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“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals”.

Henry David Thoreau


I have always been one of those women with big arse goals in my personal and professional life. I have always had a dream or vision of where I see myself in my future. I have one hundred and one lists, pictures and sticky notes stuck on everything with either ideas, dreams or my goals I want to achieve stuck up all around the place. Some may see it as being unorganised - it is totally the opposite it’s my vision, my goal, my end game.

Being a woman, mum, wife and business owner I have to be ultra-organised and be across every aspect of my life. I schedule what has to happen each day, so things run as smoothly

as they can and I attempt not to overlook the casual clothes day at school, the athletic carnival or a session with my mentor. At the end of the week I feel accomplished if I can look back at my list and see that everything is marked off. It is a huge feeling of satisfaction and excitement that my big arse goals are that one step closer because I have stuck to the tasks I have set to get to where I want to be.

The weeks I look back over my list and see gaps it makes me feel like I haven’t finished my weeks work, this may seem a little OCDish but I take my goals seriously. I have set them for a reason and if I don’t try to stay as true to them as I can it will be a lot longer to get to where I want to be and deserve to be.

Goals are like a map that finally lead you to your destination, and like any map you need to stay on track to get to where you want to end up. Having goals will help you get the life you deserve and dream of.

Don’t let the thought of coming up with goals be overwhelming for you. This guide will help you create clear intentions (‘dreams with a deadline’). This guide will get you started to discover the steps you need to take to reach them!

Now go make you goals and dreams a reality!!

Katrina xx

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Introduction ........................................................... 1

The Basics ................................................................ 3

Stepping Stones ....................................................... 5

Conclusion ............................................................... 6

Contact me ................................................................ 6

Work Sheets .............................................................. 7

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The Basics

Some people suggest the SMART goal formula when setting goals is the go. I find that these

type of goals are great for structure and planning but sometimes can be a little rigid as a starting point. Today I am going to recommend DUMB goals. These type of goals as explained further on are anything but dumb. These goals can assist you to explore, dream and delve deep into what “ME” wants to achieve in your life and it can be a lot more fulfilling and achievable.

I see the first step to achieving goals is that they are kept exciting and something that doesn’t matter if it’s a pie in the sky type of goal or not. It is something to get you started and ignite that fire within. Often we are dominated into thinking to small with our goals, I DON’T want you to be realistic right now just dream BIG. I see goals as a measureable of your destiny. The how will come later, firstly I don’t want you to hold back.

D U M B Goals

D – Dream Driven or Destiny

What is the perfect magical thing that fires you up? Something that is meaningful and alive in your life. If you obtain it, is this your goal? Think beyond yourself and your work.

U – Uplifting

What is attractive to you (sexy), something that is positive and compelling to you. Something you can connect with and visualise when it happens e.g. I’m going to loose weight and feel so fit and attract people.

M – Method Friendly

Start a set of practices or a method. What can you do around the goal to make it easier to achieve. What behaviours do you need to adopt to live in the goal. Like anything we want to be good at we need to repeat the method or set of practices over and over again. E.g. an athlete doesn’t just wake up one day and decide they are going to be the fastest person in the world. They have to practice their craft over and over to be their best. They will come across challenges along the way but through commitment and determination they keep their eye on the prize (or goal), they have set to achieve.

B – Behaviour Driven

Set up triggers for yourself to achieve the goals you have set. E.g. Before I get out of bed in the morning I take 5 minutes to think of positive thoughts, words and actions to behave throughout my day. OR it could be something like every time I drop the kids off at school I go for a walk around the block before heading home. Whatever the set off trigger is, use it to cement this new behaviour into your daily life.

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Visualising what you want is enough at this stage, but keep this in mind when wording your final goals. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you on reaching your goals:-

When you dream about your life, what do you see?

Do you see yourself, truly happy and fulfilled in your life?

Your dream…can be anything, or anywhere you want to go. This is where all goal setting must begin.

Ask yourself,

Where do you want to go?

What is the future you want?

How am I going to get there?

How will I feel when I reach my goal?

Once you can answer these questions, you can start to work your way backwards, setting yourself

realistic goals that will make your dreams a reality.

Don’t be scared or sell yourself short. Your dream or goals need to be somewhat of a stretch for

you. You’re going to have to work for it!

As a starting point, I want you to think of the next 12 months. What can you achieve in this period,

then we can look beyond that if you want. But, as a starting point let’s look at where you can get in

the next year to begin with.

The point is that we have something to work with to get you to where you want to be!!

“You must accept that you might fail; then, if you do your best and still don't win, at least you can be satisfied that you've tried. If you don't accept failure as a possibility, you don't set high goals, you don't branch out, you don't try - you don't take the risk”.

Rosalynn Carter

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Stepping Stones

Once we know what your dreams and goals are and where you are headed, it’s time to plan out

the steps you need to get there.

Like I said earlier, you start backwards and then work forwards. After all that’s the direction you

are going, isn’t it?

This is the point where you need to set some long-term goals, these goals are for the next 12


Using the below worksheet, write your ultimate one year goal in the star. Then, below that you

have spaces to write down the steps you need to do to achieve this goal and reach your dream.


One of my dreams for me and my family. Is to build a family home of our dreams, on the most

amazing block we have found (yet to acquire!!). So when I think about the steps I need to do to

make this dream a reality is:-

1. Finish renovations on current family home;

2. Enquire about the purchase of the block of land (did I mention it’s amazing);

3. Purchase block;

4. Plan home with architect;

5. Commission a builder/project manager to oversee build;

6. Get started

So, now I have six pretty big but achievable steps to take to turn my dream into a reality.

Sometimes it is easier to now break each of these steps into steps and set tasks to achieve

them. These can be even broken down to monthly or daily steps/tasks which can seem more

realistic to achieve.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions”

Albert Einstein

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Now that you have taken the time to begin to reconnect with your forgotten dreams, you are now

on the right path to working towards and stepping your goals out.

You now have a process that will help you to recognise your goals, break them down to start living

your dreams now. From time to time, we settle back into bad behaviours requiring us to pull our

socks up again and be committed to making change for a better life, the process you have been

through today is a fantastic starting point to get you moving forward to the life you desire and


Now the rest is up to YOU!!! Work hard and start moving your way forward through marking off your

lists, putting in place sets of practices/methods and triggers in your daily behaviours to start leading

the life of your dreams and achieving your goals to get you there sooner than later.

Thanks for taking the time to download this guide. I hope you have gotten a lot out of it and find it

beneficial to you, and that it helps you to understand the goal setting process and that this is an easy

way to begin setting goals for yourself.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me on the details below, if there is anything you need help with or if

you’d like me to contact you for a Living ‘On Purpose’ Strategy Session. I’d love to hear from you and

work further with you to leading a life with passion and purpose.

Katrina xx

Contact me

Living ‘On Purpose’ Strategy Session:

Follow me on Facebook:

Follow me on Twitter:

Email: [email protected]

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Work Sheets

I have included below some worksheets to assist you to work through the DUMB process

and for stepping out your goals. These will help you keep things in front of you every step of

the way to you achieving your goals.

Print off as many as you need and put them to good use!!

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary”.

Donald Kendall

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(Not) D U M B Goals

D – Dream Driven or Destiny

U – Uplifting

M – Method Friendly

B – Behaviour Driven

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1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

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My Goal is…. _______________________ _________________________________ Steps I need to do take to achieve it…..

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________

8. _________________________________

9. _________________________________

10. ______________________________