Page 1: The Ultimate Guide To Approach · Even though “approaching” is only a small part of the Love Systems Triad Model, it is con-sistently
Page 2: The Ultimate Guide To Approach · Even though “approaching” is only a small part of the Love Systems Triad Model, it is con-sistently

The Ultimate Guide To Approach AnxietyCopyright 2010 Love Systems, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

Page 3: The Ultimate Guide To Approach · Even though “approaching” is only a small part of the Love Systems Triad Model, it is con-sistently


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Many people continue to reference the “connecting the dots” speech given by Steve Jobs at Stanford University in 2005 ( ) – and for good reason – it was like a light bulb for millions of people who suddenly were able to make sense of their life paths.

Around the time that Steve Jobs delivered this speech, I was just beginning to realize many of the points he was making and I was getting into a comfortable flow of life that I had never had before – comfortable because I no longer felt anxiety at not knowing my destination. Instead I was really enjoy-ing my journey and I could feel that the experiences on my journey were guiding me in a wonderful direction.

For the last six years, I have been conscious of the dots that my life has been made up of and I have been very fortunate that they have continued to enrich me and to lead me to further new and exciting experiences.

There have also been significant dots or “singularities” as I like to refer to them. The initial state of the universe, at the beginning of the Big Bang, was a singularity, according to general relativity, hence why I refer to significant turning points in my life as singularities – moments when I made major shifts – like I am guessing you are doing right now.

With singularities in mind, I have a number of people to thank for being major catalysts in my life journey: My thanks first and foremost go to KT in London – not only have you been an incredible friend, but your pushing me into self-development, after a very trying period with my personal business, was probably the most significant singularity that launched my life as it is today – thank you for changing my life, my friend!

Thanks to Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Richard Bandler, Tad James, Matt James, Mystery, Style and similar great thinkers and teachers who have pursued the art of human development in varying forms.

Thanks to Braddock who spotted me at his Bootcamp in Los Angeles in 2008 and whose conviction in my abilities set an “iron frame” that was so strong that I had little choice but to push myself until I felt I could begin to fit the shoes he had laid out for me.

Thanks to Savoy who is the guiding hand behind Love Systems and who not only brought me on as an instructor but also has continued to provide me feedback on how I can improve and develop myself further.

And thanks to Jeremy Soul, who has been my main mentor since joining Love Systems – providing me with advice not only on dating science and marketing but even personal advice on how to grow myself as a person. His discipline, integrity and wisdom are far beyond his years and he has truly been an inspiration for me in this stage of my life journey.

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Thanks to Mr M, Sheriff, Future, Starlight, Keychain, Vercetti and all the Love Systems instructors who have given me advice and support throughout my journey.

I want to thank my friends at school for their incredible support and discretion throughout my time with Love Systems especially JP, FS, SH and J-MT.

Finally, I want to thank my sisters for being there for me no matter what and of course my greatest thanks go to my mother and father for giving me an incredible upbringing – full of love, security and

free choice that has allowed me to make the choices I have made.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS(click links below for quick navigation)

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Thank you for reading this Ultimate Guide to Approach Anxiety.

I hope that not only do you really enjoy reading this and learning from it, but that you see a major shift in the way you view “cold approach” (meeting women that you haven’t met before) going forward.

The concepts and ideas in this book came not only from painful personal experiences as I struggled with my shyness and my fragile ego in my early days, but more than anything they are a compilation of common sense ideas and collective experiences of many, many men before you and me.

Even though “approaching” is only a small part of the Love Systems Triad Model, it is con-sistently the one area that guys state as their biggest challenge when they arrive for our Bootcamps…only to find out how easily they get over this on their very first night and realize that it is actually one of the easiest things they learn during the weekend…and this is what drove me to put this together.

When was the last time you saw a beautiful woman, but either did not have the courage to talk to her or made up some excuse as to why you shouldn’t?

Probably quite recently – if you are being truly honest – and perhaps even earlier today?

Let’s make something very clear right up front – approach anxiety is normal and approach anxiety is good. In fact most Love Systems instructors will admit that they still feel approach anxiety – particularly on their first approach of the day or evening. It is a signal that you are doing something right – that you are moving beyond your comfort zone – and that is exactly what you should be doing if you are going to grow and experience new and incredible things.


