
The Three Kingdoms Wiki: The Han Dynasty, n.d., <> (May 8, 2013).

Ancient China – The Han DynastyArman, Bob, Chris, Keith, Nadheeran


AdvancementHierarchical Society

Historical overview 206 BCE- Founding of Han Dynasty

206-202 BCE- Civil War (Liu Bang vs. Xiang Yu)

202 BCE- Han takes control: Liu Bang becomes Emperor

of China     

140-87 BCE- Expansionist reign of Wu-Di

135 BCE- Establishment of Confucianism as a state


9-23 CE- Disruption of Han Dynasty; rule of Wang Mang

23 CE- Han Dynasty restored   

220 CE- A growing population, inequality, corruption and

military leaders bring an end to the Han Dynasty.

Geographical Overview

A map of the area the Han Dynasty was said to have occupied.

Wikimedia, The Han Dynasty, n.d., Han Dynasty.jpg (May 7th, 2013).

Nadheeran. S

TechnologyBy Nadheeran

Information Panel: Technology

The Han Dynasty marked a period of great change in Ancient China in which a multitude of technological and architectural advancements were implemented. They acted as a means of expanding China’s global power but also in enriching the lives of the average citizen. Inventions ranged from several pieces of ingenious machinery, to multiple developments in nautical technology. But, arguably, the two most important advancements of the Han Dynasty would have to be the perfecting of the Paper Making Process, and the creation of the Silk Road. In essence, both these innovations emphasized the monumental changes that occurred during the Han Dynasty, which ultimately led to the rise of the Chinese Empire.

Nadheeran. S

Paper Making Process

An original piece of paper from the Han Dynasty.

Cultural China, Science and Invention, 2007, (May 7th, 2013).

Nadheeran. S Technology

The Silk Road

A map of the Silk Road which was an international route that connected China with the Western World.

Nadheeran. S

The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies, Silk Road, N.d., (May 7th, 2013).


GovernmentBy Chris

Information Panel: Government

The system of Government of the Han Dynasty was very similar to the system of Government of the Qin Dynasty; demonstrating continuity. In theory, both systems gave the emperors absolute power over the land and people. Denoting them as the “son of heaven” , and entrusting them with absolute authority. The Emperors were advised by a group of court officials, but the real power lies only with the Emperors, and to forbid or deny an order from the Emperor, would’ve meant certain death. This system provided China with a strong central government, which resulted in the Empire’s stability.

Chris Jing

The Imperial Edict

The Imperial Edicts were issued by the Emperors themselves. They were orders of the Emperor.

History - China culture, Imperial Edict, N.d.,<>(May 9, 2013).

Chris Jing

The Jade Seal

The Jade Seal was a symbol for ultimate power. It was used only by the Emperor.

Chinadaily US Edition, Treasures in Shaanxi History Museum, N.d., <>(accessed May 9, 2013).

Chris Jing

EconomyBy Bob

Information Panel: The System of the Han dynasty people

The Han emperor removed heavy taxes of small land owners and imposed heavier taxes on merchants in order to increase peasant’s production output. Emperor Gaozu also confiscated land from nobles to encourage peasants and farmers to start planting more to improve exports of silk, which was the name of the trade route that began in the Han Dynasty: The Silk Road.

Bob Eslami

The Currency of the Han Dynasty

The Emperor closed down the government mints in favour of coin currency produced by the private sector. There were many types of coins during the Han Dynasty. Cultural-china, History and Literature; The Currency in the Qin and Han dynasty. n.d, May.9/2013)

Bob Eslami

ReligionBy Keith

Information Panel: Organized System of Beliefs

The Han dynasty witnessed the development of China's organized belief system. Confucianism was revived after its ban during the Qin dynasty and was made a state religion as well as expanded upon. Meanwhile, Daoism became more mystical and religious-like. Daoism offered various techniques to improve the body and extend one's life. In the first century CE, Buddhism entered China. Yet it would only be until after the fall of the Han dynasty that Buddhism would actually become popular and significant in China. Therefore it can be seen that many old ideas from the past, like Confucius text and Daoism, returned to the Han Dynasty, thus showing how Han religious beliefs were more continuity than change.

Keith Garret


Chinese painted artwork from an Eastern Han tomb displaying paragons of filial piety. It was created in the first or second century common era.

Keith Garret Organized System of Beliefs

Anonymous Chinese artist, Painted figures on a lacquer basket, Eastern Han Dynasty, July 2008,,_Eastern_Han_Dynasty2.jpg (May 4, 2013).

DaoismKeith Garret Organized System of Beliefs

The Ancient Daoist Text Haunanzi. Published in 139 BCE.Huainanzi- The Master of Huainan,

2007,<>, May 2, 2013

Gender RolesBy Arman

Information Panel: Gender Roles

Patriarchy was the most fundamental part of life for families who lived in the Han Dynasty, just as it had been in the previous dynasty - the Qin dynasty. During this time period, male supremacy was justified by the Taoist idea of yin and yang; the yin (woman) was weak, yielding, and compliant, while the yang (man) represented strength and mastery. The prime duty of all women was to give birth to children, although sons were preferable; this idea was popularized by Chinese philosopher Confucius who stated that not having kids was the most serious way of being “unfilial”. More important that both of these concepts was being obedient to one`s parents; for example 2 young people falling in love was the exact reason why they shouldn’t marry, since they would follow their own wishes instead of their parents. The fact that rarely anyone challenged the preceding norms of male superiority, being filial, and obeying one’s parents demonstrates a clear image of continuity rather than change in the Han Dynasty.

Arman Hosseini

A Female servant and male advisor from the Han Dynasty period (exact date of creation is unknown).

Roles of Women Marriage and Divorce

Jansoon, George. China.Terracotta statues007, January 2009, <> (May 2013)

Arman Hosseini

A bronze lamp figurine of a kneeling servant girl found in the tomb of Dou Wan at Mancheng, China. It is 19 inches tall and has been dated back to 172 BC.


ChangXingongdeng, May 2006, <> (May 9, 2013)

Arman Hosseini

Thank you!