Page 1: The VOICE of Wiley Heights Covenant Church The Centrality of the … · 2013-02-06 · The VOICE of Wiley Heights Covenant Church The Centrality of the Word 12504 GILBERT ROAD, YAKIMA,

The VOICE of Wiley Heights Covenant Church

12504 GILBERT ROAD, YAKIMA, WA February, 2013

The Centrality of the Word Throughout this year my newsletter articles will take a look at the markers of a Healthy/Missional Church. By “Healthy” we mean pursuing Christ. By “Missional” we mean pursuing Christ's priorities in the world. Each month a marker will be selected and, for the purposes of the newsletter, I'll include a more personal reflection. This month's marker is: The Centrality of the Word I have forever and ever hating memorizing. It seemed like a pointless exercise to memorize anything. If it was written down somewhere and I could find it, that would be enough. This feeling extended to scripture. Memorizing Bible verses brings me back to Sunday School days, when I would be in the back seat of the Oldsmobile or Buick, trying to memorize my verse for the morning, to get a sticker, to eventually earn a piece of candy. Memorizing appeared to be only about memorizing. It now seems antiquated, if we see it as just a way to carry information around, since in a few seconds flat, I can jump on my computer and find any verse, even with just the memory of a couple of the words. I felt this way for a long time, until I read an article that reflected on a book called Scripture by Heart: De-votional Practices for Memorizing God's Word by Joshua Choonmin Kang (which I now own.) Never had it occurred to me that memorizing scripture was something that would help me grow in my faith. Yet, as I've experienced through my spotty practice of memorizing scripture, I know now that there is something much deeper to memorizing; deeper than just filling my head with a series of words. Buried within memorization, is a chance for reflection, as it is chewed on like a cow with its cud. With such an action, the power lies not in just memorizing it and leaving it at that, but that continually returning to it, be-ginning to shape my mind and my actions. Very similar to the words the Apostle Paul wrote to some Christians, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) I have found myself whispering the words of the New Testament book of James under my breath, “Whenever you face trials of any kind...” (James 1:2-4), when struggling with a difficult situation. Or, in the same way, I have encouraged myself with the words of the Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah, who said, “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord...”(Jeremiah 17:7-8). I wish I was more faithful in this devotional practice, and it's my hope to be so. Still, I can say more fruit has come from this simple little exercise (memorizing) to shape my heart and mind over the long haul, more than almost anything else. Could this be a way you could making the truth of scripture not just words on a page, but some-thing that forms you? Jesus, in the parable about the seeds being sown in different soils, shared these words: “But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance.” (Luke 8:15) Pastor Mark

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(This issue of the Voice of Wiley Heights is presenting (in highlighted form) a synopsis of the recent

Annual Meeting of Wiley Heights Covenant Church, 2012, held on Sunday, January 27, 2013. Copies of

the entire report are available in the office.)


1. A presentation of Wiley Heights Covenant Church Behavioral Covenant, given by individual Executive

Board Members.

2. Chairman’s Annual Report: Art McEwen Over the past year I have been amazed by this congregation many times. The love that has been shown for others and this church is wonderful. The faithfulness of giving has allowed us to end the year in a very sound financial position when so many other churches are struggling. The energy of so many who come out to help pack gift boxes and apple bags. And of course the many smiling faces that are seen here each Sunday. That is not to say we have not had challenges. We have seen the attendance of our youth activities decrease and we have con-

tinued to have problems finding people willing to serve on Boards and in positions of leadership.

I would like to give a special thank you to the members of the executive committee, Jim Milton, Ted Ny-berg, Nadyne Snipes, Marian Anderson, Sherrin Melcher, and Pastor Mark. These people gave of their time to seek the will of God for this church and the people who attend it. Their wisdom, patience, humor, and consistency

has been a true blessing.

As we begin this new year I look forward to what God has in store for us.