1) Newbies who need a helping hand to get out of the starting gate.

2) More experienced guys who are maybe not pushing their dating skill as far as they could and should.


a) Background to approach anxiety – what it is and why it is so natural.

b) Logical explanations for why it is so important to approach and get out of your

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comfort zone.

c) Practical tips on how to actually start approaching.

Good luck and have fun!

- Carbeau, Love Systems Instructor

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Fear of approach or “approach anxiety” are simply labels we use to describe natural physi-

ological responses that our bodies generate when taking risks – specifically increased blood

flow in the amygdale, a core part of the brain that performs a primary role in the processing

of emotional reactions. If anyone has engaged in activities, such as skydiving, bungee jump-

ing, and extreme skiing or simply taken a major rollercoaster ride, then you will recognize a

similar feeling. It is hard-wired into our genetic programming – we feel it whenever we face

a challenge, test our boundaries or break our comfort zones…


Artificial modern social norms that have developed over the past 50-100 years have been re-

sponsible for exacerbating feelings of anxiety, particularly in more hierarchical and conformist

societies, such as in East Asia and Northern Europe. Modern social programming has condi-

tioned many of us to shy away from cold approaching women for a host of reasons, such as:

• Modern fears of kidnap / pedophilia, etc. have trained children not to talk to strangers.

• Modern urban lifestyle conditions people to keep to themselves and not talk to

strangers (when was the last time you talked to a stranger on the bus / metro /


• Modern social focus on privacy conditions us to respect other people’s personal


• Increasingly litigious society causes men to fear civil or criminal legal proceedings for


• Fear of damaging your reputation / being known as a “sleaze ball” within a limited

social circle.

• Fear of rejection / injury to personal ego.

This social programming pushes us to seek safe ground rather than taking risks and has

made it increasingly difficult for us to tap into our natural biological desire to push our bound-

aries (think about how, as young boys, we sought to climb higher trees or jump off higher

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diving boards). We literally need to peel away the layers of social programming that hold

us back and get back to our natural biological programming. Instead of allowing any one

of the above reasons to become a convenient excuse for taking the safe route (i.e. not ap-

proaching), we need to embrace the experience and feel the rush of positive emotions that

we experience when we venture just beyond our comfort zone

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1. It is part of your DNA – embrace it, don’t fight it!

Learning to “overcome” approach anxiety is like learning to overcome the need to eat or

sleep. Studies have shown that, in the absence of challenge, men can become clinically

depressed – facing and dealing with challenge is core to our male essence – living life within

your comfort zone is contrary to our natural biological state.

Remember that your biological purpose is just two things: to survive and replicate – no more

than. So anything leading to replication is absolutely core to your sense of self and your mas-

culine identity in particular and will feed you emotionally – therefore you don’t want to over-

come approach anxiety, you want to embrace each challenge and re-connect with your bio-

logical imperative. Once you do this a few times in quick succession (and gain momentum),

you will enter a virtuous cycle of risk and reward – each time you approach and push your

boundaries, you will get such a rush that it will make you hungry for the next one. Trust me.

2. Take action and get your dopamine hit!

The only way to move from paralysis to taking action is…by taking action!

Taking action in order to take action is a chicken and egg paradox to some extent. However,

when we take action, our brains release a neurotransmitter chemical, dopamine, which is

designed to make us feel good, producing effects such as increased heart rate and blood


In fact, dopamine is believed to provide a teaching signal to parts of the brain responsible for

acquiring new behavior. Since dopamine neurons are observed when an unexpected reward

is presented, they encode a conditioned stimulus after repeated pairings with a specific re-

ward. Thus dopamine helps us learn to repeat behaviors that maximize rewards.

Have you ever grudgingly washed your car or cleaned the kitchen and found that you feel

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great once you get going? That’s the dopamine kicking in.

3. Nobody can reject you based on a cold approach

Think about this - a woman does not know you and has no idea what kind of guy you are

when you approach and therefore, if she blows you out, she is not rejecting you, she is simply

rejecting your approach.

Welcome getting blown out as great feedback and learn from it. With practice, you will just

keep getting better!

