  • 8/9/2019 The Truth of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible


    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    T h e T r u t hh e T r u t ho f J e s u sf J e su sC hr i s t a n dhr i s t a n d T h e H o l yh e H o l yB i b l ei b l e Written and compelled by:

    A servant of God

    Brought to you by:The Universal Brotherhood Foundation

  • 8/9/2019 The Truth of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible


    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious



    Birth of the Messiah 03

    Miracles of the Messiah 04

    Teachings of modern day churches 07

    The Bible chronicles 08

    Paul, the self appointed apostle 12

    Paul versus Jesus 15

    Jesus, the son of man 18

    Jesus = God? 20

    Messiah sent to whom? 22

    Jesus account of crucifixion 24

    The second coming of Jesus 26

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Birth of the Messiah

    According to the Old Testament, three were prophesised to come in the name God;

    namely and in the order of Elijah, The Messiah (or the Christ) and The Prophet (or

    That Prophet). This can be proven from Gospel of John 1:19-25; where Jewish priests

    sent from Jerusalem came to ask John the Baptist whether he is one of these three.

    The protagonist of this article is the Messiah, or widely known in the English

    speaking world, as the Christ. Jews, till this date, are still waiting for the coming of

    the Messiah; as Jews reject Jesus to be the prophesised Messiah. While the Christians

    and Muslims all firmly believe Jesus to be the prophesised Messiah.

    Jesus of Nazareth was born over two millenniums ago during the autumn of either 2nd

    or 3rd BC (disputable). He has no biological father, but rather born to this world

    through his virgin mother. The story of Maryam (Mary) giving birth to Jesus is

    illustrated from the below passage from the Quran (Holy Scripture of Islam.)

    And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew

    from her family to a place toward the east.

    And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel [i.e.,

    Gabriel], and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man.

    She said, Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Merciful from you, [so leave me], if you

    should be fearing of Allah.

    He said, I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy [i.e.,son].

    She said, How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been


    He said, Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, It is easy for Me, and We will make him

    a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.

    So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.

    {Quran, Surah 19: Maryam, Verses 16-22} {Saheeh International}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Miracles of the Messiah

    Jesus Christ casted several miracles during his time on earth. These miracles, along

    with all the prophetic teachings, were a Sign to the people and a Mercy from Allah

    (The God in Arabic). Just like how Moses split the sea, it wasnt the actual divine

    power of the prophet, but rather of the One God who sent the prophet. This also

    applies to Jesus and is confirmed in the Bible,

    For I have not spoken on my own authority; the Father who sent me has

    himself given me commandment what to say and what to speak. And I know

    that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the

    Father has bidden me.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to John, Chapter 12, verse 49-


    I can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I judge; and my judgement

    is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to John, Chapter 5, verse 30}

    Below are a few of the miracles, performed by Jesus with the permission and power

    of Allah.

    1) Jesus spoke out while still in the cradle. To announce himself as the Messiah andin defence of his mother from false accusations regarding the virgin birth.

    The she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, O Mary, you have

    certainly done a thing unprecedented.

    O sister [i.e., descendant] of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your

    mother unchaste.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    So she pointed to him. They said, How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a


    [Jesus] said, Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and

    made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined

    upon me prayer and zakah (charity) as long as I remain alive.

    And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant.

    And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised


    That is Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth about which they are in dispute.

    {Quran, Surah 19: Maryam, Verses 27-34} {Saheeh International}

    2) Healing the blind and leper.

    And I cure the blind [from birth] and the leper,

    {Quran, Surah 3: Aal-e-Imran, Verse 49} {Saheeh International}

    3) Resurrection of the dead.

    and I give life to the dead by the permission of Allah.

    {Quran, Surah 3: Aal-e-Imran, Verse 49} {Saheeh International}

    4) Creating a bird from clay. This is not mentioned in canonical books of the Bible,but found in the non-canonical Infancy Gospel of Thomas.