3. Pastor Mark E. Swanson God's Abundance God provides us with everything. It’s truly amazing to see how He works in the lives of individuals and us as a church, when we are receptive to Him. Generosity flows in His love, forgiveness, and direction. And, as it is received, it becomes clear that it is something which is meant not ever to be hoarded, but to be shared, as I have seen Wiley Heights do in the last year. This is not a question of just financial resources, which we are blessed with because of the faithfulness of those who call Wiley Heights home, but also in time and energy shared, and a willing-ness to dream about how that abundance can flow all the more freely through our church and community. I have been a recipient of that abundance. I feel grateful to be called as a pastor to this place, to those who have committed to be a part of this church, and who walk into the future with hope and excitement. The abundance I receive is in opportunities to be a pastor to you in my regular weekly rhythms and in all the needed “diversions” that spice it up. For me, my regular weekly rhythms are preparing for sermons, meetings, confirmation, and Bible Study. It's a rhythm of life I truly enjoy, but it would feel incomplete without the “diversions”. The conversations around meals, the shared work on a project for the church, the prayers lifted with a grieving fam-ily, the late-night run to the hospital, and the joys of a wedding ceremony. A part of ministry one never grows used to, is the passing of those we care for, and 2012 brought the loss of some dear friends. We mourn their deaths, yet we are aware, too, of the hope we have, that they are now with Jesus through the abundance of eternity. Indeed, the last year was filled with all of the regular rhythms of life. In addition, there are also some other opportunities worth noting, both because of their uniqueness and their future impact.

Congregational Vitality This focus began in April, 2011, and has given birth to significant fruit, especially in the last year. We passed, as a congregation, the Behavioral Covenant, a commitment to speak, listen, and act in love towards one another. In April we held a visioning event, which was an exciting opportunity to hear how Wiley Heights has been

a past blessing in peoples' lives and, also, to dream about the future. That work flowed directly into a con-

versation about the structure of our leadership model, which has dominated the conversation of the Vitality Team.

We are beginning to imagine, with the Executive Committee, how that element (leadership) of our church could be

most fruitful, in order to make those future dreams a reality.

Another addition to the work of Congregational Vitality has been an opportunity to participate in Navigate.

This began with a conference in Minneapolis that I attended with Dorothy Card and Marilyn Milton. It was a fantas-

tic opportunity to grow, to learn about the opportunities for the future, as they may apply to Wiley Heights.

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Looking ahead to 2013, we will spend our year focusing on certain defined markers for us (and other

churches) that would say we are pursuing Christ and Christ's priorities. As it was stated elsewhere, that we be

both healthy and missional. Looking at one a a month, we hope to raise these priorities up as markers to shoot for,

not just for a season, but as part of God's continual hope for us as a church. A failing in the past has been in not

communicating this vitality work clearly with the congregation. Our hope is to do better through a monthly newslet-

ter update, a bulletin board, and other paths of communication. We also will remain open to other opportunities that

can be embraced as we look to the future, as we seek to pursue Christ and his priorities.

Sharing the Harvest

This year we launched a pilot project that sold apples to churches, with the funds going to directly assist a

research and training farm in the Central African Republic. This pilot project has been endorsed by the North Pa-

cific Conference and garnered much excitement for connecting churches, while at the same time providing needed

funds for fruitful mission work. By all accounts, the pilot project was a success, raising $2295! We had a wonderful

day at church bagging apples that were distributed that following week to participating Covenant Churches. We

look forward to next year, as we drop the “pilot” from the project, and see how we can reach more churches, to

make more connections, to generate more funds, to change more lives.


I hope I say it enough, but a life is much sweeter when it filled with gratitude. And it is easy to be thankful

here at Wiley Heights, not only to God, but for those in this community. There are many who give time, sweat, and

resources to this church. Your openness to serve in keeping the property tidy, in serving meals, in leadership roles,

in nursery caretaking, in prayers offered, and all the other roles that are filled, speak to the quality of the character

of those of this church.