As Sinn says in the Love Systems Interview Series on Opening and Transitioning: “Most

women are not bitches – they are just bitches to you when you approach them badly. Her

bitchy behavior is more of a test than who she actually is.”

4. The faster you fail, the faster you succeed!

If you read the bios of the top guys in Love Systems, the most common story is…failure! The

reason that they are now the best in the business is down to their resilience and their willing-

ness to learn from their knocks. For those of us who are not naturally good with women,

much of this stuff takes a lot of practice. Because it needs to be instinctive and come over

as natural and congruent, no amount of reading books or blogs can achieve this – you need

to get out there and use it so that you can truly internalize it.

I got this quote from Mr M and Daxx: “You have to fail to succeed, so fail fast” – I love this!

Once again, welcome the knocks you get with open arms, because these are the experi-

ences that really help you to learn, improve and succeed.

5. Have no regrets

Imagine you see just one woman each day who you find attractive (a massive underestimate)

- over 10 years that would mean 365 days x 10 years = 3650 missed opportunities.

Despite the fact that they are all presumably beautiful (because you found them attractive in

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the first place), how many hundreds would have met all your personal criteria (smart, funny,

loving, etc.) and probably would find you attractive also? Unfortunately you will never know,

because you missed them all.

Think about it - does it hurt? It should.

One of Braddock’s favorite quotes: “Failure weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.”

6. You need to filter for women who meet your standards

Your standards should be high, so you should get used to filtering women out. Ballpark - I

propose that at least 80% of women you find physically attractive should not meet your stan-

dards according to wider criteria, such as personal interests and values, and therefore you

need to approach that many more women just so that you increase your chances of identify-

ing which women you really wish to progress things with, not because they respond to your

approach, but because they meet your criteria.

Given that you may not be able to set up dates with all of the 20% of women who meet your

standards (especially before you’ve really gotten good at dating), you need to approach even

more women just to increase your chances and your experience.

7. It’s difficult to meet women if you don’t meet women

This is just a statement of the obvious, but one which hopefully hits home. Many people

complain that they don’t meet nice women or they cannot find nice women. However, if you

are not actually approaching women to introduce yourself in the first place, then you are not

exactly helping yourself, are you?

London-based Love Systems Instructor, Keychain, says he lives by what Mahatma Gandhi

once said: “You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there

will be no result.”

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8. Realize how much power you have

Consider how lucky you are to be a man. As a heterosexual man, you have total power to

approach any woman you want – the world is literally your oyster - you have so much choice!


• Heterosexualwoman: do you have any idea how incredibly difficult it is for women

to cold approach men - the immediate socially-conditioned sub-communication is

desperate / easy / low value. By comparison, the sub-communication of a man cold

approaching a woman is confidence / strength.

• Homosexualman: consider how offended some homo-phobic guys can be when

they are hit on by other guys – so much so that they may even get violent or at least

verbally aggressive – by comparison women want to be hit on, so the game is

completely in your favor.

You have an incredible power and gift that over 50% of the world does not possess. Many

guys never take advantage of it. Don’t be one of those men that sits around and watches life

passing him by. Realize that you have this power and choice and don’t waste it!!

9. Women love to be approached but 95% of men have no approach skill

As you begin approaching women more and more, you will quickly realize that women love

to be approached because it flatters and validates their sense of femininity.

Women get approached all the time, but 95% of the time, they are approached badly and

this is why they build up an automatic defense shield to fend off guys with no real value –

and this is understandable because they just don’t have time to deal with every guy who

approaches them. But simply by reading this article, you are already ahead of 95% of the

male population. Just by being a little different (for example using the openers that you can

find in Daytime Dating) and demonstrating confidence, you will see an enormous difference

in the way women perceive you.

I do a lot of daytime dating approaches and, when just starting out, I was amazed when my

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phone number success rate went from around a paltry 10% to around 80% by making just a

few tweaks to my approach – but there is no way I could do this unless I took a few knocks

in the beginning to get the feedback I needed.

