Page 1: The Torch - United Workers Party

Benjamin Franklin, one of the United States Founding Fathers

said “when you’re finished changing, you’re finished”. Change is an essential ingredient of progress. If we expect our circumstances to improve we must embrace change for the better.

Mahatma Gandhi’s famous advice to “be the change that you wish to see in the world” is critical if we desire to steer the path that we wish to see for our lives, our country and the world. We MUST be part of the change we seek…we must do our part in making St. Lucia the country that we want it to be.

Recently, we’ve seen young people all over the world embrace the “change” mantle and become part of the movement for positive change. We’ve seen that regardless of the society and the circumstances of oppression and corruption. Change for the better is possible if we the people decide that enough is enough. From Venezuela to Egypt, Ukraine and the United States of America, young people have been making their mark and changing the world every day. Saint Lucia should be no different. Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. We cannot continue the

same behaviors, year in, year out and expect better results. We must be willing to get up, go out and do something.

There is no better time than now to become actively involved in bringing about the change that you wish to see. This is not confined to speaking out on a platform at a public meeting. You can contribute to change by becoming a registered member of the United Workers Party. You can be part of the process to select the right candidate to represent you and your family. You need to become fully involved in the political process from constituency elections to candidate selection and ultimately, general elections. Don’t let someone else steal your voice. You cannot afford to sit back and expect the change that you seek to be made by someone else.

You can also make a significant contribution to change by engaging in peaceful protests, whether it be on the streets or in the media. Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms, are critical in spreading the message of the need for a better future for St. Lucia. We cannot ignore the importance of such platforms as they serve as tools that can help to spread the message – a message of hope, change, and a better tomorrow with the United Workers Party. We need to send out a strong

message to the Labour Party government that we are tired of all their lies and false hope of better days. Use constructively whatever platform is available to you.

I became actively involved in elective politics because I became aware that to see positive change in my island home, I had to do my part. I knew that I would face criticism and insults, and people would try to discredit me, however I know that every action I take and every decision I make, I do for my fellow St. Lucians.

The dream of a changed Saint Lucia where each child, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, can have access to internationally recognized education, affordable healthcare, and basic amenities to make their dreams come true.

The dream of a changed Saint Lucia where equal opportunities abound for anyone willing to work hard; where every man, woman and child is given a fair opportunity to escape poverty and become successful at whatever they set their minds to do.

The dream of a changed St. Lucia where other islands look up to us as the nation with the best policies for growth, and to do business. The best place for persons to live, work, and play.

If our children and future generations live in the same conditions of Saint Lucia today, then we would have failed them. That’s why I’d rather be where I am today, working hard with like minds to transform this Party into the preferred governing choice of the people than sitting at home being an arm chair critic.

We’re all here because we want to be a part of the Change that is happening in the United Workers Party for the better and to ultimately effect positive change in this country. Whether or not each person’s intentions are pure, only God knows and only time will tell.

The best way to predict

your future is to create it. We must create the Saint Lucia that we want to live in. We must all speak up. We must all work for it. We must all stand up and be counted, if our dreams are to become a reality.

I am Allen Chastanet and I stand for working to achieve the change that you wish to see. Do you?

A Quarterly PUBLICATION FROM YOUR UNITED WORKERS PARTY #changeiscoming ISSUE 1 October 2015

thetorch newspaper is produced by UWP Public Relations & Communications Team @2015

Message from the Political Leader

Political Leader Allen Chastanet.

Page 2: The Torch - United Workers Party

thetorch newspaper is produced by UWP Public Relations & Communications Team @2015

Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]



Deputy Political Leader Of The Opposition, Dr. Gale T. C. Rigobert, was recommended by her party colleagues to

Meeting with Stalwarts

Opening of Vieux Fort Constituency Branch Office

Leader of the Opposition Hon Gale Rigobert Youth Seminar

• MessagefromthePoliticalLeader

• MessagefromtheLeaderOfThe


• UWPNews

• ConstituencyOutreach

• TownHall&PublicMeetings

• LocalNews

• ConstituencyEvents

• Education

• Health

• Economy

• DidYouKnow

• RegionalandInternationalNews

The party has maintained presenting, to its members as constitutionally due, our yearly Convention within a transparent process with northern and southern zonals followed by conference of delegates. Convention.

Northern & Southern Zonal.

Conference of Delegates.

