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    Ten thousand years ago, the Wizards founded the other world. They named it

    Kalia for growth - an appropriate name since its magics allowed Kalia to flourish beyond

    anyones belief. Travel between the two realms, or bridging, brought great wealth to all.

    But great wealth is never enough.

    Five thousand years ago, after centuries of war, the paths between worlds

    disappeared, and the two worlds grew separate and apart. Magic and tales of other

    worlds fell into legend and bedtime stories for children.

    Five minutes ago, Gabriel Lee glimpsed the truth behind these tales.

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    Chapter 1

    The day began like any day for Gabe the blaring screech of a one dollar alarm

    clock silenced by a whack from his hand. His eyes creaked open just enough to view the

    stumble from his room to the sink and his toothbrush.

    Around him, the home stood as a testament to 21st century American wealth.

    Each of its five bedrooms held a flat-screen television, computer, or an overly decorated

    pile of pillows covering an enormous bed. Utterly massive, utterly posh, and like most

    mornings, utterly empty except for Gabe.

    Gabes neighborhood felt like his home, only larger and with fresh air. The

    adjacent homes stood equally massive, each on their perfect patch of grass. Bordering

    those stood row after row of identical homes, forming the ocean of suburbia. At the edge

    of the neighborhood sat a small forest, a small reminder of times before the advent of

    suburban sprawl. And on the horizon, there stood the towers of downtown.

    Streams of cars flowed down arteries, feeding the city with its supply of workers.

    Yet in this neighborhood, the cars flowed past empty sidewalks. Empty, until Gabe

    exited his home.

    He walked unnoticed to a high school painted with glowing colors erupting from

    the suburban backdrop. But entering the grounds, Gabe passed waves of classmates, all

    rushing by without a bit of recognition. A cold hell, but one Gabe knew well.

    This was Gabes curse. He was fifteen, so not old enough to drive. He was tall,

    but not big or fast enough to excel on any school team. He was smart, but not nearly

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    Miles away, amidst the downtown towers on the horizon, two policemen patrolled

    a very different scene. Here, the buildings stood tall, displaying yards of cracking paint.

    Aged terra cotta spoke of a posh time not so long ago. Even the cars on the streets

    showed the wounds of weather. However, hundreds of people walked the streets,

    acknowledging one another as they crossed paths. Many of them welcomed the attention

    as they sold their wares.

    A car turned onto the street ahead of the police. It was an old car, one that

    wouldnt attract much attention. Except today.

    Read me the plate? asked a policeman.

    Five, niner, charlie, echo, one, three, nine.

    The policeman in the passengers seat typed the numbers into the computer. The

    response brought a smile to his lips.

    Ive got an APB on a 1989 Ford LTD, license plate 59CE139. Ready for some

    action? The policemen nodded to one another as they pulled up behind the LTD at a red

    light. Then they hit the lights and the siren.

    Instantly, the LTD rocketed off the line, speeding through cross traffic, somehow

    avoiding a major crash. The police froze for a moment, looking ahead in shock and awe.

    The chase was on.

    Miles away, dozens of analysts sat in front of computers in a giant FBI tech farm.

    Though surrounded by the finest technology, the analysts maneuvered through screens

    without the slightest effort. However, their faces showed nothing but boredom. A typical

    day would involve circular conversations about what they thought they were really

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    looking for. Todays conversation centered on whether green men or greys flew the black

    helicopters. But a shout rang through the room.

    Weve got an APB!

    Fingers leap into action, filling the air with a million taps. A supervisor snatched

    a phone and dialed quickly. He was greeted with a gruff voice, saying, This is Agent


    Sir, we have something. Im sending it to you now. The supervisor clicked a

    button, sending an encrypted message to some PDA somewhere in the world. He heard a

    click as Agent Redd hung up the phone. There would be no confirmation or explanation

    for the analysts in the room. But they were used to this; on the odd occasion that

    something did show up, their low security clearance left them with only their rumors of

    little green men.

    Back in the city, a small armada of police cars now pursued the LTD. As with all

    car chases in the city, they were joined in the air by helicopters from the police, as well as

    channels 5, 9, and 13. Video reporting drew millions of views around the city, eyes

    glued to the screen for a crash or foot chase.

    But, suddenly, the video feed stopped.

    Then news and police helicopters peeled away, replaced by a single, unmarked

    helicopter. And trailing the armada of police, a single car joined the fray. This vehicle

    was colored a dull gray, free of anything memorable, quickly to be forgotten.

    Somehow, the LTD noticed this change of events, swerving sharply, power-sliding

    into a turn, and losing half of his pursuers. But the unmarked car stayed on its tail

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    surviving gunfights. As he moved past the police, he flashed his badge, keeping his eyes

    on the trapped car at all times. The police stood and watched as Agent Redd walked

    down the alley. Then he said with a gesture, Are you coming?