    ..Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from

    clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird

    by permission of Allah

    {Quran, Surah 3: Aal-e-Imran, Verse 49} {Saheeh International}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    5) Knowing what people ate and store in their houses.

    And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in

    that is a sign for you, if you are believers.

    {Quran, Surah 3: Aal-e-Imran, Verse 49} {Saheeh International}

    6) Table spread with food. This could refer to what Christians know it as The LastSupper (or Lords Supper).

    [And remember] when the disciples said, O Jesus, Son of Mary, can your Lord send

    down to us a table [spread with food] from the heaven? [Jesus] said, Fear Allah, if

    you should be believers.

    They said, We wish to eat from it and let our hearts be reassured and know that you

    have been truthful to us and be among its witnesses.

    Said Jesus, the son of Mary, O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a table [spread with

    food] from the heaven to be for us a festival for the first of us and the last of us and a

    sign from You. And provide for us, and You are the best providers.

    Allah said, Indeed, I will send down to you, but whoever disbelieves afterwards from

    among you then indeed will I punish him with a punishment by which I have not

    punished anyone among the worlds.

    {Quran, Surah 5: Al-Maeda, Verse 112-115} {Saheeh International}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Teachings of modern day churches

    Vast majority of the Christians on this planet come under the classification of

    Trinitarian Christians. Though, there are non Trinitarian Christians present, but they

    are in great minority. We will just discuss about the belief of the Trinitarians in this


    The basic beliefs of Trinitarian Christians include:

    There is One God. In God there are three divine Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    These three are known as the blessed Trinity. They are not identical to each other

    and they function separately but are One God.

    The Father is God and the first Person of the blessed Trinity. The Son is God and the second Person of the blessed Trinity. He is Jesus Christ,

    God in human form. He is the Saviour and the Redeemer.

    The Holy Spirit is God and the third Person of the blessed Trinity. Descendedafter the death of the Christ to continue leading the Church.

    Every human is born with a sin, known as Original Sin. That is, every humanbears responsibility for the sin committed by Adam and Eve.

    Jesus Christ died on the cross, resurrected by God and went to Hell for three daysto redeem the sins of the mankind.

    Baptism. The ceremony of sprinkling somebody with water (or according to somesects, immersing in water), as making him/her accepted as a member of theChurch.

    The early missionaries wrote the books of the New Testament with Inspirationfrom the Holy Spirit.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    The Bible Chronicles

    Bible comes from the Greek word biblia, meaning books. It is a collection of books.

    The Christian Bible is divided into Old Testament and New Testament. Written by a

    large number of different authors. The Roman Catholic Bible contains 73 books,

    whereas the Protestant Bible contains 66 books.

    Protestants rejected the 7 books, as they dont believe it as being the true inspired

    words of God. Similarly, there are no less than 50 such books known as Apocrypha

    (whose authenticity is doubtful) that are rejected by majority of the Christians.

    It is reported that there were up to 200 books submitted to the first Council of Nicaea.

    Some were accepted while the rejected ones were burned.

    A small list of Apocrypha that are not canon, yet accepted by some churches today:

    * Gospel of Thomas

    * Gospel of Judas

    * Gospel of Philip

    * Gospel of Peter

    * Gospel of Mary Magdalene

    * Gospel of James

    * Gospel of Bartholomew

    * Gospel of Barnabas

    * Gospel of Andrew

    * Gospel of Nicodemus

    * Gospel of Matthias

    * Gospel of the Egyptians

    * Gospel of the Hebrews* Gospel of the Nazoraeans

    * Gospel of the Ebionites

    * Gospel of Eve

    * Gospel of Truth

    * Gospel of Perfection

    * Gospel of Four Heavenly Realms

    * Gospel of Twelve

    * Gospel of Seventy

    * Gospel of Thaddaeus

    * Gospel of Cerinthus

    * Gospel of Basilides

    * Gospel of Marcion

    * Gospel of Appelles

    * Gospel of Bardesanes* Gospel of Mani

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    There are also many books that are known to be the lost books of the Bible. These

    books were mentioned in the Tanakh and the New Testament, but not found either in

    the canonical or non-canonical books.

