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the voice of one crying- Mark 1:3


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The Posture of Missions, Life-Staking Devotion

A mission is a crucial commission that saves the age. To accomplish this commission, a devotional attitude is needed. If the world is seen with the spiritual eyes; darkness and idol filled culture can be seen. Fur-thermore, lives, forgotten about true happiness, are wandering within emptiness due to slavery by the worldly culture and Satan. Not knowing the reason to live, losing their dreams, those who end their own lives. It is the age where happiness is nowhere to be found within families. There are ones that have lost the future and result in not just personal collapse, but family and society due to drugs, sex, gambling, alcohol, and games that are permeating within by the form of culture.

The bible clearly states in Genesis chapter 3 that the start of all these problems is only the result of spiritual problem, in which we have been deceived by Satan to be separated from God. Also, through the wit-nesses, the fact that only ‘Jesus Christ’ is the way, truth, and life has been proven by God’s word (John 14:6) and history. Therefore, we must respond with ‘amen’ and witness. Thus, the substance of missions must only be ‘Jesus Christ’ not otherwise because ‘Jesus Christ’ is a unique name.

However, there is one aspect we must pinpoint at before proceeding, and that is the attitude in which we must be clear about. It is the ‘devo-tion’. “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24). About 100 years ago, many missionaries sailed to Korea for life - staking devotion. In result, we became blessed people with true happiness by the gospel that we have received through the grace of God. Furthermore, Korea was placed 2nd in sending out the most mis-sionaries.

‘The Voice of Mission’, I have given much effort to relay stories of missionaries and their mission fields truthfully. I want to share with you about missionaries’ devotions and the reality of the mission fields, as well as how the word of God is being fulfilled there. Lastly, I want you to remember that you are a missionary within your personal field of life. True mission field is our very individual lives.

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The Gospel






New Zealand

The Bible









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There is only one way to get to life.

Only Jesus Christ can be the name of salvation.

This is the Gospel.

When God created mankind, He created them in His own image and

blessed them. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God

He created him, male and female He created them. God blessed them and

said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue

it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living

creature that moves on the ground.” (Gen.1: 27-28)

Just like how fish has to be in the water, tree in the ground, and birds in

the sky to be happy, men can be at their happiest when they are with God.

This is the principle of creation. However, due to Satan’s deception, we

broke the promise of God and left God. From then on, the fundamental

problem of sin and death has begun. Thus, Men who left God, in loss of

happiness, live their lives and die being enslaved by the worldly culture and

Satan. But the bigger issue is the life after. It says in Hebrews chapter 9 and

verse 27, “Just as a man is destined to die once, and after that to face judg-


So men cannot solve the problem of sin and death on their own, God

has sent Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ is the way to meet God, truth, and

Pastor Jung Ja Seo

The Voice of The Gospel

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life (John 14:6). Thus, the law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from

the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). Furthermore, He is the one who

destroyed the devil’s work, which deceived men to leave God (1John 3:8).

Meeting God through Jesus Christ is salvation. “Salvation is found in no one

else, for there is no other name under heaven, given to men by which we

must me saved” (Acts 4:12).

Then, how can we receive salvation? In order for you to receive salvation

and to solve the problem of sin and death, you must accept ‘only’ Jesus

Christ as your Lord and Savior. Anyone who sincerely believe in Jesus Christ

and accept him can be saved. Jesus has promised to those who receive him

and believe in His name, will be given the right to become a child of God

(John 1:12), and also promised that everyone who calls upon the name of

the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13).

As it is written in Romans chapter 10 and verse 9 to 10, “That if you con-

fess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is the Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God

raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that

you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and

are saved”.

At this very moment, God is knocking on the door of your heart. At this

moment you can accept Jesus Christ through prayer. All you need to do is

sincerely pray for the Christ to enter into your heart.