10. Consider the 8 attraction switches

Let’s just remind you of the 8 attraction switches from Daytime Dating – the 8 key male at-

tributes that women are attracted to:

• Appearance

• Confidence

• Humor

• Social Intelligence

• Passion

• Pre-selection

• Status

• Wealth

Do you think that someone with confidence, status, social intelligence, and who is used to

being surrounded by and challenging beautiful women, would think twice about approaching

a woman he finds attractive?

Obviously not – so neither should you. You need to adopt an air of confidence that sub-com-

municates that you already have all the attraction switches, until you actually do have them.

To illustrate this, I often make reference a specific scene in a recent film with Scarlett Johans-

son, called “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” Check out the guy’s body language and the attrac-

tion switches that he possesses – note also how many times he remains in the conversation

despite getting rejected where most guys would have left with their tails between their legs:

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1. Fix your inner game!

I was unsure whether to put this as the first or the last practical tip. In fact, I was not even

sure if I should include it at all. Why? Because it is not a quick practical tip by any means and

the last thing I want is to suggest a tip that is so enormous that it paralyses you into inaction.

So here is the condition I attach to this point:

Do not use this as an excuse for not approaching – inner game is a long-term project (that

we are / should be all working on all the time) and needs to be done alongside everything else

not before (because otherwise none of us would ever make any progress!).

This is a huge topic (in fact the subject of a full-day seminar with Braddock and Mr M) and

I won’t even pretend to do it justice in just a few lines – so below are just two of my favorite

and simplest recommendations. There is some overlap here with “getting in state” (see next

point), so you can also do these things before you go out, but for inner game development

purposes, try to do these things religiously every day – I suggest the morning (as soon as you

get up) and the evening (before you sleep) for just 5-10 minutes each time:

• Reinforceyoursuccesses: go over any positive interactions with women that you

can remember – ideally that day, otherwise recent experiences or simply the most

memorable experiences you have. Remind yourself how awesome you are!

• Visualization: Imagine that you already possess all the attraction switches. See

yourself as the life and soul of the party. See smiling faces, laughter, women being

all over you, etc. I often tell clients that it amazes me how women look at me

differently now since I developed my dating life – even if I am just walking down the

street or sitting in a café in old clothes – don’t ask me how, but women can pick up

on confidence and find it very attractive – so even if you don’t have it yet, just fake it

until you make it.

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2. Get in state

This one is really easy. Human beings are extremely state-driven. This is why we teach our

clients to be aware of and try to influence a woman’s state by keeping your energy high and

associating yourself with fun.

You need, therefore, to control your own state first and foremost. Going into a club com-

pletely cold can be pretty tough, so you need to get yourself “n the mood and energized

before you start your approaches. HerearesomeofthethingsIdotogetinstate:

• Listentohighenergymusic: listen to whatever works for you. Personally, I like

club dance music at high volume.

• OneVodkaRedBull!: I will often drink a can of Red Bull and have a single shot of

vodka (I don’t drink much in the club, so this is a useful hit before I go out. The Red

Bull gives me energy for the entire evening and the vodka shot triggers memories of

fun times out with friends.)

• Grinning: studies have shown that the simple act of smiling triggers the brain to

release serotonin which elevates mood. Grin like an idiot for 5 minutes – guaranteed

to put you in a good mood and gives you that positive energy that women find


• Subtext: similar to visualization, a tip from Love Systems Instructor, Cajun, is an

acting technique called “subtext” (

) simply approach under the (unspoken) “subtext” that you have already slept

with the woman before you begin talking with her. You may also want to repeat a

sentence or two to that effect, e.g. “I like you, you like me, you cannot get enough

of me because I fuck like a rock star and we always have loads of fun together.”

Believe it is true and you will sub-communicate confidence and an air of abundance.

3. Be Consistent – Find Your Window!

The more you practice, the less anxiety you will feel. So make sure you make time to prac-

tice. UK-based Love Systems Instructor, Keychain, refers to this as “Finding your window,”

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i.e. identify what part of your day or week you can consistently use to practice your ap-

proaches. For him, it was his commute to and from work on the train. A friend in New York

uses his lunch break every day. Whatever works for you – identify your window and make it

part of your daily or weekly schedule.

4. Get a Wingman:


• You will push each other into going out and into conversations that you might shy

away from on your own.

• You can give each other feedback that is not always obvious to yourself.

