here is of two incompatibleanimals being put together underthesameyoke.Theywouldbesuchamismatch;andworkingtogetherfor long is just not possible, asthey are of different nature andtemperament. It is both unwiseconduct and a sin to choose anunbelievertobealife-partner.



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Page 4: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

The apostle Paul furtherexposes the foolishness of suchan‘unequalyoke’throughaseriesof rhetorical questions: “for whatfellowship hath righteousnesswith unrighteousness? and whatcommunion hath light withdarkness?AndwhatconcordhathChrist with Belial? or what parthath he that believeth with aninfidel?”(2Corinthians6:14-15).

There can be no spiritualwholesomeness in a marriagebetween a Christian and anon-Christian. No harmonywhatsoever,buttheworstconflictsof eternal proportions! Thedisparity and conflict between aChristian and a non-Christianwill be just as between light anddarkness,betweenChristandfalsegods like Belial. Certainly therewill be no blessing of the Lorduponsuchanunbiblicalunion.

2. Christians will be tarnished and corrupted by such relationships:In 1 Corinthians 15:33, believersare warned, “Be not deceived:evil communications corruptgood manners.” The term “evilcommunications” means theassociating with evil or ungodlyindividuals. You deceive yourselfwhen you choose to cultivatea close relationship with anunbeliever. Self-deception is theworst kind of deception, becauseyoueventuallybetrayyourself.

When you choose anunbeliever, you have deceivedyourself to accept the worstchoice you could have made. Anunbiblical alliance is an unholyalliance. It will prompt you toungodlyconduct.Corruption isagradualchange.Silentlybutsurely,evil communications corruptgood manners. All the goodmannersthatyouhavelearnedas

a Christian child will eventuallybelost.

There is no safety in thecompany of those who have nofearofGod.Theyhavenospiritualand moral principles to abideby. They are openly immoral orunprincipled. Such association isdangerous toa trueChristian.Tohaveonewho isdestituteof faithand holiness to be your trustedfriendistoendangeryourselfwithallsortsofungodlyevils.

3. Christians will not have the power and blessings of Christian faith and virtues:Acouple’sfaithandcommitmenttoJesusChristisvitaltoovercomingchallenges and hindrances to ablessed marriage life. Christianhusbands are commanded tolove their wives like Christ –“Husbands, loveyourwives, evenas Christ also loved the church,andgavehimselfforit”(Ephesians




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Page 5: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

5:25).Aman,whohasnotknownthe love of Christ, certainly willnotknowhowtolovesacrificially,genuinely and purifyingly asChrist loves. A woman, who hasnotknownhowtobesubmissivetoChrist,willnotknowthe joyandblessingsofsubmissiveconduct.

Mutual prayers and biblicalexhortations will not grace theirfamily life. Worshipping andpraying together as a family willalso not be possible. Christ willnot be the head of their home!Without spiritual unity withChrist, there can be no ultimatemarital unity, marked by Christ-like love, submission and unity.Marital life is not just a sexualunion. A proper relationshipwith God is indescribably moreimportant than sexual intimacy.Though there is physical pleasureand satisfaction in family life,it will not at all be joyful andsuccessful without dependence

onandobediencetoGod.“Exceptthe LORD build the house, theylabourinvainthatbuildit”(Psalm127:1). Consider the remarkabledescription of a godly home inPsalm 128:1-3 – “Blessed is everyone that feareth the LORD; thatwalketh in his ways. For thoushalteatthelabourofthinehands:happy shalt thou be, and it shallbe well with thee.Thy wife shallbeasafruitfulvinebythesidesofthinehouse:thychildrenlikeoliveplantsroundaboutthytable.”Justimaginewhatyouwouldbereallymissing, when you choose anungodlyrelationship.