“Loving father God, I am a sinner. I have left you and was living as a slave

under Satan’s control. But at this time, I accept Jesus as my Savior and my

Christ. Please come into my heart as the master and guide me forever. I

pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

You are now a precious child of God with the citizenship of heaven.

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‘Evangelism’ is not something that a person with special gift does. A saved

child of God will obviously want to relay the light of life to someone that

he has received. Even when you had a delicious meal at some restaurant,

you will want to spread the news about it. After listening about the Gospel,

accepting Jesus Christ in reaction, it is obvious in all ways to not hold back

the spreading about the joyful news. In the United States, where churches

are placed in every corner, it is the most frustrating thing that so many

people have not heard of the Gospel. That is why, even today, I preach the

name of Jesus Christ.

I want my lifestyle to be natural in preaching Christ to those that do not

know about Jesus and be obedient to the word of Jesus, “The harvest is

plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37). It is the last word of Jesus

and my wish that everyone hears the Gospel. Just like how God has opened

up the doors of meeting for the disciples of Jesus in the book of Acts, He

has given me many blessings of meeting as well.

Through the meeting that God has allowed, I came to know one encour-

ager. Due to this encourager’s request, we evangelized and had worship

meetings in Orange County, Amerige Heights Town Center. At the first

meeting, that encourager told us about the atmosphere of that entire re-

gion, and as we were analyzing, we saw many youth students. They were

spending their time in a bookstore, coffee shop, and restaurants waiting

Angie Kim, U.S. Missionary

The Voice of Fullerton

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for their parents to pick them up after school. We have realized that the

plan and direction of God was towards the youth while quietly praying, we

started to preach the Gospel to them.

On Saturdays, we focused the evangelism towards the youth, and Tues-

days, we prayed for the entire Amerige Heights Town Center to hear the

Gospel and went about the shops to preach that Jesus is the Christ. By the

grace of God, the owners of 5 different shops opened their hearts and al-

lowed us to place our evangelism tracks in their shops. Furthermore, the

number students that accepted Jesus as their Christ were 40 plus within 2


The most memorable meeting amongst the meetings was with a middle

school student who continuously wanted to hear the Gospel and share that

with his friends. Further, we met a pair of Filipino siblings who are actually

doing youth ministry within their own church. These siblings were shocked

and challenged at the scene of Gospel being preached to unbelievers out-

side of church because they have only been with kids that already believe

in Jesus within their own church. They also wanted to preach the Gospel to

the youth with us. I am only thankful to God. Please pray for us to be guid-

ed by the word and word movement and life movement to be continued in

the field of Fullerton in the future.

This large land of America is still abundant with harvest. It was a small

footstep, but we have taken off to tour around the entire Orange County

and to share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in every place. Just like how

God has given answer to Daniel who came before God to humble on gain-

ing understanding on his own purpose (Daniel 10:12), just like how Antioch

church from Acts chapter 13 challenged to evangelism and missions volun-

tarily, I feel that God is opening doors of life beforehand when we have only

taken off with resolution. May all the children of God, who are proclaiming

the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their lifestyle, remember that you are

missionaries within your own fields.

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In 1993, I started the college ministry. After enrolling into college, love

towards God and passion of longing to live only for God were present

with a freshman who wanted to do early Morning Prayer movement in the

dormitory. At the time, I thought if I do those things, God will answer my

prayers and work through me. However, that was a big delusion. God never

answered my prayers nor worked through me. Ultimately, I grew doubtful

about God’s existence. I packed up the walk of faith in which I have been

walking for over 10 years and left the church with defiance proclaiming

that I will never seek or worship God.

When 5 years passed with army recruitment and school enrollment, and

certainly no church, the desperate longing to seek God that existed within

my deepest heart ever since young age, never disappeared. Now when I

come to think of it, God was waiting for me because the life of God was

definitely in me. When I had a deep conflict that I wanted to leave this

world due to the emptiness that came after enrollment into school and

doubts about the world, God made me kneel down with the Gospel: “Jesus

is the Christ”. Also, just in time schedule of God, I started college ministry.