We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our socio-political evolution. This country has over the past three and a half

years experienced unprecedented consecutive negative growth. We have not been spared the accompanying social ills. Rising unemployment and an upsurge in crime have proven to be rather challenging. The social infrastructure is wearing thin. The health sector continues to collapse under the weight of mismanagement and inefficiency. Small businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in a shrinking economic space, where the disposable income of households has nearly disappeared. The agricultural sector is in dire need of resuscitation as farmers wait in vain for the necessary support and technical assistance to nurse the sector back to full health and to make farming lucrative again.

The issues that plague this country are

many, but this by no means should serve to dishearten us, nor should we succumb to fatalism. Instead, we flambeaus should see this challenge as an opportunity to inject the energy, intellectual wherewithal and innovation to do what is necessary to re-engineer the Party so that we are even better prepared to secure victory at the next polls. Saint Lucians are irking to regain their economic security, national dignity and feel a sense of hope. The UWP is well poised to govern this country and place it on a growth path. I am delighted that the United Workes Party continues to leverage the various forms of media available to engage you our supporters, members and friends. There was a time when it appeared that the

Hon Dr. Gale T.C. Rigobert Messageelectorate was near satisfied with a once every five year engagement that would see a plethora of activity preceding national elections. With the advent of new information and communications technologies (ICTs), the electorate has an increasingly insatiable appetite for information in real time. The new paradigm of elective politics requires a daily, moment by moment dialogue with constituents.

We in the UWP have made a concerted effe this medium alongside traditional media, facebook, twitter and our website to ensure that you are kept abreast of developments within the Party. This is also your source for our Party’s perspective on Government policies and the impact that they

Hon Dr. Gale T.C. Rigobert, Leader Of The Opposition.

Mission, Vision and Core Values of the PartyThis process included members from the constituency branches, members of the executive and other committees of the party during a two day training forum.

have on you and your families.

I thank you for allowing us into your homes and I pray that you will continue to lend your unwavering support to our Party in fulfilling our mission and vision for you and for all Saint Lucians.

May God bless you and your families.

become the new Leader Of The Opposition. The confirmation of this recommendation has made her the first female Leader Of The Opposition in Saint Lucia.


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Hosting Training Sessions for Executive Branches and Candidates Conferences

Mary Isaac announced as UWP Castries South Candidate

YOUTH ARM DONATION OF SCHOOL SUPPLIESDonation of school supplies was presented to parents as a back to school drive.

The United Workers Party has announced the selection of Senator Mary Isaac by the UWP Castries South Constituency Branch as its candidate for the next general election. There were two persons vying for the position however, Senator Mary Isaac was elected by an overwhelming majority.

Eight years ago today, a great man left this world we know. But

not before leaving us his legacy, vision and mission to make St. Lucia a better place for our future generation. Sir John had a master plan to further develop this beautiful country of ours. After giving so many years to this country, he came back once more to give his final days to us. This is how selfless he was. He could have lived a peaceful life without the stress of politics

Leader Of The Opposition Hon Gale Rigobert and Political Leader Mr. Allen Chastanet Assisted the Women’s Arm

with the West Coast Communities

Celebrating the Life of Sir John Melvin Compton on September 7th 2014

but as he had always done before, he wanted to give his people the best future he could have, even after his death.

We stop today to reflect on the life of a great man we like to call “The Father of the Nation” and to remember all the great things he accomplished for all of us. We press on holding all of his memories alive and to fulfil all the great plans he never got a chance to finish.

Sir John Laying of the Wreath Ceremony

Vending booths in Babonneau

UWP Applauds St.Lucian Women at a Women’s Forum

Chairman of the UWP Babonneau Constituency Branch, Mr. Lionel Ellis, presented to the nation how the vending booths in Babonneau is abandoned by Alvina Reynolds and the newly elected town council.

thetorch newspaper is produced by UWP Public Relations & Communications Team @2015

Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

Increased License FeesFormer Communications and Works Minister Hon. Guy Joseph has described the new system announced by Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony as “crazy.”

A series of constituency walk through was executed. In photo Political Leader in Castries Central and Political Leader and Hon Edmund Estephane in Dennery.