    Agent Redd drew a pistol and crept towards the LTD. With reluctant steps, the

    police backed him up. The car sat as still as can be as they approached. Then Agent

    Redd shouted, Come out with your hands up!

    There was no response.

    Agent Redd waved his hands and the police spread out, surrounding the vehicle.

    With a flick of his wrist, a baton extended from Agent Redds hand. A quick swing

    shattered the side windows. Instantly, flashlights lit the interior, searching the seats, but

    the car was empty.

    Perplexed, the police lowered their guns. Agent Redd produced a Geiger counter

    from under his coat and waved it inside the car. It clicked.

    Oh crap, radiation.. mumbled a policeman.

    Dont worry, your gonads are safe. Now set a perimeter.

    The police nodded and ran from the alley. They strung yellow police tape around

    the alley, pushing back a growing crowd.

    Back at the LTD, Agent Redd looked down at the box and smiled.

    Gabe ran down a hill and into a small park. His house sat only a few blocks away

    and both the sky and his stomach were growling. He jogged past the picnic benches

    towards the street, mind drifting towards the food in his fridge. Normally, hed ignore

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    everything around him the perfect grass, the empty playgrounds, the freshly planted

    trees held up by stakes - but not today. Something caught his eye and he stopped.

    Turning around, Gabe looked back at the benches. There, slumped on the bench,

    was an old man. This was hardly unusual, but sweat covered his face and he didnt move

    an inch.

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    Chapter 2

    Gabe froze as he looked at the old man. He reminded him of Grandpa, well, not

    his, but one that hed see on television. Grandpa looked old, experienced, and at the

    moment, not so good. His head slumped motionless on the back of the park bench. The

    ground beneath him bore a growing puddle from the falling drops of sweat. This

    reminded Gabe of something hed seen on ER or maybe it was House myocardial

    infarction AKA heart attack.

    For a moment Gabe thought to himself - Myocardial infarction. And mom used to

    say that TV wasnt educational. But then he snapped back to the issue at hand. He knew

    what he had to do.

    Taking a deep breath, Gabe reached out and shook Grandpa. Nothing happened.

    Gnawing his lip, Gabe reached out and gave him a harder shake.

    Are you ok? Sir? Uh

    Gabe wasnt sure what to do next if Grandpa didnt wake up. He had seen

    paramedics on TV check for pulses by putting their fingers on a patients neck. Of

    course, he had no idea where to find the pulse, or even what a good pulse would feel like.

    Fortunately, he never stopped shaking as all these thoughts ran through his mind.

    And even more fortunately, Grandpa woke up.

    Whoa, easy there son.

    Gabe released his grip, glad to see Grandpa conscious, but a bit embarrassed at

    shaking him around. Now, he stood still, but his voice still shook a little. Are you ok,

    sir? You dont look so good.

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    Oh, I was just asleep. You know how quickly that comes at my age. Grandpa

    wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked left. Somehow, Gabe knew that Grandpa

    was probably fibbing about his condition, but he didnt really care. His focus was on the

    sweat reforming on Grandpas forehead.

    You sure youre ok? You need some water or something?

    Ah, a drink would be nice.

    Gabe reached into his backpack and removed a plastic water bottle. Grandpa took

    it and downed it like a man in the desert. He didnt even notice that he dropped a set of

    car keys with a Ford LTD key chain. A few seconds later, the bottle stood empty and

    Grandpa smiled.

    Thank you, son. So, whats your name, unless youd rather me call you son?

    No, my names Gabe Gabriel, sir.

    Gabriel, said Grandpa with a smile. Then this truly is the water from your

    springs. Grandpa turned the bottle so Gabe could see the label Gabriel Springs. Gabe

    and Grandpa exchanged a laugh. Gabe relaxed. If Grandpa was laughing, then he was


    Yeah, thats why I get this water, said Gabe with a smile. I know its stupid,

    but hey, its got my name, so why not? Theyre all the same.

    Oh, three waters can be quite different. Then Grandpa trailed off, his mind

    seemingly light years away. And though his eyes kept their faraway gaze, words crept

    from his mouth. Gabriel, almost like my granddaughters name. About the same age

    too. Almost the same, though not. But definitely two who could be friends.

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    This made Gabe blush and shrink into a little world of his own. I dont know,

    you know? I dont have a lot of girl friends, I mean I dont have a girlfriend, or a lot of

    friends who are girls, you know.

