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The Transforming AlphabetacyThe Transforming AlphabetacyChapter 1 – There was the cube...Chapter 1 – There was the cube...

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Before time began, there was the Cube.We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power,some wanted it for good, others for evil.And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death.And the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.

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Having flown through time and space for a long, long time the Cube finally reached it's destination. This small planet filled with bustling Simians was going to be where he would start anew.Not quite able to control his flight after entering the planet's atmosphere he crashed into an empty field not too far from a larger Simian settlement.The perfect place to meet this planet's inhibitants and start a new life amongst them.

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Clicks and whirrs filled the air as the allspark formed his new form, mimicking what the Simians looked like. He could not quite shed what he originally was, so he retained a skin that looked more metal than skin and his eyes took on the red hue that usually only decepticons had.

"Who are you, voice that continously speaks out of nowhere?"

What me?I'm the creator of this planet. I'll help you get around and tell people about your adventures. But first I have to introduce you for real.

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Meet my founder: Allspark Cybertronian.He's a knowledge Simian, striving to become a Criminal Mastermind. Very Decepticon of you, Spark. The red eyes should have clued me in right away. He's a cancer with a 6/5/5/2/7 personality. Your're quite the serious person, aren't you?

„Creating a new race is no laughing matter, so why wouldn't I be serious?“

Ok, I get it. By the way, I think you need a house.

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"I will simply use the last powers that are left over from my old form and create myself a really"

*cough* Yeah, nice one Spark. Obviously there wasn't much power left.

"Aww, slag. How am I supposed to live in this dump?"

Easy. You skill, get a job, earn money, buy a nice house. Any questions?

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" do the Simians manage this thing called skilling? It's so hard. I can't do it."

Just keep trying. The skills will come to you after a while and then it'll get easier.


Promise...*shifty eyes*

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"Greetings, simian female."

"Wow...I've seen a lot of weird Sims in my just might make Top Ten. I'm your friendly neighborhood paper girl, by the way."

Spark, this is your chance. There are jobs in the paper. You know...job equals money equals nice house.

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'Today's headline: Big fiery ball from space! Simian Scientists argue over the possible nature of the fireball that flew over SimVille last night. Was it an asteroid or an alien? We don't know. The probability of it being an intelligent life form is extremely small, so no closer inquiry will be made.'

"How lucky. The Simians don't need to know of my presence. Not until I have managed to become a part of this fascinating species. And there is no opening as a Criminal."

Did you really think they'd advertise that kind of job in the paper?

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"I have thought of a way to get closer to the local criminals."

May I ask how?

"Sure. I'll take a job in law enforcement. According to my processor, or as the Simians call it brain, there is a 99.99% chance that I'll meet criminals there."

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A couple inquisitive minds have made the long journey out of town to visit the place where the big fiery ball was supposed to have crashed. They don't seem to wonder why there is suddenly a house standing right where the crashside is supposed to be. Allspark's strange appearance doesn't seem to scare them off either.Lucky you, Spark.

Unfortunately Spark felt no chemistry for the only female present.

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"Can you imagine that somewhere up there Cybertron used to be. I really miss it. " *sniffle*

Don't be sad, Spark. This planet is beautiful too. And soon you'll find a Simian female to have children with. Some lovely little Sparks to start a new race with.

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Wow, Spark. Your first day at work and you catch one of the most notorious burglars in SimVille. How did you do that?

"I just wanted to ask her if I could work for her. She tried to run before I could ask her, so I chased her. And just when I had her the police arrived. I didn't get to ask her about the job."

Next time, Spark. Next time.

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The next day Allspark came home from work to find a woman he really liked in front of his house. She is probably not the prettiest amongst the Simians of this planet, but all I and Allspark care about is a minimum 2 bolt attraction. It's all about chemistry and if Spark thinks her right-out-of-a-spaceship-look is sexy, then so be it.On the plus side it really fits my theme.

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Wanda, who is a huge science fiction-fan, seems a little shocked that this hunky guy, who looks as if he might just come from a planet far, far away puts the moves on her. Shocked...but in a good way.

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Romance happens as quickly as it always does with the Sims.And under the twinkling light of a thousand stars, one of them the far, far away planet Cybertron, Allspark and Wanda share their first kiss.