The year ahead will bring its own opportunities, some we can anticipate and some the Spirit will bring

(John 3:8). I look forward as a church, being attentive to the Spirit's leading, as we work to remain faithful, not only

to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ, but also to be mindful of his calling, to effectively share his love and

good news in word and deed.

In Christ's Gratitude & Peace, Pastor Mark E. Swanson

4. CE Board This year the CE board will continue to oversee Sunday School, our ministries to the children/families in our congregation (nursery, children's church), and trying to reach kids outside of the church as well. Without a Youth and Family director staff position, we will be working extra hard to ensure that this part of our minis-try does not get neglected. However, we will need YOUR help! Please, when we announce upcoming events/activities that we need assistance with, consider joining us! Young or old, if you can run or need to sit, we can use you. Megan Swanson, for the CE Board 5. Director of Youth and Family Ministries As I conclude my fifth year as paid staff at Wiley Heights, I take time to reflect. I have witnessed many changes in youth ministry here at Wiley Heights. I have had the privilege of watching many of our youth grow into adulthood and become productive, Christ centered citizens. This brings me great joy knowing God allowed me a small part in their life - what an honor. I also recognize how the world has changed and how busy our youth are today. They have very little free time and must make difficult choices as to where to spend it. Families work very hard to spend quality time together, and I have tried to honor that as your youth director. I am pleased to tell you that the families of our church are active in Sunday school, Children’s Church, or Conformation. Unfortunately, time does not allow for more. As a member of this church, I Support the recommen-dation from the CE board to eliminate the position of Youth and Family Director. The volunteers and Pastor Mark are ministering to the youth of our church. We no longer need a full time paid staff person.

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(Dir. Of Youth & Family, con’t:) This will make funds available to do outreach ministry to the youth in our community in ways I am neither trained or equipped to do. You see, this problem is not unique to Wiley Heights and the church, as a whole, needs to find ways to do youth ministry differently. The CE Board is also presenting a recommendation to form a commit-tee to look at future staffing needs of the church. My hope is we can find ways to minister to the youth in our com-munity and show them Jesus by our service. I don’t know what that will look like but our Lord does, and I trust he will show us in his time. God has a plan for me as well. My work here these past few years has given me a heart for the broken but often I have been left frustrated, not knowing how to help. Therefore, I am returning to school. I will begin in the fall at YVCC to obtain my AA degree and my long-term goal is to get a degree in counseling. For this, I will need your prayers; I have not been in school in 30 years. However, I am confident this is where God is calling me, and where he calls, he equips! I love this church and plan to continue to serve in the areas of ministry that are near and dear to my heart. The worship band will continue to do the services at the Union Gospel Mission. I plan to continue working with Op-eration Shoebox. My experience at CHIC changed my life, it will always be an important ministry, and I will be happy to help with fundraisers for that tri-annual event. I also will continue as your Camp Coordinator unless some-one else would like that blessing. To Pastor Mark: Thanks for your support, advice and encouragement during this past year. I am thankful God called you to lead our church! A special thank you to Dave Elzie and Jesse Seymour, who faithfully showed up to every event, even when the students didn’t. In Christ ><> Sherrin Melcher - Jeremiah 29:11-13 6. Camp Report This year we helped 50 people go to camp, at a cost of $7,692.00. This could not be possible without the generous support of this congregation. Early registration is in March and that’s just around the corner. Grab a camp brochure and make your plans early. Sherrin Melcher (930-6227) - Camp coordinator 7. Vacation Bible School We had an average attendance of 8 students. Preston Wade and Julia Mellander were leaders in charge of ‘student excitement’, plus the Mission Band with Dave, Jesse, AJ and myself. Each day we learned a new part of the gospel message and how to share it with others. Sherrin Melcher 8. Sunday School I’m so thankful for the Sunday School. It gives us another opportunity to squeeze out more blessings from each Sunday when we worship God with our friends. I’m especially thankful for our teachers this year: Dave Elzie, George Helton, Jim Nichols, the Ladies class, & Pastor Mark. Teaching our children were: Sherrin Melcher, Anne McEwen, Sandy Helton, Marian Anderson, and Megan Swanson. My one lament is the lack of children in Sunday School. Please encourage any child you know to attend Sunday School. Pray! Chuck Tissell, Sunday School Supt. 9. Deacon Board The Deacon Board is in place to meet the congregation’s needs with service to their faith, family and com-munity. Also, to follow through on learning the needs and circumstances of the missionaries the church supports. Through the board generated Vitality Team, a behavioral covenant was developed and presented to the congregation and received final approval. A successful visionary event was held in May. Several individuals/families were helped with food or funds to cover certain needs. In May, after an inter-view by this Board, four people were presented for membership to the congregation. Those accepted into mem-bership were Jessica Albert, Kay Bishop, Samantha Milbredt and Leslie Shields.