    But Grandpa didnt even seem to notice. He kept his faraway gaze and thought

    out loud. No, these two would definitely be good friends. If only Then, just like

    that, Grandpa snapped out of his gaze and turned back to Gabe with a smile. Thank you,

    Gabriel. I appreciate your concern and thank you for this gift of your springs.

    This brought Gabe back to reality with a chuckle. Unfortunately, this also

    brought his hunger back to Gabes attention. And that hunger drew so much of his focus

    that he didnt notice the sound of approaching sirens. Grandpa noticed, however, and his

    gaze fell to the ground. For a moment, they waited in silence, Gabe unsure of how to

    make an exit, and Grandpa just looking unsure.

    I have something for you, Grandpa said, breaking the awkward silence. Just a

    little thanks for your water. Im sure youll enjoy it.

    Gabe held out his hand and took an object from Grandpa. It was the size of a cell

    phone, but with only three buttons at the base and no display. There was a dial which

    selected between, three lights, K, L, and E, though the lights were dark. On the top of

    the object, a row of 5 lights were also dark. Gabe pushed one of the buttons, but the

    lights glowed with a dull red flash.

    Thank you, but uh, I think its broken.

    No, it works quiet well. Id give you directions, but you kids always seem to

    know how to work these things better than us old folks. Go on, and have fun.

    Remember, green means go.

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    Ok. Thank you, and Ill see you around. You sure youre ok?

    I am as healthy as can be, given my age, Grandpa said with a smile and a nod.

    Gabe returned the gesture and started walking away. But then Grandpa called out to him.

    Oh, Gabriel, if you see my granddaughter, could you give that to her? Im sure shed

    like to play with it as well.

    Now utterly confused, all Gabe could muster up was a blank stare, a nod, and,

    Uh, sure.

    Dont worry, youll know her when you see her.

    One more blank stare, one more nod, and Gabe headed for home. He felt

    thoroughly confused, interchanging thoughts of, Crazy old fogy, with the feeling of

    happiness knowing that Grandpa felt ok and that he did the right thing. And he snickered

    as he tinkered with the object in his hand. The old man was right. Even though this

    object seemed to barely respond to his input, Gabe somehow couldnt stop playing with

    it. Maybe that old man knew a thing or two.

    Gabe pondered this as he returned home. A little while later, he thought he heard

    the sound of sirens coming and going, but he just turned up the TV and drowned out the

    sounds. It was probably just someone getting a ticket.

    The next morning began like any other morning with the bleat of the alarm clock.

    Gabe got dressed and gathered his things. But then he noticed the object. Today, three of

    the lights at the top of the object were lit. Unfortunately, the lights were red, and would

    only blink with a dull red when he pushed the buttons. Gabe thought about tossing the

    object into the corner, but for some reason, he stuck it in his pocket and left his room.

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    As he went downstairs, Gabe noticed something different about today. Sound -

    the sound of the television flipping through dozens of cable channels. This could mean

    only one thing.

    Morning, bro! Gabe sighed as he heard the sound of his brothers voice.

    Apparently Tommy had decided to come home. This happened from time to time.

    Tommy was 23 now, and had the dubious distinction of attending more than five colleges

    by the time of his five-year high school reunion. Of course, those seven colleges resulted

    in few units and zero degrees, unless you count cultivation of illicit crops inside a dorm


    Occasionally, Tommys visits would result in great entertainment. For example, a

    July 4th where a stuffed dinosaur, a 2-liter bottle, and a couple M-80s resulted in fun for

    all. But normal visits featured a lot of Tommy lounging around, playing video games,

    watching nothing in particular on TV, and being a total jerk to Gabe.

    This felt like a normal visit to Gabe.

    Dude, you gotta hit the gym or get some sun or something. I need sunglasses to

    handle the glare coming off your arms. Chicks dont dig that, you know. Did I tell you

    about that hot chick I met in South Padre?

    There was no girl, at least thats what Gabe figured. But he sat and ate his

    breakfast in silence as Tommy droned on and on about this supposed female and their

    cringe-inducing exploits over an extended spring break. Gabe didnt care, and he tried

    his hardest to block out the bravado spewed by his brother.

    Which was unfortunate, because behind them, the television told a story that

    would have interested him.

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    It was, The Hard-Hitting Truth, a trashy gossip show - one of those that usually

    show drunken actresses falling on their faces as they try to enter a nightclub at 2am. But

    every now and then, they cover a real story. Something edgy, hard-hitting, and something

    the networks would not dare touch. Todays story featured a wild conspiracy.

    It was another exciting car chase last night, said the intense reporter. One that

    we have all come to know and love here in the city. But just when it got good, someone

    pulled the plug.

