
The Way to Cut What Cutting Is How you present an article as evidence Why do you need to cut? Time saver in round The article likely doesnt say word for word what you want it to What to cut? Citation Readable evidence Tagline Creating Evidence Files 1. Stuff YOU Probably Need 2. Navigating the Template 3. Troubleshooting 4. Technicalities Stuff YOU Probably Need 1. Computer, preferably a Laptop 2. The newest version of Word you can get your hands on. Word 10/11 is the best but Word 7 will do. 3. MouseStandard button mouse with a wheel will do. 4. USB memory device 5. The Template:/verbatim/ Installing the Template 1. Run the downloader for many of you this will be all you need to do. A. Security Settings File, Options, Security Settings B. Make sure the template is in the templates folder. File, New, My Templates, Debate If it is not there but on the desktop copy and paste it in the templates folder and vice versa Reinstall 2. Open the template Macros and Headings F2 Paste Unformatted Text F3 Remove Returns F4 Hat F5 Block F6 Tag F7 Cite F8 Normal/Card F9 Underline F11 Highlight F12 Clear Formatting Ctrl-8 Eight-Font Macro. Turn un- underlined text into 8pt font. Make sure theres SOME underlined text in your paragraph first or it might turn the whole document into 8pt (can be undone) Explanation of the Headings 1. Pocketthe overall contents of that pocket of the expando 2. Hat-the fold-over 3. Blockthe individual block 4. Tag Document Map Organization One Document Troubleshooting When I save I lose the Toolbar GO TO THE SOURCE Template Folder-Make sure the template is in the template folder READ THE MANUAL! Its on the website Final Product