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Constituency OutreachUWP Responds to Lastic Hill Fire Victims

Hats off to Hon. Guy Joseph and the constituents of Castries South-East for undertaking this self help road restoration project on National Day

Father’s Day Events In Micoud South

Senator Mary Issac responds to Castries South Fire Victims

Dr Gale Rigobert Netball Tournament Two Years In Row

Parliamentary Representative for Micoud North, Hon Gale Rigobert, explained that this tournament was organized to provide opportunities for young people in Micoud

Babonneau Youth Summer Football CampYouth Summer Camp for over 70 Youth in Babonneau sponsored by Senator Ezechiel Joseph and the United Workers Party

Dr.Gale Rigobert hosts successful Micoud North Community Health Fair

Castries South East Initiative for Our Youth

Leader of the Opposition and Parliamentary Rep for Micoud North Dr.Gale Rigobert hosted the Micoud North Community Health Fair which was a resounding success!

thetorch newspaper is produced by UWP Public Relations & Communications Team @2015

Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

The People Speak

UWP Candidate Herod Stanislaus and Political Leader Visit to Soufriere after Devastating Fire

United Workers Party Extends Happy

Remembrance Day to the Women and

Men who made Saint Lucia safe.


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In keeping with the party’s promise to meet regularly with its constituents and members, the United Workers Party (UWP) executive with the Constituency Branches host a series of successful town hall and public meetings island-wide. Meetings will continue with the party’s thrust of meeting stakeholders and constituents with the opportunity to engage

our members on issues relating to health, the economy, agriculture and unemployment; with a strong articulation of the need for change.

Anse La Raye/Canaries Town Hall Meeting

Babonneau Public Meeting

Dennery Town Hall Meeting

Castries South East Public Meeting

Castries South Town Hall Meeting

Soufriere Public Meetings

Vieux Fort Public Meeting

Political Leader Speaks with Community Members from Dugard, Micoud At A Town Hall

Micoud North Public Meeting

St Lucians Take to the Street to Protest against Kennynomics

Town Hall & Public Meetings LOCAL

UWP held major farmers meeting in Micoud

Post Tomas Island wide Visit

Farmers Visit Islandwide

Hon Gale Rigobert Ensures the People of Micoud North Got Water Tanks for Water Storage

Hon Guy Joseph on site of one of the main roads that was severely damage

Political Leader Delivers Supplies to the people of Soufriere

In light of the Agriculture Bill which was presented in the ouse and the alarming problems affecting farmers in Micoud and environs, the United Workers Party (UWP)

host a special meeting with all farmers in Dennery, Micoud and Vieux Fort/Black Bay.

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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]


Page 6: The Torch - United Workers Party

Constituency Events

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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

Celebrating our 50th Anniversary


Stop paying lip service on child abuse, says Senator Mary Isaac

Senator Mary Isaac.

Church Service

Public Meeting

Constituency Fun Night

Political Leader Allen Chastanet says, “All of the funds raised at this charity event, will be donated to Dominica along with relief supplies and a special thank you, well done to the members of the party who made it happen.

Flambeau Fashion Show

The Golden Anniversary of the United Workers Party was celebrated on Sunday 30th March, 2014 at Micoud North where Flambeaus, both young and old, came by the hundreds to commemorate our achievements under the theme: Yesterday, Today and Beyond.

Unemployment the Highest ever in Saint Lucia!According to the Caribbean Development Bank’s 2014 Economic Review, Saint Lucia’s Unemployment rose to 25.8% in 2014. This is the highest unemployment rate in the history of Saint Lucia.

Senator Isaac said that too much “lip service” is given to these issues and the time has come for it to stop.She said that it is more than just talking, but ensuring

that action is taken to reduce child abuse. “It’s not just about talking or saying the right thing when you are in a position. You are in a position to make a difference and I think people ought to see that they are making a difference,” Isaac said. The United Workers Party (UWP) senator believes there are enough women in government, particularly at the Gender Relations and Human Services Ministry to look more deeply into these issues “They have the opportunity to put the necessary infrastructure to deal with those issues. I think we have to stop talking and do what is necessary to prevent these things from happening,” she added. But the senator said the ministry now has the responsibility to look at society and see what causes a person to abuse someone else, even when it’s someone that they love.

Every last Saturday in the month, a constituency branch will host a fun night, tailored to their constituency and to mobilize community members and supporters to attend, who may

aid to increasing membership and to showcase unity among our members. Those events have been rolled out with an over whelming support of the community and party supporters.