    The picture cut to a shot of the police chasing the LTD from the day before. The

    reporter continued with a voice-over. At 4:30pm yesterday, some fool decided not to

    stop for the police, starting an exciting high-speed chase. They tore through the city,

    keeping thousands of viewers on the edge of their seats. But then, it ended.

    The screen turned black.

    The official word from the networks was that other obligations needed to be met.

    The word from the FAA was that they were passing through restricted airspace. But none

    of this carried even a shred of truth.

    The show switched to a slow-motion camera, focused on the LTD. So, what is

    the truth behind this mysterious car? One that drew government intervention to silence

    reporters and blind the eyes of viewers? We may never know for sure, but we are here

    with exclusive pictures from the scene. No other network has the courage it takes to

    show these pictures.

    Unfortunately, the next pictures were grainy and dimly lit, likely shot by a dirty

    cell phone camera. But they showed the LTD being pursued and spun out by Agent

    Redds car. And then, for just a moment, it seemed like a fearful, old man sat behind the

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    wheel of the LTD. And that the old man appeared to be the man Gabe referred to as,

    Grandpa. But Gabe missed this, and a moment later, the picture returned to the studio

    and the overly intense reporter.

    These were the only pictures from the scene. All other eye witnesses report the

    arrival of mysterious law enforcement agents, and that all of their recording devices were

    somehow wiped out. What is the truth behind this incident? What is the government

    hiding from us? Stay tuned in the coming weeks for honest, hard-hitting truth.

    Gabe couldnt care less about the truth. He just wanted to get away from his

    brother, who had given up loud bravado and now challenged Gabe to arm wrestle.

    I got to go to school. You remember school, right? Gabe sent these words

    behind him as he dumped his empty cereal bowl into a sink overflowing with dirty

    dishes. Then he filled his bag with several bottles of water and packs of snack food. If

    Tommy was annoying now, while he was sober, he would only get worse after a day of

    boredom around the house.

    Dude, asked Tommy. When is dad getting back?

    I dont know. He went off to Shanghai for some business stuff.

    Thats cool. Hey, can I

    Sorry, you can ask dad for money when he gets back.

    And with that, Gabe left his house, hoping to find something to keep him out of

    Tommys way.

    Thankfully, he had the object that Grandpa gave him. Though it still only

    responded with a dull blink of red, four of the lights on top of the object now glowed red

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    at all times. Gabe would check on the object periodically in class during fits of boredom,

    or whenever he thought he could get away with it.

    Unfortunately, Gabe couldnt find anywhere to crash after school. All of his

    friends claimed that studies, or tutoring, or family stuff made it impossible for them to

    hang out. But then again, these friends were acquaintances at best. So, Gabe sat alone,

    occasionally tinkering with the object, and trying in vain to figure out how to avoid his


    The school day ended with a ringing bell and a flood of students rushing off

    campus. All eyes glowed with excitement for the freedom of the end of the day.

    Teachers followed behind with subdued grins, trying in vain to hide their excitement. But

    Gabe trudged along behind them, looking about for something to do or somewhere to go.

    He found nothing.

    So, he wandered. Amazingly, one can kill a lot of time wandering aimlessly.

    After an hour or so, he found himself in the nearby woods under a darkening sky. He had

    apparently gone hiking in the midst of his wander. Still not wanting to return home, he

    took out the object and tinkered with it. He mindlessly punched the buttons, expecting

    the dull glow of red.

    But this time, the lights blinked green.

    With newfound excitement, Gabe tinkered with the object. He spun the dial,

    which moved a green light from E, to K, to L, and back to E. Then he tapped the buttons.

    The middle and right button had little effect, but the left button made the lights blink

    rapidly, almost like an error message.

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    He turned the dial to K and tried the left button. This time, a single green light

    began to blink. Gabe tried the middle button, which stopped the blinking. Now grinning,

    Gabe hit the left button followed by the right button. Once again, a single green light

    blinked, and then ceased when he pushed the right button.

    With a gleam in his eye, Gabe hit the left button, starting the blinking green light.

    He hit the left button again, which made all five lights blink rapidly in a blur of green.

    Then one final time, Gabe slammed on the left button.

    For a moment, something felt different to Gabe. His body seemed odd, almost

    unreal. It was a new sensation to him, though not painful or pleasurable. It just felt


    And just as suddenly, everything felt normal one more. Gabe shook his head and

    continued walking in the darkening woods. He looked at the object and hit the left

    button. But as before, the lights gave their dull red glow. Shaking his head, Gabe

    wandered along, tinkering with the object.

    With his focus on the dull red lights, Gabe paid little attention to the thickening

    woods. If he had, he would have noticed that the woods around him were now a jungle,

    with trees and green blanketing everything as far as could be seen. The city, the light, the

    cars, the houses they were all gone.