• You can reward each other when approaches go well. Little things like high fives

and (masculine!) hugs are great for associating positive emotions with approaches.

• You can set tough goals for each other with financial pain: a popular wingman game

is to hand $200 to your wing and tell him to give you back $20 for every approach

you make.

5. Set Realistic Goals

You need to set yourself goals that suit the stage of your learning process. The last thing you

want to do is to set unrealistic goals that just demoralize you and make you associate the

process with pain.

If you are just starting out and still find approaching terrifying then don’t expect to get laid off

each approach. Instead congratulate yourself on pushing your (current) boundaries, even if it

is just talking to women e.g. just asking them for directions or asking for the time.

However, it is a fine balance between constant repetition to establish comfort and trying to

push your boundaries…if in doubt…push your boundaries! If there is one consistent error

that guys make, it is in underestimating what they are capable of or what a woman is willing

to do with them. Wherever you believe the line to be, it is always much further than you think!

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6. Sticks and carrots

Your goal should be to associate pleasure with approaching and pain with any failure to ap-


• Sticks/Punishments: London-based Love Systems Instructor, Vercetti, uses an

elastic band around his wrist as a tool for punishment. Whenever he fails to approach,

he snaps the elastic band to associate pain with failure to approach. You should

use whatever works for you, e.g. skip TV for an evening or your regular beer after


• Carrots/Rewards: your personal reward could be as simple as a self-

congratulation (I say to myself quietly “yes, yes – awesome job, Carbeau”, smile,

clench my fist and really savor the moment) or you could buy yourself a smoothie,

café latte or whatever else works for you.

I recommend you set yourself specific goals attached to specific rewards / punishments. In

the beginning especially, you should aim for multiple approaches to really break the camel’s

back. So, for example, you could go out with the goal of doing 10 approaches before you

can go home.

7. Keep a Success Journal

I keep emphasizing how important it is for you to associate approaching with positive emo-

tions – when you think of approaching, you should get excited, not fearful.

But you often forget how many great approaches you have done, especially if you have more

rejection than successful approaches, which is perfectly normal as you start out. But you will

surprise yourself - if you think hard enough – when you realize how many great approaches

you have actually done.

So one of the tricks you should employ is to keep a journal of positive experiences. Don’t

worry about the fact that it is kind of cheating – because when you flick back through your

entries, they are guaranteed to energize you and make you want to jump straight back in


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8. The 3-second rule

This is an old classic and every bit as valuable as it has always been. The rule states that you

need to approach a woman within 3 seconds of seeing her. There are a couple of reasons

why this is important:

a) The longer you wait, the harder it actually becomes to approach because your brain

creates so many reasons for not approaching (she is with someone, she looks busy

/ in a hurry, etc.). I suggest you establish a standard opener (or no more than 2-3)

and become very comfortable delivering it without even thinking – that way, you can

move immediately and not let your pussy brain sabotage you.

b) If you react quickly, your attractiveness to the woman increases exponentially.

Because of this, you actually have a lot less work to do to build attraction later.

It pays huge dividends and makes the rest of your interaction much easier, believe

me. A few months back, a Spanish girl entered a bar in Philadelphia and I reached

out with my arm almost instantly, stopping her in her tracks, and delivered my standard

direct opener. She looked at me with gooey eyes that just oozed attraction and said

“wow – that was fast!”

Implement the 3-second rule immediately – it will turbo-charge your dating life!

9. Short-setting:

• Night-timeapproaches: Short-setting is a low risk warm-up routine that we teach

to clients where you move around the club / bar interacting with other punters in

short 20-30sec conversations. You should have no agenda (say things like “how’s

it going?” or just high five them) so it is pretty much impossible to get rejected. It

also builds huge social proof since women will notice you interacting with lots of

people and wonder who you are (the goal should be to look like you literally own the


• Daytimeapproaches: Short-setting does not really apply to daytime dating since

there are not a set number of people in a single location (as in a club/bar) and the

environment is not appropriate for strangers to walk up to each other asking how

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they are and asking for high fives - people will just think you are weird! However, if

you are having trouble making your first approach, try just walking up to beautiful

women and asking them what time it is or ask for directions to a specific nearby


10. Implement Savoy’s 20% Rule

One of the things that holds people back is fear of the unknown, i.e. what happens if she

tells me to get lost? What happens if I forget what to say, etc. Savoy has a “20% rule” which

states that, whenever you feel like you have reached the end of your conversation (i.e. you

think you have nothing to say or that you are getting nowhere), you must force yourself to

stay in for 20% longer!