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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

Opposition Leader, Dr. Gale Rigobert says the Minister for National Security must

address allegations of security and process breaches at the National Forensic Lab. Dr. Rigobert says the implications for the credibility of the multi-million dollar facility are far-reaching. Dr. Rigobert asks, “Why has it taken this long for the Minister responsible for Home Affairs and National Security, Sen. Victor Phillip La Corbinierre to address the public on the matter?” She insists that the public needs to know:1. Why wasn’t a more stringent and rigorous security system implemented, notwithstanding the incessant complaints and requests

United Workers Party (UWP) Senator Mary Isaac is calling on Prime

Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony to desist from attacking public servants and show some respect for the role they play in the country’s development. Isaac comment comes in light of recent statements made by Dr. Anthony where he pointed out Director of the Statistics Department Edwin St. Catherine for supposedly giving out information without permission. The former Civil Service Association president told St. Lucia News Online (SNO) today that the prime minister should not attempt to upbraid the statistics director for simply doing his job. In a recent report on the country’s performance, where it was stated that the Saint Lucian economy is on the rebound, Dr. Anthony did not provide statistical data on the employment levels in the country. He said: “While I do not have updated figures on the rate of unemployment, I expect that unemployment will be contained and will gradually reduce as investment intensifies and the economy expands.” However, days after the report was publicised, a local radio station requested the unemployment figures from the department and was furnished with the information

for additional security by the former Director and given the sensitivity of the samples stored at the Lab?2. Why have there been expressions of grave discomfort with respect to storing critical evidence?3. Is it true that evidence stored in the Lab, including illicit substances sent in for testing have changed in composition and volume overnight?4. Has a foreign entity been commissioned to investigate the operations of the Lab and if so, who is that person/agency?5. Are there plans afoot to install new management given the resignation of the Director,

by St. Catherine. The radio station provided the figures to the public, which has since stirred up a debate, where persons have alleged that the prime minister may have withheld the information for reasons unexplained. But Dr. Anthony later refuted those claims and said that the figures were not properly prepared or accurate enough, focusing most of his argument, on reasons why St. Catherine should not have provided the figures. Isaac argues that that information on the country’s unemployment level should be readily available to the public and said all the director did, was provide the information based on a request he had received.“Mr. St Catherine is a well-respected renowned statistician in the region and as such, I do not think the PM should be attacking St. Catherine, who is also a career public servant,”

she added. She went on to state that it is not the prime minister’s responsibility to detail how the director should do his work. A former public servant herself, Isaac said this is not the first time that Dr. Anthony has attacked public servants, which she finds disrespectful coming from someone who holds such a high office. She said, “He has attacked the police force on a number of occasions and said negative things. These are the same police that we depend on to serve and protect the people of this country.” “For the prime minister to keep attacking these very same people, it is not something that should be encouraged. More and more we are seeing the true person the prime minister really is.” Isaac said she recalled when Dr. Anthony was in the opposition, he held up a document in Parliament showing that he gets his information from public officers and in a way tried to state that they leak information. “All the information that public servants put out there is information that the public ought to have access to. I think the PM should stop attacking public servants the way he does, because it demoralizes them and it sort of questions the role of public servants play,” she ended.

and6. Has the Forensic Lab been shut down by the Government and why? Dr. Rigobert is concerned that these issues if not properly addressed by the Minister can cast doubt on the credibility of the operations of the Lab and put the entire future of the institution in jeopardy. According to Dr. Rigobert, given the critical role of a proper functioning Forensic Lab, the Prime Minister, Dr. Kenny D. Anthony should see to it that the Minister for Home Affairs, Sen. Victor Phillip La Corbinierre addresses the above concerns with urgency.

National Security Minister Must Address Serious Breaches at Forensic Science Lab

Stop attacking public servants”

– Mary Isaac tells PM Anthony

Senator Mary Isaac.

Political Leader Mr. Allen Chastanet.Leader of the United Workers Party

(UWP) Allen Chastanet claims that a secret poll conducted by his party in April of this year has concluded that the government’s credibility is “extremely poor.” Chastanet also claims that based on the results of that poll, which saw the participation of 3,500 people, Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony’s favorability is also “very poor.” Chastanet made this disclosure on Tuesday evening during an appearance on an MBC

television programme dubbed “Current Affairs” hosted by journalist Clinton Reynolds. While the political leader did not provide the full details of the poll, he refuted claims that he too received an unfavorable response and denies the poll predicted that the UWP will have trouble at the next elections. The poll was conducted and being used as part of a process in the selection of candidates for the UWP. The decision to conduct a poll was approved by the National

Council in the candidate selection process. In an attempt to try and explain why the poll was kept to a select group of people, Chastanet said it was because people were going through their own candidate selection process. The results of the poll will be made available shortly to the recently appointed UWP Campaign StrategyCommittee, which has just been approved by the party executive. The results will be used to guide the party’s plans for the future.