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    Chapter 3

    It did not take long for Gabe to notice that something had changed. Perhaps he

    should have noticed when six-legged squirrels peeked at him with curiosity. Perhaps the

    smell of dew rising from the jungle leaves should have piqued his interest. But for a

    young man playing with a mysterious gadget, it took something a little more jolting.

    He walked into a tree.

    Well, not so much a tree as a tree branch. But it was the branch of an 80-foot tall

    puff of leaves that spread out as wide as it did high. On the plus side, the mass of leaves

    softened the impact on Gabes face. On the minus side, he was no longer in the city.

    Fear set in as Gabe stepped back and examined his surroundings. Everything

    looked foreign. The trees stood taller and fuller, the sky looked clearer, the clouds

    puffier, and even the dirt seemed more alive. With his attention on the trees, the concert

    of jungle songs filled Gabes ears. This only made him more nervous.

    But then another memory came to Gabe that of the survival shows he watched

    on TV. On those shows, one rugged individual would be dropped off in an unforgiving

    landscape, much like what Gabe experienced that very moment. Now what would Les

    Stroud do? Ah yes, Les Stroud, the Survivorman, would go to a high place and examine

    his surroundings. Surely a town would be nearby.

    Thoughts like these gave him hope as he scrambled up a nearby hill.

    Unfortunately, trees covered this hill as well, but by poking his head through gaps, Gabe

    could get some idea of the surrounding terrain.

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    Gabe followed the river for hours, finding nothing but more trees and leaves. The

    initial excitement was gone. Now, he was lost, hopeless, hungry, but most of all, he felt

    bored. So, with no other forms of entertainment, he pulled out the object and tinkered.

    Somehow, the dull red glow comforted him. But this time, after pressing the middle

    button, something different happened.

    The light furthest left glowed red and stayed lit as long as he pressed the middle

    button. He turned around as he thought about what could have caused this change. Then

    he pressed the middle button again. This time, the light furthest right glowed red, staying

    lit so long as his hand pressed the button.

    What the freak? exclaimed Gabe, turning about in confusion. But this time, he

    held the button down. As he turned right, the lights would move left, much like a

    compass. Gabe noticed this and turned left slowly. Sure enough, the lights moved as if

    they pointed one particular direction. Of course that direction would take Gabe away

    from the river. However, after an hour of pointless wandering, this showed at least the

    slightest bit of promise. So, Gabe entered the jungle again, following the lead of the

    middle button.

    Once he got used to traversing over dense foliage, Gabe noticed something else

    his parched throat and grumbling stomach. So, he found a fallen log, sat down, and ate a

    snack. His mind wandered as he popped the sport-top on a bottle of water and squirted it

    into his mouth. It was actually lucky that Tommy came home. Otherwise, Gabe

    wouldnt have a supply of food and water inside his pack, and would be hungry and

    thirsty as well as lost. Something he saw initially as bad luck turned out to be a blessing

    to him. Then again, the object from Grandpa, originally thought of as a nice gift,

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    probably got him into this mess. It had to be the object; there were no other explanations.

    Nothing changed from the day before or any other day for the past year except for the

    object. Somehow, that stupid box brought him here, wherever here was.

    Gabe finished the water and flung it aside. He couldnt care less about littering

    when he was lost. But then, he heard a rustle of leaves behind him.

    Turning around, he saw a withered bush crumbling amidst the wall of green. I

    didnt see this before, thought Gabe as he walked to the bush. He lifted a withered

    branch, but this crumbled the whole bush into dust. And under this dust, Gabes empty

    water bottle sat on a bare patch of dirt.

    Gabe lifted the bottle and took a closer look. Surely litter could not cause a bush

    to die like that? Could it? As he looked closer, a single drop of water fell from the bottle

    and hit a patch of tall grass. Instantly, the tall grass withered and died.

    For a moment, Gabe stared at the bare patch. He tried spitting or dripping sweat

    onto other patches of grass, but nothing happened. Now Gabes gaze turned back to the

    bottle. Was there something in that bottle? The water tasted fine, or so he thought. Or

    maybe there was something strange in the water.

    Heart racing again, Gabe could only think of one test. He popped open another

    bottle and sprayed a little onto some grass. The grass died instantly. He took a taste

    normal water. Then Gabes heart raced again, but this time accompanied by joyous


    Gabe ran about, squirting water onto grasses and bushes, voice resembling an evil

    cackle as foliage withered and died around him. A line of water cut a swath through a

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    field of grass. Another squirt and Gabe looked down at his initials, perfectly drawn in the

    grass by a pen of dirt.