    A small list of lost Biblical books:

    The Book of Jasher The Book of the Wars of the


    The Book of the Annals of theKings of Israel

    The Covenant Code The Manner of the Kingdom The Acts of Solomon The Annals of King David The Book of Samuel the Seer The Book of Nathan the


    The Book of Gad and Seer The History of Nathan the


    The Prophecy of Ahijah The Visions of Iddo the Seer The Book of Shemaiah the


    Iddo Genealogies The Story of the Prophet Iddo The Book of the Kings of

    Judah and Israel

    The Book of Jehu The Sayings and Seers The Acts of the Kings of Israel The Acts of Uziah The Vision of Isaiah Book of Enoch The Epistle to Corinth The Earlier Epistle to the


    The Epistle from Laodicea tothe Colossians

    The Earlier Epistle of John

    The Missing Epistle of Jude

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    The original language of the Old Testament is Hebrew and that of the New Testament

    is Aramaic. All of the original manuscripts and the copies of these original

    manuscripts were all lost. The Bible today isnt based on the original or the copies

    of the original manuscripts.

    The Original Hebrew manuscripts or its copies of the Old Testament were lost in

    the Babylonian captivity in 536 B.C. During that age, holy scriptures were only

    allowed to be stored and read inside the temple. All of the manuscripts and their

    copies were burned when Jerusalem was captured.

    The scriptures were only rewritten after the return of the Jews few generations later

    from the memory of few people. Through the centauries, the languages Hebrew and

    Aramaic went into extinction. Hebrew was only revived in the past few hundred years

    by the help of its sister language, Arabic.

    The original Aramaic manuscripts or its copies of the New Testament were lost.

    The earliest existing manuscript of the New Testament is in Koine Greek. The King

    James Version of the English translation of the Bible was made in 1611. This version

    adopts the earliest Koine Greek manuscript available at the time. That manuscript

    dates about 300 to 400 years after Christ.

    In the past centaury, even earlier Koine Greek manuscript has been found. The

    Revised Standard Version is based on both the manuscript used by King James

    Version and the newly discovered manuscript, which dates about 200 to 300 years

    after Christ.

    Though, none of them are in the original language of the original manuscripts.

    The New Testament were officially collected and accepted as legal at about 367AD.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Bible, preserved or corrupted?

    So what does a Muslim believe about the Bible?

    Muslims believe the Torah as the true Words of God revealed to Prophet Moses

    (peace be upon him). The Zabur (Psalms) as the true Words of God revealed to

    Prophet David (peace be upon him). Injeel (Gospel) as the true Words of God

    revealed to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).

    If one were to present the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testament to the

    Muslims, the Muslims would regard them as the same level as the Quran. Speaking

    of which, Quran is still well preserved in its original language of Arabic from word

    to word, letter to letter. Each letter in the millions of copies of Arabic Quran in the

    world is exactly same as the Quran 14 centauries ago. Hence, Muslims have the exact

    word-by-word copies of the original manuscripts, as well as the original manuscripts

    in the original language.

    Muslims dont accept the Bible of today as the true Bible as it says in the Quran that

    evil scribes have corrupted the Bible. Though, some Words of God still exist in the

    Bible of today. And even in the Bible, it speaks about the evil scribes corrupting the


    How can you say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? But, behold, the

    false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. The wise men shall be put to shame,

    they shall be dismayed and taken; lo, they have rejected the word of the Lord, and

    what wisdom is in them?

    {Bible, Old Testament, Jeremiah, Chapter 8, Verse 8-9}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Paul, the self appointed apostle

    The Christian Doctrine heavily relies on the letters of Paul. Of the 27 books of New

    Testament from the 66 books Bible, Paul contributed 14 of them. These 14 are known

    as the Pauline Epistles. In addition, Pauls story even appears in the Acts.