UWP Poll says Government’s Credibility Is Extremely Poor

The united workers party held a press conference, addressing increased fees in various sectors.

Hon Guy Joseph and political leader Allen Chastanet, paid particular attention to the increased tuition fees at the

Sir. Arthur Lewis Community College.


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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

The United Works Party (UWP) has expressed grave concern over

what it describes as a “quickly deteriorating health care sector.” The UWP is concerned that after having flagged several inefficiencies plaguing the two major health institutions last year, St. Jude Hospital and Victoria Hospital, that one would have thought that the Labour Party Government would have intervened, urgently, to bring relief to the ailing sector. Instead, according to the UWP, the government has allowed the problems to fester and the beleaguered health institutions are finding it increasingly difficult to provide the most basic of services to the public. According to the UWP, parents of infants are petrified by the effects on their young ones due to the unavailability of the BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccines since November 2014. What is more worrying is the fact that Health officials cannot provide a definite timeframe for the importation of more stock. The first shot of the BCG vaccine is usually given to babies six weeks after birth to protect against Tuberculosis (TB), which is a serious infection that affects the lungs, but can also affect the bones, joints and kidneys and can cause meningitis. The MMR vaccine is usually administered in two doses to children between one (1) year and six (6) years to prevent Measles, mumps, and rubella, which are all serious and very contagious diseases. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States has said that these diseases are much less common in the U.S. than they used to be due to successful vaccination programmes, but if the

vaccination were to stop, they would return. The most worrying report received by far is that St. Jude Hospital has run out of food and was finding it difficult to feed its patients. The hospital has had to rely on friends and families of patients and benevolent private sector institutions to make urgent donations of food items and cleaning supplies. This compounds existing problems at St. Jude Hospital, which over the past 6 months or more, has suffered from severe shortages of critical supplies and medicines. Of particular concern is that one of two operating rooms at the Southern hospital has been closed, due to malfunctioning equipment. Reports are that among other challenges, the anesthesia machine has broken down and is awaiting repair. This has affected the hospitals capacity to conduct much needed surgery, significantly. Relatives of patients at the sister institution in the North, Victoria Hospital, have been complaining that their loved ones are being nursed on beds that are propped up with blocks, boxes, bags of silicone or whatever else staff can find to support beds that are unsuitable for use. The United Workers Party laments the quickly deteriorating state of the health care sector. The main

Opposition Party is calling on Health Minister, Ms. Alvina Reynolds to:1. Inform the public as to why there has been a shortage of critical vaccines and what herGovernment is doing to source these;2. Advise parents whose children are due for these shots what they should do in the interim;3. Provide a definite date by which Health practitioners will have the vaccines to administer to our people;4. Tell the public whether the Health Ministry has adopted a new policy to discontinue administering BCG and MMR vaccines and what the options are;5. Advise on a rescue plan for St. Jude Hospital in particular, that is in dire need of Government6. Address the deteriorating beds issue at VH, among other problems that threaten the delivery of key health services at the nation’s major hospitals. The Prime Minister and the Minister for Health should move quickly to quell increasing anxieties in the nation’s population about the evident collapse of our health care sector. Further, the UWP says the Prime Minister should end the failed experiment of entrusting the health of our nation to Alvina Reynolds because we can ill-afford to continue to gamble on the lives of our people.

Leader of the Opposition Dr. Gale Rigobert has voiced concerns over a

series of power outages and unresolved electrical problems at the Victoria Hospital. The power outages earlier this week affected the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the Operating theatre, which remained without power up until Wednesday, necessitating the cancellation of emergency and scheduled surgeries. The laboratory was also without power, delaying the performance of vital tests. Patients requiring dialysis have been adversely affected by the severe and frequent power outages. “These power outages have highlighted further inefficiencies in the Health sector, and in particular at the Victoria Hospital. This also raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the Health Minister, Ms. Alvina Reynolds. The recent spate of power outages underscore