    Then Gabe thought bigger. He sprayed a bit at the foot of a tree. Nothing

    happened. Another spray had little effect as well. Gabe grit his teeth, ready to give it

    another go, when he heard a crack from the tree. A second, louder crack followed this.

    Then Gabe got scared. A chorus of cracking rang out from the tree as sheets of bark fell

    from its sides. Leaves withered and died, turning to dust as they fell. Branches sagged

    and the trunk began to tilt and lean toward Gabe. He turned and ran as the trunk split and

    fell, crashing down into a pile of disintegrating chips at the heels.

    Heart racing for the umpteenth time today, Gabe closed the water bottle with a

    careful hand. His trembling hand lowered the water bottle into his backpack as he

    continued following the objects lead.

    Walking through the jungle, Gabe felt glad that the object always pointed the

    same way. A few times, after descending a hill or moving around a thick grove, he was

    certain that he was continuing along the same path. However, after a press of the middle

    button, he found that his sense of direction was actually quite poor. So, he continued

    tapping the button and following its course. He doubted the object from time to time, but

    with nothing better to trust, he put his faith in the object.

    His faith was rewarded three hours later as he ascended yet another hill. Here,

    there was a pole. Not just a tree stripped of its branches; this wood was cut by a

    lumberjack, sent to a mill, processed, and planted in the ground. Looking up, Gabe saw a

    platform atop the pole, almost like a crows nest in those pirate movies. He wished he

    could climb to the top and look around. Perhaps he could find the people responsible for

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    this pole. But without rope or climbing equipment, all he could do was continue along

    his way, holding onto the hope of finding civilization.

    An hour later, he found that civilization.

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    Chapter 4

    Cities start from a few people gathering together to build a house. Rivers or

    plains seem popular, given the ease of growing crops or catching fish. Once others see

    their success, they too build homes around the first home. Generally, they will space out

    their homes, allowing for spacious yards and easy transportation.

    As generations pass and children form their own families, they fill the space

    between the original homes with buildings of their own. Or perhaps they lose a little

    farmland and expand the borders of the village. Initially this poses few problems. People

    still can travel about and work the land for their food. But as time goes on, space

    becomes scarce, roads wind around mansions of the rich, trample over homes of the less

    fortunate, and the village becomes a sprawling mess of a city. Occasionally, leaders show

    the foresight to build roads and homes in such a way to reduce these problems. But the

    more common result consists of crowded, winding streets and arguments over which

    homes must be demolished for the common good.

    Gabe found himself entering a city like this. Crowded roads overflowed with ox-

    drawn carts and people hauling goods about. They wore loose tunics and flowing pants,

    many of which bore a faint pink stain. Surrounding the city, fields teaming with

    abundant crops looked every bit as green as the jungle at their edges. To Gabes

    untrained eye, they were indistinguishable. The people moved about, focused on their

    own business, and none seemed to notice Gabe, despite his odd appearance in his t-shirt

    and jeans.

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    But there was an odd sort of comfort here. He was used to being ignored back

    home, so this was really no different.

    As Gabe went deeper into the city, he noticed something else practically

    everything was made of wood. Wooden tools hung from wooden hooks in the windows

    of stores made from wood. Thick logs formed the support beams of multi-story buildings

    and warehouses. But most intriguing to Gabe were the roads, which were paved in wood.

    Hardwood blocks fashioned end to end formed a road surface for all the major streets of

    the city. Wooden wheels from carts clicked and clacked over these roads making this city

    as loud as any rush hour freeway.

    Hey, get out of the way!

    Gabe jumped aside as an angry farmer pushed his cart out of an alley. For a

    moment, Gabe felt annoyed. But the sound of English, a familiar language, brought him

    hope. For the first time all day, Gabe felt like he might get back to his own bed soon.

    Still, he didnt feel comfortable asking the rushing farmers for help. Nor did the thought

    of why they spoke English occur to him until much later.

    Gabe continued his walk into the city. Instead of farmers, he now saw giant

    homes and empty streets. This felt ever more like home to Gabe. The air was quiet, but

    off the the distance, he could hear a crowd gathering. Gabe checked the object. Sure

    enough, it pointed down the street, directly toward the sound of people.

    Just then, a small ball rolled out and hit Gabe in the foot. Gabe turned to the side

    and saw a boy. He could not have been over 4, and more than anything, seemed bored to

    death - a familiar feeling to Gabe. Squatting down to the boys eye level, Gabe handed

    him the ball.

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    Is this yours? asked Gabe.

    The boy nodded and took the ball with a smile.

    Where is everybody? You shouldnt be alone.