    Much of the Christianity Doctrine is formed based on these Epistles and story from

    Paul in Acts rather than the Torah, The Prophets or the Gospels. Paul is credited for

    playing an even larger role than Jesus (peace be upon him) in forming the Christian


    So who is Paul? Why did he play such an important role in setting up the Doctrine of


    Paul was born in Tarsus as Saul. At the time, Tarsus (todays Turkey) was under the

    Roman Empire. So despite Saul being a Jew, he had all the privilege of a Roman

    citizen. Saul was none of the disciples appointed by Jesus (peace be upon him). He

    didnt even meet Jesus (peace be upon him) in his lifetime. In the early days, Saul

    hated Christians. He engaged himself in hounding out Christians from hiding and

    bringing them to be tortured and killed.

    Saul reported he was on his way to Damascus when he experienced a vision of Christ.

    Thus, he changed from turning out Christians to propagating Christianity. And he

    changed his name to Paul. Though, what he described as the revealed vision ofChristianity, which later formed the fundamentals of the modern Christianity; is very

    different from the teachings of the Master the disciples used to spread.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Though, there are 3 versions of the same story in the book Acts of the Apostles

    itselfregarding how Saul experienced the vision of Christ.

    Now as he journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven

    flashed about him.And he fell to the groundand heard a voice saying to him, Saul,

    Saul, why do you persecute me? And he said, Who are you, Lord? And he said, I

    am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; but rise and enter the city, and you will be told

    what you are to do. The men who were travelling with him stood speechless,

    hearing the voice but seeing no one.

    {Bible, New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 9, Verses 3-7}

    As I made my journey and drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from

    heaven suddenly shone about me.And I fell to the groundand heard a voice saying

    to me, Saul, Saul, why do your persecute me? And I answered, Who are you, Lord?

    And he said to me, I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.Now those

    who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was

    speaking to me. And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, Rise,

    and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all that is appointed for you to do.

    {Bible, New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 22, Verses 6-10}

    Thus I journeyed to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests.

    At midday, O king, I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than the sun,

    shining round me and those who journeyed with me . And when we had all fallen to

    the gourd, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why do

    you persecute me? It hurts you to kick against the goads. And I said, Who are you,

    Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand

    upon your feet; for I have appeared you to serve and bear witness to the things in

    which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you

    from the people and from the Gentiles to whom I send you

    {Bible, New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 26, Verses 12-18}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    SO! Paul must have lied at least twice out of the three reports! A good liar should

    have good memory of what he said before. Paul seems to lack this quality of good


    Conflict of teaching

    Pauls teachings had great conflicts with the teachings of the original followers of

    Christ. In fact, Paul already formed his whole network of churches solely based on

    what he described as inspirations from the Holy Spirit, before even meeting an

    original follower of Christ.

    James the Just charged Paul for teaching the Jews to ignore the Law (the Torah) on

    Pauls arrival to Jerusalem. Paul was merely able to defend himself by suggesting that

    even Peter didnt live by the Law.

    Paul mentioned little about the life of Jesus and mentioned nothing about the

    teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). But rather emphasised solely on the

    importance of Holy Spirit on the life of a Christian and introduced many new ideas

    including original sin, which were nowhere to be found in the Old Testament or the


    There is, till this date, immerse debate on the authenticity of Paul. Whether his words

    were to be trusted or his vision was a lie. If his words were lie, then the Christianity of

    today would be very different. The teaching of Paul is to believe Jesus died for the

    sins of the mankind; whereas the teaching of Jesus (peace be upon him) and his

    original followers is to worship One God and keep the commandments.

    People sometimes like to believe in sometimes that is easy and seems nice; but truth

    isnt always all soothing and loving. Salvation that has an easy way out seems to be

    nice, but nice isnt equal to the truth. The term Pauline Christianity is usually used to

    describe the traditional Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christianity, whose

    teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) has been distorted by Paul.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Paul versus Jesus

    The teachings of Paul and teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) are very different

    even in the very fundamentals. So do you believe in a man whose only witness was

    himself; or do you follow the Holy Prophet Jesus the Messiah?