I ran towards anywhere that I was able to do personal evangelism, praise

evangelism, morning prayer meetings, retreats, and where I can study the

word and pray.

To I, who was running without seeing left and right with the passion of

Nam Wook Heo, U.S. College Missionary

The Voice of College

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Gospel alone, college student worship and discipleship training through the

worship were the gift and blessing from God. Nowadays, I smile without

noticing when I see junior colleagues who are living for the Gospel and

mission as pastors, missionaries, and servers of the church.

Honestly speaking I was not able to fully devote in college missions be-

cause; although I was doing college missions, there were vague expecta-

tions for better mission fields and I only thought the college field was one

of the fields that the church relayed to me. However, God made me put

everything down through a great failure, and made me devote only for col-

lege missions. Furthermore, it was an absolute blessing to meet few pastors

that supports me to only devote for the college mission. It could have been

impossible for me to do this work by myself if these pastors and churches

did not pray and support.

For a long time, I have met many students in the college mission field.

Sometimes I feel my limitation when I see students who are going through

hardships with family problem, financial problem, alcohol, or drugs. On the

other hand, I am able to humbly pray when I see students with passion for

the Gospel and mission.

I believe ‘only God’s word’, ‘only prayer’, and ‘only preaching about Jesus

Christ’ are the methods to save today’s colleges where there are more num-

ber of students dying from gun incidents, suicide, drugs, and alcohol than

the soldiers dying from the war. Therefore, I proclaim the name of Jesus

Christ in the college mission field, even today. I wish that you pray until the

name of Jesus Christ is proclaimed to all colleges in America.

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The Voice of Mexico

“For, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How,

then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they

believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear

without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they

are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring

good news!’” (Romans 10:13-15)

It has already been a year and 7 months since I have arrived here, in Mex-

ico, with that God given word as the covenant. I always think to myself that

I have the clock of mission that God has given me, so I feel that it is signifi-

cant for me to convey the voice of Mexico according to the time schedule

towards Mexico.

Mexico is located in Central America (Latin American) with the area of 1.97

million square-kilometers. It is 20 times the area of Korea and the popula-

tion is estimated to be 150 million, so it is considered a fairly large nation.

To the north, there is United States. To the south, Mexico borders with

Guatemala and Belize. Therefore, Mexico missions ultimately lead to 400

million Spanish missions. Furthermore, Mexico is a mission target for those

who do ministries within places like Miami or Los Angeles that have a great

amount of Spanish speaking population, so we cannot forget to pray for


The population of Mexico consists of 30% Indio (natives), 60% Mestiso

Sarah Sim, Mexico Missionary

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(Indio and Caucasian descendent), 9% Caucasian, and 1% minorities. The

commonly spoken language is Spanish, but there are about 200 other lan-

guages being used and the currency is pesos (1 peso is about 100 won in


Mexico has a tragic history of colonization from Spain and with the per-

sistent independent struggle; they have obtained independence 300 years

after. This historic background is exposed within their culture, tradition,

system, and lifestyle. To mention about the spiritual background, 200 dif-

ferent types of languages being spoken means that there are 200 different

types of tribes’ residence in Mexico. Hence, different types of mysticism,

folk religion, and beliefs are mixed with Catholicism and rooted deeply


89% of Mexicans in Mexico are Catholic believers. We must tell them

about Matthew 16:16 “Christ”, which is the fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15

“the offspring of woman”. In 32 different states of Mexico, the light of God

must be shined through constant proclamation about Jesus Christ.

“I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Mo-

ses….Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to in-

herit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them” (Joshua 1:3,6)

I believe that God has prepared co-workers that also received this work

as the promised and the ones to hear the Gospel. I am just thankful about

how God is doing his work through me. At this very moment, I wish for you

to embrace Mexico and pray together with me.