    Another nod. Then the boy pointed down the street, toward the sound of the


    With that, Gabe thanked the boy, stood, and walked toward the sound. He took a

    few steps when once again, the ball rolled and hit him in the foot. Gabe turned to the boy

    with a sigh.

    Im sorry, I cant play with you right now. Im lost and I need to get home.

    Maybe I can play with you another time, ok?

    The boy smiled and nodded. Gabe bounced the ball back to the boy, who caught

    it and ran back into his home. With a smile, Gabe turned and continued towards


    The applause came from a crowd of thousands packed into a town square. The

    crowd wore light clothes, similar to the farmers, but much fancier. Also, the buildings

    looked old, while at the same time needlessly posh. This was definitely a trendy district.

    A park sat in the middle of the square and featured a heavily decorated stage. All

    attention pointed here. Currently, a portly, balding man yelled with fury and a reddening


    For too long, we have sat in their shadows, trembling in fear. We wait in silence

    knowing that at any time, they could destroy us as easily a bug. Are we to wait until that

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    day the Inner-Dwellers decide to end our existence? Well, I for one am done waiting. As

    your Mayor, I intend to keep our fair city safe.

    The crowd cheered and whistled. All eyes stayed fixated on the Mayor. All the

    more frustrating for Gabe, who finally decided to ask for help. After a few failures, Gabe

    walked up to a balcony and watched the proceedings from a distance. The mayor

    continued his fiery speech, but something else drew Gabes attention. Next to a stage

    stood a bridge that lead to seemingly nowhere. It stood over a small dip in the park, but it

    came to a dead end on a wall of solid stone.

    The mayor continued, saying, Here in Sansebeni, we stand at the border between

    the evil inner-dwellers and our beautiful home of Kalia. Sources tell of troops massing

    on the other side. They have the power and weapons to defeat us all. But do not fear, our

    Chief Mediator, the honorable Maharin, brings us good news.

    With the crowd changing for the Mediator, the Mayor stepped away from the

    pulpit. Another man stepped forward. He stood tall and proud, with a white beard, white

    hair, and a long white coat. His face showed the concerns of at least sixty years. Still, he

    commanded respect with a strong voice and a charismatic demeanor. I have had a good

    life. I have lived a good many years, but I have spent far too many hours staring at the

    bridge, wondering when the Inner-Dwellers would invade.

    The Mediator turned to the bridge and glared at it. Instantly, the crowd fell to a

    hush. The Mediator continued, Fortunately for us, that day never came. But must we

    stand silent and leave our children to that same fate? The fate of eternal worry and


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    Now the crowd buzzed with nervous energy. A lone voice shouted out, How can

    we hope to defeat the inner-dwellers?

    The Mediator turned back with a smile. I bring hope to you all. And hope

    begins with this.

    The Mediator reached into his coat and removed a small gun. It seemed to be a

    single shot pistol, fashioned mostly of wood, just like the ones used in the pirate days.

    This is a small weapon. Surely not a threat for the iron of our enemies.

    With a nod from the Mediator, several assistants wheeled a heavy block of steel

    onto the stage. For a moment, the Mediator merely looked at the steel. Then he leveled

    his pistol at it.

    Whispers rose from the crowd. Hes crazy. Theres no way. Not with that


    The pistol fired with a quiet pop.

    A split second later, the steel shattered like glass.

    The crowd stood in stunned silence for a moment. Then they erupted in cheers.

    The Mediator raised his hands and turned to the crowd. This made them cheer even

    harder and chant his name.

    On the balcony, Gabe was the only one not cheering. He gazed ahead with his

    mouth agape, not sure of what to think.

    Night fell a hour later and the square glowed from the light of dozens of fiery

    lamps. But instead of oil, wood filled the lamps, which burned to a high temperature,

    making a metal covering glow bright. People still milled about the park. Mostly, their

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    attention turned to the shattered steel block. A few dropped inquires to the Mediator, who

    answered all around him with confidence. To the side of this stood Gabe.

    After a few laps around the bridge, Gabe still felt clueless. The bridge made no

    sense, nor did the Mediators words concerning it, and what the heck was an inner-

    dweller? However, he did know one thing the object in his hand pointed directly to the

    bridge. He confirmed this after the three laps around the square. No matter where he

    stood, the object would direct him towards the bridge, or whatever it was. Gabe

    examined the stone which formed the bridge, but felt nothing unusual. It just seemed like

    an old bridge, except that it lead straight into a rock. Tired, Gabe sat down and took a

    drink of water.

    What he failed to notice was the Mediator watching him out of the corner of his

    eye. The Mediator strolled to a nearby aide and whispered in his ear. The aides eyes lit

    when the Mediator mentioned, Possible inner-dweller. But he played it cool. As if on a

    routine patrol, the aide strolled over to Gabe.