    Lets compare the teachings of Jesus to the teachings of Paul. (In this chapter only, I

    will use green for Jesus and his original apostles teachings; and red for Pauls

    teachings found in the Bible)

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:

    Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not

    to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass

    away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.

    Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so,

    shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches men

    shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you unless your

    righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter the

    kingdom of heaven.

    {Bible, New Testament, Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 17-20}

    So now we know Jesus taught to keep the commandments of the Law (Torah). So

    a Christian should abide by the Law the Jews follow.

    But what did Paul teach?

    Likewise, my brethren,you have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that

    you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead in order that

    we may bear fruit for God. While we were living in the flesh, our sinful passions,

    aroused by the law, were at work in our members to bear fruit for death. Butnow we

    are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we serve not

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    under the old written code but the new life of the Spirit.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Letter of Paul to the Romans, Chapter 7, Verse 4-6}

    Paul clearly teaches to abolish the Law. Does the teachings of Paul any where near

    matching the teachings of Jesus?

    Paul emphasis on Faith alone and disgraces Works of Law:

    You are served from Christ, you who would be justified by law; you have fallen

    away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of


    {Bible, New Testament, The Letter of Paul to the Galatians, Chapter 5, Verse 4-5}

    Paul teaches that salvation would be achieved by simply believing Jesus as your

    Saviour and Redeemer:

    The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which

    we preach) because, if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in

    your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Letter of Paul to the Romans, Chapter 10, Verse 8-9}

    So what did Jesus and his original followers preach?

    James the Just, the brother of Jesus reads:

    What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has no works? Can

    his faith save him? If a brother or sister is ill-clad and in lack of daily food, and one

    of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the

    things needed for the body, what does it profit?So faith by itself, if it has no work, is


    {Bible, New Testament, The Letter of James, Chapter 2, Verse 14-17}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Jesus Christ mentions how to achieve salvation.

    And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and

    asked him, Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said to

    him, why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the

    commandments: Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false

    witness, Do not defraud, Honour your father and mother,

    {Bible, New Testament, Gospel according to Mark, Chapter 10, Verse 17-19}

    So clearly, the original teachings of Jesus Christ emphasises on both faith and

    workto achieve salvation.

    So which teaching do you follow? Jesus teaching of faith and work or Pauls

    teaching of faith alone? Or do you simply want to choose a simpler way?

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Jesus, the son of man

    Son of God (13 times in New Testament)

    Jesus is indeed mentioned in many places in the Bible by the title son of God. But is

    Jesus the only person who has this title?

    David mentioned as the begotten son of God:

    I will tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to me, You are my son, today I have

    begotten you.{Bible, Old Testament, The Psalms, Chapter 2, Verse 7}

    Adam mentioned as the son of God according to genealogy of Jesus (peace be upon):

    the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.{Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to Luke, Chapter 4, Verse 38}

    Everyone can be son of God:

    For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.{Bible, New Testament, The Letter of Paul to the Romans, Chapter 8, Verse 14}

    When men began to multiply on the face of the ground and daughters were born tothem, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took wives

    such of them as they chose.{Bible, Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 6, Verse 1-2}

    Moses even titled God!

    He shall speak for you to the people; and he shall be a mouth for you, and you shallbe to him as God.

    {Bible, Old Testament, Exodus, Chapter 4, Verse 16}

    The term son of God or even the title God is used loosely in the Hebrew

    literature. Lets not get literal with the title. Why when it comes to Jesus, the title

    becomes literal; and when it comes to others, the title becomes metaphorical?

    Son of man (83 times in New Testament)

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Jesus is titled as son of man

    And he (Stephen) said, Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man

    standing at the right hand of God.