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(Deacon Bd., cont’.) During the year, we worked on providing Gluten-free bread for Communion. Also, to expedite the serving of the elements, a fifth server was added to bring them to those in the balcony, nursery and children’s church. Friday “Out to Lunch Bunch is in it’s third year and turnout is good. People enjoy this time together and it has brought in some new people. Thank you to my fellow Board members: Marilyn Milton, Sandy Nyberg, Doug Field, John Marsh and Steve Carlson for their efforts in serving as Deacons. Also, thank you to the congregation for allowing me to serve in this position. God is so good. I see His love here, all around. Nadyne Snipes, Chairman 10. Trustees The Trustees finished the year with many unfinished projects but, also accomplished much: spring clean-up, new dishwasher purchased and installed, several windows replaced, drapes were cleaned, parking lot cracks filled. On-going projects: roadside sign, stone work on belltower, complete playground installation. Future projects: new roof, re-landscape area at church entrance. Thanks to all who have come forward to help on all these projects. Ted Nyberg for the Trustees 11. Women Ministries We want to thank all of the ladies who have works so hard for us this year. We pray God’s blessing upon you and yours in 2013. The year was a busy one: Rip n’ Roll (bandaged rolling for Congo) once a month, if possible; memorial receptions for several families; WM Sunday with speaker Jill Sundvold from Rod’s House; WM fundraisers, (baked potato feed, quilt raffles), various excursions throughout the valley; Operation Christmas Child shoe box wrapping and wrapping gifts for the Union Gospel Mission children’s Christmas party; Harvest Festival with the UGM speak-ing; annual Christmas Dinner after the Christmas play on Dec. 9; Julotta reception on Christmas morning; 4 wed-dings throughout the year. WM was able to meet financial commitments to the Covenant , mailing costs to Congo, and to missionary gifts at Christmas. Marian Anderson, Chair; Bev Cardoza, Treasurer

Happy Anniversary February Birthdays 2 Ronald Nystrom 4 Charity Diaz 5 Kayla McKinney 9 Patrick Hurley 10 Julianne Hull Oskar Swanson 12 Darlene Burns 13 Nancy Kuenn 16 Erika Mellander 18 Brad Card Art McEwen 19 David Ward

21 Pam Milford Gene Clasen 22 Tracy Field 24 Marci Venable Peggy Johnson Wayne Jones Angela Riedman 26 Heath Arensen Stephen Milton 27 Bev Jones