    Pardon me, but are you lost?

    Gabe looked up with an unsure expression. Then the aide noticed the bottle of

    crystal clear water. Instantly, fear washed over the aides face and the backed away,

    screaming, An inner-dweller! He has exire!

    At the sound of, Exire, fear rushed into everyone in the square. Panic ensured.

    Gabe felt as much fear as anyone and rushed out of the square.

    He didnt get far.

    Halfway down a side street, Gabe found himself surrounded by pike-wielding

    policemen and citizens afraid to get too close. A policeman said in a shaking voice, I

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    know youre not from around here, but we wont hurt you. We just want to ask you a few


    One look at the pike in the policemans hands and all of Gabes trust was gone.

    Nervous, Gabe squeezed his hands into tight fists, forgetting the water bottle in his hand.

    This sent a spray on the policeman and his pike. With a series of cracks, the wooden

    shaft of the pike crumbled into dust.

    For a split second, all eyes watched the pike turn to dust. Then all of the police

    and the citizens bolted.

    With few other options, Gabe continued running for the jungle. From behind, he

    could hear the sounds of whistles and heavy footsteps approaching. This spurred him on,

    but he was not the fastest runner.

    Soon, the edge of town was in sight, but so were approaching police. Gabe flung

    his water bottle aside and sprinted with all his might. With his focus on the jungles trees,

    Gabe missed the splintering wood, the sight of storefronts crumbling, the people running

    to safety, and the cascade of wooden building part flowing into the street. All Gabe knew

    was that he got away.

    But the chase continued. Hidden in the think foliage, Gabe could hear search

    parties. Voices filled the jungle air. Keep looking, the inner-dwellers here somewhere.

    Gabe stayed low to the ground, breathing heavily. He reached into his pocket and pulled

    out the only solution he had, the object. He thought the words spoken to him by

    Grandpa, Remember, green means go.

    On the object, all the lights glowed green. So, Gabe jammed on the left button

    making the lights blink. He hit it again, making the lights flash rapidly. He didnt notice

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    that the dial was now turned to L. But, one final press of the left button and Gabe was


    It was a late hour. Most of the city was asleep, but the Mayor of Sansabune sat

    upright in his living room with a troubled face. A knock came from the door and he

    jumped up as if expecting something important. Opening the door, he found the


    Did you capture the spy? asked the Mayor.

    No, he is gone.

    What will we do? If the inner-dwellers are sending in spies to raid and destroy

    our city, how much longer must we wait for a full invasion?

    The Mediator stroked his beard for a moment. You do remember my proposal.

    At the time, you found it too extreme, I believe. What do you find now?

    Do it! Take whatever resources you need, just make sure we have protection.

    It will be done.

    The Mediator exited the Mayors house with a smile. An aide was waiting

    outside. We have the evidence, sir.

    The Mediator walked to the aide and observed the empty water bottle in the aides

    hand. He stared at it in silence.

    Sir, I dont believe the boy was a spy. Somehow, he got his hands on a bridger

    and wandered here. No inner-dweller spy would carry printed evidence tying him to

    another world.

    Still, the Mediator stood in silence.

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    Would you like me to inform the mayor?

    The Mediator slowly slid the bottle from his aides hands. No, I will keep our

    good mayor informed. You have done well tonight, but I have a task for you. Inform the

    Exile Corps to continue the search.

    Im not sure a boy requires the Corps?

    But the Mediator was already walking down the street, headed away from his

    Aide. With a shake of his head, the Aide rushed off.

    In a far away place, the man Gabe referred to as Grandpa sat in a simple room.

    There was a bed, bathroom facilities, and a television, but little else. Though free of bars,

    Grandpa knew he was locked in a cell.

    A buzzing sound came from the door and it swung open. Agent Redd strolled in

    and leaned against the wall. Guards took up positions next to the open door.

    Thats an awful lot of attention for a man who cant outrun a 5-year-old, said

    Grandpa with a sneer.

    Agent Redd looked down on Grandpa through a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

    You have information we need. Tell us about your home.

    Its a small but comfortable place. Maybe one or two steps above this place.

    Nurses are cuter though.

    Stifled laughter came from the guards. Agent Redd strolled over to Grandpa.

    Im talking about what you would refer to as the Outer Worlds. I believe they were

    created by wizards long ago.

    You watch too much Star Trek, son.

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    That might be true, but I intend to protect my country at all costs and will use

    whatever force necessary to ensure its safety.

    With that said, Agent Redd nodded to the guards, who quickly exited the room.

    The door closed behind them with a bang.

    Now, asked Agent Redd. Lets talk.