• Experience it, get over it: The best way to get over fear is to face it. Once you

experience it, you usually realize that it’s actually not that bad.

• 20% longer in conversation forces you to try new stuff: You often find that you

surprise yourself with how much more you can achieve just by giving it a little longer

and, even if you get rejected, you will have tried new stuff you don’t normally use

and can therefore also learn what works and what doesn’t.

• 20% longer in field forces you to try tougher groups of women: try to stay in the club

or on the street 20% longer than the point at which you want to go home. It may just

be that you have only approach the easy groups, but try the mixed groups or the

seated groups. It may surprise you what you can do. The difference between a good

night and a bad night is almost always more conversations. You never regret doing

more, only doing less!

I had a client recently who had an irrational fear of getting thrown out of clubs for approach-

ing women. I tried to throw him into conversations with openers that would push him beyond

his comfort zone and make him realize this was highly unlikely to happen. On one approach,

he hit on a woman just as her boyfriend came up behind her, but the boyfriend just stood

there and waited for my client and his girlfriend to finish their conversation. This experience

alone proved to him that you can push things much further than you think and blew away all

his fears about getting thrown out of clubs.

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If you really want to push yourself, an extension of the 20% rule is the “there’s no way out

rule” where you don’t allow yourself to eject until she either walks off or until you have her

phone number / go home with her. This is sometimes affectionately known as the “blow me

or blow me out rule.”

Push yourself out of your comfort zone – it builds serious approach muscle!

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• Approach anxiety is natural and good!

• Fear through “living on the edge” is intrinsically masculine and should be sought out, not avoided - “re-program” yourself so that you associate approaching women with fun

• Take Action! “As long as nothing happens, nothing ever will”

• Enjoy the dopamine hit when you approach and form the APPROACH HABIT.

• Nobody can reject you based on a cold approach (she can only reject your approach, not you).

• The faster you fail, the faster you succeed!

• “Failure weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.”

• Realize the power you possess to APPROACH ANYBODY YOU CHOOSE.

• You need to approach more women so you can filter for quality.

• Be the attraction switches – think: Status, Confidence, Pre-selection, Passion – act like it is you until it actually becomes you.

• Work on your inner game. Women can smell if you are congruent.

• Get in state: music, physiognomy, visualization, sub-texting, incantations/mind scripts.

• Find your window.

• Get a wingman.

• Set realistic but stretch goals and reward/punish yourself for good/bad behavior.

• Short-set.

• Keep a success journal.

• Apply the 3-second rule.

• Have 1-3 standard openers that you can roll out without thinking.

• Apply the 20% rule / or the “blow me or blow me out” rule.

• HAVE FUN!!!!


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Carbeau is a Love Systems Instructor, based in Singapore, and travels extensively teaching

guys how they can transform their lives by adopting the same straightforward techniques

that he has learned with Love Systems.

Here are some of the things that previous clients have had to say about Carbeau:

• “Carbeau was outstanding, his style, level of game and his ability to pass along

information to the student was nothing less than amazing.”

- Matt D from Long Beach (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “THE Daytime expert this side of the pond”

- LoveDoc (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “An awesome guy with nothing but positive things to say.” –

- Dave D from Toronto (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “Carbeau is an extremist when it comes to getting you taken care of.”

- Charles N from Chicago (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “Thank you CARBEAU - your feedback and support (especially over e-mail after the

workshop) have been inspiring.”

- Seth T from Phoenix (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “Carbeau was very honest and straight-forwarded. He really helped me with

understanding what mistakes I was making during my approaches.”

- Big H. (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “Carbeau seemed to exude confidence but was also down to earth and


- Freedom from NYC (Source - The Attraction Forums)

• “Carbeau has a smooth James Bond like style of game”

- NJHero (Source - The Attraction Forums)

Carbeau’s full bio can be found at

If you would like to contact Carbeau, please write to