The 150 million people of Mexico have not heard about Matthew 16:16

“Jesus Christ”, which is the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15, which is the begin-

ning of God’s mission clock. It is very urgent to set up 5 systems in 32 states

of Mexico for 150 million people to hear this Gospel.

The spiritual state of a missionary is the spiritual state of that nation.

The war of imprinting has begun within Mexico’s deep spiritual darkness,

where Jesus is not present.

For the Missionary to receive power from deep prayer.

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Majority of the parents are very interested in child education. A desire to

feed good food and to nurture in a good environment is a natural longing

for parents. Thus, parents teach their children the advice that they have

learned through books, internet, and people on their own method, in which

they think might be beneficial to their children. However, the ultimate error

about it is that these teachings alter depending on different situations and

trends. When it comes to raising children and teaching them, an absolute

standard is needed.

Some parents seem to be life-staking about children education. Therefore,

if their child is unable to be stable while reading books, or if their child

seems falling behind comparing to other children, parents cannot sit still.

They will eventually nag and get upset at their child. When you try to teach

and raise your child with your own strength, your own method, and your

own knowledge; according to state, behavior, and grade of the child, the

parents will change. In the bible, children are stated as “the inheritance

of God” (Psalms 127:3). Hence, it is rightful that God raises and teaches

his own inheritance. This does not mean you should throw away the love

and responsibility as a parent by saying “God is going to raise him well”.

It means that you are teaching the child of God with the word of God, not

raising your child with your method and knowledge.

God says through the bible, “My son, if you accept my words and store

Chun Mi Kim, Children Minister

The Voice of Children

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up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying

your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud

for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for

hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find

the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth

come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:1-6). “Impress them

on your children” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). “Trust in the LORD with all your

heart” (Proverbs 3:5). “Do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for you

children” (Luke 23:28). If you teach your children the word of God and pray

for them in tears, God will be with them and guide them.

Let’s take a look at the examples in the bible. Although Joseph lost his

mother at a young age and was sold as a slave, God was with him and he

became a prosperous man (Genesis 39:3). Also, as soon as Samuel was

done with breast feeding, he grew up in the temple. The high priest was too

old, and his sons were not good model to learn from, due to mal behaviors.

However, since God was with Samuel, not a single word of Samuel fell to

the ground (1Samuel 3:19), and no wars occurred when Samuel was alive.

Just like how parents want to give good things to their children, God

wants to give the best things to his children. “Which of you, if his son asks

for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a

snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to

your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to

those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:9-11)

Teaching the word of God to your children does not simply mean reading

the bible to them. It means that the parents must meditate on the word,

obey the word, pray holding onto the word, praise God who has fulfilled

the word, and live the life of worship first. Through the life of the parent,

in which they stand in awe of God and worship, children will know about

God; and they will worship. I pray for your day to be displaying first through

your life that there is no bigger teaching and blessing other than God being

within your child’s life through the word, within praise and prayer, and


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As we attended the ordaining ceremony last year, we saw the big vision of

how God is going to work in Los Angeles and California. Also, it was a time

of drawing new pictures for Europe Evangelization. Right after we came

back from the United States, we started having worship in Graz University

of Music and until now, it is continuing with many granted answers from


The current home that we are living in is a small place that has a

bedroom, and a small living room. From March 2008 to December 2011, we

lived in a large place with a few students with 3 rooms, one living room, and

a basement. At the end of 2011, the landlord asked us to leave the house so

we left one of the students independent. In January of 2012, we moved to

the home that we are currently living in by ourselves. It is a place that can

only hold two people but for half of the year of 2012, there were more than

4 people living together with us. God has sent us two new students and

blessed us to worship daily; not losing hold of the word and prayer, and to

enjoy the blessing of worship within each field.