4. Christians will be without spiritual aid and examples for the nurture of their children: Trying to bring up children in adisobedientrelationship,whereoneof theparents is anon-Christian,islikeswimmingagainstastrongcurrent. Without leadership orsupportoftheotherparent,itwill

beverydifficult(tosaytheleast)tonurture a child in godlyways. Infact,insuchafamilyenvironment,there will be constant oppositionto wholehearted commitmentto the biblical upbringing of thechildren most of the time. Theconflictoffaithamongtheparentswillnotonlybeconfusing,butalsodisheartening,tothechildren.

Conclusion:Ifyouaresingle,themostobviousthing to do, in the light of theabovebiblicalcounsels,istoavoidany intimate companionshipwith anunbeliever.Donotbeginan ungodly relationship with anunbeliever.

If you are dating a non-Christian, you should leave thatrelationship at once, for theBible says in 2 Corinthians 6:17,“Whereforecomeoutfromamongthem,andbeyeseparate,saiththeLord, and touch not the uncleanthing;andIwillreceiveyou”.■



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Page 6: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent










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Many girls and women like to be admired for their physical beauty. They are misled into thinking that the greatest praise comes

from people’s admiration of their beauty. So they dress to be noticed and praised by others. But the Bible cautions that obsession with physical beauty and charm is deceitful and vain.

The desire for human adulation is a terrible snare. Instead of the expected praise, it will bring shame. This is because preoccupation with physical beauty promotes many shameful sins such as immodesty, sensuality, pride, dissatisfaction with oneself and anxiety.

So God’s Word counsels girls and women to seek the highest and noblest of praise that comes from the LORD. It is given to those who fear Him – “a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” A woman who fears the LORD will be beautified with most excellent virtues: holiness, graciousness, diligence, wisdom, humility and benevolence.

While physical beauty will vanish like the vapour, the inner godliness of a woman will be blessed and honoured by the LORD.

Illustration by Melissa Neo

Proverbs 31:30“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:

but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Prabhudas Koshy

Page 7: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent







Pastoral VisitationSEMBAWANG / WOODLANDS

Date & Time: Fri, 13 Nov @ 8pmVenue: Home of Mr & Mrs Cho Wai Mun

28 Woodlands Crescent#09-19 North Oaks, Singapore 738085

If you live in this region, please check that your name is on the list placed on the

reception table. If it is not, please add it in.


Tithes:1,865.00Offerings:3,483.70Bldg Fund 2015:2,015.00;1,000.00;525.00;200.00;200.00;130.00;100.00;50.00;50.00;50.00;10.00;10.00;35.00;2.00[150.00(ChineseSvc)];[134.00;30.00(FilipinoF’ship)]Designated Gifts:DonalddelaCruz100.00;PangasinanChurch100.00

NON-SUNDAYGIFTBldg Fund 2015:1,800.00;1,000.00


SPECIALFUNDUPDATE(as of 25 October 2015)

Building Fund 2015:$1,364,605.50

Give generouslytowards our

Church Building Fund.S$5 million by the end of 2015!

“And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land,

which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God,

and worship before the LORD thy God”Deuteronomy 26:10

Gethsemane YounG Adults’ Fellowship

Date & Time: Sat, 7 Nov, 6.00pm

Venue: To be confirmed

Activity: Dinner fellowship

Please sign up at the reception table or reply to email invitation. More details will

be given.

Thoughts of A Cheerful GiverChurch Building Fund

Hello Rev Koshy,Please accept my offering for use in your Church Building Fund. This amount is not much but I believe that this is for the glory of God. Please use this amount of money for your Church Building Fund. And also, please keep this a secret. Thank you.“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:20).In Christ, A student

Gethsemane Youth FellowshipTopic: Theism -

The Sevenfold Will of God (1)Speaker: Bro Andrew KohChairman: Bro Amoz Choy

Date & Time: Sat, 7 Nov, 4.00-6.00pmVenue: Home of Mr & Mrs William Teo

Blk 835 Woodlands St 83 #12-113 Singapore 730835

Your cooperAtion For sundAY ‘live’ webcAst

In order for a smooth LIVE webcast of the Sunday Service over the Internet, we would like to request worshippers

to switch their mobile devices to airplane mode throughout the worship.