2 Gene & Sherry Clasen

25 Andrew & Anita Thompson

26 Chawley & Becky Thomas

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12. Library Committee Ongoing focus: to upgrade the collection and promote greater use of the resources available through add-ing new books and by removing those that are duplicated or underused. The fiction section remains a popular area of the library. The committee continues to add books in order to complete fiction series and supply newer works by popular authors. The committee has begun building a section of large-print works. Currently, these are primarily fiction books but non-fiction works will be added. In the spirit of providing information and help, we also hope to add a bulletin board that will advise members of the congregation about useful community resources. We encourage the members and friends of Wiley Heights to visit the library and learn what is available. The committee welcomes reviews of books that have been read as well as suggestions for additions to the collec-tion or improvements to the library. Serving on the library committee this year were Charlotte Field, Dorothy Card, Bernice Bitz, and Marilyn Milton. Wiley Heights Covenant Church library is a member of the Pacific Northwest As-sociation of Church Libraries (PNACL). The local chapter meets regularly to address issues related to church libraries. 13. Quilting B This year we made 108 quilts. We always enjoy showing them off on Quilt Sunday and we continue to thank you for your support in the purchase you made. We sold 34 quilts. We gave the remaining quilts to: YWCA Battered Women: 42 quilts this year and $103.00 in cleaning supplies and staples. Buddy Bags and Voice for Children: 26 quilts and $100.00 to Voices for Children. This program helps with sports equipment, music, or some other life enriching activity. Women Ministries: We gave two quilts to raffle, supporting Rip n' Roll. We have enjoyed this past year, our fellowship and ministry. We have from 10-12 women each meeting, on the 1st and 4th Wednesday of each month, 10:00am to 2:30pm. You are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Carolyn Van de Graaf, coordinator

14. Treasurer

This has been a good year at Wiley Heights Covenant Church, financially speaking. At the beginning of 2012, we created an operational fund, to be tapped in case incoming funds were short of meeting monthly obliga-tions. We have had to tap the fund a few times (to make payroll, in every case) but have always made it a priority to pay it back as soon as possible. Recently, due to the generous hearts of our church family, all expenses/ obliga-tions/payrolls have been paid on time, with no borrowing. Thank you, everyone! The full financial report is available in the church office. Anne McEwen, Treasurer, with Cindy Tissell 15. Additional information: 1) Chairman Art McEwen introduced constitutional and by-law changes that will be underway throughout 2013, to

be voted on at the next Annual Meeting in 2014. Each packet contained a copy of the current constitution and by-laws, along with current modification proposals of each document.

2) Vitality Team member, George Helton, presented the Wiley Heights Governance Opportunity, clarifying the need for change in our church governing process. He then answered questions regarding th process.

16. 2013 Elections: Art McEwen, Chairman; Jim Milton, Vice-Chairman; Dorothy Card/Becky Thomas, co-

Executive Secretary; Anne McEwen, Treasurer; Cindy Tissell, Financial Secretary,

For CE, Deacon, and Trustee Board elections, please contact the office or check the website.

End of 2012 Annual Report synopsis.

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February Announcements: 1. The regular calendar for February has been distributed at church this month, due to the length of this

report. If you would like a copy, please contact the office—966-2383. 2. Wiley Heights Book Club: Tuesday night, February 26, 6:30pm, at Danielle Surkatty’s home: Ph.# —

966-1529.The Hole in Our Gospel: What Does God expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life and Might Just Change the World.

3. Confirmation is postponed until Feb. 13, at 7:00pm. 4. There are copies of 2013 Volunteer Schedules in the narthex. Thank you for volunteering. 5. Rod’s House Dinner—February 21st: Jim/Jean Nichols, Jim/Marilyn Milton, Joanne Pace, Lesli Shields, Luis/Eva Diaz, Marc/Sharma Hanna.

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Wiley Heights Covenant Church

12504 Gilbert Road

Yakima, WA 98903

Meeting the Valley

Non Profit Org.



Yakima, WA

Permit #168

Wiley Heights Covenant Church exists to magnify God's name, bring people to Jesus and membership in His family, encourage growth in Christ-like maturity, and equip every member for their ministry in the church and their life mission in the world. Wiley Heights Covenant Church 12504 Gilbert Rd. Yakima, WA 98903 The church office is closed on Mondays.

Pastor Mark Swanson Scheduled ‘in office’ hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 1:30-3:30pm. Monday off. Other times by appointment. Church 966-2383/cell 494-9850 [email protected] Regular church office hours Tuesday-Friday, 8:30am-1:00pm 966-2383/fax 966-6948 [email protected]

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