On December 20th, 2012 we held the first worship in our professor’s

room at the school (because one of the new students that enrolled into Graz

during the second semester as a direct under classmen, this blessed time

schedule has come), the following day on the 21st, two students who lived

with us have moved closer to the school and are now enjoying the blessing

David Park & Sung Eun Heo, Europe Missionary

The Voice of Europe

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of college missions. In 2009, we have been appointed as an elder, an

encourager, and three more encouragers are established in the European

regions where churches are not present. As a result, we were able to focus

on Europe and German evangelization centered around us. We have started

the church centering around the layleaders who embraced the entire

continent of Europe and German, and not just one country. Furthermore,

we operate live stream of worship for those who cannot worship with us,

like the regions of Salzburg, Austria and Frankfurt, Germany. Despite the

fact that the majority of the people are international students who have

difficulty making time to gather, we place worship, word, prayer, and

Europe evangelization as the main priority and continuously meet.

Amongst the European countries, German - speaking countries like

Germany, Switzerland, and Austria; pastors are not present. Hence, the

worship has to be either carried out by centering around the students or

the layleaders, or sometimes individuals have to survive on their own.

Therefore, sending the word through SNS or emails is more crucial than in

any other region. Knowing this fact, I have become a supporter to send the

word to student, layleaders, and missionaries in Europe daily, starting April,

2010. And these materials are the only spiritual source for them to survive

by receiving power

Since we cannot leave the students and layleaders who live far away

abandoned, 4 to 5 times a year, we team up with a pastor who is supporting

Europe missions and the layleaders from that church to do tour ministry.

Starting 2007 to January, 2013 as the last tour, we had a total of 17 tour

ministries. October, 2012 for example, we teamed up with a pastor and an

ordained deacon. The four of us drove 5,000 km to visit 50 plus layleaders,

students, and new comers in 24 cities for 8 days.

Every time I stumble upon the students that are evangelizing, worshiping,

and victoriously holding onto the word, I feel deeply touched in excitement

and rather embarrassed in deep thanksgiving.

Because saving and supporting these layleaders and students are so

urgent, we shared the word and pray to God. We ask you to pray for us

couple, Europe evangelization, and cultural art field evangelization.

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It has already been 5 months since I have arrived here in New Zealand

after leaving U.S. We arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on November, 9th

2012. On the week of arrival, we held on to that week’s pulpit word of

Genesis 12:2~3. “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I

will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who

bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will

be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:2~3).

New Zealand is different than the United States in every way. The en-

tire population is 4.5 million and about a million people live in Auckland.

The Korean population here does not reach 20 thousand. Amongst the

immigrants, Indians are the most dominant in number to the extent of

being influential to place shrines in the entrance of New Zealand librar-

ies. Furthermore, there are Hindu temples here and there to worship. The

next largest ethnicity is Chinese. When we head to colleges to evangelize,

Chinese international students comfortably accept the Gospel and those

acceptances lead to further meetings. As we see the works being done to

Chinese people, we can feel the plan of God is upon them.

God has led our couple to a church in Auckland to have a blessed meeting

with a pastor and his wife, and with their prayer and respect, we were able

to get into the ministry right away. Although it is a small church, systems to

train elders, encouragers, and students are established within the field. Also,

Meg Chong & Brandon Shin, New Zealand Missionary

The Voice of New Zealand

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just like how we served in the United States, we are serving the department

of new comers and training. Every Wednesday, laypersons from different

churches gather together for trainings. And every Fridays, we head to col-

leges to evangelize. During the remaining days, bible studies and disciple-

ship training are being held in each household.

In New Zealand, training system have never existed, so they consider

training times precious. I showed how the Gospel can be relayed and how

nurturing can be done, and now the works are rising in their own fields.

What I feel in all fields is that individuals and fields can be saved if the Gos-

pel, in which the mystery of the name “Jesus is the Christ”, is proclaimed

accurately. However, there are many conflicts among the people while los-

ing strength because there are no ministers to tell them about the Gospel

consistently. I sincerely pray that ministers, who can relay the clear Gospel,

to spread throughout the world.