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Right after his new girlfriend left Spark did something he had already planned the whole day. He hacked into the police database and stole the adresses and contact details of a couple well-known crime bosses. A few pleading emails later he had finally done it. Time to get out of the police uniform and into the life of a criminal.

"Too bad I didn't take sides in the war. I would have made a great decepticon, wouldn't I?"

No, you're too nice, Spark.

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The next day Spark had a day off, so he decided to take things further with Wanda. To make sure that she will be amendable to his proposition to marry him, he specifically dressed in his sexy topless PJs. It worked splendidly and Wanda accepted.

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In a simple ceremony Allspark Cybertronian and Wanda Cameron became Mr. and Mrs. Cybertronian. They didn't throw a big party or invite any guests, but Jan Tellermann, who had been walking by by chance stopped to watch them impassively.

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Now everyone, meet Wanda Cybertronian.She's a family Sim with the lifetime want to marry off 6 children (I suddenly really, really hate you, Wanda.)Like Spark she is a cancer with a 6/3/6/4/6 personality. She works at a low paying job at the drive-in and brought $4.000 into the marriage.

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While Wanda hurried off to work right after the marriage ceremony ended Spark used his free time to build two more rooms and add some extra furniture. The still don't have carpet, wallpaper or windows, but it's a lot more than it was before.

"Now it at least looks like a house."

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Wanda cleaned up nicely as soon as she got rid of the horrible fuschia lipstick. I kept her science-fiction outfit, since it fits into the theme of this alphabetacy perfectly.

"Could you please leave for a few moments. We need privacy here.""Who are you talking to, Spark?"

Just me, don't mind me. I'm the creator of this planet.

"Like a god? Wow...this is cool."

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Honestly, what is more fun than having a full-fledged water balloon fight out in the pouring rain. Wanda is winning though. She's already managed to hit her husband hard enough to topple him over two times, while he only managed to at hit her once...mind you a hit that didn't even faze her for a second.Wanda, I gotta say, you would make quite the 'Bot or 'Con soldier.

"Thanks..." *mumbles* "I'm so pawning, Spark."

Can't argue with her on that.

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"Spark, wake up. I can't believe it. My body just transformed. Spark! Are you listening?".........*snore*"Guess not."

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Lol...I guess this townie got hit by too much radiation from Allspark's crash site. *gigglesnort*

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Spark is still at work, when Wanda experiences her second transformation.

"So, am I correct in assuming that something my husband calls a sparkling will come from this?"

Yep, you're so smart. You might even get enough of them to fulfill your LTW (which I stopped hating after finding enough suitable names for 6 potential sparklings of either gender).

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Spark's appetite doesn't seem to diminish due to the fact that his wife is giving birth like 3 simmeters away from him.

*mumbles* "Not looking over there...focussing on the cereal I'm eating in the middle of the night...not....looking."

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Everyone meet Archibald Cybertronian, first born child of the A generation, named after Archibald Witwicky. He has his mother's eyes and naturally the black hair of both his parents. And is it just me or does Archibald have a metallic shine to his skin?

In case you are wondering how his skin color came to be: I'm using geneticised skins. Since Allspark's is classified as very dark and Wanda's is fairly light, all skins that come in between the number range of the two parents' skins can show up in the child.

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I just know that Spark is going to be a wonderful father. *sarcasm off*

"What? I'm a neat person. Just because my wife just gave birth to my son doen't mean I'll leave the dirty dishes lying around."

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Despite my former fears Allspark is a wonderful dad, who never complains about having to change diapers and autonomously feeds his son. This is definitely more than I would have expected from an alien, who was a cube in his former life.

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"Aww...and I had just started to work off all that baby fat."

She really did get on the training bike autonomously. It's a lost cause though, Wanda. I want to get the six babies over with as fast as possible, cause baby years are boring.

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Spark....*stern voice* Why did you get demoted?

"I went to a movie with a fellow criminal. He disliked my movie choice, so he told the police about my current activities. I had to reorganize and go back some steps in my way towards ruling the criminal world in this town to avoid the police catching me."

At least, you have an excuse, even if it's not a good one.