    {Bible, New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 7, Verse 56}

    Jesus himself prefers the title son of man better than the title son of God. Here,

    Jesus even rejects the title son of God:

    And the high priest stood up and said, Have you no answer to make? What is it thatthese men testify against you?

    But Jesus was silent. And the high priest said to him, I adjure you by the living God,tell us ifyou are the Christ, the Son of God.

    Jesus said to him, You have said so. But I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son ofman seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 26, Verse 62-64}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Jesus = God?

    Muslims believe Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) as a Holy Prophet from Allah (God

    Almighty). We make no distinctions between the prophets; they are all chosen

    apostles of God. All are to be respected equally by us.

    Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the last and final Apostle of God. He is a

    Prophet, a Messenger and a Servant of God; so as Prophet Jesus (peace be upon


    Jesus as Servant of God:

    God havingraised up his servantsent him to you first, to bless you in turning every

    one of you from your wickedness.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 3, Verse 26}

    The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his

    servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he

    had decided to release him.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 3, Verse 13}

    And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word

    with all boldness, while thou stretches out thy hand to heal, and sign and wonders are

    performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus.{Bible, New Testament, The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 4, Verse 30}

    Jesus different from God:

    And this is eternal life, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ

    whom thou has sent.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to John, Chapter 17, Verse 3}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    According to one of the definitions of God:

    God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should repent. Has he

    said, and willhe not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it?{Bible, Old Testament, Numbers, Chapter 23, Verse 19}

    So if Jesus is God, then how come God changed his mind and became a man and son

    of man?

    God is All-Knowing, but Jesus isnt:

    But of that day, or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the

    Son, but only the Father.

    {Bible, New Testament, Gospel according to Mark, Chapter 13, Verse 32}

    Jesus is only a Prophet:

    For there is one God , and there is one mediatorbetween God and men, the man

    Christ Jesus,

    {Bible, New Testament, The First Letter of Paul to Timothy, Chapter 2, Verse 5}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Messiah sent to whom?

    When one say that the Bible today is corrupted and the true words of God isnt in full

    anymore; one may ask, if its a divine revelation, then why does God allow it to be

    corrupted. Its the same reason why all the previous revelations were either lost or

    corrupted. Thats why God send messengers and prophets after another to restore the

    divine truth.

    There is nowhere in the Bible which says God will preserve it for eternity in this

    world. Besides, the Bible also foretells the coming of The Prophet after Jesus Christ

    and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

    Quran on the other hand, speaks of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) as The Prophet

    prophesised in the Bible and the final messenger of God before the second coming of

    Jesus Christ. Quran is the final revelation and is meant to last for eternity as well as

    for the whole universe. God promises to preserve the Quran for us as its our last


    Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Quran], and indeed, We will be

    its guardian.

    {Quran, Surah 15: al-Hijr, Verse 9} {Saheeh International}

    Jesus Christ sent to the children of Israel ONLY

    Jesus revelation was only meant for a certain period of time in a certain area. Its just

    like any other prophets sent to a certain part of the world. For example, the traditional

    Jews are always reluctant to share their faith with an outsider.

    Since God allows free will, and since its not the final revelation, human corruption

    was allowed to take place. To prove that Jesus Christ wasnt sent for the whole

    universe unlike the final prophet, we can look at the following passages from Bible.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And

    behold, a Cannanite woman from the region came out and cried, Have mercy on me,

    O lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by demon. By he did not

    answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him saying, Send her away,

    for she is crying after us. He (Jesus) answered, I was sent only to the lost

    sheep of Israel.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 15, Verse 21-24}

    These twelve (disciples) Jesus sent out, charging them, Go nowhere among theGentiles (i.e. non-Jews), and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the

    lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 10, Verse 5-6}

    Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), according to the Gospels and not Letters by Paul,

    insist that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel!

    It was just the teaching of Paul to expand Christianity to the Gentiles, not Jesus!

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Jesus account of crucifixion

    According to the Quran, Jesus never died. He was raised up by alive and will come

    back in his second coming in real flesh.