YeAr plAn For 2016All committees of ministries and fellowship groups are advised to

confirm their plans for major events/ activities for the year 2016. Please

submit the plans to the church office by 06 Dec 2015.

Page 8: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

Time & Place of Worship10.30am

Level 5 Auditorium Singapore Post Centre

10 Eunos Road 8 Singapore 408600

(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)

Prayer Hotline8138 8139

SMS or WhatsApp your prayer item

Our Office510 Geylang Road, #02-06

Singapore 389466 Tel: 6741 1910 Fax: 6741 1016


Our PastorPastor Prabhudas Koshy

Mobile: 9001 1119 Email: [email protected]

Our SessionPastor Prabhudas Koshy Elder Mah Chin Kwang

Elder Alan Choy Elder Ng Poh Kok

Deacon Daniel Lim Deacon Lok Kwok Wah

Deacon Kelvin Lim Deacon Francis Lee

Deacon Low Boon Siang

Monday Campus Bible Study 6.00pm @ 826 Tampines St 81, #02-92

Tuesday Night Bible Study & Prayer 8.00pm @ L5 Auditorium, SingPost Centre

Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study 1.00pm @ Bible Witness Bookroom

Wednesday Night GBI-Online 7.45pm-9.15pm @ TGCM

Thursday Seniors’ Ministry 11.00am (Please contact Pr Jeremiah Sim)

Thursday Campus Bible Study 6.00pm @ NAFA Campus

Friday Morning Prayer 7.45am – 8.30am @ Church Resource Centre

Friday Campus Bible Study 3.00pm @ SUTD Campus

Sunday Lions Home Ministry For enquiry, contact Pr Jeremiah Sim

Please stay back after worship to join us for:

Refreshment & Fellowship 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Bible Study (Adults, Youths & Children) 1.30pm – 3.00pm

Weekly Activities

Post-Worship Activities







sermon CD/DVDThe following sermons will soon be available in CD/DVD for purchase:1. “Divine Adoption: Our Sonship” (Bible Witness

Retreat)2. “Benefits of Our Sonship” (Bible Witness Retreat)3. “Esther: Prodigy of Providence” (GLF Seminar)You may place your orders with Bro John Peh at the reception desk.

cAlling All members to FAst & prAY

In view of our need of about S$3.5 million more for the Church Building Fund by the end

of this year, Pastor exhorts all members and friends to dedicate a time of prayer every week,

even with fasting, if possible.

“The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build”

(Nehemiah 2:20).

gethsemAne children’s ministrY dAilY vAcAtion bible school

Daily Vacation Bible School for children will be held from 9th-12th Dec 2015 (Wed-Sat). Volunteers are

needed for craft sessions, games time and other areas. If you are able to help, kindly contact Dn Kelvin Lim

@ 8268 2828. More details will be made known later.

Page 9: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

ready for orderFor your spiritual nurture, Bible Witness Media Ministry makes available the following excellent biblical resources on “Divine Adoption” taught by Pastor Koshy in the past two Bible Witness Retreats.

6 messages expounding 12

biblical benefits of our adoption as God’s children enumerated in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

4 messages expounding

the wonderful realities of our

sonship as God’s adopted children.

(Please see the reverse to place your order.)

Page 10: The Word on Worship Order of Worship · 2017-10-20 · Scripture Memorisation Diligence Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent

Purchase information(i.) Divine Adoption: Our Sonship $12/-

(4 DVDs)

(ii.) Benefits of Our Sonship $18/- (6 DVDs)

contact informationPlease place your order with

John Peh (BW Bookroom Manager)• at the reception table

(every Sunday after the worship)• call 9639 6384• email: [email protected]