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Oh, Primus...scary face. I hope the fact that this coincided with the second baby bump doesn't mean anything bad. Now quickly on to the next slide... *shudder*

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This happening was just a question of time. In this case time combined with bad timing.Wanda insisted to get back up to help Archibald with his age transsition, no matter how many times I told her to lay back down. And when I finally took my eyes off her for like three seconds to get Spark to help his son with his birthday, she goes and falls asleep in her food.

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Turning Archie into a toddler proved to be a real challenge. It took a whole night till they finally succeeded, after Wanda fell asleep while trying and the cake glitched up, forcing Spark to stand in front of it forever and ever, without the birthday happening.

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Whee, Archibald is adorable. And he already got the warm bear outfit to prepare himself for exploring the arctic. I'm not quite sure but I think he inherited his mother's nose. The rest of his features is hard to tell yet. He is a cancer with a 6/5/5/4/6 personality.

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Wanda is going all Ratchet on the broken down shower. But she ain't complaining, since she just found out that tinkering is her hobby. That's no real surprise considering the fact that she is married to the former creator of huge robotic organisms.

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Allspark, now that he already knows the joys of fatherhood is there for the birth this time.

"Breathe, have to breathe.""I know what I have to do, Spark.""I'm not talking to you, honey. I'm reminding myself."

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Welcome the second child of the A generation: Alice Cybertronian.Alice is named after the Pretender drone, who in the second transformers movie tried to seduce and ultimatively kill Sam. It kinda fits that she is a lot more human looking than her brother. Her eyes and hair are the same as expected.

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Now that I have 2 sparklings in the house we introduce: The Nanny.My first impression is that I might actually be lucky with her, since the first thing she did after entering the house was get a bottle for Archie. Mind you, he's not hungry, but it's the thought that counts.

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*crayons scratching over paper*Archie, what are you doing up in the middle of the night?Oh...I should have known. It's already started. I foresee many, many sheets full of alien symbols that your father might just be able to read, but probably won't tell you the meaning of, in your future.

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Wanda is the one to teach Archie how to talk. His first word was ice, but he managed to learn mommy soon enough.

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Alice is a bit more lucky than her brother and actually gets to have a birthday party with both her parents present.Just keep your fingers crossed that the cake won't glitch again this time.

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And here she is: Alice Cybertronian toddlerified and cute as a button, although pretty smelly. She's even wearing a blue dress, which I'll let her keep.She is a cancer too, with a 6/3/5/6/6 personality.

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I have Wanda quit her job, since currently all of my Simians are kinda miserable and she needs more time to care for herself and the Sparklings. Maybe I'll manage to teach Alice her toddler skills, because I fear that Archibald won't be as lucky. And I still haven't started on more little sparks..

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At least the potty training got done before Archie grew up.2/3 toddler skills is an ok thing for me, because I know that I suck at handling toddlers without max_motive cheat.

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"Dad look. I just transformed.".........*snore*Really Spark does care about his family...sometimes.

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Archie, why are you wearing a warm sweater and a scarf in the house? Although your parents haven't bought the heating decorations that came with AL I don't think it's that cold.

"But I need to be prepared for my big expedition. There are those symbols in my head you see and I have to investigate their origin, which is most likely the north pole!"

Why there?

"Cause the symbols said so?"

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"Say Wanda, how was the transformation going on with your body caused?"" We'll have another little Sparkling soon.""Okay."...*mumbles* "My husband is really not the brightest. Are you certain that he once created an intelligent race?"

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"Who's Daddy's little girl?"*giggling*"Yep, it's you."

Not too bright, but Spark is really cute with his little ones.

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Don't look so innocent, Spark. I know that you just scammed a lot of money from old Sim couples. And with the old time share scheme no less. I'm so proud of you. You might really turn into a potential decepticon sometime in the future.

"Really?" *happy puppy dog eyes*

Or maybe not.

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I was really scared due to this pregnacy for a while because Wanda had the fear of having a baby. As a family sim no less. But she got over that ridiculous notion and is looking forward to her sparkling now.

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For Alice it was Wanda, who had the potty training honor.

"Finally she can do it alone and I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to get her into the bathroom!"