the need to comply with the British Standard (BS7671) Wiring Regulations, the Saint Lucia Electricity Act and the importance of adhering to the local Wiring Regulation,” said Rigobert. According to the Parliamentary Leader of the Opposition, the outages prompt several concerns about; the availability of and effective use of an operations and maintenance manual, the lack of or poor maintenance of equipment, the lack of routine inspections, and the failure to conduct regular safety checks. Dr. Rigobert says these are “particularly poignant”

given that in the last few days an employee has suffered an injury — magnifying the existing doubts about the hospital’s adherence to health and safety standards. These recent occurrences beg the question, “Is the Ministry of Health guilty of breeching health and safety regulations and when last were inspections conducted by the Fire and Emergency Department and the Ministry of Infrastructure?” Dr. Rigobert called upon the Minister to attend to this situation expeditiously given that lives are at risk and the hospital’s capacity to serve its patients had been crippled due to the blackout.

EconomyThe United Workers Party is disputing

the prime minister’s disclosure on the state of the economy.

Political leader Allen Chastanet contin-ues to rail against the labour administration’s handling of the economy. #EnoughisEnough #ChangeisComing

Castries South East MP, Guy Joseph is calling on the National Water and Sewage Commission to explain why the John Compton Dam dredging fee needs to be re-implemented. The MP is also questioning why districts that do not receive water from the dam are required to pay the fee. He is adamant that the people of Saint Lucia deserve answers.


United Workers Party is concerned about our Health Sector and Economy in Saint Lucia #ChangeIsComing

Health Sector Dying Under SLP & Alvina Reynolds


While St. Lucians continue to face the every day struggles of unemployment, poor health-care service, high tax rates, high gas prices when market prices are at an all time low; the Labour Party is more concerned about what is happening with the UWP than finding solutions to deal with these problems. #SinceWhenThatsTheirRole


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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

SLP Government Increases Customs Service ChargeEffective July 1st, 2015 the Dr.Kenny Anthony led Administration has increased the Customs Service Charge from 5% to 6%. This will further decrease the already limited purchasing power of the St.Lucian public as inevitably the cost of goods and services across the island will increase. When will Kenny give St.Lucians a break? #EnoughisEnough

After weeks of persistent calls the United Workers Party (UWP) welcomes the news of reduced prices on petroleum products on in Saint Lucia. The UWP

recognizes that while the next scheduled adjustment was slated for April 2015, the SLP Administration did the right thing, for once, and provided the much needed relief that Saint Lucians have been yearning for. This victory belongs, not only to the United Workers Party but to all Saint Lucians who feel the squeeze from high fuel prices, rising cost of living, VAT, unemployment, increase in water and light bills and VAT on non-prescription medication and boldly expressed their discontent through their participation in the 29th of January 2015 march. We thank everyone who came out to march and it was the bravery of the thousands of Saint Lucians who exercised their democratic right that forced the Government to listen and to act. The UWP assures all Saint Lucians that it will remain vigilant and a strong advocate

UWP Welcomes Reduced Fuel Prices

for more balanced socio-economic policies. The Government has now shown, both in the last quarter and with this recent unplanned change, that there were substantial surpluses, but is yet to confirm who the beneficiary was. We are once again asking the Government to bring clarity on this matter.

The United Workers Party (UWP) has been informed

that it is the intention of Government to issue a contract for preliminary works to commence renovations of the Hewanorra International Airport. During the 2015 Budget address, St. Lucians were informed that a thirty (30) year airport master plan was developed and the bidding process would have commenced during the month of May. The UWP understands that preliminary works estimated to cost $28 million has already been designated to a Local

Contractor. (Rayneau Gajadhar) In light of this we asked the Government the following fundamental questions:1. Was such works placed out to tender as required,

UWP Questions Government On Hewannora Airport Project on June 2015

and promised during the 2015 budget address.2. Can we conclude that this Contractor will be the Concessionaire as provided for in the Hewanorra International Airport

Development Act?The United Workers Party would like the Government to clear the air on such matters for the benefit of all the people of Saint Lucia.

Did You Know


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Regional and International News

Political Leader Allen Chastanet Keynote Speaker at Trinidad 2015 Tourism Awards

Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

Political Leader Allen Chastanet has confirmed that THE UWP has been accepted as a full member of the IDU.

Hon Gale Rigobert and Political Leader Allen Chastanet addressed the United Kingdon Community and Mr. Lenard Montoute and Political Leader Allen Chastanet addressed the New York Community.