    And [for] their saying, Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary,

    the messenger of Allah. And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but

    [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are

    in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following of assunption. And

    they did not kill him for certain.

    {Quran, Surah 4: An-Nisa, Verse 157} {Saheeh International}

    Now, lets examine what Jesus said about his alleged crucifixion from the Bible!

    Importance of Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christianity

    Before going any further to disprove death and resurrection of the Christ, lets see

    how important the death of Jesus was to the Christians.

    According to Paul, without the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, there is no


    Now if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that

    there is no resurrection of the dead? Butif there is no resurrection of the dead, then

    Christ has not been raised;if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in

    vain and your faith is in vain.

    {Bible, New Testament, The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 15,

    Verses 12-14}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Criteria of Resurrection

    According to Paul, resurrected bodies are spiritualised.

    So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised

    is imperishable. It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it

    is raised in power.It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is

    a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.

    {Bible, New Testament, The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 15,

    Verses 42-44}

    So it is clear from the Bible, that a resurrected body from dead must be in the

    form of a spirit (ghost).

    Did Jesus appear in a spirit form after the Crucifixion?

    So for Jesus to be resurrected from dead, his new body would be a spiritualised body

    and not a body of flesh and bones. After the Crucifixion, as the disciples met up in the

    upper room, thinking Jesus has already died; Jesus appeared among them.

    As they were saying this, Jesus himself stood among them. But they were startled

    and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit. And he said to them, why are

    you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet,

    that it is I myself; handle me, and see; fora spirit has not flesh and bones as you see

    that I have.

    {Bible, New Testament, The Gospel According to Luke, Chapter 24, Verses 36-39}

    So according to Jesus himself from your Gospel, he denied himself as a spirit as he

    has flesh and bones. He was trying so desperately to prove to his disciples that he

    was still alive! His disciples thought he was crucified, thats why they first thought he

    was a spirit; since resurrected bodies must have been spirits. But he wasnt!

    Exactly like what the Quran says: that he was not killed but made to seem so.

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious


    Second coming of Jesus

    Quran states that Jesus (peace be upon him) was not killed; so where did he go?

    According to the Quran and the Hadith, Jesus (peace be upon him) was resurrected in

    real blood and flesh to heaven, without tasting death.

    According to the Hadith referring to the Miracle of Al-Miraj given to Prophet

    Mohammed (peace be upon him), Prophet Mohammed met Prophet Iesa (Jesus) and

    Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) (peace be upon them) in the second heaven.

    Islam teaches that every soul shall taste death; Jesus wont be an exception.

    He shall return before the Last day, uniting the believers to fight against the

    Dajjal (anti- Christ).

    And indeed, he [i.e. Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in

    doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.

    {Quran, Surah 43: az-Zukhruf, Verse 61} {Saheeh International}

    The verse from Quran states that Jesus is a sign when Judgement day approaches.

    Prophecy regarding death of Jesus (peace be upon him)

    And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in

    him [i.e., Jesus] before his death. And on the Dat of Resurrection he will be against

    them a witness.

    {Quran, Surah 4: An-Nisa, Verse 159} {Saheeh International}

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    In the name of Thy Lord, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious

    According to the above verse and interpretation by mainstream Muslim scholars, the

    verse from the Quran suggests that Jesus (peace be upon him) shall not die until the

    people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) accept him as a messenger of God. This

    has surely not happened in his last time on earth. So Jesus (peace be upon him) must

    come a second time in order to fulfil this prophecy.

    When Jesus the Messiah (peace be upon him) returns to earth, he shall unite the

    people of the Book (Bible) and the Muslims. Let us all wait for that day. Until then,

    lets resolve our differences and come into common terms.

    [End of the article]

    asalamo aleikom wa rahamato allahi wa


    May peace be with you and Allahs mercy

    and blessings!

    Any good mentioned is from Allah (God Almighty), any mistakes are from me.