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Allspark was away at work, so he didn't get to witness the birth of his second daughter Arcee Cybertronian. She's the first to be named after an Autobot. Lookwise she has got her coloration totally from her mother.

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I keep missing the sparklings' birthdays like I always do. So unbeknownst to their family Alice grew up into a really cute little girl.

"What else did you expect me to be except cute? I need to be able to seduce and therefore I have to be pretty."

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Wanda! Maybe it has escaped your notice, but drinking lots of coffee during pregnacy is bad.

*growls* "Shut up, about it. I'm a cranky, pregnant family sim with a fear of having another baby, so don't bother me."

*steps back carefully* Um...ok....

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"My father was once the cube.""Really? Wow!...Um...What do you mean by cube?""He was a cube worshipped by an intelligent robotic race he created before he came to earth and became a Simian."

Archie uses the family history to impress the girl he brought home from school. You go, Arch!

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*munch* *snore* *crunch*Wanda's got mad multitasking skills. She can eat and sleep at the same time.I'm sure those spaghetti will look really great on your face Wanda.

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"Allspark to Cybertron. Allspark to Cybertron. Is anybody still out there."........."Guess not."

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Her siblings are having quite the fun as Arcee gets prepared for her spin into toddlerhood. Enjoy it little spark. This will most likely be the only time in your life you'll ever get a cake for your birthday.

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And there she is: Arcee Cybertronian. Who for some strange reason has brown hair. I guess Wanda was not as purely black-haired as she always pretended to be. Or something...looking at Arcee's stats I really wonder. If I would not be absolutely sure that Wanda has woohooed with no one except Spark I would question his fatherhood.Arcee is nothing like her siblings. She is a gemini with a 2/10/10/6/7 personality. Sloppy and outgoing...naked hottubing here we come (not that they have a hottub, but just saying).

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"And then she sticks her tongue down his throat and gets information from him. Do you understand that, Arcee?""Infowmation?""Yes, that's what she's after."

ALICE! What the hell are you teaching your younger sister?

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Wanda could hold off going into labour till she had at least finished cooking. This means I still have not had a fire yet. I'm pleasantly surprised.

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Please welcome Annabelle Cybertronian.She is named after the daughter of Will Lennox for the Transformers Movieverse.Lookwise she is pretty close to her sister Alice, although her skin is not quite the same I think. Plus she is another one with black hair. We'll see how that will develop in the future.

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Continuing with the tradition of missing every birthday, Archie grew up. He rolled popularity and fortune as his secondary aspiration. He wants to become a rock god which totally fits his need for fame and fortune.

"I've finally found out what to make of the symbols I saw since I was a little toddler. They are actually lyrics. Now I only need to add the fitting music and I'll be so famous in no time."

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Right after his birthday Archie helps Annabelle grow up in a huge cloud of stink.

"Her smile should have clued me in that she was planning to fart. " *pulls disgusted face*

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Despite the fact that she pulls a face here Annabelle turned out adorable. I really love her look. And the dress is so cute. The same one that Alice wore, just pink. Other than that she is a cancer with a 6/3/6/4/6 personality, which is the exact same as her mother, if I remember correctly (too lazy to look it up right now).

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"They should really have put a warning on this elixir. It makes you fat faster than you can look."

I kinda recall thinking that Wanda was the smart one. I changed my opinion.

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"Seriously Wanda! I'm the founder of this legacy and yet I get no screen time. And all because you are always poppin' sparklings. And you broke the tub. And I'm in a bad mood. And I haven't reached my LTW."

Man...Spark is cranky today. But I really neglected him. Actually except for births and birthdays not much has been shown in this album so far. So I kinda understand him and will try to do better.

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Arcee is somewhat glitched at the moment. She has been bathed like two minutes ago and yet the stink cloud around her did not vanish. It's kinda fitting that this glitch should hit her, since she is the only sloppy Simian in the house.Hopefully when she finally grows up, she'll get back to normal. Otherwise her future husband will just have to have stink as a turn-on.

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Her mood matches the stink clouds around her. Arcee! I would have expected smashing the Bunny Head around from Alice, she's named after a decepticon after all. But you? You're supposed to be one of the good guys.

" 'lice said do this."

That explains it all.

