

Copyright © 2010 The Word Ministries . Al Rights reserved

Amrik Singh, brought up in a Sikh family in Birmingham and met Lorna when she left her native Northern Ireland to live in England.

They both got saved in 1981 and have served the Lord in the UK and abroad as church planters, evangelist and Bible teachers.

In 1989 they founded The Word Ministries as a missionary network, based in Birmingham, UK. To date The Word Ministries

functions in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and Canada.

We establish and operate Bible Training Units to train pastors and potential church leaders in Theology (Diploma Level) and practical ministry. Some of these Training Units are mobile ones so that pastors in remote regions can have access to theological training and gain a Diploma. We particularly cater for those called of God who have been lacking in education and finance and keep fees to a bare minimum.

We come alongside pastors and churches who are in crisis in an advisory capacity and seek to assist where we can for a defined period.We provide speakers for seminars, conferences, evangelism and missions training events.

Academic Team

Academic Team

Rev Lorna - Principal

Briese - Vice

Esther - Secretary

Eddie – Academic Dean

The Programme

Ethos/ WorldwideWe train and equip those called of God, particularly those with little or no

education, yet called of God, to make them more effective in their ministries.

We have Training Units in ...

◦ England, Canada, South India,

◦ Africa: South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi

Methodology: Some of our Training Units are serviced by lecturers from England or

South Africa and the whole Diploma is taught and achieved over a period of time with 2-3 weeks classes, held at varying times throughout a year.

Teaching is done in a small group, classroom, relational/interactive context which fosters on going learning, application and assimilation of knowledge using the methodology of exams and grade point average.

The Programme

The Programme

Systematic Theology Certificate (Cert. Th.)

Diploma (Dip. Th.)

Degree (BSc. Th.)

Objectivesi. to train and equip those called of God to make them more effective

in their ministry

ii. to particularly provide for those who have little or no education, but are the called of God to ministry, with a sound theological foundation, culminating in a Diploma.

The Programme

Course Content

Bible Division:

Foundations in Genesis

feasts of the Lord

Eschatology (End Times)

Letter to the Romans

Theology Division:

Systematic Theology



A Scriptural Understanding of the Spirit World

Church Ministries Division Leadership Training (covers subjects like...

o Basic Hermeneutics,

o Homiletics,

o Servanthood,

o Relationships,

o People Skills,

o Will of God,

o Soteriology

Core Education Division: Church History (Pentecost to Modern Church)

The Programme

Enrolment & Ordination


Enrolment form

Ordination form

TWM-TU Alumni

United Kingdom

TWM-TU Alumni


Important Links

The Word Ministries

Great Questions of Life

For more information, contact:

The Vice Principal

The Word Ministries Training Unit

73 Holyhead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 0LG

T: 0121 346 5200; M: 0787 605 7158

E: [email protected]

