Page 1: The Use of TurningPoint (Clicker) Technology for Formative ...amyf/presentations/uscots2009poster.pdf · Facilitating Classroom Economics ... Our main objective focuses ... Clicker

Department of StatisticsUSCOTS 2009, Columbus Ohio

06/25-06/27 2009

Ulrike Genschel, Amy G. Froelich, Kim Mueller

Acknowledgements: Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (Miller Faculty Development Fund)

The Use of TurningPoint (Clicker) Technology for Formative Assessment in Introductory Statistics Set-up of Study• Participants: one section of Stat 101 (Principles of Statistics for General Undergraduates),

approx. 100 students one section of Stat 226 (Introduction to Business Statistics), approx. 80 students

• classes met three times/week for 50 minutes and twice/week for 75 minutes, respectively

• clickers were provided to students at beginning of each class period – a personal clicker was assigned to every student throughout the entire semester

• students had to register personal clicker in WebCT for grade recording purposes

• clickers were used throughout the entire semester at least once week

• a set of questions was written for each of the topics discussed in class

• questions were written for each of the Types of Bloom’s Taxonomy: (for sample questions see center display)

o Remembering

o Understanding

o Applying

o Analyzing

o Evaluating

o Creating

References • Brookhart, S.M. (2009). Editorial. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Vol.28, No.1.

• Brookhart, S.M. (1997). A theoretical framework for the role of classroom assessment in motivating student effort and achievement.Applied Measurement in education. Vol. 10, pp. 161-180.

• Chickering, A., Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. AAHE Bulletin, No. 39, pp. 3-7.

• Duncan, D. (2005). Clickers in the Classroom. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc.

• Liu, D.J., Walker, J.D., Bauer, T.A., Zhao, M. (2008). Facilitating Classroom Economics Experiments with an Emerging Technology: TheCase of Clickers. Department of Applied Economics, Univ. of Minn. Preprint.

• Martyn, M. (2007). Clickers in the Classroom: An Active Learning Approach. Edcause Quarterly,

• McClave, J.T., Benson, P.G., Sincich, T. (2008). Statistics for Business and Economics. Pearson Prentics Hall, NJ.

• Medina, J. (2008). Brain Rules. Pear Press, Seattle, WA.

• Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank, K.A., Mayer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., Wittrock , M.C. (Eds.) (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing ­ A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Preliminary Results and What Did We Learn?• End of semester surveys indicated positive experience for students (and instructors!)

• Clickers are a valuable learning tool if used appropriately. Use of clickers helps improve classroomparticipation and student interest in Introductory Statistics courses.

• Clicker questions should not used as a replacement of standard forms of knowledge assessment asthe level of learning is not the same.

• Type of question (see center display) determines suitability of clicker question, i.e. higherlevel questions e.g. analyzing, evaluating and creating at first glance to not appear optimalfor in-class use due to different work paces of students (“idle times” for faster studentsshould generally be avoided).

• To a certain extent higher level questions, however, can be incorporated in combination withgroup work, classroom discussions, think-write-pair-share activities.

• Effective use of higher-level questions needs to be explored further and incorporationof such questions into on-line learning platform such as WebCT might be more suitable

• Number of clicker questions per use needs to be limited, students remain attentive for3-4 questions.

• Further research needs to be done to assess effectiveness of clickers quantitatively (seeproposed research).

• Technology is generally reliable but not always.

Constructing and Building Knowledge using clickers

In his book Brain Rules, John Medina theorizes that “Memories are so volatile that you haveto repeat to remember” and consistent re-exposure to the information is a necessary basis ofacquiring knowledge. He argues that short term memory can be created through repetition(Rule #5: Repeat to Remember) and that long-term memory, taking years to consolidate, canonly be built through remembering to repeat (Rule # 6: Remember to Repeat).

“Repeated exposure to information in specifically timed intervals provides the most powerful way to fix memory into the brain.”

• Clickers clearly provide a powerful tool when trying to implement repetition into classroominstruction.

• Consistent use of clickers at the beginning or end of a class period allow instructors to referto previously discussed topics while spending very little time instructional time.

• Both students and instructors will be provided with immediate feedback on how much ofpreviously discussed and learned material is still being retained by students at any later stageof the course allowing to assess “cumulative course knowledge”.

• This is particularly intriguing in the context of essential and continuously reoccurring topicssuch as normal distributions or sampling distributions of estimators.

Objectives & BackgroundStudent Response Systems (clickers hereafter) have been successfully utilized in classroominstruction (e.g. Duncan, Liu, Martyn). Recognized as an active learning tool they allowstudents to become more easily engaged at the time of instruction and they can be helpful instimulating student interest. The feature of anonymously collecting students’ responses lowerscommon classroom barriers between instructor and students such as the reluctance to answerin-class questions out of fear of being wrong or being judged by peers. If used properly clickersdo change students from passive to active learners. Furthermore, they serve as an immediatefeedback of the students’ understanding to the instructor that otherwise is impossible.

Clickers lend themselves very easily to classes with less quantitative focus, e.g. humanities,or fact-based sciences that do not center instruction around problem solving methods andskills (e.g. mathematics, statistics, or econometrics). Our main objective focuses on evaluatingthe effectiveness of clickers for formative assessment in introductory Statistics courses.In simple terms we wish to explore “what works and what does not.”

Clickers have proven their effectiveness undoubtedly at lower levels of learning (followingBloom’s Taxonomy) and we expect similar results in our study. The suitability and effectivenessregarding higher levels of learning however has not been explored extensively and needs to becarefully evaluated.

Results are preliminary, as the Spring semester of 2009 served as pilot study. More concretehypotheses (see below) including formative assessment are to follow throughout the Fall 2009and Spring 2010 semesters.

Proposed Research Hypotheses• What is the best way to incorporate clickers into Introductory Statistics courses?

• How effective is the use of clickers? Can the effect be quantified and is the benefit tostudent’s understanding of the course material significant?

• Does the use of clickers have an impact on student’s attitudes towards Statistics?

• Does the effective use of clickers depend on class sizes and class topics? What adjustments,if any, are necessary depending on class size and class topics.

• Are clickers suitable for all levels of learning?

• How can clickers effectively be combined with other active and traditional learning tools?

Worked Did not

Clicker questions for the different levels of learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy







Some Example Questions Used in Class