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Without Archie this family would be so slagged at the moment. Wanda can't do much for her kids at the moment, because she's always in the red with one, two, three needs and Spark is still trying to somehow get enough skills for a promotion. So Archie is the one keeping us alive. He's constantly platinum and in a good mood, caring for his little sisters, doing his homework and everything.You rock, Arch!

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Arcee grows up in the cramped space of their bathroom and finally gets rid of the stinkcloud and her matching sour mood.

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Please welcome: Alana Cybertronian. Another girl, who is named after a very minor character, who appeared in one episode of the cartoon series.She looks kinda like an Archibald clone, which I'm very ok with since I really like my oldest.

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Archibald instantly takes to his little look-alike.

"Open wide. Here comes the energon train. Tschu...tschu...tschu..."

You aren't really feeding her energon I hope.

"Of couse not. Although I would have enough points to bring out the special milk."

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"Spark darling, are you happy that this is gonna be my last pregnacy? After that I'll finally be in a better mood again and we can do this just for fun.""Can't wait! Would you give us some privacy, please?"

*oogles Spark's naked chest* *drools* Wha?...Oops, sorry. *slinks away*

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Arcee and Alice continue their tradition of playing together.

"When I'm grown up I want to go on a big ocean cruiser and travel the whole world. And I need a rich husband to pay for it.""I want to go on a starship and visit Cybertron."

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Wanda it's been forever since I last saw you interact with one of your kids. And as a family sim no less.

"That's your fault for not being able to keep my needs up."

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Wanda is really trying to make up for all the things she missed. Teaching Arcee to do her homework and generally interacting with her kids alot.You don't have to try so hard, Wanda. I never actually stopped liking you.

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This is only the second time that Wanda has ever been sick during all of her pregnacies. Otherwise this would probably have gone downhill a lot more than it actually has.

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"Whee, the last pregnacy, then I finally have enough kids for my lifetime want."

*mutters* Not twins, not twins, please not twins.Actually Wanda looks as if she is grinding her teeth, while happy at the same time.

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"Give up, decepticon!"*sticks out her tongue* "My superlong lasso tongue will squeeze you to death.""You don't have a superlong tongue.""Just pretend, Arcee. It's not that hard.

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Annabelle is the second of this generation's children to finally learn how to speak as a toddler. Maybe she really has a chance to learn all her toddler skills, now that I got Wanda's needs under a better control.

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"Allspark to Cybertron, Allspark to Cybertron, can anybody hear me?"............"Slag, this didn't work either."

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It's time for Alice to grow into teenhood and surprisingly she rolls knowledge and fortune as her secondary aspiration.

"Well, what did you think? That I'd be chasing boys for fun? I'm just interested in the knowledge I can gather from them. And when it gets me some nice presents on top of it, I'm not saying no."

Once she has gathered enough information she wants to publish it all in her own paper and become the best journalist ever.

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"The spawkles attack, help."

Alice, who was standing like three simcentimeters next to her just out of camera range, did not particularly care about her sister's predicament.

"Don't worry, just jump and spin and all will be fine."

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"See little Annabelle. Everything is ok.""Eww...don't try to come near me with your giant tongue."

Annabelle is cute, even though she's pulling quite the face here. And not liking her sister much, which I only found out after I tried to make them hug. *mutters to herself: check relationship panel first next time*

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"I really don't get why Simians would eat this salad thing. It's cold and food is meant to be hot.""Because it's salad! Plus, you were a cube floating in space, dad. What would you know about hot food anyway.“

Archie 1 : 0 Spark

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That same evening Alana grew into toddlerhood.I think the hairstyle and color doesn't really match her skintone, so I changed it later.She's another cancer, this time with a 6/5/5/4/6 personality.

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And finally the last child of generation A was born. Another boy, which made me really happy. The little one was named Alpha Trion after the famous and wise Autobot of the same name.He has the same dark shimmering skin as his brother Archie and of course black hair and brown eyes. *mutters* Probably gonna be another cancer, too.

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Now that all children of this generation are born I think it's time to end this chapter with a family photo of the Cybertronians. In their PJs of course.

Maybe I'll manage to have a bit more character development in the next chapter. There will definitely be less births.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this and will be around for the next chapter of the Transforming Alphabetacy.