One of the many meetings was with a foreign ethnic layleader who was

commissioned from China. We helped him to be able to proclaim the ac-

curate Christ, and then there were many doors of evangelism and missions

opening up through him. Thanks to God for that. Also, I have seen the

characteristic of Chinese people that they devote whole-heartedly when

they think that something is right. Through this one person, it was an op-

portunity for me to open my eyes to see how important mission is, and how

great doors can be opened through one firmly established missionary.

Despite the fact that New Zealand has a great system of social welfare, the

problems of high suicidal rate, alcoholism, and single mothers are severe. It

is a place of people only wanting to receive what the government provides,

and work to the least amount because the social welfare is so outstanding. I

wish for you to pray for us and support us so that many disciples to change

these thoughts of people with the correct Gospel.

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It is the first book in the holy scriptures of the Old Testament, first in the

Pentateuch of Moses (which are the first 5 books of the Old Testament and

they are also called the books of the law). The original title ‘Genesis’ de-

rives from the second chapter and fourth verse, “This is the account of the

heavens and the earth when they were created”. In the Hebraic bible, the

first verse of the book says ‘in the beginning’, ‘originally’, and ‘at first’, is

derived from the term ‘B'reshith’. The Septuagint, Latin translation of the

bible, called it the ‘Genesis’ (it means origin, in the beginning). English bible

also calls it the ‘Genesis’ following after, and in Korean translation: Chang

Seh Ki (the Genesis).

The majority of the churches see the author of first 5 books in the Old

Testament as Moses. Therefore, the first 5 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviti-

cus, Numbers, Deuteronomy are called the Pentateuch of Moses.

The purpose of Genesis is to announce that the only creator God can be

worshipped and served by men. Also, it is written to notify about the plan to

save mankind through the offspring of woman (Genesis 3:15), Jesus Christ;

after the corruption of Adam and Eve. Due on this purpose, the world has

been created by God, and the world is being administered through the

governing of God. That God is the living God. He has chosen one figure to

establish Israel by the purpose of saving men that are corrupted with sin.

Also, he has made a covenant with his chosen people and through that

Pastor Peter MinKyu Song

The Voice of The Bible

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covenant; He is fulfilling the work of salvation. This work of salvation is

spoken through the book of Genesis.

Genesis can be divided into two major sections:

The first part announces the ancient history of mankind (chapter 1-11).

The four incidents in the Genesis

1. Creation: the creation of the world and the mankind (chapter 1-2)

2. Depravity: the origin of sin, the excommunication from Eden, and the oc-

currence of civilization (chapter 3-5).

3. Flood: the story of Noah’s great flood (chapter 6-9).

4. Babel Tower: the beginning of ethnicities and the tower of Babel (chapter

10 - 11).

The second part is the patriarchal age (chapter 12-50). These are the four

figures of Genesis.

1. The lifetime of Abraham (chapter 12- 25:18)

2. The lifetime of Isaac (chapter 25:19-28:9).

3. The lifetime of Jacob (chapter 28:10-36).

4. The lifetime of Joseph (chapter 37-50).

While reading the Genesis, there is a point in which you must pay close

attention. It is the fact that Genesis consists of historical content, but how-

ever it is not the record of history books that are familiar to us. Genesis

actually talks about the history of salvation of how God is going to save

mankind; through the historical form of description.

Thus, Genesis talks about the origin of the world that all mankind are

seeking for, and in addition, it talks about the beginning of the original sin

that is the cause of all problems. Also, it talks about the salvation of God,

in which He has solved the problem unconditionally, the determination of

salvation, and the first message of the achiever Jesus Christ. The book of

Genesis strongly relays the message through the four incidents and the four

figures, about how the covenant of God is absolutely fulfilling.

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Vol.1 June 1. 2013 / The V

oice of Mission