UK Visit

Political Leader Allen Chastanet and Senator Ezechiel Joseph meet the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the UK Parliament, Hon. Phillip Hammond.


The Diaspora Communities Meet And Greet

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Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

United Workers Party congratulates Hon Keith Rowley of the People’s National Movement of Trinidad and Tobago

United Workers Party wishes him well in his future endeavors and hopes he makes Saint Lucia his second home.

United Workers Party Congratulations to David Cameron and the Conservative Party in the UK on an impressive victory!

The people have spoken and democracy has prevailed. I look forward to strengthening ties with Cameron’s Administration.

The United Workers Party (UWP) congratulates the SKN Team Unity on its very significant victory. Despite the unprecedented challenges and long delay in the release of the election results, democracy has prevailed.

At times, it seemed like Parliament and the Courts were unable to protect the people from the naked abuse of power and the tyranny of the ruling Labour government who was prepared to do anything to hold on to the power, even at the expense of democracy itself. This victory represents the resolve of a people who have fought very hard to uphold democracy. There are many lessons to be learned from the experiences of the people of St. Kitts

United Kingdom Elections


which are also very applicable to Saint Lucia as well as CARICOM. As a people, we must commit to ensuring that democracy is always upheld and that the will of the people must always prevail.

Saying Farewell to Ambassador James Chan

Political Allen Chastanet Expresses Condolence to France

UWP Sends Condolences to the Republic of China on Taiwan

The United Workers Party extends condolence to the government and People of

the Republic of China on Taiwan as they deal with the loss of life and the devastation caused as a result of the passage of Typhoon Soudelor. Our hearts go out to them. Let us keep them in prayer and wish them a speedy recovery. The Executive and Members of the United Workers Party extend deepest regret and sympathies from the island of Saint Lucia.


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Saint Lucia’s Economy Contracts for the 3rd Consecutive Year

Washington ConferenceThe President of United Youth Antonia Auguste represented the United Workers party at the International Democrat Union Future Leaders Forum from October 24th to 27th 2013 in Washington DC with thirty six participating countries. The speakers included Asil Ahmad, advisor to Anwar Ibrahim, Opposition Leader in Malaysia, Catrina Rorke, Director of Energy and Environmental Policy at the American Action Forum and Ambassador Rt. Hon. Michael Moore of New Zealand, Former Director General of the WTO and Former Prime Minister of New Zealand.

The Leader of the Opposition and MP for Micoud North, Dr. Gale Rigobert has just concluded a visit to St. Croix (USVI) where she was invited

to address a forum entitled “Caribbean Women of Political Distinction”. The event which took place on Saturday October 18th, saw other guest speakers including Congresswoman Yvette Clarke from New York and gubernatorial candidate Dr. Donna Christensen. Dr. Rigobert’s presentation focused on “discrimination against women’s participation in obtaining the highest seats in government”, and the “need to train and mentor young women to attain positions of political leadership”. Dr. Rigobert began her presentation with the assertion that “the necessity for Caribbean female or women candidates to promote themselves or one another as women will one day disappear.” She reminded colleagues that “female politicians can enjoy the privilege of being in public office, because generations of women have lost their lives, suffered abuse, embarrassment, humiliation, shed blood, invested sweat and tears, all for country”. She implored the attendees to do more so that the next generation of female politicians will not have to confront the same challenges that women politicians like herself do today. She challenged her peers, to exert greater effort – to make tangible

provisions for future generations and warned that their legacy should not be “… that you were – the first – or only woman to have done ‘such and such’”. She declared, “The hallmark of a true leader is that he/she would have replicated him or herself several times over, so that good succession is assured.” Dr. Rigobert encouraged her colleagues to “… reject, refute and breakdown the socio-linguistic framework that seeks to define women in such a way that suggests that women are better suited for certain professions more so than others”.

Caribbean Women of Political Distinction

London Conference From the 5th – 7th March of 2014, Ms. Auguste together with Mr. Richard Joseph, treasurer of United Workers Party Youth Arm attended a second conference hosted by the International Democratic Union in London England. The participating countries were member states of the Commonwealth.

Contact Details: Telephone 1(758) 572-4949 Email: [email protected]

Providing Opportunities and Support for the UWP Youth Arm Leader Of The Opposition and MP for

Micoud North, Dr. Gale Rigobert.


Hon Dr. Gale Rigobert at OAS Conference.
